The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • January 2 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.I

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 15 min 40 sec ago

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-06-07 16:30 +0000

As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  Fairly certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Also, for those prepper-minded, my last Survival Sunday (albeit a week old):

Survival Sunday – Unified – Granite Grok

Now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





I am a day late – scheduling.  But lest we forget the enormity of D-Day…  (HT Peter Grant):





Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer and You | Dr. Peter Attia | EP 360









I cannot compromise with cancer.  I cannot find common ground with gangrene.  The Left must be crushed, utterly, or we perish.









So who remembers our “good and dear friend” Klaus Anal Schwab discussing ze frightening scenario of a cyber attack on the power grid?


And remember what I wrote about in the last Monday Memes – what I see as a clear and deliberate push to trigger WWIII.  They could do it themselves, then blame Russia and use that as an Article 5 invocation for all of NATO to turn on Russia.  And don’t forget the dam getting blown up.  Qui bono?  Ukraine.  But it will – I fear – be presented as a “Responsibility to Protect” thing.

What is R2P? – Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (

The Responsibility to Protect populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing has emerged as an important global principle since the adoption of the UN World Summit Outcome Document in 2005.

Remember, NATO is having war games – huge ones – this month.  What a coincidence that such a thing happens.  Again, QUI BONO?



As I understand it, this also cuts Crimea off from its main water supply.  Somehow, after all the effort to gain control of Crimea, I do not see Russia deliberately doing this.  But Ukraine?  Ukraine benefits.  And NATO benefits from having casus belli to initiate a “Responsibility to Protect” action against Russia.  And thus the Globalists get their Jab-effect masking war + depopulation.  Don’t think collectivists are that murderous?  Just look at how many civilians the Communists have murdered already.





CPR: Yes or No?









None in the US.  It is only wealthy societies that can afford the expenses of being clean.








Pick of the post:



What’s the US exporting?  Perversion and corruption.  No wonder so many around the world increasingly hate us.  No wonder religious countries – especially Islamic countries – increasingly see us as evil.  Related to that:

State Dept Pushes LGBTQ ‘Pride’ Everywhere Except Muslim World – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish articles





And from where did this transplanted uterus come, pray tell?  Oh, from a WOMAN!

World’s first baby is born from a transplanted uterus implanted by a robot | Daily Mail Online

Gag.  Retch.




Palate cleansers:



The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris Sununu Presidential Poll Watch – The Finale

Wed, 2023-06-07 16:30 +0000

Well, as Steve informed us, Chris Sununu benched himself with this:

To win, Republicans need our message to appeal to new voters, and we can do this without sacrificing classic conservative principles of individual liberty, low taxes and local control. But we must abandon the issues that are solely made for social media headlines, such as banning books or issuing curriculum fiats to local school districts hundreds of miles away from state capitals. Republicans should re-embrace local control and let parents within their own communities decide what’s right.

And Steve rejoined with a most excellent translation:

Governor Groomer is doubling down on porn in schools, systemic racism against white kids, and using the Left’s narratives. Good boy, Chris. Hey, can you be a character witness in Democrat Chairman Buckley’s defamation trial?

Which can be summarized as:

Chris Sununu is officially now a NeverTrumper

Which the only results those morons accomplished in 2020 was to help elect Biden. So once again, Sununu’s late to the party. And now has proclaimed that he’s fully against between a third and a half of the Republican base.  Yeah, that would have been a winning hand given that he his best band of national polling results was betwee 0.5%- 1%. And in today’s RealClearPolitics aggregate polling, he’s still only at 1% – far less than the 5% he so thought he’d rise to handily to get to the debate stage.

Even with his ferocious frenzy of appearances on the illiberal talking head spots (really, “The View”?  Remember, the Left isn’t going to vote in the Republican primaries).  And I would have to wonder that in my snap unscientific poll (plaudits to Steve for his technical “clean up”) how he would have faired against Chuck Morse (5.24%), Kelly Ayotte (64.92%), or Frank Edelblut (29.84%)?

So now the only question is “what’s the over/under that he’d run for a fifth term (co-asked with “will that kill the Republican legislative majorities”?)? Or is it a talking head or consulting gig?

Anyways, this series has run its course and I’m glad it’s done. But gladder that we’d have Republican in the Oval Office aligned with Democrats socially – and shoving their Culture War spawned Overton Window so far to the Left that it’s outside Pluto’s orbit.

UPDATE: forgot that I had a “Notable Quote” to go along with this aborted effort (perfect word choice for a pro-abortion Republican); emphasis mine:

It should be a rule that if you want to announce whether you’re running for president, no less than five people have to know who you are and what you do for a living. Reporters in Washington don’t count.

Hey, that “five” fits right in Sununu’s “five” but five people is a whole lot less than “poll percentage”; brutal.  And the beginning of the next sentence is even more brutal:

A man named Chris Sununu declared in a Washington Post op-ed this week that he will, in fact, not be seeking the Republican presidential nomination, and I honestly doubt that even three people reading this could identify Sununu in a lineup of pudgy white men. I’d heard of him before but had no idea what he looked like and wasn’t even sure if he was still an elected official. As it turns out, he’s the sitting governor of New Hampshire.

But more importantly, if you’re going to announce a campaign or explain why you’re not running, the reasons for it shouldn’t be maddeningly stupid. That Sununu chose the Post to lay out his thought process was already a clue that this wasn’t something Republican voters needed to be concerned with. But his explanation was equal parts delusional and pathetic in declaring how noble he believes he is by not running because he will instead be more effective on the sidelines lecturing the base about what should and shouldn’t be important to them.

Because as we all know, the Washington Post (aka, “WaPo”) is SUCH a bastion of conservatism and Republicanism (/sarc). And for him to yammer about “individual liberty” after what  he did during COVID to ELIMINATE individual liberties is shameful and nothing less than whitewashing himself.  Ask anyone who IS (rather than just calling themselves such) Conservative knows better what cape Sununu is trying on at the “campaign store”.

