The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • January 9 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 17 min 59 sec ago

Citizen Wanted to Commemorate The Battle of Bunker Hill – The City Raised a Pride Flag Instead

Mon, 2024-06-17 18:00 +0000

Today is the 249th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill. It is a good day to raise a flag suited to the anniversary. One local resident and a contributor to these pages applied to have her city fly the Pine Tree Flag on this date, but it both refused the application and an appeal. They chose to fly a Pride Flag Instead.

On the 249th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker Hill the City of Nashua raised the Progress flag instead of the Pine Tree Flag.


Beth Scaer tried for weeks to get the city to approve her application, a story we covered here and here (and here). The liberal city and its radically left-wing mayor repeatedly refused despite the potential risk of a lawsuit for viewpoint discrimination.


Pine Tree Flag – Appeal to Heaven But Wait, There’s More!

Not long after not raising the Pine Tree Flag, I got this message from Beth. “Also, the City removed the flag for the State of New Hampshire and replaced it with the Progress flag.”

Progress, indeed. Perhaps we can sell Nashua to Massachusetts. It can still be the Gate City, but it will be a gateway to the nuttiness of modern-day Massachusetts, which would have the Founder rebelling the moment they learned of its decline from liberty, not to mention all those taxes.

Nice work, Mayor Donchess. You not only refused to fly a piece of American history but to demonstrate why that is unconstitutional.

Maybe, with any luck, someone will take you to the cleaners, sorry – I mean court. The sad part, of course, is that you don’t care how much that will cost the city’s taxpayers, but it cost the equally discriminatory and stubborn city of Boston 2.1 million dollars to lose a similar case against another frequent contributor to these pages, Camp Constituion’s Hal Shurtleff.


The post Citizen Wanted to Commemorate The Battle of Bunker Hill – The City Raised a Pride Flag Instead appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2024-06-17 16:00 +0000

And it’s Monday again.



Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



Reagan said it best:







Just how brown is this guy’s nose?



Quality if not just a problem with humans at Boeing:

Counterfeit Chinese Titanium Discovered In Some Boeing Jets, Per FAA | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott



The earth is an incredibly complex system, with cycles within cycles within cycles, feedback loops within feedback loops within feedback loops, connecting with other cycles and feedback loops.  It defies even a cursory thought to think that all this boils down to one trace gas.







Violence is the gold standard, the reserve that guarantees order. In actuality, it is better than a gold standard, because violence has universal value. Violence transcends the quirks of philosophy, religion, technology, and culture. () It’s time to quit worrying and learn to love the battle axe. History teaches us that if we don’t, someone else will.

Jack Donovan


What’s that quote:



As I wrote here, I’m not advocating violence.  But it has to be on the table.  And kind of related, in a humorous way:



If people could see my thoughts in my occasional unguarded internal musings, they’d back away slowly while looking for some kind of weapon.



When you’re losing the New York Times-Traitor… MHO, he’ll get “retired” on a gurney soon.  Far simpler than a convention replacement, or a 25th Amendment removal.  And it plays to the sympathy vote.  Doubtless all the enemedia would be MOVE ON, bad-man Biden is gone, so your impetus to vote for Trump is gone too.



Bought and paid for.  I’m having betrayal trauma (psychology video, 11 minutes) at just how deep the corruption of, well, every system is.




Remember, these people are MISSIONARIES.



And desperately afraid of the counter:

Here’s How House Dems Are Planning to Derail a Second Trump Term. (

Europe’s ‘Far Right’ Is Surging Because Leftist ‘Democracy’ Failed (




I was at the grocery store the other day.  Even knowing what’s going on, talk about sticker shock.







Assuming Trump can overcome the margin of fraud, I agree.



My understanding of some of that stuff is so foul that if I were to obtain it, and post it uncensored, I could be arrested for CP.



I don’t own this, but I think it’d make a great T-shirt to wear to a school board meeting.




They’re already admitting HCQ is effective against the Dread Pirate Bird Flu.



An excellent book:

The Great Betrayal: Fraud in Science



Because they project.  What’s that alleged Goebbels’ quote?  “Accuse the enemy of that which you do”.  This is why they can discuss re-education camps for anyone to the Right of Stalin…



Supposedly, according to a discussion on one of my posts a year or three go, Afghanistan is a reservoir for Smallpox.  BTW, on Smallpox vaccinations and ending the epidemic:

The smallpox pandemic response was eerily similar to COVID (




Had a T-shirt with a similar theme for sale… but apparently someone objected and it was yanked by Zazzle:



I still have a similar coffee mug though.

Free Judea Coffee Mug | Zazzle









We are, I think, approaching a “singularity moment” when, given advances in computing power, AI, and deep fake technology, etc., we cannot trust anything we see unless we are there in person, or the event was viewed by someone whose word we trust.

Stuff we see now like the above?  Probably child’s play compared to what’s being done with top secret tech by the TLAs, etc.  I saw once, and can’t now find, an article about the new exa-flop (mega, giga, tera, peta, exa) computer at some center.  And that was open source.  I wonder if they’ve gotten to zetta in some deep hole somewhere.  Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if that were true.

So don’t be surprised at an October surprise “leak” of Trump doing something horrifically egregious… with not enough time to counter it.






I used to like “The Stach” and while I absolutely agree Iran is a mortal threat – #freepersia – this kind of backstabbing really turned me off.  To think I once had a photo of me shaking his hand at a RJCF event.



And yet… it’s still being given.



Hmmm…. ideas….










Remember that the “adults” are in charge now, instead of that boor Trump.






Why are they (still) here in America?   To convert it.  Again and again, these people are MISSIONARIES.  Remember that woman who moved here to “educate” us rubes in New Hampshire?  (Can’t find any links but she was in the Grok multiple times.)  Please do recall my belief that we humans are hard-wired to believe in something greater than ourselves.  And absent religion, climate change and their Lord Marx fill that void:


E Hardwired for Faith










The “wonderful benefits” of third-world diversity importation.




I wonder how they are now.  And I read story after story after story like this and thank Hashem my kids seem to have escaped unscathed.  And I also wonder how any pediatrician with a soul can have this happen and not ask questions… consider this from Japan (repeat meme):




Mockery, but still accurate.  No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it’s not enough.

WaPo Warns Of ‘Oldest President’ Trump But Not Older Biden (



I used to be a feminist, at least in the classical “equal rights” theme.






Link & news section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Pick of the links.  You must-must-must read this against the day someone tries to implement another Jab mandate:

The Most Important Case No MSM Reports On in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

Never forget or forgive what they did:


Speaking of, from my friend:

A doctor tells about how he witnessed doctors giving a lower standard of care to unvaccinated people:

N adds:  Very long, comprehensive, but if you read it and don’t come away shaken to your core about our medical industrial complex, you’ve lost your survival instinct.

