The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

Night Cap: Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-07 02:00 +0000

Time and again, we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. We are also informed that the terrorists, who happened to be Muslims, are the disaffected and the young. And not to worry, since as the fire of youth turns to ashes of old age the rebellious will mellow, as they always have.

With heavy assurances like this, coming from so many know-it-all authoritative figures, we can sleep soundly without the aid of sleeping pills. After all, people reason that these pundits are “experts” whose job is to know and tell it like it is. Those who voice contrary views must be a bunch of racists and alarmist hatemongers. Who is right?

Wouldn’t it be more prudent to let the facts settle the matter rather than blindly accepting either position? Of course, it would, except for one huge problem. In the face of threats, people tend to go to the mind’s medicine cabinet and take a few denial and rationalization pills, in the same way, that it is the aspirin bottle they turn to when a headache strikes. Why not? We are the Easy Species. We love effortless, quick, and simple solutions. And that’s not invariably bad. It has given us all kinds of labor and time-saving devices.

Yet, the Islam problem is very real and deadly. Neither the pronouncements of the experts nor the tranquilizing pills of the mind can make it go away. It is here, and it shows every sign of imposing itself on us. Let us look at some of the facts.

* Not every Muslim wears an explosive vest ready to detonate amid a crowd of innocent civilians, yet there are more volunteers for the mission than there are explosive vests. The Islamic Republic, for instance, hasn’t even officially joined this form of jihad. Yet, by its own admission, it has over 10,000 volunteers trained and ready to be deployed, and thousands more are queuing to join in. This time around, the jihadists heading for Allah’s heaven might come fitted with nice little suitcases of dirty bombs instead of the bulky explosive vests. Recall that it took only 19 of these killers to launch the aerial mass murder of 9/11 that killed 3,000 people, shattered our open, trusting way of life, and cost us billions of dollars.

* The jihadists are not confined to a minority of disaffected Muslim youth. How young were Bin Laden, his deputy doctor of death Al Zawahiri, Mullah Omar of the Taliban, Khamenei, and the late Rafsanjani of Iran, to name a few? How disaffected are they? Muhammad Ata, leader of the 19 airborne thugs and the decapitator of Wall Street Journal reporter Pearl, was somewhat younger yet well-healed and Western-educated.

* Just coin some terms such as the “Melting Pot” or “Multiculturalism,” and you have the problem solved? Roll out the red carpet for the immigrant Muslims, treat them as you would your own citizens, give them stipends, medical care, and free education and they will integrate seamlessly into society. No such thing at all. The idea of Melting Pot may work with people who come from different lands to make the new country their home. The Islamists, on the other hand, come with the belief that they already own the place and want to make it part of the Ummah. Some forty percent of second and third-generation Muslim Britons reject British democracy, express their allegiance to Islam, and want to live under Sharia. So much for the Melting Pot comfort pill.

* The new Islamist arrivals take advantage of the provisions of the most benign system known to humanity, democracy, to implode it from within. Muslims, by sheer numbers, will soon be in a position to vote out democracy in many countries. They are already doing that in bits and pieces. They are imposing many of their values in a number of societies, even while they are in the minority. Politicians, hungry for votes and devoted to the practice of political correctness, bend backward to accede to Islamists’ demands.

* As for Multiculturalism, it is even more of a delusion than the Melting Pot myth. It is a second-generation Comfort Pill. Since the Melting Pot proved to be worse than a placebo, the politically correct gave us the new pill. A glance at Europe shows how Multiculturalism in fact has served as the incubator of Islamism in no time at all. Europe’s Multiculturalism is rapidly birthing a Uniculturalism if the Islamists’ medieval way of life can be dignified as a culture.

* Respect for diversity, separation of religion and state, and freedom of belief and expression are pillars of democracy, yet anathema to Islam. In no Islamic land do you find an ecumenical organization. It is only in non-Islamic countries that the shameless duplicitous Muslim, be he an imam, a mullah, or a regular run-of-the-mill faithful of Allah, meekly participates in ecumenical feel-good gatherings.

* To Muslims, no other religion is deemed worthy of recognition, much less accommodation. There is not a single church, synagogue, or Buddhist temple in all of Saudi Arabia. They are barred. The Islamic Republic of Iran’s raft of genocidal pogroms includes the heinous practice of bulldozing even the cemeteries of its Baha’i religious minority. The Islamic tyranny of the mullahs imprisons Christian Iranians for celebrating Christmas. Egypt denies its own citizens identity cards for refusing to lie and fake their religious beliefs or disbelief. The ID cards are required for education, securing work, receiving medical care, and just about every right of citizenship. Without it, a citizen is literally subjected to slow death.

* In Islam, only Muslim men and, to a lesser extent, Muslim women are entitled to certain rights. All non-Muslims, including the so-called people of the book, namely Christians and Jews, are at best second-class subjects, subjects who must pay the back-breaking Jizya, poll tax, for their “sin” of not converting to Islam. So, as Islam makes its inroads in new lands, as its membership swells through explosive birth and conversion, secular democracies will be inevitably replaced by Islamism with its stone-age Sharia laws. The best offer that Islam will make is to spare the non-Muslim’s life if he puts on the heavy yoke of Jizya for the rest of his living days.

* Not to worry about the horrific things that are happening on the other side of the world? If Muslims act heinously toward non-Muslims, it is just the way things are in those countries and it is hardly any of our business. This is the same attitude that set the Islamization of Europe on a seemingly irreversible track. One European country after another is rapidly buckling under the weight of Islamism.

* Most importantly, not to worry about the Islamization of our country? After all, Muslims are about 6-7 million minority in a population of nearly 300 million, you reason? That even a smaller number of these Muslims are hothead radicals, while the majority is just like everyone else? However, small minorities can overwhelm the majority by use of coercion and deadly force. Islamists are notorious for their dedication to the use of force to achieve their aims. The Taliban were a very small minority in Afghanistan; the Islamists were a tiny faction in the 1979 Islamic Revolution of Iran. Both overwhelmed the masses and imposed their reign of terror. The terrorist Hamas is also a “minority” in number, yet it rules the Palestinian Territory. Hizballah of Lebanon is a minority, yet it has taken the country to the verge of destruction.

* Islamists are Islam’s locomotive that takes the wrecking-ball Islamic train on its demolition course. Islam and democracy are incompatible. As democracies practice their magnificent accommodating belief, they knowingly or unknowingly lay the track for the advancing wrecking train of Islam. We, in the United States of America, must resist Islamism while it is still gathering momentum unless we wish to end up in the same fix as the Europeans. ,

* We, in the United States, further need to embark on a comprehensive legal, educational, and social campaign to eradicate the deadly plague of Islam. By effective action, we even save those peaceful Muslims from their own affliction. I am not hatemongering. I would love to see all Muslims become ex-Muslims and full-fledged members of a diverse, tolerant, democratic society. It is a statement of fact about what Islam is. Islam is a highly communicable pandemic-violent disease that demands urgent and serious containment.

Europe is already badly infected with Islamism. It is the coal miners’ canary. It tells us that the next stop is America. We must act and act now. We must not sacrifice our cherished way of life and the lives of our children at the altar of political correctness: the incubator of Islamofascism.

The post Night Cap: Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New York Times Almost Breaks 7th Seal on Vaccine Injuries…

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-07 00:00 +0000

When the New York Times publishes something, it is a sign to the coastal elites that it is okay to discuss it. Here are some guidelines, what you are to believe and disbelieve, none of which should be mistaken for reporting. These are instructions. They expand the narrative bubble to control the messaging.

Especially if the content substantiates something previously labeled by the Left as a right-wing conspiracy, like people harmed by the COVID injections, but here we are, three years and some months into a massive experiment, and the Paper of Record (at least for progressives) is opening the door just enough to allow its readers to broach the subject at the water cooler.

People of the Left. Vaccine injuries are real, with conditions.

Provisos, Restrictions, Limitations…

You are officially permitted to acknowledge COVID vaccine injuries (including yours) on the following terms. They exist. People suffer. Some of those people are progressives (more than average, given the uptake demographics). And they’ve been suffering in silence. Serious side effects are rare. Death from a COVID vaccine is still tied up in the stall. We’re not discussing it. I also saw no mention of mRNA, not that it matters. This story is not about how the Public Health Industrial Complex fast-talked a gazillion people into rolling up their sleeves for something that was neither safe nor effective. It is about how when harm happens, as rare as that is, the system isn’t very good at helping.

It is a “yes, vaccine injuries are real” smokescreen for a “government should do more” screed.

The Times thinks that corporate immunity (PREP) protections are the problem – which they are – but in this admission, the relationship is little more than an abused spouse who refuses to tell the police anything but how clumsy she is. I fell down the stairs. Again.

She has two left feet.

The NYT remedy for that “problem” is the same system that didn’t listen during the Pandemic and isn’t listening after it. As Jeff Childers notes, the cure is more of what didn’t work to fix what’s not working.

