The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 5 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.I

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 11 min 43 sec ago

Is There A Minimum Age For Freedom Of Speech

Sun, 2023-06-18 10:30 +0000

Earlier this month, Marshall Simonds Middle School in Burlington, Massachusetts, was at the center of a conflict over a Pride Month celebration. Many students that protested the event are now the targets of criticism from Pride supporters and calls for disciplinary action against the protestors.

I have problems and concerns with both sides of this issue. I am on record as being against celebrating any group of people. I believe in equality, not equity, for everyone, and singling out a specific group of people defeats the spirit of equality. I am going out on a limb to start my arguments and say these protestors should be praised for having the courage to speak their minds. To discipline them sends a wrong message to all children in this school and beyond.

To be clear, this is a Middle School with students aged 11-14. At this age, I find it hard to believe they understand the concept of Pride Month and do not need to be taught the different lifestyles that make up the LGBTQIA+ community. The teachers and administrators of the school forced the Pride concept onto the student body, and I can guarantee that parental consent was not solicited. For teachers to say that the students do not have social awareness should be a reason not to push the Pride concept, but instead, it is used as an argument to hold the protestors accountable for their actions. That sounds like a double standard. Without social awareness, teaching “Pride” is indoctrination.

These students are adolescents, and labels, pro or con, should never be used to describe them. The protestors are labeled as homophobic. You can only be labeled as such if you understand homosexuality. You cannot be against or afraid of something unless you have a basic understanding of the basis of the issue. I cannot put myself into the heads of the protestors, and I lay the blame for this ugly situation at the feet of the adults. It was unnecessary and has put a spotlight and undue pressure on all the students in the school and system.

Proponents of LGBTQIA+ are calling for implementing a DEIJ committee and hiring a DEIJ Counselor for the school staff. They are seizing on this unfortunate circumstance to promote Pride further and push DEIJ into the middle-school curriculum. Just like there is no place for BLM, CRT or the 1619 Project in our schools, pushing DEIJ on children highlights inequality and even racism to children without these concepts. People that claim this country has a systemic racism problem are planting the seeds of racism in our children. They are the people who should be held accountable for their actions, not the few children strong enough to stand up and say no to indoctrination.

I hope the parents of these young protestors stand with their children and do not yield to the pressure of these WOKE teachers and administrators. The move by parents to regain control of their children’s education began during COVID and has to keep the pressure on educators. Parents must remain vigilant and end the injection of social beliefs into the curriculum. It may be trite, but we need less DEIJ and more ABCs. Our schools are failing our children. They have no place in co-parenting our children. They are our kids, not theirs.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrat Presidential Candidate RFK, Jr. Tells NH Dem State Party Chairman To Go F*** Himself

Sun, 2023-06-18 01:30 +0000

General Secretary of the Communist Party of New Hampshire, Ray Buckley (oh! So sorry! I meant “New Hampshire Democrat Party”), embodies today’s Communist (there I go again, I mean Democrat) Party. To them, you are a member of a group, a tribe, or a race.

That is, you may NOT see yourself as an individual and others around you as individuals … all to be treated as individuals. Your worth is determined by your status … Christian white male: BAD, very bad, oppressor, privileged, even if he lives in a trailer park … Trans-African-American: GOOD, very good, oppressed, victim; even if parents are mega-millionaire Google execs.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is a throwback to that time before the Democrat Party was taken over by Communists … to that time when we were individuals, when Democrats saw the role of government as giving a helping hand to everyone who needed it and acting as a check on corporate power when Democrats opposed forever-wars and believed in civil liberties.

Without any further adieu … here’s Bobby Kennedy telling General Secretary Buckley to go f*** himself:



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vermont’s Oldest Loon Dies – No, It Wasn’t Bernie Sanders

Sun, 2023-06-18 00:00 +0000

Headline: Vermont’s Oldest Loon Dies…” My first thought is that the perennial primary victim of DNC hijinks, Senator Bernie Sanders, had shuffled off his mortal coil. Nope. He’s still kicking. They are talking about a different old bird.

And not bird, in the English sense, and having written that, I’m wondering if you can still call a woman a bird in the UK, and after another thought, if you can, do you have to apply that slang equally to transwomen or you’re a bigot. And who is in charge of policing it?

Sorry for derailing the train of thought. Yes, the old bird was a Loon.


Last Tuesday, Newark Pond Male, as Hanson refers to the loon, was found to have died recently at an estimated age of 31. He was the oldest documented loon in Vermont. It’s possible he could be even older, as that age is based on the assumption that the loon was 6 years old and in his first year of nesting during that first encounter, Hanson said.


Perhaps the old Loon identified as a much younger Loon, in which case the point is moot.

If you are interested, this link has all sorts of exciting things about banding Loons (the bird, not the Sanders).

If you’d like to read some of our thoughts, reporting, or observations about that loon, Bernie Sanders, you can do that here.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Can’t Believe I’m About To Say This – YAY For the Lawyers!

Sat, 2023-06-17 22:30 +0000

Subtitle: SUE THEM ALL! This will kill of Wild, Wild West of Transgenderism child mutilation by the Medical Community. Next, do what you do to School Districts! Make it too toxic to their wallets and at least one social norm will be restored (“First, Do No Harm”) followed by “Leave The Little Kids Alone!”. There’s been too much, WAY too much, of “boy wears a tutu – he MUST be a girl” and “girl playing with Tonka trucks – she MUST be a boy”.  And too many Parents using their kids to either relive their high school “The Cool Kids Clique” days (or having missed it then, trying to be “The Cool Parent” now).

It’s time to put that emotional blackmail line by Trans-Authoritarians to the dustbin of history (along with the tattering of THEIR wallets) of:

“Would you rather have a live daughter or a dead son?”

Whose only purpose is meant to shut down, HARD, any kind of debate from those that disagree with them? Especially by Parents.  These are ideological Tyrants and NOW, with $$-signs-in-their-eyes lawyers coming to the fore, we may start to see the air out of this Societal balloon by the de-transitioners who TRULY became someone else’s sick cannon fodder to push a Narrative whose only purpose is to sow chaos and hurt people – THEY are the abusers:

Girl Sues Hospital for Removing Her Breasts at Age 13

A hospital and doctors in California are facing a new lawsuit for removing the breasts of a 13-year-old girl after she claimed she was a boy.

The defendants carried out “ideological and profit-driven medical abuse” when they prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones and, later, performed a double mastectomy, Charles LiMandri, one of the lawyers representing the plaintiff, Layla Jane, said in a statement…While three doctors said Jane was too young for cross-sex hormones, she was eventually referred to several other doctors who prescribed her puberty blockers and hormones. Within six months, they removed her breasts. The hormones and puberty blockers were given based on a single, 75-minute session with Susanne Watson, a psychologist, according to the suit. Dr. Winnie Tong, a plastic surgeon, concluded after a 30-minute session that Jane could have her breasts removed.

