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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 12 sec ago

Individual Rights, State Sovereignty, and Continued United States Unity and Independence.

Sun, 2022-11-27 19:00 +0000

The clear aim of our political movement is to keep and return as much political and economic power to the people and their families so they can make the best decisions for themselves.

We want to thank Tejasinha Sivalingam for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

I have summarized this as the founding ideology of our great State and country, as Individual Rights, State Sovereignty, and continued United States unity and independence.

We must stop focusing on the particular leaders of the opposition because our movement will maintain the initiative and momentum when we focus on defeating the alien ideologies rather than just those who espouse them. When we focus on disproving their underlying ideologies, we undermine the support and power of the opposition leadership who stand for those ideologies.

To insure the survival of our founding ideology, we must speak to the people and remind them of the importance and reasons for Individual Rights, State Sovereignty, and continued United States unity and independence. This will secure the legitimate authority we seek, i.e. authority from the people.

Obviously, it goes without saying that we must use the proper channels for resolving issues. However, what appears less obvious is that we must hold to our ideology as our “red line”; i.e., the point beyond which there is no compromise, only peaceful kind and firm resolve.

Notice the strength of the opposition ideologies; they don’t compromise their core tenets; rather, they expect us to compromise ours. Yes, ultimately, this has to be hashed out through spirited civil deliberation and debate among the people. I am certain of the innate goodness of our founding principles, certain of victory. However, we must risk appearing peacefully unreasonable for freedom.

Our ideology is one of love, which requires listening. The best action plan is to encourage one another to listen to the opposition and explain how our founding ideology addresses their hopes and fears.


The post Individual Rights, State Sovereignty, and Continued United States Unity and Independence. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Survival Sunday

Sun, 2022-11-27 17:30 +0000

First, I am merely an “enlightened amateur”.  Please vet & check on your own.  Caveat emptor.  Consider these to be priming the pump for your own investigations.  I know this is a long post; I am attempting to put out a lot of information as a resource.  Read or skip sections depending on your interests.

Second, I fear spicy time is very close, but even a month of food, water, etc., puts you well ahead of most of the sheeple.  IMHO, set your minimum sights on a three-month period.

Third, two things will be critical for having the best chance of making it through:

  1. Mentality: first and foremost in survival is having a flexible mentality and cultivating the ability to adapt. Vanity has no place in survival.
  2. Develop a meatspace network of people that are likeminded: cultivate your community ties and build alliances with neighbors (note: don’t babble about the Jab or globalists or depopulation, or start pointing political fingers when doing this)… and remember, the first rule of PREP CLUB is that there is no prep club.

And please follow both me, Nitzakhon, on Gab… as well as my blog host Granite Grok and also on Telegram Tommy Robinson Official plus his Urban Scoop site.  And don’t forget posts sometimes get cloned on American Reveille as well, which is a good site to check out in general.

FYI, links to my last two Survival Sundays:

Survival Sunday – November 20, 2022

Sunday Survival – November 13, 2022





Long, but IMHO worth it.




Top of the fold:

BRAZIL: Lula Minister Signs Order Allowing Child Services to Take Children Away from Free Election Protesters (

Obey, or The State takes your kids.  Or…

Brazilians protesting election results have their bank accounts frozen (

And yet… nobody I mention this (or Canada) to thinks that can happen here.

Hofling’s Hospital Experiment of Obedience – Simply Psychology

Reminiscent of the Milgram Experiment.

Russian lawmakers ban ‘LGBT propaganda’ among adults – DW – 11/24/2022

No wonder GloboHomo is so against Putin.







Prepper Site URLS:

Most have daily articles; revisit daily.  Please recommend others in the comments.

Ask a Prepper, how to prepare, survive and thrive, latest news

Mother Earth News

The Organic Prepper Home – The Organic Prepper – The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times.

SHTF Blog – Modern Survival

Survival World – Everything You Need To Know to Survive

Homestead Survival Site – How to Live Off The Grid in Comfort and Style

Urban Survival Site | How to Survive a Disaster in the City

Mind4Survival – Survival and Preparedness

Gray Wolf survival

Sustainable Living (

And three aggregate sites listing their top favorite sites & links too:


The 50 Best Survival Blogs

Prepper Website – Preparedness • Survival • Alternative News

Specific, one-up articles:

How to Grow Your Own Mushrooms With Sawdust Blocks (

Mushrooms can be a good trade item.

Cheap Eats: Stretch Your Budget with Thrifty $1 Meals – The Frugalite

My father used to call such foods “body & soul” foods.  I.e., keeping body and soul together.  Related, at least to me:

Money Saving Tips From Real Survivors Of The Great Depression (

Survival Skills vs. Subsistence Skills (

An important distinction.  Related, at least in my mind:

The Best Places For Scavenging After SHTF – Ask a Prepper

M4S 073: The History of Disaster Prepping (


Lessons From An Underground Economy – The Organic Prepper

Learn to use the black market – because as the economy gets squeezed, it will become more and more important.

Prepper must-haves: 9 Items to stock up on as you prepare for hyperinflation – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD (

Seen similar lists.  A fair number of links here too.  Like:

50 Emergency Items To Always Have In The House – Ask a Prepper

18 Survival Tools You Should Practice Using | Urban Survival Site

It’s not enough to just have them.



How to Store Your Drugs for an Extended Shelf Life – Ask a Prepper

Any drugs I have that I store for any period, e.g., the Ivermectin or HCQ I get, is wrapped in foil (light) and stored in nested Ziploc bags (oxygen reduction).  I suppose I could also get water and O2 absorbers but…

Related to Spicy Time:

I wonder if he’ll regret this when sh*t goes to hell

Political violence is held at bay by a properly functioning, fair and transparent political system.

Take that away and the losing side has every motivation to circumvent the system with force.

RTWT.  And when the cheating is open, in-your-face, and the “winning side” says nanny-nanny-boo-boo?

“Hey, remember when I said I was concerned about the process that caused my candidate to lose and you said I was a sore loser and my concerns were stupid? Good, now get on your knees and face the ditch.”

I’d rather avoid the political violence, but I guess he doesn’t.



Uncounted Votes Discoverd On Memory Card Flips Election Race In Georgia – Geller Report

When you take away VOTE as an option, what remains?




Millions Of Euros Of Celtic Gold Stolen From Bavarian Museum In 9 Minute Heist

First, what a loss.  Doubtless melted down and sold.

Second, herein lies a thought-experiment lesson (bolding in original):

Investigators are also looking into whether the burglary was related to sabotage at a local phone distribution branch in Manching located around 1km from the museum, which paralyzed the telephone network and the internet, thus preventing the alarm system from notifying authorities.





The capitol police were stood down.




Short of years and untold wealth, you cannot possibly be fully prepared for everything (I have to keep reminding myself of that).  But even some preparations, ideally at least 90 days of food, water / water purification, etc., puts you head and shoulders in front of the vast majority of the sheeple who will be in jaw-gaping astonishment when the SHTF.  The only relevant questions are:

  1. When does it start?
  2. How bad will it get?
  3. How long will it last?
  4. What will the aftermath look like?






I just started a FORAGING group on Gab.  Anyone know how to open it up for people to join?  I’m stumped.


Foraging: One-up articles

How to Make Elderberry Syrup with Fresh or Dried Berries (

8 Plants You Can Extract Water From (In The Wilderness) (

Did not realize trees could transpire so much water.  I know dew off wild grass, etc., is a good source of water too.


Foraging: Permanent sites:

Foraging (

Wild Harvests (

Southern Appalachian Herbs

Books (permanent feature):

Feasting Free on Wild Edibles (old but good)

The Lost Ways (much more than just foraging)

The Forager’s Guide to Wild Foods




Deep State / Coming Tyranny / WEF / Globalists (broad):

White House To Expand Already Massive Spy Operations On U.S. Citizens (

They want to know everything about you.  Every purchase, every second of your existence.



‘Weak Link’ Canada Urgently Needs New Law To Face Modern Security Threats: Spy Agency

Police in Spain to deploy automated facial recognition (

Mayor Of London Calls For “New Regulation Of Online Speech” After Trump Twitter Reinstatement – Summit News

They fear free speech.

Idiots React to Trump’s Twitter Return – Summit News


Draft for medical one-world tyranny.

Global News: A Global Passport for Vaccines and Carbon Tracking (


From Covid to CBDC: The Path to Full Control Brownstone Institute

World Leaders Pushing For Chinese Coronavirus Passports

And on digital money:

Brazil Freezes Bank Accounts of Citizens Protesting Election Results – Slay News

We don’t like your opinion, so starve for a month.

Colby Cosh: Are 16-Year-Old Voters In Canada’s Future?

The Dems in America would salivate over this.

BREAKING: Justin Trudeau Lies Under Oath: “I Did Not Call People Who Were Unvaccinated Names” – Bright Light News

Of course he did.  And he will face no consequences.



Protecting Children:

School Board Follies

A book in a school library is read aloud but is considered not appropriate for the board meeting where there’s a child.


Wait, I agree with the Nation of Islam on something?





‘Groomed And Preyed Upon’: Young Woman Was Pressured Into Mastectomy, Testosterone As A Child — Now She Regrets It – Flopping Aces

I suddenly had this image of children being farm animals, raised and slaughtered for profit for the medical / psychological industrial complex… with the “added bonus” for the Globalists being their sterilization.  Related:

Dr. Gallagher: Using TikTok to Advertise Double Mastectomies to Minors (

Wood chipper therapy.  Stat.


Ditto on the therapy recommendation.  Note the rationalization of this.  As I get older I am coming to realize that people can rationalize anything if they think they’re doing good.

British Court OKs Killing Babies in Abortions Up to Birth Just Because They Have Down Syndrome –

What was that Nazi saying?  Life unworthy of life?

Scotland is to let pupils aged FOUR change gender without their parents’ consent | Daily Mail Online

From 2021, so dated.  Still, that they’d even think of doing this…



National Security (specifically):

Report on What Democrats Are Doing to US Military

Liberals can’t push their agenda much farther without disarming us. Who is going kick down your door and snatch away your AR-15? Beto O’Rourke? Chris Hayes?

Local police can’t be trusted, especially after Democrats have spent the past several years demonizing and hamstringing them. The military will be required. But it will have to be staffed with people willing to follow orders a patriot would refuse to obey. The purges and the social engineering are intended to drive such people out.


US Republicans slam ‘woke’ military leadership — RT World News

Chamber of Commerce Lobbying to Keep U.S. Entangled with Chinese Chipmakers (

They’d do business with Satan himself if they could make a buck off it.



Shortages (broadly):

British Supermarkets Start to Ration Eggs

Some are, some aren’t.  I need to buy more powdered eggs and milk.  Related:

US Bird Flu Outbreak Officially Becomes Worst On Record | ZeroHedge




(All formatting from the original)


Freedom is founded on ownership of property…. It cannot exist where the rulers own everything, nor even when they concede some limited right of tenure. But the modern belief is that spendable income is a concession of the State. The taxation which is intended to promote equality, the taxation which exceeds the real public need, and above all the tax which is so graduated as to prevent the accumulation of capital, is inconsistent with freedom. Against a State which owns everything, the individual has neither the means of defence nor anything to defend.

     [From The Law, Complete.]


HT Francis


I’ve told my kids about our property taxes, and how – if I don’t pay them – the state can seize our property.  They were outraged, of course… but then I asked “If the state can take my property, do I really own it”?

NO they both answered.




On The Jab

Outrageous! FDA Backtracks During Trial and Now Claims ‘Not Taking Ivermectin for COVID-19’ was Merely a Recommendation

Funny.  I had two separate prescriptions that pharmacists would not fill because of this “mere recommendation”.

Quote from a telegram channel:

Australia – Vaccine verification certificates linked to digital id and government apps.

If anyone suggested such a thing back in 2020, they were dismissed as a conspiracy theorist.

It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s now a tech totalitarian reality.


Increasing Access to Vaccination Opportunities (

PDF.  Determined to push this into every arm.  Note how they discuss opening a new vial even if there aren’t enough people wanting this to fully use the vial.  In other words, better to waste some of the opened vial than miss an opportunity to get it into someone.