How could all this anti-progressive gaslighting and illiberal lack of sympathy have possibly happened? How can the Times reconcile this long period of denial and deception? Because it’s just so darn difficult to track vaccine injuries, and because we need even bigger government, that’s how:

The nation’s fragmented health care system complicates detection of very rare side effects, a process that depends on an analysis of huge amounts of data. That’s a difficult task when a patient may be tested for Covid at Walgreens, get vaccinated at CVS, go to a local clinic for minor ailments and seek care at a hospital for serious conditions. Each place may rely on different health record systems.

There is no central repository of vaccine recipients, nor of medical records, and no easy to way to pool these data. Reports to the largest federal database of so-called adverse events can be made by anyone, about anything. It’s not even clear what officials should be looking for.

Remember that time during the Pandemic when everyone who hates privacy and freedom insisted we should all have to carry around passports to move about in public? They thought paperwork to ensure you were inoculated with the government-approved serum that did not stop the infection from spreading would stop the spreading. More of them are the cure for this.

Yes, please, may I have another (the government punches Liberty in the face).

Hard Pass

Times readers might be doe-eyed by it all. A lover softly whispering I’m sorry, let’s work this out, along with a soft-sell story about people like them suffering from their blind embrace of everything wrong with what went wrong. We weren’t all in this together, but some of us are in this together, so let’s dust off the wife beater and grab the largest bottle of Knob Creek we can find and see how long it takes for me to “fall down” the stairs again?

But what about the revelation? COVID “vaccines” did cause injuries. That has to mean something!

You see, covid vaccine injuries are brand new types of injuries, so what can you expect from busy, hardworking scientists? Dr. Woodcock explained, “I mean, you’re not going to find ‘brain fog’ in the medical record or claims data, because it doesn’t have a good research definition.” The former FDA Commissioner insisted, “It isn’t, like, malevolence on their part.”

It’s not like malevolence. It is malevolence. It’s like deliberate institutional neglect. But they meant well. “Federal officials,” the Times explained, “worry that even a whisper of possible side effects feeds into misinformation spread by a vitriolic anti-vaccine movement.” But health agencies’ duty is to pursue the truth, even when it’s complex or inconvenient, not to curate a simplified narrative for their perverse perception of an infantilized general public.

They should be more concerned with letting the government do stuff (any stuff), but maybe that’s just me. And perhaps that has something to do with the Times poon-feeding its audience a taste of reality. It’s a sampler narrative. Take a sip or a bite, and if you know someone with inexplicable post-Jab complications or someone who knows someone, it’s okay to say that out loud to someone other than your therapist. But don’t get too carried away.

The issue isn’t how the government lied to you and hurt you and how the media helped cover it up to prevent people from avoiding the potential for harm; it is how the government is going to help us next! It’s risky. This snowball at the top of the Matterhorn could gain both size and momentum, but maybe that’s a good thing. An out-of-control problem of that scope can only ever be handled by the government, right? So let’s agree on that (hopes, the Times).

Hard Pass (Again)

Let’s agree that the response to the Pandemic was Pandemicm of scope so poorly handled that it created this problem with the help of the New York Times.

That if you let people go about their business and take Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin if they wanted to instead of engaging in medical witch trials, a lot of people might still be alive and healthy, and this Times article never gets written.

You’d (of course) have had no excuse for vote-by-mail, and Biden wouldn’t be president. No war in Ukraine. Peace in the Middle East. Russia, China, and Iran would still likely be cowed. Our economy would be stronger, gas cheaper, and there would be no Federal EV mandates or rapid transgendirification of the military. Neither the Taliban nor China would have many billions of dollars worth of US military hardware (abandoned in Afghanistan). The National Debt would be lower, still too high, but not like it’s risen under Uncle Joe. The Blue States and cities would not be underwater with the swarms of invaders because the border would have stayed secure, and immigration laws would have been enforced. The drug overdose and drug gang problem that had receded under Trump would not have reemerged, so more friends and loved ones would be alive. Crime would likely be lower, wages higher, and we’d have real job growth instead of the fake-Biden- government jobs-growth-Potemkin-village.

And the number of vaccine-injured would be a lot lower.

But that’s not what we got, nor what they want. Democrats vote for decline, even when faced with it, then vote for more of it, dragging everyone else along for a ride whose only allowable response or cure is more of what made things worse.

But they did admit there were vaccine injured.

The post The New York Times Almost Breaks 7th Seal on Vaccine Injuries… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Things You’re Not Supposed To Know Or Say

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 22:00 +0000

The reason the DemocratsWoke-Communists use “democracy is on the ballot” as one of their elections mantras … is because most voters don’t understand/refuse to believe that America has NOT really been a democracy since the “intelligence community” killed JFK. The ignorance and manipulability of Americans is appalling.

Even if you have no knowledge of history prior to 2016, the Trump presidency is sufficient to understand that we have a permanent, unelected government that works hand-in-hand with globalists, corporatists, and the “media” to manipulate Americans. Excellent synopsis below regarding the actual insurrection/soft coup that began the instant Trump was elected … which most Americans, because they have been so manipulated by the Media, big tech, etc., etc., etc. consider normal behavior and NOT a soft coup.

And the soft-coup of 2016 was quite bipartisan. The GOP controlled Congress from 2016-2018. The GOP could have shut down the phony Congressional investigations, but chose not to. Why? Hint … the GOP’s leaders were named Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. Mueller was appointed by a DOJ that was supposed to be working for Trump. Why was that?

But just keep pretending bitter-clingers … Republicans, good; Democrats bad. Republicans, good; Democrats, bad. Slava Ukraine. Slava Ukraine. Slava! Slava! Slava!


The post Things You’re Not Supposed To Know Or Say appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The ‘Dome’ Winooski Built

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 20:00 +0000

It’s weird what you remember. I distinctly remember being at my friend Phil’s house in the late 70s (early 80s?) and seeing a copy of Yankee Magazine. The featured article was about a proposal to put a dome over Winooski, Vermont.

Numerous examinations of the why, where, and what-for exist, but Winiooski gained fame and infamy, and it only cost someone else 55,000.00 dollars in federal grants to explore the idea. The Feds proposed it; Winooski said yes to the exploration but no to that dome.

Years later, the town, more woke than ever, has achieved a different kind of dome. One that protects exorbitant public school spending at great expense, which commenter Jay Eshelman noted a few weeks ago in comments.

Jay Eshelman

Consider Winooski, VT. Winooski just passed a $31,970,907 school budget serving approximately 764 Pre-k through 12th grade students. That’s $41,846 per student, for a kindergartner or a high school senior. And for that investment only half of VT students are academically proficient, suicides for 18–24-year-olds tripled last year, and drug overdoses have quadrupled over ten years.

Meanwhile, for perspective, parents can send their kids to VT State University for a full year of standard undergraduate college programs for $22,882 – and that includes room and board.

‘Suicide mission’ is a reasonable characterization for Vermont’s future (if one can call it a future). Forewarned is forearmed New Hampshire.

I don’t recall if it was a contender for comment of the week, but it shows us what happens when we lose sight of the point of public education. It is not sports, music, grooming, anti-racism theory, or – now – mental health care or indoctrination. All it was supposed to do was teach math, reading, and history (maybe ethics or debate). We get lip service to academics but plenty of the other stuff.

You’d be right to ask, but what about math and reading? And maybe we need a new institution for that? Something that isn’t training acolytes to some progressive god-state. You can try. Its defenders have crafted a narrative dome around the corruption of public education. The organized missile defense system of Union flunkies and local water carriers often shoots down locals who try to get inside. Those who make it in are bullied into a quick exit. It is rare to see any other outcome, and these are expensive losses, not just financial ones.

‘Public schools’ are not preparing children for much of anything. These kids, on whom more money is spent than perhaps at any time in the arc of public schooling, know less and are less capable than almost every previous generation, none of which had the modern tools or access to potential learning.

Dropouts from decades past likely left with more skills and learning than today’s graduates, while places like Winooski charge a premium for the decline.

Talk about shrinkflation. Joe’s worried about people paying more money for fewer chips in the bag while unions and administrators in Public Schools are demanding more taxdollars for an education that churns out kids a few cans short of a six-pack.



The post The ‘Dome’ Winooski Built appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Senate Passively and Collectively Voted for a New TAX

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 18:00 +0000

Yes, that’s what I said and it’s the harsh and unpleasant truth, as truthful as saying that Melanie voted for an income tax.  No member is exempt from blame so each one gets their rightful 1/24th, but some are definitely more deserving of rebuke than others, according to my report, but let’s first make it known that Commander Sharon put HB1002 on the consent calendar when it received a 5-0 committee blessing.

What that meant was that there was to be no floor discussion in the Senate chamber on Thursday.  About 17 minutes into the video of that day, she motions to Jeb to adopt the bulk batch of bills, and he asks the body, “all in favor, say ‘I’.”  And he almost forgot to do that, but the clerk reminded him to.  That, dear readers, was the very LAST window of opportunity before the Corner Office to fight back, when Jeb followed with an “anyone opposes?”  Sheeple!  Sharon’s sheeple, and I hold them to a higher standard than Donna Soucy’s sheeple because the latter is nothing but enemies of NH.

