The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

As FDA is Forced to Take Down Horse Paste Tweet, Can They Now Reject Ivermectin for Treating Cancer?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 20:00 +0000

Someone might want to check the water at Buckingham Palace. The Royals are experiencing a sudden spate of cancers. King Charles, the Duchess of York, and the Duchess of Wales are dealing with what can’t possibly be jab-related turbo-cancers, so here’s another question we’re not supposed to ask.

Has anyone suggested Ivermectin?

The timing couldn’t be better. The FDA and plaintiffs (RobertL. Apter; Mary Talley Bowden; and Paul E. Marik) have settled with the FDA over that horsepaste nonsense that led to a systemic rejection of Ivermectin as not just a safe human drug (which it was long before COVID or Long COVID) but as something doctors had a hard time prescribing to patients. The FDA does not have to admit wrongdoing, but it has agreed to,

Retire FDA’s Consumer Update entitled, Why You Should Not UseIvermectin to Treator Prevent COVID-19, originally posted on March 5, 2021, and revised on September 7, 2021 (ECF No. 12, Ex. 1), while retaining the right to post a revised Consumer Update.

Delete and not republish (1) FDA’s Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook posts from August 21, 2021(ECF No. 12, Exs. 4,5), that read, “You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.”; (2) FDA’sInstagram post from August 21, 2021 (ECF No. 12, Ex. 6), that reads, “You are not a horse. Stop it with the #ivermectin. It’s not authorized for treating #COVID.”; (3) FDA’s Twitter post from April 26, 2022 (ECFNo. 12, Ex. 7), that reads, “Hold your horses, y’all. Ivermectin may be trending, but it still isn’t authorized or approved to treat COVID-19.”; and (4) all other social media posts on FDA accounts that link to Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19(ECF No. 12, Ex. 1).

Amid all the hubbub about horse paste, gobs of studies since that have demonstrated that Ivermectin is safe and more effective at treating COVID than any of the mRNA therapies (and masks, distancing, and lockdowns combined), other benefits have managed escape velocity. Ivermectin has shown signs that it suppresses tumor growth in some cancers (2020). And in this study published in 2021. There are others, but the gist is this: Ivermectin is an antiparasitic wonder drug with wide-ranging potential to improve or save lives.

Can we assume that the Royal physicians are using global guidance (Ivermectin is widely available outside the US and saved many in Africa), or are they trapped in the western Pfizer media mill and view the stuff as akin to applying leeches? Related: Irony Alert: The FDA Issues a Warning about Misinformation on the Internet

We don’t know. Kate’s getting Chemo, they say, while King Charles appears poised for an unpleasantly short reign (which, given his age and not being named Elizabeth, seems preordained). Assuming he doesn’t get turbo cancer, William could find himself crowned young enough to last a few decades or at least until Netflix replaces him with a person of color.

As for Ivermectin, the FDA isn’t doing more than taking down its gang colors. They are not admitting wrongdoing (or that you were right) and continue to argue that they never told anyone they could not prescribe or use Ivermectin. Nor are they suggesting they even have that authority, but then they never had the authority to issue EUA approval for Pfizer or Moderna given that Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorqhine, both FDA-approved, were on the market in human doses, very inexpensive, widely available, and more than capable treatments … as well a for some forms of cancer.

If you are the sort to assume unpleasant agendas, then The Jab to Side-Effects to Turbo-Caners Triad is not beyond the realm of possibility. That they knew or suspected, which, if true, means they should be coming out against Ivermectin to treat cancers in  3…2…1…


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Squatter Dilemma Defies Common Sense

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 18:00 +0000

You have a beautiful home filled with memories of your family growing up. You pay the mortgage, taxes, utilities, and whatever is needed for upkeep. Along with the memories, your home is filled with pride. You have planned a two-week family vacation, and your home will be vacant during your absence. Years ago, this would not be a concern.

Today, that vacant home is a source of anxiety that will occupy your mind while you are trying to enjoy a break from life.

Unfortunately, in this topsy-turvy world, as you were packing up the family car, a stranger was watching. As your taillights faded away, the stranger began moving his family in. This stranger just became your greatest nightmare. A family of squatters are the new residents of your beautiful home. They are uninvited guests whom the system will protect, and they will make it virtually impossible for you to evict them.

Squatting is not a new situation, and in the past, it has been a practice used by homeless individuals. The massive influx of illegal aliens has added a new component to an already severe problem. There are videos on TikTok of a middle-aged man from Venezuela explaining how he will find a house to move into and urging others to cross the border and follow his lead. He explains to his listeners that many cities and states have laws to protect not the homeowner but the squatter. It may sound bizarre, but the alien in the video is spot on.

Legislators in many states are scrambling to correct flawed laws on the books that do just what the video claimed. Most states have Squatter’s Rights. Below is the list of rights in New York City. These illegal occupants are so brazen that some generate an income by renting the house they occupy on Airbnb.

What you need to know about squatters in New York: What are squatter’s rights in New York?

Squatters in New York state can claim a legal right to remain on a property without the owner’s permission after 10 years of living there. However, in New York City a person only needs to be on the property for 30 days to claim squatter’s rights.

Why is it so hard to get rid of a squatter?

Squatters are allowed a wide range of rights once they have established legal occupancy, making it difficult to evict them.

How does someone become a squatter?

Some of the scenarios in which a person becomes a squatter include: a tenant refusing to pay rent, a relative of a former owner refusing to leave the property or even a stranger who entered the property and never left.

According to Manhattan-based law firm Nadel & Ciarlo, squatters must have a reasonable basis for claiming the property belongs to them and must treat the home as if they were an owner — such as doing yard work or making repairs.

How can a property owner get rid of a squatter?

A property owner must first send a 10-day eviction notice and then file a court complaint if the order is ignored. If approved by a judge, the owner can get a summons and have a sheriff evict the squatter. 

Why does the law provide squatters with rights?

The law was designed to help prevent long-term tenants from getting evicted. New York City’s law was partially made in response to vacant and abandoned buildings that were becoming a blight on the city.

How can property owners protect themselves from squatters?

Owners should avoid keeping any properties vacant for an extended period of time. They should also make sure the building is secure, has adequate lighting and has surveillance cameras installed.

If a squatter does appear, owners should notify the police quickly before squatter’s rights are established.

These rights and situations are specific to NYC, but be aware that every state has similar Squatter’s Bill of Rights. As I intimated in the title, where is common sense in this equation? There are similar traits of illegal aliens and squatters. They both have broken the law by their initial act. One broke into our country and the other into a home, yet neither is considered a criminal. Many laws are on the books to give the benefit of the doubt to both. One to watch is the one that must topple first. It reverses the classification of squatters as residents. Again, this is tantamount to calling illegal aliens newcomers! Where are the adults to start bringing sanity back to this country? We need answers and actions now.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

There is a Way to Improve Public Education: Teach Kids Quality Academic Content

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 16:00 +0000

Dear Superintendent Nadeau:

I wanted to share an article from Joanne Jacobs: Core Knowledge Students Learn More–A Lot More. As you can see, “Students taught a structured, knowledge-rich curriculum starting in kindergarten earned higher reading, math, and science scores in third through sixth grade, concludes a new study profiled in “Education Next.”

Someone should be identifying what is covered in each core subject K-8 and compare that to the Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence. Making a comparison between what is covered in class and what is not taught could identify knowledge gaps in our students. There is a great deal of rich content that needs to be covered in each of the core classes. Teachers find it helpful to be able to draw upon the resources offered in the Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence. That document can certainly be tweaked by teachers who may want to make it even better.

We also know that Common Core and Next Generation Science, failed to improve literacy for U.S. Students. After 14 years of this experiment, school administrators need to be finding ways to make up for these deficiencies.

We were told Common Core was the floor and that it was the minimum that students should be learning. I think our students deserve better.

I hope that under your direction, the principals in SAU21 can begin the important process of comparing the Core Knowledge Scope and Sequence, with what is taught in the K-8 classrooms. Adding content might be a good idea, especially since we know Common Core math leaves out important math concepts.

