The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 14 min 58 sec ago

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-01-19 17:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!


Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about… definitely some salty language ***






Question: Is this a positive ID?  I assume so because – in my non-legal opinion – this would be actionable defamation if not.





Profound.  Seen here.



Mass arrests.  Sounds an awful lot like the USSR under Stalin, no?



In this case it’s Israel.  But regardless of the topic, and regardless of the “mainstream media” outlet, they always seem to err in one direction only.  They understand, very well, that most people are lazy, will not attempt to check multiple news sources, and will not “do their own research” on anything.






“Give us the House” the GOP said.  So we did.  And nothing happened.  “Give us the Senate too” the GOP said.  So we did.  And nothing happened.  “Give us the White House too” the GOP said.  So we did.  And something did happen… they fought Trump and MAGA and rolling back the Left tooth and nail.

If, by some miracle, there IS an election and Trump DOES win, I expect the GOP to fold completely and just become an auxiliary “me too” to the Dems.






That plus billions of rounds of ammo.





Don’t forget the current head of the CDC… whom I’ve entitled MENGELE MANDY.





No, that comes later, like around August or September…





Enemedia in meltdown mode.  Related:

CNN and MSNBC Censor Trump’s Victory Speech in Iowa – PJ Media

How dare Trump speak to the people unfiltered by us!





Poland was a staunch resister of mass migration.  IMHO there’s no way he won legitimately.






A vote for Nikki is, IMHO, a vote for more of The Potato.  Just with a female skin, and a couple of meaningless bones thrown to the Right.






I repeat my prediction.  If, by some anti-miracle, the GOP Elites + the Left (political and enemedia) somehow manage to drag her across the nomination finish line, I predict:

  1. There will be much celebration in the enemedia about how – having nominated a recent-descendant woman of color – the GOP has “matured and moved into the 21st century”.  Yada yada.
  2. The GOP Elites will say that we need to put aside our partisan differences and unite behind this historic candidate (not like they’d do that if it were Trump, but…)
  3. Within 48 hours after that the lawsuits will start – from the Left – attempting to disqualify her for precisely this reason.




BACKSTABBER Nikki Haley won’t tell you who is behind some of her biggest donations (

MHO, which I’ve said before… the enemedia will ally with the Left (even more than normal) and the GOP Establishment/NeverTrumpers to try and drag her across the nomination line.  There will be enormous exulting for about 48 hours about how the Republicans have “grown and matured and modernized”.  And then the lawsuits over her not being a natural born citizen will start.  Assuming those succeed, the Right will be thrown into chaos with, likely, some other RINO figurehead – who will be anathema to actual Conservatives – put up as a fill-in.










Why do you think they changed it to “Climate Change”?  So that, no matter what actually happens, they can always say TOLD YOU!  Scientific predictions have to be specific; that the below image is now the reality is one reason I no longer am a climate alarmist.











Yes and no.  It’s an open secret that Iran wants the bomb.  The question is not whether they want it, it’s what they’ll do with them when they get them.  Yes, Israel is a high-probability target… but the Iranians have openly discussed taking America down with an EMP, having practiced launching rockets from ships in the Caspian Sea and declaring the test a success when the rocket gets to 90-100 miles up – perfect EMP altitude.  And in general, you must remember – as I keep repeating – that in Shiite Islam their messiah can’t come until there’s a global war.  WWIII, to a believing Shiite, is not a bug but a feature.  (And now, possibly, things are heating up with Pakistan…)









I am certainly no expert in Arab culture, but this is a slap.  And, to Arabs, America’s non-response to that is seen as a sign of weakness.











Pick of the Post:


A tie.



NO entity ever puts itself out of business.  And tied is this delicious bit of mockery:





A smallish (!) selection of IMHO important links.  Some from me, some from my Jarhead friend.


Pfizer Secretly Studied a Heart Damage Marker, Troponin I, in Five- to 15-Year-Olds, Following mRNA COVID Vaccination in 2021 | NC Renegades

Read this.  Read this again.  They knew, back in early 2021, that the Jab caused heart damage.  Remember they knew:


They knew, and kept silent:

CDC Drafted Alert For Myocarditis And COVID-19 Vaccines, But Never Sent It | ZeroHedge


Masking, Lockdowns, Travel Restrictions, Vaccines Useless in Pandemic (

The great Justice Clarence Thomas (

A truly great man.

Bombshell J6 Footage Exposes Nancy Pelosi’s Security Guard’s Lies – PJ Media

The man lied under oath about J6 events.

DEROY MURDOCK: Emperor Biden’s Latest — The State Goes Marching In To Seize Patents | The Daily Caller

This would empower Uncle Sam to capture and control patents that fully or partially were funded with federal research grants, if Washington bureaucrats disliked the market prices or rollout speeds of their ensuing technologies.

The ever-meddlesome Biden now wants new powers to reassign or simply nationalize patent licenses if his pests decide that these items are not marketed quickly or cheaply enough.

What this would do is both get people to drop federal grant applications (maybe not a bad thing) but also to possibly stop innovating and creating.

U.S. government is demanding details on your fertility, bathing habits, more | NC Renegades

The report said the Census Bureau “repeatedly sends field representatives to their homes at unannounced times to harass” people who don’t respond as the government demands.

Those reports document how government agents “remained outside … houses for hours while waiting for them to arrive home or come out, have walked around their homes, and have talked to minor children when parents were away.”

Last census I had the full thing; they were f*cking persistent.  Called multiple times, came by my house multiple times.  All but threatened me with massive fines if I didn’t comply.

Raconteur Report: Vote! Moar! Harder!

My prediction of what happens in 2024 is a re-do of 2020:

Biden “wins” again this time, improving on his 81M imaginary votes from 2020, with a final score of Biden 972%, and Trump 49%. Nothing to see here. Move along.



An actual election scares hell out of both parties, because they know who’d win that. Just like he did the last two times. They’re morons, but they’re not complete idiots.

I’m very much afraid he’s right.  And that’s assuming – as I am predicting – that “something” doesn’t happen to cause a *cough temporary cough* suspension of elections altogether.

American Policy Center | Immigration or Invasion? Cancelling the Greatest Culture in the World

The Peoples of the western world – not leadership / officials, but people – are waking up to this.

There it is – EU President Says Number One Challenge for Global Control Systems in Next Two Years is to Control Information and Speech – The Last Refuge (

Control the information flow, control what people believe.  Related:

Elections will soon be a quaint relec of the past, says globalist Klaus Schwab, who points to AI as the coming King of Democracy –

What the WEF Has in Store For You – HotAir

And related:

John Kerry Goes Full Davos Totalitarian: No Politician Can Reverse Climate Change Policy – PJ Media

The Left and Tribalism – American Thinker

Divide and conquer.  Highlight differences that sunder people who meet Reagan’s criterion.  Meanwhile, the Left moves and advances in total lockstep.

James Webb Telescope May Have Found Biological Life on Exoplanet | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

What a profound impact if this is true, and verifiable & replicatable – to the extent we can verify anything from this far away.  I wonder what they’ve found…




Palate Cleansers:



Deep topic, sometimes dry.



Yeah, feeling very cynical these last few days… though I’ve learned an awful lot from Mark Gungor’s videos on youtube.

Mark Gungor Laugh your Way to Better Marriage Part 1 (

In one part of the intro, he says that if you ask a woman to describe the perfect man, she’ll describe another woman.





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Our FITN Matters: From Reagan to Haley

Fri, 2024-01-19 15:00 +0000

It seemed Ronald Reagan’s political career was over in early 1980. Despite Gerald Ford having wrested the 1976 GOP nomination from him, Reagan gave the presidency one last try in 1980 at age 69—which Democrats said was too old. (Irony alert.)

Then George H.W. Bush trounced Reagan in the Iowa Caucuses. Reagan’s political obituary was published across the land.

Then came the First-in-the-Nation New Hampshire Primary.

A memorable Nashua debate made history. Reagan won N.H. in a landslide. Everything changed. Reagan would win two landslide presidential elections while turning our economy around and winning the Cold War. No wonder Reagan said, “God Bless New Hampshire.”

It seemed George H.W. Bush was politically dead in 1988 after also being trounced in the Iowa Caucus, finishing third behind Bob Dole and Pat Roberston. Bush came to N.H. and plaintively pleaded with Granite Staters for help.

“If you come through for me, then when I get to Washington, you’ll hear me say ‘Thank You New Hampshire’ forever.”

With Governor John Sununu’s crucial assistance, Bush won New Hampshire and then the presidency and kept his promise to forever thank New Hampshire.

It seemed Bill Clinton was politically dead in 1992 when the first of his major sex scandals broke, after he’d received 3% of the Iowa Caucus vote. Clinton came to New Hampshire to plead for help, like Reagan and Bush before him, telling a crowd in Dover that if Granite Staters gave him a chance, “I’ll be there for you until the last dog dies.”

Clinton’s strong FITN finish allowed him to proclaim himself “The Comeback Kid” and he went on to easily win two presidential elections.

And so it goes. New Hampshire shapes presidential races like no other state.

Which brings us to 2024. A clear majority of horrified Americans dread the prospect of a Biden-Trump rematch. Can’t we do better? But it seems like we’re locked into that terrible scenario.

Unless New Hampshire voters step up as they have in the past to point things in a better direction.

