The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • January 8 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

“Useful Idiot”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 20:00 +0000

“Useful idiot” describes someone who is manipulated into supporting a political cause, and who is too naive to see that he is being manipulated. It describes Terry Roy … yes, THAT TERRY ROY … pictured below preening for the camera with Alissandra Murray.

I understand that Roy is dependable conservative vote, which makes the above … normalizing the abnormal … even worse.

When Roy stands shoulder-to-shoulder, all smiles, with a person who believes that chemical castration of children, puberty-blockers, child-mastectomies of children are “gender-affirming medical care,” he is normalizing the abuse and exploitation of children. He is normalizing boys participating in girls sports … abortions of seven, eight, even nine-month old unborn babies … grooming in public schools … CRT in public schools. I could go on and on … but I assume you get the point.

It’s sad … really sad.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What If Statewide Candidates Need to Win a Majority of Counties Instead of Votes to Get Elected?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 18:00 +0000

What if a candidate for statewide office needed to win a majority of counties? Each county is decided by its popular vote, and a majority of counties won in the state determine the victor—a form of Federalism at the state level.

Ties in states with even numbers of counties (NH has ten, for example) would probably go to the candidate with the most total votes statewide, pending other means of muddying up any process with too much clarity.

I like the idea in principle.

The practice would mitigate the effect of densely populated liberal idea ghettoes deciding elections. You can’t just win the counties with a big city in them. You must win enough counties to carry over 50% of the total.

The Texas GOP is thinking that this is a good idea.

Texas Republicans are working diligently to reverse the state’s inglorious slide into blue-state status:

Yay! Sorry. Most of the Democrats who run for elected office hate their state or America and want something less free, so I’m inclined to take an interest in ways that protect individuals and individual rights from collectivists and collectivism.


If a state were to decide to use this system to allot its electoral votes, the political Left would find itself locked out of the presidency indefinitely. In perpetuity, the GOP would also maintain a supermajority in the US Senate and governor’s offices. The lower chambers would continue to be messy and subject to shifts in one direction or the other.

No, I doubt the idea would survive the media carpet bombing or the so-called justice system. But it’s a nifty idea to deal with a problem we discuss often. How do rural majorities protect their rights from electoral discrimination created by densely populated, primarily progressive cities?

If the landowners are not permitted to control the government that rules them simply because they own land, then why do what amounts to renters who own no land have the right to control them and their land? Yes, every legal vote should count, but absent the valve of a Republic, Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, which is why Democrats can’t shut up about it (democracy, I mean).

States like California, New York, Oregon, Washington State, Arizona, and New Mexico – to name but a few) would all turn Red at the state level overnight under such a scheme. No, those states will never vote on putting such a plan into place, but it makes me smile thinking about the left losing its mind anywhere it is tried.

I hope Texas finds a way to pass it and defend it. We don’t need a Blue Texas.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 16:00 +0000


Monday Monday, can’t trust that day!

Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter(and Part IIand Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



Be proud of yourself, patriot.  For resisting the Jab propaganda, for thinking for yourself, for doing your own research.






Only if you have the power to do so.   And the cojones.





Just how many different safety signals, let alone safety signals for kids, do we need?




Three guesses as to why the differences exist, and the first two don’t count.



$200 million plus from what I hear.  No, wait:

Trump campaign has raised $400 million since Donald Trump’s guilty verdict in New York sham trial (




How does anyone say this with a straight face?





It became necessary to destroy all life to save it.







They keep saying “It’s voluntary”… like a woman with a knife at her throat “voluntarily” accedes to a back-alley intimate interlude.






Includes pretty much every liberal I know.






As FrontPageMag founder David Horowitz said:

“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”




I really hate to say this, but it CAN be restored.  But it gets messy.















Dem opponent of Elise Stefanik suggests Trump supporters need ‘re-education camps’ after ‘MAGA nightmare’ | The Post Millennial |

And from here:


They don’t really want “reeducation”…

Larry Grathwohl: Requiem for an American Hero | Frontpage Mag

They also believed that their immediate responsibility would be to protect against what they called the counter revolution and they felt that this counter revolution could best be guarded against by creating and establishing reeducation centers in the Southwest where would take all the people who needed to be reeducated into the new way of thinking and teach them how things were going to be.

I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill – 25 million people.

I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”

One chilling idea WUO leaders entertained was working enemies of the revolution to death in labor camps, something many so-called progressives today would no doubt favor doing to Tea Party supporters.

This was in the 60’s.



We are in grave danger.






Slavery still legal in the USA, apparently.







Imagine if someone to the Right of Stalin said this?










Can I move here?















Between this and all the other news coming out about Covid and the Jab, how does ANYONE still have trust in government?

A Crisis of Trust – Urban Scoop




Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Coca-Cola sued over claims its Simply Orange Juice has high levels of toxic forever chemicals | Daily Mail Online

Wow.  And more about Coca-Cola:

Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: physiochemical properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution and digestion studies – PubMed (

Quote from the Telegram channel I got this from:

Fluorescent nanoparticles present in Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola: physiochemical properties, cytotoxicity, biodistribution and digestion studies

The biodistribution study in major organs indicated that the NPs were easily accumulated in the digestive tract, and they were able to cross the blood-brain barrier and dispersed in the brain.

New survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America (

I was raised to believe vaccines are – to the limits of humanly possible – safe.  That there are always risks in everything is undeniable.  But I’m suffering Betrayal Trauma at having been deceived.

Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction (

Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote. Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

BREAKING: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

‘Time to Ground the Plane’: FDA Advisers Recommend JN.1 COVID Vaccines Despite Growing Evidence of Cancer Risks • Children’s Health Defense (

UNANIMOUSLY approved 16-0.

‘The Dam Has Broken’: Mainstream Media Reports on Study Showing COVID Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths • Children’s Health Defense (

Biden regime has sent at least $11,000,000 to the Taliban since its catastrophic 2021 withdrawal of US troops (

Megabucks to them.  Gigabucks to Iran.  If The Potato was actively trying to empower global Islam, what would he be doing differently?

The Evidence Is In: Progressivism Is a Mental Illness – American Thinker

Not a joke.

Biden’s DOJ indicts Texas doctor who spoke out against child sex changes | The Post Millennial |

Holy sacrament.  And Holy ground:



From Lawfare To Bidenbucks, 2024 Rigging Is Worse Than 2020 (

Or 2022.  Remember that “red tsunami ripple”?

Biden Admin Quietly Injecting Radical Policies Into Housing Market — And It Might Bring The Whole System Down | The Daily Caller

The PLAN is to bring the whole thing down.  Related:

Prices Are Never Going Down – American Thinker

Bill Gates Takes on the Farting Cows but Predictably Leaves Out a Pretty Important Fact – Twitchy

What about African herd beasts?  What about the bison in times past, when it was supposedly cooler?

A Revolution in Europe | Frontpage Mag

BREAKING: Right-wing parties make sweeping gains in EU elections on anti-immigration platform | Human Events |

I fully expect Macron to tell The People, as they are forced back to the polls in a snap election, to “Vote correctly this time”.  Just like the EU told the Irish after the Irish said NO to the EU in their referendum.  Sure enough:

Macron urges French to make ‘right choice’ in snap polls – Insider Paper

Cat on Gab: ‘So why is the Biden campaign continuing to push th…’

This hoax.  The “inject bleach” hoax.  The Charlottesville lie.  Despite all the information out there disproving all of these things, our enemies still believe them because they want to believe them.  They NEED to believe them.  Speaking of:

MSNBC analyst urges the military to act to stop Trump’s election – American Thinker

How Democrats Faked a Jobs Boom | Frontpage Mag

All they can do is lie.

Food Recalls Are Increasing In Frequency As We Get Closer To Nuclear War (

The slow squeeze on the food supply.

Discussed on The Kuhner Report on WRKO:

Can Democracy Survive the “Defenders of Democracy”? – JONATHAN TURLEY

This Will Be an Interesting Weekend | NC Renegades

And, as I understand it, in June the Saudis are saying they’re off the petrodollar.

Amber Rose Shuts Down Leftist TMZ Reporter: ‘We are Voting for Trump Because We are No Longer Brainwashed’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin


World War 3 Watch

Dire Warning From Economist Jim Rickards: ‘Are They Trying to Start a Nuclear War?’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Short answer?  Yes.