Here, the lead writer of Common Core, Jason Zimba talks about how Common Core is not for STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs. Parents need to know that this district has addressed the numerous problems and flaws, and is raising the bar for our students.

While the scope and sequence do not identify Algebra 1 by 8th grade, this should be a goal for every elementary school in the district.
Any math program adopted (k-8) should put students on a path to Algebra 1 by 8th grade. This will allow our students to complete Calculus in high school, which is a requirement of Engineering, Math, and Science programs at our top colleges and universities. This may not be attainable for all students, but the majority of students should be completing Algebra 1 by 8th grade. This was required in states like California and Massachusetts prior to the adoption of Common Core.

The questions every school board member should be asking are:
1) How many students reach Algebra 1 by 8th grade?
2) How many students graduate from Winnacunnet High School in need of remedial math when entering college?

The last statistic may not be readily available. After the adoption of Common Core, many colleges and universities changed their remedial math classes to credit-bearing classes. It is now harder for us to determine what percentage of students require remedial math after entering college. You can start with the New Hampshire Department of Education and request this statistic. It’s one of the most important measures you and the board members should analyze each year.

Do the 8th-grade students take the TIMSS test every four years?
I’ve worked with some of our top mathematicians in the U.S., and all have agreed, the TIMSS is the best achievement test for math and science. Unfortunately the test is only given every four years, but it will compare our students to students in Singapore, Japan and the other countries that participate. This test should be given to all 4th and 8th-grade students in our district every four years.

Prior to Common Core, Massachusetts students were finishing near the top on the TIMSS. Their students could compete against students in the top performing countries. They had developed the best academic standards and tests in the country.


Do we administer the TIMSS test in this district? If not, I hope that this will be a priority for you and the School Board members currently serving.

Finally, I agree that having future teachers intern could be a way to expand the labor pool. Hopefully, that will help the district hire and retain good teachers.

Ann Marie Banfield

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Self-Interested Political Stunt That Doesn’t Have To Be

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 14:00 +0000

Adam Montgomery certainly made for much water cooler talk, reaching beyond state lines as a high-profile defendant and convict. I know of nobody who disagrees that he’s a bad person deserving of punishment. With regard to philosophy, science, and spirituality, much talk can be had by experts and laypeople regarding his future, but that’s not what I’m here to talk about.

I’m going to cut to the chase and explain my objection to the political theater of HB 1713.

Enemy camp Rep Shurtleff, our most recent living former Speaker, got the House to suspend the rules, allowing him to file a very late-season “feel good” bill in an election year.

This bill does NOT change the outcome of the trial or the sentence awaiting the defendant, nor does it bring the victim back to life.  Let me be clear that I respect plenty of people who want Adam Montgomery to attend his sentencing, but my objection is to the process and for a variety of reasons.

Let’s start with Carol McGuire’s March 10 report, in which she said she voted against the suspension of the rules because it seemed petty and specific to one person.  “And just like that,” with a picture of Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump, Granite Staters have a problem with an age-old law that allows defendants to be absent for their court dates. In my 30+ years living here and many more just outside the state line, there have been several high-profile criminal cases.  Suppose for a moment that one of those famous defendants exercised that option. Suppose it wasn’t an election year. Suppose the incumbent governor wasn’t an attention-seeking virtue signaler who’s looking to go out with a bang upon retirement.  I surmise that the regular process of how a bill becomes a law would be or have been followed the ordinary way without fanfare and special treatment.

Let’s talk about this fanfare and special treatment because HB 1713’s accomplice, um, I mean cosponsor, Terry Roy, expedited an executive session as the Criminal Justice chair on the same day as the hearing, March 20.  Terry Roy has been showing his true colors as of late, especially after collaborating with gun hater and committee member Rep Meuse on HB 1711, which the Women’s Defense League is NOT a fan of.  Just ask anyone who attended their rally last Saturday.

Terry Roy must be a prodigy of Jeb, who was the Senate HHS chair when he showed such special treatment for Jan Schmidt’s bathroom pass bill, HB 1130, in 2022.

Another part of the special treatment is the finish line.  The Damn Emperor told Adam Sexton he would sign HB 1713, but keep in mind that Adam Montgomery’s sentencing is scheduled for May, assuming nothing will delay that date.

Depending on the bill, His Excellency either quietly signs a stack of bills, followed by releasing a statement, or ceremoniously signs them individually at a table set up in front of the cameras outside a venue (such as a courthouse) and lets some passionately interested ordinary person keep the pen. My guess is that the latter will occur, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets its own very special name; “Harmony’s Law.”

Looking just short of the finish line, it’s also known that the enrollment process of bills making it through both chambers is a time variable.  The wheels or progress can turn slowly or quickly, depending on the machine operator’s excuses or zeal regarding the bill at hand.  Some bills don’t get signed(or vetoed) until later in the summer, but HB 1713 has a seemingly imposed May deadline, and it still has to visit the Senate.

My hope is that this bill dies in the House, and I’ve heard there’s a bipartisan group of critics. Again, and for the record, my opposition is to the process being used rather than the bill itself. Knowing how unstable the House is with its precarious composition, serial absences, and reputation of much after-lunch attrition, the success of HB 1713 is a wild card. If it passes the House, it’s off to the Senate Judiciary.

Does Sharon Carson like this bill?  Do the fine gentlemen attorneys like it?  It appears that criminal law is Daryl Abbas’s area of interest, given some of the comments he’s made in the Senate chamber.  If he needs some convincing to dislike it, I’ll point out that Attorney LaFrance, a frequent WMUR legal contributor, said defense attorneys usually advise their clients to appear.  And don’t forget that committee’s enemy camp: 2 unhinged nut job women.  One of them, who only recently resumed breathing fresh air full time, is an ordinary garden variety lunatic that Merrimack Police Chief Levesque probably endorses.  The other one is a dumb blonde lawyer who practices projection, gaslighting, lying, straw man arguments, and many other enemy camp toolbox tools, perhaps more than she practices law.

Remember that either one of them could dislike HB 1713 for the same reasons as House Criminal Justice Committee member Lemonade Linda HG.

If they want to be useful idiots, let them.

Whether or not HB 1713 makes its May deadline, crosses the finish line later, or dies with or without reincarnation next year, I seriously doubt that all the Concord efforts spent on it will result in improving the everyday lives of Granite Staters in the years to come.  Kitchen table issues are undoubtedly most on the minds of intelligent voters, and stuff like HB 1713 just needs to take a number and assume its proper place in line.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Jeanne Shaheen The Debt Machine Slips Last-Minute Funding Cut into Budget Bill … That Protects Corporate Monopolies

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 12:00 +0000

We can never again say that Jeanne Shaheen didn’t try to cut Federal Spending. Her Senate office slipped a last-minute addition into the 1,000+ page “keep the government open or the world will end (again)” budget bill that would cut 50 million in spending. Fifty million. It was a hiccup, to be sure.

That sum isn’t even a corroded penny under a couch cushion on the government porch compared to the generational debt she’s helped accumulate (roughly 24 trillion, so far, on her watch), but it’s a small price to pay to keep her corporate donors happy (subscriber wall).

Shaheen aides slipped the budget-cutting provision into a must-pass 1,050-page bill to keep the government open. The language would strip the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division of nearly $50 million, or roughly 18 percent of its resources.

The proposed cut comes out of a Shaheen-chaired Senate appropriations subcommittee, which issued a summary of the bill that failed to mention the controversial provision. 

“There’s going to be a bunch of companies that would have been sued for monopolization that will no longer be sued for monopolization,” said Matt Stoller, director of research for the American Economic Liberties Project. “And there’s going to be a bunch of mergers that are going to go through that shouldn’t go through because there aren’t the resources.” [emphasis mine]

The move runs counter to a push by her ideological boss, Joe Biden. The White House has been making a lot of noise about cracking down on big business.

