The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

God Help Us? … “I Don’t Think He Can”

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-30 10:00 +0000

A recent, popular post God Help Us reminded me of an episode in the series Vikings. King Aelle of Northumbria is informed that the Great Heathen Army is at hand and marches his army out to meet them.

The King, with the Bishop by his side, is openly contemptuous of what they believe is the Great Heathen Army. However, the Vikings have only revealed a fraction of their army, the remainder being hidden by the terrain.

As more and more of the Great Heathen Army reveals itself, the King’s and Bishops’ contemptuousness is replaced by shock and terror. The Bishop exclaims “God Help Us!” The King, a devout man but the veteran of many battles, replies, “I don’t think he can.”

“I don’t think he can” is also the appropriate response to God Help Us. The Left has controlled “higher education” for decades. The “protests” are simply one manifestation of the Woke-Communism that “students” are taught.

But it is hardly just “higher education.” The Left controls every major institution, and the GOP is just controlled opposition. Just a few examples … the GOP in DC sends hundreds of billions to protect Ukraine’s borders but does nothing to secure America’s open borders; the GOP in Concord is obsessed with destroying single-family-zoning (massing up New Hampshire) and does nothing to actually stop the DEI (anti-white racism) permeating the public schools.

So, yeah, the appropriate response tot God Help Us is what King Aelle said.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Howard Dean Might Be Running for Governor of Vermont Again

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-30 02:00 +0000

Once Upon a Time, Howard Dean was the governor of Vermont. He ran for president a few cycles back (2004) and was doing well until the infamous scream in Iowa. The young folks loved him but it flattened his curve, and John Kerry went on to win the party nomination. Dean’s not been idle but hasn’t run for elective office since.

Vermont’s decline was predicted in the Dean era but has accelerated in recent years. What was a commitment to economic malaise has metastasized into committed ruin. Governor Phil Scott, a Republic up north but a Democrat anywhere else, couldn’t stop it if he tried so that might be a good theme for Dean as he ponders another shot at the job.

Might as well be an actual Democrat!

Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean could be considering a run for re-election this year.

Dean told NBC5 that he is currently thinking about another run for the state’s highest office.

Dean, a Democrat, could potentially face off against current Gov. Phil Scott.

Scott has not announced if he is running yet, but has said he is considering a run for a fifth term.

Dean, a physician and former DNC chairman, completed six terms as governor from 1991 to 2002. He made an unsuccessful bid for president in 2004, ultimately losing the Democratic Party nomination to John Kerry.

Were Dean to run and win, the Legislature could stop the pretentious torturing of the citizenry and deliver a killing blow with Dean’s giddy consent. A rejection of Dean, along with a shift in Statehouse power, would send a different message, but I’m not sure voters have it in them, even after the last few years.

I hope they do push back the progressive advance. Vermont is a beautiful state. If Dems keep control long enough, they’ll have de-beautified it with endless acres of wind and solar – which is th eonly way they could possibly hit their Green goals unless the plan is to make Vermont so expensive that it is covered to a gentrified gated progressive community that continues to outsource its “emissions” to third world countries full of people they claim to defend.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Is Grooming Children for Gender Change (Behind Parents’ Backs) The Crime of the Century?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-04-30 00:00 +0000

Over the last year, Vermont’s school board disputes have revealed the same pattern of a unilateral ideology dominating school boards and attacking anyone who dares differ with the cultish frenzy of agitation behind “woke” CRT and transgender activists who have infested government and public schools.

The stakes are indeed high for both political revolutionaries and the children upon whom they are experimenting. The deck is stacked, but the hypocrisy is epic. This is evident in contrasting the outspoken aggressiveness of legislators like state Rep. Elizabeth Burrows, D/P-Windsor.

Rep. Burrows sits on Mount Ascutney School Board concurrently with her House seat, both of which she uses like cudgels against young children not her own. Her current outrage is to sponsor a bill that would allow children to undergo hormone therapy to change their genders without parental consent. As I have explained previously, this is already the practice in Vermont — Burrows et al. seem to think they can cover their bureaucratic butts by passing a law to protect this horrid ideological recklessness toward children.

Mrs. Burrows proudly proclaims her wokeness, though her credentials to decide that young children should be permitted to consent to permanent infertility are absent. It is only a matter of time before these outrageous behaviors by officials lead to lawsuits: will Burrows be personally liable for her gross negligence toward the children entrusted to her care, or do the state and its insurers cover her malfeasance as she presumes to be a psychotherapist and master of legal jurisprudence?

Burrows’ bill, H.659, sets out the following rationale for permitting children at any age to choose to undergo irrevocable, risky hormone therapies:

  • Per one survey, LGBTQ youth consider suicide;
  • They are less likely to do so if their pronouns are affirmed and they can have birth certificates that match their gender preference.
  • 14% of Vermont High Schoolers self-identify as LGBTQ per one survey, though “ one percent… reported being unsure about whether they were transgender.”
  • LGBTQ High Schoolers are more likely to be bullied, use drugs and commit crimes.
  • One 2019 survey found 63% of LGBTQ High Schoolers reported “feeling sad or hopeless.”
  • “Numerous studies” (unnamed) show transgender youth are anxious and depressed.
  • An unnamed 2020 study “indicated” that children who delayed puberty had reduced suicidal risks as adults.

Only the last of these relates to hormone blockers, and it does not state what percentage of suicides are averted, or who wrote the study, over what time period, or how it was peer-reviewed. The argument for excluding parents from these decisions is hardly even offered, though the statute gets legally twisted when it recites this folly:

A minor who identifies as transgender may give consent to receive hormone blockers and any other legally authorized nonsurgical, gender-affirming care or treatment from a licensed health care professional working within the health care professional’s authorized scope of practice. Consent under this section shall not be subject to disaffirmance due to minority of the individual providing consent. The consent of the individual’s parent or guardian shall not be necessary to authorize the minor’s access to legally authorized nonsurgical, gender-affirming care or treatment.

Aside from the absence of actual resources for this bold leap, the bill is silent as to the permanent infertility these children face; the risks of cancer, heart disease, and many other health risks associated with experimental hormone therapies; or the constitutional justification to permit children consent to change sexes before they can legally consent to marry or have sex (unless Burrows plans to liberate kids from those oppressive restrictions as well).

This last issue is a legal and jurisprudential one, and we are talking about a legislature passing laws. The core issue here is one of consent: why does Burrows perceive that she can legislate the ability of a child to consent with the sweep of her delusioned pen? Statutory rape is a fundamental protection for children, present in most societies through history:

Statutory rape is the crime of sex with a minor when the sex is agreed to by both parties, not forced.  The reason why it is considered rape is because the minor is considered to be too young to legally consent to have sex or sexual contact.  The age at which a person is too young to consent to have sex or sexual contact varies by state, and often varies by different crimes.  For example, if an adult has “consensual sex” with a person under the age of 12, that might be rape in the first degree, carrying a heavy sentence.  If an adult has “consensual sex” with a person who is 16 years old, then that might be rape in the third degree and carry a lighter sentence.

Vermont recognizes this distinction: sexual activity with a child under 13 is considered an “aggravated” assault – even if “consensual,” like Burrows’ perverse effort and the laughably fake “consents” being signed by kids at UVM without their parents’ involvement. By definition, a child cannot give consent. How does Burrows imagine she has insulated herself, any more than any child predator?

The proposed statute cites high school statistics, but contains no age limit for gender hormone therapy. American children achieve puberty at younger ages than ever, often at age 6 or 7 – clearly Burrows sees no bottom-end age limit, and no problem with informed consent issues like “Well, you are only six: shall we freeze your sperm in case you want to be a parent one day?” – that won’t hold up in court very well, because it is insane to suggest that child is capable of informed consent.

This issue of consent transfers also to the age of marriage – why are polygamy and child marriage wrong for Mormons, but the permanent pre-pubescent elimination of fertility is a decision the pseudo-enlightened Burrows can surreptitiously grant to other people’s kids? Looking at international marriage norms:

The United Nations defines child marriage as marriage before the age of 18 but some American states are violating this norm, allowing children as young as 12 to get married and exposing them to statutory rape. “Our study exposes the inconsistency between laws that permit children to marry and laws that criminalise sex with children across the US. The research shows that some child marriages are indistinguishable from sex crimes,” says senior author Alissa Koski, an Assistant Professor in the Department of in Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University. “It’s unclear why they were certified as marriages rather than prosecuted,” she adds. The researchers recommend that throughout the US the minimum age for marriage should be raised to 18, bringing the United States “in line with its commitment to end child marriage by the year 2030 as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”

How are these conflicting stances on consent to be reconciled? The far-out Left wishes to expand “freedom” for children akin to throwing them in a five-lane L.A. highway at rush hour. The statistics in the proposed consent statute reflect a subgroup of identities who seem particularly depressed, anxious, suicidal, and confused – 1% of Vermont high schoolers don’t know whether they might be trans (per the statute!), and Barrows wants to offer sex change hormones to much younger (less psychologically developed) children. It is difficult to choose between aggravated assault and lewd and lascivious as descriptions for this effort, so degenerate is this bill.

