The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 15 min 37 sec ago

ICYMI – Democrat Rep. Uses Her Baby As Prop While Promoting ‘Right to Abortion’ Amendment on House Floor

Fri, 2024-02-02 13:00 +0000

Vermont passed a Constitutional Right to personal “reproductive liberty.” Advocates called it a right to abortion, but it still doesn’t say that, and it has yet to confront any sort of legal challenge, but New Hampshire Dems wanted one for themselves. They just didn’t have the votes.

Grok author and state Rep. Judy Aron documented yesterday’s failure. “CACR 23, which sought to enshrine the right to an abortion in our state constitution, failed to get the necessary 3/5ths votes to pass. The roll called OTP motion failed 193-184.” Prior to the vote, a Democrat rep from the People’s Republic of Keene named Amanda Toll carried her newborn down to the Well to speak to the chamber in favor of the proposed Amendment.

I’m sure someone is snipping the video as I type this, and we’ll add it if that’s the case (but Rep Aron was there and is a credible witness), so how weird is that? Look at this beautiful new life – how about we enshrine killing them before birth in a document we otherwise find tedious and restrictive and ignore unless it suits our effort to undermine it?

On that point, props are prohibited when speaking before the body, including babies, but Rep. Toll is reported to have done it anyway, and rules are for everyone else, I guess. But on-demand, conception-to-birth abortion holds a special place in the dark hearts of its advocates.

Despite New Hampshire law being more liberal than most of the free world, that’s not enough. And disagreeing despite similar or more restrictive laws in 149 countries (where abortion on demand is illegal) makes you the extremist.

Not so much. But if you’d like to promote your own extremism, by all means, bring a newborn to work to help make your opponent’s case.

They needed a two-thirds majority vote to advance the amendment. They barely broke 50% but did it with the help of seven Republicans.

  • Bickford, David(R) Straf. 3
  • Bordes, Mike(R) Belk. 5
  • Mason, James(R) Merr. 3
  • Phinney, Brandon(R) Straf. 9
  • Proulx, Mark(R) Hills. 15
  • Vandecasteele, Susan(R) Rock. 25
  • Wolf, Dan(R) Merr. 7

No Democrats voted against the proposed Amendment.

And if any women from Vermont are reading this, and they lost a baby they wanted to keep after being rail-roaded into getting the COVID vaccine, your constitutional right was likely violated.

Just sayin’.


Edited after publication. I grabbed the wrong Rep. It has been corrected.

The post ICYMI – Democrat Rep. Uses Her Baby As Prop While Promoting ‘Right to Abortion’ Amendment on House Floor appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/1/24)?

Fri, 2024-02-02 11:00 +0000

We learned that this was the first day we began tackling our 2024 bills. Before we did that, though, we welcomed our two newest members of the House, Rep. Sean Durkin (R- Coos Dist1) and Rep. Mike Murphy (R-Gorham). We also took some time to remember the Hon. Suzanne Smith (D-Grafton 8), who passed away in early January 2024.

Suzanne served in the New Hampshire legislature from 2008 until her retirement in 2022. She had many interests, including dancing, hiking, reading, and singing, and she was involved in a myriad of activities serving her community. She will be missed.

We learned that a bill that passed on January 4th was brought back for reconsideration after Rep Michael Cahill (D-Newmarket) filed a motion for reconsideration before noon on January 5th after voting on the prevailing side (and probably being chastised for it by his caucus for doing so). This was HB396, which allows for the state to recognize biological sex, such that it permits classification based on biological sex in lavatory facilities, locker rooms, sporting competitions, and detention facilities. The vote for reconsideration failed with 190 NO to 187 YES. So the bill now continues on its way to the next locker room… umm, I mean committee.

We also learned that the House wants police vehicles to be clearly marked. The motion to ITL HB1237 was defeated 213-162, and then a floor amendment was adopted (2024-0345h) by a voice vote, followed by another voice vote to pass the resulting bill. The bill establishes a requirement that any police vehicle purchased after Jan. 1, 2025, must be clearly marked and labeled as a police vehicle in order for it to be used in traffic law enforcement. Proponents of the bill claim that higher police visibility reduces crime. That remains to be seen (literally).

We learned that HB1372 sought to make torture illegal, even though it is already illegal in the US. Proponents felt that a state law would supplement already existing federal law. The bill was ITL’d 319-58. I now wonder if this federal law can be applied to having to sit through some of the floor speeches we heard today.

We learned that the OTP motion for HB1520 was defeated 193-184 and then subsequently killed on a voice vote. This bill would have established a program to purchase, refurbish, and transfer ownership of used vehicles to recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). Proponents felt that giving used vehicles to TANF recipients would put them on the road to employment and self-sufficiency. However, opponents felt this would be better achieved through private charity rather than through the state and its taxpayers. Additionally, there’s no stopping the recipients from selling the car, nor were there measures to prevent fraud. Plus, if they are needy, then how can they afford costly future repairs, insurance, etc? This bill was what I call “the Oprah bill”… you get a car, and you get a car, and you get a car….

We learned that we had a bill before us today for which Rep. Lucy Weber (D-Walpole) pleaded with us to pass it “For the Children” (yes, she literally said that). It was HB1068, which would require blood level lead testing for kids entering daycare and public schools. The House killed it 190-189, with the Speaker voting to break the tie in a roll-called vote. This is the same bill that was passed last year by the legislature (HB342) and then vetoed by the Governor with his message, “This bill raises the threshold for children who enroll in New Hampshire’s public schools and is an unnecessary barrier to entry.” I think that with all the talk about abortion going on that perhaps our liberal friends should change their mantra to “It’s for the children that we haven’t aborted.”

Speaking of abortion, we learned that CACR 23, which sought to enshrine the right to an abortion in our state constitution, failed to get the necessary 3/5ths votes to pass. The roll called OTP motion failed 193-184. Rep. Amanda Toll (D-Keene) took her week-old baby daughter with her to give her floor speech in favor of this constitutional amendment (even though we are not allowed to use props while speaking at “the well”). Following her was Rep. Marjorie Smith (D-Durham), who also supports unfettered abortion despite it being “a long time since she has been in the reproductive business” (her words, not mine). It’s also “for the children” – you know, “so they have a choice.” Interestingly enough, there were a lot of problems with the wording of this amendment, but besides that, NH already has the most lenient and reasonable abortion law in the country and provides that a woman can get an abortion for any reason up to 24 weeks (that’s six months) and any time thereafter if there are fetal anomalies or the mother has a health issue. It’s sad that our liberal friends are so hell-bent on having third-trimester abortions for any reason up until the time of birth of a viable, healthy human… as if six months is not enough time to decide. Yet they claim they don’t have a choice.

We learned that HB1002 passed 193-179. This bill allows public bodies to charge fees for documents requested under the Right to Know law if it takes over 10 hours to gather said documents. You have a right to know, but now it can cost you up to $25 an hour for your right to know.  Word has it that on February 1, 2024 at 5:45 p.m., Rep. Lisa Smart (R-Meredith), having voted with the prevailing side, served notice of reconsideration on the motion of Ought to Pass with Amendment on HB1002, which the House passed on a roll call vote of 193-179.  So this will be coming back next week.

We learned that HB1230 was killed 240-133. This bill would have established a committee to examine weatherization initiatives for homes in NH. As if we already don’t have several long term existing programs that deal with home weatherization. In his floor speech laying out reasons why this bill was a waste of taxpayer money and legislative time, Rep. Harrington (R-Strafford) specifically told the Speaker, “Mr. Speaker, if this bill passes, please don’t put me on this committee”. His fears were put to rest after the bill was ITL’d.

