The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 43 sec ago

They Are Not Our “Fellow Americans” … They Hate America

Wed, 2023-09-27 00:00 +0000

As I have been saying for some time now, the Left and the Right have next to nothing in common. The debate, if you can call it that, is not about the means to the end, but about the ends. The Left wants a Police State … provided, of course, that they are the ones doing the policing. Of course, they don’t say that out loud … YET. For the time being it’s about “protecting” us from misinformation, disinformation, hate, blah, blah, blah. New Hampshire is about to have a closet-COMMUNIST as its Speaker of the House … and the GOP-“leadership” in the House is focused on attacking Trump and his supporters. Because stopping “mean tweets” is more important than stopping America from turning into North Korea?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bananas Exclusive: Russell Brand Raped Me – My Story 

Tue, 2023-09-26 22:30 +0000

Just this week, it’s come out that one-time Hollywood darling turned anti-establishment psychopath Russell Brand is a serial rapist.  Was a serial rapist a while back anyway.  That is before he got re-married, lost his mind, and started shilling for the alt-right on the professional misinformation platform Rumble, which is around the time he raped me.

Brand first exposed himself to me when I was watching one of his diatribes on Bill Maher’s show, where he assaulted me and the entire audience that night with violent facts and logic about American hero companies MSNBC, Black Rock, and Vanguard.  It’s too painful to repeat, but you can watch the entire ordeal here.  Just ask Senator Bernie Sanders, who listened as Russell, “the hate muscle,” forced himself on all of us.  Bernie…just…sat there.

After that, I was simply trying to scroll through my feed on YouTube when there he was again.  Taunting me with his cleverly crafted click-bait headline about what “Bill Gates is doing to fruit now”, and I took the bait.  I’m so stupid.  He then proceeded to thrust his unwanted opinion into my brain no matter how much I yelled, “No! No! Bill Gates is a philanthropist!  He would never do that to fruit!”


I was too scared to report the incident because Russell is so popular online now his following dwarfs even some of the mainstream media outlets, who I don’t blame for going after him and his rape-y misinformation tactics.

Luckily, this information came out before he could continue to ravage people with his wild conspiracy theories and anti-government propaganda.

Why did it take so long for the media to go and find out he was seriously serial?  Because you can’t just make false claims about something as serious as sexual assault without investigating it for accuracy.  The media knows better than to do that.  That’s about as silly as claiming a woman would pay to make up a sex story in order to smear someone’s reputation. I am reminded of such courageous women as Anita Hill, Christine Blasé-Ford, Alice Sebold, and Potiphar’s Wife.

How many of Brand’s anonymous ex-girlfriends did they need to interview to expose this farce of a human being? Why aren’t there more elder statesmen like Howard Stern, a champion of a women’s right to dignity, who isn’t afraid to take political hypocrites like Lauren Boebert to task?

Lawyers, who are almost as trusted as the media in this country, finally overcame their stereotype of being lying money grabbers and did the right thing.  They boldly took a high-profile case that would expose them to both public scrutiny and massive amounts of free mainstream advertising because all women need to be believed when dealing with a predator unless they’re from Florida.  Don’t believe those skanks.

Thankfully, we have a media that understands the importance of reporting as a well-coordinated group.  It’s incredibly important that all of the major media outlets are on the same page, with the same messaging, nearly verbatim, when dealing with a super-predator like Brand.  It still shocks me they didn’t report on this earlier when they knew he was a Hollywood playboy but instead celebrated him.  I suppose even the media makes mistakes.  We can forgive them.

Brand, on the other hand, has stolen my chastity.  Not only has he caused me to doubt my government and my medical community he has rendered asunder my worldview and discarded it like a middle school-issued condom.   This is unforgivable.

Many have come to his defense with lame cries of “innocent until proven guilty” – blah, blah, blah.  I was innocent, too, once.  Now, I’m Branded for Life.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Your Sons Can be Daughters of the American Revolution

Tue, 2023-09-26 21:00 +0000

My kids, on their mother’s side, are likely Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. They have relatives born in America going back to the early 1700s (including, possibly, Josiah Bartlett). Someone just needs to do the leg work if they care, but they may not want that.

The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) changed their rules a few months back. The updated charter requires confirmed applicants to be accepted if their birth certificate identifies them as female, even if they are male (and had it changed).


DAR leaders passed an amendment stating that membership cannot be denied due to “[characteristics] protected by applicable law,” according to Newsweek.

DAR president general Pamela Wright clarified during the organization’s annual meeting in June that men who have their birth certificates altered to indicate that they are female are eligible for membership.

The new amendment also revoked the right of local chapters to decide if an applicant is “personally acceptable” for membership.


If there was any outrage at the time, I must have missed it, but I have a few thoughts. First, instead of robbing women of something else meant for them alone, why not create the Sons as Daughters of the American Revolution? They could co-exist with the Daughters as Sons of the American Revolution and move seamlessly between them as if on some sort of revolutionary spectrum.

That all they/thems are created equal, or These are the times that try They/Thems souls. You get the idea.

My other thought was, how long until the Cultural Marxists take advantage of this opening [DAR’s embrace of women with pensis] to wrestle control and turn DAR into another Left-Wing mouthpiece dissing white colonialism and demanding government interventions?

A decade? Less?




