The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • January 8 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 2 min 26 sec ago

Open Letter to Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. RE: Islamic Republic of Iran

Sun, 2023-07-02 15:00 +0000

Dear Mr. Biden,

The Islamic Republic President, Ebrahim Raisi, and the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, are known supporters of worldwide terrorism. Not only do they remain a clear and viable threat to the existence of Israel with their nonstop call for the nuclear annihilation of that sovereign nation, but their brutal regime has thoroughly dehumanized the Iranian people, who, for many years now, have yearned to be liberated from these tyrannical and bloodthirsty Islamists who rule over their lives.

Iranians will never forget a massive anti-regime movement in 2009 by millions after the fraudulent re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president of the Islamic Republic of Iran and your administration’s reaction. The regime’s response to those protesting was a set of dastardly measures typical of dictatorships. People were severely beaten, huge numbers were arrested and herded like cattle into makeshift prisons. Some were shot in the streets as they marched; others were raped and killed in Iran’s prisons. And the world watched.

The Obama Administration failed to voice its support for the brave people of Iran, and he also implied that what was happening in Iran was a kind of family squabble best left to be settled by Iranians themselves. A family feud indeed. One side of the “family” with legions of savages armed to the teeth, the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and their hired thugs, and the other side of the “family” defenseless civilians using their voices to plead their case. The Islamic rulers spared no heinous means in mercilessly silencing the voices of the people.

Former US President Obama has recently admitted that he made “a mistake” by not supporting the Iranian people’s 2009 Green Movement against the Islamic Republic. On July 14, 2015, during the Obama presidency, Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed a disastrous agreement: the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known as ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ to marginalize Iran’s nuclear program and monitor it in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions.

This deal benefited the Islamic Republic and left the door open for the regime to continue with its nuclear ambitions secretly. In other words, it was a terrible deal.

Compounding by complacency and denial, rationalization can be deadly, particularly when adversaries have different realities. The world leaders must realize that the delusional Mullahs are in this deadly game to the very end. They believe they can win by either bringing the non-Islamic world to its knees and ruling the world or setting up the conflagration that supposedly will prompt their hidden Imam to appear and establish his kingdom. Not even the all-out nuclear exchange can be ruled out. Islam is a religion centered on death, with the eyes of the faithful fixed on the afterlife and its promised eternal pleasures.
In 2022, the Iranian people once again protested against the murderous regime of the ayatollahs. Iranian Women were leading this Revolution. The bravery of these young girls captured the hearts and souls of all people worldwide. Yet, as usual, the Western world leaders’ reactions were indifferent. Regretfully, just like the Obama administration, your administration is repeating the same insanity by engaging with the conniving Mullahs and making another failed deal instead of helping the Iranian people.

For years, I have warned the world that sitting and watching this eventual catastrophic event is a fatal miscalculation. It is little more than an exercise in denial to believe that nothing wrong will happen and that the inept Mullahs will likely shoot themselves in the foot instead of wreaking havoc on the world’s free world leaders.

Sadly, no country provided moral support for the Iranian people, while the savage mullahs and their thugs consolidated their rule of terror with impunity. The same scenario is recurring, and the world’s silence is deafening while they are engaged in the frivolous Ukraine conflict.

The civilized world must accept that brave Iranian women and men are not stopping. They are taking to the streets to cut their hair and burn their hijabs, indicating to the Islamic government that they will no longer stand for this totalitarian regime. Iranian people don’t want help from the outside world. All they are asking is to stop making deals with their killers.

Sincerely Yours,
Amil Imani

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Private Fireworks Displays are Big in NH But Did You Know: 26 Towns Have Banned Them!

Sun, 2023-07-02 13:30 +0000

Folks from all over the northeast come to New Hampshire to buy fireworks they can’t get in their states. We appreciate the business, and it’s none of our business who you are as long as you’re over 21. But not every town in NH allows you this privilege.

Twenty-six towns in the state have outright bans on the civilian discharge of fireworks. Another sixty-three towns have restrictions or require a permit. The other 140+ municipalities have no restrictions other than those imposed by state law.


A person has to be 21 or older to purchase fireworks at licensed retail fireworks stores in the state, and must have permission of a private property owner to use them. A person can be held liable in any civil action for damage to another’s property as a result of fireworks.


That’s about it.

If you burn yourself or blow off a body part, call 911, and it’s between you, your ER doctors, and the insurance company. But be sure to check the list. I haven’t purchased or discharged any fireworks on my property for a few years, so I was surprised that my town requires a permit.

I can’t say whether they are particularly strict about it. We need a permit to kindle a fire, and we’ve seen or known a few folks who’ve never gone to get one. We do because it’s a three-minute process, and the permit is good for the entire year.

It might be that using fireworks thing is the same. I’d have to check. And you should check. Many towns with restrictions will likely have the Independence Day equivalent of COVID Karens. My neighbor has 11 people in their yard, and the rules say ten, and they are not masked or distancing…blah, blah… shut up!

Translation: They didn’t invite me or are not ideologically aligned, so my purpose in life is to inconvenience others and make them miserable.

And what a great tagline for the progressive project.

SeacoastOnline was kind enough to share the Fire Marshall’s list (below), so I figured we’d share it with our larger online audience in case you care, and caring is entirely up to you. And no, just in early July. This is New Hampshire. We hear fireworks every weekend and all year round.

Live Free and ignite Fireworks.



Here’s the list.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SCOTUS Speaks. Will Biden and The Left Listen

Sun, 2023-07-02 12:00 +0000

It is the last day of the Supreme Court session, and as usual, the decisions on the more complex cases are coming down in rapid succession. On Thursday, Joe Biden took little time to speak to the nation, and openly criticized the Court.

He probably should have held off until today and consolidated his disagreement. One of the decisions on Student Loan Forgiveness exposes the President circumventing Congress, utilizing Executive Order, and using the Supreme Court as a scapegoat for shooting down something the President should never have tried.

Biden knew he was overstepping his authority to promise thousands of dollars of relief to a specific group of Student Loan Followers. He and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi were on the record saying the attempt was unconstitutional. But that was inconsequential. What mattered was a promise to the young voters, and these gullible intellectuals bought the false promise hook, line, and sinker. Millions of students and graduates with student loans worked harder than they ever did in class to figure out how to spend their $20,000 gift from the American taxpayers. They did not care where the money came from. The card read, “Thanks for your vote, Joe.”

The comments from disappointed fleeced loan holders today were borderline hilarious. “I am at a disadvantage. The students who saved for school or worked to pay as they go don’t have the debt I have. They can afford a nice apartment or even a home. I need my loans paid off in the spirit of equity.”

Obviously, this kid was an economics major and had the same class ranking as Joe Biden. Politicians were fingering the schools for the blame. Money was so easy that tuition rates skyrocketed. It’s not the student’s fault. We need to bail them out. Every taxpayer is responsible for stepping up for these poor kids. Sorry, but no. These kids signed on the dotted line and can now sign the checks.

Biden’s comments today about the SCOTUS decisions were embarrassing. He put the entire blame on Republicans and the MAGA justices on the Court. He took no accountability for a bogus vote catch that he pulled off to help him win the 2020 election. He deceived millions of Americans but feels if he takes the microphone, goes into whisper mode, and continues to lie to America, he can deflect the blame and come out looking like the hero who tried to help the students. What a sham.

The great unifier is clearly in divisive mode as he readies for his re-election bid. According to the polls, he has had a bad run of SCOTUS decisions, and the economy continues to haunt him. Nobody is buying his leadership, and nobody shares his vision. A negative campaign will not reverse the polls, which show that most Americans do not agree with any aspect of his domestic, international, or economic policies. He also has his age and a feckless VP/running mate that will raise the anxiety level of most voters. The numbers indicate he should be a one-term President but don’t count out the Democrats when it comes to creativity in manipulating an election.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

81 Million Votes My A**!

Sun, 2023-07-02 10:30 +0000

This is cute. It’s a music video featuring clips of politicians with lots of Biden fumbles and some voice over by Kari Lake about the electrion integrity movement. The song is called 81 million votes my ass, and referes, obviosuly the alleged Biden General election vote total that exceeded Obama.

