The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • December 26 • 2024

Vol.XVI • No.LII

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 3 min 25 sec ago

Flu Vaccines Were Never Worth The Risk and COVID Boosters Just Make Matters Worse.

Thu, 2023-04-13 18:00 +0000

Booster uptake has plummeted worldwide, but the public health mountebanks continue to hawk their COVID wares, aided by flamboyant charlatans in the media. The push to inject is still on, despite the lack of evidence any flu vaccine ever worked.

Dr. Sherry Tenpenney dug into the history of flu vaccines and unearthed some eye-opening data, like how it’s been known for about 60 years that flu vaccines don’t prevent flu.


There is little evidence that recent vaccines have significantly prevented clinical illness, as well as equally little evidence to evaluate effects on mortality.” – The U.S. Public Health Service 1964

“flu shots are ineffective and possibly even harmful in the most highly targeted group, the elderly.” – NYT 2005

“The runaway 100 percent effectiveness that’s touted by proponents [of the flu shot] was nowhere to be seen,” said Dr. Thomas Jefferson – Lancet 2005


A review of recent data confirms the old consensus (outside the money-making halls of big pharma and those to whom they donate) that the ordinary flu vaccine is, at best, a placebo and, at worst chemical roulette.


I analyzed the data from the 1997/98 flu season up through the 2015/16 flu seasons. Here’s the table I created, showing that in any given flu season, only 15.34% of illness was caused by influenza viruses. That means the flu shot was worthless almost 85% of the time in preventing the flu; it’s even MORE worthless if the viruses in the positive samples don’t match the serotypes that are in that year’s flu shot!


I’ve shared my experience. The few times I’ve had a flu shot – not for many years now, thank you – I got the flu. The years I skipped it, no sign of or a very mild and brief head cold. When the COVID shot came along, the decision was not difficult. I skipped it.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St Georges Hospital Medical School London, says you should skip it as well or – skip the boosters. It’s no news to us, but he says they worsen matters for you.


[T]he side effect profile is getting worse and broadening and I and many oncologists from around the world have been alarmed at the sudden increase in cancer relapses and new cancer growths, which only have a recent Covid booster vaccine in common.  …

Giving a booster vaccine for Covid is associated with T-cell suppression and a change in the type of antibody induced which, taken together, explains why the immune system is no longer able to control the cancers it was previously doing very well.


The data confirming these truths continue to pile up, which is inevitable when your human test trial encompasses 70% of the global population. That extensive survey will produce outcomes nearly impossible to ignore though not for lack of trying. The misinformation folks continue to rely on bumper-sticker slogans like anti-vaxxer to label science they can’t explain or won’t. But their zealotry over COVID “vaccine” uptake has led to revelations about previous flu seasons, what the Public Health Industrial Complex calls cures or prophylactics, and their lack of efficacy.

The COVID-19 Panic over-reached, and while a majority of the injected population may not yet have discovered that governments and health experts or bureaucrats do not have their best interests at heart, the long shadow of the campaign to get a needle in every arm continues to accumulate casualties that will be harder to ignore.

The COVID apology tour wasn’t the breakthrough we expected. Still, it is evidence that there is a growing uneasiness among the literati as what they’ve labeled sudden adult death syndrome comes for people they know or love.

As I wrote in November of 2021, as part of an updated look at athletes dropping dead, who has to die? To which we add, and what are you prepared to do about it? Public Health has become little more than a revenue silo for the Pharma Oligarchy, and if that doesn’t change, you’ve no reason to believe anything they or your doctor tell you.

You can ask why, but you might not like the answer. The institution has been taken over by people who would rather you were dead but will happily make money from that on the way.


The post Flu Vaccines Were Never Worth The Risk and COVID Boosters Just Make Matters Worse. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition

Thu, 2023-04-13 16:30 +0000

Forewarned is forearmed.  Thus, this is intended to be a compilation of articles, with my commentary, to try and get like-minded people to grasp what’s coming.  Even merely being aware of events in the world will make you better prepared than the hordes of sheeple.  Note that these compilations are catch-as-catch can, and presented as is.  I make no guarantee of accuracy or complete coverage of the world.

Please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

For prep materials, please see:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok




“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”


― Marcia Angell




Top of the fold:


Ted Cruz on the indictment.

Youqin Wang, Chronicler of China’s Cultural Revolution | National Review

Those who do not learn from history…









Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

A World of Restrictions – In the Name of Climate Change (

An Israeli journalist on the planned tyranny.

Finally, Europeans May Be Rejecting The EV Kool-Aid | ZeroHedge

For all the good the populace can do.  Remember the hundreds of thousands protesting the Covid mandates?  How much good did that do?



Protecting Children:

Report: School District In Maryland Makes LGBTQ Books Mandatory Reading – Summit News

Your kids WILL be taught it.



National Security (specifically):

US has real UFO problem and it’s not Chinese spy balloons, says former Navy fighter pilot – Blazing Cat Fur

I again recommend the book IN PLAIN SIGHT.



On The Jab (and Covid)


Any other medical product would have been RECALLED at around 50 deaths, but the COVID vaccines are now CONSERVATIVELY at *40,000 deaths and rising exponentially by the day.”




While Everyone’s Distracted, the Dollar Is Dying (

The only question is when it dies.

March report shows ‘inflation is far from dead,’ whatever Biden says: Economist (

And it’ll get worse…


Financial expert ANSWERS: Should you pay off your debt NOW?





Tucker: They can’t keep this secret forever






Greenwald: Nashville Shooting Has Been Erased From Memory Due To Inconvenient Narrative – Summit News

Peoples’ attention spans are becoming very short.  That’s a feature, not a bug, for the Left.




I Did Hundreds of Abortions, But Now I’m a Pro-Life Doctor –

Turnaround.  I’ve never seen a pro-life person, at least not in my experience, suddenly switch to being pro-abortion.



Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

Global Elite Picked Obama 171 (

Anecdotal and after the fact.  Still, worrying.



They really do hate you this much.

The Democrats’ (Alleged) Ginormous Money Laundering Scam – PJ Media

Understand something with crystal clarity.  We face an international Leftist enemy with no honor or decency or morality.  They consider it their missionary purpose to convert the earth to a one-world, depopulated, Socialist government.  This is a religious war, not purely an economic or political one.






Immigration / Migration:

What you’re missing by watching Trump – Washington Times

That means about the same number of people that make up a division of the People’s Liberation Army could be squirreling away here in America, ready to take orders from their communist masters who seek global dominance.

Don’t forget that, FOR YEARS, we have been finding Islamic texts and even prayer rugs at crossing places.

