The Manchester Free Press

Tuesday • January 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

Is Hampton the “Seacoast Nashua”?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 22:00 +0000

I was approached by election security watchdog Linda Brown regarding Private Citizen Regina Barnes’s recent day in court, which Chau Kelley took a 51-minute video of and wrote a brief summary on.  Though flattered to be thought of as worthy of such an assignment, I was reluctant to submit something that might appear as taking credit for the work of others.

Note the three people I just mentioned, and earthly glory be to them.

I was vaguely aware of Regina’s litigation against the Town of Hampton but hadn’t given it the deserved quality attention, which was another reason for my desire to shrug and say, “It’s above my pay grade,” as the Ballot Law Commission Chair said when someone tried to get some secessionist reps kicked off their ballots in 2022.  However, Linda and I were on the phone for almost 90 minutes, and I learned that the case is more about RTK than just ballot handling and storage and chain of custody issues.  In fact, it has a flavor of Paula Johnson vs. the City of Nashua and how it went, but it was also “Laurie Ortolano flavored,” hence this article’s title.

Before going any further, I should share the video, which is 52 minutes long, for those who care to watch.  I could take you, the reader, down several rabbit holes warranting further digging, but I want this to be short enough to function as an elevator speech and a taster.  If it interests you, please like and follow Regina on a variety of platforms addressing Hampton stuff as “NH Muckraker,” but let’s get into how Hampton resembles Nashua.

Regina’s RTK litigation is about public inspection of the Chain of Custody(CoC) logs, which the Town refused to show her, and Attorney Sullivan tried to get dismissed by citing RSA on the ballots themselves.  Gaslighting, anyone?  Strawman, anyone?  I should point out that Regina represented herself and was given the “Attorney Bolton Treatment” as though she was Laurie Ortolano.  Attorney Sullivan was ill-prepared, as you can recognize in a matter of minutes into the video, and I surmise that it’s just another example of pro se plaintiffs against government entities not being taken seriously.

Laurie has written about that not too long ago.

Attorney Sullivan also appeared to be unfamiliar with the difference between cast ballots, uncast ballots, and spoiled ballots. He also admitted that he never saw the ballot box security tape. Another example of his unpreparedness was his need to leave his post(seen in the video) and return, something I’ve never observed in a courtroom, on TV, or in person.

Attorney Sullivan tried a motion to dismiss, which was the attempt in progress when the video began.  Some of the rabbit holes I mentioned included, but were not limited to, the following ballot storage and CoC shenanigans:

Defective, missing, or tampered with security tape.
Labels not properly populated, signed off, or displayed on the boxes.
Labels missing.
Boxes not sealed up at all.
Boxes not labeled “1 of 37,” “2 of 37,” etc., and 10 of such boxes missing.
Various other procedures not being followed.

Since I worked in a warehouse for many years, I am familiar with shipping practices and I spent several minutes on the phone with Linda talking about FedEx.  She had all kinds of issues, some of which she even took pictures of.  When your business ships via FedEx or most other carriers, there are just certain common sense things that the shipper is expected to do.  A few examples are affixing the tracking label on the top side (of a 6-sided box), not obstructing said label with tape or stray marks, journaling them in a log, and noting the number of pieces (boxes) being shipped to the same destination at the same time (1,2,3… of 37) on the boxes legibly near the tracking label.  These things were not done, and Attorney Sullivan insisted that because the Town “spent $600 on FedEx,” it was considered acceptable CoC practice.  I told Linda that you can lock, bolt, and chain your front door to the hilt, but if your back door is unlocked, what good is locking the front door?  The weakest link, you know.

One important question is whether or not Judge Kennedy is going to rule like Judge Temple does.  We’ll eventually find out.  Another question is if Hampton will follow Nashua’s example in the future by retaining the big legal guns at the public’s expense, of course. Attorney Bolton has spent upwards of half a million to contract out Attorney Hilliard to do his job while he just sits there at the desk and watches.

While this may appear to some readers as an essay on how I decided to write it, I fancy myself no greater than an amateur blogger, and I would prefer that all readers consider it an essay on why Linda Brown wanted it published. You can also skip to near the end of the 51-minute video when Chau Kelley asks Regina what message she has for the viewers, and she expresses the desire to raise awareness. Think about Private Citizen Regina’s activism and visit her Rumble account.

I will also point out that Laurie Ortolano’s signature quote is “lack of transparency is a symptom of dishonesty,” which is seemingly the modus operandi of the Town of Hampton.

Does YOUR town (or city) have the behavioral attributes of Nashua in its local government?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Example of Big Tech Putting Both Left Thumbs on the Electoral Scale

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 20:00 +0000

A few months back, Google decided that a Trump campaign ad was a walking “policy violation” and yanked it. I think Google should use itself to look up the definition of the “Streisand Effect.” The takedown inspired many a right-side site to post that very same Trump Ad, which earned it a lot more eyeballs than if Evil Google had just let it be.

I wonder if Google will try to do something to us for sharing it?

