So. Many. Memes.
Note that, with an exception here and there, I’m posting them in the order I download them.
Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition. Last week’s Friday Edition.
Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:
- Ridicule cannot easily be fought
- Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
- For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.
Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
A real pity we can’t have DEI airlines for them, and merit based ones for us.
These things used to be normal.
One of the first things I learned when pursuing an MBA and taking management-oriented classes: You get more of what you reward.
I remember, some years ago so I don’t have the link, alas, reading about a NASA scientist who said that the data needed to be adjusted to match the models.
I’d been suspicious of climate change for a while, for multiple reasons (e.g., here) but this was one of the hold-the-phone, WTF did a scientist just say moments for me.
Some time ago, on my old blog, I mentioned a liberal migrant to Austin, TX; she was complaining about the high taxes, going higher. She said that she’d voted for every community improvement, every bike path, etc. Sowell once said the most dangerous person is one who gives advice but pays no price for being wrong, I’d argue a very close second is the person who does not connect the price they pay with the actions they took.
Last time I was checked into the ER I had them print out the thing that you normally sign electronically. On each page I put NO COVID VACCINE, signed, dated, and took a picture of each page before I gave it to them. Not 100% foolproof but at least they’re on notice.
Now, of course, it’d be NO VACCINES AT ALL, PERIOD!
This is actually very insightful.
I have trouble wrapping my mind around this.
MHO, a gibbet comes to mind.
A true, classic liberal – willing to investigate and change their mind when new evidence comes to the fore.
“Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.[To Hindu priests complaining to him about the prohibition of Sati religious funeral practice of burning widows alive on her husband’s funeral pyre.]”
― Charles James Napier
Though I have to admit… Fetterman does seem to be actually thinking these days.
Bought, compromised, or both. That’s what I think is happening around the world, and at most levels from national on down.
Selected link section:
Shocking Audio Admission: Parents Not Warned About Myocarditis Risk ‘Because It Might Scare Them’ (
No words exist for the depths of this treachery. Related:
The CDC Doctor Responsible for Hiding Myocarditis and Promoting Vaccines ⋆ Brownstone Institute
What We’ve Learned From Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports – The Burning Platform
About two years ago I suddenly went diabetic; Type 1. That’s a Jab side effect. So too is tinnitus, which I have from the moment I wake up to the moment I pass out in the evening. I am 99% sure I picked up mRNA from my triple-jabbed wife as both started roughly in 2021-2022 as my wife was getting her shots and, later, a booster.
No Cash Accepted | Armstrong Economics
They’re pushing. Push back. Speak to the manager of your local stores and tell them you’re a cash customer.
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like 1776 – PJ Media
America desperately needs a recalibration. The Texas border battle is the precursor to the 2024 presidential election, which is also about rejecting tyranny, punishing criminal bureaucrats and politicians, and restoring America by preventing further and future abuse of the citizenry by our own government.
If America is to continue its uninterrupted run as the nation with the longest standing and continuous “democracy” in world history, we must force our tyrannical federal government to stand down one way or another.
Bombshell report: UN handing out $1.6 BILLION through NGOs, helps give debit cards to illegal immigrants | Law Enforcement Today |
UN Budgets Millions for U.S.-Bound Migrants in 2024 (
Denationizing the United States – American Thinker
Orchestrated at the highest levels.
Citing one of my favorite proverbs:
A smart man learns from his mistakes. A wise man, from the mistakes of others.
Words from a Bosnian Survivalist.pdf (
The problem I’m finding in planning groups and allies ahead of time is that so many people just think “Oh that’s just not possible here”. And this though I still prefer paper printouts. Because without power, your data is useless.
Storing Valuable “How to” Digital Data, by Slate Creek. (
You won’t believe the crap that Ivy League “elites” believe, according to Scott Rasmussen’s polls… – Revolver News
Because they’ve never truly had to experience the consequences of their beliefs. Reality can be a very harsh teacher.
NSA Confirms Purchasing Data on American Citizens’ Internet Behavior, Circumventing the Need for Warrants (
They want to view everything.
Pick of the post:
Sure does look like him. And this is who is coming in through our border. We doubtless have multiple cells here – Islamic, Chinese, Iranian, Russian… I predict things will get very spicy, within the year, and focused on the cities where the most damage can be done.
Palate Cleansers:
Come back Wednesday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.
Buy Me a Coffee
(My thanks to John who recently gave me 10 coffees!)
The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.