But herein lies the almost comic hypocrisy. Surveying just a handful of Burrowsian legislators in Vermont, let us recall that when Sen. Russ Ingalls released the already-public email of a teacher conditioning grade schoolers with gender pronouns, congressional aspirant Becca Balint called for rule changes to have him censored for “doxxing” the teacher! Later, when school board member Liz Cady (a parent, not a paid legislator) issued a very well-reasoned statement that people should not be discriminated against for vaccination status, the progressive chimps howled indignantly from the trees:

“One of our roles and responsibilities as board members is to avoid even an appearance of conflict of interest,” Knox said in an emailed statement. “(Cady’s) unsanctioned rhetoric is harmful, and implies a disregard for this responsibility to our students, staff, teachers, families, and community members.”

State Rep. Lori Houghton, D-Essex, wrote on Facebook that she and the rest of the Essex legislative delegation “are appalled by the latest statement from EWSD School Board Member, Liz Cady and unequivocally reject her twisting of historical facts to fit her narrative.”

“We encourage Essex residents to pay attention to the spoken words of our elected leaders,” Houghton wrote. “We can do better.”

There has been no condemnation by these same voices – or by anyone in Vermont’s school board or education systems – of Carolyn Partridge’s blatant instigation of voter fraud while both a legislator and school board member, or of Elizabeth Burrows’ shameless conflict here. Burrows is both legislator and school board member, and her extremist declarations of her political zealotry make it obvious that there is no effort at objectivity, or respecting the views of parents — she seeks to undermine parents. When the heads roll on this betrayal of our children, they will land in massive baskets under litigation. Burrows is a particularly cruel type of predator — Burrows seeks to open the whole world to experimentation under the pretense of child consent, while proclaiming herself as an enlightened liberator.

Perhaps Vermont parents will have recourse against Burrows and the ultra-progressives in international court, where their child-exploiting extremism will be more closely scrutinized:

The researchers question some states’ marital exemptions to statutory rape laws, explaining that such laws are in place to protect children from “potential physical and mental harms stemming from exploitative relationships.” They say that these laws “acknowledge that children may not have the capacity to give their full and informed consent to sexual activity.” They also refute another argument for marital exemptions, namely the parental consent requirement for children to marry “may be perceived as sufficient protection against potential harms.” The researchers note that “parental consent for child marriage may be difficult to distinguish from parental coercion in some cases, casting doubt on whether this requirement is sufficient protection.”

That last point sums it up: gender hormone therapy for young children is a very dubious venture – most children who are transgender change their minds in adulthood, per the science. There are likely small percentages of children who would benefit from thoroughly-considered hormonal therapies. But with so many experimental unknowns, allowing children to routinely undergo such life-changing treatments on their fleeting whim is child abuse and ideological exploitation – even if their parents do consent.

No wonder progressives object to Liz Cady opposing discrimination, as they seek to impose it through blatant voter fraud in schools, or laws that remove parents from the most important decisions facing their young children.

Originally published on March 16. 2022

John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Japanese Researchers Investigate”Rise in Cancer Mortality Coinciding with Mass Vaccination”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 22:00 +0000

Japan has been in demographic decline for a while. Birth rates well below replacement level are such a big problem that the government has been paying people to have children, a program they’ve expanded to prevent complete demographic collapse.

The government will position the next three years as a period to focus on implementing measures to combat the low birth rate.

The allowance income cap will be removed and eligibility will be extended to all parents with children up to high school age — it is currently offered up to junior high school age.

Families will receive a monthly allowance of ¥15,000 per child ( $95.00 US)for the first and second children up to the age of 2, and ¥10,000 per child from the age of 3 through high school age. For the increase to ¥30,000 (apx. 190 US$) per child through high school age.

It doesn’t sound like a lot but the government will also expand “insurance covering maternity expenses for natural childbirth would be introduced in fiscal 2026.”

One thing they might want to try, if population is a concern is to stop pushing lipid-nano-particle producing mRNA into their citizens. A hint this might be up for consideration comes to us in new research linking three or more injections to a significant rise in Age adjusted mortality.

No significant excess mortality was observed during the first year of the pandemic (2020). However, some excess cancer mortalities were observed in 2021 after mass vaccination with the first and second vaccine doses, and significant excess mortalities were observed for all cancers and some specific types of cancer (including ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer, lip/oral/pharyngeal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer) after mass vaccination with the third dose in 2022.

Correlation is not causation so, “research.”

As of March 2023, 80% of the Japanese population had received their first and second doses, 68% had received their third dose, and 45% had received their fourth dose [1]. Despite these national measures, 33.8 million people had been infected, and 74,500 deaths had been attributed to COVID-19 in Japan by the end of April 2023. Additionally, excess deaths from causes other than COVID-19 have been reported in various countries [2-6], including deaths from cancer [7-10], and Japan is no exception [11,12]. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Japan, accounting for one-fourth of all deaths. Therefore, it is essential to understand the effects of the pandemic on mortality rates of cancer from 2020 to 2022. Age adjustment is necessary for accurate evaluation, especially in diseases such as cancer that tend to occur in elderly adults. Japan has several characteristics that make it ideal for analyzing the impact of the pandemic on cancer mortality rates, including its large population of 123 million, availability of official statistics, and the high 80% accuracy rate of death certificates according to autopsy studies

Japan is officially on its seventh dose and while uptake has declined, they are still on dose seven. That seems, excessive given tis tidbit

Based on the molecular weight of BNT162b2 mRNA (Pfizer-BioNTech), the mRNA content per dose is estimated at 13 trillion molecules and 40 trillion molecules in mRNA-1273 (Moderna) [35,36]. The total number of cells in humans is estimated to be 37.2 trillion [37], making the number of mRNA-LNPs very high, ranging from one-third to the equivalent of the total cell number. After inoculation, the mRNA-LNPs are delivered to various organs, especially the liver, spleen, adrenal gland, ovary, and bone marrow [38]. In one study, vaccine mRNA was detected in the lymph nodes of persons vaccinated with hybridization of a SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine-specific probe 7 to 60 days after the second mRNA-1273 or BNT162b2 dose [39]. Modified mRNA with N1-methyl-pseudouridine could translate a large amount of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S-protein) [40]. S-protein emerged on the surface of exosomes in the blood of the vaccinated [41]. Fragments of vaccine-specific recombinant S-protein were found in blood specimens of 50% of vaccine recipients and were still detected three to six months later [42].

And since we’re well into the weeds here.

Because cancer often leads to the activation of coagulation via various mechanisms, one of the major causes of mortality in patients with cancer is cancer-associated thrombosis (CAT) [49-51], manifesting as disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in its most extreme form [52]. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the additional thrombus-forming tendency noted with the mRNA-LNP vaccine could be extremely dangerous. The viral and vaccine S-protein of SARS-CoV-2, especially Omicron lineages, having a solid electro-positive potential, could attach to electro-negative glycoconjugates on the surfaces of red blood cells (RBCs), other blood cells, and endothelial cells [53]. The S-protein of SARS-CoV-2 alone has been reported to bind to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and activate angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1) signal, which promotes interleukin-6 (IL-6) trans-signaling [54], induces vascular wall thickening via activation of the protein kinases [55], impairs mitochondrial function [56], and generates reactive oxygen species (ROS) [57]. A recent study revealed that certain segments of the S-protein can induce the formation of amyloid, a fibrous protein that is insoluble in water. This protein plays a significant role in blood coagulation and fibrinolytic disorders [58]. Anti-spike protein antibodies bind to the S-proteins that emerge on cell surfaces, which triggers autoimmune inflammatory reactions [59-63]. In addition, the injection of LNPs into mice has been reported to cause strong inflammation [64]. All these findings suggest that the COVID-19 mRNA-LNP vaccine poses a risk of thrombosis in individuals with cancer and might explain the excess mortalities after mass vaccination.

Dig in for more scary-sounding stuff, but before I close, Japan relied heavily on the US CDC/FDA approval process for managing their own. And according to the US FDA,

“There are several potential mechanisms by which residual DNA could be oncogenic, including the integration and expression of encoded oncogenes or insertional mutagenesis following DNA integration” [98]. The FDA’s guidelines are essential for Japan because Japan’s special emergency use authorization depended on FDA approval during the COVID-19 pandemic [99]. Recently, some researchers have reported that several lots of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines contain a certain amount of double-stranded DNA fragments from residual plasmid vectors [100,101]. Some of them mentioned that the amount of residual DNA exceeds the regulatory limits for residual DNA set by the FDA. Given these reports and the FDA’s regulatory statement, further investigation is required to determine whether the observed excess cancer deaths following mass vaccination were linked to reported residual DNA in the vaccine.

