The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

How Cool Would It Be if Lizard Cheney Was Charged With Obstruction of Justice?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-19 12:00 +0000

A few days ago, we shared reporting on J6 Committee antics showing premeditation and bias: the Select Committee (Chair Thompson and Vice-Chair Cheney) hid or deleted files, testimony, or witness interviews. Recorded testimony and related transcripts were not archived with the House Clerk.

You have to be a particular sort of extra-special Republican to get away with that, especially after the made-for-TV show trial and cherry-picked anti-Trump invective, much of which was debunked in real-time and later wound up in Rep. Loudermilk’s investigation of the investigation report.

“Despite the driver of the president’s SUV testifying under oath that the (Cassidy) Hutchinson story was false, the select committee chose to validate and promote Hutchinson’s version of the story as fact, “they stated in the report.” The select committee hid the driver’s full testimony and only favorably mentioned his testimony in its final report, it did not release the full transcript.”

Between all the contradictions and all the evidence that was mishandled, lost, or destroyed by the “J6 investigators,” Rep. Barry Loudermilk has suggested criminal referrals for obstruction of Justice are possible, with former House Rep (no longer protected by House Rules) Liz Cheney at the top of the list.

(He) believes that Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the chairman of the now-disbanded Jan. 6 select committee, allowed then-Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) to make decisions for the panel.

“There’s still documents that we need to get hold of. We still don’t have passwords for the encrypted documents,” Mr. Loudermilk said. “It’s amazing that you know, when I asked the former Chairman Bennie Thompson, ‘All I want you to do is give me the passwords.’ He said, ‘I don’t even know what you’re talking about.’

In proper uniparty fashion,

Ms. Cheney, who lost her Wyoming Republican primary by more than 40 percentage points, suggested on social media platform X that Mr. Loudermilk and others are lying and trying to “cover up what [President Trump] did” on Jan. 6. She also recently wrote that people should instead read her committee’s report.

Would that be the partisan report whose veracity cannot be verified without access to hidden or deleted testimony never filed with the House Clerk or evidence protected by passwords no one has? That report?

While Democrats control the White House, any referral to Justice will be slow-walked, stalled, or handled with kid gloves. No one in the Obama-Bush-Cheney alliance wants to besmirch their J6 narrative before November. Loudermilk probably knows this, so I wouldn’t expect any high-value target to get referred to Main Justice for anything.

If Trump wins, the win sticks and he survives to be sworn in, Cheney might not be so lucky.

Exit question: How many palettes of bricks will the DNC have delivered to the doorstep of every migrant shantytown, shelter, hotel, or motel around election time, one for each harvested ballot or more?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

China Doesn’t Need a Trojan Horse – It Has Joe Biden.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-19 10:00 +0000

Most people are at least vaguely familiar with the story of the original Trojan Horse. According to legend, sometime around the 12th or 13th century BC, Greece and Troy were at war. The Greek army was unable to breach the defenses of the heavily fortified city of Troy, so it devised a plan. It decided to build an enormous wooden horse and left it outside the city, seemingly as a peace offering, a gift. Hidden inside the horse, though, was an elite group of Greek fighters, and after it was towed inside the city gates, the warriors emerged and destroyed the city.

The term “Trojan Horse” has come to mean anything that may appear innocuous, but is intended to cause harm. Today, most computer users associate the term with a type of computer virus – malicious software designed to spy on the user’s on-line activity, or to collect sensitive, personal information.

The wildly popular TikTok is offered free of charge – a gift with no apparent strings attached. As a social media platform allowing users to post short videos on line, it’s easy to understand its popularity. It gives users, mostly young people, hungry for attention and exposure, an opportunity to perform before an audience. Some of the video postings can be entertaining, funny, and even illuminating and informative. But they can also be deceptive, morally corrosive, and even dangerous – especially for young, impressionable minds. And like all Trojan Horse viruses, this app collects personal information on its users.

So how is that a threat to our national security? The problem is that TikTok is owned by ByteDance, a Chinese company headquartered in Beijing and controlled by the Communist Chinese government, which ultimately controls the content.

Today, our president likes to call China a competitor. He wants us to believe that we’re engaged in some sort of a game with the CCP – something akin to horseshoes or lawn darts. But geopolitical experts tell us China is not a friendly competitor. It should be considered an adversary, or even an enemy. Anyone doubting that need only look at China’s routine theft of America’s intellectual property, its belligerence toward Taiwan, its territorial expansion in the South China Sea via those artificial islands, and its bloated military. They need only look at China’s treatment of the Uyghurs to understand that the CCP is a ruthless, oppressive government, bent on world domination.

And it doesn’t have to be accomplished militarily.

It would be foolhardy to offer America’s enemies intimate knowledge of our nation’s psyche, or to allow Communist China’s propaganda machine to mold the impressionable minds of young Americans. That’s why TikTok has been called a threat to national security.

And social media platforms aren’t the only means China has to infiltrate America. There are other ways it can exert its influence and eventually dominate our country.

It can try to take control of our energy resources or our food supplies. It can work to transform our strong and proud citizenry into a nation of passive, compliant drug addicts, by feeding us unlimited amounts of narcotics.

It’s all happening today under the watchful eye of Joe Biden. In fact, in many cases, Biden is doing more than allowing it to happen. He’s facilitating it.

It was Biden who depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to alarmingly low levels, where they remain today. It was Biden who sold millions of gallons of that precious commodity to China, while at the same time relentlessly pushing green energy. That has increased our dependence on Chinese-manufactured solar cells and batteries. And it’s Biden who’s allowing the Chinese to buy-up millions of acres of our farmland, essential to the world’s food supply.

Perhaps Biden’s biggest favor to the CCP is his open border policy. There’s no evidence whatsoever to suggest that Biden’s 10 million “newcomers,” including 37,000 Chinese, have any intention of pledging allegiance to this country or even assimilating American values. But common sense and the law of averages tell us that a percentage of them are planning to do us harm.

And the fentanyl streaming across Biden’s open borders has already killed or incapacitated hundreds of thousands of our citizens. If it continues, it will lead to the utter decimation of a once-proud nation.

Then there’s the China spy balloon, which Biden allowed to meander across our countryside, sucking up national defense data. And the China Initiative that Biden abruptly cancelled. That program was designed to track China’s espionage activity in this country.

For the Chinese Communist Party, Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving.

Some attribute that to Biden’s incompetence and his obvious cognitive decline. Others believe the millions of dollars the CCP paid to his family may have something to do with it. Shamefully, still others close their eyes and pretend that none of it is happening.

If the efforts by Congress to sever China’s ties with TikTok succeeds, it will remove one obvious threat to our national security. Unfortunately, there is still Joe Biden.

Peter Lemiska

(This article first appeared on

The post China Doesn’t Need a Trojan Horse – It Has Joe Biden. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Castigating Christians with a Broad Brush

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-19 02:00 +0000

What is Christian Nationalism, Exactly? This was the heading of an article by N.Y. Times writer David French. The article was a response to the new documentary entitled “God and Country”. Christian Nationalism is supposedly this belief that the “fate of the church is closely tied to the outcome of any political election.”

The Declaration of Independence said our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness come not from King George III but from our Creator. We were founded as a Judeo-Christian nation. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”—John Adams.

Do not buy into the newest iteration of the left’s imagined new threat, “Christian Nationalism.” It is Christians who are under attack.

Mr. French then goes on to connect the politically motivated dots by claiming this fervor of the gullible can lead to anything, including the stealing of an election. Ah, a second reference to the “orange man bad.” with reference to the January 6th, 2021 unarmed riot.

We want to thank Russ Wiles for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Silly me, I thought that the secular Marxists were our worry for their attack on Christianity. A teacher gets suspended for giving a student a bible. A football coach gets placed on leave for saying a prayer on the field at the end of a game. Evangelical colleges like Gordon College in Massachusetts and Kings College in New York have had their accreditation challenged.

Christian adoption agencies, hospitals, and crisis pregnancy centers have come under attack. School prayer and bible studies on school property is improper. And speaking of Rob Reiner, who is the real-life embodiment of his role of “Meathead” in “All in the Family, don’t you just love to be chastised by an atheist who quotes from the bible?

