The Manchester Free Press

Friday • March 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.X

Manchester, N.H.

You Cannot Make This Insanity Up

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-09 13:00 +0000

Orson Welles had people jumping out windows in his 1938 radio broadcast of H.G. Wells’ science fiction classic “War of the Worlds” because they feared the Martian invasion was actually occurring.

The historic milieu of 1898, when Wells published his story, may explain its dramatic impact in 1938. Bad news was causing overwrought emotionalism: the Great Depression, Hitler’s international belligerence, and ironically enough the 1937 Hindenburg explosion, which was the first live disaster broadcast . Current events instigated psychic preparation for mass delusion. The radio broadcast hoax provided the precipitating event.

Today, our political leaders are attempting to recreate Wells’ (Orson changed the spelling of his last name to match the author’s) mass delusion of 1938. After allowing the Chinese espionage dirigible to float over most, if not all, of our ICBM missiles, B-52 bomber sites, and military installations, POTUS consults with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretaries of Defense, State, and Justice.

According to our Mainstream Media, a collection of the greatest military, strategic and political minds of modern history. Their meeting results in the earth-shattering decision to shoot three more objects over our airspace out of the sky, originally identified as UFOS. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that the potential Martian invasion or not Chinese attack had been prevented.

In a few days, it becomes clear beyond a reasonable doubt that a hoax, equal to the Great Hoax of 1938, had been perpetrated on the American public. There were no Martians; there were not even any Chinese balloons. The MSM Greatest Cabinet Ever, using our most advanced jet fighters with at least four $400,000 missiles, destroyed one of our own weather balloons and a child’s scientific experiment while the third balloon is unexplained to date. Not surprisingly, our boneheaded leaders are unable to recover the debris.

You cannot make this insanity up.


The post You Cannot Make This Insanity Up appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Morning Mail – March 9th, 2023

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-09 11:30 +0000

What do Barbie, Amerigo Vespucci, Joe Franklin, Crab Meat, Paddlefish, false teeth, and dishwashers have in common? March 9th is their Day!

It’s also national meatball day and National Get Over It Day. For example, Tucker Carlson is showing America the J6 Capitol Hill CCTV video, so get over it, you meatball.

On this day in 1776, Adam Smith published the influential economics book “The Wealth of Nations.” The Russian Bolshevik Party became the Communist Party in 1918. And in 1961, Soviet flight Sputnik 9 carried and returned from orbit a dog named Chernushka (Blackie), frogs and a guinea pig.


The Morning Mail



Obscure Word of the Day:

Thalweg – The middle of the chief navigable channel of a waterway that forms the boundary line between states

Quote of the Day:

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”
― Andre Gide, Autumn Leaves


    • Pfizer is being sued for $3T for alleged false claims about COVID vaccine – Substack.
    • VIP Elite Panic As Nuremberg 2.0 Trials for ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Becomes Reality – Rumble
    • Safe and Effective” mRNA “Vaccines” Caused More Covid Cases and More Deaths Than the Virus Itself – Lew Rockwell.
    • Mother Sues D.C. Doctor Who Gave Kids COVID Vaccines Without Consent – Children’s Health Defense
    • Chicken Vax Company Is an Offshoot of Pfizer – GP
  • The Social Engineers Make Everything Ugly on Purpose to Demoralize You – The Daily Bell
  • California health center ‘discreetly’ mails ‘chest binders’ to 12-year-old girls – LifeSite
  • School that’s part of notoriously woke Virginia district bans white and Asian students from college prep program – NewsWars
  • Washington teacher says schools should keep information about children from ‘Christo-fascist’ parents – LifeSite


No Farms No Food
    • The [Dutch] government has decided to essentially seize 3000 farms in order to meet new climate goals. – Forbes
    • Residents of California city warned not to eat food grown in gardens after toxic dust release – The Hill
    • Biden Regime Considers Vaccinating Chickens in Response to Bird Flu Outbreak – GP
  • Why Are Asian Americans Voting Republican in Large Numbers? – PJM
  • The people of the UK are being prepared for war. – Twitter
  • Texas Lawmaker Files ‘TEXIT’ Bill To Prompt Citizen Vote On Exploring Secession From U.S. – Daily Wire
  • Buttigieg Starts Swearing – Potus Paper


Leaked J6 Video (Language Warning)




The Morning Mail is a selection of content emailed to me by readers, unsolicited newsletters, and other miscellaneous sources. Publication does not imply endorsement or validity of the source or content.

