The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

New York Real Estate License Requirements You Should Meet

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 08:30 +0000

Getting a New York real estate license can be a lengthy process. Therefore, you need to prepare well to avoid delaying your career launch. The New York State Department of State has set clear guidelines on how to acquire your license. It has also approved various course providers to provide the necessary 77-hour education needed before becoming a real estate agent in NY.

So, what are the requirements that you need to get started? This article will cover them here. Take time to read through it.

Age and Citizenship Requirements for the New York Real Estate License

It is simple; you must have attained an age of 18 years old to be eligible for a New York real estate license. This is not all; you should be a US citizen or legal resident to apply for the license.

You can check for this information online from government websites or various informative platforms to know what to do. When you have met all the necessary requirements, attempt the other steps.

77-Hour State Approved Course

One crucial requirement for a real estate broker license in New York is to complete the 77-hour state-approved course from a reputable course provider. A good school should give you up to six months to complete the course while providing all the necessary learning materials, additional resources, and support that you need to pass. If this is what you are looking for, why not find out more?

Pass the NY Salesperson Exam

The New York real estate license has more requirements than just education. You also need to sit and pass the New York real estate exam. This is very easy if you prepare on time. Fortunately, reputable course providers usually have a package with state exam preparation notes that you can take advantage of. If you get ready early enough, there is no need to panic.

Sponsorship from a Licensed Real Estate Broker

Another important requirement just before you apply for a New York real estate license is to get a sponsorship from a licensed broker. In fact, you can get this even before enrolling in your course so that it can run concurrently to save time. The broker will give you an internship and help you gain field experience.

Apply and Get the New York Real Estate License

If you want to know how to obtain a real estate license in NYC, you are lucky to be here. The last step is to apply for a real estate agent license in NY, which should be done online through the government portal. Once everything has been submitted correctly, you will get your two-year license.


It now feels easy to acquire a New York real estate license. Doesn’t it? These insights will definitely help you to kick-start your career in real estate. However, it does not end here because you are required to take continuing education in preparation for the license renewals and also keep yourself updated.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Local Government: Just Give Us The Money

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 03:00 +0000

High fives and many kudos to Kevin Tyson, “The Feudal Model of State-Funded Education.” He eloquently and accurately described the very concept I held in my mind as I wrote my call for help last weekend.

We need to get that vision firmly implanted in the taxpayers’ minds to have any hope of getting control of the rising tide of taxes, the precipitous fall of our education system, and the incessant attacks on our rights and liberties.

One question I asked at the joint town discussions on our budget for the coming year (Dunstable and Groton are facing a multi-million dollar prop 2 ½ override) was if the town administrators can’t get a handle on their budgets in a time of an historic escalation of real estate values and the attendant historic rise in assessed property values accompanied by the resultant tsunami of tax dollars into town coffers, how are they ever going to manage when values begin to stagnate or fall?

We want to thank Brian Flynn for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

That question posed to the 20 or so administrators sitting at the front tables brought total silence to the room. In other words, they don’t have a clue but just give us the money for now.

The serfs need to begin to wake up, stop being serfs, and reclaim the ruling power given to them by the “angry old white men” of 233 years ago. To quote Mr. Frnklin, “when the people find they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the Republic.”


The post Local Government: Just Give Us The Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Border Crisis: “Give Me The Money”

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 01:00 +0000

Joe Biden has three coined responses when asked about the state of the southern border or the crisis at the border. “Give me the power,” “the problem with the border is Donald Trump and his MAGA friends,” and his personal favorite, “give me the money.”

All of them are sound bites to deflect attention and blame. But none show the magnitude of the impact Joe Biden has had on this country with his poor policy decisions regarding the illegal aliens storming our border at his invitation.

We have repeatedly discussed the Biden border failure over the last three years. With the legacy media finally acknowledging the border crisis, it is crucial that we continue to document the truth to counter the gaslighting of the media and Administration. The biggest falsehood is that the border crisis is connected to legal immigration. Saying this confuses Americans and allows the Democrats to point a blaming finger at Republicans for blocking an immigration reform package. The truth is the Republican-led House passed HR2 nearly two years ago to address legal immigration, but Chuck Schumer blocked the bill in the Senate. Furthermore, no immigration reform bill will have any way of stopping the millions of illegals crossing our border between legal ports of entry. These issues are critical but not connected.

The semantics game is popular in the Biden Administration. If you can attach a new label to a situation or person, you can control the public’s view. The illegal alien has gone through many iterations in the last few years, each designed to soften the image of the criminals crossing our border and changing the look and character of our country.

To be accurate, these folks crossing into America are illegal aliens. Illegal because their first act to come to America was to break the law by violating our sovereign border. Alien because they are from another country. Neither is meant to be offensive; it is just factually accurate.

The Left felt this phrase belittled these people invading our country, so the game began. These same folks who have now discovered sensitivity are the same that assigned the term WOP to Italian immigrants at Ellis Island. WOP is an acronym meaning without papers. These Italians were treated with such little respect that some were given new surnames. Migrants, undocumented aliens, undocumented citizens, and the most recent, newcomers. They seem to be working towards how they see these folks in the future: Democrat Voters.

When Biden addressed the border situation this week, he did so as if he had recently been briefed on the crisis. He claimed that we now need to solve the problem. Where has that commitment been for three years, Joe. He was careful to craft his comments to make some think he wanted to close the border, but in reality, his plan was to expedite the illegal alien-to-newcomer process. He wants more money. Of course, it’s the Democrat solution. He wants more border guards, not to stop, but to assist crossers. He wants more judges, not to deport but to process bogus asylum claims. He wants more money to funnel to NGO, like Catholic and Lutheran Charities, which are raking in billions to transport our new “friends” to every state. Listen carefully to the aged man, who looked weak and feeble as he toured Brownsville, Texas. Joe speaks with a forked tongue.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Recurring Town Meeting Gambits

Granite Grok - Wed, 2024-03-06 01:00 +0000

Many of the gambits at the recent Exeter regional (SAU 16) deliberative meeting, and last year for the Brentwood elementary school, will certainly recur at a town meeting next month near you, and you should identify and resist them.

1. The Pledge of Allegiance and a youth choir singing the National Anthem are not indeed to ground the meeting in patriotism or nationhood but to soften voters up to think as a collective and to consider the young beneficiaries, as when a welfare mother steals food for the babies. (No, don’t object to saying the Pledge! Choose your shots; there are better targets to follow.)

2. The meeting begins with a presentation by the school board touting the undeniable success of its government monopoly. In Exeter, this included a litany of calls for applause for seniority, followed by a video of a series of satisfied pupils talking herd-speak. The assertions made during this propaganda cannot be debated. In Brentwood, objections and even questions were ruled out of order, as “no warrant article has been moved and seconded.” This is your first hint that Parliamentary Rules are not rules but part of the con.

3. Brentwood’s moderator would not allow the mandatory vote to permit out-of-towners to speak. (You see, this would stifle the board’s lawyer, whom we paid–with your money–to attend and argue against you.) In Exeter, a majority gave union bosses from outside the region the right to participate. No; an assertion that cannot be argued by a member of the town or voting region does not have some inherent right to be heard.

