The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • September 8 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

Only One Candidate in The CD-1 Primary Can Beat Chris Pappas

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-09-13 01:30 +0000

New Hampshire elections are RIGGED. The NH-Democrats have a giant super-PAC on their side. Its name is WMUR. This super-PAC has a MONOPOLY on television “news.” The NH-Democrats have numerous other PACs posing as media doing their bidding: NHPR, Concord Monitor, etc. etc. etc..

Chris Pappas is a special darling of the New Hampshire fake-news. They look at him as the Governor-in-waiting. They will pull out all the stops to make sure he is reelected in 2022, so he can springboard to the corner office in 2024 when the Sun-King rides off to his gig on MSNBC.

In other words, the CD-1 race is a race not just against Pappas and Pelosi’s machine, but every bit as much a race against the New Hampshire fake-news.

There is ONLY one candidate who knows how to run against the fake-news. That candidate is Karoline Leavitt. If you want to beat Pappas … and in the process impede Pappas’ coronation as Governor in 2024 … then make Leavitt the nominee.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden’s Battle for the Nation’s Soul

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-09-13 00:00 +0000

Joe Biden says he’s engaged in a battle for the soul of the nation. But everything he’s done throughout his administration suggests he’s not fighting for America’s soul at all. The destructive policies that he’s implemented tell us that his mission is to destroy America as we know it.

Biden’s open border policies have virtually eliminated our national sovereignty and continue to allow literally millions of unscreened, potentially dangerous foreign citizens and tons of deadly drugs to flow into our country unimpeded.

His relentless attacks on our oil and gas industries, and arbitrary medical lockdowns have given us epic inflation and crippled our economy. His “benevolent” government handouts are transforming our nation into a welfare state, now facing an insurmountable national debt.

And while he cleverly tries to distance himself from the “defund the police” movement, his vacillating and contradictory position on law enforcement undoubtedly allowed the Democrat anti-police hysteria to metastasize. It resulted in an explosion in crime across the country.

Then, in the wake of the recent SCOTUS decision, Biden and the Democrats used deception and propaganda to rally millions of their allies behind another inhumane, un-American cause – the absolute right to dispose of unborn babies at will. They call it a right guaranteed by the Constitution.

Through his whole-hearted embrace of the LGBQT movement, Biden seems determined to normalize what has traditionally been considered abnormal, and worse, to instill those norms into impressionable young minds through our education system, with or without parental approval.

Maybe we should have paid closer attention when Biden told us that he planned to fundamentally transform America.

But arguably the worst damage he’s inflicted on our country is the deep division and hatred that he regularly cultivates.

That was never more apparent than during his September 1st speech in Philadelphia. Ironically, he chose to deliver his personal message of hate in the city of brotherly love.

After a few perfunctory words about our founding documents, he began to spew his bile. He warned us about a threat to our democracy, but he wasn’t talking about Islamic terrorists, Communism, socialism, or attacks by geopolitical adversaries. He was talking about patriotic Americans who happen to oppose his policies.

Most people have heard or read the speech by now. Democrats generally praised it as optimistic and inspiring. More objective, grounded Americans heard nothing but distortions and hyperbole, projection and outright lies.

Biden made perhaps two observations during the speech that made sense to everyone:

  1. “Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal.”
  2. “…it is within our power, it’s in our hands — yours and mine — to stop the assault on American democracy.”

Everyone agrees that what’s happening in our country is not normal. Raging inflation is not normal in this country. It’s not normal in America to silence free speech or to turn citizens against the police. Racial discrimination, whether it targets blacks or whites, is not normal. It’s not normal to use our law enforcement agencies to target political opponents. And the historic crime wave gripping our nation is anything but normal.

And yes, it is in our power to stop this assault on democracy, but we have to understand where the assault is coming from.

It’s not coming from President Trump or his MAGA followers. The threats we’re facing today came to us exclusively through Biden’s policies. For he, not Donald Trump, has occupied the White House for the past two years.

And it’s Biden who has proven time and again his lack of leadership. The polls show it. Everyone knows it. He’s a man frequently befuddled by everyday tasks. And he has apparently become a tool of the radical left. He may even be a victim of blackmail, now under the influence of America’s enemies.

But even with the enormous power of the presidency, he could not have inflicted such destruction on America without the backing of Democrats.

Throughout his administration, Democrats have controlled both houses of Congress. And like loyal soldiers, they have uniformly fallen in line to support his agenda. They will continue that support if they retain control of Congress.

It’s Biden and the Democrats who are laying siege to our democracy. And our elections do give us the power to stop their assault. But it can’t be done unless voters first recognize just how radical Biden has become, and how he perceives this country and its future.

He offered a clue at the close of his speech – at the close of virtually all his speeches. Perhaps it’s just a meaningless observation, but nearly every American President in recent times has ended major address with these words: “God bless America.” For some reason, Biden seems unable to utter those three simple words.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Data Point and Elections: Change the People in the Institutions

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 22:30 +0000

Society is really starting to get to an inflection point – a bad one. When most Americans no longer trust the institutions around them, either by seeing once trusted institutions becoming corrupted or have already been corrupted and using their position of power to lord it over the rest of us, there is trouble ahead.  When that distrust is worst expressed towards those that are supposed to govern and make laws that we must follow?

(click to embiggen)

Yeah, that. Congress is at the bottom yet instead of realizing it, the UniParty just keeps doubling down in telling us how we are to live according to THEIR wishes, beliefs, and ideology.  It’s what’s the “best for you” mentality as if we are all children instead of the adults that put them in those seats. Yeah, so the problem is ours.

Today is the day before the Primaries here in NH.  Want to fix that low rating?  Change the people in Congress, both the House and Senate.  Tomorrow, vote these people in:

  • US Senate: Don Bolduc
  • US House from NH First Congressional District: Karoline Leavitt
  • US House from NH’s Second Congressional District: Lily Tang Williams

To a person, they won’t tell us how to live our lives – they will be that bulwark that will keep the others from trying to do so.  Trust me – they are all GraniteGrok approved and endorsed. We grilled the heck out of them.

Note: and if you don’t care for Leavitt, I’ll be truthful here – I’d be happy with Tim Baxter.

(H/T: Powerline)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dear Fellow Citizens, The Time is Now!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 21:00 +0000

You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility. Since August 2021 I have proposed a principled Republican platform with specific objectives.

I have told you time and again that I truly care about you, your progeny, the future of America, and the human race.

When you vote for me, you are saying “Yes” to my platform of Individual Rights, State Sovereignty, and continued U.S. Unity and Independence. You are saying “Yes” to what I promise to deliver. You are saying “Yes” to free will, peace, local relationships, and agency.


