The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 39 sec ago

“Celia” is Breaking My Heart, and that of Lady Justice.

Fri, 2024-04-12 14:00 +0000

I never thought I would have an opportunity to name an article after my favorite Simon and Garfunkel song, but here we are. I am talking about Attorney Celia Leonard, locally known as Deputy Corporation Counsel, and a direct report to Attorney Bolton.

Wednesday was Day 4 of Laurie Ortolano vs. City of Nashua, a case that Judge Temple adjourned after three days of court in December.  The whole day was spent with Attorney Leonard, who I will refer to as ‘Cecelia’ just because it’s fun, on the witness stand.  And what a hostile witness she was! I won’t get into regurgitating every detail, but anyone interested can request a copy of the transcript if they have the case number handy.

I think she said “I don’t know” more often than any graduate of the Lionel Hutz law school. But ‘Cecelia’ had her boss and his Dream Team there to coach her.  Because of where I was sitting in the bleachers, I could not see the antics of Alex Cora possibly being carried out by First Chair Attorney Hilliard et al.

I feel like I am doing the readers a disservice by making this article so short, but ATTORNEY Ed Mosca does that often, and I do see him as a Grok role model, after all.

Plus, I don’t want to be late for the start of Day 5 at 10 am and need to leave in a few minutes.  However, one item on my to-do list is to look for a security camera pointed at the faces of the Dream Team and possibly see about getting a copy of Wednesday’s footage.  Stay tuned, my friends.

The post “Celia” is Breaking My Heart, and that of Lady Justice. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Arguing for A Spectrum With Only “Two Sets of Plumbing”

Fri, 2024-04-12 12:00 +0000

Nature endows all of us with (basically) one of two sets of “plumbing.” There are rare or odd exceptions involving mutations that produce both or none, but these are uncommon and not nature’s design. Anyone enamored of Darwin’s thoughts on evolution knows this. The survival of any species depends on its ability to procreate.

Evolution theory is about survival (of the fittest). Successive generations in a given environment carry on traits that the theory presumes were better, like refusing to let the public school convince their kids to cut off their genitals. Birds don’t do it, Bees Don’t Do it, and even dedicated fleas won’t do it. They don’t do it because they don’t send their “kids” to public schools.

Ending one’s own genetic succession is not nature’s way; that would be a fabrication of human imagination followed by choices and deliberate action. It is certainly your right not to procreate – not to pass down genetic copies of yourself. There’s an entire political movement obsessed with the idea. Master-race-like thinking from progressive minds without the pomp of swastikas and genocide. Unless you think a cultural movement to neuter other people’s children isn’t at least similar.

The premise is that what nature chooses is not natural but that what people can pretend or imagine is. But for all the shouting, posturing, and presumption, the gender warriors, with their socially constructed 57 flavors, are still trapped in a two-plumbing paradigm. The one nature gave them. Regardless of which body parts are removed, the “therapy” insists that the pinnacle of modern transition is to try to mimic those of the other set (sometimes) with recreated flesh (in that image) that doesn’t do any of the things of which the original was capable. That a permanent life-altering bait-and-switch is natural.

You trade a natural body for useless flesh—an affectation of transition after which physical pleasure is difficult to impossible. And this is supposed to make you feel better, and when it doesn’t, it is someone else’s fault.

Such a Drag

Regardless of where you are on the socially constructed gender spectrum, the other “two sets of plumbing paradigm” paradox is clothing. The television people have been working as hard as librarians to normalize drag queens. Men who think they are entertainers dressed up as a caricature of a slutty woman. Dresses, high heels, and lots of sexual innuendo. If that’s what floats your boat, but what’s so brave about abandoning one social construct for another?

It is not edgy or even empowering, certainly not to women who have for centuries worked to expand their choices, only to have men take their womanhood (trophies, ribbons, awards, scholarships) and characterize it as entertainment. Again, I’m not dragging drag queens. I’m observing a lack of ability to escape the paradigms the movement insists on having skewered in the name of progress. Progress?

Men dressed up like women in Elizabethan England because women were not allowed to perform on a stage. Is that next? Are transwomen or drag queens going to replace women on screens, small and large, because they are underrepresented? Has it happened already? And if so, how is it empowering to replace real women with men dressed up like women? Is the problem that women have been able to dress like men and look a lot better doing it? Or that none of it matters. At the end of the day, this movement has loosened laws allowing predators to gain access to children and ladies in once-safe spaces—places where the two sets of plumbing problems result in the authentic act of rape.

A price the gender cult is willing to make someone else pay for empowerment in service to a kink.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH House Republican Attendance for the Week of 4-11-2024 (It Was Quite Good, Actually!)

Fri, 2024-04-12 11:00 +0000

The NH House was back for a session this week to vote for and against things that matter much more than they should, and we’ve got the receipts.

Republicans showed up in better numbers than we’ve seen since we started this project, but as we noted in the beginning, that doesn’t always translate into legislative wins. Attendance is a double-edged sword. It tells part of a story. Reps need to be there to represent their constituents but, in some cases, can’t for a day or a vote. And sometimes, they show up to vote the wrong way.

While I heard we had some legislative wins yesterday, some of them (Republicans) voted with Democrats to ensure legislative losses we otherwise could have avoided. You’ll have to dig into the roll call votes yourself to work those out, but our own Judy Aron covered the session day here if you want bill numbers, so we’ll get on with this piece of the puzzle; here are the missed roll call votes by Republican Rep for 4/11/2024.

What they mean is up to you.

4/11 YTD
20 Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford) 216
20 O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont) 140
20 Harley, Tina (R, Seabrook) 66
20 Nagel, David (R, Gilmanton) 32
8 Infantine, William (R, Manchester) 45
6 Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont) 97
4 Guthrie, Joseph (R, Hampstead) 41
3 Berry, Ross (R, Manchester) 13
1 Doucette, Fred (R, Salem) 14
1 Smith, Steven (R, Charlestown) 9
1 Potenza, Kelley (R, Rochester) 3
1 Seidel, Sheila (R, Goffstown) 2


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (4/11/24)?

Fri, 2024-04-12 10:00 +0000

We learned that one of the most outstanding renditions of the national anthem was sung by the Seacoast Men of Harmony and that the Scottish Arts Center entertained us for Tartan Day with bagpipes and fiddle music. It was superb.

Many House members, and the House Clerk and staff wore kilts and tartans today. It was a grand celebration of NH’s Scottish Heritage and their winning their independence from Britain. Tartan Day has been a House tradition since 1997. Rep John Hunt (R-Rindge) led the ceremonies.

We learned that the House warmly greeted the Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Kim Jae-hui. He addressed the House and spoke of the large and vibrant Korean community in NH and how NH and Korea are working together in areas of commerce and sharing of culture. He spoke of the gratitude that Korea has for the 10,000 Americans who fought in the Korean War between 1950 and 1953 and how those who sacrificed their lives are remembered and commemorated, both here and in Korea.

We learned that Rep. Mel Myler (D-Contocook) delivered a heartfelt memorial to the Hon. Arthur Ellison who passed away on March 23rd. Members of the House Democrat caucus also wore decals with the words “Feed the damn children”, which was a quote (and some say a last wish) from Rep. Ellison in regards to HB1212 – a bill relative to the eligibility for free school meals (see more below).

We learned that today was Crossover Day (the last day to act on all House bills) and House Finance Day. All the Early bills that went to Finance came back to us, and we began working to pass or kill them at 11 AM after all of the morning festivities and speeches were concluded. We had around 36 bills to get through, plus a motion to concur on HB261, Relative to tenants’ rights, which passed on a voice vote.

We learned that House Democrats still want no part of removing obscene and harmful sexual materials from NH school libraries. After they succeeded in Indefinitely Postponing HB1419 weeks ago, this meant that no similar bill could be considered without a 2/3 vote of the House. So today, House Democrats blocked the bill introduction of SB523 (regulation of public school materials) with a vote of 182Y-192N, which clearly did not have enough to clear the 2/3 vote hurdle. House Democrats want to keep age inappropriate and pornographic materials in our schools, Please remember this in November.

We learned that HB318 (relative to bail commissioners and making appropriations to the Judicial branch) passed on a voice vote. This bill incorporates SB249, SB252, and HB1005. The Finance Committee adopted earlier approved House actions on bail reform. This bill supports a new bail information system (a one-time $1.7 million expense), increases the bail commissioner fee, and establishes a new training coordinator who will oversee judicial and bail commissioner training and continuing educational requirements. This bill also appropriates $750,000 to the Department of Safety to develop and implement a system to electronically share an individual’s bail condition status with law enforcement and $986,000 to the Judicial Branch to develop and implement a Judicial Branch bail data platform to enable electronic sharing of an individual’s bail condition status with law enforcement. That being said the next bill on our agenda, HB1005, was tabled (348-33) and did not get a “Get of jail free card”.

We learned that HB1199 ended up being Indefinitely Postponed (192-190) after a motion to OTP failed (190-191), and then a motion to OTP failed (191-192) and a motion to Table failed (189-193. It appeared we had run out of motions at that point. In any case, this bill deserved to die. The bill’s aim was to use one-time ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds to establish a new position in the Office of the Child Advocate to deal with child homelessness. And although well-intentioned, House Democrats still do not understand the financially sound concept of not funding ongoing positions with one-time money. By the way, a child is now apparently defined as someone up to the age of 25. This bill would have placed under the supervision of the Office of Child Advocate any persons under the age of 25 whose parents are unable to provide shelter, who live in a trailer park, or who share housing and this bill was also written to include adults who are employed and renting a mobile home with friends. Hah! and I bet you thought that those who are over the age of 18 are considered adults, should be treated as such, and who should be able to live life in society on their own. The sponsor of this bill, Rep. Patrick Long (D-Manchester), doesn’t think so.