4. Warrant articles propagandize by asserting that an off-budget spending item will have “No amount to be raised by taxation.” This is the absurd notion that there can be spending without costs. All such articles would spend money that would otherwise be saved and eventually returned to taxpayers. Dittoes budget “savings” compared to a phony baseline. Compare the effect of a Yes vote only to the effect of a No vote.

5. The headline in the handout at Exeter was that the requested budget reflected a 1% decrease from the previous year. Inside, they admitted that the new school is finally paid for, and there will be $2 million less interest; comparing apples to apples, the budget is actually up almost 4%. Presenters explained which costs have increased but not why they didn’t cut back elsewhere; the reason is that they never cut back anywhere. But every recent budget has had millions of excess in them. In addition, school population continues to crash, as the legislature haltingly lets parents reclaim their state taxes in Education Freedom Accounts and do the right thing for their children without quite paying twice.

An amendment to send half the excess back to taxpayers was met with ridicule, tears, and accusations of partisanship. One opponent said this proposed cut was “arbitrary” (an argument against cutting anything); another charged that it was less well-thought-out than the committee’s budget (an argument against amending anything). (Brentwood’s budget was defended with claims that “We spent a lot of time on this.”). Debate included two union representatives railing against the use of consultants and others raising workplace grievances. Such debate, on an amendment to merely change a dollar amount, is out of order unless the moderator’s goal is to fatigue voters.

6. Citizens make modest attempts to argue dollar amounts. No one ever makes the moral case. The late Grokster Jim Johnson was the last to come close in his 2023 floor remarks referencing “genitalia,” and he was met with personal attacks.

This is SAU 16, the region that–

–Makes barely over half of its pupils proficient. Yes, this is better than the state average of majority non-proficiency. Brentwood voters are told that at least we aren’t Stratham, as our postmaster tells us the USPS compares favorably to most other nations’ monopolies.

–Benched an athlete for privately offering a Bible-based opinion on “gender”–and requires that pupils playing games of pretend be met with support and participation–that is, refuses to teach.

-Marked prom-goers’ hands with Sharpies if they refused to Biden up and wear a feedbag to the prom, to “control” a virus that notoriously did not affect young people.

–Has an “openly queer” Director of Remedial Racism (my term), hired straight from BLM, and given influence over pre-teen curriculum; and if he needs us to know he is queer, he certainly needs them to know.

–Is suing the State of New Hampshire to overturn the new law against teaching “diversity, equity, and inclusion”, but in the meantime has a website peppered with references to DEI.

And see Ann Marie Banfield’s articles on the verbal sexual games with pupils, occasionally becoming physical abuse. Is this supposed to be a surprise? Why would we expect there to be consequences?

7. The board’s lawyer is used as the final word against dissenters. Dissenters open the board up to litigation. (Conservatives willing to incur additional legal costs?–They must be hypocrites!)

A citizen petition proposed that we stop electing regional board members at large, in which voters in each town vote on who best represents every other town. This, like ranked-choice voting in Maine, mostly serves to win through confusion.

The district’s 3-2-1-1-1-1 apportionment of members to towns is obsolete, permissible only because all voters have the same ballot full of strangers–which is the problem, after all. The lawyer said that giving each town its own district would fail one-person-one-vote. But this is one legal opinion, not the word of God. The other side of the story is 2004, when the NH Supreme Court struck down the map of House districts and drew its own map, 88 mostly multi-town districts in which we voted for strangers. But the resulting legislature proposed and we ratified a constitutional amendment that defended floterial districts: We favored local representation over exact numerical equality.

Although the law bans Deliberative meetings from completely gutting a citizen proposal, SAU16 is the body that amended an article asserting “no confidence in the Superintendent” by deleting the word “no”! And here again, the citizen proposal was amended by voice vote to reverse its sense and reverse its binding effect. Voters in March will be asked to cast an “advisory” vote that the current arrangement is just fine. A Yes vote might be used against us next time; a No vote will simply be meaningless. The moderator claimed not to have the power to rule on whether the resulting wording twisted the proposers’ intent, merely saying it addressed the same subject matter. And no one argued that this verbal hack was “not as well-thought-out” as the original proposal had been.

A future proposal with a 7-3-2-1-1-1 reapportionment would surely be close enough to one-person-one-vote–but would be sabotaged in exactly the same way.

8. We are all told that direct democracy and public education are the linch-pins of civility. This is absurd, even to readers who have never gotten up to speak and heard schoolmarms hiss. Respect for others’ rights is the linch-pin. The form of government is irrelevant when the essence of government is taking other people’s money, using the implied threat of force, to support unionized, tenured personnel.

9. Regarding the legislature’s new law against DEI: You cannot legislate to make a racket run like a business, and government education is a racket, which would have too few customers to cover its overhead if the state really put voluntary alternatives on an equal footing. As they should: You cannot rear a principled generation with teachers whose salaries are raised at gunpoint.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is There a Law Against CUI in New Hampshire? (Canoeing Under the Influence)

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 23:00 +0000

While visiting WMUR, I clicked on this (Two children hospitalized after canoe overturns; father charged with DWI). I’m familiar with the Winnipesaukee River. I’ve paddled many parts of it, many times, and at many levels. I’ve done it on New Year’s Day and countless other times in 32-degree water.

I am always dressed properly and in a variety of NON-MOTORIZED vessels. The kind Democrats Lou D’Allesandro and Jeff Goley have repeatedly wanted to tax. Pay attention to the word “non-motorized” because I’ll get back to that in a moment.

And before I forget, I send my “get well soon” wishes to the kids in the hospital.  I’m glad they and their dad are still on our side of the grass. I’m not going to defend his irresponsible behavior as a parent. The experts can discuss that among themselves though I want to point out that DSS has been weaponized against parents that the Damn Emperor has a vendetta against. Just talk to JR or the Domes guy if you want to learn more about that.

I could even take this discussion to talk about “the system” and all its dysfunction, from the 2017 death of 4-year-old Brielle Gage on Queen Heather’s watch to the current youth center litigation, but others can do that if they want. I’m not going to talk recovery stuff, either. There are plenty of fine folks in NH, many on “our side,” who can speak to that from various points of view and wearing many hats with regard to that matter.  They’re certainly welcome to share their thoughts.

And back to my whitewater experience, I’ve paddled with plenty of stoners.  Not only that, I’ve received my fair share of assistance from many of them, whether or not they were using at the time, after I had to eat humble pie on the water myself(usually resulting from an unsuccessful roll attempt after capsizing).  They’ve thrown me a rope, chased after my lost paddle, fetched my capsized boat, and many other acts of kindness.  I certainly don’t want them to appear on the next episode of North Woods Law in an unflattering way.

What I’m here to protest is the father being given a DUI. As referenced earlier, a canoe is just as non-motorized as a bicycle.  This man is being charged with the wrong charge. He might not even drive. Maybe. And another question I have is why couldn’t the local police do their own dirty work of arresting him?  This incident took place far from 93, where the Gestapo hands out most of their DUIs.

Furthermore, I am interested in seeing a copy of this man’s criminal complaint, which should be interesting. That document, which we learned in the fall of 2021, does NOT have to be issued when bail is made. In fact, we all remember nine people having to wait 23 days (from 10/13/21 to 11/5/21) to receive theirs and only to have the signature of the disgraced Officer Provenza instead of the specific stormtrooper who did the deed.