The Christian Nationalism bogeyman is another phony agenda of the Marxist-Democrat party. Destroy Christians and Jews, and you can shred the foundation of our Constitution. Apparently, a growing number of imposter Christians, described as “white Christian nationalists,” are threatening democracy and are behind the so-called January 6th “insurrection.” Balderdash! It was not an insurrection, Mr. Reiner. No wonder your documentary was a box office bomb. People are not that stupid.

The post Night Cap: Castigating Christians with a Broad Brush appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A 937% Increase in Heart Failure?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-03-19 00:00 +0000

You have likely heard the tale by now. A US Navy medic is alleged to have been silenced by superiors for leaking DOD health data, which begs a few interesting questions about how the government “managed” the health and safety of our “troops” over—we’ll just call it—the last few years.

Was it COVID, masking, the lack of certain preventatives, or an emphasis on a particular chemical intervention? It might have been Jill Biden’s fault, the war in Ukraine, something the millions of illegals carried over from the third world, food inflation, generational debt, or having to listen to Joe’s Hate of the Union Addresses.

Big mystery.

No, not really.

That the deaths and health injuries are anything but rare is evident from the report by a US Navy medic that Department of Defense data show that US Navy pilots have suffered a:

937% increase in heart failure
152% increase in cardiomyopathy
69% increase in ischemic heart disease
36% increase in hypertensive disease
63% increase in other forms of heart disease

There’s only one thing all of these “DOD” employees have in common, and it’s a problem for the weak-tea effort to soft-sell complications and uncommonness.

The corrupt US Department of Defense, a ramp for the excess profits of the armaments industry, tried to blame the events on the Covid virus itself. However, “according to information published by the US Army, 97% of active-duty U.S. troops are fully vaccinated, 90% of Army National Guard members are fully vaccinated, and 91% of U.S. Army Reserve members are fully vaccinated.”

So, if the “vaccine” did not cause the deaths and health injuries, and the virus was responsible, obviously the “vaccine” was totally ineffective in protecting against the virus.

And they are still pushing the Jab as safer than catching COVID.


The post A 937% Increase in Heart Failure? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Long List of Problems with New Hampshire’s Assisted Suicide Bill (HB1283)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 22:00 +0000

Proponents of HB1283 argue that, per a UNH survey, 71% of the people of NH were in favor of assisted suicide. After obtaining the survey and speaking with UNH, I found out that the NH Alliance for End-of-Life Options paid $1800 for the survey.

I am not challenging the intent of HB 1283 (the assisted suicide bill)  itself, but it has many flaws.

The second survey question asks, “Do you identify as having a disability?” It then goes on to describe “Disability” in detail. That sent up a huge red flag, and when I asked the Director of the Alliance why ask this question, she could offer no explanation. I also was able to uncover that the poll was conducted with the Granite State Panel, which receives compensation for surveys they participate in. Related: Slippery Meet Slope …

I have multiple concerns about the assisted suicide bill HB1283.

There is no residency requirement. This means that technically anyone in the world can come to New Hampshire with a terminal illness to end their life.

The term Health Care entity, as described, “means an entity or institution, other than an individual, that is licensed to provide any form of health care in the State “can include a weight loss clinic, a Medi spa., or a dentist office.

A Health Care provider, as per RSA 329, “329:1 Practice. Any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine under the meaning of this chapter who shall diagnose, treat, perform surgery, or prescribe any treatment of medicine for any disease or human ailment. “Surgery” means any procedure, including but not limited to laser, in which human tissue is cut, shaped, burned, vaporized, or otherwise structurally altered, except that this section shall not apply to any person to whom authority is given by any other statute to perform acts which might otherwise be deemed the practice of medicine. “Laser” means light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” used to prescribe or consult in this process is very vague.

This means that two Nurse Practitioners whom you have never met before would be able to set up a clinic to exclusively provide access to assisted suicide since there is nothing in the Bill that requires the involvement of your treating Physician. It doesn’t even say that your Medical Record has to come from your treating physician.

We want to thank Rep Kristine Perez for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Home Health and Hospice require an individual to be perceived (as) in their last six months of life as determined by their regular treating physician and a hospice physician. They must also have a Palliative performance scale of < or = to 50-60%, dependence of 3 or their 6 ADLs, and stop treatment of their condition.

None of these are requirements for ending one’s life in this Bill. There is no mention of the treating physician’s involvement at all.

Page 2: lines 18- 20: All providers are qualified to make a diagnosis and prognosis, although “there is no standard life expectancy for a patient to be considered terminal”, according to Wikipedia

Line 25: This is stated to be self-administered, yet no witness is required. How do we know what happens to the drugs once obtained? Vermont said that a percentage of individuals don’t actually use them, and if so, what happens to this deadly cocktail in that case? This Bill has no provision for that as well.

Page 3: IV: Who provides the health record?  Is it obtained from the treating physician? Who requests it or can the individual just bring it in complete or incomplete and does it say that their life expectancy is less than 6 months?

Page 4: line 2: “end my life in a peaceful manner.” The Canadian Association of MAID “acknowledges that patients who ingest assisted suicide drugs can experience burning, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation especially if the patient has difficulty swallowing large volume of liquids.” Seizures can also be a side effect of these drugs.  Oregon reports that 14.8% of individuals have reported experiencing difficulty swallowing or drug regurgitation, as well as seizures. We have peaceful in the Bill, but there is certainly no guarantee of that.

Page 5: line 9: Allows the lethal prescription to be picked up 48 hours after prescribed. This is a very short time and doesn’t allow for the reality of the situation to be absorbed.

Page 6+ eliminates any liability for anyone or any place . That is also a red flag. No liability for the initial prescribing individual or the consulting individual!

Page 7: lines 9-12 states that “Actions taken in accordance with this chapter shall not be construed for any purpose to constitute suicide, assisted suicide, euthanasia, mercy killing, homicide or adult abuse under the law.”  Why is this in there? I could not find a definition for MAiD without assisted suicide being mentioned. MAiD is medically assisted suicide.

Lines 18-20: Coercion: Earlier in this Bill, it was stated that one could not coerce an individual to participate in MAiD. No consequences were stated for such action. Yet if one attempts to stop an individual from following through on their MAiD, it is a class B felony! Why?

Page 8: lines 32-36: we cannot dictate to insurance companies (life. Health. Accident, or annuities) that they would be required to forgo the terms of their policies. I spoke with two insurance agents who expressed great concerns. They also questioned why accident and annuities were included.

Page 9: Death Certificate: Why is this not on the certificate? The terminal illness should perhaps be the primary cause of death, and MAiD the secondary. Causes of death are used for statistical reasons and to track life expectancy for diagnosed conditions.

This Bill is also against the Platform of Republican Principles.

The National Council on Disabilities is against MAiD, as is the State Veterans Affairs Council and numerous other groups in the State and the Nation.

The post A Long List of Problems with New Hampshire’s Assisted Suicide Bill (HB1283) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Whistleblower: No Money to Hire Help, But VA Leadership is Still Partying in Chicago Next Week.

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 20:00 +0000

Our latest VA Whistleblower continues to deliver on an aspect of the VA that is under-reported. In the previous installment, we published evidence of poor management and the mishandling of taxpayer dollars regarding priorities. Party first, Veterans later, if you like. This time, we’re taking it national.

The VA is holding a large gathering in Chicago at the end of the month despite a worsening fiscal situation it kept under wraps until the President’s budget was announced. From our Whistleblower: ‘This is a huge story that has not been reported, and I don’t know why.

Almost every VA facility across the country is currently in a deficit situation. These deficits range anywhere from $3-4M up to $100M. Hospitals have been struggling since the new year to decrease their onboard staffing, leading to staffing situations across the nation. That itself is the issue that has yet to be widely reported in the news, and congressional offices are just getting wind of it

The scandal I bring to you all in the press is that as the VA struggles to pay for salaried clerks, police, doctors, and nurses to staff hospitals, the VA leaders are treating themselves to a week in Chicago for the American College of Healthcare Executives conference next week.