“To win, Republicans need our message to appeal to new voters, and we can do this without sacrificing classic conservative principles of individual liberty, low taxes and local control,” wrote Sununu. “But we must abandon the issues that are solely made for social media headlines, such as banning books or issuing curriculum fiats to local school districts hundreds of miles away from state capitals.”

Do I REALLY need to remind you that it was Sununu that unlocked that Culture War door (SB263) that let the Left stroll through the door and gaslight us all that pornography is a necessary component for “learning” academic subjects (snort!).

Yes, Sununu is one of those Republicans who still believes winning national elections can be done with slogans about tax cuts and “free markets.” In other words, he is the kind of Republican who believes he’s elected to do nothing.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Free Speech vs. Calls to Pander to Republican Primary “Civility”

Wed, 2023-06-07 15:00 +0000

The Republican Party is on a mission,  as in every election cycle, to equate civility with unity. Let’s not say negative things about those other GOP candidates lest we spark a civil war and create division. They want us to talk about our shared vision as if we had one.

Is it paying lip service to the idea that Republicans will defend natural rights? To set forth a platform of ideas so that candidates we elect can make excuses for ignoring or undermining them? Or is it a national party committed to winning and then doing nothing with victory? I know what it is = bashing Donald Trump.

That’s something under which Republicans could unite. And I’m fine with that, but it should apply all the way around with a few thin and flimsy guardrails (no defamation, fraud, or incitement), and let’s see who crosses the finish line.

It’s messy, but everyone is invited to play along—even the John McCains at the party. You remember him. In 2016, helped add credibility to the Steele Dossier, which turned out to be defamation, fraud, and incitement. Entire movements on the Republican side rose up to resist the guy based on Democrat party lies.

That wasn’t the first time or the last. So, bring your tired, poor, huddled opinions, yearning to breathe free. The wretched tweets from your social media shore. Bring your own torch (light) while you’re at it, and shine it brightly on everything and everyone.

Being right or wrong is not nearly as important as the exercise of plumbing the truth, and civility may not make it to the end of the road, but that’s okay because we need to stop training our side to be passive. It’s not working. Democrats are not civil, not to each other or anyone else. Their fanatic street mobs are mentally unstable radicals whose only moral compass is a party that kills babies, cheats women, and mutilates children. And they hate free speech.

Passivity doesn’t advance liberty, and neither do the Republicans who can’t stop talking about keeping your powder dry in primaries. And if you are not sure what that looks like, watch how the establishment treats Trump and then do unto others.

No violence or intimidation; those are left Wing tactics—free Speech on full power, especially when they tell you in their own quaint little way to shut the hell up.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

4 Benefits of Outsourcing for Manufacturing Companies Across All Industries

Wed, 2023-06-07 14:30 +0000

In business, as in so many other elements of modern life, fads and trends come and go quickly, and it takes a truly innovational concept to “stick” and become a success.

Outsourcing is one of those outstandingly effective and efficient (yet still relatively new) processes which can drastically improve the core functionality of a company. With that being said, continue reading to learn the four key benefits of outsourcing for manufacturing companies.

1. Substantially Reduced Business Costs

First and foremost, every business manager understands the supreme importance of ensuring that there is enough money in the pot to be able to continue trading for another year, and for those companies focused on longevity, reducing costs is always of optimum importance.

Outsourcing will allow you to do just that, with the provision of highly trained employees who are specifically knowledgeable about one area of your company and who do not need to be trained at the expense of your business—unlike your current members of staff.

2. Unprecedented Access to the Latest Industry Technologies

One of the primary advantages of choosing to outsource one or more core business processes is the fact that your company will be afforded access to the latest software packages and technologies that the industry has to offer.

Even small and seemingly irrelevant components of your most-used and valuable equipment, such as the sanitary clamps for your system, can be upgraded and updated, meaning outsourcing cleaning and maintenance processes can drastically improve the performance of a machine.

3. More Time to Focus on Other Areas of the Company

Another huge benefit of choosing to outsource a particular area of the company is the extra time it will provide you to turn your attention to other (just as important or even more so) needs of the business.

Social media management, for example, is one of the most popular sectors chosen by companies across the entire spectrum of industries to outsource to a renowned third-party company, mainly as not only does this take the commitment out of your own hands, but also as it always tends to raise customer satisfaction levels.

It would also be worth pointing out that outsourcing social media management will also mean you can reap the rewards of having an accessible social media profile for customers and clients that is essentially immune to differences in time zones.

4. A Greater Level of Flexibility

When a company chooses to complete all tasks and projects in-house, with their existing employees, not only is it likely that not one person is fully trained and experienced in one area, but this also means more money is needed to pay staff.

Outsourcing a particular project or repetitive task, however, results in you only needing to hire these relevant and niche employees for the duration of the time needed for project completion.

In downtimes, or during times of the year when your company profits are generally lower than the rest of the time, this will enable you to reduce your costs, which could make a huge difference to the financial position of the business.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Governor Chris Sununu Subpoenaed for Ordering Illegal Arrests

Wed, 2023-06-07 13:30 +0000

NH Governor Chris Sununu to be subpoenaed to testify at the hearing of Teresa (Grinnell) Bastarache regarding his involvement in the illegal arrest of (Grinnell) Bastarache and eight other NH citizens

PDF Press Release 6-6-2023



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

BBC Admits Solar Panel Waste Is a Huge Environmental Problem (Or Did They Mean Opportunity?)

Wed, 2023-06-07 12:00 +0000

It’s been five years since Canada Free Press admitted that solar panel waste is a toxic environmental nightmare, and no one had a plan. We still don’t have a plan. NH tried to get a clue in 2022, but the State Senate killed it, and now a new piece reminds us the problem can only get worse.