“Defendants did not question, elicit, or attempt to understand the psychological events that led Kayla to the mistaken belief that she was transgender, nor did they evaluate, appreciate, or treat her multi-faceted presentation of co-morbid symptoms,” the suit reads. “Instead, Defendants assumed that Kayla, a twelve-year-old emotionally troubled girl, knew best what she needed to improve her mental health and figuratively handed her the prescription pad. There is no other area of medicine where doctors will surgically remove a perfectly healthy body part and intentionally induce a diseased state of the pituitary gland misfunction based simply on the young adolescent patient’s wishes.”

…“The law says children aren’t mature enough to make serious decisions that could have long-lasting consequences like getting a tattoo, driving with friends, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or even voting,” Jane said in a statement:

“So why is it acceptable for 13-year-olds to decide to mutilate their body?”

A 12-year-old girl “knew best” – are you FLIPPING kidding me? Yet, this is what passes for genius-level thinking with parents, hypocritical Hippocratic Oath Takers, and accountants seeing a constant flow of dollars flowing into their coffers And “highly educated” school staff (have to include them – remove that lesion and much of this social contagion goes away – take away 11-15 year old’s smartphones, too). THIS is child abuse of the maximal type.

Now 18, she asked the right question. Unfortunately, the adults in her life 7 years ago didn’t. Sorry, their response was more akin to “Ok, OKAY, we’ll go to MacDonalds and get you a Happy Meal!!!!” when confronted by a strong-willed child (been there, refused that, let them cry – hours later, they forgot what they were trantruming about). The adults were not “adulting” – they gave into their child (and the emotional blackmail, above).

Norway has stopped this practice. Sweden is about to. England is shuttering its largest trans clinic. Several American hospitals (probably seeing this legal tidal tsunami coming at them) have stopped the practice. Even though the Trans Activists are working hard to squash the existence of de-transitioners, the signal can’t be stopped. Now with lawsuits starting to hit the news along with what school districts have been doing with siding with the trans movement, the anti-Trans train has now left the station. More and more, the public at large is turning against it, realizing that the lives of too many kids have been absolutely ruined.

(H/T: The Epoch Times)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New Atheism Has New Authorities But the Same Old Problems

Sat, 2023-06-17 21:00 +0000

I don’t much care what you believe as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. A few hundred years ago, some folks risked their lives on an ocean journey for the right to believe what they wanted, and not long after, we had this thing called America.

It’s been touch-and-go ever since, with a few simple rules and a sort of Ten Commandments (the Bill of Rights) to temper the hijinks one might expect from most central governments. The worst system concocted by man except for all the others. One of the rules was no state-sponsored religion which did not prevent the sovereign states from doing that very thing, but political evolution changed that for the better.

The descendants of the folks who survived the dangerous journey across the ocean were free to “worship” anything or nothing. They could discuss it in the press or on a soap box, with the General Government having no say in any of it, not legally. Local peer pressure was another matter, but with the freedom to travel, you could up and move if you had the means or even if you did not.

Somewhere along the way, someone decided that you could get around the prohibition and suppress people’s religious rights (and not long after speech, press, and association) by worshiping things like science or reason, even if the attendant dogma was neither.

Science, hijacked by atheists, has since been reduced to scientism with an accompanying theological absolutism about as anti-science as a thing could be. Some of its greatest sins are recent (climate and COVID come to mind), but the greatest debate revolves like the earth around the sun over origin. The two camps (there are more, but not today) are “You can’t get something from nothing” and “Oh, yes, you damn well can.” The latter, unable to explain where the stuff that erupted from the Big Bang originates, have decided it didn’t and doesn’t need to have even existed.

From Marilyn Prever, writing for Touchstone,


One of the most popular candidates for a “natural process” that may account for “the entire universe” is a random quantum fluctuation, which has the advantage of being virtually nothing at all, and acting upon a new kind of nothingness, a vacuum that somehow has a structure. The idea is that nobody has to pipe up and ask, “But Professor, where did the quantum fluctuation come from?”

You don’t have to account for it, this nothing that can turn into a universe; it’s just there, like the cosmic ocean, or Yggdrasil the World Ash Tree, or whatever is already just there in those charming Babylonian-type creation myths—and very much unlike the unique simplicity of Genesis: “And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.”


The answer to the ignorance of the ineffable in religion is for those who believe themselves exponentially more clever than people of faith to lobby for ineffability in science. The atheists are swooning, but as Prever also notes,


Why is it that the atheists are allowed to freely accuse believers of cowardice and wishful thinking—of not having the guts to face the hard truth—when we believers don’t dare suggest, even ever so delicately, that when someone prefers this non-personal “fluctuation” to the God of Abraham and Moses, there may be something at work besides heroic honesty. After all, belief in a personal God is liable to cost the worshipers something in the way of interference with their sex lives, their reputations, or even their chances of tenure. There are all kinds of wishful thinking.

But even if all the atheists have hearts as pure as the driven snow and all believers are the crabbed, bigoted, fearful yahoos the atheists would like to think they are, I still insist that this updated form of atheism is a perverse and ignoble idea, and answering it does not require a Ph.D. in astrophysics. We only need to ask what kind of hard evidence could possibly be brought forth to prove it, considering that the whole idea of proof depends on the reliability of the human mind—which must be pretty much zilch if that mind is nothing but the effect of random and meaningless processes.


The random and meaningless processes can no longer explain where the quantum fluctuation came from than their alleged ape ancestors could explain the sun or moon. It just is, like the idea that you can believe what you want as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others. And we’d be fine if that were the case, but it’s not. The New Atheism, while more religious, is less tolerant, just like its secular humanist ideological brethren who cluster under the banner of the Political Left. Denominations of the same empty faith, all equally ineffable, but certified as legitimate simply because they pretend it is based on science.

A belief system, perhaps no different than any other. After all, if there is a God, it is reasonable to ask where they came from. What is not reasonable is using scientism to deny everyone else their unexplained first origin or the belief system that sustained it. If we are truly equal under nature or nature’s god, then none of us is entitled to a monopoly on faith or its absence. And wouldn’t demanding otherwise be one of the many sins of which atheists or ‘scientismists’ accuse people of faith?

Believe what you like, just as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others, which includes believing things you do not.


Note: The original version, as published, was unfinished. Apologies for the error, but it has since been remedied.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Aggressive Climate Justice Lobbyist Harasses and Obstructs Parental Rights Activist

Sat, 2023-06-17 19:30 +0000

On the morning of May 16, I was at the New Hampshire State House handing out flyers to state reps urging them to vote for SB272, the parental rights bill, on behalf of Cornerstone. There were people crowding the hallway that morning, and the majority were there to lobby against the parental rights bills.

A woman standing near me was holding a sign that said, “Protect trans kids from ignorant adults.” I politely asked her if she believes that parents are ignorant.

The man with her responded to my question by aggressively walking up to me and holding his large “I love my trans friend” sign inches from my face, trying to intimidate and harass me and block me from handing out flyers to the legislators walking by. One of the organizers of the anti-parental rights group asked him to step back. The organizer said, “She really likes to say ‘They touched me! They touched me!” insinuating that I lie about progressive activists assaulting me despite the evidence right in front of her that these people do not respect boundaries.