Shaheen’s staff inserted the language just days before Biden announced a new “strike force” of officials from the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division “to crack down on unfair and illegal pricing.”

“This strike force will strengthen interagency efforts to root out and stop illegal corporate behavior that hikes prices on American families through anti-competitive, unfair, deceptive, or fraudulent business practices,” the White House announced on March 5.

The spending deal to slash regulators’ enforcement budget would overturn a 35-year-old rule that outlines the way the Antitrust Division gets money.

It’s all noise. Smoke and mirrors. Misdirection. Joe needs someone else to blame for his crappy economy. You need to decide whether to eat or pay rent and Joe’s bitching about fewer chips in a bag which – if that’s dinner is a problem, but one he created with the help of Democrats like Jeanne (her real first name is Cynthia by the way) Shaheen.

But Shaheen’s fifty-million dollar haircut to the DOJ anti-trust division is her’s and nothing to sneeze at – it’s 15-20% of their budget. Add the provision to end how they get funded, and that’s an even bigger slice of a now diminished pie. The correct question to ask from someone who has signed off on government spending that added 24 trillion in new debt is, why? Who benefits?

Jeanne Shaheen and the industries that have so generously funded her political tenure over the fiscally deplorable abuse and debt slavery of future generations.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Can Deny Your Child a Career in the Military or Law Enforcement

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 10:00 +0000

Anytime a student is seen by a school social worker, school psychologist, or clinical mental health counselor, and services are billed to Medicare or Medicaid by the school, a medical diagnosis code is applied. The medical diagnosis code is referred to as a CPT code, which is a procedure code. This refers to the services being performed. An example would be counseling or therapy.

The DX codes are referred to as ICD-10 diagnosis codes. Those with medical coding and billing would be familiar with all of this.

All of this information is included in the student’s medical chart, which follows them to high school, and into any record that is requested by the military later on in life. This also includes anyone who wants to pursue law enforcement as a career. See:

It’s also important to know that President Biden wants to remove parental consent on Medicaid billing. Democrats on the House Education Committee also voted against HB1616, which would require parental consent for Medicaid billing. This could mean that you may never know what mental or medical services your child received at school.

Anita Hoge warned about some this years ago when she wrote: The Medicalization of Schools.

Now that we see schools hiring counselors, social workers, and school psychologists at an alarming rate, just check your school roster to see who’s been hired over the past few years. Parents need to understand their rights under the law and what this can do to a child long-term.

Federal law requires written consent from parents when their children are assessed or receive mental health services. But we know many schools do not obtain consent from parents when their children participate in Social and Emotional Learning, and their child’s personal mental health data has been shared without their knowledge or consent too.

While I want every child to receive mental health help if they truly need it, it’s important to know that something as simple as a trip to the school counselor for a bad day can have life-long consequences.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Have a Last Chance to Stop State-Sanctioned Suicide in the House

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 08:00 +0000

Act Now: ask your reps to vote YES on the reconsideration motion and vote NO on the Ought to Pass (OTP) motion for HB 1283.

Shockingly, this past Thursday, the New Hampshire House of Representatives, including many or the Republicans, ignored the concerns of the disabled community, veterans, and concerned New Hampshire citizens of all ages and cast its vote to legalize state-sanctioned suicide. Surprisingly, many representatives were not even present to vote. You can see the full roll call here: 33 Democrats voted against state-sanctioned suicide, 39 Republicans voted in favor.

HB 1283, relative to end of life options passed by the closest of margins in the NH House, 179-177, after lengthy debate. However, we are grateful to report there has been a request for a reconsideration vote, and so the bill will be going back to the full House again this coming Thursday, March 28 with the potential for a revote.

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First, the House will vote on whether to reconsider. If the vote for reconsideration is successful, then the bill will again be voted on. If the reconsideration motion fails, the previously passed bill would move directly to the Senate.

The reconsideration vote is a true gift and our last chance to kill the bill in the House before it goes any further. Through the combined efforts of so many, we are so close to success. With one last push we can defeat this bill before it gets any closer to becoming law in New Hampshire.

We urge you to contact your representatives to be present at the House session on Thursday, March 28 and to vote YES on the reconsideration vote and then NO on HB 1238 should the reconsideration motion pass.

Contact Your Representative

Rally on Thursday
There will be a rally in the Statehouse at 7:20 AM on Thursday, March 28, prior to the vote. Please attend if you are able. We especially encourage young people to be there to highlight the harmfulness of a bill that undermines the suicide prevention efforts that are so needed for young New Hampshire citizens. For more information on the bill, its risks, and the vital reasons why it must be killed, check out @nhcornerstone on X/Twitter. Please retweet Cornerstone media to spread critical awareness to kill this bill.

Signs will be provided but feel free to bring your own. Just remember, no signs with wooden or metal posts or frames are allowed in the State House. You can find more information about the rally here.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Watergate v. Demolitioncrat Gate

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 02:00 +0000

As a young law student in Washington, D.C., I experienced Watergate through the eyes of the Washington Post. I frequently mailed their articles to my Dad. He was convinced the Watergate break-in was a hoax in an attempt to remove President Nixon from office, one of the greatest international strategic thinkers of the 20th century.

Nixon had just been elected in a 49-state landslide over the hapless George McGovern, for whom I cast my first vote in the 1972 Presidential election. While few may know it, history has revealed Deep Throat (W. Mark Felt) leaked classified information to Woodward and Bernstein because he was passed over for the Director of the FBI.

Demolition-crat-gate (DCG) makes Watergate look like a “Child’s Birthday Party.” DCG is a relentless malicious criminal assault on former President Donald Trump and now candidate Trump to prevent the American voters from re-electing him for the second time, having stolen Trump’s re-election in 2020.

We want to thank Charles Bradley III for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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The barrage of vicious and unfounded political attacks by the mainstream media has been endless, beginning with Spygate and the Russian Hoax, continuing with the Zelensky phone call, an invasion of Mara-Lago by the FBI, the peaceful J6 demonstration infested with FBI, CIA, and ANTIFA agitators, and now malicious persecution dressed up as Lawfare in Georgia, Florida, New York State, NYC and Washington, D.C. by persecutors who were elected promising “to get Trump.”

Anyone watching President Trump’s re-election rallies held across the country will see massive crowds of thousands of patriotic Americans, proving most Americans have opened their eyes and realize the Demolitioncrats have conducted a persecution and defamation campaign against Donald Trump. They stole the 2020 election and intend to steal 2024.

For the sake of our nation, Donald Trump needs to be reelected as our 47th President!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Latest Congressional Minibus Contains $2.5 Million For Dartmouth-Hitchcock and Late-Term Abortions In New Hampshire

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 01:00 +0000

No matter how despicable you believe Jeannie Shaheenie and Mags Hassan are … it’s not anywhere near as despicable as these two actually are. The latest minibus (as opposed to omnibus) contains a special earmark for late-term abortions in New Hampshire.

Perhaps every bit as despicable as Shaheenie and Mags are the NHGOP “leaders” who are too cowardly to call out these two witches and Dartmouth-Hitchcock.

I know. I know. New Hampshire Advantage. Focus on the fiscal issues. Workforce housing! (What a lovely euphemism for apartment complexes to bring urban density.) Education Freedom Accounts! (A relatively minuscule part of the overall education budget … but it allows the NHGOP to avoid directly taking on the education bureaucracy.)  Legal marijuana! Slava Ukraine! New Hampshire Advantage! Slava Ukraine!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Looking for ‘Safe’ Blood in the mRNA Injection Era …

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-03-24 00:00 +0000

The scope of damage caused by mRNA and lipid-nanoparticle technology might take years to unravel, but the data to date is not good. Many, including those who rolled a sleeve or two during The Scare are looking side-eyed at the blood supply, and yes, some have risen to meet that need.

Since the pandemic began, there has been a growing trend of people rejecting blood transfusions when their doctors can’t or won’t assure them the blood they are to receive would be from someone who hasn’t been vaccinated for the virus, no matter the risk of morbidity and mortality.