We learned that HB1212 was tabled 192-191, and the Speaker broke the tie vote. The bill would have expanded free meal eligibility in schools. In his speech, Rep. Daniel Popovici-Muller (R-Windham) mentioned that HB1212 proposes a budget-breaking expansion of the federal lunch program, asking the New Hampshire taxpayers to pay $50 – $75 million or more a year to address a hunger problem that nobody even showed exists in New Hampshire public schools. Later in the day there were two failed attempts made by Rep. David Luneau (D-Hopkinton) to remove it from the table. His attempt at 4:10 PM failed 188Y-189N, and his subsequent attempt at 4:44 PM failed 185Y-188N. In a related story, Walmart treated everyone to lunch in the cafeteria today… so no wonder that House Democrats think there really is such a thing as a free lunch. Psst … Walmart paid for it.

We learned that HB1288 passed 196-184 after a move by House Democrats to Table it failed. This bill establishes certain due process rights for students, student organizations, and faculty members facing disciplinary actions by state institutions of higher learning. The framework presented in the bill is a guideline, and if a state institution already has these rights respected (as the institutions claimed in hearings) then they don’t need to change their procedures. Testimony from a state higher education executive was that of the 2,000+ cases in 2023, only 80 had a formal hearing, which would be the same under these guidelines. Rep. Mary Hakken-Phillips (D-Hanover) argued that the state could be sued by the federal government, and federal funding could be put into jeopardy with these guidelines in place. Rep. Bob Lynn (R-Windham) said there was no conflict between this bill and federal law, or that we’d get sued because the federal government would say that they should defund NH because we have a system in place to resolve disciplinary problems that’s “too fair”. He ended by saying,”I would pay to sit in the back of the courtroom and listen to that argument before a judge…. defund NH because they have a process that is too fair… that argument would go nowhere”.

We learned that HB1363 was Tabled 195-186. This bill would have added members of the General Court and their families to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) operated through Health and Human Services with the cost paid for by the legislative branch. We know the EAP is a great state employee benefit however, your elected officials have no business partaking of these benefits courtesy of NH taxpayers. We elected legislators are neither employees nor entitled to a fully funded benefit (which would be applicable to every legislator and his/her family in this bill) without making any financial contribution towards the new expense of this government expansion. It’s a shame this was not roll-called because then you would see who believes in featherbedding.

We also learned that unfortunately, HB1394 passed 195-187. This allows music therapists to be licensed and regulated, of course, so they can bill insurance companies for their “therapy” services. Testimony in the committee revealed that approximately 30 music therapists practice in New Hampshire, either for private pay or in clinics that provide their services. Will this turn good music into a real “racket”?

We learned that HB1466 passed the House with a unanimous Voice Vote. This was my bill, which provides disaster relief funding to municipalities. Currently, there is no statutory mechanism for towns to get financial help from the state after a disaster (like flooding) occurs. Please ask your Senator to support this. Thanks in advance!

We further learned that HB1577 – relative to digital images of ballots – was Tabled 193-188 (roll called). New voting machines scan ballots and then store the images and related information on internal memory cards. This bill and the amendment would have allowed citizens to view ballots and purchase copies of memory cards from the Secretary of State. Municipalities store ballots and other election information, and the Secretary of State only obtains them in the case of a recount. This bill would enable an inexpensive means for the public to informally audit election results. People could see for themselves if there were possible irregularities (ex: determining if the vote totals agree with the machine report totals).

We learned that HB1583 passed 205-177 after a motion to Table failed 180-201. This bill, as previously approved by the House, establishes an adequate education payment by the state of $4,004, and it sets forth guidelines for fiscal disparity aid for districts where property valuations are lacking to support educational needs. The changes affect the calculation of final adequacy grants to public school districts, aid to public charter schools, and education freedom accounts (EFAs). The Legislative Budget Assistant (LBA) estimates the average cost for this program at $68 million/year for each of the next three years. Seeing as the New Hampshire Supreme Court is hearing a case relative to base education adequacy grants and the general education funding formula, it would seem that this kind of bill is jumping the gun and perhaps holding off on changing the funding formula until the Supreme Court decides something might be more prudent. But hey – it’s off to the Senate now, and we’ll see what they do with this $68 million off-budget year can of worms.

We learned that HB1564 (relative to the child support guidelines) passed on a Voice Vote. The bill makes welcome adjustments to the child support guidelines. The bill increases the self-support reserve, allows for expenses related to childcare, healthcare and extracurricular activities to be split, and allows for rebuttable presumptions of deviations based on shared parenting time. In contrast, HB1595, which also makes adjustments to child support guidelines, went to Interim Study with a vote of 208-176 after an OTP/A motion failed 190-193.

We also learned that HB1633 – Cannabis legalization and regulation – passed 239-136 on a roll called vote. This bill legalizes and regulates cannabis to ensure that these products are tested and labeled and that consumers are informed and protected. Cannabis will not be sold to minors under the age of 21. The bill would limit initial cannabis retail outlet licenses to 15 while providing a pathway for expanded licenses. The Finance Committee amendment tightened up the bill, corrected penalty vagueness, and moved financial responsibility from the general fund to the New Hampshire Liquor Commission. Opponents of the bill echoed the language that Virginia Governor Youngkin used in his veto message, “States following this path have seen adverse effects on children’s and adolescent’s health and safety, increased gang activity and violent crime, significant deterioration in mental health, decreased road safety, and significant costs associated with marijuana that far exceed tax revenue. It also does not eliminate the illegal black-market sale of cannabis, nor guarantee product safety. Addressing the inconsistencies in enforcement and regulation in our current laws does not justify expanding access to cannabis, following the failed paths of other states and endangering our health and safety.” Rep. Erica Layon (R-Derry) said, “It’s high time we pass this legislation”. Even though it is known that the Senate and the Governor both hate the provisions of this bill, it is off to the Senate now, and maybe it should have been sent along with a box of munchies.

We learned that the biggest debate of the day was for, HB1649 (prohibiting certain products with intentionally added PFAs), with three amendments offered. The first amendment offered by the bill sponsor, extended the effective date out 18 months. That amendment passed 233-147. The next two amendments intended to narrow the scope of PFAs chemicals defined in the bill. Both of those amendments failed 165Y-216N and 156Y-223N respectively. The bill passed OTP/A 233-140 on a roll call vote. We all know PFAs are toxic and don’t belong in our landfills, but the problem with this bill is that not all chemicals or products defined in this bill can really be considered toxic. Also, instead of states banning products, it would seem that the federal government, through the EPA, should be regulating certain products so that a patchwork of regulations isn’t created from state to state. Consider too that even California, which has some pretty stringent PFAs legislation, is having difficulty implementing their own legislation. The other issue is that producers are already making great strides in taking the PFAs chemicals out of their products. We are already starting to see labels saying “PFAs Free” because that is what consumers want. In any case, our friends in the Senate will be digging though yet another landfill reduction bill and deciding whether or not we should ban things like textiles, upholstery, linens, menstrual products, cosmetics, toys and other common consumer products.

We also learned that HB1678 passed 191Y-182N after a motion to Table failed 181Y-192N and a motion to ITL failed 179Y-193N. This bill establishes a Farm to School pilot program costing $241,000. The Finance Committee recommendation was not to pass the bill (ITL 13-12) because most of the money will be used to administer the program and last summer the Fiscal Committee accepted $559,000 from the federal government for essentially the same purpose. This program is duplicative of that effort, and more bureaucratic. But hey (say it with me)… “It’s for the children”.

Finally, we learned that Finance Committee Chair Rep. Ken Weyler (R-Kingston) tried twice to remove HB1560 off of the Table. Both attempts failed 177Y-201N and 167Y-204N. He needed 2/3rds to prevail. The House Democrats would have none of it because HB1560 allows access to unassigned moneys in the Education Trust Fund (ETF). The problem is that a whole load of money is now tied up in that fund and unavailable to use to pay for all the things everyone passed today! Chair Weyler was quite annoyed, I dare say irate, that all of the Finance bills passed today needed funds tied up in ETF to pay for implementation. I suppose the Senate will now have to figure all of this out in a nonbudget year. Good luck with that.

Next week, we get a break, but we’ll be back with more bills and motions on April 25th, when we will begin work on Senate bills and Concurrences for House bills that the Senate, in their infinite wisdom, has changed.

The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (4/11/24)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massganistan

Fri, 2024-04-12 02:00 +0000

Since the 1930s, governments, politicians, leaders, and members of freedom-crushing movements have been using the word “Crisis” to accomplish goals that “The People” would never have voted for or allowed to occur if we were not told that it would “Solve a Crisis” of some type.

You name the crisis, and I’ll show you the politicians and the people who will profit from it, often to the detriment of the rest of us. In most cases, the crises are NOT REAL. They are imagined to achieve a political end or goal, and they are thrust upon the population with all of the legal (and illegal) brutality that the politicians and their masters can muster.

Currently, our leaders and people who would profit from it have the following crises in progress: the climate change crisis, The Mental Health Crisis, The Homeless Crisis, The Opioid Crisis, The Extinction Crisis, the next Pandemic Crisis, The Crisis of our Democracy, etc., etc. These same people have also declared a “Solar Eclipse Crisis.”

Yes, the SOLAR ECLIPSE CRISIS!! Run for the hills, folks. Batten down the hatches and hoard all of the TP and water you can carry. The sun is coming for you—or is it the moon? Either way, IT IS NOT A CRISIS. It was not a crisis, but they tried to make it into one.

We want to thank John Cawthron for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

While I admit that there are problems to call every problem that comes along, “A CRISIS” diminishes the meaning of the word and does a disservice to us all. That brings me to the latest crisis being foisted upon us by Mayor Jim Donchess; most of the Nashua Alderman, Governor Sununu, State Rep. Joe Sweeney, Real Estate Agents, Real Estate Developers, some huge corporations, and government entities will profit from it. THE HOUSING CRISIS!!!

