The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 1 min 26 sec ago

Chuck Morse’s Only Chance To Mass Up Kelly’s Coronation

Fri, 2024-02-16 01:00 +0000

The NHGOP gubernatorial primary looks more like a coronation … of Kelly Ayotte … than a primary. Ayotte regularly rolls out endorsements from establishment-officeholders and focuses on the Democrats, while Chuck Morse runs the traditional NHGOP-establishmentarian lose-gracefully campaign.

The only chance that Morse has of “massing up” Ayotte’s coronation is to talk about the proverbial elephant-in-the-room. The on-appeal education funding decision that as a practical matter, orders the Legislature and Governor to raise state taxes by half a BILLION dollars. More specifically, Morse’s only chance of “massing up” the coronation is to unequivocally state that he will NOT comply if the Supreme Court upholds the trial court.

This is the last thing that Ayotte wants to talk about because at the end of the day her position is not any different than her Democrat rivals. That is, she will comply if the Supreme Court upholds the trial court. The only difference will be what tax or mix of taxes she supports versus what her Democrat rivals would support.

But don’t hold your breath waiting for Morse to call out Ayotte in this manner. It’s not happening … because he is an empty suit. Ask him what he would do if the Supreme Court upheld the trial court, and you’ll get the standard stump pablum about his strong support for education freedom accounts and local control of education.

I’d almost bet that Chuck’s campaign already has his concession speech written.

(I, of course, understand that Governor Ayotte’s response would be, “We need a constitutional amendment, blah, blah, blah.” But without super-GOP-majorities in the House and Senate … which is inconceivable … it will be impossible to pass an amendment that does not include enormous concessions to the Democrats. So, calling for an amendment is essentially a way of saying, “I will comply.”)


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bad Information Leads to Bad Policy

Thu, 2024-02-15 23:00 +0000

Confirmation bias is something we all need to be wary of. We all tend to look for things that support our presupposed notions. It’s a dangerous psychological trap that it takes some intellectual discipline to combat. It requires listening to and understanding counterarguments. This is not a discipline practiced very often – if ever – in our State House these days.

Case in point happened on February 8th in the Ways & Means Committee when Cristobal Young from the Cornell Department of Sociology was called in to testify about his book, The Myth of Millionaire Tax Flight, in a flagrant attempt to provide some confirmation bias to the committee’s desire to pass a “millionaire’s tax” – a 3 percent surcharge on Vermonters’ incomes over $500,000 (H.828).

Young’s presentation, in a nutshell, was that, yes, high taxes will chase away some high earners, but it’s an insignificant number. So, go for it! At his conclusion, committee chair Emily Kornheiser (D-Brattleboro) gushed, “Thank you very much, you’ve made an incredibly, I don’t want to say compelling case because you’re just sharing the research with us, but I really appreciate your sharing the data with us …. I think in our work it’s really hard to separate anecdote from data, and you have laid out the data incredibly well.”

Yeah. About that. Here’s the problem with the research and the data….

Young’s book was published in 2017, before Covid lockdowns and the explosion of remote work options. And, before the 2017 federal tax reform law that ended State & Local Tax (SALT) deductions for federal taxes, effectively raising taxes on wealthy individuals in high tax states – like Vermont – and cutting them in low tax states like Florida, Texas, New Hampshire. The SALT reform forces those who choose to live in high tax states to bear the cost of that tax burden themselves rather than pass it on to federal taxpayers across the country.

The data presented in Young’s slide show was from 1999-2011, 2000-2003, 2005-2014 – when the internet was in its infancy. And, it was primarily focused on New Jersey, where working millionaires are largely tethered to the New York financial markets, and California with Silicon Valley and Hollywood. So, let’s just say that this forty-five minutes of committee time was, notwithstanding Chair Kornheiser’s early Valentine’s expressions of schoolgirl love, largely irrelevant. Except for the fact that it served as confirmation bias for the tax and spenders.

A more up to date study done in July 2023 by the Washington Center for Equitable Growth – hardly a bastion of right wing ideology – echoed some of Young’s conclusions that high earners tend to be more firmly rooted in the communities where they are generating their wealth (ie. New Jersey based Wall Street millionaires, who, not for nothing, are fleeing even higher taxes in New York City) and can’t realistically pull up stakes. Other factors that keep wealthy people in place and putting up with abusive tax policies are children in school, friends, family, and, let’s face it, moving is a hassle. All true.

However, they did note, “… the [2017 SALT] tax reform did not cause greater numbers of millionaires to migrate. But for those already moving anyway, tax reform played a role in where they moved. In other words, taxes do not affect the decision to move, but, conditional on moving, they do influence the choice of destination—making low-tax states incrementally more attractive.” Vermont is a “destination” state. Which begs the question, are the millionaires in Vermont people who make their money here and are “stuck”, or people who moved here with their money? Church Street not being Wall Street, I highly suspect it’s primarily the latter. And thus, by implementing a millionaire’s tax will we be discouraging wealthy retirees or now-free-to-be-remote working millionaires from choosing Vermont as a destination. This would be bad tax policy for us.

The Washington Center’s research also obliterates Young’s stale assumptions about the “stickiness of places” by pointing out, “the pandemic disrupted almost every socioeconomic factor that ties people to places. Offices and schools closed their doors and moved online. Urban amenities were shuttered. And face-to-face contact became a public health problem. Many homes and apartments felt too small for shelter-in-place orders. The pandemic was an occasion to rethink the geography of work and life, especially for top earners, who could work remotely from anywhere.” Uh, yeah. That.

Young also shared a state-by-state map of where millionaires are concentrated, and one of the states painted with a very light shade of green, a very low percentage of population, was Vermont. So, while it is true some, perhaps many, millionaires may be stuck in places with high taxes because the benefits of economic opportunity for them outweigh the costs, Vermont isn’t one of those places. A point entirely ignored by the presenter and the committee.

Lastly, Young advised lawmakers to stick it to older, wealthier taxpayers and focus on policies that attract young, mobile workers who will be the millionaires of tomorrow. All well and good regarding the young and productive, but, as CNBC points out in Young, rich workers are fleeing New York and California – here’s where they’re going, the states attracting these folks are places with tech and/or financial hubs, which Vermont does not have, and/or low/no income tax states like Florida, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and Texas, which Vermont is not. Legislators can’t change that first factor, but they can change the latter! Or not.

So, if we don’t have a lot of millionaires to begin with in Vermont, they are less “stuck” here, and they already provide a disproportionately high proportion of our income tax revenue, how many can we really afford to lose? And how many can we afford to repel? We need good information to form good policy, and our elected representatives are not seeking that out. Too often they actively avoid it.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Some Quick Thoughts On The New York Special Election

Thu, 2024-02-15 21:00 +0000

Here are some quick thoughts on  Tuesday’s (2/13) special election in New York: Maybe Republican voters were happy with George Santos and NOT happy that the GOP thinks that it can and should decide who may or may not represent them.