WATCH: Putin Says There’s ‘No Need’ to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the War in Ukraine | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

If there is a nuclear detonation in Ukraine my IMMEDIATE bet is on a false flag.

Russia ready to strike NATO airfields hosting Ukrainian jets – MP — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

Yikes!  More generally about national security:

Bayou Renaissance Man: Take humanity out of society, and what’s left?

MUST SEE: American College of Pediatricians Blasts All Major Medical Associations for Pushing Radical Gender Transition Agenda on Children | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


California Restaurants Have Slashed 10,000 Jobs Since Democrats Introduced $20 Minimum Wage | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

The real minimum wage is zero.

Biden’s Border Order Does Nothing But Insult Our Intelligence (

Kabuki for the gullible.







Let go envy and coveting.  There’s an old Yiddish proverb:

Who is wealthy?  He who is content with what he has.




Pick of the post:





Palate Cleansers:









Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Things You’ll Never See On Alissandra Murray’s X … The Nashville Manifesto

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 14:00 +0000

In Alissandra Murray’s alternative universe, she is being relentlessly hunted by Nazis, Neo-Nazis, MAGAs, etc., … and so is her “community.” She’s constantly telling us on her X (twitter) how courageous she is for carrying on in the face of all this. One thing you won’t see on her X, however, is the Nashville “manifesto” … obviously because it doesn’t mesh with the alternative universe that Murray chooses to live in:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Jabbernaughts Will Do Anything to Protect the Right to Mandates

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 12:00 +0000

There is growing excitement about a recent 9th Circuit Court ruling in which the case was remanded to the lower court. The Court cited the plaintiff’s claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is a therapeutic (not a vaccine that prevents spread), and as such, the infamous Smallpox decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts cannot apply.

“[T]he district court misapplied the Supreme Court’s decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), in concluding that the Policy survived rational basis review. Jacobson held that mandatory vaccinations were rationally related to preventing the spread of smallpox. Here, however, plaintiffs allege that the vaccine does not effectively prevent spread but only mitigates symptoms for the recipient and therefore is akin to a medical treatment, not a “traditional” vaccine. Taking plaintiffs’ allegations as true at this stage of litigation, plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the COVID-19 vaccine does not effectively “prevent the spread” of COVID-19. Thus, Jacobson does not apply.

Evidence demonstrates The Jabs’ inability to prevent infection or spread (and I’m not convinced it prevents severe COVID disease). The pandemic of the unvaccinated narrative is more proof. The Jabbed continued to get COVID, some multiple times, spreading it to other Jabbed in their cultish little passport-wielding cabals. But if the Jab prevented either infection or spread, they would be immune to the unvaccinated, especially if it were anything at all like the 96% effective vaccine they claimed. It was not and as we’ve reported previously, it appears to have increased the likelihood of reinfection.

The cure was (in reality) a highly effective magnet for the disease, which affirms the idea that if a vaccine, by definition, can effectively prevent the spread, this was not that.

The court isn’t saying it isn’t a vaccine; it is merely saying that in the context of the case before them, the plaintiff’s presumption invalidates the lower court’s use of Jacobson in its decision (at least that’s how I read it). The problem then becomes whether the CDC’s reimaging of the definition of a vaccine can overcome its own historical interpretation.  From “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease” to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The former assumes the potential for infection prevention (like the smallpox inoculation). The latter expects infection but presumes to mitigate the severity.

The old definition is a fully operational border wall with guarded checkpoints and enforced restrictions—the new one claims some ability to mitigate problems after they are already in the country.

Small Details Matter

This may have no bearing on the case, but the COVID-19 “vaccine” was never tested to determine if it could prevent infection or spread. Another in a long list of lies pried out into the open to prove that advocates had no intention of honest or full disclosure pre-jab.

The evidence suggests neither it nor its booster offspring are capable of preventing infection or spread. A growing body of research tells us that in all but a few demographics, the health risks likely exceed any potential benefits. We know that natural immunity is superior, and the jab interferes with the acquisition of natural immunity. The long-term consequences of the Jabbed are a subject of ongoing research and debate.  We know a lot of bad things but we won’t know all of them for perhaps decades.

What we do know is that while COVID treatments do not meet the traditional definition of a vaccine (and that the court is acknowledging plaintiffs claims in context), the Public Health Industrial Complex will, moving forward, insist that in the name of science (to protect the power to mandate pharmaceuticals), vaccines don’t necessarily prevent infection or spread. This would give them an end around to any claims that to be a vaccine, they must.

So, the band plays on.

And not unrelated: A trailer about a whistleblower story with context.

The post The Jabbernaughts Will Do Anything to Protect the Right to Mandates appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Morning View: Future Senator Emily Phillips the Underdog.

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 10:00 +0000

I will start by reminding the readers of what an abject disappointment our senate is, but to complain about problems is human.  Focusing on solutions is divine and freshman Rep Emily Phillips plans to be part of the solution by primarying Senator Gannon, a “Sharon Sheeple” in Senate Judiciary and a lawyer.

Our legislature is loaded with lawyers, and that’s a problem.

Just ask tireless RTK crusader Laurie Ortolano, who regularly laments the need to reform the courts, and she will tell you all kinds of stuff about that. It’s comparable to the situation of much-needed term limits and our federal legislature. It ain’t gonna happen, at least not in the ordinary way.

Anyway, back to our state legislature and lawyers, let’s take a trip down memory lane and review the race for the seat currently occupied by freshman Senator Murphy. Murphy is a well-liked businessman who stepped up as a team player to fill the void created by Mike the Russian’s untimely withdrawal.

Mike was a Hooksett rep well-liked by all but clearly expected to stay on “his side of the wall” by the establishment elite.  Yeah, keep up the good work as a rep, but you’re not welcome in the country club, um, I mean, Senate.  Mike was in a primary with former House Election Law Chair, Attorney Barbara Griffin, who was a cranky old hag when it came to good bills and how they were handled throughout the House process.  Another thing about her was her donors including lots of elite members of the in-club.  I don’t have that info readily handy, but anyone interested in digging will find donations from Senator Giuda, Ruth Ward, Clegg, and various other well-known people, businesses, and lobbying entities.  And it wasn’t just money because even my Senator had her as a guest on his show, but not Mike.

To be fair about that comment, I never followed up with him on whether or not she was invited or requested it. And I don’t think Mike made an appearance, nor do I know if he sought one or turned down an invitation. Either way, my point is that Barbara Griffin was the chosen favorite, and Mike the Russian was the underdog, but guess what! Underdog always saves Sweet Polly Purebred, and Mike won the primary.

I should also point out that the incumbent was not a candidate, and therefore, no advantage was to be had in that matter.

And here we are, back to the present, and Senator Gannon has the incumbent advantage.  Not only that, but I heard word on the street that Kelly Ayotte is paying for his campaign.  Readers are encouraged to fact-check that as they see fit.

Emily plans to visit Scanlan’s office at 9:45 am Thursday to file her candidacy right before the House meets for what’s expected to be an interesting and exciting day.  If you can make yourself available to cheer her on as she walks the hall to the SoS office and wave a sign, please do it.  If not, that’s understandable, but you can still show her some love with a donation or willingness to volunteer in one or more of the variety of campaign efforts.  Draining the swamp is an all-hands-on-deck mission.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Divided We Fall

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 02:00 +0000

The notion that we are a land divided isn’t something surprising to most of our readers. They see it and accept that it is a deliberate act by the political establishment, with the understanding that they (the uniparty) are dividing us to cement their ongoing rise to power.

But most Americans, and I’d add most non-Americans, given there are tens of millions of those loitering about unaccounted for, don’t have a clue about any of that. They get up, pay more for coffee, shake their head as they fill their tank with gas, and otherwise try to keep their head down. After all, look what happened to those parents at the school board meeting and so on. No, we don’t think you should be talking to children about sex in grade school, but we still have to live here.

The Dem-led uniparty knows which is why examples are made. So the rest of the prairie dogs stay in their holes. Rising costs and crime keep them seeking cover while rising taxes and prices rob their lifestyles from under them. And now you can’t go on vacation because when you get back, your home may have been absconded by foreigners.

These are the days in which we live, and even the duck and cover crowd is being divided into factions who, when they dare to suggest something outside the approved uniparty narrative, are labeled as extreme.