To be clear, despite what the above-mentioned people are shouting from the rooftops, there is not, there never has been, and there never will be a housing crisis in New Hampshire.

When the first settlers arrived in NH, there was NO HOUSING WHATSOEVER. To be sure, if ever there was a time that NH had a shortage of housing, that was it. Did these settlers declare a crisis?

Did they send a letter to King George III declaring a crisis and ask for a Royal edict and Royal $$ to build workforce housing that would subisdize housing for some people while making others work for every square foot of housing space?

Did they build multi-unit, block house, soul-crushing, communal living spaces to keep and attract more settlers

The answer is, no, they did not.

Yet somehow, despite not having these Royally injected and spread amongst the leadership funds, these settlers managed to build enough housing to form a state. Crazy right? Hard work and perseverance get you somewhere.

If this Housing crisis does indeed exist, riddle me this…Why, when I take the drive on Rt 101 from Nashua to Keene, do I see a multitude of empty and abandoned houses just sitting there, unoccupied, rotting away? Surely, if there were a “CRISIS,” our local and state leaders would put their “powers of good” to use, fix these locales up, and have them re-added to the housing pool, yes? Why is this not being done?

I can tell you why…There is no Federal money in it. You know, DC dollars.

For Democrats, Federal money is like blood to a Vampire. They can’t live without it and just like a Vampire if sunlight was ever shined upon what they were doing with it and what they had to agree to, to get it, that sunlight would surely destroy them. Apparently some of our state’s GOP members have discovered what DC dollars can do for them as well. This does not bode well for our state because, for every DC dollar that is accepted, a little part of our state’s soul is traded away.

A little-known fact about this “crisis” is that under President Obama, an initiative was put in place to stop “Urban Flight” to the suburbs by bringing the “Urban” to the suburbs. DC dollars would flow to states that changed or violated their local zoning laws and to the people that brought these changes about. You know, politicians, Town Administrators, Real Estate Developers, etc. Let’s call them “The Gang” from here on out. Anyway, Obama and his ilk put this plan in place in order to economically and demographically “diversify” quiet, peaceful, and prosperous suburbia by getting the locals to allow cluster and high-density housing into areas that are not suited for it.

Obama and “The Gang” want to bring to suburbia what the Democrats have brought to most of the other places where they hold sway. High crime, bad schools, broken families, welfare state housing, and slow but unrelenting chaos. If you think that “The Gang” would tell you the TRUTH about any of this think again. Instead, WE HAVE A CRISIS!!

For the sake of argument and ignoring the fact that in the past five years, 20,000 plus or more apartment units have been built along RT 93 from Manchester to Boston, not to mention what has been built in Nashua, Manchester & Salem, NH, let’s say that there is a housing crisis here in NH.

Are “The Gang” telling us that the solution to this problem is that they and their DC dollars will build their way out of it? Ahhh, hello gang. Take a look at a map. What landmass sits below the southern New Hampshire border?  Let me point it out to you. It’s called Massachusetts. You know, the land of the uber taxed and universal mail in ballots.

For the sake of argument, let’s call Mass. what it has become under its current Soviet-style rulers “Massganistan.” Since NH borders Massganistan, every unit of housing built in southern NH is actually subsidized housing for northern Massganistan.

What was the saying in that movie…”If you build it, they will come?”

Massganistan is currently in the process of importing as many of the illegal masses as they can get from F Joe Biden. Since Massganistan is filling up every hotel, motel, warehouse and now volunteer’s homes where will the over flow go to?

Remember that the pols in Massganistan have plenty of DC dollars to house people anywhere that they want to. Even if the massive amount of illegal immigrants stay in Massganistan, the people who will be forced out of their homes and apartments or simply no longer wish to live in Massganistan because of the massive influx of people will come north, where rents and housing prices are cheaper.

Maybe that is the point, however….

In “The Gang”, the politicians get DC dollars, the Real Estate Developers get some too. The Real Estate agents and high density housing owners get rich off of the subsidized and artificially higher rents. Meanwhile, you, me, and everyone else that worked hard & played by the rules get the shaft as our towns and cities get urbanized and overrun with people that can’t afford to live in the places that the gov’t allowed/forced to be put here.

To make this more palatable and to bring in a bit of “false” humanity, “The Gang” calls this “Work Force” housing. I must say that’s very communist of them. Build brightly colored, Soviet-style, cell black housing for a workforce that doesn’t have “The Work” to pay for it.

As we all know, even with the HUGE amount of cluster housing that has already gone up, rents have not come down. In fact they are rising. Quite the opposite of how a free economic system is supposed to operate wouldn’t you say? So how is it that this can this happen?

Don’t ask me; ask “The Gang,” but my guess is that “The Gang” set themselves up nicely with tax breaks, low-interest loans, and DC dollars to “subsidize’ rents and fill their pockets as they destroy everything in their path that stands in the way of Obama’s plan for the USA and our state.

So as the complicit media types, DC Dollar-bought politicians, local leaders and town administrators, Real Estate developers, and Real Estate agents, you know, those that will profit handsomely from “THE HOUSING CRISIS” scream from the rooftops that “NH NEEDS WORKFORCE HOUSING!!” consider this. If “The Gang” really cared about the “workforce,” what they would be doing is bringing good-paying jobs to NH. If they did that, any housing issues would take care of themselves.

What is really going on is the planned and controlled DESTRUCTION of suburbia and all of the goodness that it brings to what used to be called “the fabric of America.”

This plan is for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of most. The “Housing Crisis” and “Workforce” housing lies need to be seen for what they are, not what the people who will profit from it tell you they are. These lies need to be exposed before every town and city in NH resembles the hollowed-out, and empty shamble of socialist and communist ideals that have failed everywhere that they have been implemented, for that is what this is.

Gov’t control, gov’t lies, gov’t complicity over the wishes and desires of the people that they are supposed to be serving.

If there is a crisis in NH, it’s a crisis of leadership, and I can see it with my own eyes.

The post Southern New Hampshire and Northern Massganistan appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Fri, 2024-04-12 00:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok




From here:

A brave Iranian waves the flag that the Islamic regime hates the most – the flag of Israel.

Here’s another reason why I love Iranian people. They are so brave.









Douglas Murray Tears Apart Two-State Solution: “It’s Part Of The Problem”



As one commenter on the video said, two-state delusion.  More:

Now isn’t the time to push for Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution: Casey Babb for Inside Policy | Macdonald-Laurier Institute (

Related, at least to me:

Israel Is Risking Losing This War by Caring What People Who Hate It Think (

What do I keep saying?

Trying to please your enemies does not turn them into friends.

Doctors Without Borders Bombing: Obama Apologizes to MSF | TIME

All around the world in wars, rescue workers and aid workers are – sadly – killed.  Yet… why is it that ONLY when Israel has this happen, is it an international crisis?  Israel double-standard time again. Related:




RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: When U.S. troops kill aid workers, it’s ‘friendly fire’. When Israel does, it’s a ‘war crime’. The double standards are nauseating | Daily Mail Online

Now More Than Ever, Israel is the Best (

If it were Hamas, or Iran, or the Russians, or even the U.S. that had done this no one would bother to mention it. It would be lost in the noise, the assumed horrors of war.



Unfriendly Fire | Frontpage Mag

And from the link, about “starvation”:

Similarly, claims by Israel’s critics that it is fomenting a famine among Gazans, are, as Park MacDougald explains on The Scroll, dubious. More telling, MacDougald writes, “According to United Nations and Israeli numbers, Israel is already delivering twice the amount of food into Gaza than what the U.N. World Food Program (WFP) says is necessary to meet Gazan civilians’ needs.”




In their own words, their war will persist until Israel is destroyed:


“There is no difference between Hamas and the so-called ‘Palestinians’, as the vast majority of them support Hamas,” says son of co-founder of Hamas (

Take a look at the “secondary effect” of an Israeli air strike.  What’s that flying out?  Oh, wait, that’s a Hamas rocket.


Biden Admin Upset Israeli Gov Hasn’t Briefed It On Invasion Date | Frontpage Mag

Given how riddled The Potato’s administration is, not telling them plans is a smart move.  And related:

Shifa Hospital: Fortress for Hamas Fighters and Storehouse for Weapons | Frontpage Mag

At Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza, the IDF has discovered nearly a thousand Hamas fighters, and so far killed more than 200 of them and captured 500. The number of wounded fighters has not been made public. The IDF has also uncovered enormous stockpiles of weapons found throughout the hospital, in patients’ rooms, in operating rooms, in emergency rooms, behind MRI machines, in short, everywhere. Both those fighters and those weapons belonging to Hamas should convince everyone that this was not only, nor even mainly, a hospital in the ordinary understanding of that word.

Unorthodox-Jew A Critical View of Orthodox Judaism: How does one lose a war? This is how! (





Report: Hamas May Have Baited IDF Into Striking WCK Convoy in Error (

This would not surprise me at all.  WAR IS DECEIT said Mohammed.  And more importantly, Hamas knows that their relentless Pallywood is effective.

I highly recommend these three books:

ALL books by Robert Spencer

ALL books by Raymond Ibrahim

This book by Tommy Robinson




Video at the link:

On October 6, they were a family.

On October 7, they were burned alive and murdered by Hamas terrorists.

Johnny, Tamar, Shahar and Arbel (6) and Omer (4) Siman Tov.

It’s been almost six months.

We will never let this happen again.

Women denying the rape of Israeli women… and those who counter it.

Video at the link.  Unbelievable.

From here:

Never forget. Never forgive.




Rutgers Professor Claims it is ‘Homophobic’ to Point Out How Hamas Brutalizes LGBTQ People | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Words fail me.

