The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 19 min 59 sec ago

Doubtful At Best

Mon, 2024-02-12 11:00 +0000

Americans have been very lax with their Blessings. In a country that offers so much, how is it that we take it all for granted without caring to ensure its operational integrity? No wonder that today, we are on the precipice of joining the rest of the third-world inhabitants!

Logic and common sense tell us that our freedoms all come with limitations. Think about safety on the highways; posted along with the speed is the word “limit.”
It’s required and even practical since men and women usually require controls. So, on this point, while certain acts have received freedom’s legal pass, explain the actual speech involved when burning our National flag or the value of “privacy” after becoming pregnant?

These queries are citizen-related; what about those that the citizens elect for representation? This two-sided coin meshes and thus increases the election of buffoons or worse. Once again, freedom only works properly when a responsible, alert, and informed citizenry is its guide.

For some time, those graduating with law degrees never once opened up or studied the law of our land, our Constitution. The majority of representatives have law degrees. Although otherwise upstanding, why is this law degree such an attraction for holding office to both the candidate and the voter?

This leads to two obvious injustices which have remained either unnoticed or, more likely, unknown. Over time, both have sewn a terrible web of intrigue and criminality.

The first is this weighty weapon of issuing an “Executive Order.” Its frequent defense is that George Washington issued them! Yes, he did, but what is not mentioned is that he used them sparingly and within the proper legal framework. As its title infers, they were strictly for issuing corrective measures to problems within his “Executive” branch. Today’s version of EO usage is similar to transforming a young and innocent lady into a common streetwalker!

Still, it’s a problem solver. Can’t get it through Congress? “Don’t worry about that old fuddy-duddy document from 1787 or the system of governing which has worked so well, we’ll just pass an EO!” The subsequent results from these illegal actions are the proof! And now, with the American people experiencing this abuse for so long, it’s considered routine!

The second Constitutional crime came with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment. The basic purpose of its writing was to ensure equal rights to those who were freed. So, it would seem that this needn’t be an Amendment but rather a legal directive with an expiration date. However, even the legal ratification of the Fourteenth seems questionable given the late Congressman Lawrence P. McDonald’s book, We Hold These Truths.

To quote, “Three-fourths of the states did not ratify the proposed amendment, as required by the Constitution; but…Congress had the Secretary of State proclaim it ratified anyway –on July 20, 1868.” He further states, “…the Fourteenth would have foredoomed freedom under constitutional law because it conflicts so sharply with the rest of the Constitution.” Back then, it was an accepted fact that ratification by the rebellious states was a precondition to being re-admitted into the Union.

More affecting and more understandable is this asinine judicial interpretation that once an illegal enters American soil, her forthcoming baby will be granted citizenship! This interpretation directly challenges the purpose of America’s immigration process and requirements if all an immigrant has to do is to sneak in through the southern border so that her child would be automatically rewarded!

Another knock on the Fourteenth is the redundancy. It repeats the “due process clause” of the Fifth Amendment and the “equal protection clause” of its previous Thirteenth Amendment. Still, its judicial referencing continues.

Today’s Courts depend too much on this particular amendment. It has gotten to the point that it is a catch-all for so many assorted rulings. It seems that the late Congressman may have been correct when theorizing “…would have foredoomed freedom…”

Quelling any reader curiosity, Rep. McDonald is a relative unknown today since he was among those aboard the #007 flight of the Korean Airlines, which received scant media notice, simply due to the fact that it was downed by none other than our Russian trading partners.

The post Doubtful At Best appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Voter’s Regrets?

Mon, 2024-02-12 03:00 +0000

Let me first say that this statement is about the incompetent finance committee chair and my former opponent, Alderman Dowd, and not me.  I want to get that disclaimer on record before I get accused of being a sore loser. Last November, I lost to him 830-1003 with 182 undervotes.

I want to share a quick refresher of what kind of big-spending swamp rat he is, though I have a correction to offer; he’s even swampier because I mistakenly said he’s been in office since 2013.  He’s actually been in office since 2011.  Click here.

And if that didn’t wake up your memory, click here for a summary of his record as his condo association chair.

So here he is, a few months into his 7th term, which makes him even swampier than Annie Kuster, in this 4-minute video montage involving Tuesday’s BoA meeting where more money is being requested:

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Rumble(“play”, {“video”:”v49wh5l”,”div”:”rumble_v49wh5l”});

Yes, elections do have consequences, but the City doesn’t seem to take that matter seriously enough!  If the worst property tax assault doesn’t get people off the couch to go vote for a new mayor(Mike Soucy), then what will?  I’m aware that not everyone likes me, but what do all these Dowd supporters like?  I ask because Dowd previously had some respectable and qualified opponents, as I noted in my first piece here.

With filing time for the next city election, assuming we’re still having elections, being a little over 18 months from now, it’s not too early to think about recruiting an opponent that can take him out.  He’s got a lot in common with D’Allesandro, just not the “Senator Manchin-like” attributes.

Dowd is a decaying old man who’s NOT going to retire.  His political career is in desperate need of euthanasia.  Ward 2 voters need to do it for ALL of Nashua.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Some More Thoughts on Ed Markey’s Anti-Militia Bill … From Here to Wyoming

Mon, 2024-02-12 01:00 +0000

Democrat Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) has proposed legislation to address the issue of non-governmental paramilitary operations or militias (my words, not his). Our previous coverage got a lot of traction and input from readers.

Here’s one example.

10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

The militia is a state military force, and the National Guard is a sub-military force of the militia…per the above, it’s known as the organized militia.

Those individuals between 17-44 not part of the organized militia…per the above are known as the unorganized militia.

So, federal law recognizes and specifies the individuals comprising the unorganized militia. This causes a problem when trying to impose bans.

In addition, in the Constitution, there is a clause for arming a state militia when called into the actual service of the US by an act of Congress. If you read the debates in the Constitutional Convention on this clause, they said it would give Congress 3 options…it could choose…1-by the federal government…2-by their individual state governments…or…wait for it…3-BY THE INDIVIDUAL MILITIA MEMBERS. This was before the 2nd Amendment. So, there was a right to own a firearm, and since this arming clause has never been changed, it remains. This also means these individuals have the right to purchase one. In fact, because of this, it could be argued they are required to have one. If so-called assault weapons are military-grade weapons, then they could never, by general law, prevent or ban members of the unorganized militia from owning one.

Also, last time I checked, every State has a similar militia break down as the above. This opens up another argument.

You can wade through the debate and comments under my original post here. This time around, I’m sharing something else someone sent me. An article in The Cowboy Daily out of Wyoming had some interesting insight into the contradictions and consequences of Markey’s bill as currently written.

The Preventing Private Paramilitary Act of 2024 could potentially be used to ban just about any gun-related activity, Cody firearms instructor Bill Tallen told Cowboy State Daily.

Tallen cites several issues, including

  • By strict definition, a militia is “maintained and raised by the state, and must answer to the governor,” Tallen said. So, impromptu groups don’t qualify as actual militias.”
  • Markey’s bill is vague and wide open to abuse, he said. For example, it would prohibit any group to “publicly patrol, drill or engage in techniques capable of causing bodily injury or death.” – “That could apply to pressing the trigger on any firearm ever invented,” Tallen said.
  • It would allow people to take “civil actions” against those they consider to be armed extremists. “If anybody observes you doing anything that they could construe as a violation of this act, they could file a civil action against you,” he said. 
  • The bill also would make it unlawful to “interfere with, interrupt or attempt to interfere with or interrupt government operations or a government proceeding.” … “Interrupting” government operations or proceedings is also far too vague, and could be used to trample First Amendment rights, he added.”

He also suggests that tactical training, civilian live fire drills, and perhaps even school skeet shooting programs could become illegal under the legislation as written.

Given how badly this bill is put together, I’m beginning to wonder whether the Feds have some op in place that will result in a timely “militia-like” action (say along the southern border) that is meant to make opponents look bad or catalyze some amended form of Markey’s Bill to advance.