Konstantin Kisin, in a piece about “political extremism,” observes how the political left has corrupted Western culture.

It is not considered extreme to throw open the borders resulting in more people coming to Britain in 11 years of the Blair Government than came into Britain between the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and 1950.

It is not considered extreme to double Sweden’s foreign born population since the turn of the century. It is not considered extreme that this has resulted in Sweden having the highest rate of gang killings in Europe. It is not considered extreme that the governor of the Bank of Sweden was forced to acknowledge in an interview with the Financial Times that the growing crime problem is so serious, it risks damaging the country’s long-term economic growth.

It is not considered extreme that the United States has had over 8 million illegal immigrant “encounters” under the Biden Administration, with over 1.7 million known gotaways (illegal immigrants who evaded border patrols) currently residing in the United States without proper documentation or being vetted by immigration.

It is not considered extreme to introduce overtly sexual content into schools up and down the United States.

It is not considered extreme to promote the idea that children are capable of consenting to life-changing surgeries and hormonal interference in their bodies to treat mental disorders.

It is not considered extreme to replace pedestrian crossing lights in central London with LGBTQ+ signals.

It is not considered extreme to teach several generations of children to hate their country.

It is not considered extreme to prosecute and imprison people for making offensive jokes in private WhatsApp messages.

It is not considered extreme to put male rapists in female prisons.

It is not considered extreme to pass speech-restrictive legislation that could result in the police arresting comedians for jokes.

What is considered extreme is pointing out that there is a problem with any of this. As my readers know, objecting publicly to any of this will immediately earn you the dismissive label of “culture warrior.” Because destroying your country’s history and culture is not considered extreme, but defending it is.

You can probably manage a few more examples on your own, but I think this gets the point across and then some.

Social psychologist Jonathan Haidt reminded us in a soon-to-be-released TRIGGERnometry interview that human societies have historically been united by three things: common blood, common gods and common enemies.

Mass immigration and the endless celebration of what we euphemistically call “diversity” is increasingly eroding two of these. We do not have common blood in the way that our societies used to within living memory. As for common gods, our own growing atheism might have been sustainable had we not been busily importing people who have a very strong sense of faith in gods that are quite different from ours. Absent common blood and gods, we increasingly look for enemies within rather than uniting around the challenges we face from outside.

If by outside you mean outside our communities but inside or governments. So-called leaders are wholly responsible for the planned chaos. In the case of the US, they chose to ignore the law (borders, crime) to destabilize society. A practice I have long insisted has a deliberate purpose. To force the middle class to demand order, to which the Federal government will respond by nationalizing as much of the law enforcement apparatus as it can, followed by systemic auditing and cleansing of anyone in authority who doesn’t toe their line.

They did it in unions, Schools, Churches, universities, and lately, every branch of the armed services. They are doing it to the National Guard in states where they control it and would gladly use the same tactics on county and local law enforcement (Obama started working on this plan during his two terms).

If they succeed, no one will be permitted to dance to any tune but their own, and if that happens, the march to Marxism will be difficult to halt. Two-tiered justice from sea to rising sea and no one to stop armed federal agents because they will all be armed federal agents. You can’t have a proper despotism without it. So, they divide us from within and without, and being human, we find ourselves playing along. Overwhelmed by a deliberate lawlessness whose intention is to make it impossible for us to have anything in common but our disdain for each other.

I am not, by nature, a doom blogger, so I’d like to say we are about to turn a corner, but ‘They’ will do anything to prevent that, especially if it might ignite an actual insurrection. Nothing would please them more than civil war – it would give them the excuse they need. The problem there, however, is that we’re very close to the point where some meaningful number of divided Americans see it as the only way to restore the Republic, and I don’t have nearly enough range time in for that.

And November is Coming.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Take Your Hat Off … And Speak English

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-06-10 00:00 +0000

Check out the screenshot below … Jason Bonilla wears his cowboy hat while hectoring the Board of Mayor and Alderman. Not removing the hat is an intentional act of disrespect, which of course is the point.

Bonilla’s message is that the Mayor and the Aldermen … even the “allies” on the Board … are his moral-inferiors, not worthy of even the common courtesy of Bonilla removing his hat.

I am sure one or more of you bitter-clingers, who insists on denying that the Left loathes and despises you, is thinking … HOW DO YOU KNOW HE’S HECTORING THEM; HE’S SPEAKING IN SPANISH.

Speaking in Spanish is the hectoring, bitter-clingers. The message is “my community will NOT assimilate … we are and will remain a country within a country … with all the rights non-community-members have and additional rights and privileges to redress the wrongs the “colonizers” perpetrated on my community”:

Bonilla, obviously, is a Woke-Communist. But he also obviously is a grifter. His position and power depend on stoking grievances and pitting people against each other on the basis of ancestry, race, sex, etc. etc., etc.. Treating people as INDIVIDUALS and not simply as members of this aggrieved-community or that aggrieved-community is anathema to Bonilla because it is against his self-interest.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Elections Have Consequences: NWO, Government & Our Common Problem

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 23:00 +0000

But it’s weird, right? What comes to mind? A different reaction or inflection point within your life because it doesn’t really feel like it was twelve years ago. That could be today.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4y5nfb","div":"rumble_v4y5nfb"});

Link to the Documentary

The post Elections Have Consequences: NWO, Government & Our Common Problem appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Cleansing the Rot in Washington

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 22:00 +0000

Appalachian folk musician Oliver Anthony hit the charts with the fire track “Rich Men North of Richmond” in 2021. To many Americans suffering under the tyrannical yoke of the authoritarian communist Biden junta, the song struck a nerve.

Ironically, its adoption by the Republican National Committee at the first presidential primary debate drew chagrin from Anthony, himself, who skewered Washington leadership as part of the problem the song identifies among established US powerholders.

The refrain goes:

Lord, knows they all just wanna have total control—

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do,

And they don’t think you know but I know that you do

This perfectly encapsulates the current power paradigm in the US and, more broadly, at the global scale. We live in a tyrannical governing system where the lived reality of the citizen is beset on all sides by guardrails, checks and balances, and invasive surveillance. There is no avenue for protection against the corporate/government surveillance apparatus short of total disconnection from society, compromising livelihood, and any chance at growing wealth. Simultaneously, citizens are squeezed from all directions to sacrifice hard-earned capital.

It is systematically almost totally impossible to accumulate capital. Citizens receive stipend-like salaries with little opportunity to focus on generating other forms of revenue and wealth. The system is designed so that salaries barely cover living expenses, and no politician has the intelligence or will to act to recalibrate the system. This must change.

We live in an era where the government has almost total control. This has been built by generations of establishment government officials consolidating power. They believe that any step in any other direction is a loss to them personally. Driven by endless greed, they persist unchecked, destroying any obstacles to inevitably consolidate their own power. Eventually, events will snap back in an explosive and violent way if they continue to persist.

The alternative is for these deep statist bureaucrats to step aside. Pursuing power for decades has left them dangerously short of wisdom. Many refer to them as children playing with fire. A sign of maturity is knowing when enough is enough and when to step aside peacefully. It’s time.

The quickest and easiest way to achieve this is to build consensus within the population. People must understand their own individual power to speak up and create. This process mist be supported by communities who already enjoy a perspective and level of personal freedom that allows disconnection from the tyrannical regimes in Washington, when they arise as they inevitably will in the natural ebb and flow of centralized political ideology.

Washington must be cleaned out. Must like students of George Washington University, Howard, Trinity, or Georgetown spend only several years living in Washington before moving on, so must be the political apparatus. The country overall will be stronger, wealthier, and happier if the political establishment is shattered and scattered nationwide than continuously allowed to rot in the swamps of Foggy Bottom.

Whose job is this? The responsibility lies with the citizenry, for certain. People must communicate with each other and vigilantly watch the federal government to ensure it is checked, and that the rotten ones are removed and sent back to the countryside— literally anywhere besides DC. The power currently rests also with the military-corporate surveillance apparatus and the Intelligence Community.

This collective group has brought rise to the notion of the deep state in its very own refusal to follow wise courses of action, instead favoring political ideologies and outdated doctrinal methods of population control. In the digital information era, dishonesty and deceit doesn’t work in the domestic sphere. It accelerates and catalyzes corruption, as we have seen in the disasterous Biden years. It’s the role of the IC and the military-corporate surveillance apparatus to root out corruption at the federal level and remove it from the governing system.