Is this recently arrested man someone who criticized the Damn Emperor?  Or was it that he simply said “amen” after being rescued and seeing his kids rescued?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Did a Free People Become So Persuadable and Meek?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 21:00 +0000

While today’s political dynamics spotlight our need to clean house, today’s situation also offers the latest in a series of gradual steps which, similar to the movement of the clock’s hands, continue unnoticeable.

At our beginning, our Founders all took into account the frailties of man and the adverse potential which human nature can offer; so much so that Madison acknowledged such tempting in Federalist #51 when stating, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary…”

Jefferson was more poignant when stating, “….In questions of power then let no more be heard of confidence in man; but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”

The “mischief” that Jefferson mentions first became public over one hundred years ago with President Wilson’s declaration to “make the world safe for democracy.” Years later, in 1940, FDR doubled down that America “…must be the great arsenal of democracy.” One may wonder where did these fables come from without democracy being mentioned in “the law of the land,” our Constitution!

More unsettling was how this became echoed throughout America.

Since that time, while this false governing has become America’s standard, it doesn’t make it legal or correct! However, the manner and speed to which this was adopted makes one wonder, especially when every school child, in earlier days, recited the Pledge of Allegiance, which in part stated, “…and to the Republic for which it stands…”

Back in 1928, the War Department’s “Training Manual No. 2000-25 defined democracy in part as “A government of the masses…attitude toward property is communistic…” It also stated that our framers “made a very marked distinction between a republic and a democracy…” It also cited that the Founders “had formed a republic.”

Jefferson’s mischief re-emerged when, in 1936, Senator Homer Truett (D-WA) called for the Manual’s removal. By 1952, our Army praised democracy in it’s Manuel 21-13, The Soldier’s Guide; by falsely stating; “Because the United States is a democracy…” I emphasis this misunderstanding of democracy since it misaligns the public’s understanding and patriotic regard onto what America isn’t and because it represents a necessary and final step preceding socialist rule.

An indication of how near socialism is to taking effect is the heightening of the violence. Eventually it’s level will welcome any method for control. Democracy is only a temporary pause, or in our American situation, a conditioning prior to the main event. Whatever structure which a democracy claims, it’s majority rule alone, is self defeating and suicidal by nature. As Madison stated, “…as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.”

It stymies our thinking that in these highly developed and progressive times, what was crystal clear to our Founders is cloudy at best, especially within our band of intellects who disperse their foggy knowledge onto our young. Clearly, facts and histories of our past are available. However, as this democracy belief reveals, true understanding is not today’s objective.

Consider a few more of the Founder’s universal thoughts: Edmund Randolph’s understanding of democracy, “…in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and trials of democracy.”

Alexander Hamilton, “We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in the despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”

Fisher Ames considered democracy, “a government by the passions of the multitude, or, no less correctly, according to the vices and ambitions of their leaders.”

These words reflect the general distaste and even fear of our Founders for such an unruly version of authority.

Hopefully, this will open eyes as to this drum beating of this indoctrination, which these weasels continue to douse upon all Americans. With the up coming elections, our prep needs to begin with the truth about our essential American being and governing substance; our Constitutional Republic.

Remember Benjamin Franklin’s answer to “..what have we got, a republic or a monarch?” Franklin’s reply, “A republic, if you can keep it.” First things first; our Republic needs to be realized and then, at that time, we must protect such an American Blessing!

The post How Did a Free People Become So Persuadable and Meek? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will History Repeat Itself … How Ayotte Flipped On Illegal Immigration After Being Elected Senator

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 19:00 +0000

Candidate-Ayotte in 2024 sounds just like candidate-Ayotte in 2010 on the issue of illegal immigration. From a Byron York article written in 2013:

Immigration wasn’t the main issue in the 2010 New Hampshire Senate race. But it was a topic of great interest for many Republican voters, and GOP candidate Kelly Ayotte took a pretty hard line. … “In the Senate, Kelly’s top immigration priority will be to secure our borders — no excuses,” said her campaign website. “Simultaneously, she will work to ensure that existing immigration laws are enforced, and is against amnesty.” … She wanted to make English the official language of the United States. … she said she might consider changing the Constitution to do away with the 14th Amendment’s birthright citizenship provision.

But all that tough talk turned out to be just that: TALK. By 2013, Ayotte was supporting “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is that lovely euphemism for AMNESTY. The bill Ayotte supported would have granted asylum to the then estimated ELEVEN MILLION illegals in the United States BEFORE any border security took effect.

Why the flip-flop? According to Byron York:

… the complex of business leaders, activists, lobbyists and politicos who are pushing the Gang of Eight bill is as active in Ayotte’s home state as elsewhere. But think back to 2010. To win votes, Ayotte had to take a hard-line position on immigration. Now, safely elected and making a place for herself in Washington, she has committed to the Gang of Eight. That’s a big change.

What would a “safely elected” Governor Ayotte do? History is pretty damn clear.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How The State Will Take Over Private and Religious Schools

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 17:00 +0000

Democrats have shown that they are willing to go to the first step required for the State to take over private and religious schools. New Hampshire’s HB1610 requires all students in private, religious, and even home-school families to take the STATE standardized test.

Some have remarked, what’s the big deal? Those students should be able to do remarkably well on the State Standardized Assessment. They’ve received a non-public education and should do well.

One might believe that until they understand that the STATE assessments may be very different than an actual achievement test that is used in private schools and by home-school families.

Take a listen to this 15-minute video as Lisa Logan explains how government assessments measure much more than just academic knowledge. This is why it is important that all parents who have their children in a private, religious or who are home-schooled, need to fight against these kinds of state regulations.

Logan goes in-depth on the transformation of public education, which is why you want to make sure this never seeps into the private and religious schools.

This will explain why UNESCO is such a big supporter of School Choice in the U.S.  They know it’s the vehicle for government control.

Read about that here.


The post How The State Will Take Over Private and Religious Schools appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Scott Endorses Haley After Equivocating On Divisive Speech

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 15:00 +0000

Sundays are usually a day of rest and a time to, if one uses it to reflect on the goodness of God, escape the ubiquitous bad-mouthing of our fellow citizens.  Today in the progressive strong-hold of South Burlington Nikki Haley was visiting Vermonters willing to entertain the idea she still has a chance against Republican juggernaut Donald Trump.

Introducing her was fellow Republican Governor Phil Scott who, despite reigning over a deeply blue electorate, is the most popular governor in the United States.  His popularity stems from his obvious Vermont-style charm and ability to reach across the aisle both in speech and action lending an air of moderateness unique in today’s politics.  In a society that has moved ever leftward over the past fifty or so years Scott is the product of this shift.  Some would say he is left of former President John F. Kennedy, and, by some accounts, they’d be accurate.