The tuition for this meeting is well over a $1000, hotels are charging maximum rates $250-350 a night while VA leaders wine and dine with each other for the week while hospitals struggle to staff the facilities. ACHE attendance is not a requirement, it’s simply mingling with private sector healthcare facilities.


I would actually question why the VA would pay for any staff member to attend this. Clearly, the optics of VA leaders wining and dining while their hospitals try to hire staff is bad. This is nothing but an opportunity for VA leaders to schmooze with others at the taxpayer’s expense at a time of multi-billion dollar shortfall projections, yes, billions

I’m not suggesting this is 20 or 30 staff members attending, but literally hundreds of VA employees.

Not to worry. The Veterans administration has guidance regarding such matters.


And here they are, gathering by the hundreds to pat each other on the back about how these rules don’t apply to them.

The Whistleblower requests under FOIA a listing of all VA attendees to this event and the cost associated with their travel if anyone has the bandwidth for that.

We’ll share the details if or when you ever get a response.

The post Whistleblower: No Money to Hire Help, But VA Leadership is Still Partying in Chicago Next Week. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Should Americans Stop Paying Their Federal Income Tax Until the Open Border Crisis Resolves?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 18:00 +0000

It is now common knowledge there is a wide spectrum of national security issues resulting from open borders and deliberate waves of mass migration. These issues have an economic and public safety impact on the USA and its taxpayers. The magnitude of this issue should bring into question the federal income tax.

A recent study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) has verified the economic costs illegal immigrants have on American taxpayers. Some of the main statistics show the government costs of illegal immigration have increased by 35 billion dollars in the last five years. The net cost to the average American taxpayer is $1,156.00 a year. Also, many illegal immigrants receive financial incentives in the form of net cash profit from refundable tax credits. For more information, please click the link to view the study. Please click here to read the report.

Also, a data metric sheet compiled by US Customs and Border Protection has verified the total number of encounters at ports of entry between the two following groups: 1). Illegal immigrants trying to gain entry 2). Immigrants in the US illegally already (if I interpret it correctly). A chronological comparison of total encounters from 2017-2023 shows an incremental yet sharp increase in the volume of illegal immigration just along ports of entry. Click Here for the Customs and Border Protection data sheet.

We want to thank Ryan Bennett for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

These overlapping financial and public safety impacts also strain existing human and civic institutional resources at the federal and state levels. The lack of assimilation to American values and a disdain for the Constitution disrupt the educational efficiency and opportunities for Americanized legal immigrants and citizens. With a nation that has a crumbling infrastructure, porous borders, a pedophilia-promoting agenda in the schools, and gender ideology, neoliberal climate change mantras, and critical race theory agendas pushed in woke corporations that go along with this, why should US citizens give their hard-earned income to a financial system that has capitulated to the allied open border anarcho-Marxist and transhumanist corporate fascist strands of totalitarianism?

Why should Americans keep paying the federal income tax if it is only fueling the very beast overwhelming our public, economic and civic well-being? Our tax money is used to circumvent sovereign American laws via a corrupt de-facto bankrupt administrative state that conflicts with the Judeo-Christian framework our founders fought so hard for.

Most Americans cannot even tackle understanding the basics of our mammoth financial system, let alone weave through the confusing (intentionally so) bureaucratic layers of administrative penal codes, regulations, statutes, etc., that have incrementally worked against us financially. The same convoluted system is now giving illegal immigrants financial incentives in states like California. Gangs are running rampant in parts of NYC. Illegal immigrants are getting free housing in multiple states while other illegals sexually assault, rape, and mug innocent people across the USA.

Call me radical, but I would like to bet millions of Americans feel this sentiment to some degree but may not want to express it. I think Americans should research the true history of the federal income tax, the meaning of the word “income” from the time our Constitution was written and seriously consider what the intent of the income tax was before FDR’s New Deal. Combine that with the present-day taxpayer-funded anarch-terrorist and cartel-based networks residing in sanctuary city nodes across the USA, and ask yourself, “Would you ever personally fund something to this nature?” I would assume no, so then why should “We the People” fund the same system we would all refuse to fund individually as people? Just my opinion. Rant over.


The views and opinions expressed by contributors are those of the author and may not reflect the opinion or position of  Grok Media,, its authors, advertisers, donors, or sponsors.

The post Should Americans Stop Paying Their Federal Income Tax Until the Open Border Crisis Resolves? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 16:00 +0000

Hello Monday my old enemy…

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






Cue the line from the movie The Octagon: The world, it does not want to be saved… only to be left alone”.






I’ve said it many times: up until the whole Covid thing, I was firmly in the “vaccines are good” camp.  And, at least in theory, I would still hold true to that; the idea that you could pre-arm the immune system against a dangerous pathogen is an incredible thing.  It’s great in principle, but sorely lacking in execution.  And seeing how corrupt both industry and our alleged governmental watchdogs are, I’m now a confirmed anti-vaxxer.




At some point, you have to give up when – no matter how you try – they simply won’t understand.






Welcome to the “subscription model” of the new economy.  Like Anal Schwab’s WEF says, you’ll own nothing.

I was thinking, as I parked late this morning and looked at my house, of a phrase by Thomas Jefferson: “I have a right to nothing which another has the right to take away”.  If I don’t pay my taxes on my house, my house gets taken away.  Ergo, I don’t really own my own property.










The ONLY THING that gives you away is your voice?  Seriously?  This is psychotic-level delusion.



Well, yeah, until a JDAM drops on you.






Know that your biggest enemy has a “D” after their name.




Weep for these magnificent trees.





That timing wouldn’t surprise me at all.












To quote one of my all-time favorite movie lines, “Boy, do I hate being right all the time”.



Remember what I said, a post or so ago, about “Interspecies affection” coming after “Minor Attraction”?  And speaking of the latter:



I have to wonder now…














A skill the Democrats (and farther Left) have mastered.















Anyone who thinks Covid and The Jab “spontaneously happened” is outright delusional.  Related:











I think that’s right, actually.





Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Taiwan confirms presence of US special forces — RT World News

As though this couldn’t be considered a provocation.

A Deal With the Digital Devil – Chronicles (

The tools we create will soon be our masters.  And from the same site:

Social Contract Theory as Feathered Serpent – Chronicles (

Being Human – Chronicles (

The Big Squeeze: Over 140,000 U.S. Farms Lost In 5 Years (

From 2019.  And only getting worse.  And this, from 2022:

When Collectivists Have Full Control – by FIA Ranch (

‘Trusted Messengers:’ Volunteer Censors Trained to Control Your Community’s Speech – Foundation for Freedom Online

Censorship accelerating.  Related:

Send Your Neighbor To Prison For “WrongSpeak,” Get $2,000 From Taxpayers in State of Washington – Liberty Sentinel

As you weigh whether people in your life would turn you in, remember, to too many, you are the enemy.  This quote by Huxley applies:



Dr. Leana Wen, arguably most stupid doctor & television talking head, outdone only by the former CDC Director Walensky & Drs. Peter Jüni & I Bogoch of Ontario, what a bunch of idiots! Dolts! MORONS! (

Not just a useful idiot – the cause of the outbreak of Measles and other diseases is the open borders.  On the Jab:

A new type of analysis of the COVID vaccine trials finds even more exaggeration of their benefits than we knew (

West Point Dumps MacArthur Formulation: Elevates Army Loyalty Above Country. Democrats Plan Military Government? | Blog Posts |

Subsuming the military for political ends.

France’s Skyrocketing Threat :: Gatestone Institute

And yet, so many are open to bringing in more and more and more.