It’s not like that’s never happened before – Project Gun Runner is but one example.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Has Been Breaking The Law For Years, He Just Forgot

Sun, 2024-02-11 23:00 +0000

There is a massive gas leak at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Administration marched out a new surrogate, Ian Sam’s, to meet the Press, and he did more gaslighting than a street light on Beacon Street. He twisted and contorted the Special Counsel Report and made it quite clear Joe Biden is innocent because Joe Biden said so…Full Stop.

I love how the Biden Gang uses the term Full Stop like that gives any argument Presidential Credibility. There is a clear target on Special Counsel Robert Hurr, for he buried Joe Biden with his report. If President Biden plans on a second term, he must drive the Corvette over Hurr.

Since Trump became ensnarled in his Confidential Document case, Biden has been trying to convince us how seriously he takes the handling of Confidential Information and Documents. What he really meant was how he loves to take Confidential Papers. As a Senator or Vice President, Biden never had the authority to remove these documents from their secure locations. We now know he has been doing just that for at least 15 years and knew he was in possession of them seven years ago. To have them was a crime, and to lie about returning them as soon as discovered was a lie. That is the level of credibility we get with this lifelong political hack.

It is wrong to attempt to recap a 400-page report in a blog, but the bottom line is the President was not charged, as Trump was for the same offense, because Hurr recognized that no jury would ever find the aged old man with memory issues guilty of the crimes he should be charged for. The immediate claims of Hurr’s political motives started flying as soon as the gaslighting began, but they forgot one very important fact. Hurr wrote the report, but AG Merrick Garland had to sign off on it before it was released. Hurr might be a Trump appointee two Delaware Democrats recommended, but Garland is in Biden’s back pocket, so what is his political motive?

Last night, the White House made a tragic strategic mistake in letting Biden go to the podium after 8 o’clock unprepared and beyond his mindful hours. The Press was unusually angered, and he allowed them under his skin. His temper flared, and he again confused two countries and leaders. Gaffs? No, his mind is mush, and it is sad and dangerous to watch. One equally dangerous thing, if genuine, is how blind Democrats are to the fact this man is Bernie enjoying a weekend in Rehoboth Beach. But can we really judge the assessments of Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris, Eric Swalwell, and Gavin Newsome? Absolutely not. These Dems will say anything to get four more years out of Biden, and they have no other options at this point in the race.

This report is a binary situation. Biden should have been charged, or the 25th Amendment should have removed him. He is either guilty or mentally incompetent. Allowing him to remain in office is a threat to our national security. He has to go. And that is a Full Stop.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pelham School Budget, Child Sexual Abuse, and the Superintendent

Sun, 2024-02-11 21:00 +0000

Some Pelham residents attended the annual Deliberative Session this week. Residents listened to the details of the school operating budget that will be placed on the ballot in March. Residents will then decide if they want to support the budget as presented or vote it down. If they do not support the budget, the default budget will be the budget that will be used.

During the proceedings, one resident brought forward a motion to reduce the budget by about $17,000.00. This money is used to pay dues to the New Hampshire School Administrators Association. (NHSAA)


The NHSAA lobbies the legislature on proposed legislation that could become law. This means that taxpayers are paying for lobbyists to weigh in on legislation in Concord. But is this even fair to taxpayers?

This same week, the New Hampshire Legislative Administration Committee heard testimony on House Bill 1479. This legislation, if passed into law, would regulate the use of public funds for lobbying activities and establish certain additional enforcement mechanisms. Many taxpayers are fed up paying the salaries of lobbyists who offer one-sided political opinions on legislation—especially when they disagree with those one-sided political viewpoints.

A few weeks ago, the NHSAA lobbyist testified against legislation that would prohibit materials that are obscene or harmful to minors in school and create a procedure for removal and cause of action.

Some of the materials available to children in public schools are obscene and pornographic. One parent even testified how the books now include hyperlinks that could put children in danger by connecting them with sexual predators. HB1419 would protect children from accessing this kind of harmful material. When children are assigned Chromebooks in school, the firewall blocks pornographic websites, so why are pornographic books ok for children to access?

Taxpayers are forced to fund these lobbyists with the dues that come out of the school budget. Not only is this unfair, it’s a scam on taxpayers. Teachers have to pay for their lobbyists, why do taxpayers have to pay for the lobbyists working on behalf of school administrators?

This money could be better spent on bonuses for teachers and paraprofessionals and then eventually returned to the taxpayers in the following years.

Chip McGee, Superintendent in Pelham, spoke after this motion was made to stop paying dues to the NHSAA. He attempts to make the audience believe he’s just adding to the discussion by mentioning how the NHSAA also lobbied to change the requirement for families to fill out the FASFA before a student graduates from high school.

There is no need for this lobbying organization to attend these hearings, McGee can send written testimony himself to weigh in on legislation. That would save Pelham $17,000.00, and residents wouldn’t be paying for lobbyists who lobby against their views.

It wasn’t long ago that McGee was in the hot seat when he was working as the Superintendent in Bedford:

Superintendent of Bedford Schools Chip McGee resigned today after public outcry over his decision to authorize a district staffer to testify on behalf of Kristie Torbick, a former Bedford guidance counselor convicted of sexually assaulting a 14-year-old student in Exeter.

One would think that after hearing from a resident who has concerns about the NHSAA opposing legislation that prohibits obscenity in public schools, McGee would be a little more empathetic to taxpayers who do not want to pay for this kind of lobbying. Instead, you can see him make a compelling case to keep scamming the taxpayers by sending that money to the NHSAA. Not once does he mention anything about concern for pornographic content that has now seeped into our public schools. He just glosses over that fact and points to the NHSAA’s efforts to lobby for another Bill.

What has happened to the leadership in our public schools? Why are they so callous about sexual predators and obscene materials that are available to children? is an organization dedicated to stopping the sexual abuse of children. They explain on their website that when adults give children pornographic content, that is considered sexual abuse.

A Pelham resident says taxpayers shouldn’t fund lobbyists who oppose prohibiting the practice of sexual abuse, and Superintendent McGee makes the case that this organization did something he agreed with. Is it any wonder that trust in school officials by parents is at an all-time low?

Superintendent Chip McGee was driven out of Bedford by the parents, only to show up in Pelham. Now that he’s in Pelham, it doesn’t appear he’s learned anything from the last fiasco that brought about his resignation.

One thing’s for sure, if they have money to waste on this expenditure, we know that this district isn’t hurting for funding. They claim they need to raise the budget for needed expenses when, in fact, they are wasting money on lobbyists who do not want to protect children in our public schools. Parents and taxpayers are losing trust in their public schools, which doesn’t help public education at all. Check those declining enrollment numbers!
Source NH Dept. of Ed 

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood and its Legacy of Death

Sun, 2024-02-11 19:00 +0000

For years people have urged me, including my wife, to write a book. I would usually respond with, “Why write a book when I can promote books already in publication and better than anything I can do.” Back in 2011, we started Camp Constitution Press and reprinted a chapter of a book titled “From Farm Boy to Financier” by Frank Vanderlip.

The chapter concerned the secret meeting at Jekyll Island, Georgia, where the plot to create the Federal Reserve was hatched. Mr. Vanderlip was one of the attendees. Since then, we have reprinted and published a number of books, including Color, Communism, and Common Sense, On the Supposed Change of Temperature in Winter by Noah Webster. (That’s right, Noah Webster refuted global warning back in 1810) and First Scout for General Patton, written by my late friend from Laconia, Bob Kingsbury. However, since my visit to the Harvard Medical School library in January 2020, I need to publish what I discovered and uncovered.