Total control is different than total awareness. In the latter, we can be aware, as a nation, of the ongoings and developments worldwide, but we don’t have to intervene. Certainly, no intervention is necessary on the homefront, and it is counterproduxtive, especially when undertaken along partisan lines. Awareness allows us to follow political, cultural, social and economic trends, but we must allow others to grow on their own.

Critically, the Washington rot must be removed in order to allow the national political system to operate democratically. That is how the country was built, and it might be maintained as such, for the betterment of America, and for the entire planet.

The post Cleansing the Rot in Washington appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Governor Burgum Would Be an Enormous Mistake By Trump For Vice President

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 20:00 +0000

As an education researcher, I see Republican Governors fall for education fads pushed by education reformers all the time. Competency-based Education is one of those fads in New Hampshire that does nothing to improve the quality of education in our public schools.

When private schools reject these fads, there is a reason for that. If these fads were so great, homeschoolers and private schools would already be incorporating them into their school day.

Governor Doug Burgum is supposed to be on the short list of Vice President choices by Trump. This would be an enormous mistake because of what he did in North Dakota. Read about that here.

During Obama’s presidency, he said he was going to redesign public education. Most people probably missed that but those of us who know what this means, were not pleased. He was going to redesign public education into a workforce training model.

The workforce model is the dumbing down of public education which started with the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. After 14 years of this nonsense, our students still cannot compete with students in high-performing countries. But maybe academic excellence wasn’t the goal of  Bill Gates, and the other education reformers.

Federal law (Every Student Succeeds Act) pushes more technology on students in the classroom. Where has this helped improve academic outcomes?  It does profit the technology industry. Not only does the Ed Technology Industry benefit from the sales of its products, they are also able to data mine information on your children through the software.

If you look at the privacy policies attached to the Ed Tech Vendors, they are NOT private. It is true that Ed Tech Vendors follow the student privacy law, FERPA, but that law now has a LARGE gaping loophole in it. Schools are required to keep personal information private but there are now “exceptions” in the law. This makes it easier for tech companies and others on that list, to access your child’s personal information. The Federal Government is already set up to collect massive amounts of personal data on your children.

What does this have to do with Governor Burgum? Answer: He’s facilitating all of this in his state of North Dakota.

In a blog post from 2018, They’ve got trouble, up there in North Dakota, it goes through Burgum’s education policies while serving as Governor. It’s important to note that Burgum was elected with the financial assistance of Bill Gates:

A self-styled outsider candidate, Burgum won the governorship in 2016, with financial backing from Bill Gates, his largest campaign contributor.

Why would Gates put so much money into Burgum to serve as Governor? The same Gates who was working with disgraced Governor Cuomo to implement his workforce model in New York? The same financier of the failed, and dumbed down Common Core Standards?

In this article, you can see how Gov. Cuomo was working hand in hand with Gates’ to shift public education towards technology. Gov. Cuomo was implementing “Education Reimagined,” Which is the blueprint that Gates would like to implement in all local schools.

This blueprint would eliminate teachers who would be replaced by facilitators.  That shift has already started because this pedagogy is pushed in our Schools of Education, and many grant organizations require it. You can see that on page 10 in the column “role of adults.”  Some might think this is a good idea but there are many reasons why we should avoid this.

As technology replaces a teacher in the classroom, more information directed at children will come from their digital device. Parents already have a disadvantage by not being able to examine textbooks. What are their children learning? Screen time has become a bigger issue that concerns many parents. How do they take away the device in the evening if this is how they have to do their homework? It’s used as a way for students to cyber bully, and share naked photos of each other. Digitalized books are available through the school library APP that includes pornographic and obscene content.

You might be surprised to find out that the heads of the two largest teachers’ unions in the country signed on to Education Reimagined. Go to the last page and you will see signatures from Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers, and Lily Eskelsen, President of the National Education Association.  Most teachers have no idea that their union representation signed on to making the teaching profession obsolete.  These were the same people who fought to keep public schools closed during the pandemic. It makes you wonder why they were so eager to close public schools and send kids to the YMCA with a facilitator. Oh wait, that’s in the plan!

I suggest reading through this article on Burgum. Everything he did in North Dakota appears to follow the Gates education agenda. They even admit in the short video that this is an experiment on your children.

When I began researching education over two decades ago, everything led back to money. Who will profit from these changes and fads? This isn’t about what’s good for children. It’s about how much profit these vendors will make off of your child.  What will the federal government do with all of this information on your children, especially since they can now share that data with the U.S. Department of Labor and other agencies?

Technology is a good thing, but that can be taught in a separate class. Right now, the 1:1 Chromebooks and iPads are creating new problems for students. No one is willing to discuss any of this. Old computers are causing an enormous amount of waste for landfills, and are costly to maintain and replace.

Bill Gates got Common Core WRONG. But did he? If he never intended to improve public education but instead dumbed it down for workforce training, then he is right on target. Common Core was adopted in New Hampshire in 2010. You can see on the national assessment NAEP, there has been no improvement in public education. This was a big failed experiment on your kids.



Instead of learning from this mistake, they are doubling down. If Burgum becomes Vice President, it looks like Gates’ investment in him will really pay off—not for your children.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Voter ID For ME & The Dinner Table

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 18:00 +0000

I have the pleasure of being involved with The Dinner Table and their petition initiative for a Voter ID law in Maine. I have had a lifetime career in sales management and team activity. The organization and teamwork that I have seen over the last few months are nothing short of remarkable. Maine Representative Laurel Libby and Alex Titcomb are the creators of The Dinner Table, and they brought in a dynamo, Lana Hall, to coordinate the volunteers and activities. It is a fantastic team, and they are in complete sync. They stress the positive aspects of everything they do.

What is The Dinner Table all about? The Dinner Table (TDT) is a member-based, grassroots political action committee dedicated to advancing limited government, free enterprise, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Our mission is to achieve a Conservative Majority in the State House of Representatives. The name is derived from a quote by one of the greatest conservative presidents in our lifetime, Ronald Reagan, who said: “All Great Change in America begins at The Dinner Table.” In Maine, we love to sit around the table and solve the world’s problems.

Two of the issues that are key to TDT, and the team has worked tirelessly to impact the future of these issues in The Pine Tree State, are Late-Term Abortion Bills and Voter ID. Members of the team spent countless hours at the statehouse during deliberations on the most liberal abortion laws in America, and although the outcome was not what we wanted and prayed for, we will continue the fight to see abortions at the time of birth happen no longer in Maine. Voter ID for ME is the current focus of TDT, as we have a big day coming up next Tuesday. June 11 is Primary Election Day in Maine, and an army of volunteers will be manning every polling station in Maine to request voters to sign our Voter ID petition. The petition aims to get Voter ID on the ballot, where the people can use their vote to decide its merits. The Maine legislature has repeatedly refused to act and strengthen our elections via legislation like Voter ID. Still, we have recourse provided through our First Amendment right to petition our government. We, the citizens, can do what the legislature will not and take the question directly to Maine voters at the ballot box!

This movement is not about preventing irregularities in the election process but to add credibility to my vote. For years, I have been offering my Driver’s License voluntarily when I vote because I am proud to be a citizen, realize that voting rights are unique to citizens, and ensure the concept of one person, one vote.

At The Dinner Table, we are about protecting and preserving our Rights, which are detailed and guaranteed in our Constitution. Requiring an approved ID when you pick up your early voting ballot or go to the polls on Election Day adds credibility to the voting process. We all need to feel confident in the outcome of our elections, and Voter ID is a step in that process.

When you visit the polls in Maine on Tuesday to cast your vote, look for our volunteer wearing a t-shirt with the Voter ID for ME logo, sign the petition, and feel good knowing you are taking action to ensure the legitimacy of Maine’s elections.

If you want to know more about The Dinner Table and become a member of the team working to bring back a conservative Maine, visit our website for more info at:



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Someone Poisoned Tractor Supply’s Watering Hole …

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 16:00 +0000

Every June, we learn things we didn’t want to know about businesses to whom we regularly give our customs—bastions of what we assumed to be common sense and Christian values or – at the very least – sensibly neutral enough to avoid divisive political fads. Just sell your wares and stay out of crazy town.

