The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 10 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

I Want To Celebrate Motherhood! And Nothing You Can Do Will Stop Me!

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 22:00 +0000

My mom was born on April 13, 1921. She grew up on a farm in Idaho. She knew from a very early age how to milk cows, fry up chicken, and plant and harvest potatoes and corn.

At the age of 18, she was the sole woman graduate of Walt Whitman College in Walla Walla , Washington. She majored in the German language and was so proficient that she was hired by the War Department in early 1940 to interpret German high command war messages.

When the Allies captured the E-MACHINE- a typewriter that allowed encrypted German messages to be de-coded-she was selected as one of five to work in a top-secret office decoding German war messages. She stayed in that position for the duration of the war and hoped to make a career doing the same job. When the war ended, her job ended and she was told that she was being replaced by a returning army officer- a man. She was told to go home and have babies, like a good woman should.

To a “modern” woman, these events would have proven the mantra of the time- that women were enslaved, second-class citizens, denigrated by a disgusting male power structure.

In the 1960’s, it was the time of the “sexual revolution”. The birth control pill was-according to the media-liberating women from a life of slavery, drudgery, male dominance, and control. New visions of what it meant to be a woman were emerging, all asserting that women were being liberated from a repressive society. Motherhood was being attacked as servile, degrading, and unworthy of a freedwoman.

My mom did not buy into any of this”nonsense.” Indeed, her outlook was the exact opposite. Being a woman, being a wife, and most importantly being a mom was the absolute highest calling. Being an employee of the war department was enslavement because it meant that her highest calling in this life was to play word games in German.

She looked out upon the universe and very much saw the hand of God in all that was visible and all that was not. She lovingly and with great love and admiration for the creator of the universe asked if he truly intended her to play those word games. The answer of course was that he really cared not for her job as an interpreter. “The creator of the universe” she would tell me “holds nothing more valuable than creation. And he gave me something that no man has, and nor ever can attain: he gave me the power and the ability and the desire to create with him the new life he so values.

At a very early age, I remember her telling me that it is in being a mom, in creating and sustaining a family that she was truly free.

Not the freedom to burn your bra or dance naked in a bar. She called that freedom for chaos.

By Freedom, my mom meant “FREEDOM FOR EXCELLENCE.”

If you give a teenage boy a set of golf clubs, take him to a PGA golf course, hand him a ball, and tell him to tee off, he has the freedom to do that very deed. But, without instruction, training, and guidance, his freedom is freedom for chaos: he will slice, shank, and divot the hell out of the course. He will never however play Golf.

If you, however, teach him over weeks, months, and years the game of golf, the techniques to play well, and if you instill in him the discipline needed to be a PGA-level golfer, he will have a very different kind of freedom. He will have the freedom to play the game the way it was meant to be played. He will have the freedom to drive the ball 300 yards to just the right position in the fairway; the freedom to hit his second drive onto the green; and the ultimate freedom of sinking that birdie putt that you have never been able to hit. He will, in short, have the FREEDOM FOR EXCELLENCE.

It is in Motherhood that my Mom felt she had her best chance for such Freedom. She knew in her heart that if she worked very hard at being the best mom she could be, if she disciplined herself to place motherhood above all other values, and if she developed the good and needed skills all good moms have, she would achieve the excellence in her life that would enable her to be truly free to the very best person her God meant her to be. And she would be a freedom fighter in his world.

My mom achieved that excellence. From a very early age, I remember how truly dedicated she was to developing in herself the “excellence” of being a mom. From the relatively trivial (she got up very early every day to make me oatmeal for breakfast. Eggs on Sunday. Brown sugar on payday. She made me my lunch- peanut butter and grape jelly- and always put a note telling me to do my best) to the far more substantial( she taught me the classics-Aristoltle, Socrates, Plato. By fifth grade, I was reading Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, and Chaucer) she was dedicated to creating, nurturing and sustaining the family she knew God meant her to have.

She came to my football games. She watched me hit home runs on my baseball team. She was my source of wisdom, careful thought and devotion to civility. I guess more importantly she taught me true Christian love. She was the most Christian person I ever met. She taught me to love family, to lovingly participate in family dinners, family holidays, and she taught me to place family above all else.

She worked as hard as anyone I ever met to being the very best mom and grandmom she could be. She strived for “mom”excellence and her mission was to not only give me life thru birth but to nurture me into being the man that she felt God wanted me to be.

She did her job 24/7. She never relented but always worked with me trying her very best to develop in me excellence in my thoughts, words, and deeds. ( That is not a comment about me, but about her and who she was. She strived for excellence in being a mom.)

As my mom approached the end of her life, she told me her prayer: that her death would be a peaceful one. I remember telling her:”Mom, it will be more than peaceful. For all that you have given to me, to our family, God must be smiling.”

To me, she died a truly free woman, brought there by her commitment to achieving the highest calling she knew God gave her: Being a partner with him in creating new life and nurturing the souls of his sons and daughters. HER FREEDOM WAS NOT THE FREEDOM OF CHAOS BUT THE TRUE FREEDOM GAINED ONLY BY EXCELLENCE.

When I met my wife, when I first looked into her eyes, I was filled with wonder. I saw beauty on many levels. I was filled with the thought that I had met the woman I wanted to marry.

Of all that I saw though, what I was most struck by was that I saw in my wife the same thought of motherhood that I had seen in my mom. She found greatness, not poverty, in creating life. She found joy in family and all that it entailed. Being a good mom, and achieving excellence in the life of her children, gave her the same freedom my mom had. I don’t know anyone who is as free in their thoughts and their beliefs than my beautiful wife- for she has found the freedom God gave her by achieving the excellence of being a mom to her children.

So too my daughter and my two wonderful daughters-in-law. Each has followed their own path; each has achieved their own life. But, somehow, someway each developed the same notion as my mom: Momhood is life; is excellence; is freedom to be the absolute best person they could ever be.

As I stated in the title, I am going to celebrate Mother’s Day and there is nothing you can do to stop me. And I will fight anyone who wants to take away from my mom, my wife, and my wonderful daughters their desire to achieve the FREEDOM TO BE EXCELLENT.

I say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to them, and to every mom out there who strives mightily day and night to achieve the same excellence and the same FREEDOM.

God bless Momhood.God bless the moms who find freedom in being excellent.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Unicameral Versus Party List

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 20:00 +0000

Julie Smith suggests on Thursday that New Hampshire follow Nebraska and have a single legislative chamber, presumably our lower House, and do away with the Senate.

