The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 6 sec ago

Truth and Lies

Sun, 2024-02-04 15:00 +0000

Hello, Friends of Freedom!

I want to begin to discuss a topic called, GOOD GOVERNMENT.”

By using this term with the adjective “GOOD,” the alternative is none other than BAD.

We are suffering under a government that is bound to a plethora of character flows that are capturing freedom and rendering it to imprisonment of thought, word, and deed. By this, I mean WE, THE PEOPLE, are being subjugated and regulated to a form of lawful enslavement as our leaders continually ignore, rewrite, or abandon altogether the incredible truths our Founding Fathers wrote to issue and ensure our freedom.

There is a great Bible verse, Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule the people mourn.”

This verse encapsulates America at this point. There are so many leaders in the Federal judicial system, the courts, the school boards, the fiscal offices, the military, and almost every local municipality that are simply not doing the right thing.

Hosea 4:2 reads For the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land, Because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land. There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing, and adultery. They employ violence so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore, the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes…

The foundation of all good government is TRUTH. We have learned the craft of manipulating, bending, and usurping the truth by placing someone’s fears, feelings, and imaginations above good faith in others, facts, and abiding by the laws at hand.

We want to thank Pastor Allen Cook for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

This is played out daily as we continue to make lies our refuge ( Isaiah 28:15).

Lies about our biological truth in regards to the human race, which has existed from the beginning of time…

Lies about financial truth, our diabolical and destructive debt as a nation, and individual taxation…

Lies about wars,( why are we funding them?)

Lies about the founding of our country with new history agendas in your schools..

Lies about spending,( do we really know what we have on hand to secure our children and grandchildren’s future?)

Lies about illegal immigration,( why is the border still open?) Why do neither Democrats who appear to care little about it, or the Republicans who seem to have their hands tied on every turn when it comes to implementing the law?? …

Lies about public figures who oppose the ‘woke’ agenda. Today anything can be said about a person without any ounce of proof yet it is carried on the airways and presented as facts, particularly if that person is opposing some know lie or liar in government office.

We have shifted from the foundation of truth upon which our Founding Fathers sought to build a great nation to the acceptance of a leadership with no character and no conscience. To be honest and fair there are some who seem to be trying to bring us back to the standard of truth but it appears they themselves are always incapable of doing so due to some control over the situation which they profess they just can’t get the job done…ex. Closing the Border? Let’s just blame Joe? What about Congress?

I am not trying to draw a picture of hopelessness because I for one am an eternal optimist and believe we will survive this cultural war of TRUTH VS LIES.

But many cultures in History have not. And the LIES eventually led to the complete DEMISE of the people and the nation they lived in.

We can only pray for a return to TRUTH and FACTS that will help us untie the chords of corruption, criminal judicial thought, and crimes against good honest people who are attempting to stand up for what is right!

Until Next Week..

Allen Cook

The post Truth and Lies appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This EU ‘Expert’ Wants Stay At Home Moms … Censored

Sun, 2024-02-04 13:00 +0000

If you’d like an extreme example of a well-connected Left-Wing thinker exposing the lengths to which the globalists will go to prevent people from seeing ideas not their own, meet Eviane Leidig. She is an EU-funded advisor who thinks women who choose to be traditional wives and moms are a threat to the culture.

In one recent interview, she shared that she supports “hard approaches,” that is, what she refers to as “more repressive measures” to fight “far right” ideology, summarized in the “Four Ds of content moderation: Deplatforming, demonetization, deranking, and detection,” the last term referring to the detection of what could be considered “violating” online content.

Homemaker moms (she calls them tradwives) are a threat to the system.

According to Leidig, tradwives are a threat because they “insidiously” promote so-called “far-right” ideology within the context of attractive and “authentic-looking” videos posted to social media in which they bake bread in pretty aprons and pick flowers from the garden, etc.

We don’t have to guess how she feels about moms who bake bread and homeschool, and as LifeSite news notes, typically, why would we care?

 She is an “expert member” of the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network’s (RAN) European Research Community on Radicalisation, and she touts herself as having “delivered talks for the U.S. State Department, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Commission, Council of Europe, UN, NATO, national and regional intelligence agencies, as well as advised for the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) and tech companies;”

She is also working on an EU-funded fellowship project “explor[ing] the decision-making process of platforms’ content moderation policies” on so-called “far-right extremist terrorist content.”

Her “day job” appears to be “professional EU Censor,” and in her mind, families threaten the Great Reset, which tells you a lot about what that means to people who pay Leidig.

What exactly is the “far-right” content they’re promoting? She devotes extraordinarily little time to defining this in her own writings and talks, but when pressed, she has revealed that to her, this denotes a “strong sense of nationalism — often white nationalism — anti-semitism, opposition to immigration [and] LGBTQ rights,” and “traditional views on gender,” which, Leidig said, “is why we talk about tradwives.”

The foundation, not just of Republican government and human liberty but of civilization itself… is a dangerous right-wing cabal that must be stopped. With what? A system that teaches not just the absence of individual property rights (or rights of any sort) but one where women are nothing more than incubators chosen to meet state re-population quotas.

I wonder if, in Leidig’s or her paymaster’s vision, they have any choice in the matter?

Will women be forced to donate eggs to the lab or to mate with a male approved by the government’s breeders? You’d have to expect, at some point, something entirely lab-based because carrying a baby results in hormones and attachment, and you wouldn’t want that. The global order needs cogs for their machine, like the human batteries in The Matrix. You provide labor in return for a life of only subsistence living under the boot of Dear Leader.

And that’s not more oppressive or dangerous to women than choosing to raise kids and bake bread?


The post This EU ‘Expert’ Wants Stay At Home Moms … Censored appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What’s Happening in the Classroom? A Teacher to Follow

Sun, 2024-02-04 11:00 +0000

As an education researcher, it’s important for me to stay in touch with teachers to understand what’s happening inside the classroom. I learn from them, and they learn a lot from me. I keep names and identities confidential but always want to make sure I understand a teacher’s perspective.

As a parental rights advocate focused on education, I give voice to parents whose children are in the public schools. Oftentimes, they do not understand why so many crazy things are happening in public education. Parents are also in a position sometimes where they are concerned that their child will receive backlash in school if they are critical of what’s going on.

There are a lot of problems in public education that need to be exposed. But if you don’t have someone willing to speak up, how will you ever know what’s going on in the classroom? We hear a lot about the radical teachers in the classroom and some of the politicized agendas, too. But there are so many good teachers out there just trying to do what’s best for their students.

What about parents who are not doing their job? What about parents who expect the schools to raise their children? In some ways, that means parents and schools are failing these kids.

Martia Holloway is an unconventional teacher who makes videos on Instagram. She tells you exactly what is happening in the public schools. She talks about teachers, administrators, and parents who are not doing their job. What’s reflected in the child can sometimes be traced back to a lack of parenting, and then school personnel dropping the ball too.

I’ve been following Holloway for a while now, and I find myself clapping after many of her videos. This doesn’t mean I agree with her viewpoint on everything, but she is a teacher willing to give it to you straight. You won’t find many of them out there, so I’d suggest you follow her.

You may not also appreciate her criticisms of parents, but she’s holding the bar high for them the way you hold it high for teachers. She also calls out teachers and administrators who are falling down on their jobs. No one is immune from her constructive criticism. We should all thank her because it takes guts and courage for teachers to speak the truth about what’s going on in our public schools.

Some of her videos include her sharing her outfit selection with the audience when she does her “slay of the day.” She explains where she purchased her clothing, shoes, and jewelry. It’s entertaining, but when she reveals what’s going on in the classroom, that’s when we all need to listen.

Holloway has no idea who I am, although I do frequently comment on her posts, I just felt that anyone who is interested in what’s going on in our schools, should know about her.   You may not agree with her views on everything, but you are certainly going to learn a lot from her.