Only to find, Bam! Someone at corporate took them down the #woke road, and no one had the spine or balls to say no.

Read the whole thing, including the suggestions for how to proceed in the wake of this disappointing news.

• Don’t take it out on your local store — the vast majority of them are conservative and hate that corporate is pushing this on them.

• Email/Call corporate to respectfully state your position as a customer after learning this information. Let them know where you stand. Here’s their corporate office number that’s listed publicly: (615) 440-4600 — here is their executive team if you’d like to write them or leave them a message at the corporate number. Again, please be respectful: — If anyone has more info on contacting them at publicly available emails, please reply in the comments but no doxxing private info, it violates X rules and it’s not right.

• Start buying what you can from other places until Tractor Supply makes REAL changes and shows that they respect the majority of their customers enough to not spend the money we give them on causes we’re deeply opposed to. As someone with a farm, I know this isn’t easy but if we don’t show them who their customers are then they’ll just keep doing this.

Lastly I want to thank those who’ve reached out to me in distress about the direction of the company. This post is for all the workers who wish they could speak out but fear losing their jobs.

As always, be nice. Threats and insults are not well-suited to the goal unless it is to get them to ignore your concerns—a tactic that applies universally when we’re trying to persuade. Don’t be the guy or gal they are talking about when they say they’ve gotten threats.

You can still be outraged and polite about it.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pulpit Polity: The Only Catholic to Sign The Declaration of Independence

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 14:00 +0000

I hope your Memorial Day Celebrations were filled with honor and respect for our fallen warriors. May we never forget the millions of men and women who have given their lives so that we may enjoy our freedom today.

Let’s continue with a look at some of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Studying the lives of these men will hopefully quicken in our hearts the love of the history of our country and the price they paid to create it.

Charles Carroll was one of the wealthiest signers of the Declaration of Independence and the only Catholic involved in its signing.

His father, Charles Carroll, also known as Charles Carroll the Settler, was from Ireland and migrated to America near Baltimore around 1659. He became prominent in the earliest stages of the city’s growth and purchased a large plantation. He served under Lord Baltimore as a judge and land office register. His son Charles Carroll was involved in the Political structuring of the new-found Nation.

He served on various committees for the cause of freedom but was not allowed to hold public office because he was Catholic.

He was famous for a series of articles he published in The First Citizen, decrying the abuse of the Governor of Maryland at the time. From this series of articles, he was labeled “a most flaming patriot.”

He is quoted as saying, “Without morals, a republic cannot subsist any length of time; they therefore who are decrying Christian religion (whose morality is so sublime and pure)…are undermining the solid foundation of morals, the best security for the duration of free governments.”

He missed the actual vote for the Declaration of Independence on July 2, 1776, but arrived ten days later to take his seat in Congress. On July 19th, Congress adopted a resolution to write the Declaration on parchment with attached signatures. This was a most serious step, for if they lost the war, they would lose everything, including their lives. Carroll was a millionaire, and this was a huge step for him and his family.

When signing he was questioned by John Hancock since he signed it Charles Carroll. Hancock noted that. “we could not tell which Charles Carroll is signing it” because he had the same name as his father. Charles took the pen again and finished it with the words “of Carrollton,” the name of his estate in Maryland.

He was the longest-living signer, dying at the great age of 96 on November 14th, 1832.

Until next time…

The post Pulpit Polity: The Only Catholic to Sign The Declaration of Independence appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Steve Bannon Headed To Prison … And Trump Will Join Him In July

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 12:00 +0000

Trump ally Steve Bannon is headed to prison … quite conveniently for the BidenX-Regime at the height of campaign season. So he has been silenced. As Donald Trump will be silenced in July when “Judge” Merchan “sentences” him for all those “felonies” … effectively ending his campaign for President. It may be prison; it may be some type of house-arrest … but it’s coming.

How did we get here? A big part of the reason is that since January, 2021 the BidenX-Regime has been conducting political-prosecutions of its political enemies … and the Right (for the most part) has just, at best, SAT ON ITS ASS and done nothing. But just keep telling yourselves … IT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE! THEY WOULDN’T DARE! WE HAVE THE GUNS! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Morning View: Mike Rogers, “What’s the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 10:00 +0000

“What is the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH”?

So, at Groktober Fest held last October, I got Jeff Chidester, Carla Gericke, and Jim Kofalt to answer that question. I also added a couple more folks. Here is Mike Rogers’s answer to that question. In his typical British brevity, he got right to the point and gave a minimalist response:

  • “Reporting, opinion, event coverage, and Constitutional Government and the less, the better!

Ah yes, the engineer’s definition of excellence – a sufficient number of words to get the job done but no more than what is required.  Less is better and Mike got it right.

As I said in the video, if anyone knows what GraniteGrok is about, Mike should know being Grokster #3 or #4 – about 16 years of time.

And with having passed the baton to Steve, I know that the ‘Grok will stay true to that quote as its mission. He also got his second point absolutely correct:

Fundraise so that Steve can lead GraniteGrok and become our first full-time paid person (as I went into semi-retirement mode – family medical issues).

I hope that, over the next 18 years, we will continue to uphold his words. As I have said before, who else is doing what we do (and what comes naturally)? Many have tried in the past, and we have outlasted them all (and some were very well financed, to boot); it shows what ordinary people can do when motivated to do so over the long haul.

Again, as a reminder, I announced my semi-retirement from GraniteGrok due to the heightened needs of my family. And yes, again, I was surprised as the words came out of my mouth (surprising to me – I didn’t even know I was going to do it!) from the ‘Grok I had founded 18 years ago due to family issues that HAD to take priority. And in doing so, I turned everything over to Steve, knowing that it would be in the best of hands – I was not disappointed.

Sidenote: And that is the reason why I am taking this opportunity to ask you to donate to GraniteGrok. We are all volunteers, but with Steve’s full-time job gone away, this is the opportunity to keep him and all the time he puts in with his wit, wisdom, and dry humor full-time in a paying position. We were lucky with his old job – nooks and crannies of time always showed up, and he spent it spinning up post after post. However, if he has to look for another full-time job, there’s no guarantee that he’d have the same amount of time for you all to enjoy.

So now that things have calmed down, I can resume making a political PIA of myself to those that need it (yes, a warning). So I’m continuing to put up some of the “Groktober” videos and the interview I did with Ken Eyring and Tom Murray.

One left to do!

The post Morning View: Mike Rogers, “What’s the most important thing that GraniteGrok has brought to NH? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Black Christian Nationalism

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 02:00 +0000

The politicization of Americans’ faith traditions has recently devolved into the newfound leftist phrase “Christian nationalist,” often combined with race as “white Christian nationalism” and then touted as a threat to the nation. But in seemingly racist arrogance, these Christ-haters ignore the history of black Christian nationalism.

In an insightful contemplation of the nascent anti-Christian crusade by god-hating Marxists, Kenneth L. Woodward writes in First Things that “[w]hite Christian nationalism is a social construction the meaning of which depends on who is doing the constructing.”  Woodward chronicles the effort by a handful of Christian-hating politicos to portray the dreaded “Christian nationalist” category as “an implicit theocratic threat to the country” but adroitly points out the flaws of this slanderous undertaking:

In sum, “white Christian nationalist” is an inherently political concept. … The relationship between Christianity and American nationalism has a long history, against which any new iteration must be understood. … In the Cold War era, when the spread of Communism was the nation’s main concern, both liberals and conservatives advanced their political agendas by appealing to yet other forms of Christian nationalism. And so, in the biblical idiom of freedom and justice, did Martin Luther King Jr.

Indeed, Joe Biden invokes God routinely to endorse his godless edicts.  How does he escape the white Christian nationalist moniker?  And what of black Christians who embrace the clear Christian roots of the American experience?  Are they not a threat to the nation?