EXCLUSIVE shocking footage of UN-funded mass migration camp in Panama… (

Video.  This is an invasion.  No question.



Economy at large:

Washington State Democrats Plan to Confiscate Your Money if They Think You’re Making Too Much – PJ Media

An economy grows and thrives on disposable income.

Here’s How We’ll Have Labor Shortages And High Unemployment At The Same Time | ZeroHedge

An interesting explanation of the contradiction.



Political War

CONFIRMED: The FBI Has Spies in Catholic Churches to Hunt for ‘Domestic Terrorism’ – PJ Media




US Stability (broad catch-all):

Eric Trump Called It! Joe Biden Knew Everything – The Regime Worked with the FBI Prior to the Raid of President Trump’s Home (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Of course.

Justice Perverted: We Need A New Magna Carta | ZeroHedge

An interesting argument.

90 Miles From Tyranny : Democrats decide that a little bit of insurrection is good sometimes (

If Leftists didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any.

Dems Inexplicably Pick A War Zone For The 2024 DNC…

I’m going to cynically opine that they know there isn’t going to be a 2024 election.  So, they announce it for here.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

Russia Using Space Weapons In Ukraine: US General | ZeroHedge

If GPS is taken out, I pity all the people who have zero clue how to read maps.  Or those who, knowing they have GPS, don’t bother learning routes and their own neighborhoods.


Let’s assume – somehow – that these are genuine.  Closer and closer to the edge we get.

WHO Confirms ‘Staggering’ One in Six People Have Fertility Issues (

Double plus ungood.  Related:

‘SPERMAGEDDON’: Humanity May be Functionality Infertile by 2050, New Study Warns. (

The System is Down! – Contemplations on the Tree of Woe (

Things are going to fall apart… slowly, then catastrophically quickly.  And we who have been warning about this for years and years – and who have been dismissed, derided, and mocked by our intellectual and moral superiors, will be turned on with a white-hot hatred because we – those unwashed deplorable hicks and foil-hat conspiracy theorists – saw that which their uber-suuuuupergenius selves did not.





JPMorgan Chase CEO Suggests Government Seize Private Property To Quicken Climate Initiatives





Specific to energy:

European Natural Gas Futures Signal Concern About Next Winter | ZeroHedge

Short term this sounds good, but the future?  Germany’s insane:

Germany to switch off last remaining nuclear plants – Insider Paper

You Won’t Be Able To Sleep After Learning How Vulnerable We Are In ‘Grid Down, Power Up’ | The Daily Caller

VERY vulnerable.



Big Tech in general:

AI could go ‘Terminator,’ gain upper hand over humans in Darwinian rules of evolution, report warns | Fox News

The Matrix and other such movies were fiction… right?  Right?  Related:

NYPD Robot Dog Added to Force — and More Cool Tech – NBC New York



Catch-all miscellaneous:

LED lights can irreversibly damage the eyes, French health authority warns   | Daily Mail Online

Yet another example of doing something where the long-term effects aren’t studied.

It’s Not Over – Vox Popoli (

We’re long past arguing with retards who still, despite all of the available evidence, insist that vaccines are safe or effective. If people prefer to reduce their life expectancies and render their children infertile rather than doubt the Narrative, so be it. The future belongs to those who show up for it.

The Jab is a religion.  And The Jab is their Rite of Passage.



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

TINVOWOOT.  That is all.




The Distractions are AMPING Up!





Palate cleansers:





Please check out my MEME collection.  Here’s the last one.


The post Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mayor Donchess is “Shoveling Bull to The Nashua Taxpayers”

Thu, 2023-04-13 15:00 +0000

It was very upsetting to read about Mayor Donchess being bullish on Nashua’s future. In reality, the Mayor is shoveling bull to the Nashua taxpayers.

Mayor Donchess’ attack on the Executive Council for halting plans to expand passenger rail to the Gate City was typical for a man who shoulders no responsibility. I, for one, thank Mr. Dave Wheeler for putting the brakes on this project. Mayor Donchess simply cannot understand that at $792 million to construct and another $17.27 million as operating and maintenance costs for the rail project are something that Nashua taxpayers cannot afford.

This Mayor is “project happy,” supporting every expensive project that rolls in.

It is even harder to understand that Mayor Donchess does not understand NH laws because if he did, he would stop blaming the “state-mandated, state-regulated and state-supervised” revaluation. If citizens check the City minutes, the Mayor, through his legal counsel, requested the DRA  conduct the full measure and List in 2022. Now that he is running for re-election, it is time to play the blame game. If the city did as the law required, this full revaluation would have been done years ago. The City of Nashua last did its last full revaluation back in the 1990s.

Mayor Donchess, put on your big boy pants, broaden your shoulders, and act like an adult. The position of Mayor requires leadership skills; try to develop some, please.

For Mayor Donchess to say, “Unfortunately, this revaluation pushed up property taxes for our homeowners,” and then say the revaluation does not collect more taxes. Instead, it reallocates taxes among property owners.”  Well, Mr. Mayor, the budget increased by over 5%, so more taxes were needed. When you have lied your whole life, it is challenging to speak the truth. It does not come naturally, does it? It seems that the Mayor has forgotten that he keeps increasing the budget, and therefore the taxpayers need to pay more every year.  The city had the following tax bills generated:

2020 – $231,355,273.

2021 – $236,156,163

2022 – $248,421,992

Maybe Mayor Donchess does not think an extra $12,265,829 in taxes is significant. However, that is not how the Nashua taxpayers feel. I did not see Mayor Donchess telling Nashua residents that the State of New Hampshire rates the 3 rd highest property taxes paid within the United States. However, the City of Nashua is #1 with the highest property taxes collected within the State of New Hampshire.  Residents know how the Mayor likes the City to be #1. Nashua property owners, buckle your wallets because Mayor Donchess will be going for the #1 spot as the highest property taxes in the United States.

I really appreciate the fact that Mayor Donchess keeps reminding residents that “Nashua is the 4th Best Run City In America”.  WalletHub states, “compared the operating efficiency of 150 of the largest U.S. cities.”  Please explain to me how Nashua, NH, with our 90,000 residents, compares to Los Angeles, CA, with 3,849,297 residents. Under the Safety tab, WalletHub states, “Our data set ranges from the percentage of residents who are fully vaccinated and assaults per capita to the unemployment rate and road quality. Does Nashua belong in this group? We all know the Mayor can buy his way into any survey.

The mayor finished up his speech by saying a lot of projects were finishing up. In fact, there are a lot of projects the Mayor is starting. Mayor Donchess forgot to tell the taxpayers how many more millions and millions of dollars these projects will cost the taxpayers and how much more the taxes are going up.

