The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 8 min 49 sec ago

ICYMI – The Really Very Horrible Bad News About the mRNA Platform

Sun, 2024-01-14 13:00 +0000

I’ll leave it up to you to decide which is worse: the lie, the cover-up, or the harm to quality of life or loss of life. I’m inclined toward the latter, but we cannot escape how the former  – and its water carriers caused the latter. Without truth, inquiry, debate, and science, people were injured by what they were told would protect them from harm.

We are not revisiting the hundreds of articles or research. You’ve read them or can find them. This is about Tucker Carlson’s latest segment at TCN. Bret Weinstein, whom many of you may follow, spent an hour with Tucker, exploring facts and frauds around COVID. Again, much of it is information we know or thoughts we’ve shared, but it was how he shared it. Clear. Concise. It’s brilliant.

You should watch it or watch it again.

Why mRNA was so Bad

On the topic of the mRNA platform, he very succinctly describes the problem after acknowledging that, in theory, it was a beautiful discovery with potential. The problem is that by design, it can cause your body to attack itself. He explains how the human immune system defends the body by attacking foreign proteins everywhere they are found. The COVID injections create foreign proteins. If the mRNA gets into the circulatory system, it can land in any organ or all of them, producing proteins in cells that the body will attack.

While it is possible for the healthcare professional administering the injections to ensure the mRNA remains in the shoulder muscle as advertised millions of times, they did not. Perhaps hundreds of millions of times.

Add to this every other lie told of which they were keenly aware. It increases the chance of infection and spread, is more dangerous to children than the virus, masks would not protect you and likely increase the odds of disease, and distancing was never science (unless you mean the theoretical middle-school student variety). Natural immunity was better, and very few had anything to fear. Cheap existing treatments the experts demonized were more effective. Lockdowns did or will do more damage than perhaps even the injections. The Pfizer EUA formulation was not the same as the trial version (what of a trial there was), but it was as ineffective and dangerous.

Many at the top of the COVID tyranny food chain knew or suspected these things but shouted down and censored those who dared to air such suspicions in public. Another enormous error, as Bret Weinstein notes in this clip.



Tyranny became a global cure for the disease of Democracy with COVID, but they screwed up. Suppressing the odd peasant doesn’t attract a lot of attention. Shutting down world-class experts created Health Care Icons for the resistance. Brilliant minds connected to each other and the public in ways that had not previously been considered. The opposition has an A game, while team globalism can’t stop the evidence of how many lies they told and how often.


The Death Rate Lie:


PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number. Now, this is just my hunch, but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it’s very mild. They will get better very rapidly. They don’t even see a doctor. They don’t even call a doctor. You never hear about those people.

Nobody is Safe – Pandemic of the unvaccinated.



And, Fauci vs. Fauci.



The internet they seek to control is lush with examples, but the mRNA is still out there, and Pharma is paying the same players to support disproven public health shibboleths. Their narrative proteins are looking for new human minds to infect and the means to overcome the rise of ruling-class information immunity.

Naturally, they’ve been working on the children only because we let them so, as dangerous as mRNA might be, the people behind it are the actual threat, and they have not given up, so neither can we.


The post ICYMI – The Really Very Horrible Bad News About the mRNA Platform appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New York Law Attacks Religious Freedom

Sun, 2024-01-14 11:00 +0000

A New York statute targeting Chick-fil-A for its Christian faith turns American history—and Constitutional law—upside down.  The “Rest Stop Restaurant Act” seeks to compel food service providers to stay open seven days a week in publicly-owned rest areas and other facilities, or be denied contracts to provide services.

This is not merely an attack on the faith of a private business chain; it is an open war against fundamental constitutional liberties.

New York Blue Laws

Historically, American colonies widely implemented “Blue Laws” that forbade trade on the Sabbath day—Sundays.  Blue Laws compelled days of rest: New York banned Sunday sales of goods in 1656, and enacted the first official “state Sabbath law” with the “Statute for Suppressing Immorality” of 1778.  New York now seeks to compel businesses to sell goods on the Sabbath, a sort of Established Church of Mammon.

It is hard to imagine that courts will approve a government’s power to compel business opening hours any more than compel speech (or abortion).  Supreme Court precedent firmly holds the opposite: states can impose a day of tranquil rest. New York is flouting well-established law. In the 1961 seminal case of Braunfeld v. Brown, liberal Justice Earl Warren observed:

[W]e cannot find a State without power … to set one day of the week apart from the others as a day of rest, repose, recreation and tranquillity [sic] — a day when the hectic tempo of everyday existence ceases and a more pleasant atmosphere is created, a day which all members of the family and community have the opportunity to spend and enjoy together, a day on which people may visit friends and relatives who are not available during working days, a day when the weekly laborer may best regenerate himself. This is particularly true in this day and age of increasing state concern with public welfare legislation.

Compelled to Work?

In contrast, New York Democrat Assemblymember Tony Simone argued that allowing a restaurant to be closed is “just not in the public good” and that “not only does Chick-Fil-A have a long, shameful history of opposing LGBTQ rights, it simply makes no sense for them to be a provider of food services in busy travel plazas.”  This openly discriminatory statement follows a previous New York effort to prevent Chick-fil-A from opening facilities at these exact locations!  Despite attacks on the chain by leftist extremists, it remains the most popular fast-food chain in the nation, favored for its outstanding customer service.

This fast-food statute perverts Justice Warren’s concern for public welfare, advocating round-the-clock business over rest.  Instead of boycotting Chick-fil-A for its Christian views, its attackers are demanding it open its doors and earn more profits.  Chick-fil-A has observed the Sabbath since its 1946 founding so that employees can “enjoy a day of rest, be with their families and loved ones, and worship if they choose.”

This sounds much like the value upheld as a legitimate state interest by Justice Warren, who also warned of the potential for abuse:

[W]hen entering the area of religious freedom, we must be fully cognizant of the particular protection that the Constitution has accorded it. Abhorrence of religious persecution and intolerance is a basic part of our heritage.

If the purpose or effect of a law is to impede the observance of one or all religions, or is to discriminate invidiously between religions, that law is constitutionally invalid even though the burden may be characterized as being only indirect.

An Unconstitutional Effort

New York’s insulting effort to compel Sunday openings is constitutionally dead on arrival as it collides headlong into solid legal precedent.  Braunfeld and other precedents banned Jewish merchants from selling their goods on Sunday; now, New York seeks to do the exact reverse.  Justice Warren did not identify a state power to compel commerce, let alone in derogation of established religious practice.  He did, however, roundly and specifically condemn precisely the kind of overt prejudice exhibited by the New York legislators supporting this discriminatory bill.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post New York Law Attacks Religious Freedom appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nikki Haley Is the Billionaire-ocracy’s Desperate Attempt To Finish the Job Obama Started

Sun, 2024-01-14 09:00 +0000

In 42 years of practicing law in California, I encountered firsthand what I labeled the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY. Simply put, California was ruled by a very select and distinct group of very wealthy people who ran all the companies. The faces of the ruling class had names like Willie Brown (the man behind Kamala Harris), Nancy Pelosi, and Gavin Newsom.

But the real power was in Silicon Valley ( Google, Apple, Oracle, Microsoft). Just outside of Reno, the Power Corporations located themselves in an enclave far away from the citizens and installed their control towers. There seemed to be two types: Companies owned by individuals or families and Companies owned by extremely powerful folks like BlackRock and Vanguard. State Street. However you or I viewed it, these folks were extremely powerful, extremely wealthy, and, with little effort, were able to control every aspect of their worlds, including the State and federal governments.

As a trial attorney, I got to know a great deal about this “ruling” class. The fundamental aspect of this “class” is that they believe that they are “ENTITLED” to do whatever they want to do.

ENTITLED is a word that truly should stick in your thoughts. But make sure you clearly define it and understand it as it applies to those folks. It is not what you think. You need a working knowledge of European history-especially the attitudes and beliefs of the then-ruling aristocracy, you know the kings and their “divine” rights attitude.

Here is what I believe is true after interacting with this “class” for 42 years.

Way back in the Middle Ages and continuing well into the 20th century, there grew up in countries like England, France, Italy, etc a ruling class of royalty. They amassed great wealth and power, and they developed the notion that because of their wealth and power, they were superior to the nonwealthy. This superiority was divine- God made them better than the masses, and the evidence of this was their vast wealth and fact of birth.

It is hard to convey to a modern American what this attitude looked like. Our revolutionary ancestors knew it all too well and rebelled against it in 1776. Imagine some individual who, because he was born the son of a Duke or an Earl or a Prince, could walk into your house whenever he pleased, confiscate your money, your food, and even your daughter or son, and do so with impunity because of his superior birth.

