The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • January 9 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 10 min 20 sec ago

Friday Meme Overflow

Fri, 2024-06-14 16:00 +0000

Once more, thanks to Steve for carrying Wednesdays.  Hopefully my crazy life settles down soon and I can get back to Wednesday as well.

Just so people know, if you didn’t already know, the job market sucks.  I’ve sent in, easily, over 200 applications and emailed countless resumes on top of that, and had one interview.  Everyone who looks at my resume says some form of “Damn, you’ve got some great experience and education…”  People with whom I speak comment that I am articulate and engaging.  Don’t let people fool you into thinking the economy is good, as if grocery prices and everything else didn’t already tell you that.

I know so many people, like me, either unemployed or underemployed.  From my Jarhead friend, relevant here:

For those looking for work, there is a reason you’re being “ghosted”.  Turns out almost half of the job postings on the web are fake, as the companies have no intention of hiring someone for that position:

I view this as utterly despicable.  And as people figure it out, the torches and pitchforks are potentially coming out.  How can a person with even a shred of a scintilla of a conscience do this to people desperate to find a new job?




To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Even as the whole Covid scamdemic started and I was hearing Fauci… Fauci… Fauci, I had no real idea of his background.  This guy is a monster.  Yes I have, but have not yet had time to read, the book about him.




What was it Orwell said about double-think?  The ability to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time, believing them both… something like that.



Nor Gaza when Egypt controlled it.

Funny, they only seem to want a state when it’s demanding one from Israel, not their fellow Muslims.  But then, the whole “Palestinian” identify was fabricated.










In parallel, with more info, is this Crowder video:

The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only?! (

One of the best comebacks that I’ve occasionally used is something like “Oh, so the Bill of Rights didn’t have technological advances in mind”?  OK.  Please put your answer on hand-crafted parchment, with a quill pen, and have it delivered to be by a guy on a horse.  Goodbye.





Hashem, they’re ALL infected with the DS virus (or so it seems).











Damned straight.




I like the flip in perspective.





Slowly, slowly, it’s getting out about the damages the Jab did – and is doing.  And I want to – sadly – observe something: TPTB in all governments CANNOT allow a breakthrough of awareness on this.  Thus:


Putin says freezing of Russian assets in West is ‘theft’


NATO says over 300,000 troops now on high readiness – Insider Paper

Ukraine confirms deep strikes into Russia with Western weapons — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union





A penetrating question.



Except the character on the left actually was very clever.









From my Jarhead friend:

For anyone who uses Adobe Photoshop, they recently changed their terms of service so Adobe now owns anything you make on Photoshop.  However, if you are interested in making art & other “Photoshop type stuff”, here is a freeware program with many of the same features, and you actually get to keep the rights to your work:

GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program






For those of us “seasoned” persons, did you ever think this would be a thing?




Is this real?






As I understand it, these went up pretty damned quick after the verdict.  Suspiciously quick, from what little I know about organizing and designing and making such things.




The Gaza that could have been.





Lot of truth in that, I think.








Link Section (all from my Jarhead friend):


This one goes in the “no sh!t, Sherlock” department:

Commentary: Vaccine Mandates Likely Exacerbated Healthcare Worker Shortage, New Research Shows – Tennessee Star

Maine lost 33% of their health care workers due to the mandate.  The government called them “ignorant and uninformed”, and many lost their medical licenses over this.  Really?  Who better to know about “vaccines” than Doctors, nurses, and other health care workers?

More vaccinations are coming up short.  So it looks like future “vaccine” mandates should be ignored too:

More and more of the media are being “captured” by the green billionaires who want to push the “climate change” and “Net Zero” narratives:

As 1984 author George Orwell once wrote: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; anything else is public relations.”

Dennis Prager on why Americans don’t trust our elections:

Why Americans Mistrust Election Results More Than the Citizens of Any Other Democracy – HotAir

The head honcho of the DOJ, Merrick Garland, is bitching about all the people looking into how the DOJ has been weaponized, and claiming that the DOJ would have a much easier time if no-one was looking at it or holding it accountable:

Irons in the Fire: In today’s dose of “How dare you!”, (


The petro-dollar is officially gone, as the Biden administration did not work to renew the contract.  This means the dollar will not be the worlds reserve currency for long.  Prep accordingly: — The war on farmers & food production continues.  Idaho is curtailing water to thousands of farms, and their crops will fail without water:





Pick of the Post:



Masterclass-level ridicule.




Palate Cleansers:




I’ll show myself out.  TGIF!




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Get it in Writing? No, Not Nashua.

Fri, 2024-06-14 14:00 +0000

I’m sure most, if all of our readers are familiar with the term “get it in writing,” but it’s a seemingly alien concept in city hall.

Please take 3 minutes to play this video of Laurie Ortolano during a recent public comment time.  You only need to watch the 3 minutes because Alderman Wilshire cuts people off, presumably with sadistic pleasure, when time is up.  I’m not going to rewrite her words as they’re already well said into the mic, but most readers already know that Laurie already has a full plate with her multiple pro se litigations against the City and her activism in addition to her service to others in the form of advising newly distressed taxpayers on the abatement process, so I’m here to take charge of this one.

When she asked me to “write a short article,” my first knee-jerk feeling was being back in middle school with writer’s block on the eve of a term paper due date, but I quickly snapped out of it when I thought of the RTK I sent early Friday morning to Risk Management and the mayor’s office.  I am still waiting for a response, even if just to acknowledge my request and it’s now Wednesday morning.

The City is a hot mess and a “dumpster fire,” to use the words that Chris Buda applied to just Ward 4 last year or even earlier than that.  This is the sum of multiple brush fires that have yet to be properly extinguished.  Between taxes, RTK and the flag pole, to name just a few ignition sources, wouldn’t it be nice to think about possible solutions in an election year(for state offices, not the City)?

While we’re all watching the activities of the Damn Emperor and wondering when and how he will respond to the RTK tax (HB 1002),

which is presently sitting on his desk, we should be asking candidates for both the House and the Senate about their interest in sponsoring a bill that demands policy in writing.  Yeah, I can close my eyes and already hear the critics saying, “Wah, wah, wah, local control,” but NH is not a home-rule state.

The post Get it in Writing? No, Not Nashua. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tips for Golfing in Summer

Fri, 2024-06-14 13:00 +0000

Ah, summer—the season of sun-kissed fairways, gentle breezes, and long days on the golf course. While golfing in the summer can be a blissful experience, it also comes with its challenges, especially when the temperature starts to soar. But fear not! With the right strategies and mindset, you can beat the heat and make the most of your summer rounds. In this guide, we’ll explore some valuable tips for golfing in the summer, helping you stay cool, hydrated, and focused on your game.

Embracing Summer Golf with Golf Simulator Software

Before we dive into our summer golfing tips, let’s take a moment to appreciate the convenience and versatility of golf simulator software. Whether you’re looking to practice your swing, play virtual rounds with friends, or analyze your performance in detail, golf simulator software offers endless possibilities for improving your game. With realistic graphics, customizable settings, and immersive gameplay, it’s the perfect way to stay connected to the game during the summer months, even when you can’t make it to the course.

Dress for Success: Lightweight and Breathable

When it comes to golfing in the summer, choosing the right clothing is key to staying cool and comfortable on the course. Opt for lightweight and breathable fabrics that allow air to circulate freely, such as moisture-wicking polo shirts, breathable shorts or skirts, and UV-protective hats or visors. Avoid dark colors that absorb heat and opt for light-colored clothing that reflects sunlight instead.

Beat the Heat: Stay Hydrated and Cool Hydration is Key

One of the most important aspects of summer golf is staying hydrated. With the sun beating down and the temperature rising, it’s easy to become dehydrated on the course. Make sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your round to replenish fluids lost through sweat. Consider bringing a refillable water bottle with you and take sips regularly to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Cool Down with Accessories

In addition to staying hydrated, consider using accessories like cooling towels or neck wraps to help regulate your body temperature on the course. Simply wet the towel, wring out any excess water, and drape it around your neck or shoulders for instant relief from the heat. You can also invest in a portable fan or handheld mister to create a refreshing breeze whenever you need it.

Take Shelter: Seek Shade and Take Breaks Strategic Breaks

Finally, don’t forget to take breaks and seek shelter from the sun whenever possible. Look for shaded areas around the course, such as trees or covered pavilions, where you can take a break and cool off between holes. Use this time to rehydrate, reapply sunscreen, and catch your breath before tackling the next hole.

Conclusion: Enjoy Summer Golf to the Fullest

With these tips in mind, you’re well-equipped to tackle the challenges of golfing in the summer and make the most of your time on the course. So, grab your clubs, lather on some sunscreen, and embrace the joys of summer golf. With the right preparation and mindset, you can stay cool, hydrated, and focused on your game, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience on the fairways.

The post Tips for Golfing in Summer appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Slippery Slope: Assisted Suicide Will Always Be Cheaper Than Treatment

Fri, 2024-06-14 12:00 +0000

The Assisted Suicide Bill in New Hampshire got benched for the time being, but not the topic. And we’re not saying you can’t choose to kill yourself. We’re saying the government will inevitably abuse it to the detriment of people and public health.

Related: Slippery Meet Slope: Medically Assisted Suicide Could Save Millions in Health Care Costs

Numerous examples have already crossed these pages, but someone sent us a new one. Canadian Allison Ducluzeau was diagnosed with stage 4 peritoneal carcinomatosis. She was told to get her arrangements in order and to consider medically assisted suicide. Allison chose to do some research instead. She spoke to specialists across the globe, got scans in California, and treatment in Baltimore.

Today, Allison is in remission. She lifts weights daily, and goes running and cycling. She recently married her partner on a beach in Hawaii in front of her children. But she remains infuriated that Canadian doctors offered to kill rather than treat her.

She had to fundraise money to pay for her treatment, but these days, she’s just offended at how Canada’s healthcare system responded to her condition.  “The way it was presented was shocking,” she told me. “I was disgusted to be offered MAID twice. Once, I was even on the phone when I was on my own, having just come back from Baltimore. It left me sobbing.”

Public Health across the globe is still reeling from how badly it handled the Wuhan Virus. Systems that were not socialized behaved like they were monolithic interventions that ruined or ended lives over what was dangerous to a small demographic of people. The freshly-minted fearmongering over bird flu appears to be headed once again in the wrong direction. Public Health cannot be trusted, and as systems get stressed – especially those that rely heavily on taxpayer-backed support – budgets get between doctors and patients.

In Oregon, nearly 80% of people who end up suicided are on government health care. States like Colorado and Hawaii have tried to shorten the wait time. Is it so patients can be convinced to take the death drugs rather than be a strain on resources in the hours and days after a terminal diagnosis? Perhaps not but given the trajectory of health care in the West and its increased alignment and dependence on government – or at least the bully pulpits of politicians and the massive grant funding they control – the issue is not if but when.

Canada has had socialized medicine for a long time and (IMO) not coincidentally is the poster child for fast tracking reasons to offer MAiD to just about anyone it thinks it could afford to do without. That sort of medical ethics is the slippery slope of which we speak. Like the Canadian woman who suffered almost immediate and debilitating side effects from a dose of Moderna mRNA COVID “vaccine.” Her medical issues became so complex that she was offered assisted suicide.

Assisted suicide has been suggested for vets with PTSD, the poor, the homeless, those with mental illness, and children with spectrum disorders. There seems to be no limit to what policymakers and doctors might consider a reason to recommend death to treatment or life.  Keeping in mind that these “authorities” are the same people who will decide what mental illness looks like.

Canadian Truckers, Dutch Farmers, Marie Le Pen’s political supporters in France, and deplorables who oppose open borders. The list knows no end, and there lies the problem. Arguing to allow the government to define the conditions for assisted suicide is a lot like letting it decide what is information and disinformation. You can’t trust it to do either.


The post Slippery Slope: Assisted Suicide Will Always Be Cheaper Than Treatment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your Final NH House Republican Attendance Report of the Session (Some Reps are Applauding)

Fri, 2024-06-14 11:00 +0000

In the blogging business, if someone is complaining, there’s a good chance you’re doing something worthwhile, especially when the unhappy people are in government. Reporting roll call vote attendance has had its fair share of negative responses, suggesting we must keep doing them.

I think we will publish the entire list for the entire House next week so you can examine both sides and make your own conclusions.

This week, the final day of the regular session, Republicans listed a few good bills because of attendance, so without further exposition from me, here we go.

Note from the data guy: “Lots of Republicans missing, very few roll call votes. More than a few were lopsided for or against and were not affected by missing Reps. Lots of division votes, but can’t tell how many might have been lost due to missing Reps.”


