And so the week begins. Cue the Vorlon:
Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition. Last week’s Friday Edition.
Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:
- Ridicule cannot easily be fought
- Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
- For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.
If you are remotely concerned about the world and where we’re headed, please do consider looking at yesterday’s SURVIVAL SUNDAY.
Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Because they’re not used to independent thinking and standing on their own. They’re herd beasts.
See this video (link only):
2024- Insurance Companies Must Know Something Big, & Violent IS Coming Our Way – YouTube
Tell me who your friends are, I know who you are.
You really have to question the sanity of people who smear those who protest the stabbing of children.
Education is not a bad thing. It’s the arrogance that often goes with education that’s the real problem.
The more I see of the Epstein list, the more convinced I am the above is 100% exactly right.
We all know that smartphones are dangerous, privacy-wise. Your electronic-laden car may be as well – and far more than you think.
Your Car Stores Your Text Messages – Law Enforcement Can Retrieve Them Anytime, Following Federally Rejected Lawsuit | The Gateway Pundit | by Stefanie Ladner, The Western Journal
When you sit in a “digital car” you consent to being recorded and personal data sold « JoNova (
We’ve all known that Alexa et al are always listening:
What’s next? Cameras in your house? Oh, wait:
Nearly a Third of Gen Z Favors the Government Installing Surveillance Cameras in Homes | Cato at Liberty Blog
Surveillance outside. Surveillance inside. And don’t forget the obsession of Globalist Yuval Harari – surveillance under your skin. And in your brain, for even your thoughts are becoming transparent to being viewed as technology improves:
Mind-Decoding Technologies Raise Hopes (and Worries) (
And a last note about privacy:
Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison From Which No Escape Is Possible (
Animosities run deep, and long. For example, looooong before the Sunni / Shia rift, the Arabs and Persians hated each other. And still do.
That’s an interesting observation of a second meaning of the word.
I’m still betting some pretext will be found to – at least – mandate massive mail in voting. Assuming we even have an election due to an “unprecedented crisis” that requires a… *cough* “temporary” suspending of elections.
Depending on, I might have some conversations… but I strongly suspect someone flying the stars and bars would at least have an open mind.
Hell yes.
Special link section:
These are mostly links sent to be me by a Jarhead friend of mine; commentary is (mostly) his. Though I’ve tossed in a couple of my own links with my own commentary. This is, we both concur, the kind of news that needs to get out more widely. Link first, comment / excerpt after:
Former Bill Gates vaccine scientist predicts sharp population decline: “up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries” (
In the comments, someone wrote that perhaps global warming and climate change are cover stories for mounting COVID jab deaths and what they mean for the global population.
“It will be blamed on climate change, the Russians or Chinese, white supremacy, etc. and the ‘elites’ will walk away as heroes (in their own eyes),” this person wrote.
Another wrote that with so many wars now occurring, the truth about all that Bossche is speaking of “will be buried.”
“The war and the associated censorship will be used to hide the bodies,” said another. “They will say people died from ‘COVID’ or ‘war.’”
Consumers Are Rejecting the Great Reset | The Epoch Times
People are finally starting to wake up to the “great reset” non-sense and saying: NO!
The USA’s Army of Illegals – Vox Popoli (
EPA Is Buying Millions of Dollars Worth of Military-Grade Weapons (
Possibly related to the above, Vox Day writes about how we have a foreign army of at LEAST 1.5 million men ALREADY here in the country, courtesy of the Biden administration’s open border policies. And the many federal agencies that don’t use guns (like the USPS) that have been buying guns and ammo for the last decade. Who will use all those guns? The speculation here (and I agree with the premise) is that the leftists will arm these illegal aliens with the stockpiled guns to subjugate the American citizens.
Biden Says US Troops Will Fight Russian If Ukraine Loses | Armstrong Economics
Biden is already saying that the US will be forced into war with Russia. Why is that? Well, what better way to distract the American people from his failed policies than by becoming a war president (with war powers) and having our young men & women killed for a stupid cause?
The U.S. Department of Defense Has Been Engaged in Biowarfare Against the American People This Entire Time – POLITICAL MOONSHINE
Related, but from a year ago:
The Department of Defense and Its Biowarfare Against the American People: Contracts and Evidence – POLITICAL MOONSHINE
Here’s an article that lays out the evidence that the DOD was using Covid-19 as a “bio-weapon” on the US populace. I have not vetted the evidence myself yet (time ever presses), but it’s a pretty strong case.
Well Being: Dietary Supplements – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (
Big Pharma is trying to get congress to regulate ALL health supplements, forcing smaller firms (who cannot afford all the fancy approvals and/or paperwork) to go out of business. Meaning that Pharma will control that market too. And who knows what they’ll be adding to those too?
Pick of the post:
Now, I’m not saying that all was completely “clean” and lust-free. I’m sure there were back-room encounters. But look at the outfits; the girls in modest dresses, and the boys with jackets and ties. Compare that to an outfit I saw this summer of a teenage girl with, basically, a sports bra, massive midriff exposure, and yoga pants.
We’ve lost something deep in the popular culture.
Palate Cleansers:
Come back Wednesday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.
Buy Me a Coffee
The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.