Opening the floor for Haley, Scott took the crowd on a journey of self-reflection acknowledging the divide permeating our nation.  After bemoaning the sad state of animosity between the parties and voters he took the high ground by cautioning the listener to reject the rhetoric and alienating one’s political rivals…then did exactly that…

“After years of controversy, toxic rhetoric and the ever growing polarization and division, the last thing we need is four more years of Donald Trump. Americans deserve leaders with character and integrity, who respect the rule of law, the rights of all people and most importantly the constitution. This is essential in restoring our faith and, here’s the key word: trust in our government. I know I’m not alone when I say I have never been more concerned about our country than I am today. ” 

He then referenced an NGA meeting where pollster Frank Luntz stated, “His data shows 83 percent say our country is more divided than ever and 75 percent of Americans are just plain ‘mad as hell’ that’s his words and have stopped listening altogether – don’t want anything to do with it. About one half of Americans have ended a friendship or stopped talking to a family member over politics.”  Scott then says “I’ve experienced that myself.” 

“Things have become so toxic and tribal in this country that the sentiment is ‘you’re either with me or against me’; ‘you’re either on my team or off the team – nothing in between’, and it doesn’t matter if it’s childhood friends, brothers, sisters or uncles.  Healthy respectful debate makes us stronger. But if we’re at a point where political disagreements end those important bonds we have with one another we know we’ve got a problem. Especially because it’s so widespread. This is the reality we face today, and it should sound the alarm for every one of us. Now we have to be honest, both sides of the aisle have contributed to this.  No one is blameless, and the far left has certainly done more than it’s fair share of damage.  But in my opinion there is no one less equipped no more incapable of healing this divide than Donald Trump. He’s made a career of throwing fuel on the fire of hate and anger.  He had a TV reality show and made a ton of money off this type of thing. Now I believe we’re all born with a gift but the trick is to find it.  (sarcastically) He certainly found his…”

(link to Haley’s event here)

Unaware of the irony captured on the TV screen, which showed Trump holding nearly ten times the delegates of Haley, Scott launched into a dressing down of the forty-fifth president as the epitome of what America doesn’t need for another four years.  Adding to his apparent ignorance, he reminded the crowd of the deep unpopularity of politicians held by the voters by enumerating them office by office.  With governors being the most popular among the least trusted it seems he felt emboldened to use his bully pulpit to bully those who have clearly side with the one he likens to a bully.  In a world of echo-chambers even the most liked governor in the country is not immune to hearing the favorable sound of his own opinion.

Though opinions are like (insert distasteful body part here), and they all reek of bias, the delegate popularity of Trump is not a matter of opinion but of will.  It is the will of the people to side with Donald Trump and not because he is the most charismatic or charming candidate, like say Scott.  Despite carrying the deplorable label slapped on them by another presidential hopeful, the voters who have moved Trump into a record-breaking defeat in Haley’s home state of South Carolina and essentially insurmountable lead nationwide are not the troglodytes the anti-Trump establishment would have you believe.  Sure, Trump’s supporters include the low to moderate i.q. average American who might be easily sold on seeing America become great again.  They might be simpleton’s who vote based on emotional connection to God and country with little thought of foreign policy or economic theory.

Yet the growing swell of Trump supporters includes high-IQ—intellectuals from all walks of life and industry.  Teems of former Democrats have even switched parties to vote Republican following the obvious debacles of Democrat tyranny during the COVID pandemic where despotism could be found among governors in New York, Michigan and California.  Silicon valley, long a prog-Dem stronghold, has seen many of the tech millionaires and billionaires, people not easily swayed by propaganda and talking heads, out themselves by denouncing their state dictators and turning the corner in support of Trump.  Notable black leaders from unlikely groups such as Black Lives Matter have even joined the ranks of MAGA supporters.  Harvard grad and fellow candidate Vivek Ramaswamy supported Trump even as he ran against him.  The top conservative media personality, Tucker Carlson, walked back his distaste for Trump also to give a national endorsement.  Even defiant liberal commentator Joe Rogan has softened his take on Trump by stating he sees through the attacks and recognizes the corruption in his own party.

Vermont has the unique ability to elect progressive legislators while favoring a republican governor, which seems to speak to a type of bipartisan high-mindedness not found in much of America.  However, it continues to ignore the obvious failings of this approach as crime sky-rockets from Burlington to Brattleboro, housing costs soar as it’s become a haven for wealthy homeowners fleeing failed Democrat states like New York, and incompetence, homelessness, and lawlessness become the soup du jour of a people unable to do what so many Americans have, which is self-reflect to the point of admitting error wrought by failed policies and politicians who have earned their place as the least trusted in our society.

Also on display during Haley’s speech were the well placed activists who have become a mainstay of American politics especially in Vermont.  On multiple occasions in her first few minutes of speaking, voices erupted denouncing Haley as having “blood on her hands” and calls to “free Palestine” with flag-waving radicals bent on demonstrating; yet again, the division is so deep we will use a perfectly good Sunday to remind you of how much we hate your politics.

God bless these tortured souls who obviously mean well.  No rational person with a pulse wants war in Ukraine, Israel, or on the streets of America, which is one of the key reasons Trump is so popular.  He was a deterrent to militants of the world, including among us, while also promising security at our border where even Haley had to mention we’ve had nine million or more enter or country illegally.  Just this past week, we’ve seen scores of innocent children lose their lives to criminal migrants sent here by Venezuela and other failed progressive-socialist states who implicitly admit their failure in both sending and refusing to accept back the criminals they fostered.

A decaying society is a society in denial, and denial is a key component to progressive politics.  Both Scott and Haley appear to be in denial about her chances as well as the reason behind the growing pains felt by those whom they wish to govern.

The post Scott Endorses Haley After Equivocating On Divisive Speech appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Super Tuesday Appetizer – Trump Wins Idaho (84.6%), Missouri (100%) and North Dakota (84.6%)

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 13:00 +0000

Today is Super Tuesday. Fifteen states go to the polls to choose their preferred Republican Nominee for President, and the odds on favorite to win that gig is still Donald Trump, who has only lost one contest to date, and it’s the one you likely don’t want.

Nikki won in the District of Columbia. Yes, the belly of the uniparty beast. Haley scooped up 63% of swamp Republicans and all 19 convention delegates. But that was it. Trump won all 32 delegates from Idaho (84.6% of the vote), all 54 in Missouri (100%), and North Dakota (29 Delegates won with 84.6% of the vote) was last night. Trump has 279 (289, with DeSantis and Ramaswamy’s combined 13) to Haley’s 43.

According to The Associated Press, the North Dakota GOP (NDGOP) prepared 30,000 ballots for the March 4 caucuses—nearly triple the 11,300 ballots cast in 2012. ..

“[The North Dakota Legislature] eliminated the presidential primary years ago, leaving the decision of how to nominate presidential candidates to political parties.

Super Tuesday will apportion 843 more Republican delegates, so even a sweep today will not give Trump the nomination. He will need a week until March 12th (Georgia, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Washington).

Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, and Ohio are the week after.

Haley has said she will remain in the race through Super Tuesday (today) but has also said she is no longer under any obligation to endorse the Republican Party nominee. I’m guessing she’s discovered that her chances of being VP have dimmed if ever there was a spark. I never thought she had a shot at either job. When the uniparty went after Trump, she picked them over America.

Trump’s campaign issued a statement shortly after Haley’s (DC) victory sarcastically congratulating her on being named “Queen of the Swamp by the lobbyists and DC insiders that want to protect the failed status quo.”

