The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 9 min 26 sec ago

A Conversation with Allah

Sat, 2023-07-01 16:30 +0000

It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim, you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger, and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.

As hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim at the entry-level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble humanity considerably.

From the first breath of life to the last pang of death, Islam relentlessly bombards us: surrender yourself fully to Allah, pray for his help, let him make all the decisions for you and run your life, don’t ever question anything, since questioning is the whisperings of the accursed Satan who strives to take you astray.

Islam says that Allah is the javaab-ul-doaa (answerer of supplications/prayers) and that to him, we should supplicate for any help in all matters.

Well, I am doing strictly like I was told. I am supplicating Allah in the form of this open letter to provide me with answers to some of my numerous and troubling questions.

It must be a peculiarity about me. I am loath to surrender my inquiry about things and allow others, divine or not, to think for me. If I am to let Allah do all the review and decide for me, then why am I given my own brain? I have challenged the Islamic divines.

See, I have already failed the test since I have not surrendered fully to Allah and, by questioning, did not place my total faith in him.

I have been studying much of my life, trying to get some satisfactory answers to my questions about Islam from Islamic scripture and authorities without success. More often than not, I get conflicting answers, confusing responses, and even outright contradictory statements.

Hence, I decided to pose some of my perplexing questions in this open letter directly to the god of Islam, Allah, earnestly hoping for deliverance from the anguish of doubt.

I will do my very best to conduct myself with decorum and courtesy toward Allah. At no time will I behave rudely toward him, just in case he is indeed the sole author of this incredible universe, as Islam claims? To be discourteous and rude is not my habit. I don’t even behave rudely toward anyone, much less so in dealing with a purported, unfathomably magnificent being.

The list of my questions is long indeed. Here are some of my questions, not necessarily in order of importance, presented in all meekness to Allah, the Lord of Islam. To me, all questions are essential, and assigning relative importance to them is arbitrary. So, I get started.

I have no illusions of grandeur and no pretense of knowing very much. I am a sincere seeker of truth; in this spirit, I humbly compose this missive to you, Allah. I hope I am not discourteous by simply addressing you as Allah. I mean without preceding invocation of your name by honorifics.

I fully realize that I am most insignificant in the grand scheme of things. But, again, you have created me, so I must be worth something. This realization gives me the courage to address you with my questions, your Lordship.

Without further ado, I have some questions for you here.

* Islam says that you are the uncreated creator. I have a tough time with that claim. Of course, I am finite, and my intellect can hardly imagine that something comes from nothing. There is that old refrain, “Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could,” that humans take as an article of faith and fact. But, again, we humans can hardly fathom things that transcend the limits of our finite rational minds. Any clarification of this assertion would be beneficial.

* Speaking of creating, Islam says you made the universe by the command: kon va yakoon (become and became). The universe appeared instantly in obedience to your order. There are different views about this whole topic of creation that I don’t want to trouble you about. For now, my simple question is: Lord, by this simple command of kon va yakoon, you brought about this indescribably magnificent universe, yet you took some twenty years to write your little book, the Quran. Why did it take you so long to write it? I fear a thunderbolt might strike me dead for posing this intrusive question. I hope you hold off and allow me to continue.

So, I can supply a rationalization, not a plausible reason, for it. I told myself, your lordship, perhaps it took you twenty years because Muhammad was illiterate and slowed in getting your dictates and taking them to a scribe to jot them down. That’s why. Yet, finding someone who could write things down among the horde of savages was not easy.

A follow-up question! Why a supremely august being, as you are, with all the indescribably exulted powers and attributes, chose an illiterate Arab, a hired hand of a wealthy widow, as your messenger is a mystery. Couldn’t you have selected a Rabbi from nearby Medina, a Zoroastrian Mobed (priest), a Christian Priest from Mecca itself, a Hindu Monk, or a Buddhist Clergy? These were people who had specialized in matters of religion, rather than an Arab whose only skill was helping drive caravans of camels.

I have seen Islam’s pat answers to all questions: no one is given the right to ask Allah about his doings. He does what pleases him and ordains what he wants. But this is no answer. It is a copout.

*Are you male, your Lordship? Pardon me for asking a personal question. The reason I ask is that you have much against women. You stipulate that women are worth one-half of men. You ordain that men are rulers over women and much more. I don’t see that. My lifelong experiences with women have convinced me that women are every bit as worthy as men, if not even better in many respects. For one, women are the life-givers and nurturers of life. Men, by contrast, are forever in the business of life-taking.

Science tells us that women are as capable as men in every sphere other than those that require brute force. But machines are much superior to men in brute force, and women can and do operate those machines as well as men.

Is there something inherently inferior or evil about women? If so, then pardon me, your lordship. It is you who designed them that way. Didn’t you?

Is it, not a fact that the savage chauvinist Arabs of Muhammad’s time are the ones who instituted this oppressive scheme against women, and Muhammad stamped his approval of the fraud in your name?

*My next question is about the role of religion. My limited understanding is that the primary function of religion is to bring disparate people together. That is, bring unity and amity among the diverse and quarreling human groups. Islam needs to improve on this significant point. While Muhammad was alive, he kept preaching the gospel of divisiveness. He taught a gospel of us against them, believers against the unbeliever. Since his death, Muhammad’s followers have doggedly followed his gospel of divisiveness.

How can fueling the fire of polarization bring about peace of unity after Muhammad and his disciples continue to kill the unbelievers in mass and without the slightest bit of mercy?

The problem is that as Muhammad was still gasping for his last breath, his senior disciples were busying themselves with killing one another in their lust for power and leadership. And Islam has been on a mission with internecine and infidel killing ever since.

Whether or not I receive answers to these questions, I will persist in posing more of them in the future. Who knows? As unlikely as it may seem, Allah may indeed deem it appropriate to send another of his archangels with a Quran addressing these and other troubling questions. Remember that he does what pleases him and ordains what he wants.

The post A Conversation with Allah appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bill Maher Knocks Another One Out of the Park! – Along For The Pride!

Sat, 2023-07-01 15:00 +0000

Every now and again, we stumble across a Bill Maher monologue – or someone points us toward one – that is good enough to share. Bill’s great on free speech, and now he’s got some questions about the LGBT hockey stick he’d like to discuss.

And yes, it’s for the children, delivered as only Bill Maher can. It is not a slam or a dig, but it’s funny, and he asks very important questions like, why aren’t we allowed to ask questions? Shouldn’t there be some discussion?

Children are being herded toward unalterable life-changing decisions from which there is no coming back.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hunter’s Plea Deal Cover Up

Sat, 2023-07-01 13:30 +0000

The pundits seem to have been saying the Hunter Biden plea deal was done to obfuscate Joe Biden’s corruption.  It does not seem to be working out that way.  There is more and more information coming out in Congressional committees, more whistleblowers, and more attention.

We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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It’s getting interesting.

What follows is a distillation from publicly available articles from the New York Post, Breitbart, the Washington Times, The Hill, ABC, The Postmillennial, The Daily Caller, Twitter, WKBN News,, the Washington Post, Yahoo News,, the New York Times, Politico, CNN, and CBS News.  The list of more than two dozen articles appears at the end of the piece.

The word for the day at the White House and at the Department of Justice (DoJ) is “stonewall”.  Their spokespersons are simply walking away from the podium.  But the evidence is mounting.  They are not addressing the issues on the merits.  They seem to be hoping the media will continue to hide the evidence for them, you know like they did with the laptop.

The Attorney General (AG) said, “… some have chosen to attack the integrity of the Justice Department, its components, and employees by claiming that we do not treat like cases alike.  This constitutes an attack on an institution that is essential to American democracy and essential to the safety of the American people… We make our cases based on the facts and the law…  The agents of the FBI as well as the DEA, the ATF our deputy U.S. Marshalls every day, often at great personal risk, protect the American people and secure their safety…”

Don’t misunderstand.  Merrick Garland’s integrity is being called into question.  His own employees are coming forward as whistleblowers. Garland is turning the DoJ into the enforcement arm of the DNC.  Not everyone, even among those who work for him, agrees with his leadership.

The problem before us is: The AG’s words are objectively false.  He says we use the same standard for everyone.  Let’s think about that.

Your name is Biden; you can have classified documents.  Put ‘em in your garage; we don’t care.  Have your lawyers tell us what you’ve got.  Your name is Trump. We are sending in the stormtroopers.  Is that the same standard for everyone?

If you are violating the law, committing federal crimes; when there are demonstrators outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices.  Justices who we do not like, we don’t enforce the law.  We agree with the protestors.  We don’t like the Justices.  Our politics are on one side.  So we don’t enforce the law.  Is selective nullification of the law an issue that concerns you?

If you are a pro-life protestor, you are the greatest terrorist threat known to humanity.  We are going to send the stormtroopers to your house, at the break of dawn, with machine guns drawn.  Is that necessary?  Is it a problem?  What do your seven kids think of the wake-up call?

Is it time for the DoJ to appoint a special counsel to investigate Merrick Garland for obstruction of justice and perjury?  Garland is telling us not to ask these questions.  But it is his integrity which is in question.  The chances of the Garland DoJ fairly investigating these matters are very low.

What happened at the start of the IRS whistleblower?  The incident concerned an allegation Mr. Garland had personally committed perjury.  Gary Shapley was the first IRS whistleblower.  He is a career federal employee, not a political axe grinder.

