The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • January 8 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 8 min 27 sec ago

DCYF – Let’s See What Is Under Your Kimono On This, Shall We?

Thu, 2023-07-06 00:00 +0000

As you all know, DCYF decided to reveal my personal information to people I don’t know. Sure, intentions may (giving the benefit of the doubt) be good, but there are two sides to this. Yes, the Granddaughter needs to stay in contact with their families, but what are the costs to the foster families put in the same situation DCYF has created?

Unlike most, I take a different tack with Government, as you all know. I am going to use the greatest tool that Government has given to Citizens in following the demand laid upon us all in Article 8 of the NH Constitution (holding elected officials and bureaucrats accountable), especially in light that my Article 2-B Rights, IMHO, were violated (abuse of my personal information).

So, my latest Right To Know:

Right to Know Request per RSA 91-A: “Family Connections”: contacting out-of-home placement children by non-accused family members and friends

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the following governmental records:

For the Division of Children,Youth and Families, define the processes by which it identifies non-immediate family members or family friends that are then given contact information in order to reach an out-of-home child placed with other relatives | foster family | group home.

The Responsive Records are to include:


  • Provide the Title/Role of the “project manager” for the following steps.
  • Provide the process by which these “contact information people” (or “CIPs”) are selected. This will include immediate, secondary, or tertiary family members and/or close family friends.
  • Provide the complete mechanism process by which these CIPs are vetted for safety with respect to the child and the foster family.
  • Provide the “scoring mechanism(s)” that “selects in” or “selects out” the CIPs for each of the above two processes.
    • Provide the data items used to set a “score” by which they would be included to set a score for a CIP.
    • Provide the relative importance priority of each of those data elements.
    • Provided the source / origin of each of those data items.


  • Provide the Title/Role of the “notifier” for the following steps:
  • Provide the process used to determine when notifications are triggered to go to the CIPs
  • Provide the delivery routings by which notifications are sent out:
    • telephonically
    • email
    • letter/registered letter
    • other
  • Provide the processs by which the foster or kinship care providers caring for the out-of-home placement child asked for consent to have their personal information released to the CIPs?
    • Provide the form used to acquire that consent.
    • Provide the delivery mechanisms (see delivery routings, above) to the care providers.
    • Provide the process used if the care givers refuse to give consent but are competent providers by any other DCYF attribute.

Legal Responsibility:

  • Provide is DCYF’s legal responsibility in protecting the child from the CIPs that are passed through the vetting process but turn out to be bad actors those caring for removed or place children?
  • Ditto the care givers.
  • Provide the DCYF protocol(s) that are employed when, as the result of provider contact information being released:
    • the child is attacked or harassed by a CIP?
    • the providers are attacked or harassed by a CIP because they are seen as agents of DCYF?
  • Provide the remedies, specified by pertinent DCYF protocols, upplied by DCYF:
    • for the child
    • for the providers

Per RSA 91-A:4 IV(c) If you deny any portion of this request, please cite the specific exemption used to justify the denial to make each record, or part thereof, available for inspection along with a brief explanation of how the exemption applies to the information withheld.

As you are aware, in 2016, the New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled that a governmental body in possession of records is required to produce them in electronic media using standard common file formats: Green v. SAU #55, 168 N.H. 796, 801 (2016). Unless there is a valid reason that it is not reasonably practicable for you to produce these records in the requested format, I ask that you either do so or explain why it is not practicable for you to comply. In this case, .TXT, .DOC, or .PDF files would suffice.

Please also note, per RSA 91-A:4 III, III-a, and III-b, you are required to maintain the safety and accessibility of such responsive records.

Please let me know when these records will be sent to me for inspection. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. You may email the responsive records to me at If the volume turns out to be substantial, I have already set up a Dropbox folder for those responsive records to which they can be uploaded.

Thank you for your lawful attention to this matter.



DCYF decided to “ramp it up”; two can play that game. With vigor.

The post DCYF – Let’s See What Is Under Your Kimono On This, Shall We? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who’s Responsible for Failing Schools? … Parents who Notice and Complain, says Columnist.

Wed, 2023-07-05 22:30 +0000

Bill Schubart, a regular columnist for VT Digger among his many hats, never ceases to amaze me with his writing. He always provides an intriguing, insightful menu of facts and discoveries followed by a totally incongruous, twistedly partisan conclusion that makes absolutely no sense.

Please welcome Robert Roper, who will be joining us as an author/contributor when VermontGrok opens its doors.

His latest effort, There’s a lot more to education than education, doesn’t disappoint in this regard.

Schubart’s general observation throughout the piece is that Vermont’s public education system is crap and has been trending that way for over a decade. It’s a point hard to argue against, especially since the latest NEAP (a.k.a. the National Report Card) scores just came in showing dramatic declines in math and reading throughout the system. Schubart even cites the stats: “a 4-point decline in reading and 9-point decline in mathematics. It also compared these with the 2012-13 school year a decade earlier — well before Covid began in 2020. There’s a decade-long decline of 7 points in reading and 14 in math.”

Schubart then provides some fascinating personal experiences that corroborate the numbers. He and his wife over the past three years hosted two foreign exchange students from Moldavia and Serbia. At the ends of these students’ overall positive experiences in the US, Schubart reports:


“[T]here was one common disappointment. That was our school system, which they both found very disappointing when compared with the education they had had in their home countries.

Other than their American history course — and athletics — they felt they had learned little or nothing. They had already studied much of the math and science….

“Beyond the disappointment in pedagogy and course work, their biggest complaint was about the classroom culture, which they described as chaotic and hostile to learning. Their descriptions were consistent.

“Students who wanted to learn sat in a horseshoe around the teacher’s desk, students in the next rows back might be texting or watching movies on their cellphones with earbuds, while the kids in the back rows carried on open conversations, entirely ignoring the teacher.”


Double-checking his sources, Schubart questioned the school’s principal, who confirmed that this was indeed the dynamic at play in the classrooms of what is supposed to be one of the state’s best public high schools.

