The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 13 min 24 sec ago

Night Cap: Hartford, VT Board Meeting – Hot Views Exchanged Over Drag Story Hour

Sat, 2024-01-27 03:00 +0000

Every other Tuesday evening in Hartford/White River Junction, the town holds its Select Board meeting, with the first few minutes open to public comments.  This week’s meeting saw several members of the town chiding Board Member Lannie Collins for his statement made regarding the controversial event sweeping the nation – Drag Queen Story Hour.

Pride Center Vermont and the Vermont Chapter Drag Queen Story Hour recently attempted to hold the event at the Northern Stage theatre in downtown White River, however it was disrupted due to a bomb threat which turned out to be a hoax.  The threat was issued via email and was said to have come from an encrypted Russian server which leaves the question – who perpetrated the hoax?  (For more on the rise of hate crime hoaxes read this book)

The comment controversy began with board member Ally Tufenkjian referring to a recent drag event as “a positive experience” to which Collins replied ““I take deference to it being labeled a positive experience because some people in our community would not view those events at Northern Stage as a positive experience,” Collins said during Selectboard comments earlier this month. “That is a personal expression and is not shared by all members of the board or all residents within the town. And I don’t think it’s appropriate (for Selectboard members) to make personal statements about whether it is positive or negative.”

Though rarely attended by townsfolk, and rarely viewed online due to their pedantic and bureaucratic nature, this meeting saw a relatively packed house by Hartford standards.  It seems word got out Mr. Collins exercised his right to voice his concern on behalf of those in town who share his apprehension given the event is not only categorical grooming of children but has been riddled with child sex offenders around the country.  Collins detractors either are unaware or simply aren’t concerned the children’s safety may be compromised in the name of diversity and inclusion.

A look at the performers that evening finds Drag Queens *Emoji Nightmare and *Katniss Everqueer. (*WARNING: One look at their social media and it’s obvious they promote highly sexualized behavior.)

Emoji Nightmare is a man from tiny Cambridge, Vermont, whose real name is Justin Marsh.  Marsh grew up in Cambridge on a dairy farm where he lives to this day.  His day job is as a financial advisor, while his evening and hobbyist passion seems to be all things drag.

Katniss’ bio mentions her work with autistic and disabled children, among other interests, but another concerning statement tells us she likes to portray Silence of the Lambs and Lot’s O Huggin’ Bear.  Who is Lot’s O Huggin’ Bear? The Disney Fandom page describes the character as:

“…the main antagonist of the animated film Toy Story 3.  He is a large, magenta-pink strawberry-scented teddy bear who ruled Sunnyside Daycare with the iron fist of a prison warden, despite his advertised sweet nature.”

Furthermore, I don’t think anyone takes issue with older people, be they teens or adults, helping children learn to read.  However, improving literacy is not what Drag Queen Story Hour is about.  They even say as much:

“DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” RADAR Productions writes about the program on its website. “In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress-up is real.”

In other words, having a stable identity is “rigid,” and looking to those who defy societal norms as “role models” is to be lauded as good for children.  This is only one aspect of the event adults who object take issue with.

The more concerning issue, especially for those who understand predatory behavior, is the same setting allows grown men to be disguised as women to unwitting children.  Men have long been the predatory class when it comes to sex crimes against children.  The Stop It Now site reports that “males made up almost 88% of perpetrators.”  There is not a more perfect scenario for a predator than to be able to access children in disguise as something innocent, especially if the disguise includes convincing parents they are there to help the child.

This is not to say Justin or Kat are predators, but their chosen method for “queering children” also happens to be ideal for those who would sexually abuse them.  Grooming requires time and a necessary drawing down of one’s guardedness, both the child’s and parents’. This is why predators gravitate toward positions like coaching, daycare, clergy, and school jobs because they need to have the appearance of wanting to help children.

A counterargument I heard is, “But what about priests”?   Or, for that matter, what about coaches and teachers?  Should we prevent them from being around children? No, but they also aren’t posing as something they aren’t nor specifically targeting children in a sexualized manner, while drag queens are – deliberately.  Those other vocations also require background checks – DQSH does not.

Not all drag queens support these story hours, nor do all members of the LGBTQ+ community.  Those outspoken against it agree with their hetero-normative peers it’s inappropriate for children and clearly a method of grooming.  The group Gays Against Groomers grew out of this concern.  There statement:

Gays Against Groomers is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization of gay people and others within the community who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating, sexualizing and medicalizing children under the guise of “LGBTQIA+”


Still, what proof is there that predators would use such an innocent and fun event to target children? Here are just four instances out of many:

· Judge who headed ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ sponsor arrested on child porn charges
  • Houston Public Library admits registered child sex offender read to kids in Drag Queen Storytime
  • Oregon school teacher who mentored 11-year-old drag queen sentenced for child sex crimes
  • One is Houston man William Travis Dees, a.k.a. Lisa Lott, who was incarcerated and listed as a high-risk sex offender in 2004 after he abused multiple children ages 4, 5, 6 and 8.


Other concerning factors as it relates to the potential targeting of children with this type of event in Vermont:

  • The US accounts for 800,000 missing child cases each year.
    • Alaska is the state with the highest number of missing people, including both adults and children. The state of Arizona takes second place, followed by Oregon, Washington, and VERMONT.
  • The average age for a minor to enter the sex trade is 12 – 14.
  • Children with disabilities are 2.9 times more likely than children without disabilities to be sexually abused.
  • Children with intellectual and mental health disabilities appear to be the most at risk, with 4.6 times the risk of sexual abuse as their peers without disabilities.
  • In as many as 93 percent of child sexual cases, the child knows the person who commits the abuse.
  • 60% of children who are sexually abused do not disclose

(source: Stop It Now)

Lastly, and perhaps most shocking, the popularity of DQSH extends overseas, especially in the UK, where the incidence of sex crimes against children is now most commonly perpetrated by other children.


The post Night Cap: Hartford, VT Board Meeting – Hot Views Exchanged Over Drag Story Hour appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Supreme Court Rules … NO Free Speech In New Hampshire

Sat, 2024-01-27 01:00 +0000

First, I would be remiss if I didn’t note that I became aware of this latest assault on liberty in New Hampshire from the NeverTrump, RINO website NH-Journal, a/k/a NH-NeverTrump-Journal. So what happened is a January 19th decision by the New Hampshire Supreme Court that essentially said you have no right to expressive speech in New Hampshire (here’s the link):

New Hampshire v. Bossi.

In a nutshell, Chris Sun-King Sununu’s Supremos upheld the criminal trespass conviction of a woman who protested a school board’s mask mandate by entering the school board’s PUBLIC meeting without a mask. While Sun-King’s Supremos never address the freedom of speech implications of their ukase, the decision is all about freedom of speech.

There is NO, and there never was any, medical justification for mask mandates. A mask mandate, therefore, requires the attendees of the meeting to engage in expressive political speech that the attendee may disagree with: e.g., obedience to authority, support for the Sununu-Regime, etc., etc., etc.. Not wearing a mask is also political speech …e.g., opposition to COVID-tyranny, disapproval of the Sununu-Regime, etc.

Criminalizing the refusal to wear a mask is criminalizing political speech. Moreover, under the same ignore-freedom-of-speech analysis used by Sun-King Sununu’s Supremos, the school-board could forbid people from wearing MAGA hats to school board meetings or anti-DEI hats or shirts, etc., etc., etc..

But I know … I know … it’s okay that Sununu’s Supremos have ruled that incorrect political speech in New Hampshire can be criminalized because Sun-King Sununu is really, really, really good on the Second Amendment, and he cut business taxes!!!!

The post The New Hampshire Supreme Court Rules … NO Free Speech In New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did Haley-Homer Chris Sununu Just Help Us Close the NH Republican Primary?

Fri, 2024-01-26 23:00 +0000

It’s one thing to support a candidate, but New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu is just embarrassing himself. He’s drunk on the attention and has lost control of himself. Haley seriously underperformed in Iowa and lost by more than ten points in New Hampshire. And now she’s shedding donors.

Rich Democrat funder Reid Hoffman has derailed his money train to Haley, and he’s not alone. With no path to the nomination anywhere in sight, Sununu’s Haley fan club is going to have to do more than yap about how great he thinks she is. There’s no path. It’s Haley or Trump, and Trump’s base won’t vote for her. Neither will a bunch of primary-meddling Democrats who’d never vote for her in general (yes, we heard a few more stories about NH Dems trying to vote for Haley), and even on his worst day, Biden beats a Republican nominee elected by Democrats.

But wait, there’s more.

A Republican fundraiser told CNBC on Wednesday that three clients who each helped Haley raise up to $100,000 for her campaign are now opting out of assisting the former U.N. ambassador.

Others explained that while they plan to speak out publicly in support of Haley, they aren’t convinced they’ll be able to raise much money for her campaign since she’s winless so far in the primary season. -CNBC

Winless and unlikely to win anytime soon. She isn’t on the ballot in the Nevada Caucus, and South Carolina loves Trump. Nationally, Haley is down by as many as 63 points, which means at least 20 points and probably 40, even if Democrats meddle in other states. That’s a “yuge” gap, and on those terms, the calls for her to get out now so the party can focus on November seem justified.

