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Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition.
*** Warning, definitely a few off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
I remember seeing a needs-lip-reading clip of Barry and Michael, where Michael says “All this for a damned flag” and Barry nods.
Michelle Obama’s “All this for a damn flag” shown at three different speeds (
Speaking of Michael:
Bet Barackus slept on the couch for quite a while after that.
Lift her up in your heart and prayers. And all wounded warriors.
Fishing too. Counting and rolling coins from a coin jar. Working in the garden. Walking along the shore and picking up shells, etc.
That a German, in Germany, is convicted for the “crime” of advocating for Germany is weapons-grade self-hatred.
Between his age, dementia, and increasingly poor electoral chances, our enemies are weighing acting before his time is up.
That’ll leave a mark.
Remember, Klaus is very proud of the WEF infiltration of various national cabinets.
OOH, good. OTOH, uphill fight. Necessary, but don’t have any illusions it won’t be fought tooth and nail.
Match the above with the below:
Incredible burn.
Third box, every damned day.
Of course they will. They got away with it last time.
They had a Death Jab to push. Depopulation goals. And a President to weaken.
“Journalism is printing something that someone does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell
Applying Caligula. “Let them hate, so long as they fear”.
You are being replaced. Your vote is being diluted by those with no loyalty to America or its Constitution and systems and culture. Here, The Potato threatens to veto a bill that would repeat the prohibition against non-citizens from voting.
And you are being put into harm’s way. From here:
The Biden Admin Is Practically Begging For Our Planes To Be Hijacked By Terrorists
Senator Steve Daines exposes instructions for illegal migrants to board our planes and enter America with no ID. It tells illegals to use their CBP One App appointment request as their ID
“This popped up at the Delta terminal, the Miami Airport, instructions for illegals to use their CBP One app, that’s the Customs Border Patrol app at TSA checkpoints, as a valid form of ID to board a plane in the United States.
For those who don’t know, the CBP One app provides appointments for migrants who are claiming asylum at the border. Migrants, particularly those wanted for crimes, can fill in any basic information they want in the app and be let into the country.
The goal was to, and I quote, validate adult non US citizen travel documentation when the traveler does not otherwise have an acceptable form of identification. However, it also notes that photos are optional.
It says that multiple times. It says it can provide biographical information if requested, but knows that information is not stored, again, multiple times. How is this even serious? Illegals coming to the United States from countries that are designated state sponsors of terror and on terror watch list can use this process. Americans, think about this for a moment.
We, as Americans, are gonna be forced to acquire a real ID by May of 2025, or you or anybody else here, myself, we barred from boarding a flight in the United States. How in the world can we justify this when illegal immigrants are allowed to board planes with unverifiable information they filled out on an app?”
WallStreetApes (
New voters.
Or, at least new warm bodies on which to base more mail-in or harvested votes.
It’s not just the vote. It’s also the apportionment and distribution of House seats that factor in illegals. And with birthright citizenship, every female of even remotely-possible fertility is doubtless “engaged” to get preggers ASAP. What I said about that:
E Birthright Citizenship Immigration and Voting
But don’t fret. Our intellectual and moral superiors have assured us that the Great Replacement is not real. And related to the 14th Amendment:
Ending ‘Treason Citizenship’ | Frontpage Mag
The legal basis for deporting non-citizen terrorist supporters is fairly straightforward and needs to be implemented immediately, but there is also an accompanying need to address the growing number of ‘enemy citizens’ residing in this country. Generations of open borders and mass migration has made it possible for many Islamic terrorist allies to be born in this country.
Birthright citizenship and treason citizenship remain major obstacles to securing the nation.
While the birthright citizenship problem posed by the 14th Amendment is not as easily dealt with, the legal infrastructure to deal with treason citizenship is already in place. What is needed is the will to deal with it before terrorist supporters stop being a minority and become a majority.
And sleep tight. Xi-den is on the case to secure us.
China Releases Documentary on How to Illegally Enter the U.S. from China (
So what’s next? Breaking up of married couples in the name of “equity”?