The post What’s Happening in the Classroom? A Teacher to Follow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression Releases Latest Campus Free Speech Ratings

Sun, 2024-02-04 09:00 +0000

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has released its latest looks at free speech on America’s college campuses. The “Spotlight on Speech Codes 2024” report grades alleged schools of higher learning on their speech policies.

I’ve not always agreed with past results for schools in New Hampshire, but it is literally academic. FIRE looks at documented policy, not necessarily how well it is practiced. I’d expect the schools to know this if they even care, but if you are looking for a campus on which to plant your child with an eye toward protecting them from indoctrination, those are few and far between. Hillsdale College comes to mind, and not everyone can send a kid there.

If trade schools are out of the question with their lower costs, little or no loan debt, faster conversion from learning to income, and – if we’re honest – higher immediate and lifetime earnings with but a few elite school examples, FIRE has some advice we should consider.

The new report rates 489 of America’s top colleges and universities as “red light,” “yellow light,” or “reen light” institutions based on how much their policies threaten student speech. FIRE found that 85% of schools have at least one policy that could be used to improperly restrict students’ freedom of expression.

New Hampshire colleges and universities fared fairly well in FIRE’s ratings, with only Dartmouth failing to receive a “green light” rating:

      • Keene State College – Green
      • Plymouth State University – Green
      • University of New Hampshire – Green
      • Dartmouth College – Yellow


If you skim the report, you’ll notice that among public schools, there is a significant number in the yellow, with red and green being equal. Private schools have double the red light rating, with a significant number with yellow and very few with green.

The percentage of schools that earned an overall red light rating increased for the second time in a row this year, reversing a 15-year trend in which the percentage of red light schools decreased. The percentage went from 19.3% last year to 20% this year, with 15.2% of public schools earning a red light rating compared to 36.3% of private schools. This continued backslide is due, in large part, to schools’ continued maintenance of overbroad policies on harassment that can too easily be applied against protected speech.

Note that: “…the speech code ratings do not take into account a university’s “as-applied” violations of student speech rights or other cases of censorship, student- or faculty-led calls for punishment of protected speech, or related incidents and controversies. For a look at the campus climate at top colleges that incorporates such factors, view FIRE’s annual College Free Speech Rankings at:

Here is the report.

Speech Code Report_2024_final

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Invoking Tenth Amendment Protections for New Hampshire’s Air Space

Sun, 2024-02-04 03:00 +0000

A New Hampshire bill introduced on January 11 calls to ban government pollution of the environment caused by “weather modification.” Under this bill, the federal government would have to report its activities to state government officials.

House Bill 1700 (“The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act”) claims the federal government is guilty of “the intentional release of polluting emissions” to control weather or climate.

Is this even happening? Or is it just part of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory?

HB 1700 may not gain much political traction in the New Hampshire Legislature, as most Americans remain skeptical that chemtrails exist or that the government can manipulate the weather at will. The bill’s call to scrutinize government discharges of pollution, however, appears to reflect the growing willingness of Americans to discuss that once-taboo subject of “weather manipulation.” Anthropogenic climate control using space-age technology has evolved from conspiracy theory to legal “statutory” status, if only in a first stab by this obscure New Hampshire effort.

US Government Pollution

The bill’s eco-friendly title implicitly raises the broader question of who is policing the government that regulates the greenhouse gas emissions of American businesses and citizens. Federal regulators such as the EPA, FDA, and USDA often approve agricultural uses for substances of questionable safety for humans, including atrazine, glyphosate, and organophosphates. Additionally, the US government has a long history of polluting the planet with federal impunity.

One study concluded that the US Military annually consumes the energy equivalent of 257 million passenger cars. Space exploration has an enormous environmental impact, including toxins from rocket fuel spills on the ground, the burning of energy for flights, and damage to the ozone layer. One study found that suborbital space flights could “increase the temperature over the poles by 1 degree Celsius and reduce polar sea ice levels by 5%.”

Live Free or Fight the Feds

New Hampshire’s proposed Clean Atmosphere Protection Act specifically invokes Tenth Amendment protection of that state’s airspace against toxic chemical impacts inflicted by the federal government, replete with severe criminal penalties:

“An entity or individual who engages in a hazardous atmospheric activity or any entity or individual who uses an unmarked or unidentified aircraft or other vehicle or facility to carry out SAI [stratospheric aerosol injection] geoengineering, weather modification, cloud-seeding, or other polluting atmospheric activity:

“I.  Has committed a felony and shall pay a fine of not less than $500,000 or be imprisoned for not less than 2 years, or both ….”

The bill also seeks to implement provisions to protect the Granite State from “A foreign state or international body that funds in part or in whole or engages in an activity deemed hazardous by the Department of Environmental Services,” an apparent attempt to shield the state from globalist influencers. It lists prohibited processes and activities, including “harmful nuclear, biological, transbiological and/or chemical (‘NBC’) emissions,” lasers, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency/microwave radiation emissions, magnetic fields, “dirty energy,” and sonic weapons.

A Climate of Distrust

Once upon a time, Americans trusted their government to protect them. But that trust has been frayed. Barack Obama backed Monsanto and Wall Street over working-class voters, allowed the Benghazi disaster to occur, and let drones be used against Americans. George Bush detained US citizens as terrorists and used yellowcake uranium from Niger to lead the nation into the Iraq War. We’ve seen the war in Vietnam, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Trump witch hunt over alleged Russian collusion, and so much more over the years. If the government says it can’t control the climate, some in the public will understandably presume the reverse.

In such a hazy climate of well-earned distrust, and with Joe Biden at the helm, who would believe the feds? Persistent government perfidy conjoins with technological advances in surveillance, spooky DNA and chemical technologies, AI, and social media volatility to create a sort of mass hysteria in which tinfoil hats seem more sensible than facemasks. Indeed, a striking feature of the New Hampshire bill is its call for a citizen reporting system to track alleged violations – a sort of government-monitoring sky-watching militia.

Increasingly, Americans are seeking that which they can trust – the local, the familiar, the individual – to secure their prosperity and their health. In such a tainted sociological atmosphere, the New Hampshire legislature may consider enacting the Clean Atmosphere Protection Act merely to avert the distrust that will arise if it is blocked. If the bill is passed, after all, it will only have any real-life application if, in fact, the federal government or globalists are spraying the skies above the White Mountains with chemicals or barraging the land with electromagnetic radiation.

John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Guy Who Shot Three “Palestinian” Students in Burlington … Was Pro Hamas!

Sun, 2024-02-04 01:00 +0000

We were quick like a bunny back in November when news broke that three Palestinian “students” had been shot in Burlington, Vermont. It became a national story when Biden, Harris, and even the jilted Bernie Sanders (twice left at the Presidential Primary Altar by the DNC) milked the attack for Mic time.

  • “President Biden issued a statement declaring that “there is absolutely no place for violence or hate in America.” (says divisive hate-monger Joe)
  • Vice President Kamala Harris’ statement bemoaned that “far too many people live with the fear that they could be targeted and attacked based on their beliefs or who they are” (like parents, conservatives, Christians, or cisgender women?).
  • The idea that three young men walking down the street get shot, perhaps because of no other reason than they are Palestinian, is unspeakable,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said.” But I gotta tell you, this is not just a local phenomenon; this is happening all over the country.”

Do you know what else is happening nationwide, Senator Sanders? Kids are dying in large numbers from fentanyl overdoses or gunfire in your common-sense Democrat cities—every day, not just some random Burlington day in November. But to the point about them being shot because they are Palestinian, why did that story just fade into the woodwork? It was hot for a few minutes, but a good shooting narrative always has legs, even in the short-attention-span universe. Unless?

While the usual suspects rallied against Israel for the shooting of three Palestinian youths, none of them ventured past the shooter’s skin color to plumb his progressive White-Hippie essence. This is, after all, Burlington, Vermont.