Maybe Republican voters were not motivated to go to the polls to vote for a RINO former Democrat?

Maybe Mitch McConnell is intentionally hurting the GOP’s chances in 2024 in order to prevent Trump from being elected and, if elected, from following America-First policies. More specifically, Mitch’s sell-out on the border was a win-win for the Democrats.

If it had passed, it would have legalized illegal immigration of 2 million per year and, in addition, gutted border security and destroyed Trump’s and the GOP’s top issue.

By forcing the House GOP to block “bipartisan (in-name-only) legislation,” it gave the Democrats political cover by enabling them to claim (falsely) that they wanted to secure the border, but the GOP did NOT.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: Watch NH House Democrats Walk Out As Republican Reads Smut From Middle School Book Dems Want in the Schools

Thu, 2024-02-15 19:54 +0000

New Hampshire House Bill 1419, relative to prohibiting obscene or harmful sexual materials in schools, is on the floor of the NH House today, and it’s causing quite a stir. The bill prohibits material that is obscene or harmful to minors in schools and creates a procedure for removal and cause of action.

Republican Bill Boyd reportedly introduced a floor amendment to gut it. That amendment died a glorious death 358 – 17. Rep. Cordelli (Actual Republican)then used the opportunity that followed for debate to read graphic excerpts from a book found in NH Middle School.

Rep. Marjorie Smith (Democrat) objected. The vote to stop Rep. COrdlelli failed, after which Democrats, who want this crap in the schools, began walking out.



The bill has since been tabled with the help of 7 Republican defectors (It can be pulled off the table at any time (when the majority thinks it has the voted to pass it or kill it, as the case may be).


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Evidence on How Obama’s CIA Created the Trump Russia Collusion Hoax

Thu, 2024-02-15 19:00 +0000

For most of our readers, this headline has something of the “Sky is blue” or “water is wet” feel to it. If there are no children around, you might just say No Sh!t. It’s that obvious, and we’ve known for a while, but the show was, until this week, speculation and good guessing.

Matt Taibbi and Michael Schellengerger have released two reports this week outlining how multiple sources confirm how the CIA started the Russia Collusion Hoax. It goes something like this.

Multiple credible sources say that in the run-up to the 2016 election, the CIA asked foreign intelligence agencies — specifically the “Five-Eyes” group of nations — to spy on a list of 26 Trump campaign members. It was a setup, so that the CIA could cleverly evade U.S. laws against domestic spying. Specifically, the CIA asked the other governments’ spooks to try to develop relationships and interactions — called “bumping them” in the spook business — with each of the 26 Trump officials. That gave the FBI a legal predicate to “monitor” the 26 Trump campaign members, since they were interacting with covert foreign intelligence agents, which brought the Trump team within FISA and allowed Obama’s DOJ to wiretap and spy on them.

We had also postulated early on that the Mar-a-Lago raid was not about illegally retained classified documents in including files related to the nuclear umbrella, but a cover to search for something incriminating Obama (Clinton and Biden, among others). Trump still had his presidential security clearance months after the raid, so nothing in his possession was illegal or warranted an on-camera raid and months of lies peddled as speculation. They could have asked him what he had or if they could look for anything in particular, and he would likely have said, sure, but that doesn’t get what you’re after or add to the speculation of wrongdoing.

Is this a good time to remind you that many of the same CIA assets were likely on the list of names claiming the now-too-late-to-matter-verified Hunter Biden Laptop was a Russian disinformation operation? That was a lie as well, and more election meddling.

The very next Day,  Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi “claimed to have evidence that Joe Biden has been coordinating all the Trump criminal cases as part of the Crossfire Hurricane coverup. I don’t need to tell you how that could affect the Trump prosecutions.”

There is much speculation about the missing binder or binders, but I have a feeling someone has them, and they are waiting for the right moment to lose the hounds. Given how the  Obama administration and its interlopers interfered with the 2016 election and the 2020 election, and hoe Biden (Obama’s puppet) is implicated in election interference vai federal lawsuits if the binder or binders were to go public before November, it would very much be a fair counter to eight years of illegal spying and interference by Obama Democrats.

It also suggests why they so very much can’t allow Trump to win.

He’d decalssify all of it on day one and send it to the press.

Some, if not most, of that is actual treason, and America still executes people for that – seizes their assets and property, blah blah blah.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Good Gun News: Committee Recommends Passage of Bill to Protect Gun Owner’s Privacy

Thu, 2024-02-15 17:00 +0000

New Hampshire isn’t waiting to see where the on-again, off-again relationship between zealous gun grabbers and credit card merchant codes for guns and ammunition end up. They’ve advanced legislation that would prohibit Merchant Category codes for firearms-related anything.

House Bill 1186 prohibits the assigning of a specific merchant category code to the sale of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, and provides a civil penalty for violations of this prohibition. This critical legislation protects gun-owners privacy and ensures that bad actors cannot use credit and debit card transactions to create a gun-registry or block cardholders from making gun-related purchases.

We’ve been following the story for a while. A few years ago, a handful of tightly sewn hoplophobic assholes (who all happened to -surprise – be Democrats) sent nastygrams to credit card companies suggesting they come up with specific codes for guns, and ammunition accessories purchased with a credit card. Data the government could request or demand providing it (or whichever third party mob they leaked them to) with dates, names, and addresses because we all know how “gun traffickers” like to use credit cards to buy firearms illegally (not!).

Within a few months, this blatant effort by states like New York and California was met with significant pushback by mostly Red State AGs.

“Americans are tired of seeing corporate leverage used to advance political goals that cannot muster basic democratic support,” reads a five-page letter sent to the CEOs of American Express, Mastercard, and Visa by the attorneys general of 24, mostly red, states. “The Second Amendment is a fundamental right, but it’s also a fundamental American value. Our financial institutions should stop lending their market power to those who wish to attack that value.”

Led by Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti along with Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen and co-signed by the AGs of Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming, and West Virginia, the letter say the monitoring and tracking of firearms purchases creates a “list of gun buyers” and the obvious risk that law-abiding consumers’ information will be obtained and misused by those who oppose Americans exercising their right to keep and bear arms.

New laws would make it illegal to create these financial gun registries, which caused the major credit card companies to pause their consideration or implementation.  The problem of addressing another hodgepodge of rules in various states would be more of a headache than listening to Letitia James whine, and since the pause in April of 2023, more states, including New Hampshire, have proposed similar bills. I have not read the others, but ours includes teeth. Tiny teeth, but they are there.