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

It’s my feeling that the dam – the omerta against open discussion of this – is cracking.  I see more and more testimony and articles on this.  This is from Australia:


And don’t forget this from Japan:



And a Japanese TV program discusses:


Consider this video about transplantation centers refusing to transplant into unJabbed people.  Talk about coercion.  But remember, the people doing this are people who believe they are doing good.


Fertility Data (





On the front page of a mainstream Australian newspaper this weekend. “First came the pain in her feet. In the days after her Covid vaccination, Sydney student Amy Sedgwick thought the discomfort in the arches of her feet warranted a trip to the podiatrist.“ “That pain soon turned to mild numbness that significantly ­worsened after Amy’s second Pfizer shot four weeks later. Now she had aching arms and legs, and was losing feeling in her lower limbs. Six days on, the numbness was making it difficult for Amy to stand and walk. Soon she would have to be hoisted from her bed to a wheelchair. Her vision deteriorated, her hands went numb. She was twice admitted to hospital and spent two months in a ­rehabilitation centre. Within nine months, she was dead.”

Remember, this is a one-way flow.  Covidian believers can become doubters, and are shifting slowly.  Virtually nobody among the skeptics has a reverse movement of view to become a Jab enthusiast.  From my friend

The Ninth Circuit court (most liberal Federal court in the country) has just ruled the mRNA “vaccines” and NOT, if fact actually vaccines at all.  This will have MAJOR legal ramifications, as people can now sue Pfizer, Moderna, employers who forced the jab (to keep your job), etc.   Of course many of those who took “The Jab” will be dead in a couple years, but maybe their heirs will get something.

Raconteur Report: Not A Vaccine, And Never Was

Update: Judge Dismisses Infowars Bankruptcy – Alex Jones Releases Statement After Victory in Court (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila


Woman Fired from Ohio News Station for Celebrating ‘Straight Pride’ in Social Media Post | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

Only mistake was doing it on the company website IMHO.

Democrat Commissioner Nominee Arrested in Texas for Staging Racist Attacks on Himself to Frame Republican Opponent | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Remember, the Left has no honor or decency or morality.  And they’re racists to boot:

Hilarious: “White Savior” Tries to Warn Blacks About MAGA Event in Detroit They Were Heading to! | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin


Donny Deutsch and James Carville in Total Panic About Biden Losing Black Voters, Hispanics, Men (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Worried about all those darkies escaping the vote plantation:



Federal Court Hands Biden White House a Massive Loss on Gun Rule (





Throughout History, Free Men Resist T-Shirt | Zazzle

WW3 watch

West has declared ‘war without rules’ on Russia – Medvedev — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

The Russian Nuclear Missile Frigate Admiral Gorshkov Now Sailing Through Waters Off The Coast Of Florida As US Deploys Three Guided-Missile Destroyers • Now The End Begins

Ukraine confirms deep strikes into Russia with Western weapons — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

And this is double plus ungood:

BREAKING: Russia says it’s ready to strike NATO airfields hosting Ukrainian jets.

“Any airfields hosting Ukraine’s F-16 fighter jets, whether they are in or outside the country, will be legitimate targets for the Russian military if they participate in combat missions against Moscow’s forces.”



And not just Russia (same channel as the above):

BREAKING: China presented an animated video showing PLA Navy bombers destroying a US Navy aircraft carrier group with Yingzi-12 missiles.

The missiles bypass the air defense and sink the carrier.


Why does this scene remind me of one of the opening salvoes against the American Navy in the book Red Storm Rising?

What do I keep saying?  Every nation is taking logical steps given what’s known at the time, posturing, laying down OR ELSE lines… and just like WWI we will – at best – blunder our way into a global conflagration.  No nation, let alone a major player, can let OR ELSE lines be crossed with impunity, or they risk being totally discredited.  (And now factor in that the Globalists want WW3 as a way to trigger a collapse and hide the coming Jabpocalypse.)

Iran’s Mullahs Desperate for Nuclear Weapons, Do Not Believe Anything Else :: Gatestone Institute

Remember: In Shia Islam their version of the messiah cannot come until there’s been a world conflagration.  WW2, to believing Shiites, is a feature, not a bug.  And from my friend:

We are literally teetering on the edge on WW3, as the Western powers keep poking the Russian bear:

ALL SIGNS point to Russia prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons to protect themselves | NC Renegades

MAN OF DESTINY: A Defiant Emmanuel Macron Says He Will Not Resign ‘Whatever The Result’ Of The New Upcoming French Parliamentary Elections He’s Called • Now The End Begins

President for life, looks like.  The French might want to act accordingly.

Breaking: General Mark Milley, the rainbow Military Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, was part of the plot to take down POTUS Trump & should be court martialed, no matter how long it takes (

Amen!  And a metric f*ckton of others too.

In their attempt to destroy the next generation, the UN and the elites are pushing pedophilia hard (WARNING:  Some of this is pretty explicit):

An interesting piece from the Federalist which posits that all the recent bias lawfare is an in-your-face method of showing who is in power (the global elite/leftists) and who is not (people with conservative values who love America):

It Isn’t Hypocrisy, It’s Hierarchy (

More on the war on our food sources:

The Enemies of Food Freedom ⋆ Brownstone Institute

The EPA, at the direction of the Biden administration, is shutting done fossil fuel power plant, which will make the power grid unstable.  Prep for power outages:

Remember my piece?




Pick of the post:



What did I say, above, about hating the enemedia?  If there were any actual truth to this it would have come out in 2016, or again in 2020.  But they’re pulling it up again, because of the LIVs and their mind-boggling belief in the MSM.  And reference the PSA above.  If they don’t have anything, they’ll AI / deep fake it.  Bet on it.




Palate Cleansers:



Tupperware included.  And then buy more tupperware.


Yes.  So true.  And so incredibly annoying when it wakes me up, say, about 45 minutes before I have to get up.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump Has Them Smelling Victory

Mon, 2024-06-17 14:00 +0000

Trump hit his stride on Thursday when he visited the Capitol. It was a different Donald Trump than the one we have seen daily for the last few weeks as he enters or leaves a New York courthouse. That Donald is mean and angry with a singular message that he is a victim of a corrupt Justice Department that is confining him to court or gagging him when he should be out campaigning. It was a message that was getting old and started to have a Groundhog Day feel. The Donald we saw on Thursday was refreshing and gave every Republican the boost we longed for.

Trump went to Washington to meet with Republicans on the hill to state his case for why he is the man to fix the mess left by Joe Biden. Trump already had his core supporters onboard, but he had some fences to mend and some people to get on the Trump Train if this campaign was to be a total team effort. Trump had not spoken to Mitch McConnell in nearly four years, and both men said their meeting was cordial and Mitch was ready to back the former President. Trump also attracted Mitt Romney to the meeting with Republican Senators. Romney is on his way out of Washington, but Trump getting Mitt to play along was a coup and essential to the cause.