[James J. ] Eaton had been described as “that hippie guy” and “progressive”, an organic farmer who had posted a meme with a definition of “Amerika” that called it “the worst sense of the United States, ie imperialism, corruption and the global exportation of American culture.”

He appeared to be a Biden supporter

Media outlets, anti-Israel activists and politicians attributed the shootings to the Hamas war. Everyone from Biden and Kamala on down emphasized the “Palestinian” identities of those shot and implied that Eaton had attacked them because he was opposed to the ‘Palestinian’ cause.

In reality, Eaton supported Hamas.

None of those facts achieved escape velocity outside Independent media. But it looks like Eaton was just an unstable left-wing crank with a gun in a Democrat city who decided to shoot three guys in front of his home.

In a red-flag state like Vermont and a common-sense gun-law city like Burlington, you’d be right to wonder how their safety support system failed so miserably. Their correct response is we should disarm everyone, which I’m sure the city council would love, but that wouldn’t stop the violence. Burlington is also a sanctuary city (in a sanctuary state) overrun by an ideal that, in practice, is as fake as their climate science. Diversity is not always our strength. Not their variety. Diversity of thought is a strength, but they oppose that with every fiber of their being. Perhaps that’s why they are so unaware that not only do many ethnic groups with the same skin color (or something close) hate each other outside America, but many from the same nation hate each other, and they are not going to stop because you brought them here.

If you cram them into a foreign city thinking a progressive subsistence lifestyle on welfare will turn them all into a melting pot of cartoon animals in a Disney movie, you’re a deranged idiot.

Burlington is full of those.

The reporting on the incident and other violent encounters in Burlington are littered with mentions of drug dealing, stolen cars and guns, shootings in garages and names like Abdirahman Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed, Badal Khadka and Abukar Hilowle.

Burlington has experienced an exponential rise in property crime, shootings, and murder (we write about that a lot here), but little is said about the who and the why. The ‘who’ is often displaced immigrants, many likely here illegally, and the what is the crimes they commit as gang members against each other and the indigenous white-hippie population.

Democrats in Burlington and across Vermont invited this upon themselves. Nothing they know how to do will make it better; it will likely only make it worse. And neither the politicians nor their media will say a word about that if it can be helped.

In fact, given the table they’ve set for themselves, White-Hippie-Mecca can’t even complain openly; that would be racist.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Of What Exactly Is Each of Us Guilty?

Sat, 2024-02-03 23:00 +0000

Can you imagine waking up to find out that you and over 500 other NH people have been tarred as Anti-Democratic Extremists by a former New Hampshire State Senator, Jeanne Dietsch, a former NH State Senator whose voting record was so radical she was rated a “Constitutional Threat” by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance!

How many people compile and publish a list of people they disagree with politically?  Well, some Progressives sure do and Jeanne Dietsch, channeling her inner Hillary Clinton, is one of them.  The Party of “inclusion” and “tolerance’ demonstrates its ugly hypocrisy once again.

Since I am on your “smear” list, Ms. Dietsch, and given the seriousness of the charge, I have two questions:

1) What exactly is an Anti-Democratic Extremist?  Words have meaning; define your terms.
2) What did I and each of the others on your smear list do to meet your definition? Each individual on your list is owed an explanation.

I understand from reading the Granite Grok article entitled: Bonus: How YOU Can Help Democrat Jeanne Dietsch Find Extremists in New Hampshire that you opened up the nomination to your smear list to any of your followers who had an axe to grind. But I am not aware that you clearly laid out the criteria for inclusion, and I want to know if you personally vetted each nomination/accusation using your definition of an Anti-Democratic Extremist to ensure that each person you included actually belonged on your list. Regardless of who provided a name for the list, when you included those names on your public forum, you claimed ownership for each accusation.

Based on the comments you have left on Granite Grok, it appears that you have a real problem with Libertarians. I do not consider myself one, but I respect their principled positions and align closely with them on economic issues.  I have noticed, however, based on comments I have seen on Facebook forums, that there are a number of people who hate Libertarians…Free Staters, in particular.

The hate was so bad that I had to ask a simple question: Why do you so deeply hate people who don’t want to tell you what to do? The answer seems clear. Progressives who live exclusively in the Democrat Party DO want to tell you what to do.  And they hate the idea that some people simply will not roll over. And although I am not a Libertarian or a Free-Stater, I am firmly in the camp of freedom.

Ms. Dietsch, your smear list does include some vague statements for inclusion, such as: “This list includes people affiliated with extremist groups: Constitution Party NH, Liberty Forum, We the People, Granite Republic, FSP, AFP, Liberty Alliance, Granite Grok, Liberty First as noted”

Please point out the anti-democratic language in the mission statement of each group and explain how their purposes can be viewed as extremist. Extreme compared to what exactly? Is ANY difference in worldview from yours or the radicals in your Party’s “extreme”?

You also state on your smear list that inclusion should involve People “who have voted or worked for policies that undermine institutions of democracy, including schools, elections, and environmental safety.”

There are a number of current and former office holders (I am one) on your list. Please provide our specific votes on specific legislation and explain how those votes undermined democracyThe NH Liberty Alliance provided clear justification for classifying YOU as a Constitutional Threat Ms. Dietsch, that justification can be seen here.

For a Progressive, truth is irrelevant, and power is always the goal. And removing the impediments (people) that stand in the way is necessary for Progressives to achieve the power they want so badly.   The creation of your smear list  is a tactic straight from the Rules for Radicals written by Saul Alinsky: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Ms. Deitsch, your list attempts to do just that. Alinsky would be proud, but I believe NH will reject your toxic divisiveness.


The post Of What Exactly Is Each of Us Guilty? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Grok Rumble Round Up – Ten (Make That Twelve) Conversations You Haven’t Seen Yet

Sat, 2024-02-03 21:00 +0000

Did you notice? The ‘Grok is on Rumble. I know most of our historical content is on YouTube, and it shall continue to reside there for as long as YouTube permits it. Moving forward, I can’t sanction the censorious bastards by giving them new material from which to profit, from which we receive nothing.

Yes, we do exactly that on Facebook, but not really. Meta has made it almost impossible for Meta to make any money on our content. Virtually no one is allowed to see it. I’ve suggested they pull the plug, but it hasn’t happened, so we will tease them like a little brother (I’m not touching you) until they snap and punch us in the head.

So we’re on Rumble, and Radio Row allowed us to upload a lot of new content, including some high-profile national guests. Eric Trump, Kari Lake, Kat Cammack, Vermin Supreme, Andrew Yang, and others. We’ve also shared some local guests on hot topics like election integrity in NH (there isn’t any), as well as panel discussions on topics like the uniparty disconnect and post-COVID politics.

More of that is coming, but I’ve not shared all of the content I just mentioned (until now). We’ve got more than I can publish as posts, so it made sense to aggregate or curate some of that for you to consider since we will not be posting three 7-hour front-to-back unedited videos – which you can watch on the Gok Facebook page if that’s your thing. All three days’ worth of content if there is some MoveOn staffer with time to search for snowflake-melting outrage.

There’s plenty of it in there, I promise. And we will livestream to Rumble (Instead of Facebook) in the future.


So here they are – the Rumble content to date that has not been shared as part of an article on these pages.

You can also go here and find it for yourself. Please follow us regardless of how you get there.


Interview: Greg Moore AFP – NH

Greg Moore from AFP-NH joins us to talk presidential politics, New Hampshire’s superior economy and appeal, and how much more engaged our voters are in the process.

Congressional Candidate -Russell Prescott Interview: Radio Row

Candidate for Congress Russel Prescott joins us on Radio Row for a conversation about NH politics, the presidential primary, and other casual conversations.

Why America Should Thank NH for the FITN Presidential Primary

We talk about why NH’s Presidential Primary Is SO DAMN Special to NH and Important for America.

Candidate for President – Ryan Binkley

Pastor, businessman, and presidential candidate Ryan Binkley joins us to talk about America (a subject near and dear to our Constitutional-conservatarian hearts.