Jewish Students at Tulane University Share Open Letter Detailing Harassment by Far-Left Group (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Far LEFT group.  Why, it’d be nice if they had a sign from years ago about the Left’s view of Jews and Israel.  Oh, wait:



Note the Kavanaugh name.  This was years ago.




Since the beginning of the war, 369,990 tons of aid have been transferred to Gaza.



From here – what happens to the aid:

Hamas hijacks aid trucks in Gaza, fires at desperate civilians.


“PALLYWOOD” (aka Palestinian Hollywood) IS BACK – churning out fake stories, videos, and photos designed to vilify Israel (

A MUST READ!  Also this one:

The 2019 Pallywood Oscars – Israellycool

FACEBOOK disables Frontpage editor Jamie Glazov’s account for posting about the Hamas threat (Oct. 7th Coming to the USA?) (

FB is NOT your friend.  And note this about DEMOCRAT Senator Elizabeth Warren:



Dismantling the “Apartheid state” claim:

Former Arab Minister speaks at Israel’s Parliament: Israel is NOT an apartheid state.


And the genocide claim:

Austin says U.S. has no evidence Israel has committed genocide after interruption from protesters | Sara A. Carter (




Here in the West already.  This is the AL QAEDA flag.  In London.

Al Qaeda flag in London protest (

Does any of this surprise you? (

Nearly half of all Muslims in the UK are unapologetically radical and sympathize with Hamas terrorists. What’s more, 39% deny that Hamas committed any crimes on October 7th. And at least 32% would prefer to live under sharia law.

The US is not immune:

This Is Who Joe Biden Is Appeasing in Michigan As He Abandons Support for Israel – HotAir

Chanting DEATH TO AMERICA… in America.  More:

Nearly Half of U.S. Muslims, Like U.K. Muslims, Support Hamas in War (




US unwilling to supply weapons requested by Israel | World Israel News

Israel now must feel it cannot fully count on Washington’s military support, just as it can no longer count on its diplomatic support — that is, the use of the American veto — at the UN Security Council.

Thus highlighting what I’ve been saying for a while – that Israel must work to cut the apron strings to the US.  As, more broadly, must any country dependent on the US for defense, or anything else.  Especially a US that says this:

Blinken, in Eid Message, Links Palestinians to Uyghurs in Chinese Concentration Camps (



Speaking of demands:

Biden has setup Israel to fail in GAZA.

The Biden admin says it expects Israel to feed, clothe and house GAZA’s enemy population during the fighting – An expectation never before set in the history of warfare.

Jake Sullivan now says Israel must:
Provide tents for 1.4 million refugees.
Provide food & water for all of GAZA.
Provide sanitation for 1.4 million people.
Distribute aid in an enemy territory.
Fight without civilian casualties.
Defend the US pier Biden is setting up.
Defend aid trucks & ships bringing aid to Hamas.
Protect all aid workers per Biden.
Evacuate 1.4 million refugees – BUT NOT TO EGYPT one mile away, instead to a destroyed North GAZA.

Leaked from Jake Sullivan’s office:
Israel presented a plan to move 1.4 million civilians over several weeks from Rafah to tents that would be set up north of the city, officials said. But the Israeli proposal did not include plans for addressing sanitation needs or an assessment of how much food or water would be required or where it would come from, the US officials said. They said the Israeli officials had only thought through sourcing for a fraction of the hundreds of thousands of tents that would be needed. – NBC News.

Palestinian State: The Day After.

Clearly, the Biden administration is sabotaging Israel’s war effort. Wants to save Hamas; end the war; and install a new Palestinian Authority Unity Govt with Hamas as a junior partner in both GAZA and the West Bank to proceed to a 2 state solution.

Israel can’t meet these absurd standards never before set for any army in history fighting a war.

The Biden administration has pledged to DO NOTHING to assist with these ridiculous demands set by America. In fact, the demands ONLY increase as the days go by.

Please tell me how I am wrong? Thank you.

(Ron M. on X)

The Biden administration’s war against the government of Israel – Center for Security Policy

[Anti-Netanyahu protest leader] Dror told his colleagues that the White House was asking them to reinstate the riots.

Protests in Israel are being instigated by The Potato.  Well, by The Potato’s handlers.




Another view:

Sorry, Jew-haters, contrary to all the gloating mainstream media reports, Joe Biden did NOT force Israel to surrender (

The anti-Semitic Biden Regime plans to require labeling of goods made by Jews in Judea and Samaria, so they can be boycotted (

Recall that until the Trump administration’s decision in 2020, it was forbidden in the US to define products from Jewish settlements as “made in Israel.” The Trump administration changed this, allowing Israel to label products from territories under Israeli control as “Made in Israel” like any other product.

And the sample stickers I’ve seen?  Yellow.  Of course.

American Jews, WHO was friendlier to Israel?



Biden Just Betrayed Every American (Except Islamic Extremists) – PJ Media

War only ends because it is so difficult for one side and its populace to continue the war. And Biden wants to keep dragging it out; allow Hamas, which is committed to the destruction of Israel, to regroup and re-arm; and set the stage for more events like October 7, God forbid.

Hey, Joe, what about the hostages still being held by Hamas who are American citizens?

He can’t.  He has Islamic votes to court.




A Gazan woman tells the truth about who’s really responsible for the misery that befell Gazans since the #October7massacre.

Hamas is responsible.  Good for her for saying so.

Defunding UNRWA Is A Good Start, But We Should Scrutinize All Foreign Aid (

Sooner or later Israel needs to work actively to cut the apron strings to the US.  And IMHO the sooner the better.




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee




From here:

How Would You React If Told Your 3 Sons & Several Grandchildren Had Been killed?

This is the Top Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh’s Reaction as he hears for the first time that his three sons and ‘several’ grandchildren have been killed in Israeli Strike


Hamas Leader – cold blooded reaction when told of kids & grandkids dead (

There are two thoughts that come to my mind:

First, that this man is so consumed by his hatred of Israel that even the deaths of three (!) of his children, plus “several” grandchildren, does does not phase him – but he goes on to continue the meeting where, doubtless, they’re making plans focused on Israel.

But second… remember, as I’ve posted in multiple posts, including videos, THEY LOVE DEATH.  Those children and grandchildren died in the service of Jihad; therefore, they’re martyrs and in the highest place in paradise.  Understand this mentality.

Know your enemy.  Know what motivates them.  Understand that any death that happens in the pursuit of the enemy – the infidel – results in Paradise.

They love death.  And it begs the question – how do you deter someone whose religion says that your death in fighting the enemy gets you the highest reward?  How do you deter or even daunt an enemy who truly believes that anyone killed in this war – down to children and infants – is a soldier for the cause and thus, also, gets that reward of Paradise?

The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who is Running This Ship?

Thu, 2024-04-11 22:00 +0000

Two years ago, NH Conservatives had an ideal opportunity to win the two House seats now held by Democrats Annie Kuster and Chris Pappas. We put up Bob Burns and Caroline Leavitt.

Burns was a virtual unknown who defeated Lily Tang Williams in the NH CD2 primary when the Tang-Williams message (having escaped Communism) was what was needed as we plunged further into the depths of a tyrannical govt. that continues to exhibit totalitarian characteristics, such as attacking political enemies and parents and changing the language. Leavitt was unschooled in running, and her message was delivered with more “I think” in it than “we,” or more importantly, “what ‘you,’ the voters want.”

Where is the push to get viable candidates out there? Why has the Republican Party leadership not been pushing our side, and if they have, why is the public not seeing it?

We want to thank Michael Smith for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Conservative candidates should be out there NOW. Their faces and messages should be on the news and in the papers every day. November is only eight months away. Are we going to make the same mistake by taking another win for granted, and then on election night, we will be shaking our heads and saying, “How did this happen again?”

Who is running this ship?

The country is circling the drain. We can take back two seats, and it seems like we are sitting on our hands. Give the public people they can rally behind. Give the public people who will make sane Democrats actually consider voting for a Republican.

And for the sake of this nation, stop allowing the Democrats to capture the one issue voters with the abortion question. The Left lies and lies often regarding the Conservative stance and refuses to acknowledge their own “moment of birth abortion” position.

There are good, hard-working, loyal Conservatives out there. Why are we not seeing them? They are household names in NH, and we can maybe undo some of the damage that has been done by creating a solid Conservative hold on the House.

We can change people. I know. I am a former liberal Democrat.

The post Who is Running This Ship? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Americas Greatest Teacher of Americanism

Thu, 2024-04-11 20:00 +0000

In the empty minds of generations of youth, the Marxist heroes like the Beatles, Fidel Castro, and the freakish rock revolution of pot , rock, and revolution filled their minds with the lie that there is no God. John Birch is a hero that American youth were not allowed to know. Another great American Patriot, my friend Jack, suffered the same silence.

John F. McManus (Jack), former President Emeritus of The John Birch Society, passed into eternity on March 4th, 2024. I first heard Jack speak at Newburyport, Massachusetts Town Hall in the fall of 1968. I was mesmerized by his brilliant evaluation and exposure to the fraudulent portrayal of the true nature of political and economic systems. He revealed, with candid eternal truths, the difference between the American Republican form of government ( “Americanism”) and all other forms of governmental systems. From that encounter, Jack became my mentor in my now 55-plus-year war to help expose the powerful worldwide conspiracy to destroy American independence by means of promoting the United Nations (“UN”) world government. Sadly, many American citizens lead the way to betray our liberty by passively supporting the UN Agenda through their inaction.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

If history books for posterity ever ring true, Jack will be considered one of the greatest Americans of his time. He could be honored equally with our founding generation, men inspired by almighty God, to give us our biblical-based blessings of liberty. Jack was Americanism’s greatest teacher. Jack taught that the founding premise of Americanism was antithetical to all other governmental systems in history. Jack echoed Jefferson’s powerful challenge to all the despots of his era and continues to resonate through the halls of history. Jack produced a two-and-a-half-hour presentation called “Overview of Our World” that graduated to a powerful 29-minute DVD in the 1990s, called “Overview of America,” detailing the key to Americanism’s success: moral character and limited government. Self-limitation, in hand with governmental-limitation, produces the only lasting deterrent to totalitarianism.