Hope you all love surprises as much as the Mayor does.


The post Mayor Donchess is “Shoveling Bull to The Nashua Taxpayers” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NHGOP Leadership, When Did WE Remove This From Our Platform?

Thu, 2023-04-13 13:30 +0000

We believe that low taxes are the result of low spending; that government has a moral obligation to the people to be as cost-effective as possible, to always limit spending and growth of government, and to cut spending and cost of government at every possible turn.

We want to thank Terese Bastarache for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Applauding, even strong-arming, a nearly 20% increase in spending (more than a billion dollars)…when the last budget was allegedly more than we could spend (launder)?  I attend the Executive Council meetings and watch $47k for electronic ticketing at Cannon Mountain ski area change to be $1.4 million with no rationale or discussion?  We see the corruption! Now you are facilitating more of it?


You owe every Republican voter an apology for your blatant deception. This is NOT why people vote Republican down ballot.

Don’t tell me you’re playing “chess” to gloss over it, thinking we are too dumb and busy to call you out….this is a complete dumpster dive game of “Sorry.”

Politicians have to go, gang.

Join the grassroots real conservative movement at or find us on Facebook.


The post NHGOP Leadership, When Did WE Remove This From Our Platform? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From ‘Do No Harm’ to “Harm Is Good if It Pays.”

Thu, 2023-04-13 12:00 +0000

Pfizer’s ‘Got COVID Paxlovid‘ ad campaign has drifted away alongside traditional flu season, which seems odd. Thanks to Pfizer’s COVID Jab, Flu season can be all year round, but Paxlovid can’t help, and it says that on the package insert.


  • PAXLOVID is not authorized for use as pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of COVID-19 …
  • PAXLOVID is not approved for any use, including for use for the treatment of COVID-19.


It sounds a bit dishonest to suggest the best treatment for a COVID infection is Paxlovid when it has not been approved for that use. You can’t take it to prevent COVID. You can’t take it after you get COVID. And it is not approved for any use, including the treatment of COVID. But the Biden Administration pre-purchased billions of doses from Pfizer and leveraged their buy to get the FDA to issue a EUA, after which we discovered what Paxlovid could do. It could suppress symptoms but not clear the virus turning you into a COVID-Trojan Horse.

Paxlovid always became synonymous with COVID-rebound, which is a nice way of saying once you can no longer legally take it (The EUA restricts use to five days), your symptoms can return (rebound). You may even end up sicker than before you took it.

Billions of doses, no refund, and not many folks have lined up to get their free, not approved treatment. As in, not authorized. As in, emergency use, but what emergency and to what end?


Last year, the U.K. Daily Mail reported on a study that found Paxlovid can increase the risk of blood clots when taken with blood thinners and irregular heartbeat when taken with heart pain medications. Researchers also found it can cause liver toxicity when taken with statins. Do you really believe every doctor has made sure to take his patients off statins before prescribing this drug?

Remember, this drug is being dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription as if it’s candy. Do we even know all its potential safety concerns? No, but we do know it’s contraindicated with many drugs. Also, keep in mind that technically Paxlovid was only accorded EUA status for high-risk patients – the very sorts of people who will largely be dependent upon drugs with such contraindications.


Paxlovid doesn’t work or play well with the very people for whom it was meant. And this, we are told, is the best medical science can manage, reinforcing our public health progression from ‘do no harm’ to “harm is good if it pays.”


The post From ‘Do No Harm’ to “Harm Is Good if It Pays.” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is the US 3rd or 189th in World Murder Rates? Dems Say 3rd – But There’s a Catch

Thu, 2023-04-13 10:30 +0000

“Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas …”

As it turns out, DEMOCRAT areas. Urban areas. Democrat cities. The ones with the harshest gun control laws.

How’s that working out for them?

That image above is correct – if you look at the summary numbers only.  But Dr. John Lott is a researcher and looks at the breakdown statistics.  If you do what he did, that 189th number is absolutely correct.  Despite how the media, in their roles of being Democrat Party ancillary mouthpieces and partisans (who generally don’t know the difference between a firing pin and a bobby pin), trumpets almost everything as a tragedy that can only be solved by More And Bigger Government, yammer constantly that our Right to Keep And Bear Arms must be demoted to mere cap guns.


  • Over 3,000 counties exist in the US
  • Majority of US counties had ZERO murders (52%)
  • WORST 1% of US counties (31) had 42% of all murders
  • WORST 2% of US counties (62) had 56% of all murders

Firearm Ownership – inverse relationship to the rate of gun ownership and gun violence crime/murder

  • Rural area gun ownership is 79% > than in urban areas
  • Suburban areas gun ownership is 37.9% > urban areas
  • Urban areas => lower gun ownership has higher run murder rates

“Correlation between politics and crime?” – The five U.S. cities with the highest per capita murder rates are:

  • St. Louis (69.4 per 100,000 population)
  • Baltimore (51.1)
  • New Orleans (40.6)
  • Detroit (39.7)
  • Cleveland (33.7)

In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden (Democrat) got:

  • 82 percent of the vote in St. Louis
  • 87 percent in Baltimore
  • 83 percent in New Orleans
  • 94 percent in Detroit
  • 80 percent in Cleveland.

In other words, the most dangerous cities in America are all Democratic Party strongholds.

It isn’t about the inanimate object – a gun. It isn’t about “violence” – it’s about crime. Who or what commits crimes?

People. Just not all people, just some. Actually, a very small number of people. In Democrat cities. Why those people, then?

Policies and culture.  Democrat-spawned policies that are never reviewed for inconsistencies and corrected when they are wrong. Policies that stem from ideological/racial bias and must be adhered to no matter what.

And culture. IMHO, while policies (like catch and release, no consequences applied to fit the crimes) determine much, it’s the culture. If life doesn’t matter, that crime doesn’t matter, that the tribalism exhibited by gangs and their turf wars over street corners and actions (various forms of vice and violent crimes). And tribalism yields crimes against the other tribes gangs in protecting their turf. The politicians keep the police from doing their jobs and we’ve seen that Democrat judicial system is just a rotating door – in you come and out you go.

And this is why the urban and national Democrats hate the more rural areas – we ARE better, with our culture, than they are.

(Image H/T: Powerline, H/T: American Spectator via Instapundit)



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Robert Kennedy Jr. Challenges Biden for 2024 Presidential Bid – The Media Response is…

Thu, 2023-04-13 03:00 +0000

I get it, old news. So, old the internet has almost moved on, except it can’t get out of its’ own way. Sure, Robert Kennedy Jr. filing to challenge Slow Joe Biden is a thing, but there’s another thing: the media framing of Robert Kennedy Jr.