6/13 YTD
8 Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford) 259
8 O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont) 208
8 Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont) 157
8 Summers, James (R, Newton) 72
8 Mason, James (R, Franklin) 59
8 True, Chris (R, Sandown) 43
8 Santonastaso, Matthew (R, Rindge) 38
8 Durkin, Sean (R, Northumberland) 37
8 Cordelli, Glenn (R, Tuftonboro) 10
8 Comtois, Barbara (R, Center Barnstead) 10
8 Healey, Robert (R, Merrimack) 8
8 Lynn, Bob (R, Windham) 8
8 Creighton, Jim (R, Antrim) 8
5 Varney, Peter (R, Alton) 118
5 Dolan, Tom (R, Londonderry) 24
5 Katsakiores, Phyllis (R, Derry) 8
5 Tripp, Richard (R, Derry) 6
4 Testerman, Dave (R, Franklin) 55
4 Murphy, Michael (R, Gorham) 55
4 Tenczar, Jeffrey (R, Pelham) 45
4 McCarter, Nikki (R, Belmont) 29
2 Phinney, Brandon (R, Rochester) 47
2 Ploszaj, Tom (R, Center Harbor) 3
1 Lundgren, David (R, Londonderry) 54
1 Cole, Brian (R, Manchester) 52
1 Panek, Sandra (R, Pelham) 52
1 Bordes, Mike (R, Laconia) 43
1 Vandecasteele, Susan (R, Salem) 29
1 Hunt, John (R, Rindge) 23
1 Hoell, J.R. (R, Dunbarton) 16
1 Reid, Karen (R, Deering) 16
1 Layon, Erica (R, Derry) 6
1 Janvrin, Jason (R, Seabrook) 5
1 Harb, Robert (R, Plaistow) 4
1 Granger, Michael (R, Milton) 2
1 Wallace, Scott (R, Danville) 1
1 Stapleton, Walter (R, Claremont) 1
1 Pratt, Kevin (R, Raymond) 1

The post Your Final NH House Republican Attendance Report of the Session (Some Reps are Applauding) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (6/13/24)?

Fri, 2024-06-14 10:00 +0000

Today, we learned that this was the last day of the House Session until the Fall when we come back for “Veto Day.” Today’s program included three memorials by colleagues who remembered past House Members who passed away this year.

The Hon. David Babson (Ossipee), the Hon. Timothy O’Connell (Milford), and most recently, the Hon. Russ Ober (Hudson). They all contributed so much to the NH House in service to their constituents, and they will be missed by many.

Today, we also learned that our House Speaker temporarily passed his gavel to Speaker Emeritus, Rep. Steve Shurtleff (D-Penacook), and Minority Leader, Rep. Matthew Wilhelm (D-Manchester). Rep. Shurtleff will not be seeking re-election and his contributions to the NH House were lauded. We wish him well in his future endeavors. It is customary for the Speaker to allow the Minority Leader to have some time as acting Speaker as well. My thought was although Rep. Wilhelm presided well enough, he should not get used to it.

We learned that at the beginning of the day, we had 186 Republicans voting and 182 Democrats voting. By the end of the day, the numbers dwindled to 175 Republicans and 178 Democrats. Unfortunately, we lost some important bills because of that.

We learned that most of the Committee of Conference (CoC) Reports were passed via voice vote. Starting the day, there were five Senate bills on the Consent Calendar and eight Senate bills on the Regular Calendar. All of those CoC Reports passed on a voice vote, except one that had a division vote and passed 188Y-179N. That was SB340 CoC Report. The bill included an amendment that addresses issues found in the recent LBA Performance Audit on Special Education Due Processes. It contained measures that will assist the Department of Education in monitoring and tracking the status and resolution of issues between districts and parents regarding services to their children. It will also give the Office of Special Education Advocate the tools to perform their statutory functions. This is a win for parents.

We learned that there were 5 House CoC Reports on the Consent Calendar. We then tackled 33 additional House CoC Reports on the regular calendar, which took us until 4:30 pm to finish. Of the 33 House bills, 20 of those CoC Reports passed on a voice vote; the rest were debated.

We also learned that HB1018 CoC Report passed 190Y-176N and it allowed land owners of land in current use to get an extra discount as long as they allow recreational use of their posted land. The bill also reduces the restrictions relative to the laws on-premise and off-premise liquor licenses. But please, don’t drink and bird watch!

We learned that HB1091, relative to financing political campaigns, passed 190Y-181N. This bill mandates that if someone makes small donations and over time passes the $50 mark, then the contributor’s information (name, address, phone, etc) must be reported. This means every time a small contribution is made (even passing the hat or in a raffle), you still have to collect information in order to aggregate the amount for that person. This is an awful Democrat-sponsored bill, and I hope the Governor vetoes it. It will be a record-keeping nightmare for campaign treasurers.

We also learned that HB1127 CoC Report passed on a voice vote. The original bill ends the physical return of a suspended license allowing its use for ID and closed a loophole where a person with a surrendered suspended license could avoid a search of their driving record in NH if they move out of state. It also included the “Right to Mow”, which rightfully corrects our statute to prohibit operation of a motor vehicle “on a way in the state” instead of “in the state” with a suspended license. This impacts farmers, landscapers, and individuals. It does not permit a person to take a riding mower on the road with a suspended license. So, individuals with suspended licenses can mow lawns without penalty, they just can’t drive the mower on a road. As they say, “Grass doesn’t grow on a busy street”… or something like that.

We learned that HB1215 CoC Report died with a roll call vote of 102Y-261N. After a lengthy debate, the House decided not to give the selectboard of Hampton special dispensation to decide on closing “D Street” and leasing it for 99 years to a developer. Normally, if a town wants to do something like this, they draw up a warrant article and hold a special town meeting for the voters to decide on what to do with, or how to dispose of, a town road. Supporters claimed that current RSA’s only allow for a 5 year lease, but the statute is very clear, and it looks to me (and many others) that the town can vote to lease for 99 years (RSA41:11-a II).”The authority under paragraph I shall include the power to rent or lease such property during periods not needed for public use, provided, however, that any rental or lease agreement for a period of more than one year shall not be valid unless ratified by vote of the town.” According to paragraph III the selectboard can lease up to 5 years WITHOUT ratification from the town. Passing this CoC Report would have set a nasty precedent for selectboards to make decisions that the taxpayers should be making.

We learned that before we headed out the door to enjoy the Speaker’s ice cream social (which was wonderful!) some pink haired lunatic started throwing some leaflets down to the State House floor from the gallery.  The Speaker started yelling for the person to stop and apparently security was not quick enough to subdue such activity before the person dumped a load of paper over the gallery rail and fled out the gallery door.  I did not happen to read what was written on the papers, but I heard it had something to do with trans rights.

We learned that HB1265 CoC Report passed with a roll called vote 183Y-172N. It was clear that House Democrats did not want transparency with regard to how schools spend our money. This legislation requires school districts to post mandatory reports of school expenses, including average cost per pupil, average teacher salaries, and top administrator salaries. It also creates a civil remedy for the enforcement of this requirement. For consistency and accuracy of data in the district reports, the department provided information identifying the expenses to be included.

We learned that HB1292 CoC Report regarding sanctuary cities in NH was Tabled 192Y-165N. The CoC language removed the overly broad requirement for law enforcement to assist with Federal immigration law and only required law enforcement to honor criminal detainers that are discovered subsequent to someone being arrested for a violation of New Hampshire law. Furthermore, the language specifically prohibits law enforcement from questioning people about their immigration status. The bill did not prohibit any town from adopting an ordinance or resolution welcoming immigrants to their community. As stated, the bill only prohibits towns from ordering their law enforcement to ignore requests from immigration to either notify or temporarily hold someone already in custody who is wanted by immigration for either being a deportable person, which means they have already met the threshold requirements and orders exist to deport them; or they are wanted on a criminal detainer for being suspected of, or charged with committing another crime in the United States in a different jurisdiction. United States Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement has specifically asked under the current Administration, that localities refrain from adopting any laws or ordinances that would prohibit cooperation with ICE. They say that doing so not only interferes with their ability to carry out immigration law, but also puts citizens and other immigrants in danger by allowing known criminals and dangerous offenders to remain in our communities. Suffice it to say, we already know that Lebanon, Harrisville, and Hanover have “welcoming policies” in place for immigrants.. whether legal or not. It’s too bad this bill was tabled, but it could have been a stronger bill to begin with. House Democrats were very happy with this CoC Report being Tabled.

We also learned that HB1370 CoC Report was Tabled 223Y-141N. This bill would have eliminated voter identification exceptions. It removed any exceptions for proving voter identification and removed the voter affidavits as proof of identification. It also repealed the procedures for affidavit ballots and creates a judicial review or data verification process for persons aggrieved by the decision of an election official which denies that person the opportunity to vote. The amended version of the bill provided that once the voter has called the hotline, they must be taken care of within 20 minutes, or they may vote anyway. Opponents of the bill said this was an unwieldy process and probably would not be able to be put into place by November’s elections. The affidavit process will still be in play in this upcoming election, but at least a ballot won’t be included in the count unless they provide their information within a certain timeframe.

We further learned that HB1633 CoC Report, the legalization of cannabis, was Tabled 178Y-173N. Any hopes of legalizing weed in NH this year went up in smoke, even as the Senate passed it. It’s just as well…the bill was a hot mess anyway. Later, a motion to remove it from the Table failed 162Y-189N.

We then learned that HB1665 CoC Report, which would have raised eligibility for Education Freedom Accounts died on a Roll called vote of 168Y-185N… with ALL 178 House Democrats and 7 House Republicans voting against it. Losing this bill was a heartbreak as this bill could have easily passed earlier in the day. I’m sure this will be back next year.

Finally, we learned that all of the CoC reports that passed will go to the Governor for signature if the Senate approves them as well. We now wait to see what will get signed into law, vetoed, or passed without signature. Then, we’ll return in the fall to deal with Vetoed bills. House members will be off for July and August, with some working on legislation for next year and/or interim study bills. About 1/3 will not be seeking re-election, and the remaining 2/3 who have filed to run again will be busy campaigning. Have a great summer, and support our candidates! Let’s elect a much bigger majority of great Republicans next time around because “this slim margin” thing was really for the birds! Cheers, and thanks for reading!

The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (6/13/24)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Expert Gives Masterclass In Why The Thing They Came To Advocate Won’t Work

Fri, 2024-06-14 02:00 +0000

When you’re getting big bucks to hold a public meeting and nobody from the public shows up, what do you do? Get one of your employees to play the role of “good citizen.” This is what happened at the first legally mandated public outreach forum that was supposed to inform the public about the Clean Heat Standard and get feedback from us folks who are about to get roadkilled by this “Mack Truck” piece of legislation, to use the description coined by Department of Public Services commissioner June Tierney.

As BTL reported earlier, only two members of the general public combined have attended the April and May public outreach meetings. (See: The Clean Heat Standard Public Engagement Fiasco.) And, as BTL also reported earlier, neither one of them had anything to say. So, to fill that awkward silence, moderator Curtiss Reed asked his colleague and Special Projects Assistant at The Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity, Gemma Seymour, to vamp a little and share her own story about home heating. She did! Oh boy, did she!

Seymour must not have received the memo that her firm’s mission was to explain to the public, with a special focus on traditionally marginalized and vulnerable populations, how the Clean Heat Standard is supposed to work, because she embarked on a ten-minute excoriation of the program, illustrating in stark terms how it is too expensive, too impractical, and cannot work in the real world. Especially for those vulnerable populations the politicians promised (fingers tightly crossed) to protect.

Seymour explained that she rents an apartment in a four-unit complex in Brattleboro. She is responsible for her own heating and electric bills. Her first concern: if her landlord is forced or incentivized to spend the money to swap out the existing oil system for cold climate heat pumps or advanced wood pellets, he will certainly use it as “an excuse to raise my rent. And I don’t want my rent to go up.” Yeah, who does?

Then she makes a very good and perhaps overlooked point: “In order for the heating system in this [apartment] unit to be replaced, the unit would have to be vacated. I’d have to move someplace else for, you know, probably at least a month in order for that to be done. And in today’s housing market, how does that even happen? I mean, even if the money were available for me to just pick up and move to another place, there’s no place to move to.”  True that!

She further notes that sixty-five percent of the people in her neighborhood are renters, and likely in the same boat. This is what “social justice” and “a just transition” look like under a Clean Heat Standard mandate. Nice words smashed like bugs on the windshield of reality.

Next Seymour takes a nice meaty bite out of the hand that’s feeding her to host this event, calling out the legislators who passed Act 18 for gross incompetence. “If you look at the operable part of the legislation, the obligated parties in Act 18 are the fuel dealers, and that’s it. Fuel dealers are obligated to obtain Clean Heat Credits, and the Public Utilities Commission is charged with creating a system by which this is going to happen. There’s no hard targets put into place as to how much reduction has to take place. There’s no incentives for homeowners to actually upgrade systems, or landlords to upgrade systems. It’s an expense for them that they are going to recoup in rental costs. And that’s a big red flag for everybody who rents in Vermont.” Tell it, sister!