So what value is left, other than to spend a pile of cash against Trump that could be directed at Dem opponents?

There are – I eyeballed it, so this might not be exact – just over twenty mixed or open Republican primaries, of which New Hampshire is one. I’ve heard from insiders and outsiders alike who were not all that keen on the recent effort to close the primary in New Hampshire. The zeal to encourage Democrats to meddle in their election has helped them turn a corner.  They are willing to talk about and support a closed Republican primary.

In a state that is 40% registered independent, it will force fence-sitters to pick a side to have a voice in those contests. Some will continue to argue that closing the primary is not fair, but if that’s true, then no private organization should be allowed to decide who votes on their leadership, priorities, principles, or direction. That’s what the primary is, and a small number of Republicans have gone too far to undermine it in their quest to slow Trump’s train.

That’s politics, and it’s part of the process, but so are the side effects.

Regardless of your thoughts about him or her, Chris Sununu has been a great advocate for Haley. But as he serves his last year as governor and transitions to whatever comes after that, it may have cost him the respect of many in his own political party. I should say more, he’d already lost much from many. And for what?

A candidate that can’t beat an opponent for whom he has said he would vote.


The post Did Haley-Homer Chris Sununu Just Help Us Close the NH Republican Primary? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Condensation Trails or Chem Trails, is There a Difference?

Fri, 2024-01-26 21:00 +0000

Car exhausts have chemicals in the fumes, as we all know, as do any fossil fuels being burned, including planes. So even without specific chemicals being injected into the Contrail, it is still technically a Chem Trail.

They are called Condensation Trails or Contrails; this is the same effect of a car warming up in the extreme cold. When Planes fly at altitude from 20,000 to 40,000 feet it is Extremely cold at that altitude. Thus creating condensation in their exhaust fumes.

Also, dispersal at those altitudes could go a long way before coming down. If they were trying to spray chemicals on us, they should be at lower altitudes. And since the prevailing winds up there are east to west, spraying NH at altitude would end up over the ocean.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t trust the government, never got jabbed and never will, will not wear a mask again; I avoided the mask as much as possible during the Govid (Government Virus Disease) B.S., do not believe Oswald acted alone, well he thought he acted alone, but was set up, and still not 100% on the 1st moon landing.

We want to thank Ken Goodall for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I need good scientific proof of this Cloud Seeding, Weather Modifications, or the intentional injection of pollutants into the air. And Yes, I know all about HB1700; just wonder exactly how they plan on enforcing it, tracking planes to their home bases, and handing them tickets.

I do not believe the cost analysis of the bill is anywhere near the real cost.

Then, the Karens, complaining about Wood or Pellet smoke next and how the bill is written, the NH DOE will have to investigate. I had heard that the Smokehouse in Ossipee was forced to fix their exhaust so you would not see smoke rising from the little piggy. I did not doubt the story.

I am here and ready to learn, but please, scientific sites only. I have no energy to research all this myself; I have enough conspiracy theories to defend as it is.

The post Condensation Trails or Chem Trails, is There a Difference? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1500: The Dems Latest Act to Chill Free Speech and Expression … Is a New Kind of Stupid (With an Old Twist)

Fri, 2024-01-26 19:00 +0000

A group of New Hampshire Democrats have introduced a bill that is so blatantly unconstitutional that you’d think even they would know better. There is no chance of that. Oppressing speech feels right, especially if your bill allows you to accuse people of a crime without evidence of one.

They even added a special section prohibiting protected speech 90 days before an election (ala McCain Feingold).

HB1500 is an act relative to prohibiting the unlawful distribution of misleading synthetic media – where synthetic media is defined as “any form of media including text, image, video, or sound, fully or partially created or modified through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms.”

Without venturing down the “your side does this more than anyone rabbit hole,” what exactly were they thinking? You can’t require the consent of the object of your ridicule (for example), especially politicians, as we near an election. But that’s not the most dangerous feature of this smoldering crap wagon of words.

The proposed legislation fails to explain how the target or an advocate can tell if the text, image, video, or sound is (for lack of a better word) analog or AI. So, when looking at a bunch of text, a meme, or a parody video – all protected speech under the First Amendment – how does one discern if it was crafted by human hands or artificial intelligence?

Let me give you an example. Which one of these images was “fully or partially created or modified through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms.”



The answer is neither and, therefore, both because the bill has no mechanism for preventing snowflakes (or paid activists) from using the law HB1500 would create to engage in malicious acts of lawfare.

HB1500 is also an entrapment law. Anyone sharing a screengrab second-or-third-hand of something whose source document turns out to violate the law has no way of knowing in advance they might be breaking it, which again, demonstrates the idiocy of what it pretends to do – protect constituents these legislators consider too stupid to make decisions about online content for themselves.

That’s not the actual goal. HB1500 exists to suppress political speech with an emphasis on quelching dissent in the weeks leading up to an election when we need it most! But if we were to pretend otherwise, what right does NH have to tell citizens they need to acquire and use technology to ensure that any expression they engage in is not derived in violation of HB1500?

The correct, undiplomatic response to legislators ignoring any or all of these problems involves the phrase “you and the horse you rode in on.”

I don’t use AI, but as written, the easily offended could accuse me of violating this bill were it to become law without any evidence or concern for the need – which is an all-star attribute of laws under Democrat Socialism. Dragging innocent citizens into the so-called legal system on a lark, if you like, which – in my opinion – is the point. This bill suppresses the rights of innocent citizens while fattening the pockets of lawyers (not to mention cluttering up court schedules) for charges that cannot be corroborated and are – literally – protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution and the NH Constitution.

[Art.] 22. [Free Speech; Liberty of the Press.] Free speech and Liberty of the press are essential to the security of Freedom in a State: They ought, therefore, to be inviolably preserved.

I missed the public hearing and had not heard about the bill until after the fact, but one thing is clear. Democrats, especially the bill’s sponsors, are at war with the Constitution and free expression, and this is just another flanking maneuver and a poorly written one, at that.

If you agree, please get in touch with the Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety with some politely worded thoughts.

The post HB1500: The Dems Latest Act to Chill Free Speech and Expression … Is a New Kind of Stupid (With an Old Twist) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-01-26 17:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  The inflow has accelerated – a good thing!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






I go to sporting events for my kids and with my kids.  I am astonished at how many people do not stand or place their hand on their hearts when the Star Spangled Banner is played.  And I am very proud of my immigrant wife who dutifully not only places her hand on her heart, standing at attention, but makes sure our kids do too.






Reminds me of a guy at synagogue who said that he’d had three shots, still had caught Covid, but said exactly that: “Thank goodness I was vaccinated or it would have been worse”.  FFS.





Drip by drip the news is coming out.



Not to mention, from what I understand, booking every escort in or around Davos.




Late stage: They’ve been planning a One World government for at least a century.  Under their enlightened “philosopher king” rule.





I can’t say, in my book, that Trump is “squeaky clean”… but it speaks volumes that to get him they had to invent stuff.




Because it sounds so good in theory.




NOT incompetence.  Malice.






And yet everyone in America points to Canada as a “shining light” of government health care.















Heroes and heroines.  Related:

Prosecution for Americans Who Forged COVID Vaccine Cards — But ‘Pandemic Amnesty’ for the Powerful? • Children’s Health Defense (





Meanwhile, they keep adding to the vaccine schedule.











This is, or should be, huge.  At this point, any location that doesn’t hand-count – with witnesses – the paper ballots is suspect.








Gee, maybe people don’t want to see trannies or fat people in bikinis???




Keep pushing it, Leftists.  We’re getting close to reaching for the switch.  Alas.



Those who continue to push it should understand that – while this is an extreme example – there are a lot people on “our side” that can do this kind of shot from 500+ yards.

LONG WAY THERE: 4549 YARD RIFLE SHOT (ON VIDEO) – The Classic Woodsman (










I know a sad number of “Conservatives” who think like this.  Look, the only person with whom I agree is myself, and sometimes not even then!   But really – don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.








Her, Barackus, Pedo Pete, and a bunch  of others.  And not just from that side of the aisle.  Heck, raffle off chances to pull the lever and you’ll raise gobs of money.   Hell, throw in Daddy and whelp Soros, plus Barbara Spectre for good measure.









Damn, that’ll leave a mark.







The UN is UNuseful and UNneeded.  Whether for Israel or anything else.







To modify a quote from General Sherman:

“Migration is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.”

‘Betrayal to our citizens’: Alderman warns Chicago is ‘not equipped’ to handle flood of illegal immigrants | Law Enforcement Today |







Link section; some from me, some from my Jarhead friend:


Bayou Renaissance Man: The COVID-19 scam is now plain to see – but the authorities worldwide continue to exploit it

And yet our government is still urging us to get booster shots, and those who refuse to contaminate themselves with a COVID-19 vaccine are still facing discrimination in many cities and states.

My Shul still recommends it to everyone.  I see job postings that I’m interested in but then, when I investigate, the company has “Must show proof of Covid Jab”…

Bayou Renaissance Man: Milei lays it on the line at Davos – and the elite sneer

Smackdown.  But they don’t care.  Remember, they’re relentless – this is their FAITH.