Interview – Kat Cammack

Congresswoman Kat Cammack from Florida’s Third Congressional District pays us a visit on Radio Row in Manchester.

Interview – Andrew Yang

Former presidential candidate and Dean Phillips surrogate Andrew Yang sits down to talk about the New Hampshire Primary, the Uniparty, and Democrat politics.

Jessica Vaughn – Center for Immigration Studies

Jessica Vaughn joins us to discuss border security, national security, the illegal immigration problem, enriching cartels, human trafficking, and what we might expect from the Republicans running for President.

Jim Rubens – Pursuing a Constitutional Debt Limit Amendment

Jim Rubens joins us to talk about generational debt and a state-driven effort to craft a Constitutional Federal Debt-Limit Amendment.

Mark Stewart Greenstein – A Different Sort of Democrat for President

Mark joined us to talk about why he’s running for President, who he hopes to inspire, and what he hopes to accomplish. Check it out. There’s a lot here we can all agree on.

COVID – Liberty – Primary

Jeff, Mike, and Steve talk about the absence of COVID conversations in the primary, how it was a test and a lot of politicians failed, the wonky supply chain, and sticking it to the people who called us deniers after the

Plus, Two More I Just Added!


Almost everyone knows August, and she stopped by our table to chat about Republican politics from Reagan to today.


Lily escaped Mao’s China many years ago but now sees those influences infiltrating American culture and government. She is running for Congress in NH Congressional District 2.


We are adding new content daily, so please check back to check for updates.

The post ‘Grok Rumble Round Up – Ten (Make That Twelve) Conversations You Haven’t Seen Yet appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Covert Endeavor to Cultivate Support for Iran’s Nuclear Program

Sat, 2024-02-03 19:00 +0000

In the world of international diplomacy, secrets have a way of unraveling. Leaked emails and reports have recently unveiled a clandestine Iranian operation known as the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI). This covert endeavor, designed to cultivate support for Iran’s nuclear program, has sent shockwaves through the corridors of power.

But that’s just the beginning.

Within this revelation, another thread has emerged – the involvement of key figures from the Biden administration with the IEI. This revelation raises profound questions about foreign influence and its implications on U.S. policy.

The IEI, previously shrouded in secrecy, has now been exposed for what it is – a covert Iranian operation. Its primary objective? To garner international support for Iran’s nuclear ambitions. This revelation adds a new layer of complexity to the ongoing global discussions about Iran’s nuclear program.

The involvement of Biden administration aides with the IEI is a central theme. These individuals, working within the highest echelons of the U.S. government, had ties to the IEI. The nature of these links and their implications on U.S. policy decisions remain under scrutiny.

The IEI was not limited to a single sphere of influence. It infiltrated academia, leveraging the credibility of scholars to propagate its agenda. Meanwhile, sympathetic journalists played their part, shaping public perception subtly. Think tanks, known for their role in policymaking, were strategically targeted. Case studies vividly illustrate the IEI’s success in influencing policy decisions. And it didn’t stop there; former government officials transitioning into advocacy roles created conflicts and ethical dilemmas that continue to raise eyebrows.

The Biden administration’s approach to Iran stands in stark contrast to previous administrations. It is marked by a commitment to re-engage with the Islamic Republic of Iran, a notable departure from the aggressive stance of the past. This shift in policy has not only raised eyebrows. Still, it has caused genuine concern among policymakers and the public, who worry about potential risks and the implications of this new direction, making it a central point of debate in the broader context of U.S. foreign policy.

Amidst these revelations, the potential for undue influence on U.S. policy looms large. The need to mitigate foreign impact is paramount, echoing concerns about the integrity of policymaking. It’s a complex issue with no easy answers.

Ariane Tabatabai’s Controversy

As this international intrigue unfolds, Ariane Tabatabai, a former Georgetown University security studies professor and current senior adviser to the U.S. Department of Defense, finds herself at the center of a heated controversy. Genuine concern has arisen regarding her purported ties to Iranian regime influence networks and her security clearance.

The acquisition of her security clearance remains a shadowy enigma, with scant details emerging. Yet, one report suggests that her connections to the Islamic Republic networks managed to evade detection during the clearance process.

The security clearance saga erupted in April 2021 when a group of U.S. lawmakers demanded the revocation of Tabatabai’s clearance, citing her involvement in an “Iranian influence network” that they believed endangered national security.

Fast forward to September 2023, and Republican lawmakers intensify the call. They demand an investigation into Islamic Republic-backed influence operations on U.S. soil, advocating the suspension of clearances for officials, including Tabatabai, potentially swayed by these networks.

In response, Tabatabai can only refute these allegations. She tries to label them “baseless and unfounded,” portraying them as part of a “smear campaign” orchestrated by lawmakers seeking to undermine the Biden administration’s diplomacy with Iran’s regime, yet providing no clear explanations for the accusations.

And yet, despite the ongoing furor, Tabatabai’s security clearance endures as of September 2023, and surprisingly, she remains a senior adviser within the U.S. Department of Defense.

It’s not just her alleged ties to Iran’s regime influence networks that have been scrutinized. The accusations against her are part of a broader discourse surrounding U.S. policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. Some U.S. officials and lawmakers contend that the Biden administration’s stance is overly lenient, failing to adequately support the Iranian people’s battle for democracy and human rights. Conversely, others advocate for diplomatic engagement and peaceful resolution in the U.S.-Iran relationship.

This exposure of the Iran Experts Initiative raises critical questions about foreign influence on U.S. policy. Whether through academia, media, think tanks, or former officials, vigilance is imperative to maintain the integrity of U.S. policymaking in a complex and interconnected world.

As for Ariane Tabatabai’s security clearance acquisition remains opaque, while her ties to the Islamic Republic of Iran influence networks kindle a political storm. Lawmakers’ calls for revocation have yet to bear fruit, and she continues her work at the U.S. Department of Defense. This controversy also mirrors broader debates on U.S. policy towards Iran, illustrating today’s complexity of international diplomacy.


Amil Imani is the author of the newly released book The United States Constitution for Kids.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

America Is No More … You’re Just Pretending

Sat, 2024-02-03 17:00 +0000

So, you may have seen/heard about the mob of illegals who attacked a cop in New York. The illegals were released immediately by some Regime “judge,” and then at least one of them flipped the bird to America.

We are witnessing the destruction of America by the Biden-Regime, and the Senate GOP response is to legalize the invasion and tell GOP voters, whom Mitch and his ilk detest and believe are stupid, that their amnesty bill will reduce illegal immigration. And, if you have been paying attention as opposed to mindlessly seal-clapping every time Nikki Haley praises forever wars, you know that illegal immigration is just one of the many ways the Biden-Regime is destroying America.

Now contrast the special treatment of the criminal illegal with the treatment of the former marine who in the past would have been treated as a hero but, in today’s faux-America, is the criminal:

But just keep on pretending that none of this is happening, keep pretending that the vital issues of our day are eviscerating local zoning laws (so we can have more and more and more apartment complexes, which somehow is not “massing up” New Hampshire), and cutting business taxes (while local property taxes spiral out of control), and some minor increase in funding in school choice (while public schools continue DEI indoctrination).

America is no more. Our rolling over to COVID-tyranny and then reelecting the COVID-tyrants showed that. Our acceptance of the rigging of the 2020 election showed that. Our pretending that the Biden-Regime’s pathologies are mere incompetence shows that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fentanyl Too Tough For Schumer, Goes After ZYN Instead

Sat, 2024-02-03 15:00 +0000

Chuck Schumer has found his latest cause to give the American people the impression that he is looking out for their safety. Schumer has gone on the record, with the required number of Democrats nodding heads surrounding him, that he is declaring war on nicotine pouches. The Senate Majority Leader singled out ZYN pouches, but he included all brands of the pouches in his sortie.

