The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 1 min 45 sec ago

When Your “Professor of Peace” Calls for the Destruction of Israel

Fri, 2023-12-15 20:30 +0000

Mohammad Jafer Mahallati is on indefinite administrative leave. The former UN Ambassador from Iran (1987-1989) has been implicated in his crimes against humanity, but Oberlin College hired him anyway. Now, they are paying him to do nothing.

Not that this isn’t the ideal final form of every liberal college professor, but that wasn’t the original plan. Oberlin was OK with calling a Jew-hating anti-semite their Peace Professor. Still, after Oct 7, the College is officially on the hook and under Federal Investigation after ignoring years of Jafer Mahallati praising violence and assigning “anti-Israel readings to his students.”


[Mohammad Jafer Mahallati’s] ouster comes in the middle of a federal investigation of antisemitism at Oberlin based on charges brought by 1986 alumna Melissa Landa, whose story we covered here. Landa is president of the Oberlin Chapter of Alums for Campus Fairness, a non-profit group that fights antisemitism at the school. She filed her complaint against Oberlin with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) back in 2019. On September 29, the OCR announced it is looking into her charges under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI).


I’m sure Oberlin will do what it can to avoid complicity as it is still reeling from losing the Gibson’s Bakery case in which a Dean went on a hate-fueled intifada against a local business. The defamation suit cost the College tens of millions in ‘reparations’ owed the Gibson family. This Mohammad thing has a similar woke pit of hell stench to it. The reporting suggests that complaints have been amassed over the years only to be ignored by Oberlin’s enlightened masters until now.

Their Bias response team must have ignored numerous calls from the nearest courtesy phone. Lots of calls. It seems the Professor of Peace meant peace through genocide, and hey, once your enemy is dead, there is peace, or you are dead and at peace.

Then, there is the peace of collecting your salary to do nothing while Western elites rend their garments over being labeled racists for suspending you.

Yeah. I bet it’s like that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Dems Dictatorial Political and Societal Leviathan

Fri, 2023-12-15 19:00 +0000

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently pointed out that, according to Woodrow Wilson, “popular sovereignty” embarrassed the Nation because it interfered with “executive expertness.” From Wilson’s distorted view, the modern Democrat Party emerged as a dictatorial political and societal Leviathan.

The Obama-Biden monstrosity used these so-called experts to transform the most historically prosperous society and civilization into a racist, perverted, communist nightmare. So-called experts under these numbskulls have transformed “common sense” into “nonsense.” Our society is experiencing a perversion of sanity to destroy Western Civilization. These demonic experts disdain the fundamental basis of Western Civilization, the family unit, and work tirelessly to destroy the fabric that holds the Nation and, more importantly, our humanity together. The three women Ivy League presidents’ failure to condemn Antisemitism is a perfect example.

These pseudo-experts expect us to believe the entire span of human history, since Adam bit into Eve’s apple, was wrong in acknowledging there are two sexes: male and female. These modern-day alchemists propound a world populated with 72 genders, including transgenderism. The only possible purpose of this malarkey is: “If we can get the hoi-poi to believe in 72 genders and instruct our minor children that, despite their birth sex, they should deny their God-given gender, people will do whatever these perverted experts say.”

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Another principle of Obama-Biden dystopia is intersectionality: a racist and dogmatic diatribe (theory) designed and developed to divide and destroy American society and Western Civilization with jealousy, envy, and hatred based on turning races and nationalities against each other, especially against white people. Love of God and country is being replaced with hate and violent protests.

Finally, these “nonsense experts” tell us it is the gun’s fault when there is a mass shooting by a known criminal whose mental illness is well-known to local authorities. What these perverted experts want is to take away guns so they can control everyone without risk. Remember, 12 million people were murdered in Hitler’s gas chambers!

Putting Donald Trump back in the White House cannot happen soon enough!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-12-15 17:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And a large part of their egos – their vanity – is tied up with the idea that they’re “good people” because they believe certain things.  And, thus, admitting they were wrong not only challenges their view of themselves as superior beings, but… if their beliefs are wrong, then those beliefs that prove they’re superior and moral and all could be wrong, and therefore they’re not superior or moral.

Few have the strength for that level of introspection.

















Even in my atheistic days I could not – would not – every have slipped and said “My Muslim faith…” in a conversation.  Nor, as an atheist, would I nor did I ever say “My Jewish faith…”  The fact that he said that was revealing.  Also revealing was how the reporter rescued him.





In an actual science, when predictions fail, that weakens the theory.





Proving that it’s ONE rule for the proles, and ANOTHER RULE for the plebes.











IMHO were this any other company, this would have had pols screaming THIS IS FRAUD by now.  I have to admit admiration – when pharma buys politicians and regulators, they stay bought.  I wonder if there’s an “Or else…” clause.












Something very important to remember here.  They’ll back down… temporarily.  But then push forward again.  And you think you’re going to stop them by protesting or writing letters or voting?

Please understand, I am not advocating violence.  But I must also point out that these people are True Believers.  Like the Terminator, they will not stop, ever, until we’re Communists.








Multiple signs “something” is coming, and soon.  Just look at the furor over the Obama-involved coming Netflix show (setting aside the anti-white stuff).

‘Leave the World Behind’ Trailer: Julia Roberts Confronts the Apocalypse – The Hollywood Reporter

Now, looming, are warnings about power outages:


Power Outages this Winter – But it’s WORSE than that – Get READY






Just like our “good and dear friend” Klaus predicted:


Like many things, I used to think that the whole idea of “predictive programming” and such were just more foil-hat nonsense.  But as the mood of the country darkens, along comes this preview… of an American civil war:


Also on my Rumble channel:

Preview: Movie of coming American Civil War (

And it could be a combination of things.  Cyberattack.  EMP.  Engineered false flags to create a race war, or civil war… migrants being mated up with the scads of weapons and ammo bought over the decades, particularly under Barackus – and then let loose on those who don’t obey.  They don’t even need specific orders.  Islamic terror cells already here, or Chinese cells, or Russians, or all of the above.

Pay attention to the movies that are about to come out.  Articles.  Online posts.  What’s said on the various talk shows, especially those aimed at the LIVs.  Get as prepped as you can.  Make alliances.  Things can go downhill surprisingly fast.

Remember, they want chaos, uncertainty, despair, fear, and even massive deaths.  All the better to then offer the “benevolent hand” of their one-world government socialist state as salvation.  I will not bet against finding our elections cancelled “temporarily”… and likely worse.

Al’s Conservative Political Views: Can a False Flag Event Cancel the 2024 Election? (

























And the problem is so many still do.
















Pick of the Post:



I’m getting to that point more and more often.




Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

They Just Added Another “Flavor” at ” ‘Queer’ Baskin Robbins”

Fri, 2023-12-15 16:00 +0000

Is sexual attraction or the absence of it the thing that defines you? To the Cultural Marxist Gender Side-Show, Circus Tent Ring Leaders it is. And like any good self-serving cartel, the more freaks, the better. So, they’ve introduced a new “gender” defining term.


 The Canadian Medical Association Journal has introduced the term “greysexual” as the latest so-called “sexual orientation” invented by LGBT activists.    

According to a paper published December 4, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Canada’s top medical association, is now recognizing people who claim to be “greysexual,” meaning they are “experiencing sexual attraction rarely or under specific circumstances.”  …

The article, co-authored by Stella A. Schneckenburger, Michelle W.Y. Tam and Lori E. Ross, introduces “greysexual” as a subsection of “asexual.” 

The report divides asexual into “demisexuality (only experiencing sexual attraction after emotional bonds form) and greysexuality (experiencing sexual attraction rarely or under specific circumstances.)”


Jim Henson’s earlier known work was for Sesame Street, and one of the things that resulted from that was the anything muppet. A hand puppet you could get to which you might affix any number of characteristics—different eyes, noses, etc. Once you get past LGB, everything on the social construct we call the gender spectrum is an anything muppet. Most of it is contrived minor differences in personal preference related to sexual attraction. If you applied the same thinking to food across the whole of the human experience, the DSM would be larger than the average Congressional Omnibus bill or a manual on understanding women.

Put another way, and this is critical, medical experts are parsing the gender hairs with notions like greysexual to profit from another clinical diagnosis. This might be about mental health and how clinicians can corral another group of people into therapy dollars and drug treatment kickbacks.

Why else bother? Adding another flavor to the Queer Baskin Robbins menu isn’t going to divide us further though it might divide the alphabet sex squad another angstrom or two as they fight for dominance on the victim-class totem, which seems counterproductive at this juncture. Team unity doesn’t need its gender-blended troops sniping each other into fractious disarray. Not yet.

But because this is Canada, I did have another thought. What if this new “diagnosis” will inevitably be used to recommend more people for Medical Assistance in dying?

Killer Kanada and all that.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Defend A Border … Ukraine’s!

Fri, 2023-12-15 14:30 +0000

President Biden, you insult us. You stand at a podium next to President Zelenskyy and tell us all the reasons that we must continue to send Billions of dollars to Ukraine to fund their battle against Putin and the invading Russians. Mr. President, you preach to us that we must continue to spend money to preserve the sovereignty of Ukraine while you have no concern for the sovereignty of America.

Our country is in decline in every measurable parameter, and that, Joe Biden is on you. America was not only a better place under Donald Trump, but it was growing stronger every day. Under your “leadership,” America has taken two steps back for every day forward.