After a few minutes of holding his sign in front of my face and taunting me, he asked for one of the Cornerstone flyers. I handed it to him, and he proceeded to rip the flyer in a comically dramatic fashion.

I discovered my tormentor is Dominic Osmund, a registered lobbyist for 350NH, an organization that lobbies for “Climate Justice.” Osmund was not wearing the legally required orange lobbyist name badge even though he was lobbying legislators, and he was trying to block me from lobbying those same legislators.

Related: Book-Burning ACLU-NH Trans Justice Organizer Axed

This is not my first run-in with a badly-behaving registered lobbyist. The last one was ACLU-NH’s former Trans Justice Organizer Palana Belkin, whom I also blogged about here. Will Dominic Osmund meet the same fate as Palana?


Watch Dominic Osmund’s harassing me here:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Woke Can Fox News Go … As Much As CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Etc.

Sat, 2023-06-17 18:00 +0000

Incredible thread by Matt Walsh. Fox News … one you pull back the curtain … is every bit as woke as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.. “Fair and balanced” is a LIE. Fox News is every bit as much unfair and unbalanced as the networks it wants you to believe it is different from. Fox News is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION … and we know who is doing the controlling. First, let’s get you started with Walsh’s thread:

Have you figured out yet who is behind the wokification of Fox? Well if you guessed BLACROCK … winner, winner, chicken-dinner:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Pride Month Doomed?

Sat, 2023-06-17 16:30 +0000

Some in the LGB community can probably see it coming. What used to be an expression – albeit a bit oversexualized – of pride in an alternative lifestyle choice has been hijacked. The T and the Q are in the driver’s seat, and the party bus is headed for a cliff.

The over-the-top elements are front and center as they try to normalize gender-transitioning kids. The Democrat party, teachers, schools, and school boards are not pushing back. Parents who do are pilloried and threatened by teachers, boards, and even the DOJ. Pushback was inevitable, and there will be casualties.

And not just the distributors who work for companies like Anheuser Busch.

The push to mutilate kids seems like an odd hill on which to die, but they are playing it not much differently than the problem of moderate Muslims. They exist, but the extremists get more press and run the show. Calls for moderation appear to fall on deaf ears, mostly because they would prefer to be left alone to live or worship in peace. Standing up can cost you your head (rhetorically and literally).

Radicals rule the roost suppressing all dissent by example. Look at what we did to that guy. Do you want to be next? It is an essential tactic of despotic movements, necessary. Radical Isalm has more in common with Stalin and Mao than Washington or Jefferson. The Left’s Democratic-Socialism is equally aligned with mobs that choose to vandalize crisis pregnancy centers in the name of choice, Eco-Warrirors who set forests on fire or derail trains to protect the environment, and the “be you” crowd that needs you to be like them or not at all.

Last year June was Moneypox Month. This year there are nearly 4000 cases in over 50 countries, but it would be intolerant to talk too much about it, and even the World Health Organization is avoiding anything short of regular surveillance announcements.

This year we are seeing pushback in schools, sports, and business. The LGB folks need to figure out what to do with T and Q before the whole mess swings back around, and Pride is little more than a word to describe a bunch of lions who choose to live and hunt together.

In other words, it’s on you to salvage the ruin being perpetuated by the intolerance and overreach of the Transgender movement.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“…If You’re Not a Conservative by the Time You’re 35, You Have No Brain.”

Sat, 2023-06-17 15:00 +0000

Given our electoral political situation where the Left seems to own the young (normally thought to be from the effort in capturing our Education system), it may seem that a Conservative party may be past history. Or is that more like Jeanne Shaheen’s no more snow prediction of years ago – completely false?

Emphasis mine reformatted

Millennials Are Not an Exception. They’ve Moved to the Right.

Fifteen years ago, a new generation of young voters propelled Barack Obama to a decisive victory that augured a new era of Democratic dominance. Fifteen years later, those once young voters aren’t so young — and aren’t quite so Democratic. In the 2020 presidential election, voters who were 18 to 29 in 2008 backed Joe Biden by 55 percent to 43 percent, according to our estimates, a margin roughly half that of Mr. Obama’s 12 years earlier.

The exit polls show it even closer, with Mr. Biden winning by just 51-45 among voters who were 18 to 27 in 2008 (exit polls report results among those 30 to 39, not 30 to 41 — the group that was 18 to 29 in 2008).


The question is whether or not this holds merely because of the candidate(s).

Obama was a phenom with charisma (and no shortage of an Alinsky mean streak). Biden is a retread with dementia. And the above sample is a very short time span.

Throw the Nixon/Reagan landslides with the rebounds that happened afterward. I keep thinking it is more of a pendulum process rather than just an aging process. After all, if that old saw (half in the title) held true, why is it that there are so many white-haired Progressives in legislatures?

Policies enacted by one side or another, however, can predicate the elections as well.

Not sure if or how that impacts this short time span.



HT | Powerline

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

John DOE v Nixon Peabody/Russ Rilee – Important Information for You To Have

Sat, 2023-06-17 13:30 +0000

Dear John Formella – With regard to the lawsuit between John Doe #95 and Nixon Peabody/Russ Rilee and Chuck Douglas. I believe you should know the following.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

When Russ Rilee filed the class action suit for David Meehan et al. v YDC/New Hampshire, I contacted Russ Rilee (and sent a follow-up letter) stating that I believed there was a kids for cash type operation in place re; YDC, and I included several of the people I believe were involved in this including Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV.

Russ Rilee said to me on the phone, “Nothing would surprise me.” A few months later, I received a letter from Timothy McLaughlin of Shaheen & Gordon, threatening me with a defamation suit if I did not retract statements I had made regarding Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV’s involvement in a Kids for Cash type scheme.

Obviously, Russ Rilee forwarded my letter to Amanda Grady Sexton and the NHCADSV. My attorney reminded Timothy McLaughlin of my First Amendment Rights. McLaughlin continued to threaten but said he would slow down if I said nothing else while Amanda Grady Sexton was running for re-election in Concord.

What Russ Rilee didn’t reveal to me, and I didn’t know, was that he was working with Amanda Grady Sexton and NHCADSV on the claims against the state for YDC abuse. I then discovered that AG Gordon MacDonald was referring plaintiffs to NHCADSV and that David Vicinanzo was (alongside Shaheen & Gordon) providing counsel to the NHCADSV.

I suspect that the motivation for Shaheen & Gordon’s threat of a defamation suit against me was driven by the NHCADSV’s financial incentives to remain attached to Russ Rilee and David Vicinanzo in the YDC plaintiffs’ cases.

The conflicts of interest with NHCADSV and its relations with Nixon Peabody, Russ Rilee, Chuck Douglas, AG Gordon MacDonald, the NHPD, Congresswoman Ann Kuster, Governor Sununu, Governor Hassan, former AG Michael Delaney are numerous and serious. David Vicinanzo, if you recall, praised Judge Richard McNamara’s decision to keep the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation Report into St Paul’s School private, despite the school’s waiver.

