As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over. And yes there will be a Friday edition too.
Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Please understand that I don’t want to be right on my Depopulation Speculations – already late on the timing, so there’s hope – but at the same time…
Caddyshack – Well? We’re Waiting (
There would, doubtless, still be people who – despite the pain at the pump and inflation in general – would still cheer that “Orange Man” is not in power. My belief is this, captured in a cartoon, that people could be in a collapsed society, but still be grateful that Trump is not in.
Simple: to keep those citizens from defending themselves against those armed illegals.
More generally, liberals evade facts that don’t support their view of their moral (and intellectual) superiority.
For Hollyweird, trans kids are a trendy fashion statement. Burn. It. All. Down.
No, no they don’t. Reality imitates art.
I’d argue it’s much worse than that.
Why am I somehow reminded of Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation?
There’s a scene in the movie “Devil’s Advocate” where Satan (Al Pacino) is talking about using the law to get acquittal after acquittal after acquittal until the universe fills up with darkness – or something like that.
What hath feminism wrought? Same with porn for men – the expectations are set that cannot possibly match reality.
Is Trump “salvation”? I doubt it; certainly he’s not a deity.
I know I’ve mentioned it before… in one of Bernard Goldberg’s books he described how a reporter, on the scene as an eye witness to a massive chemical spill / release (in India IIRC – possibly the Bhopal incident) where he called his editor to describe it. That editor declined to run what would have been a career-making scoop… until he saw it coming across “the wires” so it was officially news.
Yes, they are coming for your kids. It’s Communist doctrine to do so.
This about the video: a woman abandons her family – children! – to become a missionary for Communism in Russia. Thus proving my oft-asserted point – that this is a RELIGION. And that the fight against the Left is not a war of ideas per se, but a religious war against fanatics who believe they can create paradise on earth. See Bill Whittle’s review of the Frankfurt School.
Two different Socialists agree with indoctrination:
Incidentally, while I do attempt to guide my kids, I do so by the Socratic method, not brow-beating.
Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):
Biden Signs Bill Gates’ Pact to ‘Combat Future Pandemics’ – Slay News
Who the living F is Bill Gates so connected with that he has this kind of pull? It can’t JUST be money IMHO; just what info is Microsoft gathering?
Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s Explosive Court Testimony on COVID “Vaccines”(UPDATED) (
Courtroom testimony – thus I infer under oath – censored by youtube. Because “misinformation”. Transcript at the link. Every time I want to believe that the censorship is ending, I see things like this. They’re determined to control your thoughts through the information you have available.
sHeEp BrAiN – Top Molecular Geneticist Warns mRNA Jabs are ERASING Memories & HIJACKING Personalities (
There’s a longstanding joke about people being idiots. “You sound vaccinated”. Looking more and more like this might actually be a thing.
Multiple COVID Shots Linked to Higher Mortality Rates in 18- to 39-Year-Olds • Children’s Health Defense (
Non-sterilizing (does not stop infection, replication, transmission) vaccines: they knew (vaccine makers, vaccinologists) that if you MASS vaccinate into a population across age-groups, in the MIDST (
It means that mechanically, there was NO way that the COVID mRNA vaccine could have ever even worked.
It was DOA. Day one.
‘Democrats Got Everything They Wanted’: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Hailed as House ‘Shadow Speaker’ After $95 Billion Ukraine Bill Passes (
How we know that the sun changes the Climate. Part I: The past – Watts Up With That?
Great graphs plus other info. More – destroying wealth and civilizations, in the name of climate:
How Many Billions of People Would Die Under Net Zero? – Watts Up With That?
Bayou Renaissance Man: Some inflation is nothing more than deliberate price-gouging by businesses
‘Something Will Have to Give’: IMF Issues Dire Warning to Biden Administration (
Economy sucks canal water. And this is deliberate.
U.S. Troops Forced Out in ANOTHER Humiliating Biden Diplomacy Fail. (
Remember, these are the people who said they were the experts – the “adults in the room” compared to Orange Man.