Additionally, we learned that another constitutional amendment was brought to the House. This one was CACR 13, relating to slavery and involuntary servitude. While the State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee recommended unanimously to pass this bill, there were some problems with the language, and a floor amendment was offered to clear up some vague language; language that actually could be used to interpret that carrying a baby during pregnancy could be considered involuntary servitude, as could some other endeavors. To clean that up, the floor amendment (2024-0385h) took the exact wording from our US Constitution 13th amendment (replacing the words US with NH) and sought to use that version in this bill instead. That amendment, unfortunately, died 201-168 on a roll call the vote. The underlying bill was then passed by the House 366-5 (roll called). Interesting to note that on this same date in 1865, the same issue was debated in the US Congress.

We also learned that an attempt to abolish/nullify the military draft in NH failed 266-101 for HB1338.

Then, we learned that HR21 also failed 226-138. This would have been a House resolution to affirm the NH militia as outlined in articles 24 and 25 of our state constitution as well as the US Constitution’s 2nd Amendment. The members who wished to ITL this bill believe that although they recognize the constitutional right to organize a state militia independent of Washington DC, the NH National Guard already operates in that capacity for our state, and this bill was not necessary.

We also learned that HB1391 passed 241-123, which would allow vehicles purchased in the model year or before to be inspected in the second year after purchase. 241 members thought that you shouldn’t need an inspection sooner than two years if you purchase a brand new vehicle, especially since there are warranties and service checks involved with the purchase. Now we’ll see if the next committee will kick the tires on this one and take it for a spin.

We learned that CACR 20 was pulled off consent (ITL’d 20-0 in committee). The bill would have NH secede from the US if the national debt reached $40 trillion. NH would then declare independence and proceed as a sovereign nation. A motion to Indefinitely Postpone this bill passed 341-24, so it cannot be brought forth again until the 2025-26 legislative biennium.

Finally, we learned that HR 20, reaffirming the friendship between Taiwan and NH, passed 354-6 in a roll-called vote. This was another bill pulled off consent. NH does about a quarter billion dollars worth of business with Taiwan. This resolution reaffirms this important relationship.

There’s more to come next week as committees are furiously trying to get through their mountain of bills! Stay tuned! And remember… It’s for the Children!

The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/1/24)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The February Fundraiser – 2024!

Fri, 2024-02-02 09:00 +0000

Another February is here, as is another February Fundraiser. How is this different from all the other fundraising we do – non-stop, all year? It rolls off the tongue better than most other months – and this year, we have a different goal.

We’d love to add at least one hundred new subscribers, giving at least 10.00 each month.

Yes, we’d love to see one hundred $25.00 subscribers or even one hundred $50.00 a month subscribers, and if that’s you, we appreciate it. We have a 100.00 a month donor for whom we are very grateful, but we need to find a few more. So, here we are, rolling with another February Fundraiser, hoping to beat last year’s numbers via subscribers.

We raised 5k in February of 2023

One hundred new subscribers would help us make this year’s goal, but it would be fair to ask, what do you get for that 10, 25, 50, or 100-dollar monthly gift?

A media outlet that offers news and opinion without the Machine Media filters. We are not beholden to anything but principles. We share divergent pro-liberty opinions so readers and commenters can debate the merits. We allow whistleblowers anonymous bylines. We don’t censor debate or comments, but for a few rare exceptions – and fewer now than ever.

We cover stories no one else touches and share public opinion pieces other media won’t publish – every day, 365 days a year, with no days off. Holidays, sick days, birthdays, even “vacation days. We provide new original content every single day.

And we are working on keeping the promise of a site refresh, an ad-free subscription option, and a better mobile experience. We have expanded into Vermont and are reaching into Maine because tyranny has taken hold, and liberty needs a stronger voice.

We will accept donations of any size, but we could also use a  few large-dollar sponsors who can step forward each year with the understanding that the donation does not buy them more than what we’ve outlined – Independent media committed to defending Conservatarian Constitutional principles without regard to person or party.

That will be worth something different to every person, but I hope it’s worth enough to support it here.

Gratefully and with much thanks.

The post The February Fundraiser – 2024! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Camp Constitution Announces Ladies’ Fourth Annual “Spring Fling”

Fri, 2024-02-02 03:00 +0000

Camp Constitution Ladies’ Fourth Annual “Spring Fling” will be held at the Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, Alton Bay, NH from Friday, April 12 to Sunday, April 14, 2024

Our guest speaker will be Dr. Felecia Nace. Dr. Nace is the author of several books, including the book: Top Down Confusion: Is Gray the New Pink in Education? Her presentation explores mixed messages in education that filter down from the government, which leaves educators. Dr. Nace is a former language arts teacher of the Montclair Public School District, NJ. She was also employed as an Education Specialist for 13 years at the New Jersey Department of Education, worked for five years as an adjunct professor at Mercer County Community College, English Department, and is currently the Executive Director of Partners 4 Educational Change, an education consulting firm.

Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases to
Submission is not a guarantee of publication – Publication is not an endorsement.

Activities include arts and crafts, Bible studies, optional marksmanship training, and an evening campfire. The cost for the weekend, which includes two nights of lodging, five meals, and materials, will be $200. per person. Payments can be made via our PayPal account accessed from our website’s homepage or by check payable to Camp Constitution and mailed C/O Hal Shurtleff146 Powder Mill Rd. Alton, NH 03809. To get an application, bring list, or have any questions, please E-mail or call Hal Shurtleff at Tel (857) 498-1309

News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Hal Shurtleff (857) 498-1309

The post Camp Constitution Announces Ladies’ Fourth Annual “Spring Fling” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

White Non-Progs Need Not Apply

Fri, 2024-02-02 01:00 +0000

You probably are aware that America’s military, under the Biden-Regime, has had serious retaining and recruiting problem. It’s a case of the proverbial chickens coming home to roost. More specifically, white non-progressive males … those not-into-preferred-pronouns, safe-spaces, staying-woke, and who don’t want to hear any more of the psycho-babble about whites have oppressor-genes that make them bad, etc., etc., etc. … are not reenlisting and not signing up.

Perhaps this is exactly what the Biden-Regime wants? Perhaps the Biden-Regime does not view the military as a shield to protect America from foreign enemies, but rather as a sword to be used against those Americans who don’t share their insidious ideology … such as the white warriors who aren’t staying and aren’t signing up?


The post White Non-Progs Need Not Apply appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

WEF: Coffee is Bad for the Planet – Me: WEF is Bad for the Planet, and the People Living On It.

Thu, 2024-02-01 23:00 +0000

I’ve been drinking coffee since I was six years old. I still drink it every day. Several cups. Nothing fancy. Regular coffee with a bit of French Vanilla creamer, but I can do regular cream, sugar, milk, iced. And yes, I like coffee ice cream. Stories about coffee tend to attract my attention.

This story is about a rich white guy who wants to deprive (mostly) brown people of their livelihood by linking coffee “farming” to his false notions about carbon dioxide and its effects on the earth and its atmosphere.

“Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Hubert Keller: “The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”

As with all nutty-faux-professor presentations, Hubert isn’t interested in any of the other variables or benefits or – reality, if that’s not too bold a thing to say.  Millions of low-skilled workers, many of them in thoroughly labeled and activated victim classes, rely on coffee for their livelihood. At least a few of them live in second or third-world conditions (and not just in the second or third-world) and are unlikely to give a shit what Swiss banker thinks about anything, especially plantation work.

And they’re not alone. As an agricultural business, these workers have more in common with the farmers in Canada, the UK, Australia, India, Germany, Denmark, and the dozen other places where farmers are protesting the war on food (and now coffee).

Add to that the businesses that own and thrive on the commodity, those who invest and profit from its success, and, of course, the people who drink it.

Only one of the top ten nations for coffee consumption per person is in North America, and it’s not America.

1. Finland — 12 kg/26 lbs — Finland is the world’s biggest consumer of coffee on a per-person basis. The average Finn drinks nearly four cups a day. Coffee is so popular in Finland that two 10-minute coffee breaks are legally mandated for Finnish workers.