He wrote to Congress, “… Beginning in January 2020, I was assigned to work the Hunter Biden investigation as a supervisory special agent for IRS criminal investigation U.S. Department of Treasury…  I continued in that role until I was removed from the investigation by the U.S. DoJ in May of 2023… After providing protected disclosures concerning prosecutors mishandling of the investigation of Hunter Biden to include: conflicts of interest, preferential treatment, deviations from normal investigative procedures and conflicting information provided by AG Merrick Garland to Congress.”

Shapley told Congress Garland had knowingly provided false testimony before Congress, and for that, the AG retaliated immediately.  That retaliation is, itself, a violation of law, which a special counsel should investigate.

Shapley goes on to assert former AG Barr said the confidential information provided by a human source concerning an alleged illegal bribery scheme by President Joe Biden was received through the Pittsburgh U.S. Attorney’s office.  It was determined; the input received was not likely to have been disinformation.

According to former AG Barr, it was provided to the ongoing investigation in Delaware for follow-up. Neither Shapely nor his team nor the FBI agents working with IRS were provided with this human source information to investigate or follow up on.  Shapely asserts that Human source information was concealed by prosecutors working for Merrick Garland.

There is also a letter from June 19th, 2023, from whistleblower “X.” This whistleblower was in charge of investigating Hunter Biden at that point in time.  He has never seen this FBI form 1023.  It was never turned over in any meeting with the Delaware prosecution team.  The information could have been relevant to the investigation of the claim of $5 million dollars being paid to Hunter Biden.  It directly tied an email with a business partner from 2014 about company “XXX.”

The appearance is that Merrick Garland has tried to cover up, tried to make the Biden prosecution go away.  The assertion by AG Garland has been the prosecutor in Delaware had the discretion to do whatever was necessary, wherever it may have been necessary to do it, in handling the Biden case.   This is something Merrick Garland has allegedly lied about.

Merrick Garland was asked in testimony before Congress, Will the investigation of Hunter Biden be focused on not only his personal substance abuse-related issues but also look into the connections to his father and potential corruption in public office.  The leaks coming from DoJ suggest the focus is on the misadventure of a poor person struggling with drugs.  Will you commit to investigating the public’s interest in the corruption issue?

The response from the AG was he cannot comment.  All such matters are within the purview of the U.S. Attorney in Delaware, who is not restricted in his investigation in any way.  The AG himself is implicated in the handling of this matter.

The media keeps saying the Delaware U.S. attorney was appointed during the Trump administration.  And yes, Mr. Weiss was a career prosecutor.  The implication being he is a right-wing sycophant.  The problem with accepting the implication on its face is: It overstates who Mr. Weiss is.

Here’s how U.S. Attorneys are picked.  U.S. Attorneys are essentially picked by the senators from the state they serve in.  You cannot advance the nomination for U.S. Attorney without the concurrence of the senators from the state signing off.  The Delaware U.S. was picked by Democrat senators Carper and Coons.  Delaware is Joe Biden’s home.  At a minimum, Mr. Weiss owes his job to not DJT but to Carper and Coons and the Biden team in Delaware.

The whistleblower and related allegations currently before Congress are:

·         The DoJ twice prevented U.S. Attorney Weiss from bringing stronger charges against Hunter Biden.  If this is true, Merrick Garland committed perjury twice.

·         Merrick Garland refused to name a special counsel in the Hunter Biden tax investigation.

·         The IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden, which were not approved by Merrick Garland. Both the IRS and the U.S. attorney in Delaware were asking for stronger charges.

·         The investigation forewarned Hunter Biden of future searches for materials that could be used as evidence.  The DoJ tipped off the object of the investigation about where they would search… before it happened.  That is called obstruction of justice.

·         An assistant AG, Leslie Wolf, refused to allow the investigators to ask about Joe Biden being “The Big Guy.”  She needs to testify under oath.  If true she is contradicting what the AG told Congress.

·         The same assistant AG told investigators they could not search Joe Biden’s guest house where Hunter Biden was living because of “optics.”  If true, this means the DoJ isn’t investigating where the facts go or following and enforcing the law… at least not equally for everyone.

·         Rob Walker, a Biden family associate, said Joe Biden showed up at a meeting with CEFC, a Chinese energy company closely affiliated with the CCP.  Hunter Biden demanded to be paid by Chinese businessman Henry Zou while Joe Biden was sitting next to him.

·         Hunter Biden deducted payments to prostitutes and sex clubs on his tax returns.  Business expenses.

·         The investigation of Hunter Biden began as an offshoot of an inquiry into a foreign adult platform.  Hunter has engaged in lots of sordid behaviors.

·         There is a WhatsApp text sent in which Hunter Biden shakes down a Chinese businessman saying his father is sitting here, right next to me.  This is evidence of presidential corruption.  It is clear and damning, assuming it is demonstrably true.

·         Joe Biden is on record as maintaining he never discussed with his son, his brother, or anyone else his business dealings.  That now appears to be rebutted… without response.

·         If Hunter Biden is telling the truth, Joe Biden is lying to the American people.

·         The whistleblowers, the investigators, wanted to obtain location information to confirm Joe Bide was in the room when Hunter was shaking down the Chinese businessman.  Were the investigators allowed to answer that question?  It appears they were blocked from acquiring the information necessary to answer that question.

The point today is the AG is not saying to the American people; we need to clear the air about what’s going on.  He is not moving to lay the facts on the table.  Why?  The effectiveness and the integrity of the department he oversees and his own, for that matter, are being impugned.  What possible reason is there for not making clear what’s going on now and what has gone before?

Merrick Garland is thumbing his nose, saying you cannot touch me.  He’s abusing his power and position for gain or revenge, for reasons either personal or political.  That’s the appearance.































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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State Drops ALL Charges Against Six Remaining NH9 Defendants

Sat, 2023-07-01 12:00 +0000

Earlier this week, the charges against Terese Grinnell were dropped. She’d been arrested for allegedly disrupting a public meeting. Yesterday the State dropped the charges on the six remaining defendants.

Related: NH AG (More or Less) Admits the Arrest of the NH 9 Last October Was Probably Unlawful – The State Has No Case



They were arrested in October of 2021, but it took the State 20 months to figure this out (emphasis mine).


In the statement, the Safety Department said prosecutors did not believe they could prove the cases beyond a reasonable doubt. The decision was reached after a “careful review of facts and evidence available to state police prosecutors,” the statement reads.


Careful review? There was a public video available on the day of the arrests. The only disruption was the Governor signaling the state police to scoop up what had to be a pre-determined list of individuals who were denied their right to attend and participate in an Executive Council Meeting. Arrested and publicly shamed by the media. Having to hire lawyers to defend themselves from a malicious government and its petty chief executive.



Twenty months.

We figured it out the moment we saw the video, as did thousands of other GraniteStaters. And it is no coincidence (in my mind, and many others) that the reason for the about-face, despite the AG saying (more or less) several weeks before that the State had no case, was Grinnell having Sununu served with a subpoena to testify at her hearing.

He’d have to lie under oath or (Gasp!) tell the truth, and nothing prevents the other six defendants from serving him.

Case closed.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Time To End Affirmative Action Everywhere

Sat, 2023-07-01 10:30 +0000

It is finally time to live what we preach and treat everyone equally. We claim that we do not want racism in any form, yet we have systems that give preferential treatment to specific genders or races.

The Supreme Court on Thursday handed down a decision making it illegal for colleges and universities to use race as a determining element for admission. This landmark 6-3 decision evens the playing field for all applicants and allows students to be judged on their academic scores and character without regard for color or genealogy. Some on the Left are calling for an expansion of the Court because of this decision.

Justice Sotomayor said in her dissent that we had taken a step backward by preventing the consideration of race, and this would lead to further inequality in education. Why do those on the Left not understand that singling out any group for any reason is discrimination and a form of racism? A few examples are the President bragging about naming a black woman to the Supreme Court and nominating more women of color to the Federal benches than all other Presidents combined. Gavin Newsom has gone on the record stating if Diane Feinstein cannot complete her term, he will name a Black woman to replace her. By minimizing the search criteria, Biden and Newsom are discriminating.

Equality requires a blindfold-like approach to decisions involving people. We have talked about Martin Luther King’s statement for decades that we need to judge people on the quality of their character and not the color of their skin. When you say you will only hire a Black woman for a position, how many people do you overlook? These actions by such high-profile individuals; are wrong and possibly illegal.

The President, with little legitimacy, dares to call the Court illegitimate because they came down with a ruling that does not align with his twisted opinion. We have reached a point where people can compete on a level playing ground. It does not matter the color of your skin but the content of your mind. This is true equality, and people of all colors should embrace our progress to end racism in America. But, no, that does not work for the Left and Joe Biden.

Joe Biden, the President who pledged unity, was quick to go on the offense against the United States Supreme Court. Instead of saying the vote did not go the way the Left wanted, he attacked the integrity of the Court. Saying this is not a “normal” court. This opened the door for some Democrats to call for expanding the Court. This is a typical call by the Left whenever a case does not work out for them. This would be a complex process with a split Government, but it must be prevented at all costs. Packing the Court with as many as six more judges would change the makeup of the Court forever. More significant rulings are coming today, and we have some idea these will go. We can expect a hectic day at the microphone for Biden and KJP. That is not precisely must-see TV.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Becomes First New England State To Grant Universal Occupational License Recognition

Sat, 2023-07-01 01:30 +0000

Two weeks after New Hampshire posted a record-low unemployment rate of 1.9%, Gov. Chris Sununu signed two bills to make it easier for licensed professionals from other states to work here.

