The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • January 2 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.I

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 3 min 28 sec ago

Will Upcoming WHO Monkeypox Outbreak Reports Show Pride Festival Spikes?

Mon, 2023-06-05 21:00 +0000

Despite the lack of reporting, Monkeypox (MPOX) has still been on a few people’s minds. It was a year ago that the Gay Pride Festivals in Africa and Europe served as ground zeroes for the global spread of the disease, almost exclusively in men who have sex with other men. Well, guess what?

Related: Pride Month is Still a Week Away, But Monkey Pox Season Started Three Weeks Ago

That continues to be the case. According to the WHOs External Situation Report 23, published 26 May 2023 on the Multi-country outbreak of  Monkeypox, while it no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC), 84.1% of those infected – when the information was given or available – “have self-identified as gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men.” The real number is higher as many men will not be in countries where that is something you can openly admit.

Another interesting detail from the same report in which “the WHO Director-General accepted the advice of the committee members that mpox no longer constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)” is this tidbit.


As of 22 May 2023, 24 of the 111 affected countries reported new cases within the last 21 days, the maximum disease incubation period, highlighting the fact that the multi-country outbreak is not over. Nine of them are in the Americas, six in the European Region, six in the Western Pacific Region, one in the African Region, one in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and one in the South-East Asia Region. Some of these countries continue to have sustained community transmission of mpox, while others only report sporadic cases.


The massive global Gran Canarian and Belgium pride festivals went on as planned this year as well or have any number of similar expressions that lead to last year’s news-worthy outbreak—followed by all that fancy dancing to avoid the most common factor in the spread. The WHO will issue its first pride month monkeypox report next week and then again two weeks later in late June. We may see some interesting numbers if we look.

A spike, perhaps, not in media coverage, of course, but that’s why you read GranitGrok. Actual public health news you can use. For what? I have no idea. That’s up to you, but if you have friends who like to have sex with men, remind them that the monkeypox isn’t gone, and it is in their best interests to proceed with caution.

While rarely fatal, it appears to be very unpleasant. You probably don’t want to spend the summer with the pox.



The post Will Upcoming WHO Monkeypox Outbreak Reports Show Pride Festival Spikes? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Legislative Ethics Committee – Paul Fitzgerald’s Response (Fitzgerald??)

Mon, 2023-06-05 19:30 +0000

So I filed three NH Legislative Ethics Complaints against NH State Reps Harry Bean, Travis O’Hara (below – I guess I forgot to post it earlier), and a third Rep who did not waived his Confidentiality (so I can’t discuss that Rep).

You’ve also seen the oral testimonies as well (again, see below if you haven’t).

As I mentioned before, I hadn’t seen the written responses from the accused to my complaints before the actual hearing – TMEW handed them to me when I returned from the State House when all was said and done (well, at least for that round). Thus, I was at a disadvantage, to a point, during that preliminary hearing (which determines if the Ethics Committee doesn’t believe there’s a basis for anything or does think that a full hearing should be held with other people piping into the process).

Remember, the first sentence out of Harry Bean’s mouth upon sitting to testify were “Well, I guess I did it”.  Sounded like an admission of guilt to me – you? However, this isn’t a court in the legal sense of the word – this committee is a political entity so who knows “who heard what”? All I know were my impressions afterwards:

  • Bean admitted guilt to violating RSA 91-A and RSA 24-9d
  • Both Bean and O’Hara said pretty much the same thing:
    • Didn’t know it was my responsibility to check that the public noticing tasks were done and done right
    • Didn’t know it was my job to worry about it
    • Assumed someone else was going to do the public noticing for the Budget subcommittee meetings
    • Plead ignorance of the Law (in Bean’s case) because he’s not a lawyer (but IS, by choice, a law MAKER).
  • Oh, in Bean’s case, used the excuse that he was a high school dropout so he can’t be held responsible for something he didn’t bother to read.

Sure – but if WE ALL break a law he gets passed, can we claim those same things and get away using those same excuses? Sorry, willfully breaking the law is, by definition, unethical. However, we’ll have to wait and see if the Ethics Committee agrees with that.

Anyways, here are the responses by Attorney Paul Fitzgerald – the attorney that the county hired (who also is Bean’s personal attorney) to defend all three State Reps.


NH Leg Ethics Committee – Paul Fitzgerald for Harry Bean


NH Leg Ethics Committee – Paul Fitzgerald for Travis OHara

I’ve been through them once. However, before I comment on either of them, I’m going to reread them a couple more times.


Ethics Complaint against NH State Rep Travis O’Hara:

Legislative Ethics Committee Complaint – Travis OHara

Ethics Complaint against NH State Rep Harry Bean:

Skip Murphy Ethics Complain – Harry Bean

My oral testimony:

Bean’s testimony:

O’Hara’s testimony:


The post NH Legislative Ethics Committee – Paul Fitzgerald’s Response (Fitzgerald??) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sununu Isn’t Running For President

Mon, 2023-06-05 18:00 +0000

Today, New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu announced he would not seek the Republican nomination for President. I guess he looked at the polling and discovered that he’d reached his ceiling on electability (but won’t admit it). It’s a lesson he should have learned from not running for the US Senate.

From Joe Sweeney,


“Governor Chris Sununu shows Republicans how to win in purple states that are becoming harder to win due to petty games & craven personality fights – GOP candidates would be wise to learn from his style & approach if they want to appeal to a broader electorate and win.”


That’s a strange thing to say about a guy who bailed on a US Senate seat because his numbers against the incumbent Democrat were too close to call. He then dipped his toe in the presidential prospects pool but couldn’t get much above one percent in national polls, and now he’s bowing out of that.

But locally, you say, he’s the guy from whom the GOP could learn a thing or two. No, not really. His victories have been getting slimmer, though – to be fair – he crushed Dirty Dan Feltes a few years back, so almost anyone could have done better and did. Democrat Tom Sherman got closer but still lost.

Sununu magic doesn’t translate to the legislature, whose Republican margins grow thinner yearly. I’m sure he’ll blame that on petty games and craven personality fights, but I think we can blame the declining coattails of the guy who pokes the party platform in the eye every chance he gets.



To win, Republicans need our message to appeal to new voters, and we can do this without sacrificing classic conservative principles of individual liberty, low taxes and local control. But we must abandon the issues that are solely made for social media headlines, such as banning books or issuing curriculum fiats to local school districts hundreds of miles away from state capitals. Republicans should re-embrace local control and let parents within their own communities decide what’s right.

Governor Groomer is doubling down on porn in schools, systemic racism against white kids, and using the Left’s narratives. Good boy, Chris. Hey, can you be a character witness in Democrat Chairman Buckley’s defamation trial?

What a ****!