She goes on, “In order for the oil system to be replaced in this building, somebody would have to pay thousands of dollars to have all of that ripped out. And, oh by the way, that oil tank is hazardous waste now, so that has to be handled in a certain manner. I’d have to vacate the building. Find a new place to live. And somebody’s got to foot the bill. All of which is ultimately going to make my rent go up.” Yup!

She did the math. “If I divide my $800 [annual heating bill] by nine months of the heating season, that means my electric bill [plus any rent increase] could go up ninety dollars a month before I was paying more money than I was before. Now I’m willing to pay a little bit more if it means a cleaner environment. But the reality is I don’t want to pay THAT much more.” Says the professional climate activist. How do you think everyone else feels?

But this is a sentiment that jibes with the polling done last December by Campaign for Vermont that showed while a majority people like the idea of cutting greenhouse gas emissions in theory, they have almost zero interest in paying anything extra in order to do so. And the Clean Heat Standard is going to cost LOTS extra.

So, if this is what you’re paid DEI spokesperson has to say about your signature program, I mean, good luck selling it to the general public. Which may be the strategy behind holding meeting ostensibly for the public that nobody from the public attends.

In closing, I’ll just remind Gemma, if she’s reading, not to be too shocked and surprised that she, a lower income person from a traditionally marginalized background, is getting the doo-doo end of the Clean Heat Standard stick. Senator Mark MacDonald did warn us all as he and his colleagues passed this law, “We don’t do things based on helping poor people. We’re doing things based on saving the world.” You’re just being asked to do and pay your fair share.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Response to Steve – Methinks You May Be Wrong?

Fri, 2024-06-14 00:00 +0000

Steve had this post, “Night Cap: Did The EU Just Make the Net-Zero Transition Illegal” in which the CURRENT EU head honchos passed this resolution:

The European Union’s (EU) cabal of meddling ministers has passed a resolution “requiring firms and their upstream and downstream partners, including supply, production and distribution, to prevent, end or mitigate their adverse impact on human rights and the environment.”

In this case, they are going all-in on renewables. Not so fast, mi amigo!  After all, the EU countries just held their national elections over the weekend and the EU Parliament is about to get buffeted as a result. The MSM is all aghast that “the continent” may be drifting to the Right.

Marie Le Pen’s Party is about to take over France and will govern conservatively. Gert Wilders, a politician that the Netherlands would just go away, is riding on the “Farmers Party” (started at regular folk farmers who decided to politically whack the Greens, literally pushing to put them out of business because of “sustainability”) and is forming a conservative government. Germany is headed rightward as well, and the new AfD party has won bigely locally and in the national elections. Nigel Farage just decided to run for office again via the new Reform Party, and it looks like that is going to upset both the Tories and Labour in Britain. The socialist government in Belgium just fell as well.

In each of all the countries, the Green Parties took a shellacking – people are standing up to these enviro bullies and demanding:

“When I turn on that light switch, dang it, that light had better go on!”

Sweden has already announced that it is going all-in for Nukes. France is getting ready to build more Nukes. Germany has had to relight shuttered coal plants to keep up with power demands. One by one, the Socialists (or as we call them here in ‘Merica – Progressives) countries are realizing that citizens aren’t on board with lower standards of living because of an ideologically based secular religion. Given that they are still nominally democracies (even as the bureaucrats wish otherwise), they are all standing up and screaming “ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE”.

Add three more (but wait!  I have many more for later!) – the first is “Where would the Paris Agreement (on curtailing emissions to zero) without Paris?”. And this is a direct result of the EU elections:

  • Is Paris About to Leave the Paris Agreement?

In a shock move, President Emmanuel Macron called a parliamentary election, describing it as ‘an act of confidence’

In a shock move, France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, has called a snap parliamentary election that will be held within the next 30 days. What happened exactly, why – and what might come next?…After suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of Marine Le Pen’s far right National Rally (RN) in the European parliamentary elections, the French president on Sunday evening unexpectedly announced a snap general election.

According to usually accurate projections, Macron’s centrist list, headed by MEP Valérie Hayer, scored between 14.8% and 15.2% in the European poll, less than half the 32%-33% tally booked by RN, whose lead candidate was the party’s president, Jordan Bardella, 28.


But she has promised to cancel wind and solar subsidies and instead concentrate on nuclear power, and she has also indicates she wants to protect French manufacturing – she regards driving manufacturing offshore with harsh climate rules but still using the manufactured products, importing the products instead of manufacturing them in France, as “climate hypocrisy”.

  • Did the Aussie Opposition Leader Just Call for Cancelling the Paris Agreement?  (Emphasis mine)

Dutton to pull Australia out of Paris Agreement if elected

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has signalled he will scrap the nation’s legally binding 2030 climate target and risk Australia’s membership of the Paris Agreement on climate change, following his vow to deploy nuclear energy to reach net zero by 2050. Dutton declared on Saturday that a Coalition government would not pursue Australia’s legally binding climate target to cut emissions by 43 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030 – a significant escalation of Australia’s long-running climate policy war ahead of the next federal election due by May next year.

Dutton told The Australian on Saturday that the government’s renewable goal was unattainable and:

“there’s no sense in signing up to targets you don’t have any prospect of achieving”.

The opposition has said if it forms government it would build up to seven emissions-free nuclear power plants to replace the energy supply from Australia’s dirty coal plants, which have begun to shut down across the country. He would also pause the rollout of wind and solar farms.


“You can’t have the prime minister saying we aren’t going to have coal, we aren’t going to have gas and we’re not going to have ­nuclear power and we are going to keep the lights onthat’s just fantasy. We now have a debate about energy which I think we can win,” he told The Australian.

And again from the Land from DownUnder and from across the pond from us (a mashup of NZ and UK):

  • New Zealand to revoke oil drilling ban amid fears of blackouts

New Zealand was on Saturday night expected to revoke a ban on drilling for oil and gas amid fears of blackouts, as Labour (UK) plans to impose a similar crackdown on the North Sea. The country’s coalition government is preparing to invite energy companies to resume exploration in the three major offshore fields that supply most of its gas. It comes after National Grid operator Transpower was last month forced to warn families to limit their electricity usage to avoid a shutdown during a cold snap.

The decision to reverse the ban, made by resources minister Shane Jones, will be a setback for green activists and likely to be regarded as a blow for Labour after Ed Miliband has repeatedly pledged to halt new drilling for oil and gas in UK waters.


However, New Zealand’s change of course has been cheered by industry leaders. John Carnegie, chief executive of trade body Energy Resources Aotearoa, said: “We welcome a return to sensible, pragmatic policy settings that fairly manage the upstream oil and gas sector to the benefit of all New Zealanders.
New Zealand faces an energy shortage which threatens our electricity system…

Heck, even Lloyd Alter (formerly of TreeHugger and now over at Substack as “Carbon Upfront!”) is getting on board with nukes – reality is slowly sinking into his “sustainability brain”.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

JUICE: Power, Politics & The Grid – Part I

Thu, 2024-06-13 23:00 +0000

Someone turned me on to this series, so I thought I’d take the opportunity of a missing podcaster slot to use it as filler.

There is no New England Take this week, so we’re grabbing some filler. This is the first of five parts.

In February 2021, millions of Texans lost power, and the state’s grid came within four or five minutes of a total failure that would have resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. It’s hard to overstate the importance –– and complexity –– of our electric grid. But how did our most important energy network get weakened? And what can we do to fix it?

The post JUICE: Power, Politics & The Grid – Part I appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hartford High School Goes Full Marxist Groomer On Kids

Thu, 2024-06-13 22:00 +0000

As a tax payer and parent of a graduating senior at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center I was sent a questionnaire last week with the following email announcement of Hartford’s newly adopted “inclusivity” policy:

Dear Members of the Hartford School District,


At the end of 2023, you received an email sharing our approach to health education, which reiterated the Hartford School District’s mission to provide a caring and dynamic learning community that is welcoming and ensures that everyone is seen for who they are. In line

with this mission, we are pleased to share that earlier this year we passed a new policy, the Gender Inclusivity Policy, that compliments the 2018 Race and Equity Policy (  EL 10 ) and strengthens our commitments to our District members. The Gender Inclusivity Policy can be found in the Policy section of our District website  here . The Hartford School District Statement regarding this policy, which can be found on the  Equity and Inclusion page states:


“The Hartford School District is committed to providing a safe, orderly, civil, and positive learning

 environment for all students and staff, regardless of perceived or actual gender identity, gender expression, sex characteristics, and/or sexual orientation. It is the position of the Hartford School District that transgender, non-binary, and intersex individuals deserve the same inclusion and acknowledgement that cisgender individuals receive.”


We are writing today to share this policy with you-and we also want to hear from you! We invite you to fill in  this brief survey to help us gauge our district member’s alignment with this policy. The survey is also an opportunity to ask questions and/or suggest further opportunities for engagement and learning that you think would be helpful to you/our community. Our goal is to contribute to a community in which people of any gender identity or expression are equally included and respected; we ask that input be provided with this in mind (e.g., this is not the place for hate speech denying the existence and/or rights of

 transgender and nonbinary people). 


Who should fill out this survey? All parents, caregivers, guardians of students in the Hartford School District, AND all teachers and staff of the district.


See below for a summary of what we mean by “gender inclusivity” and the two main human rights the policy is based around:


What is “gender inclusivity”?

Gender Inclusivity is the equitable and fair treatment of children and adults of all gender identities and expressions.


This policy upholds the right to:

Privacy and confidentiality. This means that every person has the right to choose when, with whom, and how much information about their gender identity and/or gender status is shared with others. This right to privacy i

s recognized within the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. 


The right to be known and seen as who one knows oneself to be. This means that every student and staff person in our district should be able to feel comfortable, safe, and included when they self-present in their own gender identity and when they dress or present in a gender expression they prefer. Sex-based discrimination in the form of harassment, mockery, exclusion, or any other form of differential treatment of transgender and non-binary people is prohibited.


Again, you can fill in the survey  here . We always welcome respectful conversations about how our equity and inclusion practices play out in different grades. Thank you for trusting our professional staff with providing thoughtful, caring, respectful, and age-appropriate learning experiences for your children.


Tom DeBalsi

Superintendent of Schools


You’ll notice the tone of the letter is typical Marxist language appearing to be the kind and considerate thought leaders while pushing mystical pseudo-science that has been routinely exposed as quackery generated from fake academic journals citing other fake academic journals offering fake legitimacy.  The reality is transgender and gender affirming care are being exposed as massive failures as clinics are shutting down due to horrible outcomes such as increased rates of suicide and de-transition regret post transition.  Were the staff at Hartford to come outside of their ideological silos and echo chambers they would know this but they remain a town behind the times trying desperately to appear cutting edge and relevant.

Rather than genuinely be about the health and well-being of the children this masquerade is about the adults, many of who are functional groomers either deliberately pushing sex identitarianism or have simply been co-opted due to institutional capture thanks to the handful of activists who are on  mission to push the agenda, be they at the federal, state or local level.

Note in the letter the outgoing superintendent Tom Debalsi asks for feedback, questions and concerns “We are writing today to share this policy with you-and we also want to hear from you! We invite you to fill in  this brief survey to help us gauge our district member’s alignment with this policy.” while limiting the parameters to acceptable speech stating “this is not the place for hate speech denying the existence and/or rights of transgender and non-binary people.”  Essentially, they only want to hear from you if you agree with the agenda, which is confirmation bias and intentionally insulates them from disapproval by any members of the community who disagree – thus inclusion doesn’t extend to dissent.  This flies in the face of both science and our fundamental rights as citizens given the school is a government institution upheld by the will of the people.  Activists adopting a policy is not democratic and the questionnaire is a thin illusion pretending to represent democratic input.


Having worked in market research where I conducted similar surveys the obvious leading questions and bias aimed at confirming what they want is yet more pseudo-science designed to appear authoritative with one of the very first questions:


“Please share the gender identity you most closely identify with” (sic – note the ironically poor sentence structure ending the phrase with a preposition): cisgender woman, cisgender man, transgender, non-binary, gender-fluid, agender, I’m on a gender journey and I’m not sure at this time, prefer not to answer, other.


This biases the survey by adopting the controversial policy’s language.  Which is the game of Marxism in a nutshell – change the language.  Words are the root of society’s communication infrastructure and Marxists know that if they can alter the lexicon they can control the speech which is precisely the goal of this agenda.  It’s not about inclusivity or kindness or journeys but reframing the very way we see the world through language.  Marx referred to this as “mystification”, which is a type of Gnostic wizardry.  This is the stuff of secret societies and cults where words have double-meanings, one for those inside the cult and another for the uninitiated.