Zelenskyy knows who the cash cow is in the world. That is why he comes to America every few months, wearing his battlefield green uniform, to tell us that all of Europe is in jeopardy if we stop funding Ukraine and let it fall. If true, why does he not go to Europe for their cash? It is maybe because they have already seen through the smoke and mirrors. If Putin even hinted at penetrating one of the NATO countries, he would have all of NATO to contend with. Ukraine is not in NATO. That doesn’t mean we should sit back and watch Putin destroy the country, but it should not be our sole responsibility to fund their battle that cannot be won. Instead of more money, we should use our power to get Zelenskyy and Putin to a negotiating table and find a diplomatic resolution to a never-ending, winless battle. After two months, Biden is ready to walk away from Israel, but after two years of funding Ukraine, it is carry on, and Americans should shut up and keep writing the check. Damn, I hope the House stays resilient and does not free up another dime for Ukraine until Biden changes direction and ends the assault by the world on our Southern Border.

It has been evident for some time that Joe Biden had no interest in closing the Southern Border. The rate of crossings is nearly two million a year and rising. For comparison, Joe Biden has allowed more illegal aliens to enter our country than there are people in two Nebraskas. If collected into one geographic area, that area would be the 14th most populated state in the union. There is no end in sight.

To view the footage of the border crossings, don’t bother looking at any of the network broadcasts; you would be hard-pressed to find a family unit. The current flow of humanity is almost exclusively military-aged single men from all parts of the world. We do not have the human resources or data available to vet this many people. Because of those circumstances, we have no idea who has entered and is now roaming our streets. This is safety and security in Joe Biden’s America, and it should worry every American because any of these crossers could soon be our next-door neighbor. That fear has nothing to do with Race or Color, but the person’s character. We have no idea who we let in through our front door.

The illegal immigration and support of a corrupt Ukraine are but two reasons Joe Biden should not be President. Forget Impeachment. Joe Biden should be tried for treason for what he has done in three years to destroy America. Age and mental competency are the least of the concerns we should have about another term of Joe Biden’s Presidency. It is Biden’s motive that we should really examine.

The post We Defend A Border … Ukraine’s! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Irony Alert: To Avoid DEI Ban College Renames it the “Division of People, Culture and Belonging.”

Fri, 2023-12-15 13:00 +0000

Like any good grift, when the time comes to move along, you change your name and start over somewhere else to stay one step ahead of the law. But a College isn’t going to just up and move its campus. It can, however, get creative with names.


Kent State University has embedded DEI efforts throughout its academics and programming in recent years, creating a new Division of People, Culture and Belonging and adding administrators, faculty, and projects centered around the ideology, a College Fix analysis found.

The new division, established in September, merged the Human Resources department and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion offices. The rebranding came as Buckeye State lawmakers considered legislation to ban mandatory DEI in higher education.

What’s more, Amoaba Gooden’s new title is vice president of the Division of People, Culture and Belonging, according to her faculty bio. She previously served as vice president of the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department.


Diversity Equity and Inclusion programs (along with Critical Race Theory and the gender studies basket weaving classes) are Divisive, unequal, and exclusive. They foster distrust, division, and even hate. But the Campus culture is inculcated with that. A process and program, underway for decades, infused with compelled speech components that a college or university accessing public money might have to remove.

Meet the Division of People, Culture, and Belonging.

It’s got a very Maoist ring to it, so I have a few questions. Will belonging apply to all people and cultures and find its way into every office? Old college interview and acceptance rules might need to be scrapped. Anyone with a pulse should be admitted to Kent State (so they feel like they belong) without regard to their ideological or fiscal culture or quantity of belongings.

Undergraduate tuition & fees at Kent State University are $11,373 for Ohio residents and $20,287 for out-of-state students. That’s an unjust class structure abusing people because they belong to another state.

Fini! No more.

What else? Grades have to go. We’ve seen it in progressive bivouacs like Oregon. Math and reading are racist. Grading and achievement are racist. Assigning ratings of any sort makes people feel left out. Team sports? Same problem. The ‘everyone gets a trophy’ generation needs more than a trophy. They need to feel like they belong. Put them on the team and not just on a bench.

Gotta ditch Tenure. You mixed HR and DEI, and nothing says white privilege culture like tenure.

I’m sure there are other opportunities, but you get the point. Not that anyone at Kent State would ever do anything other than protect the destructive agenda of DEI in whatever form they could manage, regardless of how it might contradict the actual operation or culture.

And hey, it is named the Division of People, Culture, and Belonging. Division is in the name, and that’s what we’ll get. So, more of the same.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Election Recount Lawsuit: Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua

Fri, 2023-12-15 11:30 +0000

Grok readers should already be familiar with Nashua’s own private citizen, Laurie Ortolano, who has made many watchdog contributions over the years and has a court date next week, but there’s another pro se litigant, Paula Johnson, who also had a court date.

As an elected official in multiple capacities over the years (state rep, alderman, and school board member), she might have more name recognition, but her case might not. I’ve been asked by management to say a little something about Paula’s litigation, which has potential ties to Daniel Richard‘s current Supreme Court case. More on that later.

In preparing what to say, I thought a good idea would be to reread Paula’s petition, which is the document presented to the court outlining the complaint. There are four counts to her civil complaint, and they come from a November 18 school recount. I will pause here for a moment to include a link to a montage of 8 hours of multiple camera footage assembled with the same artistic license that NESN would use for the playoffs.

And another link, which is the aggregate (non ward specific) recount numbers.

To give a condensed synopsis, there were eight candidates running for five seats.  Paula Johnson was the winner with the least number of votes and the only incumbent not affiliated with the local Ruling Class. Shewanda Daniels Williams (“SDW”), coming in only six votes behind Paula on election night, was the loser with the biggest number of votes.  The recount, requested by SDW, flipped the seat to a 7-vote loss for Paula.  So, 13 “Emergency Democrat Votes” were found to create the recount results. Interestingly, lots of numbers changed in varying degrees for all the candidates, but that’s a topic for another article. My assignment was to write about Paula’s case.

We want to thank Julie Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Complaint #1 has to do with substantive and procedural due process.  The school board is a separate and autonomous political subdivision from the City of Nashua. Article 74 of the city charter says, “the City of Nashua shall continue to constitute one school district and the school under the Nashua Charter, committee of said city, shall be ‘styled’ the Board of Education.”  City Clerk Healey, a named defendant, ignored a separate statute governing school recounts, which required recount oversight by the school board rather than the Board of Aldermen.  Also, a checklist was not provided to the plaintiff.  School Clerk Lamphier, another named defendant, was not present for the recount as required of her.

Complaint #2 has to do with ballot storage and chain of custody.  I will pause again here for a moment to share a video of Attorney Bolton, corporation counsel, lashing out at the plaintiff.


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The video is almost 6 minutes long, but the last 2 minutes are of most interest. Paula is seen asserting herself to her right to inspect things and Attorney Bolton has a meltdown.  Let’s just say that there were similar procedural shenanigans to what Mr Bean(of the seacoast, not the UK) complained to SoS Scanlan about during Lou Gargiulo’s senate recount last year.(boxes taped differently and labeled differently)

Complaint #3 has to do with the Equal Protection Clause.  City elections are supposed to be nonpartisan, and the plaintiff and her supporters were denied the opportunity for adequate cross-checking and observation during the recount process. There were numerous violations of this. They included but were not limited to, assigning the counting and recording to members of the Ruling Class and their minions.

I cited several examples of this in a long email to Senator Gray, the Election Law Committee chair, requesting a bill that moves city recounts to the archives.*  Sadly, he seemed significantly less interested in submitting a late senate bill to clean up election operations than the House Criminal Justice Committee chair was when it came to gun background checks exploiting two recent tragedies. Disappointing. However, being the engineer that he is, he did inquire about the data regarding the change in numbers for each candidate and wanted to see the ward-specific numbers, which seemingly nobody has been able to get their hands on!

Complaint #4 has to do with the handling of absentee ballots. Remember my reference to the Daniel Richard case in the beginning?  This complaint has his oral argument talking points of adjudication, verification, and processing of absentee ballots. Anyone seeking further details can refer to his case.

There’s plenty of opportunity for semi-related sidebar articles, follow-up articles, and other editorials.  Paula’s court date was to be Monday, December 18, the same day as Laurie Ortolano’s case against the City. When Paula received that date over two weeks ago, Laurie’s had already been on the calendar for quite some time. Furthermore, Judge Temple has allotted Laurie 3 days for her case. One does not need a law degree to have noticed the dates overlap immediately, but Attorney Bolton waited until just a few days ago to file a Motion to Continue. That’s a request to reschedule in non-legalspeak. Naturally, Judge Temple granted Attorney Bolton’s request, as he usually does, and a new date has not yet been chosen. Stay tuned, especially because swearing-in day is coming up soon, and Paula’s plan included a “motion to expedite” as the matter is time-sensitive.

And if you have already booked a vacation day or scheduled a sitter or whatever personal arrangement to make yourself available to attend, all is not lost. Laurie Ortolano could use some support by way of filling the bleachers. A summary of her case can be found here.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: No One Is Stopping You From Having Sex and Reproducing

Fri, 2023-12-15 04:00 +0000

Last week, one of the Legislative Service Requests (LSR) I sponsored received an actual House Bill number 1248, and boy, did it cause a squabble. Yes, it is a save-the-baby bill that limits abortions to 15 days. Dave Testerman is the sponsor and the cosponsors are myself and Senator Gendreau.