This time around (governor’s race-wise), he’d be facing who knows which Democrat loser the left coughs up. So far, we’ve got Cindi Warmington and Joyce Craig. Warmington is an Executive Councilor, and Joyce Craig has overseen the systemic decline of the State’s largest city (Manchester). I think Warmington has the edge in the Dem primary, assuming Sununu is interested in doing more than just ensuring Donald Trump doesn’t win the nomination. His focus will be “Not that guy!,” which is a noble pursuit, or perhaps, it is just petty and craven. What do I know?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Top 5 Main Specialisms Within the Medical & Healthcare Field

Mon, 2023-06-05 17:00 +0000

A professional career in medicine and healthcare can be as rewarding as it can be challenging and as such, regardless of the stage you are at in your medical career, choosing to work in such a demanding field requires a great deal of thought and study.

So, in an effort to help you differentiate between the different fields of the medical and healthcare sector, continue reading to learn of the five main specialisms.


1. Surgery

As you will already have noted, the surgical field encompasses myriad professional job roles, from surgeons in a more usual hospital setting to those specializing in eye care and cataract surgery.

Surgeons are highly qualified medical professionals who diagnose many injuries and illnesses, develop post-op plans for treatment and rehabilitation for individual patients and use specialized surgical tools to mend or remove parts of the body.

Surgeons need to be exceedingly well organized, able to stay calm and measured in a potentially stressful situation, and have unparalleled attention to detail.


2. Oncology

Another incredibly interesting medical specialism, which is, quite rightly, given a high volume of time, money, and energy, is the field of oncology.

Essentially, oncology deals with anything and everything associated with all forms of cancer and cancerous tumors. From doctors and nurses administering radiotherapy and chemotherapy to patients to innovative carcinoma research using the 7860 renal cell process, there are many career pathways within the field.


3. Internal Medicine

The third major, umbrella, specialism within the field of medicine, is covered by the term internal medicine. Essentially, internal medicine covers everything relating to the inside of the body, from the long intestine to nerves in the end of the finger, with different experts concentrating on one organ or another.

It would also be pertinent to point out that internal medicine does not include anything related to the brain as, as the most complex organ of the body, the field of neurology concentrates solely on the brain.


4. Emergency Medicine

If you have ever had to take a last-minute trip in the middle of the night to the local accident and emergency department of the nearest hospital, you will know firsthand the huge variety in emergency cases doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals deal with.

Emergency medicine involves the immediate assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients with immediate, life-threatening injuries. More than that, doctors and surgeons need to quickly and accurately prioritize patients to first treat those with the most severe conditions.


5. Hematology

The fifth and final largest specialism within the huge field of medicine and healthcare relates to one specific substance in the human body; blood.

Hematology is the medical study, diagnosis, and treatment of blood disorders and also includes individualized patient treatment plans to treat and improve issues with blood flow, consistency, health, and pressure.

Finally, if there is any way that you can donate a pint of blood, the deficit of which will be quickly and fully replaced by your own body, you yourself could be responsible for saving more than one life.


The post The Top 5 Main Specialisms Within the Medical & Healthcare Field appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2023-06-05 16:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and almost certainly a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Overflow-Overflow.

Again, apologies for no Survival Sunday yesterday, but… time’s been at a premium lately.  Here’s the last one.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



I’d been to any number of parties with my (now late) mother where she’s begged me to not talk politics – knowing that she and I were opposites on virtually everything (and with her also knowing the general orientation of the crowd where we were going).  And I didn’t… until someone started in with hating anyone to the Right of Stalin, especially when they expect everyone to agree with them, and doubly-especially when they wouldn’t let go of the conversation bone they’d just taken up.









For Soros’ betrayal of America… for his attacks undermining Western Civilization on multiple fronts… for his using his Plopping Jew status as a shield and thus besmirching Jews universally (let alone his singular attacks on Israel)… I want to be the one to pull the lever on this POS myself.

Home – Jews Against Soros

Need to vet them some more… but looks interesting!









The first step in eliminating people,” said Hubble, “is to erase their memory. Destroy their books, their culture, their history. Then ask someone to write new books, create a new culture, invent a new history. Soon the people will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The surrounding world will forget even faster”

– Milan Kander







It is my firm belief – stated in multiple posts over the last few months – that there is a deliberate push to ignite WWIII using Ukraine as the spark point.  Not just for the depopulation that would, calamitously, result… but for the mask it will place over what I truly think is an impending explosion in Jab-related deaths and other consequences.



If you add in the drops in birth rates that are starting to be discussed (I hate being right all the time), the damage to women’s fertility resulting in the same, plus the damage to male fertility as well, you get a calamitous drop in children; again, we’re already starting to see this.  The latter impact on male fertility is so pronounced that it prompted this comment during a pathology post-mortem presentation (bolding in the original):

So, if I may make a personal comment, this is not a scientific comment. If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man, who has been vaccinated. I think these pictures are very disturbing for me.

Video of him talking:


And while he was clearly an older man, I find this rather coincidental timing given the above autopsies (also see here) and comments he’s made about the Jab’s effects – with both comments and data getting increasing attention.  RIP.



We already have polling data indicating that more than 1-in-4 think they know someone who died from the Jab.  I think humanity as a whole is on the verge of noticing both Dying Suddenly and the rising Birth Dearth in a preference cascade.  More on that:

People tend to hide unpopular views to avoid ostracism or punishment; they stop hiding them when they feel safe.

This can produce rapid change: In totalitarian societies like the old Soviet Union, the police and propaganda organizations do their best to enforce preference falsification. Such regimes have little legitimacy, but they spend a lot of effort making sure that citizens don’t realize the extent to which their fellow-citizens dislike the regime. If the secret police and the censors are doing their job, 99% of the populace can hate the regime and be ready to revolt against it — but no revolt will occur because no one realizes that everyone else feels the same way.

This works until something breaks the spell and the discontented realize that their feelings are widely shared, at which point the collapse of the regime may seem very sudden to outside observers — or even to the citizens themselves. Kuran calls this sudden change a “preference cascade,” and I wonder if that’s not what’s happening here.

As people start opening up, I believe there will be a unified, dawning awareness of the widespread damage these Jabs have caused:


We All Put the Yeast In.



The Globalists cannot afford this, at least not before things are completely irreversible.  Thus, for example, the new push to supply Ukraine with F-16s and other fighters, something Russia has warned against with gravest terms.  Something even The Potato and the UK said would not happen just months agoA la Sun Tzu, we must understand the Russian mentality: tremendously fatalistic.  They may well decide that since the West is against them, since the West is dead-set to destroy them as a nation & culture, they have nothing to lose by going for the brass uranium / plutonium ring.  They’re already stepping things up; Gloves Are Off: Russian Officials Ramp up the Nuclear Rhetoric – Nightly Bombing Campaign Against Kiev Enters Its Second Week – Intelligence Service HQ Hit | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran.  Meanwhile, NATO has war games planned; As Russia tensions simmer, NATO conducts massive war games (



More on the above image here.

