The Manchester Free Press

Monday • January 6 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 18 min 12 sec ago

Transgender Democrat Arrested for Distributing Child Sex Abuse Images Should Tell Judge ‘She’ Identifies as a School Librarian

Sat, 2023-06-24 15:00 +0000

Transgender Former Democrat New Hampshire State Rep Stacie Laughton, who has been charged with calling in bomb scares, credit card fraud, stalking, and harassment (to name a few), has been arrested again.


On Tuesday, June 20, Nashua police responded to a local facility for a juvenile matter, officials said in a release. Officers spoke with individuals there who indicated Laughton allegedly distributed sexually explicit images of children, police said.

Detectives from the Special Investigations Division applied for and were granted a warrant for Laughton’s arrest. She was arrested Thursday with distribution of child sexual abuse images. She was also charged with three additional counts of distribution of child sexual abuse images, Nashua police said.


This should be an open-and-shut case. Stacie Laughton (who has a long list of criminality as straight man Barry Laughton in a couples act with then-wife Lisa) should identify in court as a librarian.

Schools and Public libraries distribute sexual abuse images all the time – to children. Democrats defend this material, which includes heterosexual abuse, drug abuse, adult-child-sex, and even drawings or depictions of sex with adolescents.

Stacie should stand up and accuse the state of banning “her” books. Call some school board members or a superintendent or two as character witnesses. Maybe even ask the Dover “book” review committee for their thoughts as expert witnesses.

It might be worth a try.



The post Transgender Democrat Arrested for Distributing Child Sex Abuse Images Should Tell Judge ‘She’ Identifies as a School Librarian appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrats Are Full Of Schiff

Sat, 2023-06-24 13:30 +0000

It may be a symbolic gesture, but the House Republicans passed a resolution on Wednesday to censure Representative Adam Schiff. This resolution passed on a party vote, but to censure a representative is the second highest penalty imparted on a House member, the highest being expulsion. The censure was based on the Republican consensus that Adam Schiff propagated the lie of Russian collusion with Donald Trump. They contend that Adam Schiff knowingly continued to claim he had evidence of the conspiracy, used the lie to impact the 2020 election, and spent $32 million of taxpayer money to investigate the lie. When Schiff was called to the well of the House to answer the claims, he showed the qualities that make him the least respected member of the House. Schiff did not apologize for his actions but thanked the MAGA Republicans for honoring him with the censure. He called the censure a Badge of Honor.

The Democrats disrupted Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy as he announced the vote tally, repeatedly yelling ” shame ” in unison. They also surrounded and engulfed Schiff as he came to the well, celebrating their hero. These people can find no low they will not sink to embarrass themselves, their Party, the House of Representatives, and their country. These people, not just Schiff, have lived the collusion lie for the last four years. They all have manipulated the system, affected an election, and used the media to collude with them.

Not that Republicans are without sin or have people of questionable character in their ranks. You need to look no further than Representative George Santos of New York. The difference with Republicans is they do not celebrate their misfits like cult heroes. But how can you explain or justify the abhorrent behavior of many in the Democrat Party? It is a nearly impossible feat, but one accomplished by the media daily.

Just this week, the media was unified in their defense of the Hunter Biden court case proceedings and blasted Republicans for their continued abuse of a man who went through a difficult time in his life and successfully rehabilitated himself. Who sends the master directive to all media outlets to ensure they have the same talking points and spread the same message? Who tells these outlets what stories to cover and which to ignore? These mainstream media outlets continue to survive the tainted news they report as fact and have no issues jeopardizing their reputations.

Adam Schiff will not just survive being censured. He will turn it into a fundraising theme. He also believes that his days in the House are numbered. His eyes are on the Senate seat of Diane Feinstein, who recently turned 90 and will leave the Senate when her term ends in 2025. The only thing that will sidetrack his plan is if Feinstein leaves the Senate before her term ends. If that happened, Governor Newsom has already committed to naming a Black woman to serve out Feinstein’s term. This sequence would leave Schiff in limbo and stuck in the lower chamber. He knows he is destined for higher office. He is alone in his belief. He deserves expulsion and an indictment. A man can dream, can’t he?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Under Biden Admin Title X Funds Abortions or You Get Nothing

Sat, 2023-06-24 12:00 +0000

Family and planning both infer the existence of something and its future. The Left has long defined abortion as the only valid definition. Family planning to a Democrat is a void left empty and you don’t get any of that monopoly money they print in DC if you are not on board.



The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) awarded $4.5 million this year to the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) to spend on “family planning services,” a sum it quickly rescinded after OSDH chose not to spend the Title X grant on abortion. …

Oklahoma law prohibits them from using it to pay for abortion, so the Bidenistas demanded it back. Even though …


The most startling part of the administration’s decision is that it’s out of step with its very own federal parameters under Title X. Each year since 1976, Congress has reaffirmed that Title X funds “shall not be expended for abortions,” but should instead be directed toward pregnancy prevention, testing, and for screenings as well as disease treatment and counseling.


Pregnancy prevention is also abortion prevention, and while Planned Parenthood (PP) talks up contraception, their core business -their mission –  is abortion. And Demcorats don’t get paid for preventing pregnancy. Abortion powers the laundromat—tax dollars make dead babies, which become Democrat campaign contributions.

Title X (to them) is a way to get your money into their pockets, and Whoever is Running the Biden Administration has drawn a line in the bloody sand. No dead babies, no dollars for “family planning.” It’s a message. Don’t pass any laws like the one in Oklahoma.

This may also be a bit of Biden Payback. Under Trump, PP – whose defenders have long claimed could keep the family planning and abortion money separate (taxpayers were not paying for abortions) had to stop applying for Title X money. They could say it but could not prove they were able to separate the funds.