Follow up on the Boeing exec turned whistle-blower that “committed suicide” just days before he was supposed to testify about quality & safety issues at Boeing:

Borepatch: Jeffery Epstein Could Not Be Reached For Comment

In a severe turn towards tyranny, our northern neighbor (Canada) is looking at creating laws that would allow them to arrest you not only for what you say online, but what you MIGHT say online.  Just like the movie “Minority Report” from a decade ago (which had a “Department of Pre-Crime”), the Canadian version will have people looking at your posts and deciding whether or not you COULD say something they don’t like.  And if this does becomes law, they can arrest you BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING, then put you in PRISON.  Even the leftists agree that several changes would need to be made to the judicial system to make this fly, but hey, who cares about rights & free speech when we need to control the peasants, right?:

Trudeau Demands Life In Prison For Speech Crimes (

It certainly looks like the Biden Admin does NOT want Israel to win the war against Hamas.  Since Hamas is a terrorist organization, it makes you wonder why?  Maybe because TPTB really don’t WANT peace in the middle east.  They want a forever war instead (more money to be made).  Honestly, I’m getting really sick of how most of the world treats Israel (and Jews in general) as 2nd class people (or worse):

Unfortunately, antisemitism is rising all over the West, but Europe is definitely feeling it much more than then the USA (at least for now).  Some Jewish families have bags packed & ready to go in case they need to abandon their homes and leave on a moments notice.  Here is an interview from Belgium with a young Jewish boy and a Holocaust survivor both saying that things are getting scary, and Jews need to think about leaving:

As bad as things are for Jews in the US, it’s much worse in Western Europe ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Related antisemitism:

Jeffery Tucker of the Epoch Times asks a really good question:  What do we do if the government just ignores the Supreme Court and does (or continues doing) the same thing that the Court slapped down?  Slo-Joe & crew have already done it at least twice already (telling landlords during Covid that they cannot charge rent OR evict people, SCOTUS said NO, but they did it anyway). And recently, with the forgiveness of student loans (Joe even BRAGGED about defying SCOTUS).  So what DO we do if they are ignoring the highest court?

What If the President Ignores the Supreme Court? | The Epoch Times

Another article about all the info your car collects on you (and reports back to the car company so they can monetize you).  In this case, the author’s insurance rates went up 21% after his car started reporting his driving habits to the insurance companies.  This is another reason why I rebuilt & drive a 22 year old truck, and I also have a 19 year old minivan (no “report back”).  However, I’m sure that someday soon, it will be “required” to have a “report back” box installed in any vehicle driven on public roads, and you’ll be fined and/or arrested for NOT having one.  Can’t allow the peasants to have unrestricted movement, now can we?:

As an aside, I person I know from work had to go to China (on business) last month (February), and her phone battery died while she was gathering her luggage at the airport.  It was cold & windy, so she wrapped her scarf around her face & head just before she exited the airport to get a cab.  The Chinese police stopped her less than a minute later because their facial recognition cameras could not identify her and they could not get a ping from her phone.  Think about that:  1 minute to be looked at, run through the database, shown as a “non-identified person”, and the police deployed to stop you.  THAT’s what the current surveillance tech can do in China (at least in any urban area), and what the globalists want everywhere (if we let it).

A “mass shooting” in Philly, but it’s being buried because the shooters were all black.  The article goes on to show how the news manipulates the narrative so that it LOOKS like white people are the bad ones, when the reality is that 90%+ of black shooting deaths are caused by other blacks.:

Now We Know Why That Philly Mass Shooting Story Vanished – PJ Media

In another “not good for the country” article, the F-35 “do everything” fighter jet which is currently being fielded by ALL of America’s forces is majorly lacking in actual “fight readiness”.  The BEST report they could give is 55% “mission capable” (which means the plane can fly and do at least ONE mission), but the real truth teller is “full mission capable” (FMC), which means it’s ready to do ANY mission within it’s design parameters.  According to the report, across the services only 30% of our “best fighter jets ever” are FMC!  That means that after 21 years of development time (10 of those being EXTRA  time not budgeted for), billions in cost overruns, and thousands of wasted hours training the F-35 crews (not to mention selling off a LOT of good, usable F-18 and F-16 jets to our “allies”), 70% of our F-35 fleet is NOT COMBAT READY!  This is a disgrace.  Just as a measure, in the Marine Corps in the 1980’s, if more than 15% of a unit’s aircraft were not FMC at any particular time, the Commanding Officer of that unit better have a damn good reason, or they could be relieved of command.  But the Military/Industrial complex wanted the F-35, because it was incredibly expensive (lots of ways to make money), and incredibly complicated (lots of reasons for cost overruns).  So they make money while the US Forces are forced to accept a plane that is too complicated to keep it flying.  Think about going to war with a peer (or near-peer) adversary and having 70% of your fighter jets be not combat ready.  But hey, a lot of money was made…

For those who willingly took the jab, we question your sanity.  And for those who were forced to take the jab to continue working, we will pray for you.  A recent study has suggested that males who were jabbed will lose 24 years of life span, passing away at 56 (on average).  That’s a whole generation of men that will not help (or see) their grandchildren grow up.  Also, there has been a LOT of studies showing major negative changes in the fertility of both men and women who have been jabbed, so these people may not ever have children, let alone grandchildren.

For the “next” plandemic, the WEF is working on ways to make SURE you take whatever pills they are pushing.  This is a WEF video from 2018 talking about how micro-transponders can now be put into pills, so they will know when you take it, and how long it was in your body.  “Sir, you haven’t taken your Soma in 3 days, so your food ration has been terminated.  If you want to eat again, take your Soma”…

Lastly:  A funny for you:  This is a “song” response to a liberal expecting that we should just magically know what pronoun to call their “enlightenedness”, and it’s hilarious:




Pick of the post:



This is, I think, very telling – and not just about him, but about ALL the Globalists and, in general, about ALL that would call themselves our masters.  Vanity, after all, is Satan’s favorite sin.




Palate Cleansers:



Sent that to my son, who replied Damn!


Oh, this looks so, so familiar.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

State Rep Damond Ford Doesn’t Know Much About History

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 14:00 +0000

They may call themselves Democrats. But they are Communists. Needless to say, they would deny being Communists. Indeed, they would roll their eyes and scoff at the suggestion. Yet their goal of “transforming” America by making it more “diverse,” “equitable,” “inclusive,” blah, blah, blah, is simply the latest manifestation of Stalin’s purges, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot’s re-education, etc.

This post is about State Representative Damond Ford, a Democrat (Communist, actually) who nominally represents several wards in Manchester, New Hampshire. To borrow a phrase from Sam Cooke, Damond Ford doesn’t know much about history.

Ford’s X is breathtaking … but that is NOT meant as a compliment. It is a bacchanalia of vulgarity, profanity, and anti-white racism. This post is about the following X (formerly tweet):

Actually, non-Africans enslaved Africans for centuries before the Western slave trade began. Arab Muslims began enslaving non-Muslim Africans in the seventh century … one thousand years before the Atlantic slave trade began. Muslims were not allowed to be enslaved per Islamic law. So race-based slavery was an Arab/Muslim thing long, long, long before it was “an American/Christian thing.”

As for the magnitude of the Arab Muslim slave trade … the estimates I have seen range from 10 million to 17 million. The journey of the enslaved Africans across the Sahara was unbelievably brutal and cruel … adjectives that also describe the Atlantic route.

To be clear, I am NOT saying that the Arab Muslim slave trade was worse than the Western slave trade or that it justifies the Western slave trade … what I am saying is that Damond Ford is full of shit in claiming that race-based slavery was uniquely “an American/Christian thing.”

Ford’s uninformed and inaccurate explanation of the African slave trade is the “honest history” he wants taught to schoolchildren. It is based not on any neutral and objective study of history but what even a cursory review of his X makes unarguable … an obsession with race that facilitates the Left’s agenda of “transforming” America.

The only thing that really distinguishes Damond Ford and his ilk from Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, etc., is that the latter obtained sufficient power to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions. Pray that Ford and his ilk never obtain such power.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jill Biden’s Top Aide is A Toxic Gay Bully Who Sexually Harasses White House Staff

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 12:00 +0000

Dr. Jill has this guy named Anthony Bernal working for her. Her “top aide” for a decade (while Joe was Barry’s VP until the present day) and, according to reports, makes the work environment toxic.