AP’s headline reads: “Anti-vaccine activist RFK Jr. challenging Biden in 2024.”

Robert Kennedy Jr. is an anti-vaccine activist. That’s like saying Jeanne Shaheen is an anti-tax activist for opposing the SCOUTS decision that opened the floodgates for states to milk out-of-state residents for sales taxes. Shaheen never met a tax she didn’t like. And she loves the idea of taxing people who buy things in New Hampshire. But the anti-sales-tax culture in the Granite State forces her to act as if she opposes them.

But anyone who signs off on tripling the federal debt during her tenure in Congress is not anti-tax. They are triple-double-dog-down on taxing people who have not yet been born. She is enslaving future generations who manage to get past her abortion-on-demand gatekeepers.

And Robert Kennedy Jr. is not an anti-vaxxer. He is, however, suspicious of the mRNA injections, the approval process, the lack of transparency, recalibrated messaging (retooling the lies if you prefer), and the mountain of evidence this vaccine is a greater health risk than the flu infection it cannot even prevent.

Search Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and you get swamped with the AP headline or versions of it. ‘Anti-Vaccine Activist.’Vaccine denier. These are outrageous lies told by infantile media whores peddling a political pimp narrative.

And yes, Kennedy has been suspicious of “vaccines” for a while and more so of mandates – but the AP piece is breathless in its attempt to frame him as a patriarch of right-wing conspiracies, which, as we’ve discovered, is just another way of saying truths the media refuses to tell -preferring to peddle the crib notes fed to them by the Biden Administration donor class.

A class that, while Trump was president, was as virulently anti-vaccine as you could be. And here we have a Democrat who distrusts the public health industrial complex and the Medical Corporatism of his fellow libs. Is he a threat to Biden? Not as much of a threat as Biden is to Biden, but unlike stumbling mumbling Joe, Robert Kennedy Jr. has no left-wing backup.

Joe, who has about as much influence in his own administration as a cardboard cut-out with a tape recorder taped to the back, just has to not die and avoid saying something his handlers can’t walk back, and they’ve got the media industrial complex to help them. But Democrat primary voters are not in love with another four years of whoever is running the Biden Administration. They overwhelming want someone else. Robert Kennedy Jr. is someone else, and he’s broken the seventh seal. It is open season for challenging Joe Biden, and you can bet someone else’s property there are Democrats waiting to join that circus. TO be that other “guy.”

So, at the very least, thank you for that.


FYI – Robert Kennedy Jr will be in Hanover, NH, on April 26th to offer remarks on the Pandemic response. He has been added as s special guest to the “College Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates – Scientific, Ethical, and Legal Considerations: A Roundtable Discussion and Dinner Event.”

The post Robert Kennedy Jr. Challenges Biden for 2024 Presidential Bid – The Media Response is… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Florida Sheriff Speaks The Truth

Thu, 2023-04-13 01:30 +0000

Out of tragedy comes a voice of leadership and, more important, reason. The senseless killing spree of teenagers in Ocklawaha, Florida, for three days, has ended thanks to law enforcement’s swift action.

The bodies of three 16 and 17-year-old teens were found between Thursday, March 30, and Saturday, April 1. Marion County Sheriff Bill Woods held a press conference on Monday to announce the arrest of two male teens, believed to be the killers of the three innocent young people.

Sheriff Woods took to the microphone and delivered a fact-filled speech that evolved into a fiery message that was not what the gun control crowd wanted to hear. Many, including President Joe Biden, always go to banning guns for all as the solution to senseless acts of killing. Whether an accidental shooting of a director on a movie set or a mass killing in a school, these people always want to ignore the killer and convict the gun. These folks did not want to hear what Sheriff Billy Woods had to say on Monday.

Woods showed confidence and strength when he spoke directly to the reporters in the room and the people listening everywhere. He first broke a golden rule by displaying the pictures of the two minors arrested for the killings. Often, the people who commit the crime are protected by authorities, but not this time. Woods pointed to the two large images on the monitor to his left. The photos of the 12 and 17-year-old boys arrested in this case were there for all to see. There is still one more suspect at large, and he is a 16-year-old.

Sherrif Woods is a breath of fresh air in his approach to this press conference. He was not in the mood to take foolish questions and was clear in his response to the guns used by the two juveniles.

“There are individuals out there viewing, and includes some of you media, that want to blame the one thing that has no ability or the capacity to commit the crime itself, and that’s the gun. These individuals committed the crime,” Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods said.

He said that with all of the gun laws we have, criminals will still get guns. No gun laws we add will change that fact. Politicians that look to gun control as a solution are looking in the wrong direction.

“Now, although we had out there and it was gang-related, we have nothing specific to say that it was any rivalry or anything to such that cause. But, however, each and every one of them in some shape or form is associated with a gang,” he said.

Woods was very clear in his opinion that the breakdown in the family unit is at the core of gang violence and growth. He also pointed the finger at our failing educational system that is not preparing students intellectually but not holding them accountable for their actions.

I will not be surprised when Sheriff Billy Woods is in front of Congress to testify about his beliefs, and the Republicans will be delinquent if they miss the opportunity to use this voice of clarity.


The post Florida Sheriff Speaks The Truth appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Expansion of The Tyrannical Admininstrative State is In Overdrive – Can It Be Stopped?

Thu, 2023-04-13 00:00 +0000

The 1948 Administrative Powers Act gave the Executive Branch, 75 years down the line, the Powers to be its own Government. I hate Congress for passing it and, in doing so, making itself irrelevant. Congress can’t even do their primary jobs anymore.

The Executive Branch is laughing itself all the way to the Federal Register (where our Freedoms and Liberties go to die by the cut of a million rules, regulations, guidance, and “Dear Colleague” letters.

They came for our showerheads. They came for our lightbulbs (incandescent bulbs can no longer be sold on Aug 1st). They came for our energy sources. They came for our gas stoves (and our fridges, dishwashers, clothes washers & dryers, biological sex, now for our air conditioners…oh, and gas generators just now). The makeup of our local communities (Federal overriding local community zoning). And now, the Biden Administration is going to fulfill Obama’s “radically transform the United States” by taking away our gas-powered cars. Literally, anything that uses energy types that they don’t like.

And yes, I STILL want to blame the guy that ruined gas cans for all of us. I spill more on the ground and let more vapors into the air than I ever have before.

Wasn’t “W. Virginia vs. EPA” enough to shock the EPA bureaucrats back into sensibilities? No, they didn’t care then, and they don’t care. They are proving that the vaunted Progressive “Administrative State,” the ultimate goal since the early 1900s, was to destroy/make irrelevant the Constitution and our democratic voting processes.

