As promised in the last Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over. Fairly certain about a Friday Overflow-Overflow.
Note – for those waiting for Survival Sunday, that’s going to take me a few weeks to get back up to speed. But for now, let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:
*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***
A Palestinian Explains Hamas
Related (links only):
Black South African Voices for Israel – YouTube
Why Isn’t There a Palestinian State? – YouTube
Does Israel Occupy the West Bank? – YouTube
A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid – YouTube
Debunking the Palestine Lie – YouTube
Show why you own guns! They’re TYRANT VACCINE. Bumper Sticker | Zazzle
(You may need to set to PG-13 as the panty-twisters got into a tizzy over this one. Same for this one.
On trusting Democrats Bumper Sticker | Zazzle
And you think you’re just going to vote them out in 2024????
Top WEF Official: ‘Dangerous Conspiracy Theorists Must Be Eliminated’ – The People’s Voice (
Harari pointed out that the world is “too complex” for powerful people to control it.
“The global cabal theory has many variations, but basically, there is a small group of people, a cabal, that secretly controls everything that is happening in the world,” Harari declared.
“All the wars, all the revolutions, all the epidemics, everything that is happening is controlled by this very small group of people, who are of course evil and have bad intentions.”
This glib dismissal that there could be such a cabal, even as Klaus and others openly discuss a rule by the Elites, write about it in books over decades, and meet in Davos and other choice locations where people discuss the increasing trust amongst those same Elites with an aim of forming a world government, brings to mind this meme from a while ago:
But control of the information flow is critical to tyranny. Just like Orwell’s “1984” sought to redefine and reduce language through Newspeak, thus denying The People the very words that could be used to dissent, organize, and thus foment rebellion, the NWO architects use this desire to destroy any information flow that challenges their Narrative. And while I can’t say I’m surprised, I’m vastly disappointed at so many US pols seeking similar power:
Video: Mitt Romney Argues That It Shouldn’t Be Illegal For Government To Use Big Tech For Censorship (
Though not surprised that the Fascists Progressives want it:
Pew: Seventy Percent of Democrats and Democratic-Leaning Independents Support Speech Limits – JONATHAN TURLEY
As Frontpagemag founder David Horowitz said:
“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”
I would add – anyone who thinks they are better than others is taking steps towards wanting power over others. For their own good, of course. This is a dangerous path.
Just remember, these people truly believe they are doing good. Thus, we slip-slide to Hell with good intentions.
Although I was in a country where I didn’t speak the dominant languages, most people did speak English. And, actually, computer translators worked quite well – when I could get a reliable phone signal. When looking for something specific in a store, for example one of the ubiquitous small pharmacies, I’d make my list while on the wireless at the apartment, translate it, and then merely show it to the clerk when I got there. I did ask, once, about Ivermectin over-the-counter. Nope. Prescription required even there, alas.
But I was struck, especially as I went for longer walks – e.g., the local megamall less than two miles away – how clean everything was. There was very little litter anywhere (as opposed to my local-neighborhood walks here where the street shoulders are trash dumps). Women walked alone late at night; we’d be out until midnight or later as schedules are shifted late – like in many places in Europe, for example – and I’d see women walking unaccompanied without any apparent fear. My in-law cousin kids would be out late too without their parents. No concerns on the parts of those parents.
This is the benefit of a functioning monoculture and one dominant religion. Everyone spoke the same languages (aside from tourists like me). Racially, either Asian or Russian-Caucasian leftovers. Black people were so uncommon the few that were there stuck out like a sore thumb (my wife commented on one such person we saw that they “had to be” an American, but I didn’t hear them talk). I didn’t see anyone of Latin / Hispanic origin – at least, not recognizably.
Pride in country. Pride in heritage. Pride in keeping the city safe and clean.
Even in Dubai, our transition point, signs discussed the need to adhere to local moral and dress codes. And while nobody here can think I’m a great fan of Islam, I admire the UAE’s commitment to their culture and religion and heritage too. More broadly, both places expected visitors to accommodate to the locals – when in Rome, do as the Romans – and not have the locals bend to those from outside.
Diversity is a strength… nope, my hindquarters it is. A few thoughts on my growing up in a white, Christian nation:
Merry Christmas! | Forward in Christ Magazine
Even understanding I was a Jew, I never had a problem accepting the fundamentally Christian nature of where I lived, nor did I ever take offense at someone wishing me a Merry Christmas. Why should I? Wishing me that means wishing me good things. Joy, peace, good will towards others, charity; these are not strictly Christian things, but I believe are – or should be – universal things that we live by.
‘People are being MANIPULATED!’ | Neil Oliver says ‘turn your back’ on summer ‘fear mongering’
What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave – American Thinker
This is fascinating. I had not heard about this. But, yes, water vapor is a far, far more powerful greenhouse gas than CO2… but a volcanic eruption is not within human control.
The IPCC Says No Climate Crisis • Watts Up With That?
Germans Will Need to Turn on Heat as Cold, Wet Weather Sets to Grip Country in Early August • Watts Up With That?
Wrong, USA Today, Ocean Currents Aren’t Near Collapse • Watts Up With That?
“It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.”
-H. L. Mencken
Meet America’s New Military Leaders of Tomorrow
Military, and other topics. Our enemies are laughing themselves sick.
Pick of the post:
Killer. Simple, but to the point. Don’t forget the power of such things:
PJTV: The Power & Danger of Iconography
Palate cleansers:
Whale is thinking I shall call him “bath toy”.
The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.