Best takeaway?  The spotlight on the change in verbiage by the Left in describing foreign nationals crossing our borders illegally.  We’ve moved from:

  • illegal aliens
  • undocumented aliens
  • undocumented migrants
  • migrants
  • citizens to be

Wait for it. The new spin from Democrats to put the invaders in the same context as the rest of us is … Newcomers. It is being used more and more, and if you look at the pad of paper in this Ad, there it is. Newcomers. As in, “Biden is spending the money he takes from you to give them reduced-cost housing.”

Left unsaid, is that this spending lowers your standard of living. Illegals who shouldn’t be here are getting the red carpet treatment by Biden.

Exposing THAT is something Google can’t let stand. Or couldn’t until it was made widespread.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Sandy Cortez Claims Donald Trump Will Throw Her In Jail

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 18:00 +0000

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has to be the most incredible narcissist in Washington, and in a city of massive egos, that is saying something. She has such a high opinion of herself and a level of self-importance that is off the charts to think that she has a bullseye on her back and is in the sights of Donald Trump.

Cortez is of more benefit to the Republicans in office than out because she is one of the least effective Representatives in Congress. Sandy, which was her name when attending Boston University, has no bills to her credit that have been passed and signed into law, and she is no longer a rookie in D.C. She is running for her fourth term to represent the 14th District of New York.

Cortez has done nothing positive for her constituents but has done them harm. She blocked a major Amazon distribution center that would have brought thousands of high-paying jobs to the Bronx because she did not understand tax credits. She thought the Bronx would have to pay Amazon to build the facility. Her ignorance cost the Bronx dearly. Her squad is losing momentum as the country is moving right towards the center. The Radical Left has lost its cachet. Even Rep Bowman of the Squad was slapped this week when Hillary Clinton endorsed his primary challenger.

Cortez and Vice President Harris have been pushing a storyline that Trump will use every tool of government to go after his opponents. This theory was put to rest after the 2016 election. After months of Republicans yelling, “Lock her up,” Trump chose not to take action against Clinton, even though he had dozens of good reasons to do so. He opted to take the high road, and isn’t it ironic that the Party warning voters about Trump’s retribution is the one weaponizing government against Trump and anyone who supports him?

Biden talks about MAGA Republicans in the same manner he speaks about NAZIs. He refers to them in the same breath as he calls out White Supremacists. This rhetoric is Hillary calling us deplorables on steroids, and it is insulting, and he needs to be called out on every occasion.

Trump’s response to anyone who asks about his retaliation against his enemies is that his job will be to unify, not further divide America, and the greatest revenge against his foes will be success. When he talks about success, it is not for him but for every American, regardless of color. That mission is worthy of our support, and we have five months to recruit newbies to the MAGA ranks.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Invasion is Deliberate and Democrats Own It

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 16:00 +0000

This is nothing new for Groksters, but we need to be reminded and go after the evil that is ruining our country, not just hold the line, but advance in every area of government we can so this never happens again.

The Biden administration is making history again and acting as if they are the heroes with border security by issuing an executive order (EO) halting illegal aliens from coming across our border only IF that number is greater than 2,500 per day! Imagine 2,500 times 365 is 912,500 illegal aliens still coming into our country each year. WHAT A JOKE of an EO!  If you can remember, Biden purposely opened the border by eliminating Trump’s EO within weeks after taking office.

In the last 3.5 years, depending on who you talk to, Biden has allowed 4,000,000 to 11,000,000 MILLION illegal aliens to enter our country, along with who knows what other nefarious actors who WILL cause us problems in the future. Sure, they call them asylum seekers and then take years to verify if they are. Even last week, I read that 320,000 illegal aliens were secretly flown into our country and dumped into several cities by the BIDEN administration.

Biden and the stolen democratic party are destroying our country as we know it and grew up in, and we must stop this immediately. You got to ask why! Why is he and his administration doing this? Why is the democratic party agreeing and going along with this? Why? I care for the next person as much as anyone else, but there is a right and wrong way to come to the USA, and Biden is still promoting coming here the wrong way. Immigration policy is broken, maybe, but Congress and the Senate need to address it, not a president or State by State.

We want to thank Rep. John Sellers for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

These illegal aliens end up getting all sorts of benefits, including driver’s licenses, which in some cases can be used to vote, which then change laws to benefit them even more. Plus, they use up our medical and educational services along with all other public safety resources, costing us billions, I mean billions. Why are we allowing this and acting like these illegals belong here when they came here illegally?

Think of it this way. If someone came into your house through a window or some other opening uninvited, would they be in your house legally? NO! Did you invite them in? No! Coming across the border is no different than entering your house without asking permission.

We need to stop this madness that Biden and the Democrats have caused. I have seen this firsthand at the State House. Trump tried to build a wall by EO, but then Biden ended his EO, and the Democrats fought the money to build the wall every step of the way. It’s your decision come November! You either vote for more Democrats who want the government to be the Utopia for everything, or you vote for Republicans who still want to protect your freedoms, individuality, and privacy, along with protecting our borders and not allowing 900,000 plus illegals into our country each year.