Such folks gradually died out as the Industrial Revolution created a new class of powerful and wealthy folks-the Rockefellers, the J P Morgans, and Henry Ford. They could not really claim to be superior by royal birth (in America, at least), but they could claim the same sort of superiority as the former royal figures using modern genetics theory. Charles Darwin gave them their Theory: they were superior to the rest of us because of natural selection. Nature had simply endowed them with superior genes, and because they were chosen by nature to be superior, they were not only wealthy but destined by their genetics to rule society.

Nietzsche came along and caught their fancy-he wrote extensively on the “supermen” who, because of genetic superiority, were destined to rule the world.

Karl Marx, of all people, moved the needle for them as well- people often reflect on how he promoted the thought that the oppressed workers of the world need to revolt and take over. However, he also added that there exists a super race of folks who are needed to “control” and direct the animal urges of the masses. (The head of the WEF recently said that the Chinese model is the best one for the future of mankind. When Xi Jinping came to San Francisco, many of the billionaire class showed up, gave him a standing ovation, and treated him like the “savior” they viewed him as.

In short, to understand the Billionaire class, you have to, I believe, understand that they see themselves as different…genetically superior to you. They see themselves as endowed with superior intellect, superior thoughts, superior bodies, and superior everything – to the point that they see you as being in a different genus and species.

In all of their “I’m better than you” world, there is no thought of America. No thought of the United States Constitution. No thought about Christian values respecting life and the dignity of individuals.

The life-sustaining “force” for them is that they are the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY,  and they are endowed by natural selection to rule the world.  Everyone else is lower than a snake’s belly in a wheel rut and needs to be eliminated or forced into the slave class.

I remember watching these folks take over California.

They wanted cheap labor; they wanted no unions. The “inferior” middle-class American middle class was an irritation, depriving them of their rightful ruling status. Lawyers asserting the rights of these folks were an abomination and need to be drawn and quartered ( currently, the federal government is writing into almost every new regulation coming out of the various agencies’ criminal penalties on any lawyer counseling or asserting a challenge to the regulations).

“Get rid of them! “they cried out. Replace them with people who work cheaply, do what they are told, and know zero about their rights.  So, they opened the borders and brought in peasants from the hills of Mexico. And they kept them illegal( I knew some who had come to the USA when they were five and at 65 were still illegal) so that constantly these folks were in fear if they did anything the padrone did not like, they would be deported.

And when Ceasar Chavez tried to unionize the farm workers, the billionaires freaked- a Mexican asserting human rights!

The Teamsters came in and crushed him. And then made deal after deal with the “ruling” class. (I represented some farmers in the Imperial Valley and was involved in the Chavez v Teamsters for several years). They wanted to make money off Indian gaming, so they got Arnold Schwarzenegger to agree not to tax the first 2000 slot machines in each casino. They wanted close relations with China as they wanted Chinese money to flow through their companies. And they wanted Chinese laborers to build their devices. So, they arranged for the right people to be elected and made sure those elected folks passed the legislation they needed.

Somewhere along the line, they decided that they just did not need the traditional white men and women who were not billionaires. They wanted compliant people who kept their mouths shut and did what they were told. After all, being genetically superior, they are ENTITLED’ to whatever they want.

So they came up with the “environmental movement” that imposed regulation after regulation on middle Americans and thereby made the cost of living beyond what the middle class could afford. It takes ten years to break ground on any housing based on all the regulations. They passed the “greenhouse Gas emissions laws” that literally stopped all construction of homes until a complete revamp occurred, replacing the single-family dwelling with the Chinese model of high-rise concentrated housing (ten or more 35-story condos all grouped and serviced by public transportation).

They wanted such folks with their “rights” and guns gone. A house I bought in the early 2000 for $450,000 is now $900,000. Meanwhile, the City of Santa Ana, a population bigger than any city in New Hampshire, allows migrants to live in garages so long as there is water (a hose), electricity (an extension cord), and sanitation (a bucket).

I and millions like me left.  I filed too many lawsuits in favor of the illegal immigrants, and they shut me down in the Courts and in my business(One of my best clients called me up one day and told me that the owner had instructed that I could not get any more work because I was not gay and that I had filed too many lawsuits asserting the rights of illegal immigrants.  One judge openly told me that he had to rule against me as he had received pressure from very high-up people who had targeted me for my beliefs in Constitutional rights.

These wealthy folks- the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY-were very, very successful. Go to Fresno( speaking English is likely to get you shot). Go to Stockton( run by Marxists passing out universal basic income in the heart of the California agricultural empire that feeds the world). Go to Oakland( homelessness is a growth industry).

All the white middle class is either gone, shuddered their businesses, or are living in their cars or RV’s. Meanwhile, the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY businesses thrive with their cheap labor and their total control along the Chinese business/government model.

Apple, for example, to be able to hire cheap Mexican labor, built a company town adjacent to their ” 5 billion dollar campus” to house the illegals who mow the lawn and cook the meals. Houses in the area sell for over 2 million. Rents for one bedroom are $3500. Making 15 dollars an hour or less means no roof.

To sum up,  the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY took over California, got rid of all the folks like you and me, and replaced us with a compliant slave class that greeted the Chinese premiere with open and loving arms.

Guess what? They were so successful in California that they wanted to bring what they did to California to the rest of the USA, including New Hampshire.

Joe Biden has served them well. They would love him to return.  For a few measly millions in the Biden family pockets, Biden gives them everything they want- unlimited money flow, Government contracts, and wars they can profit from; but most importantly, he gives them the status they think they deserve: Whatever they want they get. And right now, what they want is a USA where the middle class with its guns, its constitutional rights, and its American freedoms is gone. They want to replace all those middle-class Americans with cheap, compliant labor from any and all places they live in the world.

They made a good start under Obama, and when Trump got elected, they thought, “Hey, he is one of us. He is a billionaire; he has milked the system; he has hobnobbed with all the right people.”

Instead, Trump slammed the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY. He slammed their viewpoint. He championed the middle class. He brought life back to the Americans born in the USA, and he restored their rights. He denied the billionaires their special privileges.  Most alarming to them, he told them that they were no better nor worse than anybody else. Not genetically superior to anyone. He slammed their scheme to replace all of us with cheap, compliant labor, and he slammed them for sending businesses overseas.

To the BILLIONAIRES, THIS ELECTION IS CLEARLY AN EXISTENTIAL ISSUE- either they are entitled to be the superior class that runs the country, or they are not. And the “are not” scares the crap out of them( the thought that you or I might have a say in our Government scares them no end).

Take a look at the effort to stop Trump. Who is leading it? Who funds it? You cannot watch any TV station or watch any YouTube broadcasts without being bombarded with “I hate Trump” ads.  I am told that these ads have cost more than 350 million. Yet they are relentless. And ostensibly, they are by Republicans or self-described Conservatives. They have now apparently chosen Nikki Haley to be their “stop Trump” savior. She is one of them, after all: illegals are good; China is great; war is needed.  They are pouring huge amounts into her campaign. But who are they?  Her ads are being paid for by three major PACS. If you go and look at who funds those PACs, OMG-its a bunch of Billionaires- the Koch family, the head of PAYPAL, etc. Isn’t this the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY DOING ITS THING ALL OVER AGAIN? 

I left California to get away from the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY.  Stupid me-it came to New Hampshire. I have no place left to go. I will be holding a Trump sign at the four corners in Hollis. If you drive by, don’t see the word TRUMP” on my sign; see ” I don’t want the BILLIONAIRE-OCRACY  to finalize the job of destroying my Country because they think they are genetically superior to me – if you feel the same, honk twice.

God bless!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Press Release: Stop Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and Other Forms of Weather Engineering Experiments

Sun, 2024-01-14 05:01 +0000

NH Representatives File Bill To Stop Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and Other Forms of Weather Engineering Experiments such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) in New Hampshire’s Atmosphere.

Concord, New Hampshire – Two motivated NH House Representatives, Jason Gerhard, Merrimack – District 25, and Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19, have introduced “The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act” NH House Bill HB 1700. The three-page bill establishes regulations to prevent the intentional release of polluting and harmful emissions into New Hampshire’s atmosphere. This bill aims to bring forward a subject many experts have warned us about for years, as well as the necessary transparency for NH citizens so we can educate and unite to stop this destructive environmental onslaught we are experiencing.