Trump held two sessions-one for the House and the other for the Senate. They were closed meetings, but some of the Representatives who attended the House event raved about the tone and content of Trump’s presentation. They were amazed that he spoke for two hours without a teleprompter and then took questions. All were random and unscripted. He laid out his vision for fixing the crisis at the southern border, attacking the inflation problem, regaining our energy independence, and bringing safety back to the country. He also talked about getting us back to superpower status on the world stage and ending the two senseless wars that have started under Biden’s watch. He even singled out Marjorie Taylor Green and told her to be nice to Speaker Johnson. I am sure she got the message that it is time to join the team and knock off the divisive stuff she is known for.

There were similar reviews after the Senate session, and it was all smiles and unity as Trump and a group of the Senators addressed the media after the meeting. Thursday was a great day for Republicans and much needed for their supporters. It is imperative that we regain the White House and both sides of Congress if we are to get America back on track after a disastrous Biden Presidency, and it will take an all-for-one effort from everyone on the Right to pull it off. Trump was very Presidential on Thursday and exhibited the leadership we have all been waiting for. He was positive, upbeat, and decisive as he drew a stark contrast between him and Biden. He did not talk about the trials but stayed on point. It was an important day as we approach the first debate in three weeks and the convention.

This is the Donald Trump we need now. We don’t need the petty rhetoric, but we do need to drive home the fact that every one of us, except the Bidens, was better off with Donald Trump in the White House. Some important events are coming up that will tell us whether our hopes are justified for a November win. The Debates (should Biden actually participate), the VP announcement, and the convention. Trump is on a roll, but can he sustain it until Election Day? I think we are seeing the beginning of a significant change in direction for America, and the next five months should be extremely exciting. Hold on for a helluva ride.


The post Trump Has Them Smelling Victory appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Excessive Heat Warning Alert … But It Was Mild and Pleasant

Mon, 2024-06-17 12:00 +0000

The weather app on my phone is as reliable as any other weather reporting app, including the people on the news. There have been lots of near misses and too many not right at all, but now it is propagandizing me. Last week was mild, pleasant, great sleeping weather, but throughout the week, the App was waving” a high heat warning in my face.

It’s 73 and sunny, with mid-50s in the evenings, but it’ll be boiling next week! In other words, forget all this temperate enjoyable niceness—DOOM Awaits!

I was looking for a disclaimer saying Carrier or Walmart sponsored it: Click to get a great price on AC, and there is free delivery for orders over $$$. Wait, how about, “This high heat weather alert is sponsored by … Pfizer!” Click to get great deals on cures!


It is supposed to get hot for several days, but do I need a week’s worth of red thermometer warnings? To me, this seems both excessive and deliberate (I added the red lines below).

That’s good to know. And I know it gets hotter elsewhere, and these temps might look like a mild day (Yeah, man, but it’s a dry heat), so you don’t need to bombard me with proof. I get it. And it’s been hotter here for longer, way back when CO2 wasn’t the bitcoin of climate change. Let’s do some climate Cult mining! Alarmisim equals payday! Ka-Ching!

I’ll have to walk the dog early in the morning, and best of luck sleeping on warm nights, though 75 isn’t the worst thing that could have happened. And—this is important—the App has been running hot lately. In successive weeks, the predicted temps have declined as the week has progressed. Predicted mid-80s turn into the low 80s, and so on. It’s got me thinking the thing is using the IPCC’s climate models, and those dogs don’t hunt.

The post Excessive Heat Warning Alert … But It Was Mild and Pleasant appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dopey American College Kids Encourage Slave Labor to Protest Oppression

Mon, 2024-06-17 10:00 +0000

Given all of the delusional college kids (and the professional instigators training and participating with them) protesting for the Nazi-like Hamas fighters that wantonly murdered innocents on Israeli soil, there has to be tens, if not hundreds of thousands of these keffiyeh.

It’s part of their uniform, dontcha know (emphasis mine)? And guess what? “Uighur Slaves Struggling to Keep Up with Demand for Palestinian Headscarves.”

The Babylon Bee, “the newspaper of record” for anyone with a sense of humor, posed a more interesting thought about the campus demonstrations than anything you can find in the New York Times or Washington Post. The Bee’s headline proclaimed, “Uighur Slaves Struggling to Keep Up with Demand for Palestinian Headscarves.

Dark humor, indeed. The headscarves, like the masks, serve one obvious function: they hide the faces of demonstrators. That’s why bank robbers wear masks, too. Students know they are breaking the rules, and professional agitators know they are breaking the law, so it’s smart to hide their faces.

But the scarves have one additional advantage that bank robbers’ masks don’t: the keffiyeh is a visible symbol of Palestinian identity. “Pardon me,” they say, “my virtue is showing.”

The Babylon Bee also picked up another interesting point the legacy media missed. The keffiyehs worn on campus today come from China, like so much clothing. Ah, globalization. Palestinians used to produce the scarves themselves, but cheaper Chinese production squeezed them out of the market. The protesters’ attire is a hidden mark of the international trade they loathe.

The symbol of their resistance to “enslaving the Palestinians” was made with slave labor by oppressed people the Chinese government can kill at will, so using the word “genocide” (even as the Gazan population had quickly risen) is a ludicrous claim as it seems that Hamas is the one doing the oppressing (of its Gazan civilians who are fully behind Hamas).

And, of COURSE, in this era of Identity politics, the “protesters” must appear to be part of the Oppressed, so the keffiyehs are unloaded by the box full. And we are back to the Chinese Muslim Uighur slaves again.

But neither the MSM, the pro-Palestinians themselves, the clueless “helpful idiots,” and the low-intelligence college students that know how to yell but haven’t the foggiest what they are protesting other than as a means to quell their boredom and be part of the “cool kids clique.”

The Uighers continue to sit at their sewing machines, working within the capitalistic system Winnie-the-Zi allows for selling rope to the West.


The post Dopey American College Kids Encourage Slave Labor to Protest Oppression appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Navigating the Crypto Marketing Landscape: Strategies for Success

Mon, 2024-06-17 09:00 +0000

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, effective marketing has become an indispensable tool for projects and businesses seeking to establish a strong presence and engage with their target audience. The crypto space is highly competitive, and standing out from the crowd requires a strategic and innovative approach to marketing. Whether you’re launching a new cryptocurrency, building a decentralized application (DApp), or promoting a blockchain-based service, leveraging the right crypto marketing services can make all the difference.

Understanding the Crypto Audience

Before delving into specific marketing strategies, it’s crucial to understand the unique characteristics of the crypto audience. Unlike traditional markets, the cryptocurrency community is highly tech-savvy, skeptical of centralized authority, and values transparency and decentralization. Effective marketing in this space requires a deep understanding of the community’s values, concerns, and preferences.