The Democrats took no time attacking how “the MAGA majority (it sucks if you’re not a Trump supporter because the democrats just lumped you all into the Trump majority) is going to new extremes in their radical agenda to take away reproductive freedoms” (this, of course, is a lie, no one is taking away anyone’s reproductive freedoms, no one is stopping you from having sex and reproducing).

Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia “The female reproductive system has two functions: The first is to produce egg cells, and the second is to protect and nourish the offspring until birth.” Do you see the natural laws we live under? The reproductive system is there to protect and nourish the offspring until birth. Just like gravity, if we jump, we fall. Just because we have the know-how to kill our offspring does not mean that should be the norm.

We want to thank John Sellers for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

This bill had President Biden and many news outlets talking about it. I have to say, when you get the president, news outlets, and the democratic party’s attention, you know they are running scared and sending a message to all their minions.

What did we hear from the NHGOP, the national GOP, or presidential candidates running for office???? Crickets, not a peep. They all lost their chance to show how extreme that most Democrats want unlimited abortions.

Here’s the real issue: morals. Do we have any morals left in NH? Do we know right from wrong anymore? Do we cherish life over death? Why kill an innocent baby who has done nothing wrong? The man and woman made a choice to reproduce, and that is on them, not the baby. The people don’t want women getting abortions at six months, six months!

Let’s fight the lies and deception that have been sold to us over the years. Abortion is killing an innocent human life; a baby’s life starts at conception; we can’t arbitrarily make up when life starts. There is no excuse; we scientifically know when life starts. The sex, color of the hair, eye, and skin, how tall or short, and other characteristics of the baby have been determined at conception. It is beyond shameful we need an anti-abortion bill to stop killing innocent lives.


Representative John Sellers

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Liberals Let Antisemitism Happen Here

Fri, 2023-12-15 02:30 +0000

I wish I had more sympathy for liberals shocked by the apologias and celebrations of barbarity their progressive brethren have issued in response to Hamas’ slaughter of Israeli civilians on Oct. 7.

But liberals share great responsibility for the antisemitic eruptions on many college campuses and the streets of major cities by allowing left-wing ideologues to hijack their politics and their children – for turning conservatives into Cassandras by refusing to heed our warnings about the ongoing assault on truth and justice.

These same wounded souls offered no resistance as the Democratic Party tripled down on identity politics in recent years, assigning Americans to specific groups and then pitting them against one another. They stood by as the left falsely trashed America as a hotbed of hatred, white supremacy, and Christian nationalism. Now, Jews are also somehow the bad guys.

Liberals continue to subscribe to fearmongering publications such as the Washington Post, the Atlantic, and the New York Times, which routinely compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler and warn that he plans to rule as a dictator if he wins in 2024.

They have supported Democratic prosecutors who have weaponized the criminal justice system by filing 91 felony charges against the former president, most of which are flimsy, some of them absurd.

They cheered the Department of Justice’s years-long fishing expedition based on Hillary Clinton’s slander that Trump stole the 2016 victory by colluding with Vladimir Putin. Once that hoax was exposed, they were happy to see Trump become the third president in history to be impeached merely for asking Ukraine’s president to look into the Biden family’s shady dealings in that country.

They supported numerous other efforts to remove Trump from office, including two impeachments, on bogus claims of corruption – Saudis are staying in his hotels! – while willfully ignoring Joe Biden’s own longstanding involvement in his family’s lucrative influence-peddling schemes with corrupt and hostile nations.

They defined Trump’s hyperbole as an existential threat to democracy while dismissing President Biden’s incessant falsehoods, starting with the claim that may have secured his election: “I never talk with my son or my brother or anyone else in the distant family about their business interests, period.”

They have shrugged their shoulders at evidence that the government has been working with Twitter (now X), Facebook, and other big tech players to censor speech it doesn’t like. Many have joined the effort to demonize Elon Musk for the sin of supporting free speech on X.

The same folks shocked at the rise of antisemitic rhetoric and behavior stood by when conservative speakers were bullied on campus and cancel culture became a favorite tool of the left to punish dissent. They supported divisive efforts to spin smears into facts by refusing to push back on phony claims about book-banning or prohibiting the use of the word gay, by demonizing parents concerned about what their children are taught, and by attributing all disparities between blacks and whites to racism.

Now, they are shocked by the venomous responses to Israel’s actions.

It is easy to understand why liberals made this deal with the devil. As they became consumed by their fear of Trump and the tens of millions of Americans who support him, the left’s no-holds-barred tactics seemed to offer liberals a more effective way to crush their enemy than their traditional commitment to open dialogue and tolerance, democracy, and the rule of law.

Liberals were willing to suspend their values in the vain belief that they could control the forces they empowered. Like their naïve predecessors in Revolutionary Russia and 1930s Germany, American liberals are only beginning to realize their tragic mistake. In just the last few years, the left has largely captured the most powerful forces of American politics and culture once dominated by liberals, including academia, corporate media, and the government’s permanent bureaucracy. They now control the narrative and the tools to punish those who challenge their dogma. Resistance can seem like an effort to push back the tide. It’s one reason liberals just keep their heads down and their mouths shut.

By revealing the inhumanity at the core of leftist ideology – which always and everywhere sees people as eggs that must be broken to make their pipe dream omelets – Oct. 7 has shown liberals in clear and horrifying terms the price of their dangerous alliance.

I fear that this recognition has come too late for them and for America.


J Peder Zane | RealClear Wire


The post How Liberals Let Antisemitism Happen Here appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DCYF Double Jeopardy: We’ll Just Ignore That The Judge Canceled Our Case…

Fri, 2023-12-15 01:00 +0000

“They keep on dragging me back in…” Last week, I reported here (“Night Cap: DCYF Court Case Got “Judge Canceled””) that “the Judge” canceled DCYF:

Yes, I am still in “semi-retirement” and not writing much, having to take care of TMEW, the Grandson, and the Granddaughter’s needs in a variety of very time-consuming ways. However, I am quite happy to report that one of “Life’s familial responsibilities” has just come to a good end:

Case DISMISSED – So Ordered

And my thought then was, “That was that.” But as we have seen more and more, when the Government gets snotty and has the Power to make you miserable, EVEN WHEN YOU’VE BEEN PROVEN RIGHT (or, in this case, innocent) and has a “hair across,” it will strive to multiply that miserableness.

DCYF is going to take a THIRD bite at the apple.

I got the call from my son stating that after DCYF’s case against him for abuse was thrown, and the “lesser” charge of Neglect was dismissed, DCYF is going to “join him” into the Daughter-in-law’s case that was already decided, shoving him into that case AFTER the Judge’s decision to apply the same penalties because “He is still considered a household member.”

Translation: “The judicial system found you innocent twice, but WE will have our revenge.” Rules? Who needs any stinkin’ rules?  The message, IMHO, is, “We expect parents to simply bend over and lay down, and if you don’t…” HOW MANY OTHER TIMES HAS DCYF USED THIS TACTIC??

Why not – how many Parents have the resources to fight them knowing that, worst case, their kids will be adopted out and they’ll never see them again?  How many Parents are willing to risk that outcome?  And as far as the child is concerned, DCYF is always talking about the wrongness of induced Trauma…how’s that gonna work in that worst case?

The DCYF case manager sent along their “Social Study” form, declaring that he now has to fill it out.

Again…Double Jeopardy?  Or Triple…

As one would guess, I was a bit miffed at the reaction of the Government being kicked to the curb and then deciding to kick the reason why they got kicked (er, the Eldest).  So, do you think I remained stoic, silently standing on the sidelines, gazing off and contemplating now-snow-capped Mt. Washington, believing, “well, that’s the system we have brought upon ourselves?”

I know, trick question (smirk!). Here’s what I returned after I saw the actual email thread:

—— Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To <redacted as I know the case manager was TOLD to do this – the responsible people are further up the food chain>
Cc The Eldest
Date 12/8/2023 8:43:02 AM
Subject Re: Fwd: Social Study for <the Eldest>

Oh, so now we’re going to do the “tell the prisoner to put the noose on by himself and then pull the lever bit“?

My next RTK series will just about write itself.


And so I got to work – first salvo:

—— Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To “Cooney-Bilodeau, Stacey” <>; “Donovan, Maygan” <>
Cc “Daniel Murphy” <>
Date 12/8/2023 10:01:15 AM
Subject Re[2]: Fwd: Social Study for Dan

DCYF attempted to prosecute Dan on Abuse charges.  That was dropped
DCYF then attempted to join Dan to Sarah’s case – that was thrown out
DCYF failed to prove its latest case, that of Neglect, due to the insufficiency of the evidence.
DCYF wants to replay #2?
NH Constitution, Part 1 Article 16:

[Art.] 16. [Former Jeopardy; Jury Trial in Capital Cases.] No subject shall be liable to be tried, after an acquittal, for the same crime or offense…

Read that again, just to be clear.

Please also find attached my next RSA 91:A demand aimed at DCYF. It should be rather easy to fulfill.

I was going to strictly focus on SAU7 for a while as I started off with some easy ones for Jennifer Noyes (SpecEd Director) yesterday.  Now my gaze will turn back towards the Division ahead of schedule instead.