It strains all credibility to think more people voted for Joe Biden than Barack Obama. Prior to 2020 the Democrat party wouldn’t give Biden 4% of the vote by himself. His campaing events were a joke. And we know there are issues, and they are not being addressed in most of the swing states where the exact same thing will likley happen again in 2024.

The GOP isn’t doing a damn thing to fix it. Ballot harvesting isn’t going to get done. The only cure is to end vote by mail and to reaffirm the security requiremtnes for absentee ballots. No other Western Nation allows it becaue it is how you steal elections.

Except in the US, where suggesting it is some sort of conspriacy.

Here’s the vidoe.


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Rumble("play", {"video":"v2qyvcw","div":"rumble_v2qyvcw"});


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The NH Legislative Ethics Commission Results Are In … Round 2?

Sun, 2023-07-02 01:30 +0000

So the last iteration in this series was the NH Legislative Ethics Commission whitewashing the breaking of the Law after they confirmed that the three defendants, Harry Bean, Travis O’Hare, and He-Who-Cannot-Be-Named (because of the NHLEC Confidentiality rules), Voldemort. They all  pleaded akin to:

  1. Pleading ignorance of the Law gets you a pass. Unlike the rest of us that will end up in court or jail for saying, “I’ve never read the Law in question,” the NH Legislative Ethics Committee accepted the pleas of “I’m stupid and ignorant of the Law and “not my fault.”
  2. A lack of personal responsibility gets you a pass: “I had no responsibility in carrying out my duties as specified in statute – I’ve been made a victim because it wasn’t my job – somebody else screwed up.”
  3. Having no penalty in statute gets you a pass.
  4. And most of all, if it isn’t in member Donna Sytek’s Fook of Unethical Behavior (the question she asked of me, to which my retort was, “I was taught growing up that breaking the Law ITSELF was unethical”).

So I’m betting that these Three Stooges thought this was over – that they they “beat that group” once again. Bean even said that he wanted this all behind him. Well, there’s one more thing (actually, TWO more things – and I’m betting he has no idea what he said). Problem is, if one (or three – or more) have the hubris to think no one’s watching so you can do something that isn’t on the level, sometimes you get caught and there will be a consequence. But before I go through the time to bring Issue #2 up, I figured that I’d try to get an advance read on things. So if you read that post, you’ll know that I contacted Rich Lambert, the Executive Administrator of the NH Legislative Committee Ethics Committee (who has been nothing but gracious) to ask a question:

…even as the Committee found that the illegal meetings are summarized by the Committee’s words of ” That fact is uncontested” (Complaint 2023-6, Travis O’Hara, second paragraph).  Would those three, and other Belknap Representatives as well, having put in their self-authorizing forms for the per meeting and travel expenses (RSA 24:9-eee) and accepting such taxpayer monies for the now uncontested illegal meeting be considered to be an unethical action? That having this official ruling about the meetings, not returning the monies for meetings that should never have happened, be considered unethical?

Or would it be a charade to attempt to hold them fully accountable per Article 8 of the NH Constitution?

And he sent a response:

—— Original Message ——
From “Rich Lambert” <>
To “Skip” <>
Date 6/30/2023 2:10:43 PM
Subject RE: A question for you and the Honorable Sytek’s Book of Unethical behavior

Good Afternoon Mr. Murphy,

In my capacity as the Executive Administrator of the Legislative Ethics Committee I am not able to address the questions posed in your email.  I cannot go beyond what the Committee has already stated in their decisions on the 3 complaints.

I trust that you will understand.


Rich Lambert
Executive Administrator
Legislative Ethics Committee

Totally understandable. However, I have been told that I can be persistent:

From: Skip <>
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 2:34 PM
To: Rich Lambert <>
Subject: Re[2]: A question for you and the Honorable Sytek’s Book of Unethical behavior

Hi Mr. Lambert!

I understand.

I will ask, however, if you would forward my latter questions to the Chair a la the Legislature asking the NH Supreme Court on advice about a bill:

Would those three, and other Belknap Representatives as well, having put in their self-authorizing forms for the per meeting and travel expenses (RSA 24:9-eee) and accepting such taxpayer monies for the now uncontested illegal meeting be considered to be an unethical action? That having this official ruling about the meetings, not returning the monies for meetings that should never have happened, be considered unethical?

Or would it be a charade to attempt to hold them fully accountable per Article 8 of the NH Constitution?

While you can’t, perhaps he would be willing, in an analogous fashion, to give a bit of advice?

Have a great weekend and Happy Independence Day!


And so he did!

—— Original Message ——
From “Rich Lambert” <>
To “Skip” <>
Date 6/30/2023 3:01:48 PM
Subject RE: Re[2]: A question for you and the Honorable Sytek’s Book of Unethical behavior

Hi Mr. Murphy,

I have forwarded your email messages below to Chairman Gordon.


So I thanked him. Now, some would tell me that showing folks my hand in this, by publishing this before getting a response, might end up with a witches’ brew of political machinations going on behind the scenes (as some told me before the exoneration, such might have happened in the first place) for Issue #2. So be it but sometimes it is sufficient to publicize what our elected representatives are flaunting in our faces. And while I wanted to see something other an exoneration, I tried as best as I could.

But refusing to Follow the Law in this regard (public notification of government meetings), it’s another thing, in my mind, to take money from Government (which is our money) for something that even the Ethics Committee agreed upon – the meetings were illegal. And no efforts by these three (and others – I have receipts, literally!) to make the people of Belknap County whole financially. Yes, in the grand scheme of things, the amount in question is paltry but that’s neither the point nor the principle.

So let’s see what Ned Gordon, the Chair, has to say about this. Will politics be in play here? Let’s get real – except for me and Mr. Lambert, EVERYone in this deal is a politician. The only way that we will know is either the response (if there is one) or by the result if I move forward (go ahead, tell me what you think the over/under should be for that?).

To be Continued…


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Independence Day

Sun, 2023-07-02 00:00 +0000

What is it? Wikipedia says, “Independence Day (colloquially the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, establishing the United States of America.”

We want to thank Michael Petruzziello for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Our founding fathers fought the British to give us freedom from tyrannical rule. They fought against taxation without representation. They fought for religious freedom, but most importantly, they fought to establish a new nation.

Our founders never sought fortune for themselves. Instead, they literally wagered their fortune to create a new nation.

A new nation whose President, eighty-seven years later, would pen these famous words, “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal……that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

These, of course, are excerpts from President Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, delivered during the American Civil War at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery on November 19, 1863.

What have we done with the independence and freedom our founders fought so hard for?

What have we done with the “new birth of freedom” President Lincoln alludes to in his Gettysburg Address?

It’s been one hundred and sixty years since President Lincoln reminded us of the fragility of our Nation.

Have we cherished that gift, have we nurtured it, preserved it, and treasured it, or have we taken it for granted?

Have our political leaders dedicated themselves to serving the people as our founders intended, or do they only serve themselves?

Do we the people, embody the words, “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”?

Have we lived up to those words, or do we consider them outdated?

Do we love and appreciate our country, our independence, our freedom, and our flag, or are we ashamed of our nation?

Yes, our country is not and never will be, perfect.

So today, as we celebrate our two hundred and forty-seventh Independence Day, let us all take a moment to ponder the following quote:

“A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.” – Tony Blair

Happy Birthday America, and God Bless you,

Michael Petruzziello
Major, USMC (Ret)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Economic and Political Freedom

Sat, 2023-07-01 22:30 +0000

Politicians say all their bills; bring us only good things all the time.  The truth is closer to they are offering free stuff to buy our votes.  The problem with their offer is; their policies generally make things worse.  Free healthcare, childcare, cell phones, education, and a universal basic income all sound good.  They sell politically.