The West Should Stop Being Ashamed of Its Success And Stop Committing Cultural Suicide – Flopping Aces

Amen.  Western Civilization is the greatest, most exceptional civilization.  Or… was:

Heat Becomes Unaffordable In Germany… Seniors Struggle, Staying Warm At Public Heating Places… (

Germany and others used to be first-world countries.

The Draft Comes Back – Vox Popoli (

I wonder if all those Swedes who were gung ho about Sweden joining NATO realize that their forced military service is a direct consequence of their foolish decision to join the military wing of Clown World. I also wonder how they’re going to square the logical circle about forcing young men to fight in defense of individual freedom and democracy.

Regardless, it appears the young men of the West are going to face a choice. Fight the clowns ruling your country or fight the combined military forces of China and Russia. Based on recent events in Ukraine, the former would appear to be a much better bet.

Bayou Renaissance Man: The illegal alien migration corridor exposed

This is scary stuff.  Look at the scale of the operation!  Related:

BORDER SHOWDOWN: Texas Defies Feds — ‘We Will Continue to Deploy Razor Wire’ (

G-d bless Texas!  I was listening this morning to talk radio – so when are the states that are supporting Texas sending troops to help out?

States standing with Texas as of January 25, 2024 (

Military expert says Texas has constitutional right to defend itself (

The Crisis In The Red Sea Threatens To Disrupt Global Supply Chains Even More Than The Pandemic Did ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

War is not just military.  For Islam (and any group that practices total war) war is economic, and resources, and moral…

The Transgender Suicide Scam – American Thinker

I have read this multiple times – versions of “Would you rather have a live trans-boy or a dead girl (or vice versa).  And IMHO this is a clever bit of psychological twisting, done intentionally to get parents to go along.

The Fix Is In – Trump Goes To Prison | Armstrong Economics

This article has some fairly compelling data showing that the Deep State already has plans to put President Trump in prison, no matter what “We The People” have to say.  Jail, or other plans:

Not Cool – Alex Soros Tweets: “Bullet Hole, 47” – The Last Refuge (

Alex Soros (the son of George Soros) just tweeted out a very interesting tweet, implying that he was paying to have #47 “bullet-holed”.  Interestingly, the bills shown in the photo are OLD, in fact one of the commenters (Dad’s Son, posting on January 22, 2024 @ 2:45) noted that from the signatures on the bills, these are all from 1963.  Gee what important event happened in Dallas in November 1963?  I seriously hope the Secret Service takes a good hard look at this, and at Alex Soros

Minds To Think – by T.L. Davis – T.L.’s Posts and Podcasts (

TL Davis with another “I can’t say he’s wrong” post.  Somewhat related:

WHO Blames ‘Fake News and Conspiracy Theories’ As Sovereign Nations Reject Pandemic Treaty – The People’s Voice (

More evidence that smart phones are destroying minds – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Smartphones are causing children to have behavioral, as well as cognitive issues.  And from Bill Whittle (video, link only):

PJTV: Five Alarm Fire (

Harvard Sinks Even Further, Med School Forced to Retract Multiple Papers After Data Falsification Probe (

The more I observe, the more I am 100% convinced that the fraud in our society has run long, and penetrated deep.  In every field.




Pick of the Post:



No.  Globalists and Islam are our twin threats.  Not the above.




Palate Cleansers:



And related:



I feel this.  Actually, here, it’s worse.  We’ll be OUT of something, and then someone will complain we’re out of it, and I get blamed because I’m not a telepath.




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Last Democrat Pay Raise Bill Was Greedy. This One’s Also Corrupt.

Fri, 2024-01-26 15:00 +0000

Last year, Vermont Democrats and Progressives put forward a bill (S.39) to raise legislative pay by over double, plus a generous benefits package that regular Vermonters working a similar part-time job would not qualify for. Governor Scott vetoed the bill, which passed the House 102-44 and the Senate 19-10 largely along party lines.

Needless to say, it was highly unpopular with We the People, and majority leadership decided not to challenge this veto with an override vote.

But, alas, that was not the last to be heard from a particularly greedy cabal of entitled Senators led by Ruth Hardy (D-Addison), Becca White (D-Windsor), and Anne Watson (D/P-Washington), whose goal is to end Vermont’s tradition of a citizen legislature and replace it with an elite, political class of full-time politicians – a.k.a. themselves. (Seriously, just release the flying monkeys already.)  So, this year, they are trying again with a “more modest,” ostensibly lower-cost alternative, S.224 – An act relating to compensation and benefits for members of the Vermont General Assembly.

The principal “cost saving” measure in S.224 over S.39 is that it removes the nearly $2 million a year in healthcare benefits packages – for now anyway, as the bill retains the study committee that will recommend adding it back in a year.

According to the fiscal note, this new bill also lowers the overall annual expenditure on legislator salaries from S.39’s proposed $6,596,443 to $4,445,904. Great… BUT!!… this bill shifts the remaining money largely away from rank-and-file legislators and gives it to the “Speaker, Pro Tem, [Committee] Chairs, Majority, and Minority Leader” – all of whom coincidentally (with the exceptions of the two minority leaders and two committee chairs, one token in each chamber) are Democrats!

According to Seven Days Math, “The chairs currently earn about $16,867, only slightly more than rank-and-file members. Under the new system, the chairs would earn $23,790 during the session, plus a stipend and up to 20 days of off-season pay. That’s a total of $34,717, or about $17,850 more than they earn now — a 106 percent increase.” Rank and filers get a significant raise too from their current “$15,180. That would increase to $21,627. The 20 days of off-session pay would add $4,553 for a total of $26,180,” but not nearly as nice as the chairs.

This proposal, apart from just plain milking the taxpayers, creates some serious ethical and political problems. First, as alluded to above, the partisan dynamics of the legislature mean this is an especially big windfall for members of one particular party. It’s a partisan, Democrat money grab.

Currently, there are 23 Democrats out of 30 total senators, and there are 14 committees that need a chair. In the House there are 106 Democrats out of one hundred fifty total, and 17 committees that need chairs. So, of the 33 lawmakers, including the speaker and senate president pro tem, who would be receiving markedly higher salaries, 28 of them would be Democrats. That’s assuming that with nearly ten grand at stake for one of their own Democrat leadership would allow Senator Russ Ingalls (R-Essex) to keep his chair of the Institutions Committee or Representative Mike Marcotte (R-Coventry) his of Commerce and Economic Development.

This gets me to my next point: This would create a seriously unhealthy, feudal-like intra-caucus hierarchy and patronage system. The party in power controls all the big salaries and the leadership in that party controls who gets them. So, if you want that chairmanship and the big bucks that come with it, you better be loyal to the Speaker of the House or the Senate President Pro Tem as you smarm your way up that ladder. As a citizen, if you are concerned that our so-called elected representatives are too often doing the bidding of party leadership and not that of their constituents as it is, Katy, bar the door if S.224 becomes law!

It’s one thing to rhetorically twist someone’s arm to convince them to vote a certain way, refuse to sit with them in the cafeteria, or even threaten to take away the metaphorical paper hat that comes with a committee chairmanship, but it’s quite another to be able to threaten that person with a loss of $10,000 worth of income if they don’t play ball and do what you say. Or to bribe with such a cash payout for going along. As such, S.224 opens the door for some really corrupt back-room politics that do not serve the interests of truly representative democracy.

Supporters of this specifically bad bill supporting a generally bad idea are spinning it as a way to allow more moderate-income Vermonters to run for office. Nonsense. They see it as a way to give their incumbent selves the ability to campaign year-round at taxpayers’ expense, a way to consolidate and keep political power, and to further insulate themselves from having to have a real job and, though such experience perhaps better understand the real plights and problems of their constituents.

Campaign for Vermont did a poll at the beginning of this session and found that 77% of Vermont said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who voted to increase their own pay by 100%, 66% much less likely. Well, that’s pretty much every Democrat and Progressive in Montpelier! And it looks like they’re ready to do it twice! Let’s make sure voters remember this sentiment come November.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

The post The Last Democrat Pay Raise Bill Was Greedy. This One’s Also Corrupt. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermin Supreme Interview – Radio Row, Manchester – FITN Primary

Fri, 2024-01-26 13:00 +0000

If you set up a table with a few microphones almost anywhere, you never know who might sit down to talk with you. Do it at the DoubleTree in Manchester during the New Hampshire primary, and you might get to talk with Vermin Supreme.

And why not? He’s always a guaranteed great guest, so we were fortunate to catch him for a few minutes to talk about the circus of politics. WGBH described him as,

“…running on a platform that includes free ponies for all Americans, time travel research and using zombies to create energy by harnessing “the latest in hamster wheel technology.”

He also runs on a promise of mandatory toothbrushing laws, “because gingivitis has been eroding the country’s gum line for long enough and must be stopped.”

He took a few minutes to sit down and chat, and for folks who like short videos, this is perhaps our shortest interview of the weekend. Ha had a lot of people to meet, and making fun of politics is hard work but good work.

Watch this video and Rumble, and if you do – please follow us.


!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v46lsfx","div":"rumble_v46lsfx"});


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Latest Climate Conundrum: Bad Beavers or Good?