The core of our liberty once again goes back to the Declaration of Independence. The words of the birth of a nation never before contained: “We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.” For the first time, God was given credit as the author of all liberty. No other government described itself, as Jefferson so eloquently did, with a challenge to that generation and generations throughout all posterity, that governments are instituted among men to secure the God-given rights of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Jack’s work had a combined reach of hundreds of millions of Americans starving for the truth about the ever-increasing loss of their liberty.

The 89-year life of John F. McManus was rooted in the historical roots of Americanism. Our Founding generation poured out their lives, fortunes and sacred honors. Jack lived their creed through his John Birch Society leadership. His beloved Birch Society is named for a martyred Baptist Christian Missionary, Captain John Birch. Birch served God from 1940 to Pearl Harbor, preaching Christ to the Chinese people. Thereafter, he became a U.S. Army intelligence officer serving his country, coordinating America’s war against Japan on the Chinese mainland. Read the full story of the coverup and brutal murder of John Birch by Robert Welch called “The Life Of John Birch.” For as Welch prophetically wrote finalizing his book: ‘With his death and in his death, the battle lines were drawn in a struggle from which either Communism or Christian-style civilization must emerge with one completely triumphant and the other completely destroyed”.

John Birch was the first American to die in our current war for liberty. The battlefield has shifted from soldiers and guns to worldwide government encroachment orchestrated by the UN. John McManus inspired myself and millions of others to give their lives fighting this war in the public arena. Marxism has made its mission to box out Christ and his followers because liberty hinges on a people self-governed by moral character. John McManus taught America its long-hidden true identity more than any man. If we are to win this battle that John Birch and Jack gave their lives for, we must invite Jesus Christ back into the American system of government. Once, there were men like John F. McManus; may God give us more like him.

The post Americas Greatest Teacher of Americanism appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Inflation Nation: Will America’s Economic Woes Worsen in 2024?

Thu, 2024-04-11 18:00 +0000

In his State of the Union address, President Joe Biden claimed US inflation is a result of price-gouging by corporate bogeymen. Recent statistics suggest other causes, some of which will likely persist through this election year – and the president’s narrative is not likely to hold up as rents, wages, and taxes rise, all increases that are hard to blame on corporate America.

It is also difficult to fault businesses for raising wages or to ignore the ongoing impact of massive federal spending under this administration. Stubborn inflation may prove a sticky wicket for Biden-Harris 2024.

Pinning inflation on any one cause is always sketchy, but the Biden plan has been to point socialist fingers at the greedy rich, not the profligate government. This may be a credibility step up from perpetually linking sloppy monetary policy with COVID-19, but finger-jabbing about shrinkflation (smaller product packaging) was recognized even by the Associated Press as “part of a broader strategy to reframe how voters view the economy.” However, warping perceptions is more the province of Timothy Leary than economics and money supply – Joe Biden’s policies seeded the inflation he seeks to scapegoat onto others.

Biden doubled down on the inflation charade in his State of the Union address, proclaiming, “Too many corporations raise their prices to pad their profits, charging you more and more for less and less….” But the federal government doesn’t even offer products to taxpayers whom it charges more and more in taxes for less and less effective policies. There is no question that the Build Back Better legislation overheated the money supply and seeded inflation, further fueled by the oxymoronic Inflation Reduction Act that even Biden later conceded was misnamed: “I wish I hadn’t called it that. It has less to do with reducing inflation than it does providing for alternatives that generate economic growth….”

Sticky Inflation is Sticking

Recent inflation indices by the Federal Reserve present profound obstacles to the Orwellian “bad-company” narrative. Accurately tracking inflation is such a challenging economic exercise that several different measurements are monitored, including “core” versus “headline” inflation, but also between “sticky” and “flexible” costs for certain goods and services. Numbers out for February from the Fed suggest both are moving upward, and neither has anything to do with the size of a Snickers bar.

Sticky inflation refers to consumer prices that do not respond quickly to changes in demand, particularly wages and housing. These tend to exert a drag on the economy and can also be fueled by rising medical service and education costs – writing off student loans is not free, after all. The recent sticky-price CPI issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta suggests that sticky-price inflation may be sticking around due chiefly to higher wages and service prices. Wages are currently rising faster than inflation:

“The Atlanta Fed’s sticky-price consumer price index (CPI)—a weighted basket of items that change price relatively slowly—increased 4.0 percent (on an annualized basis) in February, following a 6.7 percent (revised) increase in January. On a year-over-year basis, the series is up 4.4 percent.

“On a core basis (excluding food and energy), the sticky-price index increased 4.3 percent (annualized) in February, and its 12-month percent change was 4.4 percent.”

Sticky inflation threatens to be a particularly sticky Biden campaign wicket because it can have an impact on monetary policy: the Fed seeks to keep inflation low (a target of 2%): sticky inflation threatens to become “persistent” inflation, pushing monetary authorities to raise or maintain interest rates. During COVID-19, Biden pitched that inflation was “transitory,” but again, those pesky facts of math persist. Though Biden and the MSM are signaling that the Fed will soften on rates, the sticky-price CPI prompted Fed Chair Jerome Powell to “single out persistently high services prices as a concern and indicated the central bank’s policymakers would like to see services inflation ease further before starting to cut their key interest rate.”

Flexible CPI Also Trending Upwards

The Fed also tracks “flexible” inflation, which monitors items whose prices change more dramatically or frequently. This flexible price measure is perceived to be more responsive to changes in the current economic environment or the “level of economic slack.”

Flexible CPI is also sounding warning signals. After spiking sharply in 2021 (2.27% in June and 2.09% in October), this measure was running cool in late 2023, even dropping .61% in October and another .34% in November. But after dropping an additional .39% in January 2024 to permit sanguine announcements of inflation defeat by the Biden team, the February number punched up .67% – an annualized rate of 8.04%. It is premature to announce inflation victory.

Price Forecasts for 2024

The complexity of accurately measuring inflation pressures fills textbook analyses and boardroom predictions but is also why government spending must be closely watched for what Milton Friedman dubbed “money mischief” – big spenders kick the can of consequences of reckless money-printing down the road while rewarding pet projects (like costly, regressive renewables). Large infusions of fiat currency inflate real estate and commodity prices first, and eventually wages – which never catch up. This is precisely what America has witnessed: For some time, inflation dramatically outpaced wages, which are now catching up, however anemically. Biden increased food and housing prices and now blames corporate food makers and the housing market for the resultant bubble. Using such logic, Biden’s pipeline shutdowns hiked gas prices, but price-gouging gas companies are to blame. The Biden administration seeks to pull the wool over voters’ eyes rather than own up to the dangerous economic forces it has unleashed.

Should consumer spending (already soft) start to dip and the global or national economy cool, America may be on the verge of a new period of stagflation. In order to shore up votes for the election, the Biden crew is pulling out all stops to blame someone else for the nation’s precarious condition: if not COVID-19, then Donald Trump, or Vladimir Putin, or corporate greed. Interest rates and housing prices aren’t higher due to sloppy spending; it’s the greedy banks! But other policies feed into this contagion, including open borders and floods of Haitian or Palestinian refugees, all in need of housing in a nation already short by millions of units. Higher electricity and fuel prices impact residential construction and rental costs.

However, Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has announced that sticky inflation will abate because rental and housing prices will cool in 2024:

“Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she expects a moderation in the rise of housing costs will help deliver lower inflation in 2024.

“….I have every expectation that the single largest contributor to inflation is going to be moving down over this year…. Inflation is down two-thirds from the high it reached in 2022,” Yellen said. “I wouldn’t expect this to be a smooth path month-to-month, but the trend is clearly favorable.”

That sounds like transitional inflation redux, a wishful narrative that may grow harder to sell as the year unfolds. It is truly to be hoped that the Treasury Secretary is correct. But claiming Joe Biden has not fueled inflation, or that it has safely abated, is tantamount to claiming the border is secure and a flood of new refugees will boost the economy. Joe Biden’s dissembling is persistent even if inflation is not. There is only so much baloney that an economic sandwich can hold.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Inflation Nation: Will America’s Economic Woes Worsen in 2024? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Does The Deep State Have On Speaker Johnson?

Thu, 2024-04-11 16:00 +0000

She’s crazy!!! She’s unhinged!!! That is what they … the GOP Establishment, the Regime-Media, the Democrats, etc. … want you to believe about Marjorie Taylor Greene. Read her letter below. Actually, the people who are crazy are the people who believe the “MTG is crazy,” “MTG is unhinged” propaganda, and that it is she and NOT Speaker Mike Johnson and his loyal cuckolds who are betraying GOP voters and wrecking the country.

At this point, Speaker Johnson is little more than the tax-collector/debt-financier for the Biden-Regime. On issue after issue after issue he has sided with the Biden-Regime and against GOP voters. He has fully funded the Regime’s noxious anti-America agenda. It is fair to ask what the CIA, FBI, etc. has on Mike Johnson. Is he being blackmailed, threatened?


The post What Does The Deep State Have On Speaker Johnson? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Systemic “Odor of Mendacity”

Thu, 2024-04-11 14:00 +0000

During Fani Willis’s trial, presiding Judge Scott McAfee, an inexperienced former employee of Fani’s, detected an “Odor of Mendacity” in the sworn testimony of Georgia County Attorney Fani Willis and her paramour prosecutor Nathan Wade. Any casual observer could see that Fani, her lover, and her law partner engaged in unlimited perjury.