Have yourself a filed day with that, and this.

These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown.

Research they should have done before even one person rolled up their sleeve.

One more point. Japan has also paying people to move out of Toyoko, which is overcrowded.

Although Tokyo’s population fell for the first time last year– a trend partly attributed to the coronavirus pandemic – policymakers believe more should be done to lower the city’s population density and encourage people to start new lives in “unfashionable” parts of the country that have been hit by ageing, shrinking populations and the migration of younger people to Tokyo, Osaka and other big cities.

Seems like they’ve had a plan all along (7 does?) that runs right into the other problem or demographic decline. Maybe they should pay people to not vaccine their kids too?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrats Are Deliberately Destroying America … But Let’s Talk About “Entitlement Reform”!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 20:00 +0000

Is it that the NHGOP does NOT want to win elections, or is it that they don’t know how? Does it matter? The DemocratsCommunists are destroying America, and one of the NHGOP State Reps thinks the 2nd-CD candidates should be talking about “entitlement reform.”

That lovely euphemism for making working-class Americans poorer to enrich the military-industrial complex: 13 Questions for Colin and Becky.

There is NO constituency in America for cutting Social Security except for “traditional” GOP like Mitch McConnell who wants to use the money to engage in forever-wars and GOP-mouthpieces who think that voters don’t understand the scam. Voters do NOT want “entitlement reform.” They want an end to the forever wars. But, not surprisingly, ending the forever-wars … like the proxy-war we are currently fighting and losing in Ukraine … does not make the list of the “13 questions” the 2nd-CD election should be about.

Any GOP candidate who is talking about “entitlement reform” and not talking about ending the forever-wars is NOT a serious candidate AND has NO CHANCE of winning.

If you want an actual list of what GOP candidates should be talking about, it’s this:


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Anarchy’s Deeper Roots

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 18:00 +0000

There I was, working the “dead man’s shift” at an electrical generating facility when a co-worker related what would become a common refrain from other working dads: his ‘child’ came home from college at Christmas a stranger regarding their attitudes and perspectives. Now, this was way back in the ‘sixties’ when colleges across the nation were also deep into protesting.

From my own experiences when coming home as a veteran, I was sadly familiar with such attitudes and protest actions. Many decades have come and gone, yet the college atmosphere has only stiffened its various ‘anti’ Americanisms. Today’s version has claimed the top protesting echelon that America is the problem! As such, even the stoutest of supporters, together with the loving parents of the misguided, may now wonder just how worthy a degree is and at what cost.

Back in the sixties, at least there was a reason for such action since who wants to get shot at or worse? Such defiance is not a momentary position. This act claims an inner angst at the time, which continues molding into later years. Along the way, children were born to these believers of our First Amendment. Given the amount of time that has elapsed, those children are now parents.

So, as family history is shared downward and familiarized within the family, its storytelling and questions of “What did you do in the war, daddy?” include the recall of the noble stances and ethical beliefs involved. This is only natural since the stances taken, while being the safer option, have often shaped and defined one’s lifetime character. The magnitude of that decision remains as entrenched as does the veteran’s!

Currently, we are experiencing the results of three generations, which have been divested from the rigid requirements, functions, duties, and overall appreciation that freedom requires. While Americans have weathered a constant downplaying of such guideposts as, ‘America, my country right or wrong,’ today’s actions provide the proof that to veer from what should inspire honorable, worthy, and willing sacrifice is to proceed down an easier path that will only invite more irresponsibility, apathy, and ultimately, a general dislike and even a hatred for the necessities which a free America requires from her people. These beliefs have remained through family “hand-me-down” yarns but have also been reinforced at our “institutions of higher learning.”

Today’s ‘protests’ can hardly be what the Founders meant by “freedom of speech” or “the right of the people peaceably to assemble!” In fact, today’s colleges and universities are in total opposition to their origins since America’s earliest colleges and universities were theologically based, with hopes of spreading Christianity throughout the new world.

Modern-day America has witnessed this ongoing effort to lessen faith’s influence upon our society. Its replacements are now the attractions that initially delight yet lack substance. Also, attitudes have changed concerning our most basic societal norms, such as pre-marital sex, no-fault divorce, proper attire, feminine pride, and the teaching of manly traits. Disturbing are the marriage totals and divorce numbers. Family responsibilities have been sidetracked by opportunities that deemphasize parenting. Unwed mothers and single-parent household increases are not societal building blocks!

Current governmental actions are now revealing their true intent by their own proposed policies, such as this asinine attempt to rid law-abiding Americans of their Second Amendment right while at the same time, there is evidence of close to forty thousand military-age Chinese men somewhere here in America! Then too, there’s the imported terrorist/criminal element that now roams at will! A very odd time to call for American disarmament.

How can an American President encourage this multi-year illegal invasion while at the same time attempting to snuff out his only Presidential challenger with criminal charges of a non-existent crime? Combine that with America’s private transportation vehicles being electrically fueled while, at the same time, closing down fossil-generating plants! DUH Youthful ideologies are most comforting during one’s formidable years, but fortunately and hopefully, we all grow out of such idealisms. The point is, given the current inaction of law enforcement, the voter is now hard-pressed not to vote out all anti-American representation. Voters must save America. If not, both Republicans and Democrats will rue the future that they voted for!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in NH YDC Cases?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 18:00 +0000
David Vicinanzo and Nixon Peabody have been out soliciting clients for the YDC cases for several years. He never mentioned that his son, Matthew Vicinanzo, clerked for Jeffrey Howard on the First Circuit, who was AG of NH during the time when David Meehan and others were being abused at YDC.

ABA Rule 8.4 D stipulates: d) “It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.”  (e) state or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law. He never mentioned that US Attorney Jane Young had hired his son as assistant US Attorney after she had been assistant AG under Gordon MacDonald, who is David Vicinanzo’s ex-partner from Nixon Peabody and who referred plaintiffs of YDC abuse to David Vicinanzo’s client: the NHCADSV who get kickbacks from civil settlements and who lobbied to lift the statute of limitations on sex abuse cases. Whatever happens in the cases brought by David Vicinanzo and Rus Rilee for their clients in the YDC cases, while it has been established by the Judge that the AG’s office has a conflict of interest, it now appears that David Vicinanzo himself has an undisclosed conflict of interest due to his son’s employment history. There are likely to be appeals in both civil and criminal cases in the YDC abuse and it’s quite likely that Jane Young will become involved as US Attorney.  How’s that going to play out with David Vicinanzo’s son working for her? Jane Young was Assistant AG in 2020 when this affidavit was filed. And for anything that ends up at the First Circuit Court of Appeals from the YDC cases, note that Matthew Vicinanzo clerked for Judge Jeffrey Howard who was AG in New Hampshire when the State knew that sexual abuse was going on at YDC.  Shouldn’t Jeffrey Howard be on the trial stand answering what he did and didn’t know when he was AG?

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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AG Jeffrey Howard had a task force in April 1993 for “Child Abuse and Neglect AG’s Task Force Conference” on which Laurie List Police Officer James F McLaughlin worked.  James F McLaughlin’s misconduct records are being kept from public view by the AG’s Office, including Brendan Chase, who is currently arguing against David Vicinanzo for the State in the YDC cases.  James McLaughlin worked with David Vicinanzo and Gordon Macdonald in the Diocese of Manchester cases. McDonald pulled him out of retirement to run the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School, which also involved David Vicinanzo and the NHCADSV.  They all knew or should have known, that James F McLaughlin had been caught in Federal Entrapment (ruled by First Circuit in 1998), and they did all know that he had been added to the Laurie List in the middle of the St Paul’s Investigation, but David Vicinanzo praised Judge Richard McNamara for keeping it from the public. Coincidentally – witnesses on the stand for the David Meehan trial have said that complaints were made and police investigations were supposed to have happened. James McLaughlin wrote “Male Victims of Child Sexual Abuse and their Subsequent Criminal Antisocial Acts” in Knight Stick Magazine (1994) & “Police Certification for Child Sexual Abuse Cases” also in Knight Stick Magazine in 1994.

CONCORD – U.S. Attorney Jane E. Young announces the appointment of Matthew Vicinanzo as an Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA). AUSA Vicinanzo will handle civil and criminal Civil Rights matters in the District of New Hampshire.

“Assistant U.S. Attorney Vicinanzo comes to the U.S. Attorney’s Office with a breadth of experience from private practice,” U.S. Attorney Jane E. Young said. “Matt is a New Hampshire native who cares deeply about our communities. He is eager to expand the Civil Rights practice in this Office, and further support the civil and constitutional rights of Granite Staters.”