“We already have legislation passed in 2021 that should inform the public when this occurs. Unfortunately, that has never occurred in the three years since its passage. It is time to take legislative action to flat out stop this pollution,” stated Rep. Potenza. HB 1700 cites pollution released during cloud seeding or weather modification activities and associated electromagnetic radiation, all defined as pollution by scientists. “Even Verizon and AT&T define what we are referring to as pollution. To be clear, we are not worried about snow-making cannons, since we know what comes out of those, or looking to regulate domestic airplane engine emissions as some have disingenuously suggested,” Rep. Gerhard said.

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In addition to New Hampshire’s existing Weather Modification policy, the Federal Congress is partnering with foreign governments and international organizations such as the United Nations to establish a global governance framework for “mandated” experimentation of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and other forms of weather engineering experiments such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) to block sunlight and assist in global cooling. You can find the alarming Congressionally Mandated Research Plan and an Initial Research Governance report at:

The types of experimental activities advanced by Washington, DC, which incorporate satellites and space, are like something out of a science fiction movie. According to the Tenth Amendment of The United States Constitution, HB 1700 would prohibit SRM, SAI, cloud seeding, weather modification, and other types of weather experimentation in New Hampshire. “The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act” safeguards state security and sovereignty and protects the health and safety of our environment, wildlife, agriculture, etc., all while preserving our natural resources.

HB 1700 will be introduced in a House committee public hearing next Tuesday, detailed below. Please contact the committee with your testimony or register your support if you cannot attend in person:

Hearing Date: January 16, 2024 Time: 1:30 PM Address: Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord, NH 03301 Committee: Science, Technology and Energy ( Room: 302-304 Bill: HB 1700 – an act prohibiting the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition.

January 12, 2023
Press Release Contact: Representative Kelley Potenza, Strafford – District 19 Email:
New Hampshire House of Representatives The General Court of New Hampshire 107 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Does Don Lemon’s New Deal on X Create a Problem for Musk-Hating Lefties?

Sun, 2024-01-14 03:00 +0000

Don Lemon announced a deal to do a program on X, as have Tulsi Gabbard and some sports guy of whom I’ve never heard, but the addition of Lemon is of most interest. The former CNN critter will provide the left with an excuse to use the platform that Leomn calls “the biggest space for free speech in the world.”

The petty tyrants obsessed with censoring ideas with which they disagree have a problem. They’ve insisted that X, in its Musk-Owned post-government-controlled censorship state, would collapse, die, become a wasteland for hate, and a place for intolerant MAGA Republicans and Nazis as if Nazis don’t have free speech rights in America.

We don’t have to like it, but they do.

These progressive exhortations (in reality) prevent them from having to address how censorious platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow child pornography, pedophile rings, and child sex trafficking but not diverse opinions on the effectiveness of masks, lockdowns, or more invasive chemical interventions.

Laptops owned by Biden’s named Hunter or unsecured servers owned by Clinton’s named Hillary. These subjects are commonly referred to as election interference. And you’d be right to insist on a double standard, two sets of rules, or a two-tiered system of injustice, which the old X (when it was known as Twitter) would have had to filter, alter, shadow-ban, or censor.

And while there might be Nazis and child traffickers on X, it now has Don Lemon, who, regardless of his success there, has opened the door to more capable progressive commentators, all of whom have the right to speak their minds. The Lemon and I won’t agree on much, nor will I find a lot of common ground among most die-hard progressives, but if they flock to X to see Lemon and whoever follows his lead, they’ll need to rethink at least two problems—their hatred for Elon Musk and their position on X and Free Speech.

If it’s anything like the mental health crisis they had with unmasked people during COVID, the online therapy services stand to rake in a fortune.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is a Nuclear Renaissance on the Horizon?

Sun, 2024-01-14 01:00 +0000

Lost in the recent climate summit at COP28 in Dubai was the shift by environmentalists and governments toward a nuclear energy future. Calls to eliminate fossil fuels and cows predominated as usual, and John Kerry demanded that all coal-fired plants be banned. But a very substantial lane change took place as well: nuclear-powered options were granted a seat at the climate table.

Observers of climate summits may be forgiven if they’re confused over the direction the world is being led to combat the alleged climate-change Armageddon – clearly, the attendees are. Envoys to Dubai flew to the summit conspicuously in jets, dined on meat, and condemned China for its coal-fired plants while calling to manufacture more solar panels and EVs – which are heavily dependent on Chinese coal energy. In the shuffle to redistribute energy resources, it is inevitable that relatively cheap and clean nuclear power would eventually poke its head cautiously into the climate fray.

A Nuclear “Renaissance”?

Environmental purists have long scoffed at nuclear power as an ally against greenhouse gas emissions, but it appears the failure of the renewable energy pathways to deliver the promised salvation has induced the climate obsessives to reassess their Utopian objectives. In what is being diplomatically whitewashed as a nuclear “renaissance” rather than an about-face reversal, global and industry leaders are openly embracing the “nuclear option.” An international agreement signed by 22 nations while at COP28 pledged to triple nuclear energy capacity by 2050. Signatories included the US, Canada, Britain, and the UAE, which touted its own massive investments in nuclear reactors at the climate summit.

This dramatic shift in official climate policy may be driven by the recognition of the frightful shortcomings of renewable energy manufacturing or numerous claims that humanity is already past the point of no return from global warming impacts. Yet a forceful reality for conference attendees – and the world – is that China and other nations are proceeding full steam ahead with nuclear capacity. Perhaps Western nations are fathoming the consequences of being left behind on energy.

China Is Ascendant

Greta Thunberg howls against fossil fuels while demanding more renewable manufacturing – dependent on fossil fuels. The one-issue obsession with carbon dioxide has clouded futurist visions to “save” the world, into what may well prove to be a sort of modern collective energy suicide. Banning oil, natural gas, and coal before the alternatives have been created and implemented is dubious policy. Yet the carbon-focus foible means toxic chemicals spewing from Chinese manufacturing plants have been ignored, as have the consequences of shutting down oil and gas production and distribution. Also overlooked are the economic impacts of reckless government spending.

The most dramatic oversight of the climate agenda, though, may be national security. China is an amused partner at the table – pledging climate policy commitments while ramping up coal-fired plants and nuclear power. China views coal as a national security resource, as it has enormous quantities of black gold. It also understands the power and profitability inherent in nuclear energy, and is currently constructing all six types of fourth-generation nuclear reactors determined by an international consortium to be safer than traditional reactors.

Nuclear Utopia?

Dreams of Utopia invariably crash down with earthly gravitation. Few but the most extremist environmental groups now insist that nuclear power is off the table, especially as new inroads into nuclear fusion are developed. Proponents of climate change action are increasingly coming to terms with the factual reality that renewable energy manufacturing cannot possibly provide the baseload of power the world requires. This leaves nuclear power as not only a viable option, but the planet’s only known hope for anthropogenic rescue from alleged human-caused global warming.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Is a Nuclear Renaissance on the Horizon? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It “Hertz” – Rental Company to Dump Thousands of Electric Vehicles

Sat, 2024-01-13 23:00 +0000

We can only hope that the other faulty pillars of leftism collapse this year the way the Electric Vehicle market has in the past year. Dealers don’t want them Inventory is backing up, manufacturers are losing billions, and now Hertz is not only not going to buy 100,000 of them, it is dumping many of the EVs it has.


“The elevated costs associated with EVs persisted,” Hertz Chief Executive Officer Stephen Scherr said. “Efforts to wrestle it down proved to be more challenging.”

The company hopes that its decision to sell off 20,000+ electric vehicles better balances “supply against expected demand of EVs,” it said in a regulatory filing.

Morgan Stanley analysts said told Reuters that Hertz’s move should be a warning to the entire auto industry about the reality of the electric vehicle market, that they are not that popular and expectations for their growth need to be significantly reduced.

They cost more to buy, a lot more to insure, are expensive to repair, and, in many cases, are a total loss from what might otherwise be a minor accident. You can’t trust them indoors (or shouldn’t due to lithium battery fire risk). Their advertised range rarely meets expectations. Most EVs will never run on non-fossil fuel electricity, and their manufacture and disposal are less than green.

An EV is a lot like any other high-end status vehicle except that it is an expensive and impractical lifestyle accessory with a government mandate.

A pushy Biden Administration commanded automakers to include them to meet revised efficiency mandates, but consumers are losing interest in an investment of that size given the other cost and reliability concerns. Short of buying it for them, the market has plateaued, and that, too, is a concern. Woke states and municipalities have expanded their taxpayer-funded fleets with these turds, and with new models piling up, Biden could easily propose a bailout that puts taxpayers in double jeopardy. The Feds will fund incentives with your dollars to encourage cities and states to pick up the excess inventory, with taxpayers on the hook again for the higher costs of ownership that is scaring off consumers.