Canada to expand assisted dying laws to include mental health disorders | Daily Mail Online

This is related.  One way or another, they want you dead.  Dead at the end of life:

COVID 2022: Here Comes “The Big Kill” (

World Premiere: Died Suddenly (

Video, about 70 minutes.  Or not born at all (also see Monday Memes where I discuss this with a number of links):

Why did birth rates suddenly drop? – The Counter Signal

Been reading that OZ has a 70-something percent drop in fertility.  Can that be real???  Even the 20% value in Taiwan, specifically, that I’ve seen is terrifying.

Vaccine Horror: Myopericarditis Rates off the Charts –Cardiovascular Manifestations Found in 29.24% of Patients – Geller Report

This is PERMANENT damage to heart tissue.  That damage increases the strain on the remaining beating tissue.



COVID-19: “The Big Kill” and “Died Suddenly”

2023 is going to be, even absent WWIII or spicy time, very bad.  I’m afraid for my triple-Jabbed (did she get the fourth one?) wife.  And friends and relatives too.




We Are Being Warned That Meat Prices Could Go Up Another 40 Or 50 Percent (

All for your own good, of course.

Czechia’s Frightening Increase In Food Prices | ZeroHedge

And this is a country that produces much of its own food.

Personal observation: I like seltzer.  The two liter bottle at the local Market Baskets have gone from 99 cents to 1.19.  Interestingly, the orange soda that my older kid bought (with their own money) is still 99 cents.  Lower price than pure water, but with added sugar, flavor, and colorant.  Something doesn’t add up.








Reminder: The Club Q Shooting May Not Be What the Left Wants You to Believe It Is – PJ Media

So, let’s not forget that even The Huffington Post admitted “everyone got the Pulse massacre story completely wrong.” Maybe before people jump to conclusions about the shooter’s motives, we should wait for the details to be confirmed. Anything else is irresponsible.

It’s all about The Narrative.  Related:

Communist News Network in full-throated propaganda mode

They hate you.  They really hate you.

Note the venom, aimed at, America, American traditions, and values, gun owners, Conservatives, parents who want to be involved in their child’s education.

And yet more:

The Misuses Of A Colorado Atrocity Redefining Decency

Colorado mass shooting suspect is ‘non-binary,’ uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, attorneys say (

The shooter who is suspected of gunning down five people at a Colorado Springs LGBTQ nightclub Saturday identifies as “non-binary” and uses “they/them” pronouns, attorneys said Tuesday according to a court filing obtained by the New York Times.

And his attorneys refer to him as “Mx”.

Related to The Narrative:

Liberals blame homophobia for man on video tossing brick at gay club in NYC. Police arrested a gay man for the crime. – TheBlaze



Western media endangers all of humanity – Afshin Rattansi | RT (

Video, less than two minutes.

WATCH: Tucker Blasts Fauci for ‘Lying About Covid’: ‘This is Insane!’ – Geller Report

As the embedded Tucker Carlson video states, the enemedia lies supine and submissive.

How the Liberal Disinformation Game Works | Newsbusters

Control The Narrative, control the information flow, and you can control what people believe.



Mass Migration:

After pushing covid depopulation jabs, Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer demands AMNESTY for millions of illegals as REPLACEMENTS for Americans that are dying off – Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD (

Electing a new population.



(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy)



Arizona Sheriff Mark Dannels on border crisis: ‘We’re in serious trouble’ | Fox News Video

Biden Administration Expanding Illegal Immigration at Southern Border (

Outrageous! NYC Housing Authority to Spend $596 Million on Illegals While New York’s Citizens Suffer (

Germany: Afghan Muslim migrant pulls out knife in pub, says he already killed many in Afghanistan (

Can’t you just feel the wonderful benefits of “diversity”?




Know your Leftist / Globalist & Islamic enemy:

This is what many Muslim clerics think of ‘unbelievers’ (

And yet so many White Nationalists will ally with the Islamists because both hate Jews.  Once the Jews are gone, the Muslims will turn on Christians.

“First Saturday, then Sunday”.

Journalist Who Is Also An Antifa Militant Calling For Lethal Violence Against Republicans (

They hate you.  They want you dead.  Understand this.  Again and again I quote Elie Wiesel:

When someone says they want to kill you, believe them.


Twitter account suspended after menacing tweet – TheBlaze (bolding added):

A Twitter account has been suspended after suggesting that Libs of TikTok creator Chaya Raichik, conservative commentator Matt Walsh, Gays Against Groomers founder Jaimee Michell, and YouTuber Tim Pool should have to be afraid for their lives.

“Chaya Raichik, Tim Pool, Matt Walsh, Jaimee Michell, et al have been way too comfortable lately. I personally think they should have to fear for their lives more,” an account with the handle @hoot_little tweeted, according to a screenshot.

Former AG Bill Barr: Battered Conservative Voters Must Return to The Era of Compliant Victim Status and Dump President Trump – The Last Refuge (

Looking to divide conservatives.

Now That the Election Is Over, Democrat Finally Admits Biden Isn’t ‘Doing Enough’ to Tackle Border Crisis Flag And Cross

Not believable.  Nothing will happen to stop the flow of new Democrat voters.



Economy at large:

Goldman Sachs Warns Of Hard Times For Stock Market | The Daily Caller

If I had a 401k anymore – and I don’t – it’d be no more than a 201K at this point.

The economic screw tightens

The highlighted paragraph in the article:

Something like 70% of US GDP is driven by consumer spending.  Consumer goods are largely imported from the Far East.  The companies that, until recently, were importing those goods at such a rate that freight charges were well into five figures per container, have stopped ordering them.  That doesn’t sound to me like they’re confident that the US consumer has lots of spending money available, whether savings or credit.  It sounds rather as if they’re seeing the crash coming, and making sure they don’t have warehouses full of goods they can’t sell when it arrives.


Steve Cortes on the War Room – Biden’s Economy Is “Teetering on the Edge of a Depression” (



Rail strike effects.  Including fuel oil, produce, gasoline, and coal – almost everything – being transported by rail.

Germany Braces for Deflation

Another illustration of how digital currency is a complete non-starter in any scenario that involves interrupted electricity flows. Which also goes for electric cars and the digital economy in general. If the power goes out anywhere along the way, you’re not going to be watching YouTube videos or streaming Netflix.



US Stability (broad catch-all):

Study: Far From a Democracy, the U.S. Is a Functional Oligarchy – PJ Media

Truth.  And they will not let themselves be held accountable:

Fauci Deposition report: “he can’t recall practically anything dealing with his Covid response!” (

The Same Old, Same Old Deja Vu

Attorney General Merrick Garland has just announced the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith.

But Smith’s team will not look into the Biden family quid pro quo syndicate nor its incriminating confessionals on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Instead, it will further investigate Donald Trump’s possession of presidential records that were hauled off from Mar-a-Lago…

And, as I repeatedly state, this is one reason Rome fell.  When the “average Roman” finally grasped how corrupt the Imperial City had become, they ceased being willing to fight for it.

CROUERE: The Never-Ending Trump Witch Hunt (

The level of hate for Trump, across the spectrum, still astounds.


Related, Trump ads for 2024:

Trump Shares New Ads For 2024 Campaign And They Are Fantastic – Geller Report

‘We’re not going to move on’: Hakeem Jeffries cosponsors slavery reparations bill | Just The News

Trillions in welfare, let alone the Union dead, are not enough.  And what’s the key difference between America and South Africa?  Time.  There is not one black person who was a slave alive in America; South Africa has millions still alive who lived under Apartheid.



Reparations… on one condition.  We TRULY right this wrong and ship each recipient and their family back.

Midterms Made Clear There is No Return to Pre-2020 › American Greatness (

Exactly.  After watching the theft in 2020 and now 2022, 2024 is a bust already.

How Scared Black Criminals Are of Police

The campfires are going out, and the wolves are closing in.



World Stability (broad catch-all):

WTF did Joe just say?


China’s gold stockpiling is dollar warning sign – Asia Times

I truly wish I had more liquid cash to buy gold & silver.  Here’s the problem.  If you buy using a credit card or online, there’s a history.  Remember Roosevelt’s gold grab.







Specific to energy:

Pain at the Pump is Back — Again! Americans Are Warned to Brace for Highest Thanksgiving Gas Prices Ever, As Millions Take to the Roads to Visit Loved Ones While Inflation Remains Stubbornly-High

Pushing $4 a gallon local to me.  Related:

The Biden Administration Is about to Add a $6/Gallon Tax When You Fill Up Your Car – Granite Grok

Report: Thanksgiving Gas Prices Set to Break Record (



Gardening, animals, food preservation, overall health, etc.:

44 Sustainable Gardening Tips – The Plant Guide

Common Plants You Can Use For Wound Healing – Ask a Prepper

200 Pounds of Food With this Plant You Can Harvest in Winter – Ask a Prepper

10 Bugs You Should Never Kill In Your Garden – Ask a Prepper

Links on old-time food storage (permanent feature):

Thanks to the Canning and Preserving group on Gab, I now have these links:

Preserving foods by drying | How to dry foods safely (

USDA-Complete-Guide-to-Home-Canning-2015-revision.pdf (

Canning | SDSU Extension (

Food Preservation– Canning | Consumer Food Safety | Washington State University (

Canning Timer & Checklist App | OSU Extension Catalog | Oregon State University

National Center for Home Food Preservation (

Canning Recipes | Ball® Mason Jars (

Topical Books (also permanent):

Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking & Curing

Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing

A Guide to Canning, Freezing, Curing & Smoking Meat, Fish & Game

The Prepper’s Canning Guide

Pickled Pantry

Fermented Vegetables

Hydroponics and Greenhouse Gardening: 3-in-1 Gardening Book to Grow Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit All-Year-Round

Hydroponics for Beginners: The Complete Guide to Hydroponic Gardening, Designing and Building Inexpensive DIY Hydroponic Systems…

The Aquaponics Guidebook: Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics Combining Aquaculture and Hydroponics





Just a break.




Big Tech in general:

Sunak tells NHS to embrace robot workers as it prepares to sack staff (

Paging Dr. Robot… and related to robots:

San Francisco police consider letting robots use ‘deadly force’ – The Verge

Paging ED 209:





The resources to create this new world of green energy utopia do not exist.

Deepfake Detector Proves Highly Effective in First Studies The success rate of the software is rather impressive. Flag And Cross

OOH, good news.  OTOH, doubtless, deep fake software people are working to reverse engineer how fakes are detected… to better make deep fakes that past muster.

Elon Musk plans to make public all internal Twitter discussions censoring Hunter Biden laptop story (

If this ACTUALLY happens… WE will be rightfully outraged.  The great squishy middle will mostly yawn.



Self-defense (broad) & Hunting:

The Lost Art of Paying Close Attention to Your Situation – Mind4Survival

Be situationally aware!  Related:

Front door security

Security is not just about technology but the mindset employed.

I agree.  While, obviously, I was aware something was awry from the text & context of the post… but still, I read massive red flags even so.  It reminds me of a video I saw, perhaps a year ago, from a street camera.  Two guys came around the corner and I just KNEW, even without any prompting, that they were trouble… and I was right.  Fortunately a guy at the table had a CCW pistol.  “Reading people” was my mother’s strength, and I’m just starting to be able to do that too.




Once again, be prepared to shoot a guy in the crotch

You need to be ready to start the fight between the top of his dick and bottom of his belly button.

Shatter the pelvis, destroy the lumbar spine, sever the sciatic nerve cluster, and lacerate the iliac arteries.  That is your goal.


What’s that expression?  Brings a knife to a gun fight?

At Least Seven Dead After ‘Manager’ Opens Fire In Virginia Walmart

And here the wave of shootings comes.  Related to mass shootings:

Four Mass Shooting Truths to Shut Down Your Liberal Family – PJ Media

I’m calling BS On This Claim | The Zelman Partisans



5 Places To Hide During Martial Law – Ask a Prepper

None are perfect.  Short of – somehow – having a property deep in the woods, a log cabin or some such not built or permitted, and not in your name, I don’t know what would be perfect.


Seems to rely overly on non-reaction from the assailant.  Interesting though.  Better to rely on checking the back seat first.