New Hampshire requires state-issued licenses for dozens of occupations, from barbers and cosmetologists to doctors, landscape architects, athlete agents, and even foresters. For decades, anyone who held an out-of-state license to practice in one of these fields had to first get a separate New Hampshire license before being allowed to practice here.

House Bill 594 ends that regulatory nightmare and grants universal recognition for occupational licenses “substantially similar” to New Hampshire licenses.

Adopting HB 594 makes New Hampshire the only state in New England with broad universal license recognition. (Vermont recognizes out-of-state licenses for some but not all occupations).

Research on licensing recognition suggests that this should produce a noticeable increase in in-migration by licensed professionals who live in other states.

A study published in May by the Archbridge Institute found that universal license recognition produced almost a full percentage-point increase in employment in covered occupations and a 50% increase in immigration into recognition states among people who hold licenses that aren’t easily portable because the regulations vary a lot from state to state.

HB 594 allows the state Office of Professional Licensure (OPLC) to issue professional licenses to out-of-state applicants who hold a license in another state, provided that the other state’s licensing requirements are “substantially similar” to New Hampshire’s.

The “substantially similar” language is not ideal, as it often serves as a pretext for state licensing boards to reject license applications from out-of-state competitors. But HB 594 and a companion bill, House Bill 655, shift more authority from individual boards to the OPLC, which is expected to limit those anti-competitive board interventions.

HB 594 streamlines a tedious regulatory process for out-of-state professionals looking to work in New Hampshire. Not only did license holders have to obtain a separate New Hampshire license, but they often had to wait weeks or even months for their industry’s particular regulatory board to meet, consider their application, and vote on it.

Now, anyone with an active license in good standing from another jurisdiction can apply directly to the OPLC and obtain permission to work in New Hampshire almost immediately.

Once limited to only a few fields, such as medicine and hair care, occupational licensing “affects nearly 1 in 5 American workers,” research by the Institute for Justice shows.

By establishing a procedure to recognize most out-of-state licenses automatically, New Hampshire becomes a more attractive option for skilled individuals seeking to bring their talents to a new state.

For fields with critical labor shortages, such as nursing, the change could provide a desperately needed supply of new workers.

The greatest beneficiaries of universal licensure might be New Hampshire’s small businesses. Among the many trades affected by licensing in the state are tattoo artists, massage therapists, architects, barbers and cosmetologists, chiropractors, foresters, psychologists and other mental health professionals, real estate agents, occupational and physical therapists, and electricians.

An increase in skilled labor will benefit consumers, too. Occupational licensing has been shown in academic studies to limit the supply of service providers and increase costs. Universal recognition won’t necessarily lower costs across the board, but it could stabilize prices in fields with serious labor shortages. And by attracting more providers to the state, it can reduce wait times and increase access to services.

Gov. Chris Sununu’s signing of the two bills was immediately noticed by policy leaders in other New England states that don’t have universal license recognition. Responding to the news, the Maine Policy Institute tweeted, “File this in the big folder of things that NH does far better than Maine.”

According to USPS change-of-address data from Forbes, Massachusetts, which ranks fifth in the country for residents leaving the state, might want to keep a particularly close watch on the number of licensed professionals who disappear from state registries in the next few years.

Nationally, New Hampshire joins only 14 other states (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming) with broad universal recognition laws, according to recent studies by the Archbridge Institute and Goldwater Institute.

Four states (Colorado, Montana, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming) require out-of-state licenses to be “substantially similar” to their own, like New Hampshire. But unlike five of those states (Arizona, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, and Mississippi), New Hampshire doesn’t require residency to receive a license to practice. This means that Massachusetts barbers or nurses could quickly be licensed to work in New Hampshire without moving over the border (where housing is extremely hard to find).

The companion bill, HB 655, consolidates and simplifies licensure authority within the OPLC, moving its authority to a separate location in state law and authorizing the OPLC to act more quickly and independently than in the past.

Taken together, these bills, now law, promote greater efficiency in state licensing and reduce bureaucratic barriers that never should have been erected in the first place.

Andrew Cline | JB

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We’re Just Shy of Our June Fundraising Goal – Can You Help Get Us There?

Fri, 2023-06-30 23:15 +0000

We’d like to hit 25% of our fundraising goal by the end of June. We’re almost there, but there are only a few hours left, and we need some help to push us over the top.

If you missed the memo, and I can’t imagine you could – this is a big deal for us and me (It’s like, totally going to pay my wages for the next year), – ‘Grok has things that need doing, I’m getting laid off – so the full-time body we’re hiring is me.

We are trying to raise 15,000.00 every month for the next four months beginning with July, and we’re so close. If it were an unhinged liberal, they’d be spitting on us from here.

We need to raise just under 500.00 by midnight.

If you’ve been thinking about giving or giving again, you could be the donor that gets us over the top. Donations or commitments to donate by check will be considered in the calculations. And as a reminder, anyone who gives 100.00 or more is guaranteed 12 months of access to any ad-free VIP access portal when we finally get it built. Businesses that donate 100.00 or more can also get two weeks of complimentary on-page ad options.

We appreciate everyone who has helped us to date, and we know we can count on you to keep reading and sharing, so thank you.

You can use the GiveSendGo campaign page or donate through the website (PayPal). If you prefer to donate by check, please email me (, and I’ll give you the official Grok mailing address.

Thank You!

Note that as we are receiving contributions from three different methods, the only record of total progress is the graphics we update like this one.

The post We’re Just Shy of Our June Fundraising Goal – Can You Help Get Us There? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DCYF Has Now Breached My Personal Information?

Fri, 2023-06-30 22:30 +0000

Now they have made it personal – even as I’m trying to help them.

Remember, they dragged us (TMEW and I) into this – we didn’t go calling them. As some readers may know, we are taking care of our Granddaughter and have been for over a month and a half.

Once again, we find ourselves “DCYF entangled.”

Unlike JR Hoell (DCYF tried to take his son away due to the meddling busybodies at CMC hospital over COVID ideology – Ivermectin – “ABUSE! HANG HIM!”), we are on the other side of the action. We are trying to do the right thing and are on the receiving end of the “data colonoscopy” just because we said we’d step up.

This is, however, giving me a fresh picture and a ringside seat of what may be happening to others (e.g., the rumor that some parents are getting railroaded if you reviewed my previous RTKs of that entity – there are more coming).

Wednesday, I received a call from my Daughter-In-Law to tell us that both TMEW and I may have been put at risk by DCYF. This was a brand new aspect of their process which I had never seen – and yes, I was outraged.

Here’s the email that I sent to those that I think are responsible and to one person that I think can remedy some of this (he did tell me to contact him anytime I needed anything).

A bit reformatted, emphasis is the same, with the correction of some minor grammar issues that I just saw. Take it in and think: this is the process by which Democrats wish us to accede: rule by the Administrative State. Which, as you will see, voids its own rules.

And yes, this email has my full email signature block – they know who I am (for whatever little it’s worth). Innocents have been redacted, the guilty (and those I feel are responsible) not so much.

—— Original Message ——
From “Skip” <>
To “” <>; “Lavigne, Christy” <>; <redacted>
Cc “Martin, John” <>
Date 6/30/2023 12:56:37 PM
Subject Has DCYF now breached my PERSONAL information?

My Daughter-in-law, Mother of my Granddaughter, just called me to let me know that DCYF has released my personal information. According to her phone’s history, the call came in at 15:31 on Tuesday and lasted 9 minutes, 29 seconds. The number was 603-752-7800, which upon doing a reverse-lookup, was the Berlin DCYF office.

While she did not catch/remember the name that called, she was told that DCYF was contacting her family members and friends to let them know where my Granddaughter can be found to contact her and she remembered some of the family names enumerated over the phone.

HOW DARE YOU release my information to people that I do not know!

I’m not going to write another Right To Know but I DO expect that you all will tell me:

  • WHO called Sarah to inform her of this either from the Berlin office system or a DCYF-owned cell phone?
  • WHO requested that it be released?
  • WHO authorized the release?
  • WHO carried out the action of sending it out?
  • And WHO made the decision not to tell me and my wife?
  • WHAT information about us was being released to those people as “pertinent contact information“?
  • You shall supply the complete list so if someone shows up at my door at 3 am, I’ll know how to deal with them.

Oh, and my Daughter-in-law was told that since we are only “Fictive” Kinship care givers by this caller, any of these “family relatives” could demand that my Granddaughter be with them over us.  As to that:

  • Per DCYF regulations, I’m supposed to now spend $1000 to upgrade my fire/smoke/carbon monoxide sensors to be hardwired because the building code (according to Gilford Deputy Chief Brad Ober who did our Fire Inspection) as DCYF requires a more “robust” than just the battery powered units already in place for a Foster Family by most homes? Yes, the contractor is coming in after July 4th for that.
  • The next contractor for replacing the steps up from the driveway is coming the following week (I hope; ghosting is rampant) – and that will be $6500.

All that money spent and THEN we might not have Julie even having done EVERYTHING that has been asked of us by DCYF? And you wonder why people aren’t flooding your gates to become Foster Parents?