And if you are thinking this might be a good time to get in cheap on a used EV formerly in the possession of Hertz, rethink that. The only thing worse than the EV market is the used EV market – another reason to stay away.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Feel Dirty Watching These Two

Sat, 2024-01-13 21:00 +0000

Whenever I see and listen to Jamie Raskin (D-DE), I feel the need to wash my hands or shower. Raskin is a prototypical slimy politician who can pontificate on any subject and never tell the truth about any of it. He rose to prominence as part of the team that schemed to impeach Donald Trump and never let the facts or truth get in the way of his version. I think Raskin believes if he talks long enough, his listeners will not even remember the question, let alone the accuracy of Raskin’s answer.

Raskin teamed up with Hunter Biden for a dog and pony show during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee. Seeing Biden and Raskin together gave me visions of Raskin holding the camera during Hunter’s famous PornHub videos. They are both such dirty human beings. Appearing with his attorney, Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden sat silently in the front row as the committee chair and vice-chair delivered opening statements to a hearing dominated by partisan bickering. Hunter was not expected at the hearing, and it was obvious that this event was coordinated between Hunter and Jamie. Both were prepared and had rehearsed their roles. Hunter’s role was to sit stone-faced and say nothing. At the given time, he, Lowell, and Kevin Morris, Hunter’s Sugar Brother, stood in unison and walked out of the proceedings to address the media.

In the meantime, Raskin was playing his part. In a long soliloquy, he told his version of how the Republicans were using Hunter Biden in a long-shot effort to get to Joe Biden. Raskin’s staff held up printed signs highlighting his speech, evidence this was a pre-planned made-for-TV event. The Representatives traded barbs and insults in an exciting session rarely seen in the Capitol. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) asked, “Who bribed Hunter Biden to be here,” criticizing the surprise appearance. “You are the epitome of white privilege. Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls to come up here,” she said. There were calls for Biden’s immediate arrest and incarceration for defying a Congressional subpoena. When Representative Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA) spoke, the Biden trio stood and exited, resulting in a verbal beatdown of Biden by Green. Her accusation was that Biden was no match for a strong Conservative woman.

Lowell gave a prepared statement to the media, further reinforcing that this day was choreographed. Biden said little during his visit except for an exchange of words with a FOX reporter. Fox Business’ Hillary Vaughn asked Hunter why he put his father on speakerphone during his meetings. Hunter asked if she had a father and if he ever called her. Vaughn said yes, but never while she was in a business meeting. She landed the punch, and Biden was heard saying she was dangerous.

Hunter Biden is not a good person. We should not judge others, but in Hunter’s case, he has forced that judgment on us. He has not been a good father or husband. He has not been a good son in that he has spent a lifetime profiting from his father’s position and name. He has acted in a fashion to bring shame to the name but shows no remorse. He has extorted millions from foreign countries and companies and helped build a family fortune for his father that the job itself never could. He developed a way to launder millions with a bogus artist career. He has neglected to pay millions in taxes, and at the same time, his father is declaring war on Americans who have done the same. The hypocrisy is palpable. He has defied Congress and is using his father to beat the courts. Hunter Biden is not a good person. He may be winning some battles, but ultimately, he may lose the war. Even his corrupt father may not have enough strings to pull to keep the guilty verdict away from Hunter.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Concord Mosque Lawsuit Against City – Yeah, It’s About the Parking …

Sat, 2024-01-13 19:00 +0000

City Councilor Ali Sekou is suing his City over a new development next to the Mosque he runs. I shared some thoughts on this a few days ago and wondered if the lawsuit to block new housing was about parking spaces. It’s been a few days, and I think it is about parking.

As a reminder, “the IQRA Islamic Society of Greater Concord sits on a piece of property adjacent to the First Congregational Church at 177 N. Main St, in whose lot (some) Mosque attendees are alleged to have parked.” Parking sucks on Main Street, and the Mosque is but one of its many victims, which is where our story takes a new turn (or should I say an old one).

From that Concord resident and reader:

The Concord ZBA approved the Mosque at its August 2, 2017, meeting. The Mosque project requested six zoning variances beginning June 7, 2017. The first variance request states “to permit 16 parking spaces where 251 spaces are required.”

By the time the August 2 meeting came the ZBA decided that only 47 spaces were required and the 16 onsite parking spots were good enough if they could get an easement from the First Congregational Church next door for 31 more parking spots.

The Concord Monitor reported on the August 2nd meeting, stating the next step would be to get Site Plan approval from the Planning Board.

Maybe I’m partial to promoting my guesses, but how is this not about parking?

I’m not clear on any official parking variance – maybe someone can find out if the Concord Planning Board even approached this – but when the church property was sold, that changed the game. The new property owners’ plan to build apartments was also approved with a parking variance (if I recall), so is it inappropriate for the Mosque to complain about parking or traffic or the character of the area when it – assuming my source is correct – went from needing 251 spaces to 47 spaces, 65.95% of which were not even on the Mosque’s property.

The IQRA Islamic Society of Greater Concord has sued, so a lawyer in a robe will get a shot at telling us what it all means when I think we already know. Zoning and Planning rules exist to give zoning and planning board members something to do. That something is approving development, and to hell with the parking and traffic; the Mosque is wasting its money on the lawsuit.

The City isn’t going to do anything about a parking problem the Mosque accepted on a contingency the City was never going to pursue, and even if it did, it was temporary at best. Short of the IQRA Islamic Society of Greater Concord buying that land, it was always temporary, and they didn’t buy it.

If the Mosque thinks it can win because the City owes it parking, they are going to lose.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Kind Of Man Celebrates ‘Beating’ Women?

Sat, 2024-01-13 19:00 +0000

Riley Gaines, former NCAA swimmer now advocate of Save Women’s Sports Act, has been very active this week protesting and speaking at the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Convention in Phoenix, Arizona, to demand that the organization stop discriminating against female athletes by allowing males to compete in women’s sports.

The NCAA celebrates its decision to include transgender women in women’s sports as Progressive and the right decision for college athletics. The results and data prove otherwise and show the NCAA to be more concerned with being WOKE than right on this issue.

At the convention, swimmers Riley Gaines, Paula Scanlan, Kaylee Alons, and volleyball player Macy Petty continue to call on NCAA President Charlie Baker to meet with them to hear how allowing men in women’s sports hurt them. Baker has ignored numerous requests to meet with female athletes against whom the NCAA has discriminated. Gaines is the most visible of these female athletes. She is a 12x All-American swimmer, 5x SEC Champion, and record holder. However, she was denied the individual championship in her senior year at Kentucky when she was beaten by transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who had competed at Penn for a few years as a male swimmer.

By the conclusion of Thomas’s swimming career at UPenn in 2022, her rank had moved from 65th on the men’s team to 1st on the women’s team in the 500-yard freestyle and 554th on the men’s team to fifth on the women’s team in the 200-yard freestyle. Thomas found the way to become a champion was not to train and work harder but to become a woman and compete as one. I question how she can look in the mirror or hold up her trophy and feel good about the women she cheated in her quest for fame.

34 Lia Thomas athletes compete in women’s collegiate athletics and are supported by the NCAA. They compete in swimming, basketball, soccer, gymnastics, and volleyball. Not only are women being denied championships and scholarships and having future earnings hampered, but they are also being physically hurt. 

From ABC13 News:

RALEIGH, N.C. (TND) — A high school volleyball player who suffered severe head and neck injuries resulting in long-term concussion symptoms after a girl she says is transgender spiked a ball in her face is now speaking out publicly for the first time.

“Due to the North Carolina High School Athletic Association policy allowing biological males to compete against biological females my life has forever been changed,” Payton McNabb, now a senior at Hiwassee Dam High School in Murphy, North Carolina, said during a Thursday committee hearing of the North Carolina state legislature.

McNabb indicated that, to this day, she is still recovering from her injuries and continues to face other health struggles as a result of what happened, such as impaired vision, partial paralysis on the right side of her body, constant headaches, anxiety, and depression. But to the NCAA, this is just the cost of being a Progressive WOKE institution.