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Nazis Are Fine People” … Justin Trudeau

Tue, 2023-09-26 19:30 +0000

One of the many HOAXES during Trump’s first term was that he called Nazis “fine people.” A total lie. He said there were fine people on both sides of the debate over taking down statues of Confederate Generals. Yet here we have Justin Trudeau … de facto DICTATOR of Canada … and the so-called Canadian “Parliament” giving a standing ovation to an actual Nazi. Because, apparently, if Canada could have a do-over do it would have supported Hitler against those evil Russians?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Biden Will Not Close The Border, Shut The Government Down

Tue, 2023-09-26 18:00 +0000

We have heard numerous times, too many to count, from the White House Keeper of the Binder (Formerly the Press Secretary) as she points at the Republicans and the existential threat they pose by shutting down the government. Well, it is time to prove her wrong and show Americans what a lying, gas-lighting piece of this corrupt administration she is.

This projection by KJP attempts to mask the damage her boss and fellow members of his team are systematically inflicting on our country. Every decision this administration has made has been wrong for America and contributed to the accelerating destruction of America. Domestically, whether social or economic, or Internationally, whether trade relations or our Defense, every decision has been wrong, and how pollsters can find 23% of those polled who still back the President is beyond belief and reason.

The White House continues to look to January 6th, and the Justice Department locks up protesters for decades. It is easy to prosecute and imprison these people as they don’t have the resources to fight the government. They are easy prey, and the Democrats think each prosecution works in their favor. Bob Menendez, Hunter Biden, and even Joe Biden reap millions while destroying our country. They will never be held accountable. The Dems keep pointing to 0106 and deflecting attention. It makes me sick. The spending must be addressed, but the Border must be closed.

There are not many options the Republicans have with a slim majority in the House, but they have a significant opportunity to get everyone’s attention if they choose to shut off the money spigot and shut down the Federal Government. Kevin McCarthy has to find the guts to make the big move. The media will have a field day, and Karine will blame the Republicans every afternoon, but we need to suck it up and shut it down. The Defense Department will be funded, as will Social Security and Medicare. The rest of the government can take a hiatus, and probably most people will not notice.

Biden and Congress have been spending foolishly and must be reeled in, but it will take a dramatic, painful move to see this happen. Biden continues to pledge unlimited money for Ukraine with no plan. “As long as it takes” is not a plan. There is no accountability for how Ukraine uses the money or supplies we send them. There are also rumors that some of the money we send Ukraine is funneled back to the Democrat Party and the Biden’s. This money laundering scheme has to stop.

The House Republicans have been pushing for each of the budget plans be voted on individually. This will not FFL with the Democrats who want to bundle the eleven spending bills into one large Omnibus plan. We know that when this happens, line items come from everywhere for pet projects or outright pork. This is how the government stays open historically. McCarthy cannot allow this to happen, and it will be a huge failure for the GOP if it does.

If the Dems refuse to play ball, shut it down, Kevin. Shut it down.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How the Shutdown Affected Student Performance: Conclusion (part 8 of 8)

Tue, 2023-09-26 16:30 +0000

This is the final article in the How the Shutdown Affected Student Performance series. This series was inspired by two recent statements made by Croydon Village School Principal Nicole Lackie to the Croydon School Board. First, she claimed the pandemic shutdowns caused poor student performance. Then, she stated that teachers don’t really know how to teach students to read. Our goal was to determine if either was true.

To that end, we reviewed and published student results on national and statewide standardized tests in New Hampshire and Vermont. We also asked how local elementary schools in VT and NH perceived student performance and taught reading.

Two things stood out
The first is that people didn’t seem to be aware of how bad things were, especially in their own schools, before COVID closed them. Because poor student test scores predated the pandemic shutdown, what the shutdown seems to have changed was awareness of how bad things really were. The silver lining of “remote learning” was that it let parents see behind the curtain.

The second is that the education establishment has been able to defend such a poor record for such a long time.

One method used to divert attention from poor test results is to focus on relative results. School superintendents and principals readily say “We’re doing as well as, or better than, most other states,” without mentioning that none of them have even half their students performing at grade level.

A second technique used is focusing on minor improvements in results. They’ll say, “With our new approach to reading, our test scores went up,” parenthetically adding “from 38% proficiency to 42%,” which is still poor. As the data shows, such “improvements” are short-lived. They’ll also use local “diagnostic” tests to show how students are “progressing,” with little or any acknowledgment that they remain unable to read at grade level.

One of the most visible tactics used is to blame poor test scores on insufficient funding, regardless of how much spending has increased overall, especially during these times of decreasing enrollment. These claims of insufficient funds are often coupled with condemnation of “the other party’s” policies, which are then condemned for “undermining” or “destroying” public schools.

A fourth practice of distraction is to draw attention away from the lack of competence by stirring up outrage. Parents who are upset about porn in libraries, boys in girls’ restrooms, or the Parental Bill of Rights don’t have time to get upset about the fact that more than half the kids can’t read.

Now for some specifics
In 2016, 61% of New Hampshire’s students scored proficient or above on the New Hampshire Standardized Assessment System (NHSAS) test. In 2019, the year before the pandemic shutdown, that number had fallen to 56%. In 2022, it stood at 51%. As the chart showed, the pandemic shutdown did not accelerate the downward trajectory.