All because DCYF sent our contact information to people we don’t know (perhaps also in violation of RSA170-E:9, I(a) (13) as well? Let’s add Federal regulation 42 CFR, Part 2, shall we?).

Oh, and what about this:

  1. Assistant Supervisor Christie Lavigne told the Eldest (full disclosure: my son and a prior Marine) that while he was being charged, DCYF couldn’t talk with him as being a “perpetrator”.
  2. After dropping that charge, a charge of Neglect was lodged against My Daughter-in-law.

[Added but not part of this email: I do wonder if the first charge was bogus as they knew they had nothing with which to prove it. I shall remain silent on the second – for now. Bait and Switch comes to mind – so does bullying and entrapment]

If what Lavigne told Dan is true, then why did DCYF contact My Daughter-in-law (now being a named a perpetrator) directly on concerning this release of our information? Isn’t that a violation of DCYF policy? Or was it a ploy to shove this disabled veteran into yet ANOTHER anxiety attack (see below)?

Congratulations on yet more stellar moves.


  • berating My Daughter-in-law for a lengthy period of time when you took My Granddaughter from her to send My Daughter-in-law into a panic/anxiety attack…Sidenote: My Daughter-in-law suffers from anxiety attacks because of a medical condition caused during her deployment on the USS Ronald Reagan which she TOLD you about and asked you to not “just show up at my door” because that triggers it. Yet, you did so.


  • …during which Corporal <redacted> of the Colebrook Police Dept. had to step in and tell you two to back off to allow her to compose herself,
  • that my wife and I also heard that verbal beating for quite a few minutes after DCYF asked me to beat feet to come and get Julie (a 7-hour round trip),
  • and Amy Fortin covering herself in glory by blowing off my RSA 91-A demand (thank you, DCYF lawyer Amanda Knifeton, for that advice to Amy to do so) to the point that DHHS Deputy Chief Legal Counsel John Martin had to step in to apologize profusely and provide the information directly to me (again, much appreciated, Mr. Martin!).

Yes, we [TMEW and I] heard a good portion of that conversation as after asking me to come north, she simply put her phone down but DIDN’T break the connection as there might have been more to relay to me as I had already left. So we can attest to how you were relentless against a disabled veteran.

So this new incident isn’t adding much to being “awe-inspiring” from my point of view.  “Thrilled” is not a word that fits the vocabulary that I am struggling with my digits from typing.

Oh, lest I forget, when I took my Granddaughter to the Laconia Child Advocacy Center at the direction of DCYF, specialist Amy Fortin (along with the CAC worker) demanded that I sign a legal document permitting that the information gained from interviewing her by the CAC worker (with Amy Fortin and the Laconia Police Detective supplying her questions via an earpiece) could be shared with other entities.

The problem with the waiver form that I spotted immediately was that I am not Julie’s parent and that I am not her legal] guardian so I was legally unable to give such permission. Still, both the CAC worker and Fortin insisted that I sign that form because they couldn’t proceed without it and they [continuted] to demand I obey over that for several minutes. I finally ended that conversation by informing them that I wasn’t going to put myself into legal jeopardy by signing something that I was legally unable to sign and left the room – I won’t be railroaded by people, as I told them, who didn’t do their homework well beforehand. As nice of a person the Laconia Police Detective was (I think he was amused over that last bit), I had no willingness to get to know him better while driving me to the Laconia Station if I had signed it.

Ms. Fortin was rather unhappy (mildly [speaking]) over that; she and the CAC worker, I surmise, found some other loophole to continue without my consent.

Oh, and let me leave this hanging out there? Did DCYF strictly follow its own Administrative Rules (re: during this process – and that I, as a Foster Parent applicant in order to take care of my Granddaughter, will be held strictly to account?

No,  Amy Fortin left a “shall” hanging in the wind (I’ve double checked that). As in that old joke about business travel, expense forms, and obstructive accountants, go find it (as in “find the boots”).

But as far as this last event, all I can do is quote my friends in the military often say: “OUTSTANDING!”.  Wait until I start to really read through the Investigative Manual that Mr. Martin forwarded to me as I’m sure the results will be “interesting” (and I’m using the Engineer’s definition of the word). I’ll be following the investigation into the Berlin office intently as well.

So with all that said and written and written as appetizers, I return to the main course: what will your remedies be about releasing our personal information? I am willing to listen. I certainly have some things in mind but the ball is in your court.

I will draw this to a close with this admonition: consider Article 2-B:

[Right of Privacy.] An individual’s right to live free from governmental intrusion in private or personal information is natural, essential, and inherent.

Does DCYF, as the latest sexuality lingo goes, “affirm” this Right wholeheartedly? I have thoughts…


Skip Murphy
Founder, co-owner | | 603-630-6644
Dominating the political Bandwidth in New Hampshire

It will be “interesting” what this does. It took a couple of days to put everything into it that I thought belonged. I wonder he might be smiling, who might be grimacing, and who may be “twisting in the wind” knowing that, most likely, it will be a long time until Wednesday. Or later if the right folks won’t respond due to padding the long holiday weekend with vacation days for a “cheap week”.

And yes, the family members that know me have agreed to be my DEW line (now there’s a reference young’uns mostly won’t get).

The post DCYF Has Now Breached My Personal Information? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SCOTUS Has to Smack Colorado Around Again -This Time for Violating a Woman’s Religious Rights

Fri, 2023-06-30 21:00 +0000

We’re going to need to demand reparations from Colorado. They keep wasting our money with court cases that mirror ones they’ve already lost at the High Court because of their so-called anti-religious discrimination commission.

While we’re at it, the lower courts beginning in Colorado, could use a bit of instruction on this as well. Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop has repeatedly defeated the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which continues to try and infringe on his religious rights of Conscience. This time it was a web designer.


Lorie Smith, a graphic designer who wanted to expand into wedding websites, sought a ruling that Colorado could not enforce its anti-discrimination law against her. Smith opposes same-sex marriage on religious grounds and wanted to post a message on her page indicating that she would not design websites for same-sex couples.

“The First Amendment prohibits Colorado from forcing a website designer to create expressive designs speaking messages with which the designer disagrees,” Justice Gorsuch wrote for the 6-3 majority in 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. …

“Colorado seeks to force an individual to speak in ways that align with its views but defy her conscience,” Gorsuch wrote.


The three Liberal Justices dissented.


“New forms of inclusion have been met with reactionary exclusion. This is heartbreaking. Sadly, it is also familiar. When the civil rights and women’s rights movements sought equality in public life, some public establishments refused. Some even claimed, based on sincere religious beliefs, constitutional rights to discriminate. The brave Justices who once sat on this Court decisively rejected those claims.”


Sorry Wise Latina, but the government cannot compel her speech or expression, nor can they punish her for it. Woman. Speech. Rights. You are comparing women’s rights movements to the state of Colorado denying her a right that exists regardless of sex or gender (if that’s something you cling to). A thing for which men and women of all races fought to protect.

LGBT designers don’t have to do straight wedding sites; no one would try to make them. And that’s not discrimination.

One more point. What might be your position if Lorie Smith was a Hijab-wearing devout Muslim? The answer is that you’d never have to provide one. The appropriate Colorado Star Chamber would never consider pressing the matter, which proves another form of discrimination against Smith.



The post SCOTUS Has to Smack Colorado Around Again -This Time for Violating a Woman’s Religious Rights appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hey Mikey … Want To See A Real Fringe Conspiracist … Look In The Mirror

Fri, 2023-06-30 19:30 +0000

So let’s talk about fringe conspiracies. One that immediately comes to mind is that the COVID “vaccine” is a vaccine. It’s NOT. It neither prevents infection nor, once infected, transmission to others. Yet Mikey Graham keeps pushing the conspiracy theory that the COVID “vaccine” is actually a vaccine.

And speaking of COVID, another conspiracy theory is that Sun-King Sununu’s “handling” of COVID saved lives. It did NOT. Study after study after study have shown that masking, social-distancing. lockdowns, etc. etc. etc. made NO difference. The outcomes were the same in places that did all or some of these things as in places that did none of these things. Yet Mikey not only keeps pushing the conspiracy theory that Sun-King Sununu was “following the science,” he also conveniently ignores the economic, social and health costs that Sununu’s go-along-with-the-COVID-crowd-policies caused … and when he does acknowledge the costs, such as in education, he acts as if Sununu should not be he’d accountable for his own ruinous policies.

And, of course, there is arguably the biggest conspiracy theory out there … that the 2020 election was NOT rigged. Apparently, even Mikey realizes how patently absurd such a claim is because he plays semantics … claiming that there is “no evidence of widespread voter fraud,” when he full well knows that the rigging took the form of Deep State interference (Russia bounties, Hunter Biden tax cheating, etc.), Big-Tech/Regime-media censorship (Hunter Biden laptop), Zuckerbucks, voting law “changes” to allow ballot-harvesting, etc.

Want to see a real conspiracy theorist, Mikey? LOOK IN THE MIRROR. All you are really doing with hit-pieces like this is engaging in PROJECTION:


The post Hey Mikey … Want To See A Real Fringe Conspiracist … Look In The Mirror appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fact Checkin’ Lyin’ Joe Biden’

Fri, 2023-06-30 18:00 +0000

Only someone with a severe credibility issue must inject phrases into their talks to assure you they are telling the truth. I listened to a few minutes of the President’s speech in Chicago on Wednesday, and he used the term “I give you my word” and “I’m not lying” at least five times in the ten minutes I tuned in.