She mentions my proposal Tuesday, that New Hampshire follow part of Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies and let voters select a Senator by specifying our philosophy or party rather than picking a specific nominee.

Julie’s column is mostly about the Senate’s corruption, in which a right-thinking Senator gets “chilled” or “steamrolled.” The Senator acquiesces — or is frightened by the publicity of a roll-call vote — as a good bill is killed or a bad bill is passed, tucked inside a unanimous, anonymous Consent Calendar.

Now, wait. On the one hand, there is too much publicity, and on the other hand, there’s too much secrecy. And by the way, the House also has roll calls, Consent Calendars, and whips to remind his party’s Reps of the painful consequences of leaving the Hive. (The pressure is why two from each party became Libertarians last session, where they had no pressure and thus no theme, only a date with election oblivion.) And what about the concealment when a hundred good bills (including limitations on future States of Emergency) were bundled into the Budget Companion Bill? None of us demanded separate bills, one issue per bill, as we tend to do, because we and our Reps knew that the Governor would veto each of them; he couldn’t veto HB-2.

Julie says that it’s easier to be true to yourself and your constituents in a sea of 399 other Reps, but my part of the state is only interested in two of them, and none of their public acts are made hard to follow by the size of the House. Does Senate “corruption” simply mean the author’s opinions often don’t prevail?

I can accept Julie’s proposal of a unicameral New Hampshire General Court, though there is a benefit to having two chambers, even if we apportion them in an identical way. A chamber leader’s strong will, or even personal whims, and sessions in which Republicans run one house and Democrats the other make it harder for both chambers to enact identical text, and that is a safeguard.

Julie, what do you say about my proposal — Keep the Senate but make it structurally different from the House to reflect philosophies rather than our geography? Nothing. Over to you!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Spec, What The Hell Are You Talking About?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 18:00 +0000

I got to know Spec Bowers during the Greg Moore … oops, sorry; of course, I mean the Bill O’Brien … speakership. For a “Yale man,” he was a good guy. A rare breath of intellectual fresh air in the very short-lived GOP supermajority elected in 2010 by the TeaParty wave.

But I don’t know what the hell he is talking about when he claims in GOP Campaign Strategy – The Governor’s Race that:

It seems that NH Democrats are worried about Kelly Ayotte, and not interested in policies that are important to NH citizens …

Actually, my dear Spec, it is just the other way around. “Democrats” … you should be calling them Woke-Communists … are obviously talking about things that matter to voters, while Republicans, or what passes for Republican in New Hampshire, are NOT. Do you, my dear Spec, have a better explanation for how the Woke-Communist GAINED seats in the New Hampshire House in 2022, in what should have been a Red Wave election?

Take public education, for example. The Woke-Communists’ mantra is that they are going to adequately fund public education, invest in public education, blah, blah, blah. The NHGOP response: EFAs! EFAs! EFAs all the way, everyday! EFAs are like EVs. There is no unmet demand among consumers of public education for EFAs. The NHGOP should be talking about IMPROVING public education as a counter to “investing” in public education. More specifically, by cutting the bureaucracy … especially the DEI bureaucracy …. and putting that money into classrooms. An excellent example is Massachusetts which spends roughly the same per pupil, but pays its teachers much more than New Hampshire does.

But don’t hold your breath waiting for the NHGOP to do so … they apparently are more interested in getting pats-on-the-head from AFP and Josiah Bartlett than actually winning elections. Stated slightly differently, my dear Spec, only about one-sixth of New Hampshire voters are “conservatives” and making EFAs the be-all and end-all of NHGOP education policy essentially writes off the other five-sixths.

The Woke-Communists are also going to save us from Climate Change. What’s the NHGOP response? Do they even understand, never mind have the ability to articulate, that “green energy” makes electricity more expensive? Are they proposing any policies to actually bring down the cost of electricity? All I am hearing is that the Choo-Choo train to Boston must be stopped … that this is the proverbial hill to die on.

My dear Spec, we could walk through the Woke-Communists’ other issues … abortion, “affordable housing,” “access to healthcare,” etc., etc., etc. … and see the same dynamic. The Woke-Communists are resonating with the voters … who increasingly are progressive-extremists attracted to New Hampshire because the Granite State has become a magnet for progressive-extremists … while the NHGOP is not: “smaller government,” “cut burdensome regulations,” blah, blah, snooze.

For example, here is a campaign mailer from the Woke-Communists in Manchester. All of the candidates pictured won. So, if any Party is guilty of not talking issues in a way that resonates with that ever-shrinking pool of persuadable voters, it is the NHGOP:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 16:00 +0000

From the Women’s Defense League: The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Inexpedient To Legislate on House Bill 1711 – the gun confiscation bill passed in the House thanks to a majority of gun control representatives. This bill will now be voted on by the entire NH Senate.

You can read more about the bill here:

Your efforts to help kill the bill in the committee were excellent. According to a senate hearing report, more people (of course) were AGAINST the legislation than were for it. The majority of people against the legislation are regular Granite State citizens such as yourself, while the majority for it were paid lobbyists or hacktivists, many funded by out-of-state gun control organizations.

You need to ACT one more time to get this bill killed, once and for all, in the full Senate.

The Senate will be voting on HB 1711 on Thursday, May 16th.

You can find out who your Senator is here:

You can email and call the Senators below. Calling is very helpful as they take a tally of how many are against the bill. Emailing is also important as it becomes public record.

You know what to do!! And please share!!!

Senator Email Phone
Daryl Abbas (603) 271-4151
Debra Altschiller (603) 271-7875
Kevin Avard (603) 271-3077
Regina Birdsell (603) 271-3479
Jeb Bradley (603) 271-3479
Sharon Carson (603) 271-3266
Shannon Chandley (603) 271-3092
Lou D’Allesandro (603) 271-2117
Donovan Fenton (603) 271-3469
Bill Gannon (603) 271-3077
Carrie Gendreau (603) 271-8631
James Gray (603) 271-4980
Daniel Innis (603) 271-2609
Timothy Lang (603) 271-8631
Keith Murphy (603) 271-4063
Howard  Pearl (603) 271-4151
Rebecca Perkins Kwoka (603) 271-2104
Suzanne Prentiss (603) 271-3092
Denise Ricciardi (603) 271-1403
Cindy Rosenwald (603) 271-3207
Donna Soucy (603) 271-3207
Ruth Ward (603) 271-2609
David Watters (603) 271-2104
Rebecca Whitley (603) 271-3092

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Take Action to Ban Barbaric Genital Sex Reassignment Surgery for Kids in New Hampshire

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 14:00 +0000

Wednesday, the NH Senate Judiciary Committee met to vote on HB619, which would ban genital sex reassignment surgery for kids. Sen. Cindy Rosenwald and Sen. Shannon Chandley pushed back against the bill. Sen. Chandley said, “We as legislators should not be engaging in the legislation of the practice of medicine.”