The goal of this survey is similar.  The ostensible purpose is to appear democratic and inclusive while the hidden goal is to announce this is the new order – your school has been captured by cultural Marxists.

Never mind the science of gametes are fundamentally binary which trump’s gender expression and feelings.  Or that babies are born expressing only those two, even the intersex, which proves the binary.  No.  These social quacks believe, thanks to Marxist theorists, that gender is a social construct not a biological fact and we need to let children, yes children, decide what they are.  Of course they will be guided (re: groomed) by the activists, through the power of suggestion, they can identify however they want, including as an animal (which they call furries).  At no point in time has a person thinking they are an animal not been a sign of full blown mental illness.  A school in Utah just had a mass of students walkout in protest of “furries” who were being allowed to bite and scratch them with impunity as teachers allowed them to express their identity.  Yes, this just happened.

Hartford is in the grip of woke insanity and it’s leveled at the children who are being groomed into breaking from reality ultimately aimed at being useful for one thing, cultural revolution.  We saw it with the BLM/George Floyd riots and again with the Israel protests and of course the pride parades.  This is nothing new, it was tried and failed in 1920s Hungary, however it was also the pretext to the rise of Nazi Germany where Hitler’s brown shirts first order of business was to burn books on transgenderism and shut down a transgender clinic following years of economic failure where young people couldn’t afford housing.  Sound familiar?  Probably not to people in Hartford where faculty no longer teach sound history instead promoting the unsoundness of one’s mental faculties.

Herbert Marcuse, the Marxist philosopher of the 1960s, stated clearly the goal of Marxists is to used easily manipulated youth, queer and ghetto black populations as revolutionaries to overthrow western culture:

“Very different from the revolution at previous stages of history, this opposition is directed against theh totatliy of well-functioning, prosperous society – a protest against its Form…This new consciousness and the instinctual rebellion isolate such opposition form the masses and from the majority of organized labor, the integrated majority, and make for the concentration of radical politics in active minorities, mainly among the young middle-class intelligentsia and among the ghetto populations (re: LGBTQ+ black, etc.). Here, prior to all political strategy and organization, liberation becomes a vital, “biological” need.” 

In other words, Marcuse and the Marxists have purposefully targeted youth and “ghetto” populations to manipulate for their revolution.  The town of Hartford and its children has become their playground.

Here is the link to take the survey and let the town know what you think of their Marxist agenda for children.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jefferson Park, LA Highrise, SF Free Market

Thu, 2024-06-13 20:00 +0000

I must confess that I was fuming as I watched The Five on Monday, and these were the featured stories. If you want to understand what motivates Liberals, these stories will sum it up for you.

A violent “peaceful protest” where an unarmed park ranger was assaulted and two stories where we are bending over to accommodate illegal migrants while ignoring homeless veterans and impoverished Americans were the topics for debate. Let’s break them down.

Lafayette Park is directly across the street from the White House and is known as a campground for protesters who show their disdain for the sitting President daily. This weekend, it was a mass of Pro-Palestine protesters who worked very hard to destroy the statue of Comte de Rochambeau, who came to America to help George Washington defeat the British troops. They covered the statues with anti-Israel and anti-Biden slogans. When an unarmed Park Ranger stood alone protecting the statue, he was pelted with signs, bottles, and verbal degrading. There were no police coming to his aid. This protest continued for hours, including a red ribbon surrounding the White House. No arrests were made for the destruction of property or the assault of the ranger. These protesters are a disgrace and hell-bent on destroying our history and country.

In Los Angeles, a highrise apartment complex is under construction. The 278-unit, 19-story tower will open in a matter of weeks and is meant to be a “self-contained environment that will insulate its formerly homeless residents from the squalor and hopelessness around them,” the Los Angeles Times reported. Los Angeles, like all of the large cities in California, has been overrun by the homeless for years with no resolution. This project comes with a price tag of $165 million in a state that is not only broke but also billions in debt. This highrise will have a gym and cafe, and once the migrants find their way in, why should they ever leave? This program is a slap in the face to everyone in LA who is living on the streets or check to check under pressure from Bidenomics and lousy liberal California policies.

The initiative in San Francisco is even more radical if you can believe it. San Francisco opened a city market Sunday where qualifying residents could receive their groceries for “free,” a program costing city taxpayers $5.5 million. The Food Empowerment Market aims to ease burdens for food stamp holders who may run out of resources toward the end of each month. Geoffrea Morris, who pushed the legislation through city government in 2021, argued that the market is “supplemental” and not meant to be the sole method of feeding people. The people who dream up these programs are not wired correctly. Prequalified individuals can come to the market, fill their cart, proceed to the checkout, and then take their groceries home free of charge.

That is free to the customer, but somebody has to absorb the cost. In this case, the people of San Francisco have absorbed the foolish decisions of the local government. That has become the biggest fault of the government; they spend money like it is their money. The government at all levels has lost the fact that their constituents and businesses fund every initiative, and no funds should be spent without consent. This country is broke, and cities, towns, states, and the federal government all operate on credit. That philosophy doesn’t work for households and is unsustainable for the government. The day of reckoning will come soon, and this country is not ready for the pain that day will bring.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Are Sick and Tired of Being Lied to and Gaslighted

Thu, 2024-06-13 19:00 +0000

It is with great sadness that I write this open letter. As a life-long Republican, I can’t tell you how disgusted I am with NHGOP leadership, which has allowed this corrupt voting practices to continue in this state.

We want to thank Daniel Richard for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I can tell you that we the people are sick and tired of being lied to and gaslighted. It’s time to expose the rats. Chris Sununu, the Governor has a Constitutional and fiduciary duty; Part II, article 41:

The governor shall be responsible for the faithful execution of the laws. He may, by appropriate court action or proceeding brought in the name of the state, enforce compliance with any constitutional or legislative mandate, or restrain violation of any constitutional or legislative power, duty, or right, by any officer, department or agency of the state.” 

John Formella, the Attorney General of the State of New Hampshire, is also a constitutional officer, and his duties are defined by RSA 21-M:5 Duties of the Attorney General:

In addition to the powers, duties and functions otherwise vested by law, including RSA 7, in the attorney general, he shall:
I. Represent the public interest in the administration of the department of justice and be responsible to the governor, the general court, and the public for such administration.”

David Scanlon the Secretary of State of New Hampshire, is also a Constitutional Officer, Part II, article 67, and his duties are defined by the state legislature.

Sununu, Formella, and Scanlan, have violated their oaths of office and chosen to act in a wanton and reckless manner by knowingly defending unconstitutional acts of the legislature and installing unconstitutional unsafe voting practices across the state, rather than upholding the laws of land to which they have sworn an oath to faithfully defend and preserve the Constitution of New Hampshire and the United States Constitution.

The Attorney General’s Office is not a private law firm to defend the unauthorized actions of public officials. A.G. Formella has chosen to defend defective changes to our election laws, which he and his team of Attorneys knew or should have known were unconstitutional. By all accounts A.G. Formella is a smart Attorney, therefore he can-not claim ignorance of the law, as we all know is know excuse. Under NH RSA 99-D: In order to use tax-payer dollars to defend the unauthorized actions by state actors, the A.G. must examine the complaint and determine whether the allegation against a state actor was wanton or reckless.

Taxpayer dollars cannot be used if the A.G. finds that the state actor acted outside his authority,

Therefore, the person accused would have to obtain their legal counsel at their own expense. If the A.G. is named in the complaint, he has to recuse himself, and the Executive Council must decide whether to authorize the use of tax-payer dollars for legal defense.

Why did A.G. Formella not recuse himself? And why did the executive council not do its job? That has not happened in my election law challenge (NH Supreme Court case #2023-0097). How much of your tax dollars have they spent defending bad statutes that they know to be unconstitutional?

Asst. Attorney General Matthew Conley recently quoted by the NH Journal, “that ignorance of the law is no excuse”.

Well, let’s look at what the same Asst. A.G. had to say when he tried to mislead the NH Supreme Court on his brief in my case on pages 23, 24, 25, 26, where he cited The Opinion of the Justices, 44 N.H. 663 (1863) and the Opinion of Justices, 80 N.H. 595 (1921). Absentee voting was declared un-constitutional because their constitution of N.H. at that time required you vote in-person.

Absentee voting was ultimately established for only two reasons (absence from your voting district or because of physical disability.) So, in 1942, during WWII, absentee voting was established for the general elections, and it was amended again in 1956 to include primaries. The point is, the legislature under our State Constitution, the legislature can only propose amendments to the Constitution of N.H., and it CANNOT make changes to the State Constitution by legislative fiat.

So, in 2020 and now, the legislature and these state officers must follow the law. They are acting illegally and beyond the scope of their authority. Without rule of law, our country is anarchy! Our state leaders are acting like imperialists – ignoring the constitution and assuming personal power to make new unconstitutional voting practices to suit themselves. They forget we have rights.

The following are quotes are from the A.G. Supreme Court brief in my case. The case quotes make it plain to see that the State Actors, in my case, knew better, knew what they were doing was wrong, and what is worse, they conspired to deprive the people of this state of free, fair, and equal election process and that they plan on doing it again in the next election. It is time stand up and demand accountability. These are bad-faith actions by bad state actors.

(1). Copp v. Henniker, Mar 1, 1875:

Since 1863 it has been understood (as said by Ladd, J., in Copp v. Henniker, 55 N.H. 179, 193) “that the right of suffrage, established by the constitution, could not be exercised by proxy.” We are not able to answer the considerations by which the conclusions of the justices were supported in 1863. Counsel who have appeared before us in behalf of the proponents of the bill concede that it is beyond legislative power as to state officers. We, therefore, are constrained to advise the House of Representatives that the right of suffrage given by the Constitution cannot be exercised by proxy, i.e., by electors not present at the meeting. The occasion for legislation of this character in 1863 was the absence of many voters in the service of the army or navy of the United States during the Civil War. The difficulty was met in some states by constitutional amendment. Similar amendments have since been adopted in other states. Bulletin Mass. Const. Convention, Vol. 2, pp. 213, 214, 219-223.

(2). Opinion of the Justices (1921), cited 12 times most recently in McLinko v. Commonwealth Aug 2, 2022.

Decided March 29, 1921.

The legislature has no power to authorize the exercise of the right of suffrage, at the biennial elections of state officers, by electors who are not present at the polls either because of absence from the municipality in which the election is held or because of physical disability. The foregoing limitation has no application to legislation providing for the election of presidential electors. The duty of the supreme court to furnish advisory opinions is not limited to questions which may be adjudicated by the courts of the state. The validity of an election of a senator or a representative in congress which depends upon votes given by proxy is so doubtful that the court is unable to advise that legislation so providing would be valid.

The inquiry submitted is whether in the absence of power expressly given by constitutional amendment the legislature has power to provide as proposed. That such power does not exist was settled nearly fifty years ago not only in this state but in others with similar constitutional provisions as to all offices created by the several state constitutions.

My pending supreme court case question is—the courts have determined over a dozen times in earlier cases that legislature cannot alter or amend the mandatory election law provisions of the Constitution of N.H.

[this includes by expanding absentee voting, use of unreliable voting machines, 2024 purchase of non-secured electronic voting machines, doing away with voter-official inspections of absentee envelopes, and student and non-inhabitant inclusion with or without proper identification, AND whatever hanky-panky these career politicians can think up along with their Dominion, Accu-Vote and other corporate affiliates) …

These practices and patterns to improperly alter fair and equal voter rights – all require Constitutional amendment.  So, does the legislature now have the power to alter state voting law by legislation? They claim before the NH Supreme Court that they may exercise “permissible legislative judgment.” Quoting Chief Justice Gordon MacDonald:

I don’t understand what that term means. How is a permissible legislative judgement permissible if it exceeds the authority of the Constitution?

(See oral arguments starting at the 17min. mark):

I submit the legislature has no such authority or power. This question has long been settled in various ways that the legislature and the state politicians may not ‘work around’ the mandatory constitutional requirement. Their power does not exist, and this question was settled more than one hundred fifty years ago — not only in this state but in others with similar constitutional provisions as to all offices created by the several state constitutions.

The post We Are Sick and Tired of Being Lied to and Gaslighted appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: Welcome to the Jungle

Thu, 2024-06-13 18:00 +0000

Allyson Renneau has 11 biological children, let’s just get that out of the way.  How do I know?  From her website to every article written about her it’s spoken of like it’s her last name: Allyson Renneau-eleven-biological-children.  When Mrs. Superwomb isn’t parenting the next cast of cheerleading hopefuls her hobbies include going to Harvard, joining NASA, saving the Afghan girls rocket team from the Taliban and bringing porn to the Amazon.  I know, the last one is a bit odd for someone who “starts her day with an energy drink and reading Joel Osteen”, but we can’t all live our best life all the time. Sorry Joel.