NYC Man Convicted Over Gunsmithing Hobby After Judge Says 2nd Amendment ‘Doesn’t Exist in This Courtroom’ – RedState
She told us, ‘Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.’
Police Website Reveals CDC Suppressing Defensive Gun Use Data – The Truth About Guns
Blaze News investigates: The truth about raw milk the government doesn’t want you to know: ‘Close to a perfect food’ | Blaze Media (
I’m still leery, but at this point if “government” says X, I’ll default to believing NOT X until more data come in.
Surveillance Need Not Be Governmental – Liberty’s Torch (
In the UK. But doubtless coming here.
Smithsonian, America’s Top Museum, Worried it Can’t Hold Drag Shows Any More – The Lid (
Our tax dollars at work. Related:
Trump is busy in New York dealing with BS “trials”, which is what they want (so he’s not out campaigning). Here are two articles (both by lawyers) showing that these charges are bogus, and the trial is a sham just designed to waste Trump’s time & money (and the taxpayers money also):
The lawfare against Donald Trump hits new heights today (
Among all the bills being voted on (that give our money to foreign governments), one that slipped under the radar is the REPO bill, which aims to take seized Russian money and give it to Ukraine. Gee, let’s give some MORE money to Ukraine, I mean it’s not like we need it here, right? Also, it’s another way to “poke” the Russian bear. These people WANT to start WW3, and the American citizen can go to hell:
Major banks are being called on the carpet for de-banking Christian organizations. But the government is not stopping them. Imagine the hue & cry if they de-banked a Muslim organization:
Major Banks Debanking Christians | Armstrong Economics
Largest Christian University in America Gets Fined $37 Million. Coincidence or Targeted Attack? (
This short video (2 minutes) sums up 25 things that are actively being used to destroy America:
Diogenes’ Middle Finger: For Those Who Haven’t Been Paying Attention….. (
BRM with another good “you need to think about this” article. What happens when critical infrastructure goes down due to enemy action. And you have no water, no heat (or AC), no electricity, no access to banks, etc. And not for a few days, like after a big storm, but for MONTHS, maybe YEARS:
Bayou Renaissance Man: About that critical infrastructure…
Bayou Renaissance Man: More about our fragile global Internet
So here’s a question: How was it that these were bought and handed out ahead of time?
Increasingly, Magic Eight Ball says NO.
I would love to go to visit Australia. Nope, not now.
Towards a permanent-majority voting block. They’ve been working on this for DECADES.
About the only thing I trust government to do.
YouTube still at it.
Unverified, but very possible. Slowly, slowly, slowly the constrictor tightens its coils.
Remember, conquest by migration & demographics – Hijra – is a real thing in Islam.
OOH, I am grateful America is supporting Israel. OTOH, it only shows that Israel MUST work to cut the financial dependency on America.
Pick of the Post:
Understand that I post this reluctantly; there’s enough Jew hate around as it is. “Circling the wagons” is a natural reaction. But if we, as a people, cannot and do not call out our own, others will take that as tacit approval. To take no action is an action in and of itself.
Grooming is real – after all, since LGBTQP don’t reproduce biologically, their ongoing numbers MUST come from other sources. And this denial by the ADL only fuels the fires of those who hate us for their perception that “all Jews” are for this. Like my open letter calling out pro-migration Jews, this too must be called out and criticized. Primarily, of course, for the children affected by this, but also to show that Jews are nowhere near united behind this perversion.
Just look at the open and outright denial – gaslighting – of what people understand is implicitly and obviously true through simple logic: that LGBTQP+ increases because of grooming and indoctrination.
What is “Grooming?” The Truth Behind the Dangerous, Bigoted Lie Targeting the LGBTQ+ Community | ADL
This calling-out-our-own applies not just to this, and to migration, but to the perceived unity in Jewish advocacy of Communism. Except:
Socialism and Passover: The Holiday Of Freedom – The Lid (
Palate cleansers:
Been learning Morse code and trying to teach it to my kids (without much luck). I can send – very slowly – messages but would have to see them written down to decode them. Practice, of course…
Come back on Friday for more memes. Same meme time. Same meme channel.
The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.