That criminal investigation was carried out by Detective Julie Curtin under instructions of AG Gordon MacDonald and Jane Young. Chuck Douglas got several Jane Doe v St Paul’s School suits out of the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School. Amanda Grady Sexton described NH v Owen Labrie as “an opportunity” (literally) in the Concord Monitor – no kidding. Millions were made by her organization, Chuck Douglas, Michael Delaney, Shaheen & Gordon, and others.

NHCADSV got a contract out of it with St Paul’s School. Shaheen & Gordon had represented Andrew Thomson, a witness relied upon by the state whose mother was Governor Hassan’s legal counsel and on the board of trustees represented by Michael Delaney. Michael Delaney had huge conflicts of interest given that he allegedly tampered with witnesses in the criminal trial (including Andrew Thomson) who were then allowed to give testimony even though Prosecutor Catherine Ruffle admitted to Judge Larry Smukler that she knew of a deal that had been made for Andrew Thomson.

AG Gordon MacDonald protected Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin when it was discovered that she’d obtained student files without a warrant, and he failed to recuse himself for arguing to uphold Owen Labrie’s convictions when Julie Curtin was still working for him re; St Paul’s investigation.

Chuck Douglas received $17,000, Amanda Grady Sexton $48,000 to promote Marsy’s Law, and Gordon MacDonald did a TV/Streaming ad for it – but none of their lobby money from Marsy’s Law has been filed with the Secretary of State that I can see.

David Vicinanzo and Russ Rilee claim that the $100 million fund wouldn’t have existed without their lobbying. Would it have existed if they didn’t have their own eyes on 40% of it for themselves?

Chuck Douglas’ partner in the first Jane Doe (Chessy Prout) lawsuit against St Paul’s School, Steve Silverman Esq, admitted to Owen Labrie in August 2017 in a phone call, that the true victim of statutory rape at St Paul’s School was the son of a senior administrator at the school (not Chessy Prout) by an 18-year-old female student (suspended) but that they (Silverman, Prouts, Chuck Douglas, Steven J Kelly Esq) wanted Owen Labrie’s help to get to the “perpetrators with the pockets” – St Paul’s School – promising him access to exculpatory evidence including police evidence (which they had but had not been given to him).

The contents of this phone call were revealed in Owen Labrie’s interview with Amy Robach and ABC/GMA on July 15, 2019.

Amanda Grady Sexton launched a nationwide social media and call campaign to block the interview from airing. Her interest in it not airing, I later realized, was not only because it would have shown the fraud behind his trial and extortion racket but because she had a financial interest in Rapuano & Does v Dartmouth College – also filed by Chuck Douglas & Steven J Kelly.

That suit settled in August 2019 for $14 million, of which Kelly/Douglas got $4.9 million, and NHCADSV got $2.865 million, while the Does got $75K each, and Professor David Bucci committed suicide.

Why should the public pay for these kinds of extortion rackets?

Why should victims of YDC abuse be referred by the AG to the NHCADSV, who have a financial interest both in receiving money from the state and in extortion of both the state and several private institutions (St Paul’s, Dartmouth, Exeter)?

Why is the NH Bar so weak when it comes to an ethical and moral compass, and why does it support RICO?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Vermont’s Land Grab About Conservation or Securing Real Estate for Wind and Solar Farms?

Sat, 2023-06-17 12:00 +0000

Much like in New Hampshire, if a bill sits on a governor’s desk for too long, it passes without a signature. Passed without action and allowed to become law. It is a form of Gubernatorial protest without much protest.

Related: Vermont: A State That Exists Because of a Militia Just Banned Them.

In Vermont, the Democrat majority legislature can easily override “republican” Phil Scott’s veto – and he’s not exactly against much of what the legislature sends to his desk, so the recent land grab bill is officially on the books. Vermont must set aside 30% of the State by 2030 and 50% by 2050, contrary to another progressive project, and will (at some point) require the legislature to change the definitions of some words.

As passed, this Bill’s goals – at least on paper – are to preserve,

  • Ecological reserve area: land that is managed with as little human interference as possible.
  • Biodiversity conservation area: land managed in a way that supports biodiversity of plants and animals.
  • Natural resource management area: land managed sustainably for timber harvest or regenerative agriculture.

Vermont’s California-inspired energy plan will require the State to buy or generate significant amounts of wind and solar electricity. Land conservation grabs and the necessary build-out of green infrastructure cannot co-exist unless Vermont outsources environmental destruction to meet its needs. Someone somewhere will have to give up their ecological reserves, biodiversity, and regenerative agriculture so the “Green” Mountain boyx’ can reach their emissions targets and keep a few lights burning.

Never fear. “The governor asserted in a statement about his decision that the law leaves room for the Agency of Natural Resources to interpret conservation broadly.”


Rep. Amy Sheldon, a Democrat from Middlebury who chairs the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee, says Vermont will only need to get smarter about conservation in the face of climate change.

“This idea of having a goal set in statute for conservation, to me, was always complementary and supportive of our statewide goals of compact village centers surrounded by rural working lands and natural areas,” Sheldon said.


The Chair of the “Energy and Natural Resource Committee” has embraced Newspeak.

Locking up land from development in the name of the biosphere sounds great, but Vermont’s wind and solar-driven future are at odds with the advertised intentions. So, what if the land grab is a play for something else? The State says it is preserving the wilderness in the name of natural resource management, and we know that the definition of conservation is broad. Wind and sunshine are natural resources.

When they can’t keep the lights on, or the heat pumps pumping (in January), selling or leasing some of that state-conserved land to tap into those natural resources won’t be that difficult. And if they are violating the shadows of the penumbras of conservation resource management, a future legislature can redefine the terms of the deal.

They’ll already have the land. And while affordable energy will be in short supply, developers and lobbyists who want to feed on the government’s big gree through will be abundant.


Added after publication: I forgot to note that, yes, this is meant to force people closer to the 15-minute cities scheme. Make open land less available for you to own or use. Cram you into increasingly smaller areas they can control. But to keep that green dream, they’ll still need to cover the land with infrastructure. It is naive to think that’s not how it ends if this is allowed to continue. And you’ll still be left sitting in the dark.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SDGANH June 2023 Newsletter

Sat, 2023-06-17 10:30 +0000

Well done! SDGA’s Annual General Meeting is in the History Books.

Did you know the SDGA was founded in November 2016?  We are just about seven years old!  Although we don’t have a birthday party in November, we do hold an Annual General Meeting for all our members in May.

This year, on May 13th, we were thrilled to hold the AGM in person at a very accommodating and comfortable venue in Concord.  Thank you to the Granite State Baptist Church for once again making its beautiful facilities available to us.