Hillary might have something to say about who the queen of the swamp might be, and Haley would likely agree. She is, after all, why Nikki got into politics if I remember correctly.


Note: Missouri reported fewer than 1000 votes in its results, and none of them were for Haley.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Letitia James Is An Evil, Dangerous Person

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 11:00 +0000

We have gotten to know New York Attorney General Letitia James very well, watching her sit in the courtroom of the Donald Trump trial. That was not a good thing for her or us. Listening to her prepared comments to the press and seeing her smug look as she looked on with glee was not a pleasant view into the depths of Letitia James. She had been obsessed with bringing down Donald Trump since before she began her campaign for AG. Now that she has his scalp in her bag, she must turn her attention to the rest of the state, which may not fare well for the good people of New York.

James can not be more Progressive, which does not match the more Conservative New Yorkers outside of New York City. New York is like many of our states where the Progressives gather in the metropolitan urban areas, leaving the burbs for the more Conservative. Letitia’s decisions for Manhattan will not be received with the same zeal in the Finger Lakes region. This week, she is inserting herself in another hot-button situation.

New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) on Friday demanded that a Nassau County official immediately repeal an executive order restricting the ability of transgender women and girls to participate in athletic events at county-run facilities, arguing it is “”in clear violation”” of state law.

The news has been filled of late with young female athletes injured by transgender women (men) who are much taller, bigger, and definitely stronger than their female opponents. Last week in Massachusetts, a trans woman injured three females on the opposing team in just the first half of a high school basketball game. After the third injury, the coach of the all-female team pulled his team and forfeited the game. He did the right thing to keep his players safe from injury.

In the New York scenario, the Nassau County official made the correct decision based on protecting the vulnerable young women of the county. That decision does not align with the Progressive, Woke Attorney General, and she is insisting on rolling back any decision that interferes with the wishes of Transgender athletes.

“The law is perfectly clear: you cannot discriminate against a person because of their gender identity or expression. We have no room for hate or bigotry in New York,” James said in a statement , referring to an executive order issued last week by Nassau County executive Bruce Blakeman. Blakeman’s order, which prohibits athletic events that allow transgender girls to participate in accordance with their gender identity from being held at county-run facilities, is “”transphobic and blatantly illegal,”” James said.

The Trump case was targeted and politically motivated. She has hurt Trump and the Trump Brand, but she has damaged New York even more. Companies were already hindered to set up operations in New York with its high tax rates and mounting regulations. Seeing how the NY government has been weaponized at will against someone with opposing views will have entrepreneurs and investors alike looking to Tennessee, Texas, or Florida.

Her edict on Transgender rights will set back Title 9 decades. People on the Left, like Letitia James, are seizing the opportunity to implement their evil and dangerous policies before the pendulum swings back to the Right.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mitt Romney Interview Shows Why He Should Be Leaving The Senate Sooner Than Later

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 09:00 +0000

Mitt Romney showed us all this week why he cannot be considered a true Conservative or even a Republican and why it is a good thing for the GOP that he will be retiring from the Senate when his term expires. Romney appeared on CNN and gave a mixed message on his view of Donald Trump. Let’s try to break it down.

There was a cursory chat about Republican policies, but then the conversation got around to Trump. It was interesting that Romney had some praise for Trump’s domestic platform but had nothing good to say about his foreign policy. This is where I believe Romney went off the rails and began to contradict himself and confuse the Biden and Trump records.

For example, Romney thinks we are safer and more of a leader internationally under Biden and that we will be an island unto our own under Trump. I completely disagree with this statement. First, Trump was the only president in the last 50 years not to involve the US in a conflict on another shore. Trump kept Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran in check for four years. Trump put pressure on NATO to anti-up on their fair share of costs. He used tariffs when necessary and made it understood that we would defend ourselves. As Reagan said, strength is the best defense. Nobody will push you if they know you will put them on their backsides. Biden and his minions have no understanding of that approach. Appeasement has us dumping billions into Ukraine, our best ally in the Middle East, being attacked on two fronts, and Iran weeks away from a nuclear missile. Biden has also destroyed our sovereignty by opening up our southern border.

Romney says it is all about character for him, and in his opinion, Trump has none. I will stipulate that no one is without sins, but to say that Biden is a man of character makes me question Romney’s acuity. Joe Biden has been using his position in Washington to enhance the Biden coffers, not to enhance the lives of Americans. Fifty years of sucking from the government dole with little to show for accomplishments. He has had two previous runs for president but had to withdraw when claims of plagiarism surfaced. He won in 2020 because of Jim Clyburn and the Democrat voting machine.

I agree with most that Trump is his own worst enemy with his mouth, but someone like Romney should recognize you measure someone by what they do, not by what they say. While Biden is showing his character, 10 million illegals have stormed our border, 300,000 have died from Fentanyl poisoning, our country is as divided as ever, and our education system is leaving every child behind. If that is what character gets us, the Mitt, stay home on Election Day and stop doing interviews. Comments like yours are music to Democrat’s ears and a sour note for every Republican.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: What’s Wrong with Censorship?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 03:00 +0000

Is there such a thing as one single source of truth? Is it the government, social media platforms, TV, radio, a book, or a political party? Probably not. All of these things come from people, and we all make mistakes. Nobody is right all of the time about everything.

Our government and the social media platforms say they want to protect us from misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation. Do you believe them? Is that what they’re doing? Or are they just censoring viewpoints they don’t like for the power and control they can acquire? Let’s think about it.

They censored evidence the covid virus originated in a lab in Wuhan, China. We now know that’s true. Even China doesn’t dispute it. They censored claims the vaccines didn’t prevent infection and that masking didn’t stop transmission. We know they got it wrong there too. They censored ideas about natural immunity. They censored opinions about election irregularities. They censored reports about a laptop belonging to a presidential candidate’s son. They censored evidence questioning the extent of global warming and its consequences. The list goes on and on.

The point is we need to take what we see, hear, and read with a grain of salt. We should probably look at the qualifications of the author. We should probably pay attention to their record of being right or wrong, as the case may be. The quality of our judgment depends on our sources and our ability to get a sufficient variety of sources to be able to hear dissenting positions.

A pretty good way to sift through a variety of positions and information we acquire is to discriminate. That is, to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of the information we have accumulated. We should distinguish by discerning or exposing differences. Only then can we recognize or identify as separate and distinct, the positions of the various sources. Discrimination, you see, is a good and necessary thing… but I digress.

A censored opinion may often be called “misinformation” yet turned out to be true. We know our government and its Big Tech allies even suppressed information they knew was true. They colluded in their efforts to do so. Things such as the adverse effects of the Covid vaccines. That censorship blinded some Americans to the risk of the vaccines, which led to lethal outcomes. Doubt it? Look up the case of Ernest Ramirez and his 16-year-old son, Facebook, and the White House.

When the government and the social media platforms anoint themselves the arbiters of truth, they suppress “misinformation.” But if anything can be learned from the Covid debacle, it is that no one; not a prime minister, a president, not Anthony Fauci, not the White House… No one has a monopoly on that essential commodity… truth.