  • Repeal the 16th amendment, and end Federal Income taxes.
  • Bring back commodity-based currency (gold, silver, time, etc) to compete with fiat currency.
  • End Federal over-regulation, and return power to the States and their people.
  • Stop the immigration invasion by calling forth the militia.
  • Recognize that Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are absolute restraints on the Federal Government, not privileges!
  • Have immigrants go to, and live in, the States that sponsor them.
  • Increase production and provision of American goods and services to build wealth.
  • Hold vaccine companies liable for their products, and insure medical decisions that are informed, freely given, unambiguous, specific, explicit, and revocable.
  • Investigate the Covid scenario for potential crimes against humanity.
  • Ensure that only citizens vote.
  • Audit and lawfully and peacefully correct, if necessary, the 2020 elections immediately!
  • Put a stop to the “insurrection” narrative, and its’ dangerous extrapolations.
  • Keep education in the hands of the States and their People.
  • Challenge the scientific legitimacy of the man made climate change narrative via science supporting an Electric Universe.
  • Stop the Great Reset!
  • Prevent the Chinese Colonization of America.

And so much more! Please read my platform overview and letters.

Know this, the time for positive and peaceful change is now. The responsibility is yours, and we are in very confusing times. Yet, when you vote for me you are voting for freedom, empowerment, and prosperity. You are voting for free will, local relationships, and agency of the people.

You are voting for a vision of domestic tranquility and principle that is only offered right here.
Our future is in your hands!



Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post Dear Fellow Citizens, The Time is Now! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Depopulation Progs Aren’t Transing Your Kids Out Of Empathy

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 19:30 +0000

The Left claims that transitioning children with or without parental consent is compassionate. But Trans-kids and those on the gender spectrum – even in supportive communities – are 40% more likely to attempt suicide. So is it about empathy or depopulation?

They aren’t preventing suicide; they are amping up the odds it will happen.

Progressives are obsessed with social engineering and population control. It’s been on their bucket list for over a century and a fashion among elites for as long as there have been people.

Abortion isn’t a “health choice.” It is a means of culling the press of humanity on what the Left has long claimed is an overcrowded globe. But teeming masses stressing natural resources have nothing to do with it, and the Climate faction is just another means to the desired end. Fewer of us (someone still has to do their landscaping) and mostly just them.

The recent pedal-to-the-medal effort to transition kids is not about empathy. Compassion has nothing to do with it. No one is trying to save lives.

Puberty blockers can kill kids before they ever “transition.”

A recent Heritage study found that states that approve so-called gender-affirming care have experienced higher rates of teen suicide.

And I’m sure more than a few progressives think this tortured journey toward early death is compassionate.

These are the same folks who think that Jabbing them with an mRNA vaccine they didn’t need was necessary for good public health. An injection that turned them into a vector for transmission when previously they were not. An invasive treatment with dangerous side effects, including death.

Or, it may just make them infertile.

Whatever the outcome, there would be fewer of us, and we are, after all, the carbon they are trying to reduce.




The post Depopulation Progs Aren’t Transing Your Kids Out Of Empathy appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Citizens For Belknap PAC – Helping Us Compile the Next RINO Report (snort!)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 18:00 +0000

BUMPED from Sept 7 and 10, 2022.  Thank you, Citizens for Belknap PAC, for making it easier for our readers to see who ALL THE RINOs are in Belknap County. That would have taken me quite a bit of time (not a lot of effort as they’ve already outed themselves in aligning themselves with you – a Democrat-run, guided, and funded Political Action Committee) to replicate in my own fashion.  Couldn’t have really done much better, either! Every single one of your endorsed candidates is all in for your brand of politics! And that makes them RINOs.

I dryly note, however, that while you call yourselves “non-partisan” but why are you playing in only Belknap County Republican Primaries?  Why is this PAC Chaired by a Democrat, funded with dark money, and only playing in the Republican primary? That kinda says “partisan”, eh?

And if your supporters, or your endorsed candidates, sputter, meltdown, rent their clothes like sackcloth and cast dust into the air to cover their heads, wail, or moan, ask yourselves one question:

Who should I believe – Republicans endorsed by Democrats or GraniteGrok that is merely pointing it all out?

This chart makes it really easy (and we thank CoB for helping GraniteGrok in doing so – you know, just like how Mike Bordes, one of your endorsed candidates, tried to turn my LtE against me in claiming I was endorsing him.  Hardly, but since he made this New Rule of Behavior, I just thought I’d adopt them, too!).  Each RINO is identified with a purple check mark and the Conservatives are marked with red (you know, as in Red, White, and Blue Patriots??).

So in each race, dear readers (if you live in Belknap County or, like Democrats “from away and not from heah”, just want to come up for a day trip to see all of the lovely ballots starting to turn Red on the trees), just look at this chart. Each and every purple checked are folks aligned with the Democrats – these are the folks to avoid!  The only person not following this model is Greg Hough!  It seems that NONE of the factions like him much at all (not me, not GraniteGrok, not the Belknap County Republicans, the Democrats in Belknap, and now the Citizens for Belknap Democrat PAC).  That takes some real skill in achieving – you were the Democrats’ “useful idiot” and now that you’ve served your purpose, they’re throwing you away.


On average, every candidate they are rejecting has better scores on legislating/voting in accordance with the NH GOP Platform (what it believes in) and in protecting and defending your Constitutional Freedom and Liberties when aggregated (as ascertained by the House Republican Alliance and the NH Liberty Alliance).  But heck, what do Democrats care about that silliness (snort!) anyways?

And lest I forget, don’t let me forget the two Republicans who aren’t on the ballot but who have done most the public-facing dirty work for the Citizens of Belknap: Commissioners Doug Lambert (of DGF Industrial) and Jade Wood (NH GOP Area 5 Vice-Chair – an elected Republican within the NH GOP!).  They set the stage to make sure that good Conservatives ousted from elected office and paving the way for these RINOs, and sadly, Democrats with their totalitarian ways, to take over.  This was the “top prize” plan all along (hey CoB are DEMOCRATS, right?).

Here’s the chart:

Citizens for Belknap RINO Report

This Democrat started, funded, led, and strategized Citizens for Belknap PAC that has roiled Republican politics here in Belknap County since the beginning of the year.  I’m so glad that they have let all of us know who their political allies in the Republican Party are.

Just ask yourself:

If they are willing to align themselves with Democrats (and make no mistake, they have for months), what will they do to YOU if they get into office in expressing their Democrat-aligned views?


(H/T: The Laconia Daily Sun, Page 8-9))


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 16:30 +0000

Another week and more Monday memes than you can shake an F-15 at (or should I say, at which you can shake an F-15). Sometimes we pretend to care about the grammar.

Make sure you scroll down to the bottom for the three short videos at the end.

But proceed at your own risk. There be ridicule ahead!



Glenn Beck



Feminism, gender agenda, and stereotypes




Biden Speech – Palpatine



The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 15:21 +0000

The primary election that will be held in Windham, NH, tomorrow (9/13/22) has the rare and dubious distinction of having a state-appointed election monitor to ensure all election laws and procedures are properly followed by Windham election officials.