No one on the committee brought up the therapy ban that prevents therapists from helping a gender-confused child to feel comfortable in his own body or the regulations restricting the prescribing of opioids, both of which Senators Rosewnwald and Chandley support.

Related: Stop Genital Gender Reassignment Surgery on Kids in New Hampshire

The Democrat senators were like sheep repeating the talking points given to them. They didn’t think at all about the children going through these barbaric procedures, not to mention the vulnerable adults.

Below is a post from Reddit that exemplifies the horrors of vaginoplasty, where the doctor removes the testicles and inverts the penis into the facsimile of a vagina. If a patient was on puberty blockers, they have to find skin elsewhere to form the canal, as was done to Jazz Jennings. The clitoris, referred to in the post, is the tip of the penis that is removed and grafted back onto the canal opening.

20.5 weeks post op PIV Vaginoplasty. Still numb and can’t orgasm
byu/Legal-Ad4972 inTransgender_Surgeries

It’s getting progressively more painful to sit. My vaginal canal feels incredibly sore. I can only use the petite dilators and I’m far away from the first dot. I still have a very numb labia and no ability to orgasm. My clitoris is completely hidden behind fused skin and since that skin is numb I’m guessing that’s part of the struggles to orgasm. Any sensation I do feel in the clitoral area does not feel pleasurable at all. I’m on day 146. It’s a slow process. I have no functional depth or width, no visible clitoris, can’t orgasm.

I have a revision scheduled next month for depth width, bringing forward the clitoris and connecting the labia to the introitus. How painful is revision surgery recovery? I haven’t gone a day without pain in 146 days. 146 days of pain is brutal and I’m about to restart the pain clock and the dilation clock. This has been an incredibly difficult journey for me. I deal with major depression and have no clue what the future holds.

How can the NH Democrats oppose banning this barbaric operation for children? It should be banned for everyone, but the least New Hampshire can do is ban it for those under 18.

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted Ought to Pass 3-2, with Senators Carson, Gannon, and Abbas supporting it. The bill now goes to the full NH Senate and could be voted on as early as Thursday, May 15. Contact your senator and ask him or her to support HB619 and contact Governor Sununu to ask him to sign it into law.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Search Progressive Social Media Feeds for This Photo and Screen Grab Whatever They Shared

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 12:00 +0000

While there is likely an endless supply of embarrassing COVID-related content on the average Liberal’s Social Feed (and please, by all means, grab that while you can), this latest revelation is a far more perfect example of how the Left’s trust in the government makes them untrustworthy.

While the COVID cure was neither safe nor effective, this Trump Court Documents case revelation shows how the US Justice Department has nothing to do with justice. It is (as most of you know) a mercenary arm of the uniparty willing to do anything to destroy its enemies.

And it’s great to know that, but it’s better when it comes out in Court.

Thanks to heroic work by Trump’s lawyers, and following several stern orders from Judge Cannon forcing the government to respond to basic discovery requests, we’ve now learned that the documents in the picture aren’t even the documents in the picture.

What I mean is, the FBI has now admitted that the documents seen splayed on the floor are dummies, props. At the time the picture was taken, the original classified documents had already been secured and removed. So the FBI took some other random papers and  — get this — put classified cover sheets on them and then posed those dummy documents on the floor. Picture time.

Not only weren’t the documents found on the floor, and not only weren’t the documents in the picture the actual documents, but the official-looking classified document cover sheets as seen in the photo were totally fake. There were no classified cover sheets on any of the original documents. It was all made up.

Trump-deranged uniparty stooges across the spectrum may have taken the publication of this photo by the entire corporate media (as proof of Trump’s guilt) and shared it. Your job is to find local elected officials in NH who did share it. Please find it and send it to me. Fraud is so much better when it is shared.

To be clear, President Trump’s possession of classified material was never illegal. He had clearance long after the raid and the ability to declassify any document while in office. The raid had nothing to do with alleged nuclear secrets—it was a witch hunt for a binder filled with incriminating evidence that is still unaccounted for (meaning they didn’t find it).

That firestorm was meant to distract from the unstoppable revelation of then-Vice President Joe Biden illegally taking classified documents during the Obama Administration. Thanks to the mad rush to erase presidential immunity to get Trump (pending judgments and relitigation of the principle), this opened Biden and Obama to future prosecution.

And at this rate, the TDS fan club isn’t going to “Get Trump” yet again.

[T]he government now faces two new, potentially fatal problems: the evidence tampering (or at least, evidence negligence), and lying to the court. And the CNN article mentioned, this is just one of the many complex and potentially novel issues now confronting the government’s case.

This latest error, along with many others, has delayed that trial indefinitely and will likely result in its being thrown out.

Trump should sue them all, and maybe he will.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump Trials Falling Like A House of Cards

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 10:00 +0000

Why should we be surprised? The multiple trials and 91 counts of indictments were Biden’s equivalence of Iran shooting hundreds of missiles and drones into Israel. Iran’s efforts were futile because of a lack of technology and military might.

The Trump trials are collapsing because the people in Biden’s legal teams are as competent as Joe was as a Lawyer. Oh, Jeez, what am I thinking? Joe was never a practicing lawyer, and neither should any of the attorneys Biden sent to bury Trump in New York, Georgia, or Florida. These lawyers may have the same passion as Biden to eliminate Trump, but like everyone else in Joe’s administration, these legal hacks are incompetent and playing out of their league. The cases are collapsing, and it is beautiful to watch.

It started with Leticia James in New York with her overreach trial to attempt to prove Donald Trump’s real estate empire was built on fraud. The problem is that to prove fraud, you have to have victims, and all she had on her side was banks that made millions working with Trump, and she was anxious to work with him again. These comments don’t sound like victims of fraud to me. Leticia was salivating at the possibility of putting the padlocks on Trump’s prize properties. You can picture Leticia sobbing herself to sleep on the day Trump posted the $500 million bond. She never saw that happening and thought he was going directly to a guilty verdict by the Mayberry RFD judge. It’s not going to happen.