Violators have 30 days to correct records and provide proof that they are no longer in violation of the statute, but failing that, the AG can file an injunction, pursue legal remedies, and recover costs resulting from that.

Much like the knowledge that almost anyone you encounter might be able to defend themself with a firearm can deter crime, HB1186 establishes a similar understanding.  With slim majorities in both chambers, New Hampshire should be able to pass this and get it into law so we never have to use it.

But it’s there if we need it.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Two More Twists At The Southern Border

Thu, 2024-02-15 15:00 +0000

Anyone with an ounce of commonsense can see the disastrous situation caused by Joe Biden and his diverse but inept Administration. There is no longer a secure boundary between Americans and the criminal migrants streaming into the country from over 155 different countries worldwide.

Ordinarily, you do not label someone as a criminal until they have been charged and convicted for a crime. The people wading across the Rio Grande to come into America via the backdoor have committed a crime by their first action in America. There is no defense. These folks are not lost. They know exactly where they are going, where to cross, and what to say when they arrive. We know we have people on the terrorist watch list entering. Gang members, drug smugglers, people involved in sex/people trafficking, and people who are convicted felons in their homeland are among the migrants. We think we have seen it all, but two new byproducts of the Broken Biden Border were detailed this week.

Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported 37,000 Chinese citizens were apprehended as they illegally crossed the border; that’s 50 times more than two years earlier. Many of the migrants say they made the journey to escape China’s increasingly repressive political climate and sluggish economy. We knew about the Chinese Fentanyl coming across the border, killing 100,000 Americans a year. Now we have over 35,000 illegal Chinese nationals, some of whom may be feeding the Chinese cartel-operated illegal Marijuana growing that is now a national problem. These farms are now in California, Maine, Oregon, Oklahoma, Washington, Oregon, Massachusetts, Michigan and Nevada. This is a National security issue. The Maine Federal delegation has been trying since last sum3in vain to get the DOJ and DHS involved. It is almost a year of pleading, but it is met by apathy, which will solve nothing.

A very dangerous situation has been uncovered in Arizona. High school-age males are recruited to smuggle illegals across the border and transport them to the Phoenix area. These young men are paid up to $1,500 per person to traffic them into America. As many as ten bodies can be crammed into a car, which means $15,000 of dirty money for these adolescents who are now criminals, too. Transporting illegals across the border is dangerous enough, but they are dealing with the Mexican Cartel that has no respect for human life and will kill these young men in a heartbeat.

Joe Biden went to the microphone to congratulate the Senate for passing the Federal aid bill for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and Taiwan. At the same time, he blasted House Republican Leadership, who had already said the bill would not be brought to the floor for debate or vote. He went over the line when he declared anyone who opposes this bill as siding with Putin, a tyrant, and, like Trump, is against America. This President can make these obscene comments about the money to support Ukraine as it defends its borders, but he refuses to seal our border that has let in enough people since 2021 to be the 34th largest state in the country.

By Biden’s thinking, we should try Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas for tyranny.

I fear Biden doesn’t see my logic.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When It Comes To Beating Girls at Sports … He Can’t Help it, He Was Born That Way!

Thu, 2024-02-15 13:00 +0000

I wasn’t one of them, but I’ve known my share of sporty kids. Up early, lots of practice, time after school, and traveling to games or meets. It’s a considerable commitment wasted when a boy who isn’t even very good at the sport decides he’s a girl and beats them all handily.

There are a handful of high-profile examples, but this story is about a kid from Kearsarge High School who couldn’t compete in boys’ track and field. He calls himself Maelle Jacques, and he recently beat every Girl competing in the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA) indoor track and field championship.

Kearsarge Regional High School sophomore Maelle Jacques, a biological male, took first place in the Girl’s high jump competition on Sunday, beating every female in the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA) indoor track and field championship.

As expected, Jacques dominated and finished with a 5’1″‘” mark, an inch better than any other athlete in the girls Division II competition. In the boy’s Division II, the lowest high jump was 5’8″‘,” and the winning jumpers hit 6’2″.”

The problem is that Maelle Jacques is welcome to whatever fantasy about his sexual disposition he can convince others to embrace. Riley Gaines framed the matter thusly.

“Maelle” presents himself as a girl, but he has physical advantages no girl will ever have and uses them to defeat them in athletic competitions he could never win by competing with boys.

There is no honor in that. It is not an accomplishment deserving of acclaim or reward. You are taller, faster, stronger, have better heart and lung capacity, muscle mass, and bone density, and were born that way.

They…were not.

It is true that some young women, through hard work, long hours, good coaching, and attention to the finest details of a sport, can compete and win against boys or men who have little or no skill whatsoever, most of the time. Not all of the time. In the case of the Girl’s division of the New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA) indoor track and field championship, Maelle wiped them out.

The girls, it seems, were born in the wrong body … to compete against boys. And they can’t even get testosterone treatments to try and bridge the gap … that would be cheating.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Deep Dive Into the Future

Thu, 2024-02-15 11:00 +0000

January 1st, 2034, The Pacific Ocean somewhere near Hawaii: It had been ten years since Elon Musk realized colonizing Mars was not the answer to his deep concern regarding the survival of humanity. When his mind searched for an alternative answer, he took notice of how the people of Iceland had solved their energy problem.

Faced with a difficult climate and minimal natural resources, instead of looking to the radiant energy of the sun or trying to capture capricious wind energy, the Ice Landers looked underneath the ocean floor. The island’s waters were in a volcanic “Rift Zone,” and by drilling a few thousand meters below the ocean floor, the geo-environment was so hot that exposed water would immediately become superheated steam. If the rising steam was channeled through an electricity-producing turbine, carbon-free energy could be generated.

Inconsistent windmills or solar panels, which by definition are nonproductive 12 hours each day and useless on cloudy days, were not the answer to the need for dependable carbon-free energy—neither had the reliability or scalability to get the job done. Nuclear energy had the potential, but as Chornobyl and the war in Ukraine had demonstrated, nuclear power plants can, in the wrong hands, be a disaster.

Geothermal energy was the solution to Earth’s carbon-free energy need, but Musk saw the energy source as something more, the foundation on which answering the question of how to preserve humanity could be built.

Musk could not repeat his previous mistake. Tesla was a financial success, but Musk had put the cart in front of the horse. By not ensuring the availability of an unlimited carbon-free renewable energy source, mass production and use of affordable electric cars were limited.

To save humanity, Musk had to develop an alternative unlimited energy source, and Geothermal energy fit the bill. He leveraged all his experience, Tesla-derived AI, and formidable know-how to develop the new energy source. Billions in private investor money flowed and trillions in profits measured success.