Now of course her stated goal was not to bring porn to the Amazon but this thirteen time world champion baton twirler has obviously never done an internet search for “baton twirling” with the safe search feature off.  Otherwise she would have known the internet is made for two things: propaganda and porn.

Hi on energy drinks, ambition and the need to save people from seclusion the princess of fertility kindly donated multiple Starlink setups to the indigenous people of the Marubo tribe known mostly for living off the land and minding their own business.  However, despite their ability to leap into water and spear a fish with ambidexterity they had yet to make the leap to full connectivity, that is until Allyson found out about them and decided they needed her help.  Armed with an Ivy League education and a savior complex the size of a space station she brought the first world to the third world and, well, all hell broke loose.

Tribe elder Enoque said “It’s already saved lives” by allowing locals to reach out for emergency services, like the time one of the tribesman had a heart attack from walking in on one of his kids looking at BDSM videos.  “When it arrived everyone was happy” explained 73 year old Tsainama Marubo “but now things have gotten worse.”  By worse he means the tribe’s youth have gotten sexually aggressive spending much of their time online rather than hunting, farming and working in order to survive. “Young people have gotten lazy because of the internet” Tsainama said.  “They don’t spend time with family.  They’d rather be on their phones. They’re learning the ways of the white people.”  Just what white people need, another tribe of colored people hating them for trying to help.  Way to go Allyson.

Bananas Media sent staff to survey the development of the tribe and are sad to say the whiteness appears to be metastasizing.  The village’s first Karen seems to be in the making.  Karen has already instituted am and pm internet hours and was seen chewing out one fellow tribesman for leaving his ass too close to the designated yoga area.  First world problems in the third world – who’s ready for the apocalypse!

However none of that was going to stop Mrs. Renneau from single-handedly saving the Afghan girls rocket team from certain beheading by repeatedly posting on Instagram her communication with the girls to get to somewhere safe – anywhere other than Afghanistan that is.  Believing her heroic online messaging was the catalyst that brought the girls to freedom she was sorely rebuked by their legal representatives with a “cease and desist” letter chastising her for her litany of posts which only enlarged the target on the girls backs as they made their way to safety.  This stinging “get away from us we never knew you” was only a minor setback for Allyson who is so high on Red Bull and Osteen-isms she’s like the Amy Winehouse of missionaries.  Did we mention she has eleven biological children she can parent whenever she tires of playing super nanny to the world’s needy?  She does.  Eleven. Every one of them biological.

Another prodigious breeder with a penchant for porn is world’s wealthiest bachelor Elon Musk who’s social media company X decided to upgrade to XXX enacting a policy for the “marginalized” who are not able to “express their sexuality on other forms of media”.  Really Elon?  Aside from social media sites porn sites are the next largest category of the top 50 most used sites in the world.  Those are some pretty big margins exxxpressing themselves sir.

Brooke Erin Duffy, associate professor of communications at Cornell University says “X is unapologetically provocative and has sought to distinguish itself from ‘brand safe’ competitors”.  Kind of like Cornell has from the rest of the Ivy League when you look out your windows eh Brooke?  You’ve got more tents full of co-eds on your campus than Elon has Russian bots on his platform.

Of course since Christians and sexularists are making porn great again it wouldn’t be right unless a rabbi threw his tiny hat into the ring.  Rabbi Solomon Friedman, like Allyson, is on a mission.  To what you ask?  To save Pornhub, the 17th most visited site in the world with the help of his pals at Ethical Capital Partners (sic).  Like Elon and Allyson the good rabbi has a heart for the little guys and gals who are being exploited by the oppressive world of online porn and need someone to champion them for equity’s sake.  Friedman wants to “give the performers a voice” by helping them join the conversation circle centering their unmet needs as sex pots.  One can only imagine the scene where a banquet hall full of porn stars, directors and producers discuss the finer points of making porn a respectable industry with paid time off, a health plan, and a 401k for that day when the back can’t take it anymore and it’s time to move on.

Jenn Clamen, national co-ordinator of the Canadian Alliance for Sex Work Law Reform, said the past problems at Pornhub have been used to malign the industry as a whole, causing one to wonder when was the industry not maligned as a hole?

“What we can only hope is that [Ethical Capital Partners] have a respect for working conditions,” Clamen told CBC. Freidman vows to offer memberships to Planet Fitness, Planned Parenthood and install cameras on site for safety.  L’chaim!

Maggie MacDonald, a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto’s faculty of information who studies porn platforms, was asked to join the firm’s advisory board a few months back. Upon learning such a job exists every single internet hiring site crashed the next morning and continues to be down at of the time of publishing.

She said it’s the first time a private sector pitch convinced her, as Ethical Capital Partners impressed upon her that they have the interests of pornography workers at heart.  Of course they do honey britches.

Rabbi Freidman has stated he will also be working on a new line of Kosher porn products with fellow rabbi Schmuley Boteach, both of whom are particularly jazzed about yarmulkondoms.


The post Bananas: Welcome to the Jungle appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Authoritarian Jeanne Shaheen Did It Again – Overrode Local NH Decisions With Federal Monies

Thu, 2024-06-13 17:00 +0000

Federal Government Ambassador to New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen (or is the more proper term, the older version of Satrap?) used her perch in the US Senate to override local voters and reverse the fiscal decisions of their duly elected representatives.

Sidenote: note how often (snark) she discusses the almost  $35 Trillion national debt that she has helped to run up with her Morally Superior sense of “largess by other peoples’ money”?

She seems to believe that by showering people with Federal dollars, she makes herself the female version of Santa Claus, coming down from the Senate version of Mt Olympus to “save” the mortals so far beneath her (yes, I’m mixing metaphors here, but stay with me). As the NH Journal pointed out back in March, she spent $2.5 million in tax money that we would have spent of our own volition (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Shaheen’s Tax Splash: Sinks $2.5M in Kayak Park Rejected by Voters

When Congress passed the $1.2 trillion spending package in the dark of night on Friday, Fox News noted some of the pork barrel projects inevitably included in these omnibus (or in this case “minibus”) budget bills.

One spending shoutout went to $2.5 million for a “new kayaking facility in New Hampshire.”

In this case, it’s a proposed whitewater park in downtown Franklin, N.H. — a project local taxpayers overwhelmingly rejected when asked to fund it themselves last year. So, why are America’s taxpayers paying for it now?

Just ask Sen. Jeanne Shaheen…That’s what Shaheen did, according to Franklin City Manager Judith Milner. Shaheen asked her political friends in Franklin if they wanted some “free” money from the federal government.


Shaheen declined to respond to questions about the funding from NHJournal.

As if it was really a gift or even the Federal Government’s. A mere cuppa coffee. As I used to say when I was on my hamlet’s Budget Committee, every time someone came in looking for more spending, it was always justified as “it’s only th price of a cup of coffee a day” for everyone. They were never happy when I said:

“I’m already pulling two tankers worth of coffee behind me – why don’t you get together with your friends, fund it, and then gift it (and the required maintenance for it) yourselves if it’s such a hot idea?”

They always thought I was being rude until I pointed out that they were being more rude in demanding citizens give them money to make themselves feel better about themselves. Was that rudest?

No, it wasn’t. Jeanne Shaheen didn’t have a vote on spending this money. She didn’t bother to accept that Franklin voters didn’t think the idea was worth it—she just blithely overrode their votes, just like any normal Authoritarian (but with a grandmother’s smile).

About questions from NH Journal – what were they thinking as she NEVER does? When the Executive Council funded community health centers but not baby abbatoirs, she immediately directed the Federal DHHS to fund them.  So much for local control, eh, Jeanne?  So much for respecting local elected officials, eh witch (rhymes with…well, y’all know I don’t use that kind of language)?

The interest the US is now paying on its National Debt is over $1 trillion a year. With higher interest rates by the Federal Reserve, that will rise. And remember, that is more money spent (much of which does not fall into Constitutional Powers) on our national defense.

She has nothing but scorn for us all.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Bad News for The ‘Energy Transition’ – There Isn’t Enough Copper for EVs, Forget The Rest of It

Thu, 2024-06-13 16:00 +0000

If you hear a politician or one of their fanatical followers mouthing off about net zero, the energy transition, or achieving some arbitrary reduction in emissions by a date earlier than, say, 2150 CE or 130 ACE (after the covid era), call bullsh!t. Don’t worry, we’ve got receipts.

They are lying, stupid, perhaps both, or if you lean toward being less bombastic, grossly misinformed, and misguided individuals misled by Marxist corruptocrats. I know, I said less bombastic. Calls for achieving levels of electrification, regardless of whether you believe this is to reduce emissions (whatever those may be), are irrelevant. We are wasting time, money (not nearly enough of it) and energy on something that can never be achieved, even if we dropped wind and solar for nuclear and hydro.

Past installments of Why Net-zero is Impossible focused on inadequate access to rare earth metals and the hypocritical offshoring of emissions to places that extract them. Vermont, for example, would need to cover most of its picturesque landscape to meet its “climate goals” while it is, at the same time, sequestering a third of that space as protected from development. Their plan is to make others sacrifice their space. To emit elsewhere, then claim to be clean and green. A Climate cult gated community safe space with sprawling vistas because they are buying dirty green energy from outside the state.

None of that matters. We’ll never get there from here, so they should stop lying to you and wasting your money.

Not only is there not enough known copper, but even if there were, it could not possibly be mined in time to reach even the least offensive of the target dates proposed.

Replacing today’s 1.35 billion light-duty gasoline and diesel vehicles with EVs and supplying the expanded market (estimated at 2.2 billion cars by 2050) would thus require nearly 150 million tons of additional copper during the next 27 years. That is an equivalent of more than seven years of today’s annual copper extraction for all of the metal’s many industrial and commercial uses…Copper offers a stunning example of these environmental externalities. The metal content of exploited copper ores from Chile, the world’s leading source of the metal, has declined from 1.41 percent in 1999 to 0.6 percent in 2023, and further quality deterioration is inevitable. Using the mean richness of 0.6 percent means that the extraction of additional 600 million tons of metal would require the removal, processing, and deposition of nearly 100 billion tons of waste rock (mining and processing spoils), which is about twice as much as the current annual total of global material extracted including harvested biomass, all fossil fuels, ores and industrial minerals, and all bulk construction materials. Extracting and dumping such enormous masses of waste material exacts a very high energy and environmental price.

That’s just EVs without taking into consideration that we’d have to stop using copper for everything else.

Copper is needed for gold alloys and sterling silver, non-EV motor parts, other wiring, piping, and plumbing, machinery to facilitate heat exchange, roofing, finishes, artwork, public health, food and beverage, and use in any other application would necessarily cease. We would need all of it, and it still wouldn’t get us anywhere near where the experts say we need to be.

Net Zero would also require a host of other transitions.

In terms of final energy uses and specific energy converters, the unfolding transition would have to replace more than 4 terawatts (TW) of electricity-generating capacity now installed in large coal- and gas-fired stations by converting to non-carbon sources; to substitute nearly 1.5 billion combustion (gasoline and diesel) engines in road and off-road vehicles; to convert all agricultural and crop processing machinery (including about 50 million tractors and more than 100 million irrigation pumps) to electric drive or to non-fossil fuels; to find new sources of heat, hot air, and hot water used in a wide variety of industrial processes (from iron smelting and cement and glass making to chemical syntheses and food preservation) that now consume close to 30 percent of all final uses of fossil fuels; to replace more than half a billion natural gas furnaces now heating houses and industrial, institutional, and commercial places with heat pumps or other sources of heat; and to find new ways to power nearly 120,000 merchant fleet vessels (bulk carriers of ores, cement, fertilizers, wood and grain, and container ships, the largest one with capacities of some 24,000 units, now running mostly on heavy fuel oil and diesel fuel) and nearly 25,000 active jetliners that form the foundation of global long-distance transportation (fueled by kerosene)… On the face of it, and even without performing any informed technical and economic analyses, this seems to be an impossible task …

At present, no amount of math makes building our way into the proposed energy transition possible. We lack the material or know how to get there. There aren’t enough rare earth metals or copper to get us there, which means there isn’t enough material to replace all of that if we could when it wears out.

Net-Zero is a dead end unless its purpose is something else (which we know it is). Any politician unwilling to admit it is impossible or unwilling to admit other motivations will need your help finding another hobby or occupation. And here’s the rub: It makes no difference if you believe CO2 or any other man-made emission is manipulating the climate. The math doesn’t work.