Schubart then laments the good old days in the late 1960s when he was a young teacher at Mount Abraham. Back then, the staff understood they were to maintain a culture of respect and learning – and did — and the students, for the most part, understood their role fell in line.

All good, well-thought-out stuff up to this point, but here’s where Schubart’s characteristically left-leaning refusal to see reality, even when it is so glaringly obvious given the clear and overwhelming evidence, takes over and drives the man’s brain off its intellectual rails.  What does he blame this sorry state of affairs on?


“But if the child sits at home and listens to their parents run down the school for whatever reason — demanding removal of certain books from the school library, lobbying to eliminate courses they don’t personally approve of, complaining about property taxes they pay to fund public education, for example — their animus against their child’s school and classroom will likely take root in the child and the child will have implicit permission to come to school laden with a variety of disrespects.”


Seriously, LMAO! SMH! WTAF? as the kids on their phones not paying attention to teacher might type. I’m sure the same kids who are boisterously ignoring Mrs. Wormwood’s algebra lesson are sitting respectfully at the dinner table hanging on their parents’ every word regarding Vermont’s incomprehensibly complex property tax system.

Schubart can’t bring himself to recognize or admit that since he first graced a classroom at the dawn of the age of Aquarius, leftist thinkers and culture warriors have come to dominate our public education system, certainly here in Vermont. It is they who are overwhelmingly responsible for the classroom culture and the curriculum that exists today. Does Schubart really not understand that the respect and discipline that existed during his teaching days was just the product of a racist patriarchy? Expecting all kids to sit quietly and pay attention is just an expression of his own white privilege?

At one point Schubart laments the fact that his European exchange students spoke three or four languages fluently, having taken classes since the first grade. We, he sadly notes, don’t teach foreign languages in elementary or middle school anymore. Yeah! We’ve replaced such courses with politically charged “green” propaganda and curricula influenced by critical race theory (CRT).

Students aren’t paying attention to the teacher? Maybe that has something to do with the fact that the leftist politicians and activists in and outside the classroom have spent all of these kids’ lives telling them that the adults from previous generations – like the one standing in front of the blackboard with the wooden pointer — are all systematically racist, sexist, and homophobic guardians of an oppressive society that has, among its many sins, laid waste to the planet these youngsters will inherit. Why would anyone pay attention to someone with that resume? If you want real authority on a subject, look to a fifteen-year-old (now nineteen-year-old) high school dropout whose major achievement is having collected a few million followers on Instagram.

Schubart notes that we are witnessing a rise in mental health issues with students of all ages. Again, maybe that has something to do with the fact that schools are relentlessly scaring the daylights out of children by bombarding them with a messages of hopelessness over unsolvable climate change, ubiquitous gun violence, incurable racism, and, oh by the way, you’re probably a boy trapped in a girl’s body or vice versa, let’s explore that! Just don’t tell mom and dad because the people you live with and are dependent upon can’t be trusted. But, hey, be well!

No, none of this occurs to Schubart, or if it does he sees his job as deflecting attention away from the real roots of the problems and onto the politically correct scapegoats – conservative parents.

If kids are emotionally damaged and failing to learn, it must be because mom and dad are critically pondering in the presence of their children why their property tax bills have doubled over the past two decades with declining results to show for it. Or it’s because those same bad parents are questioning the school’s decisions to replace Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird with Gender Queer and The 1619 Project in the syllabus.

According to Bill Schubart – and unfortunately a lot of people think like him — the very real problems that exist and are getting worse in our public school system (and, from there impacting our youth as a whole) are not the fault of the left-wing, so-called “experts” running the system. It’s the fault of the ungrateful masses for calling attention to the experts’ failed results, questioning the experts’ demonstrably ineffective methods, and demanding something better for their children. What nerve!

Of course, others might review the same evidence as Mr. Schubart and come to an entirely different conclusion. Let’s certainly hope so.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank.

The post Who’s Responsible for Failing Schools? … Parents who Notice and Complain, says Columnist. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your Periodic Reminder That We’re At War With Russia To Profit Blackrock

Wed, 2023-07-05 21:00 +0000

Who really runs this country? Blackrock.

Nobody capable of independent-thought and even a cursory knowledge of history believes the Putin-is-Hitler-and-we-have-to-stop-him-before-he-conquers-the-whole-world fairy tale that is used to try to justify America’s proxy-war against Russia in the Ukraine. This is Blackrock’s war. This is the military-industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about:

A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be might, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction. . . . American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

This is the Deep-State’s war. Hitler-is-Putin is today’s Tomkin Gulf … today’s Saddam has WMD’s. Fortunately, most GOP voters oppose forever wars. It’s just the donor class that profits from these wars … and GOP “leaders” who represent the donors, not the voters … who support them.

Nothing to see here. Just taxpayers being forced to pay off Ukraine’s debts to Blackrock:



The post Your Periodic Reminder That We’re At War With Russia To Profit Blackrock appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Should Call Lab Grown Meat, Cloned Meat – Or Better Yet, Mystery Meat.

Wed, 2023-07-05 19:30 +0000

We’ve written about Lab Grown meat and plant-based products pretending to be meat. Their carbon footprint is larger. It costs more than the real thing. And while plant-based fake meat’s nutritional claims are spurious, with cloned meat, they are a mystery.


Two California companies, Good Meat and Upside Foods, are now approved to sell chicken created from animal cells in the United States. The U.S. is just the second country in the world — after Singapore — to allow the commercial sale of lab-grown meat, which is also referred to as “cultured” and “cell-cultivated” meat.

[Registered dietitian Diana] Rodgers told the Post that she is concerned about a lack of publicly-available nutritional information regarding lab-grown meat. When asked whether lab-grown meat was healthy or not, Rodgers said, “We just don’t know.”


And yes, it is cloned meat. Manufacturers grow it in metal tanks in a lab “from the cells of chickens, salt, and a base of soy and wheat.”


“I’d rather eat my shoe than lab-grown meat,” Rodgers told the Post. “McDonald’s is still better because the meat is a better option for vitamins,” she added later.