We want to thank Hal Shurtleff for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

It isn’t a massive tome, only 98 pages, and it consists mainly of transcribed letters between Margaret Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble with pictures of the originals. It also contains a little-known speech by Martin Luther King titled “Family Planning: A Special and Urgent Concern,” which was read by his wife Coretta in 1966 at Planned Parenthood’s First Annual Margaret Sanger Award Ceremony. King was the first recipient of the award. The Corporate media will not make any mention of how King and many other black leaders collaborated with avowed racist Sanger to promote birth control and later abortion in the black community.

Background to the book:

I learned about Margaret Sanger’s “Negro Project” in the book Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood by George Grant back in the late 1980s. Some years later, while doing some research for an article on Planned Parenthood, I found a copy of the letter written by Sanger to Dr. Gamble dated December 10, 1939, in which Sanger writes about the ‘Negro Project” and the need to elicit the support of black doctors and clergy. She wrote:

Page 2 of Margaret Sanger’s “negro letter.”

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

Her supporters, who are legion in the United States, tell us that this has been taken out of context. But in her book The Pivot of Civilization, Sanger advocated for “the elimination of human weeds” and for “the sterilization of genetically inferior races.” The fact that she had white supremacist and KKK member Lothrop Stoddard and Dr. Ernst Rudin, the Nazi in charge of Germany’s forced sterilization, collaborating with her, belies the claims of her apologists -one of whom is Hillary Clinton.

Get The Book: The Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood and Its Legacy of Death

In 2018, I noticed that the letter address of the letter to Gamble was Adams St in Milton, a mile or so from Lower Mills, in Boston’s Dorchester section. In November of 2018, we sponsored some speaking engagements for Rev. Steve Craft, our camp chaplain in the Boston area. I asked Rev Craft if he would like to be in a video across the street from Gamble’s former home and read the letter with commentary from both of us. And on Friday, November 30, we did so. While recording the video, it dawned on me that George H. W. Bush was born a short distance from the Gamble residence. Prescott Bush-H.W.’s father- was Planned Parenthood’s first treasurer. Interestingly enough, we got word that H.W. died that same day. The video is available on Camp Constitution’s YouTube channel.

I subsequently learned that Dr. Gamble’s papers were housed at the Countway Library, Harvard University’s School of Medicine’s Library, the largest medical school library in the world located in Boston. I visited the library in January of 2020, and while I wasn’t able to find any letters between Bush and Gamble, I did find a batch of letters between Sanger and Gamble.

Who is Dr. Clarence Gamble?

Dr. Gamble was an heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune. His grandfather was a co-founder of the company. He graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1920. He, like most of Sanger’s associates, was a supporter of eugenics and forced sterilizations. He was an integral part of both the Negro Project and the Puerto Rican Project-a program that used Puerto Rican women as guinea pigs to test the birth control pill. In 1946, Gamble founded the North Carolina Human Betterment League. In 1957, he founded what is now known as Pathfinder International, which provides “reproductive health” and services in Africa and Asia.

Rev. Steve Craft with the former home of Dr. Gamble in the background.)

The  book also has short biographies of people mentioned in the correspondence, including Albert Lasker, the man who was the primary funder of the Negro Project. Lasker was known as “The Father of Modern Advertising.”  Lasker was a Republican and his wife Mary, a close colleague of Sanger, was a Democrat.  They both lobbied for socialized medicine and federal funding of medical research.   They created the Lasker Foundation.   If you go to the Lasker Foundation’s website, you will find glowing praise of its founders.  I contacted the foundation asking for a statement on its racist roots, but I never heard back.

We were pleased and honored to get many endorsements for the book including actress Stacy Dash who starred in the move “Roe v Wade,” former abortion nurse Julie Wilkinson who played the abortion nurse in the movie ‘UnPlanned:  The Abby Johnson Story, and Ed Martin of the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.

Dr. Jefferson, with the author, 1995

I dedicated the book to my late friend, Dr Mildren Jefferson, the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School.  In the wake of the infamous but now repealed “Roe v Wade,” Dr. Jefferson said:  I am not willing to turn this great land of ours into just another exclusive reservation where only the perfect, the privileged, and the planned have the right to life.”

Sanger has been successful beyond her wildest dreams.  The black population in the United States is at a steady thirteen percent.  In New York City, almost half of black pregnancies end in abortion, and every single black Democrat in Congress supports abortion. While the founders of the modern Pro-Life Movement were primarily Catholic Democrats,  as of this writing, there is only one Pro-Life Democrat in Congress- Henry Cuellar.  There are many pro-abortion Republicans as well.  The first two states to decriminalize abortion were NY and CA, both led by Republican governors.  We hope that our book helps to shed some much-needed light on this dark chapter in our history, and our earnest prayer is that God will change the hearts and minds of those in the abortion industry.


The book is available on Camp Constitution’s website and on Amazon: The Racist Roots of Planned Parenthood and Its Legacy of Death


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Whistleblower: The Manchester VA is A Microcosm of Everything Wrong With the Federal Government

Sun, 2024-02-11 17:00 +0000

“I feel like I’ve stepped back in time.” An all-too-common phrase recited by almost every healthcare provider when they start working at the Manchester Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Medical Center after working in the private sector.  We all joke about our period of “VA culture shock,” but when the fog clears, it becomes clear that something is very wrong.

Something systemic that extends far beyond the crumbling walls of the VA.

Recently, the Secretary of VA visited Manchester VA, bringing the same recycled message of “change” that others before him have used, but with the added goal of “restoring trust,” something his predecessors have not delivered.  Veteran organizations have written some glowing reviews of the new secretary, and I hope their optimism isn’t wasted. But, working on the inside, I will say he is only one human being who is far too insulated to know what the experience is on the front lines of VA Healthcare.

This is something that plagues leadership in the VA and something many whistleblowers before me have reported. While high-level managers are insulated, they are reliant on a system of metrics, numbers, and percentages.  With a hyper-focus on metrics, the chain of command looks for ways to improve numbers to make their VA look better.  Inevitably, this leads to the manipulation of data in ways that may not even be noticed at first glance by people who are participating in a system of “we’ve always done it that way.”

In 2015, the Manchester VA produced a group of whistleblowers, mostly doctors, all with chilling tales of malfeasance and poor oversight of VA programs and metrics.  The most serious of these was the story of a doctor who found Veterans had unnecessary spinal cord injuries due to poor care or management of care by the Manchester VA.  In the end, the VA was forced to investigate after the group went public with their allegations.  When the VA reported their findings, they stated that almost all allegations were “unfounded.”  Imagine your doctor telling you that your inability to walk and the fact you wear diapers was because of poor medical care, only to have the VA outright deny this?  Knowing this doctor was one of the more well-respected pain doctors in the area, does this restore trust with the Veteran community?  These doctors blew the whistle the same year a federal court awarded a Manchester VA patient $21M due to poor management of a stroke, leading to a second, more devastating stroke.

What is often missed in reviewing these public stories about the VA is why the whistleblowers decided to go public in the first place.  The group in 2015 hired an attorney to represent them after they had exhausted all internal reporting methods, which are extensive.   Only in the public light did the VA decide to investigate, and members of Congress made promises of more oversight.  More oversight and more layers were added to an already bureaucratic system.

The obvious question at this point is, why aren’t there more whistleblowers?  I’m here to tell you there are many, many more that are swept away under the bureaucratic system of federal oversight.  This system is tasked with oversight of VA systems and investigation of whistleblower complaints.  As VA employees, we have yearly training that encourages us to “report wrongdoing.”  The training lists a myriad of oversight agencies and how to contact them with your concerns.  A new agency called the “Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection” was set up as a response to news reports of whistleblower retaliation in the VA.  Though they have already had their own scandal and accounts of bullying within, some lawmakers question this as an ineffective, redundant agency.