The challenge of recycling these discarded panels is even more daunting. Traditional recycling methods, while able to recover most of the aluminum and glass, struggle to extract and reclaim the more precious materials, like silver and copper. According to Mr. Nicolas Defrenne, over 60% of the value of solar panels is contained in just 3% of their weight. However, these materials are intertwined with other components, making them economically challenging to separate.


Never fear. The solution is here. Much the way politicians made electricity unnecessarily expensive so that renewables could try and compete, rare earth metals have become so expensive that there may be a way to make money trying to recover that 3% and recycle it back into production. The friends and family members of well-connected elites are standing by to invest just as they did in government-subsidized solar.

It will cost a lot of money, but no worries, all those costs will be passed down to consumers and ratepayers directly – in costs and charges, and indirectly – through taxes, inflation, and the higher cost of everything everywhere that result from higher energy prices.

The green in green energy continues to be cash money changing hands from yours to theirs, and the only environment they care about is the one that keeps that scheme alive.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser: Watch Kevin Parry Build a LEGO Model Video (Stop Motion)

Wed, 2023-06-07 10:30 +0000

Most of us have seen clay motion animation cartoons when we (Boomers) were young.  At that time, I never knew how they were made, which was part of the magic!

The Grandson is BIG into LEGO models (from his allowance, he just bought two yesterday and TMEW spent the evening putting them together last night. With that in mind, when I stumbled across this last night (at the time of this writing), I’m going to watch him watch this today.

LEGO Stop-Motion! – Kevin Parry
by u/Western_Giraffe9517 in oddlysatisfying

It will be interesting to see if he wants to try.

(H/T: Reddit via Linkiest)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jamie Raskin Is Proof Of DC Insanity

Wed, 2023-06-07 01:30 +0000

I have never been a fan of Jamie Raskin. I have always thought that Raskin is second only to Adam Schiff as the most obnoxious and out-of-touch member of Congress. He is a person who loves the camera, even with his current bout with cancer and a different fashionable head cover daily.

But this Sunday, Raskin was on the CNN opinion show, “State of the Union,” and displayed his warped thinking.

In our current polarized environment, it is not only typical but expected that politicians have to be diametrically opposed to their counterparts on the other side of the aisle. Does that mean they must throw common sense and reality out the window? Apparently so, according to Raskin’s comments.

The first topic was the potential contempt charges by Congress against FBI Director Christopher Wray. Raskin is the Ranking Member of the powerful House Oversight Committee. Representative Jim Comer has been working to get a whistleblower report from the FBI for weeks. The document is not classified, and the whistleblower has been determined to have high credibility. The document, an FD-1023 form, is reported to detail a potential bribe of then Vice President Joe Biden by a foreign government for his support of specific legislation.

If true, the offense could lead to impeachment proceedings against President Joe Biden. Though the FBI falls under the scrutiny of the Oversight Committee, Wray has denied the form to the committee despite a subpoena demanding Wray turn over the document. Wray has finally capitulated that Comer and Raskin could view the document in a Capitol s&if on Monday but could not take possession of the document. This action by Wray does not satisfy the subpoena, but not according to Raskin.

Raskin was adamant that the Republicans were overreacting in proceeding with contempt charges against Wray. He claims that Wray has cooperated completely and done everything asked of him. There is only one truth to a situation. Wray in no way cooperated, and his actions point to the FBI Director protecting the sitting President. This is a black-and-white situation, but Raskin sees it through magical glasses. He could not be more wrong in his assessment and comments.

The second topic involves Biden’s decision not to be active on the campaign trail and refusal to debate any Democrat challengers for his job. Most see Biden’s actions as designed to protect him from his current mental acuity. Biden’s handlers do not want to have Biden in public or in any situation where he may suffer from his usual gaffes. Raskin does not see it that way.

Raskin claims that Biden’s current state of mind should not impact his electability. Raskin feels people should vote for Biden solely on his years of service and accomplishments. Raskin sees no value in discussing Biden’s view of the future or having his views challenged by either Democrat or Republican challengers. Raskin could not be more wrong. Elections are certainly about accomplishments but also the future. If Joe Biden is declining so quickly that many do not see him as fit to be President today, the thought of Joe Biden as President five or six years from now is disconcerting. Raskin saying he is comfortable with Biden and not concerned about his accelerated aging process should direct attention to Raskin’s suitability to serve.

Raskin should be embarrassed by his performance on CNN, but these leaders on the Left are immune to critique and constantly circling the wagons around this President. They best hope these circles don’t become firing squads when the facts about the Bidens start falling.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Worry … Those Dildos Are Family-Friendly

Wed, 2023-06-07 00:00 +0000

There is such a disconnect between the Establishment-GOP and reality. The Establishment-GOP … in the words of Mitch McConnell … believe, or at least want Americans to believe, that that the most important thing going on is the Blackrock/Chase/insert-name-of-globalist-institution War in Ukraine. It’s NOT. Not even top-50. DeSantis had it right when he said that it was a border dispute that does not affect vital American interests … until his donors who see dollar bills every time another Ukrainian or Russian dies needlessly demanded that he retract the truth.

To his credit, DeSantis understands … or at least I think he understands … that WOKE, not Putin, is an actual existential threat to America. “Family-friendly,” as defined by the WOKE-dictionary, means promoting dildos to children.

The post Don’t Worry … Those Dildos Are Family-Friendly appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Yet Another Example of How Written Constitutions Don’t Enforce Themselves

Tue, 2023-06-06 22:30 +0000

Constitutions don’t enforce themselves. That’s why James Madison called them “parchment barriers.” While there are plenty of examples of this at the federal level, it’s worth looking at a situation at the state level that perhaps demonstrates this even more so.

Despite the clear intent of the state constitution, the Washington Supreme Court recently upheld an illegal capital gains income tax by simply changing the definition of a few words and declaring the tax to be legal.