The chances for an OOPS! multiply exponentially.  And could there be a Sam Adams moment?  (I.e., it has been rumored that at the famous Battle of Concord Bridge, firebrand Sam Adams was so determined to see things start off that he had a rifleman staged in hiding to fire the first shot and make each side think the other had fired, as an agent provocateur to light off the Revolution.  I remember reading that on the internet – so it must be true – but IIRC the article, which I can’t specifically find, had some references seeming to support that claim.  YMMV.)

If WWIII kicks off, with nukes, everything following will be attributed to that.  And in the civilizational collapse that would result – with hunger, disease, crime, etc., all stalking the whole world – the harms done by the Jab would be completely masked by these other things.

Remember, these people want to answer the 7.3 billion person questionAnd do not doubt that you are not in their planned surviving short list.









In general, don’t use your phone or any other electronics for anything truly sensitive.  Ultimately, the only truly-secure communication is face to face, in private, with no electronics around at all.







In this video, Bill Whittle describes the power of Iconography and how icons (and, related, memes) can be devastating to the Left… even as, in the past, he notes how the Left has used them to enormous effect.


PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography



So consider the power of this meme:



Devastating.  Or consider this one:



As are these two to both McCarthy and MTG, to a lesser extent:



As to MTG specifically.  I try to cling to Reagan’s dictum:


(Link to AZQuotes per their policy.)


I like that she’s actually filed articles of impeachment, not that I think they’ll ever gel into anything real (and I am cynical enough to think that perhaps she knows it and is doing it for uniparty show).  But it’s not a straight-up rule.  There needs to be some factors in what constitutes the 80-20 split.

The J6 tapes are critical.  Hiding them because of a fear of the “heckler’s veto” does a disservice to the search for truth.  If we shirk from protecting the innocent, if we shy away from uncomfortable truths out of fear… then the enemy has already won.








As an aside, note something about the Golden Axiom of Research: Results will be biased towards those that provided / continue the funding.

I love eggs.

I remember one day hearing one of those “trivia question of the morning” features on a morning commute: “The average American eats 200 of these a year” and immediately screamed EGGS! at the top of my lungs.  Yup.  Then I got to thinking… and doing math… and that if the average was 200 a year there had to be at least five people who ate no eggs to make up for my consumption rate.





I am very proud to have Lady Thatcher’s autographed picture framed and on my wall at home, among other notables.





Cloward-Piven, like so many things, discussed here with the refrain “Oh that’s just not possible”.




Another recipe – monthly – from My Tree in Israel.  I’ve already renewed one tree’s adoption, and have three more to go (one for me, one for Bill Whittle (see above video on Iconography), one for a good friend in Israel, and one with my business’ website on the label as promotional handouts).  Plus one grape vine.  Excellent olive oil, bar none.  Note that while I’m friends with one of the founders, I receive no compensation for plugging them – it’s just great olive oil and helps a friend’s business.





I’ve had it with banks!





Pick of the post:



It’s not just that you can be an idiot.  You can be a smug, vain idiot.  And being such, your resistance to information that contradicts what you “know” is true approaches adamantium.





Monday Musical Memory (new Monday feature):


Duran Duran – Hungry like the Wolf (Official Music Video)





Palate Cleansers:



I do that.  Then again, I’ve gotten well past caring what most people think of me.


The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Ban Electric Cars IMMEDIATELY … Global Cooling Threatens A New Ice Age

Mon, 2023-06-05 15:00 +0000

So let’s play the way the Communists … oh! I’m so, so sorry! I mean Democrats … play. The chart below establishes that we are facing a CRISIS … and that we need to act IMMEDIATELY. The planet is getting cooler despite the increase in CO2 … we need, therefore, to produce even more CO2 because OBVIOUSLY otherwise we are facing an ice age within decades, if not years.

WE CAN’T WAIT! We need to ban electric cars and require everyone to drive a gas-guzzler and force the car manufacturers to start producing 1960s era muscle-cars IMMEDIATELY! We need more CO2 … the planet is cooling … COOLING … COOLING!  That’s how the game is played right?

Well … that’s how the Communists play the game. The “Republicans” just play along … because they are essentially controlled opposition.

The post Ban Electric Cars IMMEDIATELY … Global Cooling Threatens A New Ice Age appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Lesson From A King

Mon, 2023-06-05 13:30 +0000

Democrats, the Party of the disadvantaged? When did that happen – if ever? I look at our nation now and fail to see any changes other than the messages of that Party. They claim Republicans are anti-minority and they are the champions of the underclass. Let’s consider.

What have the Democrats done for minorities when in power? We know that public schools in minority districts,  controlled for decades by Democrats, are grossly underfunded and underachievers. Yet DC Democrats filibustered school choice recently. They also voted against a bill to stop Government from throwing 40% of Black kids out of schools for refusing their vax mandate. This was because of Government’s history of using Blacks as fodder for fatal medical experiments. One example, decades ago, involved syphilis but still hangs in the cultural memory of Blacks.

These “mandatory COVID vaccines have since been shown to be ineffective, even dangerous, so seems those 40% were justified after all.

So far here in the 21st century, the Democratic Party has done nothing besides promoting a culture of entitlement and resentment among minorities. They vilify as racists, all Whites (epically devout Christian Catholics and Protestants), pit women against men, and work hard to divide children against parents. Then, laughably,  they claim to be the Party devoted to bringing people together.

We need to look no further than our economy and our unsecured borders to know that the Biden administration is indifferent to our citizens’ well-being, safety, opinions, our laws, or our Constitution. All of these, Democrats have “thrown under the bus” to advantage themselves and their billionaire supporters.

The lesson of French King Louis XVII comes to mind and might be one to consider for those promoting a Marxist/socialist based one world government. You will never disarm millions of military trained gun owning patriots; be very careful how you tread.

The post Lesson From A King appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Are Conservatives Finally Flooding the Left’s Battlefield En Masse?

Mon, 2023-06-05 12:00 +0000

Victor Davis Hanson is considered one of the most plain-speaking but brilliant minds on the Right. This manifesto/observation is dead nuts and spot on.

Reformatted, emphasis mine:

…Traditionalists often feel they have no time for politics. They prefer to focus on their families, jobs, communities, and churches. Until recently they shunned organized boycotts. They abhor massing outside the homes of left-wing politicians and judges. They shrug and concede that universities, teachers, government unions, the corporate boardroom, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the media, entertainment, and professional sports are hopelessly activist and left-wing. The environmental, social, governance (ESG), diversity, equity, and inclusion, and LGBQT+ agendas were unfathomable acronyms to Middle America and thus mostly ignored.

So conservatives often slept through the woke revolution. Yet suddenly they realize their apathy allowed the country to descend into something the nation’s founders never imagined or intended, and antithetical to what most knew as America just a couple of decades ago.