WHERE DOES THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH HAVE THE POWER TO DO THIS???  To obsolete yet another industry just because they think they “know what’s best for us”?

‘Complete Transformation’: New Biden Rule Would Force Automakers to Ditch Gas, Sell Electric Vehicles

The Biden administration is set to unveil new environmental regulations that would force U.S. automakers to sell electric vehicles over their gas-powered counterparts, a move experts say will kill jobs and bring major supply chain issues.

President Joe Biden’s Environmental Protection Agency will announce on Wednesday a proposed rule to limit tailpipe emissions. That rule, according to the New York Times, will impose a strict emissions limit on vehicles soldso strict that it will force automakers to ensure that two-thirds of the vehicles they sell are electric by 2032. “This is a massive undertaking,” said Alliance for Automotive Innovation president John Bozzella, who represents U.S. automakers. “It is nothing short of a complete transformation of the automotive industrial base and the automotive market.”

Again, WHO GIVES THEM THIS POWER?  This is nothing short of Sovietizing our transportation system.  For all the times that the Left calls the Right “fascists,” the Democrat/Progressives in the EPA (you know, the “Party of Government” in both meanings of the phrase) are proving that the spirit of Mussolini is alive and well. They are proving that they don’t have to OWN the means of production to CONTROL the means of production.

Free Market sensibilities are over if this is allowed to continue. The problem is that Obamacare did the same thing to healthcare – and the Party we expected to stop it went along with it.

We rebelled against the British King for a similar mindset of “We tell you, and you WILL obey us.” Yet, we accept this from people who believe that receiving a government paycheck THAT WE PAY FOR gives them this kind of Power?

This isn’t about gas vs. electric – it’s about control. Price them out of the budget of ordinary households? You’ve taken them away. Remove the gas to power them? You’ve taken them away.  Ditto for EVs.   Now what can you do? If they can turn off your internet-connected furnace or air conditioners, they can do it to your EV.

They will be, with no uncertainty about it, smiling. They have no sense of “limited government” because they are becoming intoxicated with telling us how we will live. We’re becoming modern-day serfs…

You know what’s needed? A modification kit for our gas vehicles – cut another hole on the other side of our vehicles from the gas one that would allow any EV charger to be inserted into it and tie up that charger. You know, like Saul Alinsky did to O’Hare airport (had his activists take up every toilet seat/urinal when jumbo jets started their unloading of “very full” passengers).

Mark Tapscott (at Instapundit, where I first saw this story) has this ending comment:

But what if two-thirds of the people buying new vehicles prefer an internal combustion engine under their shiny new hoods? The results of a recent survey for AP, NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, and the Energy Policy Institute show less than one in five Americans say they intend to buy an EV.

Apparently, EPA officials haven’t read this, which explains why America will never go EV.

They don’t care. The government has reached the point that they will reach for ANYTHING as long as they think they can get away with it. Remember Biden and his Eviction Moratorium?  He knew it was unconstitutional at the time but did it anyways. It was ruled unconstitutional and voided.  What was his reaction?

Issued it again.  Daring SCOTUS to rule against him again, thinking that it would take so long to rise to SCOTUS that it wouldn’t matter.  They ruled against him the next week. Even today, you see Democrats, like AOC and Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon), telling Biden to ignore the Federal judge that ruled against mifepristone (the abortion pill).

Not mad enough?

  • The Institutionalized Minds Of Most Americans
  • Machiavelli & The Globalists: Why The Elites Despise Independent Thought

I’ve oft said that The State has pushed true charities out of Civil Society. Now we are seeing our Freedom and Agency suffering the same fate.


The post The Expansion of The Tyrannical Admininstrative State is In Overdrive – Can It Be Stopped? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Boston Democrat Selectman/School Board Chair Hasn’t Paid Their Property Taxes

Wed, 2023-04-12 22:30 +0000

Paying your taxes is patriotic. I think I’ve heard that somewhere. But Democrat Kary Jencks, who just squeaked out a win in a selectman’s race in New Boston, isn’t. Their last property tax bill is three-plus months late and now includes interest due and a late fee.

We have the address but have redacted it.


It appears to be a business and residence,  so – maybe the check is in the mail? It might be, but this does not appear to be the first time. The Dec 2019 entry indicates the amount due was transferred to a tax lien.



Congrats on the win, by the way, and might I add the increased value of the property? And that’s the assessed value, not the market value. Forest for the Tree Business, right?

And will you be working to lower property taxes in town so you can afford them or blaming the state and Chris Sununu or some other Republicans?

Did you run on that? I hear you only won by 19 votes, and it seems that passing the buck and the bill might have cost you the race if that was public knowledge.

And no, avoiding taxes does not disqualify you from elected office. It may (in fact!) be precisely the sort of person for a gig that impacts the tax rate. But Jencks is a Democrat, and I’ve never met a Dem that didn’t increase spending and, therefore, taxes to pay for it, which is kind of the point here.

I also think we all know that if you want to lower property taxes in an NH town, the School Board is the place to do that. Wait! Jencks is not just a school board member. She is the board chairman.

You better get those property taxes paid before some poor child misses out on whatever passes for quality education in New Boston. Think of it as your patriotic duty.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Newsom Measured For Drapes While In Oval Office

Wed, 2023-04-12 21:00 +0000

Gavin Newsom is making it quite clear that he wants to be President sooner than later. There are two problems with his plans. One, he would have to primary against sitting President Joe Biden. And the second, he would have to run on his horrendous record as Mayor of San Francisco and Governor of California. Gavin Newsom is clearly one of the most narcissistic individuals in politics and is maybe rivaled by a fellow resident of San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi. The other thing these two have in common is they were both caught on video violating their own mandates during COVID. They both see themselves above the law and the ordinary people.

Newsome is seen in the picture below with his rolled-up sleeves walking through the Rose Garden and entering the Oval Office. The problem with this is that the President was not in the White House at the time. It seems disrespectful to enter one’s office when it is unoccupied. But Newsom accomplished his goal of getting some video of himself looking cool and Presidential entering the White House. His supporters lapped it up while his dissenters saw through the photo op.

Newsom has survived his political career in California with charisma, tons of money, and the support of the party and media. That may work in the Golden State, but when he gets on the debate stage in the primary or general, he will be exposed by his record as leader of his city and state.

Under his watch as governor, California has lost nearly 400,000 tax-paying residents. These people were replaced by over two million undocumented, illegal aliens. The Reparations Task Force has been meeting throughout California to help state officials examine how slavery and systemic racism have harmed African Americans and how the state should respond. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the 2020 law creating the task force, which is tasked to develop reparations proposals for the Legislature by July.