Most recently, AUSA Vicinanzo represented clients in civil and criminal matters as Counsel at Crowell & Moring LLP, where he handled investigations and litigation related to the federal False Claims Act, anti-fraud statutes, and complex commercial disputes. AUSA Vicinanzo clerked for United States Chief Judge Jeffrey R. Howard, and he attended Georgetown University Law Center.

AUSA Vicinanzo is expected to investigate and prosecute civil and criminal Civil Rights matters. The U.S. Attorney’s Office was allocated two new attorney positions to address civil rights, and domestic terrorism/violent crime in New Hampshire. An AUSA focused on domestic terrorism and violent crime was appointed in October 2023.  

What’s he going to do—investigate the AG’s conflicts of interest regarding YDC to help his father, David Vicinanzo, with his claims against the State? David Vicinanzo claimed that “We should have all done better” or similar words in the opening statements of David Meehan v NH. David Vicinanzo is bringing a case against the State that involves a time period in the 1990s when he was both a Federal Prosecutor in Massachusetts and an Assistant US Attorney in New Hampshire and Jeffrey Howard, for whom his son clerked recently, was the AG.  Given the nature of the cases, it’s extremely unlikely that there isn’t back channeling going on between members of the Vicinanzo family, US Attorney Jane Young’s office and First Circuit Court of Appeals, Jeffrey Howard’s Office. The grants received by NH for state child care, domestic & sexual violence have to go through an approval process which also requires audits which get signed off at the highest levels: Secretary of State, AG, Governor, US Attorney. It is impossible that Jane Young, Jeffrey Howard, David Vicinanzo weren’t aware of these or the shenanigans going on. To quote David Vicinanzo:

“I worry that some inadequacy on my part, a mistake, omission – something will hurt my client, will impede David Meehan, not just my client who is also now my friend, from getting the justice that he has so long been denied,” Vicinanzo said.

The evidence will show the devastation that was inflicted on a young boy under the “care of the state of New Hampshire.

“And the second thing is the evidence of the depravity, the wanton neglect of the state government that permitted and covered up the abuse of David Meehan and others because it didn’t care enough,” Vicinanzo said.

Vicinanzo said top the administration was aware of the abuse. “The fish rots from the head,” Vicinanzo said.

It came from the top of YDC, the top of DHHS, a place filled with nepotism “obsessed with protecting staff from any accountability,” he said.’”

David Vicinanzo is obsessed with protecting himself and his colleagues in the First Circuit, AG’s office, US Attorney’s office from any accountability.  The place is overflowing with nepotism. The State’s Laws on Nepotism need urgent attention given that $160 million plus is being argued by David Vicinanzo and co and is likely to end up on some level on the doorstep of the First Circuit and US Attorney’s Office, where his son Matthew Vicinanzo is tied in. David Vicinanzo’s law firm, Nixon Peabody, has been involved in at least two Ponzi schemes (one involving public money and one resulting in a prison sentence for the attorney). He was one of the very early partners. “The fish rots from the head.”

The post More Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest in NH YDC Cases? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 16:00 +0000

Lo, and misery shall arrive every seventh day.  Or, Monday…

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







NO END to the money laundering.




Problem is most are Jabbed, and what would that do to crops if they were turned into fertilizer?



More and more, I see this was planned for a long time.  This play was ritual mocking.  Just consider this ceremony:

The Opening Ceremony Of The Gotthard Base Tunnel, The World’s Largest Tunnel, Was A Satanic Ritual – Infinite Unknown






Can’t survive?  Yes, that’s the goal.





I took an online test – so obviously completely accurate – on what part of the US you’d be most at home in.  Interestingly, though my father’s side has been in New England / the northeast since the Pilgrims, the results said that I should be in Appalachia.












Millions of potential infiltrators.  Oil reserves to calamitous lows.  Ammo and munitions depleted, military WOKE and moral destroyed… why, one could almost believe this was all intentional.









Article in Friday’s link section.








Inferentially, celebrating an abortion.

Now to most people, a baby is the definitional emblem of innocence.  Annoying and frustrating, sometimes, yes… but innocent nonetheless.  And if someone can have the mentality of coldly eliminating a baby, a nascent life, even celebrating and memorializing that murder… what will they do, having been conditioned to kill, when faced with people to the Right of Stalin who stand in the way of their planned Socialistopia?



Read what the 60’s radicals were planning.  The elimination of millions who wouldn’t go along with the plan.

Larry Grathwohl: Requiem for an American Hero | Frontpage Mag

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.

Now, remember, those people haven’t changed.  Have no doubt that, like every prior genocide, they’re working to move you from “human” to “disease to be eliminated”.  They’ve already gotten warmed up:



















It’s real.

US6506148B2 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors – Google Patents





All these idiots wanting Communism will NOT like it if they get it.




Just because you COULD doesn’t mean you SHOULD.















Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Leftist reporters pretend they’re not partisan news squashers | WND | by Tim Graham

Control the information flow and control what people believe.

Statists On FCC Vote To Restore Obama Era Net Neutrality – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Law Professor’s New Book a Timely Look at the Legal History of Second Amendment – Bearing Arms

See David Kopel’s book too:

Supreme Court Gun Cases

White House: Biden Has Been ‘Unafraid to Use His Emergency Authority’ on Climate (

Of course he will.  And it will be used before the 2024 election to promote mail in balloting… “for the climate”.

Your Fault: Worst Wine Harvest In 62 Years Blamed On Climate Doom – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

It is simple: Conservatives don’t have the votes – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

And why have Republicans been so hampered with a shortage of votes in Congress? The answer here is once again simple: They are not winning elections. The voters are not supporting them. Gerrymandering in the House might lock in too many Democrats and limit Republican districts, but that wasn’t a problem in 2014 when the public gave the Republicans the biggest voting majority in decades.

No, the problem is that the voters have simply stopped voting for the Republican Party, partly because many conservative voters have lost faith in that party because of its inability to pass its agenda even when it had the majority, and partly because Republican voters themselves have given up the fight and stopped voting. In both cases too many conservatives have seen how the establishment that previously controlled the Republican Party has worked very had to stymie and block Donald Trump. Why should they keep voting for a party that refuses to represent their interests?

In part, this is why:

The Left in a Nutshell – HotAir

Today’s protesters don’t know what they are protesting for or against, and when pressed admit: “I wish I was more educated.”

These are Ivy League students.

I went to an elite college and got a Masters’ degree at an elite university, and having studied ancient and modern political philosophy, I developed a deep sadness about how relatively uneducated I am. Still, my education puts these students’ to shame.



Also this:

Report, Lawfare Beach Friends Meet Every Friday to Discuss Legal Filings and Best Trump Attack Strategy – The Last Refuge (

Democrats Indicting 18 Republicans In Arizona For Claiming Trump Won 2020 | Armstrong Economics

Which is why they’ll find a way to suspend the election.  And sure why they’ll cheat:

After Seeing These Polls, It’s Going to Take a Miracle (or Something) for Biden to Win – HotAir

What Next? | NC Renegades

They know, full well, that if they lose they’re toast.  Great incentive to cheat, don’t you think?

Fauci knew Trump would face a disease outbreak. He also knew Biden would not. Curious, no? – Flopping Aces

Interesting on Fauci’s 2017 prediction.



This was one of the big pieces of evidence that, for me, convinced me something was very wrong.  You DO NOT write or speak definitively in a bureaucracy.  That this man, who already spent decades in government, spoke this with certainty was very revealing to me.

America’s Fertility Rate Hits Record Low as Planned Parenthood Abortions Hit Record High –

America’s total fertility rate dropped to 1.62 births per woman last year, a 2% decline from the year before. That figure is below replacement rate, which means that Americans are not having enough children to replace people who are dying. Nation’s (sic) below replacement rates eventually experience massive social and economic problems ranging from an inability to support elderly people to worker shortages to higher rates of prostitution and sex trafficking.

Just from abortion?  Or are other things (*cough cough The Jab cough cough*) also influencing that?

Planned Parenthood just published its annual report, its own figures from the previous year. And when it comes to abortions, the new report shows the abortion business killed 392,715 babies in abortions killed in the last year. That’s a 5% increase from the 2021-2022 figures.

That’s over 1,075 babies killed in abortions every single day of the year or 44 dead babies every single hour. That’s in insane figure for a company that giant claims its main focus is merely women’s health care.

Imagine going up to someone and saying there was an industry that killed over a 1000 people a day in the US.  They’d be horrified.  But then do the “big reveal”… and watch them squirm.

5 Perennials to Plant Once that will Feed You Forever… (

Good to know!

An Altogether Sorry State – Thomas W(h)ispered (

Final question I’ll ask (although I’ve got a hundred more): if ‘they’ can puff up charges and gag a Presidential candidate (and former President) with the sole intent of forcing their will on him, just how fair do you think such a system will be to you and I?

