To all those who are sending in memes, thank you! Many, many good ones! Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!
Q: What do you call a chicken that likes to do calculations?
A: See the Palate Cleansers area for the answer.
Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition. Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
Just a little warm-up smile before things go too far.
How does this man’s tongue not burst into flame at this level of mendacity?
Peg-out on the cringe-o-meter.
You will own, you know, the thing.
Remember these two:
If a good or service is OWED you as a “right” then someone else is OBLIGATED to provide / pay for it. That is slavery.
They’re corrupt. All of them.
Maybe it’s just me… but who the living F has $700K just laying around to do this?
That movie did so much good. And now it’s practically banned.
Whether here in NH or elsewhere… I don’t get it. People flee high taxes and crushing regulations, then vote for the same party that enacted the conditions they fled.
Pegging out the irony-o-meter.
I’d start bringing my own water.
Which is WHY they’re being brought to America.
Just to think. A 12′ x 18′ American flag is $300.
IN 100%!
A reminder for Monday…
Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):
What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy) | RealClearInvestigations
Let me be 100% clear – am I happy with Russia’s incursion? No. But while I’m not a geopolitical expert, there’s history here:
Powerful figures in Washington took a different view: For them, the Maidan movement represented an opportunity to achieve a longtime goal of pulling Ukraine into the Western orbit. Given Ukraine’s historical ties to Russia, its integration with the West could also be used to undermine the rule of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In his memoir, former senior Obama aide Ben Rhodes acknowledged that Nuland and Pyatt “sounded as if they were picking a new government as they evaluated different Ukrainian leaders.” Rather than dispel that impression, he acknowledged that some of the Maidan “leaders received grants from U.S. democracy promotion programs.”
And from what I’m learning about the US’s meddling all over, I’m losing my belief that the US are the good guys.
The Triumvirate Running America Is Not Who You Think | RealClearPolicy
There’s the joke about the Chinese sage discussing the “world turtle” with the tourist who asks what that turtle is standing on, and replies that it’s turtles all the way down. The question here is the reverse: we know there are puppets. They’re likely controlled by other puppets. How far up does that chain of controlling puppets go?
House Democrat Leadership Throws Support Behind House Speaker Mike Johnson, Will Table MTG’s Motion To Vacate The Chair * * by Danielle
Who supports who? Uniparty backs uniparty.
Bayou Renaissance Man: Gov. Kristi Noem was (and is) right
An interesting take. Noem is getting hammered hard on this in the court of public opinion.
Poll: Donald Trump Now Beating Joe Biden in All Seven Battleground States – The Lid (
All that, and the vote fraud machine will be working on overtime.
Dear Donald Trump: Compassion Should Not Be A Suicide Pact… – Flopping Aces
Embedded quote from Kesse Kelly:
“70% of Americans SAY they care about the border.
Run one video of little Pedro sobbing as he and mother Lupe get loaded into an ICE vehicle a they get deported back to Guatemala and that 70% number will drop to around 5%.
Country is too soft for mass deportation. No chance. 0.”
I concur. Our empathy and compassion will, among other factors, be the death of this country. More (links in the original, bolding added):
Americans are indeed a compassionate people, but sometimes compassion can get you killed. Compassion has a role to play in a moral civilization, but when it becomes the driving force to the exclusion of rational thought, it ceases to be a virtue. (See Europe, which since 2015 at Angela Merkel’s direction during the war in Syria, imported tens of millions of military aged men from Africa and the Middle East who are bringing war to the streets, many of whom despise western culture and want to bring Sharia.) You cannot run a country based on teary anecdotes. They make for great media and heartfelt stories, but they make for terrible policy.
Remember that the invasion of Europe accelerated after that image of that little drowned boy – with some evidence it was staged / artificially presented – broke the hearts of all the libs.
Here Come The Pre-Planned Riots of 2024! – Flopping Aces
Not just the riots with the enemedia all but fellating the protestors. Add in the spinning of, and covering for, Soros’ funding.
As a Jew, I want to be the one who pulls the lever to drop this POS through the trap door. Not just for his anti-American, anti-Western Civilization actions, but for hiding behind his being Jewish.
“It Was Brutal”: 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies | ZeroHedge
He had been in good health, and ‘was noted for having a healthy lifestyle,’ according to the report.
How… convenient.
Biden is GONE, senile, how can you keep going with this? FLOTUS Jill Biden had to turn him around to face wounded warriors he was talking too…again, he talks to the air…confused walked to opposite (
More and more in the open. Which means, IMHO, increasing impetus to “retire” him. Feet first.
Pick of the Post:
This is an extraordinary claim. Per magician and paranormal debunker James Randi, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof”.
But we do know, because we have videos, of people seizing just after their Jabs (with others still dutifully awaiting their turn!). We know, through Dr. McCollough (from memory) that 50% of the people who die, die within two days. It’s somewhat logical / inferential to think that if these things do what they do with clotting, etc., that some people really would seize up uncontrollably.
I remember one instance I read about where a married couple, older, went into the local clinic-in-a-supermarket. The man went first, seized, coded, and died within a few minutes as the wife screamed for help. That can’t be a one-off.
So it begs the question: Just how powerful is the OMERTA of silence on this when people, with their own eyes, see evidence but there’s no outcry. And how does a person with even a shred of a conscience continue to administer the shots after seeing something like that?
Palate Cleansers:
A: A Mathemachicken.
I’ll show myself out.
And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.
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The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.