The meaning of words and phrases can be extremely important.  “White supremacist” once referred to white people who believe that whites are a superior race to blacks.  The term has been perverted to mean “white people” (or even black people who do not agree with Critical Race Theory).  The political/secular crusade against Christianity seeks to similarly recast the good traditions of liberty, equality, and unalienable rights that arose from Christianity and led to the abolitionist movement as somehow evil.  Many black voices, both current and historical, join Martin Luther King, Jr. in support of precisely the same Christian precepts embraced by so-called white Christian nationalists.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is no longer the darling of the left.  He has essentially been canceled: whites who invoke his legacy are knee-jerk slandered as white supremacists.  But King was a bold, devout Christian preacher, politician, and activist for whom faith in Christ was the foundation of all that he did, including his martyrdom for the cause of civil rights.  His “I Have a Dream” speech still echoes dimly in the minds of Americans trying to fathom how race-based hiring, advancement, and reparations will accomplish anything other than the destruction of everything King invested his career — and life — to accomplish.

King was hardly the sole black American to elevate his faith into the Christian nationalist “biblical idiom of freedom and justice.”  Black and white Americans have long found unity in that shared faith that fueled the abolitionist movement and strives even now for aspirational equality, under Marxist attack by those invoking the inequitable, destructive ideologies of race, gender, and queer “theories” that all advance principles antithetical to Christian ideals.  These toxic theories create division, emphasize rights (that would not exist but for the Christian contribution) over duties, demand “works” of racial repentance, bizarre pronouns, or trans-groveling, and do not aspire toward freedom, equality, or justice.  That is, they are overtly anti-Christian.

Many great black American minds held strongly to the Christian religion and the American creed.  Frederick Douglass was outspoken in his passion for the American liberties now under assault:

I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress. … There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough, to live up to their own constitution. … Education means emancipation. It means light and liberty. It means the uplifting of the soul of man into the glorious light of truth, the light by which men can only be made free.

Walter E. Williams was no less shy in expressing his faith and opposing the ongoing Marxist destruction of the nation:

Democracy and liberty are not the same. Democracy is little more than mob rule, while liberty refers to the sovereignty of the individual. … Income redistribution not only betrays the founders’ vision, it’s a sin in the eyes of God. … It’s morality that is society’s first line of defense against uncivilized behavior. … For those of us who are Christians, I’m very sure that when God gave Moses the commandment Thou Shalt Not Steal, he did not mean … unless you get a majority vote in Congress.

Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman were both ardently devout Christians.  While the social justice warrior crowd might falsely claim that these famous ladies were bamboozled into a false faith, their accomplishments would have been impossible without faith.  Both women drew their courage from their Christian convictions, with Tubman claiming, “I am at peace with God and all mankind.”

George Washington Carver proclaimed, “Our creator is the same and never changes despite the names given Him by people here and in all parts of the world.  Even if we gave Him no name at all, He would still be there, within us, waiting to give us good on this earth.”  Booker T. Washington wrote, “If no other consideration had convinced me of the value of the Christian life, the Christlike work which the Church of all denominations in America has done during the last thirty-five years for the elevation of the black man would have made me a Christian.”

Thomas Sowell is a black American who strongly condemns the attack on constitutional rights by those who claim they seek social justice:

Racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as “racists.” … If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today.

Actor Harry Lennix, a Catholic, has remarked, “The black church is extremely important in black America.  I think most Americans themselves believe in a divine power, in a God, and I’m sure that that number increases with black people.”  Rosa Parks held that “I believe there is only one race — the human race.”  Voddie Baucham, Jr. writes, “Who am I to tell a white brother that he cannot be reconciled to me until he has dredged up all of the racial sins of his and his ancestors’ past and made proper restitution?  Christ has atoned for sin!”

Defining “Christian nationalism” is a patently vague political game.  In contrast, defining America as founded on Christian ideals of equal rights and fundamental liberties, which gave rise to the abolitionist movement, is a true, non-racist definition of the term, embraced by black and white Americans alike.  The battle against slavery and prejudice will always go on, and there will always be brothers and sisters in Christ (of all colors and nationalities) agreeing with Rev. King: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Christianity is the light, and the love, entwined in this American nation.  That’s Christian nationalism, in plain black and white.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Night Cap: Black Christian Nationalism appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole.

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-09 00:00 +0000

Most readers are already familiar with a flag pole outside Nashua City Hall, the one being referred to in this link. Over the years, it has been called various names. For those not up to speed on Nashua matters, I will offer the latest Grok piece and the one from the day before.

Much can be discussed here, and there are multiple topics for future articles, but I’ll touch upon just a few.

Many readers are familiar with my anger against the whole senate, but in keeping with an attitude of gratitude, I’ll point out that I’m glad to have a senator who denounces city hall’s shenanigans because Groksters Beth Scaer and her husband do not.

And seeing that we’re into Day 3 of candidate filing time, I want to recognize Mr. Scaer for being Rosenwald’s opponent in 2022 and again this year.  I encourage him to add free speech to his platform of the usual Cornerstone-related issues.

The Scaers were ahead of their time in many ways because the flag pole I’m talking about was the subject of much water cooler talk when Beth flew the women’s sports flag almost four years ago, yet it’s only recently a hot item in the legislature.

I could go on to discuss women’s sports bills SB375 and HB1205, but I want to get back to the flag pole and acknowledge the Disqus comments following the more recent Grok piece.  I recognize some of the usual suspects, but there were also some less frequent flyers participating, and I want to go on record speaking to some of the discussion there.

There was a comment in support of abolishing said flag pole, which certainly has merit to it. I would support that thought, though I’ll point out that the flag pole issues are just a symptom of what’s wrong with city hall.  One does not need to be a doctor to know that making a symptom disappear is not necessarily a solution to the undesired condition in need of a cure.  It’s also a form of group punishment, which I know is utilized by coaches, boot camp drill instructors, and at least one of my former bosses.  Someone else can take that discussion further in another article, but I’ll move on to another Nashua issue, right-to-know.

Compliments of our fickle House and Queen Sharon’s Senate Sheeple, HB 1002 could be signed by the Damn Emperor any day now, and I don’t remember the final language as to when it takes effect.  Therefore, time is of the essence and I wanted to get my RTK request in ASAP.  I emailed Risk Management and the Office of the Mayor this morning.  I said the following:

Good morning, Risk Management and Office of the Mayor:
As per 91A right-to-know, I am requesting a copy of the following items:
1) All requests for use of the community flag pole, also known as the citizens flag pole, from January 2017 through the present.*
2) Risk Management’s responses to all the aforementioned requests.
3) All appeals to denied aforementioned requests.
4) The mayor’s response to all aforementioned appeals.
*The flag pole referred to in this link:

Please reply within five days and have a good weekend.
Julie Smith

I’ll add that I anticipate receiving the “Laurie Ortolano Treatment,” but hey, someone has to do it.  City Hall will always balk at investigation, but Nashua taxpayers deserve to know the hard facts on how unequal treatment is dished out, and I’ll share what I’m able to uncover.

The post Investigating that Nashua Flag Pole. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Aaron Day Show: Manhattan Project to Defeat CBDCs

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-08 23:00 +0000

We are currently experiencing a complete crackdown on crypto. Through Executive Order 14067, President Biden is taking a whole-of-government approach to regulating decentralized crypto out of existence. The DOJ, FBI, Treasury, CFTC, IRS, and others have been fully weaponized.

Every US exchange is currently being sued. People like Ian Freeman and Roger Ver have been thrown in prison. Privacy coins and DeFi are under attack. Why? They need to shutoff all competition in order to roll out CBDCs. This is very close. To combat this, we need open-source, decentralized wallets and point-of-sale systems that can handle multiple cryptos, gold, and silver. We need a better, faster, cheaper alternative to CBDCs. In short, we need to unify now against CBDC tyranny. In this podcast, I will launch a plan to create a Manhattan Project for working on this solution. I am operating under the assumption that we might have less than 6 months to make this happen.

The post The Aaron Day Show: Manhattan Project to Defeat CBDCs appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: The Lesson of Sudenteland Applies

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-08 22:00 +0000

I first learned the Arabic phrase “First Saturday, then Sunday” from Brigitte Gabriel’s book BECAUSE THEY HATE.  Translation, for those who have not heard of it: First the SATURDAY PEOPLE, i.e., The Jews, and then the SUNDAY PEOPLE, the Christians.

See the video here.




Islam is a supremacist religion.  But it’s not just about a relationship between Man and the Divine; it’s a total, all-encompassing life guidance policy; everything is controlled, and if not, it’s By the will of Allah.  If you’ve ever studied Islam, and I have to some degree – or, at least, reading and listening to videos by such notables as Dr. Bill Warner, Robert Spencer, and others… understand, they want to convert you, enslave you, or kill you.  They say so openly.