This is unfortunately not surprising or unparalleled in the annals of American judicial history. In an article published by Jonathan Turley, a highly respected legal professor and scholar, on his blog “Res Lpsa Loquitur/ The thing itself speaks,” Turley expanded the “Odor of Mendacity” to the defamatory and constant shenanigans against President Trump occurring in New York and Washington D.C, details of which are all over conservative news but ignored by the mainstream press.

We want to thank Charles Bradley for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I have detected a flood of mendacity emanating from the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the FBI, and national news media. The deliberate boldface lying begins with the Biden-Mayorkas secure border hoax, which has allowed 10+ million illegal aliens over our southern border. Try getting into totalitarian regimes like China, Russia, or Iran with no consequences. These countries are sending the worst of their worst to invade the USA to cause chaos and even mayhem.

Having allowed 10+ million illegal invaders into the USA, Biden, the Demolitioncrats, and the McConnell Republicans encourage these invaders to vote. In my opinion, there are no liberals or conservatives anymore; there are the realists or the delusional.

The continual deliberate lying by those in power in our country portends a tragic end for the USA if it goes unchanged! Hopefully, this criminal conduct does not conclude in a catastrophic cacophony of chaos for our country.

The post The Systemic “Odor of Mendacity” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Public Health Messaging Your Local Media Continues to Get Wrong … And Everything Else!

Thu, 2024-04-11 12:00 +0000

A general search of New Hampshire’s watchdog media continues to suggest that they are not so interested in the truth as they are in appeasing the political powers they should keep in check. A sort of, but I’ll lose my sources if I tell too much truth. We at the ‘Grok could care less.

The list of conspiracy theories that came true is long and distinguished. In fact, we did more for science and to help the medical freedom groups that rose to fight for your rights and liberties than any corporate media in the Granite State. You’ll also be hard-pressed to find much to challenge the approved narratives in the internet “media” subculture. InDepthNH won’t touch it, and NH Journal is content to fondle it the way a creeper touches women’s butts as they pass by on a crowded subway platform.

There are others, but most exist to parrot, not challenge. Sharing the wrong science might affect fundraising.

I rely on fundraising to pay my bills, but the truth and debate are more important here, even when we may disagree. How else are we to arrive at the truth? If we do not let writers write, commenters comment, or people share links, research, and opinions, no one will be able to hear anything over the chorus.

There are no better examples of this than the mRNA product and another of Pfizer’s miracle cures, Paxlovid. The Health Freedom sites and .orgs that sprung up have been ceaseless pursuers of truth. They share news, data, alternative opinions, research, and fight for human liberty. We’ve been doing that for eighteen years and appreciate the company. It’s a thankless task without which we’d have only had the approved narratives that continue to confound self-proclaimed media guardians of the truth.

There is very little left in the way of clothing (real or imagined) on the mRNA emperor, but you won’t find evidence of that truth in New Hampshire’s corporate media. They might still be on the hook for all the ad money they took to support the Public Health Industrial complex narratives. Even Newsmax and Fox were alleged to have been bought in return for some measure of favorable COVID Policy coverage.

Paxlovid is another Pfizer product that was demonstrably ineffective and, in some cases, dangerous from very early on but continues to be advertised (much like the COVID ‘Vaccines'( without any consideration for the risks. I was in a supermarket yesterday, taking advantage of a sale to stock up on essentials. They had a public service announcement about getting vaccinated for COVID.

While the COVID injections are all risk, no reward, Paxlovid appears to be, at best, useless. It does not shorten symptoms. It is no more effective than a placebo. Over at the Dossier, they are reporting that it doesn’t shorten symptoms, and Paxlovid Rebound – a problem known since launch – is twenty-five times more likely than advertised (not that you’ll find it advertised in local “media”).

The Union Leader shared some news about the Paxlovid rebound in 2022, with the caveat that the drug still saves lives. The Pfizer/FDA/CDC/NIH Laundromat said the same about mRNA. We encourage you to find your truth but it doesn’t look good for Paxlovid.

The Union Leader also has a very amusing article this year (from Bloomberg) on how the COVID tests don’t work as well as they used to. We’ve got dozens of reports of how badly these tests worked from day one because it was not designed for that. The FDA and CDC (even the WHO) repeatedly observed issues, issued recalls, and required alternatives. Where is any of this reporting in local ‘media’?

The Grok, at RebuildNH, LibertyBlockNH, Health Freedom NH, and a few others, were brave enough to challenge the approved narratives. I get that it’s a horse we’ve been kicking for years, but “The Media” are still at it, and tens of thousands of Granite Staters have yet to figure this out.

It is not just public health messaging that they get wrong, skew, message, or misrepresent. It is not just New Hampshire; it is not just that some stories are incomplete. There is a deliberate lack of balance and, let’s face it, honesty about the issues presented. It is also not always the reporter. They answer to editors, and if you want to keep your job, you stop trying to tell the whole truth.

It is, therefore, not in your best interest to trust them on any other story they tell.

One of the unwritten conditions for donating to Grok is that we will never allow donors to dictate content. Let me tell you, it makes it harder to reach goals, but so what? As I noted above, media that encourages open debate and disagreeing-our-way to some middle ground littered with unpleasant truths is preferable. We like it when people disagree and work through it, and as long as you can be civil, you are welcome to your opinion. Just be willing to hear someone else’s and hash out the details until you find a middle ground or agree to disagree.

It’s all good.

It is also how we prevent falling into some institutionalized echo chamber of which there is always some risk.

But the professionals don’t seem at all concerned about that.

The post Public Health Messaging Your Local Media Continues to Get Wrong … And Everything Else! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Democrats Have No Sanctity For Life

Thu, 2024-04-11 10:00 +0000

There are two major political factions in America. Yes, there are independents, but those are just people afraid of commitment or ignorant of the issues. Years ago, when the parties were philosophically closer, you could ride the middle and say there were beliefs on either side that you could back. Today, the divide between the two major parties is so vast that to say you are an independent means sitting on a chair balanced on a high wire stretched across the Grand Canyon. There is no middle ground. Bipartisan is a word with no meaning. Every debate or vote is decided along party lines.

There is a stark difference between the two parties, which may be the most important. Republicans value life. From conception to the grave, the Republicans want each individual to have the opportunity to maximize their life’s well-being. This is in stark contrast to the Democrats. The Democrats have no concern for life. They support abortion on demand up to the time of birth, and they also support Euthanasia. They have equal ambivalence to the beginning and end of life.

As far as the period between, they are content sitting on the sidelines as 100,000 people die of Fentanyl poisoning at the hands of the Chinese and Mexicans. They have opened the border to allow gang members, rapists, murderers, and terrorists to enter our country, roam freely, and traumatize every neighborhood in the country. The Dems want you healthy enough to get to the polls, pull the D lever, and then get back to your life. They will lie to your face, sell you a bill of goods, and have their media reinforce the story. Notice I said their media. It used to be yours, but those days are long gone. That peacock was replaced by a donkey years ago.

This is how I see it, and writing it gives me no pleasure. But I challenge any of my Left-leaning acquaintances to shoot holes in my assessment. When I was growing up, the Democrats were always considered the Party of the People, and the Republicans were all about big business and wealth. I remember my sister looking at me one day and saying that I could not be a Republican because I had no wealth. Ironically, she now lives in Florida and is a Republican. The coin has flipped.

The Republicans are the Party of the Little Guy, and the Dems have sold their soul to special interest groups, foreign countries that are still our enemies, and the Radical Left who despise America. Groups like the Blacks, Browns, and even the Reds have seen the light. They know they have been used for decades, and the promises ring hollow. They have been pawns and taken for granted. The inner-city folk are seeing the resources earmarked for them now going to illegals. Against the rulings of the Supreme Court, the President is going from state to state, promising to wipe out student debt in trade for votes. The Democrats are the Party of smoke and mirrors. The flame is going out, and the mirrors are cracking. Joe Biden and his media will not be able to convince Americans that they are better off with his policies. That dog doesn’t hunt anymore. Biden may be losing his mind, but Americans are finding theirs.

The post Democrats Have No Sanctity For Life appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Local GOP Makes a Dent with 2024 Town Election

Thu, 2024-04-11 02:00 +0000

My town, Merrimack, holds its SB2 elections later than most. Town election season in New Hampshire begins while the snow still flies and peaks in March, so an early April poll date is late for supper.

Merrimack’s nonpartisan town elections are always later, so you have more time to campaign (in slightly better weather). This year, the local GOP did something we need to see more of across the state.

It is nonpartisan but still party-driven. No Ds or Rs are on that paper ballot, but that doesn’t change who they are politically. The ones whining about high property taxes (Democrats) are the first to raise them, and slowing or stopping that falls to local Republicans—labeled or not.

The Merrimack GOP appears to have worked their butts off to get decent candidates, do some serious door-knocking, and get enough of their voters to the polls to hold back what is typically a progressive day of celebration. The police, fire, and teachers’ unions always seem to get their voters out, which means bigger budgets and higher taxes.

Deserving’s got nothing to do with it unless you mean we deserve to be able to afford to live here, and schools, in particular, suck all the air and dollars out of every room. Despite representing the supermajority of taxes paid by New Hampshire residents, local town elections are still the least attended. Turnout is typically a fraction of the total number of registered voters. The last time I checked, we had over 18,000 of them in Merrimack. If more than 20% show up for town elections, it’s a big deal.


Turnout was not great. I don’t think it exceeded 4000 (my back-of-the-envelope guess), but with good groundwork and messaging, the local GOP got several candidates on the Town Council, the School Board, and the Budget and Planning committees. Voters also had a mountain of new spending to accept or reject on town and school ballots and kept nearly eight million of it off their backs.

Not every Gimme-money warrant failed, but a new 4.8 million special services building was rejected, as were the school and town operating budgets. The defaults are each slightly lower – a few million on each side.

Take the win.