EPA Announces New Standards Which Will Raise Energy Prices – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Don’t forget the Energy Secretary under Barackus who wanted $8 a gallon gas.

Thanks to Biden, China Could Start World War III Here :: Gatestone Institute

Weakness has a cost.  We’re about to pay it, big time.

From here:

Congressman Michael McCaul Who Wrote The TikTok Ban Bill Invested $1.15 Million Into META After Writing The Bill

– On March 3rd, he authored the TikTok Ban Bill

– On March 22nd, he invested $150,000 in META

– On the 26th, he invested another $150,000

– On the 28th, he invested another $150,000

So about three weeks after writing the TikTok Ban Bill, this man invested $450,000 in TikTok’s competitor.

Oh, and then what did he do once he saw his TikTok ban was gonna be included with all the Ukraine funding:

– Well, on April 1st, he invested $350,000 more in META, followed by the fifth where he invested that again.

Then about a week later, of course, he voted yes on the bill he wrote.

So within the span of 40 days, this dude wrote the TikTok ban bill, proceeded to invest $450,000 in the competitor, and then invested another $700,000, taking his total investment and META at a $1.15 million.

And then he voted yes. Now, obviously the word most people are using here is suspicious, but the word we should be using is criminal.

This man wrote the f***** bill to ban TikTok, proceeded to invest more than a million dollars in its competitor, whose stock will skyrocket if TikTok actually gets banned, and then voted on the bill to ban it.

Are you paying attention yet?”

A couple days ago “down under”, a Muslim man tried to stab a rabbi, but his folding knife wouldn’t open, so he used the folded knife to beat the rabbi.  The video of the incident was posted on X and many people shared it.  But the Australian government wants it taken down, because it “looks bad” for their policies of letting Muslim immigrants in.  Elon Musk responded with something like:  No, it’s the truth, therefore it stays.  Now the Aussie government wants to jail Elon Musk because he won’t take censor the truth:

“Australia is NOT a Free Country”: Elon Musk Threatened with Jail for Defying Censorship Demands – Watts Up With That?

Me: Thought it was a priest, not a rabbi.

More “Executive Order” BS from Slo-Joe.  EO 14112 “authorizes” a group of unelected (and therefore unaccountable) persons to run the a “pandemic response” for the country, which means they will basically run the country (worse than what we saw with Covid).  Did we sign up to a dictatorship?  Apparently the clowns running the show think we did:

PERMANENT TYRANNY FROM THIN AIR: Biden Issues Executive Order 14122 Further Authorizing The Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

Student protesters who make enough of a nuisance of themselves to get arrested are now worried about that record following them.  Gee, yeah think?  So now they are begging for amnesty, because they’ve never had to face actual consequences before.  I hope they get everything they deserve (a criminal record, kicked out of college, no degree, and a most importantly, some life lessons learned).

And another POS RINO (Bill Posey, R-FL) decides to retire before his term is up, but AGAIN, too late for holding a special election to fill the seat.  This leaves the Repubs short by several seats when it comes to certifying the 2024 election; which is all by design, I’m sure:

There is growing evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” is directly involved with the rate of cancers happening in people who are not usually at risk:




Pick of the post:



Hysterical mockery.




Palate Cleansers:






Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Conspiracy Win: Vaxx Maker Admits Rare Side Effect (Which Could Cause Blood Clots)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 14:00 +0000

Weird fibrous blood clots were the third vaccine side effect conspiracy to be shouted down by the choir boys for the Public Health Industrial Complex. The first was mental, and the second was sudden cardiac arrest (athletes were dropping dead all over the world). Clots, however, were elevated to a nickname—The Clot Shot.

Any number of documentaries are available, as is expert testimony by pathologists and funeral directors as to the sudden proliferation of long-stretch clots in the veins and arteries of the COVID-Era recently deceased. I don’t need to link or enumerate; you know what I mean and where to find it, as with the pushback that it was caused by COVID (almost everyone did die from that for a while).

Allegedly vaccine-injured litigants in the UK took AstraZeneca to court where,

[I]n the legal document submitted to the High Court in February, AstraZeneca said: “It is admitted that the AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known.

“Further, TTS can also occur in the absence of the AZ vaccine (or any vaccine). Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence.”

Lawyers argue that the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine is “defective” and that its efficacy has been “vastly overstated” – claims AstraZeneca strongly denies.

Scientists first identified a link between the vaccine and a new illness called vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT) as early as March 2021, shortly after the Covid-19 vaccine rollout began.

Lots of things cause clots, including TTS, which can cause clots. Therefore, any increase in clots may not be a result of patients who received the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, which might cause TTS, which might cause clots.

AstraZeneca’s vaccine is an actual vaccine constructed using a genetically modified adenovirus. It is not mRNA, which continues to be experimental (if you get it, you are the experiment).

The vast number of side effects, including looking like an ass repeating the 95% safe and effective marketing, appear connected to the mRNA for which we have yet to see any meaningful lawsuits unless you mean Moderna suing Pfizer (and BioNTech) over patent violations or GlaxoSmithKline suing Pfizer and BioNTech for “infringing GSK patents related to messenger RNA.”

There are suits in the US, but mostly over things tangential to the mRNA vaccine, like how the Feds manage taxpayer-backed mRNA vaccine injury compensation. Everyone had immunity when it came to the juice, which isn’t necessarily impenetrable. It seems to me that it can only be defended if accurate and complete details were provided so that anyone could realistically give informed consent. We know that didn’t happen.

Texas is suing Pfizer over “misleading acts and practices by making unsupported claims,” which is easy enough to prove a hat-trick of years later when many of the people who cashed in and bailed out have admitted the edges were squidgy.

The only real Financial victory (and it’s a bit hollow) is the tumbling share of Pfizer stock. It peaked at $58.50 during the mandate madness but has since collapsed to 25.73. For reference, prior to COVID, it languished in the low thirties, so 26 bucks is not the disaster, some claim. But it’s something. And not enough. The vaccine injured were tricked and pressured and then harmed.

Someone needs to pay for that and it shouldn’t be taxpayers.

The post Another Conspiracy Win: Vaxx Maker Admits Rare Side Effect (Which Could Cause Blood Clots) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Promoted from Comments: “For a long time, parents have treated ‘public schools’ like some kind of birthright, to be funded at everyone else’s expense.”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 12:00 +0000

We’ve been talking (in comments) about Ian’s great comments (Ian Underwood). They are almost always thought-provoking, which is the point of comments. Yeah, we like the sark, snide, and sarcasm, too, but the intellectual journey demands people be willing to get pushed out of their comfort zones.

We all have them, and Ian does a very nice job of approaching problems from angles most people have not considered. This was such a great example of that, pointing to numerous other examples or past clarifications, and I wasn’t certain Ian was going to reshare it as content, so I grabbed it so you could all see it (I realize a majority of readers don’t do or read comments).

Here it is.

Kids need to get out of public schools, that’s for sure. But schools are the way they are because they’re funded with taxes, and therefore are inherently political in nature:…

The same is true of EFAs, although it will take a while to see exactly how that plays out. (For example, at some point using your ‘freedom’ account may require hiring only ‘certified’ teachers like Mx. Munz, or undergoing periodic ‘mental health safety checks’ on your kids.)

Everyone who would be in favor of putting the government in charge of — or even giving it a significant role in — the private ownership of guns, raise your hand. Anyone? No one?

Being armed and being educated are the two principal mechanism for resisting government overreach. Why would we want government involved in either of them?

Note that, whatever value EFAs might have, the arguments most commonly made by proponents are false, and need to be set aside in favor of open, honest discussions about exactly what their purpose is supposed to be:


By the way, the idea that using taxes to fund education is about ‘helping the parents’ is another big reason for the situation we currently find ourselves in. According to Article 3 of the state constitution, you can take my money only if you use it to protect my other rights. And Article 10 specifically prohibits taking money from everyone to ‘help’ one class of people, like parents.

For a long time, parents have treated ‘public schools’ like some kind of birthright, to be funded at everyone else’s expense. Now some other special interest group has learned how to use those stolen funds to promote its agenda, and the parents are upset about that. Loot is loot, no matter who is spending in on whom.

Tax-funded education is supposed to be about the taxpayers ensuring that citizens are literate, numerate, and rational enough to avoid voting away their own rights, along with the rights of everyone else:


If we took that seriously, we’d have a very, very different system in place.

The post Promoted from Comments: “For a long time, parents have treated ‘public schools’ like some kind of birthright, to be funded at everyone else’s expense.” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Vote for Comment of the Week

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 11:00 +0000

It is time, once again, to see which of the following seven comments and their commenter will accumulate enough votes to be this week’s comment of the week winner.