For Republicans that means voting for Nikki Haley. I completely agree with Haley supporter Chris Sununu that “We have a country to save.”

I followed FITN developments intently for many months before finally becoming the first State Representative to endorse Haley at the end of October. I won’t repeat the powerful case for her here. Fair and thoughtful voters have until Jan. 23rd to conduct their due diligence and hopefully figure it out.

My endorsement resulted in threats, but that’s okay. I’ve been in harm’s way before, from the Persian Gulf to Afghanistan.  Trumpers tell me I’m “being watched” and that I’ll “pay a price.” I feel like Dr. Zhivago in that classic movie when a communist Russian commissar informed him that “Your attitude is noticed. Oh yes, it’s been noticed!”

Welcome to Trump-World, 2024. Why so many Granite Staters pledge allegiance to this reprobate will always be a mystery to me.  History will eventually judge, and historians can be unsparing critics. Why do Trump’s supporters want to follow him over a cliff and drag the country over the cliff as well? Who is Donald Trump? He’s draft dodger who reviled the memory of true heroes like John McCain, as well as wounded veterans that he didn’t want in his parades because they were a “bad look.”  He’s a swindler who’s already been found guilty in a $370 million civil lawsuit for numerous acts of fraud and misrepresentation. He’s a faux dealmaker who’s filed for bankruptcy at least four times. He’s currently dealing with 91 felony criminal indictments in four jurisdictions. He’s someone who demands loyalty but doesn’t give it, whether to his loyal vice-president, to supporters who endorse him, or to his three wives, the latest of which was notably absent from the family Christmas photo. He’s a liar whom a Washington Post fact-checker charged with 30,573 specific false or misleading claims over his benighted presidency. He’s a misogynist who bragged about grabbing women by the p****. He’s an inciter who sat by and watched on television while thousands of supporters, brandishing Trump and Confederate flags, wreaked death and destruction on our beloved United States Capitol. And yet thousands of Granite Staters uncritically support this failing 77-year-old, pathetically waiting for hours to cheer him on at an Atkinson Country Club on Tuesday. They had to wait extra-long because he was delayed en route to New Hampshire from Iowa because he had to stop at a New York City courthouse for a defamation trial appearance involving a woman that a different jury earlier found him guilty of sexually assaulting. But his supporters love and emulate his never-apologize, in-your-face antics. It’s heartbreaking to witness. Will we ever again have a president who is an inspiring role model who appeals to our better angels instead of a divisive demagogue who incites our lesser angels? That could happen if on January 23 if New Hampshire’s GOP Primary voters correct the misbegotten choice that Iowa GOP voters made on January 15. It’s happened before.

On the Dem side, another classic movie comes to mind—the film featuring college fraternity pledges being paddled.

Okay, it was Animal House.

The pledges’ rite of passage required them to bend over to be swatted by fraternity leaders, whom we can liken to the Democrat “establishment.” I keep picturing Joe Biden wielding a paddle on bent-over N.H. Dems who respond as the movie pledges did when spanked: “Thank you, Sir. May I have another one, Sir?”

It’s pathetic to see N.H. establishment Dems trying to get voters to write in Biden’s name on a ballot he disdained. The better that Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips does on the Dem side, the better it is for the future of our FITN primary.

We’ll soon see if New Hampshire can save the country from a Biden-Trump redux. Not only does the future of our FITN require us to step up and redirect things, but more importantly, the future of our country demands it. History shows that informed New Hampshire voters can step up to change our world. It’s happened before.

Just ask Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush, or Bill Clinton.

The post Our FITN Matters: From Reagan to Haley appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ten Years Ago, Vermont Said Is Was Going to Do Something About Overdose Deaths and it Did – They’ve Quadrupled

Fri, 2024-01-19 13:00 +0000

A decade past, then-Governor Peter Shumlin, overwhelmed by the Obama open-borders-driven opioid crisis, promised to implement a plan to address this rising scourge. No, he didn’t demand Obama close the border and stop the drugs pouring in. He did what Democrats always do.

He used it as an excuse to grow the government and rob taxpayers. [From an NPR interview dated Jan 9th]

ELDER-CONNORS: Shumlin, a Democrat, pitched lawmakers on a multipoint plan largely focused on expanding the state’s recovery centers and increasing access to addiction treatment. Ten years later, Vermont has largely implemented Shumlin’s plan and, by some measures, made progress. South Burlington resident Jess Kirby, who first took opiates as a teenager, says she got on a list for methadone in 2006 and waited for two years.

JESS KIRBY: You had to call every month and make your case, basically, on a voicemail that, hey, I’m still here. I’m calling. I still need treatment – please keep me on the list type of thing. And if you didn’t call, then you would get put back to the bottom of the list.

ELDER-CONNORS: The state has since expanded its treatment system and largely eliminated waiting lists. There are nearly 12,000 Vermonters currently in treatment, about double the number in 2014. But Kirby and other recovery workers say progress in Vermont and the rest of the country has stalled, largely due to more powerful drugs, pandemic isolation and a rise in homelessness. Former Governor Peter Shumlin, in an interview last week, said he doesn’t think public policy in Vermont has kept up.

NPR shares some personal stories that, while relevant, do not address the actual problem, and the facts that NPR shares make that clear.

– A decade after Vermont announced an effort to address the state’s opioid epidemic, fatal overdoses have quadrupled, and the crisis is more visible because more people are living on the streets. Liam Elder-Connors with Vermont Public has this report.

-The number of fatal overdoses in Vermont has skyrocketed, driven by the rise of fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid that’s essentially replaced heroin. The dramatic spike in overdoses led Burlington, Vermont’s largest city, to launch a new team of paramedics who exclusively respond to overdoses.

Vermont is an open-border sanctuary refuge for illegals, cartels, and drugs, and according to at least one commenter on VermontGrok, everyone knows where the drugs are. Vermont did school closings, lockdowns, and quarantines. Their defund-the-police banter resulted in fewer law enforcement officers and a culture where cops were targets, not partners in crime prevention.

The state’s Democrat majority has focused on creating mental health issues, encouraging economic decline and homelessness, and supporting a policy that allows more drugs into the country and the state while hamstringing law enforcement.

The cure isn’t more clinics, therpaists, helplines, or Narcan vending machines. None of those things will prevent drugs from getting to people who are downtrodden as a result of wrongheaded political priorities. And while we applaud the successes of those who have benefitted from the programs, the net result of all that time and money is a quadrupling of overdose deaths.

Gov. Peter Shumlin’s decade-old state of the state did get one thing right. “Frankly, what we’ve done, in my view – and the tragedy is – we’ve accepted this as sort of part of life as opposed to attacking it with everything that we have. And I think we’ve got to get back to focusing on – this is not acceptable.” The irony is that Schumlin’s exhortation is correct, but you won’t solve it unless the focus shifts to a Vermont run by someone other than Democrats. And not just the next election but every election.

The root cause of this decline is Democrat policy and Democrat rule, and you need only look at places Democrats have controlled for Decades to see where your state is going.

Today might look dreadful, but ten years from now, this will look like the good old days.


The post Ten Years Ago, Vermont Said Is Was Going to Do Something About Overdose Deaths and it Did – They’ve Quadrupled appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris Sun-King Sununu is Not The Only Prominent Democrat Backing Nikki Haley

Fri, 2024-01-19 11:00 +0000

Real Republicans in New Hampshire have maintained their abusive relationship * Sun-King Chris Sununu being the abuser – for far too long. They justify taking the abuse with, “he’s the lesser of two evils,” or “but he’s good on taxes and guns.” Really?

The most onerous tax in New Hampshire is the local property tax, and Sununu has done NOTHING on that front. Instead, Sun-King and his ilk hide behind the cliche that “it’s local control.” Yeah, right. “Local control” is secondary to eviscerating local zoning laws (turning New Hampshire into a State of renters (Democrats), not homeowners), yet local control is primary to a cap on local property taxes (to protect taxpayers from the left-wing lunatics that control most school boards). And if you believe that …

It’s well past time to call Sununu what he is: A DEMOCRAT. A heretic on a couple of issues … business taxes and the Second Amendment … but a Democrat nonetheless.

Perhaps the most unassailable proof that the Sun-King is a Democrat is his support of Nikki Haley, whose major donors include prominent Democrat money people. Nikki is Joe Biden in high heels, which is why the Sun King is “all in” for her.


The post Chris Sun-King Sununu is Not The Only Prominent Democrat Backing Nikki Haley appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

iSoftGamble’s Casino API Integration Platform

Fri, 2024-01-19 10:00 +0000

iSoftGamble stands out as a pioneering force in the gaming sector, showcasing its distinctiveness through a revolutionary stance on casino API integration. Focused on crafting a cohesive integration platform for casino games, the team is actively transforming the dynamics of the online gambling industry.

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The post iSoftGamble’s Casino API Integration Platform appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House USA-Israel Relations Caucus Responds to Former Executive Counselor Volinski’s Effort to Attack Israel Via Primary Ballots

Fri, 2024-01-19 09:00 +0000

(Concord, New Hampshire – January 18, 2024) — Former Executive Council Andru Volinsky has initiated a campaign to have Granite State Democrats write in “Ceasefire” instead of President Biden’s name on the primary ballot on January 23rd.