  • Eighteen members gathered to hear our president, Eric Pauer, discuss our accomplishments and future legislative initiatives the SDGA would like to promote and/or support.
  • Board member Robert Chase shared with us his amazing journey starting a new charter school, the Seacoast Classical Academy. His co-founder is another SDGA member, Tim Galitski. They plan to open in September 2024 for 330+ students.
  • We also had the pleasure of hearing Ian Underwood talk about his provocative and unique perspective on education fairness. His book is available on Amazon: Rethinking Fairness in Education.
  • SDGA members can see the slide decks of these AGM presentations on the private members’ page of

Every annual meeting must have elections for expiring board positions. This year, members elected three new board members.

  • Bill Smith from Atkinson is stepping into the Treasurer’s role for two years, taking up from Jan Bettencourt whose service to the board was long, dedicated, and very appreciated.
  • Your humble correspondent, Donna Green was re-elected as Vice President with the understanding that I will be resigning at the next AGM in May 2024 as I live in Florida and feel that the organization needs all its board members physically present in NH for maximum effectiveness.
  • Also joining the board as Members at Large (one-year terms) are John Sellers, State Representative from Grafton County, and Aubrey Freedman from Bridgewater, NH.  We say goodbye to At Large board members Robert Chase and Jon DiPietro, both of whom generously shared their expertise and wisdom to make SDGA stronger.
  • Pencil in the second Saturday in May for our 2024 Annual General Meeting. The speakers are always fascinating and the board needs the input of our members. We get the opportunity to network, we eat good food, and it’s always a good time, too!

While you’re at it, save August 21 for a legislator meet and greet on Zoom at 7pm.

Thank you all as we continue with determination to save public education from itself.


Board Meetings Now on Monday Eves

The SDGA Board is now meeting on Monday nights, once a month. Its first meeting at this time was June 12th at 7pm. Previously, the board met on the first or second Saturday of the month.

Our next board meeting, followed by a legislative brainstorming retreat, will be in person on July 21 in Sunapee.

As a reminder, our monthly board meetings are open to all members. Simply send me an email and I will happily send you the Zoom invitation when it is published.

Help Our Mission

The SDGA needs people to help with the following projects:

  • Track the legislative voting record of NH legislators as it relates to SDGA-supported bills.  We want to grade legislators on their support for common sense education.
  • Help new members feel part of our group.  We are looking for a membership coordinator who will reach out to members, get them engaged, and help new members feel welcome.  Do as much or as little as you like.  Every little bit helps.J
  • Join our policy committee, which will start up again in September. Help create model policies for school boards that reflect our values.  Meetings are generally one night a month to brainstorm model policies with like-minded members.


Suspending our Monthly Meet & Greet for the Summer

On the first Friday of every month, SDGA members have been meeting to share food and war stories at Tandy’s Pub and Grille in Concord.

These will be suspended for the summer months. The board will decide at its September meeting if these Meet and Greets will resume in October. Stay tuned.


Our web site accepts payment. Renew your yearly membership for only $20.  Also consider a Lifetime membership for $200 — you’ll never have to renew your membership again.

You can also set up repeating annual payments so we don’t have to bug you all the time!


Since January 2023, students in NH can access a private tutor online for free. Is your school taking advantage of this service?

603 Bright Futures Survey Results were released. Parents praise respectful student/educator relationships; however, student dysregulation, and anxiousness remain a concern.

Articles and Things of Interest:

More and More Teenagers Are Coming to School High, N.Y.C. Teachers Say

Twenty-one states are taking legal action after parents sued their daughter’s Florida school for launching a transgender support plan without parental consent.

Members: Remember to check out the private Members pages on for recorded past webinars and other useful information.


Help us with outreach: Are you involved in groups interested in school and school governance-related issues? Local GOP and taxpayer groups come to mind. Invite us to speak.

Annual dues are now due for 2023.  If you’re not already a member, and you want to support what you’re seeing and/or get involved, please join SDGA. Fill out an application on our web site. Dues are still only $20, which we’ll ask you for after we process your application.

Next time you renew, consider a Lifetime membership for $200. Renew your yearly membership here.

Or make a donation! We run on a shoestring, and every little bit helps.

Join the SDGA facebook group to see events and announcements and to have discussions about them. The SDGA facebook page shows our announcements only.

SDGA Board Meetings over Zoom

2nd Monday of (almost) every month at 7pm. Members and interested people are welcome. Email us if you’re interested in attending.

Giving voters a voice by empowering elected school district officials to reclaim control over budgets and curriculum.


Warm best,
Donna Green
Vice President, School District Governance Association

The post SDGANH June 2023 Newsletter appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hillary And Schiff Insult Republicans, Again

Sat, 2023-06-17 01:30 +0000

Hillary Clinton has massive cajones, and nobody should ever put a microphone in front of this woman. Not only has she insulted half of the country again, but she obviously is oblivious to the seriousness of the crimes she has committed and escaped accountability.

If you remember 2016, when running for President against Donald Trump, she referred to Mr. Trump’s supporters as deplorable. It was not only a stupid statement to make for a seasoned politician, but many attribute it as a turning point in the race she eventually lost to Trump. Mrs. Clinton learned nothing from her campaign faux pas as she stepped in it again this week. Clinton was asked about Donald Trump’s indictment for handling classified documents. Hillary went into attack and insult mode against Trump supporters and the Republican Party. 

She said Republican “efforts to defend this man are truly beyond anything that I ever thought possible in our country. … It is so profoundly disturbing how this could have been the break. This could have been the opportunity to say, ‘Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us. We really appreciate it, but this is kind of serious, and so we’re not going to continue to defend you.’ “But no, they’re all in, again. The psychology of this is so hard for me to fully grasp.”

As for Republicans’ support of Trump, Clinton said the GOP is “more like a cult than a political party at this point. They’re going to stick with their leader.”

Clinton spoke on a liberal podcast and felt comfortable talking to the choir. She should have known she was supplying a sound bite for the Right and shown how tone-deaf she is. Deplorable and cult is how Clinton has described over 70 Million Americans. This is from a woman who points the finger at Trump for his handling of classified documents while she had a server in her bathroom and bleached 30,000 emails from it when they were under subpoena.

Adam Schiff is proving to be just as out of touch. Republicans are censuring Schiff for lying about the phony collusion between Trump and the Russians. This action was taken when Schiff criticized Trump, praised the Justice Department for indicting Trump, and doubled down on the collusion story. Schiff cannot help himself. He spent so many Sundays appearing on talk shows professing his Russian fairytale that he actually believed his fiction. Schiff may not be labeling Republicans, but he is insulting their intelligence.

Clinton and Schiff are cut from the same cloth. They both love the attention they derive from speaking to Left-leaning media outlets. These outlets nod their heads in agreement and then spread the word of the Democrat Gospel according to Hillary and Adam. What Schiff did by using his Congressional position to vilify a sitting President and Presidential candidate is election tampering. If we had a nonpartisan Attorney General, there might be ramifications for Schiff. Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray of the FBI are far from nonpartisan, and they are protectors of the Bidens when their job is to protect Americans and the Constitution.