Fri, 2024-01-26 11:00 +0000

Climate “science” has long claimed that the hard-working beaver plays an essential role in sequestering carbon by corralling sediments in dams. A recent scientific study asserts that beavers colonizing the Arctic tundra are doing the exact opposite, releasing methane when their warming ponds thaw vast areas of permafrost.

It is hard to decide whether beavers are enemies or allies in the climate mission to save the world — a common theme in the cloudy waters of pseudo-scientific climate claims.

Good Beaver, Bad Beaver

The latest beaver climate-impact narrative alarmingly suggests beavers have been colonizing the northern territory at a frantic pace, creating new bodies of relatively warm water with their damming projects that thaw the underlying ground and release methane, a marsh gas now designated as a planet-slayer. Scientists have been able to confirm this phenomenon with satellite imagery of methane hotspots that extend for many meters around the ponds.

This beaver effect contrasts with earlier assessments of southern denizens who allegedly sequester carbon using these exact same ponds. It appears that the identical activity in two disparate regions yields diametrically different climate impacts. This is no meaningless inquiry – governments and venture capitalists invest billions of dollars in schemes driven by such “science” with often unanticipated climate, social, and economic impacts. Interestingly, the beaver problem in Canada is attributed to anthropomorphic causes – warming temperatures and reduced trapping.

Beavers, Cows, and Humans

Climate warriors are finding it hard to hit a target they keep shifting. The case of beavers invites other contrasts. Consider that not all humans or cows pollute the same, much like beavers. The Amish and Inuit do not pollute anywhere near as much as the typical urban American teenager. The Amish likely sequester more carbon in the soil from farming throughout their lifetimes than they ever create from consumption; the Inuit do not farm but at least they don’t consume cell phones and flatscreen TVs. And the carbon footprint of societies such as that of the United States may improve with the purchase of solar panels and EVs, but only while that of China spikes upward by manufacturing those very consumables.

Just like the lowly beaver, there seem to be good climate humans in some areas and bad actors in others. This is also evident with cows, standing in the dock with beaver climate offenders. Cows in concentrated animal feed operations (CAFOs) generate much more pollution due to their incarcerated dependence on human fossil fuels than cows freely roaming in pastures (which nurture soils and reduce erosion). Such domesticated bovine are more like bison, who once roamed the American Plains, building the soils that feed the nation even now.

Bison vs Cows

Indeed, the same cadre of climate investigators ogling beavers have identified bison as climate saviors. The Sierra Club claims cows are bad, and grazing them on public lands is bad, but bison are beneficial:

“This all may seem contrary to what you may have known about grazing animals impacting the climate. Typically we hear about their methane emissions, which is a greenhouse gas that causes considerable climate impacts … If bison were restored to this landscape it could heighten the ability of the soil to hold even more carbon dioxide, acting as a natural carbon storage facility (Wright, 2018). It is important to note, however, that holistic grazing methods with bison are still being researched by scientists and there is some disagreement on its’ [sic] ability to act as a potential climate solution (Irfan, 2018; Wright, 2017). Nevertheless, it is interesting to think that restoring bison to the landscape could have the potential effect of helping solve the climate crisis.”

It is interesting to think about how this bison analysis might be applied to cows and beavers and how important it is to complete such research before closing farms and culling herds. Of course, cows replenish soils and provide vital natural fertilizers in lieu of synthetic chemical substitutes. America has about 94.4 million cows, 70% of them confined in CAFOs where they are fed tens of millions of acres’ worth of machine-harvested feed. Less than 1% of the nation’s 360,000 bison are wild. The “climate crisis” will sooner be solved by fusion engines in every car and home before enough bison can be procured to counter planetary warming (unless they are cloned in a factory, like synthetic meat). But the nation’s cows are ready to serve!

Conflicting Climate Prophecies

Grand globalist policies are launched on the whispers of so-called climate scientists who seem to lack the common sense of a ruminant. It is to be expected that beavers will vary in impact – aren’t the bad beavers in the north also sequestering carbon dioxide in their methane-releasing ponds? How can scientists condemn cows and praise bison in the same breath without seeing the conflicting assessments? How can cow methane (from burping) be used to eclipse cow carbon sequestration (through defecation)? Just like beavers and humans, not all cows are the same.

The beaver climate impact about-face is just one of a plethora of bait-and-switch propaganda flip-flops by climate alarmists who rush to cataclysmic judgments at every turn. If the ideological fanatics cannot pause long enough to reflect on the myriad inconsistencies and conflicting motives in their own pseudo-scientific “works,” it is to be hoped that you, dear reader, have now done so.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NHRTL to Host March for Life and Pro-Life Conference on Jan 27

Fri, 2024-01-26 09:00 +0000

New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) welcomes the public and press to join the annual state-wide March for Life in Concord, NH, this Sat, Jan 27. This year’s theme is Empowering Pregnant Women to Keep Their Babies, which will celebrate the work that the pro-life movement is doing to support mothers and their children.

The schedule is:

  • 9 AM Memorial Gathering at the Concord Landfill – 77 Old Turnpike Rd, Concord, NH
  • 10 AM Mass at Christ the King Parish – 72 South Main St, Concord, NH
  • (main event) 11:30 AM Public Rally at Eagle Square Amphitheater Concord, NH (below the historic clock tower, across the street from the NH State House).
    • Dynamic speakers will highlight strategies in support of women in NH & inspire a culture of non-violence against women and their children.
  • 12 PM Peaceful March up Main St. to Christ the King Hall 72 South Main St, Concord. Enjoy light refreshments.
  • 1 PM Pro-Life Conference with speakers & a recorded video address by Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director who became a pro-life activist.

Additional information is available at

The event is sponsored by New Hampshire Right to Life.

Jason Hennessey, President of NHRTL, said, “We are excited to host this March for Life and share our vision of empowering pregnant mothers to keep their babies and thrive. All who want to protect and empower moms and children are welcome.”

Photos of the event will be available upon request.

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and longest-standing organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.

Jason Hennessey
President, New Hampshire Right to Life


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: School Book Challenges – These are Not Self-Help Books by Therapists

Fri, 2024-01-26 03:00 +0000

Most of the testimony HB 1419 the other day was personal and about those poor teachers and those who think it’s ok to expose children to age-inappropriate materials. I could not attend the meeting, but here’s some enlightenment from someone who went through the “process” and the outcome.

My grandchildren are now in school. I own a farm and can probably educate many on sexual reproduction, but it doesn’t give me the right to educate other people’s children, animals, and sex.  Today, books in our schools are full of horrors such as bestiality and other vile topics beyond natural sexual experience. No wonder there’s so much violence, sexual confusion, and teen suicides. A generation ago none of these books were available, I know this, I volunteered in the schools. Two generations ago, when I was in school, they were not available either. I had access to the Unh Diamond library in high school. Back then, the librarians did not allow us to see or read books that were not age-appropriate. Fact. Now the schools are promoting them as “sex Ed,” self-help, therapy, and so on…yet professionals do not write the books in question. My middle school granddaughter brought home a book called “It’s Perfectly Normal,” a sexually graphic book. That is what started me down this rabbit hole. She was appalled at the content, and it took a lot of explaining to undo the school’s mess. BTW, NO ONE is allowed in the Dover school libraries, no one! No one is allowed into the classrooms, either. I first thought the schools were not aware of these books. Quite the opposite, they prided themselves on them. I started researching and found over 110 books, see attached link below, in Dover schools. Only books rated 3-5 are listed. The number is based on the movie rating system. For details see These are the worse, r-rated and up, not high schoolers making out or first time sex, they are filled with sex trafficking, pedophilia, rape, sodomy, oral sex, necrophilia, beastiality, pornography and many more horrors. The school berated me for challenging and changed the rules from no limit to two books per year. I went through their process; it took a year for one book, Boy Toy, about a married female teacher who grooms a 12-year-old boy for sex. What message is the school sending children and teachers by keeping this fodder? I was personally exposed to the local paper by the superintendent as a “book banner” and the town pariah and got threatening calls, and my small business was ruined. The book I challenged, Boy Toy, was put back by order of the school board after the useless challenge of people the school board chose to review the book! My appeal went on deaf ears . Why and what exactly are the promotions of this material doing to children who read it?. I also found sex apps on the Chromebook and SORA that were ignored by the city. I want to add, that many of my these books are written by adults to groom children and make a buck. The authors are enjoying a windfall for every “ban” or challenge. Dover purchased over a dozen copies of “Boy Toy” with tax payers monies! They couldn’t be bothered going to the library and reading the copies we already paid for. Then, the superintendent told tax players I was wasting their money by challenging them. They also put Tricks, by Ellen Hopkins, back in the school library after a challenge. This book glorifies child sex trafficking. Boys and girls turning “tricks” for pedos with lots of drugs. The books on the list are not written by therapists to help children in need. This is important! These books are not self-help books or sex Ed anyone would want a child to read, nor would any qualified therapist use them as therapy for a crisis child… I have eight books challenged out of 110. I received a letter from the superintendent I can only challenge 2. Frankly, I’m at a loss. My life was ruined by these people who are exposing children that are not their own to horrors adults can’t even process. Link to list in Dover.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America’s Three Musketeers

Fri, 2024-01-26 01:00 +0000

Just how much more of the Marxist doctrine must the Democrat party endorse before their voters wake up to realize that what was for Granddad and his dad is no more? Current policies attest to the fact that the donkey insignia has been replaced with the hammer and sickle!