To every level-headed, honest, free-thinker, this inclusion of trans-women is wrong. Still, the beliefs and wishes of the masses are no longer the concern of the government, schools, sports governing bodies, or Progressives in general. It will be challenging to correct these bad decisions when the adults regain control of this country. For the young women denied the fruits of their hard work, there will be no justice, and for the Payton Mcnabbs who are physically harmed, there will be no apology.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Legal” For Illegals To Vote In Presidential Election In Arizona …

Sat, 2024-01-13 17:00 +0000

Mitch McConnell and his faux-GOP ilk are, as I write this (1/12 10:00 AM), selling out GOP voters on illegal immigration. More specifically, Oklahoma’s faux-GOP Senator Lankford is the figurehead for a plan to essentially amnesty the millions illegals the Biden-Regime has allowed to invade through our Southern border and to legalize future illegal immigration … to the tune of 5,000 per day.


I’ve warned many times that Americans will cease to exist as we know it once the children of this illegal alien invasion reach voting age. There will be a permanent Democrat majority. It turns out the Left is not willing to wait that long.  Illegals in Arizona can vote in the 2024 Presidential election. Faux News might as well call Arizona for Biden now.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Baby, I’ts Cold Out …

Sat, 2024-01-13 15:00 +0000

Here I go again, snow blowing our driveway, shoveling steps, and clearing the car twice each. Two days in a row are more than enough, and now, to top of everything, I had to listen to some “Chicken Little” disaster-promoting forecaster telling me all this cold weather is because of “Arctic warming.”

This supposedly is pushing the jet stream south, carrying the Arctic cold with it. I looked it up, the N. Pole is 40 degrees below zero Fahrenheit. Something tells me Chicken Little is trying to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge.

The funny thing is in 1895, the NY Times wrote, “Globalists think the world may be frozen again.” Glad I missed that. In 1932, Time announced, “melting polar ice to raise sea levels.” I think you’ve heard that before, right? Me too. 1958, Harpers predicted a warning of the “Coming ice age.” Warning folks, it never stops. 1975 News Week, “Mild conditions, Earth’s climate cooling down.” Welcome Al Gore, 1976, and “Global warming”, as that has been debunked, it’s become climate change (same thing rebranded) until today, too tired to get up from my recliner, Chicken Little.

I don’t think these people ever think. I’m sure they never check facts or history. If it sounds good say it, if it changes blame something else or someone else and never ever admit they were wrong.

Did you know that during the Revolutionary War, when the British occupied New City, the Hudson River was frozen so solid British soldiers could pull wheelbarrows full of wood across to heat the homes in Manhattan?

Try that today!

So look folks when you see or hear the Chicken Littles of our world telling you something do not get up from your recliner, change the channel.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Remember When the Political Left Wanted a Return to the Fairness Doctrine? That’ll Never Happen Again

Sat, 2024-01-13 13:00 +0000

If we learned anything at all from the drama that was COVID, it is that the government does not take your natural rights, or their protection, seriously. It is not interested in any opinion that is not its own, and using force to get its way is always an option. This should scare more people than it does.

Refusing to get more boosters than there are Rocky movies is not enough. Showing your maskless face in public spaces is inadequate activism. The machine is not happy about the declining uptake of the self-admitted gene therapy failure (they are still pushing), but this will not slow their roll. Controlling your energy (Net-Zero), your commerce (CBDC), your body (Globalist health Mandates), and your mobility (EVs/15-minute cities) are but a beginning. They must control your words, speech, and thoughts. Limit what you see or do by managing what you trust.

We’ve long known about shadowbanning, demonization, suppressing reach, and Facebook jail, but the Twitter files showed us the extent to which the American government would go and how dismissive the State is to having been caught. Big tech pretended its hands were tied. The machine media, our mainstream press, are little more than partners in this war on information, and they continue to do the State’s bidding, presumably under the misguided notion that they will “be allowed to live” (physically or metaphorically) when it is time to start putting people up against the wall.

Women made that mistake and we’re watching its collapse in real time. Minorities as well, though the deception undermining their families has been underway for a while. The machine response has been to blame white people when they should be blaming Democrats regardless of race. A cabal whose true goal for the diversity movement is to silence everyone who disagrees. Gender, sex, age, race, religion. None of that is important. Ideological purity is the only yardstick that matters.

The Columbia Broadcasting System, CBS to the rest of us, is a dutiful stooge of the machine, and it understands two things well. Media it cannot control is a competition, and the government wants to control its competition.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Absolutely. And, we know in the immediate term, the Biden Administration has been concerned about what this will mean for our politics on the campaign trail. The use of deepfakes or misleading voters. What are the (social media) companies doing to prevent that?

JO-LING KENT: You know, the social media companies are telling me that they’re throwing every resource that they have to stop misinformation and disinformation. But the reality is, that this is a sprawling, endless game of whack-a-mole. That information spreads constantly online, and it is continuing to be very hard to stop especially with the arguments and protections of free speech. Now Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, says it removes manipulated media and voter interference misinformation, and the company does utilize fact-checking organizations and beyond. But the reality here is that taking down all of this bad information has always been an impossible task on platforms of that size. And of course, we cannot forget about X, formerly Twitter. Elon Musk and his team have basically allowed the return of conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones, and they’ve also dramatically reduced the size of their Trust and Safety team, Margret.

If you lived through the COVID Drama and the tyranny that rose to make it such, you are familiar with what social media companies do. You can recite numerous examples of the truths it suppressed in favor of lies that interfered in elections. Science and public health debate suffered. Free Speech was not misinformation. The approved narratives of the machine and its media allies were.

It is true that there will always be wrong thinking, poor judgment, and emotional outbursts, shared as opinion, theory, or fact. But as long as there is open debate and rebuttal, the truth will eventually find the light.

We used to have this thing called the Fairness Doctrine, “a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints.” Decades later, it was determined that the FCC did not need to enforce it to issue broadcast licenses, and since then, the media landscape has so changed that you’d have to try not to find an opposing opinion which is ironic. As that landscape began to spiral out of control, many on the totalitarian-leaning left, thanks to years of talkers like Rush Limbaugh, wanted the Fairness Doctrine enforced.

Talk Radio and the rise of the blogosphere leading today to podcasts are a testament to at least two things. People will disagree about almost everything, and they like to share that with the world. Human nature meets politics, and that was why most of America’s founders believed that government should be limited and local. Secure a handful of natural rights and Keep the power as close to the people as possible, lest it gets away from them, which it has.

There is no better example of how far away than this; no budding globalist despot, be they elected, appointed, or credentials as a reporter at any level of administration, will ever insist that the media be required to allow opposing opinions on its broadcasts.

I think that says a lot about where we are. The same people who once demanded the right to opposing opinion have since labeled it as misinformation at best and hate speech at worst while hoping to convince a majority that disagreeing with the government in public might be domestic terrorism or a crime against humanity just like it is in China, North Korea, and every Communist/Socialist state.

Left unchallenged, western democracies will try to achieve parity with totalitarian regimes on the matter of public speech, and the response to COVID is proof of that.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Sat, 2024-01-13 11:00 +0000

I have been NeverNikki for some time now. Still, it is nice to have Rand Paul say that he, too, is NeverNikki. And the Senator has a far, far, far bigger bully-pulpit than I have, so hopefully, his voice will help negate the millions that Leftist billionaires are spending to create Nikki’s “surge.”

Click the tweet to read the entire thread, which lays out the unassailable case of why real Republicans should NOT be supporting Nikki.




The post NeverNikki appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Maria Farmer Told Whitney Webb Her Observations of Jeffrey Epstein

Sat, 2024-01-13 03:00 +0000

Since 2005, I have been involved in studying mind control. One of my books on that subject is entitled: “Deliverance: Pizzagate and a Royal Commission Reveal Society’s Hidden Rulers.” (That was a royal commission that I attended in Australia in 2015-2017.)

On Rumble, you can find a 2021 interview of Maria Farmer by Whitney Webb — author of a tightly packed book about organized crime in America, One Nation Under Blackmail. I was surprised by many of Ms. Farmer’s statements and will now recount them.

Biography of Maria Farmer

Here are some biographical points Ms. Farmer made. I won’t bring in any other things I know about her, which are not much anyway. I won’t identify each of these as being “allegations” — they are all allegations, although Maria did mention having signed an affidavit. Note: Nothing she said conflicts with other information in my “filing cabinet.”

Maria has brain cancer, and her doctor told her that it must have started 20 years ago. She feels sure it was based on an incident to be described below. Maria lived for several years, as a sort of Gal Friday to Ghislaine Maxwell, in three of Jeffrey Epstein’s properties: 66 St, New York, 71st St, New York, and the ranch in Arizona.

She did not mention Epstein Island and has not filed any lawsuit (that I know of). She says she was the first person to have reported Epstein to the authorities in 1996. Note: he was first arrested in 2008, which may have come about because of Virginia Giuffre’s lawsuit. Maria tried to help Virginia get taken seriously — which has now come to pass, for sure.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Maria started her complaint at the NY Police Dept but was told to take it to the FBI.