Newsom sees the Presidency as the next logical step in his political journey. Obviously, his many supporters who are bankrolling his venture have bought into the aura that is Gavin Newsom, if not the reality of his record. Joe Biden and his administration have shown us that a record and accomplishments are not necessary to win the game of politics-it is money and the media.

Newsom has produced a video called Fight for Democracy, and according to ABC10 Reporter Morgan Rynor, Newsome used $10 Million left over from his gubernatorial campaign to fund the project. He may not have announced his candidacy for the Oval Office, but his checkbook has.

The national media declared Newsom the Democrat candidate in 2024, should Joe Biden not run or the President’s corruption issues prevent him from running. Newsom may just be caught up in himself so much that he will take on Biden, and it will be interesting to see how the party accepts him or how badly it divides those on the Left. Newsom may force Biden to commit to running, an announcement the President seems content to put off as long as possible.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is the Dollar Reserve Currency Panic Overblown?

Wed, 2023-04-12 19:30 +0000

We read stories about China, Iran, Brazil, and others doing more business in their native currencies as if it were the end and people are wondering what to do about the collapse of the US Dollar as the world’s trading currency of choice.

There would be economic upheavals and no one is saying this is the breeze that portends a coming storm, but the process is (apparently) not as simple as that.


[S]ecurities analyst Ed Dowd tells Flyover Conservatives here that, counter to a lot of the catastrophism emanating from the Alternative News and perhaps counterintuitively, the smart money is now moving into cash to buy bargains in the future.

He says, “Cash is not a bad place to be and a lot of the smartest people I know are starting to go into cash and just waiting for the storm to pass and then do what JP Morgan of old would do and buy while there’s ‘blood in the streets.’”

As another financial guy personally told me yesterday, the US dollar is still the world’s reserve currency. While 100% of global trade used to be conducted in the dollar, with the recent exodus, it’s now “only” 97%.


It’s a dicey topic that gets at least as much breathing room as the Feds seizing your 401K (or what’s left of it). Government spending is out of control, and you can only print more fiat currency for so long. At some point, the Feds have to cut spending, or they need to rob everyone else to pay for their addiction. The latter is preferred, any reason will do, and the history of progressives pursuing utopia tells us it is inevitable.

They will run out of other people’s money.

I can’t speak to the non-advice advice, but safe havens for cash are never a bad idea in the short term with the understanding that if we don’t get the politics right, it won’t matter. They will come for it in all its forms, and they won’t ask nicely.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Right to Life Applauds NH Senate Judiciary Committee’s Rejections of HB224 and HB88.

Wed, 2023-04-12 18:00 +0000

CONCORD, NH (April 11, 2023) – NH’s Senate Judiciary Committee voted today to recommend rejecting two bills: HB224 (which would repeal the penalties for NH’s moderate, 6-month abortion ban) and HB88 (introduce a right to abortion in the law).

We want to thank NHTRL President Jason Hennessey for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Jason Hennessey, President of NH Right to Life, said: “The Senate Judiciary Committee today responded to the overwhelming weight of testimony in support of protecting mothers and preborn babies with the Fetal Life Protection Act by rejecting HB224 and HB88. Rather than offering real help to mothers in need, these bills offered only death.”

On HB224, Jason Hennessey said:

“HB224 tried to trick the legislature into legalizing risky late-term abortions for any reason by claiming that the FLPA’s penalties would worsen NH’s “maternity deserts” where mothers cannot obtain healthcare. Once you dig a little, this doesn’t make sense. The facts are: 1) NH is one of the few states with no current maternity deserts, 2) only a very small percentage of obstetricians do any elective abortions, and 3) almost all states ban the abortion of viable children. On top of that, elective abortion through birth is not only extreme to a super-majority of Granite Staters, but is only allowed in 7 countries in the world, including N. Korea and China.

The FLPA only stops the killing of healthy children who could be delivered immediately and left at the hospital under our Safe Haven law.

The Senate Judiciary members rejecting HB224 should be commended for seeing it for the extreme legislation that it is: legalized elective abortion through birth.”

Sources for the quote above include:




Super-majority of Granite Staters agree with some abortion restrictions:

NH Right to Life’s testimony on HB224 goes much deeper into this, and is available upon request.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases to
Submission is not a guarantee of publication.

On HB88, Jason Hennessey said:

“HB88 would codify injustice into our laws by saying that some people do not deserve the rights that others have. The bill is also legally questionable, in that it attempts to bind future legislatures without being part of the constitution.”

Some have suggested that HB88’s imprecise wording could be interpreted to allow anyone to end anyone else’s pregnancy.

NH’s Fetal Life Protection Act (the FLPA, RSA 329:43-50 ) protects viable, preborn babies at about 6 months (24 weeks), with exceptions for the life and health of the mother, as well as fatal fetal anomalies. Thus, the only abortions it prohibits are late-term elective abortions.




NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.

Jason Hennessey
President, NH Right to Life
(603) 230-8136


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-04-12 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Fairly certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Also, for those prepper-minded, my last two Survival Sundays:

Survival Sunday – Sunday PREP Edition – Granite Grok

Survival Sunday – Thursday SITREP Edition – Granite Grok

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***











On the plus side, these ungrateful whiney simps will be the first to die off in a SHTF situation.











I’ll freely confess, I don’t particularly care for beer and – in general – don’t drink a lot (on the few times I do drink beer, I prefer stronger beers – and when I get a chance I’ll buy local stuff… there’s one restaurant near me that has its own brewery in it).  And that was before I became diabetic.  Grrrr.  But, if you’re going to boycott, TELL THEM WHY.  The pain of dropping sales is, IMHO, obvious, but the more explicit you can make it the better.

Contact Us | Anheuser-Busch










Also see:

The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

And an older book:

Liberal Fascism

This was an absolute eye-opener to me; I was, when I read the first one, much more aware thanks to this second.  Wow!









Pick of the post:




The more I see about the world, the more I am convinced that the answer to Lara’s We don’t know musing is… ALL OF THEM.  And related:



Again, experiencing Betrayal Trauma over this, I am beginning to realize that not only have the last years been moving towards not being free.  I’m wondering if it was all a stage thing like Zappa once said:


“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

― Frank Zappa




Palate cleansers:



I remember seeing this movie in 3-D.  With the glasses.  Excellent!


The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

These Researchers Reviewed 2,168 Face Mask Studies, And You Were Right!

