The Manchester Free Press

Friday • January 3 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.I

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 3 min 38 sec ago

Hakeem Jeffries Is A Hypocrite

Sun, 2024-07-14 10:00 +0000

I realize I wrote about Hakeem Jeffries yesterday, but what he did on Thursday afternoon deserves a rebuttal. How dare this little man from New York have the audacity to disparage half of the country that we are not Conservatives or Republicans, but that we are Extreme MAGA Republicans who presumably cannot think for ourselves. That Donald Trump programs us to speak the party line.


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Art Thou Better Off Now Than During That Not So Bygone Age of Trump?

Sun, 2024-07-14 02:00 +0000

Time to revisit another old political saw. It’s a classic. Are you better off now than (insert time period here)? In this case, now as opposed to before Biden. And if you won the Lottery, yes, you most likely are. For the rest of us mortals, not so much. A quick comparison between Then and Now: So, under which reign would you prefer to be with respect to your treasure? …


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Exposing the Hidden Struggles of America’s Railroad Workers

Sun, 2024-07-14 01:27 +0000

Every day, thousands of workers clock into one of the nation’s oldest industries: railroads. The romanticized imagery of trains cutting through vast landscapes belies the harsh realities faced by those who keep the trains running. Keep reading to uncover the unique challenges that define the life of a railroad worker, from physical dangers and health risks to the psychological toll of this…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Administrative Creep on the Chopping Block

Sun, 2024-07-14 00:00 +0000

A busy US Supreme Court dropped yet another jurisprudential bomb in the recent case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which reversed the longstanding precedent of Chevron USA, Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. The 1984 Chevron decision served as a four-decade foundation for judicial “deference” (essentially, the benefit of the doubt) when reviewing administrative regulations…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

[Update …4,5…] Shots Fired at Trump Rally! President Escorted Away by Secret Service

Sat, 2024-07-13 23:03 +0000

President Trump was rushed off stage during a PA Rally by the Secret Service after a series of pops that sounded like gunfire. President Trump appears to have been clipped in the ear, blood evident in photos from the scene. The story is developing. Update: Added: The President may have been clipped by a piece of teleprompter glass struck by a bullet, not by an actual…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

[Update 2] Shots Fired at Trump Rally! President Escorted Away by Secret Service …

Sat, 2024-07-13 22:58 +0000

President Trump was rushed off stage during a PA Rally by the Secret Service after a series of pops that sounded like gunfire. President Trump appears to have been clipped in the ear, blood evident in photos from the scene.

Gunfire appeared to erupt at former President Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania while he was speaking on stage — and he was grazed in the ear, law enforcement said.

Several gunshots rang out just about five minutes into his speech shortly after 6 p.m., sending Trump to the ground as Secret Service agents jumped in to cover him

Trump appeared to grab his ear in the moments before he was taken to the floor by the Secret Service.  He was heard asking for his shoes as the guards rushed him away.

Soldiers in military gear were seen rushing into the rally.

Nine shots could be heard in video of the incident, including three before Trump ducked.



Statement from Trump Campaign

“President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their quick action during this heinous act. He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility. More details will follow.”

— Steven Cheung, Trump spokesperson

Update 2: Shooter Dead, at least one rally participant shot and killed by shooter.

The apparent gunshot sound was heard again several times while agents were on him. People in the crowd screamed.

Someone’s voice was heard through the microphone asking “Are we good?” Secret Service agents in tactical gear stood on the stage, some looking out to the crowd.

A voice was heard saying, “Shooter’s down.” Then a voice said, “We’re clear” and “Let’s move.”

Agents stood up, surrounding Trump. As they moved with him off the stage, Trump lifted his right arm and fist into the air. Blood was seen on the right side of his face.

Shooter dead and rally attendee killed at Trump event in Pennsylvania, prosecutor tells AP

Butler County district attorney Richard Goldinger said in a phone interview that the suspected gunman was dead and at least one rally attendee was killed.

Added: The President may have been clipped by a piece of teleprompter glass struck by a bullet, not by an actual bullet, but two people were hit in the crowd (Newsmax).