Tax dollars were paying for abortions. Democrats knew it. Everyone probably knew. But it took Trump to make them show their hand, and the Biden Administration just made it official. There is no separation between abortion and planning; if you don’t use Title X money to fund abortion clinics, you won’t get any of it.

Abortion or Bust.


Oklahoma law itself limits the use of taxpayer funds to prenatal and postnatal services that “provide health care services for pregnant women, decrease infant mortality and facilitate the birth of a live child.” The state’s statutes clearly indicate that “health care services [do] not include abortion, abortion referral, or abortion counseling.”


Oklahoma’s Representatives have written letters to Secretary Xavier Becerra opposing the move by DHHS, which I expect he’ll abort into his circular file as Democrats look for ways to use this in ads for the 2024 elections. That’s usually enough to scare off a Republican but hang on to your principles for a minute.

There is no denying that tax dollars are paying for abortions. The money can’t be separated, and based on what is h happening in Oklahoma, the Dems won’t give you any if you try. There might be an election Ad in there too.


The post Under Biden Admin Title X Funds Abortions or You Get Nothing appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Greta’s World

Sat, 2023-06-24 10:30 +0000

Greta Thunberg has been the darling of the Leftist climate nuts for a while now.  Greta is an Asperger syndrome patient, which is an autism spectrum disorder. Asperger’s is characterized by abnormalities in social interactions. 

She focuses deeply on one idea or interest, climate change. Bottom line, she’s a developmentally challenged attention seeker.

It was five years ago that Greta warned, “climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”  The press found her to be an attractive narrative carrier.  Her tweet made fear junkies everywhere wet with excitement.

As a child activist, Greta Thunberg promoted a top climate scientist’s warning.  Thunberg later deleted her June 21, 2018 Twitter post.  Well, we haven’t stopped using fossil fuels… It is 2023 … Humanity has not been wiped out …  Oh, Chicken Little… Whatever shall we do?

In fairness, Harvard professor James Anderson was the scientist whose work Thunberg referenced.  He insists his words were distorted by Grit Post.    The article about his work, like the Thunberg tweet, has been deleted. This was another example of the media using half-truths to intentionally mislead the public.

In 2018 Anderson expressed support for a “…Marshall Plan-style endeavor in which all of the world takes extreme measures to transition off of fossil fuels completely within the next five years…” according to Forbes. He also suggested, “… there will be no floating ice remaining [in the Arctic Ocean] by 2022,” absent major action on climate change.

Guess what, climate fear junkies… your hysterical predictions are wrong … again.  Your leaders are as bad as your science.  Our media are distorting and promoting the comments they find useful in perpetrating their own narratives, regardless of the truth.  They spew propaganda.

It is difficult to understand how people can vote for fear and panic instead of solid science and common sense.  Why must the rest of us submit to such over-the-top insanity?  Why is Biden President?  Vote truth, not hate.

Why did we waste about $11 trillion on covid?

We might as well have simply burned the money… for all the good done with it.  Stop being lazy, do your homework before deciding what to believe.

The post Greta’s World appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hon. Attorney General Ken Paxton

Sat, 2023-06-24 03:00 +0000

Texas voters who elected you three times, mainly due to your impeccable record and service, I am disheartened, disappointed, and frankly, quite angry, learning that a few disenfranchised political hacks filed 20 articles of impeachment, led by Rep. Andrew Murr. This is an illegal investigation. The Texas Constitution prohibits this “impeachment. This secret committee is a farce.

Throughout your distinguished career, you have served Texas with honor and dignity. I have been blessed to know your wonderful family. It takes great bravery to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to our friends. When you stand up for what is right, you are attacked by the left and sometimes by the right, as we have witnessed with Senator Ted Cruz and President Trump, who stood up to the Deep State. Now, this scenario is being repeated against you.

I am asking the voters to bombard the Texas Senate switchboard by dialing 1-512 463-0100 to express our outrage. Ken has diligently stood up against illegal same-sex marriage to fight Biden’s abuse of executive power.

Most of us agree that politics is an outlandish craft. Irrespective of all considerations, you always have political enemies who want nothing more than your jugular ripped apart.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s tireless campaign and forthright exposition of his vision assure the electorate and voters that the best-qualified public servant is at the helm in the office of the Attorney General. We can’t allow him to stand alone at this crucial moment.

If the Texas Senate does not listen to the “We the Texans,” they will be disgracefully removed from office like Republican Texas legislators who voted to impeach the Honorable Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. Mark my words. You WILL be removed from office. I PROMISE you.

As President Trump repeatedly states: “They’re not after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.”
Sincerely Yours,
Amil Imani

The post Hon. Attorney General Ken Paxton appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DOJ’s Election-Rigging In 2020 Went Far Beyond Hunter’s Laptop

Sat, 2023-06-24 01:30 +0000

The choice is yours. You can live in the real world … or you can lie in the pretend world where the 2020 election was free and fair and, therefore, a massive repudiation of Trump; and the 2022 election confirmed that repudiation of Trump because the GOP underperformed because they ran “bad” (as in Trump-backed) candidates like Fetterman (oops, never mind! Fetterman is a Democrat and a Senator). If you want to live in the real world … that is, the world where you get called an “election-denier” by Fake-Republicans like Mikey Graham and Sun-King Sununu … then there is a MUST-READ article in the Federalist. Some highlights:

The IRS whistleblower transcripts released on Thursday, however, add new layers to the election rigging. According to the IRS agents who came forward, federal agencies abandoned standard procedures to slow-walk investigations into Hunter Biden, ignored agents who pushed for the investigation to move forward properly, retaliated against those agents, and — crucially — interfered even further in the 2020 election by making sure not to go public with details of their investigation until Donald Trump was on his way out the door and Joe Biden was safely elected. …

The Democrat regime interfered in the election, plain and simple. Local officials did so by unlawfully changing rules at the last minute. Big Tech did so by hiding damaging information on their preferred candidates and censoring conservatives. Billionaire activists did so by pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into government offices in the blue areas of swing states to run get-out-the-vote operations. The media did it by lying to voters, day in and day out.