The poll will remain open until 8 pm Tuesday evening. Please encourage other commenters and readers to vote. Comments are published in total; please review and select the author’s name in the poll below.

Please note that while many comments were worthy, only one is chosen each day and you will choose the winner.

Post name
Commenter name


Oppose HB1283 – The So-Called “End of Life Options” Bill Commenter: Ken Goodall

My Mother suffered with Spina Bifida and my grandparents were told she would not survive a year after her birth. Then it was three, then six, then her teens, and finally they gave up.

After suffering multiple different medical issues through out her lifetime along with the spina bifida, she lived to be 89 years old.

Not getting into the whole deal, I believe the Medical industry blew it. After speaking to several people and a lawyer, most commented on her age. I told them all, my mother was a fighter since birth. I had just installed a new deck with a ramp to make it easier for her, I had contacted the local Dialysis treatment center, so even if I could have had only a couple years living with her, that time would have been a treasure.


Congress Is A Disgrace Commenter: Old Matelots Whatever the platform and wherever the location, both of the ‘Legacy’ Political Parties have slowly but surely contributed to the rapid decline of the Nation since the 1960’s. Whether it is their ‘turn’ either in or out of power, both groups are heavily populated with individuals who could never have been elected were they to have faced a moderately well-educated, reasonably well-informed and somewhat civically engaged electorate. Sadly, in the 21st Century, such a constituency has become impossible to assemble.


Oppose HB1283 – The So-Called “End of Life Options” Bill Commenter: Live From OBidens Earpiece

Agree with you to a point. The position you are taking is similar to the Libertarian view. It may seem simpler to just let people do what they want within the scope they have. However, there are always unintended consequences, connections we weren’t aware of. We don’t live in vacuums. We just can’t decide to drive the way we want, while others follow the rules of the road. Similar to Oregon’s decriminalization of possession of heroin, cocaine and other illicit drugs. It had an effect on the users, but also a negative impact on the cities and people connected to the users.

That said, we do need to find middle ground which allows a person to die, in their own time, with dignity. Some still hold to the idea that suicide is a mortal sin while others worry our feral government will look to adopt laws to end our lives quicker especially for those deemed “unproductive”; warehoused in senior living, or those unwanted or who inconvenience society (abortion is an example).

Sadly, we treat our pets better. Somehow we have been able to reach a balance between the Vet, the owners needs and the pet’s best interest without the ham hands of government being overly involved. Not in all cases of course, but like life, nothing is perfect.


Last Chance to Save the Soul of the Nation Commenter: pfrcav717

Just a couple of things I would like to add to this excellent article is that no matter how many people come out and vote against Commie Joe Biden, The Democrat fraud machine will be able to halt the vote counting in key areas and bring in the ballots they need. Thanks to mail in voting the Democrats have been able to devise and test a system that all but guarantees victory in every single election. 2020 was the test.

The Republicans at the federal and state levels turned a blind eye; the courts lacked the courage and the integrity to address the issue which was clear cut. And our federal and state law enforcement agencies found themselves inept at even starting an investigation into voter fraud. But, then again, B Hussein Obama initiated that change in federal law enforcement as well as the federal judiciary, again, with full Republican support. We can even look at the Supreme Court and see the lack of courage and integrity due to politics.

The country we knew and loved, and many of us fought for, is in dire straits right now. And I don’t see anyone on the federal or state level that is willing or able to take on this level of corruption.

One last thing: Even if Donald Trump is elected, will he be able to do anything? As one commenter already said, he had the White House and both the House and Senate, and his own party fought him. The swamp is deep, deeper than any of us could possibly have imagined.

We will have to see what happens, but I fear what must happen to correct this destruction of America.


Comment of the Week Winner: Ian Underwood Commenter: James 51% using the other 49% as an ATM is terrible, but magnitudes worse is that we are entering a world where the 51% can **** your children, and unless you gleefully go along with it (not just accept it, but slobber gleefully at the prospect) you will be lined up and the Republicans will stand there and make a great speech about how they totally do not accept this, this is terrible what they are doing to you, but in the end they will do nothing to stop it, they are there to hold your head still, stop you from getting upset.

Transgender Surgery Is the Lobotomy of the 21st Century
 Commenter: Houmid
Robert Heinlein in his Address to Annapolis cadets defined morality as behavior, “that tends toward survival.” All LGBTQ+ behavior leads to lower than replacement level birthrates, which is why historically, religions condemned such behavior; because it’s anti-life. Transgender surgery removes the capacity for creating and gestating new life, which is about at immoral as you can get short of murder or suicide.

Night Cap: Electoral Compact or Horrific Progressive Power Grab? Commenter: Publius

Why are we continuing to parrot this false claim that flies in the face of basic math and the reality of our electoral system?

Look, support the EC on the basis of history, principle, whatever that’s fine but stop lying that it protects the small states from the big states. If that was the point it fails spectacularly.

At the moment every state is beholden to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona

What the electoral college does do is disenfranchise the Republican voters in California that outnumber those in Texas, and the Democrat voters in Texas that outnumber those in New York etc…

Also on the list of sins is the number of electors we have completely distort the representation of the states(along with the entire House of Representatives) and until we see the repeal of the 1929 Permanent Apportionment Act we aren’t even seeing the EC working as it should be


Pick one Commenter as This Weeks Winner
  • Ken Goodall
  • Old Matelots
  • Live From OBidens Earpiece
  • pfrcav717
  • James
  • Houmid
  • Publius

The post Vote for Comment of the Week appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Rancid Company That Matt Wilhelm Keeps

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 10:00 +0000

So here is DemocratWoke-Communist Leader Matt Wilhelm engaging in some political self-promotion. While all politicians engage in self-promotion, how and where one chooses to self-promote matters.

More specifically, what does it say about Wilhelm that he chose to self-promote on an MSNBC show hosted by an apologist for Hamas?

And, just a reminder because the Biden-Regime and the DemocratParty have forgotten them … Hamas took Americans hostage on October 7th and continues to hold some Americans hostage.

Wilhelm does NOT view a pro-Hamas, apologist-for-anti-semitic-terrorism as an extremist. No … he views Trump-voters as the extremists. Wilhelm is truly disgusting and truly dangerous.

The post The Rancid Company That Matt Wilhelm Keeps appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Ukrainian Tech Companies Protect Their Data Amid War

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 09:00 +0000

For the past few years, Ukrainian tech companies find themselves in a challenging position. While contributing significantly to the nation’s economy, they also face heightened cybersecurity risks: due to Russia’s war on the country, many international companies are wary of starting their collaborations with local companies. However, many existing clients remain loyal and prove that, amid military invasion, the companies successfully operate and produce the expected results.

This article discusses the current situation in the cybersecurity landscape in the Ukrainian software sector and how local companies protect their assets and maintain stability in the face of the ongoing war.

Cybersecurity Measures

For Ukrainian software development companies, in particular, implementing strong cybersecurity measures is not a luxury but a necessity. Secure systems can prevent unauthorized access to confidential data, protecting intellectual property, customer information, and financial records. Data breaches and ransomware attacks also can lead to huge financial losses as well as significantly damage a company’s reputation which can result in losing customer trust and market share. Therefore, investing in cybersecurity fosters a secure environment for innovation and growth.

Trends in Ukrainian Cybersecurity Landscape

Ukrainian tech companies learn to benefit from adopting cutting-edge technologies and best practices to protect their clients’ data. Among the major trends that shape the Ukrainian cybersecurity landscape are

  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA), which adds an extra layer of security to login processes. This significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access even if hackers steal vital information.
  • Cloud-based solutions have also become one of the beacons as they offer advanced features and centralized security management. These solutions are more scalable and cost-effective compared to traditional on-premises security infrastructure.

Additionally, many local tech companies have moved their data to the EU territory, which also minimizes the risks of data breaches.

Regulatory Framework and Compliance

International regulations and industry standards play a pivotal role in ensuring cybersecurity compliance. Ukrainian tech companies follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ISO 27001 to enhance their cybersecurity practices. These are just a few regulatory measures taken to provide strong data security, access control, and incident response procedures. By aligning with these policies, Ukrainian companies demonstrate their commitment to protecting user data and meeting international compliance standards, potentially opening doors to new business opportunities.

Never Forget About the Human Factor

The human factor is one of the main sources that contribute to poor cybersecurity. Even the most sophisticated security systems can be compromised by human error or a lack of awareness. That is why it is so important to invest time and effort in employee training to raise awareness regarding cybersecurity. Among the most spread policies are various security training events including phishing simulations. This allows companies to check how their employees adhere to security measures and prevent data breaches.

