The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 3 min 15 sec ago

Evidence Suggests That Children Who Get No Vaccines … Have Better Health Outcomes

Sat, 2024-04-20 18:00 +0000

Prior to the Trojan Horse event that we politely refer to as the COVID era, vaccine hesitancy was a fringe issue. Citizens who objected to the forced vaccination of children were kooks or extremists, and even those demanding more informed consent got the side-eye from even more liberty-minded Americans. The mRNA injections changed that.

I doubt that was the goal, but an increasing number of people, including those who lined up for at least one shot or booster, have been exposed to a level of public health tyranny on a scale that seemed impossible to imagine. People are just friends, family, and jobs, all in the wake of a propaganda and domestic terror campaign to jab everyone regardless of legitimate objections.

I’m not saying they were red-pilled because there are still plenty of jabbed Republicans and independents who treat the topic like they would abortion. It’s something you avoid like a real plague. The cross-section of the curious has, however, grown significantly. Once reliable demographics were disenfranchised by the mandate experience either as a rights issue or because of personal health complications or similar issues in their near orbit (not safe). Or they had more difficult or more frequent incidents of infection or spread despite the passport mandate rhetoric (not effective).

Ongoing admissions and revelations have compounded all of that as the anti-vaxxers, deniers, and others accused of misinformation for asking questions or sharing alternative news or opinions are proved right about almost everything. It has inculcated a growing number of Americans, including parents, with a curiosity they lacked pre-Covid. It has opened them up to the possibility that neither the government nor pharma is interested in public health and safety. That, along with evidence they would have never considered in the past, suggests that many of the issues with kids, from autism to allergies, that we never had in the past are a product of the ramped-up vaccine regime that precedes their rise and frequency.

And I’m not saying there was no value in inoculation campaigns like those for smallpox. It is about going from a handful of preventatives to dozens of injections and the change in safety and accountability.

The mRNA program exposed many more people to the man doing all the scaremongering behind the public health curtain. His greedy indifference to safety and efficacy suggests a similar position regarding kids and the amped-up vaccine schedule.

They are right to be concerned, and it has had an impact. Childhood vaccination is down. Given that I don’t trust the government much, I have to wonder if that wasn’t the point. The depopulation cult might like the idea of unvaccinated children rubbing elbows with hordes of imported third-world populations carrying diseases we’ve not seen on our shores for generations.

In other words, the problem is not vaccines; it is the unnecessary number of them, their declining quality, and the suspicion that most are no longer administered to prevent the spread of disease but to facilitate it. On those terms, it is unsurprising to hear from groups like the World Council for Health, whose research suggests the current regime is doing more harm than good.

In the current circumstances, the World Council for Health urges parents to consider childhood vaccination very carefully and adopt a common-sense, “Safer to Wait” approach to the vaccination of your boys and girls.

For the sake of all children and a healthy society it is time that we question our blind faith in vaccines, the corporations that produce them, and the regulatory bodies and supranational organisations that enable and profit directly or indirectly through their authorisation.

Some of the bullets they cite include,

  • Several research studies now indicate that vaccinated children have far worse health outcomes with higher rates of many chronic diseases than non-vaccinated children.
  • Modern society is experiencing unprecedented rates of autism, asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, depression and more, for which the root cause/s have not been established.
  • National regulatory agencies have never done the necessary evaluation to determine whether vaccines given to children alone or together according to the ever-expanding childhood vaccination schedules are associated with poor health outcomes compared with children who are not vaccinated.
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) and its private and state stakeholders have financial and ideological interests in the provision of vaccines and has committed to providing 500 vaccines by 2030.

You can see the entire release here, and here is Dr. Peter McCullough speaking briefly on the topic.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did the Windham School District Break the Law on Challenge Day?

Sat, 2024-04-20 16:00 +0000
This was sent to The New Hampshire Department of Education in an effort to conduct an investigation:

Dear, Ms. Fenton,

Please see the two attached files that were provided to me through a 91-a sent to the Windham Superintendent on April 4, 2024.

Students in the district participated in Challenge Day. You can access information on Challenge Day in the file attached to this email.

After a casual conversation with some Windham parents whose children attended Challenge Day, I was surprised to find out that even though the parents signed a permission slip, they were not aware of the personal questions that would be asked of their children.  It appears the questions asked of the students were not provided to the district by the vendor, and then were not available to the parents to read.

I am unable to access the questions that were asked of the students during Challenge Day. When I inquired about the questions asked of students, I was told that this information was included in their response. (See attached screenshot)  I did not see any of these personal questions asked of students included in the files provided by Windham.

For example,  Windham parents were told that students had to “Cross the Line” if:
– they have a family member or friend who wanted to or committed suicide
– they ran away from home or felt like they didn’t belong
– have a family member who was made fun of because they are LBTQ
-if they had ever been abused
-if they had ever felt poor, been poor or been homeless
These questions were not provided to me in the reply from my 91-a request.

This is the kind of example that was presented to the House and Senate Education Committee by those who testified in support of the Non-Academic Survey Law. Legislators listened to testimony from parents who said their children were asked these kinds of questions in a class in front of their peers. This is exactly why this law was passed–to make sure parents understood what would be asked of their children so they could refuse their participation. According to testimony, some of these students were required to move forward or backward based on their answer. The teacher then took photos of the students in the class based on where they stood after they answered these questions.

RSA 186:11 IX-D requires:
–school districts to adopt a policy governing the administration of nonacademic surveys or questionnaires to students. The policy shall require school districts to notify a parent or legal guardian of a non-academic survey or questionnaire and its purpose. The policy shall provide that no student shall be required to volunteer for or submit to a non-academic survey or questionnaire, as defined in this paragraph, without written consent of a parent or legal guardian unless the student is an adult or an emancipated minor. The policy shall include an exception from the consent requirement for the youth risk behavior survey developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The policy shall also allow a parent or legal guardian to opt-out of the youth risk behavior survey developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The school district shall make such surveys or questionnaires available at the school and on the school or school district’s website for review by a student’s parent or legal guardian at least 10 days prior to distribution to students. In this paragraph, “non-academic survey or questionnaire” means surveys, questionnaires, or other documents designed to elicit information about a student’s social behavior, family life, religion, politics, sexual orientation, sexual activity, drug use, or any other information not related to a student’s academics.

It is my understanding that parents have not seen the questions asked of their children when they participated in “Cross the Line.”  The district has also not provided me with these questions after filing the 91-a.

In addition to answering personal and deeply emotional questions about themselves, this activity appears to bring mental health treatment directly to students whose parents never consented to this kind of group therapy in school.

When districts participate in surveying students about their personal lives or provide this kind of group mental health therapy in school, the law should be followed.  In addition to the state law governing non-academic surveys, the federal law PPRA also spells out parental rights governing the administration of a survey, analysis, or evaluation of students in the eight protected areas.

As you know, Every Student Succeeds Act requires parents to consent to mental health assessments or services.

In the discussion with the parents, I was also told that some of the students were in tears during this group therapy session. Looking at the list of individuals who were present, it’s important to note that no Phd level Child Psychologists were present. If children were experiencing any trauma or reliving trauma through this exercise, it does not appear that anyone present has the education or clinical training to deal with those situations.

This kind of group therapy in school has already been criticized by those in the mental health field. SEE Death Education Columbine High School featured on 20/20: (pay close attention to 6:00 to 10:28)

The Vendor also made sure to relieve themselves of any liability. A licensed Child Psychologist would be accountable through the licensing board if they were treating a child in their private practice. What if a student re-lives trauma during this mental health exercise and begins to self-harm or, worse, takes their own life? This is exactly why these laws were put in place–to give parents the information they need to make an informed decision for their children. Children who may relive trauma, abuse, or suffering during one of these group therapy sessions need the best professional care.


The Vendor also states that :




Ann Marie Banfield 


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Gun Control Program has its Roots in the IRS

Sat, 2024-04-20 14:00 +0000

Ten states – and counting – have passed a bill called the “2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act,” to nullify a gun control surveillance scheme in practice and effect. More on that good news in a moment. First, some background. Would you be surprised to learn that this gun control program has its roots in the IRS?

Same. We weren’t either.

Back in 2004, the IRS launched the use of something called a “Merchant Category Code” or an MCC, as a way to classify different types of businesses and identify the types of goods or services that a company sells.

Companies that accept payments by credit card are categorized with an MCC for their business type.

It was, of course, sold as an improvement for better tax reporting and is still touted, as CNBC put it, as a tool to help “prevent things ranging from fraud to human trafficking.”

But never forget. When the government and its supporters tell you, “It’s for your safety,” they usually mean, “so we can control you.”

Soon, gun-grabbers figured out that a special MCC could be created for a business selling firearms, thus – another de-facto gun registry that the government could easily access. Some of the worst proposals call for using these codes to flat-out ban purchases.

As NRA-ILA points out, the people promoting this are gun control advocates, so we shouldn’t be surprised at how they’ll end up using it in the future:

Those promoting this scheme are proponents of firearm and gun owner registration and advocate against firearm owners’ privacy. Therefore, it should be assumed that the goal of this program is to share all collected firearm retailer MCC data with government authorities and potentially private third parties that may include gun control organizations and anti-gun researchers.

After efforts to create a firearm-related MCC failed in recent years, a number of high-profile politicians sent a high-pressure letter to the major credit card companies in September 2022. Just one week later, the International Organization for Standardization (IOS) approved the creation of a new firearms-based Merchant Category Code.

Unsurprisingly, Everytown was thrilled, “Today’s announcement is a critical first step towards giving banks and credit card companies the tools they need to recognize dangerous firearm purchasing trends.”

First step.

They definitely have more steps planned – and we know some of them. As NRA-ILA writes:

Amalgamated Bank said they intend to create a software algorithm that will use the MCC “to report suspicious activity and illegal gun sales to authorities.”

The New York Times explained how this firearms-specific MCC could interface directly with the federal government:

“Banks could then either allow [the flagged] transactions, or block them and file suspicious activity reports with the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, which would ideally also create a system to quickly forward that information to local law enforcement and the F.B.I.”

To the gun control supporters, of course, all firearms purchasing trends are dangerous, so we know where this is leading. And while people can still use cash for in-person purchases – or better yet, real money like gold and silver in some situations – neither of these are valid options for online retailers.

An article by Free Range American summed up the danger:

Watchdogs are concerned the banking industry has been recruited by the feds to use the coded transactions to create and maintain a database of gun owners that can then be accessed by the government. Indeed, it has been publicly stated that the purpose of the new code is to track “suspicious activity” related to firearms and mass shootings.   

Within months of the new MCC being announced, a handful of states started considering a bill called the “2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act,” to ban the use of these merchant codes in a way that distinguishes a firearms retailer from general merchandise retailers or sporting goods retailers.

In other words, these states were seeking to ban the use of the newly-authorized code.

After just a handful of states started moving the legislation forward, the major credit card companies started backing down, one by one. Amex, Visa, MC, and Discover all announced they were putting a “pause” on implementation just because a handful of states were considering and potentially moving forward with a Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act.

A MasterCard spokesman confirmed that the state legislation is the reason for putting this on hold:

“There are bills advancing in several states related to the use of this new code. If passed, the result will be an inconsistency in how this ISO standard could be applied by merchants, issuers, acquirers and networks. It’s for that reason that we have decided to pause work on the implementation of the firearms-specific MCC.”

The 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Act was signed into law in six states in 2023: Mississippi, Idaho, North Dakota, Montana, Texas, and Florida.