The government and the dominant media platforms were wrong about the vaccines, medications, masks, ventilators, business lockdowns, school lockdowns, the virus’s origins, and the Hunter Biden laptop. Yet they say we should rely on them to identify “misinformation,” really?

We shouldn’t. There is only one way to arrive at the truth. The way we do so is through open, uncensored discussion and debate. Nothing is more deadly to the truth than centralized censorship. Centralized censorship is precisely what the government and the media platforms are imposing on us. It is absolute tyranny. The government should never have the power to determine what is true, what is false, and what is an error, misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation.

That role cannot be left to the social media platforms. They are as centralized and maybe more centralized than the federal government. We have to grasp that, being dependent on the government means you can be made to do its bidding. This was made clear by the Twitter files released by Elon Musk. Look it up if you don’t understand the reference.

Censorship is mind control. That’s why governments want it… for the control and the power it brings. That is exactly why they shouldn’t have it. Think about how this plays out in the political sphere. Speech is how individuals learn about political candidates. It is how political opinions are formed. Without free speech, there can be no free elections.

When the government controls election speech, it controls elections. When the government controls elections, you no longer live in a democracy or a representative republic. Too many Americans think free speech is something only for them, not their political opponents. Their view is that censorship is desirable, and the First Amendment is just a quaint 18th-century artifact.

Well, no. The point of freedom of speech is that all of us should be free to explore all sorts of ideas. That is the only way we can test claims of truth for error. The ability to do those tests for ourselves is critical. None of us is infallible. None of us has all of the truth. We depend on others to correct our mistakes and teach us what we don’t know.

Perhaps the most important thing we can do is to speak up for freedom of speech. We must stand, not just for ourselves, but for everyone else, most especially those with whom we disagree. No one has a monopoly on truth, and equally as important, we all have a right to be wrong and be heard. That’s how we learn and get better. That’s why we need open, uncensored discussion and debate.

The forces arrayed against free speech are formidable. Their censorship or attempts at censorship will be their everlasting shame. Your defense of freedom of speech will be to your everlasting credit. It may be the most important thing you ever do.

The risk of one-party rule, if free speech is captured, is severe. Success in the implementation of government censorship will irreparably damage our country and the possibility of freedom for people everywhere.

The post Night Cap: What’s Wrong with Censorship? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CDC Approves Updated Booster for a COVID Variant That No Longer Exists

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-05 01:00 +0000

We have dueling COVID updates from last week. The Centers for Democrat Control (CDC) continues to behave like a political entity instead of a Public Health Concern. On the one hand, it has been decided that COVID is officially like any other seasonal flu. Five-day quarantine is no longer advised.

My first reaction to this was, “Someone is still making people quarantine for five days if they test positive for COVID”? Based on the institutional wealth-transfer machine of in-home diagnostics, called the PCR test. Unlike the CDC, the PCR was never meant to do what it is being asked to do. The CDC, at least in some form, one day now long past, existed to further public health—no more.

But they’ve given a Divine Nod to its local public health missionaries at the state and local level to treat COVID like any other flu. Here’s the updated guidance and a warning. Put down whatever you are drinking. There’s a good bit of self-contradicting stupidity, and we wouldn’t want you blowing liquids through your nasal passages.

Here are a few examples.

  • COVID-19 vaccines cut the risk of severe disease in half, and over 95% of hospitalized adults were not up to date with their COVID-19 vaccine in fall 2023.
  • Flu vaccines similarly cut the risk of severe disease by close to half.
  • Paxlovid cuts the risk of hospitalization by over half and the risk of death by even more (75%).

Based on competing research by increasingly more competent and trustworthy sources, none of these three things is true. CDC is being CDC, which leads hand in glove to the next point and our headline.

“Today’s recommendation allows older adults to receive an additional dose of this season’s COVID-19 vaccine to provide added protection,” said CDC Director Mandy Cohen. “Most COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations last year were among people 65 years and older. An additional vaccine dose can provide added protection that may have decreased over time for those at highest risk.”

“Today’s recommendation allows older adults to receive an additional dose of this season’s COVID-19 vaccine to provide added protection,” said CDC Director Mandy Cohen. “Most COVID-19 deaths and hospitalizations last year were among people 65 years and older. An additional vaccine dose can provide added protection that may have decreased over time for those at highest risk.”

According to The Dossier, that’s dose number 9.

The ninth shot, which is currently only recommended for seniors but will soon be authorized for all ages, is considered a booster that targets the Eris variant, or EG.5.

But what Pfizer and Moderna don’t want you to find out is that the Eris variant no longer exists.

Ordinary flu, which the CDC has declared COVID to now be, is already a moving target for the vaccine to Beach Front Property pipeline. Medicine makers have been guessing all along and profiting from the false sense of security created by the systemic peddling of random chemical injections to protect people who don’t need it from the flu. Or, as in this case, from a flu they will never catch.

Booster number nine is currently in limited release, but Big Pharma Exec property taxes don’t pay themselves. A rollout to a broader audience is expected, which will also help Big Med keep the Public Health Industrial Complex and its bureaucratic enables on a string.

Some number of fully fear-mongered and, as yet, uninjured jab enthusiasts will be waiting to rush to the nearest CVS or Walgreens for their “free” updated lipid nanoparticle fix.

JN.1 is the hot blonde, by the way, dominating the varient party scene the way Taylor Swift sucks up camera time at Chiefs games. And much like Taylor’s boyfriends, there will be a new one some day soon. Damaged relationship lyrics are a lot like Pfizer checks to the media and Public Health Industrial Complex “Researchers.” There needs to be a catalyst. They don’t just write themselves.

The post CDC Approves Updated Booster for a COVID Variant That No Longer Exists appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Storming the Court” – And the First Amendment

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-04 23:00 +0000

“Eleven conferences — the Atlantic 10, Big East, Big South, Big Ten, Big 12, Conference USA, Mid-Eastern Athletic, Pac-12, WAC, Southeastern and West Coast — recently told ESPN that a home school with a post-game celebratory court storm could be subject to a fine under certain circumstances. Some have precise penalties, while others have general language regarding disciplinary measures and their applicability.” –

I love watching fans storm a court or swarm a field after a big win. The primal, elemental, and spontaneous outpouring of joyous humanity celebrating a special sports triumph always moves me. So, do the proposed restrictions infringe on 1st Amendment provisions or the right to assemble? WWBKD? (What would Bobby Knight do?)

Watch the end of the movie hoop classic “Hoosiers” when the Hickory High fans storm the court to embrace their heroes. Or YouTube the old Boston Garden after “Havlicek stole the ball!” Or Fenway Park on that magical October 1, 1967, after Rico Petrocelli caught a popup setting up the BoSox for their first World Series in decades. Six-foot-6 pitcher Jim Lonborg was swept away to centerfield and a mad mosh-pit of delirium.

Primal. Elemental. Joyous.

There are, of course, dangers when waves of humanity are unleashed, overpowering 70-year-old ushers and the lone security cop. Mob mentalities take effect. Havlicek was battered and bruised by fans after he stole the ball. He called them “ruffians.” Lonborg’s uniform was ripped to shreds. I’m sure that today, in various New England locales, grandfathers share pieces of cloth with their progeny, explaining, “This is what Jim Lonborg wore when he pitched the Sox to the pennant in 1967.”