Informed no voters can make a difference, and more importantly, given the traditional turnout, if you can find 100 folks who don’t typically show up to do that and vote for your candidates and issues, you can move the needle in races and spending. The Merrimack GOP found a formula that worked, and with luck, they will duplicate it in future elections.

While we wait, it is up to the people who supported these candidates at the ballot box to support them in office. The establishment doesn’t take the loss lightly and will do what it can to bully, isolate, and demoralize dissenters. It makes it harder to find people to run and to keep them there when they win.

I hope the Merrimack GOP has a plan for that as well.


The post Night Cap: Local GOP Makes a Dent with 2024 Town Election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Urgent: NH Bill Deprives Children of Fathers

Thu, 2024-04-11 00:00 +0000

Republican NH Senator Sharon Carson is the prime sponsor for bill SB422. Originally the bill would have replaced all instances of “mother” and “father” in birth records with “birth parent” and “non-birth parent.” I wrote about that here and her constituents contacted her and she realized there isn’t support for that.

Related: Republican NH State Senator Wants To Remove “Mother” and “Father” From Birth Certificates

Yesterday, two days before the crossover day deadline of April 11 for the full NH Senate to vote on all bills, she and the rest of the Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to pass a completely rewritten version.

The newly amended bill continues to promote the fiction, as the original bill did, that babies can be created without a father. If this bill becomes law, birth records will now have “birth mother” instead of “mother” and “father or non-birth parent” instead of “father.”

This bill allows a baby’s mother to completely cut her child off from knowing who his or her father is.

It is painful to see  Senator Carson putting the desires of parents to record a fictional “non-birth parent” in a birth record over the needs of a child to know who his or her biological father is.

In the future will we see legislation that allows polyamorous couples to put three or more parents on a birth record? Creating fictional birth records puts us on a slippery slope.

Contact your NH state senator ASAP and ask him or her to vote Inexpedient to Legislate on SB422, “changing several references and modifying language in parentage and birth records.” The vote is tomorrow, April 11.

The post Urgent: NH Bill Deprives Children of Fathers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So, When They “Cheat on You,” You’re Supposed to Say, Thank You

Wed, 2024-04-10 22:00 +0000

So-called solutions to the housing issue have spawned some heated debate on our pages. I’m not weighing in on that here. What I am doing is using it to talk about a different problem. Republicans are getting mad at people who expect them to adhere more closely to traditional Republican principles.

To be clear, I understand. Sometimes, there has to be room for compromise to get points on the board. The 24-week abortion ban is probably the most mainstream example. It mirrors not only what most Americans think is sensible but most of the world, but some who oppose abortion see it as a failure to adhere to principles. I object to abortion with few rare exceptions, but I accept that given where we are, the 24-week ban is a huge improvement. It might be the best we can do, given where we are at this time.  But abortion isn’t the only place where moving the ball even a little bit would be a win.

Low taxes, small government, limited regulatory interference, protecting individual rights, healthcare freedom, the second amendment, election integrity, border security (even at the state level if you are a border state), equal justice under the law (as written, not as imagined), all need to advance toward liberty. And yes,  there are a lot of moving political parts, too many, and not everyone will understand the what-for-and-whys which is as much or more a problem than having to listen to someone explain them. It’s not supposed to be this complicated, but boiled down to its core, supporters of Republican candidates whom they thought would fight for traditional Republican principles feel like you’ve cheated on them when you do or say something that contradicts those principles. Given that the relationship is at least ideologically close, the failure feels like a betrayal, more so now that we feel like we’re losing from all sides.

Elected officials who get mad about that need to understand as much as constituents that while you are not married, it feels like you’re being asked to thank someone for cheating on you. No, it is not the same, but the sense of it is, and the response to that is often not much different.

Our Policy – What of It There Is

We’ve always had a bi-partisan thank them or spank them policy here, so yes, we do, on occasion – contrary to good advice –  show politicians some appreciation for doing the right thing, but political pain is always the better motivator. It also leads to some very interesting conversations. And no, it doesn’t always improve the general character of the offending official, but free speech is a political thing, and when our political “spouse” appears to cheat on the principles, we don’t necessarily have anywhere else to go.

Becoming an independent doesn’t fix it. Someone running for office is the only cure. Replacing leadership. Developing new donors who are not paying to move Oveton’s window further left. That journey and the conflict are never going to be easy. People are going to say things, and not everyone is going to agree.

We do need to agree that the Democrats will always be worse and then agree to do our best until we can do better. Agree to disagree and that it doesn’t have to end in divorce.

And then find a way to do better even if it is just a little better than yesterday.


Note: This is another one of those posts that started out in my head going one way and ended somewhere else. Rather than wrestle it into submission, if that were even possible, I’ve published it as is.


The post So, When They “Cheat on You,” You’re Supposed to Say, Thank You appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Teachers’ Unions Care About Teachers, or Do They?

Wed, 2024-04-10 20:00 +0000

Democrats are calling in the bigwigs to address their partisan positions on public education. There is a ZOOM call scheduled with the President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten. Much of this will be centered around legislation that expands “school choice” options in New Hampshire.

Anytime public funds are diverted to private schools, partisan activists on the left cry foul. They see this as an attack on public education, while those escaping the public schools for something better find a great deal of relief. The left has become so hostile to any child receiving a better education, they will fight and work hard to keep those children in a school that is failing them.

I’ve worked for two decades on ways that improve public education, only to be met with resistance or rejection from Democrats who say they care about public schools. Really? While families are fleeing, I don’t see them working to improve the state academic standards which are based on the failed Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.

When schools shut down, and children were not learning and suffering emotionally, where was AFT President Randi Weingarten? Fighting to keep public schools shut down. That didn’t help public schools, it hurt everyone involved. But what most people don’t know is, Weingarten also worked to remove teachers from public education, and replace them with facilitators.

If you go to this document from Education Reimagined, and scroll down to page 10, you can see how the role of teachers will change in the future. There will no longer be a role for the teacher in the classroom. Instead they will be replaced by “facilitators.”

Who is out to making the teaching profession obsolete? Scroll to the last page of the document to see who signed it: Randi Weingarten, along with several other education reformers.

Here you can see that former Governor Cuomo teamed up with Bill Gates on Education Reimagined, and asked why school buildings even exist. Forbes followed up by saying, Gates is not the person to “reimagine education.”

So who is attacking public education? They’re not Republicans, they are left wing ideologues looking to replace teachers with AI all to profit Ed Technology. Think $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ profits to Ed technology!

So for those who sign up for this Zoom call, you might want to remind Randi and her colleagues of their role in destroying public education. The only ones benefitting from these reforms are Ed Technology Companies.


The post Teachers’ Unions Care About Teachers, or Do They? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jason Osborne’s Self-Serving, Nonsensical Definition Of Tyranny

Wed, 2024-04-10 18:00 +0000

You bought a home in a single-family-zoned neighborhood precisely because it was zoned single-family. Then, some supposed “Republican” State Reps joined forces with the Democrats to outlaw single-family zoning throughout New Hampshire—the one-size-fits-all, big-government solution that Republicans supposedly oppose.

Then, to add insult to injury, these “Republicans” nonsensically tell you that they are defending “property rights” when there NEVER was any right to build apartments in your single-family zoned neighborhood. IT WAS ZONED SINGLE-FAMILY.

And they self-righteously claim that they are fighting “tyranny” when it is they who are the tyrants—changing the rules AFTER THE FACT makes them, not you, the tyrants. These “Republican” State Reps are NOT real Republicans. They are IMPOSTERS … whose ideological extremism is exceeded only by their arrogance and self-righteousness.

The post Jason Osborne’s Self-Serving, Nonsensical Definition Of Tyranny appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2024-04-10 16:00 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***









Invasion rebranded as a “welcoming and good thing”.




Do I know Trump is not perfect?  Yes.  Do I have some doubts about him?  Honestly, yes.  But… what’s the alternative?  Short of selling everything and humping into the woods to live a very meager and subsistence life foraging and farming on the sly, and likely very early demise, what?  Either that, or open rebellion.  Neither of which I suspect I’d live long in – which, for me, is fine, but what about my kids?  No, better to at least TRY one more time and then – if being a woods-based partisan is my fate – at least I did everything I could first.








We didn’t keep it Ben.










Shut up and trust the priesthood experts.




You better understand this, and be ready for it.





But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors there is no war on Christianity.  I weep at this.














Or your parents.  Or in general, anyone important to you.  It’s never too early to do a kindness, for in a moment it can become forever too late.

Short story: When I was in high school I was walking by the apartment building where a cousin lived.  A widower, always lonely now except for his cat, he was crushed when his cat escaped from the apartment and building.  I walked by thinking that I should stop in and say hello, but I figured that I’d do it next time.  Except there was no next time – he died that night.

I am forever haunted by that.




Links (some from me, some from my Jarhead friend):


Bayou Renaissance Man: Medication reserves: it’s not only about the tablets

Which reminds me to make my eye appointment.  And when I get the new glasses, to go to the local discount place and get a backup.

Requiem for a Culture, Part 6: The End of Reconciliation | Gates of Vienna

Excellent piece, and the whole series is good too.

Moonbattery Shutting Down Mis-/Disinformation in South Africa – Moonbattery

Wrongthink around the world.

Cureus | Increased Age-Adjusted Cancer Mortality After the Third mRNA-Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Dose During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan | Article

Slowly, slowly, the harm this is going is getting out.

“Oops!” Pfizer Apologizes For Illegally Pushing COVID Using Misleading Claims * * by M Winger

I’m surprised those at Pfizer haven’t been greeted by a mob bearing pitchforks and a rope by now.

I think this will happen as well.  As people understand the harm these Jabs have done they’ll go to lawyers, and be told “absolute immunity” from lawsuits.  Then they’ll go to their elected officials and be told the same thing.  And then, in talking with others, they’ll find out just how widespread the damages and injuries are.  Faced with an absolute inability to do anything within the legal, sooner or later they’ll conclude they need to go extra-legal.