But the government isn’t Santa or the Easter Bunny. Governments take what you have by force, when necessary, to do with it what the government will.  If anyone else did that it would be theft.  When you support government-provided free stuff, you are voting yourself a larger portion of someone else’s stuff… That’s what taxes are.  That cannot continue, well, at least not for very long without repercussions.

Law and regulations take away our money or freedom or both.  Regulations are bureaucratically imposed rules with the force of law.  Regulations are made by people nobody voted for.  If you care about living a prosperous life, you should care about what government economic policies are.  Your freedom, wealth, and ability to earn depend on it.

Economic freedom is based on things like the rule of law, regulatory efficiency, open markets, and fiscal health.  America is falling behind because Congress is spending so much more money than it takes from us in taxes.

We know sooner or later, the government will run out of other people’s money.  We also know when more dollars chase fewer goods, it leads to inflation.  Inflation leaves us with less financial freedom; it makes us poorer.

Politicians have nothing better to do than ban our choices, like natural gas hookups, gas-powered cars, and guns.  Our bureaucrats add thousands of individual freedom-restricting regulations annually. The result is an increasingly smothering government.

Something we know from experience is: The more the government is allowed to infringe on freedom, the poorer the living standards are for its citizens.  The poorest, most repressed people in the world are trapped in countries like Sudan, Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea.

A poor policy with respect to freedom is as bad in the economic realm as it is in the political.  The two are complementary and reinforcing.  The freer a country is economically, the better off the citizens of that country are.  Enforcing the rule of law is good, but putting a few obstacles in the way of trying new things is imperative.

Does economic freedom over time lead to freer, more prosperous, healthier, and cleaner environments? It does.  That’s something to remember next time you are considering which politician to vote for.  Will they take away our choices and print more money?  Or will they make you more free?

The post Economic and Political Freedom appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Slippery Meet Slope: Doctors in The Netherlands Are Euthanizing People with Autism

Sat, 2023-07-01 21:00 +0000

File this under next steps. “Several Dutch citizens who had autism or other intellectual disabilities have died by physician-assisted suicide in recent years after doctors determined their afflictions were untreatable obstacles to a normal life, researchers found.”

Related: Progressive Trial Balloon: Ethicists Suggest Making it Legal to Euthanize the Poor


The Netherlands is a good litmus for the death cult. They’ve been legally euthanizing people for over 20 years. Over that time, mission creep has set in – what was once unthinkable is increasingly typical.


Nearly 40 people who identified as autistic or intellectually disabled were legally euthanized in the Netherlands between 2012 and 2021, according to a Kingston University investigation of Dutch euthanasia cases.

Five people younger than 30 who were killed at their own request cited autism as the sole or a major reason for their decision to end their lives, the UK study found. ..


Slippery Slope.

Kasper Raus, an ethicist and public health professor at Belgium’s Ghent University, said the types of patients seeking out physician-assisted suicide have changed greatly over the past two decades in both the Netherlands and Belgium, where it is also legal.

When the Netherlands became the first country to legalize human euthanasia, the debate focused on people with cancer — not those with autism, Raus said.

Patients must meet strict requirements including suffering from an incurable illness that causes “unbearable” physical or mental anguish to be eligible for euthanasia — but doctors ultimately decide who qualifies.


Strict requirements. Yes.


Many of the patients cited a number of mental, physical and age-related ailments as the reason for ending their lives — including unbearable loneliness.

Eight people, however, named the sole cause of their suffering as factors related to their intellectual disability — such as social isolation, a lack of coping strategies, an inability to adjust to change or oversensitivity to stimuli.


Let us next consider a few things. Supporters of medically assisted dying are typically depopulation enthusiasts. Climate Cultists – or at least believers in the theory that mankind’s emissions are wrecking the planet. They are also good with the government closing businesses arbitrarily, unemploying millions, and isolating people, including children – creating personal and cultural pressure that leads to depression and mental illness.

ICYMI: NY High Court: No State Constitutional Right To Assisted Suicide

Democrat Party also policy creates scarcity and pretends it is necessary. They prepare us for it by blaming austerity measures to save the planet. The Green New Deal (for example) is not so much a manifesto to save the earth as it is an economic program that makes living intolerable for the peasants. It creates a world where resources, even basic goods, and services, run short. You (not them) must have, do, and be less. The crisis it creates justifies further action to reduce the burden on those resources – you. If too few take the cue and line up to self-terminate, other measures will find a popular voice in the propaganda media.

They will try to normalize it like a childhood vaccine schedule that might be connected to the rise in cases of … autism.

Nor should we ignore the political elite’s open disdain for ideological opponents. The debate was once a cornerstone of science, but these days it is misinformation.

We are looking at all the ingredients for state-sanctioned genocide—the slippery slope marketed as good for the people, the nation, and the world.

The progressive political elites have not changed much in one hundred years. Their perfect society requires judicious cleansing. No public chatter about their master race  – Hitler ruined that narrative, but they are ideological twins. Similar ends by different means. Get rid of the outcasts and unclean, the unproductive eaters dragging us down.

The Netherlands has been on this slope for twenty years. Canada is racing to catch up, as are US states like Hawaii, Vermont, and Oregon. And compassion has nothing to do with it.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

July 4th – A Day of Jubilation?

Sat, 2023-07-01 19:30 +0000

The Fourth of July is nearly here, and patriotic Americans across the country will be celebrating our nation’s birthday with fireworks, parades, and family gatherings. Most are deeply proud of our country and sincerely grateful for the freedoms and the boundless opportunities that come with American citizenship.

But some Americans see our country differently. They despise the values that the rest of us cherish – values like free speech, religious freedom, and equal justice under the law. They’ve set out to destroy them and sadly, in recent years, they’ve made substantial progress.

We’ve seen our free speech suffocated by woke activists and progressives. They label any opinions that contradict theirs as “hate speech” and do their best to silence them.  We’ve seen countless speakers driven off college campuses in recent years because a few students and their agitators didn’t want to hear what they had to say. The news and social media have also proven to be invaluable dupes by silencing information they disapprove of. And if that’s not enough, we’ve actually seen efforts by this government to create a new bureaucracy, The Disinformation Governance Board, tasked with regulating free speech.

Lifestyles that were universally rejected by society just a few years ago, today are welcomed, even exalted. And because Judeo-Christian teachings have always rejected amoral, hedonistic lifestyles, religious freedom and family values – ideals that all Americans once cherished – have also come under fire.

Suddenly, our schools have become breeding grounds for a strange new malady. Gender dysphoria, something never before seen in the classroom, has suddenly become epidemic. No one should be puzzled by this disturbing new phenomenon. Young children, once blissfully oblivious to carnal matters, protected in the classroom environment, are now being taught by educators to question their sexuality and their own sexual identity. Parents who object are labeled troublemakers or worse, and teachers and government bureaucrats are claiming the right to mold the character of students as they see fit.

And consider our American justice system, once the envy of the world. It’s never been perfect. No system is. But equal justice under the law has always been a hallmark of our republic. That, too, has changed in recent years.

The first real indication of a problem came seven years ago, on July 5th, when FBI Director James Comey issued his public statement identifying clear criminal violations by presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He went on to describe the potential devastating impact they had on national security, but ended with his astonishing conclusion, “No reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”

We then learned of the infamous email exchanges between upper-level FBI officials, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Most people were first stunned, and then outraged to learn that these unelected bureaucrats were scheming to reverse the will of the people in a presidential election.

In their zeal to destroy Trump, nothing was off the table. One senior FBI attorney helped secure surveillance authority by altering evidence presented to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) Court. He received a slap on the wrist after pleading guilty to the charge.

Much of that is addressed in the Durham Investigation, established to look into the irregularities in the 2016 election. One inescapable and deeply troubling conclusion Durham reached was this: “…the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law…” Yet there has been no real accountability.

But much deeper corruption was revealed on another matter.