To understand how absurd the situation is, you need to know a little about Washington’s history.

Under the Washington State Constitution, property can only be taxed at a uniform rate. That means the state property tax must be the same rate regardless of where you live. Back in the early 1900s, there was an effort to tax other types of intangible property, such as income. The problem was that as written, the state constitution required intangible property to be taxed at the same rate as tangible property like real estate. Having a 6 percent tax on property and income from stocks and bonds wasn’t what proponents had in mind.

So, in the 1930s the fourteenth amendment to the Washington State Constitution was approved by voters allowing for different property tax rates for separate classes of property. It also included a definition of property as “all things tangible and intangible, subject to ownership.” The pro-amendment section of the voter pamphlet at the time made it clear that its purpose was to allow the taxation of income at a different rate than other tangible property.

In the 1933 Washington Supreme Court decision in Culliton v. Chase overturning a progressive income tax, the high court wrote that “it would certainly defy the ingenuity of the most profound lexicographer to formulate a more comprehensive definition of ‘property’ than that found in the Washington state constitution. Income is either property under our fourteenth amendment or no one owns it. If that is true, anyone can use our incomes who has the power to seize or obtain them by foul means.”

In the decades that followed, the Washington Supreme Court repeatedly held that a progressive income tax was illegal in Washington state due to these two constitutional provisions. At the same time, voters consistently rejected proposals for a progressive income tax at the ballot box.

After a progressive income tax failed at the ballot box yet again in 2010 via Initiative 1098, a movement grew attempting to enact it through the courts instead of a constitutional amendment. Proponents hoped a politically-friendly court would rule on ideological grounds rather than jurisprudence. In 2017, the city of Seattle approved a local income tax that was challenged in court, and though it was overturned by a court of appeals, the Washington Supreme Court refused to take up the case.

Then in 2021, the state legislature enacted a capital gains income tax above a certain income threshold – except there was a catch. They didn’t call it an “income tax.” Instead, they described the tax on the income derived from the sales of capital gains as an “excise tax.”

As former government reform director at the Washington Policy Center Jason Mercier extensively documented, there’s no such thing as a capital gains excise tax. By definition, an excise tax is paid regardless of whether a profit is made from the sale. Washington state’s capital gains “excise tax” only applies when the sale nets profit.

No state imposes an excise tax on capital gains, and the Internal Revenue Service itself insists a capital gains tax is an income tax.

You’d think the new tax wouldn’t stand a chance, and if it actually made it to the state’s highest court, the judges wouldn’t uphold it.

But that’s exactly what happened.

In its opinion, the Washington Supreme Court simply reiterated that it was an excise tax because, well, they said it is and the state tax system is racist so they need this tax. If you think that’s an exaggeration, read the majority opinion yourselves. It is perhaps one of the worst legal arguments you’ll ever encounter.

While there is an ongoing lawsuit to overturn the tax for violating the U.S. Constitution, it’s irrelevant to the point here. What should have been an ironclad constitutional restriction on a certain type of tax was demolished, not through amending the constitution to allow for a progressive income tax, but through judicial fiat and word magic. The judges literally declared that words that mean one thing now mean something else in order to circumvent the meaning of a written constitution.

What makes it even more inexcusable is that, unlike the U.S. court system, Washington Supreme Court judges are elected and can be removed. So can the legislators who proposed and voted for an illegal tax. But when left to themselves, none of these branches of government maintained the rule of law.

All of it could have been avoided if voters had been more vigilant to protect and defend the state constitution because, just like the U.S. Constitution, it does not and will never enforce itself.

Washington residents likely face learning this lesson the hard way via a potential income tax on all levels of income. Americans elsewhere would do well to learn by their example.


TJ Martinell | The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Do Enviro-Activists Deflating Tires on SUVs Realize How Bad that is for the Environment?

Tue, 2023-06-06 21:00 +0000

Does anyone in the army of self-proclaimed activists called the Tyre Extinguishers (deflating tires on SUVs across Europe in the name of their false green god) know how much additional carbon will be emitted due to their actions?

Assuming you think that’s a problem, and the dolts deflating tires certainly do. And I’m not sure about Europe, but in the US, in most locales across the fruited plain, the act is a misdemeanor—criminal mischief. It could also get you hot-winged (pepper spray), tazed, or shot, again, depending on where you take it to the SUV-driving Man and get caught.

But then, much like every other little green lie, the secret has always been not to get caught, even while bragging about what you do.

“Overall, activists associated with the Tyre Extinguishers are responsible for deflating tires on more than 10,000 SUVs. On a single night in November last year, the group boasted that its members “disarmed” more than 900 SUVs in a coordinated action across multiple cities in the U.S. and Europe,” according to FOX News.


How many unnecessary calls (cellular networks emit carbon) were made for tow trucks or auto club services to come and reinflate them, or calls to the police who had to drive out to file a report? And how often was it two of these things and not just one? Call the police. Call the European equivalent of AAA. Emissions, emissions, emissions.

Depending on the miles driven, round trip by police or services, plus the emissions from the compressors to reinflate the tires or generators to run the compressors, you’ve likely added a pile of unnecessary crap into the biosphere … in the name of reducing it.

And did you walk to wherever it is you went to deflate all the tires, or did you catch a ride there and there and there and back?

I know, they think – big picture – this will be a net win, but it is no different than anything else the greens claim. Neither wind nor solar are green, and for good measure, wind turbines kill birds, bats, and now whales. Solar recycling is a monster of an environmental hazard and starting to get out of hand, and wind turbines are too. And none of that idiocy can be accomplished without burning coal to make coke for steel and using natural gas or other fossil fuels.