The post The Morning Mail – March 9th, 2023 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Most Important Takeaway from the J6 Tapes … Many GOP Are NOT On Your Side

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-09 02:30 +0000

What is the most important takeaway from the J6 tapes? If you answered … that the insurrection narrative was a lie, you still really don’t get it. The most important takeaway is that both sides … that is the Republican Party to some extent … were and remain, at a minimum, in on that lie. In other words, obviously NOT every single Republican, but clearly “Republicans” such as LEADER Mitch McConnell and his fellow corporatist/globalist/endless-war/ grifters, were and remain invested in the false insurrection narrative, which has been used by the FBI as a pretext to crack down on America-First Republicanism. The J6 tapes have revealed that Mitch and his ilk are NOT on your side.

And which “Republicans” in New Hampshire are also NOT on your side? Sun-King Chris Sununu and his fellow faux-fiscal conservatives, faux-limited government NHGOP grifters … that’s who. Not a word of contrition, retraction, even qualification for the tweets below. Faux-fiscal-conservative and faux-limited government Sununu and his faux-fiscal-conservative and faux-limited government cronies, sycophants and hangers-on are NOT on your side:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Notable Quote –

Granite Grok - Thu, 2023-03-09 01:00 +0000

The political left has never understood that, if you give the government enough power to create “social justice,” you have given it enough power to create despotism. Millions of people around the world have paid with their lives for overlooking that

-Prof. Thomas Sowell ( Barbarians Inside the Gates)

“Social Justice” is really Mob Justice. Just think of the Antifa riots, the BLM riots – both are the extremes of the Mobs but they never say that their actions are to bring riots, they hide under “Social Justice.   Social Justice is artificial, capricious, and arbitrary. It also has no bounds.  There is no reasoning behind it, no studied approach to it.

Once one applies “Social” as a modifier to “Justice”, there IS no justice – just an ideological mob out to get what it wants. And what it wants is Control. Control of a location, control of a situation, control of actions, control of behaviors…

…control of your thoughts and your freedom.

It’s real name is NOT “Justice”, it is simply Cultural Marxism soon to be turned into Governmental Marxism.  And with Biden’s recent executive order that is imposing “equity” (re: not the equality as seen by our Founders but the “equal outcome” demanded by Socialism & Communism), that is where we are headed.

(HT: Cafe Hayek)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

After 14-Years Exxon Stops Feeding a Lie: Bails on Algae as a Viable Biofuel.

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 23:30 +0000

I don’t think this gets said often enough, but oil is a biofuel, and it is one of the best we’ve ever found. Coal is another. Nothing beats nuclear, of course, but that solves the imagined problem, so we can’t use that. What to do, well – Exxon tried algae.

You’ll remember the ads, back before streaming, when cable television was king. Exxon spent tens of millions on ads to appease the Goreons ranting about our dying planet. Exxon invested vast sums in research that would (allegedly) turn algae into some replacement for oil with fewer emissions. What it did was replace money that could have been spent on something useful with nothing.


The end of algae as a substitute for crude oil comes after $350 million and 14 years of commitment. This expenditure was joined by a “green” advertising campaign around the project of at least $60 million, mostly spent between 2017 and 2019. … Exxon has slashed its support for Viridos Inc., a biotech company based in La Jolla, California, that operated as the oil giant’s key technical partner since it began its algae push in 2009. With Exxon funding drying up and difficulty finding other backers, the biotech firm laid off 60% of its staff on Dec. 27, according to Viridos executives.


Exxon has wielded a cleaver to the algae budget ending their commitment to icky goo as a viable alternative fuel.

Is this a good time to remind Exxon and everyone else that oil is biofuel or that CO2 from its use is not ‘warming the planet’ or the rest of it? No, too bad. It’s true. The Goreons are just angry little worker ants with empty, meaningless lives carrying the political ambitions of Marxists to fill their godless vacuum.

And to be fair, there are a growing number of folks who claim to believe in a God that has fallen under the same spell as Exxon – that you can appease these people. Like all their other science, hard, soft, or political, the facts are whatever advances the agenda. Playing along just encourages them.

Stop doing it.

The moment you think you’re close, they change the name and the rules and move the goalposts – none of which apply to them. It’s sort of their tell. You’d think people who make millions being smarter at running a business would notice.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Belknap County Delegation Chair Harry Bean Proves That the Peter Principle Is Alive and Well

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 22:00 +0000


Well,  Monday night was supposed to be THE night that the Belknap County Delegation (made up of all the NH State Representatives from Belknap County) to finalize the Belknap County budget for the next year. The “Biz” items on the Agenda:

  • Approve Budget Review Committee Minutes of February 15, 2023
  • Presentation of Review Committee’s Recommendation – Rep. Bogert
  • Discussion & Vote of 2023 Budget (expenditures, revenues, total to be raised by taxes)
  • Consideration of Cost Items – Sheriff’s Unit CBA
  • Public Input
  • Other Business
  • Adjournment

NH State Rep. Harry Bean, as Delegation Chair, has the ultimate responsibility for initiating, for over-watch, and for finalizing the process of determining the budget for the entire county. That means that he is responsible for the process for arriving at “The Bottom Line Number” starting with the Belknap County Commissioners’ proposed budget and ending up with that Bottom Line Number.