We, members of the NH House USA-Israel Relations Caucus, a bipartisan caucus of currently seated Representatives to the NH General Court, condemn these divisive and inappropriate tactics.

It’s hard to know where to start voicing how wholly inappropriate these actions taken by Volinsky are. Do we now advocate using our voice at the ballot box to express our views on foreign policy? Are we to relinquish our right to vote for our candidate of choice to make a political statement? New Hampshire holds its First in the Nation primary elections in accordance with upholding our constitutional duties, which is a serious responsibility and commitment. We should also not ignore the unnecessary burden this kind of tactic would place upon the town clerks and volunteer poll-workers throughout the state.

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Submission is not a guarantee of publication – Publication is not an endorsement.

Nowhere in this campaign did Volinsky mention the unspeakable horrors committed by Hamas in executing over 1200 Israelis and taking hostage 240 civilians, many of whom were women and children.

Recent evidence has revealed that Hamas had constructed a much more extensive tunnel system beneath Gaza from which to launch their campaign of terror against the citizens of Israel than Israeli intelligence estimated, spanning hundreds of miles. As Israel had always asserted, these tunnels were constructed under hospitals and schools as a means of creating human shields. Until Israel destroys these tunnels and eradicates Hamas, the people of Israel will never be secure.

We don’t believe there is anyone with a beating heart who does not want to protect the innocent victims of Gaza. It is heartbreaking to see what is happening to an entire population, 47% of whom are children. However, hijacking the ballot to direct foreign policy is a dangerous, inappropriate, and slippery slope.

The New Hampshire House USA-Israel Relations Caucus
(For a full listing of the names of the undersigned caucus members, contact the Caucus Chairman, Representative James Spillane.)

Press Release
Representative James Spillane,
Representative Anita Burroughs,


The views and opinions expressed by contributors are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion or position of  Grok Media,, its authors, advertisers, donors, or sponsors.

The post NH House USA-Israel Relations Caucus Responds to Former Executive Counselor Volinski’s Effort to Attack Israel Via Primary Ballots appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The World’s Greatest “Pickpocket”

Fri, 2024-01-19 03:00 +0000

Booker T. Washington provides an accurate description of the dangerous nature of lies.  “A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by the majority.

On January 9th, I was reminded of Washington’s insightful observation after my email to the NH House Banking and Commerce Committee to support the intent of HB 1232 to prohibit the government from using central bank digital fiat currency. One member of the Committee, the Honorable Cary Spier, answered my words of distrust of digital currency with the accusation that she was: “. ..afraid you are getting your information from conspiracy theories rather than from the real-world facts.”

I do not doubt her sincerity, but a one-sided promotion of digital currency support is contrary to the purpose of representative government. Such representation is shallow research. Cary Spier simply parrots deeply planted historical propaganda that has shielded the American people from the truth about the Federal Reserve (FED) since Congress tragically voted for it in 1913. Today, any information contrary to the packaged generational lies about the Federal Reserve are responded to in the same way Pavlov’s dogs reacted to “condition response”. Orwell’s Ministry of Truth is alive and well in the establishment media. For a thorough understanding of the Federal Reserve, I suggest readers read the true history of the Federal Reserve in the book Creature from Jekyll by G. Edward Griffin.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

In my letter, I essentially described the FED as an “inflation machine” that has enabled congressional unconstitutional deficit spending to be covered by FED printing press fiat dollars that are now created with a click of the computer. Each click increases the money supply, creating inflation. John Maynard Keynes said, “(B)y a continuous process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method, they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily, and while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some…. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction and does it in a manner that not one man in a million can diagnose.”

The track record of the FED reveals that it has become a powerful governmental pickpocket; each week reaching deeper into your pocket. The same year the FED passed, Congress also passed the unconstitutional 16th Amendment. The income of perhaps trillions of payroll checks has taxed American productivity since then. Adding insult to injury, in the same year, Congress also created Tax-Free Foundations to allow the super-rich to circumvent the tax system, leaving the main burden of the income tax on the middle class. In 1980, I participated in a campaign called “NO TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT,” when the debt was 987 billion. Now, 43 years later, the debt is racing past 34 trillion. Truth, the most powerful weapon in the world to stand against this economic tyranny, needs your action.

Our federal Congress has an addiction to spending other people’s money. They won’t stop unless you stop them. At the State level, do your homework at, contact the Banking and Commerce Committee, and urge them to support H.B. 1232.

Visit the State website to email the Committee. At the Federal level, visit to learn the facts about H.R. 1122 to stop digital currency. We, the people, need friends in Washington to put handcuffs on history’s greatest pickpocket.


The views and opinions expressed by contributors are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion or position of Grok Media,, its authors, advertisers, donors, or sponsors.

The post Night Cap: The World’s Greatest “Pickpocket” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Closing the GOP Primary

Fri, 2024-01-19 01:00 +0000

If the GOP wants to have a closed primary, it doesn’t need permission from the Secretary of State to do that.  It doesn’t have to alter what happens at polling places run by the state.

All it has to do is print up and collect its own ballots, which is what it should have been doing all along.

This isn’t rocket science.  The party just needs to station a couple of Republicans outside at each polling place.  They should have a list of Republicans for that location who were registered by October 6 or some other deadline.  If a Republican shows up, he can come over to them and show some kind of ID.  If he’s on the list, they can give him a ballot and check him off the list.  He can mark his choices and hand the ballot back.  Then, the ballots can be collected and counted at the end of the day, and the tallies communicated to party leaders to announce.

(If the weather is awful, an alternate plan could be to have someone outside the polling place let GOP members know that they can cast their ballots at a local Dunkin’ Donuts or some other indoor location.  To streamline the process, the party could allow Republicans to download their ballots and have them pre-marked when they show up.  Verify your membership, drop your ballot in the box, and be on your way.)

And whatever the state is doing inside the building can be ignored.   That is, independents and Democrats can express their preferences to the state about who they think should be the candidate of a party to which they don’t belong.  But those preferences would be given all the weight they deserve, which is none at all.

Would this be a perfect system?

No, but it’s a little late in the game to be worrying about that.  Next time, with more lead time (and without a chairman who actively tries to undermine party integrity), they can improve the process.

Would this be better than a state-run primary, which encourages non-Republicans to undermine the ability of the GOP to choose the candidate that best represents its values?

Of course, it would.  And it’s completely within reach.  But they have to start now.

The post Closing the GOP Primary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Minorities Blame Walgreens for Store Closing When They Should be Blaming Democrats, Or Perhaps, Themselves

Thu, 2024-01-18 23:00 +0000

Locals in a Roxbury neighborhood outside of Boston are protesting. Walgreens is closing a store there, and perhaps without knowing it, a customer interviewed by the Boston Globe explained why. It’s unsafe to walk to the next closest Walgreens, about a mile away.

It sounds like it might have been unsafe to walk to this one.

Walgreens issued a generic statement about why they closed, but everyone knows. Crime. Shoplifting. Employee and customer safety – also known as liability. It is or will cost them more money to stay, and unlike many they serve, they can leave.

Community members protesting the departure make excellent points.

This Walgreens is critical, not just to this community but the surrounding communities and the seniors.” That’s Rev. Miniard Culpepper.

The communities where they’re closing these pharmacies are communities where people are disparately impacted by disease — two or three times higher rates in cancer, diabetes, heart disease… Life expectancy can be 15, 20 years less.” That’s former Boston NAACP president Michael Curry.

What happens to our seniors and our single parents that have nowhere to get to a Walgreens or another pharmacy anywhere near their home? And so we think it’s insensitive — it’s unjust,” he said. Culpepper, again.

I have no doubt there is injustice, but none of it has anything to do with Walgreens. They are not a charity nor one of those public-private chimeras. No taxpayer can or will be made to cover costs created by political decisions by minorities and those they elected. So, yes, elections matter, and this is one of those things that comes as a result. You can even blame white people, but that won’t fix what ails you. It won’t fix itself, and even God – and the Reverend will understand this – took a week to create the world and everything he wanted on it.

You have, for too long, not voted in your best long-term interest, and it’s not just your community or minorities, we see it all across the increasingly fruitless plain. Politicians of all sexes, races, colors, and creeds, almost all of them Democrats (that’s not a coincidence), sell you lies. They use emotion, blame, and the promise of fast fixes at other people’s expense that are little more than vote-getting confidence scams.

Your Walgreens is closing because your elected officials can’t or won’t prevent or police crime, but you knew that. Few know more about crime than urban-dwelling minorities. Lucille Culpepper-Jones can’t walk to the next Walgreens because it’s not safe, so the question should not be why it is unjust for Walgreens to leave her without any other option. The question is, how did it get to be that way?

White evangelical Trump supporters in Iowa didn’t do it. The history proves that they helped improve minority lives a good deal when they elected Donald Trump in 2016. Before he left office, minority employment and wages were at historic highs. But even then, the community still voted for Democrats up and down the ticket. Sure, they marched with you in honor of a dead career criminal and the multi-million dollar con that was BLM. They consoled you when rioters they called mostly peaceful protesters, looted and burned black businesses in your communities—assaulted or ended black lives. They promised reparations. Justice.

BLM’s leaders got rich and moved into white neighborhoods. Your politicians dressed up their progressive resumes for each other. And you got more crime, less opportunity, and less access than you had before any of that.