But the regime’s deep-state footsoldiers are perhaps the most egregious offenders. Their censorship and legal malpractice to shield the Biden family were in-kind campaign contributions to the now-president — who likely wouldn’t hold that title without their help.

With all we now know, there is a word that precisely describes Mikey Graham and Sun-King Chris Sununu and all the other alleged Republicans still carrying water for Joe Biden: LIAR. And it strongly suggests that Mikey and the Sun-King and the others were always part of the rigging of the 2020 election.


The post DOJ’s Election-Rigging In 2020 Went Far Beyond Hunter’s Laptop appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Riley Gains on the Transgender Agenda: What About Us – What About Women?

Sat, 2023-06-24 00:00 +0000

The Left’s war on women continues in front of Congress, and Riley Gaines is standing up for women. Their privacy, their rights, and the indifference the #woke cuckold left has for these girls and women.

It’s fun to watch. She knows her stuff, speaks well, and enough from me. Here you go.



Then there’s this. A different witness says that no male tennis player could beat Serena Williams, to which Gaines replies (among other things) that “Both Serena and Venus lost to the 203rd ranked male tennis player.”

Take that liberal tripe!



And finally, this gem on William ‘Lia” Thomas: “This is a male mansplaining what it is to be a feminist.”


HT | RedState

The post Riley Gains on the Transgender Agenda: What About Us – What About Women? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From Square Wheels to Triangular Bicycle Wheels and They Still Work

Fri, 2023-06-23 22:30 +0000

I’m not sure what the “next hardest” wheel configuration but compared to the last bicycle Palate Cleanser with square wheels, this seems to be a bit harder to ride for those with back issues. That said, still looks FAR more “stable” than what I would have thought:

Why stop at square wheels? After the success of last month’s square-wheeled bike design, The Q went back to the drawing board to see if they could come up with a bike design featuring triangular wheels. They succeeded, and unlike the square-wheeled bike, these triangular wheels actually roll like round ones. It’s an idea that seems either impossible, or at least like it would be incredibly uncomfortable to ride.

But by slightly curving each side of the triangular wheels and engineering a pair of articulating (but limiter-equipped) arms allowing the center of each wheel to move up and down, the bike can be ridden without the rider experiencing hardly any up and down movements at all.

Still, I’d rather use a normal round tired bike than being the “unusual” one – just too many joints, at this stage of my life, that are aching to fail.

(H/T: Gizmodo)

The post From Square Wheels to Triangular Bicycle Wheels and They Still Work appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fundraising Update – Great Start But Still a Long Way to Go!

Fri, 2023-06-23 21:00 +0000

The support from our readers has been humbling. Thank you for helping to facilitate this transition and to ensure that GraniteGrok can move forward instead of backward. We’ve passed 20% of the goal, but we still have a ways to go.

We’d like to get to 25% or better by the end of June, but this initial lift means I can start as soon as my layoff is official. Ideally, we’ll have raised more in the intervening weeks to keep me in a position to run things, and we hope you can continue to help. Can we get to 50% by the end of July and 75% at the end of August?

I feel confident we can get there from here, but we’ll need help to fill all 50 stars on our fundraising American Flag.

If you know folks who might support independent media, let them know in Facebook Groups or town committee meetings, anywhere you congregate with like-minded folks. Independent media is an invaluable resource worth supporting, and I know not everyone is wired to give a donation pitch, but why not tell them why you support it – why you read it or share it?

What does a thriving alternative to corporate media and opinion mean to you?

How about a venue that publishes your op-eds and tells your stories when the fourth column ignores you or says no? We go to your events and help to promote your activism. And we plan to do more of that with someone full-time at the tiller.

GraniteGrok, like New Hampshire, is surrounded—an Island in a rising sea of Democrat  Socialists in politics and media.

And yes, it’s weird doing this, asking for support, but it’s something we need to do to ensure that GraniteGrok can grow and expand its reach. The next most important election in US history looms. We can’t afford to dial it back, but that’s what happens if we can’t fund this thing.

And we push back on both sides, every side, every day, to defend limited government and personal liberty.

If you have already given this year, thank you – please try to spread the word if you can. If you have not donated, we hope you will. We’d be very near our goal if everyone on our newsletter list gave just $25.00. If every reader who stopped by in just one year gave $25.00, we could fund a few years’ worth of full-time salary.

We are grateful for every donation regardless of size, but an ask like this inevitably requires a few generous benefactors. If that’s you, let us know what you can do to help. And even if that is not you, we welcome any support, even if it is just reading and sharing content from

To donate, go to our GiveSendGo campaign page or the website donation portal (transaction or credit card fees may apply).

If you prefer to donate by check (no fees), please email, and I’ll give you the official Grok mailing address.

Thanks so very much for reading and, if you can, for giving.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hunter Skates With Sweetheart Deal, For Now

Fri, 2023-06-23 19:30 +0000

Hunter Biden had a great day today as he proved there is a two-tier level of Justice in America. I don’t think of myself as naive, but I honestly thought Hunter Biden would feel some pain from the Justice Department, but I just tortured myself with the possibilities.

After a five-year investigation, you would think the folks at Justice would want to save face and at least level a few guilty charges on the derelict son of Joe Biden. Nope, the Justice Department, probably at the direction of The Big Guy, Joe Biden. Biden will deny any involvement in the case.