Now, I remember reading this years ago: if you’re parked in a parking lot and someone’s opened your car door just after you got in and put the keys in – and WHY didn’t you immediately lock your door??? – start the car, turn the wheel to the RIGHT, and drive backwards.  He’ll either be pulled under the car, or smushed into the car next to you.

Second Amendment Happy Ending of the Day – Don’t Stop Shooting Until the Threat Is Neutralized – Granite Grok

And if asked – per my recollection of Massad Ayoob – never say you shot to kill.  You shot to STOP.  (And if you delivered the “taxpayer relief shot” so much the better… but keep that in the quiet part.)

Four Mass Shooting Truths to Shut Down Your Liberal Family – PJ Media

Good info.  More good info, specifically about red flag laws:

No, “red flag” laws aren’t about addressing mental health – Bearing Arms



Catch-all miscellaneous:

FDA Declares Lab-Grown Chicken ‘Safe to Eat’ — But Scientists, Food Safety Advocates Have Questions • Children’s Health Defense (

I will poach deer and turkeys before I eat lab-grown anything.

Rule Five New Amendment Friday | Animal Magnetism (

Some interesting proposals for new amendments.  Note: some cheesecake pics (PG13 IMHO).



Concluding thoughts if I’m moved to comment:

To warm up:

6G, Internet Of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans (

Now, take a deep breath before you read this (paywall, quoting from lead in):

Compulsory moral bioenhancement should be covert – Crutchfield – 2019 – Bioethics – Wiley Online Library

Some theorists argue that moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory. I take this argument one step further, arguing that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration ought to be covert rather than overt. This is to say that it is morally preferable for compulsory moral bioenhancement to be administered without the recipients knowing that they are receiving the enhancement. My argument for this is that if moral bioenhancement ought to be compulsory, then its administration is a matter of public health, and for this reason should be governed by public health ethics. I argue that the covert administration of a compulsory moral bioenhancement program better conforms to public health ethics than does an overt compulsory program. In particular, a covert compulsory program promotes values such as liberty, utility, equality, and autonomy better than an overt program does. Thus, a covert compulsory moral bioenhancement program is morally preferable to an overt moral bioenhancement program.

Read that.  Read that again.  They are working to rationalize your bioenhancement without even telling you they’re doing it.

Slip-Sliding Towards Hell with a Good Conscience – Granite Grok







Palate cleansers:








The post Survival Sunday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Was There but I Didn’t See Landrigan

Sun, 2022-11-27 16:00 +0000

I spent yesterday morning through mid-afternoon at the NH Division of Archives and Records Management for the recount for Gargiulo and Altschiller. She’s one of the “Assault Twins” who [allegedly, cough, cough] hip-checked Second Amendment supporter Susan Olsen hard into a table after a gun control hearing in the NH House.

GraniteGrok was (once again) asked to come to record at least some of the activity, and with ten recount stations rolling and activists from the Democrat, Republican, and Conservative NH groups, a LOT was going on.  And no, not everyone was happy about it, with four cameras and a lot of moving around. (reformatted, emphasis mine):

State Senate recount not popular

After performing recounts of 28 races for seats in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, the one-state Senate recount was less popular. Republican Lou Gargiulo of Hampton Falls lost by more than 3,600 votes to state Rep. Debra Altschiller of Stratham for the District 24 Senate seat that Democrat Dr. Tom Sherman of Rye left to run for governor. Since it’s not close enough, Gargiulo will pay for the cost of the recount.

The unpopular part came Wednesday when Gargiulo’s team challenged every single absentee ballot cast, whether it be a vote for Gargiulo, Altschiller, or nobody at all in that race. Dan Richard, a conservative activist, said Gargiulo authorized him to challenge the ballots on the grounds that none of them have the attending affidavit someone must fill out to cast an absentee ballot.

“None of these are valid,” said Richard, who has filed a constitutional lawsuit against the state’s use of electronic ballot counting machines and other ballot practices.
State election officials point out the absentee affidavits are routinely separated once the absentee ballots are taken out of their envelopes.

Secretary of State David Scanlan had to bring state staff and volunteers back Saturday after the Thanksgiving holiday in hopes of completing this recount.

In the first 10 House recounts, three changed, two flipping from a GOP winner to a Democrat and a third going from a one-vote Republican win to a tie. Those three races and others go before the Ballot Law Commission Monday. The last 18 House recounts all confirmed the original winner.

No, not everyone was happy – as I was setting up my Mevo camera at a “table end” station, one of the ladies, after I had gracefully said good morning as I was setting up my small Mevo camera to overlook her and her work partner’s goings on for the day, snapped at me “What is that thing – a microphone?” (many people think it is just that).

I replied, “No, it’s a camera.” She glared at me and responded to my earlier “How are you” with:

“I was a lot better before this thing arrived!”.


So, I have 24 odd hours of video to process (4 cameras X 6 hours) – most of it is quite boring.  But there will be more “blog fodder” arriving on this in the next few weeks. Having never been at an official recount before, I learned a lot, at least at the superficial level.  I will tell you that I will be asking to learn quite a bit more.

It’s clear, however, I’m going to need a bigger pool of cameras if GraniteGrok is asked to do something like this again and do a better planning job.  But hey, it’s part of our citizen journalism mission, right?

I will dryly note that at no time did I see Kevin Landrigan on-site. Not that it matters, and I may have missed him if he slipped in and out, but my eyes never fell upon his visage.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

We Have Sophisticated Algorithms Too

Sun, 2022-11-27 14:30 +0000

I want to return to a post that was very “Hot on the Grok” after the midterms … Postmortem Analysis of the Red Puddle. The author believes that the Red Wave failed to materialize in New Hampshire, in large part, because NH-Democrats had a technological edge over NH-Republicans that allowed them to find new voters, specifically “Gen Z,” (which apparently comprises persons born between the mid-1990s and 2010):

Somehow the Democrats found an entirely new set of voters and their singular message was: Republicans want to ban abortion. They want to take away your freedom and control you. And they heard that message relentlessly without any counter narrative. Gen Z showed up to vote and Republicans didn’t even know where to find them. This is a generation who 1. Don’t have bills to pay yet 2. Were raised to believe that abortion is equal to contraception and 3. Who only care about social issues. Democrats found them through sophisticated algorithms, social media influencers, and other technological means I don’t understand. Considering the Democrats essentially control Big Tech, it is no wonder we lost a game we didn’t know existed.

Actually, this “game” is not new. Micro-targeting has been around for some time now. For example, the Trump campaign, in 2016, micro-targeted voters successfully:

Parscale said the Trump campaign used Facebook to reach clusters of rural voters, such as “15 people in the Florida Panhandle that I would never buy a TV commercial for”.

“I started making ads that showed the bridge crumbling,” he said. “I can find the 1,500 people in one town that care about infrastructure. Now, that might be a voter that normally votes Democrat.”

Parscale said the campaign constantly tested minute variations in the design, color, background and phrasing of Facebook ads, in order to maximize their impact. Typically 50,000 to 60,000 variations were tested each day, he said, and sometimes as many as 100,000.

In other words, the problem is NOT that the NH-Democrats have some super-secret software that allows them to find Gen Z voters. The problem is either that the Republican State Party is NOT utilizing the technology because they are either unaware it exists or are too cheap to pay a competent consultant OR there are simply not enough potential Red-voters left in New Hampshire after the COVID migrations to offset the abortion-obsessed Gen Z.

The author of Postmortem Analysis of the Red Puddle also points to pro-life Republicans as the reason why there was no Red Wave in New Hampshire:

Politics is downstream of culture, and culture is decidedly pro-choice. Until the hearts and minds are changed, abortion as a political policy is a liability. We were winning on the bodily autonomy issue with vaccine mandates until Dobbs, and then we ran scared from the entire issue instead of going hard in, branding ourselves as truly being the party of “my body my choice”.

This is an extremely myopic analysis. Both Florida and Ohio passed abortion restrictions that were more restrictive than New Hampshire’s. And yet both Florida and Ohio saw a Red Wave. And while I don’t have any data to back this up, I am sure that both States have as high a percentage of abortion-obsessed Gen Z voters as New Hampshire. Yet these States were able to turn out more than enough Red-voters to offset them.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pfizer Releases New Climate Change Vaccine

Sun, 2022-11-27 13:00 +0000

Catastrophic Climate Change is happening all around the world and the executives at Pfizer believe they have the cure. A new Climate Change Vaccine (CCV) has been developed and is currently being tested on unsuspecting people throughout the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, West America, and some islands.

“It’s getting really bad out there” warns Arnie Pricks, Pfizer’s Director of Clandestine Experiments. “Arizona had record high temperatures in July and Vermont had record lows in February. The climate just keeps changing!” Pricks exclaimed while entering a company jet to discuss climate change in China.

Executives from around the world flew to Egypt then to China then to Switzerland in a series of meetings to discuss what could be done about the catastrophic heating, cooling and changing of the climate that, until now has had them stumped. Predictions of a flooded New York City by 2012 have not emerged, and the Polar Bear population, that was predicted by self-appointed Climate Tsar Al Gore to be extinct by now, has nearly doubled. Scientists in Australia have been anticipating the collapse of the Great Coral reef only to find it is healthier now than ever.

“The climate is a big fat liar. It’s just that simple” said Gore spokeswoman and Yale professor of Women’s Climate Studies Fassy Norrus.

Speaking at a rally in Tacoma, Washington Perry Two-Moons, a professor of Native American Climate Psychology concluded “The climate has to want to change in order for it to keep from changing” which received a mostly standing ovation from the largely large crowd.

“With the unpredictability of climate change constantly fooling the scientists one thing is certain – people are to blame,” said climate vaccine entrepreneur and former computer magnet (sic) William Gates. “We believe we can lower the global temperature at least one to two degrees by lowering the global population ten to fifteen percent” Gates offers rather nonchalantly to a stupefied crowd at a Ted Talk in Albuquerque, NM. Many of whom enthusiastically lined up to be case studies afterward.

In an effort to signal to the crowd how dedicated they are to protecting the earth from people Pfizer, working with Weyerhauser, has developed bio-degradable paper syringes that can be discarded next to your masks in any public space including the ocean.

MTV will be hosting a We Are the Climate concert in San Diego in the summer of 2023. Cost of Admission is $450, and tickets have already sold out, however, attendees who agree to get vaccinated and provide proof upon entry will get in for free.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

62 Senators Do Not know Right From Wrong

Sun, 2022-11-27 11:30 +0000

Abe Lincoln’s insightful observation, “Without the Bible, Americans would not know the difference between right and wrong,” again hits a target, 62 Senators all at once who voted for the deceptively named Disrespect For Marriage Act, HR 8404 and S 4556 that passed the Senate with a vote that denies filibuster.

We want to thank Russ Payne for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

How have we arrived at this place of tolerance that rules superior against righteous living in 2022 that 50 years ago, our society drew a “line in the dust” between a culture known for “moral purity” as opposed to today’s shamed sexual deviance? First, the moral force for righteousness has gradually back peddled from this line of moral safety. Steps of moral decline were advanced by our society that licensed promiscuous sex, no-fault divorce, and “same-sex marriage.”

Yesterday’s line in the dust now shows signs of being totally surrendered to the sexual revolution. A driving force that even now has captured the minds of those we have elected to office.

Moreover. traditional morality backed down, intimidated by the marketing experts for homosexuality who changed their public image. We now have moral outrage painted with words as long-suffering and victimized. Powerful words cover LBGQT+ anything-goes lifestyle. Such behavior should not be licensed to become a law to redefine marriage. It also forces “same-sex laws” from one state onto other states. If these blatant violations of the 10th Amendment are not stopped, this law can potentially destroy God-ordained marriage. And it is a major step toward tyranny with power, wealth, and willing politicians behind it.

But the question is, will this usurpation of law by unlawful servants wake up citizens enough to motivate them to take action to stop it? Constitutional law will only limit government when enough people have a sufficient understanding to hold their leaders accountable. We cannot continue to take comfort in the fact that such legal authority that threatens marriage between “one man and one woman” does not exist. American God-ordained families must get involved and educate these Senators and Representatives why their votes are unconstitutional. Freedom is not free! Be prepared. Ask at about their seminar called “The Constitution Is The Solution.”