From comments about people’s sexuality to opining on the penis size of colleges, Bernal’s alleged trail of harassment has revealed at least two problems for the Bidens. First, a dozen individuals have come forward to share stories about Bernal’s bullying with the New York Post. The second is that there is universal agreement (at least from those cited in the reporting) that everyone knows about it, but the Bidens do nothing to stop it and never have.

“It comes from the top. The Bidens are more interested in shielding a known predator than protecting [verbal] abuse victims.”

So much for the adults talking over, not that this was ever true. Joe Biden is a toxic work environment and has been for years. Inappropriate touching, sniffing, and an inability to grasp the concept of personal space. He swam naked in front of female Secret Service members on his detail, and then there is Ashley Biden’s diary. Joe is a creepy toxic freak, so with that as a role model, what incentive would Jill or Joe have to say boo to Bernal, who appears to use his close association with power as an excuse to be a bullying sexist asshole?

“They [the Bidens]talk a big game about integrity, decency, and kindness but when you work for the Bidens, you experience anything but that,” said another former White House adviser, who, like other sources, asked for anonymity in order to speak candidly and for fear of retaliation.

“They choose to surround themselves with bullies who run around the White House like mean girls, making the president and first lady look like phonies to everyone in Washington because everyone on the inside talks about what happens there on the outside.”

And it’s not just Bernal. The Post notes other members of the Biden White House were also abusive. “Three people contacted the [The White House Counsel’s] office last fall. They requested an investigation into Ian Mellul, a former associate director of presidential advance, and Brie Moore, a former director of press advance.”

Talking to their superiors resulted in … nothing. This is not to diminish or dismiss their discomfort, but this is just like the sort of Government they’ve helped create—one where they ignore their own, destroy them if need be, to protect the ability to abuse power.

Contrast this to all the narratives about Trump being toxic, and it looks like more projection. Democrats are reporting on superiors, all the way to the top, about sexual harassment and bullying, and nothing is being done about it.

And if they complained openly, they’d get fired or worse.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Book Report: “Stop Lying about Education Savings Accounts”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 10:00 +0000

When I learned that Ian Underwood’s latest book was available, I eagerly awaited an opportunity to buy it. An in-person sale that didn’t require excessive miles on my odometer.  Today was the day because his wife had a table at an event in my zip code.

A few hours later, I plowed through it as it was easy to read like all the others in his collection.

But before I get into discussing the book, it’s important to share some relevant details about myself that are not included in my review of the first 3 of his books (that I read).

While nobody likes people who talk about themselves too much, think of what I will say more like a disclaimer for the sake of rigorous honesty. After all, Page 10 says it’s the author’s hope that people on both sides of the ESA controversy will be more open and honest about what their goals actually are.  More on that in a moment, but my disclosure is about the relationship between my wallet and OPK (other people’s kids).  I don’t have kids, I never wanted kids, and I resent being forced to pay OPK-related expenses. It’s important to get that out in the open in keeping with Page 10’s words and while reviewing talking points 1 and 2 of 4, so let’s get started.

The back cover says the following:

“I’m neither for nor against ESAs.  All my libertarian friends say I’m supposed to like ESAs.  But I’ve never found the arguments for them persuasive.  This book is a record of my attempts to figure out exactly why.”

To me, that’s the subject of the book, and I’ll offer my own thoughts on how reading the book changed them.

There are four arguments on Page 9 that are hammered out in articulate detail over the next 124 pages.  They are as follows:

1) ESAs reduce overall spending, thus saving taxpayers money.

2) ESAs can eventually provide a replacement for public schools.

3) ESAs create conditions in which free market competition will reduce costs and improve quality.

4) ESAs represent an improvement over what I call the Standard Model for helping the poor that had been developed and refined over generations.

Starting with the first argument, which I agreed with until this book debunked it, Page 7 nails it with the words “shifting” and “saving” and makes clear that they are NOT interchangeable. Many simple comparisons are made that Dr. Frank would approve of. He likes to say, “Explain it to me like I’m a kid.” This book does that. Always be cautious of the word “free” because it usually means that someone else is paying for it.

As for the second argument, I was an ardent supporter.  I use the word “was” because my parade has been rained on with the author’s comparison of EFAs to UBI and some of their mutual nuts and bolts.  There’s a lot of merit to the arguments, but you’ll have to read the book yourself.  Personally, I’d like to see “Gov-Ed,” as Chris Salcedo calls it, totally defunded and taxes refunded(or at least reduced).  For reasons noted earlier, I would get to keep what’s rightfully mine in the first place, and those who have kids could use their tax savings to fund what serves the best interest of their young.  Easy-peasy.  No redistribution involved and personal responsibility prevails.

Buy – Stop Lying About Education Savings Accounts

Unfortunately, what I personally want to see happen is an unrealistic goal due to a variety of reasons we all can think of.  Therefore, I had always thought of the second argument for EFAs as a “starve the beast” strategy with the ultimate bonus result of vaporizing all its (what author JT Gatto called) “parasite” entities, especially the NTU.  But the merits of the second argument have been called into question, so, onto the third.

There are some great Milton Friedman references poking holes into the third argument.  In fact, the author renames this fantasy free market, the “freeBIE market.”  One highlight is the pointing out that a free market is between TWO entities; the producer and the consumer.  Once the government is involved in playing Robin Hood, you have THREE players involved.  Read the book to learn more.

The fourth argument involves the public’s perception of social problems, such a poverty.  Those who are poor don’t like the suffering that goes with the territory and those who are not poor don’t like the problems that go with having the poor among them, so there’s a dichotomy.  Both parties agree that the problem exists, but not necessarily on the definition of “the problem” and the preferred solution.  The Standard Model is explained in detail, and examples are given, such as Section 8, welfare, food stamps, etc.  Then it’s explained how EFAs should be renamed “educaid,” as that’s the model being used, with all the flaws included.  Again, you can learn more about the flaws in the book.

All in all, great talking points are made, and I feel enlightened, particularly by the Page 56 comment about how the (enemy camp)opponents of EFAs are wise to the “starve the beast” strategy in the second argument.  I’m certainly not advocating pulling the plug on EFAs like the enemy camp is, but future bills that expand the eligibility for EFAs now give me pause.  And at what point must one view the threshold as the poor subsidizing its wealthier neighbors(who can pay their own way)?

Then there’s the Trojan Horse that Ann Marie Banfield has been sounding the alarm on for quite some time: the globalist takeover of ALL forms of education that are not Gov-Ed. So that goes back to my preferred desire that Gov-Ed be defunded, and taxpayers get to keep their money. However, we still need to do something about “Claremont 2.0” before it wreaks havoc on NH’s future.

Buy – Stop Lying About Education Savings Accounts

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Biden And The UniParty Have Strengthened The Economy And The Military … of Russia

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 02:00 +0000

The Biden-Regime/UniParty proxy-war against Russia has accomplished the opposite of what the warmongers assured us it was accomplishing. The Russian economy has been strengthened, not weakened, and the Russian military has been honed into a far, far, far more capable military force from when we supposedly began “degrading” Russia’s military capability.

Of course, you won’t hear any of these FACTS from the Regime-media (or the UniParty media, a/k/a Fox News) … our supposed “free press” is still regurgitating the incoherent Deep State talking points that Ukraine is simultaneously degrading the Russian military, but somehow this degraded Russian military is a threat to conquer all of Europe if we stop shoveling billions at the military-industrial complex.

David Sacks has been one of the voices of reason and truth about the proxy-war. He explains below how the proxy-war has produced a stronger Russian economy and military. Well worth spending a few minutes reading:

And below is an explanation why the Biden-Regime/UniParty/WEF sanctions have failed so miserably:



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! Part 2: FOLLOW THE MONEY

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-03-18 00:00 +0000

The Biden administration aims to establish 30 gigawatts of offshore wind power on U.S. coasts by 2030 and has put half a billion into just Offshore Wind—with a focus primarily on the East Coast.

Offshore wind is not even reasonably priced! The cost of electricity from offshore wind is taking off, as New York awarded contracts to two developers in February 2024 at prices more than double what Massachusetts negotiated during its last procurement.