Schumer showed by his actions and comments that he is poorly prepared to talk about this nicotine product that is regulated for adult use. With the resources available for members of Congress, you would think nobody should ever embarrass themselves with unfounded comments or crusades, especially the Senate Leader, but you would be wrong.

Before I get into Chuck’s misinformation, can we look at the other issues facing Americans that were pushed aside so Schumer could focus on nicotine pouches and addictions? How about the Border crisis? Schumer has been sitting on HR2, which is a border and immigration bill passed by the House in 2023. Chuck will not bring the bill to the floor for debate. But the Democrats, including the compulsive liar Karine Jeanne-Pierre, continue to say the Republicans have no solution for the border crisis. How about the Fentanyl crisis? We are still losing 100,000 prime-age Americans annually, but all the Dems are doing is asking China to scale back on production. How about sealing the Border so we stop the flow of illegal Fentanyl from Mexico? These issues must be too difficult for the feeble Senator from New York. So, he will put his energy into nicotine pouches and restrict the freedoms of adults who use and enjoy this product. This control of our lives is what Democrats crave. They do not preserve our freedoms and liberties but rather find ways to restrict or regulate them.

What are nicotine pouches? They are not a tobacco product and are not a carcinogen. These pouches are predominantly a mixture of salt and a dose of nicotine. The pouches are usually available in either 4 or 8mg concentrations of nicotine and are available in various flavors. Most states use age restrictions for tobacco as a guideline for nicotine sales, making the nicotine pouches unavailable to minors. That is not enough for Schumer, who wants the sale of nicotine pouches prohibited for everyone, period. He has unleashed a battle from the millions of users who are of age and enjoy this product.

Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs known. Just ask anyone who has tried to quit smoking. Nicotine is the ingredient that makes cigarettes so addictive to smokers. There are no tobacco ingredients in Nicotine pouches. Nicotine pouches can raise heart rates and cause a rise in blood pressure, but they also can cause an increase in attention span and mental acuity. Adult users are aware of the issues and, as adults, want to decide whether to use or not. They do not want the government, and certainly not Chuck Schumer, making that decision for them.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Martha’s Vineyard Declared “Low Income” so It Can Save Money on EV Chargers

Sat, 2024-02-03 13:00 +0000

Martha’s Vineyard is a remarkable place—a quaint little island of elites where the median home price is around 1.5 million. Barry Obama has a massive estate there, as do many well-heeled elites (despite the alleged risk of rising sea levels). And now they are eligible for subsidies (your money, not theirs) to add EV charging infrastructure.

The Biden administration is classifying some of the country’s most elite and exclusive locales as “low-income” areas, making them eligible for electric vehicle (EV) charger subsidy programs.

The administration’s EV charger tax credit program — made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), President Joe Biden’s signature climate bill — is specifically designed to route subsidies to “low-income” or “non-urban” areas of the country. The “low-income” emphasis for eligibility aligns in spirit with the Biden administration’s wider pursuit of so-called “environmental justice,” which is effectively the combination of social justice ideology and green policy.

The handouts reduce the cost of EV charging infrastructure (public or private) in low-income or non-urban areas by about a third, including the Vineyard and Nantucket – where median home prices are a hair over 2 million). And doesn’t that make good sense?

Elite enclaves are where the EVs would be. Few others can afford them or have the disposable income to embrace their impracticality. Martha’s Vineyard isn’t large so a full charge could last long enough to virtue signal to all the neighbors. Many of its more well-heeled inhabitants are elsewhere during the colder months when EVs lose range, not that these aren’t much more than yard sculptures for many. Parked out front (putting them in the garage is dangerous) to be observed by guests holding half-filled glasses of chardonnay and a small plate of whatever was on the last charcuterie board they passed.

A Mercedes EQE or the BMW i7. Rarer, perhaps, if the ferry has stopped allowing EVs on the boat because of the liability costs (I didn’t look).

And sure, the average denizen of Martha’s Vineyard could easily afford to pay for the charging equipment if they wanted it or pool some resources for public chargers, but why waste the funds appropriated by Congress for chargers if no one in low-income areas can afford an EV aor where EV owners would not be caught dead?

Some animals, or so the saying goes.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Boyd Is Not “Senate-Worthy,” Don’t Even Think About It, Merrimack!

Sat, 2024-02-03 11:00 +0000

I want to get the word out in the public square right now, fresh off the heels of that horrible HB 1002 House roll call, because time has a habit of making people forget things, and candidacy filing time is not for another four months.

Every intelligent person knows that the muzzled Baby Shamu must NOT be allowed to stay in Gary Daniels’s seat, but what are her constituents going to do about it? My preference, as an outsider, is to convince Gary that his services are desperately needed. There has to be a variety of ways to do that, and people close to him should have that conversation.

However, in the event that he opts to remain a private citizen, something people approaching 70 are known to do after a resume rich in public service, a Plan B is needed. I had a conversation with a suitable potential candidate outside of Merrimack last summer, but this person was not interested and cited some practical reasons not to be the one. There’s Milford Rep Vanessa Sheehan, a nice lady that I met at Fulchino Vineyard for a Lily Tang Williams event. There’s also Merrimack Rep Jeanine Notter, someone well-liked by her peers with lots of name recognition. One might even look to private citizens from Amherst, possibly Lynn “Just Jocelyn” Briggs or Linda Kaiser. Who NOT to promote is Bill Boyd, and here are some reasons why:

Bill has proven himself anti-RTK with his vote in favor of the “RTK records tax” yesterday, as did 2 of his local peers.

One of them was Rep Maureen Mooney, a LAWYER, mind you. And the other was Rep Healey. Rep Healey and Nashua City Clerk Healey might share the same anti-RTK DNA. Someone should file a bill to fund a “23 and Me” study on that.

We want to thank Julie Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Bill Boyd also voted NO on HB 1131 2 years ago. This was the school mask bill that the Damn Emperor vetoed. The House roll call occurred sometime in April 2022 because I remember confronting Bill about his rogue vote at the May 1 Merrimack GOP soiree outside the Exit 11 Mexican joint. I started the unpleasant conversation with Melissa Blasek present, and she stepped in to finish it. It was good to have her handy as another Merrimack rep to talk to him as his equal.

Shortly after Bill Boyd won his April 13, 2021, special election to fill the seat vacated by the untimely death of Speaker Hinch, he voted the wrong way on an election-related matter. See this link.

Like a rap sheet, um, I mean “resume,” his misdeeds are listed in chronological order. The last one I’ll mention took place before he was elected. Chris Buda sent up the GOP “bat signal,” kind of like what firemen would call “mutual aid,” in the late winter of 2021. He announced the upcoming Merrimack special election and out-of-town help was being sought. I signed up to lend a hand and participated in a Saturday morning dump sign wave. I met Melissa and many other at-the-time Merrimack reps.

Bill arrived and graciously greeted me and said thanks for the help. As it’s common for governors to endorse special election candidates, the Damn Emperor endorsed Bill. I casually mentioned that, but I said something like, “Ooo, an endorsement from the Tyrant himself.” Bill defended His Excellency with a sheepish “he’s not a tyrant” rebuttal. I told him I knew he had to be on his best behavior in order to get elected and gestured with a wink and a nod. Instead of a wink and a nod back, he looked at me funny as though he was seriously in denial of what a POS Baby Huey really is.

And I’ll finish by saying it again. Bill Boyd does NOT belong in the Senate. He will always do Jeb’s bidding, and he has enough water carriers already.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

With Regard To Putting a Price on Public Access to Public Records

Sat, 2024-02-03 03:00 +0000

Be it noted that Deputy AG Geoffrey Ward deleted the files of 28+ police officer files relating to the Laurie List. This occurred after a letter I had written to John Scippa of police standards and training regarding concerns about Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin which he told me he was forwarding to to the AG’s office.