Inform your legislators that obeying the Constitution will keep them from mischief. And point out the lies within HR 8404/S4556 by studying this link.

It is tragic that during this week of celebration of Thanksgiving, our elected officials cannot be trusted.

While our people are giving thanks to almighty God for the abundance of freedoms we are blessed with, the “enemies of God” within Congress are pushing this dastardly act of betrayal to destroy our liberties. American voters, your leaders require constant watching.

Look at them as employees that you hire when you elect them to office. We fire people who fail to do their job. But most citizens don’t know the job write-up of their elected officials. Ignorance of our Constitution allows enemies of liberty to pass laws such as The Disrespect For Marriage Act. And if we continue to be a nation ignorant of the biblical foundation of morality, the bible the source of our law, our public servants will continue to become “fearful masters.”



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Before You Go To Bed Tonight Watch This…

Sun, 2022-11-27 02:30 +0000

If you’ve got 11 minutes and want to hear something you think everyone ought to hear then this might be it. Neil Oliver delivers a clear message to the people, not just of Great Britain, but the world. “Many of the people who contact me ask: What should we do? How can we fight back?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the social contract – that notion by which we surrender power to the state in return for services and safety – is broken beyond repair. They broke it, not us. Successive governments – not just the present bunch of cardboard cut-outs … have, over decades, knowingly and deliberately betrayed every aspect of that contract. It is null and void and we, the blameless party, are no longer bound by its conditions.

We the people – the sovereign people of this country – don’t just hold the power: we ARE the power. We loan some of it – a short-term loan – to governments. And those governments are supposed to serve us, do our bidding. NEVER the other way round. We tell them what to do.


Take a few minutes to listen to what he has to say (link to the transcript available below the video).





Transcript | The Last Refuge

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Katie Meyer’s Suicide Should Be Blamed on Michele Dauber, Stanford, and the Department of Ed’s Office of Civil Rights Under Catherine Lhamon

Sun, 2022-11-27 01:00 +0000

Stanford University has been sued for the wrongful death of a student: that of Soccer star Katie Meyer. Shortly after the suit was filed, Stanford Law Professor Michele Dauber who has prided herself on “ranting” on social media, deleted her Twitter handle.

We want to thank Claire Best for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Screenshots of Dauber’s vile tweets over the years demonstrate the abhorrent standards of Stanford’s when it comes to Michele Dauber’s tweets that could easily lead any student to commit suicide.

“The actions that led to the death of Katie Meyer began and ended with Stanford University,” the lawsuit alleges, and makes public for the first time details of the allegations that sparked the potential disciplinary action.


Family of soccer star Katie Meyer files wrongful death lawsuit against Stanford University after she died by suicide.


Stanford, other universities, colleges and schools in the US have been using disciplinary procedures provided directly or indirectly from the US Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights under Catherine Lhamon or Russlynn Ali who signed the 2011 unregulated “Dear Colleague” Title IX directive. That letter was drafted by Michele Dauber who has regularly used social media to bully, smear students, professors and others including Johnny Depp and his attorney Camille Vasquez.

Michele Dauber was chair of Stanford’s judicial affairs from 2011 (the year the unregulated Title IX “Dear Colleague Letter” was introduced) -2013. She stated in 2017 or 2018 that the issue of sexual assault brought women out to vote in droves. In other words, instead of setting out to help tackle campus sexual assault, she was using it as a political tool and the students on campus became her weapons. Dauber’s friend, Catherine Lhamon, running US Ed OCR from 2013–2017 and 2021 to present, stated that the department’s focus on star athletes brought attention to campus sexual assault. She threatened to withhold federal funds from any campus that didn’t follow the Looking-Glass-esq procedures for discipline using a single investigator model to be jury, judge, executioner.

The “Dear Colleague” Title IX letter (“DCL”) spawned a profitable business for several, including Brett Sokolow, who built an empire on the back of the 2011 federal directive. He was recently sued by a whistleblower for financial misconduct while raking in millions for advising universities, colleges and schools on how to conduct investigations and manage risk.


The Corruption at the Heart of Title IX and the #MeToo Movement


Stanford has stood by and said nothing about the effects of an ideology that has wreaked havoc on students and their welfare. Students across the country have paid thousands for bloated and biased Title IX administrators while having their own rights severely restricted — rights they would enjoy anywhere other than on a campus subject to the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights’ doctrines: the right to due process.

Stanford didn’t even say anything when Michele Dauber used social media to call for extreme violence against Brock Turner, the Stanford Freshman Olympic Swim Team hopeful who was framed as a “rapist” by Dauber. Turner’s chances at due process were denied from the start. Even his defense attorney, Mike Armstrong, had taught in Dauber’s class and given counsel to her family. Armstrong never told his own client of this conflict of interests.

The writing was on the wall for Katie Meyer — no way out. A disciplinary process that assumes guilt from the start and Michele Dauber, Catherine Lhamon, Russlynn Ali and White House “Not Alone” task force affiliates are to blame. Whatever the truth might be, it hasn’t mattered because Stanford, like other campuses, simply followed the rules put in place by a cruel and activist driven Department of Education’s Office of (un) Civil Rights.

Stanford knew the details on Brock Turner promulgated to the media by its own tenured professor didn’t match the actual records. But they yielded to Dauber’s propaganda, silent as she worked behind the scenes, colluding with the DA of Santa Clara County, to turn a 19 year old new student into the face of a rapist — for politics. Dauber is lauded on the Silicon Valley Democratic Committee site. It has been suggested that she should head the California Democratic Party. Student welfare at Stanford and at other campuses has become tertiary to institutional risk management, politics and fundraising for politics under fake social justice causes.

Anyone who stands up to support another student in the US is bullied, ostracized, mocked, smeared, denied education. Students have been hospitalized after being bullied for speaking up in support of other students (accusers or accused). The risk of speaking up is not worth it.

Alongside Katie Meyer, the likelihood is that there are two other students whose rights have also been violated: that of the football player upon whom she allegedly spilt coffee for an alleged sexual assault and that of the minor — the alleged victim of sexual assault. Preponderance of evidence will of course find Stanford guilt free. An “independent” investigation by a law firm specializing in risk management will likely be brought in and help minimize any fallout. Reputations will be protected. Students will be disposable. Stanford denies all responsibility even though Stanford created and endorsed the campus environment in which these events took place: the suicide, the coffee spill incident, the alleged rape.

There have been other suicides at Stanford. There have been calls for administrators to step down, for Michele Dauber to be fired. All stonewalled.

The rising number of student suicides across the nation is alarming, but the Department of Education, administrators, ATIXIA, and others fail to admit to their own central role in it all. “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is absent in the doctrine coming from the Department of Education, White House “Not Alone” task force, or their associates.

Katie Meyer is not the first, and she will not be the last unless the Department of Education’s Office of Civil rights, the White House 2014 “Not Alone” task force, and the creators of the 2011 unregulated directive are held accountable for hostile environments on campus and the denial of civil rights.

Senators Lamar Alexander and James Lankford warned us about the Department of Education’s overreach in 2016. Katie Meyer is a consequence of the department’s failure to listen and act. Catherine Lhamon has been nothing but arrogant and condescending to anyone who questions her.

Katie Meyer’s death was entirely preventable. Common sense would have dictated a different approach — a conversation instead of a heartless email. But common sense is missing because common sense doesn’t need provide for-profit contracts for Title IX. In 2–4 days training a Title IX co-ordinator can get certified by Brett Sokolow’s organization and earn over $100,000 to single-handedly determine the fate of a student. Katie Meyer’s school fees would have included several thousand dollars to cover such administrators. But what was their goal other than to traumatize students and conduct bias investigations? Should anyone pay thousands for these administrators to ruin their lives?

Stanford and other universities, colleges, and schools administrations have been utterly cowardly in protecting student interests against an invasive and dangerous group of activists tied to Michele Dauber, Catherine Lhamon, US Ed, and the White House “Not Alone” task force. These have been fast to back propaganda such as Rolling Stone’s “A Rape on Campus” fake story or “The Hunting Ground” documentary, and silent regarding the very real and tragic consequences of the one-sided ideology put forward in these tales. It’s not just one life that is harmed in Title IX investigations. It’s multiple lives — all the people directly involved and the bystanders — the ones who live with the guilt of having seen wrongdoing by administrators, the ones who are not allowed to reach out to their friends who have been accused because of the disciplinary process.

No life should be lost on an accusation. No life should be threatened for standing up to be counted. These are students, not adults. They don’t have decades of life experience. Why should they be social experiments or labor trafficked for political activists wanting to get ahead in Washington DC?

The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights and “Not Alone” task force gave specific instructions to administrators, police departments and investigators NOT to alert students they were being investigated but to blindside them for effect.

We saw it in New Hampshire, where the “Dear Colleague” letter was introduced: Concord Police, according to trial records, instructed St Paul’s School not to alert its student, Owen Labrie, that he was being investigated and told the school not to contact him. He was framed for the purposes of the White House “Not Alone” task force’s mission to tackle “Rape Culture” and Laura L Dunn who worked with Michele Dauber on the “Dear Colleague” Letter instructed New Hampshire’s police on how to lead the investigations.

Labrie, a scholarship student, was not warned that he would be charged with anything let alone an assortment of 10 felonies and misdemeanors for a he said/she said encounter with no witnesses which, per the trial records, only involved romantic exchanges and giggling. The police asked the school to contact his mother only after they got wind of his suicidal thoughts following their tainted investigation. They took no responsibility for what they’d done either to him or to the other students they’d lied to, stalked, bullied or force-fed tales. Who to thank for their methods? Laura L Dunn — a “Title IX expert” & advisor to the White House “Not Alone” Task Force — an “expert” who’d worked with Stanford’s Law Professor, Michele Dauber.

Money, contracts, politics and cover ups have been the name of the game for the White House “Not Alone” task force and its affiliates including Michele Dauber and Laura Dunn. Their viewpoints are supported by the ACLU, Know Your IX, SurvJustice, NSVRC, NCVLI, PAVE, Its On Us, NWLC and others.

Katie Meyer’s untimely death is the consequence of harmful and soulless directives from US Ed OCR and Stanford’s own law professor, Michele Dauber.

More from Claire Best


Claire Best |

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Vaccinated” Americans Now A Majority Of COVID Deaths

Sat, 2022-11-26 23:30 +0000

Fox News … surprisingly because it has gone so woke … recently reported that a majority of COVID deaths are among “vaccinated”Americans:

“We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” said Kaiser Family Foundation vice president Cynthia Cox, who conducted the analysis on behalf of the Post.

Vaccinated is in quotes because it is Orwellian to call something that does not prevent you from getting COVID a vaccine. But I digress. This tweet hasn’t aged very well:

Yet this grifter probably would still get high marks from most people on his “handling” of COVID. Despite everything he said and did being, at best, useless … recall the “surge” facilities that were never used … to harmful.

It is such a myth that New Hampshire voters are the most “politically savvy,” blah, blah, blah … add whatever euphemisms used to justify FITN, which in reality is just a giant grift for WMUR and the NHGOP-grifter class. In the aggregate they’re not.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Public Hearing for New DHHS Commissioner

Sat, 2022-11-26 22:00 +0000

A public hearing to appoint Lori Weaver to be the acting DHHS Commissioner will be held Thursday, December 1st, at 11 am, in the Executive Council Chamber in the State House.

“Make Sure Critical Questions Are Answered”

While public comment is welcome, we at RebuildNH don’t know much about Ms. Weaver other than the fact that she is currently the Deputy Commissioner of DHHS, and we feel it is necessary to ask critical questions of Ms. Weaver before we can formulate an opinion. Only the Executive Council members may ask questions, so have come up with a list of questions for the Executive Council members.

First, find your Executive Council member, using the map here. Their contact information is as follows:
Joseph Kenney:
Cinde Warmington:
Janet Stevens:
Ted Gatsas:
Dave Wheeler:

Please email your Executive Council member and request they ask the following questions of Lori Weaver at the public hearing for her confirmation on Thursday.