Community Building and Engagement

One of the most powerful marketing strategies in the crypto realm is community building and engagement. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects thrive on the strength of their communities, which serve as advocates, early adopters, and ambassadors. Successful crypto marketing services often focus on fostering a vibrant and engaged community through various channels, such as social media platforms, forums, and online discussions.

Social Media and Influencer Marketing

Social media has become a powerful tool for crypto marketing, enabling projects to reach a global audience and engage with potential users and investors. Platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Reddit are popular among the crypto community, and leveraging these channels through targeted content, influencer collaborations, and community management can significantly boost brand awareness and credibility.

Content Marketing and Educational Resources

The crypto industry is complex, and many potential users and investors may feel overwhelmed by the technical jargon and concepts involved. Effective crypto marketing services like offered by often include content marketing and educational resources that demystify the technology and provide valuable insights to the target audience. Well-crafted blog posts, whitepapers, video tutorials, and webinars can position a project as a thought leader and build trust among the community.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Digital Advertising

While the crypto community is highly engaged, it’s also essential to reach a broader audience through search engine optimization (SEO) and digital advertising strategies. Optimizing website content and leveraging paid advertising platforms like Google Ads and social media advertising can increase visibility and drive targeted traffic to a project’s website or landing pages.

Airdrops, Bounty Programs, and Referral Campaigns

Airdrops, bounty programs, and referral campaigns are popular marketing tactics in the crypto space. Airdrops involve distributing free tokens or coins to users who complete specific tasks, such as following social media accounts or joining a community. Bounty programs incentivize users to complete tasks like writing articles, creating videos, or translating content in exchange for rewards. Referral campaigns leverage the power of word-of-mouth by rewarding existing users for referring new users to a project.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnering with established brands, influencers, or other crypto projects can be a powerful marketing strategy. Strategic collaborations can help projects tap into new audiences, leverage existing communities, and gain credibility through association. Crypto marketing services often facilitate these partnerships, leveraging their industry connections and expertise.

Attending and Sponsoring Events

The crypto industry is characterized by a vibrant event scene, with conferences, meetups, and hackathons taking place around the world. Attending and sponsoring these events can provide valuable networking opportunities, increase brand visibility, and facilitate direct engagement with potential users and investors.

Measuring Success and Adapting Strategies

Effective crypto marketing requires a data-driven approach and the ability to measure and adapt strategies based on performance metrics. Key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, conversion rates, and community growth should be closely monitored, and marketing strategies should be adjusted accordingly to optimize results.

Compliance and Regulatory Considerations

As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements are becoming increasingly important. Crypto marketing services must stay up-to-date with relevant laws and regulations to ensure that marketing activities comply with applicable guidelines and avoid potential legal issues.

Choosing the Right Crypto Marketing Services

With the diverse range of crypto marketing services available, selecting the right partner can be a daunting task. When evaluating potential service providers, it’s essential to consider their industry experience, track record of successful campaigns, understanding of the crypto landscape, and ability to tailor strategies to your specific project’s needs.

In conclusion, navigating the crypto marketing landscape requires a comprehensive and strategic approach. By leveraging the right crypto marketing services, projects and businesses can effectively engage with their target audience, build a strong community, and establish a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency space. As the industry continues to mature, the role of effective marketing will become increasingly crucial for projects seeking long-term success and adoption.

The post Navigating the Crypto Marketing Landscape: Strategies for Success appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Types of Walkers and Their Advantages

Mon, 2024-06-17 08:00 +0000

Types of Walkers and Their Advantages

A walker is an assistive device for walking that provides additional support and stability to people with disabilities due to injuries or surgeries. It is also used by the elderly and people with limited mobility. They help maintain independence of action, improve mobility, and enhance the quality of life for users. Let’s take a look at the different types of walkers, their features, benefits, and recommendations on how to choose one.

Types of Walkers

There are several main types of walkers, each with its own characteristics and purpose.

1. Standard.

Standard walkers are a basic type of walker without wheels that provides maximum stability and support. They are suitable for people who need extra support when walking.


  • High stability.
  • Easy to use.
  • Low cost.


  • Requires lifting with each step.
  • Limited maneuverability.

2. With wheels.

Walkers with wheels have two front wheels, which make it easier to move and provides greater maneuverability. They are suitable for people who require less support and can move more quickly.


  • Easier to move around than with standard walkers.
  • Increased maneuverability.
  • Can be used on different surfaces.


  • Less stability compared to standard walkers.
  • Higher cost.

3. Four-wheeled walkers.

Four-wheeled models, or rollators, have four wheels (one wheel on each support), brakes and a seat for rest. They offer maneuverability and comfort, and are suitable for active users.


  • High maneuverability.
  • Availability of a seat for rest.
  • Built-in brakes for safety.


  • Higher cost.
  • Higher weight.

4. Walkers with armrests.

Walkers with armrests provide additional support for the arms and reduce the load on the shoulders and wrists. Suitable for people with upper limb problems or back weakness.


  • Reduced strain on upper limbs and back.
  • Additional support and comfort.


  • Larger size and weight.
  • Higher cost.

5. Folding walkers.

Folding models are convenient to transport and store because they can be easily folded. Suitable for people who travel frequently or have limited storage space.


  • Easy to transport and store.
  • Compact size.


  • May be less stable than non-folding models.

Functions of Walkers

The functions performed by walkers are extremely useful and even indispensable for some vulnerable groups. Let’s take a closer look at some of the important tasks they perform to help maintain independence and improve the quality of life for users:

  • Support for walking: they provide additional stability and support, which reduces the risk of falls and injuries.
  • Ensure ease of movement: this product helps people with disabilities or muscle weakness in performing daily tasks and moving around.
  • Improving balance: helps maintain stability while moving, which increases the confidence of people with balance problems.
  • Reducing the load on the joints: tthey help reduce stress on joints and muscles, which is especially important for people with musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis.

Benefits of Using a Walker

  • Improved quality of life: they help users lead an active lifestyle while maintaining independence and mobility.
  • Reducing the risk of falls: the additional support and stability of a walker reduce the risk of injuries and falls, which is especially important for older people.
  • Support for independence: help users perform everyday tasks without additional assistance, which increases their independence.
  • Promote physical activity: supports physical activity, which leads to improved overall health and well-being.

Recommendations for Choosing a Walker

  • Identifying needs. It is important to consider your needs and physical abilities before choosing this device.
  • Consultation with a specialist. Consult your doctor or physiotherapist for advice on choosing the best type of walker.
  • Read reviews and ratings. Research reviews and ratings of different walker models to find the most suitable option.
  • Testing. Test it out before you buy to make sure it’s comfortable and meets your needs.
  • Check the warranty and service. Make sure that you have a warranty and access to service centers for timely maintenance of the devices.