Assistant AG Jane Young replied to me, stating that Geoffrey Ward would respond, but he did not. Rep. Susan Homola followed up as well with his office using the pretext that Assistant AG Jane Young had assured me that there would be a response. She received no reply either, and then Geoffrey Ward deleted the files of 28 police officers, and Julie Curtin left Concord Police Department after 15+ years with no explanation.

Geoffrey Ward is now a federal prosecutor, and Jane Young is now US Attorney for New Hampshire. New Hampshire’s Supreme Court Chief Justice is former AG Gordon MacDonald who argued that the Laurie list should not be made public in August 2018 when Julie Curtin and James F McLaughlin were working for him and Jane Young on the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Pauls School – paid for by the public. Gordon MacDonald knew that James F McLaughlin’s name was on the Laurie list in August 2018 but he hid it.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

He knew that Julie Curtin had obtained student files without a warrant at his office’s direction from St Paul’s School and he knew that her sworn affidavit used to obtain records for NH v Owen Labrie contained a lie which was corrected by the SANE nurse, under oath, in the criminal trial. Despite all of this, the State still uses Detective Julie Curtin as a witness in State trials, and the State continues to hide the records of Police Detective James F McLaughlin.

My research concludes that public officials are covering up nefarious activities in which they have profited using public funds and that the reason for hiding these records is due to their desire to prevent the public from discovering this. They are public officials, paid for by the public and they have NO right to hide their activities from the public or their financial dealings – kick backs, secret deals, for profit enterprises hiding behind non-profit fronts.

The state is also hiding )or playing dumb about) evidence regarding witness tampering in the trial of NH v Owen Labrie by former AG Michael Delaney with state witnesses who were then allowed to provide testimony after Prosecutor Catherine Ruffle was informed by Concord Councilwoman Amanda Grady Sexton of the tampering. The records of this sit with the US Senate Judiciary Committee and are corroborated by a conversation Prosecutor Ruffle had with Judge Larry Smukler which was unsealed several months after the trial. At the moment of their unsealing, Ruffle claimed she had misspoken and retracted her comments. She is now a clerk for Merrimack County Superior Court. But the fact that there was witness tampering has been supported by at least two other documents from both the state witness’s family and the defense’s counsel.

The State of New Hampshire and its public officials are complicit in the abuse of public funds to deceive the public to cover up a racketeering enterprise that is the result of collusion between Concord Council members, Concord Police, Merrimack County prosecutors and court personnel, the AG’s office, the NHCADSV, UNH PIRC, Franklin Pierce Law School, the judiciary committee and law firms Shaheen & Gordon, McLane Middleton, Nixon Peabody and others.

Why should the public pay for publicly elected officials to racketeer and then collude to hide their actions that have interfered with the criminal and civil justice system and abused federal grants?

The state has ignored millions of complaints by members of the public. Why should the public have to pay to gain access to the state’s deliberate failures and cover ups – eg the FRM Ponzi Scheme, the Diocese of Manchester/Police/ YDC abuse cover ups or instructions to the DCYF to delete files re YDC, Phillips Exeter Academy or elsewhere?

Claire Best Hawley
Concerned Citizen

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There Is Nothing Funny About Jeanne Dietsch And Her Ilk

Sat, 2024-02-03 01:00 +0000

If you think Jeanne Dietsch and her ilk are amusing/comical/funny/etc., then you have no idea … none at all … of the true nature of the Left. The Jeanne Dietsches of New Hampshire and of America are the current incarnation of the Schutzstaffel, the NKVD, Mao’s cultural revolutionaries, and Pol Pot’s followers.

They are the “true believers,” eager and willing to carry out whatever crusade their “leaders” set them on.

“It can’t happen here!” “It can’t happen here!” If you believe that, either you have been living in a cave or are willfully delusional. Every day that passes, this country becomes more and more like East Germany, Kampuchea, the Soviet Union, etc., etc…

Don’t laugh at Jeanne Dietsch and her ilk … be terrified of them. They are the ones the Regime’s security apparatus will use to identify the “insurrectionists,” “extremists,” etc. They are the ones who will be running the Regime’s equivalents of the gulags, concentration camps, and killing fields. They aren’t in the least funny unless you find gulags, concentration camps, and killing fields funny.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Concord OBGYN: Patient Choice Is a Really, Really Bad Thing

Fri, 2024-02-02 23:00 +0000

Earlier this week, Representative Leah Cushman introduced HB 1010 “relative to expanding maternity options and midwifery access.” Fortunately, representatives of the “we know what’s best for you” crowd were there to explain why patient choice is a very, very bad thing.

Here’s a choice snippet from the testimony of Dr. Cathy Chung Hwa Yi, an OBGYN based in Concord, NH:

This bill allows patients or consumers to decide what is the best option for them. In my opinion, I think the government and the regulatory board and the licensure committees exist to protect the public and allow the lay public to make good decisions. By allowing the public to decide now to where to choose care, I think it endangers the consumer. …

So my position is that this bill poses the choice of seeking care to the lay public and I think the government and its agencies should exist to protect the public from making good choices and good options, and by deregulating or allowing the patients to have more choice in this particular situation it is reckless endangerment, I guess, of the public.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cultural Rot: It’s Much Worse Than You Think

Fri, 2024-02-02 21:00 +0000

WARNING: This post has links to possibly risqué and other disturbing content.  Be advised.




The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life. If a nation’s spiritual energies have been exhausted, it will not be saved from collapse by the most perfect government structure or by any industrial development. A tree with a rotten core cannot stand.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn




In the movie Mission: Impossible with Tom Cruise – the first one – has a magnificently-delivered line as they prepare to break into CIA headquarters.  “It’s much worse than you think.”  Well, we’ve been seeing article after article about “books” in school libraries, drag queen story hour, etc.  Here on the grok, all over the Conservative part of the blogosphere, MassResistance is a great group.

A book author and his books, plus two recent videos, came to my attention, so let me dig in a little. And so, leading in… it’s much worse than you think.  Much, much worse.



Do not play the below youtube if you have little ones around.  This has no bad language, but… note the double entendres and other symbolism.  These could get very uncomfortable having to explain why you’re snarling at the screen.

My Big Black Hawk Funny Books Humour #comedy (

Also – this is not his only such book.  He has others.

Link 1.

Link 2.

Link 3.

Lots of others.  And as we’ve seen, from schools and other places, this and similar materials are metastasizing into kids’ hands.

Onward, there’s a point building.



Again, content alert:


Calling for our children – our children – to think that dying young is perfectly acceptable.  Not just acceptable but implicitly something to be welcomed.  And someone made a video and posted it.  Now, I understand the initial video has been pulled off YouTube.  Good.  But that doesn’t change the fundamental thing – someone made it.  Again, point building.



So now this video hits my field of view.  It’s a woman commenter who watches a minute or two of a lead-in to what is, apparently, a new Amazon cartoon (series?) depicting… wait for it… Satan as the misunderstood good guy.


Now, interestingly, perhaps a year ago, both my kids started asking me a question with the simultaneous timing being suspicious: What if God is the bad guy, and Satan’s the good guy?  Now, I’ve always encouraged my kids to think “outside the box,” and even if the questions are uncomfortable for me to have to deal with, I’d rather they had a wide-ranging curiosity and sense of inquiry rather than an ossified “Because someone told you.”  But the fact that both had similar questions at roughly the same time made me inquisitive; I looked for and didn’t see anything that I thought could have triggered this. Agitprop aimed at kids specifically?  I don’t know.

But watch the above video again.  In watching this repeatedly, I noticed several things:

First, it describes Heaven as being ruled by beings of pure light who worshipped good.  Ruled by beings… not a singular G-d, but plural beings.  And worshiped good, not G-d.  It’s curious in the notable absence of the one central figure here.

Second, Lucifer – wearing a top hat and with the cartoon presentation – comes across as a hip-hot-happening young guy.  Perfect for attracting attention from younger viewers who would, IMHO, very likely find him as a sympathetic dreamer with fantastical ideas for all creation character.