The case in Florida regarding the handling of classified documents has been placed on perpetual hold after it was discovered the government lawyers mishandled the documents and violated their own laws. There is little chance the case will see a courtroom before the election. In Georgia, the election interference case is crashing down as Fannie Willis is now under review, and there is a strong possibility of the prosecution team and trial shut down.

The Democrats expected these trials to keep Trump busy until the election and hoped he would end up behind bars. Their fantasies are going unfulfilled. Trump will not see inside a cell at the hands of a Biden lawyer, but the country is the winner. Though Trump’s approval numbers rise with each news alert from one of the three courthouses, the country continues to become more polarized as the cases continue. Shutting them down will help to calm the chasm between the two factions.

The Justice Department, especially Merrick Garland, should be admonished for what they have done to the former President. All of these other players are merely puppets in this sad story and chapter in our history. Unfortunately, the media refused to see the real reason for these trials and reported on them as legitimate legal proceedings involving a former president.

As both sides do their best to campaign, the real push for the White House will begin with the conventions in July and August. We will watch the polls, campaign enthusiasm, the Republican Vice Presidential pick, and whether Biden, Trump and possibly Kennedy appear on a debate stage. This election promises to be the most unique in our history, and the drama will be palpable. The outcome of the election is critical. Though Biden continues to call Trump a threat to Democracy, it is actually him and his feckless administration that has done incredible damage to America. We need Donald Trump to fix the damage.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: They Are NOT On Your Side

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 02:00 +0000

Grant Bosse … Deputy Chief of Staff for the N.H. Senate. And an incorrigible NeverTrumper (see screenshot below). Bosse has been a NHGOP insider for as long as I can remember. Just from memory: He ran and lost the GOP primary for CD-2 in 2008, and the NHGOP-powers-that-be placed him at Josiah Bartlett. Subsequently, he worked for Stinky-Joe McQuaid at the Union Misleader. At some point later, the NHGOP-powers-that-be placed him at the NH-DOE, presumably to keep Edelblut under control. When the GOP regained the State Senate majority in 2020, Bosse was handed a gig there as “Policy Director.”

So here is the consummate NHGOP-insider, the consummate GOP-establishmentarian announcing that he remains firmly NeverTrump. But don’t let that stop you from “voting NHGOP up and down the ballot,” bitter-clingers. Just keep pretending that the very grifters who look down their noses at you are “on your side.”

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Also Our Hearts

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-05-11 00:00 +0000

It’s a foregone conclusion that young minds are being successfully bombarded by any tidbit of crap which will decimate America, but it’s more than our minds; it’s our hearts that these evil-doers have also targeted.

For me, the term “heart” generalizes what actually takes in a person’s inner drives, ambitions, attitudes, and motivations—essentially, one’s being. Talk about total conquest! By the time these urchins get through, the outer visual of one’s appearance will be the only recognizable portion left from God’s creation! As a matter of fact, this summation defines the average communist!

There you have it: the child you brought into the world, the one you raised and loved, has, through all his or her education levels, undergone a personal vacuuming! Without a will, self-pride, individual hopes and expectations, or the overall ability for independent thought, just who or even what is it that says hello to Mom and Dad? While this might pose a scary turn-off, so are the robotic-like rampages on today’s college campuses!

Ask yourself, if a loving mom and/or dad is unable to connect, influence, and hopefully alter the thinking of these breathing manikins, what are the down-the-road possibilities for an eventual turnaround? The sad truth is that it must come from within, similar to the decision to enter an AA program, but in this case, just what is there within? This forecast of the future for your children is a far cry from your reasoning that a college degree was the only logical path forward toward living “a better life.”

Actually, aiming for the heart makes sense since it’s loyalty’s best protection, and without it, the mind has a difficult time focusing. After all, biologically speaking, without it, where are we? So, by grabbing the hearts of our young, their minds will obey.

All this features a sad predicament for us to overcome, especially since we have yet to admit its dreadful reality. Yet, for these patient evil-doers, time is their ally and bears today’s fruit by the class full. And, why such surprised reactions when learning that faculty members are supportive of their little anarchists; after all, they did the indoctrinating! In addition to its possible virtue, it seems that patience may also offer rewards as well.

So, as November nears, with Biden being Biden and Trump gaining support, the call probably went out, which sparked this college upheaval. Likewise, their tenured misfit professors were also called to provide support for their younger comrades. The bugle was also heard in the corporate world, which in turn showed their preferences to be with the bottom line rather than national loyalty. This disloyal and un-American showing has caused the public wondering as to what is happening, what to do, and above all, what this’s all about. Times have certainly changed, as today’s public incisiveness plainly shows.

Back on 9/11, this type of bewildering inaction would never have been! Not with those leaders that were on site nor with our public’s instinctive pro-American gusto! This comparison stands as a testament to our indifference, which these intervening years have introduced.. During that time, another generation moved on with its newly acquired and specific beliefs. It’s that brand of knowledge that has ridiculed and weakened the gusto that had been America’s calling card since 1776!

What to do? Just pick a target, but for current parents, center your concerns upon your loved ones by sacrificing a paycheck and trimming down those extra delights so that your children remain wholesome and virtuous due to your loving guidance. This home-based learning will produce a well-centered American citizen who is justly proud of that title!

For the rest of us, again, pick a target. Direct purchases with like minded businesses, connect with your official representation, research and learn more about what is America, about how she works and operates and then, spread these facts to others. That’s just a start but our Country’s worth it!

The more information gained, the more one may realize that yes, even you have been duped, not so totally but enough to hesitate, to limit, and to doubt, all of which is helpful for the orchestrating of this violent revolution. Most of all, realize the worst and shoulder up; know that either America survives or we will be slaves or just dead! There is only one option if this title of American still holds the merit for bringing forth our traditional sense of purpose and pride.

The post Also Our Hearts appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manch Talk: Is Trump Taking Over the Libertarian Party, Or Is It… Brain-Worm Bobby?

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 23:00 +0000

Trump and RFK are fighting to get on the stage at the Libertarian Party Convention. Will Libertarians start accepting their ideas are winning, or will they shoot themselves in the foot while clinging to their victimhood blankie?