2. Norway — 9.9 kg/22 lbs — Norwegians drink more than three cups of coffee a day. Coffee houses are popular in Norway, and unlike in the United States, they are primarily places to socialize, not to work or to carry a drink out.

3. Iceland — 9 kg/20 lbs — Beer was illegal in Iceland until 1987, and wine is costly, so coffee has long been the most essential social drink in the country. It is customary in Iceland to offer any visitor a cup of coffee, and Icelanders have a stock reply, tíu dropar, or “ten drops,” to indicate that they just want a small cup.

4. Denmark — 8.7 kg/19 lbs — In Denmark, the word kaffeslabberas means an informal social gathering where coffee and cake is offered, often after dinner. At weddings, people will often be explicitly invited for the bryllupskaffe or wedding coffee reception.

5. Netherlands — 8.4 kg/19 lbs — Dutch merchants first introduced coffee to the West, shipping entire coffee plants from the Yemeni port of Mocha to India and Indonesia, where they were grown on plantations to supply beans to Europe.

6. Sweden — 8.2 kg/18 lbs — Swedes have a word, Fika, to describe an extended coffee break from work where you socialize with friends. Swedes spend on average 9.5 days per year having a fikarast.

7. Switzerland — 7.9 kg/17 lbs — The Swiss combined coffee and wine to create a popular drink, Luzerner Kafi, which is red wine added to thin coffee with sugar. The Swiss also created Nespresso, one of the most popular coffee brands in the world.

8. Belgium — 6.8 kg/15 lbs — The Belgian cities of Brussels and Antwerp have thousands of coffee houses, including Wittamer’s, which serves brûlot, an espresso drink of sugar, cinnamon, cloves, shredded lemon peel, and warm cognac set alight.

9. (tie) Luxembourg — 6.5 kg/14 lbs — Despite being one of the world’s smallest countries, Luxembourg has thousands of coffee houses, from elegant houses with white linen table cloths to small, stand-up coffee bars.

10. (tie) Canada — 6.5 kg/14 lbs — The only top ten consumer not located in Europe, Canada spawned one of the world’s first coffee chains, Tim Horton’s, which makes three out of every four cups of coffee sold in Canada.

Those numbers are a few years old, and Americans do consume more coffee in aggregate, followed by Germany, Japan, France, Italy, and Russia. There are more of us to do it, and we’re only half a cup or so away from climbing the top ten and perhaps already have if that’s a goal worth pursuing.

In contrast, how much carbon do Swiss bankers emit annually and not just travel to Davos with just a hop, skip, and a jump for them but everywhere else – a haul for the rest of the planet? A literal army of private jets and the debauchery of a globalist lifestyle that we are meant to ignore because we feel it is necessary for some greater good.

That good would be as self-interested as that of those who live and work in the coffee industry, except that they are not trying to destroy your livelihood. In fact, what they do helps make you more money – and enjoy the odd cup of coffee, not that your program will prevent either of those things from continuing to happen.

That’s what makes you more dangerous. None of this has anything to do with the planet, it’s all about centralizing the global economy.

In Switzerland, perhaps?


The post WEF: Coffee is Bad for the Planet – Me: WEF is Bad for the Planet, and the People Living On It. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Thu, 2024-02-01 21:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.



Special announcement


From now until Purim (March 23), I will have this:

Connections Israel – mentioned every post at the bottom – is formally kicking off its drive to collect funds for Purim baskets for IDF soldiers.  They are also doing barbecues and other morale events, as well as purchasing needed equipment and other items.  I’ve contributed to them for about two decades now.  Great group!

PURIM | connectionsisrael

If you can and are willing, please give at least one basket.  If there’s a comment, tell them NITZAKHON sent you!   If you can, please also let other people who might also be inclined know about this effort.

Note: I give to support at least one unit of 30 soldiers every year.




Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Note that these posts do not repeat information – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok




100 days in.  The hospitals and enemedia and residents say there is no food.  That sure likes like hardship-level starvation to me!





Oct. 7 Was Worse Than a Terror Attack. It Was a Pogrom. – Tablet Magazine

Not everyone, however, was surprised by the involvement of Gazan civilians. “I don’t differentiate between them and Hamas,” Nir Shani told me. “Let me know of one Palestinian in Gaza who tried to save a Jew and maybe I’ll change my mind.” Shani’s teenaged son Amit was taken hostage and later released as part of a prisoner exchange at the end of November. Shani is from Be’eri, also home to lifelong peace activists, including Vivian Silver, the founder of Women Wage Peace, and Yocheved and Oded Lifshitz. Silver was murdered and the Lifshitzes were taken hostage. Yocheved was later released but Oded remains in Gaza. “They are people of peace who were always supporting Palestine,” the couple’s grandson Daniel said of them. He recounted how bystanders in Gaza spat on his grandmother, who was thrown over the back of a motorcycle after being pummeled in the ribs by her captors.

Overall, they hate Jews.  They hate Israel.  And they view anyone who wants actual peace and actual coexistence as traitors.  And no wonder – look at their kids shows: —

Scenes from the Dier Al-Balah market, central Gaza Strip, today (Jan. 31.)




Some “genocide”.  See the shawarma video, above, too.




Watch Host’s Face as Thomas Sowell Exposes the Real Origin of Jew Hatred



Yes and no.  Certainly I will not contradict Sowell’s depth of knowledge, but… as I’ve mentioned previously… a lot of Jews are very heavily involved in mass migration, which is winning us NO FRIENDS among many of the nations we’re “diversifying”.  Of course it’s not just us… but we’re insufferably glad and noble-sounding about it.

An Open Letter to Pro-Migration / SJW Jews – Urban Scoop





Children in Gaza beg Hamas to release Israeli hostages | World Israel News

Not that this will end the war – the leaders don’t care – but hopefully, in seeing their children ignored, it might continue to change some hearts.

Hamas denies atrocities, claims October 7th massacre was ‘legitimate resistance’ | World Israel News

Hamas justified its targeting of civilians by claiming that Israelis who will, are or who have served in the IDF aren’t really civilians.

Remember – in Islamic jihad, if you aren’t a Muslim then by definition you are a soldier against them.

US and Europe ‘calling for Israel to destroy itself,’ say military experts | World Israel News

Without any doubt many in the US and Europe would like to feed Israel to the Arabs for perceived peace.

‘Innocent’ Gazans ARE Hamas | Frontpage Mag

Understand who we’re dealing with.  Hamas is, in general, not an aberration but supported widely.  How do you make peace with a population whose vast majority wants you dead?  Related:

THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS: Virtually every school and mosque in Gaza has weapons around

Israeli Arabs and Druze Fighting For Israel (







Just like Mohammed himself who shared loot to incentivize his followers.




From here:

Hamas took this picture minutes after they killed his mother, Adi Kaplon. How can anyone defend this evil?






WATCH: What Hamas’ arsenal looks like | World Israel News

I can imagine all the anti-gun people, who would have the vapors at seeing even a fraction of this in the US, cheering this.

Why Does Islam Abuse Women? — It’s the Doctrine, Stupid! | Gates of Vienna

And yet women seek to support these abusers in droves.  I simply do not get it.




WATCH: Pro-Palestinian protesters don’t know what they’re fighting for | World Israel News

They have no clue.  It’s just the “new thing” for them.  Look at this video with the bearded guy on the Left.  I doubt he has any idea what he’s chanting or calling for.


Gazan propagandists rely on their leftist supporters’ ignorance – American Thinker

Another example.



Ethnic Cleansing and Crimes Against Humanity | Frontpage Mag

Putting things into scale.

NBC News Responds to FrontPage Story by Pushing ‘Anti-Palestinian’ Hate Crime Hoax Again | Frontpage Mag

And the media would rather push the lies, myths and smears than finally tell the truth.