That Number determines how many dollars are going to get grabbed out of our wallets as one part of the four parts of our property taxes

  • Town budget (most local and “controllable”)
  • School District budget (most local and “controllable”)
  • County budget (The “next level up” and citizens having less control over its size)
  • The State Education component (over which citizens have no control at all)

Of prime importance to taxpayers is that unless the Delegation members, under the “leadership” of Harry Bean, do their job right and get a number for THEIR budget by the end of March, the Belknap County Commissioners (Peter Spanos (former NH State Rep), Glen Waring (former Gilford Financial Director), and Stephen Hodges (former Belknap Sheriff) ) proposed budget will go into effect by default.  Their budget calls for a total raised by taxation (that’s you and me, boys and girls)  will rise a whopping 35.4%. 

Thus, keep two three things in mind after reading that last line along with this one: this sordid story of proving that the Peter Principle (that people rise to their level of incompetence) still runs amok here in the County.

  • Harry Bean is ultimately in charge and therefore any outcome (or lack thereof) is on his shoulders. He owns “the process”
  • The majority of the Reps in the Delegation were endorsed by the Democrat Political Action Committee Citizens for BelknapAs these serialized posts will show, this is the level of Representation that you get from just a PR standpoint. Yes, two of them, both Democrats, motioned and seconded to throw out their budget process (more on that in a bit) and just accept the Commissioner budget as is with a 35.4% rise in your taxes.  Were they thinking more highly about YOUR wallets and YOUR money or how to take that money to give to Government’s?
  • The Reps that are being scapegoated by Harry Bean are Reps that have experience in doing these budgets. They also know the Law better than he does. And they have no problem in calling out lapses in Follow the Law and/or mistakes

Sidenote: YES, I saw SO many things wrong, I can’t contain them in just one post.  But I shall talk about them all over some amount of time.

Back to the Agenda.  Remember these as you read through (and PLEASE read this post!) as they play a part in this recounting:

  • Good Government is open and transparent. At each and every turn, a citizen should know what the process is (yes, a bit of homework is needed) and actions need to be done in the open for all to see (i.e., no backroom deals or deals done in private).
  • County Delegations are proscribed by Law to follow RSA24 (which controls Delegations construction and actions) and RSA 91-A (Public Meetings and Governmental Records). Some of the Reps know something about them. Others know nothing, and a couple believe they know everything (but their words show they know nothing).
  • Politics is often about “feelings” – the Law is unemotional.  The Delegation doesn’t seem to understand the difference and conflating them.

Open Meetings. Or rather, the lack thereof by the Delegation for Budget Meetings

My tutorial on the Open Meetings of RSA 91-A is here. However, for this post, it’s more than a bit chopped up to let me quote it and bold the important bits that pertain to the rest of this post.  Starting with that if a Public Meeting by a Governmental Body isn’t properly noticed (re: publicized), is it really a public meeting? Emphasis mine

Except in an emergency or when there is a meeting of a legislative committee, a notice of the time and place of each such meeting, including a nonpublic session, shall be posted in 2 appropriate places one of which may be the public body’s Internet website, if such exists, or shall be printed in a newspaper of general circulation in the city or town at least 24 hours, excluding Sundays and legal holidays, prior to such meetings.

So NH State Rep Stephen Bogert, a brand new Rep, was made the subcommittee chair by Chair Harry Bean who, himself, had never chaired a governmental body until this year.  However, Harry served a number of years on the Gilford Budget Committee and we ran ALL meetings extremely by the book.  Harry should know the “public meeting and notice” drill by heart as he was a part of it for so long.

There were supposed to be meetings during February to prep the Delegation’s budget.  When it became the time, after the Nov election, for it to start, I started watching for the notice on the Delegation website (see above).  Was there?


None in January -just the main Delegation meetings on Jan 10th and 18th.  Sure, they jabbered a bit but got nothing done on the budget (what a surprise). But they DID have Budget Committee meetings – I have downloaded the video files that were recorded for 2/1/23,  2/8/23, and 2/15/23 meeting. Mysteriously, they now show up on the main County page schedule for Feb but none for January.

In violation of RSA 91-A. Not, not that they were recorded but that they didn’t tell the Public that they were going to happen.  And according to RSA 24:9-D, they had to have to give seven day notices for each of those meetings.

And didn’t.