I couldn’t take more than ten minutes because I was fact-checking while listening, and the Pinocchios were stacking up. The sad thing was the President was receiving applause for every lie. Think about it. When discussing with friends or colleagues, do you have to remind them you are telling the truth, or do you enjoy a level of credibility with them that truth is assumed and understood? Biden does not possess such a luxury. The American people doubt every word he says, and for a good reason. He has a long track record of distorting the truth.

Wednesday was an opportunity for Biden to go into friendly territory. He spoke to union and pro-union people who lapped up every word the President uttered about his infrastructure and economic plan. He boasted that the New York Times gave his economic plan to the moniker, Bidenomics. Within a few weeks, he will claim he came up with the title. After all, plagiarism lives in this man’s soul. Biden’s assistant press secretary introduced the term this week, calling Bidenomics the term of the hour, day, week, month, year, and campaign. That seems to be over-glorifying a plan that only about 30% of Americans believe is good for the country.

Here are the fact checks by the House Republicans of Bidenomics.

FACT CHECK: Recovery Versus Creation

  • Nearly 72 percent of all job gains since 2021 were simply jobs that were being recovered from the pandemic, not new job creation. In fact, when looking at today’s economy compared to pre-pandemic levels, employment is up only by 3.7 million, not 13 million.
  • On the other hand, in his first 2.5 years, job creation under President Trump was 5 million—1.3 million more jobs than the current President in the same time frame after factoring in the recovery from the pandemic.

BIDEN CLAIM: “(President Biden) proved that a strong recovery and support for households brings more people into the workforce: a higher share of working age Americans are in the workforce now than at any time in more than 20 years and higher than on any day of the prior Administration.” 

FACT CHECK: Labor force participation was stronger under President Trump.

  • The labor force participation rate remains 0.7 percentage points lower under Biden than it was when President Trump was in office.
  • When adjusting for population gains, nearly 2 million more Americans are on the sidelines today than they were during the previous Administration.

BIDEN CLAIM: Under President Biden, American families are “better off than before the pandemic: Americans have more net worth and higher inflation-adjusted disposable incomes and a lower uninsured rate.”

FACT CHECK: Wages are NOT keeping up with Biden’s inflation crisis. 

  • Real wages are down over 5 percent since President Biden entered the Oval Office.
  • Since President Biden took office, the average worker has lost over $4,900 in real wages.

BIDEN CLAIM: The White House is “working to bring down the cost of living, including by lowering drug prices. Inflation has come down 11 months in a row.

FACT CHECK: Inflation is still high and causing economic pain.

  • Americans are still feeling the sting of this inflation crisis—prices are up 15.5 percent under Biden.
  • Inflation remains over three times higher than just a couple years ago.
  • The average family of four is paying $13,717 per year or $1,143 per month more to purchase the same goods and services as in January 2021.

BIDEN CLAIM: “President Biden and Congressional Democrats are delivering historic Investments in America that are creating good jobs around the country and revitalizing our communities.” The President “put policies in place that have contributed to more than $470 billion in private sector investment commitments.”

FACT CHECK: The “historic investments” made by Democrats don’t help the middle class. 

  • The “Inflation Reduction Act” enacted by Democrats last year gave $271 billion in tax credits to pay for “green” energy projects that even liberals admit are a boon for the top 1 percent.
  • These out of control “green” handouts are going to cost American communities an estimated $1.2 trillionaccording to independent analysis by Goldman Sachs, nearly $1 trillion higher than original estimates.
  • Companies with over $1 billion in sales receive more than 90 percent of special interest green energy tax subsidies.
  • Some analysts estimate that banks and insurers alone receive over half of green energy checks, far more than any other industry or sector.

BIDEN CLAIM: Democrats are “supporting investments that have resulted in 800,000 manufacturing jobs, nearly doubling manufacturing construction, and more resilient US supply chains.”

  • 49.7 percent of the tax will be borne by the manufacturing industry, according to analysis by the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation.
  • The Tax Foundation estimates this new tax will cost 20,000 jobs and slow investment and economic growth.
  • Workers in Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, and Kentucky would endure the largest economic hit from the new tax, according to the Heritage Foundation.

BIDEN CLAIM:  Biden set “out to rebuild American infrastructure, so that we no longer rank 13th in the world but instead have world-class infrastructure.” The President enacted “the largest investment in combatting the climate crisis in U.S. history,” paving the way for hundreds of thousands” of good-paying jobs. 

  • China—Batteries
    • Today, China controls over 50 percent of the processing capacity of key EV battery inputs like lithium, cobalt, and graphite.
    • China’s influence over the EV supply chain widens to around 90 percent in manufacturing and processing in a number of battery materials and minerals.
    • According to a report from the liberal think tank SAFE, 60 to 100 percent of all battery minerals are processed in China.
  • China—Solar
    • According to the U.S. Department of Energy, China controls nearly 80 percent of the entire solar production supply chain, including 97 percent of solar wafers capacity, 81 percent of solar cell capacity, and 77 percent of global capacity for finished solar modules or panels.
  • China—Wind
    • After the IRA passed, global wind turbine orders reached record levels, 90 percent higher year-over-year in Q4 2022, with 65 percent of those orders attributable to China.
  • Despite buses and rails accounting for only a tiny fraction of Americans’ travel, mass transit and Amtrak receive the same amount of funding as highways.
  • The bill includes over $15 billion in woke climate funding initiatives that will simply healp wealthy Americans buy more electric vehicles. 

BIDEN CLAIM: “President Biden has signed legislation to reduce the deficit by more than $1 trillion” and is “committed to ensuring the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations pay their fair share and lowering prescription drug costs by cutting wasteful giveaways to Big Pharma.”

  • In 2021, keeping spending at the levels projected in January 2020 or February 2021 would have resulted in the 2021 deficit being $2.0 or $1.1 trillion lower, respectively.
  • In 2022, the deficit would have been between $400 billion and $1.2 trillion lower given had spending remained at the levels projected in any of the three prior CBO baselines.
  • Notably, had spending in 2022 been what CBO projected it would be when Biden took office – without the impact of his failed economic policies – the budget deficit would have been its lowest since 2001, which was the last time the government ran a surplus.
  • Had spending stayed at any of the previously projected levels for both years, combined deficits would have been between $1.5 and $3.2 trillion lower than the actual deficits incurred.

Government spending is the primary driver of deficits and President Biden and Congressional Democrats have engaged in an unprecedented $11 trillion partisan spending spree, including:

  • $709 billion on student loan waivers and giveaways that forces the 87 percent of Americans without student loans to pay for the loans of the 13 percent who do.
  • An $80 billion slush fund for the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents.
  • Roughly $100 billion bailout of union multiemployer pension plans that overpromised and underdelivered for their workers, ultimately offloading the costs onto the American taxpayers.

BIDEN CLAIM: “In contrast, House Republicans want toEnact massive tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations – adding trillions of dollars to the deficit in order to deliver a $175,000 average annual tax cut to the top 0.1 percent (incomes over $4 million).”

The Heritage Foundation explains:

  • “Tax cuts as a percentage of taxes paid in 2017 were largest for the lowest-income Americans and smallest for the top 1 percent, measured by adjusted gross income (AGI).
  • “Similarly, the percentage decrease in effective tax rates was about 5 percent for the highest-income group, and 16 percent for the half of Americans whose income is below the median.
  • “After the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), higher-income taxpayers now pay a larger share of all taxes. By this metric, the income tax system was made more progressive. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40 percent of income taxes in 2018, and 38 percent in 2017.”

Meanwhile, Biden’s supercharged IRS stands to target families making under $400,000 a year:

  • The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirms that Democrats’ Inflation Act, which supercharges the IRS with 87,000 new agents, will lead to more audits and enforcement measures, and higher taxes for families making less than $400,000.

BIDEN CLAIM: “Our recovery is the strongest of any major economy.”

FACT CHECK: President Biden’s policies have driven us back into a recession.

After experiencing consecutive quarters of declining Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to start 2022, the Biden administration was quick to divert attention to alternative measures of economic output, such as Gross Domestic Income (GDI).

However, as House Budget Committee Republicans observed last month, these alternative measures no longer point in the administration’s favor. GDI – which measures the economy through things like income, profits, and taxes rather than production — has decreased in each of the past two months.

  • Gross Domestic Output (GDO), which is the average of GDP and GDI, and was once described by the Obama Council of Economic Advisers as being “a better gauge…of GDP growth than either GDP or GDI individually” has also experienced negative growth in 4 of the last 5 quarters.
  • According to a recent report by Heritage, “the latest economic data show the economy might be doing a ‘double dip,’ where a recession is followed by a brief period of growth and then another recession.”
  • President Biden’s policies are projected to cause the slowest economic growth in almost a century.

BIDEN CLAIM: “Family economic security is stronger than pre-pandemic.”

  • Household net worth is 4.7 percent lower than when President Biden took office when adjusting for inflation.
  • Credit card debt, adjusted for inflation is 14.6 percent higher than when President Biden took office.
  • The monthly mortgage payment on an average home has doubled during Biden’s presidency, increasing from $1,300 to $2,600. 

BIDEN CLAIM: “Gas prices are down from their summer 2022 peak.”