Having said this, consider when former stubbornness elected a President whose resume included documentation of draft dodging. Military service has never been a prerequisite for our Presidency, but Clinton’s conduct should bring a resounding public response of “not qualified!”

And there was more; many “ate up” the media’s adoration for their “gifted” orator by “electing the first black president.” Ironically, the question of being a “natural born citizen” was only directed in Sen. John McCain’s direction.

This deception was designed to insulate Obama since his father was a British subject of Kenya, a fact which he himself later made clear. This deception only prioritized the location of birth rather than both parents being American citizens, which Obama lacked!

As inappropriate and reckless as it was to elect Clinton, it wasn’t illegal, which can’t be said of Obama. His election violated Article II, Sect. 1 of our Constitution, which is the law of our land! In hindsight, questions could and should arise as to the legitimacy of his Presidency, including the policies that were enacted!

He later substantiated his non-presidential bearing when talking down to our nation, in his well-worn lecturing mode, that “America wasn’t a Christian nation.” Let’s just say he now owns another first, the first President to publicly and defiantly discount America’s Christian heritage!

The last Musketeer is still in office but sadly is committing his own disqualifying brand as he seems to endorse every communist initiative that reaches his desk. But enough already about America’s own version of “Uncle Joe!”

The record of these three misfits should not surprise since what do misfits do; especially when promoted past their pay grade? Although officeholders bear responsibility for the results of their endorsed policies, they never seem accountable. However, the remedy, as our Declaration rightly assigns, is still with “we the people,” the voters!

Other factors have contributed to America’s floundering. Certain negative influences have recently surfaced, along with the evil that they have endorsed. As this continues to unfold, so does the vastness of this well-organized effort to topple America.

Given my recent piece about the reappearance of truth and its stunning realities, which are always effective, another factor seems more weighty and demanding.

The dem’s political cupboard is bare! Campaigns cannot depend upon disastrous policies which are still being felt by the voter. So, the next resort is to attack and belittle the opponent. In addition to all the flimsy lawsuits and subsequent media hype, one amazing survivor from the 2016 campaigns, which perks up a certain following with its refreshing honesty, is the gruff but honest plain talk from the outsider.

This misdirecting onto a leader’s manners is insulting but more than that, it’s dangerous. Due in large part to the above mentioned trio, today is a time of opting to either remain free or to become subservient! There will not be any middle ground.

At this time, niceties are as irrelevant as they are defeating! This is a war for America’s preservation, and instead of nit-picking, we should thank God that a defender was born and breathes the same love of and dedication to Country as Washington and who is capable of a fierceness that matches Patton!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Buzz Buzzby Breaking News: Biden Threatens To Use F-15 to Defeat 2A Gun Owners

Thu, 2024-01-25 23:00 +0000

Buzz: Good day, folks. Buzz Buzby here with some breaking news. In a recent news conference, the hair sniffer-in-chief said to gun owners and 2A advocates: “You need F-15s and nuclear weapons (if you want to stop my tyrannical government).”

Most everyone who heard him or read his words was a bit aghast. Many thought he was saying that if he comes to take away our guns and demolish our Second Amendment rights, he will do so using F-15s and ( gulp) nuclear weapons.

To follow up on this story, my trusted assistant, Timothy Hasno Bottom, has secured an interview with an F-15 pilot. For obvious reasons, this pilot won’t talk to us unless we guarantee the utmost secrecy. We cannot even identify the base he flies out of nor address him by his name. We have to call him by his fake name: BOB. Take it away Timothy!”

Timothy: Thanks Buzz. As Buzz was saying, we cannot reveal the name of our guest nor even tell you that he, I mean, “it” is an F-15 pilot. We are standing outside “its ” base but we cannot identify it as an Air Force facility.Bob- we have been told that to defeat Gun owners, the government is planning on using F-15 jets to bomb us. Can you confirm that you have been trained in the endeavor?”

BOB: (Empty stare) Huh? What? Who told you that? I thought you wanted to interview me about Kamala Harris’s hiding place.

Timothy: Ok, well that was not a denial. So I will take it as a yes. Tell me, is Nashua a prime target? Or is it down on the list? Maybe third or fourth behind Hudson or Bedford?”

BOB: What I train on is strictly confidential. I cannot confirm or deny what you just said.

Timothy: Aha! Again, not a denial. So if you have been training on attacking Nashua, what is your approach angle? I mean, is Costco safe?

BOB: Dude, I shop at Costco, with my wife and kids. No way I am going to ….wait, you are tricking me. I refuse to answer.

Timothy: How about Home Depot? Or Lowes. I mean they are a hotbed for gun owners and 2A people?

B0B: I think this conversation is over.

Timothy: BOB! …BOB!…COME BACK, I have more questions…like are my chickens gonna die from an F-15? They are innocent. Never owned a gun in their lives and are definitely against any form of violence that might shorten their meager life. Can you mark them as safe? Please?!?!

Timothy: Sorry, Buzz. Not a very good interview but I could not get Bob to come clean. I think though we did learn that if we huddle at Costco, especially when Bob and his family are there, we are probably gonna avoid any F-15s. Back to you Buzz.”




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: Chris Sununu Joins 24 Governors to Stand With Texas

Thu, 2024-01-25 22:07 +0000

With the Biden Administration attacking Texas for trying to protect Americans from the illegal Alien invasion and the Supreme Court not finding a reason to let Texas do it, the Lone Star State “declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself.”

And the Lone Star state won’t have to go it alone.

Interestingly enough, and unexpectedly, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu signed on to the statement, which says,


“President Biden and his Administration have left Americans and our country completely vulnerable to unprecedented illegal immigration pouring across the Southern border. Instead of upholding the rule of law and securing the border, the Biden Administration has attacked and sued Texas for stepping up to protect American citizens from historic levels of illegal immigrants, deadly drugs like fentanyl, and terrorists entering our country.

“We stand in solidarity with our fellow Governor, Greg Abbott, and the State of Texas in utilizing every tool and strategy, including razor wire fences, to secure the border. We do it in part because the Biden Administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws already on the books and is illegally allowing mass parole across America of migrants who entered our country illegally.

“The authors of the U.S. Constitution made clear that in times like this, states have a right of self-defense, under Article 4, Section 4 and Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Because the Biden Administration has abdicated its constitutional compact duties to the states, Texas has every legal justification to protect the sovereignty of our states and our nation.”

Signatories include: Governor Kay Ivey (AL), Governor Mike Dunleavy (AK), Governor Sarah Sanders (AR), Governor Ron DeSantis (FL), Governor Brian Kemp (GA), Governor Brad Little (ID), Governor Eric Holcomb (IN), Governor Kim Reynolds (IA), Governor Jeff Landry (LA), Governor Tate Reeves (MS), Governor Mike Parson (MO), Governor Greg Gianforte (MT), Governor Jim Pillen (NE), Governor Joe Lombardo (NV), Governor Chris Sununu (NH), Governor Doug Burgum (ND), Governor Mike DeWine (OH), Governor Kevin Stitt (OK), Governor Henry McMaster (SC), Governor Kristi Noem (SD), Governor Bill Lee (TN), Governor Spencer Cox (UT), Governor Glenn Youngkin (VA), Governor Jim Justice (WV), and Governor Mark Gordon (WY).

A letter is nice, and 25 states are half of the whole, so it has some meaning, but I’m curious about what else is involved. Is this simply an act of solidarity? Will these states provide material support in court or at the border?

New Hampshire has a border, and it needs protecting, too, as the chaos in the south distracts from the rise in drug and human trafficking coming down from  Canada – which has no problem jailing truckers but can’t seem to keep Mexicans out of Quebec.

I’m not saying we need help, but we need something, and Texas needs more than a letter. But I’ll admit to being impressed and thankful for the show of support. We give the governor a lot of crap which – admittedly – he brings on himself, but we’ve always been balanced about it. When we see good, we say as much, and this, Governor Sununu, is good.


The post Breaking: Chris Sununu Joins 24 Governors to Stand With Texas appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Supreme Court Sides With Biden To Keep Texas Wide Open

Thu, 2024-01-25 21:00 +0000

In a surprising and disappointing decision from the High Court, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Amy Coney Barrett sided with the court’s three liberals — Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ketanji Brown Jackson to reverse a lower court decision to prevent the Federal Government from removing razor wire placed by Texas to secure its Border.

It is disheartening that the Supreme Court would join the White House in its effort to destroy our Sovereignty. It is surprising that Justice Barrett, who is supposed to be a strict Constitutionalist, abandoned the conservative judges to support the three Liberal justices. This case addresses a complex situation with the Federal and State Governments competing for control of the Border but for two very different reasons. This case is one of many involving disputes between Texas and the Biden Administration.