I spoke at April 9’s Judiciary Committee hearing against the RTK Tax and was followed by Laurie Ortolano, a local mentor and advocate who no longer needs an introduction.  The Grok Faithful should know that the Senate, as a government body, miserably failed at doing the People’s Work in a manner that serves the best interest of the people they’re elected to serve.  I will not close with any further editorial, just a summary of my activism and how it was responded to, so without further delay, here’s my report in the same order that the clerk calls the roll:

1) She was Included in two emails with nine others sounding the alarm on this impending train wreck. On Wednesday morning, I had a 5-minute in-person talk about my own local RTK experience with the assessor’s office, considering that she’s the daughter of realtors.

2) Cosponsor.  Signed into the Judiciary committee hearing register in support, though allegedly by someone else when I showed him a picture of it.  Played stupid on the idea of an amendment(exempting locals doing RTKs at their own city halls) along with his buddy, #17, in the presence of a District 17 constituent witness.

3) Senate President.  He had the opportunity to use his power in a variety of good ways, but he didn’t want to disrupt his big retirement announcement in the chamber while his wife was visiting.

4) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

5) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

6) Election Law and Municipal Affairs chair from a city aspiring to be “Nashua Jr.”  Emailed twice with 9 others(see #1), but at least he said thanks for the email both times.

7) Included in two emails with nine others.  No reply or in-person contact.

8) Included in two emails with nine others.  Discussed in person at last Saturday’s Pine Tree Riot event and got the “we’ll see about that” shrug.

9) Included in two emails with nine others.  No reply or in-person contact.

10) Enemy camp: I don’t email them.

11) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

12) Cosponsor and senator in the most corrupt city in NH.  Much could be said, and a detailed timeline of communication could be built on communication attempts and dialogues with him.  He had multiple reminders and opportunities to apply the brakes, and he chose to let the train wreck happen.  It’s like someone watching a kid or blind adult about to get hit by a semi-truck and doing nothing.  If he’s expecting a “get out of jail, free” card because he’s MY senator, he’s in for a surprise because he was “just following orders”(from #14) instead of actually serving his constituency.  Also claims he’s proud of his record.  Is he now?

13) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

14) Cosponsor, Judiciary chair, and 2nd in command, presumptive heir to the gavel.  Moved OTP in committee with minimal words said and the four other members went along without any resistance as seen in the April 18 executive session video.  Lives in same town as the Speaker of the House.  Coincidence(regarding where the power nucleus is)?  You tell me.

15) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

16) Included in two emails with nine others.  No reply or in person contact.

17) Included in two emails with nine others.  Answered first email last Saturday morning with a “thanks Julie, I’ll take a look at the bill, have a great weekend.”  I had an unexpected encounter with him and #2, and he played stupid when I asked about the amendment.  Councilor Prescott appeared mid-conversation, and Nurse Terese observed the whole thing.  #s 17 and 2 are seemingly joined at the hip, freshmen who were ushered into their seats, along with #22 and with the blessings of the establishment elite.

18) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

19)Included in two emails with nine others, both receiving auto-replies saying “Thank you for your email.  If you are writing about a particular piece of legislation, please know that I review all of my emails and I appreciate you taking the time to contact me.  However, due to the volume of emails I am receiving, it is no longer possible to respond to each one in a timely fashion.  The thoughts and opinions of my constituents are very important to me, and I will certainly consider your input.”  Unexpected in-person encounter Wednesday morning and had very little to say.  Also played stupid and clearly did not want to talk.

20) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

21) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

22) Included in two emails with nine others.  Also a Judiciary member and a lawyer.  Emailed numerous additional times before the hearing along with another Judiciary member and the chair and therefore very familiar with Laurie Ortolano’s story.  Packed up and walked out on the April 9 hearing instead of taking advantage of an opportunity to cross examine her with questions while at the mic.  Encounter Wednesday near kitchen elevator and started talking about his cats when I called out his name and said “I am disappointed in you, VERY disappointed.”  Often seen with Kuttab, who wants to go to law school and is the prime sponsor.  Friendly, but must think I’m stupid because I’m not a lawyer.

23) Included in two emails with nine others.  Also a cosponsor, Judiciary member and a lawyer and shares a secretary with my senator.  Emailed numerous additional times before the hearing along with another Judiciary member and the chair and therefore very familiar with Laurie Ortolano’s story.  No reply or in person contact regarding HB 1002, but promptly and cheerfully replied to a few emails about his sanctuary city bill and a higher office candidate he supports.

24) Enemy camp, I don’t email them.

The post The Senate Passively and Collectively Voted for a New TAX appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 16:00 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.  And if Israel is of interest, my last topical post here.  (Note that I’m taking a week or so break on the Israel posts, and may need to drop to a Monday-Friday schedule on memes for a while.  I do have a couple of essays in progress, so stand by for those.)

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






I was very lucky to get her autographed to picture (alas, not personalized).  Framed and on the wall.




Less than 20 years.  When it happens, it can happen surprisingly fast.




And welcomes little fishes in, with gently smiling jaws… and promises of free stuff.





They want them all.  Period.  My reply?  Here (may have to go to PG-13 settings).






No words except for “Bullet.  Brain.  Assembly required”.






Proverbs 22:28

King James Bible: Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.




The more I learn about feminism, the less I think it was about equal rights, etc., with which I would agree – and more about pushing women into the tax base and destroying the family through “entitlements” and an “I deserve…” mentality.



Skipping the whole Oath of Allegiance to the US thing.





One of the enormous weaknesses of the Left is the need to be LIKED.

The Right Way: The Leftist Sense of Self ( and link in original):

Ultimately, for the Leftist, it’s not about what they think, it’s about what others think about them. Read this essay by a psychologist whose work and essays I really like; alas, she’s gone dark after Obama’s re-election. And then READ IT AGAIN – it’s that good. They’re not strong enough to stand on their own convictions.









That’s really a good point.  And it brings to mind this quote about forcing people to comply with untruths:

“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple








I remember seeing a video of the above event.  The two women, mother and daughter, are cheering and jumping at the “BORTED” sign.  Screaming together like fangirls having just gotten hugged by their favorite pop star.

Think about that.  The girl, having gotten pregnant through her own voluntary act, is celebrating the murder of her child.  But the mother is celebrating the murder of her grandchild.  Now, imagine in ten years when her daughter is married and announcing she’s pregnant.  Will there be even a frisson of regret or realization?



The ghoulishness of this is staggering.  But it’s of a piece: the denigration and diminishing of human life.  If they’ll celebrate this, the murder of an innocent – what will they do when they come to get you, a MAGA deplorable, who stands in their way of creating Socialistopia?



Think that can’t happen?  Here’s just one example, among myriad examples, of that exact mentality:



I know I keep hammering this theme, but you must assimilate it to your core.  If you are not one of the herd, you are a threat.  And one last Thought Splinter:

If mankind’s CO2 emissions are a threat to the entire biosphere, i.e., to all life on earth, what would they NOT DO to save the biosphere?

Remember what John “F*cking POS traitor” Kerry’s daughter said:







I like my hamburgers.  I’ve even had bean burgers once in a while.  I will, no way Jose, have a fake meat burger.




I remember in grad school, one of my fellow engineering students had a cartoon up of two garbage men at work; the caption was Liberal Arts majors after graduation.  One of them was saying “I love the way the trash surrenders to the compactor, as if making way for its fellow refuse…” and the other said “That reminds me of an ancient Japanese haiku!”





But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that there is no war on white people.





Eye chart; can’t read that.  But the context / stuff you can read is damning nonetheless.























Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


10 Lies Democrats Tell About Elections (And How To Refute Them) (

There is almost no subject the left won’t lie about. Whether it’s denying basic biology or fabricating “bloodbath” hoaxes about their top Republican rival, no topic is off limits for the Democrat “disinformation” police — and that includes elections.

Unredactions Reveal Early White House Involvement in Trump Documents Case | RealClearInvestigations

Is there any actual surprise at that?

Why Don’t Media Care About The Man Who Killed Four Cops? (

Not meeting the required Narrative.

A Secret Finally Revealed: Americans Can Know the U.S. Cities Receiving Hundreds of Thousands of Immigrants Flying from Abroad (

Whatever you think you know, my bet is you don’t know a fraction still.

GERMANY: Donald Trump warned you about this and you mocked him for it (

I remember how he was mercilessly ridiculed for this.  But…

GREAT NEWS! New German poll reports there is now widespread opposition to mass Musim immigration (


They Lied to You: Biden Regime Issues Rule Change to Give Taxpayer-Funded Obamacare to Illegal Aliens – Obama Promised This Would Never Happen | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

More on migration:

Is London now a Muslim majority city? (

Pretty clearly.  More:

Still buying that far-left crap sandwich about “diversity being our strength?” (

Broadly, on migration (for any nation):



The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent (

If vaccines in general, not just the so-called “vaccine” for Covid, actually were truly SAFE AND EFFECTIVE they wouldn’t need to do this.