In 2024, even more states have been getting on board – with four more 2nd Amendment Financial Privacy Acts going into effect in the coming months: Utah, Kentucky, Wyoming, Indiana.

That’s ten on the books – with more likely on the way soon.

This is clearly an early win for the states. Rather than waiting for the entire scheme to get implemented first and then trying to stop it with a lawsuit or legislation later, they found a path forward that creates problems for implementation and put a stop to it, at least for now.

But let’s not overstate the win. This is on PAUSE; they want us to let our guard down so they can regroup and push again. But that should be a huge green light for 15-20 more states to get on board and ban this practice now so it never gets off the ground.

As Samuel Adams so wisely put it,

“Instead of sitting down satisfied with the efforts we have already made, which is the wish of our enemies, the necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude and perseverance.”


| Michael Boldin

We want to thank The Tenth Amendment Center for being a partner and supporter of Independent Media. You can support The ‘Grok here, or if you prefer to donate by check, email steve@granitegrok com for details.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Brazil’s War on Speech a ‘Test’ by US and UK Censorship Assets?

Sat, 2024-04-20 12:00 +0000

Columbia is famous for its coffee, and Brazil is renowned for its censorship. At least it is now. And while censorship in some form is not uncommon anywhere in the world, recent events in Brazil, led by Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Justice Alexandre de Moraes, have opened a whole new door.

de Moraes, a self-proclaimed arbiter of truth online, is at war with free speech, targeting everything from social media to reporters and journalists accused of misinformation – on a scale that must have petty despots in the United States jealous of Brazil’s openness and success. Or is that misrepresented pride? According to Michael Shellenberger, there is evidence that Brazil’s Censorhsip Industrial Complex is tan offspring of US and UK collusion.

In many ways, Brazil’s sweeping censorship system is unique to Brazil. Brazil’s Censorship Industrial Complex is located in the judiciary rather than in the executive branch, as it is in Europe, in the European Commission, and the U.S., in the Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, National Science Foundation, and other agencies. However, in other ways, Brazil’s censorship simply reflects the most advanced form of the Censorship Industrial Complex vision created by US and UK government officials, particularly ones working for the military and intelligence agencies.

Our work revealed that current and former agents from the US Department of Defense, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, and the British Ministry of Defense all developed comprehensive censorship programs. The Department of Defense and the National Science Foundation have been caught funding the creation of censorship tools, including AI-based ones, for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms to engage in mass censorship. Beginning in early 2017, several military and intelligence agencies and agents from the US and UK governments developed similar censorship tactics that Brazil’s Superior Electoral Court (TSE) was caught using.

Shellenbeger explains in this excerpt how their investigation has uncovered connections between the US and UK governments and third parties funded by both governments that consulted or assisted Brazil on its war with open debate and free speech.

The evidence points to research, AI, and tools used in the US since 2017 and exposed in various reports, such as the Twitter Files.

Brazil doesn’t have a First Amendment to protect its citizens from this very real censorship (as opposed to the fake school library variety echoed by the same liberal monkeys). Still, as I’ve written elsewhere, that isn’t stopping them from trying, and we should accept that Brazil could be another beta test by Western Censorship Assets in preparation for their plans here.

Here’s Michael Schellenberger.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Progressive EV Mandates and Economic Reality

Sat, 2024-04-20 10:00 +0000

President Joe Biden advertised himself as a uniter of Americans but instead seems to have embarked on a crusade to unite government with industry. His disregard for the rule of law parallels an equally dangerous abandonment of fundamental free market principles via government fiat. The latest example is displayed in the administration’s emissions mandates for EV cars and trucks.

EV Fiasco

Biden’s newly proposed EV regulations are just one more straw on the camel’s back of economic reality. Electric vehicles resemble the Biden administration more and more: They do not deliver as advertised, cannot compete without being propped up, take money from the poor to give to the rich, divide the nation, and are used to sabotage the economy. If this sounds extreme, please read on.

The EPA’s long-awaited tailpipe emissions standards are a bureaucrat’s dream and a nightmare for taxpayers and car manufacturers. The 1,184-page rule does not mandate the manufacture of EV cars and trucks; it merely makes compliance with its strictures impossible without doing so.

Like Captain Ahab, Biden doesn’t care if every sailor (or auto worker) is forced to jump ship in his pursuit of the Great White Climate Utopia. Auto emission laws have historically set targets for individual vehicles, leaving manufacturers free to allocate resources to produce models desired by free consumers. The new EPA rules instead set limits on manufacturers’ total fleet emissions, essentially commanding Ford and Chevrolet to produce vehicles that meet stringent diktats, regardless of consumer demand, corporate profitability, or union job security.

Ford Motor Company has cut back plans to ramp up EV production after losing an estimated $64,731 per vehicle in 2023, despite massive state and federal subsidies. Losses would be far greater if not for profitable gas-powered vehicle sales. It seems taxpayers are not being price-gouged by corporations so much as by a government enacting state control of entire industries by regulatory fiat. Dictating what car dealers may offer as inventory may not jibe with consumer desires, and there is no indemnification clause by the EPA to purchase unsold goods.

EV trucks are a particularly bad sell for consumers concerned about range anxiety, failure to function in cold weather, lack of adequate charging stations, and staggering repair bills. Commercial buyers are uninterested in fleets of EV trucks that necessitate work crews taking multiple trips to transport a load that a single gas-powered pickup could handle. Ford is reportedly already cutting back its workforce in Dearborn, MI, due to declining sales of its Lightning EV, powered by dual “in-board” electric motors.

Unconstitutional Overreach

State-owned and state-run entities have a bad track record. The latest EV rules are just one more layer of regulatory “taking” of profits (and restrictions on capital allocation) implemented using dubious if not blatantly unconstitutional Biden edicts.

Biden used the Centers for Disease Control to impose a national moratorium on the eviction of renters, though he later recognized that any new order to extend it would be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court struck down his effort to mandate vaccines and testing for employees of large businesses. A federal district judge found that Biden’s race-based policies through the Minority Business Development Agency “flagrantly violated” the Equal Protection Clause. His student loan “forgiveness plan” was held to have abridged Congress’ legislative authority and was “an unconstitutional exercise of Congress’s legislative power and must be vacated.”

A US District Judge ruled that the $1.7 million Inflation Reduction Act was unconstitutionally enacted without the required congressional quorum; another ruled that Biden’s use of the Federal Highway Administration to set climate targets for vehicles “lacked a statutory basis and was invalid.” EPA rules impacting farmers, SEC rules burdening businesses with environmental reporting, and the allegedly illegal cancellation of Alaskan oil leases have all attracted similar criticisms. So much for supporting the rule of law.

Economics Matter

Times have changed under Biden. Social justice “theories” have eclipsed business management with fantasy policies of “universal equity” that threaten universal downfall. Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez burdened that once-prosperous nation with massive social spending “to finance educational, health, food, and housing programs,” which, along with economic mismanagement and corruption, sparked hyperinflation. Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe crippled a well-diversified economy with galloping inflation and bankruptcy through mismanaged state-owned enterprises and debt incurred for education and social services.

The president’s recent EPA rules for tailpipe emissions constitute yet more “preferential access to public procurement and government guidance of investment” through regulatory overreach. Dreams are nice, but somebody has to pay the bills. Rights are dandy, but someone has to take responsibility. The Biden administration chisels away at constitutional safeguards like Woody Woodpecker, imposing impossible dreams on businesses and taxpayers, leaving an economic, environmental, and constitutional disaster zone that America’s grandchildren will be repairing long after Biden has left office.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Mutant Strain of Monkey Pox “Discovered” Just In Time for Pride Season

Sat, 2024-04-20 02:00 +0000

Monkey Pox is back in the news, just in time for the parade of international Pride Festivals that helped spread it to over 100 countries in 2022. It is also not just Monkey Pox (And yes, we should be surprised they even called it that). It is a mutant strain with pandemic potential.

As if previous strains were not?

The virus is a descendent of the deadlier clade 1 mpox strain, but has evolved to become even more infectious and better at evading tests than its predecessor. The concerning discovery was made in Kamituga – a poor, densely populated gold mining town that is feared to be ripe for an explosive outbreak.

Researchers who detailed the virus in a pre-print have called for ‘urgent measures’ to contain the virus and avoid a global outbreak.

‘Without intervention, this localised Kamituga outbreak harbors the potential to spread nationally and internationally,’ the authors wrote.

Part of the problem then was that health authorities and their media marketing teams were reluctant to identify the super spreaders: nearly every case (except for those few popping up in children) was a gay man (you do the math). The 2022 epidemic was traced to massive weeklong Pride festivals around Africa and Europe whose participants carried it to over 100 countries.

They didn’t want to say it too loudly, but the nexus was those massive international Pride gatherings, and it is difficult in that culture to be proud, celebrate, and celibate. The CDC tried to help, sort of, when it said your safest sex partner is… Yourself.

We noted (before public health officials, go figure) that gay men would probably need to add abstinence to their party vocabulary to flatten the curve. It’s a sort of LGBTQ Pride Lent. Forgive me, for I must abstain.

The WHO eventually came around to the idea of telling gay men to take a break from each other in 2022 (until this, too, had passed), so I find the timing of this announcement and this hedging … amusing.

Mpox caused an international epidemic in 2022 when it spread to more than 100 countries and killed hundreds of people – including 58 Americans. That outbreak was caused by the more mild clade 2 strain, which is rarely fatal.

The outbreak that worried health officials then was primarily concentrated within the gay and bisexual male community.  It is not yet clear whether the genesis of the outbreak in the DRC was driven by sexual contact.

It’s not clear. Pishaw! Your report states, “The researchers are concerned that the ‘highly mobile’ population of Kamituga could be the perfect breeding ground for the new virus. Miners and sex workers frequently travel to and from the town for work from neighboring countries like Rwanda and Burundi.”

Sexual transmission continues to be the catalyst for pandemic success, but there’s another that hasn’t come up, and I’m not even sure if we’ve mentioned it. Neither MPOX nor sex-fueled Pride festivals were new in 2022, yet there’d been no heavily reported “outbreaks” of Monkey Pox in any community, let alone that of gay men. What changed? At least two things.

  1. COVID elevated the profit and control potential of pandemic awareness and treatment (another vaxx).
  2. COVID vaxx spike proteins had become the jihadi recruitment nexus for the domestic terror war on individual immune systems.

Booster uptake has declined precipitously, so I’d be surprised if the Pharma stormtroopers aren’t pouring Mpox marketing dollars into LGBT spaces pushing those Jabs in preparation for Party Season, but that doesn’t help children in the Congo who get if from more common forms of close contact and are more likely to die from the disease.

The latest outbreak centers around a gold mine and the local community. You’d think Pfizer et al. would be all over that.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pedophiles and Psychos Employed at U.S. Youth Detention Centers

Sat, 2024-04-20 00:00 +0000

Psychologist Helmet Kentler gained the support of the German government to place unaccompanied minors with known pedophiles; the experiment, for obvious reasons, failed.

The experiment began in the 1960s and reached its peak during the 1970s. The German government trusted psychologist Kentler. Germany has apologized, sort of.

The United States will eventually apologize for an experiment that has attracted Pedophiles and Psychos to work at U.S. Youth Detention Centers. It began in the 1950s, peaked in the 1970s, and has never stopped.