On the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the percentage of NH students performing proficient or above has fluctuated between 33% and 45% since at least 1998, meaning that more than half to two-thirds of New Hampshire’s students haven’t been reading at grade level for 25 years.

In 2018, the percentage of Vermont’s students scoring proficient or above on its statewide assessment, the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test, ranged from 50% to 55%, depending on the grade. Those scores slipped in 2019, before the pandemic. In 2022, they ranged from 43% to 45%, with some grades showing that the pandemic mildly accelerated their decline. The data indicates that about one student in 10 did worse in reading after the shutdowns, in addition to the more than 5 out of 10 that already weren’t proficient.

On the NAEP, the percentage of Vermont students testing proficient or better has ranged from 34% to 47% since 2002.

While the shutdown may have created a small problem for reading, it didn’t create the big problem that everyone seems to be ignoring, which is that more than half to two thirds of the students in both states are reading below grade level and have been for more than two decades.

Of the five elementary schools profiled in this series, the reading scores for three of them, the Croydon Village School, Killington Elementary School and Grantham Village School, increased or stayed the same after the shutdown. Washington Elementary School had a significant drop in scores. The Albert Bridge School had no school-level state score data available to review post-pandemic but their scores from 2016 to 2017 dropped dramatically. So, your “mileage may vary” from school to school. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to how well their own children are doing in their respective schools.

Why are the scores so low
One possibility is that state standardized tests are not a true accountability measure. The results have no effect on students moving from one grade to the next or graduating. It could be that students don’t take the test seriously and the scores don’t reflect what they actually know. Some believe that if the tests were “high stakes,” meaning their results somehow impacted their ability to progress in school, students would take them seriously. Legislation has been filed in New Hampshire to do this.

Another reason could be there is something about the nature of a school setting that interferes with a child’s ability to learn to read. It’s such a personal skill, maybe it has to be done one-on-one.

Perhaps children need to be developmentally ready to learn to read. If children aren’t ready to read, efforts to teach them are futile and may actually harm their ability to read.

One parent interviewed for this series said that everyone she knows in her affluent town (Grantham) gets tutors for their children; that the school has not succeeded in teaching their children to read. (This point is emphasized in the “Sold a Story” podcast, which is mentioned below.) It may be why rich kids get better scores than poor kids. This parent’s statement underscores what Croydon Village School Principal Nicole Lackie told the Croydon School Board in June, which is that schools don’t know how to teach kids to read.

Such a statement ignores decades of research on the science of reading. However, it does speak to the “wars” between proponents of “phonics” and those who advocate for “whole-word” and other “top-down” approaches to teaching reading. These wars started over a hundred years ago and continue to this day with the “cueing” method (explained in other articles in this series) now being used.

People have deep-seated beliefs about the best way to teach reading, and many don’t think phonics is the right way. But when 22 students out of 30 are performing at the lowest levels of reading, which we’ve reported is the case in Croydon, questions about a school’s approach are warranted. Even if “only” a quarter of a school’s students are reading below grade level, that’s 1 out of every four kids. Approaches need to be questioned, not just by teachers but by parents and taxpayers as well.

In 3 of the schools interviewed for this series, someone did question student reading performance. Because the methods used to teach reading in Grantham, Killington, and Washington weren’t working, educators took intensive training to understand the science of reading. The training is called “Language Essentials for Teaching Reading and Spelling” (LETRS). It explains the findings of reading research to teachers. The course shows teachers how to teach and assess knowledge of the sounds letters make in English (phonemic awareness), how those sounds represent letters that can create words (phonics), and how and why to teach word parts (morphology). It also covers spelling and fluency instruction.

Research that spans decades continually shows that children need to learn phonics in order to become good readers. Using brain scans and eye-tracking technology, researchers have continually found that good readers process virtually every letter in every word as they read. Some children catch on quickly. Others need to be taught how to do it directly. Phonics isn’t the only thing they need, but it provides the core for reading. The science of reading research is summarized in an engaging podcast series called “Sold a Story,” produced by Emily Hanford, an investigative education journalist at American Public Media.

The schools whose staff took the training are changing how they teach reading. Washington Elementary School is expanding dedicated phonics time from K-1 to include grades 2-3. Killington Elementary School is changing its curriculum. Grantham Village School is supplementing the cueing approach with other programming that focuses on decoding and phonological awareness.

Teachers in Croydon haven’t taken the training, nor have they changed their approach to teaching reading. Principal Lackie declined to be interviewed.

While promising, the changes being made by these few schools may not be a magic pill. While teachers start to understand how people learn to read, some studies show that they still don’t know how to teach reading. Much of their training has been with the now disproven Cueing Theory approach championed by Fountas & Pinnell.

In the history of public schooling, the education establishment has tried different approaches every few years for decades. Sometimes, there are small improvements. Other times, it’s like the tide, which comes in a few feet and then goes out a few feet, but there’s no permanent change. For more than half a century, reading proficiency, at best, has hovered around 50%.

The efforts made to contact schools
To write this series, it was necessary to interview a variety of elementary school administrators in NH and VT. Principals and superintendents were contacted via email or web forms on their websites. Some contact information was hard to find. Others, including the Fall Mountain Regional School District and Oak Grove School in VT, didn’t provide email addresses on their websites. Fall Mountain even made it hard to find out who the principal was.