The post Hillary And Schiff Insult Republicans, Again appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point – Richest Countries in the World Per Capita

Sat, 2023-06-17 00:00 +0000

Mapped: Which Are the World’s Richest Countries?
Measuring GDP per capita is a common measure of the economic wealth on a per person basis. This article sorts countries according to the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) projections on GDP per capita for 2023.

Currently this metric is at $13,920 globally in 2023, up from $13,400 in 2022 and $11,160 in 2020, all nominal figures, not accounting for inflation.

(Click To Embiggen)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Garth Brooks Says Bud-Light Boycotters Are A**holes

Fri, 2023-06-16 22:30 +0000

Country music icon Garth Brooks is opening a new bar in Nashville and he is “shameless” in his support of Bud-Light. Indeed, he says that Bud-Light boycotters are a**holes and that there are plenty of other bars for a**holes.

From Breitbart:

“Yes, we’re going to serve every brand of beer. We just are. It’s not our decision to make,” he reportedly said during a Q&A session for Billboard’s Country Live in Conversation.

“If you come into this house, love one another. If you’re an asshole, there are plenty of other places on lower Broadway.”

He continued: “In my existence, one asshole can turn the whole tide down there. My thing is, let’s create a place that you feel safe in.”

Judging from the reaction on Twitter, many of his FORMER fans … you know the ones that Garth considers a**holes … are going to take Garth’s suggestion and take their business elsewhere.


The post Garth Brooks Says Bud-Light Boycotters Are A**holes appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Coming Soon – Micah Studios

Fri, 2023-06-16 21:00 +0000

Jun 12, 2023:

NEWPORT, NH June 12, 2023–Micah Studios, founded by Jessica Rothbart, Stacey Hammerlind, and Jody Underwood, is a private learning organization located at the Epiphany Stone Church in Newport. Aimed at students who don’t fit into traditional educational models and homeschoolers seeking a structured yet flexible approach to their studies, Micah Studios believes in empowering students to take charge of their learning. It promotes individualized learning experiences.

Described as a “one-room schoolhouse for the 21st century,” classrooms will consist of 20 students of mixed ages. Students will have the freedom to study individually or collaborate in groups, based on their skills and interests. To aid them on their educational journey, guides are available to provide personalized support and assistance.

According to Micah Studios’ philosophy, child-led education is the key to individualized education. Unlike the model prevalent in public schools, Micah Studios allows students to choose what they wish to study and which projects to take on. This approach enables students to pursue subjects that truly ignite their passion and curiosity, by allowing them to choose what they wish to study and helping them to become competent and independent.

Micah Studios’ goal is to operate under an approach that emphasizes teaching children to find answers, rather than providing them with ready-made solutions. “We want these children to be able to thrive in the real world, not just read textbooks,” said Rothbart. By teaching critical thinking and problem-solving skills, the organization hopes to prepare children to face the challenges of an ever-evolving world with confidence and adaptability.

All students will be officially considered homeschoolers. Records and transcripts will be kept by using project-based learning. Throughout their studies, students will curate portfolios documenting their projects and showcasing their growth and achievements. These portfolios, according to the organizers, are widely accepted by colleges and institutions and will serve as progress records for students seeking further opportunities.

Micah Studios draws inspiration from Acton Academy, which has locations worldwide. At the core of Acton Academy’s philosophy is a dedication to nurturing children’s curiosity, fostering independence, and instilling a lifelong love for learning. Acton Academy values the principles of political, economic, and religious freedom. It also emphasizes uncovering each child’s unique talents and teaching them how to apply those gifts to solve complex challenges. With shared ideals and a common mission, Micah Studios aspires to join the Acton Academy’s affiliates in New Hampshire, which include academies in Laconia, Hillsboro, Bedford, and Dover.

Tuition will range from $8,000 to $10,000 per year, depending on the number of days a student attends. To enroll, interested students and their families must complete an application by July 1st. Micah Studios will then contact applicants to schedule an interview, which will be held by July 15th. The school year will begin on September 6th.

For more information about Micah Studios, including the application process and tuition details, please visit their website at


Cross-posted from the Eagle Times with permission. Rich Girard, Editor.

The post Coming Soon – Micah Studios appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

They’ve Rolled Out the Ice-Free Arctic Narrative Again!

Fri, 2023-06-16 19:30 +0000

Every summer, this thing called the sun points more directly at the top of the world. There’s a lot of ice up there, and some of it melts—every summer. When the sun is less direct, it freezes again. And just as the sun rises, the Climate Cult has returned to the ice-free arctic narrative again.

It always begins the same. Researchers say. You can read all the recycled hyperbolic nonsense here, but we can sum it up with these pull quotes.

Why it matters: The peer-reviewed findings on the effects of human-caused climate change in the region, published in Nature Communications, suggest the first ice-free summer could be in the 2030s. That’s a decade sooner than previously projected.

Threat level: “[W]e may experience an unprecedented ice-free Arctic climate in the next decade or two, irrespective of emission scenarios,” per the study.

Previously projected? There isn’t supposed to be any sea ice at the top of the world.

[Tony Heller has] a pile of news clippings declaring the Arctic will be ice-free by 2000, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, along with “ice-free arctic warming warnings” from 1923, 1958, and 1972, all predicting the Arctic Ocean will be free of ice and if we don’t let the government regulate the crap out of us and spend all our money, right now, we’re all doomed. Doomed I tell you.

So, what exactly do they mean? In 2018 NASA published a piece on how sea ice had been thickening, contrary to the opinions of “researchers.” The year 2018 was another one of the more recent drop-dead prediction dates for an iceless arctic ocean, so the timing is curious. NASA announced that “This increase in growth rate might last for decades, a new study accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters found. This does not mean that the ice cover is recovering, though. Just delaying its demise.”

I had some thoughts.


Polar ice could thicken for decades. But that doesn’t mean it won’t melt again. Wow. Brilliant. Bravo. You’ve captured the very essence of the entire history of planet earth. Someone contact the Nobel Committee. Get The Academy of motion picture arts and sciences on the phone. If we can get a black lesbian transitioning to a gay Latino climate scientist bullied for their beliefs to say that I guarantee an Oscar.


The end is near, but melting sea ice has no impact on sea level at all, and past periods of ice-less arctic ocean allowed the greening of Greenland,  so it’s irrelevant. And second, the only impact rising CO2 has had is on rising government debt, soaring electric rates, increased human rights abuses in third-world nations, and the fattening of Chicken-Little Al Gore, his bank accounts, and those of his fellow travelers.

The only thing that should be on thin ice is the narrative.



The post They’ve Rolled Out the Ice-Free Arctic Narrative Again! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Race for Governor: Can Kelly Ayotte Get Past her Never-Trump Baggage?

Fri, 2023-06-16 18:00 +0000

There is a story out there about the upcoming 2024 race for Governor of New Hampshire and the threat of a Kelly Ayotye candidacy if Chris Sununu opts not to run.