It will only be available in commercial applications like restaurants at first but don’t expect the menu to say Cloned Chicken Marsala or Cloned Lemon Chicken. Nor engineered, and not Lab Grown, either. I’d like the boneless (as if there’s any lab variety) chicken wing product, Buffalo sauce, hot. It’s perfect; there’s no wing nor any actual chicken. Dip it in a side of synthetic bleu cheese slurry and take a bite for Gaia, except not really.


“… growing meat in a lab appears to be twenty-five times more dangerous to the planet (emissions-wise) than beef on the hoof if that sort of thing concerns you. Not I, but the hypocrisy of anti-co2 hypocrites replacing essential protein with garbage whose manufacture releases exponentially more carbon than the real thing (since they pretend to care) does.


Much like the Northeast’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), it will be effective at raising revenues but not at reducing emissions.

According to the reporting, it will sell for about 20.00/pound so the war on real meat must continue for clone meat to compete on price. Bill Gates on team cloned meat, so you can guess how that’s going to go. The lack of details about what’s in it or the actual nutritional value will remain a mystery, so feel free to call it what it is.

Mystery meat.


The post We Should Call Lab Grown Meat, Cloned Meat – Or Better Yet, Mystery Meat. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

RINO Report – Belknap County

Wed, 2023-07-05 18:00 +0000

For someone who analyzes voting records, it is sad to see how Belknap has changed. For the last decade, the Belknap delegation (the group of State Reps from Belknap) has had the best voting record of all counties.

We want to thank Spec Bowers for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Now, they have some of the worst voting records. Some Reps with very good records are gone, some new Reps have bad records, and some old Reps have records worse than before.

The 2023 RINO Report shows the median RINO score for all Republicans is 1.5%. Only 10% of all Republicans have scores worse than 8%. Only 15 of 200 Republicans have double-digit scores.

In Belknap, the median score is 2.3% (vs. 1.5% statewide); four of its 15 Reps (27% vs. 10% statewide) have scores worse than 8%. Belknap has four Reps above 10% – more than any other county. Its average RINO score is the second worst of all ten counties.


Bordes, Mike 32.8% 
Nagel, David 13.9% 
Trottier, Douglas 13.7% 
O’Hara, Travis 11.1% 
Bogert, Steven 6.8% 
Beaudoin, Richard 3.7% 
Harvey-Bolia, Juliet 2.7% 
McCarter, Nikki 2.3% 
Varney, Peter 1.6% 
Dumais, Russell 0.8% 
Terry, Paul 0.7% 
Comtois, Barbara 0.0% 
Smart, Lisa 0.0% 
Ploszaj, Tom 0.0% 
Bean, Harry 0.0% 


Mike Bordes has the second worse score of all 200 Republicans. He voted 38 times with Democrats against a super-majority, in most cases 95%, of Republicans. Nagel and Trottier are in the top 10 of the worst RINOs. O’Hara is barely better at the 11th worst. Trottier had the worst attendance of all Republicans; O’Hara was second worst.

More than 95% of Republican Reps supported SB272 (Parents’ Bill of Rights in Education), which among other things, says that teachers should not lie to parents about the potential gender transitioning of children.

Bordes strenuously opposed the Parents’ Bill of Rights, even to the point of co-sponsoring a Democrat amendment to weaken the bill. To a lesser extent, Nagel and O’Hara also opposed the Parents’ Bill of Rights. Nagel co-sponsored another Democrat amendment to weaken the bill.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-07-05 16:30 +0000

Wednesday is meme overflow day around here—an opportunity to feast on the visual leftovers from Monday. You can also take a leap in the Wayback machine to last Friday’s overflow or just proceed to the latest pile of mockery we’ve curated for your amusement.

We’ve tapped memes, political and non-political, with the odd interesting photo to break things up.

Note: There may be some adult content, and not always kid friendly. Please use your discretion when viewing.































































































The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Destroying the Corporatist-Globalist Syndicate

Wed, 2023-07-05 15:00 +0000

If you were to talk about the nature of the World Economic Forum and its initiatives over the past decade in real terms, you’d probably be labeled a conspiracy theorist. This is one of the most popular smears around today when anyone attempts to put their finger on the most significant problem facing the world today.

Yet, it is actually right on and correct. When we attempt to clarify the driving forces behind problematic movements of global change, we are theorizing, just like Galileo theorized about heliocentrism and how Newton theorized about gravity.

A small group of individuals working in concert, although not in regular communication, is driving global developments. These prominently include Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros (and now his radical son Alex), and a group of sycophantic supporters surrounding them. They all have one thing in common– their agenda is focused on depopulation.

This is not a movement that is seeking to prioritize the health and well-being of all global citizens. No, it is not that enlightened. This WEF-led agenda seeks to protect and make prosperous a small group of cooperating and collaborating, no more than ten to twenty thousand people, at the expense of everyone else. In fact, everyone else, in their opinion, is cattle. Simply a product. When they use the term human resources for them, humans are simply another resource to be exploited. These are extremely warped and twisted people who have a disgusting perspective on the way the planet and its civilization work.

Imagine if the mayor of a city only sought to promote the health and well-being of the 100 richest people. Everyone else could die, and all policies were built precisely to expedite those people’s deaths. In fact, the faster everyone died, the better. Businesses in this hellhole would be built to profit off of those deaths. State policy would be built to promote ideologies that would encourage shorter lifespans, unhealthier people, and easy access to deadly substances.

Well, that is how most countries work today on this planet.

The leaders of the nations of Earth have created a veritable hell for the citizens of the planet. The only way to escape is to learn as much as you can about the nature of this hellish prison and to fight to change it.

Unfortunately for most, laws are in place to prevent the swift and expeditious removal of the very people who have created this civilizational structure. The only way to alter the course is to see that people with a healthier, more prosperous, and more enlightened perspective are given the reigns of power.

Case in point of this nauseating reality is the COVID project, which led to one very positive outcome – the people who are part of this corporatist-globalist syndicate, this corrupted demonic ideology of widespread illness, poverty, and destruction, have been blatantly put on stage. It is clear which parties support this agenda of wrongheadedness and elitism.