Hunter also won the daily double today as he negotiated a deal in the Arkansas court where he was contesting child support payments to his daughter, Navy. Navy is Hunter’s daughter and our President’s granddaughter, and neither will acknowledge her existence. That is proof of how strongly the Bidens feel about family and obligations.

It appeared that the Arkansas judge was going to play hardball with Hunter. She insisted he attend any court hearings and that she would be scrutinizing all of his financial records. Hunter was looking for a reduction in his $20,000 a month support decree, and it looked like this trial could do what the Justice Department could not, and that was to explore all of the overseas money traveling into and through Hunter’s accounts. The Bidens could never let this happen as it would surely sink Joe’s reelection bid if not his Presidency. Miraculously, Hunter worked out a deal where he would pay $5,000 per month, and the case would be closed. No investigation into payoffs from Burisma, China, Russia, and Romania. No looking into the dozens of shell companies created by Hunter to funnel money through, and most importantly, no money trail to The Big Guy, who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, for now.

The deal with the Justice Department is even more laughable. After five years and God knows how much wasted taxpayer dollars, Hunter will cop a plea deal that is tantamount to a slap on the wrist by one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Instead of going to jail for extorting millions from foreign businesses and governments and never reporting or paying taxes on any of it, he will plead guilty to two minor tax violations. Instead of a felony conviction for misrepresenting, okay, lying on a gun background check, he will be charged with a misdemeanor and get probation. It is convenient to have the last name of Biden. Just think if it were Trump!

Hunter’s lawyers claim the Justice Department’s investigation is now closed, although that is not the official word from Justice. Why would you be negotiating plea deals prematurely if it is still open? You wouldn’t. Justice is totally ignoring all of the information surfacing about payouts to Hunter, Joe, and numerous other Bidens, except for Navy. She gets none of the Burisma cash. They are protecting Hunter and, more importantly, the President. With these two cases settled now, they will not haunt Joe for the remainder of the campaign. Of course, the Congressional Committees are still looking into the Biden money laundering activity, but nobody knows about those except FOX News fans.

The media is already closing the book on this business and playing the sympathy card for Hunter. He was a poor soul caught up in drugs, hookers, and porn who made unfortunate mistakes while smoking Crack. They will play this up as a story of the strength and resilience of the Bidens and condemn anyone who dares say that we have a two-tier system of Justice and Hunter Biden is still the poster child for corruption in Washington. There, I said it.


Independent media is a rare and precious thing, even here in New Hampshire, where many in “new media” continue to carry the establishment’s water. is a rare exception. Please consider the value we provide and then commit to a monthly subscription, a one-time online donation (via PayPal or GiveSendGo), or you can donate by check*.

We are looking for a few benefactors, but every donation helps.
Thank You for Your Support.

*For donations by check, please email for the address.



The post Hunter Skates With Sweetheart Deal, For Now appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Almost Everything Wrong With Public Education Explained in One Parent’s 3-Minute Rant

Fri, 2023-06-23 18:00 +0000

We’ve all thought about it, some of us have written about it, and I think most of us understand the problems with the direction in which public education has gone. Scores are down, issues are up, and as with everything the political or cultural left touches, they are the ones that broke it.

I’d say on purpose, but it hardly matters how we got here from there if we’re talking about solutions. The systemic failure of public education is harming children. The politicization of the classroom is hurting children. The sex and gender cult (what I like to call Pubic Education) harms children.

Public education isn’t about education anymore. It’s not even about making children feel better. They are worse off academically and mentally, more confused, and at greater risk of self-harm than at any point in the history of government schooling.

If you’d like an excellent, condensed review, you might not be able to do better than this.

A parent, speaking to a school board, has the goods in a three-minute rant that includes this gem.

There is one goal for the educatioal system. It shoudl be to prepare children to enter careers to be productive members of society. It is not a counseling session. It is not a self-help area, it is not somwhere to find yourself, and we should not be lead by the children, for goodness sake.

You’ll want to hear the whole thing.

Here is the non-Twitter version for those who are averse to giving the platform their clicks.



Share It!

The post Almost Everything Wrong With Public Education Explained in One Parent’s 3-Minute Rant appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-06-23 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





Ancient Roman Philosophers’ Life Lessons Men Learn Too Late In Life



I have become a big fan of stoicism, and read the book A Guide to the Good Life, about that life philosophy.  I was actually astonished at how much of it I was already practicing!









This video by Dr. Bill Warner of Political Islam about the Crusades is excellent:


Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades











Ready for Brain Transparency? > World Economic Forum Annual Meeting | World Economic Forum (

In the US Constitution, the Fifth Amendment reads (bolding added):

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

You cannot be forced to testify against yourself.  But what if you can be forced to be mind-scanned to “be sure you’re telling the truth”?  Just to avoid perjury, you know.  Given the absolute rape of the Constitution that we’ve seen over the past years… the past decades… do you really believe that some pretext / rationalization for using this technology would never be found?

Orwell’s Thoughtcrime, indeed:

In contemporary English usage, the word thoughtcrime describes the personal beliefs that are contrary to the accepted norms of society…

Now, risking exposure.  (Sci fi aside: In “Songs of a Distant Earth” a suspect is interrogated by drugging them, then while they’re lacking control and awareness the interviewer asks YES/NO questions.  There’s little that can’t be ferreted out by unlimited YES/NO questions, especially when you don’t have the mental wherewithal to evade.  This looks to be well beyond that.)

Kind of related, at least to me, is this.  Not just Apple’s thing, now this.  Your entire life, from the moment you don them to when you doff them, recorded and doubtless analyzed.  Do they still hear what’s going on, as most smartphones – and certainly Alexa – does?  What you look at.  Where you go.  Etc.  Every single detail of your life, recorded – and analyzed.  And imagine if you have these on while you surf the web?  It sees what you see.