This extraordinary intervention by the Secretary of State (SOS) & Attorney General (AG) is mandated by law after more than 130 election laws, and procedures were discovered regarding Windham’s mismanagement of the November 3, 2020, General Election.

One of those violations was the improper folding of absentee ballots through candidate ovals. Hundreds of them – that caused Windham’s voting machines to malfunction and miscount over a thousand votes.

This was dubbed “The Windham Incident” after it made national – and even worldwide news because it produced the largest unexplained numerical discrepancy in the history of NH between election day and a recount. It led to an audit of the machines and ballots, as well as a year-long investigation by the AG and SOS.

The audit concluded that during the 2020 General Election, Windham election officials ignored the indented fold lines on each absentee ballot that identify the correct fold location that avoids a fold being made through an oval.

After the AG/SOS’s year-long investigation, every Windham election official was put on notice. On January 7, 2022, a joint letter from the Secretary of State and NH Attorney General was sent to Windham’s town attorney, the Board of Selectmen, Town Moderator Peter Griffin, Assistant Moderator Betty Dunn, and Town Clerk Nicole Merrill to provide their findings.

That letter concluded, “Windham’s election night results were not just imprecise, they were fundamentally flawed … Simply put, town election officials cut corners.”

After the “Windham Incident” debacle, it is reasonable to expect that Windham’s election officials would take extra care and caution to ensure all election laws and procedures are followed. Especially that no fold would be made through an oval on any absentee ballot that could cause the voting machines to malfunction and miscount votes again.

Sadly, the absentee ballot below was sent to a Windham voter for the 2022 primary election. It was folded through two ovals. History is repeating – and the results of Windham’s primary election are already in doubt before the first vote is even counted.

In the image below, the fold goes through the oval for Gubernatorial candidate Julian M. Acciard and the write-in candidate for County Commissioner.

The back of the ballot (below) clearly shows the pre-indented fold line where the ballot is supposed to be folded – and the fold that was made by a Windham election official that goes through two candidate ovals (on the other side). It is not close.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SAFE-T Act Denies Police Ability To Remove Trespassers From Private Property, Abolishes Cash Bail

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 15:00 +0000

The latest disaster waiting to unfold will now take place in Illinois. Chiraq, helmed by the horribly inept and clueless Lori Lightfoot, has long dominated the list of deadliest cities in America. Still, this wasn’t enough for state legislators and bat-s*** crazy governor J.B. Pritzker.

Back in 2021, they signed the inane SAFE-T Act to enshrine and codify leniency for the vilest thugs living amongst us – and threatening everyone else with mayhem and murder.

Capitol News Illinois sounded off the alarm with its admittedly banal description of this far-reaching, dangerous legislation, poised to become law of Lincoln’s Land come 2023:

The Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today Act, known as the SAFE-T Act, passed with the backing of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus in the early hours of Jan. 13, 2021.

The broad-ranging measure abolishes cash bail beginning in January 2023, reforms police training, certification and use-of-force standards, expands detainee rights, and requires body cameras at all departments by 2025.

Since its passage, the measure has been amended twice to accommodate concerns of law enforcement groups, pushing back certain effective dates and changing some of the initial use-of-force language.

Reading that doesn’t do the SAFE-T act justice, pun not intended. For a real glimpse into the terrifying realities being wrought by lunatic leftists, it is worth listening to every second of Illinois’s Orland Park Mayor Keith Pakau.



There is so much packed into this one-minute snippet that it’s hard to assimilate all of the terrible things happening the first time listening. Below is a transcript of what Mayor Pakau said:

As of January 1st, 2023, the following things will go into effect. And people need to be aware of this.

It abolishes cash bail for almost every offense. This includes, but isn’t limited to, kidnapping, armed robbery, second degree murder, drug-induce homicide, aggarvated DUI, threatening a public official, and aggraveted fleeing and looting.

Offenders released on electronic monitoring have to be in violation for 48 hours before law enforcement can act. They could almost drive to Alaska before we can even look for them.

It denies victims their constitutional rights. And keep this in mind, businesses and homeowners. Officers will no longer be able to remove trespassers from your residence or your businesses. Someone could decide to live in your shed and all we can do is give them a ticket.

You have to decide what level of force is required to remove them, and whether or not it’s legal.

This is a massive threat to the residents of Orland Park, Cook County, and Illinois.

“Yikes’ hardly begins to capture the truly awful components of this legislation. It is not hard – indeed, it is quite simple – to envision how this will play out. As with everything offered by leftism, this is a reminder that leftism hates humanity and it doesn’t hold precious the sanctity of life, liberty, and property. It is an evil ideology that produces nothing but carnage.

You voted for this, Illinois. Now live with the consequences.



Hailey Sanibel writes at The Blue State Conservative

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Famine and Food Shortage Generational Treason

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 13:30 +0000

One of the most obvious forgone conclusions is: “If we have no farmers, we have no food.” Deep State friends of tyranny today arrogantly work to bring their dream of no farmers and the starving and famine this will create.

The Dutch farmers, the most prosperous in Europe, are a priority on the list, fighting for their livelihood and lives, for their government is following in lockstep with the “insider planned tyranny” of the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the European Union and don’t forget the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Green policies only duplicate red Communist policies of decades gone by. Yes, we now have these corporate “watermelon Marxists”  zeroing in to control the world food supply under the banner of protecting the environment and land globally.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

The highest productive farms are targeted to maximize the world food shortage.

Farms produce natural fertilizer and ammonia from the manure pile, but it doesn’t stink as bad as the mandate to cut cattle herds by as much as 25 to 95 percent.

The “nitrogen emissions” that all farm production depends on to produce life-giving food are made the enemy. Specifically, today in Holland, tomorrow: Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Ireland, and Belgium. These criminal policies then will grow to control the whole world.

Think about the entire last half of the twentieth century, we fought cold wars and no-win hot unconstitutional wars to contain “communism.” These “Insiders” have changed their tactics from the red menace of communism. Now they want to control us by limiting the food supply to their choosing because  “fear and food shortages”  create dependency on big brother’s care.

Check out the 9/12/22 issue of The New American for powerful documentation.

Today Citizens of our nation must face reality, we must fight the root of those problems yesterday, “continuous wars,” the same root today now that attacks our life, liberty, and our pursuit of happiness with environmental treason against humanity. We must contain them, for their arrogant audacity in many ways, financed communism. Today, their game plan lusts to enslave the world.

Their latest plan of action ultimately includes every human being on the planet, which includes you. First, the free world, specifically the United States. It is called the Great Reset that will implement Agenda 21 and 30. Klaus Schwab and his comrade criminals plan a New World Order for you. They even brag, “no one will own anything. Agenda 21 and 30 are not healthy for your environment.