We want to thank Jim Betti for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Almost the entire American West Coast seaboard ocean qualified as geothermal-rich “Rift Zones,” and these resources were developed. Musk became incalculably rich, and as renewable geothermal energy became readily available, his dream of affordable electric cars became a reality.

But it was at an undisclosed ocean-floor location near Hawaii that Musk’s vision of preserving humanity was being realized. During the same ten years Geothermal energy was developed, Musk had simultaneously worked with the American government to build a modern version of a seafloor Atlantis.

Hundreds of meters below the ocean’s surface, all the essentials needed to perpetuate life were readily available. Sea Water {H2O} was ubiquitous, and under Musk’s intense oversight, desalination had been perfected, thus providing water {H2O} for human consumption and multiple other essential purposes.

Other life-essential nutrients, Nitrogen, phosphorous, magnesium, and iron, were also readily available. In the absence of the sun’s life-giving energy rays, geothermal-produced energy was converted into sun-like energy waves. Plant roots were bathed in a soulless, nutrient-rich water-like soup, and the plants captured the geothermal-produced radiant energy by combining water {H2O} from the soup with carbon dioxide {CO2} to create energy-storing carbon-based molecules. As a side product, breathable oxygen {O2} was also produced. The plants used the captured energy to absorb other root soup nutrients and convert them into “amino acids”, the building blocks of protein. The essential amino acid lysine is not abundantly produced by plants, and without it, human life cannot be supported. This issue was addressed by harvesting edible fish and cultivating undersea chickens that laid lysine-rich eggs.

Humanity was sustained by consuming fish, plants, and eggs. The energy required for human growth was derived from using breathed in oxygen {O2} to, in effect, burn the food’s carbon molecules, creating the byproducts of water {H2O} and carbon dioxide {CO2}; Products green plants can again use to capture the Geothermal created sun-like energy rays and continue the cycle of life. To perpetuate the cycle all human and animal waste products were repurposed into the watery soup that provided the nutrients for Atlantis’s fruit and vegetable gardens.

Using Geothermal produced energy, water {H2O} was split into energy-storing hydrogen{H2} and oxygen{O2}. The energy-rich hydrogen was then used to make powerful carbon-free batteries, and the oxygen was harvested for human breathing.

If a super volcano eruption or a nuclear winter ever blotted out the life-giving rays of the sun, the new Atlantis would continue to thrive, and the ocean-floor Geothermal wells would continue to supply power to land-based survivors. Even a nuclear bomb electromagnetic pulse {EMP} would have no effect as the gamma rays and the harmful electronic particles would be absorbed by the sea. The threat of assault by foreign enemies had been addressed. The new Atlantis was protected by an impenetrable fleet of AI-programmed Hydrogen-battery-powered armed submersibles. Musk’s satellite-based ‘“Star Link” would preserve the internet and keep communication lines open.

It is only a matter of time before Geothermal energy becomes the world’s dominant energy source and an underwater city becomes a reality. The technology is already available, and the premise’s evidence-based logic carries an unstoppable inertia.

In the future, there is a very real possibility of a man-made Armageddon or a natural extinction event. In this piece, Elon Musk was highlighted as the person who could use innovation, modern technology, and Geothermal Energy to create a safe harbor from these catastrophic possibilities, a place where humanity would be preserved.

But if it is not Musk’s destiny to be the architect of this future, the world should hope the driving force to Geothermal Energy dominance and a new Atlantis is an entity with Musk-like intentions. If not, the world’s future will end up in the hands of elite socialists, totalitarian dictators, the world’s military-industrial complexes, the major fossil fuel companies, and the green energy conglomerates. None of which care about preserving even a shred of humanity, and all of which would populate their version of Atlantis with the worst this world could offer.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Menace of Sharia Law in Western Democracies

Thu, 2024-02-15 09:00 +0000

Respect for the rule of law, as it is understood and practiced by civilized people, is an instrument of convenience to be used to advantage and to be violated when it is not for the Muslim. A Muslim believes in a different law—Sharia Law: a set of stone-age rules. Violation of the non-Muslim laws, therefore, is no violation at all to a Muslim.

Under Sharia Law, the very fabric of society unravels, giving rise to a nightmarish dystopia where chaos reigns supreme. The Muslim adherents of this archaic code would then wield an insidious influence that undermines the foundations of civilization. For them, the rule of law is not a guiding principle but a mere illusion to be manipulated at their convenience. The tentacles of Sharia Law would slowly extend into every facet of society, creating an environment of fear and uncertainty.

Within the twisted worldview of the Muslims, adherence to Sharia Law is not just a choice; it is a mandate provided by their God, ‘Allah,’ a dark covenant that binds them to an evil destiny. These stone-age rules, steeped in brutality and devoid of compassion, serve as the twisted backbone of their society. Any attempt to question or challenge Sharia Law is met with ruthless reprisals, as the Muslims view dissent as a threat to their oppressive regime.

In this nightmarish reality, the concept of justice becomes a grotesque parody. Courts of law are replaced by arbitrary tribunals where the whims of the Muslims dictate the fate of the accused. Trials, if they can be called that, are nothing more than kangaroo courts designed to legitimize the preordained outcomes. The innocent tremble in terror, knowing that any semblance of fairness has been banished from this warped legal system.

Under the ominous specter of Sharia Law, the populace lives in perpetual trepidation, for these Muslims recognize no bounds in their quest for dominance. The once-stable foundations of society crumble, replaced by a lawless abyss where the strong prey on the weak without consequence. The Muslims thrive on this anarchy, reveling in the chaos they sow as the very notion of order becomes a distant memory.

In this harrowing landscape, the international community watches in horror, realizing the contagion of Sharia Law threatens to spread beyond its borders. The ominous whispers of this dark ideology reach far and wide, casting a pall over the future of civilization. As Muslims continue to flaunt the conventions of decency and morality, the world teeters on the precipice of a global nightmare, where the rule of law is nothing more than a relic of a bygone era. The question that hangs ominously in the air is whether the forces of reason and justice can muster the strength to confront and extinguish the encroaching darkness before it consumes us all.

What is incredible is the gall and audacity of devout Muslims in demanding that Western and other democracies legalize Sharia in their societies. Countries such as Great Britain, Sweden, Norway, and other European countries, as well as Canada and the United States, with large populations of Muslims, mostly recent arrivals, and ironically, drawn by the allure of democratic freedoms, are experiencing the insistent demands by Muslims to have Sharia rule their Islamic communities.

Paradoxically, they seek to replace these very freedoms with the oppressive shackles of Sharia Law. The clamor for the legitimization of Sharia within Islamic communities is nothing less than chilling; it is a testament to the insatiable hunger for dominance that lies at the core of this ideological menace.