This is not the path and staying on it is wasting time and money. So get off it.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Hunter Biden Conviction Proves There Is No “Rule of Law” In America

Thu, 2024-06-13 15:00 +0000

Hunter Biden will NEVER step foot inside a prison. The Big Pedophile Guy, our Imposter/Figurehead President, Joe BidenX will pardon Hunter or commute his sentence. And Hunter escaped prosecution … because the corrupt BidenX DOJ let the statute of limitations run … on far more serious crimes: tax evasion, money laundering, sex trafficking, influence peddling.

The crimes were displayed and celebrated on Hunter’s laptop … yes, that laptop, the one our “free press” covered up at the behest of our real government, the “intelligence community.”   Excellent summation by David Sacks:


The post The Hunter Biden Conviction Proves There Is No “Rule of Law” In America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Decoupling from the Soros Agenda

Thu, 2024-06-13 14:00 +0000

Through the latter half of the 20th century, George Soros became a sovereign force on the international stage. He became well-known for representing and empowering minority groups in their national political spheres. This was a boon for democracy globally, and Soros became widely known as a champion for human rights.

However, sometime in the opening decades of the 21st century, good ol’ George tacked a new direction. He moved sharply away from cultivating democracy in a new direction. What was that?

Soros’ age may have gotten to him. Or perhaps he spent too much time with Gates in Davos conferences. Either way, he took a new direction promoting global authoritarianism, transhumanism, and the destruction of the USA.

What prompted such a shift we can only theorize on, but the reality is striking. George and his son Alex have steered directly along the course currently tracked by the US far left. Marked by defunding the police, championing black supremecist ideas and demonizing whites, and going so far as to call for racial genocide. Promoting tyrannical, police stare measures surrounding coronaviruses, and participating in massive electoral fraud to ensure continued political representstion and power in Washington.

The Soros bloodline has become a vertiable threat to world peace. Their branded foundation Open Society has twisted the magnificent ideas of Karl Popper into a hellish direction towards global chaos. Where Alex and George do not activrly intervene, when leftist agendas coincide with supporting their power positions, they are happy to stay silent.

Most concerning is Alex Soros’ new captaincy of Open Society Foundations. He is a spoiled trust fund child, a pure elitist, and he has no consideration for individual citizens. He is an idealogue largely lacking in business experience building capital or in communicating actoss socioeconomic spectrums.

Alex relies on the fanatics and sycophants who surrounded his father for decades. Does he have the intellectual inquisitiveness or enlightened mindset to lead effectively given his massive financial capabilities? We can only pray that he does, but by all appearances, he does not.

We are on a precipice. The US populations is being goaded into a 2nd American Civil War. The USA is being primed for incrediboy destructive internal strife. It can be avoided with wise and steady leadership, but the US Democrat Party with its extremely radical focus on destroying white society is clearly not capable of the task.

The only thing the US Democrats will do is gleefully profit from the carnage. The billionaires will hide in their bunkers while the underclasses conflict. This is not the best path forward, nor should we allow it to be.

The solution is to immediately act to take power positions away from US Democrats— they are all compromised by ties to the globalist-communist forums where plans are structured for the downfall of the USA. US citizens must organize and chart their own path.

No other country will help or support in this endeavor. On the basis of self-interest, US citizens must ensure their own country’s strong and resilient sustenance.

Do not trust blindly the self-interested bureaucrats in DC. Do not allow the Soros clan to continuously enable wonton destruction.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Lia ‘Willy’ Thomas Banned from Competing in the Olympics…As a Woman

Thu, 2024-06-13 12:00 +0000

The international federation that manages elite competitions in water sports told Lia’ William’ Thomas he couldn’t compete with the gals in the pool. Thomas appealed on the grounds that women can have a penis (I’m paraphrasing). World Aquatics said, Sorry, Billy, you’ve still got a willy and all the sporty benefits that come with it.

These are natural, biological advantages that you can’t escape. Therefore, it would be unfair to women athletes (also still paraphrasing).

World Aquatics rule is no “women” who transitioned after the age of twelve. William was a ranked Men’s Swimmer before he “switched teams” to rise to…number one. If that sounds fair to anyone, you either hate women or are suffering from an undiagnosed case of mental illness.

Interestingly enough, the majority of mentally ill Willy Thomas supporters are also self-proclaimed defenders of women’s rights (as you already know). And while it is a victory for women when a global regulatory body arrives at what appears to be the only sensible conclusion, remember that the Democrat party has yet to pay any price. World Aquatics is (also) still open to “women” who were born male if they started their life-long course of dangerous hormone therapies as a child.

I have to wonder: could World Aquatics be playing a bit of tri-level chess? Assuming the child survives the transition drugs, the potential loss of bone density and other common medical complications will likely make them incapable of participating in aquatic sports at any level, let alone elite.

More Bad News for Willy and the Gang

I say, I Say, a judge in Texas, a Federal Judge, that is, has ruled that the Bidenista’s rewriting of the Title IX rules is unlawful.

This case involves an immensely difficult policy issue: balancing the protection of personal privacy and rights in school classrooms, bathrooms, locker rooms, and other intimate facilities while, at the same time, ensuring that no student is marginalized in an educational setting. But the resolution of this difficult policy issue is not for the Court to decide. Instead, the Constitution assigns such major policy choices to the appropriate elected officials, who must follow the proper legal procedures to initiate any desired change. Defendants failed to follow the proper procedures here. Rather than promote the equal opportunity, dignity, and respect that Title IX demands for both biological sexes, Defendants’ Guidance Documents do the opposite in an effort to advance an agenda wholly divorced from the text, structure, and contemporary context of Title IX.

In other words, “Title IX pertains exclusively to biological sex, with no references to “gender identity,” “gender expression,” or any other weird concept radical left-wing gender ideology creates out of thin air.

Sporty lesbians (without a willy) should be excited on both accounts, but we should expect the usual pushback. Dems are nothing if not persistent, but there is some evidence of sea-change in opinion, more rightly defined as “people have stopped putting up with this bullsh!t” and are standing up for girls and women. It’s good to see, but if you’d like that to mean more, get more traction, and result in more meaningful results, you’ll need to step up at the ballot box.

Find and remove the gender-bend from office. Please do it for the children.

As for (I’ve Still Gotta) Willy Thomas, he can still compete for a spot on an Olympic Team—the Men’s team.

I wish you the best of luck, William.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Morning View: You Don’t Need “Allies” Unless You See Enemies

Thu, 2024-06-13 10:00 +0000

Here is Jason Bonilla … sans cowboy hat, but still wearing a hat … while sitting as a member of the Manchester School Board … talking about how the School Board needs more people who look like him. According to Bonilla, it is not good enough that there are “allies” … a lovely euphemism for whites … on the Board who advocate and vote the same way he does. NO .. his “gente,” the “Latine community” (Latina being the “gender neutral” of Latino/a) MUST be represented by someone like him.

How profoundly and thoroughly un-American. It’s easy to imagine the outrage from Bonilla and his fellow woke-communists if someone said exactly what Bonilla is saying, but just flipped it … “we need more WHITE faces on the Board; yeah I appreciate our Latine allies, but it’s not the same.” The woke-commies would be screaming RACIST at the top of their lungs. But in today’s America, SADLY, nobody thinks anything of it when Bonilla calls for the Board to be divvied up by skin color.

If you peruse Bonilla’s X, you will notice that he uses the term “mi gente” repeatedly. That term literally translates to “my people” and refers to Latinos … people born in or with ancestors from the geographic region known as Latin America. So, in other words, when Bonilla looks around … he does NOT see Americans. He sees disparate peoples or communities.

The peoples or communities that are not “mi gente”  may contain “allies.” But think about what the term “ally” denotes. The Soviet Union was our ally during World War II … because we had a common-enemy, Germany. So think about it … Bonilla views you and me, those who are NOT his allies, as the ENEMY. He is indirectly saying so, when he calls some of the non-Latinos on the Board his “allies.”

This is Woke-Communism. We are divvied up into groups and identities and woke-commies like Bonilla gain and maintain power by convincing some groups that the other groups are the ENEMY and that they need “leaders” like Bonilla to fight for them.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Conway, NH Asks Member of Pedophile and Bestiality Group to Host Drag Queen Story Hour (Again)

Thu, 2024-06-13 02:00 +0000

After my article’s initial release, Steve from the GraniteGrok was kind enough to republish my work to spread it to his audience as well. We were able to ignite a small local protest, which resulted in the protestors being banned from entering the Conway Public Library in Conway, NH, where the event was being held.

Editor: Content Warning

On June 23rd, 2023, the Drag Queen, going by the name Reverend Yolanda, performed for a crowd of clueless children and sick parents, all too keen to sacrifice their children to the altar. Protestors showed up and were barred from entering the public library by the local police department. (Below is the video from Granite Grok’s YouTube channel.)

I thought that Conway’s local government would understand that we, the people, would not stand for this. However, I underestimated their pride and outright commitment to harming children. I also failed to alert enough people and should have dedicated everything I could have to spreading the word. I tried but failed, although I won’t fail this time.

We want to thank Samara for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

The event was organized by the infamous White Mountains Pride, which organizes Pride events throughout parts of New England, though primarily in NH. This year, the Conway Public Library decided to re-invite this drag performer with a checkered past. So, I decided to dig back into Reverend Yolanda’s life and see what else I could find.

Remember when I said Reverend Yolanda was in the Radical Faeries? Well that’s going to become a central theme for this article and you’re going to be shocked with what I found.

Would you trust your kids around this man? Conway, NH’s local government does.

Roger Anthony (Tony) Mapes, now referring to himself as Reverend Yolanda, was born in 1956 in the city of Muscle Shoals, Alabama to a religious Methodist family. However, his life took a radical turn which has increasingly devolved through the years. To illuminate this, I will use Mapes’ own words.

During an interview with NYCITY NewsService titled “Helping Boys and Girls Feel Comfortable” Mapes was asked about this question, “But you knew you were not Tony?” And Mapes responded:

Since I was a kid, I was really aware of myself. At least by fourth grade. But probably before that I knew that I was different. I was raised as a boy but I never felt like a boy. Back then we didn’t have words to describe gender identity. So I assumed I was a gay boy. That was the closest I could think I was.”

I came out in elementary school, I think I was around 10. Which, actually, now that I work in Drag Story Hour, I meet a lot of kids who know they’re trans by the age of 10. They do. So I was right on track.”

Of course it was really rough for a long time. So when we moved to a different state I decided I would start all over again and would go back in the closet. That didn’t work because I started falling in love with all these boys…I later decided to study theater and move to New York.”

Then Mapes was asked, “So it was then when you really discovered Yolanda?” And he answered:

So at that point I got really discouraged…Then around the 1990s (1993), I met a group of people called the Radical Faeries. We were queer people that played with gender (…) I was exploring a new age of spirituality. I moved to another Radical Faerie commune in Vermont and that’s when I started calling myself Yolanda.”

And this is where Mapes would become a full-time Radical Faerie, where he started to identify as a trans femme genderqueer individual. To this day, the name Yolanda, which originated with the Radical Faeries, has now become Mape’s legal name.

The first question is, what are the Radical Faeries? But more importantly, who started the Radical Faeries?

The Dark History of the Radical Faeries A brief description:

The Radical Faeries are a worldwide network and countercultural movement seeking to redefine “queer consciousness” through “secular spirituality.” The Radical Faeries reject classical understanding of men and women and the heterosexual relationship. They instead seek to destroy what they see as “hetero-imitation” by grooming children from an early age. But that’s not all they were created for as you will see in the article. They were born from the from the Sexual Revolution and grew rapidly under the supervision of Marxist pedophile Harry HayDon Kilhefner, and Mitchell Walker.

The Father of the Modern Gay Movement:

Harry Hay was born in 1912 to a American Catholic family. As a child Hay learned about homosexuality from reading Edward Carpenter’s “The Intermediate Sex,” which espoused Carpenter’s views on homosexuality becoming the new sexual liberation movement. Around the same time, Hay was introduced to communism and the work of Karl Marx.

By the time he was 14 years old, Hay convinced a union worker that he was actually 21 years old, so that he could find employment on a cargo ship. While employed on the cargo ship, Hay was molested by a 25 year old sailor, who also convinced Hay that there was a “secret global brotherhood” of homosexuals. From this experience and from his Marxist ideology, Hay began a life-long mission to pervert the youth.

By 1948, Hay founded the Mattachine Society and worked to create a network of gay men that would help spread the LGBT ideology that we see today. Mattachine’s structure was based partly on that of the Communist Party and partly on fraternal brotherhoods like Freemasonry. Hay stepped down in 1953 after he was outed as a communist by the press.