The Future of Ukrainian Cybersecurity

The Ukrainian tech industry is demonstrating remarkable resilience and innovation in the face of challenges caused by the active war and heightened risks of cyber-attacks from Russia. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to change, local tech companies easily adapt and remain competitive in the international arena. As to the future, current industry players shift their attention to

  • Focus on Automation and Security Orchestration

Automating routine security tasks and centralizing security management will further enhance efficiency and reduce human error.

  • Integration of Security with DevOps

Integrating security practices within DevOps will allow for a more proactive approach to identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in applications.

  • Investment in Threat Detection and Prevention

Continuous monitoring and threat hunting will become increasingly important to identify and neutralize emerging threats before they can cause damage.


Ukrainian tech companies are playing a vital role in driving innovation and economic growth for the country, especially during the hard times because of the ongoing war. By introducing a proactive approach to implementing best cybersecurity practices, they can continue to grow in global IT, ensuring a secure and prosperous future for the Ukrainian tech industry. The local talent pool is vast and has always been a competitive force in the international arena owing to their dedication, professionalism, and high standards when it comes to job performance

The post How Ukrainian Tech Companies Protect Their Data Amid War appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: 1 in 20 Daily Cannabis Users Will Develop Schizophrenia

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 02:00 +0000

I gave testimony this week in opposition to New Hampshire bill HB1633 to legalize recreational marijuana. This is my testimony.

I post frequently on Facebook about my concerns with the efforts to make recreational marijuana legal in New Hampshire and I get a lot of pushback from people who believe marijuana is completely harmless. I have warned them repeatedly about the studies that show that marijuana is linked to psychosis and an addiction expert who says that 1 in 20 daily cannabis users will develop schizophrenia. I worry a lot about these people and I hope against hope that my words will wake them up from their complacency.

Last year, a long-time acquaintance of mine insisted over and over in his comments on my Facebook post that cannabis does not harm anyone’s brain and as a daily user he functions at a high level. He accused me of spreading propaganda. Sadly, within three days of posting those comments he died by suicide. He left behind a wife and two small children. I was not able to wake him up to the serious harm he was doing to himself and his family with his daily use of marijuana and it breaks my heart. 

Also last year, a young man was accused of shooting his uncle to death in Derry. He was reportedly motivated by a paranoid belief that his mother and others were trying to kill him and his father. This has all the hallmarks of cannabis psychosis. Living in southern New Hampshire, he would have had easy access to high-potency recreational marijuana just across the border in Massachusetts. We will see many more such crimes as marijuana floods across our borders from all sides.

Recently, when I was with a group of young people holding signs with messages in opposition to this bill outside Reps Hall, Jim Riddle, an advisor for the New Hampshire Cannabis Association verbally abused the teens and one of them started crying. I stood between him and them. He was very angry but I insisted that he back off. This is not normal behavior for a grown man. Marijuana is not good for anyone’s brain.

From Alex Berenson’s 2019 book “Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence.”

Dozens of well-designed studies have linked marijuana with psychosis and schizophrenia. Researchers have found marijuana users are much more likely to develop schizophrenia. People with the disease suffer more frequent and severe relapses if they smoke.

Most people will never have a psychotic episode while using marijuana. Some will have temporary breaks from reality. But an unlucky minority of users will develop full-blown schizophrenia. At this point, doctors have no way of predicting who they will be.

We should not add to the supply of dangerous addicting, mind-destroying high-potency recreational marijuana by legalizing it in our state. 

Related: Marijuana Legalization is NOT Inevitable

Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask them to vote ITL on HB1633, “relative to the legalization and regulation of cannabis and making appropriations therefor” at;;;;;

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Property ‘Tax Relief’ Means Property Taxes Will Go Up But Less Than They’d Like

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-04-29 00:00 +0000

Democrats in Vermont are like Democrats in New Hampshire, New York, California, and the District of Catastrophe (DC). There’s no such thing as too much spending or too much taxation but for sh! ts and giggles, they like to call it things like tax relief. As in, we’d like to relieve you of more of your income with more taxes.

If you’ve followed VermontGrok, you’ll know a few things about this, and we encourage everyone to get themselves educated, especially if your local Dems have ever suggested support for property tax relief. We’ve got those here in the Granite State, and for years, I’ve been warning people that 1) They are still (always) looking to raise more “revenue” to spend on schools, government programs, and handouts. More of everything. And (2) that means taking more of your money, not less, so taxes can’t go down. Whatever they are claiming is a massive bait and switch to swindle you and destroy New Hampshire’s unique place in New England, raising revenue by lowering taxes.

Vermont, our poster child for why we should not let Democrats get control of anything, has been spiraling for many years, but in recent sessions, the Democrat super-majority elected (presumably) by Vermonters has been showing us why (with Maine working hard to catch them). The Green Mountain State has a spending problem (all Dem States do, and it never goes away – look at California). To address this, we get news of a “crucial milestone for Vermont’s public education system.” The headline at Vermont Biz is “House passes property tax ‘yield bill’ with 15% increase.”

This week marked a crucial milestone for Vermont’s public education system as the House passed the annual yield bill, H.887, which aims to provide relief to property taxpayers and sets a clear path forward for education finance and taxation. It passed out of the House Wednesday on a vote of 101- 39, which, as is, would be sufficient to override a gubernatorial veto if it were to come to that. Governor Phil Scott has frequently made the point that Vermonters are already overtaxed, and this plan would raise property taxes by an average of 15%.

A bill aimed at property tax relief raises those taxes by 15%. That means people want or need more, and they’ll find it elsewhere, so your property taxes go up 15% instead of 20% or more. No one is cutting spending to provide relief – the same abovementioned lesson.

• Section 2 sets the property dollar equivalent yield, income dollar equivalent yield, and nonhomestead property tax rate for fiscal year 2025. JFO estimates that these yields and rates would correspond to an average increase of approximately 14.97% for homestead property tax bills and income education tax bills, and an average increase of 17.99% for nonhomestead property tax bills. The section also includes a one-time increase of 14.97% to each claimant’s property tax credit for fiscal year 2025.

• Sections 3 and 4 repeal the sales tax exemption for prewritten software accessed remotely. JFO estimates this change would generate $20.4 million in additional revenue for the Education Fund in fiscal year 2025.

• Section 5 imposes a 1.5% surcharge on short-term rentals and dedicates the revenue to the Education Fund. JFO estimates this surcharge would generate $6.5 million for the Education Fund in fiscal year 2025.

There are many other notes, but the cost of property tax relief, summarized, is a 15% rise in property taxes and 27 million in taxes by other means. And the beatings will continue until you stop electing Democrats (and those outside that party who enable them).

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Angela Brennan (Candidate For Senate District 15) … A Misogynist

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-28 22:00 +0000

There is a word that describes someone who thinks males should get to spike volleyballs at females … should get to set a pick on females … should get to rewrite the records for girls’ school sports, essentially erasing female athletes. That word is misogynist.

Angela Brennan, DemocratCommunist candidate for Senate District 15 is a misogynist.

Stop the gaslighting, Angie. The students in question are not girls. They are males. They will never have ovaries … there is no gender-affirming surgery that lets men produce eggs. And, because they are males, they, in general, enjoy inherent physical advantages over females that make their participation in girls’ sports both unfair and dangerous.

The bill, SB 375, recognizes and affirms that girls’ sports is about girls competing with and against other girls … not about girls being forced into competing with and against males in order to accommodate males who identify as females. To the extent that you want to use terminology such as “targeting,” Angie … it is you and other Woke-Communists who are doing the targeting … targeting girls who want to compete with and against other girls, not with and against males who identify as females.

An excellent post on X by J.K. Rowling rejecting and refuting the claim of Woke-Communists like Angie Brennan that being female is nothing more than a state of mind:

And if you want to learn more about Angie Brennan, my post: Angela Brennan (Candidate For Senate District 15) … Constitutional Know-Nothing, Or A Liar?


The post Angela Brennan (Candidate For Senate District 15) … A Misogynist appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Howard And Joe, Two Irrelevant Relics

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-28 20:00 +0000

I was never a fan of Howard Stern or any “shock-jock,” for that matter, but at one time, Stern was considered an effective interviewer. That was years ago when Stern still had a fastball. Today, it is purely slow-pitch softball for Howard.

He was one of the heavy hitters who jumped from terrestrial radio to satellite in 2006 when he was 52 and in his prime. Like our President, Howard’s prime is in his rearview mirror. That is conceding Biden had a prime.

While Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican candidate, is mired in a courtroom, the victim of Biden’s DOJ attack on a free election, Biden sat down with Howard Stern for a fully orchestrated interview. As we learned from ESPN, the questions and answers for both parties are provided, and there are no deviations or follow-ups. In Biden’s world, the interviewer is irrelevant and simply a tool in the President’s effort to secure reelection. This is one of Biden’s series of fluff interviews. We will know he is serious when he sits down with FOX News or, even better, SKY News. That has been brutally honest in their assessment of Joe Biden.