Therefore, the audacious push for the legalization of Sharia in Western democracies is nothing short of a bold attempt to subvert the very principles upon which these nations were built. The Muslims, driven by an unrelenting desire to impose their archaic worldview, are exploiting the freedoms and tolerance of these democracies to advance their sinister agenda. It is a Trojan horse of the most insidious kind, threatening to unleash a tsunami of darkness that would engulf the bedrock values of these societies.

The Muslims, seemingly emboldened by their growing numbers, exhibit an unwavering determination to impose Sharia not only within their communities but also on the broader societal landscape. The audacity lies not just in their requests for cultural accommodation but in the blatant disregard for the principles of pluralism and individual liberties that form the bedrock of democratic societies.

In the face of such audacious demands, division looms over these democratic nations. The fabric of multiculturalism, celebrated for fostering diversity and coexistence, now faces the dangerous threat of unraveling. The Muslims’ insistence on the legalization of Sharia stands as a stark challenge to the ideals of tolerance and mutual respect that have been carefully cultivated over decades.

As the Muslims persist in their brave attempts to normalize Sharia within Western democracies, a looming question arises: Will the foundations of these nations prove resilient enough to withstand this ideological onslaught, or are we witnessing the gradual erosion of the principles that have defined these societies for generations? The struggle for the soul of democracy intensifies, and the resilience of these nations will be tested in the crucible of cultural clashes as the Muslims unapologetically press forward with their audacious demands, threatening to reshape the very landscapes of freedom and justice.

This is just the beginning, and it may seem relatively harmless to the simpletons in our midst. Yet, once Sharia is recognized to any extent, it will reach out to rule not only on matters that concern Muslims but also those that may involve Muslims and non-Muslims. Under Sharia, a Muslim man married to a non-Muslim woman can divorce the woman at will, automatically have custody of the children, and toss the wife out of “his” home with just about no compensation.

Yes, mark my words – The seemingly innocuous beginnings of the push for Sharia’s recognition are nothing short of the opening gambit in a dangerous game that threatens to engulf entire societies in its suffocating grasp. To the unsuspecting, it may appear as a harmless accommodation to the cultural nuances of the Muslim community. However, this is a calculated maneuver, a strategic move on the grand chessboard of ideology, where the pawns are the fundamental principles of justice, equality, and individual rights.

Once Sharia gains even the slightest foothold, its insidious influence creeps beyond the confines of Muslim matters, insinuating itself into the lives of both Muslims and non-Muslims. The ominous implications unfold like a dark tapestry, weaving a narrative of subjugation and injustice transcending cultural boundaries.

Under the looming specter of Sharia, the very fabric of familial relationships is torn asunder. A Muslim man, married to a non-Muslim woman, becomes a pawn in a legal game where the rules are designed to favor one ideology over another. The perverse provisions of Sharia grant him the arbitrary power to sever marital ties at will, leaving his non-Muslim wife in a nightmarish limbo.

The repercussions extend far beyond the emotional turmoil of divorce. Sharia dictates that the Muslim man, by the stroke of a legal pen, automatically gains custody of the children, stripping the non-Muslim mother of her maternal rights. This heart-wrenching separation becomes not only a personal tragedy but a glaring example of the gross injustices perpetuated in the name of an antiquated legal code.

The insidious nature of Sharia is further laid bare when it comes to property rights. The Muslim man, armed with the weapon of Sharia, has the authority to unceremoniously cast his non-Muslim wife out of “his” home, leaving her with minimal recourse and virtually no compensation. The sanctity of the family home, once considered a haven, becomes a battleground where Sharia’s brutal tenets override the principles of fairness and equity.

The implications are increasingly dire. What may seem like a benign concession to cultural differences reveals itself as a sinister ploy, threatening to dismantle the foundations of justice, equality, and individual autonomy that are the cornerstones of a just society. The ominous reality is that once Sharia gains recognition, the erosion of fundamental rights will follow, casting a dark shadow over the very essence of a fair and equitable legal system.

This is the beginning and the prelude to a disturbing descent into an abyss of legal injustice and societal upheaval.

The post The Menace of Sharia Law in Western Democracies appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Researchers Say,…Take Away the Vote-By-Mail Fraud and Trump Won

Thu, 2024-02-15 03:00 +0000

There are a lot of things the Democrats did that interfered in the 2020 election. The truth about the Hunter Bidne Laptop would have moved an outcoming changing number of votes to Trump, but then so would the absence of vote-by-mail fraud, to which a significant number of voters has admitted.

The survey shows 17 percent of mail-in voters admitting to voting in a state where they are no longer permanent residents; 21 percent filling out ballots for others; 17 percent signing ballots for family members, possibly without consent, and 8 percent reporting offers of “pay” or “reward” for their vote.

What’s more, 10 percent of all respondents to the survey (carried on a representative sample of 1,085 likely voters) said they know a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who said they cast a mail-in ballot in 2020 in a state other than their state of permanent residence.

That’s the admitted and likely fraud without any consideration for significant election irregularities involving suitcases, illegal election law changes, blocking observers, and other foolishness we’re not allowed to talk about. Add to this new research that uses what voters have admitted, and the 2020 outcome once again tips toward Trump.

“Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected,” the report’s authors wrote.

It doesn’t mean much. You’re confirmation bias is happy. You can say that what didn’t seem right to you then was not a delusion. Things were, in fact, FUBAR, or at least not right. Your guy should have won. None of which amounts to much if the same process plays out again this November.

There is a significant presence both nationally and globally that sees growing populist support for a second Trump term as a threat to any number of agendas. The opposition crosses party lines and national borders and includes Allies and enemies. The money, influence, and political pressure to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office is enormous.

Nothing is off the table, which means the people, you, me, all y’all, need to turn out in such great numbers that stealing the election becomes impossible.

That’s a tall order, given how little has been done to protect election integrity from those who would undermine the outcome.

We can whine about it, but that won’t change a thing.

The swing states have a few months left to secure the vote, and if that can’t be done, the people will have to send the strongest possible message with – as noted above- so many votes against the NWO, Deep-State Establishment order that it will be impossible to do anything but accept it.