As mentioned, Principal Nicole Lackie of the Croydon Village School declined to be interviewed about the school or her comments to the Croydon School Board in June, comments that inspired this series.

Cavendish Town Elementary School Principal Dale Mann, Ludlow Elementary School Principal Debra Fishwick, and Chester Andover Elementary School Principal Katherine Fogg were all new to their positions and could not speak to their school’s reading performance or teaching histories. Superintendent Dr. Sydney Leggett spoke about the Grantham Village School, but being new to the position, she was unfamiliar with the elementary schools in Cornish and Plainfield and unable to answer questions about them.

The following schools did not respond to email or webmail form requests to discuss their test scores or approach to teaching reading: Principal Stephanie Korb at John D. Perkins Elementary School in Marlow, NH; Principal Jill Pinard at James Faulkner Elementary School in Stoddard, NH; Superintendent Donna Magoon of Newport School District, NH; Superintendent Michael Tempesta of Claremont School District, NH; Principal Robert Clark of Richards Elementary School, Newport NH; Assistant Superintendent and Acting Principal David Cohn of Union Street Elementary School in Springfield, VT; and Principal Doug Kussius of the White River School in White River Junction, VT.

Principal Kelly Dias of the Academy School in Brattleboro, VT, and Principal Amelia Donahey of Ottauquechee Elementary School in Quechee, VT, responded to our emails, but we were not able to set interview times with them.

In total, four interviews were conducted out of 18 requests. This information is disclosed to provide our readers with an understanding of the efforts made to gather and present this information and encourage the curious to make their own inquiries about reading performance and teaching methods at their local elementary schools.

Prior installments in this series, which include all of the data referenced herein, were published in the Eagle Times on September 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 21, and 23.

This article originally appeared in the Eagle Times. Some minor edits were made in this version. You can find the entire series at the Eagle times and at Granite Grok.

The post How the Shutdown Affected Student Performance: Conclusion (part 8 of 8) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Admin Energy Policy Would Leave “Indigenous” People in The Dark

Tue, 2023-09-26 15:00 +0000

This headline has layers of meaning. First, referencing the preferred progressive definition, people whose relatives were here before ours are getting screwed by the Biden Administration’s energy policy. Its bureaucrats are reinterpreting statutes with the force of law.


“The cooperative provides power — at cost — to several small, predominantly indigenous communities located within the Tongass. IPEC [Inside Passage Electric Cooperative] seeks to build several hydroelectric and geothermal projects to replace the expensive diesel generation that these communities currently rely on. But the USDA’s prohibition on roads — including gravel and dirt roads — in the Tongass makes the construction and maintenance of these projects infeasible because they would be accessible only by helicopter,” the foundation reported.


On one hand, the Biden administration is trying to outlaw electricity generation with fossil fuels. On the other, the Biden Administration is prohibiting the “green” energy projects needed to replace what they are trying to outlaw. Native Alaskan populations are caught between the two and, without a resolution, will have no power at all.


“In the name of conservation, the USDA’s rules are keeping remote Alaska communities dependent on diesel for power generation when green alternatives are available,” charged IPEC’s Jodi Mitchell. “Diesel is one of the most expensive sources of power generation. As a result, these communities pay some of the highest electricity rates in the state and among the highest in the country.”


So, thanks for nothing, and here’s a lawsuit.


“Despite Congress’ manifest desire to allow roads in national forests as needed for reasonable public access and use, the department claims to have found authority to categorically ban roads in nebulous statutory language,” the complaint charges.

It is under that authority that the department imposed its roadless rule to “harm local communities.” ..

Even accessing “existing facilities, powerlines, and diversion pipes” is problematic under the USDA, the complaint said. Much servicing now is done by helicopter.


I’m sure the utility company is trying to cling to its monopoly on energy delivery, so it may not be entirely about the indigenous people, but their arguments are spot-on for everyone whose descendants started families in North America. The entire energy transition exercise is problematic under the regime’s priorities. And by problematic, I mean mathematically impossible.

Everyone will be harmed by this.


HT | The Liberty Daily

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Lost Marine Fighter Jet Another Sign Of A Weakened Military

Tue, 2023-09-26 13:30 +0000

An F-35 jet went missing this week when its pilot was forced to eject over the skies of South Carolina. This mishap created an embarrassing situation for our Military. The Marines, with all of the sophisticated equipment of our Military, could not locate the downed jet and went to the public for help finding the wreckage.

The F-35 is our newest, most complex, and expensive addition to our air command. This week’s event exposed a fact the Military would rather have kept under wraps. The entire F-35 program is on track to cost $1.7 trillion over the plane’s lifetime, and the Department of Defense plans to purchase nearly 2,500 F-35s from Lockheed Martin. The problem is the track record of the F-35, with almost half of the jet’s training missions aborted due to faulty components or systems. Unfortunately, the F-35 program is not the first to have disappointing results in recent years. It should alarm all Americans that we are losing our edge in producing a well-equipped and trained defense to protect us worldwide.

On November 22, 2016, while the world watched, the U.S. Navy’s newest, most complex warship ground to a stop in the middle of the Panama Canal, both propellers seized, leaving the ship dead in the water. The warship, the USS Zumwalt, DDG-1000, had to be towed out of the canal. 

The Zumwalt Class destroyer was to be America’s most potent and versatile modern warship. The project failed as only 3 of the planned 32 ships were built.