With thousands of Youth Detention Center victims coming forward, I revisited a theory I had in 1999 that led me to write an article. Dan Quayle read my article prompting him to invite me to a dinner he hosted. The invite was revoked when he realized I was only 17 years old. My theory then and now is that U.S. children are used in experiments.

I am a product of child abuse by my family and nonfamily; they are my abusers. I survived because I watched everyone and everything around me. I stuck to facts because abusers avoided facts. My abusers tried to control my reality.

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 replaced The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968. However, with the Act of 1974- mandatory state participation and $350million in Federal Funding. Landmark legislation, or so they thought. This was the first federally supported “comprehensive” approach designed to develop a system for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. The “expertise” of American psychiatrists and psychologists began to appear around the United States.

The National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals was formed by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) in the spring of 1975. Governor Brendan T. Byrne of New Jersey was appointed Chairman of the Committee. This makes the current scandal in New Jersey Youth Detention Centers shameful.

We want to thank Niko Roswell for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

In 1975, the Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency in New Hampshire approved funding to the New Hampshire Youth Development Center for its first Community Residential Center, the Friendship House Project. The grant award was $69,952 in Federal Funds and $7,772 in Crime Commission funds. Total $77,724. This number increased in the years to follow. New Hampshire called this division of YDC, cottage, project, house, 6-II-E-1264 FOI, 76-II-A-1264 F02. Whatever you wish to call it, It was an experiment. The current scandal unfolding with New Hampshire’s Youth Detention Centers is not shocking.

Entering uncharted waters by the force of the federal government, New Hampshire, with many other states, began to implement treatment programs for juvenile delinquents.

In 1976, John R. Clark, the former Evaluation Specialist for the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency, stated that before boys were accepted into Friendship House in 1975, they were put through “a battery of tests and psychological interviews.”

Other records mention “dead days” at Friendship House.

For a boy to be eligible for admission into the Friendship House they had to be between twelve and seventeen, the boys had to meet all four of these criteria.

1. A feeling of uneasiness, unhappiness, or discontent with himself or his life, and some concern about doing something to change it;

2. A recognition and acceptance that one does or can control what happens to him;

3. A willingness to examine things about himself with others;

4. A belief that he, other residents, and the program itself will benefit from his participation.

Friendship House in New Hampshire implemented a “treatment program” including,

Guided Group Interaction, Reality Therapy, and Positive Peer Pressure.

These three treatment programs were in their infancy stages of being used on children. The experiment was on New Hampshire’s most vulnerable population, unaccompanied minors, in this particular experiment, boys. I assure you, unlike the belief the boys were taught, these boys did not have control over what was about to happen.

Friendship House Treatment Program,
Experiment 1 Guided Group Interaction –

Group Therapy began with Doctor Joseph M Pratt, a pioneer in physiology, well before it was introduced at Friendship House. Pratt was a Harvard Medical School alumni who disagreed with the theories of Freud. What Pratt first designed as Group Therapy for medically sick patients was morphed by the U.S. military at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the 1940s. The current scandal unfolding in Kentucky Youth Detention Centers looks suspicious.

Guided Group Therapy becomes Guided Group Interactions at Fort Knox. The exact year the military first used the therapy is unclear. If you look at the core ideas of Guided Group Interaction, the concept closely resembles Fort Knox’s, Universal Military Training Experimental Unit. America’s first attempt at Universal Military Training.

Guided Group Interaction is widely documented as being used on detained and confined soldiers at Fort Knox by the Fifth Service Command Rehabilitation Center, aka disciplinary barracks. This is where delinquent soldiers were sent, detained, and analyzed. One of the first times the term Guided Group Interactions appeared outside the U.S. military was when it was introduced at the New Jersey Department of Corrections. One of the first times Guided Group Interactions was implemented on juvenile delinquents was at Friendship House in New Hampshire in 1975.

In 1972, The National Council on Crime and Delinquency in New Jersey, whose mission was to protect children from abuse, published a report, Guided Group Interactions Used with Juvenile Offenders. A summary of the report states,


New Hampshire ignored the 1972 report from The National Council on Crime and Delinquency. New Hampshire did the exact opposite. Criteria number one for admission into New Hampshire’s Friendship House was,

1.)A feeling of uneasiness, unhappiness, or discontent with himself or his life, …

New Hampshire sought out the exact population of boys that the National Council on Crime and Delinquency said should NOT be exposed to Guided Group Interactions.

The boys at YDC Friendship House were being subject to a controversial military therapy.

Again, The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, replaced The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968. The federal government dropped the word control and replaced it with Justice. Marketing matters when a new product is coming, the federal government wants no association with the Control Theory, which is about to take over the United States.

Friendship House Treatment Program,
Experiment 2 Reality Therapy-

Note: Details and Timelines via the facts and dates around Reality Therapy are murky at best. By design is my conclusion. Terms around Reality Therapy change so much that your head will spin. By design is my conclusion.

The Reality Therapy Institute was established in 1967 by California psychiatrist William Glasser. 1967–1968 The Governor of California Ronald Reagan tackles California’s mental health.

Before the Institute, William Glasser had been fired from a VA Hospital in California. Rewind even further and William Glasser was experimenting with chemicals, working at Dugway Proving Ground, and depending on who you speak with was a scientist with direct or indirect links to MKultra. However, he does in fact, become the staff psychiatrist for juvenile delinquent girls at the Ventura School for Girls, a reform school in Ventura linked to the California Youth Authority. Some sources say this is where William Glasser began to develop Reality Therapy.

The history of Ventura Girls School looks more like a torture chamber than a school. During its early years pre-Glasser, an investigation was launched. Witnesses described a building known as the “no privilege cottage” where the “water cure” was used. The method consisted of a fire hose aimed at semi-unclothed girls while immersing them in an iced bath. A school nurse testified that girls were given apomorphine shots as a measure of discipline to induce vomiting.

Glasser has self-proclaimed that he turned the girls’ school around. I question his success given that post-Glasser the California State Inspector General issued a report describing the California Youth Authority as a,

system in chaos that provided ineffective services in a poorly managed and highly punitive prison-like environment.” (What a treat.)

In 1973 Behavior the Control of Perception was published by William Powers. Powers developed Perceptual Control Theory and was a medical physicist. He studied experimental and theoretical psychology and attended Northwestern University. He also is linked to UFO research.

In 1974 William Glasser sold millions of books worldwide on Reality Therapy, based on his theories and data gathered while working with juvenile delinquent girls.

I will remind you again, in 1974 The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act replaced the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968. The Federal Government dropped the word control and replaced it with justice. Mind control is now the official subject of William Glasser.

In 1975–1978 William Glasser wrote and produced the play Beehive. Have you seen Three’s Company which aired in 1977? Looks a lot like the play. Oddly, in 1973, the film Spirit of the Beehive, was released. The film is a deep look into a child’s mind and the role that fantasy and reality play in a child’s mind… William Glasser meets with William Powers. William Glasser begins to write and develop Control Theory.

In 1981–1986 The William Glasser Institute began publishing The International Journal of Reality Therapy sponsored in part by Northeastern University. The publication shares data collected from the experiments at Youth Detention Centers. “Friendship” and “Community” are widely used in all Glasser publications, journals, and teachings. The International Journal of Reality Therapy had revenue via memberships, advertising, and sponsorship. During all this President Ronald Reagan published The Nation at Risk-The Imperative For Educational Reform. Fear is born.

1986- William Glasser closes his private practice office in California. Reality Therapy has collected enough data and has been tuned for mass consumption. William Glasser publishes Control Theory in the Classroom. A Reality Therapy Certification for instructors and teachers is/or has been developed, but murky facts on this. Glasser begins touring the United States.

Ronald and Nancy Reagan had a plethora of California psychologists and psychiatrists in their circle.

Friendship House Treatment Program,
Experiment 3 Positive Peer Pressure –

The furloughs and release process for the boys at Friendship House sounds archaic at best. When a boy personally feels he is ready to leave or perhaps begs to leave, he first needs the approval of his counselor. If he was given approval he moved onto the gauntlet. To get out the boy was,

required to confront the entire house with his request. At least 75% must vote in favor of the request before it will be considered any further.”

Allow me to remind you that Friendship House had residents as young as twelve. YDC was letting children decide the fate of children via its third and final method of “treatment” Positive Peer Pressure. This is insane. Sounds like a cult for kids.

My Reality?- What attracted pedophiles and psychos to work at U.S. Youth Detention Centers?

A culture created by the U.S. Military, Federal Government, Ronald Reagan, and William Glasser via experiments such as New Hampshire’s YDC project Friendship House.

Group treatment sessions at Friendship House were unscheduled. A New Hampshire report states,

frequently circumstances mandate several sessions daily. The sessions are not limited to any particular length of time. Residents are encouraged to call a session when necessary and continue it until the problems have been resolved.” Sounds exhausting for a 12-year-old boy. Controlling would be an understatement.

John R. Clark, Evaluation Specialist at New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency, signs off his report on Friendship House by stating in 1976,

This writer did encounter some difficulty in collecting resident data about this program. There is no system currently utilized to reflect the flow of residents within the program and other pertinent data. It is therefore strongly recommended that the attached form be maintained daily by project staff and retained at the Friendship House facility.”

If you read my first Medium post entitled “Stop. We have to go off of tape. The New Hampshire lawyer no priest shall name…” you may find it ironic that In 1976, John R. Clark, Evaluation Specialist at New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency, STRONGLY SUGGESTED that records should be kept on children. In 1984, New Hampshire courts had no problem that records were not being kept when a prominent lawyer was accused of abusing a boy at an orphanage. The New Hampshire court case of State v. Boire in 1984 directly contradicts the 1976 report issued by John R. Clark, Evaluation Specialist at New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency, who STRONGLY SUGGESTED records should be kept.

The State of New Hampshire via YDC in 1975 was not tracking data on who the boys were at Friendship House because who they were did NOT matter. They were documenting the data from the experiments to show success and to prepare New Hampshire for mass consumption of the ideology of William Glasser. The expert was needed for the dip into Federal Funds. Seeing as brownies were laced with laxatives at Friendship House, I suspect New Hampshire knew the experiments were failing decades ago.

My data, aka my theory.

The United States passed the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 and states implemented William Glasser’s theories into Youth Detention Centers around the United States. In 2024, The U.S. Senate Human Rights Subcommittee Chairman Jon Ossoff launched an inquiry with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) into alleged abuse of youth in juvenile detention facilities in Georgia and nationwide. He has requested the GAO review the state of federal oversight. It has taken 50 years for the experiment’s failure to be questioned at the federal level, but has it stopped?

The experiments were certainly tweaked, but in 1989, William Glasser began working with Apollo High School, an alternative school in Simi Valley, California. Brad Greene, Apollo High School Principal, became one of Glasser Institute’s first educators.

Glasser’s theories are now implemented in hundreds of schools worldwide. Ireland has recently launched Glasser Quality Schools via its Catholic Schools. Might be a good fit given the history of the Catholic Church.

If my data is correct, my theory is that a U.S. senator will request a federal investigation into the abuse in U.S. schools nationwide in 2039. Glasser’s theories seem to fail at the 50-year mark.

The culture adults create for children, attracts the adults that will surround the children.

In 1989, Apollo High School Principal and Glasser Institute Instructor, Brad Greene was accused of sexual harassment. A lawsuit was settled. Brad Greene later resigned.