I’d suggest that the problem is fumes inhaled while gluing yourselves to things, but this 600 cm3 brain-thinking predates that idiocy. Green activists are stupid. But not just stupid. They’ve offered the world’s vandals an excuse to cause more unnecessary emissions with their mischief, some of whom will escalate to tire slashing, which is all the things noted above, plus the carbon footprint to make, deliver, install replacements, and dispose of the damaged tires.

And while dumb and counter-productive, I confess to being excited about this trend coming to America. At least a few green weenies will likely get their asses kicked by an equal number of gold ole’ boys, but there is a way you might prevent that. Focus on the greater Washington, DC, area. There is an abundance of oversized black vehicles with tinted windows. If you get caught, try showing them your Liberal Privilege card. Maybe they’ll treat it like shoplifting in many a modern Democrat-Run city and punish the person who ratted you out.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Republicans Fiscally Irresponsible Act

Tue, 2023-06-06 19:30 +0000

The political and financial class breathed a sigh of relief when Congress passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. The bill suspends the debt ceiling for two years, thus avoiding the establishment’s nightmare of a government default on its debt. Rather, it allows the government to continue adding trillions of dollars of debt that will be monetized by the Federal Reserve.

Of course, this default will be felt by the people in the form of an inflation tax. This inflation tax may be the worst of all taxes, because it is both hidden and regressive. Politicians love to point the finger at greedy corporations, labor unions, and even consumers for increasing prices instead of taking responsibility for the legislation they pass that incentivizes the Federal Reserve to create more inflation.

Republican supporters of the bill claim it begins to roll back the excessive spending of the Biden years. While the bill does rescind $28 billion of unspent COVID funds, it just recycles that money into the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. Thus it does not save taxpayers a dime. The bill does cap domestic discretionary spending for Fiscal Year 2024 at $704  billion and spending for Fiscal Year 2025 at $711 billion. However, these caps come from a budget whose baseline includes the increased COVID spending. The bill only cuts spending by 0.1 to 0.2 percent of gross domestic product over the next two years  – assuming Congress does not reverse the cuts. Of course, it makes no attempt to actually cut spending, much less eradicate any illegitimate and unconstitutional government agencies, cabinet departments, or programs.

Even though “defense” is the third largest item in the budget (behind social security, Medicare, and interest in the national debt), our annual military budget alone is more than the combined budgets of the next ten biggest spending countries. The Fiscal Responsibility Act doesn’t take a penny away from the military budget; instead, it matches President Biden’s request for a 3.2 percent increase.  This increase comes despite the fact that the Pentagon has never complied with the law requiring it to pass an audit.

Biden’s military budget is the largest in United States history and probably world history. Deep  State Republicans like South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham never met a war he didn’t love.  Graham and his allies threatened to block passage of the bill unless the military spending was increased and more taxpayer money—and Ukraine and Russian lives — wasted in the Ukraine-Russian conflict.

Hawks alienate current and potential allies with their hyper-interventionist policies. This, along with the increasing national debt, is leading to increased challenges to the US dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. The dollar’s status is the only reason Congress has been able to run up such a huge deficit without causing a major economic crisis.

The Fiscal Responsibility Act will result in increased government spending, debt, and deficits. It will also further erode the value of the United States Dollar, thus making it more likely that the US dollar will lose its world reserve currency status sooner rather than later. The Fiscal Responsibility Act is to fiscal responsibility as the Affordable Care Act is to affordable health care and as the Patriot Act is to true Patriotism. Perhaps a future Congress will introduce legislation that actually begins to cut back on the size and scope of government called the Fiscal Irresponsibility Act!


Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

The post Republicans Fiscally Irresponsible Act appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Haverhill Selectman Block Town’s Day In Court

Tue, 2023-06-06 18:00 +0000

Last year the Woodsville Fire District had sued the Town of Haverhill for $490K in road funds as specified in SB 75, but they never “[gave] bond to the Town,” a critical requirement to meet before any taxpayer funds were released to the District.

We want to thank Marie Bjelobrk for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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I sent an urgent email to those Haverhill Selectboard officials to hopefully delay/prevent the signing of any agreement with Woodsville Fire District based on this lack of bond.

Woodsville Fire District never gave bond to the Town for the $490,000.00 they were suing for in court.

Please see attached emails, as they will provide proof of my statements.

All information is located on the Town of Haverhill website, but I was the only resident to read it thoroughly.

The Town of Haverhill was prevented from ever presenting this issue in court as a result of the deliberate actions of Selectboard members Fred Garofalo, Steve Robbins, Michael Graham, Katie Williams, and Kevin Knapp.

Williams and Knapp had been on the Selectboard for only two months at that time.

All Selectboard members voted unanimously, without hesitation, to award Woodsville Fire District $490,000.00 of taxpayer money in a closed settlement agreement instead of going to court.

This rush to settle conveniently eliminated the need for the surety bond, as required by SB75.

There was no attempt even to delay the settlement meeting, so an investigation into the bond issue could be performed.

The time and date stamps of the attached emails demonstrate a deliberate delay in consulting the Town Attorney by the Selectboard Chair until after the settlement negotiation was concluded.

The Town of Haverhill was prematurely blocked from having their day in court by this Selectboard, ensuring that Woodsville Fire District could get their money.

Timeline to consider while reading attached emails, attached in order:

1. Monday, May 30th, 2022 at 1:44 PM

My original urgent email indicating the lack of a surety bond, sent to all Haverhill Selectboard members

2. Monday, May 30th, 2022 at 9:31 PM

Initial email response by Haverhill SB Chair Fred Garofalo stating he would check with the Town attorney regarding this discovery. (6.5 hours later)

3. Tuesday, May 31st, 2022 at 10:15 AM (During closed meeting)

Email response by Haverhill SB member Katie Williams during the closed settlement meeting regarding Woodsville Fire District. (1.5 hours into the closed meeting)

This response from Katie Williams came during the 9 am closed meeting with Woodsville Fire District before the settlement agreement had been signed.