Now it is up to us to oust those people to ensure a more prosperous, healthier, and stronger future for our civilization.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Federal Judge to Deep State – No More Telling Big Tech Who to Censor

Wed, 2023-07-05 13:30 +0000

“A federal judge has made a historic ruling by partially granting an injunction that blocks various Biden administration officials and government agencies like the Justice Department and the FBI from working with big tech firms to censor posts on social media.”

More from the Epoch Times.


The judge, Terry A. Doughty, wrote in the July 4 judgment (pdf) that various government agencies, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the U.S. Department of State, the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are prohibited from taking a range of actions with regards to social media companies.

Specifically, the agencies and their staff members are prohibited from meeting or contacting by phone, email, text message or “engaging in any communication of any kind with social-media companies urging, encouraging, pressuring, or inducing in any manner for removal, deletion, suppression, or reduction of content containing protected free speech,” per the injunction.

The agencies are also barred from flagging content on posts on social media platforms and forwarding them to the companies with requests for action such as removing or otherwise suppressing their reach.

Encouraging or otherwise egging on social media companies to change their guidelines for the removal, suppression, or reduction of content that contains protected free speech by the government is also not allowed.


Injunctions are typically partial (this one is) and temporary. Big Gov can still flag criminal activity and threats to national security, which – if you understand anything about Democrats and the Deep State, includes speech to which they object. The games will likely continue with the injunction in place while legal challenges proceed. Louisiana and Missouri are suing the government, given the evidence uncovered in the Twitter Files (and I suspect other sources). The judge refused to dismiss their case, claiming it has merit.

Given the fraction of the systemic suppression of First Amendment Rights of which we are aware, merit appears to be an understatement. A blow to the whole notion that these were actions by private companies when in fact, they were targeted acts at the behest of federal agents and bureaucrats.

I doubt the suit will end well for the Government. Free Speech somehow manages to retain a level of respect most other bits of our founding docs can’t manage. And SCOTUS continues to be the First Amendment’s friend – and that’s where this will inevitably end. But it won’t mean a heck of a lot if someone doesn’t clarify what the government can call ‘criminal activity and threats to national security.’

There’s also the matter of enforcement. The same branch of government responsible for the offense is the one that is supposed to police against potential infringements. That’ll never happen. It will be up to state AGs to do that, and if you failed to notice, there are a few states missing from the lawsuit, including mine.



HT | Dr. Meryl Nass

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH State Police vs “The People”

Wed, 2023-07-05 12:00 +0000

After reading several recent articles in the GraniteGrok concerning the “NH9,” I can only come to the conclusion that we have an integrity problem in both the governor’s Office and now the Department of Public Safety.

Both of whom should have followed the adage that bad news does not get better with age and simply informed us as to what really happened. We would respect you more if you simply admitted your mistake and apologized to these individuals and to the citizens of New Hampshire.

What we did receive is a non-believable deceptive response to a FOIA request from the Commissioner of Public Safety. Apparently, no one is taking responsibility for the improper arrest of these citizens and the violation of their civil rights to peacefully assemble. The video is particularly troubling in showcasing the State Police being used to intimidate citizens and placing them in a very unfavorable light.

While at the same time, a simple threat of a subpoena compelling the sworn testimony of the Governor was sufficient to have all charges dropped. This was a red flag telling us that there is more to this story. Neither the Governor nor the Commissioner will publicly comment and inform us of the reasons for these unlawful arrests. Remaining mute is not acceptable. Leaders don’t act this way.

This abuse of executive branch power started with COVID and has continued to the present. I believe it is time for either the state legislature or our judicial branch to conduct an independent inquiry and to quickly tell us who authorized these arrests and why or compel the Governor and the Commissioner to defend their actions.

Hopefully, this will remain in the public square until we get a satisfactory answer while those arrested continue to seek proper redress. It would be further problematic if an investigation reveals that there is, in fact, information responsive to this FOIA request and was not made available to the public in accordance with state law.

Over to you Commissioner.

The post NH State Police vs “The People” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jordan Peterson: Birth Control, Sex, Culture, Men, Women, Consent, and #MeToo …

Wed, 2023-07-05 10:30 +0000

After watching this, I forgot what I was looking for when I tripped over it (digitally speaking). A young woman in the audience asks Jordan Peterson a question about men in the #meetoo age.

Peterson opens with how birth control changed relationships and culture—a major league transformation in human interaction. Women were freed from involuntary reproduction. “That’s never been the case in the entire history of the planet.”

He references cultural sea change and the decades of experimentation, “well, how’d that go? A little hard on the family. That’s not so good for kids.” And he keeps going from there because “It turns out that sex is a lot more complicated than we thought.

He ventures into the current day circumstances and where we find ourselves several decades later with different rules from what applied to most of human history. When it is okay to have sex and what consent means, intimacy and marriage; it’s a great exploration of the subject. And what’s up with the #MeToo Mob response, campus rape chaos, and an unexpected progressive contradiction.

The remarks run just under 8 minutes.

A few quick points about EM Daily: neither of the tags they use is relevant. The student was formerly progressive and is reformed by her own admission, so she is not a progressive student. And at no point do we know if she is left speechless. Also, Peterson never says, “Sex has never been free.”

The video is absolutely worth your time; it just annoys me when nothing about what drew you to click is present. In this rare case, the product was better than the clickbait.




The post Jordan Peterson: Birth Control, Sex, Culture, Men, Women, Consent, and #MeToo … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Enjoy Playing Your Favorite Game at a Reliable Online Casino

Wed, 2023-07-05 10:00 +0000

Online casinos have revolutionized how people enjoy gambling and playing their favorite casino games. Gone are the days when you had to travel to a physical casino to experience the thrill of blackjack, roulette, or slots. With the advent of online casinos, you can now indulge in your favorite games from home. However, choosing a reliable online casino is essential to ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming experience. This article will explore the benefits of playing at a trusted online casino and how it can enhance your gaming experience.