That won’t stop them, but the alternative is an actual insurrection. we don’t want that.. but they’d love it.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Already Have Three Parties

Thu, 2024-02-15 01:00 +0000

We already have three political parties. The Democrats, the Republicans who represent Republican voters, and the Republicans who do NOT represent Republican voters. Last night’s (2/12) Senate vote on “foreign aid” is illustrative of the split: 22 “Republicans” joined with the Democrats to continue funding that kleptocracy called Ukraine:

And the arrogance of these Senate Republicans who do not represent GOP voters is off the charts. They loathe the very voters who elected them. For example:

The problem, sadly, is the GOP voter who supports these Republicans who do not represent GOP voters. I do not know the details of Tillis’ primary. Maybe the other candidates were worse, or the good candidate(s) did not have the resources to compete, or Tillis is very good at “bringing home the bacon,” or some other reason or combination of reasons. What I do know is that GOP voters overwhelmingly supported a candidate who thinks very, very little of them and, therefore, does NOT believe he needs to actually represent them.

America does not need a third party. In McConnell, Tillis, Romney, Sununu, Haley, etc., etc., etc., America already has a third party. What America needs is GOP voters in Red States to wake up and start electing real Republicans.



The post We Already Have Three Parties appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Hate Speech’ Means they Hate … Speech

Wed, 2024-02-14 23:00 +0000

There is speech that is hateful, but the people who want to use that idea to silence other opinions hate speech. Intransitive Verb: ‘ To feel a strong dislike for or hostility toward.’ The laws they want or pass are about hating speech, not hateful speech. Free speech is what they hate.

If you had doubts, the Sumer of Love and the Censorhip Industrial Complex response during COVID would have cleared them up. On the one hand, we had the government colluding with speech platforms to control political and medical messaging, all of which – not surprisingly – turned out to be truth censored to protect lies. On the other, we had BLM mobs patrolling the streets of America’s cities, compelling their approved speech under threat.

They hate your speech and hate you for not aping their own, and this was not an exception. It is the rule.

You will be made to care the way they say and say it the way they want (or else!) because what they truly hate is liberty, and they won’t stop until they’ve taken yours.


The post ‘Hate Speech’ Means they Hate … Speech appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Only New Hampshire Had A Republican Governor And Legislature (UPDATED) …

Wed, 2024-02-14 21:00 +0000


This post was updated at around 7:30 pm on 2/14 to reflect that the Sun-King, a/k/a Governor Chris Sununu, at some point today (unclear exactly when), had the woke-mind-virus “guidance” removed. While the Sun-King presumably thinks that he has put the issue to bed, he has NOT. Questions remain. Who hired the woke-mind-virus infected person who posted the guidance, and why has this person not been TERMINATED?  The original post follows    

First, tip of the hat to NH-NeverTrumpJournal for exposing another example of the woke-mind-virus taking over New Hampshire. Specifically, the “Department of Information Technology” – which I did not even know existed, has issued “guidance” called “Embracing Inclusive Language” for the State’s websites. One example is that “‘They’ is now considered a singular pronoun and should be used to replace ‘he or she’ or ‘his or her.’”

Read the linked article for more details on how the “Department of Woke-Speak” … oh! I’m sorry; I mean, the “Department of Information Technology” … is spreading the woke-mind virus. Rather than tell you here what you can read for yourself in the article, what I want to do is lament that we don’t have a Republican Governor and Republican legislature to address this. Oh, wait! We supposedly do.

Our esteemed Sun-King, a/k/a Governor Chris Sununu, could undo this “guidance” immediately and demand the resignation of everyone involved. The Republican legislature could and should defund the “Department of Woke-Speak” in the next budget. But I doubt anything of the sort will happen.

Because “that’s not the hill to die on! We have far more important fights … like eviscerating local zoning laws and building apartment buildings as far as the eye can see! And cutting taxes for rich people and businesses! Go, team-NHGOP, go!”

New Hampshire does NOT have a Republican Party. Its tombstone should read “died of fright of the woke-mind-virus.”




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Londonderry Town Manager Is Still Whining …

Wed, 2024-02-14 19:00 +0000

If you think a Town Meeting is an opportunity to show residents how hung up you are on the spanking you got (and deserved), welcome to Londonderry. Town manager Michael Malaguti is reported to have taken the opportunity to attack his detractors.

Related: Londonderry Needs a Town Manager That isn’t a Whiny Little Bitch

Town Manager Michael Malaguti began his ‘State of the Town Address’ at the Town Deliberative Session by launching into an attack against residents who have asked for accountability and transparency at Town Council meetings. Malaguti believes we are in a ‘battle for the soul of our community’ against a small group of individuals with an agenda. Malaguti also attacked former Town Councilor Deb Paul and the Londonderry Times.

A battle that includes “his” town engaging in expensive and frivolous lawsuits.


This case involves a frivolous complaint of sexual harassment, brought in apparent bad faith. The complaint was brought by the highest administrative officer of a town. He brought the complaint against an elected official to have her censured for what she said at an on­the­record, public hearing. The views she expressed, and the language that she used, was constitutionally and statutorily protected political speech. …

Instead of taking the opportunity to repent past wrongs that included lawfare and the active suppression of the right to free speech and government transparency, Malaguti abandoned bridge building and corrective internal action for a cheap shot with no opportunity for rebuttal to the same audience.

He did go on to praise a wide range of groups and individuals, but the question Londonderry residents should be asking is, when will (and the town) turn against me? It doesn’t appear to take much. All you need to do is challenge their use of tax dollars, their authority, and how they handle right-to-know requests—things citizens are expected to do to keep any level of government accountable. And you’d best do it quickly. HB1002, which would allow them to charge you for the right to hold them accountable, is co-sponsored by at least one NH House Rep. from Londonderry.

There were likely conversations about the cost of obstructing citizen inquiry and how it might be possible to profit from the practice.

They don’t want you to know, but if you do and you persist, who knows,  Malaguti might whine about you asking your public servants uncomfortable questions.

You might even want to make that a goal.


The post Londonderry Town Manager Is Still Whining … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2024-02-14 17:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***















Applies to a lot of people these days.




A set-back, not a defeat.  Remember, these people are MISSIONARIES dedicated to One World Government rule.  They’ll not give up – ever.
















This is not just protecting Killary.  This is in-your-face double standard time.  All meant to demoralize you.






The operative word is HOW.




You want people to get shot?  That’s a really good way.  Better yet, you strap on a piece and body armor and you go do it.






Me at 3 AM after a bladder call.  Ugh.








We have guests coming this weekend.  Tongue-biting time.




Did we really win WWII?









In reading some books about nutrition – specifically, Why We Get Fat – he discusses how heart disease, etc., exploded in primitive societies when traders came in with processed flour and sugar as trade items.



















Don’t forget the bugs!  Apparently chitin is tremendously delicious to cancer cells.




Ouch!  But true.







Their bank accounts examined too.





I’ve only ever mounted Old Glory wherever I live.  That or the Gadsden flag.  If I can ever afford it I want to get a flagpole out, with the American flag.












Sons and daughters.