And when those gridiron goalposts come down, they can injure even the most hard-headed football fan.

Hence, the proposals for court storm policies.

“This is why we can’t have nice things, people!”

These outpourings, these court storms, aren’t entirely spontaneous. When the Celtics beat the Lakers at the Garden in 1984 for the NBA title, fans surrounded the court for a while before the final buzzer, waiting to pounce.

On the college level, one can be sure that ne’er-do-wells have courtstorm strategies that involve not hoisting a hoopster but hugging a cheerleader. Truth.

But for the most part, the joyous storms and swarms are unscripted. Who knew Havlicek was going to steal the ball?

Next month marks the 50th anniversary of Hank Aaron breaking Babe Ruth’s career home run mark. Film/video of that milestone moment in Atlanta will be shown everywhere. And accompanying Aaron on his historic round trip, you’ll see Britt Gaston and Cliff Courtenay. The two Brave fans were only 17 when they ran onto the field from the first-base stands and caught up with Aaron. Now Britt and Cliff are immortal. They even made this column five decades later.

Court storms and field swarms are de rigueur everywhere at countless high school championship events. Players, parents, and peers no doubt dream of that ultimate title moment marked by Gatorade showers and heroes hoisted in celebration.

Like so many others, I also dreamed of such a moment. But most of us never taste that sweet championship nectar.

My high school senior year saw me and my Groveton High School Purple Eagle basketball teammates in a state tournament semifinal game at Plymouth State, trying for a spot in the title tilt. Half the gym was purple as busloads of fans came down from the North Country. Sadly, we fell way behind, 27-12.

Still, in the second half, we chipped away at the lead, and the purple-clad folks took heart. Closer and closer we came and louder and louder were the GHS fans. I remember scoring in the last minute to cut the lead to 47-46 as the gym exploded. A dam was about to break to release a purple flood onto the floor.

But we ran out of time. The white-clad players enjoyed a court storm as the purple rain fell not.

I stood watching the other team get swarmed while a lone figure hurried to me from the purple side—tears streaming down her face. Her back to the celebration, my girlfriend offered a very public embrace. I’ll always remember that.

So, most athletes never experience a court storm. But sometimes, kids offer opportunities for parents to vicariously experience “swarm joy” when offspring win titles denied to their dads and moms. When my daughter’s Concord High School softball team won a state championship, I (thankfully) did not run out and leap onto the growing pile of players celebrating a title. But that was also, in a way, my storm/swarm moment as well.

And, upon further review, perhaps the lonely gesture of that teary hug offered to a losing basketball player is perhaps of equal—if not more—value than a leap into that fleeting mosh pit of sports joy experienced by that happy few band of brothers (or sisters) fortunate enough to grab sports’ ever-so-elusive brass rings.

The post “Storming the Court” – And the First Amendment appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Witnesses are Asked to Swear an Oath to Tell the Truth – Democrats Object

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-04 21:00 +0000

Today during a hearing of House Special Committee on the Division for Children, Youth and Families (regarding DCYF), something interesting and (perhaps) wonderful occurred. A recommendation was made to ask those testifying to swear they were telling the truth (under penalty of perjury), and a Democrat objected to it.

To borrow from RebuildNH, who, in all fairness, beat me to the punch breaking this news (on Telegram),

This morning, the House Special Committee on DCYF, chaired by Rep. Leah Cushman, required every person testifying to take an oath before giving their testimony. This is unusual for House committees, but it is in statute and is therefore within the rights of the People’s representatives to do so. With the level of outright lying we’ve seen on other committees (ahem, executive departments testifying in front of the HHS committee), thanks should go to the Republican representatives insisting on truthfulness. On the other hand, Democrat members objected to this move, calling a requirement that people testifying tell the truth “insulting.”

In this excerpt, Rep. Sandra Panek makes the suggestion, citing the relevant state statute at 4 minutes (in the video below.

Pursuant to RSA 1414, which states that any Senator or Representative, while acting as a member of the committee, of the legislature, may admininster an oath to any person who may be examined before such a committee. I would like to require an oath of the witness and all witnesses testifying before this committee. The testimony we are taking is concerning a very serious subject matter, and we must ensure truthfulness. There have been various committees, both ad hoc and standing that have heard lots of testimony, relative to family law matters, and in many cases can go on and on, and take up lots of precious time. And sometimes it was later found out that the testimony was infactual. What we want to do is establish that this process is eliciting factual information so we can make the most informed decisions, based on the testimoney we received.

Democrat Rep. Lucy Webber immediately objects.

It’s something that we normally do not do. This is not a tribunal. This is a fact-finding mission and it seems to me that to require an oath is way outside of our normal procedure. And as one who assumes people standing in front of us are going to be truthful, I think it’s, it’s, frankly kind of insulting to our witnesses but I also .. the point of this commission .. committee, is to discover issues with DCYF, it is not to prepare the ground for some kind (of) future prosecution. And so I think that the administration of an oath is both unnecessary and insulting and I would really prefer to get a ruling form the speaker’s office as to whether it is an appropriate thing for us to be doing because I’ve literally in 18 years never seen it.

The Committe Chair (Rep. Leah Cushman) thanks Rep Webber for her input, but decides to require the oath, after which there is some additional remarks. I’ve excerpted the exchange below. The Full committee hearing can be viewed here. My question to the readers is this. Is it time to change the practice of assuming those testifying before any legislative committee are telling the truth (to the best of their knowledge) and asking them to swear an oath affirming that what they have to say is the truth under penalty of perjury?

Or maybe (just) public officials and (in particular) members of the executive branch, as observed in the pull quote from Rebuild at the beginning of this piece?

I’m sure you have thoughts. Here is the excerpt 4 min in to about 7 min. (The debate on this matter continues up to just past the 12-minute mark in the full version before anyone is sworn in).

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The post When Witnesses are Asked to Swear an Oath to Tell the Truth – Democrats Object appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Many “Votes” Has Your NH House Republican Rep. Missed So Far This Year?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-04 19:00 +0000

You elected them to New Hampshire’s Citizen Legislature to represent you. When they don’t show up, you’re not being represented, are you? And with the razor-thin majority, every vote matters, so, as promised, we are releasing our first NH House Republican Attendance Report.

This week’s update offers a year-to-date percentage of how many votes they did not miss (you can do the math to determine the percentage they did miss). This is an important metric, and while it does not include voice votes, Roll Call votes are typically critical votes on issues important to Republicans.

We’re not telling you what to do with this information or that, in some cases, a “republican” Rep. missing a vote isn’t good for Republican priorities, just that they’ve missed a percentage of roll call votes, you should know this, and can pursue that with them if that’s how you roll (including a thank you to reps who always find a way to be there when it matters).

The House roster is available here if you are unsure who represents you (unlikely in this audience, but possible).

The Numbers

There are currently 201 Republican Reps in this survey, of whom 112 had perfect attendance. An additional 57 had attendance better than 90% – 32 had attendance worse than 90%.

Note 1 – This is their attendance percentage for all roll call votes, including procedural motions and quorum calls. It does not include attendance for non-roll call votes.