While the DOJ and FBI were vigorously pursuing Donald Trump, they were ignoring potentially far more serious crimes. In 2019, the FBI came into possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop. It contained substantial evidence of influence peddling to foreign adversaries by Joe Biden and his family. Since then, informants, whistleblowers, additional emails, photos, and congressional investigations have all substantiated the allegations against the Bidens. The malfeasance has become so apparent and the potential impact so significant, that it cannot be ignored. Yet still, the DOJ, the FBI, and all Biden allies pretend it doesn’t exist. With the symbiotic relationship between Biden and the DOJ well established, they’ve apparently abandoned even the pretense of integrity. They’ve learned to dismiss all questions about it through obfuscation and denials.


Government corruption has no party affiliation. Once it takes hold, it’s nearly impossible to root out. It will eventually impact all citizens. Scholars throughout the ages have recognized the greatest threat to any powerful nation comes from within. Perhaps the earliest warning came more than 2,000 years ago from the Roman statesman, Cicero. He wrote, “The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend.”

Birthdays are a time of celebration, but on this July 4th, it should also be a time of reflection. At 247 years, America is still a young nation. We, the people will determine her direction and her destiny. The contrast has never been clearer, the choice simpler. Will we continue to embrace those things that made America exceptional, or will we allow hateful and destructive internal forces to bury them?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It is Now Widely Accepted That You Were Right About Lockdowns

Sat, 2023-07-01 18:00 +0000

Remember that time at COVID Narrative Camp when you said, I don’t think lockdowns are a good idea, especially for kids with little or no signs of infection or transmission of the Wuhan Flu? That they’d be worse than any risk of COVID.

They called you a racist and said you wanted people to die. Well, it turns out you were right.


The discussion around the effects of Covid policies on children confirms that we are entering a phase of “narrative collapse” in the perception of how the crisis was handled. But it still needs to be accepted that keeping a lid on the spread of Covid without closing schools is a fantasy; there is therefore no way to reconcile the philosophy of lockdown with avoidance of harm to children. The only coherent strategy is one of focused protection, in which vulnerable people are protected without imposing egregious costs on those not at risk.


I’m not convinced about the narrative collapse bit, but I think people are beginning to understand how poorly the COVID response was handled. There are entire generations of kids whose ability to read and write has been compromised so severely that they may never fully recover.

There’s no excuse for that or the difficulty it will create for them till their last day on earth, which, if the COVIDIOTS are still in charge, might be sooner than was once considered normal. Life Expectancy, a long-time cudgel wielded by the progressive Public Health Industrial Complex, has declined under their tyrannical demands.

The push for socialized responses to public health was supposed to lower costs and increase longevity and quality of life. There is no evidence of or history for this, but that was their claim throughout the push to advance ObamaCare. There would be no more unnecessary tests, treatments, or surgeries, and reduced insurance and care-cost premiums. As is typically the case, Government meddling resulted in the opposite. Government interference has caused massive harm, death, and loss of quality of life. The economic interventions have added significant generational debt on the backs of future taxpayers not yet born. And if that were not enough, the Progressive’s latest hill to die on is an exponential increase in elective treatments and surgeries on children under the guise of “curing” gender dysphoria – another effort destined to doom America’s youth.

Everything the political class touches turns to crap.

I get that more people have woken up to this truth, but will it ever be enough? Most Americans want to dismiss it as poisoned water under the red-listed bridge. Go back to whatever passes for normal. They must understand that the only normal the Left will accept is one where you cannot, nor are you ever left alone. A fact most will refuse to believe until it happens to them, and by then, it will be too late.

Or is it already too late?

The post It is Now Widely Accepted That You Were Right About Lockdowns appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Conversation with Allah

Sat, 2023-07-01 16:30 +0000

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim, you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger, and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

As hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim at the entry-level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble humanity considerably.

From the first breath of life to the last pang of death, Islam relentlessly bombards us: surrender yourself fully to Allah, pray for his help, let him make all the decisions for you and run your life, don’t ever question anything, since questioning is the whisperings of the accursed Satan who strives to take you astray.

Islam says that Allah is the javaab-ul-doaa (answerer of supplications/prayers) and that to him, we should supplicate for any help in all matters.

Well, I am doing strictly like I was told. I am supplicating Allah in the form of this open letter to provide me with answers to some of my numerous and troubling questions.

It must be a peculiarity about me. I am loath to surrender my inquiry about things and allow others, divine or not, to think for me. If I am to let Allah do all the review and decide for me, then why am I given my own brain? I have challenged the Islamic divines.

See, I have already failed the test since I have not surrendered fully to Allah and, by questioning, did not place my total faith in him.

I have been studying much of my life, trying to get some satisfactory answers to my questions about Islam from Islamic scripture and authorities without success. More often than not, I get conflicting answers, confusing responses, and even outright contradictory statements.

Hence, I decided to pose some of my perplexing questions in this open letter directly to the god of Islam, Allah, earnestly hoping for deliverance from the anguish of doubt.

I will do my very best to conduct myself with decorum and courtesy toward Allah. At no time will I behave rudely toward him, just in case he is indeed the sole author of this incredible universe, as Islam claims? To be discourteous and rude is not my habit. I don’t even behave rudely toward anyone, much less so in dealing with a purported, unfathomably magnificent being.

The list of my questions is long indeed. Here are some of my questions, not necessarily in order of importance, presented in all meekness to Allah, the Lord of Islam. To me, all questions are essential, and assigning relative importance to them is arbitrary. So, I get started.

I have no illusions of grandeur and no pretense of knowing very much. I am a sincere seeker of truth; in this spirit, I humbly compose this missive to you, Allah. I hope I am not discourteous by simply addressing you as Allah. I mean without preceding invocation of your name by honorifics.

I fully realize that I am most insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But, again, you have created me, so I must be worth something. This realization gives me the courage to address you with my questions, your Lordship.

Without further ado, I have some questions for you here.

* Islam says that you are the uncreated creator. I have a tough time with that claim. Of course, I am finite, and my intellect can hardly imagine that something comes from nothing. There is that old refrain, “Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could,” that humans take as an article of faith and fact. But, again, we humans can hardly fathom things that transcend the limits of our finite rational minds. Any clarification of this assertion would be beneficial.

* Speaking of creating, Islam says you made the universe by the command: kon va yakoon (become and became). The universe appeared instantly in obedience to your order. There are different views about this whole topic of creation that I don’t want to trouble you about. For now, my simple question is: Lord, by this simple command of kon va yakoon, you brought about this indescribably magnificent universe, yet you took some twenty years to write your little book, the Quran. Why did it take you so long to write it? I fear a thunderbolt might strike me dead for posing this intrusive question. I hope you hold off and allow me to continue.

So, I can supply a rationalization, not a plausible reason, for it. I told myself, your lordship, perhaps it took you twenty years because Muhammad was illiterate and slowed in getting your dictates and taking them to a scribe to jot them down. That’s why. Yet, finding someone who could write things down among the horde of savages was not easy.

A follow-up question! Why a supremely august being, as you are, with all the indescribably exulted powers and attributes, chose an illiterate Arab, a hired hand of a wealthy widow, as your messenger is a mystery. Couldn’t you have selected a Rabbi from nearby Medina, a Zoroastrian Mobed (priest), a Christian Priest from Mecca itself, a Hindu Monk, or a Buddhist Clergy? These were people who had specialized in matters of religion, rather than an Arab whose only skill was helping drive caravans of camels.

I have seen Islam’s pat answers to all questions: no one is given the right to ask Allah about his doings. He does what pleases him and ordains what he wants. But this is no answer. It is a copout.

*Are you male, your Lordship? Pardon me for asking a personal question. The reason I ask is that you have much against women. You stipulate that women are worth one-half of men. You ordain that men are rulers over women and much more. I don’t see that. My lifelong experiences with women have convinced me that women are every bit as worthy as men, if not even better in many respects. For one, women are the life-givers and nurturers of life. Men, by contrast, are forever in the business of life-taking.

Science tells us that women are as capable as men in every sphere other than those that require brute force. But machines are much superior to men in brute force, and women can and do operate those machines as well as men.

Is there something inherently inferior or evil about women? If so, then pardon me, your lordship. It is you who designed them that way. Didn’t you?