So conservatives are awakening from their slumber. And they are discovering that they too can boycott, agitate – and roar

Bud Light, Target, Kohl’s, Ford, Walmart – and a whole host of other corporations have taken sides in the Culture War. Our School System, too, has taken sides and is pumping our children with vile worldviews – what Conservative would have EVER thought that Pornography in school libraries was as necessary as reading, writing, and arithmetic?

PLEASE, go read the entire piece: Is The Sleeping Conservative Dragon Finally Waking Up?

From his keyboard to God’s ears. After all, the Left, mostly, is godless, so we might have a direct pipeline for once.

(H/T: Daily Caller)


  • Anheuser-Busch InBev Market Value Plunges Further, Staggering $27 Billion Drop Since Mulvaney Fiasco: Report
  • Elon Musk Rips Target After Its Stock Is Downgraded: ‘Won’t Be Long Before’ Shareholders Sue Target
  • ‘Woke’ Companies Lose Billions in Market Value Over Culture War (Kohl’s: $10 Billion)
  • Disney: Stock price $203/share (March 2021, AI) down to $90.77/share today.
  • Have Some Organizations Already Backed Away From Their Rainbow Logos?

The post Are Conservatives Finally Flooding the Left’s Battlefield En Masse? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Remind Schools That Parents Are The Client”

Mon, 2023-06-05 10:30 +0000

Those standing in opposition to school choice fail to understand the reason parents decide to remove their kids from the public school system. It is not because these parents want to abuse their children in secret, it is not because they are helicopter parents, it is not because they desire to run and buy a giant TV with the EFA funds, it is not because they desire to rid public education from all of their funding, either.

I propose the reasons most parents decide to make the choice to find an alternative to public education right now for their children can be explained by logical reasoning: they have witnessed public schools that have largely fought back when parents express concerns such as why they have to ask for a bill in order for the school system to recognize and respect parental authority so they may know what their child is experiencing while in the schools, and why is there pushback?

We want to thank Beverly Stoughton for this Op-Ed. If you have an Op-Ed or LTE
you would like us to consider, please submit it to

Parents have the God-given mandate to provide the best education they can for their children do they not? Why, as Americans, must they explain to the school system that they must be free to educate their children in the best method possible for the child? Education funding that all taxpayers pay that is per child, earmarked for Billy should follow Billy, should it not?

Or is our tax money for administration purposes only? Public education systems still receive money for children, even though they are choosing another method other than public school, do they not? Is it the institution that is the focus when taxpayers are serious about guarding the future of America or is it the knowledge, virtue, and truth the student is receiving from their education that is on their minds?

Noah Webster On The Education Of Youth In America 1788:

“It is an object of vast magnitude that systems of education should be adopted and pursued which would not only diffuse a knowledge of the sciences but may implant in the minds of American youth the principles of virtue and of liberty and inspire them with just and liberal ideas of government and with an inviolable attachment to their own country.” .

Noah Webster along with our Founders recognized how important it was to educate on Principles of Virtue and of Liberty. Are our schools today concerned with instilling such virtues in our kids? My eyes tell me “not so much”. While catering to the unvirtuous voices, the public education machine gambles on losing those who take our Founders’ advice seriously. They should not be alarmed when people choose another way. A Republic such as ours must be run by people of virtue and knowledge. As Franklin said,

“You have a Republic, if you can keep it.”

I would recommend the public schools change their methods and curricula to match our Founders’ wise advice if they are concerned about losing more money to private schools and home education.


Originally posted at the Union Leader.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Snap Poll – Which Republican Would You Support for NH Governor [Poll Fixed – Extended 24 hours]

Mon, 2023-06-05 01:30 +0000

I’ve been a bit tied up lately with the NH Legislative Ethics Committee and DCYF (yes, they are doing things that have caught my gaze – both in general and personally), and again, a bit of Citizen for Belknap, and helping others with Right To Know demands. You know, you’d think that being retired, my pace of life would have slowed down. No such luck and most of it (to be intellectually and ethically honest), I have brought much of it upon myself (but with some major exceptions popping up). If anything, it has speeded up.

So, I “tab” stuff that caught my interest but then haven’t done anything with (story of my life – my eyes are FAR bigger than my time or writing speed).  So, this will be a quick (and perhaps FAR too early to mean much) poll on who our readers would pick between three rumored Republicans thinking to replace Sununu in the NH Corner Office from this in the Union Leader (abstracted):

  • Morse moves closer  In another sign of his next campaign, former Senate President Chuck Morse of Salem agreed last week to become chairman for U.S. Term Limits…If Sununu decides to take a pass on seeking an unprecedented fifth term as governor next year, Morse is ready to get into the race in short order.
  • …Former U.S. Sen. and Attorney General Kelly Ayotte has been making all the moves to prepare her own bid for the corner office.
  • …same goes for Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut, who has been campaigning throughout the session for the Legislature to expand access to Education Freedom Accounts, the taxpayer-funded grants that enable parents to send their children to private, religious, home, or alternative public school programs.

So, with all that in mind:

  • One vote per person
  • Vote for only one candidate
  • Poll closes Tuesday at 9:30 pm

So here is the poll:

Snap Poll - Which Of These Three Republicans Would You Support for NH Governor?
  • Former NH State Senator and former US Congressional Candidate Chuck Morse?
  • Former NH Attorney General and former US Senator Kelly Ayotte?
  • Former NH State Rep and Current NH Dept of Ed Commissioner Frank Edelblut?


Thanks for playing along!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Do We Have A Southern Border?

Mon, 2023-06-05 00:00 +0000

The invasion at the southern border presents numerous challenges, including health risks, national security concerns, and humanitarian crises. The unprecedented invasion is primarily composed of military aged men from around the world.

We want to thank Marc Abear for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Concerns about the scale and implications of this influx are rising. There have been multiple apprehensions of individuals on the terror watch list. It is time to address border security. Border security is national security. This regime is doing little to defend the nation from potential threats.

Migrants are being given identification cards and driver’s licenses without proper vetting. This increases their mobility, raising security risks. There are many known cartel/gang members entering. There is an influx of drugs, such as fentanyl. Our crime rate is rising.

Are you concerned about the number of military aged men from nations adversarial to America crossing our southern border? The lack of vetting and identification elevates fear about their intentions.

There were an estimated 20 million illegal immigrants in the United States on Biden’s inauguration day. We’ve been adding about 2 million per year since. It is time to close the border until we reacquire control of it.

The invasion at the southern border has become a humanitarian crisis. Young people, targeted through advertisements, are embarking on dangerous journeys, falling into trafficking. Unaccompanied minors are going missing amid reports of exploitation and sexual abuse. Many new arrivals are in sub-optimal health, some carry communicable disease.

Americans are outraged over the tax dollars being spent preferentially on treatment for capable non-citizen individuals. We need to stop displacing homeless veterans to accommodate illegal immigrants.