Nothing from Biden or the White House yet…It’s been over an hour (he might be sleeping)

The post [Update 2] Shots Fired at Trump Rally! President Escorted Away by Secret Service … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Cautionary Note to New Hampshire Municipalities To Avoid Tax Credit Schemes

Sat, 2024-07-13 22:00 +0000

Nashua City officials partnered with Mascoma Bank to accept New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) federal money, providing tax credits to private businesses to provide additional funding to construct our Performing Arts Center. The mayor and legal office engaged in deceptive practices, commingling taxpayer money with federal money, eliminating the public’s rights to track spending…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Left Has A Newer Scarier Way to Describe the “Weather”

Sat, 2024-07-13 20:00 +0000

I’ve been listening to the dystopian tears and screams of the Green Left for over 50 years. Not ONE of their predictions has ever come true. In fact, most haven’t even come close. Yet, they continue braying about their ideology. And, as Leftists are wont to do… SideNote: Yes, they are Leftists because ALL of their magnificent plans by which they wish to save us by requiring that we give up…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Grok Moving Day … Is In Process: And a Sneak Peek at The New Site

Sat, 2024-07-13 19:00 +0000

The new ‘Grok’ is working and populated with data, but we’re still working on some backend stuff and a few moving-day issues. The plan is to go live today, but I wanted to offer a few more updates before that happens.

First, we will still be using the DISQUS commenting system at launch. Some things need to happen before we can move to WordPress commenting. You’ll know it when you see it.

What’s Different

For those looking to ‘Grok Maine, the all-new MaineGrok page will be live upon launch.


We’ve backfilled it with existing Maine content, so there’s something to see. All the new Maine Stuff will be available by selecting Maine from the Menu (on the main menu).



You can also’Grok Vermont from there or go directly to all the New Hampshire-centric stuff by clicking the state name.  If you want to drill down to the NH microgrok level, hover and then select a town or region.



You can jump directly to our news and opinion on US news (National) or globally focused (World) from the header or scroll down to the categories on the home page for a preview of the most recent content.


The Home page also has a Grok New Hampshire and a Grok New England section. The latter will also include the VT, ME, and NH Content WHILE the state pages will be restricted to state-specific content.

More on Navigation

When on category pages, you can drill down and switch between subcategories within them in the header or by using the drop-downs.



Here’s a look at the New Hampshire page header and the bar with quick links to the NH microgroks.



Post pages (the stuff you come to read) look the same but are lighter, a bit cleaner, and have fewer ads (though I’ve not seen the new ad package live yet). We will add our own ads to the right, as usual, when we have them.




And yes, we still need ads and expect to identify other forms of revenue until we get the VIP side up (no timeline yet) and find some generous patrons to prop us up so we can keep all the free speech and independent media things moving right along. On that note, we have a beautiful new donation page.


Carolyn and I are working through the last-minute issues (there are always a few), but the new site should be accessible to you later today – tomorrow at the latest: new content is scheduled in both, so the old site will keep updating until the new one goes live.

And yeah, there will be tweaks and adjustments that don’t have anything to do with the actual form or function. The goal is to make sure we’re here for you (we are!) and sharing the news and opinion, you can only get on the ‘Grok.

The post ‘Grok Moving Day … Is In Process: And a Sneak Peek at The New Site appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Support Your Local Police And Keep them Independent

Sat, 2024-07-13 18:00 +0000

One of the key reasons American liberty stands today is because our founders designed a unique system of local control of law enforcement; where the loyalties of family and friends are a precious guardian of liberty. Being blessed to see 87 years gives perspective on how things have changed. One such perspective is the gradual process to move local control of police to federal control.


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hakeem Jeffries Is Reactionary And Hyperbolic

Sat, 2024-07-13 16:00 +0000

I heard the former Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, give his opinion of the current House Minority Leader, Hakeem Jeffries, and it made a lot of sense, and I think it is spot-on. McCarthy said there are two types of people, and they can be classified as Thermostats and Thermometers. Thermostats set the plan and agenda for society. They are the “doers” that make the world tick.