Walkers play an important role in maintaining mobility and independence for individuals with disabilities. They help maintain independence, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of falls and injuries. The right choice of walker depends on the individual needs of the user and the conditions of use. Consulting with a specialist, reading reviews and testing walkers will help you make the best choice and ensure maximum comfort and support. You can consult and place an order on our website:


The post Types of Walkers and Their Advantages appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: NH’s Abortion-Barbie Says Bye-Bye … Good Riddance

Mon, 2024-06-17 02:00 +0000

Some good news yesterday (6/13). It doesn’t make up for the totally disastrous day in the NH House where the totally incompetent “Leader” Jason Osborne couldn’t get his caucus to show up for arguably some of the most important votes of the session. Indeed, even the NH-NeverTrump Journal is saying the GOP in the NH House is a MINO … Majority In Name Only.

Here’s the good news. Abortion-Barbie is not running for reelection. Amanda Elizabeth Toll regularly used her children as props to push her pro-abortion agenda. It is hard to think of something more twisted and perverted than that. Bye-bye, Abortion-Barbie, and GOOD RIDDANCE.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Holding the Line in Defense Against Corrupt Government

Mon, 2024-06-17 00:00 +0000

Unfolding this week in Texas, we have seen the latest moves in a long and drawn-out jurisdictional battle between an overreaching, abusive government and Mr Alex Jones.

In the halls of power, Jones is not a popular figure due to his consistent criticism of the US government and many politicians. He has for decades been smeared as an extremist, a radical, and a far-right figure. In some instances, these labels have been accurate, while in others, they have served simply to make him a pariah in hopes that his voice is not amplified and his ideas are not followed.

Lately, a globalist/communist deep state judge directly associated with the Biden cabal, which is in itself a disgusting deep statist entity full of career politicians and bureaucrats working alongside radical left, ultra far left ideologues, has awarded over $1 billion in damages against Jones in a prominent lawsuit.

Anyone who followed that trial may have noticed the extreme partisanship of the judge and prosecutors. Severe infractions of legal standards were made, similar to the Trump-related trials in DC, Georgia, New York, Arizona, and Michigan— where Democrat Party-affiliated court systems have produced ridiculous show trials.

The process is Soviet in nature, reminiscent of the extreme partisanship applied by the Bolsheviks and the subsequent Politburo power structure in their attempts to root out anyone who disagrees with them. Facts don’t matter. What matters is whether the citizenry falls in line.

The Alex Jones trial is particularly shocking because so few have stepped up to defend the man. The decades of slander by deep statists and globalists/communists are working. It’s repulsive, disgusting, despicable, and abhorrent. Of all public figures, Alex Jones may be the one who citizens are most fearful of standing beside. And that is the problem.

US citizens are mostly all sheep, and this is starkly evident in this trial. A private citizen who has dedicated his life to exposing the deepest and darkest conspiracy theories is in danger of being destroyed.

US citizens must stand with Jones against the corrupt federal state. He is a champion of the people. This is not an issue of whether anyone agrees with his ideas or not. It’s not a matter of whether you like him or not. This is a matter of citizens standing together in a real fight for the survival of the country and its constitution.

Will you be complicit, subservient, and obedient while a junta installed by a cabal of globalist/communist radicals knocks off one after another of its political opponents?

Or will you stand up and draw the line and be willing to fight to uphold the ideas that created the United States of America as a bastion of freedom, independence, and liberty?

The USA was created in 1776 by a group of people who wanted to cast off the yoke of a corrupted, overarching state. Our forefathers implemented ideas of individual liberty, protection of private property, and democratic governance that were revolutionary at that time.

These ideas are still relevant today, and we must fight to continue to protect them, as well as our constitution and our country, in the face of an illegal, foreign-influenced, corrupted government abusing power through lawfare.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Elections Have Consequences: Democrats “Care More About Winning the Next Election Than Saving This Country”

Sun, 2024-06-16 23:00 +0000

“Why are we so terrified to tell the truth? … You come here, and you walk people through the actual math of social security. The actual math of Medicare. How we’re going to save it. What we have to do.  And you will get attack ads because God forbid you told the truth.”

He then goes on to share some economic truth.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Hampton the “Seacoast Nashua”?

Sun, 2024-06-16 22:00 +0000

I was approached by election security watchdog Linda Brown regarding Private Citizen Regina Barnes’s recent day in court, which Chau Kelley took a 51-minute video of and wrote a brief summary on.  Though flattered to be thought of as worthy of such an assignment, I was reluctant to submit something that might appear as taking credit for the work of others.

Note the three people I just mentioned, and earthly glory be to them.

I was vaguely aware of Regina’s litigation against the Town of Hampton but hadn’t given it the deserved quality attention, which was another reason for my desire to shrug and say, “It’s above my pay grade,” as the Ballot Law Commission Chair said when someone tried to get some secessionist reps kicked off their ballots in 2022.  However, Linda and I were on the phone for almost 90 minutes, and I learned that the case is more about RTK than just ballot handling and storage and chain of custody issues.  In fact, it has a flavor of Paula Johnson vs. the City of Nashua and how it went, but it was also “Laurie Ortolano flavored,” hence this article’s title.

Before going any further, I should share the video, which is 52 minutes long, for those who care to watch.  I could take you, the reader, down several rabbit holes warranting further digging, but I want this to be short enough to function as an elevator speech and a taster.  If it interests you, please like and follow Regina on a variety of platforms addressing Hampton stuff as “NH Muckraker,” but let’s get into how Hampton resembles Nashua.

Regina’s RTK litigation is about public inspection of the Chain of Custody(CoC) logs, which the Town refused to show her, and Attorney Sullivan tried to get dismissed by citing RSA on the ballots themselves.  Gaslighting, anyone?  Strawman, anyone?  I should point out that Regina represented herself and was given the “Attorney Bolton Treatment” as though she was Laurie Ortolano.  Attorney Sullivan was ill-prepared, as you can recognize in a matter of minutes into the video, and I surmise that it’s just another example of pro se plaintiffs against government entities not being taken seriously.

Laurie has written about that not too long ago.

Attorney Sullivan also appeared to be unfamiliar with the difference between cast ballots, uncast ballots, and spoiled ballots. He also admitted that he never saw the ballot box security tape. Another example of his unpreparedness was his need to leave his post(seen in the video) and return, something I’ve never observed in a courtroom, on TV, or in person.

Attorney Sullivan tried a motion to dismiss, which was the attempt in progress when the video began.  Some of the rabbit holes I mentioned included, but were not limited to, the following ballot storage and CoC shenanigans:

Defective, missing, or tampered with security tape.
Labels not properly populated, signed off, or displayed on the boxes.
Labels missing.
Boxes not sealed up at all.
Boxes not labeled “1 of 37,” “2 of 37,” etc., and 10 of such boxes missing.
Various other procedures not being followed.