1. Is there a time when lockdowns are necessary, and what is that time?
2. Do you believe there are costs to lockdowns, and if so, what are they?
3. What is the role of public health?
4. Do you believe public health measures should be voluntary, or should some be mandated, and if so, can you give examples of measures that should be mandated?
5. Do you believe the DHHS Commissioner should retain the ability to add vaccines to the school immunization schedule through administrative rules?
6. Do you have plans to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the school immunization schedule?
7. Do you believe that all individuals should receive the COVID-19 vaccine or are there some people who should not receive it?

We believe that if the following questions are asked, we can ascertain a better idea of Ms. Weaver’s abilities and public health philosophies.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Some Vermonters Are More Equal Than Others

Sat, 2022-11-26 20:30 +0000

Burlington Vermont. Just two words and you know where we are headed. Wingnut-moonbat-progressivism. And what have they done this time? To use public land reserved for gardening, you must swear a loyalty oath to their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion gods.

Related: Keep a Close Eye on the (National) Socialists Running Burlington, Vermont…


In an email titled “Gardener Re-education,” a Burlington resident informed VDC of a joint effort by the Burlington Area Community Gardens (BACG) to require city residents and non-residents alike to sign a diversity/inclusion/equity statement of agreement as a condition of gardening a city-owned, operated, and funded community garden plot.

“By signing this, you agree to abide by the following requirements and understand that if you fail to do so, your plot privileges may be forfeited,” the statement says, as published on the BACG website.


If you don’t sign the loyalty oath, you will be excluded in the name of inclusion.


The City of Burlington has made a commitment to do deep organizational work to address racism as a public health crisis. This started with the creation of the Racial Equity, Inclusion & Belonging office and has grown into specific community events and trainings for its employees.

Through this journey of learning and in a process of reflection, with the support of community members and colleagues, we have identified ways that we can begin to adapt our Gardener Agreement, policies and practices to better cultivate a community garden program that is inclusive and belonging for all of its participants.


There’s nothing about the City of Burlington (under long-term Democrat rule) becoming a Public Health Crisis. And I’m not just referring to the health-damaging COVID response. Crime, drug use, and human trafficking are all on the rise but fear not. As long as the gang dealers, pimps, and hoodlums take the loyalty oath to the DEI gods, they can grow vegetables on the taxpayer’s land while you watch.

Governor Scott, when asked about the policy, said he did not know enough to comment, but his state diversity official Xusanna Davis is supposed to look into it. Does anyone want to guess how they think that will go?





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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Virtue Compelling Devices

Sat, 2022-11-26 19:00 +0000

President* Biden has declared that he is ‘going to try to get rid of assault weapons.’

Of course, there isn’t really any such thing as an ‘assault weapon.’  There are assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, but the term assault weapon doesn’t really mean anything other than a weapon that certain people find frightening for reasons they can’t clearly articulate.

But what he really means is that he wants to get rid of semi-automatic weapons. You know, the ones that — like revolvers — fire one shot with each pull of the trigger.

These have, he says, ‘no socially redeeming value.’

In which case, the police should be the first to stop carrying them, right?

Because the police use them in the same way as nearly everyone else:  If you point a gun at someone who is doing something bad, he’ll either stop, or you can make him stop.

That is, a firearm of any kind is a Virtue Compelling Device.  Or, to use a simpler term, a Crime Extinguisher.

If that’s not a socially redeeming value, what is?

A common topic for articles in gun-related magazines is that one of the best ways for a citizen who is involved in a self-defense shooting to avoid being demonized by the prosecution is to carry the same equipment — the same kind of firearm, loaded with the same kind of ammunition — that is used by his local police department.  In most jurisdictions, that means a semi-automatic pistol loaded with hollow-point rounds.

When the police (and the Secret Service) announce that they’re giving up semi-automatic (and automatic) firearms, then you’ll know that the left actually believes its own rhetoric.  Until then, it’s clearly just a smoke screen for yet another power grab.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe is Mulling Re-election. God Help Us

Sat, 2022-11-26 17:30 +0000

While Americans are trying to enjoy their Holiday weekend and watching their household budget blown to hell, Joe Biden is contemplating his future. He has been on Nantucket with his family since the beginning of the week, enjoying the trappings of a $20 million supporter-donated waterfront home.

That home is worth more than Hunter could shake down from a foreign country on a long weekend. Joe claims that the decision to run will come from a family intervention. Any member of his family who urges him to run should be charged with elder abuse. This decision should not be taken lightly and has ramifications for every American citizen.

This decision is a no-brainer to anyone who has paid attention to the performance of Joe Biden over the last three years. He is not mentally fit to occupy the Oval Office and sit behind the resolute desk. The problem is that he and his family are so addicted to the money and power of the office that they will prop him up and push him through the rigors of a Presidential campaign and election. It is time for Joe to retire to Delaware and collect his pension.

Thinking that Joe Biden is not fit for office is not a case of age discrimination. There are people in Congress who are much older than Joe, but they still have their faculties. Biden is a much older eighty-year-old than Diane Feinstein is a nearly ninety-year-old. It is true that people age differently, and Joe Biden is definitely on a steep decline in mental acuity. The thought of Joe Biden still being President in four to six years is alarming. So what if the Bidens return from their weekend summit and decide Joe is ready to run in 2024? The Democrats and voters will need to make a change. The country does not require a second Biden term.

It may not matter what Biden decides to do. With the economy continuing to decline and energy costs continuing to rise, the voters will be forced to reject a second term. The Democrat Party will have to face reality and put people in the race to force a decision via the primaries. Running is Biden’s prerogative, but options are the electorate’s choice.

The decision may be taken out of Biden’s hands. With the Republicans taking control of the House, Hunter Biden will be investigated immediately in 2023. We already know there is evidence of wrongdoing on the part of the Biden family, including the President. These hearings and media attention will take the wind out of re-election sails, and Joe will be forced to step aside.

Joe will prove how narcissistic and power-hungry he and his family are. By spring, the writing will be on the wall for the President, and he will announce that he is stepping down to make room for a new generation of leadership. He will have no choice. The country made a mistake by not making more of a course correction in the midterms. As numb as the voters are, the pain they feel from Biden’s policies will force them to change course. We can then go about healing the mess the Biden administration is creating.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

School Board Fires #Woke Superintendent and Legal Counsel, Bans CRT, Orders Review of Library Catalog

Sat, 2022-11-26 16:00 +0000

The frontline of the culture war was always in the public schools, but it took bullying racists and Groomers to get parents outraged enough to act. Hundreds of School Board seats have been flipped, with thousands more in their sites as parents try to take back their schools, like this one in South Carolina,


In its first meeting after the Nov. 8 election, the board fired superintendent Jackson and school counsel Tiffany Richardson. Then it hired Anthony Dixon as superintendent and retained Brandon Gaskins as counsel. And before the day was over, the board banned teaching critical race theory and created a board to review library books for pornographic content.


#Woke board members and parents walking out with the retired Superintendent and Attorney is a show of solidarity for what amounts to failing the kids and the taxpayers.

Public Schools have one job. Give kids some basic skills like reading, writing, and mathematics. They’ve been in decline for decades, from watering down history (Social Studies) to deciding basic math and reading skills are racist and unnecessary to graduate.

If academics don’t matter, a public school’s only function is turning out meat puppet Marxists with mental health issues—people they can control or make into life-long dependents of the state with suicidal tendencies.

I get that folks don’t want to rock the boat. We’ve seen what the left can become when you wander on to any piece of political property they’ve claimed as their own. To say they send the dogs after you would be an understatement. Then there’s the other half of it. After you get “good people” elected, you must keep showing up to support them because everyone else will be tearing them down. Those good people get worn out, and when it’s time for the next election, they’ve had enough.

It will take years to fix these schools, root out the Groomers, bullies, and Racists, and set the education culture back on a path focused on academics. It will take even longer to keep it there.

The new board members on this County School Board are already taking heat after just one meeting. If the parents, grandparents, and taxpayers stop showing up at meetings, the odds are good they’ll be gone after one term.

You have to back them up in the meeting room, the classroom, the street corners, the local paper, on news sites in comments, on social media, and on blogs.

The Democrats will not wait for an unforced error. And they never sleep.

Neither can we.



HT | ZeroHedge

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sorry, Neil Wetherbee and Co., You Won’t Drive Me from Derry

Sat, 2022-11-26 14:30 +0000

In A response to my GraniteGrok article about Elle Gallo’s boast that she removed my billboard message in Derry, New Hampshire, promoting Abigail Shrier’s book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” (and my subsequent decision to promote the book from the Derry sidewalk), “Call me J” wrote:

Related: Derry Dem Saves Citizens from Dangerous Book

I believe what upset Stephan [sic] so much, is that the group of Derry residents decided that each time he protested on the sidewalk we would donate to charities that support caring for Trans people in his name.



Last spring Derry Town Councilor Neil Wetherbee informed me about this plan in two passive-aggressive thank you cards (see below) with a return address of Derry Town Hall and stamped “This card made possible by the LGBTQ+ Community, Families and Allies of Derry, NH fighting bigotry with kindness.” 

Wetherbee wrote:

But as knowledge is truly the path to enlightenment, I wanted to share with you what your actions have precipitated in our incredible community! A growing number of people have committed to donating to either our locally based Planned Parenthood or Planned Parenthood of Northern New England for every day you or your wife is in Derry! This is SO wonderful.

On its surface, this seems like a solid plan. First, since I’m trying to stop boys and girls – children I “have so much fear and hate of,” according to Weatherbee –  from being permanently harmed with opposite-sex hormones, donating money for Planned Parenthood to harm more confused children would make me complicit in permanently damaging them.

Second, child transing activists are right about how troubled I am about the medical industry giving opposite sex hormones to children. For example, if a girl takes testosterone, not only will it cause facial and body hair, balding and a permanently lowered voice she might regret when she matures, these chemicals will also trigger early menopause resulting in sterility, vaginal atrophy, and atrophy of their reproductive and urinary systems, and put these young women at a higher risk for pulmonary embolisms, strokes, and heart attacks.

And Planned Parenthood is efficient in harming youth. The corporation boasts that young people can get hormones on their first visit.

Related: More Stories about Neil Wetherbee

What if they’re minors? No problem. If a 16-year-old girl schedules an appointment to get testosterone at a New Hampshire clinic she’ll get the following response:

There are some rules about what age a person can be to book an appointment for hormone therapy. If you are between the ages of 16 and 18, you might need to have some special paperwork to be able to get this type of care. We can talk you through this!”

But the medical industry doesn’t need donations from Wetherbee and his friends to destroy children’s health thanks to billionaire donors, Medicaid funds, and a lucrative business model. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England is in the black by $17.5 million and has $1.6 million in cash, and transing kids is so profitable that the number of pediatric gender clinics has risen from zero to over 100 in the last sixteen years.

As a physician at Vanderbilt Health Center in Tennessee observed:

A female-to-male chest reconstruction could bring in $40,000. A patient just on routine hormone treatment who we’re seeing only a few times a year can bring in several thousand dollars without requiring a lot of visits and labs. It actually makes money for the hospital.

Someday, New Hampshire policymakers will conduct a systematic review of the research, listen to the tens of thousands of detransitioners who describe lives of pain and regret, and follow England, Sweden, France, and Finland in banning or strictly restricting puberty blockers, opposite sex hormones, and surgery.

I’m working to hasten that day by standing on the sidewalk trying to reach those who aren’t so enlightened that they celebrate slicing off the breasts of 15-year-old girls and destroying children’s bones, sexual function, and fertility with puberty blockers.

Follow me at


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Teaching Toddlers Transgenderism and More! – Stack of Stuff #28

Sat, 2022-11-26 13:00 +0000

And story after story as to what teachers and school board honchos are doing to our kids keep rolling  in.  And it just never stops as the Left is intent on accomplishing its goals.  And that means eliminating parents out of their way. Funny, isn’t it – we pay their salaries and stipends and they turn our children away from us.  And it is clear that age is no problem for them:

  • California Teacher Reportedly Admitted to Teaching Transgender Ideology to Toddlers

An early childhood educator in California reportedly admitted to using an “age-appropriate” “gender unicorn” to teach toddlers about sexual orientation and gender identity. Danita McCray works as a child development teacher at an elementary school in Sacramento, California, according to Fox News Digital. During a presentation at the 2021 California Teachers Association (CTA) conference, which is linked to the National Teachers Association union, McCray gave an informational presentation on how to implement sexual orientation and gender identity curriculum into young children’s education.