And here is where the Delegation has gotten themselves into really hot water to the point where they “conveniently” forgot to properly notice that the meetings were to occur on those dates.

During the meeting there was a lot of fingerpointing going on with some of the “CoB” Reps saying that the meetings HAD been noticed, I was waiting for the Public Input to state that they HADN’T been noticed, NH State Rep Barbara Comtois, during the meeting brought up that NONE of the meetings had been PROPERLY noticed (but got a lot of push back for it (re: one of Harry’s “scapegoats” that DOES know more than he does about the process), and then Harry and Debbie Schakett (County Administrator started a back and forth that told me, via word and body language, they both knew that the jig was up and that they had to go into CYA mode about not properly noticing the meetings.

Why?  Any results, work, or decisions made during improperly noticed meetings have to be thrown out and thrown away. Everything has to be redone.  So this is the SECOND TIME that Harry Bean has decided to “lead” by ignoring the proper laws because “we have to get something done!” even as I and others have told him what he MUST do.  Yet he’s well steamed up over others telling him that instead of admitting he was wrong.

I’ve got the video but haven’t had the chance yet to clip out the good bits but here’s the Zoom meeting on the Lakes Region Public Access site: click on Belknap County Delegation 3-6-23. Once I edit / clip out the relevant parts, I’ll either update this post or put up new posts.

Leadership, anyone?

So rather than relying on just what said during meeting, I decided to find out for myself so I did two things:

  • Put in an Right To Know to the County with a “payload” of

Pursuant to the Right to Know Law (RSA. 91-A:4 (I) ), I am demanding access, within 5 business days, to the below enumerated governmental records during the period starting December 1, 2022 to March7, 2023 inclusive…This request concerns the proper noticing for any meeting, be it the full Belknap County Delegation or any subcommittee thereof per RSA 91-A:2, II (excerpted, emphasis mine):

I am demanding that the Belknap Delegation / Belknap County Administration provide:

Financial Records

  • The expenditure transaction history from any and all General Ledger accounts, during the stated period (above), used to pay for noticing meetings in the Laconia Daily Sun or other media outlets
  • Any and all Invoices from the Laconia Daily Sun or other media outlets for such services
  • Any and all remittances from the Delegation / Belknap County paying those invoices

Creative / Advertising documents:

  • Copies of any and all ads created by the Delegation / Belknap County for placement in those media outlets
  • If the above is not provided, and emails / voice mails / other correspondence by the Delegation / Belknap County outlining the information for such noticing to be used by the media outlets for their ad creation.
  • Asked the Daily Sun if they would send me the notices appearing in their paper.

So here is what Deb Schakett send to me for the “creatives” (think ads/notices):

Note the bottom line with the 35.4% rise in taxation that the Commissioners think is appropriate for Belknap County residents to fork over. But the notice IS for the 12/12/23 meeting.  And if the Delegation doesn’t get its act together NOW, it will be THEM that are responsible for it and Spanos will be grinning ear to ear that he pulled a fast one over Harry Bean and the other CoB endorsed Reps (remember, the “scapegoats” are all people that the CoB were going after to get rid of them).

And the next one

So that was what Schakett sent.  Note that NEITHER OF THEM cover any of the subcommittee meetings (just one Delegation meeting to talk about the process – and they didn’t really get anything accomplished during that meeting either).

Here’s the Purchase Orders from the County and the Invoices from the Daily Sun:

asdfBelknap County Deb Schakett Daily Sun Invoice PO Scans_20230307_130428

And the two ads sent to me by the Daily Sun:

The dates by the Daily Sun were 12/29/2022 and 2/22/23 for placement.

Look at all that time WASTED! Nothing in November, nothing in December, and only unnoticed meetings during February. And STILL no budget ready.

Way to go, Harry & Company!

So, what’s the upshot of all this:

  • Your Delegation doesn’t care about the Laws they are supposed to follow.
  • THANKS, Citizens for Belknap, for “electing” this incompetents (they have ONE main County job to do and they can’t do that properly)

Oh, and there’s more coming!  I originally wasn’t going to go to the meeting, but something that TMEW said to me that told me “Go”, so I did. But this post is long, once again.

To Be Continued…



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Schumer, Not Tucker, Should be Held for Treason

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 20:30 +0000

Chuck Schumer exposed himself and the entire cabal of members of Congress who staged the January 6th lie on prime-time TV. When he threw his temper tantrum on the floor of the Senate on Tuesday, he built a case against him for crimes against the American people.

The January 6th Committee showed hours of footage of the protestors entering the Capital. Those images told a horrid story showing windows and doors smashed in to allow access to the Capital’s interior, where they damaged property and disrespected the core of our government.