To be continued…



Sidenote: Jennifer Noyes is the Special Ed director of the Colebrook School District. I’ll be blunt – I believe, like in other rumors of Districts dropping dimes on “too-interested-and-uppity” parents to DCYF, that’s what’s happened here.  I’ll be writing about those Right To Knows later.

Here’s the Right To Know I sent to DCYF in its entirety:

December 8, 2023

Right to Know Request per RSA-91A: Double Jeopardy

To repeat the responsibilities of NH Government workers and Citizens:

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them. Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive…The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government…

and a further proviso to protect the Rights and Liberties of innocents from an overbearing and overreaching Government that seeks retribution against a single citizen:

[Art.] 16. [Former Jeopardy…] No subject shall be liable to be tried, after an acquittal, for the same crime or offense…


Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the following Governmental Records for the Division of:

  • The name and title of the Division of Children, Youth and Family Services (“DCYF”) employee(s) either making or assisting in this second decision to join the Eldest to the Daughter-in-law’s Neglect case after:
    • Judge <redacted> DISMISSED the FIRST “Join” petition by DCYF
    • Judge <redacted> ordered that the Neglect case brought by DCYF against Daniel was to be DISMISSED.
  • Provide any and all communications related to this decision regardless of the mode of communications (e.g., email, voice mails, notes, phone texts but not to exclude other modes)
  • Names of the communicants
  • Titles of the communicants
  • Date(s) of the communications

Note: If any such communications would fall into realm of RSA 91-A 5, XII exemptions (“Records protected under the attorney-client privilege or the attorney work product doctrine ), redact such privileged text but still provide (re: my precedent setting Right To Know that ended up with DHHS Deputy Legal Counsel John B. Martin):

And to hammer the point home in this Dillon’s Rule State in which subdivisions of the State MUST be explicitly delegated the Power to do ANYTHING by an Act of the State Legislature:

  • State any RSA(s) that allows DCYF to override the Article 16’s Constitutional authority to bring a second action against Daniel after the failure of DCYF’s first “Join” petition.
  • State any DCYF regulation that overrides any such RSA(s) or Article 16’s “safe harbor” protections against employing a mere subdivision of the State attempted preemption “double jeopardy” protections.

To that latter point – I want to see if DCYF has decided to give itself such Powers just School Boards, vis Policies on Transgenders, give themselves the ability to subvert the First Amendment and Article 22 (both dealing with Free Speech) to ignore the Right to be Free from Double Jeopardy.

If this cannot be fulfilled within that 5 business day mandated window per RSA 91-A:2, II, please advise when the Responsive Record(s) will be made available.

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption (see RSA 91-A:5 – the ONLY enumerated exemptions allowed by RSA 91-A) used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

Additional: It is not up to the Requester to be made to look up the subjects or materials that are the focus of this Right To Know (e.g., from the Respondent: “here’s the URL so do the search yourself”). It is the responsibility of the Respondent to fully supply all demanded materials.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of Responsive Records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is some reason that it is not reasonably practical to produce such, explain why it is not practical to comply.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such Responsive Records. This also includes such responsive records (e.g., emails, query files, policies) which may have been deleted from respective local hardcopy or software systems but are still available on the applicable servers or in application or archival system(s) either in-house or hosted.

Please let me know when these records are available for inspection or you may email the records to me at If the volume is turns out to be substantial, I’ll be happy to supply a shared DropBox folder sufficient to hold all of the Responsive Records.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.


Skip Murphy

As I am writing this on Tuesday, the five business day limit has not yet been reached, nor upon this being published.

To be continued…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Experts’ in Norway Bought 183 EV Buses … That Don’t Work Very Well When It’s Cold

Thu, 2023-12-14 23:30 +0000

We have readers in Norway, but none appear to be the “experts” making public transportation decisions in Oslo. The City spent €100 million on 183 Electric Buses that work great in the summer but not so much in the winter.

As we’ve reported on more than one occasion, electric vehicles lose reliability and range and might fail to work in the cold, and if the rumors can be believed, it gets cold in Norway for ‘several’ months out of the year. A fact the “experts” in Norway have just realized makes their new fleet of EV buses moderately to less than useless.


Oslo wants to make local public transport completely emission-free. This is why 183 new electric articulated buses were delivered in April 2023. The 100 million euro contract for this was signed last year. The buses are to run on Oslo’s busiest routes.

The new buses from Solaris were highly praised in advance and everything went well during the summer. But now, with the onset of winter, the weaknesses of the electric vehicles are becoming apparent: although a range of 250 kilometers is actually advertised, the buses sometimes simply break down.


If Mussolini were alive today, he would not have been able to make the EV buses run on time.

For the record, Norway was a recent source of research indicating that “the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be sufficiently strong to cause systematic changes in the pattern of the temperature fluctuations.”

The experts in Oslo didn’t read that either if I had to guess, but there are at least a few sources online that have reported issues and risks related to EVs and winter weather. It should not have been difficult for someone with two brain cells to rub together to work it out. Cold weather, extreme cold, in particular, has a long known impact on current. Not new. Not recent. It’s old news. A problem that the imaginary benefits to the planet of adding thousands of pounds of battery weight to any vehicle cannot overcome. Pray all you want. The climate Cult gods cannot solve the problem.

You need politicians who are not climate activists – if you can find them. Just don’t take the bus when you go looking.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Super Pigs at the Border!

Thu, 2023-12-14 22:00 +0000

As Americans wrangle over open southern borders swamped with “undocumented” visitors, another border incursion has quietly involved feral pigs. The problem of this destructive invasive species has long been witnessed in the American South, but the feral swine pressure is mounting at the northern border as Canadian “super-pigs” threaten US public health and agriculture.

In the daily barrage of bizarre realities for Americans, cross-bred wild boars disrespecting borders like fentanyl-dealing gangs is yet another surreal headline. But the threat is profound and growing exponentially. Feral pigs are an ecological train wreck – and the most prolific invasive species in North America.

The Scourge of the Razorback

I have raised and bred dozens of pigs in wintry Vermont. Pigs are incredibly intelligent: They defecate in one corner, can tell if an electric fence is charged, and are cleverer than most dogs. They are also thick-skinned and rugged, breeding two times annually with large litters that routinely exceed 10 or 12 piglets.

In wild hogs, these survival attributes have been crossed with heightened durability and aggressiveness. Feral “super-pigs” have smaller litters than domesticated swine, but can train their young to avoid hunters, forage where they have no natural predators, and travel in groups for security. Their long, sloping snout, shoulder structure, and tusks attract the Americanized moniker “Razorback.” They can reach five feet in length, grow to 400 pounds, and run 30 miles per hour.

Exterminating Pig Vermin

Some states classify feral pigs as vermin. In order to simply maintain the current numbers of feral US swine, 65% of them must be slain each year. Existing super-pig populations destroy an estimated $2.5 billion in crops annually. Efforts to hunt them include paid helicopter shooting, trapping, and baiting with poison – but still they expand in numbers and territory. The threat on the northern border creates a pincer attack on American agriculture.

Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon are believed to have released pigs into the New World. With no natural predators and plentiful food, the animals have thrived. Powerful snouts furrow the ground for roots, grubs, and acorns, but recently planted corn seed is a culinary delight, as are birds (including grouse, turkeys, and woodcock) and their nests, reptiles, and small mammals such as whitetail deer fawns. Feral pigs have even attacked and killed humans.

The greatest threat from these animals, however, is not from digging in the dirt but from the potential to spread disease. Feral pigs can carry trichinosis and brucellosis, pseudorabies, leptospirosis, sarcocystis, and African swine fever (extinct in America since 1978). These can impact human as well as animal (and household pet) health. Feral swine can potentially transmit as many as 30 pathogens and 37 parasites. If these diseases infect US or Canadian swine operations, the impacts would be economically and ecologically devastating.

Invasive Pigs Spread

Feral pigs have steadily expanded their North American turf for decades, increasing by one estimate from 550 US counties in 1982 to 1,496 in 2023. Citizens in states where the pigs have not established themselves may perceive they are unaffected, but if feral pigs taint pork supplies in (for instance) North Carolina, Missouri, or Iowa, the price and availability of bacon and hams would be quickly jeopardized. Water supplies are also being tainted for animals and humans alike.

Efforts to staunch the swineherd hoof-hold in North America have included hunting for meat, assisted by dogs. Ironically, progressive animal rights initiatives in many states oppose hunting, trapping, and the use of dogs. As bears, coyotes, and other populations consequently expand, so too could feral pigs lacking these countermeasures.

Feral super-pigs have heightened senses of smell. They are aggressive, smart, and fast, requiring “scent dogs” (including coonhounds) to track them down and then “catch dogs” (such as American pit bull terriers and American bulldogs) to release and effectively hold down or corner a pig until the hunters can arrive to finish the job. This will pit animal rights idealists against the practical challenges presented by this super-survival species of Sus scrofa.

Winter-Rugged Swine

Canada’s super-swine are particularly resilient, adapted to bitterly cold temperatures and housing themselves in snow caves dubbed “pigloos.” Border states Minnesota, North Dakota, and Montana have implemented aggressive policies to keep these snouted miscreants in the Great White North, but there will be no border wall. Vermont has experienced periodic incursions by these crafty critters – they swim across the Connecticut River from neighboring New Hampshire! (They disrespect a state border as easily as national.)