America should secure the southern border, complete the wall, and enforce our immigration laws. What are we doing about the invasion at the southern border?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Tells Us About His Fantasy Economy

Sun, 2023-06-04 22:30 +0000

Joe Biden took a victory lap on Friday to brag about his economy and the Debt Ceiling Bill he will sign on Saturday. An old saying is that numbers don’t lie, and liars use numbers. Joe Biden was a liar in turbo charge on Friday. The problem is with the media parroting every word Biden speaks like it is true.

This Cabal is pulling the wool over half the country. Don’t try to debate them on the facts. Lies are the facts for Biden’s followers.

As Biden sat in the Oval Office addressing the country, he was reading stats supplied but never explained to him. Not that he would understand the concept. Every time Joe talks about the economy, he inevitably goes to the enormous number, which always gets him a positive reaction. Joe always claims he has created 12 million jobs, the most incredible job creation in history. Hogwash, or whatever synonym of BS you would like to use. America lost 11 million jobs as a direct result of the Pandemic. When the masks came off, and people got dressed again, most jobs returned, accounting for the bulk of Joe’s magical 12 million. See how liars can use stats to pump themselves up.

May saw over 300K new jobs, which was above expectations. Hold on, though, as most reports in Biden’s term get revised, usually in the negative. Nobody ever sees the revisions. There is more to the raw number. Most of the new jobs are in the low-paying service sector, not in the higher-paying manufacturing, construction, or professional areas. So payroll growth was low. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. This shortfall is why people are dipping into 401k and savings accounts. It is also why credit is on the rise. People are spending but reaching for the plastic and not their cash. It is not a healthy situation; people are digging a hole just trying to keep up with Biden’s inflation. That is not a sign of a bustling economy, but Joe tries to convince us otherwise.

The two other items of note from the jobs report is unemployment is up, and the Fed will probably be increasing the Prime in June, which will hurt us all. Sorry, Joe, the only thing rosy is the garden outside the Oval.

Joe also took the opportunity to take a victory lap for saving the country and the world from the existential debt default. There is no threat as there is enough monthly tax revenue to cover all essential services. Default is more of an embarrassment than a threat. Joe and Karine Jean-Pierre bored us for weeks with claims and threats that Biden would not negotiate. He did. He caved, and Kevin McCarthy is the one who should be burning rubber and taking a lap. That is not how Biden and the media will play this bill. Lies, it is all lies, and the American people are numb to them. The whole thing is as sad as a poorly placed sandbag on stage in front of our feckless leader. Joe went down as quickly as his empty threats. Sad.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Randolph VT School Settles: Coach Gets His Job Back, His Family Gets $125,000 For Having Their First Amendment Rights Violated

Sun, 2023-06-04 21:00 +0000

Eight months ago, members of the Randolph Vermont Girls Volleyball team made a shot heard ’round the world. They got themselves kicked out of their locker room after objecting to a biological boy in their midst.


Make note that in this story, the transgender student made “an inappropriate comment” while the girls were changing. I think many girls are now concerned that boys will use these policies to access the girl’s locker room for nefarious reasons. Did the school administrators allow the sexual harassment of girls in an area that should be their “safe space?”


Accusations of harassment followed from both sides. Several girls were blocked from using their locker room, and the world learned about Randolph, Vermont.

Not long after, Travis Allen, the father of a daughter who complained, was fired from his coaching job at the Randolph Middle School for defending her. That, too, made the news, and the Allens eventually decided to sue.

Eight months later, the School hasn’t changed its gender-bending policies, but it did have to bend over backward and longer punish students and teachers for exercising their first amendment rights.


That settlement requires that the Vermont School Boards Insurance Trust pay $125,000 to the Allen family.

Also under the settlement, the district will reinstate Travis Allen, the father, as middle school soccer coach and will scrub any records of discipline against Travis and his daughter Blake from school records.

The school also must remove any content posted online or on bulletin boards displaying “love and support” messages to the trans-identifying student.


Note the distinction. The question is whether students and parents can express their opinion without fear of retribution or for the District – a government body – to engage in viewpoint discrimination. The School gave in, but this was not settled in court.

The District denies it did anything wrong, nor must it acknowledge wrongdoing. Still, the settlement affirms that the District accepts some error by rehiring the coach and scrubbing those infamous permanent school records.

Travis may want to keep his resume fresh with an eye toward working at a private or charter school (Mid Vermont Christian School comes to mind). Something tells me the Randolph School District will have it out for him.

This is Vermont, and the Rainbow Stasi doesn’t give ground, nor have they, but this is a win for free speech and the rights of students and teachers to express their opinions.


Phil Sechler, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom, called it a “resounding victory for freedom of speech.”

“No one should lose their job or get suspended from school for voicing their opinion or calling a male a male,” Sechler said.

And Travis said he feels satisfied with the outcome.

“This settlement was a huge victory for freedom of speech. Not just for Blake and me, but for anyone who wants to voice their opinion on important topics,” he said. “This has taken a toll on our family…. It showed us who will and won’t support us even if they do not agree with our values.”


I admit to being a bit disappointed at the settlement. While the court case would have been prohibitively expensive on both sides, getting a government school to admit to viewpoint discrimination is a conclusion worth the wait. The District’s lawyers must have been smart enough to realize this and took the insurance hit while things were manageable. And I’m sure Alliance Defending Freedom – who has shepherded numerous cases just like this to their conclusion, made that clear.

We’re glad to hear they persevered and won. Too many people are intimidated out of defending their rights, another lesson the Allens learned the hard way.


Note: The headline was changed after publication. After review, it was misleading and needed a good edit.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, NH GOP Chair Chris Ager? How’s It Feel To Have One of Your County Committees Co-opted By a Democrat PAC?

Sun, 2023-06-04 19:30 +0000

Indeed. I’ve now had several confirmations from a number of people that the Belknap County Republican Committee is now directly aligned with the results desired for the 2024 Primary/General elections by the Democrat founded, funded, and led Political Action Committee now known as “Citizens for Belknap”.

Sidenote: I wonder if those Republicans laying out a bunch of coin for the BCRC Mt. Washington cruise are aware of this?

Many of you regular readers know of the “Gunstock Incident” that wracked the political waters here in Belknap County. Let me try to quickly summarize it this way (as its history took place over a lot of posts and videos):

  • Stories started circulating that some of the GAC Commissioners set up a new Master Plan that would have, as one part, build a “private-public partnership” hotel for the Gunstock Area Mountain Resort.
  • Gunstock didn’t want to admit they were subject to Right To Know demands like any other NH governmental department or agency.
  • Problem: it would have been on land that Gunstock didn’t own. It created a lot of controversy.
  • A GAC Commissioner using monies belonging to taxpayers as his own personal legal fund in opposing the actions of the Delegation didn’t help.
  • The Delegation started both asking tough questions and putting on Conservative Commissioners onto the GAC as liberal ones were forced off (overstayed their term of office, overstayed as they were no longer eligible to be on the GAC for moving out of the County, term of office expired, and just quit).
  • Then the Borg decided to strike back – after all, those that wanted WHAT THEY WANTED had the money (Lots of it!) and hired a Democrat operative (Brian Beihl) to start a Saul Alinsky style PR campaign which, I must admit (and have in the past), worked to perfection with carefully crafted multiple pressure points from multiple directions to which the Conservatives first failed to see and then unable to react to.