As Biden stated, this is a battle for the SOUL of our nation. The SOUL of our country is Life, Liberty, Freedom, and the OLD American way, NOT what Biden has sold us; bigger government, open borders, sanctuary cities (free services for illegals), woke teaching in our schools, allowing mutilation of our kids (this is Frankenstein science, it’s doesn’t work), limited or no parental rights, transgenders playing in girls’ sports (potentially causing physical and sexual harm), higher inflation just so we can say we are “green” while China builds hundreds of COAL fired electrical plants, along with higher costs for food, energy, housing and consumer goods.

This is the Democratic Party of today. Why are the real Democrats putting up with this? I believe the Democratic Party has been hijacked from what it once was when J.F. Kennedy was president (I can remember those days).

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

John Adams: The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 14:00 +0000

I hope your summer is going well! Let’s continue examining the lives of the Declaration of Independence (DOI) signers in relation to their beliefs in the necessity of good morals and religion as the foundation for the birth of our great country!

Perhaps one of the most famous Founding Fathers who led us to freedom was none other than John Adams.

He was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, now known as Quincy. His father was known as Deacon Adams, and while not a wealthy family, they could trace their ancestry to the Puritans. He married Abagail Smith, and their prolific written correspondence is the best-preserved picture of Colonial marriage in the grandest sense. Abigail was a strong leader and often kept John and his rather emotional temperament in check. She ran the farm as he was much engaged in the foundation of the new Nation (America).

He served as George Washington’s vice president, our second President, Ambassador to Great Britain (Minister to the Court of St. James), and representative of Massachusetts in all of the early conventions regarding freedom from Great Britain.

He was a prolific lawyer as well, successfully representing the British in the Boston Massacre.

His father desired that he enter the ministry, and the school in Colonial America designed to train ministers at the time was Harvard University. After graduating, he taught school for three years in Worcester, Massachusetts, and at this point, he chose to switch from the ministry to practicing law.

The Founding Fathers viewed humanity from a Biblical perspective, which included what theologians at the time called, ‘ the depravity of man.” This concept is best described as mankind is in a fallen state of sin and must choose to be reconciled to God through his son, Jesus Christ. With this concept in mind, he and the other founding fathers believed that men without good morals and religion would automatically be self-destructive due to man’s fallen nature, as history had shown them. Therefore, any government, in order to succeed, would have to have internal safeguards and restraints against man’s natural descent into depravity, meaning the inherent selfishness, lust for power, oppression of others, and corruption with money (bribery, stealing, etc..) would eventually take over and create a tyrannical government.

A direct quote from him in this regard is as follows:

“To expect self-denial from men when they have a majority in their favor (and consequently power to gravity themselves) is to disbelieve all history and universal experience-it is to disbelieve (Divine) Revelation and the Word of God, which informs us. “the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” Jeremiah 17:9…There is no man so blind as not to see that to talk of founding a government upon a supposition that nations and great bodied of men left to themselves, will practice a course of self denial is either babble like a new-born infant, or to deceive like an unprincipled impostor1.”

This illustrious man was a true Apostle in the founding of our country. He had a deep, abiding faith in God and the Bible and lived a life that portrayed his faith in God in making government decisions that affect us today.

1Thanks to Dave Barton’s excellent book, The American Story, for this quote.

Until next time!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hot Dog Eating Champ Could Still Compete If He Drops Vegan Weiners

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 12:00 +0000

I don’t typically pay any attention to this sort of thing, but it was difficult to resist when the link landed in my inbox. A 16-time consecutive Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Champ got booted from the upcoming Fourth of July festivities after lending his face (for compensation) to a plant-based Weiner.

California-born [Hot Dog eating legend Joey ] Chestnut, who recently signed up with a brand called Impossible Foods, won’t be allowed to compete in the Coney Island tradition and defend the title he’s won 16 times, including every year since 2016, the New York Post reported.

The food champ has completely dominated the competition earning a world record in 2021 with 76 dogs and buns and last year keeping the crown after chomping down on 62 wieners and buns.

The July 4th Nathan’s competition has taken place every year at the corner of Stillwell and Surf avenues, just steps away from the Boardwalk, since 1916.

I had my first Nathan’s Hotdog in New York City circa 1978. It was good, and it might have been due to the location, atmosphere, and high level of exhaust particulates in the local environment, but I had several and always got at least one on successive visits. I have not been to NYC in decades, nor am I inclined to go there again. There is no reason to do it. And Nathan’s franchise version up this way was not as good (IMO) as I remember. Like I said, atmosphere, particulates.

You can buy packages of them in the store these days—they’re also not the same, in my opinion—but they are Nathan’s beef franks, made with meat. And while hot dogs have a justifiably earned bad reputation, they are still insanely popular. Americans consume an estimated 20 billion of them annually. That’s Billion with a B.

So yeah, Joey the Dog Eating Champion can still join the annual thing, he just has t drop the vegan weiners.

The post Hot Dog Eating Champ Could Still Compete If He Drops Vegan Weiners appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are You Doing Better Under Biden or Was It Better Under Trump?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 10:00 +0000

Inflation is the hidden tax placed upon us all by the Government. They pay their debts (OUR debts, technically) with cheaper money while OUR expenses go way up. For instance:

From our friends at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, some measures of the magnitude and persistence of inflation under President Biden and previous presidents. But remember, Joe told us that “Milton Friedman isn’t running the show any more.” Someone forgot to tell this to inflation.