Concerned residents had gathered at the Clifford Building to protest the settlement but were soon sent home by the Selectboard.

Michael Graham, Katie Williams, and Kevin Knapp refused briefings on multiple occasions from the Haverhill Town Attorney in the days prior to, and during this settlement meeting.

All Selectboard members received my urgent email the night before via BCC.

4. Wednesday, June 8, 2022 1:39 PM

Email sent from Chairman Fred Garofalo to Vice Chairman Steve Robbins stating that there was no issue and Woodsville Fire District would get their money upon signing the settlement agreement at the next SB meeting.

5. Wednesday, June 8th, 2022 at 9:27 PM

Email response from Chairman Fred Garofalo admitting to me that the Town of Haverhill could have filed for injunctive relief due to the lack of a surety bond, per the Haverhill Town Attorney.

This was too late, however, because they had already signed the settlement agreement 8 days before.

That’s how they bypassed the need for the surety bond before releasing funds, which Woodsville Fire District would not have been able to obtain after the fact.

Chairman Garofalo had cut and pasted the information from his email with Vice Chair Robbins in his email response to me regarding the statement from the Town Attorney, minus his commentary to Vice Chair Robbins.

The fourth email listed, resulting from a separate 91-A request,  demonstrates that there was never any intention to stop the signing of a settlement agreement with Woodsville Fire District in spite of the fact they never obtained the bond.

The members of that Selectboard should be held accountable for rushing to sign an agreement and awarding road money to Woodsville Fire District when the District did not meet this critical requirement of  SB 75.

The Selectboard members in question deliberately ignored the surety bond requirement and then unethically eliminated it by signing the settlement agreement with Woodsville Fire District.

The law that Woodsville Fire District used as the basis of its lawsuit is clear. Lines 11-14 required them to “give bond to the Town,” which they clearly did not do and is not the same as being bonded individually.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Barack Obama Reminds Us How Much He Hates the First Amendment

Tue, 2023-06-06 16:30 +0000

Barry Obama is concerned about America’s divided conversation. “I’m much older than you… when I was coming up, you had three TV stations, and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.”  Translation: We had message control, and now we don’t.


“Today, what I’m most concerned about is because of the splintering of the media, we almost occupy different realities,” Obama said, adding “If something happens, in the past, everybody could say, all right, we may disagree on how to solve it, but at least we all agree that, yeah, that’s an issue.”

“Now people will say, well, that didn’t happen, or I don’t believe that,” he complained, asserting that “one of, I think, the goals of the Obama Foundation, and one of the goals of my post-presidency, is how do we return to that common conversation? How can we have a common set of facts?”


So, to clarify, if things were Obama’s way, Hillary never had an illegal email server, Benghazi was caused by a YouTube video, and the Steele Dossier was not a pack of lies spun up to smear and impeach a duly elected president. Hunter’s Laptop would be Russian Disinformation, SARS C0V2 came from some Chinese wet market and not a Lab in Wuhan, and the climate cult didn’t get every single prediction wrong.

I’ve kept the list deliberately short. We could go deep on Biden (for example), but I try to stick to my own word limit for articles on GranteGrok, and such an expedition would most certainly exceed it before I got to the point. Obama is trying to go yard for the ongoing disinformation narrative the Dems have been spinning as a way to innoculate Americans into accepting limitations on speech, and we can see why? They spend so much time lying and deceiving people that without such protections, the truth emerges, and the despotism for which they pine cannot brook speech on these terms.

It’s a problem, and they are hoping to convince America we need to let them solve it in their favor. Misinformation is protected speech. Even the Congressional Research Service has to admit as much.


The Supreme Court has said the Free Speech Clause protects false speech when viewed as a broad category, but the government may restrict limited subcategories of false speech without violating the First Amendment. For example, defamation, fraud, political advertisements, and broadcast speech are subject to special considerations.


But that’s about it.  And even those often fall under the strictest of scrutiny because the exercise of free speech and a truly free press – as opposed to Barry’s contrived muppet media – is essential to liberty.


The Supreme Court has recognized that false statements may not add much value to the marketplace of ideas. Even so, there is a concern that by prohibiting false speech, the government would also “chill” more valuable speech, meaning it would cause people to self-censor out of fear of violating the law. Consequently, the First Amendment creates “breathing space” protecting the false statements and hyperbole that are “inevitable in free debate.”


You would think these nuances would please the Left, given its penchant for deceit, but it is not enough. They seek to control the message because, as noted above, their preferred form of government is impossible. Obama implies we are better off if we are all on the same page. It is simpler, easier, and I guess the government would be doing us a favor and making our lives easier.


The only model that asks nothing of its citizens in terms of learning, autonomy and decision-making is the authoritarian one. By arguing that freedom from speech is often more important than freedom of speech, advocates unwittingly embrace the nineteenth-century (anti-)speech justification for czarist power: the idea that the Russian peasant has the best kind of freedom, the freedom from the burden of freedom itself (because it surely is a burden).




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ATF Pistol Brace Rule: An “Experiment of your Disposition”

Tue, 2023-06-06 15:00 +0000

With an enforcement deadline looming at the end of May, potentially affecting millions of stabilizing braces, the new ATF rule is – as the founders told us – a test or an “experiment of your disposition.”

The Department of Justice (DOJ) submitted its “Final Rule” on pistol stabilizing braces to the Federal Register on January 13, 2023. This new gun control rule by executive order could turn millions of previously legally-owned firearms with a brace attached into NFA-regulated short-barreled rifles (SBRs), and the people that possess those weapons into felons – with the stroke of a pen.

The penalties they’re threatening are significant – federal felony charges carry up to 10 years in prison and $250,000 in fines for each firearm in violation.