Third, Lucifer is described as someone being disapproved of by the “elders of heaven.”  Again, notice Someone missing?

Fourth, Adam and Lilith.  About Lilith (links in original, bolding added):

In Genesis Rabbah, we encounter a brief midrash that claims that Adam had a first wife before Eve. This interpretation arises from the two creation stories of Genesis: In Genesis 1, man and woman are created at the same time, while in Genesis 2 Adam precedes Eve. The rabbinic tale suggests that the first creation story is a different creation, in which Adam has a wife made, like him, from the earth. For some reason this marriage doesn’t work out, and so God makes Adam a second wife, Eve.

So this cartoon builds off Lilith apparently – by some writings at least – being Adam’s first wife.

The Lilith of this story confronts both Adam and God: she defies patriarchy, refuses a submissive sexual posture, and in the end refuses marriage altogether, preferring to become a demon rather than live under Adam’s authority.

Perhaps the best-known of the new Lilith tales is “The Coming of Lilith,” by Judith Plaskow. In this feminist midrash, Lilith flees the garden because she is an “uppity woman” who doesn’t want to be pushed around by Adam or God.

No wonder she’s become, seemingly, a feminist icon.  She defies the Patriarchy, etc.

Once a source of fear, Lilith has been transformed into an icon of freedom. While some disapprove of this widespread embrace of a former demon, Lilith’s rehabilitation makes sense. The frightening character of Lilith grew, in part, out of repression: repression of sexuality, repression of the free impulse in women, repression of the question “what if I left it all behind?”

Isn’t that feminism in a nutshell?  And I do recall, from many years ago, a vague memory of this.  And apparently one of Adam’s complains was that Lilith wouldn’t obey him so G-d made him a new wife, Eve.

Lilith and Lucifer… rebellious dreamers.  The Lilith mythos of an independent woman who needs Adam like a fish needs a bicycle, a Lilith free to wantonly express her sexuality?  No, nothing appealing to young, hormone-addled female minds in that phrase, no.  And inferential, at least to me, is the attractiveness of such a “liberated” putting-out woman to equally hormone-addled male minds.

Fifth, in this take on things the Apple was not the Original Sin (per my understanding of Catholic teaching at least) but rather being the two well-intentioned lovebirds who merely wished to share the gift of free will with Eve.  How noble.  How selfless and generous.  How appealing to young minds yet again.  And again, no mention of His command to both Adam and Eve to not do so; this was mentioned as an “act of disobedience” – disobeying who precisely?  Not mentioned.

Sixth, as those two love-birds are cast from Heaven, the narrator discussed how one of the punishments was to never see the good that comes from mankind.  Such an unjust punishment for someone who just wants good in the universe, no?

And parenthetically, I love the outrage in the viewer’s voice as she exclaims, at the end, “So Satan’s the victim now”!?  (IMHO she’s a great face to watch to study body language.)  Again fitting in with the Woke idea of oppressors and oppressed.  Now that Satan is a victim, he’s become protected:

Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With ‘Hate Crime’ – modernity

Meanwhile, what’s happened to those who tear down statues like Lincoln or Columbus or General Lee… ?





None of the above examples… none of the child grooming books in schools… none of this – NONE OF ANY OF THIS – spontaneously appeared out of the ether in finished form.  The ideas for each of these came from a human mind.

That human mind had to express the idea to other human minds, who fed back that this seemed like a good idea.  Someone had to then put together a presentation, pitch it to companies / funders / superiors, who then had to agree to fund it.  Artists, animators, writers, etc., had to be hired; surely they knew what was being put out there.  For that OK to pass away video, there had to be camera and set crews who watched as it was rehearsed and then filmed without, one assumes, saying anything; the kids had to have parents who, even if desirous of their children being actors, had to have read the material and still OKed it (like the infamous Little Cuties on Netflix).  And then comes the advertising once the materials are done.  School librarians had to see such books and ask for and get funding for those books, etc., with school boards defending it.  And so on.  Layers and layers and layers of people involved in bringing the final forms to being.

For each example this is a cast of a dozen or more… scores… possibly hundreds.  All on board.  Doubtless those who say WAIT ONE MINUTE are ignored or even punished.  So the rot goes deep.  Very deep.  For every example you see… understand how many are involved behind it.

Added: And how many just go along.  Consider this piece of filth:

School Board Member Sworn In On Stack Of Gay Porn Instead Of Bible | The Daily Wire

And the guy administering the oath just goes along with it.  Look, I can understand, say, a Jew not wanting to put their hand on the New Testament.  A Muslim not wanting to swear on a Bible.  And so on.  Someone shows up to take an oath on a stack of porn and graphic content school books?  And people didn’t turn him away?  Didn’t turn away from him?  So yes, it’s much worse than you think.

Two quotes come to mind to wrap up:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20,Ezekiel 9:9

And this notable thought from John Adams:



Much, much worse than you think.  So, one more quote, from Thomas Jefferson:

‘I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.’


The post Cultural Rot: It’s Much Worse Than You Think appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1002, Right to Know, and The Pile of (His Own) S***! Rep. Travis O’Hara Just Stepped In …

Fri, 2024-02-02 19:00 +0000

HB1002, as passed by the New Hampshire House, would allow unprincipled municipalities to turn requests for public documents into a revenue stream. It passed the NH House yesterday, after which (at least) two things happened.

Rep. Lisa Smart, having voted in favor, requested a reconsideration of the vote. The House will have to vote again.

It is not uncommon for someone to vote yes on a bill they know they can’t stop today in hopes of getting a motion to reconsider that could produce the necessary pressure to get a different outcome. HB1002 will be reheard and another vote taken.

The second thing from yesterday was a response by Rep. Travis O’Hara to an email scolding him for his yes vote on HB1002.


You read it right. One hundred more times, but I felt like some context was needed. GraniteGrok did not file any right-to-know requests. David Murphy (Skip) did. But let’s pretend it was GraniteGrok and that this is about costing taxpayers “thousands” (x100) because Travis is closer to the truth than he realizes.

Skip, who made said request(s), upon reading the above response, replied,

“Yet the former Gunstock Commissioner used $100K of taxpayer money as a slush fund against conservatives. I RTK’d the invoice. No one would have known the amount if I hadn’t done so. Just one example.”

Gunstock is a public subdivision of the state and Belknap County, but the commission that runs it acts like it is their private company. It is not. They are subject to state law as a government body. When irregularities arose, and both Skip and the Belknap County Delegation began to ask questions, Gunstock (in this case) Gary Kiedaisch, along with Tom Day, spent over $100,000.00 on lawyers and lawsuits to entangle those who had oversight and responsibility for uncovering any irregular or illegal activity – including misuse of funds (like donating tax dollars to Gov. Chris Sununu’s campaign) or hiring lawyers to go after state reps investigating Gunstock.

Add to that the cost to the delegation to defend itself from the lawsuit (another 40K), all because the power behind Gunstock didn’t want to be audited, examined, or scrutinized.

If you are not clear on the size and scope of the pile of shit into which Travis O’Hara may have just stepped, Gunstock (the public entity) used public money not just for private or personal interest but to avoid being investigated by people elected to hold them accountable.

The very reason we need the Right to Know Law in the first place.

O’Hara may or may not have been a beneficiary of the effort to smear the Republicans who dared to question how the Gunstock Commission was constituted, run or on what they spent your money (we’ll save that for another day), but had Skip not “filed” that right-to-know request or been unable due to increasingly prohibitive costs favored by Travis (I will gladly vote 100 more times for HB1002) O’Hara, these facts (including the abuse of Belknap County resources) might never have come to light.

So, is 100,000+ dollars more or less than “thousands of dollars”?

GraniteGrok’s reporting, by the way, did not cost taxpayers a dime, but O’Hara’s proclamation is literally why we need to make public documents more accessible (not less) and why Republicans should oppose HB1002 when it comes up for reconsideration next week.