FACT CHECK: Gas and energy prices remain significantly higher than when President Biden took office.

  • Gas prices are over 34 percent higher than when President Biden took office.
  • Energy prices are up 28.5 percent from when President Biden took office.

This is a much longer post than my norm, but with this many fact-checks, I am more than confident that most people will be astonished by the number of interpretations or corrections of Biden’s “facts.” These fact checks are accurate. I give you my word.

The post Fact Checkin’ Lyin’ Joe Biden’ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: US Supreme Court Rules Against Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Scheme

Fri, 2023-06-30 17:05 +0000

The Democrat’s latest get-out-the-vote scheme already did its damage, so this seems like a moot point, but it does one thing. It saves taxpayers (or, more likely, their grandchildren) a trillion dollars plus interest.

SCOTUS has killed Biden’s effort to forgive or reduce student loans DEBT.


“Last year, the Secretary of Education established the first comprehensive student loan forgiveness program, invoking the Higher Education Relief Opportunities for Students Act of 2003 (HEROES Act) for authority to do so.

“The Secretary’s plan canceled roughly $430 billion of federal student loan balances, completely erasing the debts of 20 million borrowers and lowering the median amount owed by the other 23 million from $29,400 to $13,600.  … Six States sued, arguing that the HEROES Act does not authorize the loan cancellation plan. We agree.”


The HEROES Act is not a blanket permission slip to give away taxpayer dollars for government-backed student loans (full decision here). The Justices also note that MISSOURI is harmed by the move, giving it the standing necessary for the case to have legs. The HEROES Act did provide the Secretary of Education the authority “to rewrite that statute from the ground up.”

The program was paused when challenged and is not deemed illegal. The government cannot reduce or forgive student loans unless Congress revisits the statute or crafts a new one that specifically grants the Se. of Education this power.

That’s not likely to happen anytime soon but be prepared for it if we find ourselves saddled with a Democrat Majority House and Senate.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow ++

Fri, 2023-06-30 16:30 +0000

Nitzakhon is on special assignment somewhere in Asia, and he’ll be away for a few weeks. That’s a long time to go without Monday memes or the ridicule and collateral damage from overflows and Fridays, so I’ll do what I can to keep it going until he can get back.

I’ve also added a few pics that are not memes but that I stumbled across in my travels and were just too cool not to share.

Reminder – not everything in these meme posts will be kid-friendly. If you are the adult in the room, be the adult in the room.

Here we go!















*** No idea if this is true ***









*** Might be Chicago ***









Note: The DOJ did investigate Pence for classified doc handling – the case was closed without action.








*** A Democrat NH House Rep ***

*** My Response ***


And, as promised, some sort of kind of cool more inspirational fare.











The post Friday Meme Overflow ++ appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (06/29/23)?

Fri, 2023-06-30 15:00 +0000

We learned that when Republicans show up they can get the job done. You can see how razor-slim the votes were on some of these bills when they were voted on party lines – slim as in 1 vote! Two things we learned for sure this year: attendance matters, and so does “sticking together.”

We learned that 10 Committee of Conference Reports (and the respective bills) died because they were not signed off. That included the establishment of an election information/voter registration portal (SB70) and Licensure of Music Therapists (SB532), and a Therapeutic Cannabis bill (HB610).

We learned that aside from 8 bills on the Consent Calendar, we had a total of 10 Committee of Conference (CoC) bills to deal with today, and all of them were concurred with except 1. That one was SB61, the landfill siting bill. Arguments against this bill were so compelling that the vote total was flipped from 4 weeks ago when it passed the House 236Y-132N. This time, the concur on CoC went 134Y-238N! The House just decided that the Department of Environmental Services (DES) didn’t need to spend $200,000 on consultants to help them develop new rules for siting landfills. The House also did not see a need to put a 2-year pause on issuing new landfill permits because the landfill siting process takes 18 months anyway, and there are no current permits pending. Previous landfill siting bills have failed to get past the Governor’s desk. It is said that SB61 was one he would have signed. Be that as it may, I am certain we will be talking trash again next year!

We learned that Strafford County will have to come up with new County Commissioner districts, just like the nine other counties have. The CoC report for HB75 passed 186Y-185N after a Tabling vote failed 185Y-186N. No longer will there be “at large” elections for county commissioners in Strafford County? Well, at least candidates will save money on election signs next time around!

We learned that the school tuitioning bill CoC report for HB275 passed 187Y-185N. This was another win for School Choice as it allowed a pupil’s parents to pay the difference between a receiving district’s school tuition cost and the sending district’s tuition cap in a school tuition program. Again, House Democrats voted against parents and against School Choice.

We learned that the CoC report for HB315 passed by an astounding 275Y-98N. This was the “ban on gay panic defense” bill. The use of a person’s gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation cannot be used as a mitigating factor or excuse for murder. The bill bars a claim that a person should be able to argue for manslaughter vs. murder based solely on gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation of the victim. To be clear, this also does not limit a person’s ability to claim self-defense if they have committed a murder. At the end of the day, this bill makes it so that being who you are is never an excuse for violence against you.

We learned that the CoC report for HB536 was another narrow win for House Republicans as it passed 186Y-185N. This bill would allow for good faith negotiations for the purchase or lease of unused school district facilities. Apparently, House Democrats would rather have these buildings stay vacant and/or not be used by Charter Schools or other willing buyers/renters. This bill provides for much better use or disposal of school district facilities and is a win for municipal taxpayers. Class dismissed.

We learned that the CoC report for the energy bill HB281 passed 250Y-121N. House Science, Technology & Energy Committee Chairman Michael Vose (R-Epping) released the following statement: “This legislation is a resounding win for New Hampshire ratepayers and advocates for minimizing the size and influence of the administrative state. It removes unnecessary regulatory burdens, increases transparency on electric bills, and makes important changes to the Site Evaluation Committee. This bill will help us adequately meet the demand for energy, ensuring our long-term economic success.”

He went on to say, “This legislation repeals an out-of-date law requiring utilities to submit expensive and time-intensive reports to the Public Utilities Commission, the costs of which are passed on to ratepayers. As lawmakers, it is our duty to ensure laws are adapted to the times we are living. This section of the law made sense when utilities owned their energy production facilities, but that time has passed. This change will lower unnecessary regulatory burdens on the utilities and reduces the costs passed onto ratepayers.”

Furthermore Rep. Vose said, “It increases transparency for ratepayers by requiring electric bills to show the yearly price tag for complying with the renewable portfolio standard. This small change comes at no additional cost to ratepayers and allows them to see where their money is going. I am thankful House Democrats came around after they fought so fiercely against this common sense change.” If you recall, two weeks ago, when it came back amended from the Senate, House Democrats voted fiercely against HB281, with the first vote to Concur dying 176Y-180N and then the motion to Non-Concur and go to CoC passing 179Y-178N. What a difference a few weeks can make in the NH House!

We learned that HB221, the bill that contained language about game cameras being placed on private property, passed on a voice vote. This was after it had been pulled off of the Consent Calendar. There were some last-minute concerns raised about a private property owner not being able to take down unwanted game cameras without contacting law enforcement first. Another issue was that Fish and Game is essentially exempt from needing permission to post-game cameras on private property. Both of those issues will be addressed next year with an amendment to the language if this is signed into law by the Governor. We must not forget that the underlying bill regarding agricultural land development rights was also important and needed to be passed. This is a win for property rights, as no one should place game cameras on private property without first obtaining permission from the property owner.

We learned that Jack Sheehan was recognized by the House for his 14 years of service as the Sergeant at Arms staff. He is retiring, and we wish him well.

Additionally, we learned that over $20,000 was raised for Liberty House by our Legislative Golf Classic, and money was presented to Liberty House today by Rep. Michael Moffett (R-Loudon) and Rep. Jim Maggiore (D-North Hampton). A job well done by all!

We also learned that our House Session had a sweet ending as we all celebrated with the Speaker’s Ice Cream Social at the Upham Walker House.

Finally, we learned that the next time the House will convene will be for Veto Day in the fall. What bills that were passed by the legislature this year do you think will succumb to the Governor’s red pen? I guess we’ll see pretty soon! In the meantime, have a great Summer!



The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (06/29/23)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Anti’ Labels Are Lazy Journalism

Fri, 2023-06-30 13:30 +0000

A lot of journalists these days have a vocabulary problem. In particular, they think that if someone wants to repair or reform an institution, he is anti-[that institution].

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wants to fix a broken government. That doesn’t make him ‘anti-government’ any more than someone who wants to fix his broken car is anti-car.

Kennedy believes so much in government that in his book about Anthony Fauci, he said that his biggest problem with the government’s response to COVID was that it would, in the long run, undermine the government’s ability to sustain the welfare state that it has built up over generations.

At PorcFest, he asked an excellent question: Why was the government’s response to a public health crisis handled by intelligence and military agencies? His answer wasn’t that the government should have just stayed out of it. He said that it should have been handled by other government agencies, like CDC and NIH.

If you criticize how your government has handled things, that doesn’t make you anti-government. It makes you a concerned citizen. It makes you an American.

I’ve been through this kind of thing myself. In Croydon, when I tried to fix a broken school district, I was labeled ‘anti-school,’ even though I had a long track record of speaking and writing about how the public school system could be changed to provide a better education for the children of New Hampshire. But as a member of the Free State Project, I was dangerous and, therefore, could be dismissed out of hand.