One of the only new points of interest is Biden saying he would debate Trump at some point if Trump could behave. Whatever does that mean? I think it would be beneficial to have immediate fact-checkers handing out Pinocchios, especially when Biden starts talking about his uncle being eaten by cannibals in New Guinea.

There is no way Biden’s minions will allow Biden to get up on a debate stage with Trump or Kennedy. It would not be pretty, and Trump would clean Biden’s clock. The better debate might be between Kamala Harris and whoever is Trump’s VP pick. With this being an election for a one-term President, there is keen interest in the person who would be the next Chief Executive. That is why I believe Trump must name his choice quickly. The chosen person must contrast greatly with Kamala and start hammering Harris on her failures that have been integral to the worst Presidency in our history.

There are several ways to ascertain a debate performance’s impact on the race, but first, Biden’s committing to a debate is meaningless. Biden says many things, and his staff either negates or modifies Biden’s statements. There is also the John Fetterman debate from the 2020 Pennsylvania Senate race. Fetterman was recovering from a stroke, was incoherent, and gave no indication he could perform the tasks of office. He won. Sometimes, the result is baked in, and actions and debates have little impact.

Biden is on the campaign trail daily,  producing at least one gaffe per event. Then Karine Jean-Pierre tries in vain to backtrack. Often, she makes the initial faux pais worse. We are all to blame for this horrific situation involving a Presidential election. We do not vet candidates. We allow incumbents to skate to reelection regardless of performance. We need to do a better job of voting before we critique the field of candidates. Shame on us if we let Biden/Harris spend four more years in Washington. There is not a single aspect of their policy portfolio that has not or will not do long-lasting harm to America.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Independent Schools and More Choice Are the Property Tax Solution

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-28 18:00 +0000

Vermont taxpayers are desperate for relief, especially in regard to funding public education. The only way to provide that relief is to return spending levels on Pre-K to 12th to something resembling normal pre-Covid levels.

The obstacle to this necessity is the politically powerful VTNEA, Superintendents’ Association, Principals’ Association, etc. (aka The Blob) are violently opposed to any reform of the system that impinges on the ever-increasing flow of money from Vermont taxpayers’ wallets into their own. And, conveniently for them, just as firmly ensconced in their pocket as $2.5 billion and growing of our hard-earned money is the Democrat Supermajority.

Taxpayers beg for relief; union special interests demand more cash, not less. Guess who the Democrats are doing the bidding of? Spoiler alert: not you!

We saw this in bald terms when Rep. Nelson Brownell (D-Pownal) explained that the education finance “reform” bill being proposed today is about “look[ing] at costs, but not in a containment way (emphasis added).” Just yesterday, House Ways & Means Chair Emilie Kornheiser (D-Brattleboro) snapped at Republicans offering an amendment to the property tax bill that would lower taxes, “There’s no decision on no taxes here. That’s just not an option.” Translation, “VTNEA et al, keep telling us how much you want to spend, and we’ll keep hitting up the taxpayers with more and higher taxes to pay for it.”

Here’s the reform reality we need to embrace: Vermont independent schools that participate in the Vermont’s 150-year-old town tuitioning system very generally speaking do a better job of educating our children for far less money. It’s a win/win for everyone who should matter.

We need more of this – lots more of this — not less.

Now, when opponents of this cost-effective, highly popular form educating our children howl – as they are certainly doing at this point in the story – that independent schools are only able to achieve these stellar results because they discriminate, no they don’t. That’s a lie. Every school, public or independent, in Vermont that accepts state dollars is subject to the same state and federal non-discrimination laws and regulations. Period.

The taxpayer funded per pupil costs for independent tuitioning schools are capped at $16,756 for elementary students, and $18,266 for middle and high school students. That’s 30 percent less than the official, weighted per-pupil average of $23,586 spent by the government run public schools. And, if one simply takes the $2.5 billion education budget and divides it by the 80,000 actual living, breathing student bodies in the classrooms, that number goes up to over $30,000 per kid.

So, using the most conservative numbers here, if every Vermont student were in the tuitioning system with a capped per-pupil spending rate, Vermont taxpayers could save around $750,000,000. And we’d still be spending 15 percent more per child than the national per-pupil average! And we’d more than likely be achieving better student outcomes.

Sounds like a plan, doesn’t it!

There are some communities that are coming to this conclusion. Parents of children in the Windham Elementary School, for example, just won a school choice petition battle – taking on the Blob as well as a hostile local school board – by an overwhelming vote of 82-45 to close the school and give the kids choice. As the Brattleboro Reformer reports:

“Windham families spoke up forcefully at the town meeting, giving several reasons for their fear and dislike of the Windham Elementary School, which is currently closed. They particularly cited the school board’s inability to affirm that the school would be improved in the immediate future, given lack of staff and serious deficiencies in the school plant,” the Windham Committee for School Choice said in an announcement. “The resounding victory for the solid majority of parents who wanted school choice was unexpected, and suggested that some pro-school voters at town meeting changed their minds on the basis of what they learned from the unhappy parents.”

That last point is key. Parents and taxpayers need to speak up, speak out, and make the case for school choice. Forcefully. It’s a winning issue.

National and state polling data tracked by the American Federation for Children shows public support for school choice at landslide levels between 65 and 75 percent. And for all you wokester social justice warriors out there, demographically that support is highest among Black respondents at 73 percent. (Or is your real attitude, “Black lives matter, but their opinions not so much”?) Hispanic support is at 71 percent.

Really, the only segment of the population that doesn’t support school choice is the special interests that profit mightily from the public school monopoly system. Breaking up that monopoly is the reform we need for the benefit of both as taxpayers and students. The system we have now, with rising cost and falling test scores is failing both. And so are the Democrats in Montpelier who are placing the demands of special interests above those of their constituents.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sununu Thought He Was Integrating Lunch Counters but He Was Stripping Away the Privacy and Safety of Women

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-28 16:00 +0000

I gave testimony this week in support of New Hampshire bill HB396 to protect women’s spaces and sports. This is my testimony.

Related: Take Action to Save Women’s Sports in New Hampshire

This is the Live Free or Die state and Governor Sununu made a terrible mistake in 2018 when he signed HB1319, “prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity” into law. He thought he was integrating lunch counters in the deep south but what he was really doing was stripping away the privacy and safety of women and girls. 

An estimated 91% of victims of rape and sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male.

In a Swedish study on a population of individuals who had undergone sex reassignment, the researchers state: “male-to-females . . . retained a male pattern regarding criminality. The same was true regarding violent crime.”

A large percentage of trans-identifying males, also known as “transwomen” are sexually attracted to women. They transition because they have a sexual fetish called autogynephilia. If a person has one sexual fetish they are very likely to have other sexual fetishes. 

Here in Nashua, we had a male state rep, Stacie Laughton, who identified as a woman, was sexually attracted to women, and who was charged with soliciting pornographic pictures of local toddlers. Thankfully, he is being housed in a men’s prison. 

Should men with autogynephilia and other sexual fetishes be given access to women’s and girls’ spaces of intimate privacy or women’s prisons? Segregation by biological sex can be a good and necessary thing. It’s not like racial segregation.

The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire officially supported HB1319 in 2018. They thought they were giving freedom to trans-identified people but they were really taking away the freedom from businesses and organizations to choose whether or not to allow men to access their women’s restrooms and locker rooms. 

Let Planet Fitness choose to allow men into their women’s locker rooms. Women can choose whether or not to join that gym and risk seeing a man undressing or a man watching them undress. Or they can join a gym that respects their need for privacy and safety.

My testimony against HB1319 has been immortalized in the Hulu documentary “Changing the Game” and it is still relevant today.

Do you trust women to use their own intuition about who is safe to be in a women’s restroom or locker room? Do you respect a woman’s right to privacy? Do you respect a woman’s right to protect herself? Do you want to see women left vulnerable in restrooms or locker rooms to sexual assault, especially young girls? 

Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask them to vote OTP on HB396, “permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain limited circumstances” at;;;;;

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Do You Know Who I Am” … Yes, Goffstown State Rep Judi Lanza: You Are A Thug

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-04-28 14:00 +0000

What the hell is the matter with Goffstown? The latest: A DemocratCommunist State Rep, Judi Lanza, arguably attempting to commit multiple crimes because, apparently, she thinks her position as a State Rep entitles her to shake down local businesses.

And … you can’t make this stuff up … Lanza apparently actually used the “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM” line when called out for her thuggery:

Arguably, Lanza attempted to engage in Theft By ExtortionTheft By Deception, and Official Oppression. So I ask again: WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH GOFFSTOWN?????

The post “Do You Know Who I Am” … Yes, Goffstown State Rep Judi Lanza: You Are A Thug appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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