Have the moral courage to listen to the plain words of what they say their goals are.


And then, channeling their own preachings, they’ll come for every non-Islamic country.  From here:

Imam in Ireland running for parliament says: “Allah commands Muslims to kill Christians and Jews if they don’t convert or pay jizya.”

Europe, wake up.


They have a plan for America specifically, and it’s no secret – remember, we look to the next election, they look to the next decades and centuries:


They wrote it then, and openly say it too – Sharia law everywhere.  Examples of Sharia.


More on Sharia.  And a video about Sharia implementation in Taliban Afghanistan:

Bloodbath As Taliban Orders Implementation Of Sharia Law After Female Students Beaten | World News (

They’re HERE and they say this:

“Don’t just destroy Israel, destroy America” (

Campus Jihadists Real Target Is America | Power Line (



Do these people look like they’re in the streets because of Israel?  And just like people who fled Communism know what Communism is, people who fled Islam know what it is.  Bolding added:

Look at this rally in Germany.

This is what things are like in Europe today.

Many Iranians who fled Islamists in Iran and went to live in Germany write on their social media:

“We fled the Islamists and came to Germany to be allowed to live. Where should our children flee to now?”

These Islamists want to destroy Western civilisation and rule the world.

They say “la ilaha illa Allah, al kholafa vaadollah”, meaning “No god but Allah, the caliphate is his promise “.

By this they mean that Allah will fulfil His promises in the world through His soldiers, these Islamists.

They proclaim during the rally that the a caliphate is the solution.

The world needs to wake up before this gets out of hand.



Did Israel have anything to do with the slaughter of Hindus in India?

Mughal India ~ The Biggest Holocaust in World History | SikhNet

Or the continued depredations of Hindu women today?

Muslims Abducting and Forcibly Converting Hindu Women | Frontpage Mag

Or slaughters of Christians in Nigeria and elsewhere?

Nigeria: Islamic jihadis murder Christian pastor and his wife, along with three other church members (

NAZAR: Network for Analyzing Zones and Assessing Risk: Islamic State Intensifies Attacks: Christians Targeted in Nigeria and Congo (

Did Israel have anything to do with the Barbary Pirates?

William Federer: Jefferson and the Barbary Pirate Coast | The Patriot Post

Tell me this, from over 200 years ago, could not have come from any jihadist today:

When Jefferson asked the Islamic Ambassador what the new country of America had done to offend them, he reported to John Jay, March 28, 1786:

“The ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of the prophet, it was written in their Qur’an, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman (Muslim) who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy’s ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.”

Read that quote again.  Then tell me with a straight face this is not what jihadists and imams say now.  (And where was Israel back in Jefferson’s day, hmmm?)




I understand there are concerns about supporting Israel, and I’ve openly said that long-term Israel needs to wean itself – voluntarily – from US support (as, more broadly, any country wanting to have pride in itself should).  But this war must be won first.  How do you win a war?  By crushing the enemy so thoroughly that they stop fighting and accept defeat.





And, as I opined in one of my Israel posts, at the end, that the war against a caliphate MUST include undermining the religion as it currently exists.  If there is, or can be developed, wedges to insert into Islamic dialog that such actions as we saw in Israel recently, and more broadly how such actions around the world over decades are violations of Islamic law, let’s do this.  Surely, between multiple scholars of Islam and moderate Muslims (they do exist) ways can be studied to do this.  Start with this guy:

BRITISH EX-MUSLIM: “I’m not a Muslim anymore because I know too much about Islam” (

Also, this guy. image seen above (Loay Alshareef, a Muslim social media influencer from the UAE):

On Jerusalem Day, I would like to remind my fellow Muslims that neither Prophet Mohammed nor his companions regarded Jerusalem as holy or (Haram حرم), reserving this reverence only for Mecca and Medina. ‎Neither the Prophet nor his companions actually called it “Jerusalem” or even “Al-Quds”; they referred to it by the common Latin Roman name “Aelia Capitolina” (مدينة إيلياء), chosen by the Romans when they expelled the Jews from Israel and renamed the land “Palestine” after it was called “Judea”. ‎However, Jewish Israeli prophets like King David, whom we honor and revere and even name our kids after (ironically), established it as the capital of Israel 3,000 years ago when David became the King of Israel. ‎PS: The name Al-Quds (Arabic equivalent to Jerusalem) comes from the Hebrew word בית המקדש (Beit Hamikdash) which is the Jewish Temple. ‎History 101. ‎You’re Welcome.

To truly win a war with an enemy committed to dying in this fight – because their greatest reward possible is to die in the fight – one must, in turn, figure out how to demoralize them and someone remove that impetus.  If, for example, it can somehow be shown that terror and kidnapping and so on is against Islam, then that can push a drive to reconsider these things.  So, too, can a “new interpretation” of what awaits the martyr in the afterlife:



As an aside.  Consider that Islam has four wives per husband (up to, as they can afford), plus as many slave women as they can catch.  What does this logically do?  Create a shortage of women.  So to all those sex starved poorer men, EITHER they go out and capture women (Captive of the Right Hand) by engaging in jihad, OR they get killed in jihad and get an eternity of women.  It’s a diabolically-clever system, no?

Yes, sex slavery is a real thing in Islam.   From here:

A Muslim woman says the Quran permits the kidnapping of “sabaya” (sex slave prisoners of war) and the sex slaves are allowed to be raped…on live television for an Arab audience:

“[Islam] put slavery in order…the “sabaya” (female prisoners of war) are “those whom you own.” In order to humiliate them…[her captor] can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives.”


British Muslim cleric at mosque instructs young Muslims that sex slaves and ‘captives’ are permissible under Islam – Geller Report (

Does Islamic Law Sanction Hamas’ Rape of Captives? | Frontpage Mag

What on earth, besides rape, could be the meaning behind “the girls who can get pregnant”?

‘You’re so beautiful.. the girls who can get pregnant’: Horrifying new footage shows Hamas fanatics taunt young Israeli women with the threat of rape and making them have their children as the hostages – one still in her Snoopy pyjamas – plead to be freed | Daily Mail Online

What possible reason could there be of a captive woman limping, blood on her pants, besides rape?

Watch this clip of Karina Ariev:

Her tank top ripped with her bra exposed. It wasn’t ripped earlier in the video.

Her slow pained gait as she walks towards the Jeep.

The blood on the seat of her snoopy pants. It wasn’t bloody earlier in the video.

She’s been raped.

Persian Jewess (


Just look at what they’re doing in Britain, and more broadly all across Europe.  Anything to do with Israel?  No.  Everything to do with Islam and its views of infidels?  Emphatic YES.  Remember the Yazidi girls?

Isis burns 19 Yazidi women to death in Mosul for ‘refusing to have sex with fighters’ | The Independent | The Independent

“They were punished for refusing to have sex with Isis militants,” Abdullah al-Malla, a local media activist, told the agency.

Again – their raping and burning uncooperative women alive has nothing to do with Israel.  It has everything to do with Islam and its need to dominate all life.





Lest you forget the reason for why Israel is in Gaza as hard and heavy as they are:

Hamas Massacre – October 2023 (

Announcing MEMRI Hamas Atrocities Documentation Center | MEMRI

These next two video links are… not just difficult.  They’re almost unwatchableEXTREME CONTENT WARNING!!!!

40 minutes of Hamas atrocities – most that they filmed (

The first scene is of two female Israeli soldiers, unarmed, hiding under a desk.  Shot point-blank.  Totally against the Geneva Convention.  And yet, despite this and legions of other examples, Israel is expected to obey the Geneva Conventions while Hamas completely ignores them?  Remember that Hamas had big screen TVs set up (video, 34 minutes) so the “home audience” could see what was happening, live.

Another one:

Pregnant woman (source here)

They taped her mouth shut so she couldn’t scream and held her down as they cut out her baby.  And filmed it.

This is why Israel is going full force; by all rights Israel should carpet bomb Gaza into powder, then go in on foot and kill anything born with two legs.  Consider that the just-rescued Noa Argamani was held in a private home.



Even children?  What should one do with kids like this charmer?


When one sets foot on an adder, one asks not its size.