Average Year over Year inflation rate for all months of their terms:

Biden:     5.7%

Trump    1.9%

And for the mathematically challenged out there, that 3.8 difference is HUMONGUS!  Since Biden took office, the aggregate inflation rate is 20-30% overall.  Do you like only 2/3rds of your Trump candy bar? How about the cost of gas (especially if you factor out the Emergency Gas Reserves shuttlecocks he opened to lower the price for the elections)? And while I’m loving the capital appreciation of my home, not so great for our kids, right?

Under Trump, wages rose well above the rate of inflation, especially for the underclass. Under Biden, they’ve been outpaced by his inflation. Who has been hit hardest?

Women and children

Sorry, I just wanted to use one of the favorite Leftist Journalism headlines there.  But really, we all have been in the middle and lower classes.

Biden has been a disaster economically.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Inflection Point for America

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 02:00 +0000

If you’ve been alive and sentient for the past three-plus years, you’ve probably heard the statement, “We are at an inflection point in history” a time or two.
Anytime something is said so often in such a short period of time, it tends to lose impact. But slogans aside, does America’s present condition warrant the kind of urgency associated with invoking a moment as “an inflection point”?

I doubt many people would deny that it does.

Recently, I returned from a two-week, 17-state trip through the Midwest, the South, and the Northeast. In nearly every city and town I passed through, there were recognizable signs of physical deterioration and decline – strip malls with deserted storefronts, vacant lots, dilapidated houses, closed small businesses, roads in poor condition, billboards for personal injury attorneys. One of the few major cities I passed through had a billboard over a busy street that read, “Real men don’t murder.” Dollar General stores were everywhere.

Clearly, de-industrialization, the shift to a globalized economy, and numerous other factors have contributed to the devastation of America which is now so widespread beyond the gleaming metropolitan downtowns and the most affluent suburbs. Stating the obvious, both major political parties have presided over this tragedy and bear some responsibility for making it worse. The question then follows: What can and should be done about it, now?

I submit that one thing we absolutely should not do is send more of the same leaders to Washington, D.C.

We want to thank Andy Schaalman for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

As it so happens, I made a brief stop in D.C. on my recent trip. The stretch of the George Washington Memorial Parkway in northern Virginia, which lines the Potomac River between the Francis Scott Key Bridge and I-495, was, by far, the most decrepit stretch of road I passed along the way. For several miles, construction necessitated the narrowing of a two-lane road into one lane, hemmed in tight on both sides by traffic cones. If you had no short-term memory, you would never have suspected this was all just a few miles from our national seat of government and many of our nation’s most iconic monuments. But it was, and it is.

And in a way, this is a microcosm of what has happened to America. Everyone who follows American politics even casually understands that D.C. is effectively its own ecosystem, insulated and isolated from the rest of the country. But when you see the manifestations up close, it is a splash of cold water. It should come as no surprise that we have reached this stage. For more than 20 years, America’s leadership class has embarked on “forever wars,” mushroomed the national debt, destroyed our borders, narrowed the roads to opportunity and upward mobility, and poisoned the national discourse with criticism of the country as it is…all while telling ordinary Americans that their declining living standards and dissipating hopes for a better future are their fault.

To stem this tide, we need to do many things, but we must elect leaders who will work for the interests of American citizens first. I’m supporting Lily Tang Williams in her run for the Second Congressional District, because I know she understands what is at stake for New Hampshire and for America. She is an outsider who will fight every day for her constituents, and she is totally unmoved by the kinds of policies and abstractions which refuse to acknowledge or address reality.

The Biden administration and the media tell us every day that “democracy is at stake.” But this “inflection point in history” is actually much bigger than that. America is at stake.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Whatever Happened to GEN Z GOP?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-16 00:00 +0000

In the run-up to the theft of the 2020 election (can you hear the creams?), a bunch of liberals posing as moderate Republicans (on college campuses, of course) created something called GEN Z GOP. Pro Climate, Anti-Trump, need I say more?

A new political action group based (allegedly) in Massachusetts has announced its presence. It’s called Gen Z GOP. They are a young, moderate, anti-Trump front group who appear to exist to advance liberal priorities behind the patina of opposing unproductive discourse. …

A majority y of Gen Z embraces more progressive government involvement in everything. Hence, their version inevitably leads toward America getting screwed by the world (wealth inequality, and all of that). “Reform border security” means back to more open borders (vote-stealing and district stuffing), and the bit about health care is, well, more like failed ObamaCare. You can’t be for the free market and the imposition of public power into private business or anything else.

Climate Change? Green Jobs? Sorry, neither is suitable for the climate or jobs. It’s a lose-lose.

In essence, what we have is another third-way progressive Democrat front group running cover for more incremental progressive conquest.

What the hell happened to Gen Z GOP? In the middle of 2021, they stopped trying to be relevant, not that they were. Their Medium Page, for example, has 21 followers. The content post-election is not very pro-Biden, which is odd because prior to the election, GEN Z GOP appeared to be more for Biden than Trump.