I remember, not long after Trump was elected, hearing about some Dem bigwig saying that he needed to be taken down HARD, not just to get him out but to serve as an example so that “another one like him” never rises.  Related:



Remember this is their RELIGION.  This is not a war over politics or shades-of-grey on governance.  This is a life and death struggle for absolute power over the country, and the world.





On the Jab


How does anyone with a soul look at this and then say “Yes, sure, they’re ‘safe and effective'”?





An Inconvenient Truth: 24-1










This guy’s ducking all sorts of debates.  As I understand it, the pool of money that is available to go to this guy’s favorite charity if he goes on and debates RFK Jr. is over a million dollars (per the latest Tucker show – number 6 IIRC).



Dr. McCullough calls on Dr. Hotez to debate him on vaccine safety data – One America News Network (

This reminds me of an interview, a few years ago, of Phil Jones of “climate change” fame who refused to even be in the same room with a climate change skeptic.  He physically got up and left the room while that critic was also interviewed.

People with the data and the courage of convictions don’t flee honest and free debate.  Indeed, my own personal experience is that people rally and rush to defend their point of view.  At least, people who honestly believe what they believe and think they have the data to prove it.







It’s OUR new world order









Pick of the Post:



Yes.  Yes they did.

And yet… there are people out there who are still holding out hope for 2024.









This is the last post for a while.

Please understand – I am “on” 24/7.  Even when dreaming, I’m seeing my America and my civilization under attack and even if sleeping I’m cogitating on how I can work to change things.  I spend enormous amounts of time gathering memes, organizing, posting.  Slowly writing too.  So I’m taking a breather for a few weeks.  I have to.  Stress from this is eating me up.

But don’t worry.  I’m not quitting.



I’ll be back.  I just need to massively detox and recharge.




Palate Cleansers:



All I ask is to win enough money in the lottery to have this, and to otherwise prove that having that much money won’t spoil me!



The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Public Schools and Teachers Are Inherently Political, so Let’s Treat Them Accordingly

Fri, 2023-06-23 15:00 +0000

Read this.

Then ask yourself: If 70 or 75 percent of parents want (or don’t want) their children to be treated a certain way, how is it that teachers and administrators are able to ignore them?

It’s because we pretend that these positions are not political when in fact, they are.  So they are protected by things like unions and tenure in ways that can’t happen for positions like state representative, selectman, or school board member.

When you pay for something with taxes, it’s inherently political.  It’s delusional to pretend that it’s not. Someone teaching your child, helping decide how your child will be taught, or just interacting with your child in a tax-funded school is engaged in politics, and the only sane way to continue with tax-funded schools is to acknowledge this by putting those positions up for election.

It may take a little work to get your head around this, but consider that all the difficulties we’re seeing with respect to issues like gender and pornography — to say nothing of the fact that nearly 2/3 of students are below proficiency in reading! — are happening because we aren’t letting taxpayers have a significant voice in how their taxes are being spent.

Electing teachers sounds crazy… until you realize that the alternative is crazier.


The post Public Schools and Teachers Are Inherently Political, so Let’s Treat Them Accordingly appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jazz Up Your Office Space with These Cool Solutions

Fri, 2023-06-23 14:29 +0000

Are you looking for ways to spruce up your office? Whether in the home or the workplace, you all need a little inspiration when creating an environment that helps promote productivity and creativity. According to recent studies, having an inviting work area can help spark motivation and increase efficiency levels. Fortunately, there are many different solutions that you can implement into your workspace to jazz up your office space in no time. From vibrant colors to exciting textures, this blog post will provide unique ways to give your office an energizing makeover.

Hang Artwork or Photographs with Motivational or Thought-Provoking Messages to Inspire Creativity

Surrounding yourself with inspiration is a powerful tool. It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day routine, and creativity can often get lost in the chaos. That’s where hanging artwork or photographs with motivational or thought-provoking messages comes in. It helps to keep creativity at the forefront of your mind. Whether it’s a quote from your favorite author or an image that sparks your imagination, having it on the wall in your workspace can help to motivate and inspire you throughout the day.

Switch Up the Lighting, Switch Out Any Fluorescent Bulbs for Softer LED Lights

Lighting is often an overlooked aspect of office space but can significantly impact productivity and mood. By switching out fluorescent bulbs for softer LED lights, you can create a more welcoming and comfortable environment for employees. Fluorescent bulbs can cause eye strain and headaches, while softer LED lights offer a more natural and calming light source. Not only will this switch improve the overall atmosphere of your workspace, but it can also reduce energy costs and be more eco-friendly.

Place a Few Plants or Flowers Around the Office to Bring Life and Color

Working in an office can sometimes be dull and draining, but adding a touch of nature can make a big difference. Placing a few plants or flowers around the office creates a refreshing and inviting atmosphere. The pops of color and fresh scents can boost your mood and stimulate your senses, ultimately increasing productivity and overall efficiency. Not to mention, plants have been known to purify the air, promoting a healthier work environment. So, why not bring a little bit of the outdoors into your workspace?

Invest in Comfortable Furniture That Is Both Stylish and Functional for Your Office Space

Your office space should be a reflection of yourself and your work ethic. You spend a considerable amount of time in your workspace, so it is essential to invest in comfortable, stylish, and functional furniture. This way, productivity is stimulated, and work can be accomplished without stress. A great way to achieve this is by investing in furniture that complements the look of your space while keeping your comfort in mind. When you are physically at ease, your concentration and creativity are exercised better, ensuring performance at its peak. So, explore various options and find the perfect mix of comfortable and stylish furniture for your office space.