The problem is ideologically systemic, and unless you are wholly owned by the narrative, looks deliberate.

In Chicago, the city announced it would replace departing grocery stores that, like Walgreens, are “unable to protect their employees or customers or make a profit where “petty” theft is not prosecuted” – with its own. City-run stores. My first question was, will they prosecute shoplifters then? Would stealing bread and milk be considered an insurrection, or is that only when they are Trump supporters – of which there are a growing number among minorities for good reason.

The better questions are why government-run anything like this is necessary and what these communities should expect given how those same people have treated them in the past. Look around you. With a few exceptions, folks trapped in these communities are not much more than the products on an otherwise empty Demorat-run store shelf. You vote for them, and they promise you justice, which, translated, means a crime-riddled subsistence living the next generation can only improve by becoming criminals themselves.

You can fix it, but you have to own it first and then do something different for a lot of years, and that’s a lot harder than blaming Walgreens.


The post Minorities Blame Walgreens for Store Closing When They Should be Blaming Democrats, Or Perhaps, Themselves appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Deplorable Is Now Just The Disgusting

Thu, 2024-01-18 21:00 +0000

The mainstream media went off the cliff on Monday night as they found every way possible to censor Donald Trump, denigrate his character, or lump all of his supporters into a group to be hated, certainly not respected.

Joy Reid, sporting her Trump hairdo in a subliminal show of support for the former President, attacked the people of Iowa by labeling them as White Christians. Isn’t it amazingly hypocritical that the Black star of MSNBC, who has built her career on beating Racism, is, in fact, a Racist?

We need to stop calling these networks and their hacks the mainstream media. There is nothing mainstream about taking biased coverage to the Nth degree. These people do not even pretend to be honest journalists any longer. They hate Trump, his supporters, MAGAs, and, let’s face it, they hate Republicans. We are a threat to their Democracy. Unfortunately for them, we do not have a Democracy but a Constitutional Republic, and these brilliant Liberals do not even know the difference. Rachel Maddow went through a lengthy explanation after Trump was declared the winner of the Iowa Caucus of why her network does not give the former President airtime. MSNBC thinks they are performing a civic duty by protecting the masses from the words of Trump. Maddow is not a journalist; now, she is exposed as a biased hack. Who gave her the authority to decide what was appropriate for her viewers? Is there any wonder that her ratings are on a constant decline? But the devout Liberals worship her as the source of truth. It is sad to see the filtered product the Left considers news.

We had a heated exchange on Facebook today between relatives on the Left and the Right. It was a fascinating study of why we are such a divided country. The folks on the Right produced facts and specifics, and those on the Left produced feelings and emotions. The Left even cited Bible verses as they believed this gave them credibility. It did not, and it made them look pompous and self-righteous. It did not make them winners in the debate. It reduced them to the same level as Joy Reid or Joy Behar of the view. Does anyone else see the irony of these two women sharing the same name?

Behar, Reid, Maddow, and Brzezinski. These are the icons of the Leftist media. These are the people who perpetuate the lies. They share an email each morning with the words and talking points for the day. It is so obvious that it goes well beyond apparent. They are the indoctrinators of the adults who were victims of a pathetic educational system, and now they are in the advanced classes. They are incapable of original thought; thus, they resort to their feelings and emotions and think they are viable support for their side. Sadly, many of these people were the teachers of our children. They were the tools of a system hellbent on transforming our great country. They were the disciples of Obama, and now they turn on the followers of Trump. The difference is they chose to destroy our great country, and we chose to Make it Great Again.


The post The Deplorable Is Now Just The Disgusting appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

WAR ROOM EXC: RNC Reps Colluded With CCP Against Trump

Thu, 2024-01-18 19:00 +0000

Steve Bannon’s “WAR ROOM” co-host and correspondent Natalie Winters broke a story this week that implicates sitting RNC Committee Chairman and Treasurer as colluding with the Chinese Communist Party regarding “campaign strategies” for Republican candidates.

An annual event titled The U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue has seen former and now current RNC officials being flown to China for all-expenses-paid trips to discuss pro-CCP positions brought home to the U.S. at odds with the America First (re: MAGA) policies of Donald Trump and fellow America first Republicans.

Citing an apparent “national security threat,” the article implicates former and current RNC leaders who participated, including Former Chairman Ed Gillespie, Former RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson, Former RNC Treasurer Anthony Parker, and Former RNC Chairman Robert Duncan.

“Additionally, brochures obtained from the 2016 edition of the U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue reveal that the then-RNC-Treasurer Tony Parker attended to “discuss campaign strategies and prospects for U.S.-China relations under the new Trump administration.”

As the documents recount:

‘Following the CPC dialogue with the bipartisan U.S. delegation, the EastWest Institute also facilitated meetings for the CPC with senior Republican officials—former Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Mike Duncan, current RNC treasurer Tony Parker and United States Economic and Security Review Commissioner Dan Slane—to further discuss campaign strategies and prospects for U.S.-China relations under the new Trump administration.’

(See full article here)

The post WAR ROOM EXC: RNC Reps Colluded With CCP Against Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Thu, 2024-01-18 17:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic Jew hate and why that matters to today’s events.




Volinsky’s Anti-Israel Org. Wants NH Dems To Write In ‘Ceasefire’ on FITN Ballots – NH Journal

Democrat.  Of course.




Note that these posts do not repeat information – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Repeating, from prior posts, these two links of good info sources:

HOME | Israel War Portal (

Full disclosure: run by a friend of mine – one of the co-owners of My Tree in Israel.  Here’s one of their recipes:




Take Back The Narrative



The Manipulation of Innocence | Frontpage Mag

Understand that they target the schools, in particular elementary schools, because most kids have neither the mental defenses nor the background information to counter what they’re shown.  As a famous Socialist once said:



So to the natural question of “Where did all this Jew hate come from”?  Look to the schools… and the teachers… pouring Jew hate (and many other things) into the minds of the young.  Children do not have the background or cynicism to resist this carefully-curated information flow.


I run hot and cold about Shapiro, but here I think he’s spot on.

Look at the millions of dollars – untold millions – poured into “educational materials” by the Arab states over decades.  From elementary schools:

‘CALIPHORNIA’ 30 Jewish families transfer their children out of the Oakland public school district after pro-Hamas teachers participated in an anti-Israel ‘teach-in’ (

How U.S. Public Schools Teach Jew-Hatred – Geller Report

To universities:


Viral I A Student’s Speech at UPenn Breaks The Internet I Israel I Palestine I Hamas I Gaza I Jews



Just curious if these parents are reconsidering their “D” voting pattern:



Israel’s long war | Power Line (

And this is an excellent video – the Gaza that could have been:



I keep asking: how do you “make peace and coexist” with people who openly hate you?

Arab media antisemitism is off the charts ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

How I grew up respecting all people, then came to Israel and learned not to trust Arabs (Judean Rose) ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Image below from the second link above:



Not your garden-variety refugee camp: Israeli reporter’s insight after 100 days in Ga (

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism – American Thinker

Golda Meir noted something profound – on my Rumble channel:

Golda Meir – short interview (

Everyone has the right to self-determination except we.

The Dreyfus Affair, Zola’s J’accuse!, and Antisemitism: Some Things Never Change – The Lid (

Things never change.


David Wurmser: US Treating Israel Like It Is Not A Sovereign Country | The Caroline Glick Show



And this is one reason why I want to see Israel weaned from American largess: if Israel – or ANY COUNTRY – wants to see itself as independent, it cannot be dependent on any outside agent or country. This applies to EVERY recipient of American aid.

Now, my understanding – incomplete – of the aid the US gives to Israel is that some, and I don’t know the percent, was given “in perpetuity” as a sweetener incentivizing Israel to return the Sinai to Egypt. This needs to be accommodated and somehow a phase-out negotiated. The same for all aid to any country.  In the case of Israel specifically, I have seen several “man on the street” interviews and many seem to support this idea – of course, I don’t know the sample size or actual data.  Also note that, at least insofar as military aid goes, Israel is required to spend… 80 percent?… back in America buying weapons.

Again, this needs to be true of every country America gives money to. Increasingly, any foreign aid is becoming clear as nothing more than money laundering back to US politicians.

It should be a matter of national pride to stand on one’s own. That doesn’t mean to avoid alliances, nor does it mean countries don’t help each other. But Israel – and many other nations – are client states of the US because of that ongoing aid; NATO’s strength is largely because of America’s defense budget that too many NATO members sloughed off on supporting. That needs to stop, for the sake of those countries addicted to American money, and for the American taxpayer too.




Antisemites create their own version of Canary Mission trying to shame Zionists with their lies ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

While there are of course Zionists who say things that are unacceptable, this example shows that, unlike Canary Mission which goes out of its way to show full context for every one of its entries, the “Raven Mission” exists only to slander.
It’s an information war as much as anything, at least outside of Israel. —


A: “Five people, might be children on the soccer field here. Approve us to hold fire”

B: “Don’t strike, hold fire”

That’s the IDF


Tet offensive analogy:


Why didn’t they stand with Yemen when the Houthis and Saudi Arabia killed 377,000 Yemenis in the last 10 years?



They stand with the “latest thing”… so yes, why are they unconcerned about what happened in Yemen just scant years ago?  Not Jews, so not news.