A press release issued by New York Gov. Kathy Hochul indicated the average cost of the two contracts in New York is $150.15 per megawatt hour. The press release said the price “is on par with the latest market prices,” but it’s a sticker-shock leap from the $76.73-per-megawatt-hour price that Massachusetts negotiated with Avangrid in March 2023.

Avangrid paid a $48 million penalty to terminate that contract in July last year, saying rising interest rates, inflation, and economic upheaval caused by the war in Ukraine made the contract terms unworkable. That decision set off a domino effect in the industry, as a number of projects up and down the Atlantic seaboard were terminated.

We want to thank Julie P. for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

On the banking front, a $1.5 Trillion ESG Debt Market Has Started Bleeding Clients. Bankers say clients are wary of “greenwashing” allegations. Sustainability-linked loan issuance is down 74% year-to-date. [“Greenwashing”: Misleading the public to believe that a company or other entity is doing more to protect the environment than it is, greenwashing promotes false solutions to the climate crisis that distract from and delay concrete and credible action. ]

That is what is going on, and our oceans are paying the ultimate price. In comes Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, and TRowe, all jumping onto the “Energy Transition” business, flushing money into the laundromat.

Where’s all the Biden offshore wind money going? Most of it is to foreign companies and their employees. Vestas (Danish), Siemens Gamesa (German), Orsted (Danish), Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Japan), and Even GE’s involvement in wind is located in Europe, primarily in France, NOT the USA!

Then there is the “Jones Act” or the USA getting all those “green” jobs and green industries Biden promised. The Jones Act is a 100-year-old law that means that only US‐built and US‐registered vessels can transport goods by water in the United States. No existing Wind Turbine Installation Vehicles (WTIVs) comply with these restrictions, barring them from transporting wind turbine components to installation sites from nearby US ports. Jan 2, 2024…

But they found a way around that problem by using a feeder vessel. They bring it to New York on a barge. They hire stevedores (a person employed or a contractor engaged at a dock to load and unload cargo from ships) to unload from the barge onto land. They wait for a different vessel to show up at the barge, and then the stevedores take the stuff off of land and put it back on to the barge so that they can, with the different vessel, pick it up and then put it down.

They pulled this for the Block Island (US first Offshore Wind Farm) Wind Farm, too. That one tested the waters for the rest of them. So much for the USA getting all those “green” technology jobs.

The Vineyard Wind project (off Martha’s Vineyard) promised jobs to local workers, yet out of the nearly 1,800 union and nonunion workers hired by Vineyard Wind since January, only eight were from the Vineyard. Only one of those hires was a union job. Foreign companies bringing foreign workers and using foreign technology. That is not what the current Green New Deal and their people promised.

Wind and Solar are “Energy Transition” action items and are ripe for investors, seeing the billions pumped into Offshore Wind. They are the new “gold ring” for investors like Blackrock, Vanguard, and others, pumping money in and draining money out—our money. Our government has become the world’s biggest Laundromat.

Part 1 – The Whales; Part 2-The Money; Part 3-The Data and Part 4- What this means for NH

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Speaking of Lawyers, Let’s Talk About The Attorney General

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 22:00 +0000

Inspired by yesterday’s Facebook post by former Attorney General Kelly Ayotte regarding her affection for law enforcement and a recent piece on her primary opponent, Chuck Morse, I have an important question for BOTH of them.  What do they plan to do with Formella?

If I’m not mistaken, his term expires a little over a year from now.  He was appointed by the Damn Emperor without a resume rich in prosecution and confirmed by the executive council.  Seeing Warmington, another lawyer, sparring with him on January 31 makes me think that she was a lone dissenter in a 4-1 approval, but I sent an email to the EC secretary to confirm what the vote indeed was. That also reminds me that it’s a good idea to ask executive council candidates, incumbents and challengers alike, if they would approve his reappointment, assuming it happens.

A lousy attorney general is no laughing matter. Remember what Formella’s predecessor, Gordon MacDonald, did and did not do.  He, through his henchman Attorney Nicholas Chong Yen, said out-of-state Dartmouth students could vote in the 2020 election despite the campus being closed all semester due to covid.  He also “did a Comey” on former Nashua school board member and Grokster Doris Hohensee when he sat on her complaint of the NTU electioneering for almost a year, dismissing it about a month before The Great Heist.  Doris’s complaint, loaded with evidence, was ignored by lots of lawyers, including our mayor and Attorney Bolton.

While Formella is an improvement from Gordon MacDonald and he handled Warmington’s January 31 attacks well, he is not without fault. There is plenty to discuss about him and things that happened on his watch, including the 10/13/21 executive council arrests, the 20 months of tormenting lawfare that followed for the nine victims, and all the unpleasantness associated with the youth center scandal.

This statement’s mission is not so much to serve as an attack on Formella but a wake-up call to the voters to get themselves informed.  Know your candidates on your primary slate and what they plan to do as governor and executive councilor when it’s time to choose the next attorney general and make them go on record.  Most higher office candidates stump with scripted talking points, but when it’s time to take questions, take advantage of opportunities to get to know stuff that’s important(to us, not them).

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Defund the Police” Chickens … Come Home to Roost in Pittsburgh

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 20:00 +0000

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright was more or less unknown before Barry Obama ran for President. One of Wright’s more famous idioms, perhaps due to the frequently shared recording of him saying it, was that after 9/11, America’s chickens were coming home to roost. Much like Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth, it still has legs.

A phrase meant to infer one thing but useful for so many others in “right back at you” fashion.

Today’s roosting chicken lesson comes to us courtesy of the Summer of Love, BLM, and the Defund movement. A stupid idea based on a problem created by Democrats whose goal is chaos, disorder, and – I have long posited – a nationalized police force controlled from inside the Beltway in DC.

Pittsburgh’s Bureau of Police is responding to staffing shortages by foregoing any officer presence in dispatch offices 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. daily.

The Daily Mail reported that the cut was announced last month by Pittsburgh police chief Larry Scirotto, who noted, “Data said that from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m that we had 8% of our call volume, yet we had 33% of our personnel working during those periods of time.”

Scirotto’s decision comes as the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police has dwindled to just 740 officers.

Great news for the people of Pittsburgh if you think the cops are racists. Fewer of them are available less often, on top of the already declining racism and oppression announced in February.

In late February, Breitbart News pointed out Scirotto also made clear officers would not be responding to 911 calls that are not reporting in-progress emergencies, regardless of the time of day the calls came in.

Rejoice, rejoice; there is no end in sight to the decline in oppressive police racism, but being a minority victim of crime will, more than likely, continue to rise. Nothing, as they say, is ever truly “free.”

According to Neighborhood Scout, Pittsburg is “safer” than only six other places in America. You have a 1 in 33 chance of being a victim of property crime and a 1 in 177 chance of being a victim of violent crime.

There are an average of 187 crimes per square mile, so if you think you might soon be a victim of crime, try to avoid 3 am and 7 am, which is as counterintuitive as it sounds. Given the opportunity, criminals will pick the path of least resistance, and Pittsburgh just told them not just when that might be but when it is.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

ICYMI – Why Food Is About To Get Very Expensive

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 18:00 +0000

Americans are witnessing frighteningly high rates of inflation—gasoline prices have increased by 10 cents a day lately, it seems. Interest rates are rising and set to continue shooting up, compounding home affordability hampered by a seismic spike in home and land prices.

In Vermont, used car prices have increased 21% in the last year (an average of $31,907 for a used car), and heating oil is approaching $7 per gallon. But the much greater threat is food inflation.

Food prices for many staples like bacon and hamburger have already shot skyward under what the Biden administration dismissed last year as “transitory” inflation and now blames on the War in Ukraine.  The enormous infusions of newly printed (borrowed) money under COVID continue to trickle through the economy in the form of inflation, undermining real wages, inflating asset values, and ultimately impacting vital industrial inputs such as fossil fuels. The industrial food system is particularly vulnerable to these pressures.