A major question for Ayotte is how the GOP’s pro-Trump base will respond to her candidacy. In their opinion, many Trump backers have less-than-fond memories of Ayotte’s 2016 campaign, when she mishandled the Trump issue. The divide was so great that 30,000 voters chose third-party candidates, most of whom would have otherwise been Republican voters. Can Ayotte repair that gap?

No, plain and simple, but for those of weak hearing and minds, let me repeat it again: NO!  Maybe if my toenails were pulled out one by one or if I was forced to read anything written by Woodrow Wilson. Being made to listen to AOC for four hours straight. Make sense of an Ibram X Kendi book. Or listening to Sununu on how conservative he is. I’d much rather have several rounds of root canals done.

Without Novocain.


If was Kelly Ayotte whose slobbering bipartisanship with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, set the Federal Government to monkeying with the Private Sector and ever more “energy efficient.” appliances. How has that worked out for us? More expensive to buy, more expensive to run, and does cruddy jobs on our dishes and clothes.

It was to make our lives “better.” MUST I have to remind everyone that Government took this:



And made it “better”?

I’ll ask the pregnant question as well – whose sidecar will she be in next?


The post Race for Governor: Can Kelly Ayotte Get Past her Never-Trump Baggage? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2023-06-16 16:30 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Memes and Meme Overflow.  Also don’t forget my Survival Sunday feature.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



And this is why my wife calls me “socially awkward”…  

It’s actually more than that.  I see the world edging closer and closer to “Let’s play global thermonuclear war”, and a spiraling death toll from The Jab, and saving the world from climate change engineered starvations, and CBDC convenience and crime fighting slavery, and 15-minute ghettos cities, and on and on and on.  And no, there’s no protesting our way out of it, nor voting our way out of it.  I certainly admit that I don’t want to go kinetic but expect I may have to, as short as my life would become after that started.  But at the very least, understand what’s coming besides the next sports-ball game.  Perhaps even form a local-community group for support and defense, and start sharing ideas / tricks / tips / prepping knowledge.  But no – no no no no no.  Let’s talk about the bread and circuses, not the reality.



And a short rant, which I think I’ve posted before in some form.  Some years ago, because of the wife’s skepticism of my prepping, I had some survival food bars delivered to work.  That prompted a discussion of what I thought was going to happen, and so on – given that the box said SURVIVAL BARS.  When will it start, how bad will it get, and so on.  And virtually everyone I talked with about it had one of two reactions:

First: I guess I’ll just come to your house.

I’ve spent countless thousands of dollars on food, materials, guns & ammo, miscellany upon miscellany – anything that comes to mind, whether from inside my own thoughts or by reading, that I can afford to enhance my and my family’s chances of survival.  Hours and hours reading books on minimalist survival, foraging, etc., and even then I’m just a rank amateur.  The opportunity costs of that spending and invested time are real and noticeable.  And meanwhile they’re buying clothes or going on trips or whatever – classic Ant and Grasshopper situation.  But they seriously expect, if SHTF, to pile out of their car on my driveway and say TA DA, we’re here, feed us, house us, and protect us.  And have me do it.

How about you finally get an inkling of what’s potentially coming, start making decisions and prepping, even if only for an optimistic 2-4 week scenario?

Second: I’ll just die then.

How dare you?  HOW DARE YOU?

Most of these people are parents, of kids that could not survive without a parent or adult for any length of time.  How dare they have an I’ll give up attitude.  I’d walk into a blast furnace if it meant saving my kids.  I’d give my kids my last slice of bread… I’d go without food until I died if needed to give them whatever caloric intake they needed.  And they’ll just give up?

I honestly can’t think of a single normie who said, in the face of any discussion, “You know, you’re right – I should be preparing, at least a little bit.  Where can I start?”

Sheep.  Waiting for the shearing.



Or just outright slaughtering, upon whose corpses the Globalists plan to build Socialistopia.





The WHO Is Staging A Global Power Grab & No One’s Doing Anything!










I am no lawyer, but as I understand it there is a well known principle that Fraud vitiates all.  If it can be shown, with data that’s published or will be published / discovered, that pharma engaged in fraud, then – B”H – the floodgates open on lawsuits.  Their liability protection falls.  At least in theory.  Their untold billions – plus likely TRILLIONS that the Globalists hold – can buy an awful lot of judges and politicians.  Let alone problem solvers eliminators for troublesome people not willing to shut up or otherwise toe the line.

For example, I’ve read that the Pfizer doses in the clinical trials differed from what’s in the production vials.  If the EUA was obtained with one level of quality / purity, but the delivered-to-the-public doses were different (and apparently are), and the public was not informed of this… that’s fraud.  Never mind wanting to hide their trial data for 75 years (I can’t believe that peoples’ attention doesn’t get piqued when I mention this).  Never mind the fact that they never tested to see if it stopped transmission (ditto).  And we now know it wreaks havoc on the immune system and potentially is causing mass infertility (ditto again).

MHO, as voiced before, is that we’re within months of a mass “preference cascade” awakening on what these things have done to vast swaths of humanity.  And the Globalists cannot permit this.  Which is why they’re pushing for a global hot war through the Ukraine proxy.









This is – or should be – a cautionary tale about the danger of posting videos of yourself out and about (even if you, yourself, are not shown).  From what appears on a grainy video an internet sleuth (whose motivation is purely altruistic?) localizes the location of the video.  And pins down the driver’s location at a moment in time.  Presumably, some more work could find more from other videos the person posted, and a pattern of locations could be established.

I have never, ever posted a video, or even a photo of my house.  Or my kids.  I’ve shared, on occasion, with friends & family, so technically it could get “out there” but not likely.

Still, this is scary stuff.  People on fascist-book or other social media platforms share such levels of detail that you wonder if they even have a survival instinct.  And while there’s an adult word or two in the below video, I have to admit I am very jealous of this guy (parody / comedy):


Anti Social – A Modern Dating Horror Story | Comic Relief Originals



Incidentally, I once had an interview where the guy complained he couldn’t find me on LinkedIn or any other social media.  Despite having the skills and, until that point, good rapport in the interview, the fact that I choose to not be there (at least, obviously, not under my real name unlike my nom de guerre here) was a square peg in a round hole for his mind.  Didn’t compute.  So, no job.

This kind of thing, e.g., reverse image look-up, can also be used to dox people.  Even if you are anonymously protesting, merely holding a sign, if TPTB don’t like you, their brownshirts can get your picture and reverse-look you up.  And then find where you live.  Where you work.  And through databases that exist based on public records, your spouse, children, relatives, etc.  Remember what cancel culture is:


Cancel Culture is a Dress Rehearsal for Mass Murder | Stefan Molyneux



(Short story: early in my marriage my wife found one of these databases and looked me up.  Of course, the fact that I was previously married was no secret but she was taken aback at the fact that my ex’s name was still “attached” to me.  I had to explain that these are simply pulled from public records and that – alas – “Satan’s Favorite Daughter’s” name would ride with me for the rest of my life.  And past its end too.)