I spent years reporting many issues concerning the care of our nation’s Veterans to multiple levels of management in Manchester and received almost no response on most issues and never any resolution. I recall one meeting I had with a middle manager (the VA has many layers of management) and my surprise at how I only received a medicated-looking stare as I told my observations, including:

  • Poor patient care
  •  Gender discrimination
  • Data manipulation
  • Fraudulent documentation in Veteran medical records.
  • Unnecessary delays in care and treatment

Any one of these issues should have been addressed and thoroughly investigated, but in a world of mixed messaging, promises were made and not delivered.  Even after all the news stories of issues in the VA, management seemed either unable or uninterested in addressing these issues.  Before I left the Manchester VA, I worked up the courage to file a whistleblower complaint and thought I would finally get some resolution and closure on what I see as a profound injustice.  I was wrong.

In the next installment of this series, we will explore the process whistleblowers experience and how the system is set up against them.  You may be surprised what happened when I informed our elected representatives in Washington DC, of these issues.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Makes Good Government?

Sun, 2024-02-11 15:00 +0000

Hello, Friends of Freedom,

Let’s continue this week on our observance of what makes “GOOD GOVERNMENT.” Last week we discussed the foundation of all good government is TRUTH. This week, let’s look at another issue in line with truth. MORALY IN LEGISLATION.

To broach the subject of morality in today’s culture is to avail oneself of an on-slot of vitriolic speech. However, the whims of culture can never change the Laws of the universe that God has set in place for the profitability of humanity. Nature teaches us the moral code of right and wrong. It is ingrained in our psychological makeup that there is right and wrong. The scriptures do declare in numerous passages the state of human kind devoid of God’s place in their conscience. One great example is Paul’s letter to the Romans. Let’s look at chapter one of Romans verses 18-24, Here it reads:

“ For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, the did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.

Therefore God gave them up to the lust of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because the exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.”

Paul goes on to describe a culture given to practices that are neither God-honoring nor things that would advance mankind. The list of morality issues he brings out are as old as mankind. What is happening in America by government legislation is that we are advancing the lowest level of human activity to become the normal way of life. I am sure you remember the court cases in the 1970s where pornography was on trial as to its legality. A phrase was adopted that, at the time, allowed the SCOTUS to sidestep the issue rather than make it illegal to anyone other than minors. That phrase was, “You can’t legislate morality,” spoken by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, this phrase became the pass the legislature needed to continue to allow moral corruption spawned by pornography and to allow it to be protected by law as long as consenting adults are involved.

We want to thank Pastor Allen Cook for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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However, there has perhaps never been a more misguided phrase.

The truth, however, is that every law and regulation we accept to govern us has in it some inherent idea of the good it will produce for us, and others who argue against the law being passed often try to show how detrimental the law being passed can be to the well begin of the populace. There is no way that any government seeking to uphold the betterment of its people could ever say that morality is neutral. No law is morally neutral. It (the law) advances the ideas and wishes of those who are seeking to implement its execution on the population.

So, let us not be deceived, government is never neutral, indeed it cannot be. If there is not a direct purpose of good stated with laws then there is certainly an applied purpose. That purpose may be moral or immoral; however, it is never neutral.

Micah Watson, Associate Professor of Political Science at Calvin University, has an excellent article entitled, “WHY WE CAN’T BUT HELP LEGiSLATE MORALITY.” Look it up on the web.

He states that” all legislation is moral.” That is the travesty of the current climate we are facing where we are using the legalese to allow innocent children to be subjected to life altering drugs and surgical proceeders that will never make them the opposite sex but will forever make them incapable physically of being the sex they were created by God to be.

It is not good government to continue on this path of the destruction of the next generation. It is morally repugnant to destroy a child in such a manner. Yet here we are and I cannot help but hear the Apostles words of worshiping the creature, the creation apart from its creator.

I will close with one thought, well a few actually…

When you buy a product from the store as you open it there are explicit instructions on how to operate it or to assemble it, etc.,. if by any chance things are not working out you have an address and phone number too contact the manufacturer, i.e. the designer, and creator of the product. Why would you do that? Because they envisioned the product before it was created and also oversaw the actual creation of it. They know how it was DESIGNED to work. So, looking at humanity we realize that we have a creator, the facts of this are everywhere if we are willing to look honestly. We also have numerous scriptures that detail for us the design of the Creator. Two passage are: one, in the book of Jeremiah chapter one where God says I designed you in the womb to be a voice to the nations, and secondly, Psalms 39 where King David says,. you formed me in secret in my mothers womb. You fashioned me to be what you wanted me to be.

We all know that children fantasize about all sort so things, have imaginary friends, and have deep feelings as their minds are developing. What a travesty that we are not honoring the Creator in this arena. He made them male and female. Perhaps some kids are having trouble with their feelings (not their bodies?). So why not counsel and love them through the moments they are going through. Instead we are creating government agencies, spending millions of dollars on drugs and surgeries, passing destructive legislation to harm families, and ultimately impairing the beautiful way God made them to be. This is NOT GOOD GOVERNMENT!

And in closing if we have folks in government who insist on promoting the destruction of a child in this way perhaps we could lend a hand (a vote) in allowing them to return to civil life instead of legislating what they perceive as a morality that is dangerous and completely irreversible in the future life of that child.

Till Next Week….


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NewsGuard Unintentionally Helps Us Identify the Real™ Misinformation Media …

Sun, 2024-02-11 13:00 +0000

The beauty of a blatantly biased government-funded project like NewsGuard is that we can measure how much we can trust any news source they’ve audited by reversing what the scores mean.  The closer you get to zero, the more likely the content is not controlled by or at least aping the uniparty line.

As we near 100, the scope of their collaboration – deliberate or accidental becomes as clear as Vodka.

“…organizations that receive a perfect 100 from NewsGuard include The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News, Politico, The New Yorker, TIME, Yahoo! News, The Guardian, The Economist and USA Today — all rated Lean Left or Left by AllSides.”

Every one of them has been fingered in numerous acts of journalistic fraud long before the COVID lies began, and that’s the keystone. If you fail to toe the Medical Industrial Complex narrative on SARS CoV2- even today, NewsGuard will doc you on their ratings. The higher your score, the more often you spread government, UN, CDC, FDA, and WHO lies about masks, distancing, lockdowns, early treatment, why affordable drugs were blacklisted or prohibited (as in some states), or – the big one, the “vaccines.”

NewsGuard has provided us with an easy filter for unbalanced reporting that favored what amounted to State-sanctioned medical misinformation and disinformation—a canary in a coal mine.

So, NewsGuard is good for something.

GraniteGrok got a 37.5, which is not the lowest possible score, but it’s close. We got some credit for disclosing ownership, handling the differences between news and opinion responsibly, clearly labeling advertising, ensuring readers know about potential conflicts of interest, and including names and bios of authors. We got dinged for spreading misinformation (about vaccines and COVID, believe it or not), and they didn’t like how we addressed errors in articles.

We do issue corrections when necessary, but that’s unusually rare. If you’re talking about opinions, well, explain how you got your own opinion wrong, to which our response is – we let everyone work it out in comments. NewsGuard didn’t like that, but why would they? Many in the media stopped allowing comments because they can’t afford a moderator, and now they are firing everyone else. Staff are being let loose across the information landscape from papers to magazines to television.

Could it be because of their ridiculously high NewsGuard ratings? And that’s your homework assignment. If you can find NewsGuard ratings on local media, share them with us so we can educate the public on who is working at working toward the truth, no matter how messy that can be, and who is pandering to the political messaging of the uniparty.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Sen. Regina Birdsell Part of the Covid Cult?  You Decide.

Sun, 2024-02-11 11:00 +0000

Shane Sirois, a rep from the lovely red town of New Ipswich, emailed me, identifying himself as a member of the Vax Injury Caucus.  He was putting out an all-hands-on-deck call for action because SB 319 had a hearing in the Senate HHS committee on 1/10/24.  Like I’ve said before, Nashua owes red towns its gratitude for serving us unserved folks in the House.

Furthermore, Nashua is dependent on New Ipswich for senate representation, so of course, I answered the call.  Plus, I support(ed) the bill.