Understand that I’m not encouraging this.  But when friends and family are injured and there’s no possible justice legally… sooner or later people will turn to the not-legal.

German Government Admits There Was No Pandemic – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

CDC Admits Huge Wave of Deadly Covid Vax Injuries – Slay News

A Nation Without Honor – American Thinker

I’ve re-watched Reagan’s A TIME FOR CHOOSING speech several times lately.  Never mind renewed admiration for his commentary, and how still-relevant it all is, one line in particular sticks out in light of the above article:

“The nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one”

— Alexander Hamilton

Related IMHO:

Toronto anti-Israel protest: Who was arrested and who not and more importantly what effect that has on Civilization and rule of law – Vlad Tepes (

It is our contention that police for the last decade at least across the West no longer enforce the law, which means there is no rule-of-law per se. But there is no anarchy or increased freedom either. What police do now, is manage the collapse of civilization in a controlled manner. A controlled demolition of the towers of civilization if you like, in order to make sure the transition to the authoritarian collectivist system now in place will not be too violent or face too much resistance.

World War III Is Now Inevitable – Here’s Why It Can’t Be Avoided –

You could say that WWIII has already started, at least in economic terms. I also highly doubt that the end game for the globalists is a worldwide nuclear exchange; why spend decades building a massive control grid only to vaporize it all in seconds? I do think the danger of kinetic warfare is skyrocketing and that US and European citizens will be directly affected. It will take a sizable resistance movement to change the path we are being forced to follow, and things will get much worse before they get better.


More German troops arrive near Russian border — RT World News

My belief is that Putin is well aware that he’s being put into a position where it’s “use ’em or lose ’em”.  And, alas for the world, he has the stones to use them.

Top 5 reasons the BALTIMORE BRIDGE destruction was likely an INSIDE JOB rather than an “accident” or “cyber attack” * * by Noah

Lara Logan did an interview on Redacted where she raised a great number of good points:

“The TRUTH is coming out in the Baltimore bridge cyber attack” Lara Logan | Redacted News (

Are European Intelligence Services Conspiring Against the Right? – AfD Member Petr Bystron Is their Latest Target | The Gateway Pundit | by Naomi Seibt

Yes.  The DS is global, and they want to crush rivals to their power.



I am not the only one agreeing with this diagnosis. – Gun Free Zone

The moment people feel voting is irrelevant will be the day we are done with this phase of the USA. After that, it will become a place where the Political Scum under the covering of legality will impose their will upon the Citizens as it was done in Venezuela with the consequences we all have seen.



You can’t help but be depressed that everything you’ve worked for over the last forty years could be “legally” stolen by those controlling the levers of our financial system in an instant. My first reaction was, how can they do this and expect to succeed. Wouldn’t the citizens across the world react violently and start hanging the culprits? And then I remembered how the masses reacted to being locked down, masked, forced to not earn a living, censored for questioning the government, arrested for swimming alone in the ocean, imprisoned for protesting a rigged election, and being coerced and threatened into getting jabbed with a toxic gene altering concoction which neither protected you from contracting, spreading or dying from the annual flu (sold and marketed as the greatest deadly pandemic in history).

America Is Hurtling Toward a Full Blown Hot Civil War – The Burning Platform

Especially when these folks are given weapons on the QT and told the native whites want to deport them:



Biden’s DOJ won’t hand over Hur transcript in Biden’s classified docs case to House Oversight Committee | The Post Millennial |


Islam: A Reminder – Liberty’s Torch (

Truth.  They’re here:

Screaming ‘Death to America’ in Dearborn | Frontpage Mag

More woe for Boeing: New whistleblower claims company’s 777 ad 787 Dreamliner jets are flawed and could become catastrophic saying he ‘literally saw people jumping on pieces of the airplane to get them to align’ | Daily Mail Online

It was a few years ago, I don’t recall where, that I read that America’s export portfolio reads almost like a third-world country.  Aside from crops / food products and raw minerals, America exports planes (and military).  More and more, knock out the Boeings from that list.  And not just them:

Bayou Renaissance Man: It’s not just Boeing…

I’m almost at the point where I’ll say there’s a deliberate attempt to destroy air travel.  “Almost”.

Moonbattery Democrats Move to Keep Bugs in Food Hidden – Moonbattery

So they don’t vote for it because it’s not in place yet?

I want to close with this over-the-top alarmism from a college paper I read:

We are underestimating the danger of Trump’s potential second term – Massachusetts Daily Collegian

Now, this echoes a link I had before:

Project 2025 and Republican Domination (

They’re utterly panicked that Trump, and MAGA Americans, might actually be organizing to fight back.  And speaking of fighting:

“Getting Close To Post Time” – Liberty’s Torch (

The New, Improved RNC Is Zeroing In on the Right Priorities – PJ Media





I remember once commenting, after I saw a video about women from Venezuela turning to this oldest profession, that these women – doctors, teachers, engineers – were forced to make ends meet by selling their ends for meetings.  So let me make this a NITZAKHON original quote:

As countries fall into Socialism, women will always be forced to make ends meet by selling meetings in their ends.

(c) 2024, NITZAKHON





An interesting article about Israel and the Arabs – the in-migrating Jews created the economic boom that drew in Arabs, who now claim to have been there forever:

Were the Arabs Indigenous to Mandatory Palestine? :: Middle East Quarterly (






Whenever someone says that the majority should rule, especially when they’re eager to do something to you, ask them – since slavery was once widely acknowledged as a norm, if the majority should still rule?  What about a group of men wanting a – ahem – sequential involuntary interlude with a woman?  Isn’t that majority rule as well?






I don’t fear going.  I fear how I go, and when I go.  But the actual thing?  No.





All together now:  “No matter how much you hate the enemedia, it isn’t enough”.





Irons in the Fire: Stability Privilege, full post (












Yes.  Exactly this.  And they won’t “get it” until very bad things happen to them personally.  And ONLY then.





Pick of the Post:



Which actually was the inspiration for this cartoon:



You MUST assimilate this to the core of your being: this is their faith.  This is a video describing materials from 1928.  Almost 100 years ago.  And tell me, as you watch the video, if you don’t see what they planned then being implemented now.


This is a multi-generational effort inspired by their belief they really can create Socialistopia.



Know your enemy.  This is not an economic war.  It’s a religious war.  They TRULY BELIEVE they can create paradise on earth.




Palate cleansers:



I look back on some of the really, really, REALLY dumb things I’ve done and shudder.


I feel that one.




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.






The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Is Not Satisfied With Taking America Down

Wed, 2024-04-10 14:00 +0000

We know that Joe Biden has been working tirelessly, as much as a man working part-time can, to destroy America. He has destroyed our sovereignty, weaponized our Justice Department and Intelligence agencies against Donald Trump and select groups of Conservatives, ruined our energy independence, and made our cities unsafe.

Biden has embarrassed the Supreme Court with his defiance and is spending money without the approval of Congress, which is the only branch of government with authority to spend tax dollars. But now we see clear evidence that he is working to topple Benjamin Netanyahu and dismantle the state of Israel. Joe Biden is an evil, manipulative criminal man who needs to be re-elected to have four more years to finish his plans.

Caroline Glick of the Jewish News Syndicate has reported and has subsequently been validated by a second source, that on March 17, Israeli riot leader Ami Dror divulged that he had been directed by the Biden White House to resume the protest riots. He detailed the White House’s four-part plan to overthrow the government of Israel. The components involve actions on the ground in Gaza, the use of the U.N. Security Council, extortion of government ministers, and mass protests. The White House is using Benny Gantz, the chief rival of Netanyahu, to facilitate the overthrow with the end of Ramadan as the deadline. Ramadan has ended. Last week, Gantz announced he had demanded new elections by September and was looking to replace Netanyahu as Prime Minister.

Joe Biden is diabolical and is working to destroy two of the most significant democratic entities in the world. We have all the evidence we need to see his efforts in this country, and the dominoes are falling in Israel, showing his plan is working there, also. Joe Biden is not a lousy President. He is the frontman for a massive plan to change the future direction of the world. He is doing exactly as directed.

Joe Biden is not an intelligent or competent man. He never was. He has been wrong in every foreign situation in which our government has been involved. He surrounded himself with a diverse but feckless Administration that was ill-prepared to handle any problem under the Federal Government. We have seen what he has done to neutralize the Third Party Candidate, Robert Kennedy, Jr, and we know that he is behind the various efforts to convict and jail his arch-rival and leading candidate, Former President Donald Trump. Biden and the Democrats do not want a fair election in November. They want a closed election where they have eliminated the competition, and Biden is the only choice for America. The problem with everything I have written is that Joe Biden cannot design or implement anything for which I have given him credit. So the big question we must answer is who is in charge. I do not have the answer.

So what is the motivation? If the Democrats had their choice, we would be a monarchy. Biden is circumventing the Judiciary and Legislature, but I do not see him pulling off a coup and eliminating his two equal branches. Maybe 2020 was a test to see how little you had to do to get elected. It was a success, and you will see Biden repeat. After the convention, he will head to the basement, avoid live interviews, refuse debates, and let his surrogates do the heavy pulling. It will not work in 2024. The people, and possibly the media, will pull Biden from his bunker, make him defend his record, and explain his plans for the next four years. If that happens, he will be a one-and-done President.

The one thing I do know is that there is nothing about this country that Democrats like. If you want to change something fundamentally, you don’t love what you have in the first place. The one thing they like about America is that it affords these people the control and power they crave. That has to change immediately. We have to stop enabling these treasonous bastards and eliminate them from the equation. That is the only way this great experiment can continue and America can be great again.

The post Biden Is Not Satisfied With Taking America Down appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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