Some farmers have resorted to excavating deep, steep-walled trenches around fields and crops to deter the crafty swine invaders. (This system might also thwart humans at the southern border.) But trenching creates dangers for humans who may fall prey in the pigs’ stead. Effective responses may entail unpleasant trade-offs: Feral pigs have demonstrated a willingness to attack humans as well as pets, so some risks (such as Kaput Feral Hog Lure, laced with rodenticide warfarin) may eventually be necessary.

Watchfulness at the Border

For now, America eyes its northern border for a Canadian super-pig invasion while watching its southern boundaries being overrun with opioids and starving masses. Unfortunately, there are only so many resources to go around for both.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Super Pigs at the Border! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

School Choice: Florida Leads the Way

Thu, 2023-12-14 20:30 +0000

I just read (in Reason) that about half of Florida students are participating in some kind of school choice program. So I thought: Wow, things must be looking up in Florida, right? Academic achievement must be soaring because of all that freebie market competition.

I thought I’d go check out the NAEP site. For those of you who don’t know, the National Assessment of Educational Progress is the longitudinal test created by the education establishment to let us know how they’re doing at the job of educating kids.

(So far, what it’s told us is that since 1970, we’ve more than tripled spending — adjusted for inflation — while seeing no measurable increases in student achievement.  That’s how they’re doing.)

It turns out that in Florida, the situation after school choice is pretty much the same as the situation before school choice:  less than half of students are proficient in math and reading.  (The actual percentage has been virtually unchanged for the last 15 years.)

The thing is, this is exactly what we should have expected to see in Florida.  And it’s what we should expect to see in New Hampshire, as we start pouring money into Education Freedom Accounts.

So 15 years from now, when EFAs are being funded at $20,000 per student, and we still have fewer than half our kids reaching proficiency in reading and math, no one should be surprised.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

At Least One Millionaire Marxist Organizing Anti-Semitic Acts Lives in New Hampshire

Thu, 2023-12-14 19:00 +0000

He owns 300 acres in the Berkshires, where he set up a commune. His “people” are engaged in protests and vandalism against Jews. He was behind the incident at Elbit Systems in Merrimack (my hometown). Heir to a fortune, he now lives in New Hampshire’s upper valley. He even has a NH Moose plate that reads ‘CCCP.’

His name is Fergie Chambers, and he and his money are on a mission. “[T] to tear down the mechanisms—capitalism, imperialism, liberalism, the rule of law, America.” And?


“Make Zionists afraid,” Fergie wrote in a post on his Instagram on November 15. In another he wrote: “We need to start making people who support Israel actually afraid to go out in public. We need to make all of white America afraid that everything they have stolen is going to be burned to the ground. That’s what makes them listen.”


Yes, Ferige is rich and white. The product of generations of support for Democrats while accumulating what most Marxists would consider obscene amounts of wealth. It’s OK. Fergie is good if you hate him for being rich. He’s more concerned with using his resources to advance the revolution.


Fergie Chambers, an avowed communist since the age of 13, wants everyone to hold it against him forever that he is heir to an enormous fortune. And he’s willing to go to enormous lengths to tear down the mechanisms—capitalism, imperialism, liberalism, the rule of law, America—that delivered it into his lap.

That struggle has taken him from the charming cobblestone streets of his Brooklyn childhood to the mountains of upstate New York to the lake country region of Georgia to the Donbas region of Ukraine and now, back to the woods of the American Northeast, where locals say that his radical political organizing has taken a menacing turn, especially when it comes to the Jewish state on which he’s uniquely fixated.

Where does all the money come from?


Until very recently, by dint of his birth, Fergie owned a percentage of Cox Enterprises, a planet-spanning megacorporation, and the third largest private cable provider in the U.S. Over 50,000 people work there. The fact the Coxes still own the company outright makes them the eighth richest family in America, with a net worth around $34 billion.

It’s like if the Murdochs had double the money. But instead of Australia, they’re from America, and instead of conservative, they’re all—except for Fergie and a lone Republican aunt that no one talks to—establishment Democrats.


A devoted communist who cashed out of his corporate Family to get involved in direct action.


In addition to Fergie and Anne, Stella Schnabel, 39—daughter of the painter Julian, sister of the art dealer Vito—Fergie’s on-off partner, lives here, along with the pair’s two-year-old son, Viktor Gonzo Cox Schnabel Chambers. They’re all still getting their bearings in New Hampshire. They only moved here from Alford this past January for its lax gun laws and low tax burden, after Fergie decided to cash out.

“I don’t want to pay taxes to Uncle Sam,” Fergie tells me. “Objectively, somebody like me should pay almost all of their money in taxes, but if I can legally evade giving that to the U.S. war machine, I will.”

The Free Press article is long and interesting. Fergie Chambers is, if nothing, honest about his motivations and goals, his family, and the long history of Democrat politics that led him ideologically and fiscally to where he is today.


James Middleton Cox, the original patriarch, was the Democratic nominee for president in 1920—FDR was his running mate—and two-time governor of Ohio. Fergie’s grandmother, Anne, the only Cox Fergie seems to have anything nice to say about—“She was a bad mother and an absent WASP, but she was not cold as a grandmother”—was the ambassador to Belgium under President Carter. She had a cardboard cutout of Obama in her living room, and she took her private plane to canvass for him in 2008.  …

<Fergie’s father, the eldest boy, is a progressive for his time and a black sheep in his own right. He was a dance major at Bard, and believes deeply, I am told, in the power of chiropractic medicine. He is also a vegetarian and a biodynamic farmer (his farm, Honey Dog, is 15 minutes down the road from Fergie’s Massachusetts outpost) and he is obsessed with bees. He’s married to Nabila Khashoggi, daughter of Adnan, the infamous arms dealer and once the richest man in the world. They have one son: Ulysses Layth Adnan Cox Khashoggi Chambers.

When asked …if he supported Hamas, Fergie answered in the affirmative: “Yes,” and added, “Hamas is an indigenous anti-colonial resistance group.”


And Fergie likes to mentor local college kids. Kids who also support names like Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren. What could go wrong? Oh, wait. We know. The whole campus protests domestic terrorism schtick.

More at The Free Press.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

603 Alliance Endorses Beauregard & O’Brien for RNC

Thu, 2023-12-14 18:51 +0000

[Concord, NH. December 14, 2023] The 603 Alliance, a leading conservative grassroots organization in New Hampshire, announces that it is endorsing Mary Jane Beauregard for the position of RNC Committeewoman and Bill O’Brien for the position of RNC Committeeman. The election will take place on January 13th, 2024, at the Annual Meeting of the Republican State Committee.

Bill O’Brien has led the fight for fiscal restraint, lower taxes, less-intrusive government, and a return to common sense. As the NH Speaker of the House, he led Republican efforts to rein in a bloated state budget, defend the 2nd Amendment, and restore a vibrant New Hampshire economy. Since then, he has consistently held to the values espoused in the Republican party platform and is currently representing our state as a member of the RNC. Bill has built a strong network of relationships with other leaders throughout the country. Those relationships will serve him well when he is elected to continue in that role.

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Submission is not a guarantee of publication – Publication is not an endorsement.

Mary Jane Beauregard has worked tirelessly for Republicans in our state as the Finance Chair of the NHGOP. During her tenure in that position, she has proven herself to be an effective fundraiser and has consistently demonstrated her ability to work with others toward a common goal. The 603 Alliance Board believes that Mary Jane has the wisdom, experience, and commitment be a strong voice for New Hampshire, advocating for the preservation of our First in the Nation status.

“Bill has been a champion for limited government for many years, and we have no doubt that he will continue to represent New Hampshire effectively,” said Diane Bitter, Board member and co-founder of the 603 Alliance. “We are impressed with Mary Jane’s experience and commitment as well, and look forward to seeing her expand her efforts to the national stage.”


ABOUT THE 603 ALLIANCE: The 603 Alliance is a grassroots organization whose mission is to restore Constitutional principles at all levels of our government by championing the principles of free people and free markets, uniting like-minded citizens in support of candidates who will further these principles.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Shake Up At the North Pole

Thu, 2023-12-14 17:30 +0000

Santa Claus has come under fire thanks to a small band of elves who were recently hired per the North Pole’s new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion policy.

For years, the Pole has operated seamlessly thanks to the tremendous work ethic of Santa’s elves. Long respected for their tireless twenty-four-hour shifts, commitment to near-perfect assembly standards, and creating a cheerful workplace atmosphere with low wages based around the elves’ simple diet of candy, candy canes, candy corn, and syrup, Santa’s workshop has fallen to turmoil of late.

This past year has seen a stunning influx of migrant elves who have been flooding across the border in record numbers. At first, the new source of labor was a welcome site, given the high output standards and rising need for toys and gifts worldwide. However, many of the new laborers brought with them new ways of thinking that proved a disruption, with some threatening to start the Pole’s first-ever workers’ strike if their demands were not met.

Claiming unfair labor practices, a non-living wage, sexual harassment and even a few cases of elvish racism a small cadre of unusually noisy and disgruntled elves have formed a committee looking to make systemic changes to the world’s jolliest manufacturing plant. The Global Resistance International Network and Community Headquarters (G.R.I.N.C.H.) recently announced they intend to bring lawsuits against Santa and several of his head elves.