In the case of the Zumwalt-class, the unit cost ballooned to $5.9 billion per ship in 2009, which was 81% more than initially planned. 

The USS Zumwalt DDG-1000 also lacks various necessary defense features for any modern ship, such as anti-torpedoes, long-range air defense missiles, and anti-ship missiles.

Are these setbacks to our military preparedness the fault of the Defense Department, contractors, politicians, or a combination of all? There is certainly enough blame to pass around, including a lack of quality work by the workers themselves. The solution for Washington will be to throw more money at the problem, but that just fattens the pot for everyone to dip into. I am not a proponent of government studies as they usually are open-ended and fail to produce results. Still, a solution to this failure to equip our Military has to become a priority. We are not keeping up with the advancements of the Chinese Military. They may have already passed us on air and land superiority, and as our Navy is retiring ships without replacements, they will probably have an edge at sea, too.

Today, we are far too concerned with Ukraine and pledging our unlimited support with no endgame or plan. We are earmarking billions in aid and equipment we cannot afford to lose. We are bolstering what will eventually be a losing effort while sidetracking us from being ready to defend ourselves. This should not be a comforting thought for any American, and another reason that we have to remove Joe Biden from the White House. I believe in American Exceptionalism, and if there is one area in which it is most important, it is protecting our homeland. Our foes are not slowing their trek for world dominance, and the best deterrent to any aggression is a powerful United States Military. We do not have that deterrent today.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

QR Code Stasi

Tue, 2023-09-26 12:00 +0000

The so-called pandemic was a test, and a lot of Americans failed. From top to bottom, rights were sacrificed to medical tyranny over a global act of fraud. A fraud that was increasingly visible when the first few weeks of published COVID data went public.

We were locking up, down, and sideways. All for something almost no one needed to fear. And that truth only got clearer from there, and while America had few pockets of liberty and many places pushed back sooner than later, far too many went the other way, and outside the US, places like Canada and Europe were much worse.


I’m unsure who is speaking, but the clip comes from the Mark Steyn Show. And for our purposes, when does not matter becasue then is now if we allow it.

In under a minute, the speaker clarifies how bad things were in Europe for individual rights and freedom in general—the digital equivalent of “papers please,” not just to authorities but anyone who asked.

We do not want people to forget how bad it was or, if they didn’t realize it, that this is the sort of thing for which those looking to scratch their totalitarian itch are looking.

It will come if we let it, and it won’t just be becasue of some flu or other fearmongered health scare, though given their previous success, that angle will play a part. Public Health Emergency might be the three words history reminds us we should if our society survives to have an honest telling.

If they can normalize this sort of control as part of our everyday way of life, we may be less than one generation away from losing what was handed down to us. It’ll be gone before those fanciful EV-mandated drop-dead dates they keep talking about.




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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Raid The Bars. Arrest The Librarians. Enough Is Enough

Tue, 2023-09-26 10:30 +0000

At some point, our society decided that protecting the innocence of children wasn’t a worthwhile endeavor anymore. It is wild how far and fast we’ve fallen. Ten years ago, you couldn’t have imagined that a librarian would get away with suggesting book porn to elementary school students under the guise of healthy sex and gender instruction.

Warning – this post includes unedited “adult” content, available in some schools and public libraries

Not only are they getting away with it, but the Biden administration and the other deranged actors on the far left are protecting them against parents who want it to end — the head of the U.S. Education Department, Sec. Miguel Cardona told the Associated Press he has no respect for the parents who passionately defend their students against these ideological attacks. “I don’t have too much respect for people that are misbehaving in public and acting like they know what’s right for kids,” Cardona said.



Adults who push “Drag Queen Brunch” or story hours at local libraries or stock elementary schools with sexually explicit materials are perverts. There is no sense in sugarcoating the obvious. It’s not hard to see that these people want to indoctrinate children into their weird sex cult. Why else would they have books about Timmy going down on Johnny in elementary school libraries or encouraging Rebecca to become Rob if not to sexualize children?



Our kids need to learn about building good moral character. Schools used to foster this in students by starting the day in prayer, saying the pledge of allegiance and sometimes reciting a school song. This routine grounded the students in faith and patriotism — teaching them to value God, their country and their community. (RELATED: ROOKE: Deion Sanders Epitomizes The Revival America Needs Right Now In Young Men)

Modern classrooms have an entirely different value system. If present at all, American flags are positioned in the far corner of the classroom. God, prayer and any form of Christianity were ripped out of school during the Free Love era. In its place, our students pledge allegiance to flags representing sexual preferences and fetishes outside of traditional life.

In a Sept. 12 Senate hearing, Republican LA Sen. John Kennedy read from two books — “All Boys Aren’t Blue” and “Gender Queer: A Memoir.” The words were so graphic Fox was forced to bleep almost every word of Kennedy’s monologue.

“I got a new strap-on harness today,” Kennedy read from “Gender Queer: A Memoir” by Maia Kobabe. “I can’t wait to put it on you. It will fit my favorite dildo perfectly. You’re going to look so hot. I can’t wait to have your cock in my mouth. I am going to give you the blowjob of your life. Then I want you inside of me.”