Also, get some fun, comfy spaces for people to utilize and discuss ideas. A comfy bean bag chair is suitable for brainstorming and a quick break. If you’re on a budget, you can find an excellent alternative to Pillowsac that is just as comfy but can be cheaper. Additionally, opt for enjoyable activities, such as an arcade game table or a foosball table, to take a break from work.


Sprucing up your office space doesn’t have to be a difficult or expensive task. These simple solutions can quickly create an office atmosphere that promotes productivity and creativity. So, don’t be afraid to get creative and explore the possibilities of jazzing up your office space. Remember, a comfortable and inviting workspace can make all the difference in productivity.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Moving to Nashua – Think Twice

Fri, 2023-06-23 13:30 +0000

It has been a couple of months since I have written about Nashua and the Court system. I continue to file RTK lawsuits, and the City continues to lock records down and limit access to City Hall.

The Court doesn’t have the responsiveness to address the Petitions that have come before it. So, for now, the City wins.

It is an election year, so Mayor Donchess wants to control the narrative, and the Mayor’s narrative is that a few people are destroying the City. Our Mayor is the unethical virtuous blame game expert.

The Administrative Office of the Court continues to be difficult to work with. The Office is not responsive, and it is unclear who should fix administrative problems in the Court. The Judges also play a role here, but it is nearly impossible to figure out what that is. The scheduling of RTK cases needs to be appealed to the Supreme Court for help. It is all so cumbersome.

As I wrote in the past, the Court was mis-scheduling Right-to-Know cases and creating expensive litigation trials designed to keep the public from accessing records. Administration Order AO 2013-08, directed by Justice Tina Nadeau, was intended to eliminate six court rules from cases that should be expedited. I am not a fan of Justice Nadeau’s performance in that she appears to have failed miserably in her oversight of the Court in verifying that orders are being followed. The abuse of this order has gone on for over ten years, and it has cost taxpayers millions of dollars and prevented litigants from achieving justice and fairness.

According to Judge Delker (Manchester), New Hampshire is the only state with language built into our Constitution (Part 1, Article 8) to protect our right to an open, accessible government. This, coupled with RSA 91-A, the Right-to-Know Law, was supposed to make our State something to marvel at. In 2015, New Hampshire ranked 49th, only beating out Wyoming by 1 point for the worst score on public access to information in the recent State Integrity Investigation published by the Center for Public Integrity. And this low score for New Hampshire is in “the worst performing category in the State Integrity Investigation,” according to an article on the report, where 44 states earned an F.

While 2015 may seem like a long time ago, it is not when it comes to improving records access in New Hampshire. The neutralizing of our unique complimentary Constitutional/Statutory rights has occurred at the hands of the Courts. They have created such high costs for access to information by ignoring the rules that only a select few can obtain governmental records. The opening of the Office of the Ombudsman will hopefully improve our access. In Nashua, the Court has worked handily with the City to stifle citizens. The City carries a reputation of long-standing corruption (a reputation I believe is well deserved), and ethical Attorneys don’t want to litigate here.

In May, Nashua citizens were able to get a series of RTK Petitions before the Court on May 8, 9, 10, & 11 (a hearing had been scheduled for the 12th as well.) as I pushed for corrections with the scheduling and was able to get the hearing schedules in line with AO 2013-08 and expedited.

It was a rather amazing week in Court in that there was Attorney Misconduct, Judicial misconduct, and a whole bunch of ridiculousness that has left me nauseated when recognizing that the legal/Judicial profession is largely unethical and dishonorable. That resulted in numerous complaints filed with the Attorney Discipline Office for misconduct against Attorney Bolton and Attorney Leonard. The ADO is not an office quick to fix problems. Cronies stick together, and they love applying confidentiality rules to threaten complainants into silence.

So, for everyone’s information, Nashua, according to our city website, is the “Welcoming City” and the “Transparency City.” Our Budget book puts Citizens at the top of the flow chart in the budget process – and -we are rated by WalletHub as the best of the best. It is the perfect place for like-minded people who like high property taxes.

In reality, citizens are threatened with arrest for standing in the public City Hall Hallways of Our Welcoming City, the doors to public offices are locked, records are hidden and destroyed, and citizens who don’t support the Mayor’s popular partisan position are treated like the gum on the bottom of a shoe. If you’re an independent thinker on the move, think twice about moving to Nashua.


The post Moving to Nashua – Think Twice appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

4 Ways You Can Revamp Your Home Cheaply

Fri, 2023-06-23 12:30 +0000

Are you bored with your current home décor and want to make changes but feel you can’t afford it? You don’t need a huge budget to revamp your home – just creativity, imagination, and the right supplies. This blog post will give you 4 simple tips that will help guide you on how to create an affordable look with dramatic results. Hopefully, these ideas inspire you as you embark on a redecoration journey. Keep reading for more information.

Make a Statement with a Colorful Front Door to Create an Inviting Entryway

Your front door is the gateway to your home, so why not make a statement with a pop of color? A colorful front door can instantly transform the look and feel of your entryway and create an inviting atmosphere. From bold reds to cheerful yellows, the possibilities are endless. Not only will a colorful front door make you stand out in the neighborhood, but it can also reflect your personality and style. Incorporating a unique and eye-catching front door is an easy way to add an exciting touch to your home’s curb appeal.

Change Out All Your Light Fixtures to LEDs for Energy Efficiency and Lower Power Bills

Are you tired of your constantly rising power bills? Lighting is one of the biggest energy guzzlers in a home, but there’s an easy solution – switch to LEDs. LED light fixtures use significantly less energy than traditional incandescent or fluorescent fixtures and can last up to 25 times longer. Imagine not having to change a light bulb for years. Plus, LED bulbs produce less heat, so your air conditioning won’t have to work as hard in the summer months. By changing out all your light fixtures to LEDs, you’ll save money and reduce your carbon footprint.