In Holland, their prototype “trial balloon” advocates replacing the 11,200 farms they will destroy and reduce the production of another 17,600 farmers. With corporate mega-farms operating under the name of the Food Action Alliance, created by the World Economic Forum and all their globalist billionaires, they will perfect the process of creating food shortages that Joseph Stalin used to starve 7 million people in 1932 with his planned famine in Ukraine.

But this “war on liberty is not new.” You might say it goes back to the “Garden of Eden.” But, let’s just go back to when the 200-year war on God and the Constitution really got into high gear during the 1930s Depression. The same Insiders reproduce their “treason” from one generation to another. One generation of evil stands on the shoulders of the next. I call it “generational treason.”

Let’s just take one example.

Here, sticking to the same issue of government-mandated food shortages, picture in your mind how hungry-dependent people will do anything to get a bowl of soup. Much of what follows is from a book I read some 50 years ago that left a lasting impact on my mind of just how “morally depraved” criminal government can reach into the depths of hell when men and women lust to seek total power.

The name of the book is, “Ill Fares The Land.”

One of President Roosevelt’s first major accomplishments, The Agriculture Adjustment Act, began the socialist war on farmers by paying farmers not to grow crops. It’s not surprising that this farm plan came out of the Soviet Union, where it failed to produce food but starved a lot of people, so it was a success for Lenin.

It’s not shocking that this happened or that the first Communist Party Cell called the Harold Ware Cell was in the Agriculture Department with Communist members: Alger Hiss, later in the 40’s, a convicted Soviet Agent who co-authored the UN Charter along with his Soviet counterpart and became the first Secretary General of the United Nations. While people were close to starving in our nation, Hiss, along with his Communist comrades in the Agriculture Department: Nathan Witt, Lee Pressman, John Abt, and Communist Henry H. Collins Jr., Harry Dexter White, and  Lauchlin Currie, were teachers as well as students at Harvard.

On page 35 of the book, I quote:

“Despite the fact that the number of hogs on our farms had been declining steadily from an all-time peak of 970 per 1,000 total population in 1872 …. to only 475 in 1932, Secretary Wallace buckled on his official armor in 1933 and set his face resolutely to battle against the porcine hosts which threatened our nation. When the conflict ended, and Secretary Wallace hung up his sword, 6,188,717 little pigs and 223,247 brood sows to farrow had been slain—- much of the total made into fertilizer and inedible grease.” Mind you, this idiocy was done with the purpose to control prices. It took place while tens of thousands were standing in soup lines in our large cities. Makes about as much sense as today choking  Dutch farmers with “nitrogen reduction idiocy.”

Socialism is always a failure for the people, while it is a success for the elite. It’s planned that way. It reminds me of a great quote from John Stuart Mill that describes why we have been so easy to exploit: “He who lets the world or his own portion of it choose his plan of life for him, has no need of any other faculty than the ape-like one of imitation.” This has been the mysterious thief that has been stealing our liberty. All we have to do to get to the root of the problem is first look into the mirror. May God forgive us and motivate us to action!

The post Famine and Food Shortage Generational Treason appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

My Endorsements for Hollis, NH GOP Primary (and beyond)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 12:00 +0000

A time for choosing. First, pick the best and brightest candidates who will restrain government size/spending/taxation, and who can beat the democrats. Here’s my recommendations:

  • Governor – No recommendation. Sununu will probably win the primary.
  • Senate – General Don Bolduc. Endorsed by our team; understands the Constitution.
  • Congress (CD2) – Lily Tang Williams. Endorsed by our team; Understands the Constitution, and where socialism leads us.
  • Executive Council – Dave Wheeler. Local businessman and a good conservative record.
  • NH Senate (12) – Kevin Avard – A reliable conservative voting record and very accessible.
  • Hillsboro 35 – Sue Homola, a reliable conservative and Liz Barbour, well known businesswoman in Hollis, with a great deal of common sense.
  • Hillsboro 45 redistricted flotarial seat for Hollis, Brookline, Mason, Greenville – Jack Flanagan, a reliable legislator, former Republican Majority leader, and very good at providing feedback to his constituents.
  • Registrar of Deeds – Dennis Hogan, who previously provided able representation as County Attorney.

    (We still love Keith Ammon, but he doesn’t represent this town any more – if you’re in his district, he’s your best bet!)


    More Details

    US Senate – General Don BolducDon Bolduc
    What can I say? A hero, an outsider, not owned by anybody inside or outside the party, endorsed by a large majority of the Grok team, and ready to take on Maggie Hassan AND the “swamp.” See our endorsement and a recent debate. And finally his Outsider advert.


    Congressional District 2 – Lily Tang WilliamsLily Tang Williams
    Lily has been impressing voters, and especially parents across the Granite State for a few years now. A student of Law in Shanghai, Lily realized that liberty and Justice were impossible in Communist China, where the law and the party are one and the same thing. She is “American by choice.”
    She has been a scathing critic of Woke culture, Cancel culture, Critical Race Theory, and especially the creeping “Social Credit” system in this country. She wants to make a difference before the country she loves turns into the country she left – we need her! See the Granite Grok Endorsement.


    Executive Council District 5 – Dave WheelerDave Wheeler
    A local businessman, a great guy, a reliable voting record – stick with the man who has represented this corner of NH well for five terms on the Executive Council.

    Dave Wheeler lives in Milford and is running for his sixth term for Executive Council. He previously served from 2001-2005, 2011-2013, 2015-2019, and 2021-2022; served as a District 11 State Senator 1992-98; and served as Milford State Representative 1988-92. He and his wife Joy have four children and two foster children. He is the owner of Maranatha Carpet and Miracle Acres Farm where he grows Christmas Trees and produces Maple Syrup.


    NH Senate District 12 – Kevin AvardKevin Avard
    A reliable conservative voting record and very accessible.

    Kevin Avard is a small business owner who will protect our rights and hold the line on taxes and spending and create new jobs. While liberals like Melanie Levesque want to grow government and increase burdensome rules and regulations, Kevin has worked to lessen the weight on New Hampshire’s small businesses.


    Hillsboro 35 – Hollis Reps
    Sue for HollisSue Homola – Fighting the good fight for our liberties in Concord: “Giving government back to the people.” Sue has proven to be an effective legislator and a fighter on our behalf – let’s make sure we send her to Concord again this term.


    Liz and Ted BarbourLiz Barbour – 23 year resident, gardener, businesswoman, celebrity chef, frequent volunteer on various town committees. Liz would like to bring that same sense of service to Concord to fight for our constitutional rights and liberties.


    Hillsborough 45 Flotarial – Hollis, Brookline, Mason, Greenville

    Jack FlanaganJack Flanagan – reliable 4 term state legislator, and good at keeping his constituents informed.
    At the State House, Jack Flanagan has served as Majority Leader and on the House Labor Committee, the Legislative Administration Committee, House Rules Committee, and the Joint Committee on Legislative Facilities.