This is the material children are encouraged to engage with. It helps to desensitize them to sex and provoke risky behavior. Parents would go to jail if they took their 10-year-old child to a strip club, but for some reason, our society sees no issue with them sitting in a bar watching grown men fling their genitals around in a mini skirt. Drag shows are performative sex acts. Anyone suggesting children would learn to be more inclusive by spending extended time with men pretending to be women does not have their best interest in mind.



It’s time they felt humiliated again. Our children aren’t given to us to be used for their sexual pleasure. We have an innate responsibility to protect them. In any other context, arrests would be made, and trials by juries of their peers would sentence them to prison. Every person born on this Earth has human dignity that should be upheld, but that does not mean sacrificing our children so that deviants can avoid feeling shame when they act out their sexual fantasies in public.


Mary Rooke | Daily Caller News Service

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The post Raid The Bars. Arrest The Librarians. Enough Is Enough appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

C.S. Lewis: Democracy Destroys Education

Tue, 2023-09-26 01:30 +0000

During WWII, when Germany was bombing England, C.S. Lewis narrated over the radio a series of letters called “The Screwtape Letters.” After the war, this series of allegories were combined in a book by the same name.

The devil, Screwtape, was writing to his nephew, Wormwood, with daily instructions on how to manipulate the human mind with demonic activity. In the last chapter of the book, Lewis tells of a scene in hell where Screwtape addresses an audience of graduating demons. During this speech, Lewis projects a hidden truth describing the nature of Public Schools today. How does he connect education with Democracy?

Lewis’s words are screaming from the past to warn the future of our Republic, the dangers of how majority rule, “democracy” creates the “abolition of education.”My understanding of the premise he based his thesis on: “I’m as good as you are.,” it is a natural thought process which in a democracy is exploited to gain popular support with promises of equality. When the majority rules under the false promise of equality, would-be dictators force equality on the people. Therefore, God-given free will is sacrificed on the altar of “I’m as good as you are equality” as the new norm. Lewis drew a vivid word picture with his far-seeing allegoric perspective. As equality in education grows, permeating every fabric of society with saturation by force, it lifts up mediocrity and discourages superiority by holding it down. This process is inevitable in a society where the majority rules.

His wisdom paints a dark picture where the Deep State does not want great men in democracies. Our Republic has been hijacked by what is taught in the schoolroom. Since WWII, we have had greatness in technology, but that is a product of one generation standing on the shoulders of previous generations. But how many great leaders have we produced? This is exactly how Marxist influence divides at the individual level. There is no room for the brilliant student to accelerate his education because that makes the rest feel inferior. This philosophy directly impacts the great middle-class foundation of our free nation. Look around; the decline in education to produce doctors, scientists,  and mathematicians has created a market for foreign students to follow their high-achieving careers on our shores.

Free Public Education is the tenth step of the Communist Manifesto. Lewis knew this result of free education in a Democracy in the 1940’s. Today’s parents instinctively know true education doesn’t exist apart from God. Gone are the days of focusing on reading, writing, and arithmetic. Instead, a child’s curriculum is filled with CRT and hyper-sexualization agendas.

Concerned parents should keep September 28th open from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The local Chapter of The John Birch Society will host a program featuring Shawn McBreairty covering these UNESCO/Department of Education curriculums; Shawn has appeared on Tucker Carlson, Faulkner Focus and the Ingrahm Angle, among many other programs. He also Hosts the Maine Source of Truth podcast. The event will be held at the Marion Gerrish Community Center at 39 W. Broadway in Derry, NH. All attendees must register RSVP at Or, Please call 207-391-0970 for further information.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Who Bought 22 Newspapers In Maine – A Soros Foundation Denies They Did It, But They Lie …

Tue, 2023-09-26 00:00 +0000

The Bangor Daily News (BDN) reports that Soros-funded non-profits were not funded to buy 22 Maine Newspapers in one fell swoop. They admit to supporting the group but claim they don’t tell them how to spend the money.


The foundation tied to Democratic megadonor and philanthropist George Soros denied Tuesday a report stating it donated money specifically to help a national nonprofit purchase Maine’s largest newspaper chain earlier this year.

The Open Society Foundations, which Soros began in 1979 and supports an array of liberal and charitable causes around the world, has long been publicly listed as a supporter of the National Trust for Local News, the nonprofit that purchased the Masthead Maine network of 22 newspapers in July for an undisclosed price.


BDN doesn’t try to hide the links between groups or individuals, but it does go out of its way to report on local interests associated with the takeover.


The national trust purchased the newspapers in collaboration with the Maine Journalism Foundation after Masthead Maine owner Reade Brower publicly indicated his intent to sell his media empire in March. The new group of sites is dubbed the Maine Trust for Local News.


Nothing to see here. Just move along. And I suppose we could, but Soros-funded groups have been buying up newspapers all over the planet. It has purchased newspapers in Poland, the UK, Spain, and likely elsewhere.

The Left has been pouring money into setting up “newspaper-like” web portals that publish sports and local content surrounded by progressive news and opinion.

Millions have been invested in helping local papers set up climate alarmism desks that focus on pimping the Climate Cult narrative.

In other words, the philanthropic billionaires on the political Left, who all happen to be anti-American globalists, are openly buying the news in America but not Maine.

Pardon me if I don’t believe you.