Is it, not a fact that the savage chauvinist Arabs of Muhammad’s time are the ones who instituted this oppressive scheme against women, and Muhammad stamped his approval of the fraud in your name?

*My next question is about the role of religion. My limited understanding is that the primary function of religion is to bring disparate people together. That is, bring unity and amity among the diverse and quarreling human groups. Islam needs to improve on this significant point. While Muhammad was alive, he kept preaching the gospel of divisiveness. He taught a gospel of us against them, believers against the unbeliever. Since his death, Muhammad’s followers have doggedly followed his gospel of divisiveness.

How can fueling the fire of polarization bring about peace of unity after Muhammad and his disciples continue to kill the unbelievers in mass and without the slightest bit of mercy?

The problem is that as Muhammad was still gasping for his last breath, his senior disciples were busying themselves with killing one another in their lust for power and leadership. And Islam has been on a mission with internecine and infidel killing ever since.

Whether or not I receive answers to these questions, I will persist in posing more of them in the future. Who knows? As unlikely as it may seem, Allah may indeed deem it appropriate to send another of his archangels with a Quran addressing these and other troubling questions. Remember that he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants.

The post A Conversation with Allah appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Maher Knocks Another One Out of the Park! – Along For The Pride!

Sat, 2023-07-01 15:00 +0000

Every now and again, we stumble across a Bill Maher monologue – or someone points us toward one – that is good enough to share. Bill’s great on free speech, and now he’s got some questions about the LGBT hockey stick he’d like to discuss.

And yes, it’s for the children, delivered as only Bill Maher can. It is not a slam or a dig, but it’s funny, and he asks very important questions like, why aren’t we allowed to ask questions? Shouldn’t there be some discussion?

Children are being herded toward unalterable life-changing decisions from which there is no coming back.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hunter’s Plea Deal Cover Up

Sat, 2023-07-01 13:30 +0000

The pundits seem to have been saying the Hunter Biden plea deal was done to obfuscate Joe Biden’s corruption.  It does not seem to be working out that way.  There is more and more information coming out in Congressional committees, more whistleblowers, and more attention.

We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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It’s getting interesting.

What follows is a distillation from publicly available articles from the New York Post, Breitbart, the Washington Times, The Hill, ABC, The Postmillennial, The Daily Caller, Twitter, WKBN News,, the Washington Post, Yahoo News,, the New York Times, Politico, CNN, and CBS News.  The list of more than two dozen articles appears at the end of the piece.

The word for the day at the White House and at the Department of Justice (DoJ) is “stonewall”.  Their spokespersons are simply walking away from the podium.  But the evidence is mounting.  They are not addressing the issues on the merits.  They seem to be hoping the media will continue to hide the evidence for them, you know like they did with the laptop.

The Attorney General (AG) said, “… some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department, its components, and employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike.  This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people… We make our cases based on the facts and the law…  The agents of the FBI as well as the DEA, the ATF our deputy U.S. Marshalls every day, often at great personal risk, protect the American people and secure their safety…”

Don’t misunderstand.  Merrick Garland’s integrity is being called into question.  His own employees are coming forward as whistleblowers. Garland is turning the DoJ into the enforcement arm of the DNC.  Not everyone, even among those who work for him, agrees with his leadership.

The problem before us is: The AG’s words are objectively false.  He says we use the same standard for everyone.  Let’s think about that.

Your name is Biden; you can have classified documents.  Put ‘em in your garage; we don’t care.  Have your lawyers tell us what you’ve got.  Your name is Trump. We are sending in the stormtroopers.  Is that the same standard for everyone?

If you are violating the law, committing federal crimes; when there are demonstrators outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices.  Justices who we do not like, we don’t enforce the law.  We agree with the protestors.  We don’t like the Justices.  Our politics are on one side.  So we don’t enforce the law.  Is selective nullification of the law an issue that concerns you?

If you are a pro-life protestor, you are the greatest terrorist threat known to humanity.  We are going to send the stormtroopers to your house, at the break of dawn, with machine guns drawn.  Is that necessary?  Is it a problem?  What do your seven kids think of the wake-up call?

Is it time for the DoJ to appoint a special counsel to investigate Merrick Garland for obstruction of justice and perjury?  Garland is telling us not to ask these questions.  But it is his integrity which is in question.  The chances of the Garland DoJ fairly investigating these matters are very low.

What happened at the start of the IRS whistleblower?  The incident concerned an allegation Mr. Garland had personally committed perjury.  Gary Shapley was the first IRS whistleblower.  He is a career federal employee, not a political axe grinder.

He wrote to Congress, “… Beginning in January 2020, I was assigned to work the Hunter Biden investigation as a supervisory special agent for IRS criminal investigation U.S. Department of Treasury…  I continued in that role until I was removed from the investigation by the U.S. DoJ in May of 2023… After providing protected disclosures concerning prosecutors mishandling of the investigation of Hunter Biden to include: conflicts of interest, preferential treatment, deviations from normal investigative procedures and conflicting information provided by AG Merrick Garland to Congress.”

Shapley told Congress Garland had knowingly provided false testimony before Congress, and for that, the AG retaliated immediately.  That retaliation is, itself, a violation of law, which a special counsel should investigate.

Shapley goes on to assert former AG Barr said the confidential information provided by a human source concerning an alleged illegal bribery scheme by President Joe Biden was received through the Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney’s office.  It was determined; the input received was not likely to have been disinformation.

According to former AG Barr, it was provided to the ongoing investigation in Delaware for follow-up. Neither Shapely nor his team nor the FBI agents working with IRS were provided with this human source information to investigate or follow up on.  Shapely asserts that Human source information was concealed by prosecutors working for Merrick Garland.

There is also a letter from June 19th, 2023, from whistleblower “X.” This whistleblower was in charge of investigating Hunter Biden at that point in time.  He has never seen this FBI form 1023.  It was never turned over in any meeting with the Delaware prosecution team.  The information could have been relevant to the investigation of the claim of $5 million dollars being paid to Hunter Biden.  It directly tied an email with a business partner from 2014 about company “XXX.”

The appearance is that Merrick Garland has tried to cover up, tried to make the Biden prosecution go away.  The assertion by AG Garland has been the prosecutor in Delaware had the discretion to do whatever was necessary, wherever it may have been necessary to do it, in handling the Biden case.   This is something Merrick Garland has allegedly lied about.

Merrick Garland was asked in testimony before Congress, Will the investigation of Hunter Biden be focused on not only his personal substance abuse-related issues but also look into the connections to his father and potential corruption in public office.  The leaks coming from DoJ suggest the focus is on the misadventure of a poor person struggling with drugs.  Will you commit to investigating the public’s interest in the corruption issue?

The response from the AG was he cannot comment.  All such matters are within the purview of the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, who is not restricted in his investigation in any way.  The AG himself is implicated in the handling of this matter.

The media keeps saying the Delaware U.S. attorney was appointed during the Trump administration.  And yes, Mr. Weiss was a career prosecutor.  The implication being he is a right-wing sycophant.  The problem with accepting the implication on its face is: It overstates who Mr. Weiss is.

Here’s how U.S. Attorneys are picked.  U.S. Attorneys are essentially picked by the senators from the state they serve in.  You cannot advance the nomination for U.S. Attorney without the concurrence of the senators from the state signing off.  The Delaware U.S. was picked by Democrat senators Carper and Coons.  Delaware is Joe Biden’s home.  At a minimum, Mr. Weiss owes his job to not DJT but to Carper and Coons and the Biden team in Delaware.

The whistleblower and related allegations currently before Congress are:

·         The DoJ twice prevented U.S. Attorney Weiss from bringing stronger charges against Hunter Biden.  If this is true, Merrick Garland committed perjury twice.

·         Merrick Garland refused to name a special counsel in the Hunter Biden tax investigation.

·         The IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden, which were not approved by Merrick Garland. Both the IRS and the U.S. attorney in Delaware were asking for stronger charges.