That and, as Skip noted, there are more examples, and we’d like to thank Travis for inviting us to share them when we otherwise might not have.


The post HB1002, Right to Know, and The Pile of (His Own) S***! Rep. Travis O’Hara Just Stepped In … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-02-02 17:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










This is absolutely unsustainable.  Add to that the state and local burdens, higher crime, etc…. easily a trillion a year IMHO.  The national economy cannot sustain this, which is the point.





True… but you know damned well that every female with even the possibility of conceiving and carrying a kid is… “engaged” to get gravid and spurt out an anchor baby ASAP.




HOW does this woman keep getting re-elected?












Do I hope for some “good solution”?  Of course.  But find your inner steel – I fear we will all need it.


























For when the next “respiratory virus pandemic” arrives.  I’ve started to use it in a nose spray when I start feeling like I have a cold brewing.  It does seem to help, YMMV.





Now do New Hampshire.





Can we globally coordinate other things?  Like throwing you criminals in jail?




Orwell’s Ministry of Truth as applied to science.






Don’t forget my cartoon on that:







If I handed you a bowl of M&Ms, and said that you could choose the percentage that were poisoned, what percent would you name and still grab a handful?











This one’s pretty good!










There is a balance that must be struck here between rightfully conserving and resolving to hold onto principles, and being so ossified and inflexible that you become fragile in the face of change.




At this point this would not surprise me at all.




That poor child.



To take a stand opposite the herd is something quite difficult.









Link section:


mRNA Technology Is the Culprit Behind Faulty Immune Response That Prolonged the Pandemic, IgG4 Study Shows (

I mentioned IgG4 antibodies from repeated mRNA Jabs here:

Depopulation Speculations

The shocking testimony of the Covid-19 nurses – The Conservative Woman

Article about nurses on the front lines of Covid-19, and the abuses they saw, many which caused patients to die (and most of those deaths were probably preventable).  We can NEVER forget that the government, the media, and the medical profession CAUSED these deaths.  Ethical doctors & nurses who questioned or stood up against these policies were forced out, fired, and vilified.  Even parents – my pediatrician was practically reading me the riot act at the kids’ last checkup because of my refusal to give more “scheduled” childhood vaccines.

And lo & behold, more supporting evidence.

Dr Vernon Coleman’s latest video “This is the End” (

30 minutes give or take.

The more Jabs you got, the greater the danger… hand in hand with:

Video: Eco Loon Tells Brits “There Is A Moral Issue” With Having Children – modernity



Bayou Renaissance Man: “The greatest miscarriage of justice in modern American history”

All of this has just two purposes:

First, to remove Trump from the field.  BAMN.

Second, to send a stark lesson to anyone who would run to reprise Trump’s policies / actions.

8 Ways to Protect Yourself From Bank Failures – Ask a Prepper

MHO?  Following the joke… canned goods, guns, ammo, and other barter fodder.

Who is his boss? Who does Joe Biden actually work for? | In the MIDDLE of the RIGHT

Good central question.  Because it sure isn’t America.

Are You Ready for the Upcoming Food Crisis? – Ask a Prepper

Starvation incoming.

The Left Wants Your Food…..And They Want it Now! – The DaleyGator

 “Growing your own vegetables is bad for the planet” – OffGuardian (

Remember last year when the US Dept. of Agriculture wanted everyone to “register” their personal gardens?  Well now we know why:  Seems the globalists are now claiming that personal gardens create 5-6 times the carbon output of “conventional” farming.  Enjoy your non-GMO produce from the garden while you can.

WOAH: Bill Gates invested MILLIONS in BioNTech JUST BEFORE covid (

I question the timing.

China’s Gene-Targeting of Americans | The Epoch Times

China is actively working to develop “bespoke” viruses that can target a group of people, or even a single individual.  Once they have that, they could literally kill or disable anyone on the planet without firing a shot.  Gee, it’s a shame that your leader died.  Bummer that those who oppose us just seem to die.  The CCP (and many of the Chinese people tool) are VERY racist and believe that only the Han Chinese should rule the world.  If they get this off the ground, that may happen.

The U.S. just sold its helium stockpile. Here’s why the medical world is worried. (

For some reason, the US Government is trying to sell off our helium supply.  It’s almost like they WANT us to fail.  And don’t forget the calamitous drop in our strategic petroleum reserve.

FDA’s New Rule Allows For Medical Research Without Informed Consent | ZeroHedge

The FDA just changed the rules so they don’t need “informed consent” to perform medical experiments on people (only in certain cases now, but what’s to stop them from “broadening” the definition of what’s “acceptable”?).  As I understand it, rumor-style, all vaccines are considered “low risk” to them.






Pick of the Post:



I’ve said before and wish I still had the original link, but I remember some years ago reading that a NASA scientist had proposed altering the actual measurement data to comport better with the models.  I was outraged.  That was betrayal trauma for me that someone, a scientist, could propose such.

I wonder if it’s this guy.  And assuming it is, note how open he is – he offered his data set and analysis for others to examine:

All datasets are available to the public at any time. The studies by Prof. Ewert may be requested by e-mail: (at)

Remember what I said here about data openness being a foundational element of the scientific process – and how, for me at least, the “brick on the jeweler’s scale” as I examined and re-evaluated my climate alarmism was the fact that the climate people hid their data and analysis?




Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Be Careful Having Biden Go After Iran

Fri, 2024-02-02 15:00 +0000

As the number of attacks on our military installations and personnel in the Middle East by Iran proxy groups, many, including me, have asked where is the retaliation by the Biden Administration. The number of attacks reached 165 when three of our service people were killed in their barracks at a post called Tower 22. This post is located at the spot where Iraq, Jordan, and Syria meet.

There were also as many as 50 who suffered injuries from this drone attack. This drone, which may have come from within Syria, may have escaped detection because it arrived at Tower 22 while the post expected a U.S. drone to return.

This string of attacks since October 7 is but another in a series of missteps by the Biden Administration that includes the debacle exit of our troops from Afghanistan, the billions of dollars given to Ukraine without accountability, and the mixed signals given to our number one ally in the Middle East, Israel. These miscues, which is a kind descriptive, have led to a very low confidence level in our military by Americans.

It is this confidence level that makes me rethink my stance on retaliation. If I thought that this Administration could plan and execute a significant attack on Iran or its proxy nations and be prepared for counterattacks, then I would continue to push for those attacks. I do not think the Biden Administration and our current leadership at the Pentagon can carry out this mission. In the meantime, attacks by Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis will continue, and so will the count.

One of the primary functions of the Federal Government is the safety of its people. We are not safe with Joe Biden in the White House. Whether it is destroying our Southern Border, allowing a Chinese spy balloon to traverse our country while it acquires data on our domestic military bases, or poor policies in the Middle East and Europe, we do not have a President who has our safety as a priority. President Biden and Secretary Lloyd Austin are failing Americans by their incompetence.

The facts get old because they do not change. Biden does nothing to bring about change. He claimed for ten days in January that he was in daily contact with Secretary Austin when the Secretary was AWOL. He was hospitalized but neglected to tell anyone, including the President, where he was, yet Biden claimed to have secure meetings with him every day. Who was the President meeting with daily? One leader is missing, and the other is lying, and we are supposed to have confidence in these men planning an assault on an adversary who has now killed three of our brave soldiers. I now hope that Biden does nothing.

Biden is our Commander in Chief. There should be no question as to whether he called the families of these lost heroes or would be on the tarmac as their flag-draped coffins are returned to their families, but the questions were asked. They were because this President does not always accept the responsibilities of his office. It is newsworthy this week that the President may visit East Palestine, Ohio, more than one year after the train tragedy that changed the town and people forever. Mr. Biden, your words will be hollow, and the people impacted by your performance as President do not need to hear them. They have been hurt enough.

The post Be Careful Having Biden Go After Iran appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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