Unfortunately, the Committee chose the video segments that supported their story that the protestors were a mob creating an insurrection against the United States government in retaliation for a corrupt election in 2020. They kept the remainder of the unseen video under lock and key. As long as the Democrats controlled Congress, their misdeed was safe. The Republicans took control of the House in 2022, and one of the first actions of the new Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, was to release over 6,000 hours of video the public had never seen. His office released the stash of recordings to Tucker Carlson of FOX News. After a few weeks of reviewing the many hours of video, Tucker released some of the tapes on Monday night in Prime Time. I guarantee more people watched Tucker than the January 6th Committee hearings. These tapes told a very different story that destroyed the findings of the Committee.

Senator Chuck Schumer took to the Senate floor on Tuesday and threw a Senatorial Temper Tantrum demanding that Tucker Carlson and Kevin McCarthy be charged with treason. Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries sent Rupert Murdoch a letter requesting he censors Fox News hosts. This is the leader of the Senate and the Minority Leader of the House violating the First Amendment and requiring the censoring of the media.

Schumer attempted to place blame on Carlson for perpetuating a lie on the American people and that Kevin McCarthy was complicit. In truth, the disaster here is the egg all over the faces of the Democrats, who have lied and are guilty of suppressing evidence.

Among the lies debunked by Tucker Carlson were Brian Sicknick being murdered by protesters (Tucker showed he was unharmed), Jacob Chansley, aka “The Qanon Shaman” committing sedition (he marched peacefully throughout the Capitol), and Ray Epps being a patriotic whistleblower (he perjured himself before the Committee.)

Showing these tapes cannot be the end of this story. Schumer, Pelosi, and every Senator and Congressperson who went along with the dog and pony show of the January 6th Committee must be questioned, investigated, and possibly charged for violations.

There was much wrong with the protest on January 6th, but it should not be compounded by members of Congress breaking the law to tell a fictitious version of the day. Holding office does not place you above the law, and violating the First Amendment and suppressing evidence are serious crimes and should be treated so.

Tucker Carlson invited Chuck Schumer to appear on his show, but Schumer insists on Tucker and FOXNews apologizing for showing the tapes and admitting they lied to America. As usual, Chuck has the facts wrong, and he should take to the microphone and do exactly what he demanded of FOX. Don’t hold your breath waiting.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Welcome to the U.S. Capitol Insurrection Tour!

Libertarian Leanings - Wed, 2023-03-08 19:20 +0000
LMAO brilliant work by @stevenvoiceover — Luke Rudkowski (@Lukewearechange) March 8, 2023 Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Sununu’s Polling “Line In The Sand”: CPAC Version

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 19:00 +0000

Remember, *I* didn’t draw this line in the political sand; Governor Sununu did that.  Mr. Sununu also warned minor candidates not to carve up the field.

“I think there’s a lot of hope and opportunity for good candidates to get in, drive the message where it needs to be,” he said. “But the discipline is getting out, too. The discipline and saying, ‘Look, you’re only polling at 5%, you got to get out.’ We don’t want a crowded field here.”

So, how is that aging? Not well, so, I’m going to hold him to it. How is he doing? Let’s just say the phrase “5%, you got to get out” will haunt him.

Sure, within the small fishbowl that is NH, he’s a big fish, but out in the pond, if you take these polls correctly, he isn’t even at tadpole level:

CPAC was this past weekend, and attending one is still on my bucket list. However, like almost any political event, great or small, everybody will be running their straw polls for this, that, and of course, President. CPAC is famous for theirs.

The results for BOTH President and VEEP:

President: I know it’s small, but that arrow points to Chris Sununu registered a humongous 0.2% of the straw poll.



Yes, for the math-challenged amongst you, 0.2% is a lot less than the 5% he has stated. It’s almost as if he wants us to believe that he’s above his own line in the sand. Actually…

For VEEP: a bit better…An astonishing 0.3% – a 50% increase!  Bazinga! Gang busters!



Er, still not >5%. Sununu is still a tadpole.

BTW I’m behind on everything, and DVR’d TV shows are no different. On Monday’s Special Report with Brett Baier, in the last segment, they had a series of video clips from CPAC. While Trump was speaking, the chyron said:

Hogan: Candidates should not run out of vanity

Good advice, eh Sununu?  Hmmm.

To be continued…

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Domestic Terrorism Diversity Win

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 17:30 +0000

The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center has been a target for nut-job leftists for months. In December, we reported on the rock-throwing “peaceful” protesters with explosive devices and gasoline. The protesting never stopped, nor did the arrests.


On March 5, 2023, a group of violent agitators used the cover of a peaceful protest of the proposed Atlanta Public Safety Training Center to conduct a coordinated attack on construction equipment and police officers. They changed into black clothing and entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers.