I remember what Brigitte Gabriel wrote in her book BECAUSE THEY HATE… that in Lebanon, once the Muslims took power, all the liberal advocates for “being nice” and “welcoming immigrants” were held down and raped / murdered as they bleated “But we advocated for you”! And were told STUPID INFIDEL.
Now… watch the Mobius strip “logic” to get him off the hook from that law, while leaving Trump guilty.
Houston, we have a problem.
One can argue, from principle, that the act was illegal. But that’s not the point – look who supported this.
Any guesses on which way she votes? The stupid, it burns…
I have to ask if this is real. Assuming it is… no country can last like this. Which, of course, is the end goal. Chaos and uncertainty coming, by design.
Israel, from north to south, is less than 500 km. 424 to be precise. And 114 from east to west. Even including the Golan, plus Judea and Samaria, it’s area is not much bigger than New Hampshire. Just imagine what might have been.
How One Israeli Peace Activist Changed Her Mind | Frontpage Mag
Remember this video?
A lesson from Israel to the US’ internal strife: You cannot coexist with people who want you destroyed.
They’re ginning themselves up to be violent based on a perceived threat from our side. More:
NY Times Reporter: ‘I Wish Somebody Would Kill Trump’ – Geller Report
Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):
In a “win” for the good guys, Biden’s reinterpretation of Title IX to include transgenders is being challenged in court, and has been blocked in several states:
Idaho Pride event diminished after 2023 protest (
CA parents stop radical school health center (
Fighting back. But they fight back too.
Activists oppose California bill that makes child prostitution a felony. Their reason? “LGBTQ people … are more likely to be charged with sex offenses” | Not the Bee
If you’re opposed to a bill that punishes child prostitution…
Look at the goobers behind him – smiling and clapping as they’re being supplanted and replaced by MEN with mental disorders.
And in Switzerland:
The Opening Ceremony Of The Gotthard Base Tunnel, The World’s Largest Tunnel, Was A Satanic Ritual – Infinite Unknown
Axios wrote a “hit piece” on about President Trump getting elected again. It reads like a campaign speech FOR Trump (at least from our perspective):
An interesting read on how our TLAs were subverted by Marxist influences:
Maine Governor Janet Mills is being sued for not disclosing information that an FOAA request has asked for:
Maine Wire Sues Janet Mills for Violating Freedom of Access Act – The Maine Wire
The WHO and the UN and trying to drum up hysteria about “bird flu” to get power over small farms and backyard chicken runs:
An interesting article about a group in Utah trying to set up a self-sustaining community:
Jarhead thoughts on this: They say they don’t have a militia, and that’s their choice. What happens when a large, organized group of people show up with intent to do harm and take all your supplies (and that could be the government)? Or someone who is already in the community allows their extended family to just “show up” when things get bad in the USA? How to you intend to defend yourselves? These places only thrive when external forces keep the “bad at bay”. A true “community” thinks about how to defend against “those who would do us harm”. The Spartans had (and the US Marines still have) the right idea: Everyone has a mundane task they are trained to do, but also everyone is a fighter (rifleman, sniper, spotter, communications, even mess duty is valuable). You do your chores in the farmyard with your rifle on you (or maybe nearby) so you can be ready when the call goes out.
In the “double-plus ungood” category come this article about China doing illegal bio-weapon research to increase the lethality of naturally occurring viruses:
Multiple US Presidents Have Admitted the US “Government” Is Run By Inter-Generational Organized Crime (
Fascinating how Teddy Roosevelt chimed in on this. Very interesting read.
From here:
During his 40-year career as a pathologist, Dr. Arne Burkhardt had never observed this type of unusual blood clot until after the rollout of the C19 injections
This type of clot was found in several living vaccinated patients, including a 40 year-old former marathon runner.
New ‘crackpot’ EV scheme emerges to steal power back from charging cars – American Thinker
In OZ, but still… I think I read something about CA considering this too.
Nolte: Portland Power Company Takes Control of Home Thermostats to Avoid Outages (
Oh, no, they’d never do that with smart meters and smart thermostat controls. You’re just overreacting and are paranoid.