  • Conservatives lost their newly Conservative GAC majority by putting turncoat Doug Lambert onto the GAC (IMHO, a sleeper plant by the Borg and it spiraled downward from there)
  • The RINOs (and some Conservatives that couldn’t see the hack being done to them) on the Delegation, seeing an opportunity, “virtually threw in” with that Democrat PAC during this time and put Democrat (and leaning) Commissioners.
  • Poisoned the entire County against Republicans, in general, such that the County went from Conservative to RINOs and Democrats back on the Delegation.

New CfB aims:

  • Newly emboldened by the success of their newly proven “political machine/organization, remove the last of the Conservatives from the Delegation either by intimidation, primary, or general election:
    • Barbara Comtois
    • Paul Terry
    • Tom Ploszaj
    • Lisa Smart
    • Peter Varney
    • Nikki McCarter
  • Begin the exportation of that successful model, as already reported back in November, to other Counties (just like the “Colorado Project” has been exported to other States).

Now, NH GOP Chris Ager is aware of this situation. A couple of the former BCRC Executive Committee members went to see Chris Ager concerning this. They were summarily shuffled off to meet with Bill O’Brien (former Speaker of the NH House) and Elliot Gault (who has turned out to be NH Governor Chris Sununu’s “Fixer” in moving between Sununu’s office, his campaign staff, and being the Exec. Dir of the NH GOP – twice). They told O’Brien & Gault what was transpiring in the county and what might happen later.

They were, to be blunt (my words here) – you ousted the former BCRC leaders and now you’re upset it is being done in return. Sissies – that’s politics.

But now, WHAT are they going to do with an impending Colorado Project that has been launched right under their noses? Aren’t they aware that this is been going on for years?

Sidenote: Like Zandra Rice-Hawkins, funded by those same Colorado billionaires, who founded and have used Granite State Progress as an umbrella for multiple pop-up groups to execute Saul Alinsky’s Rule #9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself” in creating the illusion that there are many instead of just a few.

So Chris, the Democrats now have a proven design. It worked. The GAC Borg got what they wanted – they can proceed with their original plans (even if scaled down just a bit).

However, while it didn’t electorally work to perfection (YET!) in that only a couple of Democrats were elected to the Delegation but in conjunction with remaining RINOs did give the County a HUGE money gift in a higher budget – just like the Democrats wanted.  And denied the NH GOP their Parental Rights bills (HB10 and SB272) for the second year in a row. I could go on but you have the picture in front of you. There’s now a model that worked. While the GAC may be off shussing on the slopes, the Democrats ARE going to expand this model and “finish them off” in due course in the 2024 election.

Or is it a disaster-in-waiting for the NH GOP? Funding, organization, and most important – the motivation. One County down – nine to go. Again, a model that works. And the NH GOP just did a faceplant when told of the [perhaps] of the avalanche that’s heading your way – and you ignored the warning.

It’s sorta like what we are seeing what’s happening here in the nation – traditional mores and norms being hollowed out from the inside out. And now you have a Trojan Horse staring you in the face. Or it is multiples from all directions? And trust me, they will enjoy it (Rule #6).

So what are you going to do, Chris? What will the NH GOP do to negate this new model that is using time-tested principles which work WONDERFULLY when the victims don’t even know what is going on?

Or will the attitude be, similar to O’Brien’s and Gault’s, merely dismissive? Until that “Oh crap” moment hits?

Remember, this type of sign was found in another Republican bastion: Merrimack.

Will that region, or others, remain that way under your watch? The Democrats are on the move because they smell chum and blood in the water.


The post So, NH GOP Chair Chris Ager? How’s It Feel To Have One of Your County Committees Co-opted By a Democrat PAC? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Study Shows COVID “Vaccinations” Weaken The Immune System

Sun, 2023-06-04 18:00 +0000

Who or what is a “vax-denier.” Well … a fair definition would be: (a) someone who still adheres to the traditional definition of “vaccine,” i.e. preventing infection and transmission and so does not recognize the COVID “vaccine” as a true vaccine; (b) someone able to and unafraid to think for himself who recognizes that the experimental drug being falsely marketed as a COVID “vaccine” may have very deleterious side-effects.

In other words, being called a vax-denier by the Communists and the RINOs is a badge of honor. Wear it as proudly as those dipsh*ts wore/wear their precious masks.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Youth Detention Center Cases and Conflicts of Interest

Sun, 2023-06-04 16:30 +0000

Dear Judge Andrew Schulman, I am glad that you have raised the conflicts of interest issue with regard to the Youth Detention Center and State Officials. I also read that State Officials have been subpoenaed by attorneys for the complainants.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

In the article I read, there is mention that the AG’s office believes there are strong ethical walls in place, but I am writing to say that there most definitely are not. The argument below from the AG’s office has been used before by the office, and it is knowingly dishonest.

The attorney general’s office says it has systems in place to build strong “ethical walls” to keep them completely separate.
  I came across the extreme lack of ethical walls in my research into New Hampshire v Owen Labrie, the civil suit which followed it against St Paul’s School and the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation into St Paul’s School. I have written many times to the LEACT commission, to the City of Concord Solicitor, to Governor Sununu, to the Police Standards and Training Commission, to the AG’s office, to the NHCADSV, to Paul Halvorsen, to Jane Young, to Geoffrey Ward, to Russ Rilee about my concerns.  The State Officials have the records. I believe you will be interested to read my discoveries and the horrific consequences.  I have attached several articles – many of these have appeared in The Granite Grok as well to whom I am grateful for publishing these serious subjects. There is no doubt that a racketeering enterprise has been ongoing for decades involving police, prosecutors, DCYF, CAC, NHCADSV, police, the AG’s office (prior to John Formella) and local attorneys. It is a “Kids for Cash” scheme. It exists I believe at the YDC. It was the case for St Paul’s School and also the Diocese of Manchester.  And a version of this for Dartmouth College, Phillips Exeter Academy and the FRM Ponzi Scheme as well and the Catholic Medical Center (fined $3.8 million by the US DOJ for a kick back scheme).