In English and Arabic, Two Versions of the Death of Tawfic Abdel-Jabbar (

Gullible is not in the dictionary for the enemedia.




‘Long live the intifada,’ Columbia students chant in NYC | World Israel News

They’re here already.

Sweden: Three Muslim Migrants Rape Underage Girl | Frontpage Mag

This is how a country commits suicide. The ruling political elite in Sweden, afraid to publicly recognize the menace within that it has helped create by allowing in large numbers of Muslim economic migrants, wants to put off the day of reckoning when the public finally is made aware of the scope of the Muslim problem. But despite their machinations, including attempts to punish such intrepid researchers as Khoshnood and Sundquist, that day is coming. It can’t come fast enough.

Cease Verbal Violence Against Us Say Italy’s Jews

And abuse in Washington DC – two Jewish mourners are harassed as they leave a service:




49 of 51 Senate Democrats sign bill for Palestinian state | World Israel News

Completely ignoring the multiple times they’ve been offered a state.  Related:

Biden leveraging weapons sales to force Israel to scale down Gaza war – report | World Israel News

Yet another reason why, after this is done, Israel needs to voluntarily wean itself from American support.



Biden to Israel: Forget your existential concerns; I’ve got an election to win! – American Thinker

With the 2024 election heating up, and younger people plus the growing Muslim “D” demographic, The Potato is going to be under enormous pressure… and will pressure Israel in turn.



‘I Am an Antisemite’ | Frontpage Mag

In France too – pandering to the rising demographic.

The U.S. Campaign to Oust Netanyahu –

As far as my appreciation of Bibi has fallen, I’ll give him this: he’s not kissing the US’ ring.  And overall, long-term, confirms my thought that Israel needs to be weaned from US support.

Did Biden’s State Department really freeze funding to UNRWA? The answer is a big NOPE and here’s why… – The Right Scoop

The article points out that Trump suspended all funding to UNRWA in 2018 but Biden reversed that decision and has given the terrorists 1 billion since 2021. Now it appears we’re going to continue funding current projects and who knows how much of our tax dollars are still going to be given to these terrorists.

Wordplay can hide a lot of misdeeds.

American women swoon for Houthi hot-boy (

LEFTIST American women… swooning over a dreamboat guy.

Palestinians are obfuscating history – American Thinker

Which party is doing this again?  AOC is a… what now?  Related:

AOC, Bernie Sanders call US decision to halt UNRWA funding ‘unacceptable’ | World Israel News

Squad Members Rashida Tlaib and Cori Bush Are Only Congressmen to Vote Against Bill Banning Hamas Terrorists Who Took Part in October 7 Terror Attack From U.S. | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

What party are these two in again?





Hamas TERRORISTS dressed as civilians are firing RPG on Israeli army.

Hamas terrorist in civilian clothes carrying an RPG (

And if the guy is killed they claim he was a civilian because of his clothes.  Another example (a little graphic but IMHO not too gory):

RPG holder gets splatted by IDF sniper

Note the civilian clothes again.




Just memes / images:













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Elie Wiesel, the noted Holocaust survivor, once noted “When someone says they want to kill you, believe them”.

Yet for too many in the West, they are simply unable to take people who match word with deed at their word.  Hamas, specifically, and Islam, generally, openly call for the genocide of Jews and the conquest of the whole planet.  This is ignored, as other events and calamities have been pre-announced and ignored.

If we learn one thing from history, it’s that we fail to learn from it.


The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

HB1002 Passes The House: These Republicans Voted for a New “Tax” on Public Records Access (Update)

Thu, 2024-02-01 19:00 +0000

If you missed it, we are opposed to HB1002, which would charge citizens for access to public records and, in some instances, charge them a lot for information that is theirs. We find it offensive and an invitation for abuse by the municipalities whose indifference and inefficacy resulted in the bill.

HB1002’s roots are tangled up with towns like Londonderry and Nashua. Places that go out of their way to waste mounds of time and money to make records request something people will no longer be bothered. They make it unpleasant because they don’t want government transparency. They don’t believe you have a right to see what they are doing. They will happily wait for you to sue them, which most won’t do because it is expensive, but the towns are not wasting their money.

And that works. People stop trying to hold municipalities accountable. Adding a fee to the process exacerbates the problem while turning the process into a revenue stream.

I understand that some requests will result in a legitimate commitment of time or resources, but under no circumstance should you encourage any public body to further dissuade transparency with a fine, fee, or – as I like to call it – a public records tax.

Towns most in need of scrutiny will become less accountable and profit from the practice.

The NH House has passed this bill with significant Republican support, without which it would have failed. I cannot speak to the motivations or understanding of each legislator or the reason for their yea vote.

There are more than a few excellent reps on this list, some of them friends of mine, and if any of them belong to you, feel free to ask as politely as you can why they support this. Or, better yet, why would they risk what this represents to transparent government and local accountability?


Full Roll Call here.

Abare, Kimberly(R) Hills. 1Yea
Ankarberg, Aidan(R) Straf. 7Yea
Aylward, Deborah(R) Merr. 5Yea
Ball, Lorie(R) Rock. 25Yea
Bean, Harry(R) Belk. 6Yea
Bogert, Steven(R) Belk. 5Yea
Bordes, Mike(R) Belk. 5Yea
Boyd, Bill(R) Hills. 12Yea
Crawford, Karel(R) Carr. 3Yea
Creighton, Jim(R) Hills. 30Yea
Davis, Arnold(R) Coos 2Yea
DeSimone, Debra(R) Rock. 18Yea
Dolan, Tom(R) Rock. 16Yea
Dumais, Russell(R) Belk. 6Yea
Dunn, Ron(R) Rock. 16Yea
Edwards, Jess(R) Rock. 31Yea
Emerick, Tracy(R) Rock. 29Yea
Foote, Charles(R) Rock. 13Yea
Ford, Oliver(R) Rock. 3Yea
Guthrie, Joseph(R) Rock. 15Yea
Harb, Robert(R) Rock. 20Yea
Harley, Tina(R) Rock. 30Yea
Healey, Robert(R) Hills. 12Yea
Hunt, John(R) Ches. 14Yea
Janigian, John(R) Rock. 25Yea
Katsakiores, Phyllis(R) Rock. 13Yea
Kuttab, Katelyn(R) Rock. 17Yea
Ladd, Rick(R) Graf. 5Yea
Lascelles, Richard(R) Hills. 14Yea
Leavitt, John(R) Merr. 10Yea
Lundgren, David(R) Rock. 16Yea
Lynn, Bob(R) Rock. 17Yea
MacDonald, John(R) Carr. 6Yea
MacDonald, Wayne(R) Rock. 16Yea
Mason, James(R) Merr. 3Yea
McConkey, Mark(R) Carr. 8Yea
Melvin, Charles(R) Rock. 20Yea
Milz, David(R) Rock. 13Yea
Mooney, Maureen(R) Hills. 12Yea
Nelson, Jodi(R) Rock. 13Yea
O’Hara, Travis(R) Belk. 4Yea
Ouellet, Mike(R) Coos 3Yea
Pearson, Mark(R) Rock. 34Yea
Pearson, Stephen(R) Rock. 13Yea
Plett, Fred(R) Hills. 29Yea
Pratt, Kevin(R) Rock. 4Yea
Proulx, Mark(R) Hills. 15Yea
Rhodes, Jennifer(R) Ches. 17Yea
Rollins, Skip(R) Sull. 3Yea
Smart, Lisa(R) Belk. 2Yea
Smith, Steven(R) Sull. 3Yea
Spilsbury, Walter(R) Sull. 3Yea
Stapleton, Walter(R) Sull. 6Yea
Stone, Jonathan(R) Sull. 8Yea
Summers, James(R) Rock. 20Yea
Sytek, John(R) Rock. 25Yea
Thackston, Dick(R) Ches. 12Yea
Thomas, Douglas(R) Rock. 16Yea
Tierney, James(R) Coos 1Yea
Tripp, Richard(R) Rock. 13Yea
Ulery, Jordan(R) Hills. 13Yea
Walsh, Lilli(R) Rock. 15Yea
Wolf, Dan(R) Merr. 7Yea


HB1002 moves to the NH State Senate, where we must stop it.


