They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing. Take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and almost certainly a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow. Last week’s Overflow-Overflow.
Again, apologies for no Survival Sunday yesterday, but… time’s been at a premium lately. Here’s the last one.
Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:
- Ridicule cannot easily be fought
- Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
- For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.
Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
I’d been to any number of parties with my (now late) mother where she’s begged me to not talk politics – knowing that she and I were opposites on virtually everything (and with her also knowing the general orientation of the crowd where we were going). And I didn’t… until someone started in with hating anyone to the Right of Stalin, especially when they expect everyone to agree with them, and doubly-especially when they wouldn’t let go of the conversation bone they’d just taken up.
For Soros’ betrayal of America… for his attacks undermining Western Civilization on multiple fronts… for his using his Plopping Jew status as a shield and thus besmirching Jews universally (let alone his singular attacks on Israel)… I want to be the one to pull the lever on this POS myself.
Home – Jews Against Soros
Need to vet them some more… but looks interesting!
The first step in eliminating people,” said Hubble, “is to erase their memory. Destroy their books, their culture, their history. Then ask someone to write new books, create a new culture, invent a new history. Soon the people will begin to forget what it is and what it was. The surrounding world will forget even faster”
– Milan Kander
It is my firm belief – stated in multiple posts over the last few months – that there is a deliberate push to ignite WWIII using Ukraine as the spark point. Not just for the depopulation that would, calamitously, result… but for the mask it will place over what I truly think is an impending explosion in Jab-related deaths and other consequences.
If you add in the drops in birth rates that are starting to be discussed (I hate being right all the time), the damage to women’s fertility resulting in the same, plus the damage to male fertility as well, you get a calamitous drop in children; again, we’re already starting to see this. The latter impact on male fertility is so pronounced that it prompted this comment during a pathology post-mortem presentation (bolding in the original):
So, if I may make a personal comment, this is not a scientific comment. If I were a woman in fertile age, I would not plan a motherhood from a person, from a man, who has been vaccinated. I think these pictures are very disturbing for me.
Video of him talking:
And while he was clearly an older man, I find this rather coincidental timing given the above autopsies (also see here) and comments he’s made about the Jab’s effects – with both comments and data getting increasing attention. RIP.
We already have polling data indicating that more than 1-in-4 think they know someone who died from the Jab. I think humanity as a whole is on the verge of noticing both Dying Suddenly and the rising Birth Dearth in a preference cascade. More on that:
People tend to hide unpopular views to avoid ostracism or punishment; they stop hiding them when they feel safe.
This can produce rapid change: In totalitarian societies like the old Soviet Union, the police and propaganda organizations do their best to enforce preference falsification. Such regimes have little legitimacy, but they spend a lot of effort making sure that citizens don’t realize the extent to which their fellow-citizens dislike the regime. If the secret police and the censors are doing their job, 99% of the populace can hate the regime and be ready to revolt against it — but no revolt will occur because no one realizes that everyone else feels the same way.
This works until something breaks the spell and the discontented realize that their feelings are widely shared, at which point the collapse of the regime may seem very sudden to outside observers — or even to the citizens themselves. Kuran calls this sudden change a “preference cascade,” and I wonder if that’s not what’s happening here.
As people start opening up, I believe there will be a unified, dawning awareness of the widespread damage these Jabs have caused:
We All Put the Yeast In.
The Globalists cannot afford this, at least not before things are completely irreversible. Thus, for example, the new push to supply Ukraine with F-16s and other fighters, something Russia has warned against with gravest terms. Something even The Potato and the UK said would not happen just months ago. A la Sun Tzu, we must understand the Russian mentality: tremendously fatalistic. They may well decide that since the West is against them, since the West is dead-set to destroy them as a nation & culture, they have nothing to lose by going for the brass uranium / plutonium ring. They’re already stepping things up; Gloves Are Off: Russian Officials Ramp up the Nuclear Rhetoric – Nightly Bombing Campaign Against Kiev Enters Its Second Week – Intelligence Service HQ Hit | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran. Meanwhile, NATO has war games planned; As Russia tensions simmer, NATO conducts massive war games (
More on the above image here.
The chances for an OOPS! multiply exponentially. And could there be a Sam Adams moment? (I.e., it has been rumored that at the famous Battle of Concord Bridge, firebrand Sam Adams was so determined to see things start off that he had a rifleman staged in hiding to fire the first shot and make each side think the other had fired, as an agent provocateur to light off the Revolution. I remember reading that on the internet – so it must be true – but IIRC the article, which I can’t specifically find, had some references seeming to support that claim. YMMV.)
If WWIII kicks off, with nukes, everything following will be attributed to that. And in the civilizational collapse that would result – with hunger, disease, crime, etc., all stalking the whole world – the harms done by the Jab would be completely masked by these other things.
Remember, these people want to answer the 7.3 billion person question. And do not doubt that you are not in their planned surviving short list.
In general, don’t use your phone or any other electronics for anything truly sensitive. Ultimately, the only truly-secure communication is face to face, in private, with no electronics around at all.
In this video, Bill Whittle describes the power of Iconography and how icons (and, related, memes) can be devastating to the Left… even as, in the past, he notes how the Left has used them to enormous effect.
PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography
So consider the power of this meme:
Devastating. Or consider this one:
As are these two to both McCarthy and MTG, to a lesser extent:
As to MTG specifically. I try to cling to Reagan’s dictum:
(Link to AZQuotes per their policy.)
I like that she’s actually filed articles of impeachment, not that I think they’ll ever gel into anything real (and I am cynical enough to think that perhaps she knows it and is doing it for uniparty show). But it’s not a straight-up rule. There needs to be some factors in what constitutes the 80-20 split.
The J6 tapes are critical. Hiding them because of a fear of the “heckler’s veto” does a disservice to the search for truth. If we shirk from protecting the innocent, if we shy away from uncomfortable truths out of fear… then the enemy has already won.
As an aside, note something about the Golden Axiom of Research: Results will be biased towards those that provided / continue the funding.
I love eggs.
I remember one day hearing one of those “trivia question of the morning” features on a morning commute: “The average American eats 200 of these a year” and immediately screamed EGGS! at the top of my lungs. Yup. Then I got to thinking… and doing math… and that if the average was 200 a year there had to be at least five people who ate no eggs to make up for my consumption rate.
I am very proud to have Lady Thatcher’s autographed picture framed and on my wall at home, among other notables.
Cloward-Piven, like so many things, discussed here with the refrain “Oh that’s just not possible”.
Another recipe – monthly – from My Tree in Israel. I’ve already renewed one tree’s adoption, and have three more to go (one for me, one for Bill Whittle (see above video on Iconography), one for a good friend in Israel, and one with my business’ website on the label as promotional handouts). Plus one grape vine. Excellent olive oil, bar none. Note that while I’m friends with one of the founders, I receive no compensation for plugging them – it’s just great olive oil and helps a friend’s business.
I’ve had it with banks!
Pick of the post:
It’s not just that you can be an idiot. You can be a smug, vain idiot. And being such, your resistance to information that contradicts what you “know” is true approaches adamantium.
Monday Musical Memory (new Monday feature):
Duran Duran – Hungry like the Wolf (Official Music Video)
Palate Cleansers:
I do that. Then again, I’ve gotten well past caring what most people think of me.
The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.