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One of the primary concerns when playing at an online fun 88 casino is the safety and security of your personal and financial information. A reliable online casino will prioritize protecting players’ data by implementing state-of-the-art encryption technology. This ensures that your details remain confidential and your financial transactions are secure. Additionally, trusted online casinos are licensed and regulated by reputable gambling authorities, providing an extra layer of security and ensuring fair gameplay.

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Playing your favorite game at a reliable online fun 88 casino provides numerous advantages, including safety and security, a wide selection of games, convenience, and accessibility, as well as exciting bonuses and rewards. With the rapid advancement of technology, online casinos continue to evolve, offering increasingly immersive and realistic gaming experiences. However, choosing a reputable and trustworthy online casino that prioritizes player safety and provides a fair and enjoyable gaming environment is essential. So, sit back, relax, and let the virtual casino bring the thrill of gambling to your fingertips. Enjoy playing your favorite game, and may luck be on your side!

The post Enjoy Playing Your Favorite Game at a Reliable Online Casino appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Remember That Steam Powered Bicycle? Way Better This Time!

Wed, 2023-07-05 01:30 +0000

Do you remember that steam-powered bicycle I shared a few weeks back? It was hand-built, firewood, and puffs of smoke – and not that fast…



But it was amusing to see what someone with way too much time on their hands could do to answer the question, “Hey, can you hold ma beer?”

This, however, is an animal of a very DIFFERENT sort. It is highly machined, and costly, and the outgassing steam is more like a jet engine than the “puff, puff, putter, putter” of the bicycle:

Fastest steam-powered motorcycle in history tears up the 1/8th mile

A husband-and-wife precision engineering team has set a new world record standing 1/8th mile time for steam-powered motorcycles. The Force of Nature is effectively a rocket on wheels, and the team says it should go much faster in the next attempt.

British couple Graham and Diane Sykes took their creation to Elvington Speed Week to lay down a record-breaking time of 3.878 seconds for the standing eighth, with a recorded exit speed of 163.8 mph (264 km/h). Graham was aboard the steam-powered dragster for the attempt, and said the bike continued to accelerate, passing 180 mph (290 km/h) some way after the post.



“There is still lots more power to come, and I feel sure we will run quicker in the coming months,” the team wrote in a blog post.

Very interesting…


HT | New Atlas

The post Remember That Steam Powered Bicycle? Way Better This Time! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fellow Republicans,

Wed, 2023-07-05 00:00 +0000

Pivotal in remaining a strong and credible party, you need to have the trust of your constituents. Without that trust within the bounds of the law, both the individual and the collective will be stifled, resulting in an enterprise unworthy of the name.

The Republican Party needs to rejuvenate its support base and overall credibility. Republican Party is on life support as it is today. It is no longer a mystery; the Republican Party has lost touch with its constituents and the American people. They don’t connect and don’t care. For example, the US Senate is not serving the intended role of protecting the individual states’ autonomy and authority. Senators view themselves as part of the national government, not as a defender of the state’s interest and sovereignty.

What do you think can be done? First and foremost, we must have term limits. Vital to the effort’s success is abandoning old suspicions, parochial thinking, and scheming for special privileges for any individual or group. Goodwill and work for the common good are required of all. This new beginning is a paradigm shift from the destructive ways of the past. There is much to be gained by all when justice and equity are not exclusive to the few. Justice in all its forms, as is the case with freedom, must be the guiding principle of our Republican Party.

This Party can’t even agree on a single bill to pass. A lack of unity and leadership has weakened this Party. Despite many promises to the American people, Obamacare is still alive and well. “For American voters expecting their Republican-dominated House and Senate and the White House to honor their years of repeal promises and repeal Obamacare. In a move that’s no surprise to anyone, the late John McCain voted against the embarrassingly named ‘Skinny Repeal,’ voted against his Party (or is it his Party?), and voted to keep Obamacare going.

Many people can no longer differentiate between the Democrats and the Republicans. Not to mention, this Party ultimately betrayed the American people during the Obama administration. They just watched and did nothing.

According to Rasmussen Reports, Republican voters are far more likely than Democrats to say their party bosses are out of touch with the voter base. Seventy-three percent of Republicans think their party leaders are out of step with the rank-and-file, the survey shows.

Republican Party has become one of the rich, for the rich, and has lost touch with people. The Party has lost its ability to govern despite having the majority in the House, Senate, and Republican President.

Time is of the essence; either do your job for which you were elected or resign so that we can have new blood injected into that Party. You can no longer function.



The post Fellow Republicans, appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Are Looking for Folks Who Can Draw … Cartoons

Tue, 2023-07-04 22:30 +0000

And I’ve got ideas. Well, to be truthful, I know someone else who has many more than I do, and I was in stitches while listening to his descriptions of what he’d like to see. The only problem is that neither of us can do graphics to save our lives.

If you like the work we do with words, have the same satirical outlook on politics, and can create cartoons that say as much with design, lines, or colors.

We know our readers would love more political cartoons, so we are looking for folks who can draw them. We’ll help with the ideas and then feature your work on our rather well-trafficked pages. Our readers get a laugh or an inspired moment from your artistic effort, and you grow an audience for your work.

And trust me; we will be able to feed you with lots of ideas on a wide range of subjects.

If you’re interested, send us an email at



The post We Are Looking for Folks Who Can Draw … Cartoons appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Time To Teach our Children To Love This Country

Tue, 2023-07-04 21:00 +0000

We are suffering a lack of love for this country that most of us recognize as the greatest on earth. We tend to emphasize the ills of America because most people look for the tragic headlines and gloss over the stories of good and hope.

The old line, “If it bleeds, it leads,” is still true today, even though our sources for news have changed dramatically. Unfortunately, this logic has permeated the teaching of our children. Instead of focusing on our great land’s blessings, freedoms, and opportunities, our children are inundated with tales of gloom and oppression. There is always the other side of the coin. If we could flip the side we dwell on, we could change the thinking of future generations. The negative outlook of America is a learned, not an experienced viewpoint.