This bill, as you can see by clicking on the link, bans government purchasing and distribution of vaccines with insufficient human trial data, to use my own words.  I rallied up the troops in my own spheres of influence and the hearing can be viewed in this link.

SB 319 is between 4h05 and 5h22min.

Dr. Chan and his colleague appeared for this bill and must have used the word “robust” more than Humphrey Bogart said, “here’s looking at you, kid” in Casablanca.  Dr Chan also lied into the mic while answering questions, but that’s another story that you can talk to Nurse Terese about sometime.

This was my first hearing chaired by Senator Regina Birdsell, and it went smoothly for the most part, but she did voice her objection to speakers criticizing other speakers.  I’ve become somewhat seasoned at pushing the envelope when it comes to decorum, so I expressed my disdain for Dr. Chan without saying his name the moment I took a seat at the mic and referred to Jeb and Regina as “the swing votes.” (at 4h50min)  And those two “swung” the wrong way!

So it was no surprise that the committee recommendation, 4-1 with my senator dissenting, was a referral to interim study.  We all know this is the quiet way to euthanize a bill.  Suzanne Prentiss from the enemy camp presented the recommendation to the whole senate yesterday, and it was no surprise that the man with the gavel “shepherded the senate sheeple” into adopting the recommendation.

“But wait, there’s more”(on Regina), as those late-night UHF TV infomercials say.

Today, I was combing through next week’s hearing calendar in search of another bill in the same committee.  I found it scheduled for Wednesday, 2/14, along with a few others.

That was when I stumbled upon SB 402 with its lone sponsor, the committee chair, allowing pharmacists to administer The Jab.

Naturally, this piqued my interest.  And it also brought back the memory of seeing the sponsor muzzled in the senate chamber on 1/26/23.  I don’t easily forget such minutia, and I decided to look into Follow the Money dot org.

Now, it has been pointed out that taking pharma money is not uncommon on both sides of the aisle, but how much do you, dear reader, think is the maximum amount acceptable?  And what about the taker’s voting record following the donation?  It is, after all, called “follow the money” dot org, but I encourage people to also look elsewhere for confirmation.  Some suggestions would be open secrets dot org or even the Secretary of State’s office.  Do the due diligence you see fit, especially if you vote in District 19.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Democrat Dictionary – ‘Democracy’

Sun, 2024-02-11 03:00 +0000

The fun thing about the Democrat Dictionary, as infrequent as the installments are, is that no matter what the word is, it only ever means what Democrats think it means when they think it. The word Democracy is an excellent example of this.

They can’t shut up about it, Democracy. Defending it, saving it, honoring and protecting it, by which they mean their definition of it, not actual Democracy.

Democracy to Democrats is about people having the freedom to choose from a pool of candidates the Democrats allow, with the winner being whom they decide if the voters choose the wrong one (ask a Bernie supporter if I’m wrong).

So powerful is the Democrat commitment to their definition of Democracy that it also applies to the Republican Party, of which none of them are members and who would never be allowed to pick the Democrat’s nominee. While Democrats will go out of their way to pretend to be Republicans (for voting purposes) to pick the Democrat’s opponent, hoping that their candidate will win more easily.

They’ve gotten so keen on picking both nominees that in states where Democrats hold offices and power over elections, they have moved repeatedly to prevent the Republican party, a private organization, from deciding which of its candidates can be on its primary ballot – using government power over the voting process (printing of ballots) to enforce their will upon Republicans to limit whom they may choose for a candidate for President.

This is about as honest an example of what Democracy means to Democrats as you’ll ever find.

Democracy is not about Democracy; it is about using the government to get whatever it is Democrats want, whenever they want it.

And yes, we do live in a constitutional republic, which doesn’t work for Democrats, so they call it a Democracy. That and they love mobs, and there’s nothing quite like making 49.9% of the people do something because you’ve demonstrated – by fact of fiction – that you’ve convinced 50.1% to let the government do it to you.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hawaii Discovers ‘Federalism’ – Refuses to Acknowledge Bruen in Decision Requiring License to Carry

Sun, 2024-02-11 01:00 +0000

Hawaii is Blue. If not for California, it would likely be the progressive poster child for failed policy. It is run by statists who appoint statist judges, but in an odd twist, the State’s Supreme Court has discovered federalism … as an excuse to deny an individual right.

In a February 7th ruling, the high court announced that it did not have to listen to the US Supreme Court or any precedent related to its interpretation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Christopher Wilson was arrested seven years ago for carrying a handgun for protection while hiking. Being in Hawaii, he was charged with multiple firearms violations and introduced to the tedious and expensive court system. Hawaii does not allow you to carry outside “the home if you are able to get permission to carry at all. Seven years later the State’s highest court has ruled against Wilson.

“We reject Wilson’s constitutional challenges. Conventional interpretive modalities and [Hawaii’s] historical tradition of firearm regulation rule out an individual right to keep and bear arms under the [Hawaii] Constitution.”

Jacob Sullum, writing at Reason, observes (with reference to  District of Columbia v. HellerMcDonald v. Chicago, and New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, that,


The Hawaii Supreme Court thinks all of those cases were wrongly decided. In a ruling issued on Wednesday, the court sides with the Heller dissenters by embracing the view that “the right of the people to keep and bear arms”—unlike “the right of the people peaceably to assemble” (protected by the First Amendment), “the right of the people” to be secure from “unreasonable searches and seizures” (protected by the Fourth Amendment), and the unspecified rights “retained by the people” under the Ninth Amendment—does not refer to an individual right. Rather, the Hawaii Supreme Court says, the Second Amendment involves a “collective right” that is relevant only in the context of militia service.

It appears to me that Hawaii’s “historical” tradition is to selectively acknowledge rights as individual or collective based on partisan political interest. The very reason why we have a Federal Constitution, which Hawaii accepted as the highest law of the land when it joined the nation. And yes, we can have endless conversations about courts and constitutions and not following those words or these words or the vagaries of time and definitions, and it’s all legitimate grist for that mill. But at its simplest, you shouldn’t either see all the natural rights as an individual or none of them and make that case to the people so they can vote accordingly.

That’s not how any of it works because while there is some ground-level momentum toward collectivism in regard to rights like free speech, we still have some way to go to see the whole stable subdued by the creeping Marxists who love the word federalism if they can use it to deny people rights.

You can find a lot of inside baseball and background on State v. Wilson here if you like getting into the weeds.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Solution to the World’s Carbon Problems

Sat, 2024-02-10 23:00 +0000

Touting a supposed “new study,” mainstream media is advocating globalist prescriptions for climate change that would utilize existing public school lunch programs to compel children to eat unhealthy processed vegetarian alternatives to wholesome grass-fed meats or fresh local foods. The audacity and misinformation of these proposals reflect elitist disconnect from basic nutrition and soil health.

This supposedly salvific solution to the world’s carbon problems is less a “study” and more of a globalist New World Order propaganda plug. The proposal is that school lunches “may be the key to changing our food systems worldwide.” How is this to be achieved? – by sourcing artificial meats manufactured profitably by the new would-be food purveyors from chemical-saturated, environmentally-destructive agricultural production of soy and other GMO plants, to thereby wean children from having a palate for meats.

As proclaimed:

“Offering more plant-based protein such as vegan burgers and nuggets, and also beans and soy products like tofu could help to “shift social norms around meat consumption,” reads the report. ….The shift would help to reduce heat-trapping gases and pollution generated by factory farms which produce most of the meat on the planet. Livestock farming accounts for 8% of these gases, the report notes.”

The sins of factory farms are here employed to throw the cows out with the formaldehyde hoof-bath. Shifting farm critters back to rotational grazing would sequester more carbon than all the EV cars, solar panels, and soy-burgers combined. As Joel Salatin explains in The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer:

“If every farmer in America practiced this prehistoric system, in fewer than ten years we would sequester all the carbon that’s been emitted since the beginning of the industrial age. ….One of the most environmentally-enhancing things that you can do is to eat grass-finished beef. That sequesters more carbon than soybeans or corn or any other annual.” (p. 28).