Now, grassroots efforts are revolutionizing blood donation by connecting Covid-19 unvaccinated blood donors with those in their own communities who need safe blood transfusions.

There is no guarantee that blood from the usual suspects like the American Red Cross is not contaminated (they don’t test for it) so if this is something that matters to you, there are resources available to consider now before you need blood and there’s no time to waste.

  • SafeBlood Donation (Need a donor)
  • Pure Blood Registry
  • Blessed By His Blood Cooperative
  • My True Blood

We have not checked or vetted these. This is just information. You’ll need to do the legwork.

And here’s a video with Del Bigtree from Highwire and the director of media relations for discussing Safeblood and the availability of blood from people who did not get the mRNA injections.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SEL is Draining Tax Dollars from the Merrimack School Budget

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 22:00 +0000

Social and Emotional Learning is the latest fad in public education. SEL is considered Tier 1 in a three-tiered mental health framework for students attending public schools. Money for this initiative came through a federal grant several years ago, but as those funds dried up guess who is left to fund these initiatives? The local taxpayers.

SEL is taking valuable time out of the day to teach children about mental health problems. This might be valuable information for children who experience anxiety, but this is covered by a teacher, not a Child Psychologist. SEL is also causing some children to become anxious at the suggestion. Parents are reporting that their children are coming home believing they are depressed because they learned it in school. SEL doesn’t just target some of the children who need extra support, it’s for all children in the school. Where some children were fine, they are now believing something is wrong with them.

The Multi-Tiered System of Support for Behavior (MTSS-B) has already come under scrutiny because student personal mental health data that has been shared in some New Hampshire schools. These mental health data have been shared without parental knowledge or consent. This is not only a violation of the School Counselor’s Code of Ethics, it violates a child’s right to privacy enshrined in The New Hampshire Constitution. We are uncovering all kinds of problems with SEL and the MTSS-B framework in our public schools.

Parents in Merrimack are now looking at the SEL costs to taxpayers. The cost shift to local communities is staggering, and it will go higher.

The district may be able to bill Medicaid for some of the mental health counseling. But parents should know that President Biden is trying to remove parental consent from Medicaid billing. Biden has claimed that the government needs to streamline the billing process, so they want to cut parents out of it. Schools have been charged with Medicaid fraud in the past. Parental consent is one way to ensure that the billing is accurate.

Parents also need to see what services have been provided to their children. By removing their consent, it’s possible that their children could receive services without their knowledge or consent.

Currently, there is proposed legislation in New Hampshire that would require parental notification for every service provided in schools that are billed to Medicaid. HB1616 . 

Schools are implementing health-based clinics for physical and mental health. Manchester has already contracted with Amoskeag Health to provide school based health services for students.  I’m still trying to figure out how they managed to adopt the CDC Centers for Disease Control Community School Model without legislative approval.

The way this is going, don’t be surprised when your child receives these services, then bills Medicaid, but you are never notified.

The Vote in Education on HB1616 was 10-10. All of the Democrats on the Committee voted against parental notification on Medicaid billing. HB1616 will soon go before the full house for a vote. It’s critical that everyone contact their elected representatives and ask them to support it when it goes to the House floor.

A child’s mental health is important, but turning local schools into mental health facilities will cost more money, and the results are not always positive. If your child needs extra support, then parents need to seek assistance outside the school system. This can be done with someone who is an expert in the field of child psychology,  who understands the importance of involving parents and keeping your child’s personal information private.

When schools bill Medicaid, you should know that there is NO code for normal. Your child will be labeled, and that information will then be sent to the federal govt.

The federal student privacy law (FERPA) was gutted during the Obama administration, which means that government agencies can share personal information without parental knowledge or consent. The change to FERPA included adding EXCEPTIONS so that some people can access your child’s personal data.

When your district uses an SEL tech vendor, they upload your child’s personal mental health information into the database. That SEL VENDOR is considered an EXCEPTION who can avoid obtaining parental consent for accessing your child’s personal information.

Now that the SEL vendor has collected your child’s personal mental health information, that vendor can share this sensitive personal information with anyone else who fits in the EXCEPTION category. In other words, your child has NO privacy protections when it comes to the security of their personal mental health information. Your child’s records can be shared over and over, and you will have no idea it’s happening.

Student personal mental health data has already been shared with Keene State- BHII. The students and parents were never consulted, and they never approved. Keene State-BHII would be considered an EXCEPTION to the FERPA law. Does this violate a child’s right to privacy? I believe so, but that would mean a parent would have to sue their local school for violating their child’s right to privacy. A judge would then have to determine if their constitutional right to privacy was violated.

In this video, you can listen to some of the staff in our local schools talk about how they want to manipulate consent forms to keep parents in the dark when they are administering mental health services to their children,

Everyone should REFUSE SEL for their children. If your children need mental health services, use a private provider who will keep your child’s records secure and private.


The post SEL is Draining Tax Dollars from the Merrimack School Budget appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Demise of the News Industry Tells Us Who Its Customers are

Libertarian Leanings - Sat, 2024-03-23 21:27 +0000
In a Substack article titled Suborning Insanity, something Michael Smith wrote caught my eye. He wrote about "a little social experiment" that was something I had once done nearly 50 years ago, actually. I did a little social experiment of... Tom Bowler
Categories: Blogs, United States

Ronna To MSNBC … You Should NOT Be Surprised

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 21:00 +0000

MSNBC (NBC), CNN, ABC, CBS, etc. want you to hear from Republicans … FAUX-Republicans whose role is to attack real Republicans. Stated somewhat differently, a real Republican would never get a gig on the Regime-media because the Regime-media is advocacy not journalism and their role is to advocate for the Regime and against the opposition.

What should get real Republicans concerned … IRATE, actually … is NOT that Ronna is going to MSNBC, but that Ronna was the head of the RNC for so long. How can you expect to win elections when the person in charge of winning elections despises most of the candidates that she is supposed to get elected?

The donor class controls the GOP; they would rather control the GOP than have the wrong Republicans … i.e., real Republicans … control Congress or the Presidency. Just yesterday I watched Trey Gowdy bloviating like a lunatic on Faux News not about the latest minibus betrayal of Republican voters, but about the removal of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.

The NHGOP is a caricature. GOP voters renominated as their gubernatorial candidate a FAUX-Republican who despises actual Republican principles THREE TIMES. But … I know, I know … “he’s good on guns and taxes.”

The current NHGOP gubernatorial primary involves a former U.S. Senator who became a mini-me Jeannie-Shaheenie over the course of her term and supported AMNESTY for illegals versus a State Senator who voted to codify Obamacare into State law. But the NHGOP’s “leaders” tell us they are “solid conservatives” who will protect the “New Hampshire Advantage.”

New Hampshire Advantage! Slava Ukraine! New Hampshire Advantage! Slava Ukraine!


The post Ronna To MSNBC … You Should NOT Be Surprised appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! – PART 3- THE DATA

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 20:00 +0000

What could possibly be causing an uptick in marine deaths related to Offshore Wind farms? Many factors may disrupt marine life, including noise, vibration, sonar, and more, many of which we are not aware of. Let’s scratch the surface of some of the data.