But, as the Founders and old Revolutionaries told us – any act beyond the limits of the Constitution is an act of “usurpation,” or a theft of power from the sovereign people of the several states. All such acts are void, and in the words of even big-government-loving Alexander Hamilton – they “deserve to be treated as such.”

Just a quick overview of some of their writings tell us exactly what that means.

In response to the Stamp Act of 1765, for example, John Dickinson urged the people to refuse to comply with the act. He wrote:

“IF you comply with the Act by using Stamped Papers, you fix, you rivet perpetual Chains upon your unhappy Country. You unnecessarily, voluntarily establish the detestable Precedent, which those who have forged your Fetters ardently wish for, to varnish the future Exercise of this new claimed Authority”

Like so many others of the time, the “Penman of the Revolution” understood that mass compliance just encourages government to take more and more…and more. He continued:

“THE Stamp Act, therefore, is to be regarded only as an EXPERIMENT OF YOUR DISPOSITION. If you quietly bend your Necks to that Yoke, you prove yourselves ready to receive any Bondage to which your Lords and Masters shall please to subject you”

Compliance with unconstitutional acts just guarantees more of the same in the future. And in the other direction, James Madison told us that non-compliance and “a refusal to cooperate with officers of the Union” is an essential part of how to keep the federal government in check – without relying on the federal government to somehow, magically limit itself.

Yet, some people want us to “wait for the federal courts to sort this out” – as if potentially years of waiting for one part of the government to tell another part of the government to stop doing what the government never should have been doing in the first place is anything close to what a “free people” would do.

In fact, it’s the opposite. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, “A free people claim their rights, as derived from the laws of nature, and not as a gift of their chief magistrate.”

When you get down to it, waiting on the federal government to stop itself is not a people living in a “land of the free.” It’s a population on its knees, begging for permission.

When it comes to the right to keep and bear arms, we’re definitely talking about the “laws of nature.”

Mercy Otis Warren put it this way, “Self defence is a primary law of nature, which no subsequent law of society can abolish.”

James Wilson took it a step further, “The defence of one’s self, justly called the primary law of nature, is not, nor can it be abrogated by any regulation of municipal law.”

That’s part of why we take the position that the number of federal gun control measures that are authorized by the constitution is ZERO.

This includes the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, which the ATF claims is where many firearms with stabilizing braces will now be regulated as SBRs.

While following Madison, Dickinson – and even Hamilton – to treat this latest act of usurpation as it deserves to be treated is not without risk, ultimately, it’s up to the people to protect and defend their own constitution and their own liberty – whether the government likes it, or not.

Thomas Paine may have summed it up best:

“The strength and powers of despotism consist wholly in the fear of resisting it.”



Michael Boldin | The Tenth Amendment Center

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas: UVM To Open New Pfizer School of Sorcery

Tue, 2023-06-06 13:30 +0000

With a generous grant from global pharmaceutical giant Pfizer the University of Vermont announces plans to break ground this summer on a new School of Sorcery.

Eager to capitalize on a generation still under the spell of Harry Potter, UVM plans to be the first to offer a Bachelors in Divination, Sorcery and Magic (BDSM).  Applications for the school have already been flooding in as competition for the limited number of thirteen spots intensifies.

Some concern over the claims made by applicants has the registrar’s office working over-time to verify them. One hopeful student reports they have already defeated multiple dragons in the Forbidden Forest behind their house in downtown Los Angeles while others claim to have conquered entire armies of trolls – not on the internet, actual trolls.  Another hopeful matriculator says they have a gnome farm.

“We take our jobs as witches and warlocks very seriously, so it’s a little unsettling to read some of these outlandish assertions” states incoming Headmaster Molgrom Ridiculi.  “One does not simply defeat a dragon in Los Angeles without years of blood, sweat and magic rituals practiced under the guidance of proper wizardry!”  This has led the staff to require video evidence of “extraordinary claims” while raising some concerns students will use A.I. to generate them.

Among the courses offered will be A Guide to Magic Mushrooms, Summoning the Dead to Vote, Warlock Robes and Wardrobes and Hexes, Curses and Writing in Cursive.  The course with the most applicant interest is in Black and White Magic, however UVM’s D.E.I. board chair Sha’Karen Finkelworthy (she/her/shay/sho) says the name is problematic.

“Why black magic gotta be the evil one? Can’t nobody tell me!” Miss Finkelworthy crows as she waves her finger back and forth at the new staff, who appear to take the gesturing as a challenge.  We reached out to Miss Finkelworthy for comment but were told she was unable to report to work after waking up covered in boils.

Still the excitement over the new school has many wondering about the forthcoming building.  The architectural plans look to be early 14th century gothic in design, which has other area residents complaining.

A recent letter to the editor included the following statement from Sandy Plumbottom, board chair of a nearby subdivision:

“We have a Home Owners Association (HOA) covenant and this violates the building code for our neighborhood.  It strictly prohibits non-eco friendly structures and the color code only allows earth tones, with the exception of yellow and blue paint if you stand with Ukraine.  Or rainbow décor if you have a pride member in your family.”

Bananas Media reached out for a follow-up interview with Miss Plumbottom and were told she had been committed to a nearby sanitarium after being spotted crawling around her front yard clucking like a chicken.

Despite the hotly contested venture the school’s opening date is set for this fall.  The magical staff has agreed to respond to concerns via old fashioned mail requesting all letters include a locket of hair and be addressed to:

UVM School of Sorcery

33  Maleficium Way

Burlington, VT 05405-0666

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How to Keep the Memory of Your Loved One Alive in a Practical Way

Tue, 2023-06-06 13:00 +0000

Losing a family member, especially if they are a part of your immediate family, is something that, despite the overused cliché that ‘time heals’ is something that never gets better, just farther away.

Although the process of grief and acceptance is an entirely individual and personal journey, it would certainly help to focus your mind on looking for ways and means of memorializing them.

With that being said, here is rundown on how to easily keep the memory of your treasured loved one alive in a practical way.