Their X account does have an update from a year ago, but it is not active or current.

To be clear, GEN Z GOP does not appear to have anything at all to do with Gen Z Republicans in general. As I noted when it first appeared, this looks like another leftish-funded Lincon Project (Coffee Party, No Labels) pretending to be a moderate cut-out meant to drag GEN Z further Left than Center.

Subversion. If you’d like a historical example, Antifa was created not so much to stop the Fascists but to recruit brownshirts to the redshirt cause. They were a subversive movement formed in 1930s Germany to convince people who already agreed with them on a lot of things that National Socialism didn’t go far enough and to embrace Marxist Leninist socialism. We saw something similar a few decades later when Chinese Communist “thinkers” decided that everything that was not their communism was fascism, including Russian Communism, which modern leftists, including 21st Century Antifa, ape alongside false claims that they are trying to save democracy.

Everything that is not their thing is Fascism, even though their thing (Marxism) is a kissing cousin on the totalitarian family tree.

So, what happened to them? Gen Z Gop. The same thing usually happens to groups with no principles. Lacking outside funding to prop them up, they wither and become meaningless. It could be a lack of interest, the lack of foundational principles (Climate Cult lite is stupid and ignorant), or perhaps the discovery that the college kids who started it have since graduated into the hellscape that resulted from the real-world application of the watered-down leftish priorities it embraced.

Democrats don’t do half-measures, and while there is plenty to complain about with the GOP, Trump isn’t exactly your traditional Beltway Republican whom GEN Z GOP was created to support. They hitched their horse to the wrong wagon and the stupid it burns.

Or, maybe, and more likely, they got bored. It was too hard. The money dried up. Or they grew up.

I’m open to other explanations.

The post Whatever Happened to GEN Z GOP? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Aaron Day Show: “Hijacking Bitcoin.”

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 23:00 +0000

Bitcoin was released in 2009 as peer-to-peer digital cash for use by everyone, bypassing banks and governments. In 2017, Bitcoin (BTC) was co-opted and transformed into a store of value, dubbed ‘Digital Gold,’ rather than serving as cash.

Since then, traditional and central banks have surpassed BTC with innovations such as Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Currently, 133 countries are in various stages of deploying Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Roger, who has been involved with Bitcoin since 2010, has released a new book titled “Hijacking Bitcoin.” This book details the process by which Bitcoin was hijacked and offers hope for a better alternative, backed by facts.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Which Bad Situation Will Bring Biden Down

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 22:00 +0000

Assuming an unsuccessful manipulation of the 2024 election, we should see the end of the Biden Presidency on November 5, 2024. If we wake up on November 6, and Joe Biden has been reelected, then the election process in America has been broken beyond repair. I pray that doesn’t happen, but I am not naive enough to think the Democrats could not pull off a miracle. But let’s proceed, assuming a fair and uncorrupted election, and decide which bad policy or situation is the straw that broke America’s back and catapulted Donald Trump to a win and reelection.

The initial consideration in this discussion is whether Biden will even be the candidate. I think one of the reasons the Democrats agreed to the first debate before the convention is to be a final exam for Joe Biden. If Joe fails miserably against Trump, and that is assuming he makes it to the debate, the Democrats will have justification and time to replace him before the convention. There are a lot of assumptions here, but that is what we get with this elderly man whose family should be insisting he retire. Jill Biden should be ashamed of not stepping in and ending this farce. I think they are staying until Hunter’s trials are done to see if Hunter may need a pardon to keep him out of jail. Biden insists he will not pardon his son, but you can bet the last act as Biden is pulled from the Oval Office is to sign an order to commute Hunter’s jail time.

Any of the policy positions Biden has taken could be his downfall, but two impacts every person in America. The border crisis and the economy are tearing apart this country, and no matter your economic position, these two situations affect you daily. But beyond the direct impact on your lifestyle and future plans is the strain they put on your life. There is an emotional as well as a physical effect that we have been suffering under with Bidenomics and watching our country destroyed by the hordes of illegal migrants coming to America. I think that it will be the economy that will be Biden’s Kryptonite.

The economy is harming every person in America. Whether at the grocery store, gas station, or favorite restaurant, you know your dollar does not go as far as three years ago. You do not want to hear the lame excuse from the White House that inflation is a global problem. You know that many of Biden’s actions gave us a 19% spike in prices in his first year. He continues to claim he inherited a 9% inflation rate when he took office, which is simply not true. Inflation in January 2021 was 1.4%. People rely on credit cards more frequently, and with interest rates pushing 30%, these card balances will haunt people for years. Taxes and living expenses are up, and new home ownership is beyond most people’s grasp.