The End Approaches – Vox Popoli (

Short of actual involvement by NATO, Ukraine will fall. Or, at least, the part Russia wants.  Speaking of NATO involvement:

France sends combat troops to Ukraine battlefront – Asia Times

Hungarian Foreign Minister Warns Macron Risks Sparking World War III – modernity

Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting The Feminist Cause – Victory Girls Blog

Feminists.  Leftists.  IDIOTS.  Related, at least to me:

Glazov Gang: Daniel Greenfield on ‘Domestic Enemies’ | Jamie Glazov Productions

Lots of videos, not just the one referenced.  And… airborne HIV?????

Biden Scheme To Spy On Trump Supporter Bank Accounts Even Wider Than Reported – Great America News Desk

All this is doing is accelerating distrust in the financial system.  Which many be a feature; the more people pull out, the lower things go, the worse things appear, and the more incentive they have to seize ever more control.

In closing, here’s an encouraging sign – among many private discussions I’m having with a lot of politically-conservative Jews who DO NOT LIKE that new “anti-Semitism” bill:

Jews Must Not Let Politicians Curtail Free Speech – Tablet Magazine

This is a Jewish magazine, with what is – IMHO – a forceful denunciation of the bill.




Pick of the post:



That revolving door has to be closed.  Whether in pharma or defense or anything else.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Campus “Protesters” Are Nazis, Not Marxists

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 14:00 +0000

I have seen and heard the campus “protesters” described as Marxists. They are NOT. They are actually their own manifestation of socialism (which I call Woke-Communism), but if the choice is limited to Marxist and Nazi … the far better descriptive is Nazi. I will explain why.

Marxism and National Socialism were both 20th-century manifestations of socialism/collectivism/communism, whatever term you prefer to describe a system of governance where there is a ruling class and the rest of society is coercively structured to serve the ruling class under the guise of serving “the common good,” “the State,” “social justice,” “equity,” blah, blah, blah.

Marxism was a socialism based on class. Lenin said that German workers and Russian workers should not be killing each other but instead should be killing their bourgeoise overlords. (This was at the time of World War I, bitter-clingers). The campus protesters are NOT urging Palestinian and Israeli workers to unite and bring down the bourgeoise. They are NOT Marxists.

National Socialism was a socialism based on race. Hitler sought to unite all the Germanic people and use the Slavs as essentially slave laborers. And, almost as soon as the Nazis gained power, Hitler began instituting apartheid versus Jews and others … and I am going to assume you know how things progressed and ended.

The campus protesters have much, much more in common with Nazis than with Marxists. Their socialism, like National Socialism, is based on race … the Jews are the oppressors, and the Palestinians are the oppressed. The campus protests are a manifestation of the identity politics that is driving today’s Democrat Party.

Today’s Democrat Party represents a socialism based on identity. Society is to be coercively structured to supposedly protect the “marginalized,” the “oppressed,” blah, blah, blah … i.e., “people of color,” “LGBTQ+,” etc., etc., etc.. It resembles National Socialism in that your place in this society is to be determined by your skin color, your sexual preference, etc., etc., etc..

Today’s Democrat Party is actually quite similar to Hitler’s National Socialism. Calling them Marxists is imprecise. Calling them Nazis is much less imprecise. I use the term woke communists.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Letter From Campus – Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah. I have Joined Camp, Intifada …

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 12:00 +0000

Fans of Dr. Demento will already be familiar with the tune and the original, but it’s not a problem if you’ve never heard it. It is a humorous 1963 ‘novelty’ song by Alan Sherman about a kid sent to the fictional Camp Grenada.

You can listen to the original here.

Fast-forward to now, and an enterprising someone (Vaad HaBadchanim?) has rewritten the lyrics. It’s a college kid on campus and, well, you know what’s going on – on campus!

Check it out.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Help Us Choose Another ‘Comment of the Week’ Winner!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 11:00 +0000

Another week and hundreds more comments. We pick one from each day of the previous week, and you get to vote on who wins the honor. All we ask is that you read them and vote.

One maintenance note: We are waiting on the full backup to proceed with site changes. New management made a once simple task more complicated.

So, here they are!

Post: Promoted from Comments: “For a long time, parents have treated ‘public schools’ like some kind of birthright, to be funded at everyone else’s expense.”
Author: Houmid

Comment: The largest consumer of property taxes in New Hampshire are the school systems. Throwing more money at the schools is not improving our children’s ability to succeed and thrive. What that money is doing is driving more and more divisive programs that promote racial discrimination, sexual depravity, total confusion of reality, and a jobs program for so called educators that would never have been allowed to teach 100 years ago. More to the point, there are zero incentives for public school systems to halt rising costs, much less reduce them.

Property taxes make sense for the provision of necessary services that benefit everyone in a community. Municiple taxes for police, fire & rescue, and road maintenance are needs for everyone. Ditto water and sewage if your municipality provides them. Everything else is fluff. But property taxes for public schools is an abomination that never should have been allowed. Funding for schooling your children should have remained the responsibility of people with children, not everyone. Granted, nearly everyone benefits when education is provided to all children; so some limited taxation for those without children may be acceptable. Unfortunately, our governments suck when it comes to limitations.

The elderly, in general, have not had children in the public school system for over 20 years. The elderly, in general, have paid for 45 years into the public schools. The elderly, in general, will benefit from the services provided by those educated over that 45 year period. However, the elderly are most definitely not going to be benefiting from any further money dumped into the education system. Ergo, the justification for taxation of the elderly is non-existent.

Furthermore, the vast majority of the elderly are on fixed incomes. Their wealth saved over the years is static, or decreasing. Their property, should they own any, is usually their biggest source of wealth, and does not generate any wealth. In short, property taxes on the elderly for school systems is slow theft from the elderly.

New Hampshire currently has RSAs (72:39-a) permitting elderly exemptions from property taxes. The RSAs are convoluted, based on age, income, and assets. Most towns have a form almost as complicated as a 1040 to try to determine if you qualify. Basically, you have to be at the poverty level to qualify; which means it’s useless as a tool to discourage out of control spending.

I propose to simplify the situation. Rescind the current elderly exemption RSA 72:39; and replace it with a blanket exemption from all school taxes for any resident property owner 65 years or older. i.e. You have to own the property, you have to be living on it, and you have to be at least 65 years of age.

Post: Diversity Means, Less White People
Author: Hunter

Comment: All of us will be astonished when the time suddenly arrives. A consensus of the citizens in a situation like this is like a seed crystal dropped into a super-saturated solution. One moment there’s nothing but clear liquid, then one little speck falls in and suddenly there’s a huge mass of interlocking crystals. I doubt any of us will be able to predict the event or moment when the American people will have had enough, but it is pretty clear conditions are ripe. “Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable”, indeed. Just remember Jefferson’s next line.

What exactly will happen once that moment of clarity arrives, who knows? There are any number of actions which could conceivably completely alter the equation forever. Despite the pretensions of “the Men Who Would be Kings” they have nowhere near the power or knowledge to rule 340 million people scattered over 3.8 million square miles of often rugged territory, ESPECIALLY when the main thing uniting those people is a shared cultural heritage of liberty at least most of them know grew from the world’s most successful revolution. Something as simple as a campaign of passive resistance or even ‘malicious obedience’ is quite capable of bringing the entire corrupt edifice crashing down, to say nothing of sterner measures. Why do you think the “Men Who Would be Kings” flail about so desperately?

Their deepest fear is founded on the knowledge that America is only as governable as we CONSENT to be governed. A very large fraction of the population for a myriad of varying reasons is very close to deciding they no longer wish to play along. All that remains now is that spark, that clarifying event to finalize that nascent decision. Some day soon, the American people will remember that they are strong, and don’t HAVE to live in fear of those who are supposed to serve them. Then… things get interesting, in any of a multitude of ways. Only part of what happens after that I’m sure of is that it’ll sure suck to be one of “The Men Who Would be Kings” – just ask the ghost of Daniel Dravot.

Post: Trump Was Right — The EV ‘Bloodbath’ Is Already Here
Author: Kevin Scully

Comment: The fact that the Ford was able to turn a profit despite the breathtaking losses in the EV Division can mean only one thing. When you buy an over-priced ICE vehicle from Ford, you are actually paying for two cars. One for you and one for someone who wants their virtue-signaling EV toy.

Post: Night Cap: Food, Famine, Fear: Beware the Great Agricultural Reset
Author: Steve Smith

Comment: My wife and I have been working with the same institutional financial adviser for 20+ years, and this year when we asked what we should do to prepare for the future, he strongly suggested buying an emergency food supply and ammunition. This was not the typical investment advice, but we now have a 6-month food supply stored away.

Post: Homeschooling Survey: They Use Many Different Methods to Learn to Read
Author: CT Patriot

Comment: Thank you for this analysis, Jody. Even with this small sample of responses, I suspect the results can be extrapolated, applying as well to many more of the homeschool population.

I recall interviewing a high school teacher in Western Massachusetts about 20 years ago (on other matters), and asked him if he thought the literacy level was declining. He replied that at the beginning of every academic year, before he knew his students, he asked for a show of hands how many had parents who read to them–or with them–regularly. Very shortly, and continuing throughout the academic year, he observed that every single student who raised their hands was a fluent reader. Anecdotal results, to be sure, but very consistent.