Plant a Tree Sapling

First and foremost, one of the most beautiful and, indeed, most popular ways of memorializing your loved one who has passed away, whether that be fairly recently or else many years ago, is to plant a tree sapling.

Representative of new life, you could even choose to add an inscription on a plaque underneath the tree, dedicating this new life to the memory of your loved one.

Garden Furniture

If your deceased loved one was someone who loved everything related to the great outdoors and, indeed, you are fortunate enough to have a good-sized backyard and garden attached to your property, then you could consider an engraved plaque.

Garden furniture, from individual chairs to benches and other garden equipment, that uses beautifully and professionally engraved memorial bricks is both a functional and thoughtful way to remember your loved one during a break from potting flowers.

Regularly Donate to Their Favorite Cause

For those people who have always been charitable of nature, another lovely idea to carry on the memory of your loved one and, indeed, positively impact other people’s lives is to set up a regular donation schedule to their favorite charity or cause.

You could even donate each month through a direct debit and always give the name of the donator as your loved one who has passed away rather than your own.

Dedicate a Local Event to Their Name

Perhaps your local town or neighborhood regularly arranges block barbecues, or else a charity fun run whereby each runner asks for sponsorships for a variety of different causes?

Regardless of the event, you could either choose to organize, arrange, and promote your own, or else contact the organizers of an existing one, to see if you are able to dedicate the next one to the memory of your loved one.

Create a Website in Their Memory

The final suggestion for ways to help keep the memory of your loved one alive in very much a practical manner is to create a website in their memory.

Particularly applicable in the cases of individuals who have lost partners or other family members more recently, the website page could become a safe place to share photographs, videos and written memories of time spent with them.

One of the main benefits for you personally should you choose this option is that there is a high chance you may well be sent photographs and videos that you have never before seen.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Quick Thought – The Left’s Child-Borg Army of Gender Warriors

Tue, 2023-06-06 12:00 +0000

At its root, Democrats are mutilating mentally ill kids to fill the ranks of their army of gender warriors. Children who show no signs of gender dysphoria are confused by the Left and pressured by peers until they have it.

Disney uses cartons to normalize it.

Target sells them queer gear to celebrate it.

Parents who object are pilloried or shunned.

Local School boards notify child and family services, who may investigate the parents for abuse.

The Federal government creates profiles and watchlists inside the FBI.

Someone is probably feeding these names to the IRS.

If parents or relatives speak out, they are accused of hate.

And at some point, if allowed to continue, they will be separated from their children, detained, questioned, and perhaps even incarcerated, all so progressives can castrate or neuter other people’s kids in the name of human rights.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Do Not Need Comfortable, We Need Strength

Tue, 2023-06-06 10:30 +0000

Democrats have unjustly criticized the Republican Party as one of old white men who do not reflect the tapestry of America. You can look at the diversity of the field of Republican candidates for President to know how false that statement is.

Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki was on the air this week defending her former boss. She described Joe Biden as old, white, and comfortable. Those are not adjectives I want to hear when referring to the United States President and the free world’s leader. We do not need a comfortable older man sitting in his easy chair on the beach in Delaware. We need a President who will not hesitate to stand up to aggression from any of our adversaries. Joe Biden is too comfortable to show strength.

Three situations are hot spots and require our President’s firm stance and strong statement. Our Border with Mexico, Iran’s movement toward nuclear power, and China’s goal of global dominance are on most people’s radar screen. Will we find them on Joe Biden’s? I’m afraid Joe’s is a test signal from MSNBC!

We know the Border is not one where we will see action from Biden. The Democrats have not only destroyed our sovereignty, but they are impacting the makeup of every city and town in every state. The incredible flow of humanity is precisely what Biden and the Left want. Municipalities use any structure available to house illegal immigrants transported from Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona as these aliens wait for housing, jobs, and school for their children. The demographics of America are changing forever, and there is no plan for this insanity.

Iran is on the verge of possessing nuclear weapons. This weaponizing of Iran is the work of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Donald Trump stopped the process and kept Iran in check. Joe Biden restarted the process immediately when he took office in 2021. What could possibly motivate Obama and Biden to create instability and danger in the Middle East by arming Iran? There is no logical explanation, and it questions whether Israel can count on an America under Democrat control.

China has been attacking us for years, but never as they have since Biden took office. They have been working with the cartels in Mexico to supply the raw fentanyl that the cartels process and ship to America. There are 100,000 Fentanyl poisonings yearly from this illegal drug, but not enough deaths to get the attention of Joe Biden. China has been complicit in destabilizing our economy for years. They are enticing American businesses to China and flooding our country with cheaply made Chinese products. China floats a balloon into our airspace. Biden lets it traverse the country flying over numerous military bases before finally shooting it down when it is over the Atlantic. The damage was already done. China got the info it needed before the balloon was destroyed. China has been buying American property, some surrounding our military bases. Biden has not done anything to deter this, but fortunately, some Governors have. Biden has done nothing to hold China accountable for the leak that became the COVID Pandemic, and the United States is still sending money to the Wuhan Lab for research. Why???

The Left loves to talk about existential threats and always points to the climate as our biggest threat. China is far more of a threat than the climate, but not if you look at the actions of Joe Biden. While the evil players of the world are testing America, America is wasting our energy changing the names of our forts. Fort Bragg lost its name today and became Fort Liberty. God help us if the names of our military bases are the most critical threat our leaders can see.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Communists Are Winning

Tue, 2023-06-06 01:30 +0000

The family is the enemy of Communism. Family members, in healthy families, live for each other; belong to each other … NOT for the State; to the State. In the Communist State, the ruled class are merely worker bees … indistinguishable, interchangeable, always replaceable. Family is just the opposite … you are an individual … unique and irreplaceable.

In Communist New Mexico, the family is being canceled. The Communists are winning.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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