Glasser died with millions. Glasser Institutes are worldwide, but the corp filings for Glasser hit a little tax issue in recent years. Not my story to tell…

What I will tell you is Glasser and his theories are considered a smashing success and they have infiltrated Schools worldwide. The victims from the U.S. Youth Detention Centers, where Glasser and states first tested Glasser’s theories, are coming forward by the thousands. Victims are saying they were raped and tortured. Is this considered success?

We all might want to hit pause or eject on Glasser’s theories in our current schools. Experts can be wrong, yes, even psychologists and psychiatrists make mistakes.

No matter what my abusers said, my world or state of things as they actually existed always opposed what they wanted me to believe. Therefore I survived.

Part I

The post Pedophiles and Psychos Employed at U.S. Youth Detention Centers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

From Boiling Oceans™ to Bleaching Corals™ – How About Some Actual Science

Fri, 2024-04-19 22:00 +0000

The Climate Cult echo chamber is full voice after the BBC published a misleading bit of global terrorism this week titled “Coral bleaching: Fourth global mass stress episode underway – US scientists.”

Coral around the world is turning white and even dying as recent record ocean heat takes a devastating toll. It has triggered the fourth global mass coral bleaching event, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Bleaching happens when coral gets stressed and turns white because the water it lives in is too hot. …

Scientists in the US, Australia, Kenya and Brazil told BBC News about feeling dismay and even anger as they watched the coral they love threatened or killed by warm oceans.

The timing couldn’t be better. NOAA has been pimping its warm Atlantic beware of this year’s hurricane season narrative for weeks. Can you imagine if there was a series of stories linking catastrophic events (real or imagined) to warming oceans? Think of all the money you could launder into the pockets of researchers who wash, rinse, and repeat in that allegedly over warm water.

And the control! Think about how it can sway underinformed peasants to let their governments manage their lives. Someone somewhere is having a climate narrative orgasm.


Forget that NOAA is hardly an unbiased source, but would you be willing to bet on them if a renowned expert on Coral dared to contradict their hyperbolic claims? You would with other people’s money, and they will, but for those interested in another view, Dr. Peter Ridd says there’s nothing to see here. That “bleaching” is merely part of a natural process, when coral expels algae in order to switch to a different type which is more suitable adapted to new conditions.

According to Ridd, coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef last year reached record levels, despite four supposedly catastrophic bleaching events in the six years prior to 2022. Neither has there been any significant change in corals worldwide.

So what. Who the heck is this Ridd person, anyway?

Peter Ridd is a physicist. He has researched the Great Barrier Reef since 1984, and has published over 100 scientific publications. A former head of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, he was fired in 2018 for pointing out quality assurance deficiencies in reef-science institutions. He presently works, without payment, on science quality assurance issues. He is an adjunct fellow of the Institute of Public Affairs and a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

So, a nobody, except that he did write the 2023 analysis of global coral for The Global Warming Policy Foundation, in which we find this (reformatted, footnotes removed, see original).

For example, the discovery that the GBR had the highest coral cover on record in 2022 was immediately downplayed by reef science and management institutions, and the media too. It was claimed that only the fast-growing corals53 had recovered. However, since these were also the corals most susceptible to bleaching (and also to hurricanes and crown-of-thorns starfish), it was also claimed that this left the reef more vulnerable. However, since these corals were also the most susceptible to bleaching, hurricanes, and crown-of-thorns starfish, they were also the most threatened.

The argument is unsustainable, however, because these fast-growing (and vulnerable) corals were the ones that were alleged to have been killed by the four bleaching events in the last six years. While they can indeed regrow extremely rapidly (within a year) from a small section that is left alive (the so-called ‘phoenix effect’), if they are killed, recruitment of larvae and regrowth takes 5–10 years.56 They cannot regenerate within a few months.

The rapid recovery of the reef cover therefore shows that they were bleached, but not killed. In other words, the past few years’ data has proven that very little coral was killed by the bleaching events – even the fast- growing coral that is most susceptible. Coral reefs can double or even quadruple their coral in a decade. The loss of a few percent from bleaching is a minor disturbance. When the reef cover crashes, it is almost always the fast-growing coral that declines, so it is hardly surprising, and certainly not concerning, when the fast-growing coral comes back.

Read the report (pages 17 – 24) for more embarrassing realities you won’t find from the BBC or anyone who echos its climate alarmism. Trigger warning: Science! Like this,

The records show that there were 26 records of coral bleaching events in the world before 1982; bleaching was observed on the first scientific expedition to the GBR, from England, in 1929. Possibly the earliest representation of bleaching is a remarkable lithograph (Figure 15) by von Ransonnet, published in 1862. There can be no doubt that bleaching is not a ‘novel’ phenomenon.

There is also the matter of eyeballs. Prior to 1990, there were very few scientists regularly observing reefs with any consistency, if at all. “If a major bleaching event had occurred in, say, 1925, who would have noticed?

And finally, at lest for this post, bleaching happens when the zooxanthellae, with whom coral have a symbiotic relationship, are ejected “as a survival strategy.
Corals bleach because the zooxanthellae within them have become ‘poisonous’, or at least disadvantageous, to the polyp and must be expelled.

There are a lot of reasons for this from too warm or too cool water, sunlight, fresh water dilution of seawater, and so on. All of this occurred long before someone discovered the potential for attention, wealth, and power to those who embrace scientism to advance political policy that has nothing to do with protecting the planet or those on it.

The post From Boiling Oceans™ to Bleaching Corals™ – How About Some Actual Science appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas Guide to Joining A Cult

Fri, 2024-04-19 20:00 +0000

It’s been said “if you’re not in a cult by now you’re crazy”.  The chances are you’re already in one and don’t even know it, which is the sign of a well-run cult, so congratulations. Most people wouldn’t stick around in a cult if in fact they knew they had been hoodwinked into involuntary membership.

However, the loneliness and insecurity of not being in a cult when nearly everyone else in the known world has taken the plunge can leave you feeling like an outsider.  Luckily, Bananas Research Inc. has done the heavy lifting to help you find the right cult for you!

Any cult worth its kool-aid will have one or more of the following key features:

  • Sex – lots of sex with lots of people, usually with the charismatic leader
  • Money – lots of money flowing through the cult, usually to the charismatic leader
  • Death – lots of death or focus on climactic death, usually with the charismatic leader
  • Drugs – lots of drugs for making money and having sex, usually with the charismatic leader
  • Secrets – lots of them, typically yours being kept by the charismatic leader
  • Science – we all know you need to follow the science, especially the kind taught by a charismatic leader
  • Aliens – because aliens can make up for a leader lacking in charisma

Joining a cult that doesn’t feature heavily in one or all of these is like going to public school for a well-rounded education – a complete waste of your time.

History tells us cults emerged out of man’s need for purpose, belonging, and power (and sex).  The earliest known cult was discovered in the area known as Meso-California, where ancient hieroglyphs indicate a multi-level marketing scheme was hatched by a very charismatic man named Jeh-Bull-She’e’ter who convinced the locals he was an alien-god and would reveal the secrets of the universe for the low-low price of six sheep, a tusk and their virgin daughters.  Archaeologists have confirmed his followers all agreed to commit mass suicide by jumping off a high cliff, believing they would be teleported into the waiting mother ship if they were holding hands.  The lone survivor was a guy named Derek, who failed to make the leap after seeing his sandal needed tying, only to watch his fellow cult members plunge to their demise.  Way to go, Derek. Jeh-Bull-She’e’ter, however, would buy his silence with select members of his new harem, mostly sheep, and the fast-moving world of cults was born.

Today there are more cults than there are people not in one.  Choosing a cult can be very difficult because cults work better when they choose you.  So if you are a hapless loner in search of meaning and a group of people ready to love-bomb you until you’re ready to give them your life and life savings, don’t mess it up by asking, “Are you a cult?”  Not only will this preclude you from membership, but it will deeply offend the members and likely get you blacklisted from ever being invited to their pagan festivals.  Play it cool.

The secret to getting into a top-level cult is to make yourself appear lost and vulnerable.  It also helps to be young and naïve, so child-like that you may in fact be a child.  Start early, or as the Shwim-Shwarma says, “the early bird gets the magic worm of destiny”.  Cults do their best work on the young and dumb, which brings us back to public schools.  Public, and even many private schools, are a virtual hotbed of cult recruitment locales.  Already graduated?  Fear not lone stranger!  You can still gain entry into many reputable cults by virtue of having your child grandfather you in by simply enrolling them into the neighborhood indoctrination center.  Willingness to sacrifice one or all of your children will show the cult you are the kind of deeply committed dummy who is in it for the long haul.

Day one in the cult will be exhilarating at first but quite tiring by the end.  This is necessary to draw down your defenses creating the requisite fatigue in order to give your brain a good washing.  Though you may be dying for food or sleep, it’s important to know those are for losers who don’t understand the true meaning of life is a super-spiritual denial of necessities so you can support the needs of the charismatic leader who is your direct connection to god. If your charismatic leader doesn’t have god on speed dial like a true BFF, it’s time to switch cults and fast.

I regress.

Back to brainwashing.  Why have your brain washed, you ask?  Have you seen your brain?  You know it’s filthy, we all know its filthy, just like everyone else’s, which is why it needs washed. If this is your first time in a cult, you have only ever experienced the same mass programming as the rest of the world, so you’ll need a serious scrubbing to wipe the slate clean.   This gets it ready for your new cult masters to create the proper bond that will keep you devoted to the cult mission.  This is very important!  If you think you’re joining a cult and they don’t have the decency to wash your brain get out!  You’re about to sell Amway or supplements and those won’t get you to the penthouse at the top of New Heaven.  (Not to worry, no one will actually touch your brain, but it will be wiped clean of all undesirables.)

Big words bother you?  Of course, they do you tool of the enemy you!  In order to understand your role in the cult, you’ll need to misunderstand your role in society.  Big, confusing words will help you help yourself away from the mal-initiated proletarian masses. You can’t join the cult without first unjoining yourself from the problem, which is the false system you’re being rescued from.  Which false system, you ask?  They’re all false!  Don’t you get it?  You’ve been born into the wrong body and/or wrong family and/or wrong country and/or wrong religion and/or the wrong side of history.  All roads lead to hell, except for the one built by the super-geniuses running your new cult, of course.  Family, liberal democracies, capitalism, whiteness, racists, gender assignments, fake religion, true religion, and all those other people with God-given rights and freedoms are all trying to keep you back from ascending to the true utopianization of conscience you were made for.  Duh!  Learn the lingo, fam.  If you don’t find yourself repeating the same thought-terminating clichés the rest of the members do, you will find yourself back in the godless society that had you trapped in the first place.  You want to be included, don’t you?  Inclusion is everything to a well-oiled and highly performing cult where the diversity of members creates equity for all.  Repeat after me – diversity, inclusion, and equity make you free.  DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, AND EQUITY MAKE YOU FREE! Again! Again! One more time!  I can’t HEAR you!

There, there now.  Don’t you feel better?  We do.

Now it is important to note the continuum of cult hierarchy so that you don’t bite off more than you can chew.  We suggest you start small with a quasi-cult before going on to the big time.  Here are a few entry-level cults to get your un-baptized feet wet:

·                     Sour dough club ·                     Cross-fit
·                     Quilting club ·                     Essential oils
·                     Vegetarianism (the portal to Veganism) ·                     The Church of the Sub-Genius

Once you’ve gained the insights on how cults function you can move up to the show and join:

·                     The Family International ·                     LGBTQ-anon
·                     Happy Science ·                     The Illuminati
·                     Superior Universal Alignment ·                     Raeliens
·                     Order of the Solar Temple ·                     Jehovah’s Witnesses
·                     Church of Scientology ·                     The Nation of Islam
·                     Kabbalah ·                     MAGA
·                     Mega-church (any) ·                     Political party (any)


So there it is!  The Bananas Guide to Joining A Cult will have you swallowed up by an amorphous mass of bot-people in no-time.  Now go to it!