Your survey results support Ian’s contention that you can’t force a child to learn when he doesn’t want to and, conversely, you can’t stop a child from learning when he wants to.

I guess it’s like the old Chinese saying (paraphrased): When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

Post: How Maine Gun Laws Help New Hampshire: Kittery Trading Post Threatens to Move All Firearms Sales to Granite State
Author: Recognizing_Truth

Comment: To determine whether a content- based law passes constitutional muster, courts generally apply a legal standard called strict scrutiny,
under which the government must show that the law is the “least restrictive means” of advancing a “compelling” governmental interest.
So, let’s take a look
1) A waiting period for a firearm has never been shown to diminish the number of suicides, so the argument that a waiting period is necessary because it will “save a life” of someone who is intent on killing themselves is unsubstantiated
2) A waiting period would not have stopped any of the shootings in Maine or elsewhere as every one of the criminals had the guns in their position for periods of time far exceeding “3 days”.
3) Criminals by nature do not follow laws. A waiting period for obtaining a gun will not stop a criminal who does not care about legal means of obtaining firearms, and only legal means of procuring are affected by the 72 hour waiting period.
4) The three day waiting period adds a hardship only with law abiding persons and businesses and adds an extreme hardship for those who have to travel to an FFL that is some distance from them (most of Maine is rural). One long trip to order and sign forms and have a background check. Then the long trip home. 3 days later another long trip to pick up the firearm and then the long trip home. The time, fuel, wear and tear on the vehicle, etc. significantly adds to the cost of obtaining the firearm and more adversely affects lower income individuals. The added fuel consumption in a state that claims all fuel burning should be curbed in the name of ending “climate change” is detrimental to the government’s other compelling interests.

The “government’s compelling interest” is unclear as none of the reasons given for adding this law clearly state what that interest is. As this doesn’t affect criminals intent on crime, but does restrict law abiding citizens in the exercise of their rights, the law does not demonstrate how it either would meet the government’s compelling interest, nor that it is the least restrictive method for doing so. It also more adversely affects lower income individuals and makes it less likely they will be able to exercise their Constitutional right. The law does NOT stand strict scrutiny and will fail judicial review as being unconstitutional.

Post: Night Cap: TWENTY (20) Percent Of Mail-In-Votes in 2020 Were Fraudulent
Author: notoriousBLOG

Comment: Three and a half years later and the “truth” that most on the right already knew is being told. What are we to do when Washington is so corrupted that this type of activity is actually orchestrated from the White House and the ABC agencies? The bigger question is will there even be an election this November? What do the powers that be have in store for us this go-round? Will it be another plandemic? Will it be martial law declared to cancel the elections? Or will the puppets find a way to lock up or otherwise eliminate Trump? This is going to be the year that determines the fate of our entire existence as a sovereign nation.

Vote: The poll is live from Monday, May 5, at 7 a.m. ET until Tuesday, May 6, at 8 p.m. ET. One person, one vote. No mail-ins. Postal trucks arriving after the poll closes will be turned away!

Pick one Commenter as This Weeks Winner
  • Houmid
  • Hunter
  •  Kevin Scully
  • Steve Smith
  • CT Patriot
  • Recognizing_Truth
  • notoriousBLOG

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Knew A Whistle Was A Deadly Weapon

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 10:00 +0000

Of the 7,309 aircraft in the U.S. commercial inventory, 3,173, or 43 percent, were manufactured by Boeing. As the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and defense, space, and security systems, Boeing supports airlines and U.S. allied government customers in 150 countries.

It is acknowledged that air travel is one of the safest means of transportation. No mode is 100% safe, and it is comforting to know the efforts spent on ensuring the plane we board is as secure as humanly possible. The maintenance and safety inspections are integral to the airline industry’s safety record.

Recent incidents have focused our attention on the credibility of information supplied by Boeing about the quality and safety of the airplanes it manufactures. Admittedly, there are few incidents, but the facts behind the headlines are disturbing. Two in particular are alarming. The first is the door that fell off the Alaska Airlines Boeing 737 in mid-flight in January. The fortunate element is that nobody was severely injured or killed in this incident. Unfortunately, the airline may have known the problem; therefore, the plane was restricted to overland versus overwater routes. This plane was at a low altitude when the door was displaced, which was a Godsend, for at cruising altitude, passengers may have been sucked out of the plane. A tire fell off a United Airlines Boeing 777 in March as it departed from San Francisco International Airport. The reasons for these two accidents were very simple. The door was missing a bolt, and the tire had missing nuts.

Boeing has come under close scrutiny and investigation because of these and other incidents. During these investigations, many whistleblowers came forward with disturbing information about alleged practices at Boeing that put airplanes and passengers at risk. Two of those whistleblowers are now dead. I have a difficult time believing this is a coincidence, but I hope to God these men were not killed to prevent damage to a major corporation. I am also not naive enough to believe it is impossible.

There is a core cause of quality issues at Boeing and other companies with similar problems in different industries: DEI. The emphasis on filling quotas and checking boxes in lieu of competence is causing devastating dynamics. I do not care about the color of the skin or the sexual preference of the mechanic, whose job is to put the bolt in the hinge to keep the door on the plane. I want them to understand and perform the job without error. We have abandoned excellence for teamwork and employee feelings that we are paying the price by putting ourselves at risk of injury or death. Had that door fallen off at 40,000 feet over the Pacific, we would have been talking about a major disaster.

People are beginning to understand that DEI is harmful for many reasons and are taking action. Even in my hometown, parents have spoken up and forced the school board to terminate the DEI coordinator who had been placed by the local BLM chapter. People are taking back our country, which had been restricted and modified by the Radical Left and exacerbated by COVID.

There will be investigations, and Boeing will be held accountable for their actions and issues. Hopefully, the death of these two men who bravely came forward to point out issues at Boeing will be found to be natural. If not, we have far deeper problems to address.

The post Who Knew A Whistle Was A Deadly Weapon appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Affordable Solutions: Finding Interior Doors Cheap

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 09:00 +0000

When it comes to home renovation or improvement projects, finding affordable solutions is key. Interior doors play a significant role in the overall aesthetic and functionality of your space. Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for those seeking interior doors cheap without compromising on quality or style. In this guide, we’ll explore various avenues for acquiring budget-friendly interior doors and tips for making the most of your investment.

Budget-Friendly Options for Interior Doors
  1. Stock Doors: Many home improvement stores offer a selection of stock interior doors at affordable prices. These doors come in standard sizes and designs, making them a cost-effective choice for budget-conscious homeowners.
  2. Unfinished Doors: Opting for unfinished interior doors allows you to save money upfront and customize the finish to match your decor later on. You can paint or stain the doors yourself, creating a personalized look without breaking the bank.
  3. Composite Doors: Composite interior doors are made from a combination of wood fibers and synthetic materials, offering a durable and budget-friendly alternative to solid wood doors. These doors mimic the look of real wood at a fraction of the cost.
  4. Online Marketplaces: Browse online marketplaces for gently used or surplus interior doors at discounted prices. You may find quality doors being sold by individuals or businesses at a significant discount compared to retail prices.
  5. Wholesale Suppliers: Wholesale suppliers often offer interior doors at discounted rates when purchased in bulk or as part of a larger order. Consider partnering with a wholesale supplier for your interior door needs to secure competitive pricing.
Tips for Saving Money on Interior Doors
  • Compare Prices: Take the time to shop around and compare prices from different retailers and suppliers to ensure you’re getting the best deal on interior doors cheap.
  • Consider Material Options: Explore alternative materials such as MDF or composite for cost-effective alternatives to solid wood doors.
  • DIY Installation: Save money on installation costs by installing the interior doors yourself or enlisting the help of friends or family members with DIY experience.
  • Look for Sales and Discounts: Keep an eye out for sales, promotions, and clearance events at home improvement stores and online retailers to score even better deals on interior doors.
Experience Affordable Elegance with Trio Doors in Toronto

Elevate your space with interior doors cheap from Trio Doors, the leading online door store in Toronto. With a wide selection of budget-friendly interior doors in various styles, finishes, and materials, Trio Doors offers quality solutions at unbeatable prices. Visit their website today to explore their collection and find the perfect interior doors for your home without breaking the bank.

Transform Your Space on a Budget

In conclusion, finding interior doors cheap doesn’t mean sacrificing quality or style. With a little research and creativity, you can source affordable interior doors that enhance the beauty and functionality of your home. Explore your options, compare prices, and consider alternative materials to stay within budget without compromising on your vision. Visit Trio Doors online door store in Toronto and discover how you can achieve affordable elegance with their selection of interior doors. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your space without breaking the bank.

The post Affordable Solutions: Finding Interior Doors Cheap appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Zoning (In Nashua) is FUN!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 08:00 +0000

Nashua residents and defenders of liberty are encouraged to attend Nashua Code Week, May 6-10. Nashua is a member of the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI).

This cheerful, sustainable “environmental” organization is globalist in scale and nature, with over 2,500+ local governments as its members.

A global agenda with high-level events? Like… Davos perhaps?