Since I worked in a warehouse for many years, I am familiar with shipping practices and I spent several minutes on the phone with Linda talking about FedEx.  She had all kinds of issues, some of which she even took pictures of.  When your business ships via FedEx or most other carriers, there are just certain common sense things that the shipper is expected to do.  A few examples are affixing the tracking label on the top side (of a 6-sided box), not obstructing said label with tape or stray marks, journaling them in a log, and noting the number of pieces (boxes) being shipped to the same destination at the same time (1,2,3… of 37) on the boxes legibly near the tracking label.  These things were not done, and Attorney Sullivan insisted that because the Town “spent $600 on FedEx,” it was considered acceptable CoC practice.  I told Linda that you can lock, bolt, and chain your front door to the hilt, but if your back door is unlocked, what good is locking the front door?  The weakest link, you know.

One important question is whether or not Judge Kennedy is going to rule like Judge Temple does.  We’ll eventually find out.  Another question is if Hampton will follow Nashua’s example in the future by retaining the big legal guns at the public’s expense, of course. Attorney Bolton has spent upwards of half a million to contract out Attorney Hilliard to do his job while he just sits there at the desk and watches.

While this may appear to some readers as an essay on how I decided to write it, I fancy myself no greater than an amateur blogger, and I would prefer that all readers consider it an essay on why Linda Brown wanted it published. You can also skip to near the end of the 51-minute video when Chau Kelley asks Regina what message she has for the viewers, and she expresses the desire to raise awareness. Think about Private Citizen Regina’s activism and visit her Rumble account.

I will also point out that Laurie Ortolano’s signature quote is “lack of transparency is a symptom of dishonesty,” which is seemingly the modus operandi of the Town of Hampton.

Does YOUR town (or city) have the behavioral attributes of Nashua in its local government?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Example of Big Tech Putting Both Left Thumbs on the Electoral Scale

Sun, 2024-06-16 20:00 +0000

A few months back, Google decided that a Trump campaign ad was a walking “policy violation” and yanked it. I think Google should use itself to look up the definition of the “Streisand Effect.” The takedown inspired many a right-side site to post that very same Trump Ad, which earned it a lot more eyeballs than if Evil Google had just let it be.

I wonder if Google will try to do something to us for sharing it?

Best takeaway?  The spotlight on the change in verbiage by the Left in describing foreign nationals crossing our borders illegally.  We’ve moved from:

  • illegal aliens
  • undocumented aliens
  • undocumented migrants
  • migrants
  • citizens to be

Wait for it. The new spin from Democrats to put the invaders in the same context as the rest of us is … Newcomers. It is being used more and more, and if you look at the pad of paper in this Ad, there it is. Newcomers. As in, “Biden is spending the money he takes from you to give them reduced-cost housing.”

Left unsaid, is that this spending lowers your standard of living. Illegals who shouldn’t be here are getting the red carpet treatment by Biden.

Exposing THAT is something Google can’t let stand. Or couldn’t until it was made widespread.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Sandy Cortez Claims Donald Trump Will Throw Her In Jail

Sun, 2024-06-16 18:00 +0000

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has to be the most incredible narcissist in Washington, and in a city of massive egos, that is saying something. She has such a high opinion of herself and a level of self-importance that is off the charts to think that she has a bullseye on her back and is in the sights of Donald Trump.

Cortez is of more benefit to the Republicans in office than out because she is one of the least effective Representatives in Congress. Sandy, which was her name when attending Boston University, has no bills to her credit that have been passed and signed into law, and she is no longer a rookie in D.C. She is running for her fourth term to represent the 14th District of New York.

Cortez has done nothing positive for her constituents but has done them harm. She blocked a major Amazon distribution center that would have brought thousands of high-paying jobs to the Bronx because she did not understand tax credits. She thought the Bronx would have to pay Amazon to build the facility. Her ignorance cost the Bronx dearly. Her squad is losing momentum as the country is moving right towards the center. The Radical Left has lost its cachet. Even Rep Bowman of the Squad was slapped this week when Hillary Clinton endorsed his primary challenger.

Cortez and Vice President Harris have been pushing a storyline that Trump will use every tool of government to go after his opponents. This theory was put to rest after the 2016 election. After months of Republicans yelling, “Lock her up,” Trump chose not to take action against Clinton, even though he had dozens of good reasons to do so. He opted to take the high road, and isn’t it ironic that the Party warning voters about Trump’s retribution is the one weaponizing government against Trump and anyone who supports him?

Biden talks about MAGA Republicans in the same manner he speaks about NAZIs. He refers to them in the same breath as he calls out White Supremacists. This rhetoric is Hillary calling us deplorables on steroids, and it is insulting, and he needs to be called out on every occasion.

Trump’s response to anyone who asks about his retaliation against his enemies is that his job will be to unify, not further divide America, and the greatest revenge against his foes will be success. When he talks about success, it is not for him but for every American, regardless of color. That mission is worthy of our support, and we have five months to recruit newbies to the MAGA ranks.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Invasion is Deliberate and Democrats Own It

Sun, 2024-06-16 16:00 +0000

This is nothing new for Groksters, but we need to be reminded and go after the evil that is ruining our country, not just hold the line, but advance in every area of government we can so this never happens again.

The Biden administration is making history again and acting as if they are the heroes with border security by issuing an executive order (EO) halting illegal aliens from coming across our border only IF that number is greater than 2,500 per day! Imagine 2,500 times 365 is 912,500 illegal aliens still coming into our country each year. WHAT A JOKE of an EO!  If you can remember, Biden purposely opened the border by eliminating Trump’s EO within weeks after taking office.

In the last 3.5 years, depending on who you talk to, Biden has allowed 4,000,000 to 11,000,000 MILLION illegal aliens to enter our country, along with who knows what other nefarious actors who WILL cause us problems in the future. Sure, they call them asylum seekers and then take years to verify if they are. Even last week, I read that 320,000 illegal aliens were secretly flown into our country and dumped into several cities by the BIDEN administration.

Biden and the stolen democratic party are destroying our country as we know it and grew up in, and we must stop this immediately. You got to ask why! Why is he and his administration doing this? Why is the democratic party agreeing and going along with this? Why? I care for the next person as much as anyone else, but there is a right and wrong way to come to the USA, and Biden is still promoting coming here the wrong way. Immigration policy is broken, maybe, but Congress and the Senate need to address it, not a president or State by State.

We want to thank Rep. John Sellers for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

These illegal aliens end up getting all sorts of benefits, including driver’s licenses, which in some cases can be used to vote, which then change laws to benefit them even more. Plus, they use up our medical and educational services along with all other public safety resources, costing us billions, I mean billions. Why are we allowing this and acting like these illegals belong here when they came here illegally?