Observations on structural and operational issues that may cause problems with this technology;

  1. Offshore wind farms look like a sea of lightning rods! And yes, they are often hit by lightning, and even mitigating factors are not deterrent enough to stop Mother Nature’s force. According to the updated National Fire Protection Association handbook, “While physical blade damage is the most expensive and disruptive damage caused by lightning, by far the most common is damage to the control and damage to electronics.”
  2. Nor’easters and hurricanes. The eastern seaboard has its’ share of Cat 1-5 hurricanes and nor’easters. Offshore Wind will be a disastrous hazmat situation. I saw the full power of a Nor’easter in 1978 when the ocean pummeled Hampton Beach, where I lived. Steel girders at the sea wall were standing straight up, twisted like butter. Boulders the size of cars littered where Route 1A once was. This was onshore, and out to sea was much worse. A Cat 2 hurricane can have winds up to 115 mph, and a Cat 5 157 mph and higher. The wind turbines cannot handle anything above 55 mph when they shut down. Plus, they are vulnerable to storms. A study done by a pro-green group admits this out loud in an extensive paper done in 2012. Failure modes can include loss of blades and buckling of the supporting tower.
  3. Anyone who has stood in water and touched an electric fence knows that water is a conductor of electricity! What if a shark bites into a cable? And how will a team get even close to the scene to fix it? I’m not sure they have protocols for these. The cables becoming exposed on the ocean floor are an issue. Never mind the high voltage cables under beaches that eventually end up at a transfer plant, where humans congregate, especially in the summer.
  4. The technology is primarily coming from countries where we have no control over how the technology is fabricated, labor laws, and environmental laws.
  5. This technology has a short life span and huge environmental challenges for disposal, but I doubt the foreign installers will come back to retrieve the blades, turbines, towers, and cables once they are rendered useless.

The ocean is our last Wild West. We do not understand it enough to know all the problems that could happen to marine life and plants, not to mention human pollution.

We want to thank Julie P. for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Challenges and possible problems for marine life but not limited to:

Wind: Today’s wind blades can turn up to 180mph, with an average speed of about 100mph. They can only sustain wind speeds from at least a nine mph wind with minimum and maximum wind of 55mph. The sheer velocity causing vibration and noise can cause disruptions on the ocean surface and below.

Light flicker: On land, many domestic and wild animals are afraid of the light flicker caused by the blades. When the light flicker hits the ocean, it can be disruptive to marine life below.

Vibration: Wind Energy turbines are a fast-growing source of anthropogenic vibrational noise that can affect soil and animals sensitive to vibrations and thereby alter soil community functioning. Animals rely on different sensory stimuli to acquire and process information from their environment. The ability to acquire this information is essential for an animal’s reproductive success and survival. If this can cause problems for earthworms, what about ocean life?

Noise: The reported sound pressure levels of an operating turbine are 105–125 dB re 1 μPa measured at 100 m distance and –54 dB re 1 m s–2 sound particle acceleration at 20 m distance with most energy below 1,000 Hz. Most fish species can detect these pressure levels.

Electricity comes from cables carrying up to 690,000 volts of Electrical and Magnetic Field (EMF) traveling along the ocean floor, under beaches and roads. 12,000km of cable are needed to bring power to the shore off Long Island and NJ, which is the distance from NY to Tiapie.

Sonar is used to map locations for wind farms. It is used extensively in NJ and other states. Germany uses active sonar transponders to warn submarines. 3D sonar is being tested off Block Island on a wind farm there.

Excavation: the massive amount of drilling, pile driving, and rock involved in the excavation of offshore wind is directly affecting marine animals.

Hot Water into the Ocean: The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Is releasing heated water back into the ocean. This sounds like insanity. I thought the goal was to curtail ocean warming, not make it worse. This is to cool the High Voltage Direct Current Cooling (HVDC). Only two offshore wind projects are using AC current because of its proximity to the shore. The design is much worse and details are in their report, see link below. “The most effective way to cool large HVDC systems is by using deionized water in a closed system. The deionized water is then cooled by seawater pumped through a heat exchanger, absorbing heat from the deionized water. This open loop cooling process allows continual operation of the HVDC converter. Sea water is filtered to remove small particles, sand, and other elements to about 500 microns. Chemicals, such as sodium hypochlorite, may be added to prevent growth in the system, with an estimated concentration of 10-200 parts per million as proposed for the Mayflower Wind project (Mayflower Wind Energy, LLC, 2021). The filtered, heated water is then discharged back into the ocean (Figure 1).”

Then there are problems like turbines exploding, oil leaks, waste from the blades in landfills since they are not recyclable and will last forever, disruption to fish migration and fishermen, the lifespan of the mechanics, servicing the windmills, and more we don’t even know about.

This is the short, most obvious list.

The following letter was sent from someone within the Army Corp of Engineers posted on a New Jersey ground zero for offshore wind farms whale deaths grassroots page. Virginia, NY, and Carolinas have grassroots groups to save their shores, as well.

“So you think Ocean Wind turbines will have NO IMPACT on the ocean?

They require carpet bombing the seafloor with sonar non-stop. Who uses sonar? Whales & dolphins.

Punch thousands of holes, 60′ wide by 100-150′ deep. (sorry scallops, shrimp, clams, mussels, crabs, etc.)

Then, build caisons of steel and concrete. A caisson is a watertight structure which is used as an “anchor” for a foundation

Next: erect 1,000 ft wind turbines, with blades 180′ long, spinning at 180 mph. Turbine blades will slice up anything that happens to fly by.

The down draft from blades will impact the sea and waves below. Ever see a helicopter hover over water? Imagine that 24-7. The non-stop sound they emit won’t cause any problems-Right?

How Do Sharks and Rays Use Electricity to Find Hidden Prey? Animals that hide on the seafloor are often masters of disguise. But even the most evasive of prey cannot hide from hungry sharks and stingrays. These predators can detect tiny electric currents radiating from animals like shrimp and small fish. Without using their ears, nose, or eyes stingrays can locate and devour their prey.

Next: Dredge a trough 6 feet deep by 10 miles long back to the shore.

Lay the electrified cable. (Sorry sharks and rays) Re-bury that trough. A great thing for the ocean and it’s inhabitants?

Oh yeah, the onshore existing energy grid and stations can’t handle the incoming power. So, this will require multiple off shore “islands” to be built for new power sub-stations.

Now multiply this from New England to the Carolinas and beyond.

Hope you don’t like seafood. Scallops, shrimp, clams, mussels and crabs will be depleted beyond recognition.

Generations of fisherman. You’ll be going broke.”

What we do know:

In July of 2016, a federal appeals court ruled that the US Navy was wrongly allowed to use sonar in the nation’s oceans that could harm whales and other marine life.

Environmental groups, led by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), filed a lawsuit in San Francisco in 2012, arguing the approval violated the Marine Mammal Protection Act. But why has this become an issue? Sonar has been around for years. Evolution of surface ship sonar from the end of World War I until the present time; surface ship echo-ran systems have evolved since WW1 with systems that have lower operating frequencies, high transmitted power, and longer pulse lengths. According to the Navy’s own studies, Low Frequency Active (LFA) Sonar generates sounds up to 140 decibels even more than 300 miles away from the sonar source. Many scientists believe that blasting such intense sounds over large expanses of the ocean could harm entire populations of whales, porpoises and fish. What the Navy learned from the effects of sonar on marine mammals is severe hemorrhaging; sonar has been linked to hearing loss, deadly mass strandings, and interference with whales. Interestingly enough, the NRDC is actively promoting offshore wind as a solution to “dangerous greenhouse gases”!

This is why the Navy was forced to stop! Why are Offshore Wind developers allowed to use this damaging technology now? If they discovered this problem and banned the Navy from using it and prove there is a connection between sonar, noise, vibration, and marine mammal deaths! Why is this so hard to understand? The Green New Deal and its money, is why.

How does this relate to Offshore Wind Farms? See the diagram (complete links following chart) that puts East Coast wind farms in proximity to reported deaths of marine animals. The chart from Northeast Ocean Data is over a 20-year period. The interactive map shows most of the strandings between 2019 and 2020 when exploration (high use of sonar and construction) began in earnest for the Offshore wind farms shown on the left map.

Migratory birds are also taking a hit.

As reported by The Telegraph: “Data from German scientists looked at the number of red-throated loons in the North Sea before and after the installation of five offshore wind farms.

“Numbers of the birds were found to be up to 94 per cent lower within half a mile of the wind turbines, on average, after they were built.

For a decade, studies into “Wind Turbine Syndrome” have shown bone metabolism in farm animals. Who’s surprised it could be responsible for marine animal problems?