We want to thank Anonymous for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Code Week will generate manufactured consent for globalist agendas like “inclusionary zoning” and smart cities and codify these sustainable development goals into Nashua’s zoning ordinance. ICLEI encourages municipal governments to take their directives from un-elected, unaccountable foreign consortiums rather than their own taxpayers.

The first session is Monday, May 6, 7- 8:30 p.m., at City Hall’s 3rd-floor auditorium. Doors open at 6:30. Come learn what’s coming down the pipeline from the UN. The week-long series will conclude on Friday, May 10th.

One may wonder how Nashua is going to co-create a new zoning code in collaboration with the public in the span of 6.5 hours over four days. If what is being discussed is actually new, why is there already a new zoning map ready to be presented on Friday?

Nashua residents are encouraged to attend these public sessions and learn what is going to be done to their city. Grok readers are encouraged to support efforts to withdraw the United States from the United Nations.

Schedule and details for Nashua Code Week can be found here:


Editor: The author’s identity has been confirmed, but they have asked to remain anonymous.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: What Squatters Can Teach Us about Juries

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 02:00 +0000

I recently spent an evening watching videos and reading news articles about a problem I hadn’t known existed:  Squatters are moving into houses that are temporarily empty and then using the courts to delay their removal, using laws designed to protect renters from unfair treatment by landlords.

In a typical story, a homeowner returns from vacation, finds people living in his home who claim to have a lease, calls the police to get them out, and ends up getting arrested himself.

The squatters have learned—and shared on social media—that since the police can’t determine the validity of a lease on the spot, everything has to go through the courts. That takes months, which is exactly what the squatters are relying on. The renter-protection laws require the courts to treat the leases as valid until they can be proven to be invalid.

But one video in particular caught my attention.  In this case, a guy was alerted to the presence of squatters on a property that he owns.  He showed up to throw them out. One squatter pointed a BB gun at him, which he didn’t know wasn’t a real gun. So the owner shot the squatter.

I don’t know how this will all play out in the criminal justice system. But when the news station was interviewing residents of the neighborhood where this happened, their attitude seemed to be:  Man, you break into someone’s house like that, you deserve what you get.

And it occurred to me that there would be at least one person like that on any randomly selected jury — that is, a jury that hasn’t been diluted in order to prevent it from fulfilling its primary obligation, which is to represent a cross-section of views in the community.

That is, a judge is perfectly competent to decide what facts are relevant and allowable and to come to a conclusion about whether a defendant broke the law.  We have juries to find out whether some reasonable number of people in a community, put in the same position as the defendant, would conclude:  Hell, I’m not going to convict this guy, because I would have done the damn same thing.

Look at how long it took to seat a jury for Trump’s current Manhattan show trial.  Jury selection was essentially a process designed to remove people who would have this reaction: Hell, I’m not going to convict this guy because I would have done the damn same thing.

Which is to say, a process designed to suppress the views of a significant part of the community. Next time you hear about the outcome of any criminal trial, keep this in mind.

Some day you might be the one on trial for doing something that any perfectly normal person would have done in your position.  In that case, what kind of jury would you want?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Want to Stop Offshore Wind Maine and New Hampshire?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-06 00:00 +0000

Despite the collapse of the market, rising costs and prices, and the threat to wildlife, the powers that be are moving forward with offshore wind development off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine.

Related: Wind and Whales

Part of that process involves a public comment period before offshore leases will be sold for development. If you have questions or comments, this is the time.

During the 60-day public comment period (May 1 – July 1, 2024) on the Proposed Sale Notice (PSN), BOEM will hold a series of in-person and virtual public meetings to describe the different elements of the PSN, answer questions, and collect public comments.

Agendas will be posted in the coming weeks

In-Person Meetings

Open House Meetings: BOEM will host three “open-house” style meetings to allow the public to talk with BOEM’s scientists and other personnel. This informal format allows people to ask questions and share information directly with BOEM employees on the Proposed Sale Notice.

At the meetings, there will also be official presentations followed by an opportunity for questions and answers focused on the Proposed Sale Notice. While the meeting will not be recorded, the Q&A session will be summarized thematically and later entered as a meeting summary on the Proposed Sale Notice docket on The majority of the meeting time will be focused on providing the public with opportunities to engage directly with BOEM subject matter experts at poster stations.

Attendees can submit official public comments for, either in writing or via oral recording and transcription at a Comment Station

    • Open House – Portland, Maine
      • Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
      • Time: 5-8pm
      • Location: Holiday Inn Portland-by the Bay (88 Spring Street Portland, ME 04101)
      • Registration
    • Open House – Portsmouth, New Hampshire
      • Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
      • Time: 5-8pm
      • Location: Urban Forestry Center (45 Elwyn Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801)
      • Registration
    • Open House – Danvers, Massachusetts
      • Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
      • Time: 5-8pm
      • Location: DoubleTree by Hilton, North Shore (50 Ferncroft Rd, Danvers, MA 01923)
      • Registration

Gulf of Maine Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force Meeting: BOEM will host the fourth Gulf of Maine Task Force in Plymouth, MA. This meeting will be in-person and also livestreamed; however, virtual attendees will only be able to watch and listen, and not actively participate.

As with prior Task Force Meetings, agenda sessions will include time for facilitated dialog among Task Force members, both in plenary and table discussions. Members of the public are invited to observe all plenary discussions. The agenda will include significant time for public input. Comments or questions during public input opportunities will be captured in a high-level meeting summary that is entered on the Proposed Sale Notice docket on

Members of the public interested in submitting individual public comments on the docket will have the opportunity to do so (in writing or via oral recording and transcription) at a Comment Station.

    • Task Force Meeting – Plymouth, MA
      • Date: Friday, May 31, 2024
      • Time: 8:30am-4:30pm
      • Location: Hotel 1620 (180 Water St, Plymouth, MA 02360)
      • Registration

Virtual Meetings

BOEM will host a series of virtual meetings for various target audiences, ranging from the general public to specific ocean user and stakeholder groups. Members of the public are welcome to attend any of the meetings below, however, user specific meetings will focus conversation on the stated topics and prioritize participation by those from the sector of focus.  All virtual meetings will be recorded, with recordings later posted on this web page. There will be an opportunity for questions and answers focused on the Proposed Sale Notice. Comments or questions during public input opportunities will be captured in a high-level meeting summary that is entered on the Proposed Sale Notice docket on; however, we will not be transcribing individual comments during virtual meetings.

    • General Public
      • Date: Thursday, May 23, 2024
      • Time: 6-8pm
      • Registration
    • Commercial Fishing (Mobile & Fixed Gear)
      • Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024
      • Time: 5-7pm
      • Registration
    •  Recreational Fishing and Highly Migratory Species
      • Date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
      • Time: 5-7pm
      • Registration
    • Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (eNGOs)
      • Date: Monday, June 10, 2024
      • Time: 1:30-3:30pm
      • Registration
    • Commercial Maritime (Shipping)
      • Date: Monday, June 10, 2024
      • Time: 4-6pm
      • Registration

Governor Sununu has long been in favor of developing wind off the coast of New Hampshire, and his commission can’t be expected to do anything but nod its collective head.

If you object, or think you do, it’s up to you.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manch Talk: What Your Number Two Says About You

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-05-05 23:00 +0000

Gardening to poop? Sounds about right in this week’s edition of Manch Talk. We sing the praises of the volunteers helping to clean our parks, and talk about other crap (literally). Want to improve your health? Start here!

Editor: Lost track of these, with apologies – we’ll get back on our schedule this week.

The post Manch Talk: What Your Number Two Says About You appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Voter ID Means I’ll Cast Mine, You Cast Yours

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-05-05 22:00 +0000

I have had my driver’s license ready when I go to the polls to cast my vote for some time now. Longer than it has been required in New Hampshire to vote in any election. I have always believed that the opportunity to vote is one of the most significant rights afforded to citizens in America.

I am proud to present my ID to ensure that my vote is cast by me. It takes so little effort to secure the integrity of my vote.

For generations, there were few options to vote. You showed up in person on Election Day, or if there were extenuating circumstances, you cast an absentee ballot. No electronic voting. Just paper ballots and black pencils. In those days, we felt confident in the election process and knew that only in Chicago did dead people vote!

Voting has become so casual in recent years and only exacerbated by COVID. Absentee ballots are now available for people away from home and anyone who doesn’t want to wait in line on Election Day. Election Day has morphed into Election Week or Month for no significant reason but just because you can. You don’t need to turn your early ballot in at town hall when there are drop boxes all over some towns, like mailboxes. If filling out and delivering your ballot is too taxing, you can call a party worker to help you vote and deliver your ballot for you. This procedure is called ballot harvesting and helps to ruin the election’s credibility.

Many of these voting modifications arose during COVID when people’s mobility was restricted. With COVID in our rearview mirror, there is no need to ease the voting process; ballot harvesting should be stopped, and access to absentee ballots should be rolled back. We need controls on our election system, not rampant opportunities for fraud and abuse.