Think of it this way. If someone came into your house through a window or some other opening uninvited, would they be in your house legally? NO! Did you invite them in? No! Coming across the border is no different than entering your house without asking permission.

We need to stop this madness that Biden and the Democrats have caused. I have seen this firsthand at the State House. Trump tried to build a wall by EO, but then Biden ended his EO, and the Democrats fought the money to build the wall every step of the way. It’s your decision come November! You either vote for more Democrats who want the government to be the Utopia for everything, or you vote for Republicans who still want to protect your freedoms, individuality, and privacy, along with protecting our borders and not allowing 900,000 plus illegals into our country each year.

As Biden stated, this is a battle for the SOUL of our nation. The SOUL of our country is Life, Liberty, Freedom, and the OLD American way, NOT what Biden has sold us; bigger government, open borders, sanctuary cities (free services for illegals), woke teaching in our schools, allowing mutilation of our kids (this is Frankenstein science, it’s doesn’t work), limited or no parental rights, transgenders playing in girls’ sports (potentially causing physical and sexual harm), higher inflation just so we can say we are “green” while China builds hundreds of COAL fired electrical plants, along with higher costs for food, energy, housing and consumer goods.

This is the Democratic Party of today. Why are the real Democrats putting up with this? I believe the Democratic Party has been hijacked from what it once was when J.F. Kennedy was president (I can remember those days).

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

John Adams: The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things

Sun, 2024-06-16 14:00 +0000

I hope your summer is going well! Let’s continue examining the lives of the Declaration of Independence (DOI) signers in relation to their beliefs in the necessity of good morals and religion as the foundation for the birth of our great country!

Perhaps one of the most famous Founding Fathers who led us to freedom was none other than John Adams.

He was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, now known as Quincy. His father was known as Deacon Adams, and while not a wealthy family, they could trace their ancestry to the Puritans. He married Abagail Smith, and their prolific written correspondence is the best-preserved picture of Colonial marriage in the grandest sense. Abigail was a strong leader and often kept John and his rather emotional temperament in check. She ran the farm as he was much engaged in the foundation of the new Nation (America).

He served as George Washington’s vice president, our second President, Ambassador to Great Britain (Minister to the Court of St. James), and representative of Massachusetts in all of the early conventions regarding freedom from Great Britain.

He was a prolific lawyer as well, successfully representing the British in the Boston Massacre.

His father desired that he enter the ministry, and the school in Colonial America designed to train ministers at the time was Harvard University. After graduating, he taught school for three years in Worcester, Massachusetts, and at this point, he chose to switch from the ministry to practicing law.

The Founding Fathers viewed humanity from a Biblical perspective, which included what theologians at the time called, ‘ the depravity of man.” This concept is best described as mankind is in a fallen state of sin and must choose to be reconciled to God through his son, Jesus Christ. With this concept in mind, he and the other founding fathers believed that men without good morals and religion would automatically be self-destructive due to man’s fallen nature, as history had shown them. Therefore, any government, in order to succeed, would have to have internal safeguards and restraints against man’s natural descent into depravity, meaning the inherent selfishness, lust for power, oppression of others, and corruption with money (bribery, stealing, etc..) would eventually take over and create a tyrannical government.

A direct quote from him in this regard is as follows:

“To expect self-denial from men when they have a majority in their favor (and consequently power to gravity themselves) is to disbelieve all history and universal experience-it is to disbelieve (Divine) Revelation and the Word of God, which informs us. “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9…There is no man so blind as not to see that to talk of founding a government upon a supposition that nations and great bodied of men left to themselves, will practice a course of self denial is either babble like a new-born infant, or to deceive like an unprincipled impostor1.”

This illustrious man was a true Apostle in the founding of our country. He had a deep, abiding faith in God and the Bible and lived a life that portrayed his faith in God in making government decisions that affect us today.

1Thanks to Dave Barton’s excellent book, The American Story, for this quote.

Until next time!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hot Dog Eating Champ Could Still Compete If He Drops Vegan Weiners

Sun, 2024-06-16 12:00 +0000

I don’t typically pay any attention to this sort of thing, but it was difficult to resist when the link landed in my inbox. A 16-time consecutive Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Champ got booted from the upcoming Fourth of July festivities after lending his face (for compensation) to a plant-based Weiner.

California-born [Hot Dog eating legend Joey ] Chestnut, who recently signed up with a brand called Impossible Foods, won’t be allowed to compete in the Coney Island tradition and defend the title he’s won 16 times, including every year since 2016, the New York Post reported.

The food champ has completely dominated the competition earning a world record in 2021 with 76 dogs and buns and last year keeping the crown after chomping down on 62 wieners and buns.

The July 4th Nathan’s competition has taken place every year at the corner of Stillwell and Surf avenues, just steps away from the Boardwalk, since 1916.

I had my first Nathan’s Hotdog in New York City circa 1978. It was good, and it might have been due to the location, atmosphere, and high level of exhaust particulates in the local environment, but I had several and always got at least one on successive visits. I have not been to NYC in decades, nor am I inclined to go there again. There is no reason to do it. And Nathan’s franchise version up this way was not as good (IMO) as I remember. Like I said, atmosphere, particulates.

You can buy packages of them in the store these days—they’re also not the same, in my opinion—but they are Nathan’s beef franks, made with meat. And while hot dogs have a justifiably earned bad reputation, they are still insanely popular. Americans consume an estimated 20 billion of them annually. That’s Billion with a B.

So yeah, Joey the Dog Eating Champion can still join the annual thing, he just has t drop the vegan weiners.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are You Doing Better Under Biden or Was It Better Under Trump?

Sun, 2024-06-16 10:00 +0000

Inflation is the hidden tax placed upon us all by the Government. They pay their debts (OUR debts, technically) with cheaper money while OUR expenses go way up. For instance:

From our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, some measures of the magnitude and persistence of inflation under President Biden and previous presidents. But remember, Joe told us that “Milton Friedman isn’t running the show any more.” Someone forgot to tell this to inflation.

Average Year over Year inflation rate for all months of their terms:

Biden:     5.7%

Trump    1.9%

And for the mathematically challenged out there, that 3.8 difference is HUMONGUS!  Since Biden took office, the aggregate inflation rate is 20-30% overall.  Do you like only 2/3rds of your Trump candy bar? How about the cost of gas (especially if you factor out the Emergency Gas Reserves shuttlecocks he opened to lower the price for the elections)? And while I’m loving the capital appreciation of my home, not so great for our kids, right?

Under Trump, wages rose well above the rate of inflation, especially for the underclass. Under Biden, they’ve been outpaced by his inflation. Who has been hit hardest?

Women and children

Sorry, I just wanted to use one of the favorite Leftist Journalism headlines there.  But really, we all have been in the middle and lower classes.