Over 2,600 terror attacks in Judea and Samaria since Oct. 7 –

Wow.  Enemy within.  Related:

No Israeli would ever be safe amid capitulation to Sinwar (

An Egyptian Highlights What Most Palestinians, and Other Arabs, Refuse to Recognize (

Understanding reality.




Sarah Idan’s Fateful Selfie | Frontpage Mag

Idan still has some learning to do about the full malignancy of Islam. She may be held back from fully comprehending the ideology because of familial piety, her love for her parents and other family members, who, I am assuming, think of themselves as Muslims but are so only in a cultural sense. Eventually, as Idan realizes how many Muslims all over the world are cheering on not just Hamas, but also Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the PFLP, and so many more murderous groups, when she studies the calls for violence in the Qur’an, and the Qur’anic description of non-Muslims as “the most vile of created beings,” Sarah Idan should experience a salutary shock.

A fatwa shows that only Israeli strength deters Arab genocide against Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

While the world is in an uproar over Israel’s response, the Arab world understands it. This is their language, and like it or not, it is the only effective response for anyone who truly wants peace.
One of the enormous things Israel – and worldwide Jews – face is the lack of understanding of Arab culture.  Only strength is respected.  Related is this piece about a 2020 speech: Lebanese Preacher: Jews Planting Trees To Hide From Muslims| MEMRI And some background: ‘Gharqad’, the Tree of the Jews – Christians for Israel International (

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: Donations to Gaza Are Not “Humanitarian Aid” but “Financial Jihad” – Geller Report

Of course.

From this Telegram channel:

Running on the Arab network – tons of humanitarian aid to Gazans turned out to be expired and was sent to the trash.

That’s how the Arab world really cares about them….


From the same channel:

Roy Yanovski: 100 days of reserve service officially ended yesterday. Some initial insights:

1. Gaza is seen as a backward area, the “most densely populated in the world” which has been under Israeli “siege” for years. There is no bigger lie than this. Gaza is a modern, beautiful and developed city – with large and well-equipped houses, wide boulevards, public spaces, a promenade by the sea and parks. Looks much better than any other Arab city from the Jordan to the sea, much more similar to Tel Aviv than Kfar Qasim or Umm Al Fahem. And of course it is very far from being “the densest in the world”.

2. If it’s a siege, let me live in a siege – the houses are bursting with goods and food from all the countries of the Middle East, the latest furniture, advanced electrical equipment and what not. There are also luxury estates that would not embarrass Savion and Kfar Shmariahu. There is absolutely no shortage of wealth in Gaza. In general, most of the houses I’ve been in were much bigger than the apartment I live in in Tel Aviv. The sentence “If only they had a chance for a good life, they wouldn’t fight in Israel” is simply not relevant to Gaza.

3. The most common thing in the homes of the Gaza Strip: the map of Israel – under the heading “Map of Palestine”. There is no mention of Israel or Israeli settlements in general.
And it is found in almost every home, in every school and in every public institution, the goal of erasing the State of Israel is neither hidden nor restrained, it is almost everywhere. The historical distortion of this map, which is taught from the age of 0 (mandatory borders of territories that were never all designated for an Arab state) is a topic for another discussion that only emphasizes the distorted perception of reality by the residents of Gaza.

4. In all the neighborhoods we were in, there are ready-made Hamas combat compounds – weapons, tunnels, charges, launching compounds, all inside residential houses, some of which are also prepared with openings in the walls for passing between buildings and what not. The residents of the Gaza Strip who live in the combat zones know this, they have received countless notices to evacuate. Long before the IDF entered. The Israel Defense Forces’ announcements are still there everywhere. Those who decided to stay in the fighting areas are either Hamas members in various positions or people who consciously decided to stay in the areas used by Hamas for fighting, their consideration is with them.

5. Hamas members rarely go around armed. They are neither stupid nor suckers. They know they won’t be shot if they go in “civilian” guise. They prepare the IDF ahead of time at the entrances to the buildings and arm themselves just a moment before they attack. That is why the fighting is much more complex than any other arena and anyone who tries to judge from the outside why soldiers shot X or didn’t shoot Y should go into Gaza for a week or two and come back with insights.

6. The circle that enables the activity of Hamas is much larger than its tens of thousands of terrorists. The ideology of Hamas is found in almost every home, in pictures, in propaganda materials. Hamas in Gaza is like Messi in Argentina.

7. The strengthening of Hamas at this level requires the active assistance of the population. There is no way that the residents of the compounds where we located rockets and weapons did not know that the place is used as a launching compound where they try to massacre Israelis every day. And I find it hard to believe that the parents in the kindergarten where there was a tunnel shaft in one of which we were in do not know this. Who chooses to send their children to a kindergarten that serves as a terrorist infrastructure?

8. Hamas’s strongest weapon is lies and propaganda. It’s his fuel. This is how you will maintain the “siege” lie for years, this is how they are doing now with the photos of the innocent victims and the killing of the “journalists” who turn out to be terrorist operatives.


Gaza is the only place in the world where 500 dead are reported half an hour after an explosion. Even in earthquakes and heavy disasters, it takes the rescue forces several days to identify and estimate the number of dead, but the Palestinian Ministry of Health knows already a minute after the explosion what the damage is. This is ridiculous and the world media quoting the numbers as living words of God is pathetic.

I would attribute the same level of credibility to the reports this week about “hunger” in Rafah.

Meanwhile, Hamas seizes aid trucks:


I’ll take a guess these are the in-date goods trucks.  Related:

Another story of Gazans ripping each other off ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News


One mother wants life, the other embraces death.




New Islamic terrorists bodycam footage from October 7th released countering ‘Holocaust denial-like phenomenon’ – Geller Report

And there are people who think this is CGI / AI creation.  Don’t share it selectively.  Share it widely.  Israel needs to publicize this for all to see.

A Lesson on Human Suffering from a Kibbutz | TIME

Documentation from the Saturday night of October 7th, piles of Israeli bodies collected from the music festival where hundreds of innocent civilians were murdered by Hamas terrorists. This is what genocide looks like! This is what The Hague and the whole world should investigate and condemn, not us who are defending ourselves from this terrorism!

Disturbing.  Link only.

Bodies from the music festival.

Even more disturbing images from October 7, all links only.  NOT for the squeamish.

Oct 7 image 1

Oct 7 image 2

Oct 7 image 3

Oct 7 image 4

Oct 7 image 5

Oct 7 image 6

Oct 7 image 7

Oct 7 image 8

Oct 7 image 9

And from Nir Oz – a Hamas terrorist using his knife to saw off victims’ heads (not as graphic as the above images, but…):

Beheading 1

Beheading 2

Speaking of beheading:

HAMAS BARBARIANS tried to sell Israeli’s soldier’s decapitated head for $10,000 by Hamas barbarians (

His heartbroken father, David Tahar, overcome with grief, was forced to bury his son’s mutilated body before vowing to do everything in his power to bring Adir’s head home and give him ‘peace of mind and body’. After a gruelling two and a half months, IDF soldiers finally recovered the 19-year-old’s head inside a duffel bag filled with tennis balls in a freezer in Gaza, David said.

The IDF later told him that after an interrogation of two Hamas terrorists, it emerged that one of them had tried to sell Adir’s head for $10,000 in Gaza. ‘It’s insanely barbaric,’ David said, as the father detailed how in the depths of his despair he had found a video online showing his son’s decapitated body.


=====>>>>> To the Israeli government – RELEASE THE FULL 40-plus minute video! <<<<<=====

Israel’s first responders struggling to heal 100 days on from October 7 – POLITICO

“When we tried picking up the bones, the bones turned to ash,” he recalls. “You’re talking about bodies and bodies and bodies — on the highways, in homes and out in the fields,” he says.

Remembered images of murdered women play in his mind. Many “had blood all over their legs and you understood that something went on more than just a quick shooting,” he tells POLITICO.

Many are of the scenes he witnessed in the kibbutzim attacked by Hamas. “We collected parts of bodies, the heads and arms and legs even of children blasted by grenades, and beheaded bodies. In house after house, people were slaughtered. People were cut to pieces. I remember seeing elderly people and sick people lying murdered in their beds. There were knives, hammers, axes and screwdrivers around splashed with blood,” he recalls.

Speaking of responses:


First military to arrive at the Nova Festival area finds dozens of dead bodies in the bar area.

“Give me a sign of life!” He yells.  Nobody answers.

These are civilians.  This was not done by an errant bomb.  This was up close and personal murder.




Saira Rao, Jew-Hating Lunatic | Frontpage Mag

And reading about what this woman does for a living… screaming Leftie.  And some interesting anecdotes about Gaza leaders who got medical treatment in… Israel, of course.

‘Genocide’: The Population of Gaza Tripled Under Israeli Occupation | Frontpage Mag

If this is genocide, Israel really sucks at it.  Related:

Netanyahu: ‘We fight terrorists, and we fight lies. Israel is accused of genocide while it is fighting genocide.’ (

Judea and Samaria towns reject Palestinian Arab labor | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

They’re still letting Arabs in???