    Hillsborough Registry of Deeds – Dennis Hogan

    Dennis Hogan Dennis served us well previously as County Attorney, and believes that: “You need a government servant that will support your property interests, fight for the needs of our community and earn your respect.”




    Please don’t forget to vote 7am-7pm Tuesday the 13th at the Lawrence Barn (Hollis citizens) – see you there!

    The post My Endorsements for Hollis, NH GOP Primary (and beyond) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

One of the “Safest*” Democrat Run Cities in America Passes 500 Murders for 2022

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 10:30 +0000

In Progressive mythology, gun control does not mean a tight grouping on the target; it means disarming law-abiding citizens. A corollary to that is making it as difficult or expensive as possible for those who insist on protecting themselves. The stated goal is public safety but the reality is the inverse.

Chicago has more gun control laws than you can shake a pointy stick at (be careful with that; stick regulations might be next), which must make it the Safest Place On Earth.

It has to be. Every Democrat in every other state at every level wants, needs, or protects the same laws the Democrats in Chicago insist keep us safe. And how is that working out?

With four months left, 2,552 people have been shot in Common Sense Gun Law Chicago. Of those, 2,097 were wounded, and 455 were killed. The Windy City has had 502 murders so far in 2022 (on pace to set a new ‘safety*’ record).

There have been 1,144 carjackings and 35 mass shootings in Chicago in 2022, where four or more people are shot in the same event. They’ve had 52 incidents where three people were shot and 241 where two people were shot.

When Democrats tell their common sense gun law fairy tale Chicago is the realization of that dream. Crime, chaos, and murder. A dream they want to spread your city or town.

And they will if you let them.

Your job is to make sure people who’d rather not pay attention understand that their fairy tale is actually a nightmare and its name is Chicago.



HT | Hey Jackass


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Karoline Leavitt on Tucker Carlson

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-09-12 00:00 +0000

Right after her rally with US Senator Ted Cruz on Thursday, she appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show (same venue as the rally just that everyone was gently shooed out of the yard including yours truly).  The topic was how NASTY the CD-1 race has become with lots of outside-the-state money coming in “to get her” and it hasn’t helped that The Slickster’s (that would be Matt Mowers) campaign has gone the same route. And yes, I have the mailers that have arrived.

Hey Matt?  Would you be willing to do and say the same things to your mother?  Your wife?  I’m betting your mom would be reaching for the nearest bar of soap and your wife would be reaching for her phone and dialing 1-800-DIVORCE (see, I can play this game, when provoked, as well). Not the mark of a “gentleman” that I can derive. And being plugged in, I’ve heard nothing from you concerning dissociating yourself from that sign nor the tactic by which it was placed.

But anyways, here is Karoline on with Tucker and while I am NOT suggesting that Mowers is behind the sign that is displayed at the top of this post and at the beginning of the Tucker piece (I HOPE that he is above that dark level of political mud-throwing); take a listen.

Leavitt on Matt Mowers: “Hand Picked Puppet”. She’s taking on the Establishment both here in NH and in DC.  Tuesday is two days away – I ask you for your vote for her!

Oh, and add this: New England’s “Radio Talker”, Howie Carr, has endorsed Karoline.  Like GraniteGrok, he endorses VERY few people – and now she’s one of them.

The post Karoline Leavitt on Tucker Carlson appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

On the 21st Birthday of 9-11, Let’s Ask: Who Is an Enemy Combatant?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 22:30 +0000

On September 14, 2001, a mere three days after Americans were stunned by the destruction of the World Trade Center, President Bush asked for, and got, a joint resolution from Congress, enacted on September 18, as follows:

“That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11,  2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”

That is known as the “AUMF” – the Authorization for the Use of Military Force. It has a sunset clause, but every year – 19 times so far — Congress has renewed it.  Congress is notably lax in enforcing Article, sec 8 of the United States Constitution, which gives the legislature exclusive authority to declare war. (See my lawsuit, Maxwell v Trump).

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Op-Ed Please direct yours to

In plain English, the AUMF authorizes a presidential move against any person “he determines” to be a Nine-Elevener, including a US citizen, with no further due process needed. He can “use force.

I ask: can the president of the US legally instruct the military to US grab citizens, render them overseas to “black sites,” and interrogate them as enemy combatants? I will also look into the legal power to try a civilian by “military tribunal” and, if they are convicted, to execute them without the benefit of the judiciary.

There are different legal principles and laws involved in regard to the legality of the renditions and military tribunals. Four laws and four court cases will come into the discussion.  The first law is the AUMF of 2001, quoted above. The other three are: the Military Commissions Act of 2009, the NDAA of 2012, and the criminal law of treason.  The court cases are Hamdi of 2004, Hamdan of 2006, Hedges of 2013, and Ex parte Quirin of 1942.

Can persons be “rendered” to CIA black sites in Europe or to Gitmo? Basically, this article analyzes jurisdiction: Who has the authority to “bring to justice” persons who can be shown to have betrayed the nation?  But the subject of jurisdiction is boring. Let’s spice it up with the following question: Who has jurisdiction right now, today, to arrest any American who played a part on September 11, 2001, in attacking the New York WTC or the Pentagon?

Enemy Combatants 

Normally you would think that a US citizen cannot be removed from the country to be interrogated (or tortured) at a black site. But a civilian can be dealt with as an “enemy combatant” if he is fighting against the US (per Hamdi; see below).

Note: we are not talking about court-martialing under the UCMJ – the United Code of Military Justice.  That is a domestic law in the US that applies only to members of the US military, not civilians.

The UCMJ came about via Congress’ power in Article I, section 8, clause 14 “To make rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces.”

Hamdi v Rumsfeld, 2004

Hamdi was a US citizen captured in Afghanistan and accused of aiding the enemy. The important point today from this 2004 SCOTUS ruling, is that a US citizen can be designated an enemy combatant. Under the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, the decision as to whether he is a combatant can be made by an executive branch’s Combat Status Review Tribunal – CSRT’s.

Hamdi agreed to be freed at the expense of forfeiting his US citizenship. Another citizen, Jose Padilla, was included in the Hamdi case and was removed to the brig in South Carolina.

Hamdan v Rumsfeld, 2006

A man with a similar name, Hamdan, was not a US citizen. Nevertheless, he sought access to American courts from his location at Gitmo. This resulted, at US Supreme Court level, in such detainees being given at least some rights.

One of the court’s decisions was that a president cannot set up military commissions without legislation for it.  Thus, Congress enacted the Military Commissions Act, the MCA in 2006.

MCA — Military Commissions Act of 2009

Following another SCOTUS ruling, in Boumediene, a new MCA was passed in 2009. It extended further rights to NON-citizen detainees, such as making information acquired by torture inadmissible.