McCray reportedly said that the workshop was to “provide you with positive strategies to support transgender and gender non-conforming children.” When a teacher asked McCray when children were too young for these lessons, McCray touted “I’ve done research” and “have got my doctorate degree. Children are not too young at five years old. Children understand gender as early as three years old,” McCray added. McCray’s classroom library reportedly includes books like “I am Jazz” to discuss transgenderism to young children and has “no boy bathroom, no girl bathroom” in order to “set the tone” that “everything is open” to the students.

Ph.D – She certainly is lending credence to the phrase “Piling Higher and Deeper”. Sorry, I don’t believe that a 3 year old understands the Woke definition of “gender” between the biology of their physical sex.  And of course, the main question that she won’t answer is “And are your employers, Parents, ok with this?”. And the second question is “Whose kids are they anyways?”.

And how DARE you subscribe that the words gender and sex are interchangeable that they both mean the same thing instead where Wokeness says they aren’t?  Your backwards stance will not be allowed to be held:

  • Student barred from class for claiming there are two genders

A student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania has been barred from attending a religious studies class required for graduation after pointing out that there are only two genders.  “Later this week I will be defending myself and my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS in front of the Academic Integrity Board (AIB) of the Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania (IUP) against allegations of Classroom Conduct violations,” Lake Ingle stated in a Facebook post, which was deleted after Ingle retained legal representation. “The decision made by the AIB that day will determine whether I will be able to continue participating in my full course load, as well as graduate this May as scheduled,” Ingle continued, adding, “This is not transgender, woman’s rights, or wage issue. This is about free speech and the constant misuse of intellectual power in universities.”

Charges were brought up and if you go to the link, I think you’ll agree with me that it feels like the Chicom’s Red Guard “Name and Shame”/Re-education of wrongthink” Star Chamber show trial. This isn’t about learning, this is indoctrination.  Even if this is for a Religious Studies degrees, it seems that the Professors and Administration have forgotten about a major part of a major religion – that duality of Grace and Forgiveness.  In this case, the college has turned into the Spanish Inquisition and is hellbent on obtaining a confession.

Back to public schools – and no, they aren’t underfunded.

  • GOODER AND HARDER, NEW YORK: New York can’t teach kids to read on $30,000 a year. From Reason TV:

Don’t believe me? Calculate at the teacher payrate per actual in-classt teaching hour and not just the annual salary.   The cost of education (based on almost 10 years watching my District’s budget soar) is totally disconnected from expenditure and student achievement.

And transgender surgeries are big business with lots of profit – don’t talk to me about “altruism:

  • New Data Emerges Of 1,100+ Adolescent ‘Gender Affirming’ Mastectomies

A new study of nationwide hospital databases found that at least 1,130 adolescents between 2016 and 2019 received “gender-affirming” chest surgeries in the U.S. The study, published in JAMA Pediatrics, saw a 389% increase in adolescents (ages 12-17) obtaining chest surgeries from 2016 to 2019. An overwhelming majority (1,114) of the adolescents seeking this surgery were female (98.6%), and just 16 were male (1.4%).

…JAMA included only procedures performed in hospitals, not by plastic surgeons in private settings,” said Sapir. “Because these procedures yield around $10,000 per patient, many mastectomies take place outside of hospitals in surgery centers owned by plastic surgeons themselves.”

…The median total charges for chest reconstruction were $29,886 ($21,285–$45,147), a number that was adjusted for inflation, the authors note. Most of the chest surgeries (61.1%) were covered by private health insurance, 16.5% used public health insurance including Medicaid, 15.8% paid out of pocket, and 6.7% indicated “other.”

As always, follow the money.

And back to the indoctrination – those mandatory classes that college students have to take. Twist that a bit: college students are being forced to pay for their own “mind-forcing”.

  • THEY KNOW IT’S JUST MANDATORY BS:   Syracuse students not interested or engaged in mandatory diversity course: report.

Requiring students to talk about ‘identities’ and ‘stereotypes’ not a big hit at Syracuse. Syracuse University students are not interested in a mandatory diversity course, with some criticizing it as too focused on finger pointing and singling out individuals. “While Syracuse University structures its First-Year Seminar 101 course around students sharing their experiences with their cultures and identities, students taking the course said nobody wants to speak,” The Daily Orange reported. “In some classes, students said they don’t know each other’s names.”

One student raised concerns that the focus on privilege and identity alienates students. First-year finance major Julia Moreno said many of the ways the course attempts to engage experience-based discussion end up having a negative effect. Questions revolving around exploring identities can make students feel singled out, she said.

Except for those “wanting to belong to something”, I can only believe that the weak-minded/spirited would go along with it. If I was there, you can bet that I’d be rebelling against having to pay for something that doesn’t improve me. Paying to suck my soul out of me?  No thanks.

So, a quick backtrack that started this whole series – Critical Race Theory (CRT) whose main manifestation is “Whites are always Oppressors and everyone else is Oppressed by them”. It’s still around and there are “for hire” evangelists are still trying to infest K-12 curriculum – just not quite as blatantly.

  • ‘Equity’ professors detail how to fight back against parents’ critical race theory beefs

There may be nothing more cringe-inducing than reading what a group of education professors, especially those specializing in “equity,” have advised educators regarding parental communication and critical race theory (CRT). That’s just what Education Week featured last week, apparently because parents and parents’ rights groups have been successful in challenging the loathsome concept. While making use of the talking point that CRT is “typically in a college-level course,” a new Kappan report does concede that “elements” of CRT can appear in K-12 lessons as they help students “unpack and rethink the social construct of race that divides so much of U.S. society.”

The report offers a trio of ideas for “effective responses” to (parental) inquiries about CRT-related matters:

  • Open by describing a shared value.
  • Use active voice to name an antagonist (e.g., the people who are trying to divide) and call out divide-and-conquer tactics.
  • End with a strong, positive call to action that affirms common values. Instead of being race-neutral or colorblind […] talk about making education better for students of different racial and ethnic groups.

Reminds me of a modified Delphi technique combined with good old Leftist “Othering”…which means THEY are targeting YOU as being obstacles in the way in getting to YOUR kids. The educational version of how Trump is being made unelectable. The difference is to make you TOXIC for any conversation you may wish to engage in.

So, should Conservatives now view the American Library Association as we do the NEA and AFT?

  • Porn Free

These books likely are in every school library in the country. In Virginia where I live, the school board, school administrators, and school librarians have pointed to the American Library Association to defend their book selection policies. Many think that the ALA is a neutral organization that uses clear standards of literary merit to select the books that receive awards and that they recommend to readers. But a deeper dive will show that this is not true.

The ALA claims 54,000 members. This year less than 10% of the membership elected a “Marxist lesbian” as its president. The vote was 5410 for her and well over 4622 for her opposition. It is clear that a radical minority has co-opted the ALA much as other institutions have been co-opted. Is it any wonder then that an ALA president who advocates the “queering” of school libraries would support, with her radical allies, the adoption of library materials that advocate for materials that could not be shown in a movie theater to anyone under 18.

  • Woke Utah Elementary School Teacher Keeps Job After Bragging She Built Classroom for ‘Non-White Students

A woke fourth-grade teacher at William Penn Elementary in Utah, placed on paid leave after bragging that she built her classroom for “non-white students,” will get to keep her job. The teacher issued an apology for her video, in which she proudly stated, “If you look around and interact with some of the materials I have, you’ll notice that there’s, like, no white kids represented.”   “For the first time in my life, I’m going to be teaching at a majority white school, and I’m kind of interested to see how students and parents react to my classroom — because it’s built for non-white students,” the teacher said in a video posted to social media.

…The teacher, who has not been identified, said that she made sure “no white kids” are “represented” in her classroom materials. “If you look around and interact with some of the materials I have, you’ll notice that there’s, like, no white kids represented,” she said. “Same with my coloring pages, I have big stack of coloring pages that students can use, and not a single one with a person on it depicts a white person.”

The school district, however, noted that it reprimanded the teacher for her behavior. “We have disciplined the employee as appropriate and consistent with the findings of the investigation,” Granite School District representatives said. The principal of William Penn Elementary School also reportedly called the teacher’s comments “very disconcerting,” adding, “It is inappropriate for any employee to make students feel unwelcome in any way, shape, or form.”

And when there are no real consequences, you will get more of it.  And following teaching fads means kids don’t learn. Perhaps that tide is changing.

Phonics, Failure, and the Public Schools

But increasingly parents and teachers are pushing back against “whole language” and “balanced literacy” theories. They cite decades of research on how children actually learn to read and write. In 1997 Congress instructed the National Institute on Child Health and Human Development to work with the Department of Education to establish a National Reading Panel that would evaluate existing research and evidence to find the best ways of teaching children to read. The panel reviewed more than 100,000 reading studies. In 2000 it reported its conclusion: That the best approach to reading instruction is one that incorporates:

  • Explicit instruction in phonemic awareness
  • Systematic phonics instruction
  • Methods to improve fluency
  • Ways to enhance comprehension

And yet more than a quarter of American school districts use this one particular curriculum that doesn’t reflect those conclusions. Other districts use other curricula built on similar principles. A 2019 investigation by American Public Media revealed “American education’s own little secret about reading: Elementary schools across the country are teaching children to be poor readers — and educators may not even know it.

And another little secret is that most teachers come from the lower third of SAT scores. I doubt that any of them have training to evaluate how whether a new curriculum is better, the same, or worse than the present one. My last year on the BudComm, I ran into this with then Gilford Curriculum Director Steve Tucker who then failed upward to be the Laconia Superintendent – go here for the whole thing.

TMEW has said that she doesn’t want to homeschool the Grandson. Yet, almost every day during the summer, during vacations, and after school, back to the dining room table the two of them go to do writing, spelling, and math. Later on in the evening, it’s book reading time. Already, this first grader is reading books meant for second grade and sometimes, third (the latter with some prompting). Back to basics, she does. In addition, because he is also Spec Ed enrolled, she works with his specialists with homework sent home. Phonics, phonics, phonics. Syllable disection. Sounding it out. Yes, drilling on sight words. Letter combination sounds. Look ahead processing. Practice, practice, practice. Now he’s reading in the truck as we travel. Fluidly.

Basics matter. Basics count. Fads need to be thrown away.

While she’s foremost right now, my time is coming for science and more advanced math. And of course, civics and history. That said, we’re slowly turning everything into a learning time and lesson.  It works.

She’s homeschool whether she wants to acknowledge or not. We’re invested.

The post Teaching Toddlers Transgenderism and More! – Stack of Stuff #28 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Drag Queen Story Hour Comes to Kilton Library in Lebanon, NH

Sat, 2022-11-26 11:30 +0000

Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has become national news over the past year or so. This unusual and, to many, inappropriate exposure of children to adult men dressed as hypersexualized women, burst into the limelight with all of the glitter and pomp one might expect from drag queens.

Related: Vermont Man Who Created the Most Misogynistic, Sexist, Anti Women Cartoon Imaginable Invited to Read to Children at NH Public Library

Proponents of the unorthodox method of engaging story time with children argue the need is rooted in allowing this otherwise marginalized group of people (i.e. drag queens) to expose themselves (no pun intended) to children in the otherwise innocuous setting of a public library. Listen closely and you hear apologists speak not about the literacy of children but about rescuing adult drag performers from their status as societal pariahs. Or is it both?

Critics of the idea say it’s not as organic and innocent as many would have you believe. Some eleven hundred of these have happened in the past couple of years. Does this sound like a fad or trend, like the ice bucket challenge? Or does it indicate by its very pedagogical nature that it’s a type of indoctrination of the youth?

Seeking answers as to the motivation behind supporting this highly controversial movement I emailed Kilton Public Library Director Sean Fleming to ask if he was aware of these criticisms. Sean is an excellent director who understands his role in guiding his public library. The facility is always immaculate, the staff is always friendly and Sean captains this ship with the mission in mind – to create an educational space that is inclusive and open to the entire community, including the marginalized.