HB1002 will be reconsidered next week. Reach out and touch someone (figuratively) if you think they voted the wrong way.


Julie Smith contributed to this piece.

The post HB1002 Passes The House: These Republicans Voted for a New “Tax” on Public Records Access (Update) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Call D’Allesandro the “Granite State Manchin.”

Thu, 2024-02-01 17:00 +0000
Let me be clear that the enemy camp is still the enemy camp, just like the truth is the truth.  D’Allesandro voted for an income tax, sponsored the boat tax, is a fake marine, and is the senior swamp rat.  The word “senior” is twofold.

At 85, he’s only beaten by Ruth Ward, who turned 87 last fall. But “Captain,” as Jeb often calls him, has been in office since the late 90s. And before that, he’s had multiple other offices, including the executive council. And he shouts into his mic like a toddler having a tantrum.

Now that I got that disclaimer out of the way, I’ll say something nice, starting with yesterday’s NH Journal article on him defying his teammates.

I’ll use the word “teammates” because we’re talking about sports. He supports SB 375. As to not regurgitate all that was said, I direct you to open the link to read it yourself and pay particular attention to the comparison to an “other side of the wall” counterpart, Rep Jonah Wheeler.


We want to thank Julie Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

While I really don’t have an opinion about pot bills in general, D’Allesandro is Senator Murphy’s flip-side counterpart. Senator Murphy is regularly viciously attacked for voting for pot, and there’s unconfirmed word out there that his recent legal ordeal and attack on his reputation can be tied to the Manchester police chief. A quick internet search shows Chief Aldenberg to be a Senator Murphy constituent, but I digress. Let’s get back to Manchester’s swampiest senator, D’Allesandro. Is “Senator D” to use another Jeb-ism, subject to the same harsh treatment by his own clan? My research comes up with a big nothingburger. Be that as it may, anyone in the enemy camp who breaks rank with their ilk deserves praise.

I’ll offer two more items of interest, one being that he spoke out against last year’s anti-Christopher Columbus sentiment, as I noted in a previous article.

Also in that article is the other item. D’Allesandro was the frontman in nominating Scanlan to keep his job on Organization Day. While that event might be a distant memory for some, his fellow Manchester swampster, Donna Soucy, nominated Scanlan’s formidable opponent, Ms. Melanie Levesque. More on her another time. She needs to be watched like a hawk because even though Ming is taking her place BEFORE the election, she will likely try again for Scanlan’s job AFTER the election. Melanie should not yet be written off as irrelevant.

And I’ll finish with this nightcap; while I would expect D’Allesandro to vote for his crappy former mayor to be our next governor, he did approach me in the state house hallway to offer his (presumably sincere) praise for Chuck Morse when he saw me sitting on a bench outside the gift shop and wearing a shirt that says “Chuck Morse’s voting record matters.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Legislators Will Need to Screw Ratepayers a Bit Harder if They Want Offshore Wind

Thu, 2024-02-01 15:00 +0000

Blue State Governors have been scrambling to pad their resumes with whale-killing offshore wind projects on ocean-area “leased” by the Biden administration. But no amount of subsidies has made them even appear profitable, and caps on rates in at least one state have become a deal breaker.

Ørsted, a key corporate player in the Biden administration’s offshore wind agenda, has backed out of the Maryland Public Service Commission’s (MPSC) orders approving the company’s Skipjack 1 and 2 projects off the Maryland coast, the company announced Thursday. The company said that inflationary pressure, high borrowing costs and supply chain problems have combined to make the state’s subsidies economically unviable, but that it is not yet abandoning the projects and will continue to pursue permits, according to a regulatory filing with the MPSC. …[AND!]

“The statutorily-mandated caps on the residential ratepayer impacts have very little room left,” an MPSC spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation. The state cannot raise those caps in the absence of legislative action, the spokesperson added.

What sort of impacts? Ørsted canceled projects on the coast of New Jersey last fall, but Governor Murphy isn’t giving up. He’ll have windfarms on his resume, or else! The ‘or else’ is the taxpayer-backed subsidies followed by those electric rate increases they need in Maryland.

The newly-contracted projects are also expected to increase utility rates in the state. Residential electricity rates are expected to jump by $6.84 per month, commercial rates would increase by $58.73 per month and monthly industrial rates would rise by $513.22, according to E&E News.

As a longtime observer of government schemes, I can say with some authority that some zeroes are missing from these numbers. The subsidies, handouts, and incentives will increase, as will the rates. Niggling details in the pursuit of any boondoggle with which the peasants need not show concern about how politicians waste their money.

And don’t overthink it with ideas like, what if we take away the fake free money? Will investors and manufacturers find something else to do with their time and resources? Build a natural gas pipeline or invest in fracking infrastructure?

That’s not what we are faced with, and despite wind advocates making wind even less affordable and viable, they want what they want, and it’s not their money they are wasting (on both sides of the equation. It belonged to you, your children, and your grandchildren.

I’d look for Maryland to find a way to make Offshore Wind happen without regard to cost (to wallets or wildlife), just like in New Jersey.

Bonus: Unrelated to wind but related to the debate: The Fossil Fuel Hoax.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The People Are Responding To The Border Crisis

Thu, 2024-02-01 13:00 +0000

We really should stipulate as to whether the millions of migrants that have crossed our Southern Border are a national crisis or the result of Joe Biden’s plan to destroy our sovereignty. The answer depends on which side of the political fence you live. The Left does not believe in borders or sovereignty, so to them, this wave of humanity is the new normal.

To those of us on the Right, we have to decide where to begin to list the problems with Biden’s border policies. Our country is being invaded. Joe Biden will not stop the assault. Biden is preventing the states from protecting their borders and residents. The people have had enough, and a convoy of citizen truckers left Virginia yesterday and are on their way to the Southern Border to draw attention to the crisis the Media is keeping from the people.

Many of us are frustrated seeing the videos run daily on FOXNews showing people, mostly military-age males, wading across the Rio Grande, climbing under the concertina wire, and surrendering to the Border Patrol. The Border Patrol is no longer defending our Border as they did under the Trump Administration. Under Biden, the Border Patrol is tasked with processing the migrants and setting them on their way to every state in the country. The Mainstream Media has been suppressing the reporting of the crisis at the Border and the impact of this mass migration on every state in the country.

The big rig truckers are drawing on the success of the Canadian trucker convoy during the pandemic, and they are on their way to the Border with separate events planned in Texas, Arizona, and California. They hope the magnitude of the convoy will be too much for the Media to ignore. They are called the “Take our border back convoy” or “God’s Army.” It is a volunteer group that is looking for truckers who want to save our country to join the convoy. The bigger, the better. This convoy is a peaceful demonstration with the sole purpose of forcing the Mainstream Media to come to the Border and turn on the mics, lights, and cameras. There is no interest in an altercation, and the convoy will have its own security team to ensure the safety of the truckers, their families, and their rigs.

Truckers, especially independent drivers, have been hurt badly by Biden’s energy policies and the threat of having to convert to an EV rig in the next ten years. The cost of fuel has cut into the profitability of the job, but the thought of having their rig rendered obsolete and the cost of EV conversion is too much to absorb. They have been pushed too far, and their frustration is turning into action.