The Left claims that Voter ID is racist and election interference. These are two separate situations, but both are bogus. There is no foundation that minority groups have more difficult access to legal ID. The Left goes so far as to say that Black people have to travel further to obtain an ID. That is a ridiculous stretch. Adults need ID in America for a plethora of situations. Driving, buying alcohol or tobacco products, cashing a check, and traveling by air are but a few. Blacks use these services as much as their White counterparts. Stop the lousy excuses and get the ID.

The argument for election interference is even a bigger stretch. The number of Black and Brown voters has been increasing exponentially over the last few election cycles. There is no evidence to support that Voter ID inhibits minority voting. None. But there is plenty of evidence supporting voter fraud because of states that do not require IDs to cast your vote.

How about we coalesce and spend our energy on legitimate elections, not ways to bend the rules? If your candidates and policies are strong, you have no need to attack attempts to ensure a fair outcome.

The post Voter ID Means I’ll Cast Mine, You Cast Yours appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jeb’s Senate

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-05-05 20:00 +0000

By the time this reaches the readers, most people will have already known that Jeb announced his retirement, so calling this piece “Jeb’s Senate” is appropriate.  Adam Sexton called Jeb the Architect of Medicaid expansion, which is NOT a moniker to be proud of, and the senate voted 24-0 for 2023’s SB 263, a Uniparty item, and Jeb is known for pushing their agenda.

Never forget 2022’s SB 400, that housing bill that got shoved into the parking garage House bill.  Jeb said the Damn Emperor requested SB 400.  Jeb also loves his CMS money, and it’s sacred, as we know from 2022’s HB 1210 debate on 5/5/22.  There’s plenty of material on such things for readers to see, both as Grok pieces and internet search results, so let’s move on.

Mr Sylvia, a former rep from the “Impeachment 7,” told some Florida radio show host that the Senate is a place where good House bills go to die.  He also said something like, “The senate, yeah, they’re a problem.”  JJ Valera, a former rep, called the senate the “country club.”  Because I have no representation in the House, I won’t apologize for being extra demanding on the Senate, and the Senate let me down—Jeb’s Senate.  I’ve written plenty of stuff on the RTK Tax(HB 1002), so anyone late for dinner is encouraged to read it, as well as many fine pieces by RTK guru and martyr Laurie Ortolano and various others.  Please talk to current and former reps if you would like examples of the Senate being a place where good House bills go to die.  I want to add that the Senate is a rubber stamp for instead of firewall protection from BAD House bills, such as HB 1002.

Another thing the Senate is known to do is transform House bills, pervert them, denature them, and make them nongermane to the original agenda the sponsor sought to accomplish.  Just ask several reps and election security reform activists about their anger against Senator Gray, the Election Law committee chair, and what happened to a bill that was supposed to address covid tyranny at the local level.

Going back to 2021, during the Damn Emperor’s Mask Madness and when “Jeb’s Senate” was “Chuck’s Senate,” the budget bills (HB 1&2) were being crafted.  Many incoming freshmen reps had some desperately needed contributions that could only get past the Damn Emperor if shoved into an omnibus bill such as the budget.  A few of them included but were not limited to ending COVID-related tyranny, and State of Emergency reform was the one I remember best.  When HB 2 entered “Chuck’s Senate,” they gutted it and watered it down.

I complained to my Senator, whom I voted for, about my extreme disapproval of what his peers were doing.  Though he’s not a Finance Committee member, he defended the whole body’s reputation against my attack and said something like, “The House always gets stuff wrong, and we have to fix it.”  Note that I said “something like” because I am unable to quote him word for word, but you get the picture. During our brief phone call, which was a return call from my text to him, he was definitely more interested in talking about how pleased he was with inserting anti-choice language into HB 2 as well as EFAs and banning CRT.  I won’t say that I don’t care about addressing the hot mess that Gov-Ed is, but my central issue(reason for texting him) was that the Damn Emperor needed to be hog-tied, and the rare window of opportunity wasn’t being taken seriously by the senate.

Someone made a comment in a private group that was an analytical observation. The comment was that Jeb’s retirement might not be in the best interest due to his constituency being a purple district and concerns related to that. Such concern does merit some practical discussion on who is to replace Jeb in Seat #3, but not at the podium. Unfortunately, the harsh reality-based prognostication (mine, at least) is that “Sharon’s Senate” will carry on the bidding of Jeb’s Senate. Don’t expect any accomplishments of significance next year, but many great minds preach to us to have an attitude of gratitude.  At least Sharon’s Senate is still better than that abomination against Granite State values known as “Donna Soucy’s Senate.”

The post Jeb’s Senate appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is It Time For Schools In the Exeter District To Leave the SAU? How About Others?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-05-05 18:00 +0000

Parents and taxpayers in SAU16 have been engaged in many battles in the last few years. Much of it started during COVID when they were one of the last districts to reopen. It actually took the Governor to step in and force the reopening. Then, parents were frustrated that they forced every child to wear a mask without any regard for students who had mental or physical challenges.

Parents and taxpayers have been engaged in additional battles to get the administrators to focus on academics.

It was just announced that the DEIJ Director, who is also the Vice Chair of Black Lives Matter Seacoast, was resigning. This is welcome news to many parents and residents who didn’t see any benefit from a political activist working in their school. In the announcement by the Superintendent, Esther Asbell, she indicates that they will be looking for another DEIJ Director.  Clearly, the Administrators are good with flushing tax dollars down the toilet.

Let’s look at ways this money could be spent that would actually help students succeed. (Or, God Forbid, returned to taxpayers)
1) Hire additional tutors for kids who are struggling
2) Quality professional development for teachers to support them in the classroom. (Focused on academics and pedagogy)
3) Bonuses or raises for teachers and paras. The ones who are doing the most to educate children in the school.
4) Lower the school budget which will help taxpayers who may be struggling during this period of high inflation.

The DEIJ Director was hired, making more money than many of the teachers in the district. Wasn’t that a slap in the face to the ones who are there doing the important job of teaching children?

Seabrook school board members have been discussing a withdrawal from SAU21. They even put a warrant article on the ballot asking residents if they should study withdrawing from the SAU. The voters said YES.

What do you get for your money by paying the SAU?
1) Inflated administrative salaries. The SAU16 Superintendent is making close to $200,000.00.
2) Dues paid to lobbying organizations that lobby against parental rights.  Don’t forget that Superintendent Esther Asbell is the Director for  The New Hampshire School Administrators Association.(NHSAA)  SAU16 funnels money to the NHSAA through dues paid out of the budget. Talk about a scam on taxpayers.
3) Administrators instead of educators

It was a lobbyist from the NHSAA, who testified before state legislators, and opposed prohibiting schools from making pornographic content available to children. Providing pornography to children would get you arrested, but the NHSAA says it’s ok for schools to provide obscene books to your children.

The materials now provided to children in schools also include information to connect students with child sexual predators.You can listen to that here.  (1:08:00) You can also read more about that here and here.

Maybe the taxpayers in Exeter do not mind offering their children up to child sexual predators. Maybe they don’t mind wasting their money on a DEIJ director who is more about dividing children versus teaching children how to read. But the parents in the other schools may have a different opinion on all of this.

If so, maybe it’s time to look at removing your school from SAU16. There is absolutely no reason any school has to be part of an SAU, especially one that continues to turn a deaf ear to the residents, and wastes a lot of taxpayer money.

Screenshot Screenshot

The post Is It Time For Schools In the Exeter District To Leave the SAU? How About Others? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Another “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” … NHGOP House Leader Blames Democrats For GOP Failure To Ban Sanctuary Cities

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-05-05 16:00 +0000

On May 2nd, a bunch of GOP Reps failed to show up for work. On the day that Kelly Ayotte’s signature issue, illegal immigration, was up for a vote. The bill, HB 563 LOST by eleven votes. Eight “GOP” Reps voted with the DemocratsWoke-Communists to allow sanctuary-cities, while eleven GOP failed to show up (versus seven DemocratWoke-Communist no-shows).

File it under, you-have-no-shame or you-can’t-make-this-stuff-up … NHGOP “Leader” Jason Osborne then issued a statement blaming the DemocratsWoke-Communists for the bill’s failure.

The post And Another “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up” … NHGOP House Leader Blames Democrats For GOP Failure To Ban Sanctuary Cities appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-05-05 14:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that I’m going to take a break from these for a week.  The demands on my time are overwhelming me.  Back in two, maybe three weeks.

Amongst many news sources that I peruse, are these selected ones among many from which I pull.  While I’m taking a break, please do visit these regularly:

BARE NAKED ISLAM – It isn’t Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you

Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

FrontPage Magazine | Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

Home – Geller Report

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion (

Gates of Vienna

Israellycool: Radical Truthtelling – Israellycool

Among a cast of many…




Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok







Muslim Bedouin ambushed and used for bait on Oct. 7

Dr. Tariq Abu Erar, a Bedouin Muslim Israeli, has a harrowing tale of being ambushed, shot, and used as bait by Hamas on October 7. He stopped to help what he thought was a wounded man, only to be tricked and trapped by the terrorists.