Fuels such as gasoline and diesel till the ground; plant the seed; spray the fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides; and harvest and transport the crop. But these and other fuels (especially natural gas) are the core resources from which modern synthetic fertilizers are derived, and other vital inputs such as potash and phosphorus must be shipped long distances. Fertilizer prices have doubled in the last year; plastic wrap, baling twine, and other essential haymaking supplies are scarce and very costly.

Consider a hamburger with all the fixings. Commercial lettuce, tomatoes, and onions will likely have been harvested using layers of fossil fuel inputs in some far distant location, then processed and transported to Vermont using yet more expensive energy (vegetables from Chile and China will soon be much more costly as well as less trustworthy and less fresh).

The cheese on your burger might be local, but if not, it was manufactured with multiple fossil fuel inputs. The bun might seem simple enough until one ponders how many field applications by tractors were involved in supplying the wheat from which it was baked. If the input costs of wheat production escalate permanently, the compounded impact on price is exponentially greater than the underlying commodity inflation.

This will become even more evident in the meat part — the burger is made from cows that convert grain and other feed as energy. Because most modern beef is raised in Confinement Animal Feed Operations (CAFOs), the cows are delivered feed derived from energy-intensive grain crops using industrial equipment. The entire American meat production system has become tightly integrated in recent decades, utterly dependent on cheap energy. As fuel prices escalate, the impact on food prices is likely to be cataclysmic. Sustained inflation will make the bulk of the nation’s industrial agricultural system economically as well as ecologically unsustainable.

Vermonters who remember the Great Depression will recall the dangers of dependency on others for food. But those same minds understand how very far short from that self-reliant agri-culture the Green Mountain State has become since. Farms have been decimated for 100 years, even more so under COVID, yet plans for EV cars and solar panels on every home, or equity panels to extirpate ancient Vermont sins, or more taxes to save the planet continue to eclipse real work to improve local food security and availability. This should be the number one issue for the Vermont legislature, which has instead dithered with expanded criminalization of speech against so-called public servants, amending the Constitution for no practical effect, and distributing money and healthcare based on race and sexual preference.

My campaign slogan when I ran for Governor in 2020 was “Farms Close, Bureaucracy Grows!” That is more obvious now. The State of Vermont added tens of millions of dollars to the agriculture budget — to hire more bureaucrats to work for the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets while yet more dairy farms closed! These endless expansions of taxation and regulatory overreach have decimated our small farms at the peril of all.

President Biden is aggravating fuel prices, inflaming social divisions, and targeting a nation’s liberties due to individual psychotic killers — but he does not appear to be concerned one bit about food. It is almost as if he is distracting voters from the most important issue in their lives: healthy sustenance.

That hamburger and the bun, cheese, and veggies — even the salt and special sauce — are all going to increase in cost while most citizens’ incomes stagnate or decline. Will the Vermont bureaucracy react as usual, and tax citizens into famine by invoking their poverty as grounds for another inefficient rescue “pogram”? When will the Vermont Legislature reaffirm the vital Vermont agrarian traditions that it has instead tarnished as racist, intolerant, and hateful? Why don’t we elect farmers to represent and provide for us in times of food crisis?

If the Vermont Legislature can’t fund pensions, restrain budgets, or tax people fairly, how can it possibly govern our food supplies? We need farmers to produce food: let the bureaucrats dine on their elitist cake while those who understand land stewardship have a voice.

Perhaps Vermonters could trade carbon credits from their pine trees for caviar from their wealthy climate-justice neighbors. Caviar is not as filling as a hamburger, but it’s better than snowballs.


(Originally published 5/29/2022)

John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

With 9-0 Decision SCOTUS Tells Public Officials How Blocking People on Social Media Could Get them Sued

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 16:00 +0000

I like to harp on local House Reps, typically Democrats, who block people on social media that disagree with their public political statements, positions, or advocacy. Now, I can say they should have seen this coming, especially those who praised the courts for smacking then-President Trump around for doing the same thing.

The 9-0 decision sends a warning to anyone in government who chooses to mix private with politics on social media and uses that as an excuse to block people.

The United States Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Friday that government officials who post about work-related topics on their personal social media accounts can be held liable for violating the First Amendment rights of constituents by blocking their access or deleting their critical comments.  

While private citizens can block whomever they please if they are on the taxpayer’s dime in any official capacity, sharing content on a personal social feed could set up a potential lawsuit by anyone or everyone ever blocked.

I’ve issued similar warnings in the past that include not just Dems but Republicans and Libertarians. This was inevitable, and this latest 9-0 first amendment decision sets the groundwork. Suppose you discuss your political agenda on measures, bills, issues, or other business of a town, county, state, or federal office. In that case, the public must be able to comment, or you are violating their First Amendment rights.

The first case involved two elected members of a California school board — the Poway Unified School District Board of Trustees — who blocked concerned parents from their Facebook and Twitter accounts after leaving critical comments.  

The court upheld the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that said the board members had violated the parents’ free speech rights.    

The second related case has been returned to the Sixth Circuit for a second look, but you should expect Democrats to start suing their political opponents long before that case is reviewed. They might be the party of Real censorship, but they know how to work a decision in their favor, and they can prop up an NGO to sue you faster than you can read what I just wrote.

Everyone is on notice, from town councils to school boards, county delegations, state legislatures, and executive branch staffers. Separate the people’s work -however sinister – from private content, or stop blocking people from your social feeds.

Test cases are expected almost immediately.

And yes, this has enormous implications for systemic censorship on social media and pending SCOTUS cases (their decisions, at least) regarding organized censorship by the government outlined in the Twitter Files.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Can You Picture The Global Elite Lining up for Remilk and Impossible Burgers?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 14:00 +0000

Kellogg’s CEO has said, “If you’re a cash-strapped household, you can save money by eating cereal for dinner!” But most major food companies’ cereal labels say, usually below the ingredients list somewhere, that it’s “bioengineered.” So, what the hecky heck is up with that!?

The last half century has moved us into the next phase of food production. We have moved away from natural, raised dirt-farm food, backyard gardens, and hybrids to the new era of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) foods and Bioengineered food. If you’re interested in what you’re consuming, here are some highlights…

Hybrid food

Many moons ago, farmers experimented with food to produce bigger, better crops. Hybrid crops are just intermixing of the existing genes in a species to achieve the right variety. Hybridization does not involve the addition of a foreign gene in the organism. For example, sweet oranges are not a native fruit. It originated in southeast Asia thousands of years ago. It is a hybrid combination of Pomelo and Mandarin. Then experimenting with food moved from the farmer to the chemist to now the geneticist. In the 70s, they started in earnest genetic experiments, and then in 1994, the “flavor saver tomato” was approved by the FDA.

Organically Grown

Food is grown and processed using no synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified components. Organic food may not be chemical-free, but considerably lower than those found in produce manufactured with synthetic chemicals. In NH, the Department of Agriculture ended the state-run organic certification program, impacting NH farmers on the cusp of this year’s growing season! One does wonder what is going on… Contact your state representative and ask them to get this program back!


Vegan is a diet of plants such as vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits. Vegans do not eat food from animals including dairy products and eggs. So if you’re on a vegan diet and buy Remilk because it’s advertised as non-dairy, you could be drinking proteins from actual cows injected into the concoction… never mind all the little creatures and bugs gobbled up in the combines to harvest soy and other plant products, but I digress… The point is you may believe you’re eating a Vegan diet, but the foods that are bioengineered may use proteins derived from animals.

Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)

Genetically modified and genetically engineered foods or crops are often used interchangeably. Genetic modification can refer to several methods such as selection, hybridization, and induced mutation. It can also cover some aspects of traditional breeding if it causes alterations in the genetic composition of the organism. Therefore, only the lab staff knows what “it” is…


Good luck trying to figure out what “bioengineered” means in food. They won’t and don’t have to tell you. Everything from soup to candy now lists “bioengineered” as an ingredient.

The Standard defines bioengineered foods as those that contain detectable genetic material modified through in vitro recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) techniques! What?

The term “bioengineered” is more specific than GMOs and is, thus, preferred by scientists. GMOs are a little more challenging to define as several techniques can alter the genes of a crop. For instance, breeding for productivity, hardiness, shape, size, and flavor, though not done in vitro, can still change the genes of a food crop. Several techniques in modern agriculture can fall under the genetically modified label if you have a deep understanding of biotechnology and food science.