We will soon know how effective God’s Army will be as they plan to hit Eagle Pass, Texas, this weekend. Eagle Pass is the epicenter of the battle between Texas Governor Abbott and Joe Biden. It is the perfect location for the convoy to make a maximum impact. Biden may think he has the upper hand in this Border chess match, but there is no way he foresaw God’s Army riding into town. My money is on the Army, and here’s to them for having the spine to take on the President. God Bless and Godspeed.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A “Gmail-Blocking-Our-Newsletter” Update, and Other Minor Housekeeping …

Thu, 2024-02-01 11:00 +0000

Gmail users and others who have similar issues might have a surprise in their inboxes by Monday. After a few misstarts, an issue with the process on the server side, and some clarification in a procedure (how it should really get done), updated instructions have been embedded in the system.

What does that mean? No idea, but the result could mean that email providers who have blocked the Grok Newsletter will allow it to pass.

Those who were not could start getting the Daily ‘Grok by the beginning of next week – but possibly sooner. If you happen to be one of those, and many have written to tell me as much (thank you), keep an eye open and let me know if you do begin seeing it again.

There were some DNS issues as well as some needed .txt file updates to DKIM and DMARC.

In other news

The scaffolding is slowly rising around the current ‘Grok so that the new look and feel can get underway. I’ve no exact schedule and our date of rebirth, but there are slow signs of progress as we work out the changes that should improve the experience. Yes, the ad-free subscription version is still in the plans.

The ever-present need to beg for donations slides out of January and into the February fundraiser. This is still a reader-supported project, which means raising money to pay for everything, including that which will allow me to make ends meet.  It’s a challenging situation in an economy like this to have to ask for money at every turn, but it can’t be helped. We need your support. Subscriptions work best, and if you had one on the old PayPal, please move it to the new one.

One-time donations are (of course) always welcome; they fund most of what happens here, and I am forever grateful for every dime. Thank you.


You will see a tag for MaineGrok at the bottom of posts in the existing environment, and that will be the best way to find Maine-related content until we put the new page up (as part of the site refresh). I’m also looking for grassroots content creators in Maine with a conservatarian filter. If you are aware of any brave souls in Vacationland doing the reporting the machine media will not, please point me in their direction.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: The Reality is, ‘We the People’ Live in a Fantasy World

Thu, 2024-02-01 03:00 +0000

The reality is that We, the People, live in a fantasy world and are under the assumption that everything will be all right. But it won’t be. Individual Americans are often outmanned and outgunned by the powerful globalists who are in charge. Lone Rangers win only in make-believe movies.

In real life, governments, institutions, and organizations are the ones that prevail. They have the funds to buy the services of the media and employ lawyers, politicians, and mercenaries of all stripes.

Let us keep in mind that there are not many differences among the D.C. Beltway elitist class politicians of either party. The elitists have crafted their own version of the universe and want you to see our world through their lenses, political deception, and tactics that they have prescribed for you to see. Political elitists despise patriotic Americans as they did the Tea Party activists. They have carefully manufactured smoke and mirrors for their subjects where citizens think and act as though they have political choices, thus perpetuating the myth of democratic participation. Commentator Walter Lippmann, on numerous occasions, spoke of this type of control over the masses.

You may ask yourself, how do we know that? Well, it is obvious. Just ask yourself, why have the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates like the Council on Islamic American Relations (CAIR) not been placed on the list of terrorist organizations? Most of us know that Islamic law is practiced in some parts of the U.S., and we know that Sharia law is incompatible with our laws and the U.S. Constitution.

Again, nothing has been done to stop it in its tracks! Islam, like Communism, Nazism, and other isms, is ideological to its core. It still retains its poisonous ideological connection with Nazism and the Arabic version of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and its fictitious propaganda.

The reality is that We, the People, live in a fantasy world and are under the assumption that everything will be all right. But it won’t be if left unattended, like this.

The post Night Cap: The Reality is, ‘We the People’ Live in a Fantasy World appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State Senator Melts Down After Learning She Can Only Vote Herself a 42% Pay Raise.

Thu, 2024-02-01 01:00 +0000

Voter anger over the VT Democrats 2023 bill to double their own pay and give themselves a generous benefits package on top has led to some backpedaling here in 2024. The latest version of the new pay raise bill would only give lawmakers a 42% pay raise (about $6000).

Watch a whining, sarcastic, entitled Sen. Becca White (D-Windsor) meltdown and, among other things, call such a piddling windfall a “tough pill to swallow.”

This from a person who voted for every tax she could on her constituents – the carbon tax on home heating fuels, she’s the lead sponsor of gas and diesel carbon tax bill, she voted for the payroll tax that will hit us this July, she voted for the education spending bills resulting in the estimated 17% property tax increase, she voted for the 20% rise in DMV fees…. But complains that her getting only an additional $6000 per year from those same taxpayers will cause her “financial stress.”


Cry me a river, you entitled brat.


RobRoper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, You Were Saying That Trans and Queer People Sexually Assault Children?

Wed, 2024-01-31 23:00 +0000

From the “pay no attention to the transman behind the curtain” file, we have this massive self-own from an individual who was concerned about a law in Florida that would allow the death penalty for those who sexually abuse children.

You, me, and almost everyone else agree. Leave the kids alone. But that’s not the direction in which the progs have dragged the culture. Groomers and predators have more rights than parents or child victims. Daring to stand up for kids gets you labeled as a hater. But they happened to be 5×5 in Florida and moved on the issue. The legislature and governor were willing to take a stand.

If molesting kids is your hill to die on, then we’ll consider killing you.

Such a hot topic begets a not-so-hot take.

@prshirtz, alleged to be an LGBTQ apologist, had since gone dark for obvious reasons. It is an admission that queer and trans people will sexually molest children, and Penny is probably pre-suicidal over getting caught with their … “narrative” down. If it makes you feel any better (Penny), plenty of people who claim to be trans and queer are not but use the relatively wide landing field provided by creeping progressive culture and the non-stop princess parades to sexually abuse adult women in places where politicos know what Penny at least suspects and allow it anyway.

And no, this is not a new self-own, by the way. It’s nearly a year old.

The bipartisan proposal — which passed by a vote of 34-5 late Tuesday — will also allow juries to hand down death sentences by votes of at least 8-4, after previously requiring unanimity.

The bill — which passed the Florida House of Representatives 95-14 last week and which DeSantis is expected to sign — would apply those convicted of abusing a child under the age of 12.

It is, however, instructive and not the only example, and it fits nicely with another LGBT community family secret. That gay men, not all, but some, prefer them young. Now and then, someone lets loose and gets it out for some sunlight, so in Florida, it would be Trans, Queer, and Gay people will end up dead.

And Florida is right. It would be best to have a stronger deterrent, though I question whether this will do the trick. Pedo bear is angry for tot-tail and was never inclined to pay much attention to the other laws.

And will there be (or has there been) an exodus of public school employees from the Sunshine State? I’m sure we’d have heard if there was a rise in death row sentencing for child molestation.

The post So, You Were Saying That Trans and Queer People Sexually Assault Children? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Observers Account of The Election Process in Durham NH – You Can’t Trust The Results

Wed, 2024-01-31 21:00 +0000

Given my background in Criminal Justice, I have over 20 years of experience as a trained observer. A background that trained me always to be suspicious of so-called coincidences and be willing to investigate wherever the evidence leads.

A background where I observed motivated bad actors almost always lie or manipulate the truth and will almost always abuse systems, especially if there are little to no repercussions to their bad acts. In short, let us just say I have “trust issues” and almost always verify or investigate regardless of the so-called “truths” I am being told.

So, when I broke down the 2022 Midterm Election results, and I saw a very consistent deviation and unusual nature of voters flipping their vote from Republican to Democrat back to Republican up and down the ballot, I began to investigate. That total investigation is for another day, but that investigation led me to have a conversation with several town clerks throughout the county—one of the towns and conversations with the town clerk of Durham.

Now, for the record, the Town Clerk was very polite, professional, respectful, and forthright in answering all my questions that day.