Add Decorative Accents, Such as Rugs, Pillows, and Lamps to Make the Space Look Cozier

Are you tired of walking into a room that feels cold and unwelcoming? Adding some decorative accents can completely transform a space and make it feel cozier in no time. Soft, plush rugs can instantly add warmth to a room and provide a comfortable spot to sink your feet into. Pillows add visual interest to a space and make it more inviting by providing an extra layer of comfort. Plus, let’s not forget about the power of ambient lighting. Lamps can create a warm, inviting glow that transforms a barren room into a cozy haven.

Rearrange Furniture or Switch Up the Layout of the Room for an Updated Look without Spending Money on Buying New Pieces

Sometimes, people get bored of the same old look of our living space. Yet, buying new furniture is not always an affordable option. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to give our room an updated look without breaking the bank. Rearranging furniture or switching up the layout can transform a room. You can completely change the vibe of your space by simply moving around a few key pieces. Perhaps you can move the sofa to a different wall or swap the position of your bed and dresser. Experimenting with new arrangements can help you discover a new perspective and appreciate your room differently. So, roll up your sleeves and get creative with your space.

Sometimes, this might involve getting a few new things, like a giant 7-foot foam bean bag or a set of nesting tables. This will help add character to your room and can even be used for storage. Plus, the best part is, you don’t have to spend a fortune.


Creating a new look for your home doesn’t have to be expensive. You can revamp your home with the right supplies and adjustments with dramatic results. Start by making a statement with a colorful front door, switch out your light fixtures to LEDs for energy efficiency and lower power bills, add decorative accents for a cozier look, and rearrange the furniture for an updated style. With these simple tips, you can revamp your home and make it a beautiful place without breaking the bank. So, what are you waiting for? Get creative and start sprucing up your home today.


The post 4 Ways You Can Revamp Your Home Cheaply appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems Override Veto to Raise Taxes

Fri, 2023-06-23 12:00 +0000

If we’ve said it once, we have said it a thousand times. When it comes to Democrats, there is no such thing as enough. They can’t spend, tax, nag, or infringe enough, and my “neighbors” to the Left continue to prove that true.

The Demolition majority legislature just took another tax wrecking ball to the people of Vermont. A move that Vermont Public Radio calls a $120 million boost to the State’s Child Care System. Translated, the legislature spent another 150 million on a problem very likely of their making. Another reduction in the free movement of capital in one of the most taxed states in America. And it is not the only hike.


“Despite these concerns and my efforts, legislative action this year has added a new, approximately $100 million payroll tax; $20 million in unnecessary DMV fee increases; hundreds of millions in additional cost pressures that will come as a result of the override of my veto of the clean heat standard bill; an unsustainable $70 million increase in base budget spending over my recommendation; an eventual doubling of their own pay and benefits; and more.”


Vermont is in the top 4 for the highest tax burden, behind New York, Hawaii, and Maine. New Hampshire, on the other hand, is ranked 48th (WalletHub, 2023). Only Alaska and Delaware have lower total tax burdens, and the Granite State has been lowering business taxes and just axed its Interest and Dividends tax. Our total tax burden is going down. An idea not lost on everyone in Vermont. 


Scott argued in his veto letter that the payroll tax is a regressive revenue source that will force low-income workers to contribute to child care subsidies for families of four with household incomes as high as $172,000 a year.

“If you are a lower-income Vermonter already receiving free childcare, you will have to pay a tax, with no added benefit to you, so that families with higher incomes get support,” Scott said.


He knew the veto wouldn’t survive, but kudos to him for making the case this time for a sliver of fiscal sanity in a looney bin of a state run by the Democrat majority inmates.

Taxing the poor to pay for childcare for the rich. But Demcorats are okay with the disparity. Proud is the word I’d use.

“That strong vote was a clear indication that we as a body recognized the need to do something, something significant about our broken child care system,” Brumsted said.

If it is broken, the government ruined it.


Aly Richards, CEO of Let’s Grow Kids, said in statement Tuesday that the override “is a monumental step forward for our state in addressing the ongoing child care crisis.”

“The legislation will result in a more affordable Vermont, increases access to quality, affordable child care for families, improves compensation and support for our essential early childhood educators, and provides much needed relief for child care programs in every corner of the state,” she said.

Did Aly have to get her snout out of the trough long enough to admire how much more taxpayer slop there will be in the coming years? And I guess she missed the memo on the already high tax burden. More affordable? No. A greater separation in wealth between the haves and have-nots? Yes. Just like everywhere else, Democrats are left in charge of the checkbook for too long.



HT | Vermont Public


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A.I. Does Not Need Government Intervention

Fri, 2023-06-23 10:30 +0000

Artificial Intelligence, AI, has been with us for years, so what about it has people so riled up? Is it fear that AI will take over and rule our lives, supercomputers will replace humans, or ignorance of the concept? I feel it is the latter, as fear of the unknown can take down the strongest among us, and it can be debilitating for people who will not do the work to understand a concept. We have been in a technology explosion for the last 100 years, and nobody can argue that this growth has enhanced most lives. Still, some advances have negatively impacted individuals and society. I point to the Smartphone as one that has done both. These tools give us an infinite amount of information in our hands, but that device has made us dependent on technology and disrupted social connectivity. AI is a tool, and we have to learn to use that tool for good, not evil. But that decision is not the government’s to make.

AI has been with us for years, from robots making cars to helping surgeons in the operating room. We have benefited from AI, and in some cases, it has replaced our job. Like any other phase of technology, the advances ebb and flow. We are in a dynamic stage that concerns people because they cannot keep up with the pace. Fear trumps knowledge. I have been using AI for my writing for years and would not compose anything, from an article to a text, without it. Sometimes it is unnerving how the writing assistant understands my thought process and recommends a more straightforward way of presenting it. It also is my grammar and spell check. That is simplistic compared to the programs that are writing books or songs. The ability of AI to “think” like a human is startling, but we have to be aware of the pitfalls and develop means to distinguish between AI and human products.