By 1963, he was influenced by the growing counter-culture. Hay ceased to wear suits, instead favoring brightly colored clothing, earrings and necklaces, also growing his hair long. In doing so, he stated that:

I never again wanted to be mistaken for a hetero.”

In June 1969, the Stonewall riots in New York City marked a move toward a more radical and militant approach among gay rights activists; Hay however stated that:

I wasn’t impressed by Stonewall, because of all the open gay projects we had done throughout the sixties in Los Angeles. As far as we were concerned, Stonewall meant that the East Coast was catching up.”

The Radical Faeries:

The riot led to the emergence of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), with Hay involving himself in the early development of its Los Angeles chapter in December 1969. In 1978, Hay teamed up with Don Kilhefner and Mitchell L. Walker to co-host a workshop on “New Breakthroughs in the Nature of How We Perceive Gay Consciousness” at the annual conference of the Gay Academic Union, held at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

From here all 3 of them decided to form a new movement that would further pervert the youth. Their conference, set for Labor Day 1979, was to be called the “Spiritual Conference for Radical Faeries,” with the term “Radical Faerie” having been coined by Hay.

Describing the first Radical Faerie get together, the Independent wrote in 1998:

“The first Radical Faerie gathering of some two hundred gay men took place on the Labor Day weekend of 1979 in the Arizona desert near the little town of Benson. Local people, including Sheriff Waldo Pruitt, were perplexed. The Sheriff first became aware of the event, according to a report in The Farmers’ Arizonan Gazette, ‘through reports about cattle displaying unusual behavior in the vicinity… Informants also claimed that large groups of men were engaged in orgiastic rituals.’ ‘They said that all the animals in the area started to act real strange,’ ruminated the Sheriff. ‘I guess I don’t mind what you do so long as you don’t do it in public. But when you start in on plants and animals, well, then you’ve gone too far.’”

Sheriff Pruitt is referring to some of the Radical Faeries having sexual intercourse with animals, just another depraved act that is often found in sexual deviants.

The movement grew quickly and steadily, however, the 3 would get into a power struggle (which is common among cultural Marxists) and soon Kilhefner and Walker would leave the Radical Faeries, though that didn’t stop Hay from being considered the Faeries’ elder figurehead and actively influencing their perversion while developing their operations.

Harry Hay, North American Man/Boy Love Association Spokesman:

Hay was an ardent supporter of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a gay organization that advocates for pedophilia, and in a 1983 article, titled “A Quest for Knowledge,” that Hay wrote for NAMBLA, he makes the parallel of the word “faeries” to his organization that he founded, the Radical Faeries:

Between thirteen and fourteen, I had begun to hear about the fact that there are men who sometimes like boys, and I want very much to know about these things. I’d heard about this from the men who worked in the fields the year before. They told me about them; they called them ‘fairies.’

Hay also explains how he become a pedophile by being molested by an adult:

I get a job on the freighter. It took two and a half days for the freighter to go from San Francisco to Los Angeles in those days, and they break at San Luis Obispo. They go in for the night to San Luis Obispo proper. I’m checking it out with the fellows because in one of the places they had some rotgut—remember, this is Prohibition—and then get all looped with the queers. I decided, I don’t want to go with the queers, but I might go out and watch the fellows go in and out and watch everything else. But the point is that I had perfect choice. I had the right to make a choice. I am fourteen; I am earning a man’s board, a man’s labor, I’m being treated as a man at fourteen, and I’m making all kinds of decisions at fourteen. But from the point of view that you are hearing, I am a child.”

Hay then tries to say that he was the molester and not the 25 year old man:

The point is that I was perfectly capable of handling myself and knowing exactly what I wanted. But this year I knew that I wanted to find a man to tell me what I wanted to know. So, at fourteen, you realize, I’m a child molester. I’m a child, and I’m molesting an adult till I find out what I want to know. And I found him, and he was shocked. Then he discovered that, rather than being a man, as he suspected that I was from the way I looked—my callouses on my hands, and the way I handled myself, and my clothing—that I was only a fourteen-year-old kid, and if anybody found out about it he’d be in jail for life, or, at least in California twenty-three years in that period.”

It is because of this molestation that Hay bases his whole ideology and begins the demonic task of trying to normalize your children being molested so they too can become like him and so that older men like him can enjoy your children:

I’m telling you this story, and I’m saying it tonight, in memory of a man—all I can remember is that his name was Matt. And I send to all of you my love and deep affection for what you offer to the boys, in honor of this boy when he was fourteen, and when he needed to know best of all what only another gay man could show him and tell him.”

Hay then tells the world that you’re not truly a gay ally if you don’t let pedophiles rape your children:

I also would like to say at this point that it seems to me that in the gay community the people who should be running interference for NAMBLA are the parents and friends of gays. Because if the parents and friends of gays are truly friends of gays, they would know from their gay kids that the relationship with an older man is precisely what thirteen-, fourteen-, and fifteen-year-old kids need more than anything else in the world. And they would be welcoming this, and welcoming the opportunity for young gay kids to have the kind of experience that they would need.”

So, again, as I said, my offering is not as a member of NAMBLA, but in memory of that fourteen-year-old boy who was handled by Matt so long ago. And in memorial to Matt, I offer you my love.”

This wasn’t the first time that Hay had been molested, in fact, early on in his life he was molested by an older man at a swimming pool. Speaking at a NAMBLA conference on Oct. 7, 1984, Hay recounted an experience from his childhood where he was molested by the gay man:

So I’m about twelve years old and I swim very well at this point—very good swimming underwater and various other things. And so I don’t go into the kids’ pool, I go in the big pool. And I had this experience probably five or six times. Some man comes up to me, wants me to see how long he can stay underwater. And it’s important for me to understand just how long he stays underwater. He’s going to go way down to the other end of the pool and he’s going to come up between my legs and he’s going to come out the other end. So he goes down to the other side, he swims through my legs, and he [does?] my cock out of my bathing suit and he caresses it a couple of times and comes out the other end. And then he is going to come back. So he comes back through again, and this time spends a little more time.”

The Revere Sex Ring, the Horrific Beginning of NAMBLA:

In December of 1977 in Boston, Massachusetts, police received information from several gay men that they had arrested in public bathrooms and parks while “cruising,” a term that describes actively looking for gay sex. This information led to 24 men being accused of being members of a sex ring that used a Revere, Massachusetts, apartment to molest teenage and preteen boys (the youngest being 12). Few of these cases went to trial, with only one resulting in a trial conviction, but the ensuing chaos created NAMBLA and introduced Harry Hay to their cause.

Earlier in the summer of 77, Boston police arrested Richard Peluso. His arrest being the first step in establishing and prosecuting what came to be called the “Revere Sex Ring.” The prosecution and the media both reported that Peluso’s home was the site of numerous sexual assaults. A search of Peluso’s apartment uncovered a collection of Polaroid photographs of child pornography. Police, aided by the Suffolk County Investigations and Prosecutions Project, were able to identify 63 of the young people featured in the Polaroid collection.

Testimonies from 13 of the victims led to 24 men being indicted for over 100 felonies including:

“rape and abuse upon a child under 16, sodomy, unnatural acts, open and gross lewdness, and indecent assault.”

On December 8th, twenty of the indicted men were arrested.

The arrest of Richard Peluso, the seizure of his photographs and the cooperation of some of the individuals featured in those pictures led not only to indictments and arrests but also to a moral panic.

The Revere Sex Ring stirred up public fears about the safety of children, political battles over the nature of homosexuality, and media coverage that heightened the pitch of unrest.

Participating in this panic Suffolk County District Attorney, Garrett Byrne, announced his “crack down” on child molesters and implemented a city-wide hotline that recorded anonymous tips about the sexual exploitation of children. Openly lesbian Representative Elaine Noble was quick to endorse the hotline, to denounce the accused men as deviant and to deny their claims to homosexuality.

In response, pedophiles from the Fag Rag, a radical gay magazine organized quickly to shut down the hotline and protect the accused pedophiles. They would go on to form the Boston/Boise Committee (B/BC) in an effort to stop the moral panic and advance the pedophile agenda.

The events surrounding the arrest of several homosexual men in 1955 Boise, Idaho became a precedent for the panic in Boston.

In 1955, the gay underworld of Boise was purged. The vice campaign was a power struggle between the city’s political and business elites and was touted as a necessary measure for the protection of children.

Marxist and friend of Che Guerra and Fidel Castro, John Gerassi, author of The Boys of Boise.

B/BC members explicitly reference what occurred in Boise when they named the group. Employing Boise was more than a rhetorical move, however. Marxist, John Gerassi, author of The Boys of Boise, was a featured speaker at B/BC fundraising and public awareness events. Moreover, his analysis of the “witch-hunt” tactics employed by Boise’s business and political establishment would all be echoed in the writings of B/BC and NAMBLA members.

Intent on revealing the political motivation behind the persecution of the Revere ring, the B/BC framed the 1977-78 panic as part of a broader narrative of oppression. The group adopted a three part agenda:

  1. Investigating the facts behind the hysteria.
  2. Contacting the accused, making sure they had proper counsel and were not being pressured into deals against their wills.
  3. Working with the media to check their rampant homophobia and try to correct some of their more egregious errors. […]

Though the B/BC, along with the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, was able to bring sufficient pressure to bear that the hotline was stopped, the group remained divisive. Group members encountered opposition from other leftist activist groups, the mainstream press, law enforcement, and legislators. This conflict did little to halt the B/BC’s continued development of an agenda that brought it into direct conflict with elected officials and many aspects of the judicial system.

Finally, in December 1978, they hosted an international conference where a new name (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and a new mission statement were adopted; the promulgation of pedophilia in the United States.

NAMBLA founder David Thorstad

With the restructuring of the B/BC into NAMBLA by Marxist pedophile David Thorstad, it brought with it Thomas Reeves, an anarchist gay activist/organizer, author, professor, and prolific pedophile activist that quickly expanded the group and ingratiated itself into many different previously existing groups.

Soon Harry Hay joined the organization and became a top ranking member. Hay would go on to influence NAMBLA to adopt certain tactics to keep themselves clear of persecution and further their political agenda.

The True Purpose of the Radical Faeries:

At a NAMBLA conference in Los Angeles on November 8th, 1986, Hay explained to his fellow pedophiles that they were going to have operate unground covertly to make sure they can continue to enjoy pedophilia:

“I find this particular situation that we’re coming into, in a way, a sort of replay of things I’ve seen before in my life, and I would suggest that it’s very possible that we are moving into a period where, as the speaker [Dan Tsang] pointed out, we may find ourselves being moved against on all fronts.  Which would suggest, then, that we’re going to have to go back to various forms of underground activity. I would say that in my life, I’ve spent more time being an outlaw than being an in-law. And consequently, I would say that I know a good deal about how you operate as an outlaw, how you operate underground, how you operate in defiance, how you operate, presumably, almost in parallel, but actually in opposition to it.”

Next Hay talks about advancing pedophilia in America by ingratiating themselves into government and the Progressives of the Left that we see today:

“One of things that I think we have to be concerned about—and here again, I think this is where we begin to see what we can do and how far we can advance ourselves—is the march on Washington that comes up next October.  I think this is a place where we have to find very imaginative ways to reach all kinds of elements of the community that we up to now haven’t thought of touching.  Not only to reach all kinds of elements of our own community, but to find the weak spots, shall we say, within the left, within the progressive forces in the hetero community who might find themselves in parallel with where we are, or in parallel with the way that we feel we are going to go, and make of them willing—or even unwilling—allies in this whole regard.  I think, as a matter of fact, we can count on the fact that we’re probably going to see far more repression on the part of the government for a while.  I don’t think we’ve peaked.  I think we’re seeing ourselves on the beginning of a rising tide.  And we’re going to have to fall back on our inventiveness and our creative imagination.”

Lastly, Hay tells the world what the Radical Faeries actually are and what they are designed to do for pedophiles:

“And here, honeys, I might say that the Radical Faeries are way ahead of you, because don’t forget that faeries can always vanish.  This is one of the things that we’re going to have to learn to do again.  We have to learn to remember that when people lean on us too hard, we just simply aren’t there anymore.  There are ways and means by which we can do that.  I do pass on to you the remark that was passed on to the revolutionaries by Maksim Gorky long ago:  He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day.”

And it was Walker that proclaimed in a 1997 article on the White Crane Institute’s website:

“Celebrating paganism, feminism, free love and revolution is always welcome. But, in my opinion, Harry Hay’s strand of essentialist Gay Spirit is far more accurate to history and, in being experienced, vastly more fundamental and encompassing.”

“In taking this step to psyche, we come to the edge of a next stage in Gay Liberation, a politics of the homosexual mind, its oppression and fulfillment. As shown by the spread of the Radical Faerie movement, gay men today long for authentic awakening to our inner roots, source of the numinous, of gay eros and wholeness, of those magic initiations and liberation that come only from there. Sacred Spirit is not to be found “outside,” in groups or leaders, but in relation to one’s own unconscious.”