An example is WNBA player Natasha Cloud. Here is a 31-year-old woman who was educated at the University of Maryland and Saint Joseph’s University thanks to basketball scholarships and makes her living playing professional basketball. She has a life many would love to enjoy, but Natasha still has the time to trash the country that has given her a good life. In a tweet Cloud posted on Monday, she wrote:

Our country is trash in so many ways and instead of using our resources to make it better we continue to oppress Marginalized groups that we have targeted since the beginning of times. Black/brown communities& LGBTQ+ man we are too powerful to still be attacking issues separate.”

Cloud drew immediate attention and criticism, and my favorite response was from Enes Freedom. I stipulate that Enes is one of my most admired people because he has embraced what America has given him after growing up in Turkey. He enjoys the fruits of America and maybe its biggest cheerleader and spokesman. He responded on Twitter:

Just ask your colleague Brittney Griner how “trash” America is. Calling America trash huh? Let me know when your season is over, I’ll buy your ticket and we can go together to counties like China, Russia, IRAN, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, & Turkey. Forget about calling them trash, I would like to see if you can even criticize those regimes!! You and your family members would be thrown in jail, tortured to death, and raped. People have NO idea how lucky and blessed they are to be in a country like America. I’m not saying America is perfect, but trust me, you don’t wanna see the other side.

Enes Freedom gets it. He has lived in a country that has banned him from returning home. He cannot see his parents. He lost his job playing in the NBA because he spoke out about the evils of China, yet he still raves about the greatness of America. He has seen both sides of the coin, and he will take the American eagle. Natasha Cloud has only experienced the best the world has to offer, but she has been taught that America is oppressive and racist. Cloud needs to shed her ignorance and get beyond what she has been programmed to think.

Representative Wesley Hunt of Texas is an American success story. He is a direct descendant of a slave. His great-grandfather was a plantation cotton picker. Wesley Hunt credits his parents, who taught him and his siblings that race was not the factor to determine their lives but sacrifice and hard work were. Wesley and his brother and sister are all graduates of West Point. Can there be a more patriotic success story? I don’t think so. Hunt is working on a bill that would name July as National Pride Month. That is a Pride I can embrace, and I will send the first T-shirt to Natasha Cloud!

The post Time To Teach our Children To Love This Country appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mike Pence Says … No Place In The GOP For Those Who Oppose Forever-Wars

Tue, 2023-07-04 19:30 +0000

Mike Pence … you remember him, don’t you? The guy who gave Fauci and Birx the keys to the car and then did absolutely nothing as they drove the car off the cliff … is all about Ukraine. Check out his twitter feed. Pence has no doubt … NONE … that Hitler Putin intends to drive his Panzers T-90s all the way to the Atlantic!

Pence is as ignorant and wrong about Ukraine/Zelensky as he was about COVID/Fauci-Birx. But there is one thing we agree on. There is no place in the GOP for those who oppose forever-wars, if some Establishment hack like Pence or Haley wins the nomination. So I will write in RFK, Jr. if somehow Pence or Haley or some other oleaginous Establishment hack is the nominee.

The post Mike Pence Says … No Place In The GOP For Those Who Oppose Forever-Wars appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Patriots! Let’s Unite for a Stronger America!

Tue, 2023-07-04 18:00 +0000

Dear Patriot,

In these tumultuous times, it is essential to recognize the pivotal role that each of you plays in shaping the course of our nation. As Patriots, you are not mere spectators but active participants in the ever-evolving political climate surrounding us.

I want to talk to you today to emphasize the importance of resilience, unity, and the need to navigate challenges without succumbing to anger and frustration.

As Patriots, our journey is not without obstacles. The road ahead may be riddled with challenges, testing our resolve and commitment to our shared values. However, it is during these moments that our strength shines the brightest. Remember that previous generations of Patriots faced trials and tribulations, yet they persevered, leaving behind a legacy that inspires us today. We must remain resolute and steadfast in our pursuit of progress, refusing to be disheartened by temporary setbacks or the magnitude of the tasks before us.

In the face of adversity, we must guard against the destructive forces of anger and frustration. While it is natural to feel these emotions when our values are challenged, or progress seems slow, we must not allow them to consume us or dictate our actions. Instead, let us channel these emotions into productive avenues and constructive dialogue. By doing so, we maintain the integrity of our convictions and contribute positively to the collective efforts of Patriots across our country.

One of our greatest strengths as Patriots lies in our numbers. With over 100 million MAGA individuals who share our dedication to the principles of liberty, justice, and the prosperity of America, we form a formidable force for positive change. The sheer magnitude of our collective presence is a testament to the enduring spirit of patriotism that runs deep within the fabric of our nation. Each Patriot adds their voice to the chorus of those seeking a better future for our country, and together, our combined efforts have the power to shape the course of America.

Unity is the bedrock upon which our strength rests. When we stand together, regardless of our backgrounds or political affiliations, we amplify our voices and mobilize our efforts. Through unity, we transcend divisions, foster understanding, and bridge seemingly impossible gaps. By embracing collective responsibility, we unlock the potential to accomplish great things for our nation.

The power of unity should not be underestimated. History bears witness to the remarkable achievements of united Patriots throughout the ages. From our nation’s founding to the civil rights movement and beyond, the collective determination of Patriots brought about transformative change. By harnessing the power of our unity, we can overcome any obstacle, challenge the status quo, and create a more inclusive, prosperous, and harmonious America.

In politics, it is disheartening to witness some politicians prioritizing their power and self-interests over the well-being of the people they are meant to serve. The allure of energy can be seductive, turning it into an aphrodisiac and a drug that blinds those who succumb to its influence. As Patriots, we must hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they prioritize the needs and aspirations of the American people above their ambitions.

Power has an intoxicating effect on those who wield it. It can cloud judgment, breed corruption, and lead to a detachment from the realities of everyday Americans. We have witnessed how some politicians become disconnected from the values and principles they promised to uphold once immersed in the corridors of power. This disconnection undermines the trust between the governed and their representatives, eroding the foundations of our democracy.