To illustrate how well this sort of thing works, at our most recent school budget hearing in Croydon, I proposed increasing the budget to hire reading specialists to ensure that whatever else they were doing, our students would become proficient in reading — something they aren’t doing now and have not been doing for a long time. Immediately, a couple of parents stood up and said: ‘I’m so tired of these Free Staters who just want to cut taxes and destroy the schools.’

If we want to have substantive policy discussions, we first have to stop using pejorative labels to short-circuit meaningful conversation.

In the current political climate, the only thing that many people feel they need to know in order to make their decisions is: Who are the bad guys here, and who are the good guys?

Labeling someone as anti-government (or anti-school) is effectively saying to people: You don’t have to listen to anything that this person has to say about why the government (or the schools) ought to operate differently. You don’t have to understand the questions he’s trying to raise, or the data he’s presenting, or the arguments he’s making, or the proposals he’s putting forth. He’s a bad person, so anything he says will also be bad, and that’s all you need to know about him.

The main function of journalism has turned into letting us know: Who are the bad guys here, and who are the good guys? Further analysis is not required.

In fact, further analysis is actively discouraged. Because once you know who the bad guys are, they must be defeated at any cost. And if things like civility and rationality and free speech and the rule of law must be tossed aside to secure victory, then as Nancy Pelosi said: “If there is some collateral damage for those who don’t share our views, well, so be it.”

I hope the editors at NH Journal will help lead journalism back to reporting what is being said and away from the current trend of signaling that we should ignore the people saying it.

Oh, wait — does that make me anti-journalism?


Originally published at


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

EU Scientists Verify COIVD Vax Placebo Batches Were Not a Conspiracy Theory

Fri, 2023-06-30 12:00 +0000

A rumor started going around not long after the “needle in every arm brigade” began treating untested experimental pharmaceuticals like priests proffering Holy Communion. Random batches of placebo were distributed as if this was a global human test trial, just as we’d suggested.

It wasn’t just us. There’s no math to suggest they could pump out this many doses quickly. At one dose per second, it would take 32 years to make the number they claim to have distributed with the promise of billions more.

Some people did something, and researchers in the EU who took the time to look discovered another inconvenient truth. The placebo batch myth is true, but it’s better – or I should say worse than that. The absence of adverse events most likely identifies people who got a placebo.

Reported adverse events were matched to vaccine batches and graphed.



The ‘green batches’ clustered around the green line have a moderate or moderately-high level of adverse events associated with them. …  it represents the batch that was the used the most in Denmark, with somewhat over 800,000 doses having been administered. These 800,000 doses are associated with around 2,000 suspected adverse events, which gives a reporting rate of one suspected adverse event per approximately 400 doses.

There are then the ‘blue batches’ clustered around the blue line, which are obviously associated with an extraordinarily high level of adverse events. As Dyker notes, no more than 80,000 doses of any of the blue batches were administered in Denmark …  these batches had as many as 8,000 suspected adverse events associated with them. Eight thousand out of 80,000 doses would give a reporting rate of one suspected adverse event for every 10 doses

Finally, we have the ‘yellow batches’ clustered around the yellow line, which, as can be seen above, barely gets off the x-axis. On Dyker’s calculation, the yellow batches represent around 30% of the total. Dyker notes that they include batches comprising some 200,000 administered doses which are associated with literally zero suspected adverse events.

As Dyker puts it, “malicious” observers might note that “this is how placebos would look”.

And malicious observers might be right.



These scientists are up in arms over the incomplete or absent quality control that would have discovered the placebo batches. Who is to say that wasn’t the point? The placebo batches events were allowed to slip out the door and into people’s arms. Every clinical trial needs a placebo group.

If the goal was to expose everyone to as much injury as possible, then the outrage might be justified, but a better question is why there were doses whose only advantage was the absence of a threat to human health.

And did the elites that lined up to get a shot, as an example on live TV, receive saline too? Plenty of folks speculated as much when reports of harm started piling up.

And what does this say about the intolerance of placebo-receiving experimental vaccine enthusiasts (who never knew and never will) that pushed for passports and restrictions on people who were no more vaccinated than they? Proud wearers of I’ve Been Vaccinated stickers that were unvaccinated and less likely to get infected or to spread the flu because of it. I find it all amusing. Saved by what may have been a deliberate circumstance.

There was no way to manufacture that much vaccine in the time provided. However, labeling stocked vials of placebo was likely within the realm of possibility. The absence of AEs in the control group meant millions would be “vaccinated” and experience no side effects because they got the placebo. The narrative mills would use that lack of harm as evidence against claims of vaccine injury in those who got either variation of the real thing and increased odds of damage or death.

Many people would get sick, some long-term, while others just dropped dead. A culling of the masses with another side-effect. Those who survived would need care, perhaps for years. Treatments, new vaccines. A veritable money-making machine for public health and big pharma.

Or maybe the Public Health Industrial Complex just wanted to play Russian Roulette with your parents, friends, wives, husbands, and children.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Can There Be Worse Than Joe And Kamala

Fri, 2023-06-30 10:30 +0000

The polls continue to slide and show how little the American people think of the job performance of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. In fact, Harris dipped to the lowest approval rating of any Vice President in history.

Only 32% of Americans approve, while 49% disapprove, for a -17% spread. This rating is significant because of the age and condition of Joe Biden. Should the pair be re-elected, Joe Biden would be 82 when he takes the oath. She is literally a heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

Biden is not performing much better in the polls. His 41% approval is close to the lowest rating of his term. A staggering number is the 73% of those polled who do not want to see Joe Biden on the 2024 ballot. These deplorable numbers are for a President who claims to have one of the most successful ever. There is obviously a disconnect between his vision and American’s view.

The Democrats seem to be grooming potential replacements should they convince Joe and Kamala to step aside. This may be futile as Joe and Kamala must be pushed aside to make room for options. Joe’s ego and need for the money flow his career has supplied will not let him remove himself from the quest for reelection. He may also require the cover the office provides for him and his family. Kamala sees herself as a historical figure and wants nothing more than to be the first woman of color to be President. She does not want to earn the job. She feels entitled to it.

The Democrats have a weak bench. Their power people like Clinton, Sanders, Schumer, and Warren have been in Washington for so long that they no longer appeal to or identify with the younger voters. The Progressive fringe members of the Party are too far Left for most Americans and a general election. Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Joaquin Jeffries are sitting on the far end of the bench and are whispered about as potential candidates for 2024. None of these people have success stories on their resumes, and in the case of Newsom and Whitmer, their performances on the state level do not bear well on the national stage. None of these three would be a trade-up from Biden, and all would continue the movement toward a more Socialistic country.

So what are the options and game plan for the Democrats? The possibilities are few as Biden calls the shots as sitting President. He wants and needs the job. Impeachment is not a viable course. It would never get past the Democrat-controlled Senate, and nobody wants to see Harris elevated to the Presidency via Impeachment. The Biden Camp has shut down the Democrat Primary and Debate machines. He will go underground as he did in 2020 and let his spokespeople, surrogates, and the media campaign for him. This process is not how our President and supposed leader of the free world should be chosen. But that is what the American political game hated evolved to.

If the state of the union is not enough to convince voters that the Biden era is over, then the crimes of the family may take the wheels off the Biden Political Train.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Top Questions in a Car Accident Deposition

Fri, 2023-06-30 10:00 +0000

A car accident deposition is a vital part of the legal process for seeking compensation. The opposing attorney will ask questions to gather information and establish facts. Be prepared to answer these questions confidently. Here are some common questions.

Be honest and truthful in your answers. Don’t exaggerate or make up information. The opposing attorney will look for inconsistencies, so think carefully before answering. Be prepared for questions about the accident, your injuries, and damages.

  1. Can you describe the events leading up to the accident?
  • This question creates a timeline of events and provides your perspective on how the accident happened. Be sure to give a clear and concise account, emphasizing relevant details such as road conditions, traffic signals, and the actions of other drivers involved.
  1. Were there any witnesses? If yes, can you give their names and contact information?
  • The opposing attorney may inquire about witnesses to corroborate your version of events. Be prepared to provide the names and contact information of any individuals who witnessed the accident. It’s important to have obtained this information at the scene.
  1. Were you obeying traffic laws at the time of the accident?
  • This question is posed to determine if traffic violations contributed to the accident. Be honest about your adherence to traffic laws, including speed limits, signaling, and right-of-way rules.
  1. Were you distracted in any way just before the accident?
  • Distracted driving causes car accidents. Answer truthfully about distractions, as inconsistencies undermine credibility.
  1. Did you seek medical attention after the accident? If yes, can you provide details about your injuries and treatment?
  • The opposing lawyer will most likely ask about the extent of your injuries and the medical treatment you received. Be sure to recount your injuries accurately, the medical professionals you consulted, and the treatments or therapies you underwent.
  1. Have you had any previous accidents or traffic violations?
  • The attorney may ask about your driving history to determine if there is a pattern of negligent behavior. Disclose any previous accidents or traffic violations, as providing false information can severely affect your case.
  1. Did you photograph or record the accident scene or your injuries?
  • Your lawyer may inquire about any visual evidence you have from the accident scene. For instance, if you have photographs or videos, mention them and offer to provide copies if needed. Visual evidence can help support your case.
  1. Did you discuss the accident or your injuries with anyone else after the incident?
  • The attorney may want to know if you talked about the accident with others, such as friends, family, or on social media. Be truthful about any previous conversations or statements, as they might be used as evidence during the case.