Also, a scandal is brewing at the Sununu Youth Rape Center with the first jury award of $38 MILLION being set to be overturned by the judge. Also, why was the bipartisan housing bill killed?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Limiting Power of Local Public Health Officials Heads to Governor’s Desk

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 22:00 +0000

Last week, a bill that would limit the power of local public health officials to impose mask mandates lost by one vote – one Republican vote. The legislation was tabled, often a death knell, but that one lousy vote meant Merrimack (Town, not County) Rep. Bill Boyd could ask for a vote to pull it off the table.

It took work to make that happen.

Local activists dug in their heels and got to work. RebuildNH asked constituents to call Bill and ask him to rethink the value of this legislation after reporting that “Rep. Bill Boyd was the only Republican and deciding vote that stymied this bill.”

Bad news folks. Thanks to Rep. Bill Boyd, who may not even have a 50 percent voting record on our issues, SB 63 was not passed by one vote in the N.H. House and was laid on the table. We think Rep. Boyd ought to hear from you to convince him how important it is for him to undo his bad move.

Currently, health officers have a god-like power to make any ordinance they desire. For example, health officials could mandate you dye your grass blue by whim—let’s not give them any ideas, right? Now, we know the greater issues are local mask and vaccine mandates or maybe even forcing an unauthorized WHO Treaty edict onto local citizens, and the important thing is that the state’s legal definition of the word “nuisances” would limit that authority.

That seems to have worked. Rep. Boyd called for a reconsideration vote this week, and after a handful of parliamentary actions, SB63 passed the House. Here is a bit of play-by-play from our own Rep. Judy Aron.

Things got real fun when SB63 was pulled off the Table with a “Remove from Table” motion that passed 185Y-180N. This bill was laid on the Table last week on a voice vote. The bill seeks to clarify, in statute, the subject matter of which health officers may utilize their authority to draft health ordinances. House Democrats decried the bill as having the basic intent to curtail the authority of municipal public health officers and to limit the ability of towns and cities to enact ordinances in response to public health threats (eyeroll). After the bill was removed from the table an ITL motion failed 179Y-187N, and OTP Reconsideration motion passed 186Y-180N, and then the bill passed on a roll called vote 186Y-180N (with all House Democrats and Dan Wolf (R-Newbury) voting NO). See what good things can happen when we have the numbers!! Now it’s off to the Governor.

The bill limits local action to the state definition of nuisances, significantly limiting their purview.

Currently, health officers have a god-like power to make any ordinance they desire. For example, health officials could mandate you dye your grass blue by whim—let’s not give them any ideas, right? Now, we know the greater issues are local mask and vaccine mandates or maybe even forcing an unauthorized WHO Treaty edict onto local citizens, and the important thing is that the state’s legal definition of the word “nuisances” would limit that authority.

It is unclear (to me) whether Governor Sununu will sign it. His Excellency has a bipolar relationship with the concept of local control, so he may need some polite reminders that you’ve got his back if he does, or he could just let it become law without a signature.

Either way works for us.


The post Bill Limiting Power of Local Public Health Officials Heads to Governor’s Desk appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Experts Say Bird Flu ”Jumps” To Animals The Elites Don’t Want Us to Eat …

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 20:00 +0000

Headlines proclaiming that bird flu in cows has impacted the milk supply—and that cows are then spreading the disease to laying hens—are disturbing contributions to the cacophony of looming doomsday threats to humanity. Americans already spooked by the government takeover of speech, travel, assembly, and bodily autonomy during the COVID-19 pandemic are understandably unnerved by new zoonotic threats.

The “real science” suggests risks to human health are minimal; the “real propaganda” seeks to foment fear to advance ideological goals more dystopian than the bird-cow-chicken virus.

Bird Flu in Cows and Eggs

Federal officials are monitoring milk-producing cows after the USDA determined that the bird flu (officially the H5N1 virus) is spreading between dairy cows within the same herd to other herds when cows are transported and from cows to egg-laying poultry. It is not clear where the new cow-jumping virus arose, though US officials believe it was contracted from wild birds.

The virus has been discovered in approximately 20% of pasteurized milk on grocery store shelves, but it is generally considered that pasteurization prevents the transmission of live infectious viruses and that the tests are merely detecting lingering dead virus particles. The USDA states, “There are no concerns about the safety of the commercial milk supply,” but both the CDC and FDA warn against consuming raw milk or related products. Officials are closely following the spread among cows, as wide and sustained spread provides the virus opportunities to acquire mutations that make it more transmissible to humans.

Alarmist Globalists?

The only recorded human cases have been among dairy workers, and there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Yet some biased “stakeholders” have fanned the flames of fear in order to increase the regulatory powers of an increasingly Orwellian federal government. In one typical clarion call to action, Jaime M. Yassif, Ph.D. claimed:

“….many of us in the biosecurity and pandemic preparedness community believe that leaders in capitals around the globe should be working to get ahead of this new public health threat in case the H5N1 flu virus gains the ability to spread among humans.

“While we face uncertainty about what will happen next, many scientists say stepped-up government action is warranted because of the risk that bird flu could turn into a pandemic. Many researchers believe that Covid-19 may have started in a similar way — spreading from animals to humans by first gaining the ability to spread among mammals that came into contact with humans, and then evolving to transmit directly between humans.”

This is not a very scientific assessment; ‘’many of us believe,” “many scientists say,” “many researchers believe,” and “may have started in a similar way” are all speculative. Such phraseology does not assert consensus within a “community” that cannot determine whether COVID-19 “gained” its ability to spread between humans in a gain-of-function laboratory or the animal-to-human trajectory speculated here. Americans certainly do face uncertainty about what happens next – they still have no certainty about what happened during the pandemic!

Dubious Credentials

Dr. Yassif’s dubious credentials taint her call to arms for Big Pharma and ever-bigger government. She hails from the Nuclear Threat Initiative, formed by Ted Turner and Sam Nunn to advocate against nuclear weapons, yet she is here advocating for increased biological research. Prior to this, Yassif served at the left-leaning Open Philanthropy Project, created by Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife, which gives to numerous left-of-center organizations concerned with criminal justice policy.

The Open Philanthropy Project is also keen on animal welfare, according to its website, seeking to “expand the global farm animal welfare movement” and “the development of alternatives to animal products to reduce the demand for factory-farmed products.” They are “especially focused on work that can reduce the taste and cost barriers to wider adoption of these products.”