“Santa is the emblem of the Northern Arctic patriarchy, and it’s time he paid reparations,” stated the group’s leader Malcolm Jamaal Jellybelly.  Standing behind Mr. Jellybelly as he made this announcement were the other plaintiffs in the matter, all wearing masks and some holding signs saying such things as “White Christmas Is Racist!” and “Don’t Say Jolly!”

A stunned Santa and Mrs. Claus gazed down from their second-story window in utter dismay. Banana’s Media was able to catch up with the famous toy merchant who had this to say.

“I just don’t understand it.  I’ve been making and delivering toys to all the good girls and boys for over a thousand years.  My elves have always been the happiest creatures on earth.  Mrs. Claus and I believe in giving opportunities to everyone, but we never imagined elves could be this grumpy and thankless!”  A sock-knitting Mrs. Claus could be seen shaking her head in silent agreement as the portly cheer-giver continued. “I’ve never once discriminated against my elves or my reindeer.”

Santa went on to explain he was more than happy to have the new help but noticed they didn’t all seem like genuine elves committed to the Christmas Spirit.  Many of the elves claimed to be seeking asylum from the atrocities that had taken place at the South Pole, where they say global warming caused the polar cap to melt and, with it, washed away their jobs. Bananas Research team fact-checked this claim and found it to be “totally false” with the eastern peninsula ice sheet growing significantly in the 21st century.

“Those little people…l-l-l-lied?” a broken-hearted Santa asked. After we showed him the facts, Santa began to pace around the Jovial Office, muttering.  He could be overheard saying, “If they lied about that, what else did they lie about?”

Among the many reports we came across was talk of “nice privilege.”  The nice privilege, we learned, is enjoyed by children who are deemed nice by Santa, who sees what all children are doing awake or asleep.  Despite the implicit creepiness of this claim, Santa has long been considered a fair arbiter of nice versus naughty behavior in children.  Since the arrival of the new elves, an uproar among the younger elves has emerged, claiming Santa is implicitly biased toward niceness.

“Of course I am!” bellowed a dumbfounded Santa, who reminded everyone if he went by the naughty list, only crack-heads, criminals, and politicians would get gifts.

Another wild claim we were confronted with was Santa’s apparent racism and insensitivity toward people of color.  A YouTube video had been circulating in which Santa appears to be in blackface while singing, “I’m dreaming of a whiiite Christ-maaas!”  Santa maintains it was not on purpose and the result of sliding down millions of chimneys in one night, leaving his face covered in soot.  As a result, for the first time in Christmas history, Santa will be facing charges of breaking and entering brought by a D.A. from the Southern District of New York.

“Why Christmas gotta be white?!” asked a bitter little brown-skinned elf named Darjarius Crinklejeans.

“Look around, Darjarius – do you notice anything?” retorted one elf who has been outspoken against the changing elf-culture.  “Snow is white, you ninny muggins.  White is about the snow.  Have you ever seen black snow?  It’s not a song about race – it’s about the joy of Christmas and winter wonderlands – for the love of Peter Pan, quit making everything about race, Darjarius!”

Also adding to the Christmas chaos is the sudden desire of younger elves wanting to identify as reindeer or even humans.  One suspicious elf parent blames the new children’s books they’ve been printing.  “Have you seen what’s in some of these?  They’re putting them in children’s schools! How can any human being NOT be on the naughty list at this point?”

Another matter of controversy involved the reindeer.  Several of the team were still in shock after Dancer and Prancer both came out as gay, and Vixen said he wants to be a drag queen.  Despite catching many of the other reindeer by surprise, Donner and Blitzen both claimed to have known for years.  “Prancer?  Seriously?  You didn’t see that coming?” They also say they’d seen Vixen sneaking out of Mrs. Claus’ closet on more than one occasion wearing her clothes with a hoof full of children’s books.

Rudolph, once famous for saving Christmas with his shiny red nose, has taken a nose-dive since the Pole has gone sideways. He recently checked into a rehab facility after turning to alcohol and other substances as a way of coping with the many changes in his once innocent frozen playground.

Also upset by the changes are elves who came to Santa’s workshop legally a while back.  A spokesman for the group explained, “We had to wait ten years before Santa recognized us as Citizen Elves of the North Pole,” explained a frustrated Juan Gringobells.  “We had to learn all the words to Here Comes Santa Claus and Winter Wonderland and recite the names of the reindeer from memory, including the fruity ones.  I wish we could go back to when Santa would just pick us up for the day from Gnome Depot.”

Strangely silent since the changes began is Santa’s only neighbor at the pole, Karl Grinch, who extended his record yet again this year for most time spent on the naughty list.



The post Bananas: Shake Up At the North Pole appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Unveiling Mexico’s Cultural Tapestry: A Journey from the US to Oaxaca

Thu, 2023-12-14 16:30 +0000

Setting off on an adventure from the dynamic urban jungles of the United States to the lively core of Oaxaca, Mexico, is akin to entering a world brimming with cultural richness, historical depth, and stunning natural beauty.

This narrative aims to guide you through an extraordinary shift from the well-known terrains of America to the enchanting and multifaceted cultural mosaic of Oaxaca. In this city, ancient traditions blend seamlessly with modern life.

Preparing for the Journey

Before embarking on this cultural expedition, it’s essential to have all travel documents in order. If you are starting your trip from LA, checking your passport validity before your trip might be a good idea. If your passport is about to expire, passport renewal in LA is a convenient option, ensuring a smooth and worry-free entry into Mexico. This simple step paves the way for an immersive experience in Oaxaca’s colorful milieu.

From Urban Sprawl to Natural Splendor

Leaving behind the urban sprawl of major US cities, travelers find themselves amidst the stunning natural beauty that heralds the approach to Oaxaca. The journey, often embarked upon by air, reveals a drastic shift in scenery—from the structured urbanity of American cities to the sprawling, untamed landscapes of Mexico. The aerial view of Oaxaca is a prelude to the region’s natural wonders, from mist-shrouded mountains to lush valleys, setting the stage for an adventure in a land where nature and civilization have coexisted for thousands of years.

Cultural Contrast and Continuity

Crossing into Mexico, the disparity in daily routines and cultural norms becomes strikingly clear. The transition from the high-speed, productivity-centered way of life typical in the US gives way to a more laid-back, community-oriented approach deeply ingrained in Mexican culture. This transition isn’t just a change in geography but a journey back to where ancient customs and modern conveniences coexist. The colorful streets of Oaxacan towns, lined with colonial architecture and bustling markets, offer a vivid tableau of Mexico’s rich history and cultural heritage.

Oaxaca’s Culinary Delights

Oaxaca is a paradise for food enthusiasts. The region’s cuisine is as diverse as its landscape, offering a fusion of indigenous and Spanish flavors. From the iconic mole, a complex sauce made with an array of ingredients including chocolate and various chilies, to the simple yet delicious tlayudas, a large tortilla smothered in beans and cheese, every dish tells a story of Oaxaca’s rich culinary traditions. Dining in Oaxaca isn’t just about eating; it explores history and culture through the palate.

Artisanal Mastery and Markets

The artisanal crafts of Oaxaca are a testament to the region’s creative spirit. Markets are abuzz with vibrant textiles, intricately designed pottery, and handcrafted jewelry, each piece reflecting the soul of its maker. The Zapotec and Mixtec influences are evident in the designs, with patterns and techniques passed down through generations. Exploring these markets offers a unique insight into the local way of life and an opportunity to support the artisan community.

Festivals: A Celebration of Life and Death

Oaxaca is famous for its vibrant festivals, notably the Day of the Dead or Día de los Muertos. This festival serves as a rich expression of how Mexicans perceive death, not as a finality but as an integral part of life’s ongoing journey. The streets come alive with parades, music, and dance as locals honor their departed loved ones. Witnessing this festival is an unforgettable experience, highlighting the depth and richness of Mexican culture.

The journey from the US to Oaxaca is more than just a physical transition; it’s a voyage through time and culture. Transitioning from the energetic buzz of American metropolises to the timeless cadence of life in Oaxaca, this journey unveils a distinct lens through which the variety and opulence of human society can be appreciated. With its striking sceneries, deep-rooted history, and dynamic cultural fabric, Oaxaca transcends being merely a place to visit. It is a gateway to an alternate realm where history and modernity are interlaced, creating a mosaic of memorable moments and experiences.

The post Unveiling Mexico’s Cultural Tapestry: A Journey from the US to Oaxaca appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

High School Plays FAFO with Florida’s Protections for Biological Girls’ Sports Teams … Gets Fined $16K+

Thu, 2023-12-14 16:00 +0000

If you were wondering how serious Florida was about protecting girls’ and women’s sports, this might be your answer. Monarch High School has been put on Administrative probation and fined 16,500.00 for allowing a boy to play on a girl’s volleyball team.

And so we are clear (as Vodak comrade) when we say girl or boy (woman or man) we mean born that way. (The queer spectrum is the social construct.)

Florida’s bylaw 8.62 states that “biological males may not participate on a female team in any sport,” the letter reminds Monarch High School. Policy 16.11.6 states that the “use of an ineligible student when self-reported, may subject the school to a monetary penalty of a minimum of $100 per contest and/or other sanctions.”

F.S. 1006.205(3)(c) states that “athletic teams or sports designated for females, women, or girls may not be open to students of the male sex.”

That male student played in over 30 games, according to the letter, and the athletic association has not “received any corrective actions from Monarch High School.”