These economic pressures strain relationships, and future plans must be changed. Many retired people are returning to the workplace, not by choice but because they do not have enough monthly income to meet the bills. To add insult, the Biden administration tells us that conditions are not as bad as we think. We do not understand the new economy. We understand when our wallets are empty, and our retirement funds are no longer enough to let us enjoy our post-work lives. The economic environment is lousy, not by happenstance, but by Biden’s plan. For that plan, he should and will lose in November.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Councilman John Farrell’s Conduct

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 20:00 +0000

Dear Mr. Malaguti,

I write concerning Councilman John Farrell’s conduct at the public Town Council meeting held on April 22, 2024, in the Moose Hill Conference Room at the Londonderry Town Hall. The meeting and the incident occurred in a facility under your control and for which you have responsibility as Town Manager.

On this occasion, during public comment, I raised concerns about a possible violation of the Town Charter by an elected official in regard to” Conflict of Interest” as stated in Section 6.2, 6.3, and “Penalties” as stated in Section 8.7. I never mentioned Councilman Farrell’s name or the name of any family member.

After public comment, at approximately 8 pm, I left the meeting and went to the hallway of the Town Hall with fellow citizen and witness Ann Chiampa to have a private discussion. Mr. Farrell left the Meeting through the back door of the Moose Hill Conference Room and entered the hallway. He immediately approached us in an aggressive manner, and he then, upon reaching me, pointed his finger directly in my face and yelled,” Go ahead, report me to the AG’s office, go ahead, bring it on.”  He then turned and entered the Men’s Lavatory.

We want to thank Kristine Perez for writing this correspondence – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Upon leaving the lavatory, he went to the far end of the hall and waving his arms screaming, “bring it on, bring it on,” before returning to the meeting.

This episode was captured on the building’s surveillance cameras, of which I obtained copies. Mr. Farrell was visibly agitated throughout the entire video. Mr. Farrell’s actions certainly could have justified calling the police because both Ms. Chiampa and I were frightened. I felt threatened, intimidated, and unsafe by his behavior.

I choose to trust the Council to handle this behavior and filed an ethics complaint because it was the only option available, and the Town, unfortunately, does not have a documented Code of Conduct as part of its governing documents according to the Town’s Human Resource Department.     The Town lawyer found no basis for the ethics complaint.

I feel compelled to write to you because of what was done to me and uncovering that this is not the first time Mr. Farrell has conducted himself in this manner and verbally attacked citizens of Londonderry both publicly and privately. Please feel free to contact both Richard Belinski and Debra Paul for further documentation of such behavior.     Surely, I, as well as the residents of Londonderry, deserve better. But more fundamentally, no human being deserves to be treated so poorly.

If there is anything you can do to modulate Councilman’s Farrell’s recurring conduct, it would be appreciated.

Respectfully submitted,

Kristine Perez (citizen)


Note: Reformatted for this medium. Link added for context.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DC Insider Maggie Goodlander’s Benghazi Baggage

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 18:00 +0000

Maggie Goodlander is a DC insider. She and her hubby, Jake Sullivan, have gotten rich from “government service.” So rich, in fact, that in 2018 she and Jake bought a dacha in Portsmouth for over $1 million.

Hubby Jake is a neocon Clintonista. He was up to his eyebrows involved in Benghazi. Of course, the New Hampshire “press” barely mentions hubby Jake. Maggie Goodlander is carpet-bagging, DC-insider, neo-con trash.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If The left Believe They Can Get Away With It, They Do It

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 16:00 +0000

On Tuesday, former Trump White House staffer, best-selling author, and current Salem Radio Host Sebastian Gorka posted a video showing how – even though they claim that Trump and conservatives pose a violent threat to America – Democrats are the ones who publicly call for violence.

“Just a reminder…. There’s ONE Party in America that wants violence and it’s NOT MAGA!” a nationally-syndicated radio host’s social media post declares, introducing a video montage of prominent Democrats advocating violence against their political opponents.

Democrats do see Politics as warfare:

And we’ve all seen the lawfare being used not only against Donald Trump but anyone (especially against his lawyers) who is close to him.

The process is the penalty and exists only to shut down any opposition (“nice house, family, friends, job, bank accounts you have there – wanna see what destitution looks like?”). They accuse the Right of doing it but are strangely quiet about their own as they claim to be civil and moderate.

When we point out that WE are the Normals (or Normies, as some are now saying) for just going about our own business and wanting to leave others alone, they continue this hateful blather and brimstone, so don’t tell me that it is just “for show.” After all, how often have they condemned the BLM riots?  The Antifa movement (their new Brownshirts), and the Pro-Nazi Hamas supporters?

Sidenote: yes, I do believe that Hamasholes is appropriate – after all, tell me how their antics, Antifa’s tactics, and the destruction caused by BLM rioters are any different than Hamas and Nazi Brownshirts?

These horrible people are not just bloviating – they mean it. Their actions support their words.

If they believe they can get away with it, they do it.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Watch Biden Make A Fool Of Himself, And America, At the G7 Summit

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 14:00 +0000

Did BidenX’s drug cocktail wear off? Wrong dosage? Leave something out? BidenX OBVIOUSLY and UNDENIABLY is a figurehead (as well as an imposter). Shame on everyone gaslighting for the people in the shadows actually running the Biden-Regime. It would be nice to know who is actually running things. But in the pseudo-democracy (pseudo-republic for all you Libertarians who think it somehow matters to live in a pseudo-republic versus a pseudo-democracy) that America has become, you don’t get to know.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

All Those Pine Needles on the Ground Are Not Your Fault … Yet?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 12:00 +0000

The Climate Cult is so obsessed with how everything causes their thing that they frequently trip over themselves on the way to the supposed Climate Change Narrative Bank.