The United States Senate, often referred to as the most exclusive club in the history of the modern United States, presents a glaring example of the entrenchment of power. Some Senators have held their positions for decades, effectively creating a system where fresh perspectives and new voices struggle to emerge. This stagnation stifles progress and impedes the representation of the diverse interests and concerns of the American people. We must advocate for term limits to ensure a rotation of ideas and a more accountable system of governance.

Let us reflect upon the experience of Senator Ted Cruz, who entered the Senate determined to shake things up and challenge the status quo. However, his arrival was met with resistance from entrenched members of the “club” who were reluctant to embrace change. This resistance to new voices hampers innovation and stifles the will of the people who elected representatives to serve their interests.

Ted Cruz’s experience is not unique. Numerous Senators who dare to challenge the norms and bring fresh perspectives face hostility and pushback from those who have grown comfortable in their positions of power. This resistance stems from a fear of disruption and a desire to maintain the status quo.

However, we can precisely ensure a government serving the people’s interests by introducing new ideas and a rotation of representatives.

Term limits are essential to breathe new life into our political system. Limiting the number of terms an individual can serve enables fresh voices and ideas to emerge, fostering a more dynamic and responsive government. Term limits promote accountability, preventing the consolidation of power and encouraging representatives to remain connected to the needs and aspirations of their constituents. It is time to push for term limits and reshape the political landscape to reflect the will of the American people better.

Throughout history, the struggle for freedom has witnessed periodic setbacks and advances. Tyranny may occasionally gain ground, but free people have consistently risen to the challenge, willing to pay any price to safeguard the precious treasure of liberty. Our journey toward a perfect union is not without obstacles, but we have repeatedly proven that we possess the resilience and determination to overcome them.

As Patriots, we must renew our commitment to defending the principles enshrined in our Constitution. We stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, who risked their lives and fortunes to secure our freedom. Just as they faced adversity with unwavering determination, we must be prepared to meet any challenge and preserve the precious legacy of liberty for future generations.

Our Constitution serves as the bedrock of our nation, guaranteeing the fundamental rights and liberties that define us as a free people. Our duty as Patriots is to safeguard the integrity of this sacred document, ensuring its principles are upheld and protected. In a time of increasing polarization and threats to our democratic institutions, we must remain vigilant and resolute in defending the Constitution, for it is through its provisions that our freedom endures.

Dear Patriots, as we navigate the complex political landscape of our time, let us remain hopeful and engaged. We must continue to demand term limits for our elected officials, ensuring a system that welcomes fresh perspectives and remains accountable to the people’s will. We can shape a brighter future for America through unity, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to our shared values.

In these challenging times, let us unite, transcending our differences and working toward a more inclusive, prosperous, and harmonious nation. We have the power to effect change, to build bridges, and to forge a path towards a better tomorrow.

With unwavering solidarity and a shared vision for a more vital America.

The post Patriots! Let’s Unite for a Stronger America! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Need To Declare Independence, Again

Tue, 2023-07-04 16:30 +0000

Nearly 250 years ago, a group of incredible men with vision and wisdom far beyond their years crafted the Declaration of Independence. The colonists had tired of living under totalitarian rule and wanted their freedom and rights endowed upon them by God.

These early settlers came to this land to escape excessive government control, only to find themselves still under the thumb of the King of England. These folks were willing to sacrifice their blood and treasure to regain their independence and create a more perfect union for themselves and their families. Young men and boys banded together and defeated the superior British Army and Navy to give birth to the United States of America.

On the last day of the Constitutional Convention, September 18, 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin what have we got a republic or a monarchy – A republic, replied Franklin, if you can keep it. Two centuries later, we realize just how astute the words of Benjamin Franklin were as we see our once great Republic drifting away toward Socialism. Maybe it is time for us to band together again and declare our independence from the government we have created and allowed to take control of our lives.

The change happened slowly but built up momentum over the last fifty years. We had survived two world wars where we joined with other nations to fight fascists who wanted to control the world, and we had the freedoms and energy to grow this nation at a speed never seen before. Unfortunately, as we looked to the future, we did not watch the present. Our education system and government were working in unison to morph our nation into a more socialistic model. The change happened so methodically that we did not detect it as we were caught up in our progress. The last few years of anarchy, protests, Pandemic, BLM, and the introduction of cancel and WOKE culture have opened our eyes to the new normal, and many of us do not want to live in that “normal” world.

From our independence has grown a new dependent culture that wants to be nurtured and cared for from crib to grave while still enjoying the benefits and fruits of those who still have the spirit of our forefather’s drive to make a better life. Equity has replaced equality, and the want of a handout has usurped the idea of lending a hand up. You can hear the chants of the USA fading as the drumbeat of ESG and CRT have become the rhythm of the new generations.

Our free nation has become the new society of free living where all the basic needs and more are supplied to the masses at the expense of those who worked hard and created their success and wealth. This society can only work until we have drained all the resources from the few at the top or until the top of the pyramid is no longer. The new generations, and even our government, fail to understand this concept and are creating a debt that we cannot sustain.

Before it is too late, those who still believe in our Republic and its original intent must unite and rise against this movement to tear us down. We must reject those who want to lead us down the path to Socialism and ensure that our government returns to a body created by and for the people. If we fail to answer this call, we will fulfill the prophecy of Benjamin Franklin, and we will lose our grip on our great Republic. We are still a young country but one that is destroying itself from within. We have to power to reverse the course, but only if we join together and declare our intent to be free again. We cannot delay, for the momentum is too great for procrastination. Existential is a terribly overused word, but this movement is precisely that. The leaders of this movement are hell-bent on the extinction of the United States of America, and I, for one, am not ready to lower the flag just yet.

The post We Need To Declare Independence, Again appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Donald Trump’s America

Tue, 2023-07-04 15:00 +0000

No President in the history of the United States has achieved as much in his first three years in his first term in office as President Donald Trump. Meanwhile, no President in the history of America has been subjected to such incessant vile and unjustified attacks as President Trump.

We are making America stronger, prouder, and greater than ever before.” President Donald J. Trump

Why? Because he believes in American exceptionalism, not globalism.