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Lot of RTK Tax Supporters Support Kelly Ayotte

Sat, 2024-07-13 14:00 +0000

As endorsements are coming in for all candidates for all offices, like last night’s floodwaters, I want to call attention to some of Kelly Ayotte’s “problem endorsers.” No, I’m not talking big-time Deep State people, businesses, and organizations, but people that any respectable Nashua homegrown candidate for any office should shun. In a recent tweet, Kelly announced the endorsement from Rep…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

SCOTUS Immunity Decision and Why Barry Obama Should Be Very Worried

Sat, 2024-07-13 12:00 +0000

The US Supreme Court did something miraculous the other day. You’ll have heard by now. They erased over 240 years of Presidential carte blanche. The once all-powerful, seemingly un-prosecutable office of the president, extended to former Presidents, is no more. SCOTUS Upended it, ended it, undermined it, and put every US President on the hook for potential prosecution. Wait. That’s not what…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Capitalism Versus Free Speech

Sat, 2024-07-13 10:00 +0000

In the make-believe, fairy-tale world that people like Joe Sweeney, Ross Berry, Mikey Graham, Drew Cline, the Koch-bots, and the libertarians (an incomplete list) espouse, Big Business ALWAYS acts in their financial self-interest, which ultimately benefits everyone. EXCEPT Big Business does NOT act in such a manner. Rather, Big Business has been taken over by WOKE, which is why DEI is…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: White House Condemns Republicans Looking To Secure Voting Rights

Sat, 2024-07-13 02:00 +0000

Democrats opened the borders, allowing millions of illegals into the country. They are hoping to lock their hold on power in Washington forever by turning them into voters, but Rep. Chip Roy’s H.R. 8281 (co-sponsored by 194 Republicans) would require anyone registering to vote to provide proof of their U.S. citizenship. It would return the right to vote to citizens as written in the…


Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Prosecutor Threatens to Fine Retailer for Reporting Thefts to Police

Sat, 2024-07-13 00:00 +0000

The Democratic bizzaro world is full of contradictions because it is the natural state. To them, it makes sense when we get results exactly opposite of those advertised. Law and order mean chaos. Prosperity means poverty; transparency means obstruction; unity means division; education creates ignorance; and equity means inequality.

A secure border is an open border, and national identity is, well…racist.

Their war on drugs made the drug problem worse; the war on poverty has created more poverty. Defunding the police harmed more black lives, and those lives didn’t matter. So. a Dem DA in a Dem City refusing to prosecute crime is just another reality in a world of Democrat rule. But how about one that threatens to charge a business with a crime for calling the police every time it gets robbed?

The Sacramento City Attorney’s Office warned a chain retail store that it could face a public nuisance charge due to a large number of phone calls placed to police when thieves repeatedly stole from its Land Park location.

This was apparently not the only California city to pull this stunt, which seems likely. The hive mind is what it is, but someone who wanted to keep their gig in the elected office decided it wasn’t a good look. Letting criminals steal other people’s stuff at will is one thing. Allowing that loss to impact local communities who pay more or lose access to the business entirely is no big deal either. Subjecting customers or staff to the risk of harm if they get in the way during crimes is not concerning.

Charging businesses for not wanting to be victims of that crime is apparently a bridge too far.

The alleged warning issued by Sacramento city officials — and similar actions by other cities across the state — prompted lawmakers to add an amendment to a retail theft bill that would outlaw such threats made by authorities. Pursuing legal actions against businesses for reporting crime brought heavy criticism from law enforcement.

I wonder if there’s any chance they might extend this goodwill to people who defend themselves when attacked.

I know, I’m daydreaming.

The post Prosecutor Threatens to Fine Retailer for Reporting Thefts to Police appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Spider’s Web

Fri, 2024-07-12 22:00 +0000

Since the rodents have now had 248 years to study our Founding and Forefather’s words, maybe we should do the same, and good old Sal Alinksy is perfect to decipher our nation’s current happenings. His Rules For Radicals cites, “Power is the very essence, the dynamo of life.”In the same paragraph, he defines it with the positive and negative of “a man-killing explosive or a life-saving drug.” Later, he states, “Our concern…how the Have Nots can take power away from the Haves.” In his eyes, America, based upon its success, deserves taking. Really, all this means is that the no-accounts want what we have worked for and produced.