One of the inquiries or lines of questions I had was about “same-day registration.” I was astonished by the number of same-day registrations they had and were allowed to vote. The 2022 midterms Durham had 5,934 ballots cast with 1,446 same-day registration. Almost a quarter of their votes were voters who did not appear in the voting roles but were allowed to cast a ballot in our elections. I, of course, questioned the verification process with the Clerk, and I gave any number of ways the system could be manipulated.

We want to thank MJ Abascia for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Her only defense was, “Well, they sign a paper swearing it is them, and the information that they provided is true.” I retorted by asking but what stops the motivated bad actors from taking advantage of the system I presented any number of scenarios, such as:

“Given places like Pennsylvania now have months-long early voting, what stops a student from voting in Pennsylvania (their home record and permanent residence) in September and then showing up on election day in NH, filling out a same-day registration form, and then voting again in NH.”

Essentially, she said sometime after the election (allegedly), they will notify Pennsylvania, and it is incumbent on that state to scrub their roles.

Well, given my wife just received her absentee ballot application to our home here in NH from Massachusetts after living and voting here for three years, that just tells you how well these states are doing at “scrubbing their roles.” Another clerk told me the only state that does an immediate check and cross reference is Florida. (Gee, a “purple” state with voting integrity that has been trending more and more red. But I digress.)

This system of “same-day registration” baffled me. I mean, do not get me wrong. Massachusetts has almost no voting integrity, and their system is a nightmare. But the one thing they do right in comparison is they segregate same-day registration ballots and only count them after true verification and or if it is necessary in a close election.

So, when I had an opportunity to observe Durham and how they process so many same-day registration ballots, I had to go and observe. Frankly, after breaking down the numbers in 2022, I planned to be shocked, but what I saw when I walked through the door was beyond shocking.

First was the share size of the venue and the number of poll workers facilitating the vote manufacturing that I observed. It was an absolute machine. Industrialized processes all centered around processing these same-day “voters.”

There were nine tables with two poll workers at each table with the only responsibility of helping college students register to vote. It was amazing to see. I have never seen Government Workers work so fast and “efficiently” in anything in my entire life.

I arrived at 5:30 PM, and until the very end, those tables were full, and these workers were turning over new registrations, I would say, every 5 minutes. By my estimate, I observed about 100 new “voters” in about an hour. This explains how they can register, on average, 1500 voters every election.

The “verification” process was nonexistent.

First off, I doubt if any of these poll workers were trained in identifying fake IDs and or if they were trained in identifying facial features to make sure the ID they are using is actually the person presenting said ID. (You know, the same training bouncers and bartenders have to go through to serve alcohol.) Which, even with the best training in the world or even facial recognition software can be thrown off when the person presenting an ID is wearing a surgical mask. And I know it has been many moons since I was not of age and went to a State University, but I seem to remember a lot of fake IDs being used and passed around, and the risk and reward of getting caught was worth it every weekend to most motivated college students.

Now imagine if your college professor or social media influencer told you Donald Trump is Hitler and the Republican Party are Nazis. I would think the risk of getting caught (which to date is 0% chance) and the reward of “stopping MAGA” is worth the risk in a lot of 20-year-old minds. In law enforcement, this is called Motive.

Secondly, let us look at what this state allows for in regard to same-day registration in the verification process. Clearly, if you have a New Hampshire State ID/Driver’s License, then you are allowed to register. But from the public viewing, it was not clear which state IDs were being presented, given so many states’ licenses look the same these days. In other words, I could tell from my training and experience they were State IDs, but I could not tell which state. But what I didn’t see was any diligent scrutiny of the ID and or if the ID matched the person presenting said ID.

But when I saw someone use a passport, which has no address, to register to vote, I asked the moderator, “How do you verify that person lived in Durham?” He explained that if one of the over 200 poll workers (Yes! You read that right. According to the clerk, they have over 200 poll workers just in Durham alone.) “vouches” for that person, then they are allowed to register and vote. This led to a follow-up, of course, “So if a politically ideologically driven poll worker/volunteer who is likely not vetted themselves “vouches” for a person, they can vote. I said that cannot be true.” Then I was presented a piece of paper from the Secretary of State’s Office saying, “Those are the rules according to his office.”

Then I saw another woman with what was clearly not a government-issued ID be allowed to register. When I asked about that person, I was told, “Well, she had a student ID, so that works.” In my head, and politely out loud, I said, “Are you kidding me…student IDs are an acceptable form of identification to register to vote!?” I mean, you cannot use a student ID to get a driver’s license at the State Registry, buy alcohol in a State-run Liquor store, get into a tavern, and pretty much anywhere else save the University Library or Dorm. But walk right into Oyster River HS on election day and you can register and vote for the leader of the free world.

The bottom line is there is no true verification process, and almost anyone can walk in with or without any real identification, register to vote, and drop their ballots into the (dreaded) machines with absolutely no risk of challenge or getting caught. Now we have “Motive and Opportunity,” which makes this system tailored for abuse, which made me extremely suspicious and concerned.

And almost immediately, my suspicions and concerns were confirmed…

Durham, historically, is about an 80/20 town Democrat to Republican. We know Democrat Megadonor, Epstein Associate, and World Economic Forum member Reid Hoffman was donating to Nikki Haley’s campaign. He, along with Governor Sununu, were encouraging Democrat Voters to vote in the Republican Primary to “stop Trump.” Knowing full well, as Reid Hoffman admitted, the plan was to Stop Trump but to vote for Biden in November.

Well, I watched as more than half (about 50 or 60) of the 100 voters I observed took a Republican Ballot. Which played out in the final tallies, which went as follows:

3,329 Total votes
1,749 GOP ballots cast.
1,101 Haley
476 Trump

172 Other Candidates (Which included 13 write-ins for Joe Biden, tied with Chris Christie for 3rd highest)

This means this election manufacturing center went from seeing, on average, 20% Republican to almost 53% on a night when Governor Sununu, Candidate Haley, and a complicit GOP Party Chairman Chris Ager joined forces with Democrat Mega Donor Reid Hoffman to encourage this type of election interference played out exactly how they wanted.

Exit polls show over 70% and upwards of 80% of Nikki Haley’s votes were from Biden Supporting Democrats, and I am willing to bet if we went to the 4 or 5 college towns in the state, most of those manipulated votes came from those vote manufacturing centers like I saw in Durham.

The only good, if not great, news is what I saw after the polls closed. I watched 15 poll workers successfully hand count over 1,500 write-in ballots on the Dem side in less than an hour. President Biden, The NH Democrats, and GOP “leaders” proved without a doubt the machines are not necessary, and there is absolutely no reason why we cannot hand count every ballot forever more.

But first thing is first and I say this without hesitation. We will never have fair and free elections in NH if we continue to allow anyone and everyone to walk through the door with or without a proper identification process and be allowed to register and vote.

And I know what I am about to say is blasphemy here in NH, but what Sununu, Ager, Haley, Scanlan, and the donors proved is we in NH can no longer be trusted as stewards of the “First in the Nation” primary. If I were a Republican in a state like Florida, which has closed primaries, and watched the unmitigated disaster this past Tuesday, I would be livid and would rightfully be demanding NH lose it is First in the Nation because our system is so easily corrupted and Durham would be Exhibit “A.”

I, for one, want to maintain the First in the Nation, but only if we earn that honor with free, fair, and secure elections without manipulation. But unfortunately, GOP Party Chairman Ager has blocked all attempts to secure the primary process and our elections.

The post An Observers Account of The Election Process in Durham NH – You Can’t Trust The Results appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bonus: How YOU Can Help Democrat Jeanne Dietsch Find Extremists in New Hampshire

Wed, 2024-01-31 19:30 +0000

If you missed it, Granite State Matters, the latest of many incarnations of online activism by former State Senator Jeanne Dietsch, has a list of anti-democracy extremists. You can check that out here, and when you find yourself missing, we have found a way that you can turn yourself in.