Remember, these are general questions, and the specific questions asked during a car accident deposition can vary greatly depending on the circumstances of the case. Therefore, it is essential to consult with your attorney to prepare adequately and ensure you understand your rights and obligations during the deposition process.

In conclusion, a car accident deposition involves answering questions posed by the opposing attorney to gather information and establish the facts of the case. By familiarizing yourself with common questions and preparing truthful and concise responses, you can navigate the deposition process confidently and contribute to building a solid case. Remember to consult with your attorney for guidance tailored to your specific situation.


The post Top Questions in a Car Accident Deposition appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is CISSP Harder Than PMP?

Fri, 2023-06-30 05:00 +0000

Are you considering taking a professional certification exam but aren’t sure which one to choose? Look no further! In this blog post, we’ll be comparing two of the most popular and highly respected exams: CISSP and PMP. Both certifications are in high demand in their respective fields, but which one is harder? We’ll dive into the domains covered by each exam, the structure of the tests, and ultimately help you determine which exam is right for you. So buckle up and let’s get started on our journey to find out if CISSP really is harder than PMP!

Comparing the CISSP and PMP exams

CISSP and PMP are both professional certification exams that hold significant value in their respective fields. CISSP stands for Certified Information Systems Security Professional, while PMP stands for Project Management Professional. Despite having different names, they share a lot of similarities.

One similarity between the two exams is that they both require extensive preparation before taking them. Both tests have broad domains that cover various topics within their respective fields, so you must be well-versed in these areas to pass them.

Another similarity is the structure of the tests. Both exams consist of multiple-choice questions and follow specific guidelines set by their respective organizations. The CISSP exam has 250 questions with a time limit of six hours, while the PMP exam has 200 questions with a time limit of four hours.

However, there are also notable differences between these two exams. For example, the domains covered by each test differ significantly from one another. CISSP covers topics such as security and risk management, asset security, communication and network security among others; whereas PMP focuses on project initiation, planning execution monitoring control and closing stages.

Ultimately it comes down to which field you want to specialize in or advance your career in when choosing between CISSP vs PMP certifications – cybersecurity or project management respectively!

The domains covered by the CISSP and PMP exams

The CISSP and PMP exams are two of the most coveted certifications in their respective fields. The domains covered by these exams vary significantly, reflecting the different skill sets required for each certification.

The CISSP exam covers eight domains, including security and risk management, asset security, security engineering, communication and network security, identity and access management (IAM), security assessment and testing, software development security, and operations security. These domains reflect the comprehensive knowledge necessary to design, implement, manage and assess IT systems’ cybersecurity posture.

On the other hand, the PMP exam is focused on project management principles across five process groups: initiating a project; planning a project; executing a project; monitoring & controlling a project; closing a project. These process groups cover various tasks such as defining scope statements or creating budgets that are critical to successful completion of projects within time constraints.

While both exams require extensive preparation before taking them on successfully – they differ greatly in terms of what is being tested due to their diverse focus areas.

The structure of the CISSP and PMP exams

The structure of the CISSP and PMP exams is quite different from one another. The CISSP exam consists of 250 multiple-choice questions, which must be completed within six hours. These questions are based on ten domains that include security operations, asset security, and software development security.

On the other hand, the PMP exam comprises 200 questions that are a combination of both multiple-choice and scenario-based questions. These questions are divided into five sections – initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing – each covering various project management concepts.

Moreover, while both exams require candidates to have significant knowledge in their respective fields of study, they differ in terms of content coverage. While the CISSP exam focuses more on information security topics such as access control systems and cryptography techniques; the PMP exam covers everything related to project management like risk management strategies or cost-benefit analysis methods.

Understanding these differences between the structure of these two certification exams can help you determine which one will suit your career goals better.

The difficulty level of the CISSP and PMP exams

The CISSP and PMP exams are both challenging in their own ways. The difficulty level of these exams depends on a number of factors such as the individual’s knowledge, experience and preparation.

The CISSP exam covers eight domains ranging from Security Operations to Software Development Security. With 250 questions, it tests your knowledge across all domains with multiple-choice questions that require critical thinking skills.go to website:

On the other hand, the PMP exam is focused on project management concepts such as planning, executing and closing projects. It consists of 200 multiple choice questions covering five process groups – Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, Closing.

Both exams require extensive study time along with practical experience in their respective fields. However, many professionals consider the CISSP exam to be more difficult due to its broader range of topics and depth of knowledge required for each domain.

Whether you find one harder than the other will depend on your background in either cybersecurity or project management. Both certifications hold great value for professionals looking to advance their careers within these industries.

Which exam is right for you?

Choosing the right exam is crucial for your career growth, and it all depends on your interests and goals. If you’re interested in project management, then PMP might be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you want to pursue a career in cybersecurity, then CISSP could be more suitable.

It’s important to consider your current skills and experience before deciding which exam to take. If you already have experience in project management or IT security, then taking the corresponding certification can validate your knowledge and improve your employability.

Another factor to consider is how much time and effort you’re willing to commit. Both exams require significant preparation time, but CISSP may take longer due to its broader scope of topics. PMP focuses specifically on project management methodologies and practices.

Consider what certifications are valued in your industry or region of work. Some industries place greater value on one certification over another.

Choosing between CISSP vs PMP depends entirely on individual needs and aspirations; hence thorough research should precede any decision-making process concerning this matter.


After comparing the CISSP and PMP exams, it’s clear that both certifications require significant effort to attain. The domains covered by each exam are quite different, but they both demonstrate expertise in their respective fields.

The structure of the exams also differs significantly, with the CISSP requiring a deeper understanding of technical concepts while PMP focuses more on project management processes and methodologies.

Determining which certification is right for you will depend on your career goals and interests. If you have a passion for cybersecurity and want to showcase your knowledge and skills in this area, then pursuing the CISSP may be the best choice. On the other hand, if you’re interested in project management or are looking to advance your career as a project manager, then PMP could be an excellent option.

In any case, both certifications are highly respected by employers worldwide and can help open doors to new opportunities. So whichever path you choose to pursue – whether it’s CISSP or PMP – remember that hard work pays off in achieving success!

The post Is CISSP Harder Than PMP? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There’s A Reason for Our 2nd Amendment and Now the Russians Understand

Fri, 2023-06-30 01:30 +0000

We Americans are a unique nation in many delightful ways (forgetting how hard Progressives want us to be like other nations) thanks to our Founding Fathers’ political and historical genius. That sociological masterpiece we call the US Constitution.

That genius was in their foundational notion that Power is sought by all the wrong people and that they had to design their framework to isolate that urge to make it as difficult as possible to protect Society against the Government, the States against the Federal Government, and the Branches of the Federal Government from each other.

In the end, however, it comes down not to Government or Society but to us. What have we, individual Americans, done to protect that document by not allowing those that crave Power to aggregate and abuse it?  Lately, I don’t think we’ve done much. 74% of us believe that the county is not on the right path. But it is a poll question that only asks that – not WHICH WAY or in which direction; are we giving up too much Freedom, or are we not giving the Government enough Power?

In Russia, we just saw an abortive coup. The Wagner mercenary army took over Russian army positions and leverage points and started to march to Moscow. Until it got aborted, and I doubt that few people, even in Russia, have a complete idea of what happened when the best army in Russia (a private mercenary force) stood down. What I do know is that The Truth About Guns had a piece that my bingo card would never have EVAH had.

Seriously, would any of us in the Freedom camp have thought this would happen? Emphasis mine, reformatted:

Russians Suddenly Discover the Value of an Armed Populace

Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, a Russian businessman who has sought to unite groups opposing Putin, called on Russians opposed to the regime to arm themselves. Khodorkovsky wrote on his Telegram channel:

“Now we see that only armed people can resist the dictatorship,” “Now there is a small window of opportunity when there is chaos on the streets and the security forces are not in control of the situation.”

He said the dramatic standoff would likely result in further repression:

“If you see the strength in yourself in the future to become those armed people who will oppose Putin or Prigozhin, then it’s time to arm yourself,” he said. “Prigozhin is not our friend and not even our ally. He is a bandit and a war criminal. But his rebellion is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there won’t be another like it for a long time.”

Who knew? Who knew that even people who have lived under totalitarian governments for over a hundred years would understand that the basis of our Second Amendment might be their source of freedom? The ability to defend themselves. Sure, at a high cost, most likely, and as we saw in our Revolution, few participated. Would Khodorkovsky find like-minded people?

From the little I know, the phrase is “If you are going to kill the King, KILL THE KING!”. And in this case, he’s staring at TWO Kings – mostly? Sorta? Prigozhin lit out to Belarus with no one knowing what the terms are (and what little we do know seems to be changing quickly).

Our Rights stem from God and are enshrined in our Bill of Rights.

Sidenote: with fewer and fewer Americans believing in God, are WE in trouble soon when we reach that tipping point that the Progressives are aching for in their “There is no God – WE are our own gods” and revoke it?

Russians have no such right in theirs. However, they understand that they need one.

Even if this coup goes away, the idea won’t.  What will happen then?


The post There’s A Reason for Our 2nd Amendment and Now the Russians Understand appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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