She did so and asked for Witness Protection but was refused. A high-up FBI lady (first name Nesbitt, last name Critchendale?) sincerely promised to help Maria. However, she has disappeared.

Maria thinks it may be her complaint to the FBI that started some trouble for Nesbitt. At one point, on the phone, Nesbitt cried because she was unable to help Ms. Farmer. Gosh, I’d like to have an FBI officer cry on the phone with me over his inability to deal with the Marathon bombing.

Maria considers her real profession to be that of an artist. She graduated from the New York Academy of Art and was in the care of Eileen Guggenheim, whom she dislikes. That art group also spent some time in France. Note: Whitney Webb, in this phone interview, permitted Maria to “jump all over the place.” It was almost a stream-of-consciousness talk.

Now for the brain cancer episode. Maria says she was very seriously threatened by a guy who may have planned to kill her, apparently on behalf of the Powers That Be, if she looked like becoming a whistleblower. He said he was “special forces,” but she did not take that to mean army. She recalls that the anger in his eyes looked so frightening to her that this is when something in her brain responded in what she later says became cancer.

Three Biggies

I interrupt to describe three things from the Webb/Farmer interview that were a surprise to me. Maria had long since said that Jeffrey needed a constant supply of “nubiles,” perhaps for his three massages a day. And that Ghislaine Maxwell, around 4 pm, would get into a tizz, trying to make sure enough girls were found. Maria says the typical age of the nubile is 12 to 14 years old.

The surprise is that Maria says she would drive around with Ghislaine during the search and that Ivana Trump was always in the car. (Not Ivanka, but Ivana, who was married to Donald from 1977 to 1990.) Allegedly, Ivana would get out of the car and speak to Hispanic girls and ask them to come to 66 Street the next day about becoming models for Victoria’s Secret lingerie. (I may be mixing 66 St with 71 St; one of those is the Victoria’s Secret place.)

According to Wikipedia, in July 2022, Mrs. Trump was found on the inside stairs of her Upper East Side building, having died of blunt injuries. The NY Medical Officer says it was not a suspicious death. (Does “blunt injuries” sound suspicious to you?) She was the Mom of Eric and Donald Trump, Jr., and Ivanka.

A second surprise, which really threw me, is that Maria says Jeffrey said to her, about Lesley Wexner, “He adores me. He would do anything for me.” She believes he meant it was romantic and perhaps not mutual. Of course, I do not know (nor do I know if that was really Ivana in the car), but if true, it shakes up the whole scene about Wexner passing all sorts of property into Epstein’s hands. By the way, Maria never, in all those years, met Wexner!

A third surprise, an expression only of opinion by Ms. Farmer, is that “these satanic people don’t age well.” The buzz has been that Satan worshippers have cornered the market on anti-aging techniques. She says, “No, they look decrepit.” Oh, and this is interesting: she offered her opinion that Jeffrey “would never in a thousand years have killed himself.”

Back to the Tidbits

Here are some remarks verbatim — or as verbatim as my less-than-excellent stenography will permit. I will quote them in order, so if you want to check it out, just start at the beginning of the Rumble tape:
1. Clare Hazel married into the Guinness family. She procured girls from England. “If you are successful in America, there is a reason.”
2. Ghislaine called Clare all the time to give her orders. They watched me on video all the time.
3. The big house (in Arizona?) has a sauna in the basement, and under that is a tunnel to the main house. I often saw Mrs. Wexner (Abigail) riding horses.
4. Ghislaine knew Andrew from the 1980s and knew Fergie before that. (We are now about 30 minutes into the tape.)
5. Ghislaine sold her townhouse to settle (the lawsuit) with Virginia (Giuffre). Ghislaine didn’t have friends.
6. A journalist named Vickie (possibly of Vanity Fair) promised to protect my info but then did not — even small alternative presses do this to me.
7. The set-up involved girls from the Philippines and Thailand. Dave Shafer was nice to me, but he did the 2008 financial crisis with Alan Greenspan. David Boyce testified to Congress (We are now at 56 minutes on the tape).
8. Berman at Southern District of New York is ominous. Why did he have Jeffrey re-arrested? [MM — My guess: so they could kill him.] Deutsche Bank kept Jeffrey’s account open till two weeks before the arrest (before?)
9. Luckily, the statutes changed. [I think she means the statute of limitations was extended to help people who were assaulted when they were young.]
10. I was told that my sister Annie was going to bear Jeffrey’s children. She was 16. And that “she would be lucky to have a Jewish child.”
11. The FBI is the worst enemy. (1 hour 13 minutes into the tape). Jim Hill of Paducah, KY, has helped me. I am able to read redacted messages if I once saw them, as I have a photographic memory. [Perhaps from MK-Ultra training.]
12. Bill Clinton came to the house three times while president; on those occasions, all people left except Chef Andy.
13. Courtney is going to make it go to the Supreme Court. (Interruption by Whitney Webb: “Supreme Court judges are compromised.”) [So what’s new?]
14. I told every news network that Ghislaine said only Jews matter; they said we can’t report that. Katie Ford’s mother was Brunel.
15. Every time I went into Jeffrey’s office, Morgan Fairchild was sitting behind him.
16. Anthony Mason of CBS has been good to me—a real honest reporter.
17. How many kids have died? Only 30 have come forward, but over the years, I saw thousands. [That’s a lot — were they killed?]
18. Pedos run the world economy. David Icke has helped me with that.
19. Ghislaine got Eileen a job as Prince Charles’ press secretary in the US. (1 hour, 27 min; not sure if she means Guggenheim.) [Quelle interesting remark]
20. In 1991, at my art school in France, a German student told me that the NY Academy of Art was the location of a pedophile ring. It goes on in the Catholic Church, too.


I [MM] am on a mission to work out why our modern thinking is poor quality. We use myths, and we ignore reality. Also, I am particularly worried about our immediate future. After all, we have Bill Gates saying there is a great new pandemic coming, and Yuval Harari is promoting transhumanism.

I like to look wider than Maria Farmer looks. Yet her insights are based on close-up impressions, and you can’t beat that. It’s good that Whitney Webb had the guts to interview her. That was in 2021, and after a year, she got Maria’s permission to publicize it. I have made crude scribbles, so if you want to use any point, you must revisit the Rumble tape.

Here is the bit that got me and which I consider very good news. Maria says she diagnoses Jeffrey as mentally ill. Wow. That gives an altogether different perspective on things.

I now venture that they are all mentally ill. We ought to stop thinking of their behavior as if it were just a personality variation or as if greed alone is the engine.

My guess is that both Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein were subjected to full-on torture as children under a ‘government’ program such as MK-Ultra. I’m sure both of our Bush presidents were, too. It is not to be ruled out that their sex addiction was “given” to them.

I genuinely feel sorry for the whole lot of them.

Note: Disquis has deleted me, so I can’t reply to comments. But I can be reached at my campaign website,, which has a page for free download of my book Deliverance.

The aforementioned interview of Farmer by Webb is here:

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I am a candidate for President in New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Primary, on January 23, 2024. I am grateful to GraniteGrok, and editor extraordinaire Steve MacDonald, for giving me ink.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1012 “Exempting From Criminal Penalty Certain Parenting Decisions Intended To Encourage a Child’s Independence and Freedom,” Good or Bad?

Sat, 2024-01-13 01:00 +0000

Did you know it is illegal in New Hampshire for a minor to get a tattoo and is considered child abuse? Minor children can mutilate themselves at the recommendation of so-called medical professionals but not get a tattoo.

TITLE LXII CRIMINAL CODE CHAPTER 639 OFFENSES AGAINST THE FAMILY Section 639:3 639:3 Endangering Welfare of Child or Incompetent. – I. A person is guilty of endangering the welfare of a child or incompetent if he knowingly endangers the welfare of a child under 18 years of age or of an incompetent person by purposely violating a duty of care, protection or support he owes to such child or incompetent, or by inducing such child or incompetent to engage in conduct that endangers his health or safety. II. In the prosecution of any person under this section, the tattooing or branding by any person of a child under the age of 18 constitutes endangering the welfare of such child.

Why couldn’t this be used to stop gender mutilation?

There is a new bill of which I am waiting to hear answers to some questions before sending testimony to the Committee on Health and Family Services. It is HB1012, “exempting from criminal penalty certain parenting decisions intended to encourage a child’s independence and freedom.