And I’m not talking about their lousy prediction record. It is worse than awful. Miserable. Embarrassing. No, I’m referring to sometimes laugh-out-loud funny contradictions published as serious pieces based on science or scaremongering…like this. An article at NPR titled “Blueberries in Danger: Temperatures in Maine to Spike to Scorching 90s” never mentions blueberries. Not once.

Or this. Almonds were doomed (‘cuz climate), but NPR never connected or corrected that after the explosion in almond production in multiple successive years after their dire prognostication.

Grey Seals, Ticks (VT Digger), and one of my favorites, Pollen, from which we learn that we have”…all this pollen because we had an unusually cold spring (NHPR)… and because of Global Warming(VOX).” Natch!

It’s both!

That’s what happens when you pretend that political science is science-science.

White Pines?

It is all low-hanging fruit. Even if you don’t pick it, it often smacks you in the face, but sometimes there are subtle contradictions. The Eagle Times has a bit about White pines and all the brown needles that caught my eye.

The fungi that cause white pine needle disease depend on above-normal precipitation during the spring and summer of the previous year, and we certainly had that in 2023, which is why WPND seems epic this year,” said ..

“WPND is linked to the humidity and moisture levels from the previous spring,” said Savannah Ferreira, FPR Forest Health Specialist. “Given the wet conditions we experienced in 2023, we are seeing an increase in needle damage this year.”

We had a lot of rain last year. Fair point. But then there’s this (emphasis, mine).

[This] White pine needle damage has been observed in the region for over a decade, with severity varying based on weather conditions. Heavy infections can cause significant defoliation and limited dieback of unhealthy trees. In 2023, WPND accounted for 3,349 acres of observable damage on white pine trees throughout Vermont, a slight increase compared to 2022 and one of the highest levels in recent years.

Do I need to revisit all the caterwauling over the past decade or more about drought? Odd, even watering, bans, and all that? I didn’t think so, but during that time, it has been our habit to observe how much more precipitation we’ve received in New Hampshire (in general)—much more than the historical mean. It makes actual sense (as opposed to climate cult sense) that the trees have been shedding due to the disease that results from above-average or excessive “moisture.”

I was surprised the article didn’t blame climate change, but it got me wondering if the needle disease had something to do with all those damn pine cones. I still have trees loaded with them. And if this matters, every month but February of this year has had above-average precipitation, so all things being equal and if the reporting is accurate (never something we can assume), the White Pines will be doing some extra shedding again next year.

You’ll get to rake leaves in the fall and pine cones and needles in the late spring. And at some point, someone will say it’s your fault.

Oh, joy!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Would Texas be Justified in Seceding?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 10:00 +0000

Progressives’ only desire (it seems) is to control as many people and things as they possibly can, so this topic gives them heartburn (“How DARE you to defy us!!!”).

The Case for Secession. “Might a state like Texas legitimately decide that the federal government has so abandoned its duties under the Constitution that it has no alternative but to remove itself from the Union, and vindicate its citizens’ rights itself? I think such a decision, given the enormity of the issue of illegal immigration, would indeed be legitimate. Whether it would be well-advised is a question that should, in my view, be open for debate.”

Competent national leadership would never get us to a place where people are debating this, but our ruling class is happily playing Civilizational Jenga.

Oh sure, the Socialists masquerading as “moderate Democrats” will bring back the Civil War and White Supremacy and MAGA Extremists to argue against it. Scott Johnson (linked above), I think, successfully shows the case today is 180 degrees away from the Civil War history. In the latter, the States were rebelling (and I’ll skip the 10th Amendment arguments for now, even as I’m predisposed to go that way). Today, it is the Federal Government that is rebelling against its foundational documents – the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution itself.

While the former is a bit more lengthy to defend, the latter is quite specific – it is a Constitutional mandate to protect against invasion. We now have an illegal population of around 54 million aliens in the US who do NOT share our values. How can they be good Americans if they are demanding free stuff, assaulting law enforcement and our fellow citizens, and even killing Americans?

ONLY the Left seems to define invasion as limited to military action. I’m not even convinced that our hollowed-out military can defend us. But by refusing to understand, as we see what is happening in Europe, the invasion of one culture by another is just demographics and a porous border.

And the Biden Administration, and many Democrat-run States, are aiding and abetting the illegal invasion. Er, does this turn an invasion into a party invitation?

Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Florida have passed laws to arrest illegals because the Feds have turned their backs on their Constitutional Duty. Iowa, Louisiana, and Georgia are considering similar measures (e.g., short of Secession).

I’ve posted from time to time about counties in different States wishing to secede from their “home” State to another.  Oftentimes, it is because one or two large cities with Progressive-socialist populations swamp the suburban-rural vote (e.g., a local case demonstrating why the Electoral College is still required).