(We would be happy to tell you that you have what it takes, but you don’t.  That’s why you need to join a cult silly!)

The post Bananas Guide to Joining A Cult appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sign Up Now – FREE Training for Republican Candidates for the NH House

Fri, 2024-04-19 19:00 +0000

If you’re thinking about running for State Rep, we encourage you to attend one of our upcoming candidate training sessions.  These trainings are FREE, and advance registration is required.  We’re offering three separate options this year:

Saturday, April 27th in Manchester, 8:30 AM to 5 PM

Saturday, May 18th in Concord, 8:30 AM to 5 PM

Saturday, June 22nd in Concord, 8:30 AM to 5 PM

These trainings are FREE. Space is limited, so don’t wait to choose which free one-day class you’d like to attend. Advance registration is required.  To sign up, please send us an email at

The post Sign Up Now – FREE Training for Republican Candidates for the NH House appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Can Trump Win Massachusetts in November?

Fri, 2024-04-19 18:00 +0000

The Democrats must have an oversized amount of whatever passes for faith in their ability to “win” in November because their open-door illegal alien invasion policy is so well past pissing off their own base that Trump winning Massachusetts has to be a consideration.

Nationwide “immigration,” the polite media word (like migrant) for the Biden administration’s third-world invasion policy (them invading us), is becoming THE biggest issue for Democrats. Democrat states chocked full of Democrat voters are saying it is more important than climate change or grooming, which has to come as a shock to the party leadership.

Complaints by mayors of Democrat toilets doing business as cities have tricked down to the peasants who are increasingly put out by wave after wave of unvetted, non-English-speaking invaders, many of whom are allegedly being flown in directly and ferried to shelters, community centers, hotels, and motels, where they are collecting in every crevice like sand during a dessert storm. But it might be worse than that (if you can imagine such a thing. Voters in Massachusetts, one of the bluest states on the electoral map, were recently polled, and none of their top concerns are issues Democrats typically give a damn about.

A plurality of Massachusetts residents, 21%, said that immigration and migrants are the biggest issues facing the Bay State, with housing coming in second at 15%. Taxes, government spending, and welfare came in as the third biggest issue facing the state at 12%. Inflation and the cost of living, meanwhile, tied government spending in third place at 12%.

What happened to promoting abortion (dba: women’s health care), grooming (Public Education), and Marxism (climate justice, social justice, blah blah blah)? Were those not even options? They were, sort of, but in the bluest of blue-blood locales, Climate and ‘Social Issues” as pressing concerns came in dead last.


That might explain why the Bidenistas are so keen on a regional Middle Eastern Conflict, but I’m not sure that’ll be the distraction they’re looking for. China, which backs Russia over Ukraine. Russia is an ally of Iran. Iran (and its proxies), along with China, have been using Biden’s invasion of America to move operatives into the domestic US. And you can argue that this is unverified, but if you were them looking at us, would you sit on your hands or use it to your strategic advantage?

Trust me; there are trained interlopers all across the increasingly fruitless plain waiting to impose as much inconvenience and harm as they can manage and we’re backing their geographic enemies on both conflicts.

Vegas odds, given that Biden and the Democrats have done almost everything they projected on Trump, that they will also try to prevent the election or its results? The odds are getting better every day if the Blue States start to become less-than-reliable electoral gimmes as we creep closer to November.


The post Can Trump Win Massachusetts in November? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-04-19 16:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  And Saturday will be the Israel post, if that interests you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Will that be in the language you “voluntarily” sign to get your CBDC card – which will be offered as your only choice as they remove cash from the economy?  Doubtless.




Now, imagine the police doing the same for any other religion.




Don’t buy Canadian.



Square this circle.  Please.



Some kind of -ist, or -phobe…








I’m seeing Persian voice after Persian voice, whether inside Iran or out, supporting Israel and wanting freedom from the Mullahs.  How can we help them?

I remember Iran, albeit being “knee high to a grasshopper” at the time.  Warm and wonderful people that we met.




On pretty much anything the Left proposes.










OK, so who?  If he’s predicting the end of humanity’s domination, who replaces humanity?  Inquiring minds want to know.




Remember my two essays “It was the best of times, it was the end of times”…


E It was the best of times, it was the end of times 1


E It was the best of times, it was the end of times 2




My older kid will, soon, be entering the workforce.  And will soon be seeing, with their own eyes, the effects of TAXATION IS THEFT.



It’s painful to me in particular: so many Jews who, among all peoples, should distrust government – so mindlessly servile to “If the government / news say it, it must be true”.



My brain hurts thinking someone actually believes this!




Interesting metric.



Celebrating the murder of your child.  A pity they didn’t tie her tubes while they were in there.  How far we’ve fallen – gone back to the old times!










Dr. McCullough is the most published cardiologist IN HISTORY.


The Jabbed, especially those who have had it multiple times, are in great danger.  Also see links section, below, for other info on this.





Presented to show the Mobius-strip mentality of the Left.




One of the single greatest crimes of 20th century Democrats was the destruction of the black family.  Or any family that was pushed onto the “Great Society” and its welfare requirements.





Echoing 2020.  And I fear the results will echo it too.




Can we spell C O N F L I C T  O F  I N T E R E S T boys and girls?




Marry that up with the info apparently being distributed in the pre-border staging areas telling people to vote for Biden… and how to do it.



That’s the thing.  That department DID NOT EXIST until Carter, and the American education system was the envy of the world.  See this Bill Whittle video:


And note the paragraph that sixth grade students were reading and analyzing, which is the centerpiece of Bill’s discussion.




You have to wonder when so many people make the same gesture.  Is it just “Hey, me too!” or is there something more?  Up until a few years ago I’d have said “Just me too” but now…



Chops to Kirstie.




Words mean things.  That’s why the Left spends so much time working to corrupt the language.



We care about borders, national and cultural security, and the safety and security of our children too.








It’s a real shirt!



See prior comment about Conflict of Interest.







I’ve seen quite a number of articles and videos that don’t convince me to repeal the 19th instanter… but do convince me that a case can be made for it.





Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


No Oaths of Office in the Federal Government (

When I worked for the US Army as a civilian (intern!), I still had to take an oath.  I can’t fathom how – not one, but many – of these people are functioning at the highest level without an oath.  Speaking of oaths and impeachment:

On The Mayorkas Impeachment in [Market-Ticker] (formatting removed):

The impeachment of Mayorkas has nothing to do with “policy disagreements”; it is first, last and only about a Cabinet official’s deliberate refusal to enforce laws as written, including 8 USC §1324.

A Millennial Conflict – Liberty’s Torch (

An ageless conflict, actually.

Camera Catches Biden’s Cheat Sheet for Meeting with Iraq PM, Shows Embarrassing Directions to Guide Him | The Gateway Pundit | by Jack Davis, The Western Journal

National embarrassment.  At least, to anyone with three brain cells that work with each other.

Borepatch: How do you find “Global Warming” when there’s no actual warming?

The upward warming trend from 1970 to the present day is not due to the data as read, but rather to the (made up) adjustments to the data.

Bayou Renaissance Man: Put not your trust in bureaucracies – Second Amendment edition




Defense against robots – Gun Free Zone

I agree.  More on guns:

Unlicensed Dealers Account for fewer than 1 of 10,000 Firearms Sold in USA (

Closed-Loop Fission Energy? in [Market-Ticker]

Interesting about nuclear energy.  A civilization like ours needs reliable and consistent energy.

Biden WH Weighs Invoking Climate Emergency To Hamper Oil Production, Garner Youth Votes – Climate Change Dispatch

War on Oil: Biden Has Taken More than 200 Actions Against U.S. Oil Industry – The Lid (

And broadly on climate:

Net Zero? Oops, Never Mind | Power Line (

Bill Gates Patent Gives Him ‘Exclusive Rights’ to ‘Computerize’ Humans – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

More and more, I view this as a not-merely-theoretical threat.  Kind of related, at least to me:

‘Terrifying’: FISA Bill Set to Include ‘Vast’ New Surveillance Powers Forcing Businesses to ‘Become NSA Spies’ (

Technology is, increasingly, changing from a tool of liberation and information to a tool of oppression.  And related to technology:

Video: Boston Dynamics unveils stronger, more capable electric Atlas robot (

AI-powered robots can now autonomously repair other bots (

Why do the above NOT give me warm fuzzy feelings?  Or this:

AI Is Now Dogfighting With Fighter Pilots In The Air | The War Zone (

From a purely military standpoint, this makes sense.  The downside potential for this, however, is enormous.

7 of 12 Trump Jurors Have Been Picked. Here’s What We Know About Them… (

Can we spell FIX?

This Is What Your Neighbor Might Already Know About You – Ask a Prepper

Never Throw These Away! – Ask a Prepper

Prep.  Prep.  Prep.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  No, you can’t be 100 sure or completely prepared for any possibility, but even something is better than nothing.  Related to spicy time:

Video: Robert Spencer on How the Left Is Trying to Foment a Civil War (

Researchers Warn of Mutant Monkeypox Strain with ‘Pandemic Potential’, Discovered in Congo Village (

Spread by sexual contact.  And you know they want pedo too:

New York Democrats Want Law to Allow Little Kids to undergo Sex Change without Parental Consent – The Lid (

Just what kind of monster would, possibly, permit this.  Or this:

California Democrats Oppose Bill Making Child Prostitution a Felony – The Lid (

German Peasants Warned They Could Be Restricted From Driving On The Weekends To Meet Net Zero – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Consequences of Green policies.  Benefits unknown.

Oriane Filhol (left-wing politician who campaigned for the rights of migrants) and Pippa Bacca (hitchhiker in Turkey who tried to promote world peace), both attacked & killed by islamic 6th century (

I want-want-want to feel sorry for them; I’m sure their friends and family are grieving.  I can’t scrape up a shred, sorry.

South American ‘Burglary tourists’ strike again: Now foreign armed gangs are targeting wealthy San Diego neighborhoods after flying in to America on Visa Waiver Program | Daily Mail Online

Videos: Migrants Complain That New Yorkers Don’t Learn African Languages – modernity

Wait, wait, wait… you come to a new country and then demand that people in the new country learn YOUR language?

At another point in the hearing migrants began complaining about the free food and housing they have been provided, saying it isn’t good enough.

And you come here, getting free room and board, often clothes, medical care, etc., also free – and you’re complaining still?

Student suspended for using term ‘illegal alien’ in English class (

Before my wife got her US citizenship, she was a RESIDENT ALIEN.  Someone here illegally is an ILLEGAL ALIEN.


We’re All Paying A Deadly Price For Obama’s Foreign Policy (

Go past the Israel focus of the article.  Barackus’ influence has been calamitous generally.  And he’s still got his hand in the mix.

Confirmed: Researchers Reveal COVID mRNA Vaccines Contain Component that Suppresses Immune Response and Stimulates Cancer Growth | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

See video in PSA above.  Scary stuff.  More:

BREAKING–New Manuscript Concludes 100% Pseudouridinated mRNA is Potentially Cancer-Promoting (

From the same site:

Why is Academic Medicine Stonewalling on the COVID-19 Vaccine Debacle? (

Two from Surak – always insightful:

STATIN DRUGS laid the groundwork for COVID (

Who takes statins?  Primarily older people.  Whose health care is more expensive.  See the “Pick of the Post”…

Changing the Constitution to save America (

Congressional Spending Goes Full Weimar – American Thinker

Death spiral approaching!