The so-called “study,” created by a biased ally of the World Economic Forum, claims this beneficent shift in diet to vat-hatched meats would avoid compulsion by simply altering what kids desire:

“According to Mark Meldrum from Systemiq and co-author of the report, none of the recommended shifts are about banning the old ways.

“They are about supporting and lifting the new, to help them be as competitive and attractive as possible,” he says. “So we get to a place where we don’t need a ban, because everyone wants the new thing anyway.” ”

How un-scientific can a con-job get? Using public funds to process soy into fake-burger allocates profits to patent holders like Bill Gates, while soaking kids’ guts with microbiome-killing glyphosate. Soy farming depends not just on GMOs (and thus glyphosate) but upon synthetic fertilizers and massive amounts of fossil fuels. Allowing cows to roam grasslands is organic, and uses far less energy. And grass-fed meats are healthy for children.

Bellies of the Rich Swell Further on the Back of Hunger

The January 19, 2023 “study” carries the cutesy think-tank title “The Breakthrough Effect”:

“The three super-leverage points are: mandates for the sale of electric vehicles, mandates requiring “green ammonia” to be used in the manufacturing of agricultural fertilisers, and public procurement of plant-based proteins. These changes could trigger a cascade of tipping points, leading to cheaper batteries to help solar and wind scale-up in the electricity sector, cheaper hydrogen opening up decarbonisation for the shipping and steel industries, and reduced pressure for deforestation.”

“Systemiq” is a “partner” of the WEF, together with hundreds of bad corporate actors determined to profit from food at the expense of human and ecological health. Bayer, Syngenta, Dow and Cargill all boast their involvement.

The proposed “New World Food Order” is in plain-if-shameless sight: “Reducing emissions to net-zero by 2050 is possible if the right technologies are brought to commercial scale within the next decade.” These “right technologies” can’t compete without government compulsion. Never mind that the majority of the world’s food is provided by local peasant agriculture – more chemicals and magical (patented) technologies of the would-be corporate food-masters are proposed as the only way to save humanity.

The WEF’s Orwellian, earth-saving moniker is the “First Movers Coalition”: corporations offering to be the saviors from their own pollution:

“The First Movers Coalition’s unique approach assembles ambitious corporate purchasing pledges across the heavy industry and long-distance transport sectors responsible for a third of global emissions. For these sectors to decarbonize at the speed needed to keep the planet on a 1.5-degree pathway, they require low-carbon technologies that are not yet competitive with current carbon-intensive solutions but must reach commercial scale by 2030 to achieve net-zero emissions globally by 2050.”

A better plan would be to reduce “heavy industry and long-distance transport sectors” by sourcing food locally and regeneratively. A better plan would employ cows to rebuild soils, sequester carbon, avoid synthetic fertilizers and chemicals, disperse profits equitably to local producers, and feed children food that doesn’t cause cancer, obesity, diabetes, and endocrine disruption.

Instead, the proposal is to increase dependency on corporate food provision using government compulsion and citizen tax dollars. The name coined to summarize this Shwabian malarkey is “agritech”:

““Agritech” is a natural evolution of precision agriculture, realized through the automated analysis of data collected from the field via equipment sensors and other sources. An emerging set of smart technologies, coupled with new digital skills and enhanced data control, can help foster more forward-looking decision making and positively shape the future direction of the value chains connecting farmers to consumers. This new paradigm calls for a comprehensive evolution from traditional to digital systems, in order to reduce costs, increase efficient production, and inject greater environmental and social sustainability into agricultural activity.”

Ah, the utopian promises of those who don’t read their own Kool-aid recipes! Technomystical faith in Big Ag to “feed the world” is the folly that has created the agricultural and health quagmire in which humanity is embroiled: now the same failed systems are paraded as cure. This will surely compound corporate hegemony, food insecurity, soil erosion, water depletion, and declining human health – all in the name of “data control,” “digital skills,” “automated analysis,” and “social sustainability.”

This is labeled a “new paradigm,” but it is just old glyphosate in shiny new globalist vessels, “evolving” in a forward-profit-looking fraud that will negatively shape humanity’s future. This is the expected product of “the views of a wide range of experts from the World Economic Forum’s Expert Network and is curated in partnership with the Smart AgriFood Observatory.”

Readers are told that this corrupt path will save the planet, and that it has been fashioned by philanthropic stakeholders who only seek the public good for meat-loving youngsters:

““Cooperation in a fragmented world” was chosen as the theme of the gathering of the great and the good at Davos this year. ….EU policies should not simply be aimed at securing access, but also at minimising critical raw material needs. They must examine ways to decrease the use of all materials, improve resilience and minimise the negative environmental, health and social impacts associated with the extraction, use and end of life of these resources.”

What would most minimize critical raw material needs would be to nurture local regenerative agricultural production, not increase scale, corporate domination, and long-distance transport. Minimizing glyphosate, synthetic fertilizers, and confinement feed operations would decrease toxic raw material use. Nothing would do that more than by restoring cows and other animals to rotational grazing. (And then there is the “end of life” of solar panels and EV cars….)

Janez Potocnik, partner at Systemiq, ironically observes:

“….too few policymakers take the time to examine the root causes of a problem and to address the drivers and pressures behind it. They fail too often to see how our current system does not incentivise sustainable resource use, but encourages quite the opposite.”

Ain’t that the truth! How about the world stops subsidizing destructive monocultures like soy and corn production; stops feeding children high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats; and stops calling such barbaric and demonstrably harmful practices enlightened and world-saving?

Instead, these miscreants advise children to gobble more chemicals at school lunch tables. This is the “key to changing our food systems worldwide” …for the worse.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sen. Avard Says, Dietsch List is Doxxing, Citizens Could Sue

Sat, 2024-02-10 21:00 +0000

State Senator Kevin Avard was a guest on Rock, Paper Hand Grenades, and the topic of the Diestch list raised its amusing little head. If you missed it, former state Senator Jeanne Dietsch had been compiling a list of New Hampshire residents labeled as anti-democracy extremists (with the help of your ‘neighbors’).

We were alerted to it and made a copy before our report inspired Dietsch to ditch the list, by which I mean make it private (it had been publicly accessible as a Google Doc). Be that as it may, the current list presents opportunities for ridicule and our amusement, but when it came up on the podcast, Sen. Avard suggested that it was akin to doxxing, and he imagines that non-public citizens on the list could do a class action lawsuit against Dietsch.

That would be interesting.

Here’s the clip.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v49rqax","div":"rumble_v49rqax"});

I’m not a lawyer and do not play one on the internet, but if you are on the list and not a public person and like talking to your lawyer, get their opinion. You might have a case.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nobody Is Asking The Obvious Question … Who Is Actually Running The Biden-Regime?

Sat, 2024-02-10 19:00 +0000

The “special counsel” report, although it is being treated as a bombshell, did NOT tell us anything that we did not already know. Biden, OBVIOUSLY, does not have and for some time now (I would say well BEFORE he became the Democrat nominee in 2020) has not had the capacity to function as President.

So why is nobody asking the obvious question … WHO IS ACTUALLY RUNNING THE BIDEN-REGIME?

I believe it is Obama … albeit indirectly … through the “advisors,” “etceteras,” surrounding Biden. Your thoughts? The CIA? The WEF?

Another obvious question: Why did NeverTrump Republicans … Sununu, Mikey Graham, Kelly Ayotte, Mitch McConnell, etc., etc., etc., go along with the ruse for so long; indeed, until the “special counsel” report made it virtually impossible to continue the ruse? Perhaps Mikey Graham would like to explain to us why, despite Biden claiming he has been talking with long-dead European leaders, it took the “special counsel” report to get him to acknowledge that Biden is unfit.