So it stands that our American Republic is in critical need and must be saved by all of us doing whatever is possible. First, we need to admit that the attack is real and that what was once ‘liberal’ is now communist; the Democrat Party demonstrates this by both their words and their actions and policies. Remaining free will depend solely upon an unselfish loyalty by “we the people.” Some may find this unbelievable but then again, so is today’s America.

As expected, there are also individual cases on the Republican side, who, on certain issues, reveal a similar disloyalty. Those holding elected office are already lost, so whether their drive is from that evil doctrine or the greenback matters little since it’s the results that will harm all our people.

In addition to a general revamping of one party and the need for certain individuals to be replaced, what is now happening initially emerged with the overseas relocations of American corporations, followed by downsizing, then spiced with early retirement options. Today’s mass transition, ala John Deere, is just the latest act of disloyalty!

We need to critically consider our changing landscape. Leading the devalued list is public education. Most notable was when the Bible was removed from schools. History then underwent censoring until today. It’s not even considered beneficial or essential to know the past. It took a while, but traditional math also became incompatible with today’s Common Core world. Forget about reading “the Classics” and the ability to spell properly since it’s now spelling by word sounds.

Journalism’s devalued state has propagandized its product, so it’s difficult to latch onto sources that report the truth. Being without the facts about current events is vulnerable and essential for creating this pliable American mindset.

And now, we watch as our once fantastic medical industry is being engulfed by the corporatized world. How can we justify neutering the young and unsuspecting? It is hard to justify a procedure that is requested out of the normal “growing pains” of youth.

Electric generation cannot be our future when the government policy is to shut down every coal-fired plant and, eventually, all fossil plants. Hell, just the air-conditioning load in the summer is pushing today’s limits, but again, who knows? At the same time, there’s been a non-stop campaign for electric vehicles, EVs, of which the distance is greatly reduced versus our traditional gas vehicles. But, similar to our traditional gasers, EVs need “refueling.” Where to go? Still, while all this EV is BS, it serves the hoax of climate change and the totalitarian need for public immobility.

Our looming clean-up is massive, and we all need to get involved. Mothers showed us the way at recent school board meetings. Not only is being labeled a“ domestic terrorist” ridiculous, but it’s also an indication of overkill from a growing governmental threat with a message that no doubt was meant to chill any further parental outbursts. “We the people” complaints must be snuffed out immediately since its talent is homegrown.

That spider never stops weaving its web. It’s taken well over a century, but the government has for some time permitted the departure of many industrial and manufacturing centers. Those remaining cannot meet our Country’s demands against a threat from abroad. Therefore, our nation’s current health and strength are weakened and very vulnerable.

This will not stop unless “we, the people,” protect our God-given Blessings! George Washington said it best, “The time is now at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be freemen or slaves.” These few facts show that this crusade of turning America into third-world status, or worse, is no damn joke! Once again, it’s “we the people” time!

The post The Spider’s Web appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The War on Children

Fri, 2024-07-12 20:00 +0000

In American society today, we are seeing a “War on our Children.”   This is an orchestrated attempt by “Big Tech” to gain control of our children’s minds and hearts, and they have been doing an excellent job so far. Smartphones are their weapon.

We want to thank Charles & Marie Bradley for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Because of our great concern over this issue, we want to get the word out to parents, grandparents, and guardians there to help with this battle. In an attempt to stave off the damage caused to our youth by continuous smartphone usage (it is said children spend at least 5 hours a day on their phones), three major counter-offensives have been launched to give guidance on how to break this strangle-hold and allow our children to have a happy childhood.