Competing Coastline Use: 

From the EIF foundation (EIF): “Another factor limiting offshore wind potential on the West Coast is that some coastline areas are already claimed for other uses, including military operations and environmental sanctuaries. The U.S. military has mostly blocked offshore wind development in southern California (except for Morro Bay and Diablo Canyon regions) over concerns that turbines may interfere with aerial and coastal training at military bases.

Wildlife sanctuaries (including Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary) occupy much of the central California coast and northern Washington, further limiting West Coast installation for offshore wind. There is potential for offshore wind farms to protect ocean ecosystems by preventing other maritime activity in the area, although scientists have yet to fully understand the impacts of offshore wind on ecosystems. Why are we jumping in with both feet on the East Coast? It sounds like if it is related to Green energy, we suddenly have blinders on! If the offshore wind is so harmful to wildlife sanctuaries, marine activities, and the military!

Why is it all over the East Coast and not the West Coast?


Two key landmark court decisions: 1. French Council of State annuls wind turbine permits, major impact on energy future

Paris, March 9, 2024 – In a landmark decision, the French Council of State has ruled that authorizations for onshore wind turbines and rules for the renewal of wind farms are illegal. The decision comes after a legal challenge brought by the Fédération Environnement Durable and 15 associations.


Projects under review or authorized but not yet built: These projects must imperatively undergo a complete environmental assessment.

Existing wind farms: All wind farms built on the basis of the now-illegal ministerial decrees should no longer be authorized to operate in their current state.

Reasons for the cancellation:

Lack of environmental assessment: The Council of State found that the ministerial decrees on noise measurement did not undergo an environmental assessment, which is a violation of the law.

Lack of public participation:

The Council of State also highlighted that the decisions approving the noise protocol were not subject to public participation, violating the principles of participation and transparency.


Environmental associations: Environmental associations welcome the decision of the Council of State, calling it a major victory for environmental protection, the health of local residents, and respect for the law. They point to the systematic disregard of these laws by the public authorities, whose sole objective was to impose the installation of wind turbines that are increasingly rejected by the population, especially in rural areas.

State: The State has been ordered to pay compensation to the plaintiff associations.

Impact on the French energy future:

The decision of the Council of State will have a crucial impact on the future of French energy. The development of onshore wind energy is now being slowed down, pending the implementation of new authorizations and rules that comply with the law. This decision also raises questions about the viability of ongoing projects and the future of existing wind farms.

2. March 8, 2024, The Yurok Tribe posted the following announcement to its Facebook page Wednesday evening, just hours after news broke that Crowley Wind Energy plans to let its partnership agreement with the Harbor District expire without signing a lease to develop a heavy-lift marine terminal on the Samoa Peninsula:

[On Wednesday], the Yurok Tribal Council voted to formally oppose the development of floating offshore wind energy projects off the Yurok Coastline.

The Tribal Council opposes offshore wind for the following reasons:

The 900-foot-tall offshore wind turbines will indelibly tarnish sacred cultural sites from the coast to the high country.

There is insufficient scientific research on the adverse environmental impacts associated with the massive floating wind turbines and platforms.

The Tribe is gravely concerned about potential risks to the interlinked ecosystem extending from the deep ocean to the headwaters of the Klamath River.

The federal government has not recognized the Yurok Tribe’s unceded ocean territory or its sovereign authority to determine whether and how this territory should be developed.

Wind power has been with us for centuries. The Amish and remote farms still use wind for energy and wells. But on a grand scale, it just doesn’t make sense compared to natural gas, nuclear, and oil. I don’t believe wind power is without a carbon footprint like the propaganda says. But like everything “green energy” lately, not enough research is done before implementation. We hear about birds and bats confused on land, some end up victims to the blades. Whales “mysteriously” washing up on shores, no disease, propeller strikes or fishing nets.

We are told it is climate change, but let’s be real. I question the logic and testing and the potential harm to marine ecosystems. We need to get answers before more harm is done in the name of “green” energy and climate change. Where I get all bound up is the shift from the “Save the Whales” and Greenpeace activists who would literally throw themselves in front of ships to save whales too, “It’s green, so it must be ok”? The problem now is now that Biden has thrown millions into the Green New Deal just for offshore wind.

Companies are making bank, and the heck with a few whales… People get paid to shut up, the MSM machine starts pushing propaganda, and who’s the wiser? In Maine, one whale washed up due to entanglement, and the fishermen were attacked.

Ten mysteriously wash up on shore in 10 days, and the offshore wind is moving ahead at flank speed. The BOEM has just released the Gulf of Maine wind energy area that will directly impact Mass, NH, and Maine. Not one mention or study of impacts on the ecology! The impact area includes not only fishing areas but also whale migratory paths and Right Whale foraging areas.

Documented strandings on the east coast 2023:

This only lists whales washed onshore and not animals dead drifting or other marine life. Some data can be found on NOAA, but it is limited. Most reporting is from local news.

December 1, 2022 – December 31, 2023 summary: Dead Large whales, East Coast. 85

(“unknown” is when it was sighted, but never made it to land, and they could not confirm type) Maine-10: 8 minke, 1 humpback, 1 fin; MA-17: 8 minke, 6 humpback, 1 sperm whale, 2 unknown; RI-3: 2 humpback,1 fin; NY-18: 4 minke, 9 humpback, 2 sperm whale. 1 unknown; NJ-14: 2 minke, 11 humpback, 1 unknown; MD- 1:1 humpback; VA-10: 1 right whale, 2 minke, 6 humpback, 1 fin; NC-9: 1 right whale, 1 sei whale, 2 sperm whale, 5 humpback; FL-3: 3 sperm whales.


Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind!
Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! Part 2: FOLLOW THE MONEY

The post Save the Whales, No – Save The Wind! – PART 3- THE DATA appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Where Geologists Throw Off the Climate Cult’s Groove

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 18:00 +0000

One of the very human things that happens when you evolve beyond ideas about the divine (God) is the heady rush to replace that with something else—cults of personality, hobby obsessions, substance abuse, Scientism, even the god King without God, or climate change—where you are god.

The idea that puny humans are altering the planet is a great way to scare the small-minded and launder money, but it also creates a false god. You. You are unmaking a world, you stud. Now stop it – as if the world couldn’t shake you off faster than a bad habit. But they have a plan. It’s a pantheon arrangement where some gods are better than others (they have all the stuff and power). It’ll be great for them, and all we have to do is not think about what we had to give up to save the world and, every now and again, to thank them. They might expect bowing or kneeling at some point down the road.

That’s the current arc. The climate revolution is a journey to a world with oligarchic god-kings whose splendor is an example to the rest of us disarmed on subsistence living in our walkable open-air prisons – and a recent pronouncement by the International Union of Geological Sciences commission isn’t likely to change that, but it does put some gum in the works. Everything climate change is based on the idea that human beings are more powerful than 4.5 billion years of Earth doing what it did for 99.999% of the time, without us. And that with a little more of your money (just like public education), they can fix it.

You’d have to have a god complex to think like this, and that’s been the justification for the Anthropocene, the human era—the geological age of modern man-made climate narratives.

Not so fast.

The highest governing body in geology has upheld a contested vote by scientists against adding the Anthropocene, or human age, to the official timeline of Earth’s history.

The vote, which a committee of around two dozen scholars held in February, brought an end to nearly 15 years of debate about whether to declare that our species had transformed the natural world so thoroughly since the 1950s as to have sent the planet into a new epoch of geologic time.”


We’re still in the Holocene, which began 11,700 years ago with the melting of the ice sheets. Bad news for the Climate Cult. It suggests that melting ice sheets and warming are normal (they are). It also erases the geologic human era, which means that the International Union of Geological Sciences is in desperate need of infiltration and subjugation.  We can’t have a bunch of scientists messing with The Concensus. That just won’t do.