And an extremely obvious conclusion: Those who continue to support the ruse … the Ray Buckleys, the Kathy Sullivans, Shaheen, Hassan, Pappas, etc., etc. etc. … neither care about America nor about “democracy.”

They care about maintaining/expanding their power and their grifts.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Florida Grand Jury Finds COVID Response Likely Did More Harm than Good

Sat, 2024-02-10 17:00 +0000

If you’d forgotten, the State of Florida impaneled a Grand Jury to determine “whether pharmaceutical companies and other medical organizations engaged in criminal activity or wrongdoing’ in their participation in the rollout of COVID-19 “vaccines.” They’ve released their first interim report.

We don’t have details on any criminal activity by big pharma yet, but don’t be surprised if further reports find a connection. The most recent release tells us that based on the Grand Jury Investigation, most, if not all, of the things you’ve been saying, reporting, or sharing about masks, distancing, lockdowns, and hospitalization are true.

We knew you knew, and we also know the folks clinging bitterly to their non-pharmaceutical interventions will say something like, this is from Florida, so it doesn’t matter. It does. The report makes time to address the makeup of the Grand Jury (random selection, like any jury) and explain their approach and process. Let’s say it appears they were more thorough than the FDA.

For reporting context, they explain cooperation issues, safety, efficiency, and the five levels of risk, including infection, hospitalization, and death. The report discusses pandemic modeling and pharmaceutical interventions, the problems with lockdowns, masks, and distancing. There’s a good bit of actual science in there, so our more progressive lurkers might want to stay away. It could damage your pandemic paradigm.

You should read it, but to generalize, lockdowns appear to have done more harm than good (surprise!). Masks, almost impossible to be worn correctly by the average Jane or Joe, did not prevent infection or spread (sort of like the COVID-19 vaccine, eh?), and while N95s were capable of some good, multiple potentials for failure likely made them useless. If you recall, we reported on OSHA rules that required training for mandating N95 and K95 masks in a workplace (ignored, of course) and how, even then, the avenues for failure were enormous.

The report also does a great job on two other points. A full review of infection and hospitalization data suggests inflation on both counts. In other words, as you suspected, the data was so incomplete as to be incapable of meaning. This problem also plagued the data on the risk to children, who were never at risk, as was often reported based solely on the skewed data provided by states. You could see it but somehow they could not.

To summarize, this is another repudiation of the experts who ignored their own science in nearly every respect.

As for their effect on overall SARS-CoV-2 risk, we cannot ignore the fact that these NPIs were not administered based on the best available scientific data. In fact, many public health recommendations and their attendant mandates departed significantly from scientific research that was contemporaneously available to everyone: Individuals, scientists, corporations, and governments alike. Often, this research was ignored by institutional policymakers. Occasionally it was even attacked. It is a sad state of affairs when something as simple as following the science constitutes an act of heresy, but here we are. Importantly, while some of these NPIs may have shifted risk to later in time or from one group to another or had some speculative efficacy against viral spread when used in perfect laboratory conditions, comparative evidence suggests they did not significantly change the overall risk profile presented by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in terms of excess death, especially once collateral consequences are taken into consideration.

The Grand Jury will release additional reports as investigations develop or are completed.

22nd-Statewide-Grand-Jury-First-Interim-Report (covid response)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Calling Out Drag Queen Story Hour and Bomb Hoax in Hartford

Sat, 2024-02-10 15:00 +0000

After watching the various townsfolk berate Select Board member Lannie Collins for speaking in opposition to fellow board member Ally Tufinkjian’s praising the Drag Queen Story Hour that was attempted to be held in downtown White River Junction, it was incumbent upon me to defend Mr. Collins.

Professor Wilfred C. Reilly of Kentucky State University has chronicled over three hundred hate crime hoaxes since the turn of the century (2000) in his book Hate Crime Hoaxes: How the Left Is Selling a Fake Race War.  The critical piece of his discovery?  The supposed victims are the ones committing the hate crimes against themselves.

This practice has come to be known as “stochastic terrorism,” which is a random type of terrorism perpetrated by those in the leftist movement to either scare or, conversely, curry sympathy and favor from those outside of it. For what it’s worth, Professor Reilly is black, which is why he speaks out against groups like Black Lives Matter for using minorities as easily manipulated pawns in their Marxist culture war game.

Also chronicling fake hate crimes is the aptly named website. Here, you can find nearly five hundred reported hate crime hoaxes and who ultimately perpetrated them. Some examples include a black woman who wrote threatening notes and painted KKK on houses in her neighborhood; activist group CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) falsely tweeted out a man was struck by a car of Israelis yelling “kill all Palestinians” when in fact he’d been beaten by his brother; BLM and Antifa activists committing arson while trying to frame the Proud Boys for it; LGBTQ activists on MIT campus hoaxing hatred to counter the school’s free speech policy; gay man found throwing bricks at a gay bar in the act of revenge rather than an anti-LGBTQ hate crime as reported.

The list goes on and on and on…

Many of us in independent media have known about these tactics now for years, however the good people of Hartford tend to live quiet lives and likely don’t take the time to investigate these things, nor are they particularly suspicious in general. Despite the activists in town pushing for Hartford to become more “inclusive” and “accepting,” I don’t know anyone in Hartford who wasn’t exactly both of those, hence the need to speak up. It may be the perfect small Vermont town for them to run their agenda for this very reason.

Which is why the bomb hoax that was obscured by an encrypted Russian server from whom the hoax emails came needed to be addressed. It very well could have been someone opposed to drag queens reading to children (and Target’s Pride Month controversy); however, the assumption that it was, which led to people bashing Mr. Collins as “insensitive” and using “poor timing,” needed to be addressed given the data.  The opposite was more likely the case – someone sympathetic to DQSH employed the terror tactic to manipulate allies in town to clutch their pearls and make a blanket accusation against anyone willing to voice their disapproval of men dressed as hyper-sexualized women reading to children.

Collins’s simple rejoinder to Tufinkjian, “Not everyone in town thought it was a positive experience,” didn’t even denounce the event but merely stated a fact.  Tufinkjian reveals her activism per children on her personal website with quotes like “disrupt them” and her commitment to “reflexive praxis,” which is a woke term for essentially programming children into Marxism, parents’ wishes be damned. Of course, she considered it positive.

However, events that elicit bomb threats are obviously not going to be viewed universally as positive, even for those not choosing a side. Yet the activist class seizes on these opportunities to usurp “righteousness” and flip the denunciations on anyone who may object.  In this case, it was Mr. Collins who was verbally abused by the townsfolk for the mere act of speaking on behalf of other town members equally concerned for children. I told them they owed him an apology.  They still do.

As for the drag queens, I shared photographic evidence of them presenting themselves online almost exclusively in a sexual context.  Emoji Nightmare’s YouTube channel includes a burlesque version of “Boot Scootin’ Boogy,” where Katniss and another woman either partially disrobe or otherwise offer sexually suggestive takes.  Another video from Emoji is simply titled “Pictures of your d**k”.  Virtually none of their online content is child-friendly, in fact it’s the opposite.  The parents in Hartford need to be made aware, given children are now becoming a predator class across the pond in the UK, where DQSH is also popular.

Furthermore, based on the Sexual Grooming Model presented by Psychology Today, it categorically is sexual grooming of children. To wit:

Stage 2: Gaining Access and Isolation

  • Involved in youth-serving organizations (i.e., schools, youth groups, scouts, sports).
  • Manipulates the family to gain access to minors.

Stage 3: Trust Development

  • Appears charming/nice/likable.
  • Has insider status/good reputation/”pillar of the community.”
  • Is affectionate/loving with a minor.
  • Gives the minor attention.
  • Engages in childlike activities (e.g., stories, games, sports, music).