Mainstream Media Issues Joint Statement to Pressure Biden – Morning Report News

As I understand, Trump has publicly said YES, repeatly.  It’s The Potato (or more precisely, his shepherds) that refuse.  Speaking of the enemedia:

Let’s Play ‘Spot the Missing Word’ : The Other McCain

Control the information flow, control what people believe.  There’s a reason that word is missing.  For example, when you search for DEMOCRAT and CORRUPTION in a search, nothing comes up.  Generally:

Democrats Continue To Look For Ways To Regulate Free Speech – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

Two lifeforms merge in once-in-a-billion-years evolutionary event (

I just think this is cool!

Democrats One Step Closer to Mob Rule: Maine Joins Blue States To Abolishing Electoral College – Geller Report

Maine circling the drain.  IMHO, NH will not be more than 10 years in doing the same.

A fairly long video (almost 50 minutes) from October 2022 that lays out a fairly strong case for the Vatican being one of the powers behind “The Great Culling”, and how they are pulling a lot of financial strings to hasten the End Times.  The presenter says some pretty outlandish stuff, but he also has some good backup.  Definitely food for thought:

More on “The Great Taking”.  Strongly suggest getting any cash you have OUT of the banks.  The FDIC insurance isn’t going to matter for squat if the government declares a “bank holiday” and locks everyone out of their accounts.  Start NOW, as amounts larger than $5000 or so will cause much push back (I know from personal experience):

Also, understand that if you draw money routinely, sooner or later you will be accused of “structuring” – drawing money out in smaller amounts that is designed to evade that limit.

government commissioned report  has been released that shows causality (i.e. a direct link) between the mRNA “vaccines” and myocarditis.  Given this report, they can no longer claim ignorance of the damage caused by the “Jabs”, and they need to stop pushing the “vaccines” immediately (or at least put a HUGE warning on them).  Let the court battles begin:

Biden Admin-commissioned report concludes Pfizer & Moderna mRNA shots cause myocarditis (

Don’t forget this video – they knew, and knew in 2021:


The government is running experiments to create clouds and block the sun, all to combat “global warming”. They just had their first major experiment, but did not tell anyone until AFTER it was conducted, as they were concerned about public backlash.  You think?:

If they goof and put too much in, there goes photosynthesis.  And all life on earth.

Now that the R’s are getting into mail-in voting & ballot harvesting (where ever it’s legal), the D’s are getting concerned about how it may affect the election:

Democrats, Media Starting to Admit Some Mail-In Voting Problems Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election – Tennessee Star

Flyers found in Mexico, at a processing station for illegals are openly telling the “newcomers” to vote for Biden.  First:  These are NOT citizens of the USA, so they should not be allowed to vote at ALL!   2nd, this is out-and-out election interference, trying to dilute the vote of We The People:

GOP Slams ‘Vote Biden’ Flyers at Migrant Center (

Even the left is getting tired of the pro-Hamas protesters:

Whoa: Google Fires 28 Employees After Pro-Hamas Sit-In – HotAir

For anyone who owns a gun & wants to sell it someday, the ATF just dropped a new “rule” (466 pages worth), making it a crime to sell your gun at a profit unless you have an FFL:

The Feral Irishman: Bee Aye Tea Eff: Making It Up As We Go Along

This article has a strong argument that we are already a police state, but the police just haven’t gotten around to you yet.  To paraphase a friend “Every day the coils of the deep state snake squeeze a little harder”:

DAVID KRAYDEN: America is already a police state; it just hasn’t captured you yet | Human Events |

Saw this recently, and thought it was spot on:

The most oppressed people in America are the law-abiding individuals.”  

— sloanmagnum5009


Paris 2024 Games flame lit in ancient Olympia – Insider Paper

Notice what’s not there?


And related to Greece:

Must be “The Climate Change”: Greece’s Population Plummets as Sudden Deaths Soar (




Pick of the Post:



Remember these words:

Remember, in socialist societies, an individual’s worth is measured, not by being a unique person made in the image of God, but by that person’s utility to the state. If you’re no longer useful and, worse, if are an economic drain on society, you’ve got to go.

Cases Of Medical Murder Explode In America ( (bolding added):

Taking a longer view, Ezekiel Emanuel, one of the country’s most influential bioethicists and a prime architect of Obamacare, wrote as far back as 1996 that health care “services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed.”

What did the first excerpt say?  If you’re not productive / participating, you’re on the chopping block.

In a possible “predictive programming” moment, there was a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode centering around a planetary civilization that had The Resolution where it was your social duty to commit suicide before you became a burden.  Given the enormous push for euthanasia around the world – at least in western societies – that seems prophetic.

And then, of course, there’s Logan’s Run.




Palate Cleansers:



I’ll show myself out.  TGIF!




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee

Thanks to “Somebody” who bought me 5 coffees.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Your NH Public School Is Coercing Students to Identify as the Opposite Sex, Contact Me

Fri, 2024-04-19 14:00 +0000

HILLIARD, Ohio (WCMH) — Several central Ohio parents suing Hilliard City Schools allege a student suffering from “severe emotional trauma” was pressured by teachers to adopt “a new name and identity as the opposite sex.”

Nine Hilliard parents say school officials “treated the child as the opposite sex” without parental consent after “diagnosing” the student with gender dysphoria, according to the filing in the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Ohio. The complaint claims the district deceived the student’s parents while the child’s “condition spiraled out of control” and led to a suicide attempt.

Hilliard student coerced to ‘identify as opposite sex,’ anti-LGBTQ+ lawsuit says

If Your NH Public School Is Coercing Students to Identify as the Opposite Sex, Contact Me

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Speaker Mike Johnson … A Self-Righteous, Self-Serving, Unprincipled, Empty Nut-Sack

Fri, 2024-04-19 12:00 +0000

Speaker Mike Johnson is a one-person-wrecking ball. But what he is wrecking is the GOP that he supposedly leads. He is single-handedly wrecking the GOP’s electoral prospects … vote GOP, so we can play the role of controlled opposition while fully-funding the Left’s anti-America, globalist agenda. 

But remember bitter-clingers, he’s not the problem … it’s Matt Gaetz, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Chip Roy who won’t go along with the charade who are the real problem. Yeah, just keep telling yourself that.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bringing A Dad’s Worst Nightmare To Life

Fri, 2024-04-19 10:00 +0000

A Texas father is left powerless as he fights his ex-wife in a California court over her insistence to start their son on puberty blockers.

The terrifying saga facing Jeff Younger is a cautionary tale about how the U.S. court system is weaponized against parents who do not go along with the transgender cult. For years, Younger and his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, have fought over custody of their children, with the highlight of their fight being about one of their sons, who she believes is transgender.

Georgulas moved their children, including their 11-year-old son, to California against the wishes of their father. The move was protected after Younger lost his petition in the Texas Supreme Court to force her to return the children to Texas. (ROOKE: Blue State Dems Soundly Lost Debate On Radical Trans Bill — So Now They Want To Sneak It Past You)

The Texas Supreme Court denied his petition, claiming that Younger misinterpreted SB 107 and that the current Texas court order preventing Georgulas from giving their son these medical treatments would be honored in California. California currently has a transgender child trafficking law on the books, SB 107, which allows the state to refuse lawful extradition orders from other states over issues related to so-called gender-affirming care.

“I concur in the Court’s denial of the petition because Father is already in possession of a court order prohibiting Mother from doing precisely what he fears she will do with his son. In October 2021, the district court—with Mother’s full agreement, and indeed at her request—ordered that: neither parent may treat a child with hormonal suppression therapy, puberty blockers, and/or transgender reassignment surgery (if any) without the consent of the parents or court order,” the Court stated.

Proponents of the law claim SB 107 makes California a “refuge for trans kids and their families.” Law experts have long warned that these bills strip parental rights away from concerned parents, preventing any opposition to these medical treatments. This means that for Younger and his family, it will allow the mother to start harmful medical treatments on his child without his permission. (ROOKE: Democratic Lawmaker Who Destroyed Own Family Wants To Come For Yours Next)

Despite the Texas order supposedly preventing this from happening, Younger’s family has an upcoming pro forma hearing on April 25 that will ultimately decide whether Georgulas will be allowed to start their son down a path that will eventually turn him into a medical patient for the rest of his life.

A bombshell U.K. review, the Cass Report, of the usage of puberty blockers for minor patients found alarming problems when children are given these drugs to pause or delay puberty.

“A further concern … is that adolescent sex hormone surges may trigger the opening of a critical period for experience-dependent rewiring of neural circuits underlying executive function (i.e. maturation of the part of the brain concerned with planning, decision making and judgement). If this is the case, brain maturation may be temporarily or permanently disrupted by the use of puberty blockers, which could have a significant impact on the young person’s ability to make complex risk-laden decisions, as well as having possible longer-term neuropsychological consequences,” the report found.

The research shows that male children put on puberty blockers from an early age suffer from “inadequate penile growth,” and both male and female minor patients suffer from compromised bone density and growth issues.

“Puberty suppression was never intended to continue for extended periods, so the complex circumstances in which young people may remain on puberty blockers into adulthood is of concern,” the report stated.

Georgulas promised Texas courts that she was not intent on sending their son to a gender clinic to receive irreversible treatments for his supposed gender dysphoria, but if that were the case, why would she be in a California court attempting to allow it to happen? Now that Texas ruled against Younger, there is little legal protection left for him to protect his son. He is not even allowed to argue against these treatments in the pro forma hearing on April 25, according to the National File. (ROOKE: Meet Celebrities’ Favorite LA School Turning Their Kids Trans)

SB 107 proponents swore this wouldn’t happen when their bill was signed into law, yet here it is occurring in broad daylight. The Younger case is the realization of what these transgender cultists ultimately wanted. They demonized concerned parents, calling them right-wing conspiracy theorists. The slippery slope is not only real but worse; it’s more like an uncontrollable water slide.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: From Inherited Peace to Another War in the Middle East

Fri, 2024-04-19 02:00 +0000

Victor David Hanson is a smart guy. A historian, he pays attention to past and present and seems to be neither a deep-state neocon nor some feckless progressive academic interested in politics before facts or science.

He shared some thoughts about the Biden Admininstrations “footing” when it comes to global and regional conflicts that paint a less than flattering picture of Uncle Joe than we may remember.

We should remember, so I felt like this was worth sharing. Joe isn’t just bad with unity at home, which is why traditional antagonists are so emboldened.

Peace through weakness is a tested strategy. It ends badly.


“Don’t!”— Or Ten Ways to Guarantee a Theater-wide War

On the eve of the October 7 massacres, National Security Advisor bragged in an essay that his Mideast portfolio was “quieter than it has been for decades”. Now we are on the verge of a multifront Middle East war. How did Joe Biden inherit a decades-long regional calm and turn it into a precursor to a gargantuan war?

1. Talk loudly and carry a twig. Issue hollow Obama-like “redlines” or serial Biden threats to aggressive enemies like the vapid “Don’t!” Witness a U.S. President who works a 3-day week, struggles to read a teleprompter, and shouts more at conservative Americans than at America’s enemies.