Pakistan blocks 210,000 SIM cards to encourage tax payment – Insider Paper
Like TPTB wouldn’t do that here if they had CBDC. Related:
All of your stocks and bonds can be taken with total legal certainty in the next financial collapse – The Expose (
Is Our Money Safe? On Financial Censorship, Bank Accounts Closures & Confiscations (
World War 3 Watch:
NATO allies have begun transfer of F-16 jets to Ukraine: Blinken – Insider Paper
37 Chinese aircraft skirt Taiwan on way to drill: Taipei – Insider Paper
66 Chinese aircraft surround Taiwan in biggest sortie of year – Insider Paper
Russia plans ‘response’ to contain ‘serious threat’ from NATO: Kremlin – Insider Paper
NATO agrees to say Ukraine on ‘irreversible path’ to membership: diplomats – Insider Paper
Related to national security generally:
West ‘Stunned’ by Weaknesses Found in Defense Industrial Base (
Doug Ross @ Journal: VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: “Don’t!”— Or Ten Ways to Guarantee a Theater-wide War (
Republican Party Implements Emergency Platform Change After Seeing How Close They Are To Winning Landslide Victory | Babylon Bee
Too many GOP members would rather stay in the minority party – kept “useful idiot” pets of the Left – than actually fight for their voters.
US spies resurrect ‘Russiagate’ claims — RT World News
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times? I deserve every single thing coming.
COMPLAIN: Tell the BBC to stop ‘blackwashing’ English history! (
What was it Orwell said?
He, and others:
Jab / vaccines / medical:
Top Scientists Confirm Covid Shots Cause Heart Attacks in Children – Slay News
Don’t forget this video about them knowing very early.
MORE LEAKED AUDIO: Australians in Shock Over Former President of Australian Medical Association Prof. Kerryn Phelps’ Leaked Audio on Vaccine Injuries (
The cracks in the dam multiply.
New Migraines: A Sign of Extreme Danger (
“Sonia Elijah: Study Shows How MRNA Shots Ruin Women’s Menstrual Cycles” (
On vaccines generally:
Long. Read. Read again.
Scientists Say It’s Now Possible to Vaccinate w/ mRNA Via Milk (
Climate “Communicators” Say Best Way to Persuade Voters About Global Warming Is to Lie to Them – America First Report
Remember, they truly believe that they are angels of light saving the planet. When people are convinced they are doing good, that’s when they do the greatest evil.
Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok
France’s far-left NFP proposes 90% tax on the rich after securing most seats in election | Human Events |
It’s because they’re MISSIONARIES.
The Nationwide 500,000 EV Charger Charade › American Greatness (
Where’d the money go?
Google is rolling out an app for biometric travel passports – The Expose (
And Real ID is being forced on Americans. Speaking of passports and ID:
And didn’t Google’s motto used to be “Don’t be evil”? Related, on META:
I could spend all day gathering links, but these are plenty. But… concluding with Surak on the accelerating death spiral of the West:
Farewell, England and France – Surak substack blog
With an extra bonus video from France:
Muslims in France celebrate the defeat of the French right by marching in the streets and chanting, “Death to France, D*ath to the Jews, Death to the police”
Channel@No_More_Islam Chat@ISLAMNOMORE
Civilizational collapse incoming.
Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 1) – Urban Scoop
Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 2) – Urban Scoop
Civilizational Collapse and Biology (Part 3) – Urban Scoop
Pick of the Post:
I really like him on vaccines. But someone who does not trust me to own a way to fight when a government goes bad does not deserve my vote.
To access the bumper sticker you’ll need to adjust your filter settings.
And a late-comer, a mini-pick on someone waking up to their tax burden:
The beauty of things like this, like the #walkaway movement for example, is that once people start to see, they start noticing more and more and more.
Palate Cleansers:
I assume that’s ex-wife now?
A new NITZAKHON QUOTABLE (well, from 2019 and edited):
And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition. Same Meme Time. Same Meme channel.
Please do consider buying me a coffee.
Buy Me a Coffee
That Trump was Putin’s stooge is literally a matter of faith for them. As is the Charlottesville lie. As is “suckers and losers”. As is everything else they believe. Facts and evidence and logic do not make an impact, per Yuri B.
The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.