‘The left has become Hamas’s useful idiots’ – spiked (





Born to Hate Jews



And a follow-up:

The Pakistani man who was ‘Born to Hate Jews’ – YouTube






The starvation meme ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News


After Air Strikes, Hamas Supporters Chant “US, UK Go To Hell” in Times Square | Frontpage Magterr


Hananya Naftali: Dear pro-Israel activists – this one is for you – The Jerusalem Post (

Recently, with a group of foreign journalists, I was invited to visit the Kerem Shalom border crossing, where Israel is transferring truckloads of humanitarian aid to Gaza. Despite seeing the same things and observing the same facts, when they wrote their stories, some filtered the reality that we both saw so that it matched their outlet’s agenda. Instead of saying that Israel has increased the number of humanitarian aid trucks entering the Gaza Strip, they said, “It is not enough.” And guess what? It’s never enough when it’s about Israel.

Round-about related:

Israel’s First Lady gives info on Israel’s humanitarian efforts (

Gaza Health Ministry says at least 23,469 Palestinians killed in war (

The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza said Thursday that the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli fire and airstrikes has risen to at least 23,469 since the latest war erupted on Oct. 7.

The count does not differentiate between civilians and combatants.

It never ceases to amaze me how credulous the West is.  On that:

The Hostages: Killed by IDF Airstrikes or Murdered? (

It sounds as if the IDF was being careful to avoid hitting the building where the three hostages were being kept, and presumably it would also have taken extreme care not to attack anyone, hostages or kidnappers, as they were being moved — “relocated” — to another place.

From this Telegram channel:

Prime Minister Netanyahu responds to accusations against his statement comparing Hamas to ‘Amalek’ at the ICJ:

Among the absurdities levelled against Israel at the Hague was the charge that after the October 7th massacre Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu incited genocide by quoting the biblical phrase “remember what Amalek did to you.”

This false and preposterous charge reflects a deep historical ignorance.

The Amalekites mercilessly attacked the Children of Israel after the Exodus from Egypt. The comparison to Amalek has been used throughout the ages to designate those who seek to eradicate the Jewish people, most recently the Nazis.

That is why the words on a banner in a permanent exhibit at Yad Vashem, Israel’s famed Holocaust Museum, urge visitors to “remember what Amalek did to you.” This same phrase appears in the Hague at the memorial for Dutch Jews murdered during the Holocaust. Obviously neither reference is an incitement to genocide of the German people.

So too Prime Minister Netanyahu’s reference to Amalek was not an incitement to genocide of Palestinians, but a description of the utterly evil actions perpetrated by the genocidal terrorists of Hamas on October 7th and the need to confront them.

Pre-October 7th terror attack on Israel by Hamas, Palestinian Arabs and their useful idiots in the West accused Israel of turning Gaza into a “concentration camp” a.k.a. “the world’s largest open air prison” (

Wow, some “concentration camp”.  Some videos a repeat from the last post.  But really… surgery to create dimples is even a thing?  Let alone popular in the “open air prison”?







THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: Antisemites taunt Jewish man describing murders of family members by Hamas at San Francisco meeting

More on that:

Brave San Francisco Jewish Man Whose Family Was Murdered/Kidnapped on Oct. 7 Met With Pig Noises, Jeers, “LIAR!” at San Francisco Board of Supervisors – Geller Report

Grunts and Oinks: San Francisco leftists jeer Jewish man who spoke out about his family’s experience on October 7 – American Thinker

Rather than let the man say his piece and then reply with their own pieces, as reasonable people in civil society do, they tried to shout him down with pig noises.


HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF: Harvard University in the 1930’s was pro-Nazi and anti-Jewish; Today, Harvard is pro-IslamoNazi and anti-Jewish (

Harvard to host summer course at Palestinian university that declared ‘glory for martyrs’ after Hamas’ October 7 massacre | The Post Millennial |

Remember – before WWII it was the Left that were “kissing cousins” to the rising Fascists.  They’re reverting to type.

The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left

Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning

And fighting back:

Jewish Students Sue Harvard; MIT Up Next | Power Line (

U.S. Intelligence Officials Issue Warning About Potential Hezbollah Terrorist Attack on American Soil (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

VIDEO: Illegal Alien African Muslims Pray to Mecca After Crossing Joe Biden’s Open US Border in Lukeville, Arizona | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

In my mind there is no question they have sleeper cells here.

After Air Strikes, Hamas Supporters Chant “US, UK Go To Hell” in Times Square | Frontpage Mag

How soon before “somebody does something”?

Germany: Muslim sexually harasses 11-year-old girl, says ‘a real man’ doesn’t ask a woman for long, but grabs her (

GERMANY: Muslim high school students operating as self-appointed Islamic Sharia Patrols unleash wave of intimidation, extremism, and radicalism in their school (

India: Hindu women held captive by Muslim family, gang-raped; sons converted to Islam (

Montreal: Muslim accused of beating daughter, threatening to kill her and rape corpse for refusing arranged marriage (

Hey, let’s import them by the metric f*ckton.  More – video:

Horrific footage is going viral in France as Muslims beat and strip a young girl naked, taunting her as they go: “On Allah you will see! On the Koran of Mecca if I hear that you have filed a complaint”


How the living Hell can Jews (or anyone) want more of these people?  Whether in America or Europe.  “Welcome the stranger” is not a suicide pact.



London Imam says only solution is jihad:


You Won’t Believe What This Wisconsin Imam Preached — On Second Thought, You Probably Will (

Already here!

Mohammed el-Kurd: ‘Normalize the massacres as the status-quo’ – Israel News – The Jerusalem Post (

Mohammed El Kurd at the pro-terror rally in London today: “We must normalize massacres as the status quo”…

Normalize massacres.  And “Team Humanity” people think they can go and hold hands and sing Kum Ba Ya with these people.  Related:

ISIS calls on Muslims to carry out jihad massacres of ‘Jews, Christians, or their allies on the streets of America’ (




American Jews Enabling Anti-Semitism | Frontpage Mag

The failure of Jewish communal institutions and their leadership to counter the anti-Semitic onslaught goes beyond addressing anti-Jewish bigotry in academia. Consider the political arena: One reads daily of warnings to President Biden from Democrat party strategists that his support for Israel in its campaign to dismantle Hamas and derail its genocidal agenda will cost the President votes of progressives and of the young in the coming election. Muslim Americans – a majority of whom, according to opinion polls, support Hamas in the wake of its October massacre – openly demonstrate against Israel, verbally attack the President, and threaten to deny him their ballots in November. And there is evidence that the Administration is applying pressure on Israel in various ways to assuage anti-Israel, anti-Jewish constituencies. Once more, where is the pushback? How many articles have there been about Jewish leaders pointing out that Jewish voters – long predominantly Democrat voters – cannot be taken for granted when they see elements of the party leadership willing to sacrifice Israel’s, and the Jewish community’s, well-being to placate anti-Jewish blocs? And why would those party operatives who advocate such abandonment of the Jews and of Israel rethink their course when there appears to be no downside to their continuing in the same course.

We’ve systematically failed to take the threat seriously, whether on the actual battlefield or in America.  And note the demographic trends.



There’s a reason the Left is kissing her feet.  Related:

Liberal Jews feel abandoned by the Left – opinion – The Jerusalem Post (

The “October 8 Jew,” as Bret Stephens coined it, recognizes their home as a centrist. The October 8 Jew knows that the extreme left, like the extreme right before it, is no political home. The October 8 Jew is united in the mission to fight the enemies of America, who always come first for the Jews. “Never again” must be backed by action and Jewish unity.

First, no more blind voting for Democrats or Republicans for the sake of historical precedent. All Jews, including liberal Jews, must adopt a litmus test for candidates and support only those determined to fight antisemitism and support the US-Israel alliance.


Concerning data: 1,753% increase in far-left antisemitism | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

Soros funneled $15 M-plus to groups rallying for Hamas (

Wait, isn’t Soros a Left saint?

Biden Calls Opponents Nazis As Dems Riot For Jewish Genocide ( (link in the original):

While Democrat voters riot in streets and state legislatures to support terrorists whose actual position is ethnic cleansing of all Jews, Joe Biden and his propaganda army will be telling us that the real Nazis are grandmas wearing MAGA hats who stood peacefully on Capitol grounds three years ago. What’s more, millions of people will believe it because they saw it on the teevee.

Control the information flow, and control what people believe.

There’s a special place in Hell for self-loathing Jewish communists like Senator Bernie Sanders who keeps stabbing Israel in the back (

Any Jew that votes for this putz again needs to have his / her head smacked – and hard.





Pat nails it.



‘IDF lookouts’ warnings on Gaza border were ignored’ | World Israel News

I don’t want to call this unimportant… there are a LOT of indications that, in the most innocent of explanations, the system failed.  I’ve seen testimony from multiple people involved in border security that “a bird” can’t come to the fence without a call being made.  So the allegations in the article are very serious indeed.  And people need to be called to account.

After the war.

There’s an old Klingon proverb that applies:

Only fools fight in a burning house.




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

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And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

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NYC synagogue slapped with vacate order after discovery of secret tunnel (

I need to address this.

While there are some possibly-innocent explanations for this, at the very least this looks exceedingly bad.  Especially when stained mattresses and high chairs are found – from what I’ve read including blood and fecal stains.  Also, too, the entire thing is to be entombed in cement; that’s very fast.  This is, potentially, a crime scene.  A thorough investigation must be done.  And if it turns out that the worst fears are true, people tried, convicted, and sent to jail.