The Military Commissions Act of 2009 is “to authorize trial by military commission for violations of the law of war, and for other purposes.”  The phrase “and for other purposes” is very open-ended! (Note: The term “Military Tribunal” is not the same as Military Commission. A tribunal is part of the UCMJ for soldiers.)

The NDAA – National Defense Authorization Acts

Now let’s turn to, the NDAA of 2012. According to the US Constitution, Congress cannot fund an army for more than two years at a time.  Hence every two years it passes a new National Defense Authorization Act. The 2012 Act was signed by President Obama on December 31, 2011. It provides for indefinite detention of enemy combatants, whether or not they were caught on the battlefield.

In a memo, President Obama stated that AUMF apples to a person who “was part of the Taliban, or al-Qaida forces, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act, or has directly supported hostilities, in aid of such enemy armed forces…” [Emphasis added]

As the memo was dated March 13 those criteria are known as “the March 13 standard.”  Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder had said, in a speech at Northwestern University School of Law, on March 5, 2012:

“… there may be members of certain terrorist groups who fall outside the jurisdiction of military commissions because, for example, they lack ties to al Qaeda, and their conduct does not otherwise make them subject to prosecution in this forum. Additionally, by statute, military commissions cannot be used to try U.S. citizens….

“[In 2011], all three branches of the government weighed in to affirm the ongoing relevance of the 2001 AUMF and its application not only to those groups that perpetrated the 9/11 attacks or provided them safe haven but also to certain others who were associated with them.” Wow.

Hedges v Obama  (2nd Circuit, 2013)

The NDAA 2012’s section on “associated” persons was challenged by Chris Hedges, a former New York Times writer, on the grounds of its ambiguity. He argued that journalists would have to cut back on their fieldwork, lest they be “associated” with, say, a Taliban member.

A district court agreed, but the Second Circuit overruled, and SCOTUS declined to hear the case.


Is dealing with treason by use of rendition and interrogation legal? So far, we looked at the AUMF of 2001, the MCA of 2009, and the NDAA of 2012. It is clear that there are military commissions for enemy combatants, per the MCA, and that the Hamdi ruling says that a US citizen can be an enemy combatant.  However, it appears that only aliens can be tried by a military commission:

The AUMF’s wording gives enormous discretion to the Executive branch: “… the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned or aided…[etc.].”

The NDAA of 2012 also has loose wording:

“or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States…, including any person who has committed a belligerent act, or has directly supported hostilities, in aid of such enemy armed forces.”

Next we ask: Does a 1942 precedent still hold?

Ex Parte Quirin, 1942

In 1942, the US president, FDR, used a military tribunal to convict six German saboteurs. That is to say, the decision of a justice matter, normally held in a court, was taken by the executive branch. The saboteurs were enemies of the US, as Germany and the US were at war. On the battlefield, the president could order them killed.  But did he have the right to “tribunalize” the captives in the US?

FDR issued a Proclamation: “all persons who are subjects, citizens or residents of any nation at war with the United States… [and who enter the US] through coastal or boundary defenses, and are charged with committing or … sabotage, espionage [etc.] shall be subject to the law of war and to the jurisdiction of military tribunals”.

The US Supreme Court in Ex Parte Quirin, 1942, held:

“there is a class of unlawful belligerents not entitled to [POW] privilege… And by Article 15 of the Articles of War, Congress has made provision for their trial and punishment by military commission, according to ‘the law of war’.”

Quirin has never been specifically overruled.  FDR, on his own initiative, ran a tribunal that tried and indeed executed six German saboteurs. No US citizens was involved, however.


The crime of treason is spelled out in the US Constitution. The wording in federal law is at 18 USC 2381:

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

This law is almost never used, no matter how obvious the treachery of some Americans may be.  Note: The domestic War Crimes Act also goes begging.  See its easy-to-qualify-for provisions at 2441. Presumably, there is a blockage in the Attorney General’s office that makes it “impossible” to prosecute treason and war crimes!



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If People Serving Alcohol are Liable for Harms by Drunk Drivers, What About …

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 21:00 +0000

For years liability concerning harms resulting from the consumption of alcohol has been a subject of debate. Not liquor stores and spousal abuse, but bars and patrons. Homeowners and their guests.

If you “overserve” and allow them to leave, keys in hand, someone might come looking to milk you if harms result.

I’m not a lawyer, nor do I play one on the internet, but I like these thought experiments. So, do those insisting on gun-free zones have any liability for harm if you can’t defend yourself?

In the Granite State, we protect your right to open or conceal-carry a firearm. Anyone who can legally buy, own or possess one can carry it in all but a very few places. It gives the progressive luminaries, and their ideological baggage train fits from politicians who want to defund the police while disarming you (because we have police) to shop-owners and even school administrators who can’t abide the notion of self-defense with a firearm.

The hoplophobes say, no guns, please (Dammit!).

The enumerated natural right to self-defense disturbs them. They’d be fine burning down a minority business in the name of black lives or watching Antifa shoot a black man for defending that property (especially if they happen to vote Republican), but not you, not on their holy ground ever.

But then that’s what concealed carry is all about, yes? The knowledge that someone might be armed and trained to shoot back almost anywhere you are allowed to be. And these gun-free-zone-sign folks still benefit from the perception because many law-abiding citizens ignore the sign. After all, criminals ignore the sign.

We’ll call that equity.

Absent a right to self-defense (or the perception of opposing force equal or greater than their own), criminals would seek to have their way with anyone who didn’t have Joe’s F-15s (or nukes), and that’d be a lot of folks. You just need to be bigger or more numerous than the target, and the success of your lawlessness increases (another term for this is Democracy).

But the hoplophobes have been programmed to fear individuals more than governments, so they post signs declaring some geographic space or location a gun-free zone. A sign (as previously noted) that no criminal will ever obey, so back to my thought experiment.

If you think we should be able to sue a homeowner or a restaurant for letting someone leave under the influence of alcohol which then causes damage to property or life, why not those who establish gun-free zones in a state or nation whose highest law enumerates the right you’ve denied?

Maybe even your local, county, or state government.

At least on paper, those Constitution things are the highest law of the land. And yes, I get the whole thing about private property and honoring the wishes of those who “own” it, but they don’t truly own it, do they? The government is letting them live there. The landlord who holds the lease owns it as long as they pay their taxes. You can transfer it to someone else and make some money, which the government will tax. And while you may have certain rights to your property on the property, if you don’t pay taxes, the government may try to take both, thus the need for a second amendment.

There is no criminal greater than the State and one of many reasons why the pro-government crowd wants you disarmed, but that’s not the point of this discussion. It’s a what-if kind of thing. What if people who posted gun-free zone signs in a state like New Hampshire could be legally liable for injuries resulting from an inability to carry and defend yourself?