·         The investigation forewarned Hunter Biden of future searches for materials that could be used as evidence.  The DoJ tipped off the object of the investigation about where they would search… before it happened.  That is called obstruction of justice.

·         An assistant AG, Leslie Wolf, refused to allow the investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “The Big Guy.”  She needs to testify under oath.  If true she is contradicting what the AG told Congress.

·         The same assistant AG told investigators they could not search Joe Biden’s guest house where Hunter Biden was living because of “optics.”  If true, this means the DoJ isn’t investigating where the facts go or following and enforcing the law… at least not equally for everyone.

·         Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, said Joe Biden showed up at a meeting with CEFC, a Chinese energy company closely affiliated with the CCP.  Hunter Biden demanded to be paid by Chinese businessman Henry Zou while Joe Biden was sitting next to him.

·         Hunter Biden deducted payments to prostitutes and sex clubs on his tax returns.  Business expenses.

·         The investigation of Hunter Biden began as an offshoot of an inquiry into a foreign adult platform.  Hunter has engaged in lots of sordid behaviors.

·         There is a WhatsApp text sent in which Hunter Biden shakes down a Chinese businessman saying his father is sitting here, right next to me.  This is evidence of presidential corruption.  It is clear and damning, assuming it is demonstrably true.

·         Joe Biden is on record as maintaining he never discussed with his son, his brother, or anyone else his business dealings.  That now appears to be rebutted… without response.

·         If Hunter Biden is telling the truth, Joe Biden is lying to the American people.

·         The whistleblowers, the investigators, wanted to obtain location information to confirm Joe Bide was in the room when Hunter was shaking down the Chinese businessman.  Were the investigators allowed to answer that question?  It appears they were blocked from acquiring the information necessary to answer that question.

The point today is the AG is not saying to the American people; we need to clear the air about what’s going on.  He is not moving to lay the facts on the table.  Why?  The effectiveness and the integrity of the department he oversees and his own, for that matter, are being impugned.  What possible reason is there for not making clear what’s going on now and what has gone before?

Merrick Garland is thumbing his nose, saying you cannot touch me.  He’s abusing his power and position for gain or revenge, for reasons either personal or political.  That’s the appearance.































The post Hunter’s Plea Deal Cover Up appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State Drops ALL Charges Against Six Remaining NH9 Defendants

Sat, 2023-07-01 12:00 +0000

Earlier this week, the charges against Terese Grinnell were dropped. She’d been arrested for allegedly disrupting a public meeting. Yesterday the State dropped the charges on the six remaining defendants.

Related: NH AG (More or Less) Admits the Arrest of the NH 9 Last October Was Probably Unlawful – The State Has No Case



They were arrested in October of 2021, but it took the State 20 months to figure this out (emphasis mine).


In the statement, the Safety Department said prosecutors did not believe they could prove the cases beyond a reasonable doubt. The decision was reached after a “careful review of facts and evidence available to state police prosecutors,” the statement reads.


Careful review? There was a public video available on the day of the arrests. The only disruption was the Governor signaling the state police to scoop up what had to be a pre-determined list of individuals who were denied their right to attend and participate in an Executive Council Meeting. Arrested and publicly shamed by the media. Having to hire lawyers to defend themselves from a malicious government and its petty chief executive.



Twenty months.

We figured it out the moment we saw the video, as did thousands of other GraniteStaters. And it is no coincidence (in my mind, and many others) that the reason for the about-face, despite the AG saying (more or less) several weeks before that the State had no case, was Grinnell having Sununu served with a subpoena to testify at her hearing.

He’d have to lie under oath or (Gasp!) tell the truth, and nothing prevents the other six defendants from serving him.

Case closed.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Time To End Affirmative Action Everywhere

Sat, 2023-07-01 10:30 +0000

It is finally time to live what we preach and treat everyone equally. We claim that we do not want racism in any form, yet we have systems that give preferential treatment to specific genders or races.

The Supreme Court on Thursday handed down a decision making it illegal for colleges and universities to use race as a determining element for admission. This landmark 6-3 decision evens the playing field for all applicants and allows students to be judged on their academic scores and character without regard for color or genealogy. Some on the Left are calling for an expansion of the Court because of this decision.

Justice Sotomayor said in her dissent that we had taken a step backward by preventing the consideration of race, and this would lead to further inequality in education. Why do those on the Left not understand that singling out any group for any reason is discrimination and a form of racism? A few examples are the President bragging about naming a black woman to the Supreme Court and nominating more women of color to the Federal benches than all other Presidents combined. Gavin Newsom has gone on the record stating if Diane Feinstein cannot complete her term, he will name a Black woman to replace her. By minimizing the search criteria, Biden and Newsom are discriminating.

Equality requires a blindfold-like approach to decisions involving people. We have talked about Martin Luther King’s statement for decades that we need to judge people on the quality of their character and not the color of their skin. When you say you will only hire a Black woman for a position, how many people do you overlook? These actions by such high-profile individuals; are wrong and possibly illegal.

The President, with little legitimacy, dares to call the Court illegitimate because they came down with a ruling that does not align with his twisted opinion. We have reached a point where people can compete on a level playing ground. It does not matter the color of your skin but the content of your mind. This is true equality, and people of all colors should embrace our progress to end racism in America. But, no, that does not work for the Left and Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, the President who pledged unity, was quick to go on the offense against the United States Supreme Court. Instead of saying the vote did not go the way the Left wanted, he attacked the integrity of the Court. Saying this is not a “normal” court. This opened the door for some Democrats to call for expanding the Court. This is a typical call by the Left whenever a case does not work out for them. This would be a complex process with a split Government, but it must be prevented at all costs. Packing the Court with as many as six more judges would change the makeup of the Court forever. More significant rulings are coming today, and we have some idea these will go. We can expect a hectic day at the microphone for Biden and KJP. That is not precisely must-see TV.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Becomes First New England State To Grant Universal Occupational License Recognition

Sat, 2023-07-01 01:30 +0000

Two weeks after New Hampshire posted a record-low unemployment rate of 1.9%, Gov. Chris Sununu signed two bills to make it easier for licensed professionals from other states to work here.

New Hampshire requires state-issued licenses for dozens of occupations, from barbers and cosmetologists to doctors, landscape architects, athlete agents, and even foresters. For decades, anyone who held an out-of-state license to practice in one of these fields had to first get a separate New Hampshire license before being allowed to practice here.

House Bill 594 ends that regulatory nightmare and grants universal recognition for occupational licenses “substantially similar” to New Hampshire licenses.

Adopting HB 594 makes New Hampshire the only state in New England with broad universal license recognition. (Vermont recognizes out-of-state licenses for some but not all occupations).

Research on licensing recognition suggests that this should produce a noticeable increase in in-migration by licensed professionals who live in other states.

A study published in May by the Archbridge Institute found that universal license recognition produced almost a full percentage-point increase in employment in covered occupations and a 50% increase in immigration into recognition states among people who hold licenses that aren’t easily portable because the regulations vary a lot from state to state.

HB 594 allows the state Office of Professional Licensure (OPLC) to issue professional licenses to out-of-state applicants who hold a license in another state, provided that the other state’s licensing requirements are “substantially similar” to New Hampshire’s.

The “substantially similar” language is not ideal, as it often serves as a pretext for state licensing boards to reject license applications from out-of-state competitors. But HB 594 and a companion bill, House Bill 655, shift more authority from individual boards to the OPLC, which is expected to limit those anti-competitive board interventions.

HB 594 streamlines a tedious regulatory process for out-of-state professionals looking to work in New Hampshire. Not only did license holders have to obtain a separate New Hampshire license, but they often had to wait weeks or even months for their industry’s particular regulatory board to meet, consider their application, and vote on it.

Now, anyone with an active license in good standing from another jurisdiction can apply directly to the OPLC and obtain permission to work in New Hampshire almost immediately.

Once limited to only a few fields, such as medicine and hair care, occupational licensing “affects nearly 1 in 5 American workers,” research by the Institute for Justice shows.