Texas wants to protect its people and its Sovereignty. It has an obligation to that purpose. The millions of illegals who have crossed the Border into Texas since Biden took office threaten the security of Texans and are costing them billions in tax dollars they do not have budgeted for the care and safety of illegals invading their state. These millions of people from around the globe are also filling up available residences, overcrowding the public school system, placing a tremendous burden on social services, and adding to the crime numbers in Texas. The surge of humanity also comes with drugs and guns, which are a problem for Texas and beyond. That is why Texas is taking the steps necessary to secure an otherwise open Border.

The Federal Government, specifically the Biden Administration, wants nothing to do with a closed and secure Border. They have no concern for the Sovereignty of the country and certainly not for Texas. The Federal resources on the Border are not there to stop or deter people from crossing the Border, but to assist them, aid in their illegal quest to enter America, and then process them quickly so NGOs like the Catholic Church can transport them to other regions of the country for permanent residence. We do not have a Border Patrol as that would intimate control of the Border. We have Border Assistance. These people cross the Border and are given court dates, sometimes as much as seven years out. There is little or no vetting, which is why we have found hundreds of illegals are also on terrorist watch lists.

Joe Biden has finally decided the Border is not secure, and his answer to securing it is a problem of money and not policy. He repeatedly claims that he needs Congress to give him more money but not for closing the Border, but for faster processing of the illegal immigrants. That is the core of Biden’s immigration policy; let as many people as want to come to America, come in through any opening they choose, and then have NGOs redistribute the masses throughout the country. This is not policy. This is treason and for some reason, five Supreme Court Justices saw fit to side with Joe Biden. One thing we can be sure of is Texans will not give up the fight. This issue is more black and white than people make it. It is about Sovereignty and the Republicans believe in it and Democrats don’t.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Does Haley’s Second Place NH Finish Need an Asterisk*

Thu, 2024-01-25 19:00 +0000

With all due respect to the people I’m about to pound like a broken storm door in a hurricane, New Hampshire’s elections are not clean, tight, or reliable—quite the opposite. And I think they know it.

If you read our recent reporting from Windham, Ken Eyring shared some election intrigue that centers on letters from the AG office and the Secretary of state admitting that election law is not being followed even after they plant a state moderator at the polling place to make sure it is. Tom and Ken spoke with us on Radio Row Sunday afternoon and explained the violations and the lack of interest by state authorities to fix them.

You’ll be oh so happy to know that the Jan 23rd primary at that same polling place was again rife with violations of state law on top of the other stories we have to share below – that suggest Haley’s second-place finish in the Granite State needs an asterisk.

Here’s the interview with Tom and Ken from Sunday the 21st (it does not include the 1/23 revelations we’ve since learned, obviously).

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v46o2e9","div":"rumble_v46o2e9"});

Wait, There’s More!

I’ve had a handful of anecdotal reports from locals of attempted election law violations with regard to registered Democrats wanting to take a Republican ballot. One in my own home town, that I related yesterday, and several more communicated to me via email. Democrats around the state showed up to pull a Republican primary ballot despite being ineligible to do so. We can blame this on Gov. Chris Sununu – if memory serves – a registered Republican who has his head so far up Haley’s ass you can barely see his big shoulders; he has been saying Democrats should vote for Haley long after the deadline for changing party registration has passed.

Speaking of anecdotal examples, reporter Michael Tracey was on Glenn Greenwald’s podcast, and he shared two quick stories that add credibility to the argument.

Town officials ignorant of election law or who ignore it while the SoS and AG are content to write letters admitting violations of laws over which there appear to be no punishments seems like a shitty way to run them. We have the ability to strip those who violate election law in New Hampshire of the right to vote in the state. Maybe that’s what is needed when it comes to local election officials who have neither the time nor the ability to follow them.

That or huge fines and jail time.

Of course, we’d still run into the problem of finding an AG willing to charge and pursue justice for voters who may not even realize how badly their votes are mishandled. But it needs to be handled before someone decides it’s time to embrace Article 10 of the NH State Constitution.

[Art.] 10. [Right of Revolution.] Government being instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the whole community, and not for the private interest or emolument of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish a new government. The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

Edited after publication.

The post Does Haley’s Second Place NH Finish Need an Asterisk* appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Thu, 2024-01-25 17:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

This is a long one.  So much info flowing.  Pick and choose and click at your discretion.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Note that these posts do not repeat information – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok








Israel’s New Website On Hamas Killings Has 43 Million Viewers in the First Week (

Israel now has put the soul-searing evidence of the Hamas atrocities before the world, on a dedicated website. As the IDF soldiers manfully carry on, fighting against Hamas terrorists up and down the Strip, from Gaza City to Khan Yunis and all the way to the southernmost city of Rafah, including all the places in between where the IDF has located Hamas fighters and weapons. The creators of this admirable and terrible website are now fighting back against Hamas’ propaganda, to win, or in some cases win back, the hearts and minds of those who are in danger of forgetting what happened on October 7. Israel is now engaged in a on a different battlefield, pitting its truthful hasbara against the lies of Hamas. This is what may be called, in the Gaza War, the Jewish state’s indispensable second front.

Here’s that site.  Bookmark it.  Stare at it.  Understand the enormity of what was done.  And then share it widely.


Banning Jews for Their Own Protection | Frontpage Mag

Jews are being censored, suspended and even arrested for “their own protection” while Jihadists and their allies gleefully rampage across the civilized world.

There is No ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ Going On in Israel | Frontpage Mag

The problem is that this is too fine a level of detail for people who just want to let their emotions rule their minds.  And there are goods… being charged at a markup by Hamas:

Gazan Mall Slams Hamas For Attempting To Sell Aid Goods At High Prices – Israellycool

“I am An Arab Jew” – Geller Report

Read it all.  Again I refer you to this excellent book:

Uprooted: How 3000 Years of Jewish Civilization in the Arab World Vanished Overnight





A crazy story reported by the Israeli journalist Avishai Grinzaig:

On Friday in Khan Yunis, in the sector of one of the battalions in the 4th Brigade of the IDF.

Before a force from the battalion raided a certain point, they put a drone into the air after a suspicious figure was identified. In the drone they saw an elderly woman handcuffed to a bed.

After dispelling the suspicion of a deception incident by Hamas. The force went up to the apartment together with an Arabic-speaking investigator of the brigade.

They found a 75-year-old woman bound by her own hands and in very poor health.

The hands are very swollen, enlarge the picture and you will see. And the old woman was completely dehydrated.

While the doctor treated her, the division’s investigator asked her questions.

And she told them: her family fled from Khan Yunis to the south. Two Hamas operatives in IDF uniforms arrived, forcibly tied her to the bed and told her to say that the IDF did it. She lay like that tied to the bed for two days.

There are many more and monstrous and predatory cases of what Hamas is doing to the citizens of Gaza. They tie old women to a bed, attach explosives to old men, and other horrible things.

This is the evil of Hamas.

(HT Aussie Pilgrim)

And my comment on his post:

Remember, in Islam ANYONE who dies in the service of jihad is guaranteed entry to paradise. In their mind, by tying her to a bed and hoping she’d smear the IDF, they were summoning her to be a warrior for jihad.

An old woman who should be holding her grandchildren.


The blood libel at the Hague | Power Line (

During multiple wars, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have done more to avoid civilian casualties than any other army in the world ever has. In Gaza, the IDF has provided advance warning to Palestinian civilians where it plans to fight, sending 7.2 million leaflets, 13.7 million texts, and making 15 million phone calls so far to help noncombatants avoid being used by Hamas as human shields.

So, to accuse the Israelis of genocide is a lie and a blood libel.

By contrast, Hamas is proudly genocidal. The Hamas Charter declares that “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

Hamas instructs Muslims to “fight Jews and kill them.”





The Jew-Hating ‘Two-State’ Fantasy | Frontpage Mag

Remember what Arafat said.




Hamas Top Dog Khaled Mashal Refuses Two-State Solution, Only Israel’s Complete Annihilation – Geller Report

And remember what I keep referring to, i.e., 2:191 “Drive them out from where they drove you out”.  They want every square inch.  If they follow the Koran they cannot EVER settle for anything less.  And then, on to the whole world.  Related to the Two State Solution (on my Rumble channel):

Commentary on the Two State Solution (


Why are UN and European leaders slamming and threatening Israel for rejecting the so-called ‘Two-State Solution,’ yet not saying a word to the Palestinians about their total rejection of a ‘Two-State Solution?’ (



WATCH: Child in Gaza Pledges to Become Martyr for Hamas | United with Israel

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: Virtually every school and mosque in Gaza has weapons around

Wonder why these kids hate Israel and Jews from the very start.  Oh, wait:

How can the war between Israel and Hamas ever end when so many schools in Gaza – run by a UN agency backed by our millions – teach children to hate Jews? | Daily Mail Online

And a video about what the Palestinian textbooks have:

What’s in the Palestinian text books? (

And more examples of why peace is not likely any time soon (my Rumble channel):

Communist Student Leader Advocates for Israel’s Destruction (

Understand the Islam – Left alliance; note his language – pure Communist at the end.  The Left wants Israel’s destruction just as Islam does – and IMHO here’s why.  Remember that Israel, as founded, was going to be a Socialist state.  Perhaps not purely, but close.  Over time, Israel moved towards free market capitalism – betrayal!  Apostasy to The Lord Marx!  More:


And then I see signs of hope:




End the War and Return All Hostages Now, Demand … Gazans? – HotAir

The best way to get all the hostages back is to keep the pressure on Hamas, which never should have kidnapped them in the first place. Perhaps that point should be kept foremost in mind in these discussions. Even the Gazans agree on that point — when they are allowed to express themselves.