  1. California has historically started many major movements in American society. So, it is not as surprising as I first thought that Los Angeles (The City of Angels) would show us the way to save our children: “Ban Smartphones in the Classroom!”  Over 429,000 students in grades K-12 of the LA Unified School District will be prohibited from using smartphones and social media platforms during the school day.  Educators believe this will curb classroom distractions and protect students’ mental health.
  2. Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist who has written the book “The Anxious Generation (How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness)”.   He opines smartphones have led to a rise in mental illness in childhood.  This book is flying off the shelves, and he may be the most sought-after public speaker in the USA as parents are increasingly concerned about smartphones destroying the mental health of their children.  His message is simple: “Don’t let the children have smartphones!”  (There are phones available without internet access if they must have a phone.)
  3. The U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has been sounding the alarm about the harmful effects of social media and the way technology is affecting the brains of our youngest population. Murthy states we have “a mental health crisis in adolescents” and “our children’s well-being is at stake”.  He is receiving bi-partisan support in Congress for a bill known as the “Kids Online Safety Act,” which is an attempt to require online platforms to take steps to protect minors while using social media.

As a community, we have an obligation to protect our children.


Let’s give childhood back to our children!

The post The War on Children appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Build Back Biden Going About as Well as You’d Expect …

Fri, 2024-07-12 18:00 +0000

The post-debate Build Back Biden scheme is going about as well as you’d expect. The White House sold the NATO summit as a chance for the world to see that Biden’s still got it, by which they must have meant the thing they’ve been hiding that showed up at the debate a few weeks ago. He’s still got it!

And this is a NATO Summit. There is no hope of the Regime hiding behind the cheap, fake, deep, fake label unless, by that, they mean themselves and the guy who is supposed to be running the country.

Joe Biden’s senior officials struggled to keep their composure when the president mistook Donald Trump for Kamala Harris last night – as dozens of Democratic lawmakers prepared to turn against him.

The major blunder came near the top of Biden’s ‘make-or-break’ press conference and shortly after the commander-in-chief introduced Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky at the end of the NATO summit as ‘President Putin.’

As Skip likes to say, Moa statues.

The internet is abuzz with opinions, but it is impossible to accuse CSPAN of fast editing to make Joe look bad. He did that on his own, and it has already circled the globe at least a few times.  Yes, NATO has proven to be Joe’s coming out party, as in, still out of it, and yes, our allies are watching, and our enemies are laughing. The press is nearly all out on Biden, and they are pushing Dems to join them because Trump and Republicans are. As if the problem of some unknown number of months or years without a functioning elected Predicen – hidden by unelected interests, spaclked over by the media that is now pretending it is not complicit isn’t actual treason.

Has a First Lady ever been tried for that? Jill could be the first. She wasn’t elected, so she has no immunity, and she reportedly hates Kamala.

Democratic advisors are struggling to push past the powerful role that Jill Biden‘s loathing of Harris, 59, is playing in Joe‘s resistance to pass the mantle to his VP as pressure ratchets up for him to step down as presidential candidate and allow another Democrat tackle Donald Trump.

According to one former Democrat operative in Jill’s circle, the women’s long-seated animosity is ‘one hundred per cent’ part of Jill’s resistance to having her 81-year-old husband step aside.

Because the truth, according to a source who knows the First Couple well, is that Jill’s is now the only voice to which the 46th president listens.

And as far as Jill, 73, is concerned, the only thing worse than her husband stepping down would be Kamala stepping up to replace him.

I can’t disagree with Jill there but then I must. Like her or not, whether we agree with the election results or not, they were certified, and Kamala was on the ballot. If put before a court, she is the next in line, and as bad as that would be for America, she was at least technically elected. Build Back Biden has only shown that Joe is a bigger threat to national security than Harris.

Doc Jill isn’t anything (she isn’t even an actual doctor), despite the Dem’s (since Hillary’s) efforts to turn First Ladies into policy experts, co-rulers, or wreckers of public school lunches.

Now, according to one, ‘It’s not about Kamala and it’s not really about Joe. It’s more about her holding on to her status as First Lady. She doesn’t want to give that up.’

Another voiced the way that Jill is ‘absolutely unwavering about Joe staying [in the race] but if he is forced out or opts out, she would be fully opposed to Kamala replacing him.’

One insider revealed, ‘Kamala never runs competent organizations. Every office, every campaign, devolves into toxicity. And Jill is keenly protective of Joe’s legacy.’

Jill? This is NOW Joe’s legacy, and you did that.