2. Destroy hard-won deterrence. Abruptly pull out of Afghanistan. Abandon $50 billion in weapons to terrorists. Abandon a new $1 billion embassy. Abandon a $300 refitted air base. Abandon thousands of NATO allies, thousands of U.S. contractors, and thousands of Afghan allies. Lose 13 Marines in a horrific scramble to get out, while killing collateral Afghan civilians in a supposedly “righteous strike”. Call the entire American humiliation an impressive withdrawal.

3. Sit passively while a Chinese spy balloon traverses the continental U.S. Shoot it down only after days of escalating public outrage. Be afraid to call the Chinese out for the Wuhan-lab-generated, gain-of-function Covid-19 virus. Let Chinese diplomats dress down our silent and stunned secretary of state and national security advisor on American soil in Anchorage.

4. Assure Vladimir Putin that the U.S. reaction to a preemptive invasion of Ukraine would hinge on whether it was a major or “minor” invasion. Delay $100 million in military aid to Ukraine as Putin massed on Ukraine’s borders in hopes such forbearance would be reciprocated. Implore Putin to be more selective in his cyber targeting of U.S. infrastructure and institutions.

5. Coddle terrorist Iran. Seem eager to resume the Iran Deal. Lift sanctions. Allow $100 billion in oil profits to flow into Iranian coffers. Restore aid to the terrorist Palestinian authority and Hamas. Ignore Hezbollah’s terrorism. Remove the terrorist designation of the Houthis. Mostly ignore over 120 Iranian attacks on American installations. Transfer suspended funds to Iran at the rate of $1.2 billion for each American hostage it took.

6. Pressure Israel not to destroy Hamas—and not to reply to missile and drone attacks on the Israeli homeland. Threaten to cut off military aid to the only democratic government and longest U.S. ally in the Middle East should it finish off Hamas. Signal the Middle East that there is growing distance between Israel and America. Try to subvert if not overthrow the elected government of Israel. Transfer U.S. weapons stocks from Israel to Ukraine. Ignore thousands of missiles launched by Hamas and Hezbollah, and 100,000 Israelis internally displaced from their homes.

7. Run up the U.S deficit by $1 trillion every 100 days through reckless spending for entitlements, massive green subsidies, and DEI initiatives—while neglecting American shortages of munition stocks, arms, ships, and planes.

8. Recalibrate the U.S. military by substituting DEI criteria for past meritocracy. Accuse white males of being suspect white supremacists, then investigate them, then find no such evidence—and then suffer a shortage of a record 41,000 recruits. Lose the confidence of the American people in the military, so that less than half the population polls high confidence in the armed forces. Render the Uniform Code of Military Justice a mere construct.

9. Destroy the U.S. border for rank political purposes. Cancel all prior border enforcement. Abandon construction of the border wall. Allow in 10-million illegal aliens, among them thousands from hostile nations and some with terrorist ties. Provide generous subsidies, exemptions, and entitlements to immigrant lawbreakers, not always accorded to the U.S. poor.

10. Lose control of the world’s maritime commercial corridors. Allow the Chinese to harass allies in the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea. Allow the Houthis to shut down the Red Sea. Allow Iran to hijack ships in the Straits of the Hormuz. Witness the Black Sea become off-limits to maritime traffic. 

• • •

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Baksheesh (Bribery) in New Hampshire – from James F. McLaughlin to Peter Heed, Cinde Warmington, Kelly Ayotte, Chris Sununu

Fri, 2024-04-19 00:00 +0000

How do you get immunity in New Hampshire as a public official for being a pervert, a drunk, dishonest, a rapist, a murderer, or a thug?  Pay off the right people to not probe into what you’ve been up to. Political donations or kickbacks on deals.

Think how Police Officer/Rep. Jonathan Stone was covered up all these years, and about why James F. McLaughlin is still covered up despite his dirty past.

640:2 Bribery in Official and Political Matters. –
    I. A person is guilty of a class B felony if:
       (a) He promises, offers, or gives any pecuniary benefit to another with the purpose of influencing the other’s action, decision, opinion, recommendation, vote, nomination, or other exercise of discretion as a public servant, party official, or voter; or
       (b) Being a public servant, party official, candidate for electoral office, or voter, he solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any pecuniary benefit from another knowing or believing the other’s purpose to be as described in subparagraph I(a), or fails to report to a law enforcement officer that he has been offered or promised a pecuniary benefit in violation of subparagraph I(a).
    II. As used in this section and other sections of this chapter, the following definitions apply:
       (a) “Public servant” means any officer or employee of the state or any political subdivision thereof, including judges, legislators, consultants, jurors, and persons otherwise performing a governmental function. A person is considered a public servant upon his election, appointment or other designation as such, although he may not yet officially occupy that position. A person is a candidate for electoral office upon his public announcement of his candidacy.
       (b) “Party official” means any person holding any post in a political party whether by election, appointment or otherwise.
       (c) “Pecuniary benefit” means any advantage in the form of money, property, commercial interest or anything else, the primary significance of which is economic gain; it does not include economic advantage applicable to the public generally, such as tax reduction or increased prosperity generally.

Source. 1971, 518:1, eff. Nov. 1, 1973.

Peter Heed is the attorney to whom Laurie List, corrupt police officer James F McLaughlin, referred his “clients” in the late 1980s. At least, this is the case with Robert LaMontagne and Father Gordon MacRae, both of whom claim, among many others, to be victims of James F McLaughlin’s corrupt practices, with significant and irrefutable documentation to prove it.

Robert LaMontagne’s child lived with Peter Heed (who was also the child’s counsel) for a while. LaMontagne, meanwhile, was incarcerated in Keene jail. James McLaughlin charged him with sexually assaulting his three young children out of the blue while LaMontagne was serving a sentence for driving without a license after a DUI. (meanwhile, Peter Heed pled guilty to a DUI in 2013). LaMontagne was never shown the polygraph test he offered to take. He was just told he’d failed it. The state never gave him due process, but James F McLaughlin would have been rewarded, Keene Police would have got money, and Peter Heed did nicely.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Peter Heed’s friends at the Union Leader appear to have deleted the inconvenient links to Peter Heed’s own misconduct. That’s how it rolls in New Hampshire. The Concord Monitor is guilty of doing the same – censorship of articles inconvenient to those who are in “the club”. Even Congresswoman Ann Kuster (an attorney in the same club as Heed) has had her Wikipedia page edited to remove references that are inconvenient to her frontage as a victim’s rights and women’s rights advocate. She doesn’t want people to remember that she lobbied for date rape drug Rohypnol and ignored the pleas of women who’d been gang raped under its influence.

Peter Heed went on to become DA of Cheshire County and then AG of New Hampshire. In 1994, he resigned after being accused of sexually groping two social workers at a conference sponsored by the State on DV & SA. James F McLaughlin and his eager-beaver corrupt police officer friends in the New Hampshire Sexual Assault Unit left Heed alone. It looks like that would have been a deal due to McLaughlin being allowed to continue after his atrocious record of misconduct.

Did Peter Heed or James McLaughlin ever declare these kinds of quid pro quo (“ad honorarium”) deals? No. And neither did anyone who got paid or had their spouses or AG Gordon MacDonald do media for Marsy’s Law. Gordon MacDonald endorsed Marsy’s Law for Amanda Grady Sexton, who was ED for it. In return, she endorsed him to become NH Supreme Court Chief Justice.  RSA 15, RSA 15B has also been thrown out the window.

You wonder how Rep. Jonathan Stone’s police misconduct was covered up all these years? Baksheesh is why – Bribery. RSA 640.2. And if you don’t do something about it, you continue to put children and families in New Hampshire in extreme mortal harm’s way. It is not as if there haven’t been disappearances of children, adults, unsolved murders. Why is that? The same reason.

James F McLaughlin had a documented history of dishonesty and malfeasance for which he’d been suspended in the 1980s when Peter Heed was in private practice in Keene.  In 1998, the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Government had engaged in federal entrapment against a man from Maine: Paul Gamache.

The “Government” was James F McLaughlin under the guise of “Francis”, a 31 year old single mom who put an ad in a newspaper seeking a man to have fun with and “mentor” her three children under age 12. When questioned by Paul Gamache, who’d responded to the ad, what was entailed in mentoring, “Francis” wanted him to have sex with her three young children.  He casually went along with her solicitation for this in correspondence because he was really interested in her. He drove to Keene to meet her, only to be greeted by police officers who arrested him.  It was a tale of deceit from start to finish but Keene Sentinel newspaper was in James McLaughlin’s pocket as well. Reports indicate he’d worked with Paul Montgomery at the Sentinel to use media to help provide “probable cause” for charges. The practice is customary with the Concord Monitor, NH AP, NHPR, Union Leader, WMUR as well.  There are multiple cases to prove this.

Peter Heed would have or should have known about the ruling of federal entrapment in 1998 but he protected James F McLaughlin – one can only assume this is because he’d had good business out of him when he was in private practice. This looks to be the case with AG Gordon MacDonald as well who hired McLaughlin in 2017 and then argued to keep the Laurie list private in 2018 after he knew McLaughlin’s name had been added. MacDonald had great business with McLaughlin when he was at Nixon Peabody representing the Diocese. So had David Vicinanzo – another one who has failed to call him out.

A look at who Peter Heed and other prominent NH attorneys donate to appears to be an indication as to what’s really going on in New Hampshire and why there have been so many cover-ups, behind-closed-doors conferences on McLaughlin and other corrupt police officers:

Is Peter Heed paying people off to look after his own reputation and, in turn, James F McLaughlin’s?  One of those people is Kelly Ayotte (she had an aide who was in a prostitution ring), who conveniently stated about him:

“Deputy Attorney General Kelly Ayotte, whom Benson said will take over for Heed, said the county attorney’s office is investigating the allegations. She said the harassment allegation is the first time against Heed since he took office.”

“I’ve worked with Peter for over a year. I have respect for him. It’s been a privilege to serve with him,” she said. “And I’ve never seen him act inappropriately.”

Another person Peter Heed has donated to is Cinde Warmington, who is currently running for Governor.  He’s also donated to Chris Sununu.

Have you noticed a single one of these demanding to know what’s going on with James F McLaughlin and why Attorneys General have protected him? No.

(I’m copying Cinde Warmington and Debra Altshiller on this because they need to think very seriously about their own ignorance of the Bribery and Lobbying Statutes and what the consequences of that can lead to. It’s not OK to ignore the Statutes when you are in a position of power as an elected official to represent the interests of the public and the Constitution). 

Is Baksheesh just the New Hampshire way of doing business in the Law Enforcement/DA/AG/Governor incestuous swamp? Is that how James F McLaughlin, Rep. Jonathan Stone, and others have gotten away for so long? Not a single Attorney General will call out the misconduct of their predecessors.

They are not adhering to their professional codes of conduct, not their oath of office, nor the mission statements on the NH DOJ site. They are adhering to a secret code in a closed-door club to prevent the real truth from coming out—DECADES OF HORRIFIC CORRUPTION that has acted as a cancer through every hallway of law enforcement, the AG’s office, law firms, agencies, and NGOs. These are the “stakeholders” mentioned by members of the various “Governor’s commissions.”

“At trial the detective testified that the use of the word “mentor” in the advertisement was purposeful in order to draw out only persons who were interested in “inter-generational sexual interaction between adults and children.”   Appellant testified, however, that after looking the term “mentor” up in the dictionary, he concluded that it meant “like role model,” that “it was just another gal looking for somebody to take care of her kids like they do nowadays all over the country ․ [f]inancially, take them fishing, hunting, whatever.”