From this Telegram channel:



One of the fallen IDF soldiers is Ahmed Abu Latif, a Bedouin Muslim IDF soldier.

Ahmed embodied the spirit of unity and patriotism, a shining example of coexistence and unwavering love for Israel.

Ahmed, your legacy will forever inspire us.

Adding in this:

Woman in Hijab describes her visit to Israel (

Wow.  Such a testament.  And then I see this – a confession of an Israeli Arab:


Also on my Rumble channel: Israeli Arab – will they really coexist? A: No. (

And an interesting idea:

The Most Plausible, Benevolent, and Deep-Pocketed Future Ruler of Gaza Is… (

The ‘Day After’ in Gaza and the Role of the United Arab Emirates (

I’m just not sure I trust them either.



To those who decry the loss of civilian life, I repeat last week’s post by UK Colonel Richard Kemp:

Colonel Richard Kemp on civilian casualties in Gaza (

Islam is one of the two ultimate collectivist ideologies; the other being Communism.  Individuals only matter as far as they serve the “greater good”.

Israel: Seeing Red (

I’d argue YES; the problem is that the war is not just being fought militarily, but in the minds of the world.  And apparently losing in America:

Americans Overwhelmingly Support Israel Over Hamas: Poll (

Americans, but not their government:

It must be said: The US is helping Hamas survive, and survival is victory ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Hamas’ strategy is to keep civilians between it and Israel. The US and the West are doing everything they can to help Hamas in that aim. And when civilians are killed, Israel is blamed. For all of the weapons and ammunition that the US is sending Israel, it is not letting Israel win.

Israel Still Hasn’t Learned the Strategic Lessons of Oct 7 | Frontpage Mag

This is where the proposals for any kind of truce, let alone a proposed 2-month pause to the fighting in exchange for the hostages, are disastrous. We’ve already previously seen the consequences of giving Hamas any time to regroup. In exchange for the release of some hostages, Hamas was able to move other hostages and its military assets, regroup and launch new attacks.

Victory means pushing Hamas. The more breathing room the terrorists have, the more they can settle into a new routine of pop up attacks, studying and exploiting IDF patterns, scoring occasional victories, damaging morale and building up pressure for an Israeli withdrawal.



Dr. Andrew Bostom on Prager: Muslim Antisemitism & Its Islamic Rootedness | Frontpage Mag

Video interview.

As you watch this video of some “civilians” shooting mortars, remember that this is a double-bonus.  They shoot mortars at Israel hoping to kill Jews; if the shooters get splatted, Hamas claims civilian casualties because of their clothing.




OOH, good.  OTOH, remember the precedent of the Treaty of Hudaibiya:

Myth: The Treaty of Hudaibiya (

How did ARABS from ARABIA get so far and wide.  Oh, wait, colonialism and war:



And a related video.  Look at the diversity of those women’s clothes – and the drab & uniform mobile tents they’re forced into now.


Also on my Rumble channel:

Arab-imposed outfits on women (




Graphic images – be warned.  But, IMHO, you have to look.  THIS is why the meme below the image links applies.

Blood in homes 1

Blood in homes 2

Blood in homes 3

Remember… there was a ceasefire on Oct. 6.  And they started it:







Does Islamic Law Sanction Hamas’ Rape of Captives? | Frontpage Mag

Hamas says its jihad mass murderers were committed to ‘Islamic values’ on October 7 (

Remember from a couple of posts ago, I had an Imam saying that when a kaffir woman is captured in jihad, if she is married that marriage is automatically annulled by that capture?


And a parallel, also important one:


Oct 7 – covered recovered bodies (

These were civilians at a party.  And as recovery teams arrived – horrific!


Video Shows Hamas Terrorists Decapitating Israelis – Geller Report

Never forget this.

Israeli dad of teen hostage fears daughter is being raped by Hamas (

Flip it.  Imagine if there were even accusations Israelis were doing this to Arabs.







And Mohammed never visited Jerusalem.



I recognized that Fatah and Hamas would play good cop-bad cop decades ago.





If anyone sees this online and actually available, let me know!







‘Zionist killer’ – Shocking antisemitic assault allegations at American University | World Israel News

Remember, it’s the LEFT that is the power on campuses.

Who is the ‘rabbi’ and ‘peace activist’ that cheered for Hamas on Oct. 7th? | World Israel News

“When I heard the initial reports of Hamas’ attacks on Israel this past Saturday, I will be completely honest – my first reaction was ‘good for them,’” Brant Rosen wrote in response to the Hamas attacks of October 7.

In his column, published at the People’s Voice (formerly the Communist Party’s Daily Worker), he claimed that “this latest violence did not occur in a vacuum. It is but the latest manifestation of an injustice that Israel has been perpetrating against the Palestinian people for decades.”

Oh, wait, WHAT political party’s newspaper? —

U of Illinois: Only Queer, Racial, Environmental Justice Will ‘Free Palestine’ | Frontpage Mag

Learn to understand Intersectionality:

What Is Intersectionality? (

Video, 4 minutes.



Libel Debunked: Israeli Toy Company Selling Dolls of Bloody Palestinian Babies – Israellycool

Wow.  I’m speechless.  Another one:

Fake blood and bad acting: Al Jazeera caught fabricating footage purportedly of Israeli airstrikes in Gaza (

According to a hadith, Muhammad said, “War is deceit.” (Bukhari 4.52.268). But all the Christian, Muslim, and atheist Jew-haters will readily take this in and insist it’s authentic.


Media assumes every Gaza civilian shot was killed by Israel – but they never have any evidence ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Time to revisit this excellent expose:





And remember what I said about Pallywood recycling images?

Image 1 – horribly burned young girl, blamed on Israel

Image 2 – the reality

Remember, WAR IS DECEIT.  And the useful idiots eat it up with no skepticism whatsoever.

Good video on the “game of numbers” on my Rumble channel – comparing casualty figures:

Gaza – the game of numbers (

Two videos on the “apartheid” claim:


And a third on my Rumble channel:

Sarcastic piece showing how Israel is an “Apartheid” state (

Oh, and one from a while back – also on my Rumble channel – highlighting the fallacy of “all Jews are white”.

Black IDF soldier talks (



Newest appointee to Harvard’s antisemitism task force calls Israel an ‘apartheid regime’ – The Jewish Voice

Fox, here’s your new post guarding the hen house.




NYC VEHICULAR JIHAD: Screaming “ALLAHU AKBAR!” Pro-Hamas Muslim ‘Protestor” Intentionally Runs Over NYPD Cop With Car (VIDEO) – Geller Report

Already here.  Related:


WARNING: Muslim Scholar Says We Will Conquer and Enslave you in 40-50 Years



‘Europeans will succumb to Islam’ – Former top German spy issues new warning as Muslim majority in Europe predicted by 2200 (

‘They all will be executed by Muslims,’ Wisconsin Imam calls for the genocide of Jews | World Israel News

At UNC, Anti-Semitism Is Too Close to Call | Power Line (

Hey pro-migration Jews.  Still think it’s a good idea to “welcome the stranger”?

Antisemitism From the Left | Frontpage Mag

By failing to condemn antisemitism, politicians, academics and their media allies are doing our enemies’ bidding. One week ago, ISIS released a 67-minute diatribe calling for the destruction of Jews worldwide to avenge Israeli strikes against Gaza. The message was “kill them wherever you find them.”

Meanwhile, Jewish families privately talk at the dinner table about Anne Frank, hiding in attics, and where this new wave of antisemitism could lead.

Arm up.  Get a gun, learn to use it.  From a pro-gun Jew:

Obstinate Ignorance by David Bock – According To Hoyt

I’m also guessing she’s unaware of the story of 25 year old Inbar Lieberman, who distributed firearms to a dozen members of kibbutz Nir Am and coordinated a defense plan as the attacks were occurring. The defenders then used these firearms to kill at least 25 terrorists who had come to murder them. Ms Lieberman killed five of them herself.

As a result of this decision and her personal bravery, unlike every other kibbutz in the area, kibbutz Nir Am suffered no casualties in the attacks that cost so many lives elsewhere.

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms…(Spurious Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed one.










UCLA (Los Angeles):


And USC:


The Domestic Terrorists of Tomorrow are Blocking Traffic Today | Frontpage Mag

Communist revolutionaries have exploited wars and food shortages to seize power, only to then inflict even worse wars and food shortages. Obama promised peace in the Middle East, an end to income inequality and the salvation of the planet. And all of these things only grew worse.

But following the Cloward-Piven model, leftists only make things worse. The purpose of leftist governments is to destroy countries by exacerbating every social, economic, geopolitical and cultural problem until they have brought societies to their knees and can seize total power.

Leftist protests, like the terrorists they support, are also not about fixing anything, but staging ugly hostile confrontations with police and the public to recruit the malicious and the disaffected (while playing the victim) and then escalating the violence and using it to take over a country.