As you were.


The post Build Back Biden Going About as Well as You’d Expect … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow

Fri, 2024-07-12 16:00 +0000

Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition.


*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






I remember seeing a needs-lip-reading clip of Barry and Michael, where Michael says “All this for a damned flag” and Barry nods.

Michelle Obama’s “All this for a damn flag” shown at three different speeds (

Speaking of Michael:


Bet Barackus slept on the couch for quite a while after that.



Lift her up in your heart and prayers.  And all wounded warriors.




Fishing too.  Counting and rolling coins from a coin jar.  Working in the garden.  Walking along the shore and picking up shells, etc.




That a German, in Germany, is convicted for the “crime” of advocating for Germany is weapons-grade self-hatred.




Between his age, dementia, and increasingly poor electoral chances, our enemies are weighing acting before his time is up.



That’ll leave a mark.




Remember, Klaus is very proud of the WEF infiltration of various national cabinets.



OOH, good.  OTOH, uphill fight.  Necessary, but don’t have any illusions it won’t be fought tooth and nail.



Match the above with the below:





Incredible burn.




Third box, every damned day.





Of course they will.  They got away with it last time.



They had a Death Jab to push.  Depopulation goals.  And a President to weaken.






“Journalism is printing something that someone does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.”

― George Orwell





Applying Caligula.  “Let them hate, so long as they fear”.






You are being replaced.  Your vote is being diluted by those with no loyalty to America or its Constitution and systems and culture.  Here, The Potato threatens to veto a bill that would repeat the prohibition against non-citizens from voting.





And you are being put into harm’s way.  From here:

The Biden Admin Is Practically Begging For Our Planes To Be Hijacked By Terrorists

Senator Steve Daines exposes instructions for illegal migrants to board our planes and enter America with no ID. It tells illegals to use their CBP One App appointment request as their ID

“This popped up at the Delta terminal, the Miami Airport, instructions for illegals to use their CBP One app, that’s the Customs Border Patrol app at TSA checkpoints, as a valid form of ID to board a plane in the United States.

For those who don’t know, the CBP One app provides appointments for migrants who are claiming asylum at the border. Migrants, particularly those wanted for crimes, can fill in any basic information they want in the app and be let into the country.

The goal was to, and I quote, validate adult non US citizen travel documentation when the traveler does not otherwise have an acceptable form of identification. However, it also notes that photos are optional.

It says that multiple times. It says it can provide biographical information if requested, but knows that information is not stored, again, multiple times. How is this even serious? Illegals coming to the United States from countries that are designated state sponsors of terror and on terror watch list can use this process. Americans, think about this for a moment.

We, as Americans, are gonna be forced to acquire a real ID by May of 2025, or you or anybody else here, myself, we barred from boarding a flight in the United States. How in the world can we justify this when illegal immigrants are allowed to board planes with unverifiable information they filled out on an app?”

WallStreetApes (


New voters.



Or, at least new warm bodies on which to base more mail-in or harvested votes.



It’s not just the vote.  It’s also the apportionment and distribution of House seats that factor in illegals.  And with birthright citizenship, every female of even remotely-possible fertility is doubtless “engaged” to get preggers ASAP.  What I said about that:


E Birthright Citizenship Immigration and Voting


But don’t fret.  Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us that the Great Replacement is not real.  And related to the 14th Amendment:

Ending ‘Treason Citizenship’ | Frontpage Mag

The legal basis for deporting non-citizen terrorist supporters is fairly straightforward and needs to be implemented immediately, but there is also an accompanying need to address the growing number of ‘enemy citizens’ residing in this country. Generations of open borders and mass migration has made it possible for many Islamic terrorist allies to be born in this country.

Birthright citizenship and treason citizenship remain major obstacles to securing the nation.

While the birthright citizenship problem posed by the 14th Amendment is not as easily dealt with, the legal infrastructure to deal with treason citizenship is already in place. What is needed is the will to deal with it before terrorist supporters stop being a minority and become a majority.

And sleep tight.  Xi-den is on the case to secure us.

China Releases Documentary on How to Illegally Enter the U.S. from China (





So what’s next?  Breaking up of married couples in the name of “equity”?