After a friendly greeting, where he let me know he remembered me from past visits, he graciously answered my questions as I launched into them. When asked “what was the motivation for this event” he explained they have a program team whose job is to find events that will encourage the community to attend or otherwise meet educational needs. Not given to micromanaging Sean states he usually doesn’t plan them but trusts his staff to make these decisions.

When I mentioned these DQSHs are quite controversial around the country his rejoinder was simply “they are to some but also not to many others”.

Perhaps the most vocal and educated critic of DQSH is Dr. James Lindsay who did a four-part series on his New Discourses podcast titled “Groomer Schools”. In it, he reads, cites, and critiques the historical and academic documents written by such famous theorists as Gyorgy Lucaks, Herbert Marcuse, Paulo Friere, Judith Butler, Hannah Dyer, and Gayle Rubin. What do these theorists have in common? Is it playing dress-up for other adults with the hopes of teaching kids to read? Hardly – they are all avowed Marxists.

Sean attended both the trustee meeting that approved the event and the event itself. His take? The stories were innocuous. There were only two performers who, rather than dressed sexually explicitly, appeared more “frumpy”. They also offered a craft where they made “crowns” opining they pointed to some type of royalty rather than Marxism. I pointed out they are Drag “Queens” hence the crowns (which Lindsay mentions are tiaras crafted at other DQSHs). This is literally an “A-HA” moment. I get the sense he’s relatively new to drag performances. Though this one sounded designed for children rather than a usual drag show for adults, here is one that isn’t.

I mention these facts to Sean and he seems to dismiss them as impossible. “Communism”, he mentions, “has failed. Just look at China that had to adopt capitalism”. I agree. Communism is 0-49 in its attempts to surpass Capitalism as a means to economic success and prosperity. However, living in Vermont, it’s anything but dead. It simply is hiding behind new faces, like progressivism, woke-ism, and these oppressor/oppressed narratives we see everywhere. Communism is Marxism, and Marxism is alive and well.

Sean is willing to listen, however, he’s far from convinced.

To those who have studied Lucaks, he was made Commissar of Education and Culture and famously attempted to sexualize children in Hungary in the 1920s only to get thrown out of the country by angry parents who caught on to his deliberately perverted scheme.

Marcuse left the Marxist Frankfurt School in Germany and came to the United States where he theorized the need to appeal to “the ghetto population and queers” in his Essay on Liberation. This call to revolution sparked the 1967 Watts riots in L.A. and is credited as the impetus for the recent Black Lives Matter movement. Candace Owens captures the hidden reality of Black Lives Matter as a financial funnel for queer and trans-non-profits, among other things, in her documentary “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold”.

Friere is the third most cited author in all of academia, even more than Einstien. He is famous among Marxists as the author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, which he wrote in his native Brazil. There he instituted his Marxist pedagogical methods in schools which many Brazilians claim effectively ruined their education system. It’s anyone’s guess if that is intentional or by accident.

Butler, Dyer, and Rubin are all women who have thrown their philosophical swords into the fight for queer normalization, which sounds oxymoronic. However Marxist theory relies on contradictions and the need to accelerate them to achieve Utopia. Sound mystical? Lindsay explains it’s more Gnostic than mystical. He is certain Marxism properly understood is actually a religion.

If it is a religion then drag queens might best be understood as the Pentecostals of the order. Full of spirit and willingness to push the boundaries these members of Marxist royalty, per the directives of Butler, Dyer, and Rubin, give a playful angle to the movement. Where Black Lives Matter and Antifa are militant (see Antifa offering protection at this DQSH) the Queens utilize their flamboyancy to disarm an unsuspecting public with the intent of “leaving a trail of glitter in the carpet that will never come out”. Though DQSH isn’t explicit in its goal of indoctrinating children into queer futurity, the writings of Butler, Dyer, and Rubin are. Herein lies the rub.

Part of the library’s policy is to avoid unfair discrimination. He mentions the Boy Scouts have a class action suit with sixty thousand plaintiffs and the library hosted them on numerous occasions without complaints, implying it would be unfair to treat DQSH any differently. His observation? “There are going to be predators in every circle of life.” I know all too well this is a fair statement, however, I remind him the definition of a drag queen is a “man dressed as a hypersexualized woman”, which is quite different from a scout leader.

Another comparison he makes is magicians who offer child-appropriate shows at the library while performing adult-level shows in adult venues. This seems reasonable, but again the comparison is not apples to apples per se, however, I’m not going to belabor the point.

Taking the conversation in the direction of local concerned parents and other tax-paying members of the community who either disagree on a moral level or feel threatened by such an event Sean explains he’s already seen their emails. Again, he sounds bothered that parents haven’t caught up to the times.

I voice my shared concern as a parent and grandparent and explain my background working as a program specialist in a house of highly functioning developmentally disabled pedophiles and that at least a few of these DQSHs have had child sex offenders reading to children. Sean bristles, as most would, at the notion drag queens are typically pedophiles, and wants evidence. I promised to send it to him in an email.

When I ask if they vet the performers he tells me they “don’t do background checks”. This is my first serious red flag beyond the otherwise incongruent nature of small children being exposed to adults literally described as hypersexual, whatever the philosophy. As an expert in this area, I know pedophiles go where the children are – period. The question remains, are he and the library prepared to deal with the consequences of failing to require background checks?

With eleven hundred of these gaining in popular support, the predators will come flocking. Of this, we can be certain. With lax background checks and blanket approval from unsuspecting adults, this is a recipe for disaster.

“We had a packed house. Some seventy to eighty people were in attendance and many of them were smiling on their way in.”

This sounds nice – who wouldn’t want to see more smiling faces these days? Who isn’t for getting kids who just got their education pummeled by COVID lockdowns back to enjoy reading and creativity? I and most parents I know are completely behind such positive changes.

However, this is exactly the milieu predators cultivate. They lead teen groups, boy scouts troops, teach in schools, and daycares, become clergy, ascend in politics, throw pizza parties, and any other venue to create trust and distractions as they slowly target your children. Predators are like lions in the jungle. They camouflage and move slowly. One might even say they dress up to disguise themselves.

At the very least I would expect the library and anyone else who intends to support these events to get familiar with the local sex offender registry. Even keep a folder with their pictures so, God forbid, they decide to attend drag queen story hour in or out of a costume.

Running out of time Sean asks me to consider the shooting that just took place in Colorado Springs. Unfamiliar, he explains it was a targeted attack on a gay nightclub. Implying this intolerance is a result of reactionary people who are intolerant of the LGBTQ lifestyle Sean bemoans the tragedy. So do I. In no way is violence ever the answer to lifestyle choice differences.

We find out later the shooter is a “non-binary” member of the LGBTQ community. Again, Sean’s assumptions turn out to be incorrect.

The real problem is whether or not we are placing children unnecessarily in unsafe environments. Are we dropping our guard and are we doing it because of a deceptive ploy by Marxists, who’ve done this already many, many times, and allowing our desire to enrich children’s education and civic desire to make our neighbors, queer though they may be, feel equally welcome to the public square? This is what Lindsay answers in detail in his latest book The Marxification of Education.

Marxists are not interested in a child’s education unless it’s to indoctrinate them. In order to do that they need to destabilize them. They don’t hide this, in fact, they describe it in detail. One of the best ways to destabilize them is their sense of identity. So if this new wave of DQSHs is a Marxist form of praxis parents should be made aware.

Finally, since it’s nearing Christmas, I ask if the same space is available for a living nativity. Sean explains the same rules apply for anyone wanting to use the space. Go to the site, read the rules and guidelines and fill out a request. They truly do not discriminate.

For parents and patriots alike Sean has made it a safe place to compete in the arena of ideas. Maybe it’s time for folks to steal a page from the Marxist and use the public spaces to train your children up in the way they should go so they don’t depart from it if they’re departing from it is your greatest concern.

For those wanting to see DQSH in action, Sean assures me they will likely have more given the popularity of the first. Like many churches in the Upper Valley

All are welcome to attend. However, if your mission is to disrupt, act hatefully, or otherwise spoil the fun of the patrons you will be asked to leave. You may disagree but they expect you to do so respectfully.

I do disagree but I trust the respect is mutual. Hopefully between now and then Sean and his staff will consider these points of safety and take the necessary precautions for the sake of the children.

(If you are wanting to book an event at the Kilton Public Library here is the link)

The post Drag Queen Story Hour Comes to Kilton Library in Lebanon, NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DISQUS Doodlings – As if we aren’t already bombarded by the MSM about Climate Change. Thanks, Treehugger!

Sat, 2022-11-26 02:30 +0000

It just never stops, does it? As a Conservatarian, I know that I get bombarded almost 360 with Woke messages of all types: Social Justice, unbounded Sexuality, Drugs, Progressivism, Education, Voting, the denigration of traditional American values…the list would consume several blogs (not just blog posts). It seems like at every turn, we must be absorbed into their worldview. And the Woke work hard to incorporate that worldview into legislation so as to leave no gap between them and the new “acceptable” behavior and thought.

We who hate this untoward Collectivization see it all the time and everywhere but I guess that is insufficient for the Eco-Socialists over at Treehugger (reformatted, emphasis mine):

TV and Film Scripts Need to Stop Ignoring the Climate Crisis
Only 2.8% of the scripts included any climate-related terms.

Screenwriters and storytellers are in a strange conundrum when it comes to the climate crisis. On the one hand, we, the viewing public, often look to art to explore the big topics of our time. On the other hand, we also often turn to TV, film, and fiction to escape from our daily realities, and many of us a leery about being preached to on a topic that stresses us out already.

So, now that we are finally hearing at least slightly more often about the climate crisis in the news media, is there a way for screenwriters to effectively explore this topic without feeling like they are sacrificing their story to an agenda or breaking the carefully constructed reality that their characters inhabit?

This is a challenge that climate and storytelling nonprofit Good Energy has been working on for quite some time. Having created a climate playbook for screenwriters (in which I have a short chapter about hypocrisy), the group now released a report that suggests many screenwriters are shying away from tackling this topic at all. Produced in collaboration with USC Norman Lear Center’s Media Impact Project, this new report consists of a first-of-its-kind analysis of 37,453 TV and movie scripts produced between 2016 and 2020.

Here’s just some of what that analysis found:

  • Only 2.8% of the scripts analyzed included any climate-related terms, such as “global warming,” “sea-level rise,” “solar panels,” etc.1
  • Even fewer (just 0.6%) explicitly mentioned the term “climate change.”
  • Only 10% of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires, or other climate-related disasters that were shown on screen were linked by writers in any way to climate change.

They just can’t leave us alone. They know that their message is being rejected. They also know, from the example of how the Media started and has “normalized” gay behavior where there was nothing before, following the same playbook can be “profitable” for their cause. even as enough of the 50 year litany of prophetic doomsday predictions that have fallen flat. However, it wasn’t just the author of the post that was kvetching, a couple of the commenters, too, said they were trying to influence TV and Movie writers.

I left a comment along with a bit of a challenge reference just to see who’d catch it. WHY force more shows to do the Wokeness shuffle?

Why, running out of evangelists?

Look, I go to TV for escapism – not to be lectured at. But that’s the Left for you – they are just bound to NEVER leave you alone. It’s almost like hectoring is their version of “oral indulgences” that must be paid to at least get to purgatory.

At least they have a purgatory. I have NO idea of what their heaven would look like but they all act as if they are already in hell looking for that one drop of cold water…(let’s see who gets that reference first).

As I keep saying over and over again, I watch very little network TV on my own (if I sit on the living room couch, TMEW “shares” the wide-screen with me but she generally has the lion’s share). It’s generally more documentary or reality type fare – as I write this, I have “How It’s Made” on the Science channel on for background noise (or distraction – your choice).  I’ve had enough with the preaching of Progressive ideas and have worked to not have to listen/watch.

Anyways, Libertarian VB caught the missionary part (H/T: Nitzkahon):

Why, running out of evangelists?

Well, Al Gore didn’t work out for them, and their kid darling Greta wimped out on them over COP27 in Egypt—even an Asperger’s home-schooled kid understands that elites aren’t going to do anything meaningful other than bluster about some more, and proclaim “THIS time for sure we’re cereal!