– Robert E. Howard, writing the character Solomon Kane

And she’s not alone:

WATCH: ‘I want to stab a Jew,’ young girl tells her teacher father | The Times of Israel

Legions of videos exist, e.g., Gaza kindergarten graduation ceremoniesTeenage summer camps.  Innocent children?  Not.

So look at yourself in the mirror – assuming you were able to watch the above two gruesome videos – tell me you would NOT be using “overwhelming force” if October 7 happened to your country.  How many missiles would need to land in your country for you to respond?




More on horrors done by the Oct. 7 terrorists.  From here (bolding added):

We found this phrase book inside the uniform pockets of the Hamas terrorists who were killed and/or captured alive on October 7 inside Israel. Guess what phrases in Hebrew they had there?
“Pull down your pants!” Followed by “keep your hands up!” Both were in the feminine case of the Hebrew language.
They came ready and prepared for a mass rape of Israeli girls!



For those who have been in the military: Is there any – ANY – reason to learn the phrase “Take your pants off” to be told to a woman?  And having the female form of the imperative specifically as Hebrew is a gendered language?  How many of your countrywomen raped and slaughtered would it take before you screamed KILL THEM ALL?

‘Screams Before Silence’ Must Be Seen and Remembered (

And you understood, finally, that offers of peace mean nothing to them?  As the peace activists discussed here learned to their sorrow.


In my Israel posts (last one here) I have a section called ATROCITIES that also highlight, grimly and vividly, specific cases.  More broadly, Islam has always been like that.  The man in this essay was known to Mohammed personally.

Allah’s Sword of Terror ( (link in the original, bolding added):

For example, only recently I came across a video of a modern-day Egyptian Salafi explaining how Khalid raped Layla, the wife of Malik bin Nuwayra—but only after he severed her husband’s head, lit it on fire, and cooked his dinner on it.

Khalid was recalled and questioned by the caliph—not because he killed and dined on an apostate’s head and “married” his wife, but because some believed that Malik was still Muslim, not an apostate to be treated so, and that Khalid killed him on the accusation of apostasy only as a pretext to take possession of his wife, whose beauty was renowned.

Note, too, he was not called onto the carpet for either cannibalism or rape, but rather just the possibility he might have killed another Muslim to take possession of his wife.  Add in that, per a brief email conversation with Dr. Bill Warner of Political Islam, not only did he rape the man’s widow, he did so in a pool of her husband’s blood.  And look at what Mohammed himself did to another widow – of a man he ordered tortured and (implicitly) ordered beheaded:

Kinana’s wife Safiyya bint Huyayy was taken as a war prize; Muhammad claimed her for himself and hastily arranged a “wedding” ceremony that night. He halted the Muslims’ caravan out of Khaybar later that night in order to consummate the marriage, or more precisely, to rape Safiyya.

As they will do unto you and yours if they’re not stopped.

The Greatest Murder Machine in History – American Thinker

Did this expansion of Islam come because of Israel or Jews?



On peace and treaties with Islam:

Myth: The Treaty of Hudaibiya (

And Brigitte Gabriel covers Islamic history in a few minutes:

UNDERSTANDING THE HISTORY OF ISLAM BY BRIGITTE GABRIEL #brigitte #islam #africa #africaspirituality (

One last thing on this.  If you think that life under Islamic rule, dhimmitude, was great – e.g., the “Golden Age” in Islamic Spain… think again:

The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain

And familiarize yourself with the Pact of Umar, which set the guidelines for the above so-called “peaceful coexistence”.




Leading up to WW2 the allies appeased Hitler by handing over the Sudetenland.  That did not slake Hitler’s thirst, it whetted it because he understood the cowardly nature of the Allies.  To his defeat, eventually, but so much could have been avoided.

Whether we like it or not, it is – again – Islam vs. non-Islam.  Understand that every victory they have fuels their recruitment and drive to continue.  Feeding Israel to Islam will not win The West peace.  It will only fuel their contempt for us infidels and our weakness, and they will drive ever harder to Islamize the world.

Palestinian Islamic Scholar: We Want to Conquer the World | MEMRI

The goal is to, under 2:191 Drive them out from where they drove you out, reclaim all the lands Islam lost.  And then on to the rest.  Nothing to do with Israel; everything to do with a drive to conquer the world for Allah.


I have the moral courage to take them at their word.  Do you?  Or does brutality and rape and butchery and murder need to be at your doorstep before you get alarmed?

What a New Documentary Can Teach Us About Appeasing Islam | Frontpage Mag

And here’s that documentary:

Dear Infidels: A Warning to America | PragerU

Again, I take them at their word.  I take seriously the warnings of people who have left Islam.



I see what Islam did in Israel, and read about it across history from the very originator, Mohammed to today. This will not stop with Israel.

Gentlemen, we in the West must hang together against Islam, or we will surely be slaves or dead separately.

— Paraphrased from Benjamin Franklin

So, one last look at history.  The UK tried to appease Hitler with the Sudenteland.  How’d that work out?

How Britain Hoped To Avoid War With Germany In The 1930s | IWM (bolding added):

Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, appeasement was the name given to Britain’s policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked. Most closely associated with British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, it is now widely discredited as a policy of weakness. Yet at the time, it was a popular and seemingly pragmatic policy.

Hitler’s expansionist aims became clear in 1936 when his forces entered the Rhineland. Two years later, in March 1938, he annexed Austria. At the Munich Conference that September, Neville Chamberlain seemed to have averted war by agreeing that Germany could occupy the Sudetenland, the German-speaking part of Czechoslovakia – this became known as the Munich Agreement.

In Britain, the Munich Agreement was greeted with jubilation. However, Winston Churchill, then estranged from government and one of the few to oppose appeasement of Hitler, described it as ‘an unmitigated disaster’.

Appeasement was popular for several reasons. Chamberlain – and the British people – were desperate to avoid the slaughter of another world war. Britain was overstretched policing its empire and could not afford major rearmament. Its main ally, France, was seriously weakened and, unlike in the First World War, Commonwealth support was not a certainty. Many Britons also sympathised with Germany, which they felt had been treated unfairly following its defeat in 1918.

But, despite his promise of ‘no more territorial demands in Europe’, Hitler was undeterred by appeasement. In March 1939, he violated the Munich Agreement by occupying the rest of Czechoslovakia. Six months later, in September 1939, Germany invaded Poland and Britain was at war.


Winston Churchill was called a warmonger, fear peddler, and so many other names.  A war-torn nation understandably didn’t want another war.  But Churchill had read Hitler’s book and had had the moral courage to take Hitler at his word.  His shot to Chamberlain was prophetic.


“You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.”


― Winston Churchill



I understand that you may not like Israel.  You may not even like Jews.  This is beyond that.  Israel is on the front lines of a heating-up renewed war of the House of Islam vs. the House of War.  The enemies are inside the gates of Western Civilization.

Massachusetts: Pro-Hamas Muslim child says he wants to become a martyr (

They smell weakness.  That weakness will only be confirmed if the West feeds Israel to Islam.  The West is already in dire straights.  You say we cannot afford to support Israel?  I say – irrespective of my Judaism – that we cannot afford the enormous exultation and morale boost Muslims would get if Israel falls.

Support Israel now.  With US aid.  With personal donations.  With commerce (here and here).  And do it against the hoped-for day that Islam is driven back and Israel can – finally! – tell the US “no more”.  (I know there’s a movement in Israel to do so.)

Only fools fight in a burning house.  And Islam is a civilization-ending fire.

— Klingon Proverb (modified)

And on that day, when we’ve driven them back again… potentially even Carthage-style… then I’ll cheerfully celebrate an end to aid to Israel.  For Israel’s sake, to stand on its own and not be captive to America.  And for America, for we cannot afford this support forever as we spiral down a debt black hole.



And that’s how I’ll close, to people who think that letting Islam devour Israel will buy them peace – Israel’s fight NOW will be ours in the NEAR FUTURE.  Our civilizational enemies speak their goals clearly.  Have the moral courage to take them at their word, the historical perspective to understand that appeasement never works, and the time-proven fact that the longer you wait to take decisive action against a determined foe, the harder it is to win.


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

— Sun Tzu


Video from the Massachusetts-related link above.  This is your future, America, if Islam wins.  Know your enemy.  Stop them now, or learn Arabic and the Shahada.


The post Israel: The Lesson of Sudenteland Applies appeared first on Granite Grok.

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