What does the term “mentor” mean in New Hampshire Law Enforcement? Exactly? James F McLaughlin has dozens of qualifications in child sexual assault and related. He teaches other police officers and he is an “expert witness”. 

What does “expert witness” mean in New Hampshire Courts?  In the case of James F McLaughlin, it means someone who knows how to federally entrap and who is themselves a pervert – a danger to society.

A YDC rape victim testified yesterday that “he knew he wouldn’t be believed.” If you look at the number of organizations, qualifications, publications, and training sessions on child abuse James F McLaughlin has been involved with. Why has the Attorney General’s office protected him for being a sexual pervert, a thug, a liar, but victims of YDC abuse were ignored? He was the expert in signs of child sex abuse….<

Chairman Ray Buckley has somehow avoided scrutiny for what appears to be his own sexually perverse misconduct with teenagers, which appears in this YouTube video.  Why is nobody in the NH State House bothered by it? Is it the same reason nobody was bothered about Stacey Laughton, Jonathan Stone, Timothy Siekmann? Or do people just pay off the right people to carry on?

The views and opinions expressed by contributors are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion or position of  Grok Media,, its authors, advertisers, donors, or sponsors.


Edited (gently) from an original  email to:

DOJ: Invest Info<>John Formella<>Sharon Carson<>Jeb.Bradley@leg.state.nh.uslwmcv@comcast.netLeah Cushman<>Kelley Potenza<>Governor’s Commission<>James Kofalt<>Glenn Cordelli<>debra.altschiller@leg.state.nh.uscinde.warmington@state.nh.usWendy Thomas<>Timothy Horrigan<>John Scippa<>

The post Baksheesh (Bribery) in New Hampshire – from James F. McLaughlin to Peter Heed, Cinde Warmington, Kelly Ayotte, Chris Sununu appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

While Maine Works to Protect Child Traffickers, Tennessee Moves to Punish Them

Thu, 2024-04-18 22:00 +0000

LD227 would permit the state of Maine to hold those in other states liable for violating it; violating what? The law allows human trafficking and protects adults from charges of kidnapping and transporting minors across state lines for gender surgeries. Tennessee pushed back, but not just against the unconstitutionality of LD227.

Tennessee lawmakers in the state’s Senate on Thursday passed a bill on a 25-4 vote that would make it a felony for adults to aid minors in seeking gender transition procedures. It now heads to the GOP-led House, where it is expected to get additional Republican support.

State Sen. Janice Bowling, a Republican, sponsored SB 2782, which would penalize any “adult who recruits, harbors, or transports an unemancipated minor” in Tennessee “for the purpose of receiving a prohibited medical procedure that is for the purpose of enabling the minor to identify with, or live as, a purported identity inconsistent with the minor’s sex or treating purported discomfort or distress from a discordance between the minor’s sex and asserted identity, regardless of where the medical procedure is to be procured,” and make it classified as a felony.

Objections are without merit. It is about protecting children from a medical, industrial complex revenue machine that secretly admits the risks and failures of its alleged cures on one hand while cashing checks for its services on the other.

A practice that is rapidly losing support around the world (in just the past few weeks).

  • “Experts” Admit That Transitioning Kids Can Result in Cancer or Death
  • Night Cap: A Majority of Gender Research Lacks Rigour, Quality, or Evidence
  • New Study Confirms that If You Leave Gender-Confused Kids Alone … They Grow Out of It
  • UK Bans Puberty Blockers for Everyone Under 18 Years of Age
  • Woke Pope Comes Out … Against Trans-Surgery and Gender Theory

A growing institutional force recognizes how dangerous and ineffective this is for children’s mental health.

What About Rights?

Children have very limited rights, historically recognized across almost every culture. No one has a history of deliberately letting kids decide what they are ready for or when they can begin certain behaviors. Results may vary (rural kids are up working the family farm and using equipment many an urban youth would be unable to master without the time and training of their rural peers). Still, when it comes to smoking, driving, vaping, drinking alcohol, tattoos, firearms*, and, until recently – sex, the universal standard has been when the time is right. That time is commonly mid to late teens (these days) or later, which ought to include the elective surgical removal of healthy human body parts.

Every culture can debate when the best time is for marriage and firearms safety, but we don’t typically let adults chop off healthy body parts (theirs or someone else’s) unless it is for sexual reassignment surgery, which, when you consider it, is not the best policy. Recent research affirms that a majority of what gets labeled gender dysphoria in children is a different mental health issue that gender-bending does not address. It would explain why the quick-to-judge gender reassignment solution is failing so badly. Even in accepting communities, those lured into the LGBTQ lifestyle continue to embrace other unhealthy habits, including suicide, in statistically high numbers.

You are not addressing their mental health. You are using it to project your political will. Adults are free to make mistakes for which they must then pay some price (unless they are members of Congress). Children manipulated into those choices, contrary to the rising body of evidence against it, are being abused sexually, politically, and forever. You can’t undo the damage of gender surgery, and hormone treatments are dangerous, leading to disease, cancer, and even death.

Maine Democrats are not just fine with the risks. They would add human trafficking to the list. They are putting children in harm’s way. Tennesse is trying to protect them. More states should do the same.

The post While Maine Works to Protect Child Traffickers, Tennessee Moves to Punish Them appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Media Prejudices Lack Credibility but Liberals Don’t Care

Thu, 2024-04-18 20:00 +0000

Democrat-owned fake news media continues to bamboozle their self-blinded followers with false narratives in order to sell their stories to the unsuspecting populace.

As long as left-leaning voters take the bait by the media, they will never learn what it was like 50 years ago to have honest and unbiased news presenters like Walter Cronkite.

The “news” articles of today are more like gossip columns reeking of manipulated, sensational “gotcha” opinions by left-wing reporters at CNN, MSNBC, HuffPost, AP, ABC, et al.

This is called controlling the message. When the message is controlled, the people are controlled.

However, Democrats without a conscience don’t seem to care because they are happily living in their controlled fantasy world. Left-leaning people totally believe the negative, fictional opinions made against Republicans by the leftist media simply because it fits their Democratic narrative.

We want to thank Di Lothrop for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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Democrats in Congress love to claim “bipartisanship” when pushing laws. Have you noticed that they all claim to “work with” Republicans to negotiate bills? The reality is that they don’t leave space for Republican discussions; they shut Republicans out of the conversation. Congressional Democrats have no desire to negotiate. It seems it’s their way or the highway.

It is extremely rare for a Democrat to go against their party in Washington, DC. The reality is, if they appear to waffle, they pay a price. When Speaker Nancy Pelosi reigned over the House, they were led in shackles to her throne to have a “little chat”. Subsequently, the “throne-in-waiting” of the House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. And to current Senate Leader Chuck Schumer. They are all given the order not to stray from liberal chronicles.

The media will never report that.

Remember when Joe Biden was running for president on a platform of unity? The reality is that Biden has denigrated Republicans for years. He slams Donald Trump at every chance, propagating the same falsehoods claimed by the media, albeit in his mumbling, bumbling Biden-esque way.

Biden is the most divisive president this country has seen in a long time. He wouldn’t know unity if it bit him in the nose.

And yet, Biden’s controlled partisan followers continue to walk around with blinders on. In their letters to the editor and other public communications, they note that Biden is ‘full of stamina and vitality’ and ‘clearly articulates his policies’. Are they drinking the weird Kool-Aid?

Another dramatically false claim is that Trump is a ‘threat to America’ and he ‘cozied up to dictators’ and his ‘greed fed corrupt pay-to-play politics’. They sound catatonic and seemingly suffer from foaming at the mouth.

Talk about being controlled.

People don’t get the full truth. All they get are subjective opinions calling Republicans bad. They listen to fake news with liberal ears and believe the false claim that President Trump said he was going to be a dictator. No. That was taken out of context by the media. Look at the transcript of the conversation. With tongue in cheek, he said he would be a dictator on day one only and would close the border and stop illegal border crossings. Frame of reference: On day one, Joe Biden acted as a dictator when he signed 77 executive orders all cancelling Trump policies simply because they were not Democratic policies.

Let’s not forget Biden holding a pay-to-play billion dollars hostage to force the Ukrainian government to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden’s corrupt deal. Well, son-of-gun, the prosecutor got fired, and Biden got them their billion dollars!

Take the “bloodbath” incident. Trump was speaking metaphorically about a major economic disaster, not a bloody war like the liberal media claimed. Biden used the term in 2020, referring to a political bloodbath. Result: nothing from the media. They let that go without calling him out.

The media claimed Trump called all illegals ‘animals’ – they forgot to mention that he was talking about the murderous criminal element of illegals crossing our border.

Liberals will not be swayed by this column and will continue to turn a blind eye. They’d rather focus more on the lies about Trump than talk about Biden’s economic disasters affecting us all.

Knowledge is key.

The post Media Prejudices Lack Credibility but Liberals Don’t Care appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

They Made an Environmental Law So Huge No One Knows How to “Lift It”

Thu, 2024-04-18 18:00 +0000

George Carlin used to tell jokes about his time in Catholic school and his smart-ass interactions with The Church, like asking a priest if God is so powerful that he can create a rock so large that he himself can’t lift it. A similar situation has arisen closer to Earth. Vermont close.

In their pursuit of ineffable emissions goals, the Vermont Legislature has created an environmental standard so complex that no one knows how to implement it. Grokster Rob Roper explains.

The Clean Heat Standard (CHS), the “Rube Goldberg” carbon tax on home heating fuels, became law almost a year ago over the veto of Governor Scott. The Democrat/Progressive supermajority that passed the CHS did so without providing – or even considering in any significant detail – how it would work or what it would cost. Instead, they kicked that can into the laps of the Public Utilities Commission with the charge to just figure it all out – by September 2024 (fifteen months) for review before a legislative vote in January 2025.

So far, the only thing we’ve figured out is that this thing can’t be figured out. Certainly not by September 2024/January 2025 and probably not ever.

He proceeds to show us the receipts in support of the claim, which is simplified by the fact that the agencies tasked with achieving goals have not because the way the law is written, it can’t be done. This is progressive busybodying at its finest, and you’d be right to ask the next question.

How many emissions have been emitted not just during the drafting, deliberation, and passage of the Clean Heat Standard but also since trying to work out how it won’t work, starting with the fact that it creates a financial instrument (a carbon credit) the state would have to oversee and regulate (more government, more emissions).

“From the outset, you should treat the credit like a financial instrument if you want to see what happens when you don’t, look at the beginnings of the European Emissions Trading System ten or twelve years ago. It was a disaster. They are a financial instrument. They are basically the same as money, so you need to track them like that. There should be a single registry for credits, and they should all have unique identifiers…. And the final thing, I’d say, is there should be an annual review of market activity. It seems like overkill on day one, but it is really important to understand what is happening in the credit market to make sure that it’s being operated above board….”

Yeah, all that. And much more. Good luck hammering out the details of how to create, track, and regulate what is essentially a new crypto-currency during a three-hour Zoom meeting! This is not the fault of the TAG or the EAG, it’s the fault of the morons who passed this law with this time frame with this bureaucratic framework without doing anywhere near the due diligence necessary to determine if this were possible.

And Vermonters didn’t even want it. They don’t want to pay more to heat and cool their homes, but that’s what this does if they can figure out a way to make it work, which is not a bad thing. The longer it takes, the more time you have to replace them and get this repealed.

The post They Made an Environmental Law So Huge No One Knows How to “Lift It” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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