Note 2 – No exceptions are made in these numbers for illness, family emergency, any emergency, or any other absence excused or not. They missed the vote, period. You decide what that means to you.

The numbers below represent how often they were present for Roll Call Votes Year to Date (Jan 1 to Feb 29th). Linda Gould, for example, scored 35.2%, so she missed 64.8% of all roll call votes.

Future installments will list NH Republican Reps by the number of actual roll-call votes they missed in the previous week.

Below are the 32 Republicans with attendance worse than 90% since the beginning of the session.

0.0% Sanborn, Laurie (R, Bedford)
35.2% Gould, Linda (R, Bedford)
35.2% Piemonte, Tony (R, Sandown)
44.3% Cole, Brian (R, Manchester)
46.6% O’Hara, Travis (R, Belmont)
52.3% Varney, Peter (R, Alton)
58.0% Milz, David (R, Derry)
58.0% Trottier, Douglas (R, Belmont)
64.8% Khan, Aboul (R, Seabrook)
68.2% Lundgren, David (R, Londonderry)
70.5% Kenny, Catherine (R, Hudson)
72.7% Vandecasteele, Susan (R, Salem)
75.0% Mason, James (R, Franklin)
79.5% Bordes, Mike (R, Laconia)
79.5% Crawford, Karel (R, Moultonborough)
80.7% Dolan, Tom (R, Londonderry)
80.7% Foote, Charles (R, Derry)
80.7% Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine (R, Derry)
81.8% Beaudoin, Richard (R, Gilford)
81.8% Nutting, Zachary (R, Winchester)
81.8% Smart, Lisa (R, Meredith)
81.8% Testerman, Dave (R, Franklin)
84.1% Thackston, Dick (R, Troy)
85.2% Tenczar, Jeffrey (R, Pelham)
86.4% Guthrie, Joseph (R, Hampstead)
87.5% Doucette, Fred (R, Salem)
87.5% Infantine, William (R, Manchester)
88.6% Bickford, David (R, New Durham)
88.6% Polozov, Yury (R, Hooksett)
88.6% Renzullo, Andrew (R, Hudson)
88.6% Verville, Kevin (R, Deerfield)
89.8% Peternel, Katy (R, Wolfeboro)

The post How Many “Votes” Has Your NH House Republican Rep. Missed So Far This Year? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sorry Tristan

Libertarian Leanings - Mon, 2024-03-04 17:55 +0000
This has been the lefty take on Colorado's decision to remove Trump from the presidential election ballot. Up until today. Today the U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously ruled that the states may not remove Trump from the ballot. The power... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-04 17:00 +0000

And… it’s Monday!  Ugh.

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






BATF = Burn All Toddlers First

I read the excellent book NO MORE WACOS.  Fascinating background.




Also: Federal Bureau of Incineration




No wonder he’s hated by the Left.




Is this a “Let them eat fruit loops” moment?



I’m torn.  Yes, I’m on Gab and no, I’m not a PRO member.  I appreciate fully that there is enormous expense associated with images and especially videos in terms of storage.  And while I do NOT appreciate the enormous amount of anti-Jew and anti-Israel posts, I will – per Voltaire – defend their right to hold those beliefs and speak their mind.  For in protecting even speech I hate, I protect my own.

So I am weighing going Pro, simply to continue to be able to share not just links but also images.



Ten percent to the BIG GUY, Joe getting $$$ confirmed.

The Public Disservice Of The Hunter Biden Testimony – Issues & Insights (

What I find fascinating with the Left is that they ALWAYS double-down and deny.  And, of course, the GOP fails to play hardball.



I remember my VERY pregnant wife taking her oath of citizenship, and beaming.



Did I post this before?



This year I definitely need to get the potatoes started earlier.  We got a handful of fingerlings, nothing more.



The low valuation of Mar-A-Lago by the corrupt courts boggles the mind of anyone who looks at it with any sense of fairness.




Schumer Calls For Path To Citizenship For “All 11 Million, Or However Many” Illegal Immigrants There Are | Video | RealClearPolitics





In the movie GLADIATOR there’s a line: Rome is the mob.  And the Democrats understand this.



Probably not everything, but a damned lot of it.



Read this take on resistance:

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation

And on that:



Is that a real sign?  These people better remember that there are people like my Jarhead friend who can hit a few-inch circle from 300-400 feet away.  And some, like a friend of his, was a former sniper and can do that same small circle from even farther.  And when the power goes out from shot-up transformers, and the water pressure dies, and there’s no refrigeration or purchases with electronic payments?  And worse things?



Can I scream BINGO if these all get checked off?






I agree.  As a former porn consumer, I realized the damage it was doing to myself and my perception of my wife and marriage and quit.

I run hot-and-cold on Ben Shapiro, but his book PORN GENERATION was definitely eye-opening.  And I’ve read a lot / seen a lot of videos since then which confirmed my instinctive take on what it was doing to me.



Apparently a judge that mostly rules on… get this… traffic infractions.  How in the Seven Hairy Hells does this person get to even impact Illinois’ ballot?



Speaking of porn; as I understand it, Japan is a sea of it.  No wonder Japanese people, particularly men, are not getting married.







So… she should have just laid back and tried to enjoy it?????











They’re going to go FULL BORE to silence you.  And it will come to the US too, despite the First Amendment.  It doesn’t even have to be official – just scare enough reporters with things like this:








Uniparty.  They hate Trump and, by extension, all MAGA people.





Had a chat with a guy at Synagogue recently.  Political conservative, gun owner… we agree on our shared utter astonishment at the “That can’t happen here” mindset of so many fellow congregants.  Another politically conservative Jew I know is also a gun-owner, similar comment.




This is a generations-long, FAITH DRIVEN effort.  This is their religion.




That’s weird.  James Woods is, IMHO, incredibly insightful.

Elon does seem to be rather… dual-faced on this, I have to admit.











Thank Hashem it’s not that easy!



















Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Come back Wednesday for this one.




Pick of the post:



Sowell.  Enough said.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking – SCOTUS Rules 9-0: Colorado Can’t Remove Trump From The Ballot

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-04 15:30 +0000

At least a few of the Several States, all run by political partisans exercising political will, attempted to keep a candidate for the office of President from appearing on an opposing (private) party primary ballot. The candidate, Donald Trump, asked the Supreme Court to review Colorado’s effort, and they have.

The question put before them was simple. “We granted former President Trump’s petition for certiorari, which raised a single question: “Did the Colorado Supreme Court err in ordering President Trump excluded from the 2024 presidential primary ballot?

The US Supreme Court replied with, ‘It did err.’

Without getting into the weeds,

This case raises the question whether the States, in addition to Congress, may also enforce Section 3. We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency. …

Because federal officers “‘owe their existence and functions to the united voice of the whole, not of a portion, of the people,’” powers over their election and qualifications must be specifically “delegated to, rather than reserved by, the States.”

This 9-0 decision explores the thinking on both sides, so it is worth a read, including the separate opinions, but the gist is that according to the Supreme’s the states can’t do what Colorado tried to do. The Constitution does not grant them that authority.

DONALD J. TRUMP, PETITIONER v. Colorado ballot thing

The post Breaking – SCOTUS Rules 9-0: Colorado Can’t Remove Trump From The Ballot appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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