By establishing a procedure to recognize most out-of-state licenses automatically, New Hampshire becomes a more attractive option for skilled individuals seeking to bring their talents to a new state.

For fields with critical labor shortages, such as nursing, the change could provide a desperately needed supply of new workers.

The greatest beneficiaries of universal licensure might be New Hampshire’s small businesses. Among the many trades affected by licensing in the state are tattoo artists, massage therapists, architects, barbers and cosmetologists, chiropractors, foresters, psychologists and other mental health professionals, real estate agents, occupational and physical therapists, and electricians.

An increase in skilled labor will benefit consumers, too. Occupational licensing has been shown in academic studies to limit the supply of service providers and increase costs. Universal recognition won’t necessarily lower costs across the board, but it could stabilize prices in fields with serious labor shortages. And by attracting more providers to the state, it can reduce wait times and increase access to services.

Gov. Chris Sununu’s signing of the two bills was immediately noticed by policy leaders in other New England states that don’t have universal license recognition. Responding to the news, the Maine Policy Institute tweeted, “File this in the big folder of things that NH does far better than Maine.”

According to USPS change-of-address data from Forbes, Massachusetts, which ranks fifth in the country for residents leaving the state, might want to keep a particularly close watch on the number of licensed professionals who disappear from state registries in the next few years.

Nationally, New Hampshire joins only 14 other states (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming) with broad universal recognition laws, according to recent studies by the Archbridge Institute and Goldwater Institute.

Four states (Colorado, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming) require out-of-state licenses to be “substantially similar” to their own, like New Hampshire. But unlike five of those states (Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, and Mississippi), New Hampshire doesn’t require residency to receive a license to practice. This means that Massachusetts barbers or nurses could quickly be licensed to work in New Hampshire without moving over the border (where housing is extremely hard to find).

The companion bill, HB 655, consolidates and simplifies licensure authority within the OPLC, moving its authority to a separate location in state law and authorizing the OPLC to act more quickly and independently than in the past.

Taken together, these bills, now law, promote greater efficiency in state licensing and reduce bureaucratic barriers that never should have been erected in the first place.

Andrew Cline | JB

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We’re Just Shy of Our June Fundraising Goal – Can You Help Get Us There?

Fri, 2023-06-30 23:15 +0000

We’d like to hit 25% of our fundraising goal by the end of June. We’re almost there, but there are only a few hours left, and we need some help to push us over the top.

If you missed the memo, and I can’t imagine you could – this is a big deal for us and me (It’s like, totally going to pay my wages for the next year), – ‘Grok has things that need doing, I’m getting laid off – so the full-time body we’re hiring is me.

We are trying to raise 15,000.00 every month for the next four months beginning with July, and we’re so close. If it were an unhinged liberal, they’d be spitting on us from here.

We need to raise just under 500.00 by midnight.

If you’ve been thinking about giving or giving again, you could be the donor that gets us over the top. Donations or commitments to donate by check will be considered in the calculations. And as a reminder, anyone who gives 100.00 or more is guaranteed 12 months of access to any ad-free VIP access portal when we finally get it built. Businesses that donate 100.00 or more can also get two weeks of complimentary on-page ad options.

We appreciate everyone who has helped us to date, and we know we can count on you to keep reading and sharing, so thank you.

You can use the GiveSendGo campaign page or donate through the website (PayPal). If you prefer to donate by check, please email me (, and I’ll give you the official Grok mailing address.

Thank You!

Note that as we are receiving contributions from three different methods, the only record of total progress is the graphics we update like this one.

The post We’re Just Shy of Our June Fundraising Goal – Can You Help Get Us There? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DCYF Has Now Breached My Personal Information?

Fri, 2023-06-30 22:30 +0000

Now they have made it personal – even as I’m trying to help them.

Remember, they dragged us (TMEW and I) into this – we didn’t go calling them. As some readers may know, we are taking care of our Granddaughter and have been for over a month and a half.

Once again, we find ourselves “DCYF entangled.”

Unlike JR Hoell (DCYF tried to take his son away due to the meddling busybodies at CMC hospital over COVID ideology – Ivermectin – “ABUSE! HANG HIM!”), we are on the other side of the action. We are trying to do the right thing and are on the receiving end of the “data colonoscopy” just because we said we’d step up.

This is, however, giving me a fresh picture and a ringside seat of what may be happening to others (e.g., the rumor that some parents are getting railroaded if you reviewed my previous RTKs of that entity – there are more coming).

Wednesday, I received a call from my Daughter-In-Law to tell us that both TMEW and I may have been put at risk by DCYF. This was a brand new aspect of their process which I had never seen – and yes, I was outraged.

Here’s the email that I sent to those that I think are responsible and to one person that I think can remedy some of this (he did tell me to contact him anytime I needed anything).

A bit reformatted, emphasis is the same, with the correction of some minor grammar issues that I just saw. Take it in and think: this is the process by which Democrats wish us to accede: rule by the Administrative State. Which, as you will see, voids its own rules.

And yes, this email has my full email signature block – they know who I am (for whatever little it’s worth). Innocents have been redacted, the guilty (and those I feel are responsible) not so much.

—— Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To “” <>; “Lavigne, Christy” <>; <redacted>
Cc “Martin, John” <>
Date 6/30/2023 12:56:37 PM
Subject Has DCYF now breached my PERSONAL information?

My Daughter-in-law, Mother of my Granddaughter, just called me to let me know that DCYF has released my personal information. According to her phone’s history, the call came in at 15:31 on Tuesday and lasted 9 minutes, 29 seconds. The number was 603-752-7800, which upon doing a reverse-lookup, was the Berlin DCYF office.

While she did not catch/remember the name that called, she was told that DCYF was contacting her family members and friends to let them know where my Granddaughter can be found to contact her and she remembered some of the family names enumerated over the phone.

HOW DARE YOU release my information to people that I do not know!

I’m not going to write another Right To Know but I DO expect that you all will tell me:

  • WHO called Sarah to inform her of this either from the Berlin office system or a DCYF-owned cell phone?
  • WHO requested that it be released?
  • WHO authorized the release?
  • WHO carried out the action of sending it out?
  • And WHO made the decision not to tell me and my wife?
  • WHAT information about us was being released to those people as “pertinent contact information“?
  • You shall supply the complete list so if someone shows up at my door at 3 am, I’ll know how to deal with them.

Oh, and my Daughter-in-law was told that since we are only “Fictive” Kinship care givers by this caller, any of these “family relatives” could demand that my Granddaughter be with them over us.  As to that:

  • Per DCYF regulations, I’m supposed to now spend $1000 to upgrade my fire/smoke/carbon monoxide sensors to be hardwired because the building code (according to Gilford Deputy Chief Brad Ober who did our Fire Inspection) as DCYF requires a more “robust” than just the battery powered units already in place for a Foster Family by most homes? Yes, the contractor is coming in after July 4th for that.
  • The next contractor for replacing the steps up from the driveway is coming the following week (I hope; ghosting is rampant) – and that will be $6500.

All that money spent and THEN we might not have Julie even having done EVERYTHING that has been asked of us by DCYF? And you wonder why people aren’t flooding your gates to become Foster Parents?

All because DCYF sent our contact information to people we don’t know (perhaps also in violation of RSA170-E:9, I(a) (13) as well? Let’s add Federal regulation 42 CFR, Part 2, shall we?).

Oh, and what about this:

  1. Assistant Supervisor Christie Lavigne told the Eldest (full disclosure: my son and a prior Marine) that while he was being charged, DCYF couldn’t talk with him as being a “perpetrator”.
  2. After dropping that charge, a charge of Neglect was lodged against My Daughter-in-law.

[Added but not part of this email: I do wonder if the first charge was bogus as they knew they had nothing with which to prove it. I shall remain silent on the second – for now. Bait and Switch comes to mind – so does bullying and entrapment]

If what Lavigne told Dan is true, then why did DCYF contact My Daughter-in-law (now being a named a perpetrator) directly on concerning this release of our information? Isn’t that a violation of DCYF policy? Or was it a ploy to shove this disabled veteran into yet ANOTHER anxiety attack (see below)?