One need not be pro-either-side to understand that something seems awry.  At least to me.  Of course, that doesn’t diminish the horrors that are happening, and the dead and injured and those effects on them and their loved ones.  But yes – IMHO something seems… off, here.





Remember, this POS wrote a book entitled HOMO DEUS.  Man as G-d.  This is Tower of Babylon territory.




Registration leads to confiscation.  Period.



And once guns are confiscated?  What happens?



So there’s only one question that truly applies:




Available as a bumper sticker!  (Note, you may need to change the content filter to view the purchase page.)





One of my ancestors was there.  I have a copy of his service record.










And an associated link:

Russia’s draft Agreement on Measures to Ensure the Security of the Russian Federation and NATO « Jim’s Blog (

The west has run out of shells, and is running out of artillery systems. The US Marines have no M777 howitzers, they have all been sent to Ukraine, where most of them have been destroyed. This means that if the Ukraine turtles up for a long, long war of attrition, a whole lot more shells are going to land on Ukrainian troops than American shells on Russian troops. But, more importantly, far more importantly, it also means the US has no capacity to threaten to destroy any other nation, the way it destroyed Libya. Russia can only intervene directly on its borders, but by winning the war of logistic attrition, it has indirectly intervened everywhere in the world. It might be a stalemate in the Ukraine, but in the world as a whole, an enormous victory. Which means that the Global American Empire is now slowly and quietly coming apart at the seams. If Israel, Thailand, and Hungary take care of their color revolutions, they need not fear any consequences for so doing.

RTWT.  The world, absent a strong America, will become incredibly dangerous – orders of magnitude more than it already is.  Speaking of:


“This crosses the line!” – Putin slams U.S. for sending depleted uranium to Ukraine





NATO admits goal: “Kill as many Russians as possible” | Redacted News



The terrible WHAT-IFs are accumulating rapidly.  And now, this:

US government hit in global cyberattack | CNN Politics

Pinned on the Russians, of course.  (And I’m not saying it is not the Russians, or at least persons of Russian origin… but the timing seems awfully convenient.)




Pick of the Post:



Whether intentional or not… this is a peg-out on the mockery-o-meter!  I love it.




THIS MADE ME SO MAD! Facts about Slavery never mentioned in school by Thomas Sowell | Reaction



Other reaction videos along this line (links only):

THEY LIED. I’M PISSED! What People WON’T TELL YOU About Black History ( Larry Elder) – YouTube


MY MOM IS PISSED!! My Mom Reacts To Thomas Sowell – Facts About Slavery Never Mention In School – YouTube

**HOLY HELL!! NOW IM REALLY PISSED!! Candace Owens – Black America Owes Me An Apology | REACTION – YouTube

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party (REACTION!) – YouTube

**OH HELL NO!! THIS CAN’T BE TRUE!! The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party | REACTION – YouTube

What I like about this kind of video is that these are real black people, often learning something that overrides a lifetime of their beliefs.  And the shock-and-awe effect on their minds because of it is evident.

As I noted in many prior posts, emotional conclusions cannot be overridden by facts and logic.  Only when an emotional reaction – e.g., discovering you’ve been deeply misled on something – disrupts the mind and creates emotional turmoil & cognitive confusion, then that mind can be receptive to information that could not have penetrated the mind before.


WHY SCHOOLS DIDN’T TEACH THIS?! TRUTH about the White Slave Trade | REACTION – YouTube

Related to the above link, check out the book:

White Gold: The Extraordinary Story of Thomas Pellow and Islam’s One Million White Slaves




Palate Cleansers:





This video, somehow, keeps kicking up a lot of dust in my home office.


I look at my daughter (older) and how she often views her younger sibling as her “baby bother”… but there have been times when he’s had issues at school and she’s said Tell me who it is and I will end them.

The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dear Mr. President, …

Fri, 2023-06-16 15:00 +0000

The Islamic Republic President, Ebrahim Raisi, and the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, are known supporters of worldwide terrorism. Not only do they remain a clear and viable threat to the existence of Israel with their nonstop call for the nuclear annihilation of that sovereign nation, but their brutal regime has thoroughly dehumanized the Iranian people, who, for many years now, have yearned to be liberated from these tyrannical and bloodthirsty Islamists who rule over their lives.

Iranians will never forget a massive anti-regime movement in 2009 by millions after the fraudulent re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president of the Islamic Republic of Iran and your administration’s reaction. The regime’s response to those protesting was a set of dastardly measures typical of dictatorships. People were severely beaten, huge numbers were arrested, and herded like cattle into makeshift prisons. Some were shot in the streets as they marched; others were raped and killed in Iran’s prisons. And the world watched.

The Obama Administration failed to voice its support for the brave people of Iran, and he also implied that what was happening in Iran was a kind of family squabble best left to be settled by Iranians themselves. A family feud indeed. One side of the “family” with legions of savages armed to the teeth, the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and their hired thugs, and the other side of the “family” defenseless civilians using their voices to plead their case. The Islamic rulers spared no heinous means in mercilessly silencing the voices of the people.

Former US President Obama has recently admitted that he made “a mistake” by not supporting the Iranian people’s 2009 Green Movement against the Islamic Republic. On July 14, 2015, during the Obama presidency, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed a disastrous agreement: the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ to marginalize Iran’s nuclear program and monitor it in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions.

This deal benefited the Islamic Republic and left the door open for the regime to continue with its nuclear ambitions secretly. In other words, it was a terrible deal.

Compounding by complacency and denial, rationalization can be deadly, particularly when adversaries have different realities. The world leaders must realize that the delusional Mullahs are in this deadly game to the very end. They believe they can win by either bringing the non-Islamic world to its knees and ruling the world or setting up the conflagration that supposedly will prompt their hidden Imam to appear and establish his kingdom. Not even the all-out nuclear exchange can be ruled out. Islam is a religion centered on death, with the eyes of the faithful fixed on the afterlife and its promised eternal pleasures.

In 2022, the Iranian people once again protested against the murderous regime of the ayatollahs. Iranian Women were leading this Revolution. The bravery of these young girls captured the hearts and souls of all people worldwide. Yet, as usual, the Western world leaders’ reactions were indifferent. Regretfully, just like the Obama administration, your administration is repeating the same insanity by engaging with the conniving Mullahs and making another failed deal instead of helping the Iranian people.

For years, I have warned the world that sitting and watching this eventual catastrophic event is a fatal miscalculation. It is little more than an exercise in denial to believe that nothing wrong will happen and that the inept Mullahs will likely shoot themselves in the foot instead of wreaking havoc on the world’s free world leaders.

Sadly, no nation provided moral support for the Iranian people, while the savage mullahs and their thugs consolidated their rule of terror with impunity. The same scenario is recurring, and the world’s silence is deafening while they are engaged in the frivolous Ukraine conflict.

The civilized world must accept that brave Iranian women and men are not stopping. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime. Iranian people don’t want help from the outside world. All they are asking is to stop making deals with their killers.

The post Dear Mr. President, … appeared first on Granite Grok.

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