We want to thank Ken Goodall for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Won’t this allow the mutilation of children under the guise of mental care? It happened in NH when a 17-year-old received gender reassignment surgery. Luckily, this person seems to be doing OK, but some suffer serious mental side effects of regret after the mutilation.

I believe the terminology needs to be reworded to specifically define “duty of care” and “Protection.”

How can this law already have a section making it illegal for minors to get a tattoo, but they are allowed to be mutilated by the medical industry?

Please do not tell me this is “Medical Care” because the Oath states “Do No Harm,” and if the psychologists and psychiatrists cannot get a person to be happy with their own body, this is a failure of the medical industry.

Here is the text of the new wording in HB1012.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Massachusetts ‘Asks’ Residents to House Invading Aliens – How Long ‘Till They Demand it?

Fri, 2024-01-12 23:00 +0000

The Democrats have created for themselves a problem. The titular head of their party, Joe Biden – tit-head for short – left the door open, and that is beginning to get a cold reception from even the most die-hard rank-and-file lefties. It is one thing to pretend to be for sanctuary, another to have to be one.

Massachusetts, one of the original blue states, dropped its liberty drawers years ago, always safe in the knowledge that few, if any, would look up its skirt to see what was there. Nothing. Not really. We got plenty of posturing and posing. Judge Shelly Joseph let a criminal illegal alien escape through her chambers while ICE waited outside her courtroom doors to take him into custody. A few years later, she escaped any accountability as well. Massachusetts has a right-to-shelter law, that doesn’t apply to homeless vets. One big dog and pony show until Joe Biden OPENED THE BORDER!

Massachusetts declared a State of Emergency last summer, joining a host of progressive virtue-signallers up to their eyeballs in those seeking sanctuary. Baye State Chief Exec Maura Healy is begging legal residents to house illegals.

Governor Healey says close to 5,600 families are currently housed in the state’s emergency shelter system. That number is 80% higher than one year ago. Massachusetts is the only state in the country with a right-to-shelter law that guarantees homeless families access to emergency shelters. She says Massachusetts has been spending around $45 million a month to help assist these families. The situation is so bad, the Healey administration is now asking people to open their homes and businesses to help people in need.

“Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need and become a sponsor family,” said Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll.

Ironic, isn’t it? Planes and boats filled with third-worlders are landing in Central America. They then work their way to the US border on buses with well-stocked way stations, all funded by progressive billionaires and our government. The invaders are displacing Americans, and now Democrats like Healy are asking Americans to house the illegals.

Why can’t some of the billionaires and millionaires who fund Democrat campaigns and non-profits pay to put them back on boats and planes and take them someplace else? The goal is to overwhelm the system. Every system. To break America.

Healy is asking today, but not long from now, her state will be demanding and then forcing illegals into homes because while all the Dems have to do is close the door, they won’t or can’t. The tide will not ebb until your home, town, state, and nation are overwhelmed.

It’s not just housing. How do we feed this many people? What happens to access to services, health care, and everything? Who pays for any or all of that? We’re 34 trillion in debt; there is no money. Nothing can withstand that pressure, and that is the point.

This will be difficult for the virtue-signalling dems and the rank and file who thought their party was truly compassionate, but these are your choices. Have non-English speaking third-world illegal housed in your homes as the country collapses in on the wight of that, or… vote Republican up and down the ticket in every election, local, state, and federal, for at least the next 12 years.

You might not be able to get an abortion after six months, but that’s already the case in Massachusetts and most of the world. In exchange, you get to keep your house, eat, and live; the tide of illegals stops, and many of them will be sent back home—their home. And that is not an unkindness. They will suffer with you if the invasion is not halted.

And – after Republicans sweep into power – as things calm down – if you still want to share your home with a “migrant family,’ you can always do that. But it will be your choice, not an act of force by a police state that created the problem.




HT | Gateway Pundit

The post Massachusetts ‘Asks’ Residents to House Invading Aliens – How Long ‘Till They Demand it? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Then, Is the Purpose of Public Education?

Fri, 2024-01-12 21:00 +0000

With the recent court decisions, we need a bit of analysis on NH education funding and recent (and historic) NH Supreme Court decisions regarding the NH Constitution.

First, why is it said that we must fund public education in New Hampshire at the state level? The answer is that a supreme court ruling interpreted the NH Constitution Article 83, and in particular, the phrase “cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage private and public institutions, rewards, and immunities for the promotion of agriculture, arts, sciences, commerce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country…”

This court decision seems to have entirely ignored the word “seminaries,” as the suggestions that “cherish” implies “fund” should then equally apply to seminary as it does “public schools.” I am not aware of any publicly funded seminary. I believe this decision was likely in error – I do not see a mandate for state-level funding of education in this phrase or anywhere within the rest of the New Hampshire Constitution.

However, where I may break with some conservatives and libertarians is that I do, in fact, see the great utility and, likely, necessity of a public education being available to our youth in order to replicate and preserve our heritage and culture. I believe I keep good company with Thomas Jefferson in this regard. Though while I am quite amenable to a basic funding of public education by law, despite seeing no Constitutional mandate to the same, I believe this education must, absolutely and without deviation, follow the guidance of the New Hampshire constitution: this must be a requirement for the expenditure of public funds towards the end of education.

We want to thank Rep. Mike Belcher for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Here, it is useful to examine the whole text of Article 83: “Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through a community, being essential to the preservation of a free government; and spreading the opportunities and advantages of education through the various parts of the country, being highly conducive to promote this end; it shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage private and public institutions, rewards, and immunities for the promotion of agriculture, arts, sciences, commerce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country; to countenance and inculcate the principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry and economy, honesty and punctuality, sincerity, sobriety, and all social affections, and generous sentiments, among the people: Provided, nevertheless, that no money raised by taxation shall ever be granted or applied for the use of the schools of institutions of any religious sect or denomination. Free and fair competition in the trades and industries is an inherent and essential right of the people and should be protected against all monopolies and conspiracies which tend to hinder or destroy it. The size and functions of all corporations should be so limited and regulated as to prohibit fictitious capitalization and provision should be made for the supervision and government thereof. Therefore, all just power possessed by the state is hereby granted to the general court to enact laws to prevent the operations within the state of all persons and associations, and all trusts and corporations, foreign or domestic, and the officers thereof, who endeavor to raise the price of any article of commerce or to destroy free and fair competition in the trades and industries through combination, conspiracy, monopoly, or any other unfair means; to control and regulate the acts of all such persons, associations, corporations, trusts, and officials doing business within the state; to prevent fictitious capitalization; and to authorize civil and criminal proceedings in respect to all the wrongs herein declared against.”

This article, as part of the supreme law of New Hampshire, must then guide our understanding of what it means to receive a public education, how language such as “adequate” might be defined, and the lens through which we must evaluate our current public education system.

First, to the concept of an “adequate education,” we must first acknowledge that an “adequate education” is not a dollar amount – it can only reasonably be defined as the inculcation of certain values, knowledge, and capacities as are outlined within Article 83, or elsewhere in law as to not be in contradiction to the Constitution. As a part of this definition, we must also acknowledge that not all persons are of the same abilities and that, even with a hypothetical perfectly optimized situation with unlimited funding, not all persons will achieve the same levels of competency and capacity, so any such definitions of “adequate education” must, in fact, be defined in terms of opportunity provided towards this end, with some application of an averaging in assessment to determine efficacy, and further with the understanding that neither perfect optimization nor unlimited funding are attainable, and so a “reasonableness” standard must come into this definition as well.

Now, what, then, per Article 83, is the end of public education? It is the capacity to function as a citizen in civic engagement towards maintaining a “free government,” familiarity with and capacity towards “literature and the sciences,” familiarity with and the ability to interact freely with “public and private institutions,” a general inculcation of interest and familiarity with “agriculture, arts, sciences, commerce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country…” and the indoctrination of those founding values of “principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry and economy, honesty and punctuality, sincerity, sobriety, and all social affections, and generous sentiments…”

To summarize, the end of public education is the creation of citizens capable of the maintenance of our Constitutional Republic towards the preservation of the liberties enumerated within our Bill of Rights, a general, broad education within the sciences (and maths and logic therein implied), literature (reading and writing and the classics), and seeding within this young people the values, traditions, and culture of a traditional American ideal.