Biden has been a disaster economically.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Inflection Point for America

Sun, 2024-06-16 02:00 +0000

If you’ve been alive and sentient for the past three-plus years, you’ve probably heard the statement, “We are at an inflection point in history” a time or two.
Anytime something is said so often in such a short period of time, it tends to lose impact. But slogans aside, does America’s present condition warrant the kind of urgency associated with invoking a moment as “an inflection point”?

I doubt many people would deny that it does.

Recently, I returned from a two-week, 17-state trip through the Midwest, the South, and the Northeast. In nearly every city and town I passed through, there were recognizable signs of physical deterioration and decline – strip malls with deserted storefronts, vacant lots, dilapidated houses, closed small businesses, roads in poor condition, billboards for personal injury attorneys. One of the few major cities I passed through had a billboard over a busy street that read, “Real men don’t murder.” Dollar General stores were everywhere.

Clearly, de-industrialization, the shift to a globalized economy, and numerous other factors have contributed to the devastation of America which is now so widespread beyond the gleaming metropolitan downtowns and the most affluent suburbs. Stating the obvious, both major political parties have presided over this tragedy and bear some responsibility for making it worse. The question then follows: What can and should be done about it, now?

I submit that one thing we absolutely should not do is send more of the same leaders to Washington, D.C.

We want to thank Andy Schaalman for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

As it so happens, I made a brief stop in D.C. on my recent trip. The stretch of the George Washington Memorial Parkway in northern Virginia, which lines the Potomac River between the Francis Scott Key Bridge and I-495, was, by far, the most decrepit stretch of road I passed along the way. For several miles, construction necessitated the narrowing of a two-lane road into one lane, hemmed in tight on both sides by traffic cones. If you had no short-term memory, you would never have suspected this was all just a few miles from our national seat of government and many of our nation’s most iconic monuments. But it was, and it is.

And in a way, this is a microcosm of what has happened to America. Everyone who follows American politics even casually understands that D.C. is effectively its own ecosystem, insulated and isolated from the rest of the country. But when you see the manifestations up close, it is a splash of cold water. It should come as no surprise that we have reached this stage. For more than 20 years, America’s leadership class has embarked on “forever wars,” mushroomed the national debt, destroyed our borders, narrowed the roads to opportunity and upward mobility, and poisoned the national discourse with criticism of the country as it is…all while telling ordinary Americans that their declining living standards and dissipating hopes for a better future are their fault.

To stem this tide, we need to do many things, but we must elect leaders who will work for the interests of American citizens first. I’m supporting Lily Tang Williams in her run for the Second Congressional District, because I know she understands what is at stake for New Hampshire and for America. She is an outsider who will fight every day for her constituents, and she is totally unmoved by the kinds of policies and abstractions which refuse to acknowledge or address reality.

The Biden administration and the media tell us every day that “democracy is at stake.” But this “inflection point in history” is actually much bigger than that. America is at stake.

The post Night Cap: Inflection Point for America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Whatever Happened to GEN Z GOP?

Sun, 2024-06-16 00:00 +0000

In the run-up to the theft of the 2020 election (can you hear the creams?), a bunch of liberals posing as moderate Republicans (on college campuses, of course) created something called GEN Z GOP. Pro Climate, Anti-Trump, need I say more?

A new political action group based (allegedly) in Massachusetts has announced its presence. It’s called Gen Z GOP. They are a young, moderate, anti-Trump front group who appear to exist to advance liberal priorities behind the patina of opposing unproductive discourse. …

A majority y of Gen Z embraces more progressive government involvement in everything. Hence, their version inevitably leads toward America getting screwed by the world (wealth inequality, and all of that). “Reform border security” means back to more open borders (vote-stealing and district stuffing), and the bit about health care is, well, more like failed ObamaCare. You can’t be for the free market and the imposition of public power into private business or anything else.

Climate Change? Green Jobs? Sorry, neither is suitable for the climate or jobs. It’s a lose-lose.

In essence, what we have is another third-way progressive Democrat front group running cover for more incremental progressive conquest.

What the hell happened to Gen Z GOP? In the middle of 2021, they stopped trying to be relevant, not that they were. Their Medium Page, for example, has 21 followers. The content post-election is not very pro-Biden, which is odd because prior to the election, GEN Z GOP appeared to be more for Biden than Trump.

Their X account does have an update from a year ago, but it is not active or current.

To be clear, GEN Z GOP does not appear to have anything at all to do with Gen Z Republicans in general. As I noted when it first appeared, this looks like another leftish-funded Lincon Project (Coffee Party, No Labels) pretending to be a moderate cut-out meant to drag GEN Z further Left than Center.

Subversion. If you’d like a historical example, Antifa was created not so much to stop the Fascists but to recruit brownshirts to the redshirt cause. They were a subversive movement formed in 1930s Germany to convince people who already agreed with them on a lot of things that National Socialism didn’t go far enough and to embrace Marxist Leninist socialism. We saw something similar a few decades later when Chinese Communist “thinkers” decided that everything that was not their communism was fascism, including Russian Communism, which modern leftists, including 21st Century Antifa, ape alongside false claims that they are trying to save democracy.

Everything that is not their thing is Fascism, even though their thing (Marxism) is a kissing cousin on the totalitarian family tree.

So, what happened to them? Gen Z Gop. The same thing usually happens to groups with no principles. Lacking outside funding to prop them up, they wither and become meaningless. It could be a lack of interest, the lack of foundational principles (Climate Cult lite is stupid and ignorant), or perhaps the discovery that the college kids who started it have since graduated into the hellscape that resulted from the real-world application of the watered-down leftish priorities it embraced.

Democrats don’t do half-measures, and while there is plenty to complain about with the GOP, Trump isn’t exactly your traditional Beltway Republican whom GEN Z GOP was created to support. They hitched their horse to the wrong wagon and the stupid it burns.

Or, maybe, and more likely, they got bored. It was too hard. The money dried up. Or they grew up.

I’m open to other explanations.

The post Whatever Happened to GEN Z GOP? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Aaron Day Show: “Hijacking Bitcoin.”

Sat, 2024-06-15 23:00 +0000

Bitcoin was released in 2009 as peer-to-peer digital cash for use by everyone, bypassing banks and governments. In 2017, Bitcoin (BTC) was co-opted and transformed into a store of value, dubbed ‘Digital Gold,’ rather than serving as cash.

Since then, traditional and central banks have surpassed BTC with innovations such as Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Currently, 133 countries are in various stages of deploying Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Roger, who has been involved with Bitcoin since 2010, has released a new book titled “Hijacking Bitcoin.” This book details the process by which Bitcoin was hijacked and offers hope for a better alternative, backed by facts.


The post Aaron Day Show: “Hijacking Bitcoin.” appeared first on Granite Grok.

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