There are gay men today trying to explore and fulfill an authentic Gay Spirit tradition like that espoused at the origin of the Radical Faerie movement, a tradition going back before Plato which will likewise stretch into the distant future.”

These quotes relate to Hay’s idea of a “queer soul” which is just waiting to be awakened at an early age. In order to do that, you need someone to get you to believe that you have “awakened” and start participating in deviancy as if it was natural thing for your soul. The ultimate way to do this by Hay’s thought process was to awaken children like how pederasts did in the time before Plato.

In order for NAMBLA’s mission be successful, the pedophiles had to adopt a new sense of being. In order for them to succeed in perverting the youth and the minds of their “allies,” Hay had to transform NAMBLA into the face of pedophilia. Meanwhile, the people actually promoting it would be the Radical Faeries.

NAMBLA, even in their foundation in 1978 was massively opposed by those in the gay movement. The “Father of the Gay Movement,” Harry Hay understood this and created the Radical Faeries along with Mitchell Walker and Don Kilhefner in order to create a decentralized organization that could promote the same ideas as NAMBLA but in a different package without the threat of being persecuted by the broader gay community while slowly taking over the community.

However, that’s not the only way that Hay thought of promoting pedophilia, in fact he came up with a new way to subvert Christianity and promulgate his ideology in the form of a religious order.

The Radical Faeries Demonic Church:

The Sister’s of Perpetual Indulgence were founded on Easter of 1979 (officially 1980), when three gay men going by the names Sister Vicious PHB, Sister Missionary Position, and Baruch Golden, decided to mock the Catholic church by wearing a heretical form of traditional habits worn by 14th century French nuns through a San Francisco nude beach, carrying a prop machine gun for protection.

This act was meant to mock Catholics across San Francisco while also proclaiming a new a religious cult inspired by Harry Hay’s ideology that laid the ground work for the Radical Faeries.

Sister Mary Media, an original member of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and member of the Radical Faeries, stated in an interview with FolkLife, that Harry Hay’s:

“point is that queer people have a consciousness distinct from that of hetero people. So that filter affects the whole way we see the world.”

Sister Mary Media, was so eager to explore these ideas that he joined the Radical Faeries and attended their Spiritual Conference for Radical Fairies in the fall of 1979.

Sister Mary stated:

We were celebrating our difference, we were celebrating what is unique about being queer. It was kind of a mind-blowing experience for so many of us. Then, when we went back to San Francisco, it was like, ‘Wow, what do we do with this?’”

Inspired by the three who wore nuns’ habits on the nude beach, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was founded, a demonic order of nuns that would be used as vehicle to promote Hay’s ideas of pederasty and “queer consciousness” while working to turn many away from God.

According to Sister Mary, the initial order saw four founders and twelve members. One of those founders was Sister Hysterectoria, who explained that he was only interested in being involved if the Sisters were a genuine spiritual order.

Hysterectoria stated:

“I told everyone I was not going to be in a group of just a few people. I wanted it to be a legitimate order.”

Some members of the organization, referred to as guards, lend their efforts to security. One guard, aptly named Guard HOOOO?!, which stands for Holy Order‘s Organizer of Ontology?!, adds context:

“We do a lot of work in the community that originally would have been done by a religious order. During the AIDS crisis, so many people were being turned away by their churches, turned away by their families. They could not be open to anybody about their spirituality because they were gay. And they were excommunicated.”

Today, there are four phases in the process: Aspirant/Volunteer, Postulant, Novice Sister, and Fully Professed Sister. An Aspirant or Volunteer is one who aspires to become a Sister. In this stage, there is no requirement other than indicating interest. Once a prospective Sister is approved to become a Postulant, they must meet a dedicated set of guidelines and minimums before being voted to become a Novice Sister. A Novice Sister is not fully professed, and this is indicated in their appearance. A Novice Sister will wear a pure white veil and is not yet allowed to speak for the order. Finally, once requirements are met, a Novice Sister will petition for a vote to elevate to Fully Professed Sister, finally donning the infamous black veil. Guards, in their role, do not wear a veil.

Guard HOOOO?! stated:

“As much as people may think that we are poking fun or mocking religion, we are a spiritual Order. And you’re a member for life, so it’s not something we take lightly.”

One way that the Sisters uphold the satanic influences is through false confession. Guard HOOOO?! stated:

You may have heard that Marco Rubio said that we flaunt and mock religion because we tell people to go forth and sin some more after they confess to us. “I like to say that when people come to me to give confession, I tell them, ‘Your sins are forgiven. Go forth and sin some more,’ because that’s the reality of the human condition. People come to us, and they feel the need to unburden themselves, and to be validated, and to be told that they’re not wrong. We absolve them of that and tell them so.”

Historically, there was a lot of anti-gay rhetoric coming from religious communities. It was a question of whether to ‘accept’ gay people, or whether gay people should reject their own identities in order to conform to the religious vision of what a good person looks like. So we presented ourselves as religious figures. We were poking at the hostility of religious institutions toward gay people and saying, ‘No, we did this. We can be religious too.’”

Sister Tilda NextTime, the San Francisco Mistress of Propaganda, was drawn to the order because it allowed him to indulge in sin. He stated:

“I’ve always been fascinated by this whole holiness about being queer. Our religion is basically just making people realize that you are important. You are loved and you are necessary to this world. And you should flaunt this in front of everyone.”

Sister Serena Severe is the abbess of the Austin house, a relatively small house within the organization. Like any member of the organization, Sister Serena leads her own ministry, pursuing community service as she sees fit. Like Reverend Yolanda, Sister Serena also reads at Drag Queen Story Hours so he can indoctrinate children.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, like Hay, also have a history of promoting pedophilia.

In 1989, Pope Dementia put on a music show during a parade titled Pope Dementia’s Alter Boys, where grown men were called alter boys in a parallel to the Catholic Church, however, they sexualized a role that would normally be considered for a child. You can find that at the 1:24 minute mark of the video I placed below.

In 1997, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence also put on PROMSTiTUTE an alternative queer youth prom where the youth were encouraged to wear very short skirts and drink to excess.

In the year 2000, at San Francisco’s pride parade, $10,000 from their Community Grants Fund is presented to local non-profits and several more worthy individuals including Saint Harry Faerie Godfather (Harry Hay) and Saint N’John (his partner) are Sainted.

In 2003, celebrating the 2003 PRIDE theme, the Sisters paraded the slogan “We gotta give ’em Pope” by displaying their own Pope Dementia in a cage where he could just barely reach out to fondle a young acolyte.

Reverend Yolanda, the Child Predator

Hopefully by reading the previous sections you can clearly see why I do not want anyone like Rev. Yolanda near children.

Yolanda, having taken that name during his time with the Radical Faeries is still a member. And as I have demonstrated quite well, the Radical Faeries were created in order to promote pedophilia in exactly the way that we are seeing today. NAMBLA was the face of pedophile advocacy to draw attention away from the Radical Faeries, so that they could ingratiate themselves into other facets of the gay community and spread Hay’s pedophilic ideology to broader society.

Mapes would go on to start working in Drag Story Hours in NYC and eventually he would begin to perform throughout the country under his drag persona. Spouting his ideological views while grooming young children and converting parents.

In the video below during one of his Drag Story Hours, Mapes talks to a young boy and encourages him to dress up in his mother’s clothing.

Below is the opening song to one of Mapes’ Drag Story Hours where he sings to the small children, “When you want to be a drag queen come to Drag Queen Story Hour.

Now Yolanda and Hay’s students are using his ideology to promote the acceptance of the “queer conscious” which contains acceptance of pedophilia. Yolanda has already groomed one famous example of a child that is emotionally and mentally stunted, “Desmond is Amazing.”

Yolanda’s Most Infamous Target:

Desmond Napoles was just a child when introduced to the world of Drag Queens and Harry Hay’s “queer consciousness”. And because Desmond didn’t have a strong father in the house and because his mother is quite possibly Lilith incarnate, they encouraged his curiosity. Desmond would soon fall under the grooming of Yolanda, and with his help, Desmond would go on to become the first “drag queen kid” and appear on network T.V.

This feature on Good Morning America would prove to become very unpopular with 93.8K dislikes against 5K likes. This feature would also go start the counter-culture movement that woke up a lot of parents to what Pride was actually all about.

In the video above you can see Desmond, a child, performing with Yolanda. Yolanda is grooming Desmond to join Hay’s “queer conscious” cult. In the video below you will see the product of the grooming as Desmond dances to a room of grown men as he is being handed dollars bills, as if it were a strip show.

The results are sad because now he purposely tries to speak with a higher pitch voice than he had when he was a child. The way Desmond pronounces words is because he wasn’t given a proper education or had anyone correct his way of speaking. It’s almost as if he is stunted as a child. He may have become older but he can’t handle the world and the cruelty of life.

He was never given the chance to live a Christlike life and for that his parents and Yolanda have committed a sin against God.

Matthew 18:6;

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Yolanda the Satanist:

Mapes joined the heretical One Spirt Interfaith Seminary to become a music minister and he began preaching his heretical faith to the masses. One Spirit is a heretical church that offers services to any religion. In 2011 he was officially ordained as a reverend.

Below is an quote from their site:

“The greatest learning and growth occurs in safe environments that also challenge us to ask meaningful questions, engage in honest self-reflection, and move beyond our current ways. In seminary, we invite you to bring your own particular experiences and challenges. We’ll nurture and support you as we encourage your own spiritual growth. Your radical transformation, with the support of your peers and our experienced faculty, enables your ability to be of loving spiritual service. The One Spirit Seminary ‘Deeper Curriculum’ has helped many seminary students like you fulfill their deepest and highest aspirations.”

Rev. Yolanda started a musical ministry called “Rev. Yolanda’s Old Time Gospel Hour,” which is a heretical take on the Gospels performed across the country in clubs, churches, “spiritual centers,” and LGBT centers.

Like the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Reverend Yolanda also shares Satanic views. In the music video below, Yolanda sings the song “Queero” which is originally from a children’s book that he wrote. In this song Yolanda calls for the death of Christians and for children to practice Satanic witchcraft.

Queero” is about a 4th grader and his friend that go on to practice witchcraft and curse the “bullies and bitches” to eternal damnation while also calling on the death of Christians by the goddess of destruction in the Hindu faith, Kali. Also it ends with Kali smiling at the two main characters as they burn in a rainbow colored eternal fire. Honestly, you can’t make this up.

Yolanda would go on to preach with his partner, Rev. Glen Morton Ganaway, a disgusting and vile man that preached Marxism and Hay’s “queer consciousness” at the ministry that Yolanda and him would eventually set up, Church With A 2 Drink Minimum. Fortunately, Ganaway passed recently and was unable to continue his false preaching.

Including the ideas summed up in this pictures:

Yolanda is a seriously messed up individual. During Ganaway’s funeral service, Yolanda treats it as a musical gig and remains the center of attention the whole time that the service goes on. This just shows the cult of personality that Hay’s “queer consciousness” religion exemplifies.

I Need Your Help Stopping This Monster

This year, Rev. Yolanda was re-invited by the Conway Public Library. The White Mountain’s Pride company has him listed on their event planner and the Conway Public Library is ecstatic to have him back.

After last year’s protest I had figured that the organizers and Conway, NH’s public library would think twice before having this monster come back and perform for children, but I underestimated those that would harm our children. A mistake I will not make ever again.

The truth is that these demons will never stop trying to indoctrinate our children unless we stand up and fight against them. And if you stand aside, as to pretend what isn’t happening is malicious and demonic, then you too are complicit.

This animal preys on children in hopes of convincing himself that his misdeeds and fetishes aren’t disgusting. These people will try to destroy your children in the hope that they can feel something human again, but they never will. If you let you children be victim to these monsters, then they too will never feel whole again.

How many children must suffer before you do something? How much innocence must be lost before you start protecting God’s little ones?

Would you stand by while your own children were groomed to become servants to a false master?

Mark my words, this won’t stop until they control your children. These are not people anymore, they are loyal followers to a master that would like nothing more to fill your children with deceit, so that they come to reject you, to loathe you.

On June 28th, 2024 at 10:30 am, I will personally be heading up to the venue to protest and shut down the event. I am bringing with me some powerful friends and I hope you too will show up and help stop this madness.

If you would like to know more about what I have planned, please reach out to me at or you can follow me here on Substack, or you can also follow me on Twitter, @libertyzine.

Samara | Liberty Magazine

The post Night Cap: Conway, NH Asks Member of Pedophile and Bestiality Group to Host Drag Queen Story Hour (Again) appeared first on Granite Grok.

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