I remember what Brigitte Gabriel wrote in her book BECAUSE THEY HATE… that in Lebanon, once the Muslims took power, all the liberal advocates for “being nice” and “welcoming immigrants” were held down and raped / murdered as they bleated “But we advocated for you”! And were told STUPID INFIDEL.




Now… watch the Mobius strip “logic” to get him off the hook from that law, while leaving Trump guilty.





Houston, we have a problem.



One can argue, from principle, that the act was illegal.  But that’s not the point – look who supported this.



Any guesses on which way she votes?  The stupid, it burns…






I have to ask if this is real.  Assuming it is… no country can last like this.  Which, of course, is the end goal.  Chaos and uncertainty coming, by design.



Israel, from north to south, is less than 500 km.  424 to be precise.  And 114 from east to west.  Even including the Golan, plus Judea and Samaria, it’s area is not much bigger than New Hampshire.  Just imagine what might have been.




How One Israeli Peace Activist Changed Her Mind | Frontpage Mag

Remember this video?


A lesson from Israel to the US’ internal strife: You cannot coexist with people who want you destroyed.









They’re ginning themselves up to be violent based on a perceived threat from our side.  More:



NY Times Reporter: ‘I Wish Somebody Would Kill Trump’ – Geller Report







Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


In a “win” for the good guys, Biden’s reinterpretation of Title IX to include transgenders is being challenged in court, and has been blocked in several states:


Idaho Pride event diminished after 2023 protest (

CA parents stop radical school health center (

Fighting back.  But they fight back too.



Activists oppose California bill that makes child prostitution a felony. Their reason? “LGBTQ people … are more likely to be charged with sex offenses” | Not the Bee

If you’re opposed to a bill that punishes child prostitution…



Look at the goobers behind him – smiling and clapping as they’re being supplanted and replaced by MEN with mental disorders.


And in Switzerland:


The Opening Ceremony Of The Gotthard Base Tunnel, The World’s Largest Tunnel, Was A Satanic Ritual – Infinite Unknown

Axios wrote a “hit piece” on about President Trump getting elected again.  It reads like a campaign speech FOR Trump (at least from our perspective):

An interesting read on how our TLAs were subverted by Marxist influences:

Maine Governor Janet Mills is being sued for not disclosing information that an FOAA request has asked for:

Maine Wire Sues Janet Mills for Violating Freedom of Access Act – The Maine Wire

The WHO and the UN and trying to drum up hysteria about “bird flu” to get power over small farms and backyard chicken runs:

An interesting article about a group in Utah trying to set up a self-sustaining community:

Jarhead thoughts on this:  They say they don’t have a militia, and that’s their choice.  What happens when a large, organized group of people show up with intent to do harm and take all your supplies (and that could be the government)?  Or someone who is already in the community allows their extended family to just “show up” when things get bad in the USA?  How to you intend to defend yourselves?  These places only thrive when external forces keep the “bad at bay”.  A true “community” thinks about how to defend against “those who would do us harm”.  The Spartans had (and the US Marines still have) the right idea:  Everyone has a mundane task they are trained to do, but also everyone is a fighter (rifleman, sniper, spotter, communications, even mess duty is valuable).  You do your chores in the farmyard with your rifle on you (or maybe nearby) so you can be ready when the call goes out.

In the “double-plus ungood” category come this article about China doing illegal bio-weapon research to increase the lethality of naturally occurring viruses:

Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted the US “Government” Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime (

Fascinating how Teddy Roosevelt chimed in on this.  Very interesting read.



From here:

During his 40-year career as a pathologist, Dr. Arne Burkhardt had never observed this type of unusual blood clot until after the rollout of the C19 injections

This type of clot was found in several living vaccinated patients, including a 40 year-old former marathon runner.


New ‘crackpot’ EV scheme emerges to steal power back from charging cars – American Thinker

In OZ, but still… I think I read something about CA considering this too.

Nolte: Portland Power Company Takes Control of Home Thermostats to Avoid Outages (

Oh, no, they’d never do that with smart meters and smart thermostat controls. You’re just overreacting and are paranoid.