Wed, 2023-04-12 15:00 +0000

Before 2020, I don’t think you’ll find many articles on GraniteGrok about medical facemasks or face covering with an alleged medical purpose. Maybe one or two. It’s 2023, and we’ve got close to 400 of them, and guess what?

You were right.


“Masks interfered with O2-uptake and CO2-release and compromised respiratory compensation,” the review states. “Though evaluated wearing durations are shorter than daily/prolonged use, outcomes independently validate mask-induced exhaustion-syndrome (MIES) and down-stream physio-metabolic disfunctions. MIES can have long-term clinical consequences, especially for vulnerable groups.”

Continuous rebreathing of carbon dioxide results in the “right-shift of hemoglobin-O2 saturation curve.”

“Since O2 and CO2 homeostasis influences diverse down-stream metabolic processes, corresponding changes toward clinically concerning directions may lead to unfavorable consequences such as transient hypoxemia and hypercarbia, increased breath humidity, and body temperature along with compromised physiological compensations,” the review states.

The review also said that several mask-related symptoms may have been misinterpreted as symptoms of long COVID. “In any case, the possible MIES contrasts with the WHO definition of health,” it states, referring to the World Health Organization.

None of this, I admit, is new to you, who have been reading here or sending us links to similar research for as long as we’ve been told we have to wear facemasks. It is data these researchers sifted at length to arrive at their summary. This a conclusion that makes perfect sense in a world where politicians won’t make room for it.


It suggested that the side effects of face masks be assessed based on risk-benefit analysis after taking into consideration their effectiveness against viral transmissions. If “strong empirical evidence” showing the effectiveness of masks is absent, the study recommended that wearing masks should not be mandated, “let alone enforced by law.”


Red Bull does not give you actual wings, but politicos, so-called public health experts, the media (which knows little about anything), and the Karens would have you believe it will if that advances the correct agenda.

Before the COVID mandates, the evidence on masking was clear as vodka. Medical masks worn by professionals – the ones they asked you to use – are not meant to prevent viral transmission. They are incapable of it, and the manufacturers have long been required to state as much to avoid being called out by consumer advocacy groups, government agents, or agencies pretending to be about consumer protection.

At best, they might prevent you from spitting on someone or them on you, but that’s not how airborne viruses find new hosts. Viability on surfaces is fleeting and inefficient. It can happen, but the perceived benefit does not outweigh the risk, including the threat mandates present to natural rights and liberties.

We’ve said it many times. Freedom is far more fragile and rare than human life, so preserving it is job one, and too many of us are still sleeping on the job, and a few of us are still wearing facemasks that don’t do any of the things attributed to them but can cause medical harm.



The post These Researchers Reviewed 2,168 Face Mask Studies, And You Were Right! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Surrendering is Not an Option!

Wed, 2023-04-12 13:30 +0000

Making up lies, and creditable lies is difficult. Besides, no one is smart enough to remember all the lies they tell and then end up giving themselves away. But, when you speak the truth you don’t have to remember anything.

Truth is not something you make up, as lies are. Truth is a universal treasure that belongs to all and sets us free. President Trump won the 2020 presidential election in a landslide, and that is the truth that must be repeated.

“We are on the precipice – this is essentially a new American Revolution, and anybody who wants this country to remain free needs to step up right now. These are federal felonies. Altering a vote or changing a ballot is a federal felony. People need to come forward now and get on the right side of this issue and report the fraud they know existed in Dominion voting systems because that was what it was created to do,” Powell said.

At a time when the world is in torment and uncertainty, the American people—true to the values that have always been at the core of America’s identity—strongly put their faith in President Trump and the future.

Unfortunately, under the pretense of Chinese virus hysteria, the Socialist-Democrats implemented a national, orchestrated drive to relax accountability in the voting process and allow massive mail-in ballots to pour in, which they evidently exploited with massive voter fraud that enabled them to flip a lopsided presidential election.

The release of a forensic audit of Dominion Voting Systems Software in Antrim County, Michigan, has shown that the voting machines are “intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.”

Trump won this election in a huge landslide, and the machine’s algorithm fraud was not enough for Biden to win, therefore, the extra illegal mail-in ballots started flowing in at 2 am/ 3 am and even days after.

We are witnessing an international plot and a coup d’etat to exploit a manufactured virus to support a utopian society in order to steer toward a New World Order.

What we as Americans should do now, knowing full well that our election was stolen in bright daylight and right in front of billions of people watching it worldwide live? Surrendering is not an option!

Perhaps Patrick Henry can answer this question:

“It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace — but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring the clash of resounding arms to our ears! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”


The post Surrendering is Not an Option! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat Rule Is the Single Biggest Threat to Your Longevity and Quality of Life.

Wed, 2023-04-12 12:00 +0000

The Democrat party is the party of death, but they are also the party of fear, and one of the more recent terms to join their lexicon is forever chemicals. Anything that gets into your body accumulates and never leaves, like Democrat Socialism.

I was reminded of this when a Boston Herald headline popped up in the daily pile of emails. “US states including Vermont and California consider ban on cosmetics with ‘forever chemicals’.” For those new to the question, everything has the potential to cause harm, even things that can do great good, but the dose makes the poison. There is, for example, no evidence of which I am aware that PFOA or PFAS are forever chemicals, but they can lead to cancer in high enough concentrations, so the left uses them to make your water so expensive that you are forced to use less.

Use less came before “it’s a forever chemical,” and we know the Ruling Class, led by Democrats, could care less about your water quality. Flint, Michigan, The Colorado River contamination, East Palestine. It’s politics first for them in every instance.

A parallel example is energy prices and emissions. Driving prices up forces people to use less, and offshoring emissions makes it look like they care. But both instances are about control.

So what about the Boston Herald Headline? States like California and Vermont (same state, different sides of the country) have a burning desire to regulate, and the cosmetics industry is an enormous target.


In Vermont, the state Senate gave final approval this week to legislation that would prohibit manufacturers and suppliers from selling or distributing any cosmetics or menstrual products in the state that have perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, as well as a number of other chemicals including lead and formaldehyde.

The products include shampoo, makeup, deodorant, sunscreen, hair dyes and more, said state Sen. Terry Williams, a Republican, and member of the Senate Committee on Health and Welfare. …

“We must stop importing dangerous chemicals like PFAS into our state so we can prevent the harms they are causing up and down the supply chain — from their production and use to their disposal,” Lauren Hierl, executive director of Vermont Conservation Voters, said in a statement.


This is based on assumptions put forth by the politically compromised EPA, complete with the forever chemical label. But there’s no proof of that. Yes, significant exposure presents some risk of cancer, but workers who handle the stuff have never had any higher incidence of cancer than those who don’t, and I’ve yet to see any research that contradicts that. But let’s run with it, shall we?