So, would Texas be justified in seceding? Discuss!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Is Leftism a Gateway to Retardation?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 02:00 +0000

Is leftism a gateway to retardation? In short, yes. There are several ways to understand how today’s leftists are veritable idiots, bereft of intelligence, and susceptible to the most death-defying levels of stupidity.

First, we should consider the long-time leftist. These folks have been leftists for decades, since Woodstock or even before. Back then, being a leftist was a counterculture. Leftists smoked pot, listened to rock and roll, and wanted to do anything to ‘stick it to the man’— meaning the government.

These folks, mostly boomers, are today’s diehard leftists who have been completely brainwashed. They suffer from late-stage Trump Derangement Syndrome, where anything Biden says is holy. They fail to see that Biden is a puppet for the deep state, or they don’t care. Their total brainless loyalty to the Democrat Party means that they will accept any narrative that emerges from corporate-globalist media. Anything else is far-right and extremist.

When we consider the term ‘idiot’, it can be taken as a short form of the word ‘ideologue’. In this sense, it pertains to someone who is so captured by an ideology that they do not accept any other views. They would sooner walk out of a room than bother to think or even talk to someone presenting alternative worldviews, interpretations, or actual fact-based reality.

Next up is the modern leftist gender specialist. These folks took too many courses in their liberal arts college on women’s and gender studies— meaning they took at least one such course. One being too many. These courses make idols out of feminist writers and pin all of society’s ills on the white patriarchy.

This group of people’s worldview represents the most xenophobic, racist, isolated, spoiled, and narrow-minded mindset in all of global society. These people do not understand that in some countries, whites are not welcomed and are also a small, economically challenged minority. They think whites rule the world, and in projecting this worldview, they simultaneously seek to destroy white civilizations.

Tragically, most of the folks in this category are white. They are cheered on by almost everyone because who outside of white civilization cares whether a specific racial group suffers? Well, that’d be only the most racist, xenophobic, envious, and spiteful folks out there. Somehow or another, they have managed to get these veritably retarded white morons to be the tip of their spear in eviscerating their own society.

Another group of leftists is those who classify as such for purely political reasons. These folks do not want anything to do with the political right. They have even taken political stances on issues simply because they are the opposite of what is right. In this way, they are necessarily amoral, often because folks on the political right want to do what is morally and ethically right and also what is reasonable and rational.

Such a political alignment against reason and rationality makes these leftists particularly stupid. They seem to confuse terminology between what is political and what is moral. This is the root of the amoral and unethical rot at the heart of the political left.

Finally, there is the Californian— the ultimate form of retarded leftist. Not only are these folks on the left coast so that they embrace being left, but they also live in a state that is so far gone towards socialism and the communist hell that they have lost all bearing on reality.

In California, people have the idea that reality is whatever a person wishes it to be. This is great for a variety of creative industries, but when the rubber meets the road, it encounters the hard truths of the real world.

Leftists in this sort of mindset live in such a sheltered little bubble that to a normal person who lives in the real world, they appear to be total morons. In the face of conversation about everyday necessities like food, water, shelter, and basic human needs, California leftists have zero capacity to understand or assist in any way.

Finally, we should clarify the idea of retardation. This is a state of mind or state of being where an individual or group is slower. This can be in relation to the larger majority, or it can be in relation to the fastest and brightest.

Here, we see that leftists, in their blind obedience to a set of values that is a twisted shadow of what is right, good, and true, are always left behind. Even if an idea has been disproven and shown to be useless or worthless, leftists will always cling to it. Be it the old-timer, the gender crazy, or the California-style. Leftists oppose what is right.

And so it is clear that while there are many ways one becomes a leftist, the end result is the same— total retardation.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Has NH Sex Trafficked Children Using Federal Funds?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-06-15 00:00 +0000

NH State Rep Leah Cushman put a Motion on the floor of NH Legislators yesterday proposing an investigation into the raging issue of the day that could potentially bankrupt NH, or at least reduce its credit rating. That black eye matter is the institutional abuse of children in its legal custody.

We want to thank Jean Allan for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

The Sununu Youth Center scandal is just the tip of the ongoing Titanic collision path of a total unraveling of NH Corruption using Federal Funding. The Motion failed. The Cover-up continues. Officials who have been alleged to be complicit in the sex crimes have just signed up to run for NH Governor and a seat on the Executive Council: they are odds-on favorites to win.

NH cannot be allowed to be the final decision. This issue lies squarely in the jurisdiction of the US Congressional Oversight Committee. Accountability for NH’s evil acts against the most vulnerable of children and using the cover of the US Taxpayer should BEGIN NOW

With Respect,


From an email to a list of recipients (not included here)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manch Talk – If We Can’t Agree on What Words Mean…

Granite Grok - Fri, 2024-06-14 23:00 +0000

What is the point of communication? Well, either you use words to talk to get what you want (persuasion = good), or you use force to take it (coercion = bad). As a society, the government has compromised our ability to speak clearly to each other by changing the meaning of words online real-time.

This is what Orwell warned us about.

The post Manch Talk – If We Can’t Agree on What Words Mean… appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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