It is hard to discern what Yassif’s true mission is – nuclear nonproliferation, animal welfare, or biosecurity. Such lofty goals are blended together in many globalist NGOs. Attacks on cows and farmers in the name of climate change have swept through Europe and arrived in America. Yassif was a policy advisor at the US Department of Defense, where she “helped lay the groundwork” for the WHO and Global Health Security Agenda. She now counsels an expansion of Big Brother with advice that is arguably creepier than bird flu virus in cows’ milk:

“In the short term, governments should act now to deploy the capacities at their disposal to guard against the uncontrolled spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus if it evolves to spread between people. This includes funding research on vaccines that are likely to be effective against the virus, stepping up surveillance of livestock and humans and wider emergency response planning.

“Moving forward, it will be critical for human and animal health sectors — including the CDC and the US Department of Agriculture — to work together on bio-surveillance, including by developing a shared approach to monitoring human and animal populations and by exchanging data, to keep tabs on how the virus is evolving.”

Keeping an Eye on Surveillance

Attentive Americans are keeping tabs on voices like Yassif’s. Arguing for ever more China-like surveillance systems to track all humans and farm animals for a disease that does not yet exist, Yassif is practically advertising the provisions of the new pandemic treaty, which proposes to collect and monitor animal diseases in an interconnected global “sector” of disease-sharing laboratories. In the name of security from as-yet-nonexistent pathogens, Yassif calls for compromises of privacy and constitutional liberties. Perhaps “misinformation” about cows and bird flu must also be prohibited prophylactically – “just in case” a new disease pops up and “just in case” someone dares suggest it did not jump from bird to cow, or cow to human, but from lab to human. Such scientific questions are verboten, as the world witnessed during the pandemic Yassif cites as positive justification for expanded powers.

Flu vaccines do not have the greatest record of efficacy. The CDC notes: “When flu vaccines are not well matched to some viruses spreading in the community, vaccination may provide little or no protection against illness caused by those viruses.” However, should cows become a vector for transmission, humanity already has vaccines for H5N1 bird flu: “….a trio of H5N1 vaccines for humans has already been developed and approved in the U.S. ….While there hasn’t been an outbreak among people to put them to the test, human-to-human transmission would “drive the need” for H5N1 vaccines….”

The Biden administration has steadily increased regulatory burdens on small farmers through EPA, SEC, and USDA rule changes. Now, a disease crops up that undermines local (raw milk) food production and is being leveraged by global disease “experts” to expand surveillance of humans and animals to design and manufacture “just-in-case” vaccines and to increase globalist regulatory powers. What could possibly go wrong?


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Experts Say Bird Flu ”Jumps” To Animals The Elites Don’t Want Us to Eat … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

380,761 Missing Ballot Images? Nothing Suspicious About That!

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2024-05-10 18:38 +0000
NEW: Georgia Election Board dumbfounded after finding out that 3,000 ballots were scanned twice in the 2020 election recount in Fulton County. The board also revealed that 380,761 ballot images from machine count were “not available.” Q: Does Fulton County... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

“A Vote For Trump Is A Vote For Yourself”

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2024-05-10 18:32 +0000
So says legendary boxing promoter Don King. Black America is warming to Donald Trump. According to the Times, King, 92, was asked at an event on Wednesday if he had a message for Trump, who is battling a criminal trial... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Do Not Lose Focus On The Border And Economy

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 18:00 +0000

There is so much going on in D.C., not just with Joe Biden and the Misfit Toys. Things are explosive on the Hill, and even the Supreme Court is chipping in. And don’t forget the fabricated farce of a trial in New York where the poor excuse of a D.A., Alvin Bragg, has been assigned the task of keeping Donald Trump off the campaign trail for six to eight weeks.

We have a never-ending battle in Ukraine and the retaliation by Israel against Hamas that is causing weeks of unrest in American colleges. America is in chaos, and we are pulling the world into the vortex. All of this distortion is taking our attention away from our biggest concern, and that is the open spigot of humanity at what used to be our southern border.

I will not give Biden credit for creating this plethora of distractions. He is incapable of such a sophisticated operation, but I will give him 100% credit for the broken country we must put back together after we oust him on November 5. The attention given to these ancillary situations works in the favor of Biden by taking the focus off the border and the economy.

The border is still hemorrhaging, and we know it is a two-fold issue. We still have over 300,000 unvetted migrants from around the globe, and these people are transported into cities and towns coast to coast. The latest numbers are in for what Biden’s border crisis is costing us, and the numbers are huge. The total cost in 2023 was $150 billion or nearly $9,000 per migrant. That is more than what is paid to Seniors for Medicare or veterans. In other words, two of our most treasured groups, the people who protected our freedom and the folks who have been investing in America the longest, are below illegal migrants when it comes to the country paying back. Nobody in Washington should sleep well with those sinful facts.

To compound the border crisis, Biden will start importing Gaza refugees. It is unclear when this influx will begin or how many refugees Biden intends to bring to America. There are many countries, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon, in the Middle East that could take refugees, but every country said no, thank you. None of these countries wants to take the risk and danger these refugees would present, and many of them will be Hamas terrorists. But Joe thinks it a good idea to bring them to America. Joe, do not bring any more than will fit into Delaware. Many Democrats, led by John Fetterman (D-PA), have seen enough and realize if they do not speak out, they will suffer the same peril as Biden in the fall.

Gas prices, grocery prices, home heating fuel, home/apartment costs, and interest rates continue to rise, far outpacing any wage increases. New job numbers are disappointing, including far too many new government jobs, and unemployment numbers are ticking up. There are no positive numbers in the economy that Biden can point to and say are a result of Bidenomics. It is becoming impossible for anyone to say they are better off under Biden than Trump.

The smoke will clear before the election, especially if Trump is able to get Biden on the debate stage. Biden’s faults will be exposed, and hopefully, voters, especially the undecided, will see the real Biden and realize we need Trump back in the White House to fix what Biden broke.


The post Do Not Lose Focus On The Border And Economy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Stormy Daniels, Extortionist

Libertarian Leanings - Fri, 2024-05-10 16:05 +0000
Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 16:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Announcement: From a time standpoint I have to drop to Monday-Friday.  These posts take a surprising amount of time, and since I’m job hunting (or customer hunting, either works) I just can’t do three days a week right now.  And I’m taking a week (at least) off from the Israel posts too.




Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





On trusting Democrats Bumper Sticker | Zazzle




Somehow I get the feeling a few of these are repeats.



The only thing I can think of is that WOKE is an intellectual parasite.  It infects company leaders, who then act to advance wokeness, not the company.  In fact they do the former to the detriment of the latter.





Sure feels like it these days.



When your declared enemy, who openly hates you, supports someone… yes, question that.










This seemed way too pat & convenient, so I checked:

Australian gun law: Inside John Howard’s battle to rid guns from Australia | — Australia’s leading news site

At the time, an inflamed NSW Premier Barrie Unsworth said: “It will take a massacre in Tasmania before we get gun law reform in Australia.”

Mr Unsworth would go on to regret his statement, with the tragic prophecy unfortunately coming true.

Brings this to mind:




All the outrage for one country and one situation only.  Others have correctly pointed out that Arabs have killed orders of magnitude more Arabs than Israel has… even with Israel having an unprecedented low civilian-to-combatant death ratio, unheard of in modern warfare.  And begging your pardon for inserting a video, this is one large reason why.  Watch as an IDF call to an Arab in a lined-up targeted building results in the Arab saying they won’t move, and celebrating their potential martyrdom.  Including the deaths of the children there:


Israel Warns Civilians To Evacuate Rafah In Most Incompetent Genocide Ever | Babylon Bee



I pray with my kids every night.  Still working on getting them to say prayers over food.








Rally harder!  Write letters harder!  Protest harder!  And don’t forget to VOTE HARDER!













Democrat privilege.








Just… sad.  Reminds me of this one:





I remember watching this movie.  Some good messages, but at the same time, IMHO, steeped in Leftism.






Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


In a win for all us “conspiracy theory” people, AstraZeneca has finally admitted that, yes, there ARE some bad side effects of their shots, and decided to pull them:

AstraZeneca pulls COVID-19 vaccine from global markets –

So when will the enemedia issue an apology to all those they vilified about the “jab hesitancy”?  I’m thinking the 2nd Tuesday of never…

This is why you always pay for your guns and ammo with CASH:

Colorado Signs Bill Requiring Credit Card Tracking of Gun and Ammo Purchases (

The feds are FORCING some states to give illegals a voter registration form:

Feds Force S.C. To Give Voter Registration To Foreign Nationals (

They are sending the Marines to the southern border, but no-one seems to understand why:

US Marines Headed To Mexican Border Ahead Of Migrant Tsunami – Great America News Desk

Some good charts showing how the “energy transition” is REALLY going (hint: not well):

What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Energy Transition – Watts Up With That?

James O’Keefe recently released an undercover video where a CIA contractor admitted that the TLAs withheld information from Trump (while he was President), and that they are actively working to make sure he never takes office again:

CIA’s INSIDER THREAT PROGRAM: O’Keefe Media Group Recording More Important Than People Realize – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

The Deep State’s attempts to sink Trump in the public opinion and/or shackle him with lawfare have backfired “bigly”, and they are getting desperate.  Given that, more and more “little things” are adding up to the TLAs green-lighting using the “JFK solution” on Trump:

Has Trump’s Assassination Been Green-lighted? – POLITICAL MOONSHINE


Eight Options to Deal with Teflon Don – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

The judge in Trumps “false bookkeeping entry” trial (the one with Stormy Daniels testifying in NY) has now put a “gag order” on one of the main witnesses for Trump.  But there’s no agenda here, oh no…:

When the judge gags a key witness for Trump’s defense – Washington Examiner


Regarding Trump’s “classified” documents case, it’s been put on hold.  Recently the prosecution had to admit (in court) that the evidence had been “mishandled”, which is a nice way of saying it could have been tampered with by the DOJ.  So they basically don’t have a case any more.  Also, more is coming out that it was a total set-up from the git-go.  Here is a timeline showing how the White House, the DOJ, and NARA all worked together to set this up for the Mar-a-Largo raid:


An Honest Judge Exposes The Dishonesty Around The Mar-A-Lago Case – American Thinker

After the shameful “withdrawal” (really abandonment) of the Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan in August 2021 (where 13 servicemembers were killed, and we left 1000’s of our allies to the clutches of the Taliban), LTCOL Stuart Scheller (then a Marine Corps infantry officer) made a video asking about holding the leadership accountable.  However, instead of being praised for asking about accountability, he was fired, jailed, and then vilified for “questioning the policies of the government”.  It’s now almost 3 years later, and still NO ONE has been held accountable for the withdrawal debacle.  To add insult to injury, they now teach what happened to him at the Senior Staff NCO school.  Not the honest questioning mind you, but the fact that he dared to question “the narrative” is what got him fired.  In this article he makes a good case for firing the entire General staff of the US military:

Commentary: Typically, That General Is Removed – Tennessee Star



For my Jewish friends; The National Union of Students has just voted to expel Jewish students from their group (because they support Israel).  Keep your heads on a swivel, as this shows that antisemitism is ramping up and getting to be very pervasive.  I expect it will get “kinetic” in the coming months, so watch your backs:

National Union of Students Has Voted to Expel JEWISH Students – Geller Report

9 Things Not to Do in a Widespread Civil Unrest – Ask a Prepper

Good read IMHO.  Grey man.  And if SHTF and you have food, diet like insanity.  You CANNOT be seen as someone who is clean and well-fed.

NOAA Forecasts Severe Solar Storm: FIVE CMEs ARE HEADING FOR EARTH – Watts Up With That?

Grid down?  How… convenient.




Pick of the Post:



Bolding added:

“Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am.”

TINVOWOOT.  Because the GOP has done nothing serious, IMHO, to address this.




Palate Cleansers:



TGIF!  I’ll show myself out…




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





This was my very first cartoon concept!  Please consider my T-shirt with this graphic.


The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rochester’s Ex Superintendent Is In Court Over Spying, And Now Working in Concord

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 14:00 +0000

It’s not just your child who has almost no privacy protections in a public school, but it looks like school board members and elected union officials may not have privacy, too.

The Rochester Voice reported that Kyle Repucci, the ex-Superintendent of Rochester Schools, Asst. Supt. Saundra MacDonald, Rochester School Board Chair Paul Lynch have been accused of harassment and wrongful termination of Rochester School Department’s former IT chief:

Yasenchock, who for 23 years served as chief technology officer of Rochester Schools, alleges in his lawsuit that two months before his firing Repucci ordered him to search for emails between various school board members and elected union officials and provide paper copies back to him.