If you did carry and you caused injury, damage, or death, you’d be responsible, so why not the other way around?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Best Businesses of All Sizes to Launch in New Hampshire

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 20:33 +0000

Are you prepared to launch a company in New Hampshire? We can assist you in starting your ideal company in only a few minutes.

Do you possess an entrepreneurial mindset and the desire to work for yourself? Choosing the best business for you while starting your own company may be thrilling and gratifying. New Hampshire might be a terrific spot to start your own business if you have the correct business strategy. Choosing the ideal business to launch in New Hampshire is the first step.

When you ask yourself, “What’s the absolute best among businesses to launch in New Hampshire,” there are many factors to take into account. The response is based on your preferences, unique skills, market trends, and available resources. You may get started right away with the aid of our beginner’s company materials and services.

The New Hampshire Small Business Ideas with the Highest Profit Rates

You should aim for a business that is both profitable and that you genuinely love running. If running a firm is not enjoyable, what is the point? The best company plans in New Hampshire are not necessarily the most profitable ones, but occasionally they are. Some niches are even out of your reach due to restrictions in the state laws or unwritten rules. For instance, forget all about establishing an online gambling company as only one operator can legally conduct business in New Hampshire since 2019 – and that is the DraftKings sportsbook. For that reason, even foreign gambling sites, such as the best casino sites in Nicaragua, cannot make a breakthrough in the New Hampshire market.

The following is a compilation of New Hampshire business concepts to consider.

Firm for Digital Marketing

To launch a digital marketing company, you do not need to be an expert in the field. Not even an office is necessary. Many digital marketing companies employ or hire freelancers who are experts in a variety of fields, including web development, graphic design, content creation, and more.

Meetings with clients or employees can be quite successful in collaborative workspaces. Also, your potential employees can work remotely.

Services for Hair Care

Currently, salons comprise 95% of the American hair market. These services are frequently designed with women in mind. Fewer options exist for male-specific services because barbershops only make up 3.5% of the market.

The most in-demand industry in New Hampshire might also be the finest one to start. There is a significant probability that there will be a demand for these services if you are skilled in hairstyling and grooming or prepared to hire others who are.

Food Truck

The ideal company to start in New Hampshire may be a food truck if you enjoy cooking and are a pro in the kitchen. According to the 2021 industry statistics, the food truck market is expected to increase by 2.4% annually, making this an attractive business opportunity.

A food truck is a fantastic method to really get started with a smaller investment if you want to open a restaurant. Additionally, you have the chance to play with your menu and learn about the demographics of other places.

Apple Products with a Distinction

Computers are not the topic of this discussion. One of New Hampshire’s most plentiful crops is apples. You might be able to profit from this cash crop regardless of whether you possess land to develop your private orchard or buy apples from nearby farmers.

Think of traditional foods like apple cider, apple pie, apple butter, and others. These can be produced on a bigger scale for wholesale purchasing or sold at neighborhood markets.

Healthcare Accounting

As the healthcare sector becomes more digital, medical billing is expanding. Increasing at a pace of 12.2% to $4.9 billion in the previous five years, with an anticipated increase of 5.7% in 2021, outsourcing healthcare accounting is a phenomenon that has exploded in recent years. Numerous certification programs are available.

This might be the greatest New Hampshire business to start if you are seeking something you can do from home with ease.

Printing Custom Clothing

There is always a demand for custom printing, regardless of whether you serve businesses like shops and restaurants schools, sports teams, or a mix of everything.

Depending on your early goals, the main start-up cost may vary. The physical printing press plus additional space for work could be all you need to get started small and work from home. You might take into account opening a storefront in a larger size.

Teaching Music

Now, this is for those who have skills that others wish to acquire. This probably is not a good fit if you do not exactly know how to play anything. The finest business to establish in New Hampshire while doing what you love, though, may be for someone who is passionate about playing one or more instruments or even singing.

Open a studio, conduct lessons in a client’s house, or teach from home.

Teaching Yoga

Recent data shows that Americans spend $16 billion a year on yoga programs and equipment. A certification is needed to become a yoga instructor, but if you love yoga, this may be a fantastic fit for you. Yoga can be taught in studios, at home, online, in parks, and even in breweries and wineries.

There are several ways to transform this idea into the ideal small business to launch in New Hampshire.

Which New Hampshire-based Small Businesses Are the Best to Launch?

Everyone has unique business interests and skills. Choosing the ideal company to launch in New Hampshire seems to be an incredibly individual choice. Profitability is important, but do not forget to also take into account your available business resources, long-term goals, and lifestyle preferences.

We decided to highlight these New Hampshire’s business ideas for the following reasons:

  • These enterprises can all start out big or small,
  • Startup costs are comparatively low,
  • The majority of these can be run from home,
  • The majority of these enterprises are necessary,
  • There are minimum education or training prerequisites,

For each person, a different small business venture is the perfect one to launch in New Hampshire. You should prioritize starting a home-based business if it is something that is essential to you. Lean into something if it is something you are passionate about.

Best Locations (Cities) To Set off a Business in New Hampshire

Location is a crucial factor to consider. If there are currently five yoga studios within a 10-mile radius and you intend to open one, you might want to reevaluate your plans.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Manchester
  • Concord
  • Rochester
  • Derry
  • Nashua
  • Londonderry

City-to-city differences in business licenses and permissions are also possible. Decide where in New Hampshire would be the ideal for you to launch your firm.

It takes more than simply a fantastic idea to launch a successful business, but it is a crucial beginning step. You must decide which corporate structure will best suit your demands after deciding on your line of business. Do not be afraid to ask for advice from one of the startup consultancy firms in the neighborhood.

The post The Best Businesses of All Sizes to Launch in New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sightseeing Recommendations: Top 10 Attractions in Nashua for Tourists of All Ages

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 20:20 +0000

Being twice chosen by Money Magazine as the best place for living in the USA from a financial point of view, Nashua, the second-largest city within the New Hampshire state, is by all accounts a great place to visit or call home.

When the Nashua River was utilized to power the city’s textile mills, the city’s early development was centered on the textile industry. Nashua is still thriving today despite the disappearance of the whole textile industry because of the many other industries that provide stable economic growth.

Let’s explore the top 15 stuff you can do in Nashua (with such a storied past).

Unwind at Mine Falls Park

Mine Falls Park is located near the center of Nashua. It has marshes, open fields, and 325 acres of forest. The Nashua River is to the park’s north, and a canal network and Millpond are to the park’s south. In the park, visitors can go walking, boating, cross-country skiing, riding, and fishing among other activities.

The park’s name comes from a time when low-quality lead was extracted from an island underneath the falls in the 1700s. A century later, it was found that perhaps the Nashua River could power industry, and a three-mile canal was constructed.