Instead of using the more popular term “GMO,” food manufacturers now use “bioengineered” or “derived from bioengineering” as per the new federal standard. Former Agricultural Secretary Sonny Perdue announced the regulation in 2018.

We want to thank Julie P. for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Genetic engineering is only a type of genetic modification that entails a targeted change in the genome to achieve a specific characteristic using biotechnology. In essence, all “bioengineered” organisms are GMOs, but not the other way around. Some internet sources might use these two terms interchangeably, but there is a difference between these two concepts. GMOs are organisms—plants, animals, or microorganisms—that have their genetic material altered in a way that does not occur naturally, either by mating or natural recombination. Bioengineered products, on the other hand, use biotechnology to produce a desirable characteristic in organisms. For instance, golden rice has been bioengineered to produce healthy amounts of vitamin A—the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard (NBFDS) site for more.

It won’t be long before they try to rid the world of farming in the name of the “climate” because (they claim) livestock are causing too much CO2, methane, nitrogen, and other elements the globalists believe are causing a climate catastrophe. Dirt farmers are also poisoning the planet and water, they say.

Many folks have returned to backyard farming and gardens, but hold the phone! A new study claims that unless you are following their rules your rooftop or backyard farm must be carefully planned to avoid climate impact. That a backyard farm has more carbon footprint than traditional farming!? They can’t and won’t pick a lane.

The links at the bottom of this study go to their findings, which are a surefire cure for insomnia.

I’m not a geneticist or chemist, but I try to be aware of the foodstuff being sold to us. Some of the bioengineered foodstuffs may be great, but who really knows? How did we get from listing every chemical in food to the obscure word “bioengineered: is beyond me. What exactly is in the food that is bioengineered? Anybodies guess. This is criminal, in my opinion. We are beyond the age of worrying about added preservatives, flavors, chemicals, and fillers to a world devoid of consumer knowledge and information. Do your research and decide how far you trust these people to know if it is safe or better and if there are long-term effects.

Do you believe the globalist, WHO, and WEF people are lining up for Remilk and Impossible burgers? Frankly, I’m a bit snake bit about anything “lab” government-run…

Buy local, save a farm…

Other “No Farms, No Food” Granitegrok articles

“Rewilds” – The New ‘Wild Kingdom’

No Farms No Food

Where’s The Beef?

Night Cap: Remilk – “Real Dairy – No Cows”

No Farms, No Food – The Bugs You May Already Be Eating

The Left Pivots from No Farms No Food to – No Farms!

Local farm resources to get you started

NH farm bureau

NH farmers markets

NH farmers co-ops

New Hampshire

The post Can You Picture The Global Elite Lining up for Remilk and Impossible Burgers? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I’d Never Want RFK Jr for Trump’s VP… But How About as His Sec. of Health and Human Services?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 12:00 +0000

We let our authors write about whatever they want—almost anything—because we know the readers will tell them what they think. Two recent examples include a trial balloon suggesting Tulsi Gabbard as Trump’s VP and, a few months prior, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the same job. Both are too liberal in too many other ways, so it’s a big no for me.

But the Federal Government is a big place, and while a heartbeat away is a no-go, what about something with a bit more distance?


A notion crept into my noggin the other day while I was walking the Labrador. We do that daily, and while I can usually predict what is going through his head, what pops into mine is more of a mystery that sometimes finds its way here. Who might be Donald Trump’s likely VP candidate (for real, not the click-bait headlines we keep getting)? And hey, he’ll need to replace everyone, so what might that look like?

I’ve not thought deeply about all of that and likely won’t, but given the nightmare that was public health in recent years and how easy (and enjoyable) it is to trigger the proglodytes, what might be the best thing I could imagine happening?

Yes, proglodytes. You know who I mean.

Trump wins by some numerically impossible sum that the uniparty cannot overcome. Sorry. Dream sequence. Soft Focus. Soft music (Harps, perhaps). Trump wins by some numerically impossible sum that the uniparty cannot overcome. We survive the months of domestic terrorism that follow (proglodytes!). All the election denying from the left (they do that a lot more than they’ll admit). And prevent whoever is running what’s left of the Biden administration from doing that of which they again accused Trump—starting a nuclear war, for example, or an actual insurrection (see reference to domestic terrorism raised by foreign terrorists Biden let with the third-world Biden Miles club – great rates on food and lodging!).

They prevent the bombing of the inauguration and multiple assassination attempts, and Trump gets to Day One.

Or, he just gets to day one and says, you’re all fired.

Wouldn’t it be the best thing ever if he nominated Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be his Secretary of Health and Human Services? I realize that Kennedy’s ascension to the gig would be another hurdle (similar to the one just described), but this is a dream sequence, so go with it. The smoke clears. He gets the job, and Trump says, welcome to the team, no go clean that shit up.

Would anyone object to that, assuming we woke up and it actually happened?

Might RFK consider dropping his Indy bid if Trump sat him down and told him he’d do that if he helped him get elected? Free reign with, at best, tiny guardrails and a few suggestions of his own (no mandates, protect children, etc).

What does that promise do for people still leery of The Donald’s Warp Speed braggadocio?

And what does Bobby do, then, in the wake of our surreal but sweet-tasting victory (after fumigating Levine’s essence from his new office)?

The post I’d Never Want RFK Jr for Trump’s VP… But How About as His Sec. of Health and Human Services? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

She Credits Our Constitution With Liberating Her From Communism’s Claws

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-17 10:00 +0000

Do you have concerns about the current direction of our country? I am moved now to make an appeal because 2024 must be a turning point for us to set right our unsustainable course. One that could be accurately summarized as a colossal compilation of defeat that spans back decades before my millennial memory even begins.

I must concede that I do not know when you are reading this—the beginning of one day, the ending of another, or at some point in between. I do know that in the face of the economic and humanitarian crises, in the midst of our waning strength and cracking defenses, and our own weaknesses weaponized against us that are defeating us, I am impelled to make this appeal all the same.

We have a powerful ally here in Granite State. She is someone I have had long conversations with, someone I listen to and follow, someone I have introduced, with whom I have shared meals, and whose family I have met. She is someone I fight for. She understands the course we must be on.

We want to thank Matt D. for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

We must unleash the true potential of our economic system and remove unnecessary and harmful restraints that impair it from thriving to the extent that it must. We must have energy freedom and remove restrictions that are making us dependent on entities in this world that we must not be dependent on. We must adhere to the Constitution and be able to think and speak in liberty. Our borders are a catastrophic disaster that must be, and that can be, substantially corrected with great expediency. Our Second Amendment, like our First, must be thoroughly upheld and protected. And we must have peace through strength and American interests first.

She credits our Constitution with liberating her from communism’s claws, and she sees with painful clarity how the mechanisms and machinery of our systems are being compromised and turned against us by the lengthening and deepening reach of those same claws.

I implore you to stand with our ally in this fight and with the greater cause she represents, which truly transcends us all. Stand alongside Lily Tang Williams in her campaign for Congress.

She knows that the United States represents the final line of defense and must be held. She will fight in that fight, even at great personal expense, because she knows this darkness that has come against us—the kind of darkness that I know General Stark had in mind when he carved those lasting words into the Granite of our state: “Live free or die: death is not the worst of evils.”

And I must further press that those final words so powerfully articulated by President Reagan, that great enemy of communism, resonate so perfectly with Lily’s core beliefs, those words he spoke when he described America as “…the last, best hope of man on Earth.”

The people of these United States are the final line.

And it is in acceptance of that God-forged reality that has come to me to be undeniable, and in defiance of the grand design, the masterpiece that is the work of malicious machinery spurred on by the darkest sides of human nature, that I submit this appeal now – whether that be by the last lingering light of a dying day, or the fading darkness the dawning of another – to someone whose judgment is of incredible consequence.

And that someone?

That someone is you.


Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post She Credits Our Constitution With Liberating Her From Communism’s Claws appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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