Repucci allegedly wanted to view the emails to determine if certain school board members had worked on a file presented to the school board by union officials, according to the complaint.

On Sept. 17, 2020, Yasenchock voiced concerns over the legality of what Repucci had ordered and requested he state in writing the exact scope of what he wanted his IT chief to do.

That’s when it all went south, according to the complaint.

Whether this results in a financial payout to the plaintiff or not, take a good look at what your administrators earning 6-figure salaries are working on.

The Voice goes on to report:

Yasenchock alleges he was summoned to Repucci’s office and angrily confronted by both the superintendent and assistant superintendent after which he left but not before telling the pair he was going to report the matter to the full school board.
The complaint alleges Rochester Schools soon afterward hired Municipal Resources Incorporated (MRI) to identify and provide a narrative for grounds to fire him, which they did on Nov. 13, 2020.
Yasenchock, a combat veteran who suffers from PTSD, notes in his lawsuit that Repucci was well aware of his disability and exploited it when he confronted him in his office and again immediately after he left.

This is what taxpayers are funding in Rochester. Just think if administrators were concerned about math proficiency, and making sure all of the students were fluent with their math facts.

Repucci has left theRochester district, and has been hired by the Concord School district. As I’ve warned in the past, watch for those administrators who jump from district to district; often times they are running from their incompetence, or problems they’ve created in the school they are leaving.

Listen to the May 6th School Board meeting in Concord here.

You can watch the Concord School Board and administrators gush over their candidate, Kyle Repucci, and how they went through the interview process with him. Shockingly, the lawsuit wasn’t brought up. No one asked Repucci if he would be spying on the board members or union officials in Concord.

Why didn’t Repucci bring this up during this meeting?

It seems to me that whether you are guilty or not, you’d bring this up and either admit to what you’ve done or let them know exactly what happened if the facts are not accurate. I would want the person I’m hiring to have two important characteristics: honesty and integrity. Addressing the lawsuit and offering as much information as possible, allows the decision-makers to be fully informed. Not bringing the lawsuit up would cause me to believe the candidate wasn’t honest or had something to hide.

Then there’s The New Hampshire Code of Ethics and Conduct. Did The New Hampshire Department of Education conduct an investigation on the three administrators to see if they violated the Educator Code of Ethics or Conduct?
Who pays the bill on this lawsuit if the plaintiff wins a settlement? The taxpayers?

This is why people use the term “passing the trash” when referring to administrators who jump from school to school after being involved with incidents like this.

The post Rochester’s Ex Superintendent Is In Court Over Spying, And Now Working in Concord appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Then There Were Three Pasty White Dems Running to Replace Pasty White Ann Kuster

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 12:00 +0000

New Hampshire Dems like to talk about diversity and equity and POC or even BIPOC, minorities “being seen,” Critical Race Theory, and even white supremacy, so you’d be right to wonder why this doesn’t translate to candidates for federal offices.

Ann Kuster announced her retirement at the end of this congressional session, so we expect a few Democrats to line up to feed at that through. It’s NH CD-2. If you get into the office, you can milk that cow forever. And line up they did, but it looks a bit more like what you’d expect from their plantation South ideological ancestors.

Pasty white.

Colin Van Ostern, one of the whitest carbon-based life forms in the Granite State, announced before the echo faded from Annie’s retirement announcement. Shortly after, Becky Whitley, a lighter shade of pale, tossed her pasty-white hat into the ring. And now we’ve got Maggie Tamposi Goodlander, who “lives” in New Hampshire, to run for federal office (probably a DNC-foisted favorite). An arrangement not lost on one other primary opponent.

“As a second district voter myself, I believe strongly this race will be decided by the people of our district — not by wealthy or powerful interests from outside our state,” Kuster said. “Colin is a proven New Hampshire leader who has won this district before and will again.”

A little catfight is good for the race, but Goodlander will probably have a lot of money from her DC contacts (she was a White House Lawyer for Biden and worked at State), and her mom and dad have deep developer roots in the State. Cash won’t be a problem. She is also younger and prettier than Colin, but he’s right about the carpetbagger feel. And since Goodlander was probably farmed by DNC Beltway insiders, including folks in the Biden White House who were responsible for stripping New Hampshire of its First in the Nation Democrat Presidential primary (over people of color and lack of diversity issues), you’d be right to ask why they didn’t try harder to find a black woman, if they tried at all.


The post And Then There Were Three Pasty White Dems Running to Replace Pasty White Ann Kuster appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Republican Attendance for 5/9/2024

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-05-10 11:00 +0000

Attendance was better this week than last for Republicans, by which I mean more Demcorats were absent. And a few folks we don’t typically see missed votes. They likely had other obligations that could not be avoided. That happens with a citizen legislature. And then there were O’Hara and Trottier.

As usual, Belmont when unrepresented or underrepresented if you prefer.

The number to the left is missed votes, yesterday. On the right we have missed votes for the full session to date.

5/9 YTD
13 O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont) 170
13 Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont) 127
13 Infantine, William (R, Manchester) 75
13 Brouillard, Jacob (R, Nottingham) 69
13 Summers, James (R, Newton) 57
13 Verville, Kevin (R, Deerfield) 46
13 Dumais, Russell (R, Gilford) 42
13 Gerhard, Jason (R, Northfield) 23
13 Hobson, Deb (R, East Kingston) 21
13 Hoell, J.R. (R, Dunbarton) 15
13 Pearson, Stephen (R, Derry) 13
9 Durkin, Sean (R, Northumberland) 29
8 Bordes, Mike (R, Laconia) 35
8 Roy, Terry (R, Deerfield) 24
5 Ouellet, Mike (R, Colebrook) 11
4 Crawford, Karel (R, Moultonborough) 55
3 Guthrie, Joseph (R, Hampstead) 47
2 Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford) 221
1 Cole, Brian (R, Manchester) 51
1 Thackston, Dick (R, Troy) 33
1 Packard, Sherman (R, Londonderry) 21
1 Osborne, Jason (R, Auburn) 8
1 Ankarberg, Aidan (R, Rochester) 5
1 Harvey-Bolia, Juliet (R, Tilton) 5
1 Lascelles, Richard (R, Litchfield) 5

The post NH House Republican Attendance for 5/9/2024 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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