I believe that Gordon MacDonald, Jane Young, Geoffrey Ward, Michael Delaney, Amanda Grady Sexton, Lyn Schollett, Paul Halvorsen, and Governors including Chris Sununu, Maggie Hassan, and Jeanne Shaheen owe an explanation.  From my research, I believe that David Vicinanzo, Chuck Douglas, and Shaheen & Gordon all have conflicts of interest regarding the YDC cases tied into their respective collaborations with the NHCADSV.

The NHCADSV has extraordinary conflicts of interest.  It is a publicly funded agency, a lobbyist, and it receives kickbacks from civil settlements. Meanwhile, NHCADSV trains police to intercept calls and then train witnesses for criminal trials, and they work with police and prosecutors to shape the media message for the police and prosecutors.

Meanwhile, in the case of NH v Owen Labrie and NH v Griffin Furlotte, as a result of their publicity efforts, these teenagers were subjected to horrific physical and mental abuse: Griffin Furlotte was held, age 17, in pretrial detention and testified at to the abuse he received in his plea hearing. One of the teen girls testified that she was stalked, bullied, lied to, and force-fed versions of events.  Owen Labrie was put into solitary confinement for close to 2 months “for his own safety” as a result of media that had been controlled by Amanda Grady Sexton of the NHCADSV, whose organization stood to gain financially and politically from a conviction and from the civil settlements and AG’s agreement which followed.

Gordon MacDonald argued for the State in the Supreme Court Appeals for Owen Labrie – something that ethically he should never have been allowed to do given that Concord Police Detective Julie Curtin was working for him at the time, had been the investigator into the School for the Grand Jury Criminal Investigation lobbied for by the NHCADSV and had investigated Owen Labrie, lying on the sworn affidavit about the SANE nurse report (which she corrected in trial).

Follow the money and the kickbacks.

My research is extensive and thorough. I am quite horrified by what I accidentally uncovered.


Kind regards,

Email to Rockingham County Superior Court Judge Andrew Schulman

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

EU Will Need Pigs to “Fly” to Reach Climate Goals

Sun, 2023-06-04 15:00 +0000

People who know how to get elected continue demonstrating how ill-equipped they are to lead. Take the European Union, for example. They are committed to destroying modernity for what amounts to nothing. But pigs will fly before they discover how badly they’ve botched it. I’m serious about the pigs.


The fat of dead pigs, cattle and chickens is being used to make greener jet fuel, but a new study warns it will end up being worse for the planet.

Animal fats are considered waste, so aviation fuel made from the material has a much lower carbon footprint.

Demand for fuel made from animal by-products is expected to triple by 2030, with airlines leading the charge.


Pigs will fly, are flying (I suppose), but astute readers will have already worked out the flaws in the plan. If you’re not there yet, think about the war between feminists born as women and the transwoman movement. Many on both sides salute the same party flag or pray to the same secular gods, but there’s a schism in their “church.” The “Workers” aren’t united. Biological women’s rights have taken a backseat to “men pretending to be women’s” rights. TERFs vs. the new man-girl patriarchy. Sunni vs. Shia. Red Sox fans vs. Yankee fans.

There are hostilities betwixt the twain.

The green movement has its fair share of splinter groups, at least one of which can’t stop talking about what a strain livestock is on the planet. There’s an entire industry chasing fake and emitting more carbon than the animals in answer to this virtue signal. When you filter out the profiteers, there are always some die-hard green zealots left in the sieve who also want green fuels, but to make planes fly thanks to pigs, you’ll need a lot of pigs.


According to Transport & Environment, a flight from Paris to New York would need fat from 8,800 dead pigs if all the fuel came from animal sources.


Talk about unsustainable, and that’s not news. The bio-jet-fuel industry, driven by self-defeating EU climate policy, has alternatives to the alternatives, but they are worse for the environment than the real thing, as if the alternative was ever better (It’s all very deck chairs on the Titanic and the Paris Climate Accord is the iceberg).


[I]f you put on a massive extra demand source from anywhere from aviation, in this case, the industries where fat is currently being used, will have to look for alternatives. And that alternative is palm oil. So aviation indirectly, will be responsible for increasing the amount of palm oil being pulled through the European systems.”

The increased use of palm oil is linked to rising emissions as older forests which store vast amounts of carbon are cleared for new plantations.


So none of it works, and most of it is more carbon intensive so that someone can claim they tried to stop something that’s not happening and isn’t a threat if it were.

Flying pigs and greased Palm(oil). That’s the climate scam n a nutshell we could be crack by finding people to elect who may not seem electable but who have at least an ounce of common sense. But we’ll need almost as many of them as you need pigs to fly from Paris to New York.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Capitol Police Ban The National Anthem … Still Think You Are Living In A “Free Country”? YOU’RE NOT.

Sun, 2023-06-04 13:30 +0000

So this little morsel from Twitter … the Capitol Police have banned the singing of the National Anthem. If you think you are still living in a “free country” … you are in a hopeless state of denial. America ceased to be a free country in 2016, when Donald Trump was elected … because powerful people in BOTH PARTIES refused to accept that their preferred candidate lost and engaged in an … ultimately successful … soft-coup against Trump. And now there is no putting the Police State genie back in the bottle.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Pediatric Social Worker Rainbow Stasi

Sun, 2023-06-04 12:00 +0000

Once again, Critical Race Theory, and its offshoot, Childism, is infesting Dartmouth-Hitchcock.

I had to take one of the Granddaughters down to Manchester for a previously planned visit by her parents as she was staying with us for a few days (we were closer in distance, so I offered).  We schlepped on down, registered (they had my address for her denoting that Mom had me cleared as “the bus driver” and able to be with her medically, cooled our heels for a short time in the waiting area, and then we were escorted into an exam room. She was promptly taken away for a few minutes to have her vital measurements taken (e.g., height, weight, blood pressure).  Then the “amusement” began.

I was told by one of the DH personnel that I was going to be escorted out of the exam room and that a Social Worker was going to ask me some questions.

Sidenote: yep, the thought did hit me that this going to be like on TV cop shows interrogating perps separately to see if we offered up different stories about “stuff”.

Well, that explained two things: they both (Jill and Sonja) had rainbows on their ID badges (“tell” #1) and immediately (“tell” 2) started to ask the Granddaughter, “What do you want to be called?”  Not what is your name, not what is your nickname, but what do you want to be called? Not once, not three times (even after I said her name was <Xxxxxxxxx> but that we call her <Xxxxx>). I saw them “looking askance at me” after I said what her name was, but they continued to pester her, searching for a “correct” name that wouldn’t have reflected her biological sex. I was left by the politico-sexuality curbside.

The only thing that their hectoring accomplished is that she got very confused (she receives special services) even after stating her name several times; they kept trying to lead her on in getting her to use a different name.  I sat there kinda, laughing as I knew that <Xxxxx> had NO clue why they were being so insistent.