Thirty-Five mostly peaceful Antifa-linked “protesters” were detained, and twenty-three of those have been arrested and charged with domestic terrorism. The local LEOs have had enough of the months of disruptions and violence, but it’s not a total loss. Check out the diversity of these domestic terrorism suspects.



We’ve got young, not so young, male, female, black, white, Hispanic, curly hair, straight hair, hair loss, and even a ginger (pale enough but the red looks fake – brown roots, kind of a giveaway). No one from New Hampshire, but three from MA, one from CT, and one from RI. I see Canada and France were represented, which – point of order, is international terrorism if the GBI is taking notes. And the Canadian guy looks like a girl, so they got that too.

A few of them look happy – which is not uncommon for left-wing “peaceful” protesters. Getting arrested looks excellent on the political resume if you want to be a Democrat staffer or work for a Soros or Brooks funded “non-profit.” Get hired to write public school curricula—lots of options unless you get serious jail time, in which case, guys, say you’re a woman and ask Biden for a pardon.

I can’t say that anything bad will happen, but given that these so-called anarchists are also Marxist collectivists who were all in this together, they should probably each have to pay the same fine and serve the same jail sentence of whoever gets convicted for the worst crime.

This way, we’ll have diversity and equity.


HT | Conservative Treehouse

Note: The featured image is for effect and not from the protest in question.

The post Domestic Terrorism Diversity Win appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Challenge to All Muslims

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 16:00 +0000

Islam can justifiably be condemned as a barbaric ideology that has energized and continues to energize crimes against humanity. Islam belongs to a raft of doctrines such as Nazism, Fascism, and Totalitarianism of various stripes that promotes hate and violence against others. Despicable doctrines of hate and violence remain confined to their place under the “shameful” classification in libraries until people adopt them as their program of life. Hence, it is people who are guilty of bringing to life the dogmas of savagery.

In the same way, that ignorance of the law does not constitute a valid defense, not bothering to find out about the true nature of Islamic precepts and practices and blindly doing Islam’s bidding constitutes inexcusable wrongdoing. Muslims, therefore, are indictable for subscribing to the Quran and committing themselves to carry out its ruthless instructions at great harm to the non-subscribers.

A vast cadre of Islamic apologists, generally from the ranks of the well-pampered parasitic clergy, labor greatly at defending Islam and keeping the masses in servitude. In practice, these sheepdogs of Islam earn their very livelihood by devouring the sheep they herd.

The apologists cover a wide spectrum. On one extreme are the unrepentant and shameless bigots who adhere to and promote every provision of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sunna. These robots pride themselves on being diehard obedient literal believers of Allah.

Then, there are those apologists who do their best to walk a tightrope. They skillfully straddle a zone with one foot in the Islamic muck and the other out. These illusionists—the smoke and mirror artists—are masters of double-speak and are very difficult to pin down. Yet, they are most effective in their work. They manage, through their clever tactics of half-truth-half lies, to keep the faithful in line and fool the gullible non-Muslims.

And then there are the sheep—the rank-and-file Muslims. They are indictable because they are the ones who keep Islam alive by feeding and supporting it. It is this rank that supplies the Islamic foot soldiers—those servants of the All Kind and All-Merciful Allah who do not have a grain of kindness or mercy in their dark hearts. These easily programmable robots detonate explosive vests not just to kill the kafirs, but to kill even other Muslims. They slaughter innocent kidnapped people as cheerily as they slash a lamb’s throat. With exhortation passages from the Quran pasted on the wall of their slaughterhouse, they shamelessly fire their Ketusha rockets, not at the military but directly at the civilian population.

Are all Muslims the leeching clergy, or actively involved in terrorism and included in the blanket indictment, you ask?

The fact is that being a Muslim is a clear admission of wrongdoing, the extent of which depends on the degree of a person’s Muslim-ness. If he is only a Muslim who does not practice Islam, then he is, at the very least, guilty of hypocrisy. If he is somewhat of a Muslim by tithing, from time to time, following the ranting of the local mullah or imam, and swallowing whole the pronouncements of the high divines, then he is guilty of significantly contributing to the evildoings of Islam.

Lastly, there are those Muslims who simply lack the courage to leave Islam and exercise their gift of humanness. They are the pathetic crowd guilty of remaining in the fold of tyranny and withholding support from the forces of liberty and human dignity. Also, to use an old cliché, if a person is not part of the solution, he is part of the problem. Islam is indeed a huge problem.