And not becasue you want to tilt them left; they were already there. You are buying them and propping them up so they don’t fail.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Social Justice” Is Neither Social nor Just

Mon, 2023-09-25 22:30 +0000

Thomas Sowell has given us a penetrating criticism of the approach to justice taken by many political philosophers, especially John Rawls and his innumerable followers. He says that they construct an image of the way society ought to be but fail to ask whether their plans are feasible. His criticism is well-taken, although he does not offer an adequate account of the rights that people have.

He says about Rawls:

In much of the social justice literature, including Professor John Rawls’ classic A Theory of Justice, various policies have been recommended, on grounds of their desirability from a moral standpoint—but often with little or no attention to the practical question of whether those policies could in fact be carried out and produce the end results desired. In a number of places, for example, Rawls referred to things that “society” should “arrange”—but without specifying the instrumentalities or the feasibilities of those arrangements.

Later, Sowell remarks that “the exaltation of desirability and neglect of feasibility, which Adam Smith criticized, is today still a major ingredient in the fundamental fallacies of the social justice vision.”

Sowell agrees with Rawls that many inequalities in people’s conditions seem arbitrary and unfair if viewed as the outcome of a plan. But once we realize that in a free market, no such plan exists, it is evident that criticism of the market on the grounds that it permits unjust inequalities is misplaced. Life is just “like that,” and attempts to undo these inequalities will likely fail and have bad results.

Sowell’s argument follows Friedrich Hayek, about whom he says:

Clearly, Hayek also saw life in general as unfair, even within the free markets he advocated. But this is not the same as saying that he saw society as unfair. To Hayek, society was an “orderly structure,” but not a decision-making unit, or an institution taking action. That is what governments do. But neither society nor government comprehends or controls all the many and highly varied circumstances—including a large element of luck—that can influence the fate of individuals, classes, races, or nations.

As an example, Sowell cites studies that show first-born children tend to be more successful academically than children who have older brothers or sisters. Is this something that requires remedial action by the government? he asks. The very thought is ridiculous. We must, Sowell thinks, simply live and let live.

It is certainly true, as Sowell suggests that issues of feasibility severely constrain what those who seek “social justice” can do, but he has not shown that these issues reduce the space for action to nothing. At times, he implicitly posits a false antithesis between rejection of social justice entirely and acceptance of a comprehensive conception of social justice that he calls “cosmic justice,” which would attempt to redress all inequalities deemed undeserved. (I hasten to add that I reject social justice altogether, but to defend this position adequately requires an account of rights, which Sowell doesn’t provide.)

In support of his criticism of social justice, Sowell makes a dubious argument. People who support social justice often take as one of their prime examples the need for special programs to aid blacks because discrimination against them, both at present and in the past, has put them at a severe disadvantage compared to whites. But empirical evidence doesn’t support the claim that current inequalities in income between blacks and whites stem primarily from discriminatory treatment, he argues.

Sowell is a master of deploying evidence, and anyone who wants to challenge him about the causation of inequality faces a difficult, if not altogether impossible, task. But a supporter of social justice might argue that the requirement to redress discriminatory treatment isn’t an empirical claim about the sources of current inequality but a moral demand. People who hold this view might think that even if you are now doing very well, you are still entitled to compensation if you have suffered from discrimination. (Once more, I do not favor this view, quite the contrary, but an adequate response to it must involve moral theory.)

It’s more important, though, to bear in mind the strength of Sowell’s argument than its limits. Feasibility issues greatly limit the scope of social justice, even if they do not preclude it completely. And we can more unreservedly agree with another excellent point that Sowell makes. He says:

Ironically, many intellectual elites—then and now—seem to regard themselves as promoting a more democratic society, when they preempt other people’s decisions. . .Their conception of democracy seems to be equalization of outcomes, by intellectual elites. This would confer benefits on the less fortunate, at the expense of those whom these surrogates consider less deserving . . . [Woodrow Wilson] favored government by surrogate decision -makers, armed with superior knowledge and understanding—“executive expertness”—and unhindered by the voting public. Woodrow Wilson’s response to objections that this would deprive the people at large of the freedom to live their own lives as they saw fit, was to redefine the word “freedom.”. . . By simply depicting government-provided benefits—dispensed by surrogate decision-makers—as an additional freedom for the recipients, President Wilson made the issue of people’s loss of freedom disappear, as if by verbal sleight of hand.

Sowell has made a vital point. You are free if others do not aggress against your person and property; if they do so but give you benefits, you aren’t free. Sowell eloquently says:

The “complexities” of this Wilsonian definition of freedom are certainly understandable, since evading the obvious can become very complex. When Spartacus led an uprising of slaves, back in the days of the Roman Empire [Republic], he was not doing it to get welfare state benefits.

As Bishop Joseph Butler remarked long ago, “Everything is what it is, and not another thing.”

David Gordon is Senior Fellow at the Mises Institute and editor of the Mises Review.

David Gordon | Mises Wire

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Blaming ‘Chinese CO2’ for Global Warming Racist?

Mon, 2023-09-25 21:00 +0000

China is building coal plants faster than a Democrat can stuff a ballot box, earning it the glorious distinction of being the world’s leader in CO2 and air pollution emissions.

But the usual suspects aren’t losing their minds. Greta has never protested there, and extinction rebellion is extinct.