It was decades of pedo abuse of children in the Catholic Church that finally drew enough attention for something to be done.  The same, possibly, must be done here.  I have been read in, and been told by, multiple sources that there is a substantial child abuse problem especially among the ultra-Orthodox.  That remains to be seen and proven.  But this cannot be glibly explained away, IMHO, as I’ve seen some attempt to do.  To do so simply reinforces the mindset of people who hate us: we must police our own.

There’s a proverb in a book I got for my Bar Mitzvah (paraphrased):

One must never cheat a fellow Jew, for that is self-harm within our community.  But it is even more important to never cheat a non-Jew, for that harms our reputation in the world.

Important words that we need to take to heart.

The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NeverNikki (continued)

Thu, 2024-01-18 15:00 +0000

This has been my plan for some time. I do NOT want a “unity” ticket … if “unity” means a veep who is a tool of the donor class, darling of the Regime-Media, grifter. Stated more succinctly, I do NOT want Nikki on the ticket.

Last night (1/15), after coming in THIRD in Iowa, Nikki gave a long … much too long … victory speech in which she claimed that Trump and Biden have much in common. Actually, donor-puppet Nikki has much more in common with Biden than Trump has with Biden.

For one thing, Nikki and Biden both believe in forever wars to finance the military-industrial complex. For another thing, Nikki’s and Biden’s tough talk on China is belied by their actions. And third, Nikki is NOT going to secure the border because her donors support open borders.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BREAKING: NH AG ADMITS to ANOTHER Seriously Flawed Election In Windham

Thu, 2024-01-18 13:00 +0000

It’s déjà vu all over again!  The November 3, 2020, General Election in Windham produced the largest numerical discrepancy in the history of NH between election day results and the subsequent hand recount.

That led to the RARE CORRECTIVE ACTION by the NH Attorney General and Secretary of State to appoint an election monitor to oversee Windham’s next federal election, which took place on September 13, 2022.

Unfortunately, that appointed election monitor did not prevent Windham election officials from producing YET ANOTHER FLAWED ELECTION – as documented by the Government Integrity Project’s Ken Eyring and Tom Murray in their complaint that was filed with the NH Attorney General on December 21, 2022.

Eyring and Murray’s complaint regarding the September 13, 2022 was filed on December 21, 2022, The complaint identified 33 issues with dozens of links to official election documentation that were produced by Windham’s election officials.  The AG took more than a year to respond.

The result of the complaint is an UNPRECEDENTED APPOINTMENT of yet ANOTHER ELECTION MONITOR for next Tuesday’s First In The Nation Primary election in Windham. Back to Back election monitors in two consecutive federal elections.

That’s Einstein’s definition of insanity!

There’s much more to be disturbed about… and Eyring and Murray brought the receipts while appearing on Neil Johnson’s Lumberjack Logic podcast. If you care about election integrity, this video is a must-see!


After viewing the podcast, if you are not satisfied with the NH Attorney General and his recurring “solution” to this recurring problem… feel free to contact his office and respectfully let him know how you feel:

Phone: 603-271-3658

The Windham Town Clerk and Election Moderator can be reached here:

Phone: 603-434-5075

There’s more to this story… stay tuned…

The post BREAKING: NH AG ADMITS to ANOTHER Seriously Flawed Election In Windham appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Establishment Is Unmasking Itself

Thu, 2024-01-18 11:00 +0000

Two weeks ago, I wrote an article laying out the political class’s struggle to preserve its legitimacy by fighting to regain control over the digital information space. The piece built on Martin Gurri’s thesis that the wide adoption of the internet has caused an information revolution that, similar to the adoption of the printing press, has allowed dissent to grow and spread beyond the control of the ruling classes.

The results have been political shocks like the Arab Spring, the passage of Brexit, and the election of Donald Trump.

If the twenty-first century has been a war to preserve the establishment’s legitimacy, the current battle in the United States is the 2024 presidential election.

There’s truth to the familiar cliché that the next election is always the most important in history. As the federal government grows, spends more of our money, and intrudes more in our daily lives, the stakes of elections get higher and higher.

That still holds true for 2024, but there is much more going on. In Anatomy of the State, after defining the state as the “organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area,” Murray Rothbard dedicates a chapter to how states preserve themselves.

In Rothbard’s words:

While force is [the ruling class’s] modus operandi, their basic and long-run problem is ideological. For in order to continue in office, any government (not simply a “democratic” government) must have the support of the majority of its subjects. This support, it must be noted, need not be active enthusiasm; it may well be passive resignation as if to an inevitable law of nature. . . . Therefore, the chief task of the rulers is always to secure the active or resigned acceptance of the majority of the citizens.

In the United States, the political establishment has for many years evoked democracy to legitimize its actions in the eyes of the public. Doing so transforms any action they take into an embodiment of the people’s will and any opposition into a selfish denial of everyone else’s wishes.

But the internet allowed the public to see that many views and beliefs that had been presented as fringe were in fact popular—often even more popular than so-called mainstream ideas.

That revelation bolstered the antiestablishment movements of the 2010s—Occupy Wall Street, the Tea Party, the Ron Paul Revolution, and Trump’s 2016 campaign. And it sent the political establishment into a crisis of legitimacy.

Tens of millions of Americans sent Donald Trump to the White House in one of the biggest repudiations of the established political class in American history. In response, instead of reflecting on why so many Americans were so fed up with them, the establishment decided to frame Trump as the root cause of all the nastiness and hostility aimed their way. According to them, one man was corrupting America with hate, greed, and Russian propaganda.

That thinking has culminated in years of establishment attempts to remove Trump from power and later to bar him from ever holding office again. First, there was discussion of ousting him using the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Then came the attempt to tie him to Russian intelligence. Next, they tried to impeach him twice. Finally, they charged him with felonies. Now, some states are attempting to remove him from the 2024 ballot for a crime he hasn’t even been charged with.

The establishment is unwilling to admit that they are the reason Trump was elected. But, ironically, by attempting to disqualify him from participating in the election, they undermine the illusion of democracy—their main source of legitimacy in the eyes of many Americans. It’s hard to see how that will go well for them.


Connor O’Keeffe (@ConnorMOKeeffe) produces media and content at the Mises Institute. He has a master’s in economics and a bachelor’s in geology.

Connor O’Keefe | Mises Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Bidenomics – Better Than Abysmal is Still Miserable

Thu, 2024-01-18 03:00 +0000

“Bidenomics is working!”

At least that’s what Joe Biden and his administration tell us every chance they get, citing cherry-picked statistics to prove their point. They tout the most recent inflation figure of 3.4 percent and compare it to last year, when the inflation rate was a crippling 6.5 percent.

That sure makes it look like Bidenomics is working. That is until you look at the rate of inflation just before Biden took office. In 2020, it was 1.4 percent.

They tell us that last year, gas prices averaged $3.70 a gallon. Now, they average $3.05. That sounds pretty good, but they never mention that in 2020, around the time they took office, gas prices were at $1.74 per gallon.

The reality is that Bidenomics is an abysmal failure, and most people know it.

Joe Biden seems guided by a four-point strategy – something he probably picked up during his 50 years in the Washington swamp:

  1. If it’s not broken, break it.
  2. Blame your predecessor for the problem you created.
  3. Apply political spin to make things appear better than they are.
  4. Credit your policies for any perceived improvement.

Of course, failed politicians always try to make their disastrous policies look more appealing. They gussy them up with carefully chosen statistics, distorted truths, semantics, and sometimes audacious lies. In politics, it’s often said they’re trying to put lipstick on a pig (PLOP).

This administration has used that same strategy to spin the critical situation on our southern border. No one can PLOP better than DHS Secretary Mayorkas. He thought that calling it a “challenge” would help eliminate any concerns the public may have about the utter chaos caused by Biden’s policies. “Chaos” has such negative overtones, after all. Coupled with the brazen lie that “the border is secure,” Mayorkas did everything he could – not to solve the problem, but to make it look better than it actually is. He’s now facing impeachment for repeating that very same lie to Congress.

He’s not the only one in this administration who tries to put lipstick on a pig. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, put together a silly propaganda video touting the marvels of electric vehicles. That was before nearly 4,000 car dealers wrote to Joe Biden expressing deep concerns about the lack of demand for EVs. Now, Hertz announced that it will replace 20,000 electric cars with gas-powered vehicles.

It all suggests that the people on Biden’s team were selected based on two criteria: their minority status and their willingness to PLOP on demand.

Bill Clinton famously said, “I feel your pain.” These people don’t even pretend to feel it. But they do know how to inflict it. And they seem utterly unfazed by the hardships they’ve created in our economy, on our border, on our streets, and in the world. They’ve shown no interest whatsoever in fixing any of these problems. Maybe the best they can do is try to make them appear less disastrous.

Biden’s dismal approval numbers tell us that most voters have caught on to his four-point strategy. We’ll know soon enough if the country is finally finished with the deception, diversion, and dishonesty. Maybe they’re ready to elect a president – any president – whose policies don’t have to be embellished, adorned, decorated, or disguised just to make them seem more palatable. Maybe the agenda of our next president will actually benefit the American people.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Primary: Any Day You Can Get Democrats to Waste Their Money is a Good Day

Thu, 2024-01-18 01:00 +0000

The Write-In Joe Biden Campaign will likely result in a Biden “win.” There isn’t anyone else on the ballot to attract votes away from him, and New Hampshire Democrats are good little socialist doobies as long as Bernie isn’t a choice— so, dear leader or bust. But that’s less interesting than this.