Some Muslims have objected to my taking Islam to task and not addressing the atrocities of others, both in the past and in the present. I do not see myself as an ombudsman for mankind, commissioned either by God or self-appointed. I am not egotistical enough to see myself as a universal arbiter of all wrongdoings. I, however, unreservedly condemn all genocides, religiously based or otherwise, and all wrongs visited upon any individual or people irrespective of time, place, and any other considerations.

My focus is Islam, because I, my people, and my native country, Iran, have been victimized by a primitive alien ideology for far too long. Having witnessed first-hand the horrors and indignity that Islamofascism visits on people it subjugates, I have taken it upon myself to do my part in defeating this ideology of oppression, hate, and violence.

I enjoy and deeply cherish the liberty that America has generously afforded me, enabling me to raise a cry from the heart regarding the tragic plight of millions of Iranian victims—my compatriots who dare not speak against the wicked mullahs and their mercenaries.

I am the voice of tens of thousands of Iran’s best children, many of them literally children, who have been imprisoned, brutally tortured, shamelessly raped, and viciously slaughtered by Allah’s beasts presently ruling Iran.

The heartless religionists of Allah have plundered and continue to plunder the people’s vast oil income, fill their bottomless pockets with ill-begotten funds, and finance adventurism in Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and anywhere and everywhere they find willing clientele.

In the meantime, over the past three decades of their Islam-authorized dastardly theocracy, they have driven masses of the Iranian people to abject poverty. They have created a culture of nihilism and despair that has spawned one of the world’s most drug-addicted societies and have compelled a great many women to sell their bodies in order to survive.

It is, so, I find it both my sacred duty and inalienable right to indict Muslims as either criminals themselves or accessories to the crimes, seek justice for my people, and warn others of the dangers of Islamofascism in all its forms.

I challenge all Muslims to abandon the demonic cult of Muhammad and join forces of liberty and justice for free people with no turbaned masters or masters of any kind.

It is a crime to remain silent in the face of evil, it is said. Thus, I am speaking up and urging other good men and women to raise their resonant voices while they can before they are brutally silenced by the ever-creeping Islamofascism.


The post A Challenge to All Muslims appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tucker Carlson Responds to “Leadership” Losing It’s Hive Mind After Release of J6 Capitol Hill Video

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 14:30 +0000

If you read today’s Morning Mail, you saw some video from Tucker Carlson Tonight that harpoons the years-long narrative about the so-called January 6th insurrection.

You may have also seen it on Fox or elsewhere online. Damning stuff, and the machine has lost what passes for its hive mind.

Chuck Schumer openly called for censorship of the media (Tucker Carlson’s program) and the video “you paid for,” which was suppressed for over two years. Defendants on trial for alleged J6 crimes were denied access as part of their legal defense.


Because it undermines two years of lying and complicity by the political establishment and the media of false narratives, real banana republic show trial stuff, all to protect other lies.

And not just Democrats. Republican Never-Trumpers line up as well to defend the obfuscation, lies, censorship, and obstruction of justice.

As always, it is fun to watch Carlson expose them for who they are.





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

About Your New Committee to Review Challenged Books in Schools

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 13:00 +0000

It has come to my attention that there is a newly formed committee to review challenged books. I have questions and want straightforward answers. All I have is an obscure two-page form given to me by a third party.

We want to thank Julie for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

No idea where they came from, where it exists or who/how it was generated.

1. Where are the public school rules/laws where the challenge book review is explained in writing?

2. Timeline of the review process, selection of reviewers process, public invite process, the process of review, standards of the review, are they using city law #41 as a baseline for adult content, what happens to books deemed unfit (if that will ever happen)? Why is there a “restricted” library in each school? Who decides if books go there? If the books are restricted, why are we paying for them? Where is the guideline for a restricted book? What is the current process of buying books?

3. Classroom libraries are not included in the online library. There is no way to search the books in a classroom at all. All books available to children should and must be made available to parents. How does a parent know if the library contains obscene books!? Who is responsible for cataloging the books? Same with SORA. Where and how is an opt-out request for questionable books?

4. Who is on this committee? How many citizens? Are they impartial (not friends of the SB members)? What are their emails? When did this committee form? I don’t recall a public notice, ever. What are the qualifications? What are the guidelines? Where are the minutes?

FYI… Here is an example of a Florida Media Specialist to review books.

The more I learn, the more questions I have. If I need to fill out a formal RTK, let me know. I’m hoping that’s not the case, and you can refer me to a document where I can learn this information, or maybe someone will answer in concise, clear answers. This is my second request. It’s been a month since the obscene books I challenged have been submitted, and crickets…

I’m requesting answers by Friday, March 10, 2023.

Julie P.
Ward 5
Dover NH


Editors Note: We are in possession of the responses to these questions as well as other correspondence we will share in a future update.