Cut & pasted verbatim from my Jarhead friend (will have a better selection on Friday):


This next section is all about the coming war in America.  Call it a civil war, or an invasion, or an insurrection, or whatever, but it’s coming:

I read this comment by Colin Powis on this article:

and I think this is the most likely scenario if Trump gets re-elected:

Begin comment:

COLIN POWIS If Trumps avoids assassination (or a strange unexplained plane crash), and if he can get ”early mail in voting” banished from those six crucial swing states, and actually win the election, then the Dem gangsters will simply incite a real ”insurrection” on the streets in every blue or swing state . They’ll call out their defacto street militia with the BLM morons and make it clear to every recent “migrant” that Trump intends to deport them; they will form a diabolical street alliance to intimidate police and essentially control the streets of major cities, thereby giving the Dems the pretext they need to declare a national emergency and refuse to hand over power to a Trump government. The Dem gangsters would rather spark a civil war than ever have Trump as president again . This is the undeniable direction this is heading to. There could be two parallel governments at the same time and Trump’s first act as president could be to declare martial law and send in the National Guard to start shooting the leftist anarchists rioting in the streets. If Trump were to become President again, the first thing he’d need to do is close the border, then cut off all funding for the Fifth Column of migrants who have invaded the country.  Suddenly this is not just the specter of a civil war between blue and red, it’s a potential war against feral third world migrants with a sense of entitlement.  It wont take much for the Dem gangsters to incite them against conservative citizens and ”white supremacists ” who want to deport them.  In fact the recent Hamas surprise attack on Israel could be a blueprint for future Muslim/ Migrant attacks on Americans.

End Comment

The globalists have been planning the demise of America for a century or more, and we are in the end game now.  These elites (many in government) KNOW that they will be targeted by Trump and his administration, as well as any American Patriots in general.  THAT’s why they are fighting so hard to keep Trump out of the White House.  Like the above comment says, if by Divine miracle Trump actually gets re-elected in November, it would not surprise me if the Marxist’s start openly arming the 8 million to 30 million illegals, and (like it says above), telling them that if you don’t fight for us, you’ll be deported (at best) and maybe killed.  There’s a lot of time between the election in November and the Presidential swearing on January 20th, and these forces could very easily “set the country on fire” (maybe literally) to destabilize it.

Add to that the 400,000 (could be more) military aged males from China who snuck in through the southern border, so they are ALREADY here:

China, seeing an opening, could easily activate this army.  Imagine if just 1% of those Chinese infiltrators (that’s 4,000 active agents) start sabotaging our infrastructure*.  Bridges blown up, power grids shut down, water systems poisoned or shut off, banking systems collapsing, cell networks dead:

Is ANYONE in America prepared to fight on the scale these numbers are showing?  All of our military, even if you include the Coast Guard, the National Guard, and ALL the Reserves only make up about 4 million or so.  Law enforcement adds another 2-3 million, giving us MAYBE 7 million uniformed fighters, but that’s stripping ALL assets from our overseas bases and bringing them home.  And also assuming that our new “woke” military doesn’t just throw down their arms and surrender.  Some of them might join the leftists…

Even if our military fights FOR us, the only REAL hope we have is that  American Patriots who have guns will form militia’s and FIGHT BACK.  There are something like 120 million armed Americans, and about 1/2 of those are hunters, capable of dropping a game animal at 300+ yards with one shot.  But this is also why the globalists want to take our guns away, and restrict the formation of militia’s.  Figuring out ways to prepare for the coming war and save our country is what keeps me up at night.  Lately I’ve been working on “grid down” comms, and I’m currently studying to get my ham radio license.  What would you do if you woke up and the internet and all cell phones were dead?  Better think about it, as it may be closer than you expect.

Spicy time approacheth.  Find your steel.



* Added.  A paragraph from this essay.  Now, multiply that across the US.  Every. Major. City.

The scariest single conversation I’ve ever heard in my life was five Special Forces guys having a fun thought exercise about how they would bring a major American city to its knees. They picked Chicago, because it was a place they’d all been. It was fascinating, and utterly terrifying. And I’ll never ever put any of it in a book, because I don’t want to give crazy people any ideas. Give it about a week and people would be eating each other (and gee whiz, take one wild guess what the political leanings of most Green Berets are?).

Similar dinner conversation once, with a bunch of SWAT cops from a major American city, talking about how incredibly easy it would be to entirely shut down and utterly ruin their city, with only a small crew of dedicated individuals and about forty eight hours of mayhem and fuckery.




Pick of the Post:



I know I’ve said this before, but… think of the power you desire.  Now imagine that power in the hands of your political opponent.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

TikTok Banned On Federal Phones Except Joe’s

Wed, 2024-02-14 15:00 +0000

Joe Biden declined an offer from CBS to sit for the traditional Super Bowl interview with the President. This is the second year he has opted to pass on the tradition. To be fair, Trump passed on two Super Bowl interviews while in office. He claimed there was no way he would be given a fair and unbiased session. Biden knows he will be treated with kid gloves but cannot get through an unscripted interview without serious blunders. With Biden’s horrendous press conference last week after the release of the scathing Special Counsel Report, there was no way Biden’s staff would let him go in front of 100 million viewers. To do so would be political suicide. So, instead of appearing on CBS, Biden turned to X and TikTok to get his message out on Super Bowl Sunday.

Biden has lost his grip on just about every voting block. Seniors, Spanish, Blacks, Browns, Reds, Jews, and even women do not support Biden. The young voters are pulling for the Grandfather in the Oval Office because they still believe Biden will forgive their student loans. That is the group he was speaking to on Sunday by using X and TikTok. Let me take on the X reel first. Biden used this opportunity to record a defense of Bidenomics and blamed the industrial machine for taking advantage of consumers. He points to food items like chips, candy, and juice drinks as examples of companies shrinking product size rather than raising prices. He has coined this practice of Shrinkflation. This practice has been in play for years, and because you can only price certain items like snacks and drinks to a certain point. I went to a convenience store last week and bought a bag of potato chips, tortilla chips, and a jar of salsa. The total for the purchase was $17. I was ticked, but not at the store or even the vendor. I was ticked at Joe Biden, who has forced companies to raise prices or shrink sizes.

Joe Biden is an anti-business President. This is partly arrogant and primarily ignorant of economics. You cannot raise taxes, minimum wages, fuel, and utility prices and then blame the industry for increasing prices. Biden thinks he can force the industry to bring prices down. That is not the President’s or government’s role in a capitalist economy. Joe, you created this situation; now, as you say, grow a spine and own it. His X post came across as bitter and angry, not the image he needs to portray as America’s Grandfather.