(See how many get that reference, Grok! )

And then Randy caught the reference of mine:

I think they would insist that Abraham instead dump the cold water into the bay in case the Delta Smelt were thirsty.


And we have a WINNAH!

So, loyal readers, how many of you know where that Abraham reference originates from?  Bonus points for chapter and verse!

I do dryly note that none of the usual progressive commenters even made a try at it…

(H/T: Treehugger)

The post DISQUS Doodlings – As if we aren’t already bombarded by the MSM about Climate Change. Thanks, Treehugger! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

UPDATE: Our Paypal Situation/Status

Sat, 2022-11-26 01:00 +0000

It’s been a while but that’s how long we were in the “PayPal Freezer” in which a lot of donations from you folks were frozen by PayPal. Back in May, we were notified that PayPal, like a lot of similar Conservative sites, that they had withdrawn their services from us (“PayPal Has Decided to Shut GraniteGrok off from Its Services“). We could not pay for services (like our hosting charges, software, and media subscriptions, and “blogging equipment”) nor could we accept any additional monies (donations, ads, and the like). We did happen to have a “backup” PayPal account and we quickly moved operations to that account.  Everything, except a most valuable thing – the funds in the frozen account were also frozen. The balance was what the balance was and it was going to just sit there.  Period.

Normally, a PayPal account holder can transfer funds from PayPal down to a bank account or up from a bank account. If we had had the chance to transfer the amount down to our bank account, we would have said “fine, we’ll send the money down and we’d be done”.  Not a chance – that money was stuck in place just as if it would have been in the middle of Glacier National Park (that didn’t disappear like in 2020 like the Government said it would in “supporting Global Warming”). And much of that money was donated for this purpose – we didn’t spend it on other stuff.

So, with all that as a runup, I am happy to say that PayPal unfroze the account earlier this week and they “ever so graciously” said that we could have access to our money again.

Sidenote: I could log in, and check a couple of things, but other than that, we could do nothing but see our money that couldn’t be touched.  Mostly just wanted to check that they, like Socialists and many in Government think, thought that our money was THEIR money and had decided to just take it.  After all, they kept it for six months, just gathering the interest on money that wasn’t theirs.

Or as they said:

As a reminder, access to your account will remain limited. While access to your account is limited, you may:

  • place logos into your auction listings or on your website
  • update your account information
  • withdraw funds from your account

You may not:

  • send or request money
  •  receive payments
  • add funds to your account
  • close your account

Now, I don’t “get” that we can’t close the account (I’m going to try anyways) but that we could withdraw the funds.  What’s the difference?

But given that restrictions, we’ve moved all that money down to our local bank and into an account that we’ve had for years for GraniteGrok. Seeing that I’ve done business with them for over 40 years, I doubt that they are about to cancel us.  We’ve also moved just about all of our funds from our backup PayPal account toa similar purposed account as well (e.g., fool us once, shame on us, fool us twice, shame on you – and we’re not going to let you).

If we have to pay someone using Paypal, we’ll upload it. If money comes in, we’ll download it. Thus, our exposure to the machinations of PayPal and its Wokeness is now about as minimal as we can get other than dropping it. We realize that this caused no small amount of consternation on a variety of fronts for us and you folks as well

However, just like in the social media space where Big Tech was hammering Conservatives, we’re looking at conservative options in the “FinTech” space. (we’ve looked deeply at two new processors; neither quite made the grade. However, if we do find one, we’ll be adding it to GraniteGrok as an option for you.

Given how badly PayPal has been behaving, it won’t take long. After all, back in September/October of this year, PayPal decided to change their AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) that went FAR beyond the financial realm – like all of the Woke Big Tech, they believed that they had the muscle, given that size and status in the market place, to tell their customers how we were supposed to behave. You know, like the Republican Party is “gifting” us squishy candidates that we know will be awful on the idea that “where else are the voters going to go?” in derision.

  • Well, just as the GOP found out, the voters they needed just didn’t show up last week, PayPal found themselves in a PR firestorm of their own creation (reformatted, emphasis mine):

    PayPal Updates User Policy to Include Possible $2,500 Fine For Speech It Doesn’t Like

PayPal’s clause about taking users’ funds for a violation of its rules has long been established. But, as published on September 26th and to be effective on November 3rd, 2022, PayPal will add restrictions to its acceptable use policy that go beyond illegal activities and fraud and into the realm of policing speech. The updated policy prohibits users from using PayPal for activities that:

“Involve the sending, posting, or publication of any messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful, obscene, harassing, or objectionable … (e) depict, promote, or incite hatred or discrimination of protected groups or of individuals or groups based on protected characteristics (e.g. race, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, etc.) … (g) are fraudulent, promote misinformation … or (i) are otherwise unfit for publication.”

…“Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy constitutes a violation of the PayPal User Agreement and may subject you to damages, including liquidated damages of $2,500.00 U.S. dollars per violation, which may be debited directly from your PayPal account(s),” the new policy reads.

…What’s especially horrid about how PayPal operates beyond being able to yank $2,500 from your account because you posted something they disagree with is that there typically is no advance warning and no appeals process.

And as we know well, the Left here just in NH HATE GraniteGrok and have done what they can do to disparage us, write legislation against us, and went to our hosting company to get us de-platformed (right Jan Schmidt??). Demonetization just from Paypal wouldn’t cause us to go under but it would hurt. Given that our “speech” would fit right in with what PayPal would no longer allow, the Democrats/Progressives would JUMP at the chance to make life harder for us.

And as we found out, there’s no appeal process just like if you get put into either Facebook or Twitter “jail”. You learned that you violated “our community values” but could never find out which one and no way to make amends.

Heck, a single day’s worth of posts could have wiped us out – just that easy (right Elle Gallo?). Thus, our actions once we got “unfrozen”. But there’s more:

  • “You may not use the PayPal service for activities that … relate to … the promotion of hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory”

That sounds like a good reason to think twice about using PayPal. I’ve just withdrawn the $1000+ I have in my PayPal account, and I’m starting the process of disentangling myself from the service to the extent possible

Our amounts were substantially more than that and we are doing the same process. This is almost like Quiznos, the now defunct sub/sandwich chain, that forced its customers (franchisors) to purchase everything from them – they all quit. How to scare your customers away. And like Quiznos, PayPal got mauled:

  • PayPal Stock Plunges Despite Pulling Controversial Policy Fining Users $2,500 for ‘Misinformation’

PayPal’s stock dropped more than 6 percentage points on Monday after reports emerged that the firm may attempt to fine people $2,500 for spreading “misinformation” via the platform. Over the weekend, the company told The Epoch Times that “PayPal is not fining people for misinformation and this language was never intended to be inserted in our policy,” adding, “An [acceptable use policy] notice recently went out in error that included incorrect information,” the statement said.

That bolded part?  Yeah, nobody believed them. Sorry, no legal document gets changed by “an intern” and instantly emailed and put up on their website. Not even a junior lawyer, either. That “we’re just taking your money to be ours because we hate your unwoke speech” had to go through multiple layers of editing and approval. And trying to pawn it off as a little mistake didn’t take at all. And like I said, all it takes is someone on the Left to call another group a “hate group”

“A private company now gets to decide to take your money if you say something they disagree with. Insanity,” former PayPal President David  Marcus wrote on Twitter.

Elon Musk, the head of Telsa who co-founded PayPal decades ago, said that he “agreed” with Marcus’s Twitter post.

Over the weekend, users on Twitter called for a boycott of PayPal and users indicated that they stopped using the payment company’s services. After PayPal’s mea culpa, critics of the firm did not appear convinced that the policy was issued in error.

…Several weeks ago, PayPal banned a group named “Gays Against Groomers” that some LGBT activists claimed to be a “hate group.”

And then PayPal tried to slither around its self-generated PR fiasco:

  • PayPal Says It Won’t Fine Users $2,500 for Misinformation, but It Will Fine Them for ‘Intolerance’
  • PayPal Did NOT Back Down, STILL Threatens $2,500 Fines for Promoting ‘Hate’ and ‘Intolerance’

That’s terrific, or would be if it weren’t for the fact that PayPal’s current Acceptable Use Policy still threatens $2,500 fines per infraction for promoting “hate” and “intolerance” — language the Left regularly uses to characterize (and demonize) speech that is critical of its insane policies.

…Click on that “Restricted Activities and Holds” section, and you’ll find a long list of “you must nots,” including the expected prohibitions of fraud, selling counterfeit goods, and the like. But included on the list of things you must not do is “Provide false, inaccurate or misleading information.” False, inaccurate, or misleading in the eyes of whom? Why, of PayPal’s Leftist hall monitors, of course, and no one else, including the person PayPal accuses: “If we believe that you’ve engaged in any of these activities, we may take a number of actions to protect PayPal, its customers and others at any time in our sole discretion.” No one else’s. You’ll have no appeal, no recourse, no opportunity to present your side of the story.

Leftists routinely accuse patriots of promoting hate: Wanting a secure southern border is promoting hate. Not wanting to see our schools become platforms for genuinely hateful and false race grievance propaganda is promoting hate. Disagreeing with the Leftist dogma that Islam is a religion of peace is promoting hate. Not believing that Jan. 6 was an insurrection or that Donald Trump is a traitorous Russian puppet is promoting hate.

And for us on the Right?  I think Sarah Hoyt said it well:

  • MOSTLY THEY SHOT THEMSELVES THROUGH THE HEAD:…It’s much worse than the author thinks. They’re a financial services company that can’t be trusted with money. This is like being a restaurant that poisons random meals. They’re done.


  • The PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident

It’s all too tragic. PayPal was set up initially as a means of obtaining financial independence from government-controlled banks. It even hoped to become an independent form of money. All these years later, it has been captured by interests that have the very opposite ambition. In truth, many people out there cheer the prospect.

And there are options out there (here, here)

The post UPDATE: Our Paypal Situation/Status appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Beyond Meat Plant in PA Also “Beyond” Food Safety – Bloomberg News Alleges Mold and Listeria

Fri, 2022-11-25 23:30 +0000

Beyond Meat has issues. It does not have a smaller carbon footprint than beef. It’s also not beef which might be why fast-food burger joints have backed away from long-term relationships. And then there’s this alleged insider leak suggesting mold and listeria are loose in its Pennsylvania processing plant.

Related: New Research – You Don’t Have to Eat Less Red Meat (Usual Suspects Lose Their Minds)


Beyond Meat’s Pennsylvania processing plant could be riddled with bacteria – leaked documents claim Listeria and mold had been found in the facility 11 times in less than a year.

Listeria, a foodborne bacteria, was detected in the plant during the second half of last year and the first half of 2022, according to Bloomberg, which viewed the documents.


Beyond Meat has also been Beyond Profit, reporting significant losses earlier this year while downgrading revenue estimates. That doesn’t mean their plant is a filthy mess, and people who buy their raw product are in danger of food poisoning. Bad taste and narrative-driven delirium, perhaps, but that’s a different illness—one for which major franchises have found a cure.


Beyond Meat seemed poised to dominate the faux-meat market after announcing in early 2021 a three-year partnership with McDonald’s, as well as agreements with major fast food players like KFC, Dunkin’ Donuts and Subway, among others.

But none of the test runs have resulted in long-term success, with many of Beyond Meat’s partners either not expanding their plant-based options to more restaurants or eliminating the menu items.



No one has, to our knowledge, implicated the product in food-borne illness or sickness (other than perhaps the apparent mental illness required to embrace it). Neither the FDA (which has never inspected according to this report) nor the PA Department of Health has sighted the facility for violations though I’m not sure that means anything.

Having run restaurants for many years, I have experience with health Inspectors in several states. The product of such events can cross a wide range of personalities, observations, and outcomes. In other words, we may never know the truth about the whistleblower claims reported by Bloomberg unless there is a disinterested third-party investigation.

Politics plays a part in almost everything the government is charged with doing. I’d be shocked if, somewhere in the Pennsylvania hierarchy of political favors, someone wasn’t thinking about how good Beyond Meat could be for the State.

And how bad it would be if the place were a sh!t hole.

Just sayin’.



The post Is Beyond Meat Plant in PA Also “Beyond” Food Safety – Bloomberg News Alleges Mold and Listeria appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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