A reader sent me the list, and another reader sent me the form that drives the list.

It is an online form, and it occurs to me that it could be used to add actual extremists (like Jeanne Dietsch). There is, after all, no Democracy at the end of the Political Left’s agenda unless by that you mean dog and pony show elections where Dear Leader gets 97.8% of the vote and any actual opponents are charged with crimes, dragged through courts, or just happen to have unfortunate accidents.

I’m sure someone with lots of free time checks it before making the main list, but that’s no reason not to try.

Here’s a link to the form (there is a partial screengrab above). Be warned. Google will grab your Gmail, or you’ll be asked to provide email, which means you’ll be added to the mailing list, which Jeanne can then pretend makes this most recent diversion popular or successful. I’m sure you can unsubscribe just as easily.

But you will have the opportunity to provide the name of an extremist and a link to something that leads you to believe whichever individual(s) you name are extremist. I’m sure it’s not partisan. That wouldn’t be equitable. And you can probably enter as many as you’d like.


The post Bonus: How YOU Can Help Democrat Jeanne Dietsch Find Extremists in New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Different Take on a School Board That Voted to Hold Classes on Veterans Day and Columbus Day

Wed, 2024-01-31 19:00 +0000

A curious thing has happened in Stamford, Connecticut. The school board has voted 5-3 to make teachers who hate Columbus Day and Veterans Day but were getting paid to sit on their asses – work both days. The school will be open, and regular classes will commence.

This, of course, creates several problems, with all the other public servants getting paid to do nothing. It hardly seems fair. Making teachers and staff toil over hiding the kiddie porn, telling white children they are racists, and convincing six-year-olds they were born in the wrong body. The devil’s work is exhausting, and it might benefit from a few extra days, but the critical point here is that they were getting paid, and now they have to emit loads of carbon to show up.

I mean, how many then were even celebrating the age of discovery as a catalyst that led to the founding of a nation that ended slavery or the sacrifice of our service members in wars that weren’t for Ukraine? They might as well show up for work.

I know, but, but, but what about all the other details? You can be angry, discouraged, lament the decline of the culture, or just outraged, but if you happen to live in Stamford or anywhere else, this has or might become a thing, it need not be an intractable conflict. Yes, you should vote for different school board members, but while you’re waiting to do that – or if that won’t likely make any difference if you’ve got the Day off already, honor both holidays and keep your kids home.

Teach your kids that there are a lot of things more deserving of our time and honor than what the government did to K-12 education.

Or is that too simple a solution?

The post A Different Take on a School Board That Voted to Hold Classes on Veterans Day and Columbus Day appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2024-01-31 17:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








What was it Mark Twain said?  A lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can pull its boots on.



Totally on the up and up.












Foghorn always did have very… colorful and amusing phrases.





But… but… but there’s no evidence.






























That’s exactly what they are.  Psychopaths.  Until you appreciate these people have a psychopathic view of humanity, with us actually not even being human in their eyes, you will continually be surprised and shocked.  At this point very little they do truly shocks or surprises me any more.











Come on, sweetie – just LEARN TO CODE.  I’m having waaaay too much schadenfreude over this.








Washington State – official.  How does anyone actually believe this?













Karma is… entertaining sometimes.



Like Michael Savage has said, Borders, language, and culture.  And all three are under dire attack.








Every single “study” result is aimed at making you dependent on the food The System creates.






Me too.  The last few years have witnessed multiple illusions of mine being shattered.  Including my belief in vaccines.







Links with comments:

(Apologies for the after the fact insertion)


Bayou Renaissance Man: Ammo warning – updated

Buy more.  If you think you have enough… you don’t.

If You Want War, Prepare for Peace – PJ Media

Great concept.  We’re in serious trouble, people…

Child Protective Services ‘kidnaps’ girl for gender care, revokes parental custody (

Parents say Montana CPS seized their daughter for opposing her “gender transition.” Not California. MONTANA. | Not the Bee

So you live in a “Red” state and think you’re safe from this lunacy?  Think again.  And understand that while I do not ADVOCATE for violence, I will opine that if I was on the jury should people in this conspiracy develop high velocity lead poisoning, I’d accept the They needed a little killing! defense.

Report: Dress E. Jean Carroll Claims She Wore During Alleged Trump Assault Did Not Exist at the Time (

Well, this is interesting!

Trump Official Hospitalized After Being Shot by Soros Activist – The People’s Voice (

Holy carp!  This is not a good turn of events.

Twelve states sound the alarm: Globalist banks are conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production –

Dependent.  That’s what they want us.

Illinois City Councilman Challenges Constituents To Open Their Homes To Illegal Migrants (

Like Massachusetts.  And at some point it will be threats.  And then force.




How I know the 2020 presidential election was stolen (

I defer to Surak’s knowledge of data analysis and statistical anomalies; this is a fantastic bit of work.  Also, here:





Pick of the Post:



So the guy who discovered the medication, developed it, and launched it… doesn’t understand it.  Uh huh.




Palate cleansers:





Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.




The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Says “We Had A Rough Day”

Wed, 2024-01-31 15:00 +0000

Mr. President, with all due respect, is that the message you gave to the families of the three service people killed over the weekend? Or were you too busy resting in Delaware, and you might get to it this week? By the way, there were over thirty injured in the drone attacks, with what are called severe head injuries.

If all you have for those grieving families is we had a rough day, don’t make the call. They do not need to hear your drivel in their time of loss.

The attacks this weekend bring the total of attacks by Iranian proxy groups, primarily from Yemen, to 160 since October 7. These attacks have been against American military installations in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan. With each attack, Biden pledges retaliation, but his response has been minimal and feeble at best. And please do not forget that during this time of conflict and attacks on American assets, Biden did not know his Secretary of Defense was AWOL in intensive care. The October date is important as the attacks against American troops in the Middle East started the day Hamas invaded Israel, butchering innocents and taking an untold number of hostages. We do not know the number, location, or status of the hostages, but we do know Americans were taken into Gaza by the Hamas terrorists.

Lloyd Austin, our Defense Secretary, addressed Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary General, and stated emphatically that he and President Biden are committed to retaliating in kind to any attack by Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthi, or any other proxy group of Iran. What we have done to this point is bomb empty or deserted facilities so that we can check the box that we have struck back. The drone that did the damage and killed three of our brave service people while they slept was mistaken for one of our drones that was scheduled to return to Syria. It is possible that Iran knew the schedule of our drone and used that info for cover. That move now means flag-draped coffins will be returned soon to America.

Republicans and some Democrats are growing impatient waiting for Biden to punch back. Proponents of strong retaliation don’t want these proxy groups targeted. They want Iran punished for what they are doing, and 160 attacks on Americans is 159 too many.

My observation of Biden being asked over the weekend about the attack and dead Americans was of a man disenfranchised with the situation. His lack of passion was palpable, and he needed to have virtually every question repeated because he could not hear or understand the questions. It was not a powerful look, and the scene with Austin was not much better. Austin explained his performance as a man still recovering. There was no excuse for Biden, just excuses. Those excuses come daily from KJP and John Kirby, but this weekend, they even came from Gavin Newsom, who is taking a more active role in supporting the President. Only the devout followers are buying the empty comments.

What we do understand and will buy is definitive action, but we are not holding our breath. Since the Hamas attack on Israel, Biden has been very careful to be strong and critical of Israel’s defense while hedging to the same treatment of Iran or Lebanon. That is why we believe that Biden is the wrong person at this time to be our leader. We need and deserve better, and that is not Kamala. And a final note. When those three heroes are returned to their homeland, you best be there to salute them and leave your watch in Delaware, this time.

The post Biden Says “We Had A Rough Day” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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