The problem I have with the TikTok post is more about hypocrisy than content. Federal employees have been forced to remove TikTok from government phones or computers. But here is President Joe Biden using the TikTok platform to communicate with America’s youth. When Karine Jeanne-Pierre was questioned about Biden’s use of the Chinese-owned platform, she blew off the questioner, claiming this was Candidate Biden and not President Biden ranting on TikTok, so she could not discuss it further because of the Hatch Act. What a crock. Biden signed the bill banning federal employees from using TikTok. I don’t care if Papa Joe uses TikTok to sell his Corvette. He has no place anywhere near the CCP app. This is another example of a two-tier system where rules apply to all except the Bidens.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Are Tired of The Left’s Parentalism Call Them Out On It

Wed, 2024-02-14 13:00 +0000

As advocates for inherent or inalienable, natural rights, the things government shall not infringe, we find the increasing censorship, the narratives about pre-bunking, misinformation, and disinformation … disqualifying characteristics for anyone pursuing public office. It is parentalism, and it needs to stop.

Parentalism is the government or its advocates insisting that you are incapable of something you do every day. Filtering out the truth from fiction, fact from fancy. The state and its allies (media, big tech) must protect you from content that might mislead you … into believing that they are the colluding, misleading, lying, censorious bastards bent on controlling you, your labor, your actions, and the way you are allowed speak and think.

Speech codes, compelled speech, blocking, suppressing, or limiting public expression should all be challenged when suggested or promoted.

Why do you think your constituents, the people, are too ignorant or too stupid to work through the facts on their own?

Better yet, what makes you, or those you’ve chosen or accepted for this task, better suited? If your voters are too stupid to know right from wrong, how could their representative be any better? You, by all rights, are a reflection of their will, and if they are too ill-informed to sift the news, you can’t possibly be much, if at all, more capable.

But you think you are, which makes you the more dangerous idiot because you are the reflection of them with government power, which you have demonstrated a keen interest in abusing.

The result is a system of governance that increasingly treats its people like children, from telling it what it can see or say to medical decisions and whether you even have rights at all and, if so, when and where.

Reinforcing this relationship by re-electing people who foment it will only make matters worse. And while there is a reasonable argument that we’re past being able to vote our way to clean election, you can still do it at the local level.

States have rights, and one of them is to tell the Feds to go to hell. It can refuse to enforce federal laws that contradict state law or the Constitution, and while that won’t always look the way we’d like (Hawaii denying 2nd amendment rights, for example), that culture is likely the only thing standing between you and tyranny from sea to rising sea.

They do not know better what is best for you, your family, friends, or the local community they were allegedly chosen to protect, but if you don’t call the parentalists in government, it will only get worse.


The post If You Are Tired of The Left’s Parentalism Call Them Out On It appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Investing in Crypto

Wed, 2024-02-14 12:00 +0000

Even though the crypto market has cooled off a little since 2022, the public is still interested and investing in different digital currencies and stores of wealth. Crypto is an exciting investment and trading option that can be very lucrative. However, everything can be undone by simple mistakes that many people investing in cryptocurrencies, even those who have been doing it for some time, make.

Forgetting Password and Seed Phrases

Every crypto wallet requires a password to access. Forgetting your password means the crypto inside it becomes irrecoverable. Many wallets come with seed phrases that can help with recovery if you forget your password, but forgetting this too effectively means your cryptocurrency will be locked away forever.

The best thing you can do, besides creating a strong password, is to keep a copy of your seed phrase somewhere safe where no one else can access it and separate it from your wallet. Ideally, store it in a locked and protected folder on your computer or phone so it is inaccessible if a malicious actor gains access to your devices.

Not Taking Advantage of Available Access Options

The most common ways of accessing cryptocurrencies are through a website, software, or trading platform. But did you know there are additional physical options for doing the same? Options like the Tangem Bitcoin ring make it easy to pay for everyday items easily by tapping an NFC-enabled device.

You get the same convenience a card or cash affords you while enjoying the same security you would when accessing your accounts and funds through a secure website or software. The best thing is that these access options do not require constant access to the server, eliminating a common vulnerability point when paying with crypto.

Accessing Your Wallet On A Public Network

Even though network security has come a long way and man-in-the-middle attacks are not as common as they used to be, there is still a chance of someone intercepting your details when you access your wallet on a public network.

A good security measure is to never connect to a public network, whether accessing your crypto wallet or simply browsing the internet.

Not Knowing About The Latest Scams

Because of how many people do not know about crypto scams, users have lost billions of dollars in the past two years alone, with over $700 million stolen in 2021 alone. These scams can range from simple pump-and-dump schemes to more sophisticated phishing attacks. With phishing attacks, malicious actors can access your wallet to drain it or trick you into sending them crypto.

There are also scams where a legitimate-looking website asks you to log in and connect your crypto wallet to trade. If you give them permission to access your funds or act on your behalf, there is a significant chance you will lose everything in your account.

Cryptocurrencies are still relatively new for many people even though there is a lot of interest around them. Those new to this market are more likely to fall into known traps or make simple mistakes that can lead to huge losses. Knowing where the pitfalls are and what mistakes to avoid remains the best way to protect yourself and your crypto.

The post Avoid These Common Mistakes When Investing in Crypto appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Critical Race Theory: Flawed From the Start

Wed, 2024-02-14 11:00 +0000

Racism is part of every culture and always will be, to some extent, part of the human condition. The issue is how we react to it, no different than the sexes.

The first source for a definition of CRT that I found was Britannica, which says, “critical race theory (CRT), intellectual and social movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category.”

The logic fails right out of the gate. I hate to tell you this, but race, ethnicity, and sex are biologically grounded features of physically distinct subgroups of human beings. We have always been taught that humans are different but all the same on the inside. That is the way it has been taught and the way it should be taught.

According to two of the founders of the new CRT, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, “Races are products of social thought and relations. Not objective, inherent, or fixed, they correspond to no biological or genetic reality … races are categories that society invents, manipulates, or retires when convenient.”

This also goes beyond logic. Discrimination goes far beyond just that. Short and tall people, fat and skinny people, and intelligent and less intelligent people all have discrimination issues. In many cases, unconscious bias does not kick in until someone speaks or stands up, or in the case of the handicapped, when they can’t stand up.

And there is another group discriminated against, the “Physically Disabled” versus the “Physically abled.” These differences are clear and obvious and cannot be ignored. As Humans with the condition of being aware of differences, we need to learn to be accustomed to the differences and just live with them without prejudice.

Today we have people trying to overcome true science to deny differences in sex. It is scientifically impossible to change a person’s sex. As for living life as One, I am not religious, but if Adam, the first human male, and Eve, the first human female, did not see the differences, the human race would have ended there.

The post Critical Race Theory: Flawed From the Start appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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