A revolution requires people willing to kill. And so they need to be given reasons to kill. The ‘cause’ is the process of finding those willing to kill and giving them the reasons to do it.

It’s about destroying what WAS, so that they can create what (they think) WILL BE.  Mao, as he was murdering 60+ million Chinese, called it The Four Olds.  But however you call it, they plan to build paradise tomorrow by erasing the present today.



No matter the cost.  After all, you have to break eggs to make an omelet, right?





Parsha Bo: A Study in Cause and Effect (

I have seen multiple articles in support of abortion in various (mostly Reform or Conservative) newsletters.  Here’s part of the counter argument.  Also:




And my cartoon on the subject:





Wait, what political party are unions associated with?

How about Wear your kippa or Magen David to work day?



Jewish Democrats condemn Netanyahu for rejecting two-state solution | World Israel News

Jewish Democrats would – deep down IMHO – just like Israel to go away.  Related:

Netanyahu Rejects Biden Surrender Plan (

Biden Threatens Netanyahu’s Drive to Destroy Hamas :: Gatestone Institute

Leftist Jews Feel Abandoned by the Left | Frontpage Mag




Israel grants world’s first regulatory approval for lab-grown beef | World Israel News

Yuk.  No, just no.

UN Denies Knowledge of Hamas Tunnels Despite Gaza Presence | United with Israel

Keep your friends close and enemies closer.  The UN is the enemy – not just of Israel, but America.





100 Days in Gaza | Frontpage Mag

The world doesn’t give one damn if there are Jews suffering.




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee




Israeli lawmakers pushing to keep Palestinian workers out of Israel | World Israel News

Who, in their ever-loving meshugah mind, is thinking about letting them back in?

No, seriously.  I recently saw a video of an Arab construction worker using a hose to water electrical panels.  And you’re letting them work?  Some people want to let more in?

The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nuclear Power Is Back?

Thu, 2024-01-25 15:00 +0000

Until recently, it appeared that nuclear power was simply off the energy table for climate activists and environmentalists — but they are now embracing its possibilities.

This shift likely has been motivated by growing realization that solar panels and EVs just can’t accomplish the grand rescue they promised, along with the daunting environmental problems posed in their manufacture that can no longer be ignored. But the change is also driven by technological and design advances in nuclear reactor technology, for existing fission (atom-splitting) reactors and for a brave new world of fusion reactors that could potentially create energy with less risk and pollution by joining atoms together.


Modern nuclear power has been produced by harnessing the astonishing energy released when molecules are split. This is the same terrifying power of nuclear warfare, contained in water-cooled concrete control chambers to generate electricity. Yet Fukushima, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl displayed the potential for calamity from this process and exposed the persistent challenges of safely storing spent nuclear rods.

At COP28 in Dubai November-December 2023, more than 20 nations signed a pledge to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2030, in what one headline dubbed “the year the UN climate summit went nuclear.” This tacit admission that renewables can’t cut the mustard may also reflect the sober reality that China and the UAE – and many other nations – are moving forward with nuclear power development whether the West likes it or not. Energy is the lifeblood of economic stability and growth: If the United States and other Western nations abandon fossil fuels and nuclear energy (as long demanded by the “Just End Oil” crowd), they will seed their own destruction.

Nuclear Is More ‘Renewable’

Abandoning fossil fuels becomes extremely difficult when they are necessary to mine, heat, process, and fabricate the “renewable” products manufactured to replace them. All renewable manufacturing is ultimately dependent on the fossil fuels it is designed to retire. Nosebleed oil prices compelled a reckoning with the impacts of inflation on the costs of vast solar fields and an EV in every driveway. Concurrently, rising interest rates undermined financing incentives for renewable products. The technological unfeasibility of the Utopian scheme to replace fuels with gadgets becomes clearer daily. Nuclear power quickly becomes economically and politically necessary as the only bailout for errant policy.

The technological timing of this transition is pivotal. It is questionable whether the world should be launching into mass manufacturing and installation of solar panels that are merely 22% efficient when technology promises 34% efficiency panels soon. Nuclear energy technology, in contrast, has been evolving for decades since the 1960s reactors most people envision when they think of nuclear power plants. Unless and until the technological and cost limitations of renewable energy are overcome, nuclear energy presents as a far superior option.

A New Generation

This is why nuclear energy activists were allowed entry into COP28, and climate activists have embraced nuclear power as “an effective way forward.” These are not your grandmother’s nuclear power plants. Beginning with a US-initiated research program in 2000, the “Generation IV International Forum” (GIF) collectively decided on lower-risk fission reactor designs for the future:

“[L]ate in 2002 GIF (then representing ten countries) announced the selection of six reactor technologies which they believe represent the future shape of nuclear energy … These were selected on the basis of being clean, safe and cost-effective means of meeting increased energy demands on a sustainable basis, while being resistant to diversion of materials for weapons proliferation and secure from terrorist attack … Most of the six systems employ a closed fuel cycle to maximise the resource base and minimise high-level wastes to be sent to a repository.”

Fusion on the Horizon

In the background of this nuclear power renaissance lurks nuclear fusion, which creates energy by combining (rather than splitting) lighter elements such as helium or hydrogen: The resulting reaction releases atomic “binding energy.” Nuclear fusion promises the cleanest and safest energy but presents more challenging scientific obstacles. The World Nuclear Association explained:

“Fusion power offers the prospect of an almost inexhaustible source of energy for future generations, but it also presents so far unresolved engineering challenges.

“The fundamental challenge is to achieve a rate of heat emitted by a fusion plasma that exceeds the rate of energy injected into the plasma.

“The main hope is centred on tokamak reactors and stellarators which confine a deuterium-tritium plasma magnetically.”

The scientific jury is still out on whether these fusion challenges can be solved by humankind, especially in time to avert alleged climate doom. But it appears that the world is quietly but quickly moving toward an acceptance of modernized fission reactors much like the Prodigal Son: “Gee, we missed you. Where have you been?” Next thing you know, Greta Thunberg will be advocating for “fast-neutron” nuclear reactor construction to “end” fossil fuels and save the world!

The post Nuclear Power Is Back? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Kari Lake Interview – Radio Row, Manchester

Thu, 2024-01-25 13:00 +0000

As promised more interviews from Radio Row in Manchester on Primary Day in New Hampshire. We shared the interview with Eric Trump yesterday, and next up is our conversation with Kari Lake.

Kari is a Trump campaign advocate and relentless fighter for election integrity. Most recently, news broke – aud leaked, actually, of Arizona Republican Party chair Jeff DeWit caught on secret recording trying to bribe Kari Lake not to run for the Senate. We didn’t talk about that but we did talk about issues relevant to America and the New Hampshire primary.

Jeff Chihidester takes the lead – watch it on Rumble (and please remember to follow us!)


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The post Kari Lake Interview – Radio Row, Manchester appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Modular Stands as a Business Promotion Tool

Thu, 2024-01-25 12:30 +0000

Modular exhibition stands are an effective means of business development, allowing companies to stand out among competitors at events and attract the attention of the target audience. Their flexibility, functionality and innovative design make mobile systems an integral part of a successful business strategy.

We offer to consider the key advantages of modular exhibition stands, their variety and ways of effective application in the modern business space.

Design features of mobile stands

They are part of all kinds of exhibition systems made of aluminium profile. Modular exhibition stands are a collapsible construction consisting of several components. Due to their versatility, they can be assembled in different variants according to the requirements of a particular site.

Modular stands are considered to be the most budget-friendly and convenient type of visual advertising. A collapsible structure consisting of all kinds of stands and frames provides a wide range of uses – from exhibitions to presentations and various promotional events.

Types of exhibition stands
  • There are several types of exhibition stands, differing in shape and size:
  • Linear – systems with one-sided placement of information.
  • Corner – they have a non-separable shape with two identical sides.
  • Island – the key feature of this format is to maximise coverage of potential customers passing on four sides of the structure.
  • Peninsulas – voluminous three-sided systems that maximise the use of space.
  • Through – an effective way to place the most important elements in the main aisles, which increases the availability of the submitted information content.
  • Visible – installation of identical structures opposite each other.
  • Multilevel – systems of several floors.

Advantages of exhibition stands

The main advantages of mobile stands include:

  • convenience of placement regardless of location;
  • ease of assembly and installation. They do not require a lot of time for installation, use of special tools or experience;
  • adaptability. Graphic materials on the panels can be easily changed, adjusting to the requirements of a particular advertising campaign or event;
  • ease of transport, and for this purpose is suitable for an ordinary passenger car;
  • the possibility of modelling for a specific location, which makes the construction convenient to use at various events.

In addition, panels with graphic images can be easily attached to the profiles using magnetic tape. Modular stands are designed for multiple use, which makes their use cost-effective and reduces advertising costs.

All these factors make this format of visual advertising an effective way to promote business. It is an ideal tool for companies looking to stand out and attract the attention of their target audience.

The post Modular Stands as a Business Promotion Tool appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Manchester Free Press aims to bring together in one place everything that you need to know about what’s happening in the Free State of New Hampshire.

As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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