Related: Must Watch: Climate the Movie – The Cold Truth

I’m sure there is a movement afoot to address this. Perhaps the Union of Concerned Scientists—which is mostly a bunch of partisan progressive political hacks carrying bags of cash out of the climate laundromat—will publish a report on why we ARE in the Anthropocene. It’ll be as inaccurate as every other report they’ve published, but that’s not the point. Saturating the human world with the correct sound bites is what matters – while labeling everything contrary (like Geologists implying there’s no evidence of human geologic influence) disinformation.

They’ll fix this; just wait.

Until then, enjoy the moment. It’s not likely to last.


The post Where Geologists Throw Off the Climate Cult’s Groove appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

CALL TO ACTION: Support Reading Literacy in New Hampshire

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 16:00 +0000

Representative Lorie Ball is currently proposing legislation that targets improving reading education for all students in New Hampshire. I urge you to watch her presentation before the House Education Committee on March 5th, 2024. She explains the problems with reading instruction in our public schools, and then how some changes could positively impact reading proficiency for students.

What’s even more disturbing is those who speak after her who oppose a bi-partisan effort to improve reading literacy in our schools.

Start at the beginning:

Here are the facts: according to NH DOE 2023 statistics, 48% of NH students scored below proficiency in English Language Arts, 58% scored below proficiency in math, and 62% scored below proficiency in science. In addition, according to the 2022 NH DOE Statewide Census by Disability, of the 30,917 students identified with a disability, 10,077 are identified with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in English Language Arts and/or Mathematics. Clearly, this data shows that NH needs to do more than address reading proficiency. NH needs to address all aspects of foundational skills needed to set the path for future educational success and lifelong learning.

Using federal expectations for ruling out students with SLD, HB 1015-1106h meets that criteria. This bill goes beyond addressing the five components reading literacy (phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension), by requiring public and charter schools teach spelling, grammar, and writing mechanics. This bill assures students are provided the instruction they need to learn the specific skills used to determine if a student needs specialized instruction, rather than being identified as a student with SLD because they were never taught the skills.

HB1015-1106h provides a proven pathway to effectively addressing NH’s low proficiency scores in all areas of English Language Arts. In addition, it addresses the low proficiency scores in mathematics reasoning and mathematics calculation (including fluency) by providing explicit, systematic instruction through grade five. More importantly, as amended, this bill allows districts to maintain local control to choose the program that best meets the needs of their district and students.

School districts will have three years to pilot programs, budget, and train staff for full implementation of new programs by July 1, 2027. While, at first glance, this mandated start date seems far away, it is a reasonable amount of time for districts to make the change. In fact, many NH school districts are already well underway in the process of moving in the direction this bill specifies.

Now is not the time for legislators to ignore the needs of NH students and use the mandated start date as an excuse to vote against this bill. Doing so only kicks the can further down the road, leaving our students’ academic needs unmet. Experienced educators know that explicit, systematic instruction is a proven method that benefits all students and assures all students in public and charter schools will be able to access the general education environment. Given the time it takes to pilot new programs, budget, and train staff, I encourage our legislature to pass NH1015-1106h so districts can have programs in place no later than July 1, 12027.

This Bill came out of the House Education Committee 10-10 with democrats supporting and republicans opposed. I believe the Republicans are making a big mistake and need to reverse their opposition to support HB1015-FN.


The post CALL TO ACTION: Support Reading Literacy in New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Morse Impresses on the Stump

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 14:00 +0000

Chuck Morse, candidate for Governor and past NH Senate President, was the guest speaker several nights ago at the regular meeting of the Tri-County Republicans.

The Tri-County Republicans group, which meets monthly in Alton, typically draws hard-core conservatives (“real” Republicans) from Belknap, Strafford & Carroll counties, which come together at the NE corner of Belknap. If attendees were prepared to be lulled asleep because they had heard some of the opposition political patter to the effect that Morse was unexciting and actually boring, they were in for a big surprise.

As is typical, Morse opened with an abbreviated version of his life story and then proceeded to discuss his accomplishments from his many years in state government, followed by extensive questions and answers. Morse clearly demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of our state government, how it works, and its problems. He was candid about aspects of our state government and what needs to be fixed, mentioning some state departments by name.

He explained his key role in crafting several state budgets and his role in reducing our taxes, including both business taxes and personal taxes, such as the tax on interest and dividend income. He explained his early endorsement of President Trump, his strong stands for local control of our schools and land use regulation, and his promise to oppose any state income tax and any broad-based sales tax.

He did not hesitate, even for a moment, nor did he seek to avoid answering any questions, including some from the “hard graders” in the room. He was articulate and very polished. All in all, it was a very impressive performance, especially meaningful to those who had not previously heard from him.

It should be noted that there should be little doubt by voters that a vote for either of the Dem candidates for governor is a vote for making New Hampshire over in the mold of Massachusetts. Thus, one of those Dem candidates has actually been endorsed by the failed governor of Massachusetts. And that same candidate essentially promises to do for and to our entire state what she has done as the failed mayor of, and for, Manchester- with a dangerous, homeless-infested downtown, with many assorted unsolved problems across that city.

The bottom line is that our voters will be in the enviable position of having two very strong Republican candidates for governor, and the choice between them may be difficult. What should not be difficult is the postulate that New Hampshire cannot afford to have as its governor either of the Dem candidates now running for that office. If you want to be notified of upcoming meetings of the Tri-County Republicans, email this writer at to be added to the list.


Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post Morse Impresses on the Stump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Gurley-Man Loses In Court

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 12:00 +0000

Comrade Volinsky got some bad news this week. A judge has ruled that his clients, Mary Lee Sargent and Arnold Alpert, do not have standing to sue the state for removing a historical marker honoring Communist Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.  I have to wonder if he knew that and just took their money.

Kissinger determined that Alpert and Sargent and others in the group lacked standing and therefore said he did not need to go further on the state’s other arguments.

Citing Avery v. Comm’r NH Dept of Corr. “in evaluating whether a party has standing to sue (the court) focus(es) on whether the party suffered a legal injury against which the law was designed to protect.”

“Neither an abstract interest in ensuring that the state Constitution is observed nor an injury is indistinguishable from a generalized wrong allegedly suffered by the public at-large is insufficient to constitute a personal, concrete interest.”

“Rather the party must show that its own rights have been or will be directly affected,” the judge wrote.

While they consider an appeal, let’s revisit what this all means in the context of progressive whining about history and statues and feelings and racism.

Few, if any, of those leaning left oppose the removal or destruction of statues to American History to how it is taught. It may not be long for this world if it hurts someone’s feelings or can be linked to some human rights violation or injustice (actual or alleged). But if Mary Lee Sargent is correct [that the marker was removed based entirely on political ideology], don’t those all need to go back?

And [if so] does that open us up to honoring every slave owner, racist, fascist, or white supremacist of historical interest or influence [Democrat or otherwise] who was born or lived in New Hampshire. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn’s ideological passion, after all, resulted in the ethnic and political persecution, cleansing, and deaths of many millions of people.

Communist regimes murdered blacks, Jews, Women, Children, Christians, and homosexuals, but that does not begin to plumb the depths of incarceration, abuse, discrimination, and intolerance credited to Elizabeth Gurley Flynn’s preferred ideology.

As if that is not enough to chew on, shortly after the marker came back down (and we missed this when it happened), someone printed up replicas of the marker as yard signs.

“Like most people, I was not very aware of the historical marker when it was first placed but when they started talking about removing it, I was alarmed,” said Poinier, a former school board member. “It’s been really heartening to see how much support the community has given to this really interesting ‘Rebel Girl’ and the signs have been met with great enthusiasm.”

I hope you put them up next to your ‘In my America’ Yard sign. Talk about a tone-deaf echo chamber. In their America, they … honor a woman who defended a political ideology that “murdered blacks, Jews, Women, Children, Christians, and homosexuals.”

If that’s worth celebrating, and why wouldn’t Democrats want that – it is, after all, the promise of their political ambitions; perhaps the answer is to put the marker back. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn represents not just Concord’s past but its future. A movement disguised as pro-labor and pro-democracy destined to use and undermine the people it claims to defend to erect a violent, intolerant, despotic one-party state.