Hormone blockers given to pre-pubescent kids will forever alter their biology. Surgical interventions that remove or replace sex parts are forever. The sort of government that Democrats want is forever – even suggesting a reduction in growth is labeled a drastic cut in funding, and nothing they erect ever goes away.

The COVID vaccines may be, for many, a forever chemical.

But if ever there was a thing that represented a danger to life, liberty, and happiness (forever), it is progressive governance. Democrat rule is the biggest threat to your longevity and quality of life.

So what’s the answer? Education. Democrats seem to think they have a monopoly on that, so teach, don’t regulate. Tell people you think this stuff might be dangerous and why, then let them assume the risk. It’s how free and open societies work things out, and if we are being honest, the government’s track record in determining what is safe and effective is lousy.

But that comes with risks. Open debate allows other details some time at the podium. And it abrogates the true mission; their busybody obsession with control and the desire to grow government at every opportunity to ensure it.

It’s a sure sign that you need to be wary. The moment the “experts” and their Deep State presstitutes in the media try to squelch opposing ideas, it’s a scam.


The post Democrat Rule Is the Single Biggest Threat to Your Longevity and Quality of Life. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hinsdale School District Finally Coughs Up Some of The Records I Requested

Wed, 2023-04-12 10:30 +0000

Trust me – I’d rather not have to send a second demand for School Districts to respond to a valid Right To know. I’d rather have it a two-email process as in “Here’s the RTK” and “Here are the demanded Responsive Records.” Quick, easy, and done.

But my last email had to be sent and it did have a result.


  • Sent off the RSA 91-A demand for the Hinsdale School District / SAU92 on 3/22 for the District’s card catalog(s).
  • Received their response – “look it up yourself” on 3/28
  • Replied on 3/29 – you are out of compliance as “it is the lawful responsibility of the Responder to fully supply the Responsive Records and not shift that burden to a Requester” to retrieve the Responsive Records that are not covered by RSA 91-A:5 Exemptions.  Lawyers write for the ‘Grok.
  • Called (left vmail) and emailed Jodie Holmquist (SAU92 Business Administrator) that ghosting me won’t work – Ask your legal counsel about Clauses 7 & 8.

I’m a bit late in posting this up but here we go.

—— Original Message ——
From “Jodie Holmquist” <>
To “Skip” <>
Date 4/7/2023 12:17:44 PM
Subject RTK Request

Dear Mr. Murphy,

As a further response to your RTK request for information on library books in the Hinsdale School District, I am attaching an Excel spreadsheet for each of our two libraries with the author, title and ISBN number for books.  Your request for content summary in an Excel format is more difficult.  Our district librarian has been in communication with Destiny in an effort to comply with your request and has learned that our system provides the content summary as an html document.  I am including those links as well.

Thank you,


And I thanked her for sending a partial delivery of Responsive Records and looking forward to the rest:

—— Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To “Jodie Holmquist” <>
Date 4/7/2023 2:04:14 PM
Subject Re: RTK Request


Thanks for sending these files along.  I’ll review them later on today and compare them against the data elements listed in my RTK.

If your librarian needs assistance, I can help.

Thank you for the partial delivery of the Responsive Records.


So we shall see what happens.

To be continued…


The post Hinsdale School District Finally Coughs Up Some of The Records I Requested appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Democrats Own the Transgender Insurrections

Wed, 2023-04-12 01:30 +0000

The Nashville, Tennessee, school shooting was a hate crime. Domestic terrorism perpetuated by self-proclaimed transgender Audrey Hale. Such people want “revenge” against those who disagree with their agenda.

We want to thank Jack Griffin for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Online trans community posts include:

“Trans kids are being killed by legislation.”
“Death before Detransition”

Trans posters in trans online forums and Twitter promote violence against “TERFs” and “fascists.” In other words, people who want to protect children from their deviant sexuality.

One video on social media is a boy with curly brown hair, wearing a midriff-bearing T-shirt, loading a full magazine into an AR-15, and cycling a few rounds through the chamber.

A trans activist called the Nashville Christian school a “Right Wing Institution” right after Audrey Hale’s sick, twisted rampage.

The Left’s Marxist propagandists, like Todd Bookman of NHPR, are stoking fear, hatred, and violence amongst transgender people. He is inciting mentally ill people to violence. Gender Dysphoria is a known mental illness.

“You have to be dangerous back, why some LGBTQ people are taking up arms.”

Bookman quotes Sharon, an LGBTQ competitive shooter, “There are people that just looking at me will want to hurt me. ”

That’s rather delusional and paranoid. Where are the Democrats with their red flag laws now?

From PJ Media, William Whitworth, a 19-year-old male that claims to be female, was arrested for threatening various schools. Police found his copy of The Communist Manifesto, by Karl Marx, amid the squalor of filth and rotting take-out food in his dwelling.

Dr.Peter McCullough, MD, MPH, quotes a British study that concludes the most notable risks for those who change genders is suicide and homicide. Perhaps we should focus on treating gender dysphoria rather than humoring the mentally ill before they kill more of us.

I never found Klinger on MASH attractive. Just comedic, as intended. If this tiny percentage of humanity wants armed conflict with conservative veterans, bikers, Their families, and friends, that’s an hour we’ll never get back. LOL.

Trans Day of Vengeance. Wear a mask. Yeah, right.

On a final note, there are video stills of Audrey Hale’s shoes by school cameras and police body cam. One shows sneakers with a white slash; the other shows sneakers with flames on them. What if liberals, conservatives, and transgenders are being manipulated by the alphabet agencies?

Food for thought.


The post The Democrats Own the Transgender Insurrections appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Basic Idea Behind a Constitution

Wed, 2023-04-12 00:00 +0000

When you have kids, you start looking around for all the harmful things they might do by accident, like stick a finger in a socket, drink cleaning fluids from under the sink, climb out a second-story window, fall down some stairs, or drown in a toilet, and so on.

And you install devices — covers, locks, gates, caps — to keep those things from happening.

And you do it before you’re overwhelmed by sleep deprivation or other forms of stress.  While you’re still able to think calmly and clearly about the future.

That’s the basic idea behind a constitution, and especially a bill of rights. They are devices installed by adults to keep children from doing things that would cause great harm — like passing laws to abridge freedom of speech, infringe the right to keep and bear arms or deprive people of their livelihoods in the name of public health — because they just don’t know any better.

That is, a constitution, and a bill of rights, are essentially child-proofing devices.

The post The Basic Idea Behind a Constitution appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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