Congratulations on yet more stellar moves.


  • berating My Daughter-in-law for a lengthy period of time when you took My Granddaughter from her to send My Daughter-in-law into a panic/anxiety attack…Sidenote: My Daughter-in-law suffers from anxiety attacks because of a medical condition caused during her deployment on the USS Ronald Reagan which she TOLD you about and asked you to not “just show up at my door” because that triggers it. Yet, you did so.


  • …during which Corporal <redacted> of the Colebrook Police Dept. had to step in and tell you two to back off to allow her to compose herself,
  • that my wife and I also heard that verbal beating for quite a few minutes after DCYF asked me to beat feet to come and get Julie (a 7-hour round trip),
  • and Amy Fortin covering herself in glory by blowing off my RSA 91-A demand (thank you, DCYF lawyer Amanda Knifeton, for that advice to Amy to do so) to the point that DHHS Deputy Chief Legal Counsel John Martin had to step in to apologize profusely and provide the information directly to me (again, much appreciated, Mr. Martin!).

Yes, we [TMEW and I] heard a good portion of that conversation as after asking me to come north, she simply put her phone down but DIDN’T break the connection as there might have been more to relay to me as I had already left. So we can attest to how you were relentless against a disabled veteran.

So this new incident isn’t adding much to being “awe-inspiring” from my point of view.  “Thrilled” is not a word that fits the vocabulary that I am struggling with my digits from typing.

Oh, lest I forget, when I took my Granddaughter to the Laconia Child Advocacy Center at the direction of DCYF, specialist Amy Fortin (along with the CAC worker) demanded that I sign a legal document permitting that the information gained from interviewing her by the CAC worker (with Amy Fortin and the Laconia Police Detective supplying her questions via an earpiece) could be shared with other entities.

The problem with the waiver form that I spotted immediately was that I am not Julie’s parent and that I am not her legal] guardian so I was legally unable to give such permission. Still, both the CAC worker and Fortin insisted that I sign that form because they couldn’t proceed without it and they [continuted] to demand I obey over that for several minutes. I finally ended that conversation by informing them that I wasn’t going to put myself into legal jeopardy by signing something that I was legally unable to sign and left the room – I won’t be railroaded by people, as I told them, who didn’t do their homework well beforehand. As nice of a person the Laconia Police Detective was (I think he was amused over that last bit), I had no willingness to get to know him better while driving me to the Laconia Station if I had signed it.

Ms. Fortin was rather unhappy (mildly [speaking]) over that; she and the CAC worker, I surmise, found some other loophole to continue without my consent.

Oh, and let me leave this hanging out there? Did DCYF strictly follow its own Administrative Rules (re: during this process – and that I, as a Foster Parent applicant in order to take care of my Granddaughter, will be held strictly to account?

No,  Amy Fortin left a “shall” hanging in the wind (I’ve double checked that). As in that old joke about business travel, expense forms, and obstructive accountants, go find it (as in “find the boots”).

But as far as this last event, all I can do is quote my friends in the military often say: “OUTSTANDING!”.  Wait until I start to really read through the Investigative Manual that Mr. Martin forwarded to me as I’m sure the results will be “interesting” (and I’m using the Engineer’s definition of the word). I’ll be following the investigation into the Berlin office intently as well.

So with all that said and written and written as appetizers, I return to the main course: what will your remedies be about releasing our personal information? I am willing to listen. I certainly have some things in mind but the ball is in your court.

I will draw this to a close with this admonition: consider Article 2-B:

[Right of Privacy.] An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.

Does DCYF, as the latest sexuality lingo goes, “affirm” this Right wholeheartedly? I have thoughts…


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner | | 603-630-6644
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

It will be “interesting” what this does. It took a couple of days to put everything into it that I thought belonged. I wonder he might be smiling, who might be grimacing, and who may be “twisting in the wind” knowing that, most likely, it will be a long time until Wednesday. Or later if the right folks won’t respond due to padding the long holiday weekend with vacation days for a “cheap week”.

And yes, the family members that know me have agreed to be my DEW line (now there’s a reference young’uns mostly won’t get).

The post DCYF Has Now Breached My Personal Information? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SCOTUS Has to Smack Colorado Around Again -This Time for Violating a Woman’s Religious Rights

Fri, 2023-06-30 21:00 +0000

We’re going to need to demand reparations from Colorado. They keep wasting our money with court cases that mirror ones they’ve already lost at the High Court because of their so-called anti-religious discrimination commission.

While we’re at it, the lower courts beginning in Colorado, could use a bit of instruction on this as well. Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop has repeatedly defeated the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which continues to try and infringe on his religious rights of Conscience. This time it was a web designer.


Lorie Smith, a graphic designer who wanted to expand into wedding websites, sought a ruling that Colorado could not enforce its anti-discrimination law against her. Smith opposes same-sex marriage on religious grounds and wanted to post a message on her page indicating that she would not design websites for same-sex couples.

“The First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees,” Justice Gorsuch wrote for the 6-3 majority in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. …

“Colorado seeks to force an individual to speak in ways that align with its views but defy her conscience,” Gorsuch wrote.


The three Liberal Justices dissented.


“New forms of inclusion have been met with reactionary exclusion. This is heartbreaking. Sadly, it is also familiar. When the civil rights and women’s rights movements sought equality in public life, some public establishments refused. Some even claimed, based on sincere religious beliefs, constitutional rights to discriminate. The brave Justices who once sat on this Court decisively rejected those claims.”


Sorry Wise Latina, but the government cannot compel her speech or expression, nor can they punish her for it. Woman. Speech. Rights. You are comparing women’s rights movements to the state of Colorado denying her a right that exists regardless of sex or gender (if that’s something you cling to). A thing for which men and women of all races fought to protect.

LGBT designers don’t have to do straight wedding sites; no one would try to make them. And that’s not discrimination.

One more point. What might be your position if Lorie Smith was a Hijab-wearing devout Muslim? The answer is that you’d never have to provide one. The appropriate Colorado Star Chamber would never consider pressing the matter, which proves another form of discrimination against Smith.



The post SCOTUS Has to Smack Colorado Around Again -This Time for Violating a Woman’s Religious Rights appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Mikey … Want To See A Real Fringe Conspiracist … Look In The Mirror

Fri, 2023-06-30 19:30 +0000

So let’s talk about fringe conspiracies. One that immediately comes to mind is that the COVID “vaccine” is a vaccine. It’s NOT. It neither prevents infection nor, once infected, transmission to others. Yet Mikey Graham keeps pushing the conspiracy theory that the COVID “vaccine” is actually a vaccine.

And speaking of COVID, another conspiracy theory is that Sun-King Sununu’s “handling” of COVID saved lives. It did NOT. Study after study after study have shown that masking, social-distancing. lockdowns, etc. etc. etc. made NO difference. The outcomes were the same in places that did all or some of these things as in places that did none of these things. Yet Mikey not only keeps pushing the conspiracy theory that Sun-King Sununu was “following the science,” he also conveniently ignores the economic, social and health costs that Sununu’s go-along-with-the-COVID-crowd-policies caused … and when he does acknowledge the costs, such as in education, he acts as if Sununu should not be he’d accountable for his own ruinous policies.

And, of course, there is arguably the biggest conspiracy theory out there … that the 2020 election was NOT rigged. Apparently, even Mikey realizes how patently absurd such a claim is because he plays semantics … claiming that there is “no evidence of widespread voter fraud,” when he full well knows that the rigging took the form of Deep State interference (Russia bounties, Hunter Biden tax cheating, etc.), Big-Tech/Regime-media censorship (Hunter Biden laptop), Zuckerbucks, voting law “changes” to allow ballot-harvesting, etc.

Want to see a real conspiracy theorist, Mikey? LOOK IN THE MIRROR. All you are really doing with hit-pieces like this is engaging in PROJECTION:


The post Hey Mikey … Want To See A Real Fringe Conspiracist … Look In The Mirror appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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