It is, in true Democrat party/policy fashion, virtue signaling. A Biden win in New Hampshire doesn’t mean anything. The DNC doesn’t recognize it. The party won’t seat any delegates. So, the effort is smoke and mirrors—PR for a political dead animal—a mirage. And good on them for trying and wasting money on it. Anytime you can get Democrats to waste their money is a good day.

The budget for the main write-in campaign is somewhere around $70,000 — a comically paltry sum in modern presidential campaigns — which is mainly going toward printing signs explaining the write-in process and covering the cost of one staffer and one part-time consultant.

An affiliated super PAC would not disclose its budget. But a source familiar with the effort said it had raised roughly $500,000 by mid-December. That’s enough to pay for some mailers and some digital advertisements, but not enough to run television ads or staff a real field operation.

It is true that if Biden had an actual campaign and primary in the Granite State and had actual challengers, he’d have had to spend more than the $570,000, give or take, raised to write in his name, meaning it might not be the great gift of wasted money my headline implies. But it is an empty waste of money. Nothing that is gained is real. A cheap trick meant to fool the gullible into believing what happened in New Hampshire had meaning beyond reality. People who would typically be hobnobbing with national party and media elites across the state, including perhaps the man himself, found themselves with too much free time they are trying to fill.

Related: Why NH Democrats Should Be Proud to Lose Their Primary

The write-in campaign is busy work – speaking of which. If I’m not mistaken, any ballot with a write-in must be hand-counted because the machine can’t tell whose name is in the space. Poll workers might be busy working longer hours to count them, having any number of machine-counted ballots turned into hand-counted paper ballots at every polling place in the state.

Isn’t that a threat to Democracy or something? I thought Democrats were opposed to that sort of thing. Or is it okay when it’s Democrats? And how is this not the epitome of current Democrat politics? A void without meaning, onto which Obama’s faithful water carriers scribble, Joe Biden.

That describes his entire presidency—a blank space filled in by the people placed around him.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“What They Are Doing To Hunter Is Cruel”

Wed, 2024-01-17 23:00 +0000

Jill Biden has some explaining to do about her behavior and enabling of Joe to run for reelection, but instead, she takes shots at anyone who criticizes her stepson, Hunter. Jill was recently interviewed by MSNBC’s Morning Joe co-host, Mika Brzezinski.

Mika is not the person you would turn to if you want an in-depth questioning of someone, and in the case of her interview with the First Lady, Mika was in her usual form. This interview was an exercise in throwing softball questions instead of queries that would get answers to what is really happening in the Biden White House and within the First Family. The interview was an embarrassment and showed a lack of journalistic integrity. The First Lady took full advantage of the situation. She used the session to garner sympathy for her beleaguered stepson and give her spin on how valuable Joe’s age and experience are for the American people. It was more of a campaign spot than a news interview.

Megyn Kelly blasted Mika and called the effort a failure. “She did not ask her any hard questions. And it’s like if you’re gonna sit there and tee it up for the First Lady to say, ‘This is cruel what they’re doing to my son,’ then you better – if you actually consider yourself a journalist who criticizes other journalists – get ready for a couple of tough follow-ups, madam,” Kelly explained, referencing the topic of Hunter Biden’s indictment, which Jill and Mika touched on.

Jill Biden says the candidate’s children should be off limits. That was certainly not the case with any of Trump’s children, and the media assaulted all of them, from Barron to Don Jr. The difference here is that Hunter Biden is under criminal indictment. The facts we have paint an ugly career of using his father’s political career to shake down foreign companies and governments for millions as he enriched the Biden Cartel.

Hunter Biden has done little to keep a low profile and has put himself in the spotlight and hot seat. It was Hunter who posted his porn videos on PornHub and boasted about his career as an artist, where he sold child-like pieces of art to his father’s wealthy donors for millions. Hunter is a self-proclaimed sex and alcohol addict and deserves no easy treatment from Congress or the media. He deserves all the scrutiny and then some.

Jill was asked about Joe’s age and gave her well rehearsed answer. Joe’s age is not a negative but a tremendous advantage. She claims he knows every player on the international stage, and his 50 years of experience makes him the right person to be President today. “Joe has lived history,” said Mrs. Biden. The problem for America is he may have lived it but cannot remember it.

To anyone paying attention, the Bidens have much to answer for, all four of them. Joe, Jill, Hunter, and First Brother Jim are the key players in the Biden Cartel and the sophisticated con job being played on Americans. Many say Jill’s actions, or inactions, in pushing Joe to pursue another term is tantamount to elder abuse. The three Biden men are orchestrating the manipulation of banks and money to hide millions from the law and Congress.

Hunter is in contempt of Congress by refusing to appear for a scheduled deposition. Under threat of penalty, he has changed his mind and will appear. The Democrats will do their best to protect the Biden’s. The Republicans are chomping at the bit to get Hunter and Jim under oath. One thing is guaranteed: Jordan and Comer, will have much tougher questions than Mika.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tucker Carlson: “There is Probably No Republican Office Holder In the Country Who Hates Republicans More Than Chris Sununu”

Wed, 2024-01-17 21:00 +0000

Since his abrupt departure from FOX News, Tucker Carlson has become more popular than ever. He’s got his Twitter thing and now the Tucker Carlson Network. He has many avenues for content, his opinion, and interviews, and he has a few thoughts about Iowa, Necon Nikki Haley, and my Governor, Chris Sununu.

Sununu endorsed Haley and has been a relentless advocate to the point of nausea, and I continue to insist that had he wanted to hurt Trump in New Hampshire, Sununu should have endorsed him instead. Haley is bad for a list of reasons. Tucker covers a few in the full clip, like war profiteers, illegal alien invasions, and liberal donors, which should raise even moderate Republican eyebrows. She’s also bad on free speech, among other matters.

Tucker Carlson Uncensored

The entire thing is worth a watch (17 min). Tucker lists a number of problems with Haley, both past and present, donors and policies, that should cause independents to run screaming toward any other candidate. For our purposes, we’ve clipped the bit in the middle that includes  Governor Chris Sununu. History. Archive. Posterity. Remeniscing. “Hey, you remember that time Tucker Carlson said, “Nikki Haley is a committed neo-liberal just like her creepy little friend Chris Sununu?” Good times.

We’ve been calling out Sununu for longer than he’s been governor, so, yes, and we’ve got the receipts. Sure, he’s been good on taxes and guns, and he will veto a lot of liberal garbage from either side, but he’s a social liberal, and given a chance to do the right thing for liberty, he took a pass or kicked it n the ass.

I’m not going to say we can do better, but if you aren’t willing to try, why bother getting up in the morning? It’s only human liberty and natural rights.

Here’s the clip. The entire piece is available here.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Reframing Majority Rule

Wed, 2024-01-17 19:00 +0000

There’s a therapeutic technique called reframing, which is a fancy name for changing your behavior by finding a new way to look at an old situation.  Often, it consists of simply replacing a habitual question with a more insightful one.

When we think about majorities, we tend to ask questions like, How many people should have to agree on something before they can get their way?

Usually, that’s anything over one-half.  But for some more ‘serious’ questions (usually involving taxes or constitutional amendments), it may be higher: three-fifths, two-thirds, three-fourths.

(To amend the federal constitution, you need two-thirds in both houses of Congress and three-fourths of the state legislatures. I don’t know of any situations that require more than a three-fourths majority.)

But if we look — as we frequently should — at the Declaration of Independence, it says that government gets its just power to act from the consent of the governed.

Now, you may be thinking something like: It’s through voting that the people express their consent.

But the thing is, in your heart, you know that isn’t true. And you can prove it to yourself by pondering a simple question:

Assuming you want to keep both your kidneys, how many people in your town (or county, or state, or country) would have to vote to take one of them before you would consider that expressing your consent?  What kind of majority would suffice?  Three-fourths?  Nine-tenths?  Ninety-nine percent?  Everyone but you?

The people who wrote our founding documents also knew that a majority vote can’t express consent. If you have doubts, look at Article V of the federal constitution, which says that no state can be deprived of equal suffrage in the Senate without its consent.  If forty-nine other states wanted New Hampshire to give up one of its senators, it wouldn’t be enough.

That’s what consent means.

To put that another way, if you have consent, you don’t need to vote. If you’re voting, it’s because you want to deprive some person or group of consent.

I think one way that we can move back towards government by consent would be to change the question that has so insidiously led us away from it.

That is, instead of always asking

How many people should we need, to get what we want?

we should instead get into the habit of asking

How many people are we willing to screw over, to get what we want?

The answer to the first question tends to be some arbitrary percentage. But the answer to the second question — at least, in a civilized society — is zero.

This isn’t a new idea. It’s been around forever.

Remember Hippocrates?  First do no harm.

Remember the Golden Rule?  What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man.

Remember the adage that we’ve told to countless generations of kids?  The ends don’t justify the means.

If the number of people we’re willing to screw over to get what we want is not zero, then we’re basically saying that our theory of government is might makes right.

And if that’s the case, then we should be completely open about it… and be ready to accept the consequences (in any caliber) without complaining.

The post Reframing Majority Rule appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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