Stage 4: Desensitization to Sexual Content and Physical Contact

  • Ask questions about the minor’s sexual experience/relationships.
  • Uses inappropriate sexual language/dirty jokes. (see their social media)
  • Use of accidental touching/distraction while touching.
  • Exposes their own naked body to the minor (i.e., changing/showering). (see their social media)
  • Seemingly innocent/non-sexual contact (i.e., tickling/hugging/sitting on lap).

Lastly, the activists in town trotted out the term “hate speech” both in person and on the town’s Facebook page.  This, of course, satisfies the narrative that people want to bomb them and silence an innocent group simply trying to engage children to read. I felt it necessary to remind the town that hate speech is constitutionally protected in our country and, in fact, needed. No doubt people in the room have felt comfortable voicing their hatred for Donald Trump, the war in Ukraine, anti-semitism or what-have-you.  I’m sure if someone proposed a Nazi Story Hour or Wife Beaters Story Hour, the requisite voices of denunciation would emerge faster than you could stuff a ballot box.

So, in the spirit of protected hate speech, I offered to them the things I hate as they related to the matter.  They are:

  • I hate people who practice deception
  • I hate the sexual exploitation of children
  • I hate it when the good citizens of my town are lied to by activists
  • And I hate our tax dollars being used to fund programs that unfairly malign the good people of this town as bigots

I know for a fact I am not alone in the town of Hartford for hating these vile practices.  New Select Board members will be voted in this March 5th, which can’t come soon enough.

(To watch my comments to the board, click the link to the video here.)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It is Never Too Late to Replace Joe Biden

Sat, 2024-02-10 13:00 +0000

Now that Joe has been publicly deemed unfit for testimony – making him unfit for office (which I think was deliberate) – the crat is out of the bag. Everyone can accept that the plan was to replace Joe before the November Election. It’s not a hard guess to make, honestly.

Joe was a mess in 2020. Kamala was a strategic choice to keep the DNC from replacing him sooner. But her political shelf-life expired then and there, which might be the one good thing the Bidens did for America. Harris will not be on the November ticket either, so who is? How will it happen? Who will get anointed, and when?

The J6 commission was a Hollywood-produced, made-for-TV miniseries with less credibility than most -so-called reality television. The DNC Convention will be much the same—a performance written by Hollywood writers and producers, directed like a major motion picture. The wise leader will pass the torch to someone else after his adoring fans anoint him (the appearance of choice) because of (mental) health reasons. He’s just too old for this anymore.

I would not be surprised if they rolled Joe out in a wheelchair with a male nurse.

But the Dems have to overcome a host of hurdles (messes) left behind by Biden and the Obama minions who created it, and the White House Social Behavioral and Science Team (The Nudge Unit) is likely hard at work sculpting the appearance of choice for Democrats and America that will be easy to swallow. Some say Newsom is likely a replacement, and more recently, it will be Michelle Obama. Despite her hatred of DC, she will take one for the team and finish what Barry started.

Whatever the decision, Democrat leadership never planned to make a change before the Convention (if it could be helped), and they will do everything they can to keep Joe upright for fear of a President Kamala. Harris would be worse for the Presidential election and every down-ticket seat. It would be a wipeout.

Joe could die, and they would say he was in a coma. Arrange prayer vigils as if depopulation secular humanists pray for life. Obama’s minions would continue to ruin the country while Kamal was locked down and kept out of the public eye as much as possible. Taped, highly scripted, and edited messages might be workable until the Convention.

Not that this will be a problem. I think Joe will make it to his finish line—the DNC convention, after which he will be expected to do very little as a degenerating lame duck. Eat ice cream. Sniff children. Take naps. His replacement will get all the attention.

Michelle Obama could put a fire under Democrats and might stop the electoral bleeding among black voters, but almost no one else will like the choice. The Obama years were not economically promising, and the economy is the biggest issue, so the left has a problem. Not to replace Biden but with whom. There are no Democrats who have a good record on the economy. And success will depend not so much on the person as the story. And it might not be one where Joe’s replacement can “take up Joe’s legacy.” His legacy sucks.

So, here’s where you come in. Who does the DNC choose and why? And while we are speculating, who does the new Democrat candidate pick as a running mate?

The post It is Never Too Late to Replace Joe Biden appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles: Our Tax Dollars Are Funding Chinese Pot Farms

Sat, 2024-02-10 11:00 +0000

I have been writing about the illegal Chinese Pot Farms in Central Maine for months. I have been trying to raise awareness of this dangerous situation in our backyard. These Chinese Cartel operations not only involve drugs but possibly human and sex trafficking.

I commend The Maine Wire, which has been at the forefront of this assault by Chinese nationals buying Maine properties to operate illegal drug operations not only to grow but also to export marijuana to Canada and other parts of the United States. They have been ringing the bell loudly and forcing other media outlets in the Pine Tree State to get on board. The problem has gotten worse, and maybe this will be the element that will get Mainers angry enough to demand action. The Maine Wire discovered and first reported that many properties owned by the Chinese Cartel were bought with money from a U.S. government program to assist foreign nationals to purchase property or start a business in America. To bottom line that statement, our tax dollars are funding the Chinese Pot Growers.

This Chinese operation is not unique to Maine. It is known that over 3,000 Chinese owned marijuana farms exist in California, Washington, Oklahoma, and Maine. Other states may be involved, but these are the hot spots today. Over 300 sites have been identified in Maine. Maine has liberal marijuana laws that allow the sale and use of marijuana for adult recreational purposes. This blurs the line on what is and isn’t legal, takes the attention of law enforcement away from marijuana, and places it more on Fentanyl and other narcotics. The four members of Maine’s federal delegation have been pleading for help from Merrick Garland and the Justice Department, but their pleas remain unanswered.

The Maine Wire has discovered a source for some of the funds used to purchase these Maine properties, and nobody should be pleased with their findings. Many property records indicated the funding originated from the Quontic Bank, a New York-based CDFI. Two Quontic loan officers, Steven Ho and Yang-Chan Weng, handled many of the Maine and Oklahoma transactions. These two targeted the Chinese immigrant community. CDFI was initially created by Congress in 1994 to help low-income immigrants access financing to purchase homes. COVID-19 saw the CDFI program enhanced with additional funds, and that money was used to finance homes in Maine that have become pot farms. That is U.S. taxpayer funds used to finance foreign-owned and operated illegal drug operations. Seventy of the Maine properties identified were financed using CDFI funding.

This is a very complex issue that many levels of government and agencies have facilitated. Maine made recreational use of marijuana legal, which changed the focus of law enforcement on pot usage. The Treasury Department made money available for banks to finance a substantial percentage of these illegal properties, and the Justice Department, Merrick Garland, and DHS have turned a blind eye to Maine’s issue. This complex issue will require Mainers to rise and demand the eradication of these illegal operations and the accountability they deserve from those involved.

The post Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles: Our Tax Dollars Are Funding Chinese Pot Farms appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: How Corrupt is This?

Sat, 2024-02-10 03:00 +0000

In 2023, HB 44 was a defeated bill that threatened to turn certain single-family-zoned neighborhoods into rental nightmares. However, this year comes an even worse bill, HB 1291, to be heard by a House ‘Special’ Committee on Housing on February 16.

What is the reason this bill is not being heard by the normal House Municipal Committee? Doesn’t it seem suspicious that somehow, this newly created House ‘Special’ Committee on Housing’s ten members include seven of the eight sponsors of HB 1291? Would we be wrong to think that 7 of the 10 members are already necessarily biased?

We want to thank Jane Aitkin for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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There is NO way this bill will get a fair hearing. This kind of manipulation (forming special taxpayer-funded lobbying groups and committees) is typical of Sununu and his developer cronies after they fail to pass unsavory bills the normal way.

Please help us stop the the eradication of NHs SF-zoned neighborhoods. It’s not only an attack on the middle class but an attack on the family.

Voters should contact the committee before 2/16 using the House portal expressing OPPOSITION to this bill. If the date of the hearing has passed, email the full committee.


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The post Night Cap: How Corrupt is This? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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