My one gripe is that the boy played 30 games across two seasons. That strikes me as a lot of “F-ing Around” before Monarch High School was “found out.” If the goal of the rules in statute is to protect opportunities for girls and ensure some level of safety, then this needs serious work.

This, however, makes me smile.


The letter additionally states that Monarch High School owes a monetary penalty of $16,500 ($500 per contest, in accordance with Policy 16.11.6), and Monarch High School representatives will be required to attend one of the association’s Compliance Seminars in both 2024 and 2025. The high school will also be required to host association staff for an “eligibility and Compliance Workshop” no later than June 30, 2024.


The Left loves to force people into re-education seminars, so – nice touch, but I bet there’s a significant compliance problem up and down the state, and they don’t know it. Progressives have a love-hate relationship with the concept of order. The advent of Marxist rule is all about order, but to get there, you have to break everything without regard to the cost to the people you lie about protecting. Take girls and women, for example. Breaking them is the cost of doing Democrat Socialist business.

Florida could audit a dozen schools in notably progressive political ghettoes, and I bet they’d find most or all ignoring the no boys-in-girls sports rules. Widen the net, and the fines might fund something useful like lawyers for detransitioners, or something. And it would fill up those compliance workshops.

Maybe DeSantis should offer a finders fee to anyone who reports a violation.

It’s a thought.

The post High School Plays FAFO with Florida’s Protections for Biological Girls’ Sports Teams … Gets Fined $16K+ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Unfit For Liberty (Part 3, Courts)

Thu, 2023-12-14 14:30 +0000

For the last several months, many of us have been waiting on pins and needles for a judge to tell us what the state constitution says about education, which is remarkable because it’s not like that constitution is written using particularly difficult language.

How many of us would have trouble understanding a sentence like this?

Free and fair competition in the trades and industries is an inherent and essential right of the people and should be protected against all monopolies and conspiracies which tend to hinder or destroy it. 

Do we need a judge to tell us that a public school monopoly in the industry of education is something from which the people are to be protected?

Would we have trouble understanding this sentence?

[I]t shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools

Do we need a judge to tell us that, whatever ‘cherish’ may mean, it can’t sensibly mean one thing for seminaries (which can’t be funded, operated, or regulated by the state) and something completely different for public schools?

We don’t.  Or we shouldn’t.  But people seem to have lost all confidence in their ability to read simple declarative sentences, and determine what they mean.

How does something like this happen?

Here’s one clue.  We currently have a public school system in which less than half of students can read or do math proficiently.  (And in case you’re thinking this is a recent development, it’s been true since at least the 1970s, when we started collecting NAEP data.) Which means that the system operates largely by having the students sit passively while their teachers ‘explain’ what is in their textbooks.

In other words, the teachers read the books — or at least, the teachers’ guides to the books — and relay that information to the students.  The students have no idea whether that information is being relayed accurately, and no idea that they could check that for themselves by reading the books.  So they have very little choice but to just accept what they’re told.

That’s a hell of a lot of power to put in the hands of teachers — who are, we should never for a moment forget, employees of the state.

Isn’t that how we treat our constitution, and our courts?  The judges work from the opinions of other judges, instead of from teachers’ guides.  But otherwise, it’s pretty much the same.

That’s a hell of a lot of power to put in the hands of judges — who are, we should never for a moment forget, employees of the state.

In 1927, General John McAuley Palmer said that professional armies

threaten government by the people, not because they consciously seek to pervert liberty, but because they relieve the people themselves of the duty of self-defense. A people accustomed to let a special class defend them must sooner or later become unfit for liberty.

I believe the same thing is true of ‘professional readers’, including judges and teachers.  By relieving us of the duty of understanding things for ourselves — and by abusing the power that they gain by doing this — they have made us unfit for liberty.

What can we do about that?  A good first step would be to elect legislators who would be willing to say to the courts:

You are not the boss of us.  We can read the constitution as well as you can.  And we’re no longer going to let you get away with pissing on our legs and telling us that it’s raining.

And a good second step would be to become people who are willing to say the same thing to those legislators.

The post Unfit For Liberty (Part 3, Courts) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From Whence did Transgenderism Spring?

Thu, 2023-12-14 13:00 +0000

Why transgenderism? Simple – a political process to trash heteronormativity and eliminate the difference between men and women, and undermine traditional values to forward socialism and a new way of being.

Listen to Christopher Rufo, the leading authority on Transgenderism, as he quickly recaps how transgenderism BLEW UP into our culture.

And more importantly, WHY! (Note: I just ran across this, even though it’s been out for a few months.)


Also, there is this speech from Mr. Rufo that was captured by Hillsdale College’s Imprimis  (Sept. 23, Volume 52, Number 9). Emphasis mine:

The following is adapted from a talk delivered on September 12, 2023, at the Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship on Hillsdale’s Washington, D.C., campus, as part of the AWC Family Foundation Lecture Series.


The transgender movement is pressing its agenda everywhere. Most publicly, activist teachers are using classrooms to propagandize on its behalf and activist health professionals are promoting the mutilation of children under the euphemistic banner of “gender-affirming care.” The sudden and pervasive rise of this movement provokes two questions: where did it come from, and how has it proved so successful? The story goes deeper than most Americans know.

In the late 1980s, a group of academics, including Judith Butler, Gayle Rubin, Sandy Stone, and Susan Stryker, established the disciplines of “queer theory” and “transgender studies.” These academics believed gender to be a “social construct” used to oppress racial and sexual minorities, and they denounced the traditional categories of man and woman as a false binary that was conceived to support the system of “heteronormativity”—i.e., the white, male, heterosexual power structure. This system, they argued, had to be ruthlessly deconstructed. And the best way to achieve this, they argued further, was to promote transgenderism. If men can become women, and women men, they believed, the natural structure of Creation could be toppled.

Nothing in the human life and discourse is outside of notion of “Power” – unless you are a Normal person who just wants to live their life unaffected by others. To these totalitarians, however, Power is their ultimate goal in bringing about their Utopian Dystopia – and are willing to sacrifice billions of eggs to make their omelette.

Susan Stryker, a male-to-female transgender professor currently at the University of Arizona, revealed the general thrust and tone of transgender ideology in his Kessler Award Lecture at the City University of New York in 2008, describing his work as “a secular sermon that unabashedly advocates embracing a disruptive and refigurative genderqueer or transgender power as a spiritual resource for social and environmental transformation.” In Stryker’s best-known essay, “My Words to Victor Frankenstein above the Village of Chamounix: Performing Transgender Rage,” he contends that the “transsexual body” is a “technological construction” that represents a war against Western society. “I am a transsexual, and therefore I am a monster,” Stryker writes. And this monster, he continues, is destined to channel its “rage and revenge” against the “naturalized heterosexual order”; against “‘traditional family values’”; and against the “hegemonic oppression” of nature itself.

It is clear from this and from other transgender scholarship that the transgender movement is inherently political. Its reconstruction of personal identity is meant to advance a collective political reconstruction or transformation. Some trans activists even view their movement as the future of Marxism. In a collection of essays titled Transgender Marxism, activist writer Rosa Lee argues that trans people can serve as the new vanguard of the proletariat, promising to abolish heteronormativity in the same way that orthodox Marxism promised to abolish capitalism.

“In a different era,” Lee writes,

Marxists spoke of the construction of a “new socialist man” as a crucial task in the broader process of socialist construction. Today, in a time of both rising fascism and an emergent socialist movement, our challenge is transsexualising our Marxism. We should think [of] the project of transition to communism in our time—communisation—as including the transition to new communist selves, new ways of being and relating to one another.

This is the great project of the transgender movement: to abolish the distinctions of man and woman, to transcend the limitations established by God and nature, and to connect the personal struggle of trans individuals to the political struggle to transform society in a radical way.

From the Fringes to the Center

The trans movement was hatched, then, on the fringes of American academia. But how did it move so quickly to the center of American public life? Like many other things, it began with a flood of cash, as some of the wealthiest people in the country began devoting enormous sums of money to promote transgenderism.

One of these people is Jennifer Pritzker, who was born James Pritzker in 1950. After serving several years in the U.S. Army, Pritzker went into business, having inherited a sizable part of the Hyatt hotel fortune. In 2013, he announced a male-to-female gender transition and was celebrated in the press as the “first trans billionaire.” Almost immediately, he began donating untold millions to universities, schools, hospitals, and activist organizations to promote queer theory and trans medical experiments.

This money was allied with political power, as Pritzker’s cousin, Illinois Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker, signed legislation in 2019, his first year in office, to inject gender theory into the state education curriculum and to direct state Medicaid funds toward transgender surgeries. Speaking before an audience of trans activists, he proclaimed:

[O]ur state government is firmly on your side, on the side of every gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and queer person in the state of Illinois. . . . Those of you in this room know better than anyone that marriage equality was never the endgame. . . . We’re gonna make sure that all transgender Illinoisans are ensured their basic human rights and that healthcare services are provided to them so that they can thrive.

Here’s an example of how this combination of well-funded activism and political influence works in practice: Pritzker-funded activists at Lurie Children’s Hospital (the largest children’s hospital in Chicago) provide local schools with training, materials, and personnel who promote gender transitions for children, using the hospital’s reputation to give their ideology a scientific veneer. And the more one investigates, the worse it gets. Children are exposed, for instance, not only to trans ideology, but to concepts such as “kink” (unusual tastes in sexual behavior), “BDSM” (bondage, domination, submission, and masochism), binders to flatten breasts, and prosthetic penises.