“Make America Great Again.” Just a slogan, the people of failure shout back. The Obama/Biden team had failed us for eight years in every aspect of our lives. To the leftists, failure is not only typical; it is expected. Since Donald Trump announced his candidacy, the Democrats have launched one failed hoax after another in an attempt to end his political career.

The list of their failures for the previous administration is so long and glaring that I hardly need to repeat all of them here. Under the previous administration, once well-paid manufacturing jobs had disappeared and were relocated to other countries. President Trump managed to reverse this trend and brought back many manufacturing jobs. Before President Trump was at the helm, vast swaths of this nation, from northern New York to the great states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and many others, previously vibrant manufacturing regions, looked like ghost towns but now have come back and people are optimistic about the future of this country.

“During a PBS town hall, Obama referenced Trump’s promise to bring back jobs to the United States when talking about manufacturing.

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,” Obama said.

“He just said, ‘Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.’ Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?”

If I may, on President Trump’s behalf, allow me to respond to the former President:

“Mr. Obama, I wake up every morning and see a winner. Every day of my life, a winner has looked back at me from the mirror with a smile, encouraging me to go out there and have another winning day.

“And I do that. And I am doing the same thing for our country. My wand is made of people. I can lead people to do miraculous feats. I’ve done it all my life, and after three years in office, I have done it again, and that’s just the beginning. Before America hired me, I had built some of the most magnificent buildings in the world through the combined efforts of tens of thousands of talented people. These men and women each brought their skill and energy to their jobs. They worked for living wages, that’s for sure. But they didn’t go through the motions only to get a paycheck. They worked their best and hardest because they contributed to building something beautiful. These men and women felt the priceless joy of working for something that no money can buy, the pride of being in a team of winners accomplishing greatly challenging tasks.”

“Now, the winner who looked at me in the mirror and asked me to do the same exact thing for our country. This time with a team of millions of competent men and women lining up to build a better America while seeking a better life for themselves and their children. This is how I have accomplished and brought back so many businesses and manufacturing jobs to our country. Something you failed to do.”

President Trump won against them. Why? Because the American people want a leader who believes in them and believes in America. A leader who is willing and able to end the corrupt decay of Washington, D. C. The American people are sick and tired of letting a band of losers give away the store and what’s left of it.

Although the Obama/Biden and Biden/ Kamala Harris team made a wreck of our country, they have done very well for themselves personally, and I mean hugely well.

Strange as it may seem, the above paragraphs may tell us something important about the motivation of Donald Trump to “Make America Great Again.” His monumental egotism should be viewed with the above ideas in mind. This would have been readily understood by Alexander Hamilton, whose founding of the First National Bank and his famous “Report on Manufactures” established him as the father of American capitalism.

Despite the fact that Trump’s White House and government were stacked with progressive liberals/Obama holdovers/Muslim apologists, and Muslim brotherhood career workers, President Trump still managed to reverse the disastrous course of Obama/ Biden and has made America great for every man, woman, and child of every race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, and all other variations.

Unfortunately, in a shocking turn of events that had left the nation reeling, the American people were robbed of their rightful choice for leadership. Trump’s impressive victory was a reward for his tireless commitment to serving the American people. It was also the crowning achievement of an unprecedented campaign whose brilliance and high tone demonstrated the vitality of our Constitutional Republic to the entire world while keeping them spellbound.

Our responsibility as Americans to Keep America Great is to reelect President Trump, who selflessly has sacrificed his comfortable life for the sake of America and the American people.

The post Donald Trump’s America appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Coming Soon: GraniteGrok in Vermont … Should We Call it VermontGrok? Green MountainGrok?

Tue, 2023-07-04 13:30 +0000

I’ve been pondering a foray into the Green Mountain State for a few years but was burdened by the same issues with other expansions. People promising to write about local stuff and it happening regularly are very different things. They mean well, but I get it.

Writing comes easily for some, while most folks have other skill sets. They want to write, but sitting down to do it is torture. It’s a waste of their time and resources. They can participate in the fight for liberty in other ways. Adding a digital presence in Vermont was on the bucket list but until this past week untenable.

At the end of last week, True North Reports (TNR) announced that it would no longer add new content. That would leave several capable writers without that page to land on, so I started reaching out. We can count on a few of TNR’s regular contributors to provide content to VermontGrok.

It’s Time

I’ve been throwing down my fair share of words about Vermont. We’ve got a ‘Grok author who lives there. We’ve got a pair of TNR writers ready to pitch in, but will anyone else in Vermont volunteer to write state and local stories for its pages? I think we can attract a few more, add local op-eds published as we do here on the New Hampshire side of the Connecticut River, and with the added reach GraniteGrok, boom!

We’re doing this!

Not long from now, a New Grok will appear as a link in the header of every page. It will be part of GraniteGrok as we do our best to fill some of the void left by TNR.

And …

At some point, much as we have in New Hampshire, we intend to Dominate the Political Bandwidth in Vermont.


This is not the final proof, but I was fooling around with it and liked where it was going. We’ll unveil the real thing on opening day.

A Thing Worth Doing

We ask our readers to support independent media, and we practice what we preach – and my trying to go full-time with your help makes this leap tenable.

While not the only option, TNR was an important part of the other side of Vermont’s media landscape. Vermonters lose a step without alternative content or opinion on the day’s issues, culture, and news. We’re not going to allow that to happen. And what better day than Independence Day to announce it?

We’d also like to welcome all of TNR’s readers and commenters. Yes, we allow comments. You will need to sign up for DISQUS (sorry), but that’s what we’ve been using for more years than I can count. We don’t brook trolls, foul language, implied threats, or violent language against anyone, but everything else is on the table—debate matters.

I hope you will join us as readers, commenters, and op-ed writers when the urge strikes you.

A formal announcement will follow when the page is live.

One more Question. Do you like Green MountainGrok Better?

The post Coming Soon: GraniteGrok in Vermont … Should We Call it VermontGrok? Green MountainGrok? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Manchester Free Press aims to bring together in one place everything that you need to know about what’s happening in the Free State of New Hampshire.

As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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