Can we get a Marxist equivalent of an Amen?

The post Gurley-Man Loses In Court appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Flushing Your Money Down the Toilet on Professional Development for Teachers

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 10:00 +0000

As an education researcher, I’ve been hearing about wasteful spending on teacher professional development for decades. Teachers do value quality professional development, but some will privately tell you that it can be a waste of their time, and taxpayer dollars.

It wasn’t that long ago that SAU21 brought the far-left political group Seacoast Outright to train teachers. What could have helped teachers in the classroom, instead time was spent indoctrinating the staff with a one-sided view of transgender issues. There is a debate going on politically on whether a child should receive hormone therapy or even receive drastic mutilation by removing their sex organs. I asked that the presentation to the teachers at least include other medical viewpoints, but Superintendent Nadeau refused my request.

De-transitioners are blowing the whistle on the severe trauma they are now dealing with because, as children, they wanted to transition to the opposite gender. Some of the de-transitioners are suing their medical providers for agreeing to these barbaric surgical procedures now that they are adults.

Professional Development (PD) can support teachers in the classroom by making sure teachers know the academic subject, and the best way to deliver the instruction to students. But when PD becomes a lesson in political biases, not only are you wasting valuable tax dollars, you are missing an opportunity to help teachers succeed in the classroom.

Recently, the Sanborn staff was subjected to a dose of biased information during a professional development day at school. Several staff members were bothered that the information provided was politically biased and possibly violated their civil rights. After requesting information on the presentation, I decided to speak up on their behalf with this email to the Superintendent and School Board Members.  I thought you should know about it:

Superintendent Ambrose and members of the Sanborn School Board:

Thank you for providing the information from the recent professional development offered to the school staff.

One of the biggest complaints I hear from teachers is that sometimes professional development is a waste of money. It’s also interesting to note that when Massachusetts drove their academic achievement to where their students were finishing at the top nationally, they focused on PD. But focused on academic content during PD.

Massachusetts students were able to compete with students at the top on international tests of math and science. They focused on improving their academic standards, tests, and made sure PD was academic based. This helped teachers in the classroom, and it helped their students academically. Parents could see that their public schools were the best in the country, and they supported them.


What you presented during PD did not sit well with some who attended this presentation. I can’t blame them. It was one-sided.

For instance, there was no balance to anything that was presented based on what you sent me.

In Dr. Parker’s bio, it says:

Dr. Don Parker is a transformational keynote speaker and professional development provider. He specializes in SEL, supporting teachers to build trusting relationships with students, restorative practices, trauma-informed practices, and improving the culture and climate of schools to enhance students’ and teachers’ feeling of belonging.

How is Dr. Parker a specialist in SEL? SEL programs tend to be developed by individuals who have a mental health background. These programs are now group therapy in the classroom. This is why I have teachers privately expressing concerns that they are not qualified to subjectively grade their students’ behaviors. They are not qualified, and they are concerned about where this sensitive data is shared. SEL is now a product to sell, and vendors profit off of this latest fad.

There are no privacy protections when SEL data is uploaded to a database, they are considered as part of the “exceptions” in the FERPA law. SEL Vendors do not have foolproof privacy protections for your students. I was told that Dr. Parker didn’t mention any of that, and I didn’t see that in the materials you sent.

Restorative practices have been criticized as unethical, and they have no place in the classroom.

In the past decade, the role of the teacher in schools has slowly shifted from pedagogue to therapist. Perhaps the most glaring example of this shift is the practice called “circle conversations.” These circles are cousins of the non-punitive approach to discipline called restorative justice, and are intended to be community-building prophylactics.

While the ritual—I mean classroom practice—can vary from school to school, it has a few common characteristics: students sit in a circle, pass around a talking piece, and discuss open-ended questions, often deeply personal ones….

From what I was told, Dr. Parker didn’t mention any critical thought on this latest fad.

Trauma informed practices should come directly from a student’s therapist or mental health provider. Dr. Parker has no background in the field of Child Psychology. Why are you looking to an educator for this information?

Based on some of the books that are now available to children to read in the school library, many children are reliving trauma. It’s one of the worst things you can do to a child who has experienced abuse.

Improving culture and climate can be handled by exit interviews with families who are removing their children from the public schools. I don’t believe he mentioned that in his presentation. I do understand that the federal government has prioritized culture and climate, but one of the most important discoveries to make is why families choose other education options for their children. I just provided you with free advice; hopefully, you will act upon it.

I was told that research from this author was included. Zaretta Hammond is focused on implicit racial bias. Is racism a problem among the Sanborn staff? Implicit racial bias means that everyone is inherently racist. Is this a message important for the Sanborn staff to hear? Would this kind of message be considered a violation of their civil rights? Would this violate their rights under the anti-discrimination law in New Hampshire?

Feeling of belonging is certainly a worthwhile goal. How are you helping your religious families feel welcome? One of the biggest complaints among religious families today is, the public schools have made it a hostile environment for their children.

I wanted to take this opportunity to offer you some critical analysis on this chosen speaker. I did not see any documentation on how this would result in improving literacy in the core academic subjects.

The self esteem movement has been tried, and there wasn’t much success with it back in the 80’s. Teachers and public school supporters are desperate to get back to academics.

Successful leaders look at the good and bad in order to make an informed decision. They do not just surround themselves with “yes-men.” Those who are successful want to know ahead of time if what they are doing will have positive or negative consequences. I think your staff deserves that.

They were subjected to a slick salesman selling them the latest fads in education, and many people in the audience saw right through it.

Ann Marie Banfield

The post Flushing Your Money Down the Toilet on Professional Development for Teachers appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire Right to Life Urges State Senate & Governor to Oppose Assisted Suicide, HB1283

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-03-23 08:00 +0000

The New Hampshire House passed HB1283, also known as Assisted Suicide or Medical Aid in Dying, by a 179-176 vote this afternoon[0]. New Hampshire Right to Life (NHRTL) and a broad coalition of other organizations[1], staunchly oppose this legislation and call on the NH Senate and Governor to reject it.

Jason Hennessey, President of NHRTL, emphasized, “As a society, we should promote a culture that values and safeguards all human life, rather than using death as a solution. Legalized assisted suicide with HB1283 undermines our efforts to prevent suicide and support those who are suffering with compassion, care, and dignity. Furthermore, it opens the door to elder abuse, to devaluing the lives of those with disabilities, and allows insurers to prioritize death over coverage for costly care, creating a horrific conflict of interest. NHRTL urges the NH Senate and Gov Sununu to uphold the sanctity of life and oppose HB1283.”

NHRTL believes Rep Terry Roy summarized the issue best during the House floor debate when he asked the question “Are we a culture of life or a culture of death?” [1] at 5:15pm.

NHRTL also highlights that in other states, patients have been denied potentially life-saving healthcare and instead given information on Assisted Suicide[2,3]. Assisted suicides have also taken place in other states for mental health issues like anorexia[4].

A 2015 study examining states that had legalized Assisted Suicide found an increase of 6.3% in the overall suicide rate, and a 14.5% increase among individuals over the age of 65 [5].

NH Right to Life is New Hampshire’s largest and longest-standing organization dedicated to the pro-life cause.

0: Bill: House Debate: @ 4:15pm
1: Some other organizations opposing HB1283 include: the many members of the NH Coalition For Suicide Prevention (including Disabled American Veterans of New Hampshire, State Veterans Advisory Committee, United Spinal Association New Hampshire Chapter, Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire, ABLE New Hampshire, and Not Dead Yet) NH Cornerstone, American Academy of Medical Ethics, Catholic Diocese of Manchester, and Americans United for Life.
5: [full paper]

Jason Hennessey
President, New Hampshire Right to Life

The post New Hampshire Right to Life Urges State Senate & Governor to Oppose Assisted Suicide, HB1283 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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