Lurie Children’s Hospital, through its outreach presentations in Chicago public schools, encourages teachers and school administrators to support “gender diversity” in their districts, automatically “affirm” students who announce sexual transitions, and “communicate a non-binary understanding of gender” to children in the classroom. The objective, as one version of the presentation suggests, is to disrupt the “entrenched [gender] norms in western society” and facilitate the transition to a more “gender creative” world. School districts are encouraged to designate “Gender Support Coordinators” to help facilitate children’s sexual and gender transitions, which, under the recommended “confidentiality” policy, can be kept secret from parents and families.

In effect, this results in a sophisticated school-to-gender-clinic pipeline. Teachers, counselors, doctors, and activists on social media and elsewhere—many of whom are employed or subsidized by members of the Pritzker family—push children in the direction of what Chicago-area “detransitioner” Helena Kerschner, recalling her own experience, calls “the trans identity rabbit hole.” And despite frequent claims to the contrary, this is not a temporary or reversible process. Of the children who begin puberty blockers, the medical literature suggests that approximately 95 percent move on to cross-sex hormones, and that 50 percent of the females who begin cross-sex hormone treatments move on to “trans-affirming” surgeries.

The Synthesis of All Oppressions

Another place my investigation of the trans movement has taken me is Highland Park, Michigan, a city of roughly 9,000 residents located about six miles north of downtown Detroit. Highland Park has been plagued by poverty, violence, and crime for decades. Many of its homes and businesses have been abandoned or demolished. It is teetering on the edge of insolvency, yet it is home to one institution that is overflowing with funds: the Ruth Ellis Center, metro Detroit’s central laboratory for the synthesis of transgender science and politics.

The Ruth Ellis Center’s marketing pitch is an amalgam of all the usual euphemisms: “trauma-informed care,”…

Sidenote: in taking over 55 hours of DCYF sponsored training to attain a number of Foster Parent certification levels, I found that almost every class had that as a central tenet – that ALL children are suffering from one kind of trauma or another. BTW, few ever mention that DCYF and other governmental child protection service organizations create a goodly amount of this by ripping away a child from their families.

…“restorative justice,” “harm reduction,” “racial equity,” and “gender-affirming care.” In the name of these things, the Ellis Center and its partners conduct large-scale medical experiments on a population of predominantly poor black youths.

Dr. Maureen Connolly, a pediatrician at Henry Ford Health, leads the Ellis Center’s medical partnership, providing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical referrals to scores of Detroit kids. Here’s how she describes the child sex-change process:

Transitioning is an umbrella term to describe the process that someone goes through to bring their external self more closely into alignment with their gender identity. For some people that might mean changing their gender expression and the clothes that they wear or how they wear their hair. It might mean using a new name and different pronouns. And that’s wonderful. For others, it can involve taking medication to make their body more closely aligned with how they identify in terms of gender—typically, that’s masculinizing or feminizing medications or hormone therapy. People can also choose to pursue gender-affirming surgeries, which are surgical interventions to bring their body more closely in alignment with their gender identity.

Keep in mind, again, that in the context of her role at the Ellis Center, Connolly is not talking here about the affluent, educated, male-to-female trans individuals who serve as the public face of the trans movement. She is mostly talking about kids from the Detroit ghetto who suffer from high rates of family breakdown, substance abuse, mental illness, and self-destructive behavior. As such, one might suppose that they are especially vulnerable to the claim that gender transition will solve all their problems.

“My name is Righteous, first and foremost,” says an Ellis Center patient who now identifies as non-binary and uses they/them pronouns:

I think I might have been about eight years old when I remembered or that I recall having any thought of being transgender or gender non-conforming. . . . It felt like I was an outsider to this whole world of America. On top of not being, you know, a European-American, I was black. . . . Most of my dysphoria comes from people misgendering me. With gender-affirming care, I could get the hormones I needed for free.

Righteous is thus a perfect example of the new synthesis of transgender science and politics. She works as an activist not only for the trans movement, but also for a broader intersectional coalition (i.e., a coalition of oppressed and marginalized groups), including, for instance, the movement to abolish the police. She represents the identity of the oppressed by both nature and nurture and marshals this unique “positionality” to advance the full suite of left-wing social policies.

Frankenstein Redux

In 1818, Mary Shelley wrote the famous novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus. The premise of the book is that modern science, stripped from the constraints of ethics and nature, will end up creating monsters. “Trans-affirming” doctors are the post-modern version of the book’s protagonist, Doctor Frankenstein.

According to survey data, up to 80 percent of trans individuals suffer from serious psychopathologies and one-quarter of black trans youth attempt suicide each year. “Gender-affirming care” largely fails to solve these problems, yet the doctors use these failures to justify even more extreme interventions up to the final one: genital reconstruction.

Dr. Blair Peters is a plastic surgeon (he uses he/they pronouns) who performs trans genital surgeries at the publicly-funded Oregon Health & Science University and whose specialty is creating artificial sex organs. “I think what we’re becoming very known for at OHSU is genital surgery,” he says. “A prime example of that is a procedure called phalloplasty, which is the creation of a penis. And we now have a robotic vaginoplasty program [that] has been a kind of game changer for patient care.”

As I have previously detailed in City Journal, the process for robot-assisted vaginoplasty is gruesome:

According to a handbook published by OHSU, surgeons first cut off the head of the penis and remove the testicles. Then they turn the penile-scrotal skin inside out and, together with abdomen cavity tissue, fashion it into a crude, artificial vagina. “The robotic arms are put through small incisions around your belly button and the side of your belly,” the handbook reads. “They are used to create the space for your vaginal canal between your bladder and your rectum.”

This procedure is plagued with complications. OHSU warns of wound separation, tissue necrosis, graft failure, urine spraying, hematoma, blood clots, vaginal stenosis, rectal injury, fistula, and fecal accidents. Patients must stay in the hospital for a minimum of five days following the procedure, receiving treatment for surgical wounds and having fluid drained through plastic tubes. Once they are home, patients must continue transgender hormone treatments and manually dilate their surgically created “neo-vagina” in perpetuity; otherwise, the tissue will heal, and the cavity will close.

The castration business is booming. According to Peters, the gender clinic at OHSU has “the highest volume on the West Coast”—and with the help of the robot, his team can perform multiple vaginoplasties per day. The phalloplasty program has a 12-to-18-month waiting list for consultations and an additional three-to-six-month waiting list for surgical appointments.

A less common but more symbolically apt surgery performed by Peters and his colleagues is known as “nullification,” in which a smooth, continuous skin covering from the abdomen to the groin is created following a castration or vaginectomy. In other words, the genitalia are replaced by nothing. Nullification surgery is the perfect symbol for the ideology behind the trans movement: the pursuit of the Latin nullum, meaning “nothing”; or the related nihil, the root of the English word “nihilism.” Trans ideology is animated by a profound nihilism that denies human nature and enables barbarism in the name of progress.


The future of transgender medicine is in flux. Major American institutions have rallied to its support, with the major medical associations going so far as to call on the federal government to investigate and prosecute its critics. At the same time, some cracks are showing. Detransitioners, a group comprised of mostly young women who have accepted their biological sex after transitioning to various degrees, are going public about the dangers of gender medicine in deeply affecting personal terms. Organizations such as Do No Harm have filed lawsuits and launched advocacy campaigns to curb transgender procedures on minors. And increasing numbers of doctors, who had previously been cowed into silence, are beginning to speak out. State legislators have also taken notice. Earlier this year, I worked with whistleblowers at Texas Children’s Hospital to expose child sex-change procedures that were being conducted in secret. The exposé attracted the attention of Texas lawmakers, who immediately passed the final version of a bill to ban such procedures.

Jennifer Pritzker, Maureen Connolly, Blair Peters, and their ilk occupy the heights of power and prestige, but like Doctor Frankenstein they will not be able to escape the consequences of what they have created. They are condemning legions of children to a lifetime of sorrows and medical necessities, all based on dubious postmodern theories that do not meet the standard of Hippocrates’ injunction in his work Of the Epidemics: “First, do no harm.” Although individuals can be nullified, nature cannot. No matter how advanced trans pharmaceuticals and surgeries become, the biological reality of man and woman cannot be abolished; the natural limitations of God’s Creation cannot be transcended. The attempt to do so will elicit the same heartbreak and alienation captured in the final scene of Mary Shelley’s novel: the hulking monster, shunned by society and betrayed by his father, filled with despair and drifting off into the ice floes—a symbol of the consequence of Promethean hubris.

A doctor at a major children’s hospital had this to say about what puberty blockers do to a child’s mind, body, and soul:

This medication is called a “gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist” and it comes in the form of monthly injections or an implant. And because it simulates the activity of this hormone, it shuts down the activity of the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is this almond-sized structure in your brain, it’s one of the most primal structures we have, and it controls all the other hormonal structures in your body—your sexual development, your emotions, your fight-or-flight response, everything. . . . And I always think that if someone were to ask me, Where is it that you would look for the divine spark in each individual? I would say that it would be somewhere “beneath the inner chamber,” which is the Greek derivation of the term hypothalamus. To shut down that system is to shut down what makes us human.

This is why we must fight to put the transgender empire out of business forever.

The post From Whence did Transgenderism Spring? appeared first on Granite Grok.

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