Fear and trepidation are not to be solved or assuaged by a government agency or an AI Council. I fear government intervention more than a free enterprise unchained to explore possibilities. That quest by free thinkers is the core of advances that make our lives easier and more enjoyable. We should not allow the government and its inherent politics to control this technology. The government is designed to represent us, but we are no longer free people when we enable the government to assume control of our lives. Over the last two years, we have seen the results of our government wielding its power. The restrictions and rules grow as our freedoms wane.

The fear is that AI will cost jobs and eventually control the human race. Progress has always forced the workforce to morph. Think of manufacturing if every item we use was made by hand. We would never have enough supply or afford the cost. Labor had to shift to other needs. As for computers taking our place in the hierarchy, computers are still machines, and we always have control of the delete or power buttons. I am excited about AI’s possibilities and hope we can embrace it and quicken our pace to understand and use it rather than fear the potential. The potential of Joe Biden, Diane Feinstein, or John Fetterman putting their fingers on AI should be our greatest fear.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden’s Diplomatic Shoe Shine Boy

Fri, 2023-06-23 01:30 +0000

The U.S. Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, was in China last weekend. He was there to polish President Xi’s shoes. Before the trip, the White House said Blinken was not going with the intention of making any deal or conveying any information. No big results should be expected.

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True to form, Mr. Blinken underperformed his goal.

The goal of the White House was to reestablish an emergency line of communications with Beijing. The hope was to be able to avoid an accident that might lead to military conflict between the nations. President Xi turned the proposal down. As importantly, the manner and words Xi used in delivering his message declining the request are a personal affront to both Mr. Biden and Mr. Blinken. Mr. Blinken struck out in his appearance on this point.

Blinken was also looking for help from China in clamping down on Mexican drug cartels making fentanyl. Chinese pharmaceutical companies partner with Mexican cartels by providing the precursor ingredients needed to manufacture fentanyl. The fentanyl manufactured in Mexico is flooding into the U.S. The CDC has reported there have been over 100,000 deaths from fentanyl overdoses in the U.S. No commitment for help on the fentanyl issue was obtained from China. Mr. Blinken struck out again.

Mr. Blinken went to China with two big asks. He got nothing on either issue except insulted personally and nationally. What was accomplished on this trip? Mr. Blinken says he had a robust discussion on a range of issues, including North Korea, Ukraine, and human rights. There were no results of any sort on those issues either. Mr. Blinken struck out on these issues too.

It seems President Xi thinks Mr. Blinken and Mr. Biden have more kowtowing to do before there will be any possibility of productive talks. Incidentally, Mr. Blinken sold out Taiwan over the weekend. He said the U.S. does not support Taiwan’s independence. That would appear to be a change in position and a large one. Still, President Xi says Blinken missed a spot in polishing his shoes.

This trip was supposed to happen in February. But that was when China sent a spy balloon across America. Mr. Biden said over the weekend that he does not believe the Chinese knew where the balloon was or what was in it, or what was going on. That probably shows us that the leadership of one of the two countries, America or China, has a pretty loose grasp of what is happening or what is going on. Hint: it’s not China.

Biden’s statement is stupid. He is apologizing for Beijing and its spy balloon program. His intelligence community has told him otherwise. His Secretary of State was sharing this with dozens of countries around the world. It sure appears Joe Biden is compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.

China’s spy balloon operations have been monitored for years by U.S. intelligence. They are operated by the Chinese military. They have sent many spy balloons all around the world. Mr. Blinken said as much last February when he canceled his planned trip. He also said China’s spy balloon program has violated the sovereignty of nations on five continents. Now, Mr. Blinken says it’s time to close that issue…. Oh my, what a strong, decisive position… that would be derision.

China got exactly what it wanted from the meeting over the weekend. We got nothing. We gave China public assurances that we do not and will not acknowledge an independent Taiwan. China gave us the promise to study the possibility of a committee that might address China’s culpability in killing over 100,000 American citizens through fentanyl overdose. What can be taken away from what the world has been shown?

That is what the world saw over the weekend. America is as weak as Joe Biden. We gave tribute. We got a pocketful of mumbles in return. We are fools. Not just fools but weak fools. Countries around the world are deciding which power to ally themselves with. America looks as stupid, weak, hypocritical, and unreliable as our erratic, woke, leftist leadership is. That’s what the world saw.


Independent media is a rare and precious thing, even here in New Hampshire, where many in “new media” continue to carry the establishment’s water. is that exception. Please consider the value we provide and then commit to a monthly subscription, a one-time online donation (via PayPal or GiveSendGo), or you can donate by check*.

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The post Joe Biden’s Diplomatic Shoe Shine Boy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The J21 Insurrection

Fri, 2023-06-23 00:00 +0000

Don’t try this if you have an “R” after your name. The Gestapo … oops! I mean the FBI … will arrest you and your family and friends, in a predawn raid carried live on CNN and MSNBC and replayed endlessly, while the Regime-media and the useful idiots pretending to be Rs, like former Attorney General Bill Barr, sonorously express their dismay and disgust at your indefensible conduct.

Instead just keep on pretending that there is such a thing as “the rule of law” in America; that we can vote our way out of the authoritarian government this former republic has morphed into; that the 2020 and 2022 elections weren’t rigged and that the 2024 election won’t be as rigged as 2020 and 2022. After all, we know that the FBI can’t be the Gestapo because the Regime-media keeps telling us that Putin is Hitler.


The post The J21 Insurrection appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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