When he told them he was a Muslim, they spoke to him in Arabic. “They asked me verses in the Koran. What are the people of the Prophet Muhammad? Then they said: ‘Shut up, you traitor, you are working with Jews.’”

He then witnessed multiple murders, in case anyone wanted more testimony from the massacre. “They are very barbaric. Not people! They shoot without hesitation, without emotion, they had a clear goal and knew what they were doing.”

Fortunately, he was rescued by the IDF. He’s a living testament to beautiful coexistence between Jews and Muslims in Israel.

U. Wisconsin Anti-Israel Protesters Chant ‘Heil Hitler’ at Jewish Students (

Seething with hate.




Peter Beinart vs. Israel and the Jews – American Thinker

It certainly won’t end with Plopping Jews like this taking, essentially, the enemy’s side.

Is Peace Possible in the Middle East? – American Thinker

Diplomacy is the art of the possible. The enemy of the possible is always the ever-elusive perfect solution. We either realize that or continue down the rabbit hole.

Peace is possible, but IMHO only truly possible when Islam’s anti-Semitism and violence has, somehow, been reformed out.

HARVARD UNIVERSITY Poll finds overwhelming support from Americans for Israel to completely decimate Hamas (

Palestinian math lesson:


But they’re totally responsible and good neighbors, right?






The truth about Arab population in “Palestine” before Israel’s establishment!

1785: Constantine Francois Volney paints a bleak picture of Jerusalem, describing it as “ruined” and “desolate,” with a tiny population estimated at only 12,000 to 14,000 people struggling in what barely resembled a city.

1843: Alexander Keith reflects on Volney’s observations, noting that even in Volney’s time, the land had not yet reached its ultimate state of prophetic desolation and depopulation, implying even greater emptiness was to come.

1816: J.S. Buckingham’s travels reveal Jaffa as little more than a “poor village,” and Ramleh as mostly ruins, indicative of the broader state of decay and abandonment that characterized much of Palestine.

1835: Alphonse de Lamartine recounts his stark encounter with Jerusalem, comparing its desolate state to the dead cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, experiencing an eerie silence and a complete absence of life both inside and outside its gates.

1857: James Finn, the British consul, reports back to England about the extensive emptiness of the land, emphasizing a dire need for a population to fill the vast, uninhabited spaces of Palestine.

1867: Mark Twain documents his journey in “The Innocents Abroad,” encountering no villages for thirty miles in any direction around the valley, describing Galilee, Judea, and the area around Jerusalem as barren deserts, devoid of any population and lamenting over a land that seemed cursed and hopelessly desolate.

1881: Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, mapping the region, notes that miles and miles of Judea appeared completely devoid of life or habitation, reinforcing the narrative of an overwhelmingly vacant landscape.

By the third quarter of the 19th century, the total population of the entire country, comprising both Arabs and Jews, amounted to only 400,000, less than 3% of today’s population, highlighting the dramatic transformation and revival led by the establishment of Israel.

Palestinian Jamil Ziyada says the quiet part out loud.

When someone, especially someone with money, power, and influence, says they want to kill you, believe them.

“Radical islam has cleansed so many minorities around the world”

Remember what Islam is:

The Greatest Murder Machine in History – American Thinker




From here (video on my Rumble channel):

Screams Before Silence

A must-watch documentary. #ScreamsBeforeSilence ( sheds light on the unspeakable sexual violence committed on October 7. As heartbreaking as these stories in the documentary are, we cannot afford to look away.


Movie: Screams Before Silence (

About 55 minutes.

Bolding added:

Shani Gabay, 25, was a law school graduate who loved dogs, traveling, and singing. She lived in my neighboring town, Yokne’am. On October 7th, she escaped the Nova Music festival and took shelter in a bomb shelter nearby. After Hamas terrorists threw grenades into the shelter, she was severely injured but managed to escape. After being treated by a medic, she tried to take cover inside an ambulance with other festival-goers, but terrorists launched an RPG and burnt the ambulance down, killing everyone inside. Shani was initially considered missing, and her brother Aviel said “She knows everyone. We keep meeting people at the rallies who see her photo and know her from Costa Rica, or the army, or their studies. She cleans beaches and saves cats and dogs. I want to believe she’ll continue doing all of that.” However, 48 days after October 7th, her DNA was found at another girl’s grave, as their bodies had melted together. The remains were separated as much as possible so she could be buried alone and in dignity.



Never forget.  From here:


Innocent Gazans my ass.




Un-Informed Anti-Israel Protestors Have No Idea Gays are Routinely Killed in Palestine. Just Listen… | The Gateway Pundit | by Grant Stinchfield

Absolutely no clue.  It’s just “the latest and most current thing”.

To all the Jews protesting and wanting to help the Islamists win, here’s what you’re in for:

What Do You Know? Dhimmi, Jewish Legal Status under Muslim Rule | Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies (



MASSACHUSETTS: ‘Fatties for Palestine’ join forces with ‘Faggots for Palestine’ calling for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israel (




From here – remember, they’re really good at recycling:

This girl’s name is Ghufran Ahmed Awny Naim.

I contacted Mohammed Fayq from Gaza who took the original video. He confirmed that Ghufran has Ichthyosis (genetic), a skin disorder that lead to dry, itchy skin that appears scaly, rough, and red.

I contacted two Israeli dermatologists who confirmed, by looking at the video, that it appears to be Ichthyosis and that she needs topical emollients.

So why there’s a woman whose name is Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis who shows a picture of Ghufran and writes “Israel burns children alive.”?

Garnered hundreds of thousands of views and is being circulated all over.

(Matan Uziel)


As stated in the pulled text, this is being presented as a case of Israeli attacks.



Except it’s not.  Pallywood is a whole industry.

The 2019 Pallywood Oscars – Israellycool

Pallywood Reporting – Winds of Jihad (

Ridiculous Pallywood of the Day – Israellycool

And don’t forget this one:






From here:

Palestinian kids throwing rocks at Egyptian bus driver bringing humanitarian aid into Gaza through the border crossing at Rafah

Proof the Palestinians are the same as terrorists! They train their children from birth to hate all who aren’t one of them! Therefore there are no innocents in Gaza.

X (


So let me see if I have this right.  You’re desperate, there’s no food, no medicine, little power, little water… but you’re throwing stones at the trucks bringing these things to you?

Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News: Search results for apartheid posters

Lots of posters across multiple posts showing the utter absurdity of the Apartheid charge.

Is Israel Committing Genocide in Gaza? (

Short answer: no.

Raquella Raiz on LinkedIn: When you read sensationalized headlines with “Settlers” I want you to…

I remember reading, a few years ago, about this – how the kids were primed, organized, with photographers ready.




From here:

Students chant “Kill the Jews” at the Northeastern University campus last night.

This Is Happening In America

X (





Here is what the NYPD found in Hamilton Hall at Columbia University after we were able to arrest the protestors and agitators for commandeering and barricading themselves inside the building. Gas masks, ear plugs, helmets, goggles, tape, hammers, knives, ropes, and a book on TERRORISM.  These are not the tools of students protesting, these are the tools of agitators, of people who were working on something nefarious.
They have training; it’s clear from the uniformity of stonewalling, of tactics, and lots of funding.  These people are serious.

Why is the Pro-Palestinian Encampment Craze Sweeping Our Colleges? | Frontpage Mag

‘Somebody Is Radicalizing Our Students’: NYPD Finds Weapons, ‘Death to America’ Poster in Pro-Terror Encampment – Geller Report




The Neo-Nazi Left | Frontpage Mag

The Neo-Nazi Left cannot be negotiated with. There is no living alongside it. Either Americans defeat the Neo-Nazi Left or the Neo-Nazi Left defeats America.

RTWT.  More:

Biden Launches Investigation of Columbia U for Discriminating Against… Hamas Supporters | Frontpage Mag

How Hamas Bought Joe Biden | Frontpage Mag



Moonbattery Democrats Plan to Bring Gaza to USA – Moonbattery

And WHO will they be angry at?




Glazov Gang: Miracles that Saved Israel in War | Frontpage Mag

Hashem is great.




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee




U.S. Campus Chaos: A New Oct 7 on the Way? | Frontpage Mag (link in original):

It took just 50 terrorists to infiltrate the Tribe of Nova music festival, an Israeli music festival attended by young adults about the same age, or a bit older than, the young adults on America’s college campuses. In one day, they terrorized the event, killed 260, and took hostages. This hostage-taking brought Israel into a bloody war that has destroyed its prestige internationally; brought about the deaths of thousands upon thousands of Gazans (more than 34,000, according to AP) and more than 1200 Israelis; and that has not ended yet.

Now imagine just 100 terrorists in the US. At a signal, they can take hostages among the naive young adults who are in the campus encampments. At a signal, ten campuses can turn into a hostage situation.

This attack on our nation’s campuses could be followed by a second internal strike, against other targets — strategic targets such as airports, food processing plants and energy grid operations — by terrorists who are now embedded in these many barracks-type housing locations that have been distributed throughout our nation.

Western Civilization stands on the edge of a knife.  One misstep and it could fall, calamitously.

We Dare Not Tempt Them With Weakness | Frontpage Mag


The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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