But I did andwhat was going to happen next?  After all, if you do a search on “Dartmouth-Hitchcock transgender,” this is one of the choices you will get:

The Dartmouth Health Transgender Medicine team is aware of the efforts to restrict the rights of trans youth to access gender affirming medical care. We want to assure our patients and their families that we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing you with the care that you seek, and the care that you deserve. Gender affirming care is grounded in science and we are proud to practice evidenced-based medicine that unequivocally leads to best physical and emotional outcomes for trans and gender diverse youth. On behalf of our entire team, we see you, we hear you, and we are here for you.

Translation: like that old song of my youth – “Money, money, money. MONey!” (no, not the ABBA song) as sexual mutilation surgery and experimenting with drugs for purposes not accredited (and sterilizing both sexes) is not “gender-affirming.” Wait until the lawsuits start coming to them in about 10-15 years when minor children become adults and find out what these kinds of willing workers led them to. But I digress.

Immediately (perhaps realizing their faux pas?), they separated the two of us by removing me from the Granddaughter and sequestering me next door, thankfully without handcuffs or leg irons. Another social worker, Jackie, came in. I can tell you that I was committing multiple micro-aggressions because I had my large format planner with me and was furiously writing notes.  I think that was giving them some hints of how MY interrogation was going to go (gosh, are they now crawling the ‘Grok waiting for this post as I gave them my biz card?).

I asked, “Is this done with ALL parents – or just me”? The answer was they do this to EVERYONE, at which point I just cocked my head to the side.  That’s when my suspicion was confirmed – they, like school systems, have succumbed to CRT applied to a child’s sexuality (or their perception of it): Parents are Oppressive to their own children, and children, being the oppressed, must be saved from their Parents.

I was asked, “Why are you here and not her Parents?” and I repeated what I said at the top of this post. There was another reason, but given the distrust they had already engendered, I wasn’t going to tell them the real reason (although I bet they knew but were trying to verify it – I refused to play their little head game).

They also asked what MY address was, and I announced that it was already in their system as the receptionist had it when I checked the Granddaughter in for this appointment.  And then they stated that they were going to start asking various questions about the family: number of occupants, demographics, if there was illicit drug use, random sex…

Sidenote: yeah, from an organization that was working hard (and being paid well) for making sex random in a life-altering way.

…if there were firearms in the homes…you get the idea. Pumping me for information. My response to each one was, “Next question.” After about five questions, one of them exclaimed, “Remember, this is NOT a forensic interview!”. I smiled, and I told them that my role that day was that “I’m just the bus driver.” They did try with more questions, getting a bit more agitated that I wasn’t playing along with “next question” and “not my place to give you an answer – I’m just the bus driver today.”

Heh! In trying to be “neutral” and me saying little, she had let the cat out of their bag, confirming what this was all about with that “NOT a forensic interview” line – they were acting as a gatherer/pipeline for a third party. They got the idea that I knew the game. When I asked, they did tell me that they were asking similar questions of the Granddaughter; my only response was a broad smile and “Good luck with that trying to discern truth from fiction as she does have a propensity for “not always realizing what the Truth is.” I got a very perplexed and disturbed look in return.

Our ‘Grok friends in the NH Legislature will be happy to learn of this cozy private/public relationship, especially when unsuspecting parents may have no clue that they might be ratting themselves out.

I was told, after only wasting 10 minutes of their time, to go wait in the waiting room and that the Granddaughter would be out shortly. I was able to get some work done, but it was clear that the Granddaughter had no idea of what was going on as it was 50 minutes later that she came out to the waiting area. I’m betting that little she said was going to be “of use.”

Anyways, those records are going to get subpoenaed anyways. The question is, did they even do any kind of medical examination?

Well, THIS was interesting – I asked Microsoft Bing (now “AI-Powered”) the following question:

How much revenue does Dartmouth-Hitchcock make from transgender clinics?


I’m sorry but I couldn’t find any information on the revenue that Dartmouth-Hitchcock made from transgender clinics. However, I found that the Transgender Health Program is dedicated to providing high-quality gender-affirming care to pediatric and adult patients. Their team includes experienced providers across various departments within the Dartmouth Health system. They are there to support you throughout all aspects of your gender transition.


How can surgically remove perfectly functional organs and pumping people with drugs that will cause them to be sterile be “gender-affirming”?

Bing (emphasis mine):

I’m sorry but I prefer not to continue this conversation. I’m still learning so I appreciate your understanding and patience.

And it concluded that conversation and shut the window down.

Bias much? This is the same AI has given me 8 different founders of GraniteGrok (none of them me) and can’t get it’s starting date right.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Many Falls Before We Call It A Day

Sun, 2023-06-04 10:30 +0000

Thursday’s fall for Joe Biden is the latest in a series of trips to the deck. This one is different because someone put a sandbag on stage where anyone could have tripped over it. Over nine hundred graduates and many other speakers and guests navigated the obstacle.

Our President had the bad luck of letting a black bag of sand take him down and out. Maybe his Foster Grant Aviators don’t allow Joe to look down. It might be time for a guide dog. Too cruel? Too bad, this is serious. This man wants another term as President, and he is more suited to arts and crafts on the back porch. The irony to the aviators is that it is a word he could not come up with during his comments. He was at our Air Force Academy graduation ceremony and was at a loss for the word to describe someone who flies planes. Joe, buy a vowel. Try Pilot or Aviator!

The White House and the mainstream media are in lockstep denying our President’s mental and physical issues. Together, they also take to task anyone who challenges their position. The problem is their position is a lie. Joe Biden is not in charge of his faculties or the White House. We obviously have a group of people running this country through Biden. He is just the prop they show the country and the world.

We can blame Biden’s staff for pushing Biden to a bid for re-election. There is a group of people who are actually running this White House through Joe Biden. Joe is just the face of the Presidency and not the decision-maker. That is why he will never see a debate stage with Democrat contenders. He may even find a way to avoid one during the General. His family is even more culpable. His wife and family are guilty of elder abuse. The reason is pure greed. As long as Biden is President, the money flows. The day he exits the White House, the money stream dries up. Without President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden would not get an audience with a world power, let alone his fingers wrapped around a nine-figure check.

One of the obstacles to dealing with Joe Biden’s health and limited mental acuity is our Vice President. Kamala Harris will not fade quietly. She feels she is entitled to the Presidency, and there is nothing the Democrats can offer her as a consolation prize. The house money is on Gavin Newsom, eventually being the fill-in for Biden on the 2024 ballot. The mechanics of how this will happen are vague, but he is clearly unofficially running now for the top job. He is not qualified based on his performance in San Francisco and Sacramento, but he is the obvious choice unless the Democrats want to hedge their future on Pete Buttigieg. It is a short bench filled with bad talent in the Democrat bullpen, unlike the Republicans, who had to build an addition onto our pen.

Excuse the play on words, but it is time for Biden to fall off the campaign trail. He has fallen off everything else.

The post How Many Falls Before We Call It A Day appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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