Now, let us assess whether our current formulation of public education is, per Article 83, Constitutional. A general and broad survey of New Hampshire students of public schools finds rampant innumeracy and illiteracy across the board. A sampling of curricula provisioned by various public schools demonstrates that primacy within the classroom is given to modern and divisive social theories that are wholly divergent from traditional American values. Further, students are taught a false history of America coupled with the lens of conflict theory, e.g. the oppressor-oppressed dialectic of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) which inculcates a gnostic disposition of victimhood as opposed to one of benevolence and generous sentiments. Instead of the preparation for maintenance of our Republic with thoughtful and light application of government towards the maintenance of Natural and Constitutional rights, students are taught to manipulate “our Democracy” via training towards social activism and Maoist mass lines demanding heavy-handed government coercion against the liberties of their neighbors. Further, the manner in which a monopolistic, cartel-like, and coercive regime has developed around public education, in no small part due to the influence of public-sector unions, is unconscionable.

I can see no way in which our current formulation of public education could possibly be more violative of Article 83, and, therefore, I find it to be a wholly unconstitutional system. This current system is not designed to replicate that society of the American founding but has instead been hijacked, as a virus hijacks a cell, to replicate a corrupted, corrosive, and damnable system of a Marxist bent instead.

If we are to publicly fund a system of public education, which I find reasonable and prudent, it should most certainly not be this current system as it exists. The system must be reformed, or a new one established and the old abolished. This is necessary for all of us. Our current system of public education is an existential threat to the republic, to you, and to everyone you care about.

Rep. Mike Belcher (Carroll 4) sits on the House Education Committee.

The post What Then, Is the Purpose of Public Education? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

People are Dying of “Natural Causes” at the Age of 56 …?

Fri, 2024-01-12 19:00 +0000

Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor, who, at some point after I stopped paying attention, changed her name to Shuhada Sadaqat (in 2018, she converted to Islam), died in July 2023. She was 56 years old. Today, about six months later, give or take, the coroner announced her cause of death.


London’s Metropolitan Police had said the singer’s death was not considered suspicious after she was found unresponsive at a home in southeast London on July 26. O’Connor was 56.

The Southwark Coroner’s Court confirmed that O’Connor died of natural causes, which means circumstances when an illness or condition is not linked to external forces. It did not provide details.


Circumstances when an illness or condition is not linked to external forces.” Natural causes. She was fifty-six years old. Quite the blow to life expectancy, that. Unless – he says with a glint in his eye – the COVID vaccine killed her.

Yes, she was vaccinated. Proudly. She brought her son with her, so he likely was as well.


The singer, who now goes by the name, Shuhada Sadaqat received her second Coid vaccination and her 17-year-old son Shane accompanied her to the appointment.

Writing on Twitter she said: “2nd Vaccine today My lovely 17 yr old son coming with me : ) Behold Nevi’im Nesta Ali Shane O’Connor #Gentleman.”


That was May of 2021. We can only guess if she got on the booster train (I did not look) because dying at the age of 56 from natural causes … is suspicious.

Given how the globalist industrial complex continues to ignore the actual science and facts about its response and its alleged cure, we should assume that vaccine deaths could be called natural deaths.

I’m not saying the vaccine killed her. I’ve no idea. I’m saying that they are playing fast and loose with the idea of what is natural and what an external force is, and much like the mission creep of Medically Assisted Dying, we should expect the list of things not-so-natural to transition in the interest of obfuscating future acts of democide – planned or incidental.

The cause of death may not have been reported as suspicious, but I can’t help thinking that saying it was natural makes it so.


The post People are Dying of “Natural Causes” at the Age of 56 …? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-01-12 17:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you – have gotten a lot lately!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Remember, to the Left his man is Satan incarnate.  Can you wrap your mind around someone that low that they’d do this?  Hate… raw, seething hate for Trump (and by extension his supporters).  Understand – I hated Barackus with a passion, but were I in that judges position I’d still have the human decency to permit this.  That this judge can’t permit this is a testament to the level of hate the Left has for Trump and us persons to the Right of Stalin.




Not just Muslims, of course.  But that ANYONE could value money more than the lives of children…










China sowing division in its number one rival.





As I understand it many such farms – don’t know about this one specifically but I’d suspect they’re included – fully disclose the risks of, for example, raw milk.  Customers have to sign a form that says they’re aware of the risks and want the stuff anyway.  Willing seller who informs, willing buyer in the know – so it begs the question of why such farms are under such attack.



And this video (link only).






My understanding of this is a bear having been shot in self-defense becomes a case example of a bear having died from “climate change”.




They don’t want to see, because to see would acknowledge they were bamboozled, and in this specific case, admit the possibility that their “good act” was actually what harmed their child.  They’d have to acknowledge the possibility that those they trusted when those experts said Safe and effective were, at best, merely wrong – but potentially truly dishonest with them.  They’d also have to admit that the very people they looked down on as science deniers, anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists – gaining a sense of superiority from that – were, in fact, the ones who were more informed and more perceptive than their vaunted selves.







We’re the ones paying for this.





Correct.  Psychopaths don’t reform or repent.













Yes.  Got preps?  Got local friends who think the same?  And given this:

US and UK prepare to launch strikes against Houthis in Yemen | Yemen | The Guardian

You think Iran and others don’t already have sleepers here just waiting?  And all the ones flooding across the border?  Or this:

Sweden is warned to ‘brace for war’: Civil Defence minister tells citizens to ‘get moving’ and prepare for the end of 210 years of peace as country bids to join NATO in face of Russia tensions | Daily Mail Online

Putin ally warns US/NATO of another red line that, if crossed, will lead to nuclear response (

Or The Potato discussing the possibility of NATO troops against Russians in Ukraine if Congress doesn’t keep the money spigot open?

Biden: Help Ukraine Now or Send Americans to Fight Russia With NATO Later | National News | U.S. News (

Or China becoming stronger-worded about Taiwan?

Sudan is a massacre site.  All around the world are hot-spots either in action or tending that way.




















I’ve been to Disney World once or twice – not been terribly impressed, but still.  Now, of course, its reputation is utterly gone.

And this is part of the whole debasement of our culture.  One by one our icons and statues and standards are being corrupted and ruined.




Imagine this was your daughter.





The whole point of these meme posts… mockery and ridicule.







And worse – they want to make you seedless.



Pretty much.




The Left is very good at twisting the language to their purpose.








NO JUDGE would want to be the judge who reversed a state’s election and flipped it.  Too much pressure would come to bear on them.






Most links and comments from my Jarhead friend; I added a few:


Green Inefficiency: Up To One Third Of Power Needed To Charge Up E-Car Battery Gets Lost! (

As every engineer worth their salt knows, when energy get transformed, there are losses.  This article states that EV’s lose 10-30% of the energy they are charged with due to battery losses, internal resistance, etc.  And this is on top of all the losses in generating and transmitting the power.  So how these are supposed to “save energy”?:

A Culture in Collapse › American Greatness (

Another profound piece by Victor Davis Hanson.

Lawmaker: FBI Had 200 Undercover Assets at US Capitol on Jan. 6 (

Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA), has been investigating the January 6th, 2021 “insurrection” and has found that over 200 federal agents were in the crowd that day, undercover, dressed as Trump and/or MAGA supporters.  And that the orders to do this came from the upper levels of the FBIie.

Hot Mic Catches Journalists Joking About Trump Assassination – Geller Report

Recently, several reporters were caught on a hot mic joking about the “JFK solution” for President Trump.  Given that all the lawsuits, slander, and other mud-slinging being done to Trump are having the opposite effect (making him more popular), I have no doubt that the Deep State is seriously considering this option.

No, Arctic Sea Ice Isn’t Shrinking – Climate-

Data.  Actual data.  What was it Richard Feynman said?

“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is … If it doesn’t agree with experiment (i.e., the data), it’s wrong.”

BREAKING From ATTORNEY TOM RENZ: HHS, FDA, CDC and Big Pharma Knew that COVID “Vaccines” Would Shed and Cause Cancer | Joe Hoft

They knew.  And they pushed it into peoples’ arms – children’s arms – anyway.

Interactive ‘Smart’ Toys Can Collect Kids’ Personal Data & Location (

Anything “connected” has this potential.

Would you agree to house illegal immigrants in your home? – THE FIRST STREET JOURNAL. (

And soon it will not be a request, but a demand.  OK, her first.

New Ivermectin Study Demonstrates 92 Percent Reduction In COVID-19 Mortality Rate – GreatGameIndia

Concluding the links: Ivermectin works – and it worked the whole time; it could treat an active case, and it acted as a prophylactic.  Same for hydroxychloroquine.  (And zinc.)  They let people die for profit and to make Trump look bad… and to scare people into taking the Jab.




Pick of the Post:



You cannot save in such an environment.  You cannot build assets either.  You are totally dependent on the state.  And if this goes through and becomes permanent, they’ll set your non-expiring limit lower than your expenses, so you cannot save at all.




Palate Cleansers:




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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