Once more, thanks to Steve for carrying Wednesdays. Hopefully my crazy life settles down soon and I can get back to Wednesday as well.
Just so people know, if you didn’t already know, the job market sucks. I’ve sent in, easily, over 200 applications and emailed countless resumes on top of that, and had one interview. Everyone who looks at my resume says some form of “Damn, you’ve got some great experience and education…” People with whom I speak comment that I am articulate and engaging. Don’t let people fool you into thinking the economy is good, as if grocery prices and everything else didn’t already tell you that.
I know so many people, like me, either unemployed or underemployed. From my Jarhead friend, relevant here:
For those looking for work, there is a reason you’re being “ghosted”. Turns out almost half of the job postings on the web are fake, as the companies have no intention of hiring someone for that position:
I view this as utterly despicable. And as people figure it out, the torches and pitchforks are potentially coming out. How can a person with even a shred of a scintilla of a conscience do this to people desperate to find a new job?
To all those who are sending in memes, thank you! Many, many good ones! Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!
Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition. Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Even as the whole Covid scamdemic started and I was hearing Fauci… Fauci… Fauci, I had no real idea of his background. This guy is a monster. Yes I have, but have not yet had time to read, the book about him.
What was it Orwell said about double-think? The ability to hold two opposing thoughts at the same time, believing them both… something like that.
Nor Gaza when Egypt controlled it.
Funny, they only seem to want a state when it’s demanding one from Israel, not their fellow Muslims. But then, the whole “Palestinian” identify was fabricated.
In parallel, with more info, is this Crowder video:
The 2nd Amendment : For Muskets Only?! (youtube.com)
One of the best comebacks that I’ve occasionally used is something like “Oh, so the Bill of Rights didn’t have technological advances in mind”? OK. Please put your answer on hand-crafted parchment, with a quill pen, and have it delivered to be by a guy on a horse. Goodbye.
Hashem, they’re ALL infected with the DS virus (or so it seems).
Damned straight.
I like the flip in perspective.
Slowly, slowly, it’s getting out about the damages the Jab did – and is doing. And I want to – sadly – observe something: TPTB in all governments CANNOT allow a breakthrough of awareness on this. Thus:
Putin says freezing of Russian assets in West is ‘theft’
NATO says over 300,000 troops now on high readiness – Insider Paper
Ukraine confirms deep strikes into Russia with Western weapons — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
A penetrating question.
Except the character on the left actually was very clever.
From my Jarhead friend:
For anyone who uses Adobe Photoshop, they recently changed their terms of service so Adobe now owns anything you make on Photoshop. However, if you are interested in making art & other “Photoshop type stuff”, here is a freeware program with many of the same features, and you actually get to keep the rights to your work:
GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program
For those of us “seasoned” persons, did you ever think this would be a thing?
Is this real?
As I understand it, these went up pretty damned quick after the verdict. Suspiciously quick, from what little I know about organizing and designing and making such things.
The Gaza that could have been.
Lot of truth in that, I think.
Link Section (all from my Jarhead friend):
This one goes in the “no sh!t, Sherlock” department:
Commentary: Vaccine Mandates Likely Exacerbated Healthcare Worker Shortage, New Research Shows – Tennessee Star
Maine lost 33% of their health care workers due to the mandate. The government called them “ignorant and uninformed”, and many lost their medical licenses over this. Really? Who better to know about “vaccines” than Doctors, nurses, and other health care workers?
More vaccinations are coming up short. So it looks like future “vaccine” mandates should be ignored too:
More and more of the media are being “captured” by the green billionaires who want to push the “climate change” and “Net Zero” narratives:
As 1984 author George Orwell once wrote: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; anything else is public relations.”
Dennis Prager on why Americans don’t trust our elections:
Why Americans Mistrust Election Results More Than the Citizens of Any Other Democracy – HotAir
The head honcho of the DOJ, Merrick Garland, is bitching about all the people looking into how the DOJ has been weaponized, and claiming that the DOJ would have a much easier time if no-one was looking at it or holding it accountable:
Irons in the Fire: In today’s dose of “How dare you!”, (elmtreeforge.blogspot.com)
The petro-dollar is officially gone, as the Biden administration did not work to renew the contract. This means the dollar will not be the worlds reserve currency for long. Prep accordingly:
The war on farmers & food production continues. Idaho is curtailing water to thousands of farms, and their crops will fail without water:
Pick of the Post:
Masterclass-level ridicule.
Palate Cleansers:
I’ll show myself out. TGIF!
And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.
Buy Me a Coffee
The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.