The post About Your New Committee to Review Challenged Books in Schools appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Morning Mail – March 8th, 2023

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 11:30 +0000

Welcome to March 8th, 2023. It is International Women’s day. The day when Democrats celebrate robbing women of things (jobs, medals, history, privacy) by insisting that men are or can be women.

It is also ‘be nasty’ day. No, I don’t make these up. Someone else does that. Be nasty on women’s day, really? March 8th is also ‘fill your staplers day,’ ‘Peanut Cluster day,’ and ‘retro video game day.’

On this day in 1817, the New York Stock Exchange was founded. The House of Commons approved Canada’s First Constitution (1867). The US Supreme Court ruled (1948) in McCollum v. Board of Education that religious instruction in public schools was unconstitutional. And in 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 lost contact and disappeared with 239 people on board, prompting the most expensive search effort in history.


The Morning Mail


Obscure Word of the Day:

Pickelhaube – A spiked helmet worn by German soldiers.

Quote of the Day:

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” ― Mark Twain

Local Flavor
  • New Hampshire Dems React To Potential Biden Re-Election Bid – Daily Wire
  • Department of Education requests new power: subpoenas for teachers – InkLink
  • Sununu: If FITN Were Today, DeSantis Would Win – NHJ
  • On Fear of the Free State Project -Liberty Block
  • As legislators debate minimum wage hikes, the market is pushing wages higher on its own – J


  • DOJ Pushed for Trump Raid After FBI Agents Said No – Freedom Headlines
  • How long before Biden breaks his promise to keep US troops out of Ukraine? – Human Events
  • The Biden Admin Lost 20,000 Migrant Children, and That’s Not the Worst Part – PJM
Health & Safety
  • Gene Transfer Technology- You are the Experiment – Americans Frontline Doctors
  • CNN Boss Ordered Staff Not to Look Into COVID Lab Leak Theory Because It Was ‘Trump Talking Point’ – PJM
  • Expand DNA collection laws to non-violent offenders – LifeSite
  • Latest dog turd pile of the WHO Pandemic Treaty translated – Jon Rappoport


  • Illinois Launches African Descent-Citizens Reparations Commission Website – GP
  • Maryland Dems Propose Bill Preventing People 25 and Under From Being Charged with Felony Murder – NewsWars
  • The feminization of academia is a disaster for intellectual freedom – American Thinker
  • America’s Leading Socialist Unable to Explain Socialism’s Fundamental Tenet – PJM
  • 40 Organizations That Are Shaking Up the Food System – Food Tank
Tucker: This video tells a different story of Jan 6



The Morning Mail is a selection of content emailed to me by readers, unsolicited newsletters, and other miscellaneous sources. Publication does not imply endorsement of the source or content.


The post The Morning Mail – March 8th, 2023 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Choo Choo Pete’s DOT Blocking Efforts to See His Taxpayer Funded Travel Expenses

Granite Grok - Wed, 2023-03-08 02:30 +0000

Transportation calamity Tsar Choo Choo Pete Buttigieg has been jet-hopping here and there at taxpayer expense. Government agencies do that, but the US Department of Transportation, which works for Pete, won’t say how much it has cost you.

The Transportation Minister for the Most Transparent Administration in History has something to hide.


“The DOT and the agency’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) office both declined to detail how much each flight cost taxpayers over the course of multiple months and in recent weeks,” Fox News Digital reports. “The stonewalling comes amid an ongoing inspector general audit of Buttigieg’s use of the planes, which are part of a small fleet managed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).”

“It’s inexcusable that Secretary Buttigieg’s agency is hiding the detailed costs of these taxpayer-funded flights,” Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of watchdog group Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News Digital. “Federal law dictates a timely release of exactly these types of records to the public.”

She added, “The American people are entitled to know the true cost of Buttigieg and his entourage of staffers flying private to destinations that have readily available commercial options.”


No one is asking anyone to reveal sources and methods. It’s a spreadsheet line item, and this trip cost this much, and that one was that much, and here’s a total. There’s no reason to conceal these details unless … masking, hiding, concealing, or obscuring. There must be some there, there!

Choo Choo Pete is already famous for taking “breaks” from the impossible burden of his title. Not the work, he wouldn’t know where to start, but he’s enjoying the perqs, which might include using government property for his personal enjoyment.

There’s a lot of that in government, but given the lack of evidence that he’s used them to do his job, the extra PR hit might find Pete on his way into early retirement.

On a positive note, he’ll never be able to stage a serious run for president, not that he ever has – but his stint as the Transportation Tsar has demonstrated how completely incapable he is of managing or leading.

Small victory.


The post Choo Choo Pete’s DOT Blocking Efforts to See His Taxpayer Funded Travel Expenses appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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