Pakistan blocks 210,000 SIM cards to encourage tax payment – Insider Paper

Like TPTB wouldn’t do that here if they had CBDC.  Related:

All of your stocks and bonds can be taken with total legal certainty in the next financial collapse – The Expose (

Is Our Money Safe? On Financial Censorship, Bank Accounts Closures & Confiscations (


World War 3 Watch:

NATO allies have begun transfer of F-16 jets to Ukraine: Blinken – Insider Paper

37 Chinese aircraft skirt Taiwan on way to drill: Taipei – Insider Paper

66 Chinese aircraft surround Taiwan in biggest sortie of year – Insider Paper

Russia plans ‘response’ to contain ‘serious threat’ from NATO: Kremlin – Insider Paper

NATO agrees to say Ukraine on ‘irreversible path’ to membership: diplomats – Insider Paper

Related to national security generally:

West ‘Stunned’ by Weaknesses Found in Defense Industrial Base (

Doug Ross @ Journal: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: “Don’t!”— Or Ten Ways to Guarantee a Theater-wide War (

Republican Party Implements Emergency Platform Change After Seeing How Close They Are To Winning Landslide Victory | Babylon Bee

Too many GOP members would rather stay in the minority party – kept “useful idiot” pets of the Left – than actually fight for their voters.

US spies resurrect ‘Russiagate’ claims — RT World News

Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.  Fool me three times?  I deserve every single thing coming.



COMPLAIN: Tell the BBC to stop ‘blackwashing’ English history! (

What was it Orwell said?



He, and others:



Jab / vaccines / medical:

Top Scientists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Heart Attacks in Children – Slay News

Don’t forget this video about them knowing very early.


MORE LEAKED AUDIO: Australians in Shock Over Former President of Australian Medical Association Prof. Kerryn Phelps’ Leaked Audio on Vaccine Injuries (

The cracks in the dam multiply.

New Migraines: A Sign of Extreme Danger (

“Sonia Elijah: Study Shows How MRNA Shots Ruin Women’s Menstrual Cycles” (

On vaccines generally:


Long.  Read.  Read again.

Scientists Say It’s Now Possible to Vaccinate w/ mRNA Via Milk (

Climate “Communicators” Say Best Way to Persuade Voters About Global Warming Is to Lie to Them – America First Report

Remember, they truly believe that they are angels of light saving the planet.  When people are convinced they are doing good, that’s when they do the greatest evil.

Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok

France’s far-left NFP proposes 90% tax on the rich after securing most seats in election | Human Events |



It’s because they’re MISSIONARIES.

The Nationwide 500,000 EV Charger Charade › American Greatness (

Where’d the money go?

Google is rolling out an app for biometric travel passports – The Expose (

And Real ID is being forced on Americans.  Speaking of passports and ID:


And didn’t Google’s motto used to be “Don’t be evil”?  Related, on META:



I could spend all day gathering links, but these are plenty.  But… concluding with Surak on the accelerating death spiral of the West:

Farewell, England and France – Surak substack blog

With an extra bonus video from France:

Muslims in France celebrate the defeat of the French right by marching in the streets and chanting, “Death to France, D*ath to the Jews, Death to the police”

Channel@No_More_Islam Chat@ISLAMNOMORE


Civilizational collapse incoming.

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 1) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 2) – Urban Scoop

Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop




Pick of the Post:



I really like him on vaccines.  But someone who does not trust me to own a way to fight when a government goes bad does not deserve my vote.




To access the bumper sticker you’ll need to adjust your filter settings.

And a late-comer, a mini-pick on someone waking up to their tax burden:


The beauty of things like this, like the #walkaway movement for example, is that once people start to see, they start noticing more and more and more.




Palate Cleansers:



I assume that’s ex-wife now?




A new NITZAKHON QUOTABLE (well, from 2019 and edited):





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





That Trump was Putin’s stooge is literally a matter of faith for them.  As is the Charlottesville lie.  As is “suckers and losers”.  As is everything else they believe.  Facts and evidence and logic do not make an impact, per Yuri B.

The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

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