Skate More Proficiently at Conway Arena

This is the spot to go if you prefer to practice ice hockey or just skate. At the Conway Arena, there are numerous activities happening, like lessons, competitions, and freestyle skating. You can come and observe or participate in the adult and junior ice hockey leagues that are now in play.

To ensure you are in the finest quality hands once you hit the ice, there are always knowledgeable instructors and first aid personnel on-site. Making contact before showing up is generally a good idea considering the number of events going on.

Check out the Holman Stadium

Since its first opening in September 1937, numerous teams have called the Holman stadium home. The Futures Collegiate Baseball League’s Nashua Silver Knights now play their home games here. Since 2019, betting is generally deemed legal in the state, and the residents of New Hampshire have the opportunity to bet on the Silver Knights and all other teams in the Futures Collegiate Baseball League but only via one online operator given it is the only one whose operation is regulated – DraftKings. If you are a resident of New Hampshire and want to have more options to bet on the Internet, such as through betting sites in Lebanon, you will have to have a permanent residency elsewhere.

Even though the Holman stadium only seats 4,000 people, home games always have a buzzing atmosphere. In the past, the stadium has also played host to performances with artists like Whitney Houston and Tina Turner. Charles Frank Holman gave $50,000 toward the construction of the stadium, earning it his name.

For the Windblown Cross Country Ski Area, Snow Shoes Should Be Prepared

People enjoy skiing all around New Hampshire, however, the majority of locations only provide downhill runs. The flat and downhill ski trails at Windblown Cross Country Ski Area are also available. Roughly 40 kilometers of paths with varying degrees of difficulty are available.

After your snowshoeing or skiing is done, you will find a Base Lodge that offers a lot of filling cuisine and some very nice wood-heated places.

Spend the Day at Greeley Park

About 125 acres make up Greeley Park in Nashua; it was first bought by Joseph Greeley in 1801 and given to his son, who later donated the parkland to the city in 1896. Prior to being renamed Greeley Park and made public, the park was first known as Greeley Farm.

The park has a little pond, a fountain, several flower beds, and a rest area. Numerous citywide events, such as Halloween’s “Fright Night“ and the Fairy Tale Festival take place here.

Visit the Court Street Theater To See a Play

The historic Central Firehouse from 1870 and a new building that was attached to it make up part of the Court Street Theater, which first opened its doors to the general public in 1971. The Nashua Symphony Orchestra and other theater companies have both rented space in the structure throughout the years.

With its 150-seat capacity and frequent performances by the Peacock Players, this place is one of the most well-liked nightclubs in the neighborhood.

Experience Something Novel at Sky Venture

Sky Venture has been successful in creating a venture park that is totally original and unmatched by any other. You may experience the exhilaration of indoor skydiving here. You will never experience the sensation of falling but instead float in the air after you try a vertical wind tunnel.

After attempting this, you can move on to the indoor rock wall before concluding your day on the Fishpipe Water Slide, the first revolving barrel ride in the world, where you can roll around or attempt to stand up and surf while sliding farther than the longest water slide in the world.

Definitely Visit a Distillery

Craft distillery Djinn Spirits began operations in 2013. The distillery started out producing white whiskey and gin; it is a laborious process because the owners want to ensure that their product is of the highest caliber possible. A product named Krupnik, a spicy honey liqueur based on a 500-year-old recipe, was introduced in 2014.

The distillery’s owners are always eager to give you a tour and explain how their goods are manufactured, and there are many exciting things to learn and observe there.

At the Graffiti Paintbar, Use Your Creativity

Have you ever considered going on a date that includes an evening of painting? No? We thought so! However, the Graffiti Paintbar is indeed a location unlike any other. You arrive, place your drink and food orders, and prepare to paint. You and all the others participants will be led step-by-step through the process of recreating the evening’s main painting by a professional artist.

In addition to date nights, Graffiti Paintbar hosts a variety of events, so you are certain to find something interesting.

Make O’Brien’s Sports Bar a Stop for a Drink or Two

This sports pub is perfect if you enjoy good bars. There are 18 different draft ales, lagers, and beers available. There are 12 huge HD screens, a full restaurant menu, and a drinks refrigerator that is always replenished.

This bar has swiftly grown to be one of the most well-liked locations to dine and drink in the city thanks to its regular happy hours, live music, and other entertainment options.

Nashua is the ideal destination for you if you are looking for exquisite eating, unique shopping, a thriving arts scene, historic buildings, exciting events, or just a spot to unwind in the outdoors.

The post Sightseeing Recommendations: Top 10 Attractions in Nashua for Tourists of All Ages appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And Just Like That NH-NeverTrump Is Against Rigged Elections

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 19:30 +0000

It is gospel over at NH-NeverTrumpJournal that the 2020 election was pristine pure as the virgin snow. In NH-NeverTrumpJournal’s Trump-hating alternate political universe, there was no censorship of Hunter Biden’s laptop and no such thing as Zuckerbucks.

Did NeverTrump really think that the Left would confine their cheating to Trump? Were they really that naive? Apparently that is what Mr. Michael Graham at NH-NeverTrumpJournal believed. Here he is having a twitter temper tantrum over what passes as business-as-usual for the NH-media, blatant bias in favor of the NH-Democrats:

Yes, Michael, that is the standard for “journalism” in New Hampshire. Let me explain. Democrats like Shaheen, Hassan, Pappas get to vote like AOC and Bernie up till election-year and then in an election-year they get to call themselves “moderates” and the NH-media doesn’t just go along with it, they push that narrative.

So in Landrigan’s mind, of course Hassan should get to set the terms for debates. The GOP’s role is to “lose gracefully.” Landrigan’s response to NH-NeverTrumpJournal:

The NH-GOP has only themselves to blame for NH-media acting like it is normal to blatantly favor the NH-Democrats. The so-called leaders of the NH-GOP never push back against the bias and persist in the pathetic delusion that by groveling to Adam Sexton and the rest of the fake-news they will get a fair shake. Not graceful losers, pathetic and weak losers.

The post And Just Like That NH-NeverTrump Is Against Rigged Elections appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

And in this time of fraudulent campaign messages, let me show you a piece of “Truthful Advertising”

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 19:00 +0000

Or, at least, more than what Mowers has been saying about Karoline Leavitt or the GOPe Establishment has been saying about her (posting up later on this evening).  A loyal reader just sent this in as an apt description:

There, a ‘Grok reader has had her say!

(H/T: M)

The post And in this time of fraudulent campaign messages, let me show you a piece of “Truthful Advertising” appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Government vs Warlords (What’s the difference?)

Granite Grok - Sun, 2022-09-11 18:00 +0000

Government is supposed to protect us from the worst of human nature, not embody it. With the current administration, can you tell the difference?

From Bad Cattitude – Substack:

The post Government vs Warlords (What’s the difference?) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Manchester Free Press aims to bring together in one place everything that you need to know about what’s happening in the Free State of New Hampshire.

As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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