China owns most of the mines, digging up rare earth metals to make the graven green idols of the new energy left. China is also a leader in ocean pollution and ocean plastic, but bringing any of that is Asian hate speech. A problem Cult stenographers at Reuters are addressing head-on. Yeah, China emits a lot of CO2, but it’s different.


It makes sense from an economic and geopolitical perspective to power China’s vehicle fleet using domestic electricity rather than imported crude oil.

The question is then whether China can meet its climate goals by switching increasingly to NEVs, which will be powered by a coal-heavy electricity grid for decades to come.

China used coal for about 63% of its electricity generation in 2022, with hydropower coming in second at 14%, and other renewable energies such as wind generating 9% and solar 5%.

China is also the world’s biggest installer of renewable power sources and is expanding its nuclear fleet as well, but coal is expected to remain the bedrock of electricity production, even as its share of generation gradually decreases.

But even using a predominantly coal-fired grid to charge NEVs is better from a climate perspective, insofar as an electric vehicle powered by a 60% coal-fired grid will produce lower lifecycle emissions that a similar ICE vehicle.

The author is crazy excited about China doing whatever it takes to reduce oil imports, even if it means burning tons of dirty coal. They’ve even done the math for us. An E need only drive 79,000 miles, even on coal, for the profile to reduce emissions. They then promise these vehicles will last to 170,000, so ta-dah, coal is better, and isn’t China wonderful?

As I understand it, China doesn’t use or require stack scrubbers. The author does not calculate the carbon cost of replacing the lithium pack, which will never make it to 170,000 miles and may even need ot be replaced twice to achieve that. There is no calculation for other realities like power loss, bleed, declining range, and how EVs are easily “totaled” from even the simplest of auto collisions.

Or that China will likely never shoot itself in the face by demanding EV embrace or anything approaching the electric future envisioned by Western progressives.

What it is doing is burning coal to shore up its military-industrial complex and commercial global dominance and using cheap, abundant energy to advance its global political agenda while selling the rope to the West with which its elites have chosen to hang us all.

And if you complain about that, I can only assume you’ll be called a racist, even though Democrats hate Asians almost as much as white Europeans.

HT | Real Climate Science

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Second GOP Debate Will Have A Different Look And Feel

Mon, 2023-09-25 19:30 +0000

The second GOP debate for the 2024 primary will take place this Wednesday, and not only will there be fewer people on the stage, but there will be a different sense of urgency about them.

The six candidates likely to be on stage are Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, biotech investor Vivek Ramaswamy, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. To many, myself included, Ron DeSantis has been a surprise and disappointment. Perhaps the distraction of running a state and doing it very well has taken his eye off the prize, or maybe our expectations of his presence on the national stage were set too high.

He came into the race in a solid second place, only behind former President Trump, but has not connected with the folks of Iowa and New Hampshire and has dropped steadily in the rankings. Maybe not at the point of desperation yet, but DeSantis has to have a monumental night on Wednesday. His policies are sound, but his likeability numbers are dragging him down. He has to come out and convince viewers and voters that he is as Presidential as Gavin Newsom. There was talk of a made-for-TV debate between DeSantis and Newsom, and I think that testosterone-driven event would speed his decline.

Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy have been steady, and Vivek has moved into second in some polls. The others need to show why they are even in the game. Being in the single digits at this point should convince you that you may want the job, but America does not see you in the Oval Office. Pence and Scott are good men and have a message of hope and unity, but that message alone is not loud enough to make a difference. Chris Christie is not a good man, and his only purpose to be in the race is personal. He hates Donald Trump and wants to denigrate him at every opportunity. Many have tried that approach, asking the entire Democrat Party how that is working for them, but nothing seems to drag the polling numbers down; it only seems to bolster them.

In reality, do these debates have any importance in the 2024 Race? I think not. Unless the Democrats can find a way to legally keep Trump off the ballot and force Biden to the sidelines, it appears that America wants a rematch or a re-do. This scenario will be as ugly as an Ali vs. Frazier rematch. I do not think you will see Biden threaten to take Trump behind the barn this time unless it is to write initials in the snow. One thing that will be obvious if these two men stand on the debate stage together is what many of us have been saying for months: it is not age but acuity, and Trump will make Biden look like the feeble older man he is.

The debate will happen this week, and there will be more to come, but these sessions are not even an audition for a second spot on the ticket. If Trump is successful in surviving politically until the main event, I think he will snub all of the established possibilities for a running mate and surprise the world. I have no idea who it might be, but it will be worth tuning in for and probably more interesting than the debate.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

You’ll Need to Do More Than Just Say “I’m a Republican”

Mon, 2023-09-25 18:00 +0000

Black Democrat Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced he was switching to the Republican Party. It is a bold move in a city like Dallas, and if nothing else, the Democrat party is pissed, so at least one good thing came out of it.

But I’m not sure how a party jump will accomplish anything unless the goal is to prove a Republican mayor can oversee a crime-riddled urban plantation like Dallas. Look!, It’s not just Democrats wrecking American cities.

Time will tell, but Eric Johnson has sounded all the proper alarms and is saying the right things.


“The future of America’s great urban centers depends on the willingness of the nation’s mayors to champion law and order and practice fiscal conservatism,” Johnson wrote. “Our cities desperately need the genuine commitment to these principles (as opposed to the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment of many Democrats) that has long been a defining characteristic of the GOP.”

He added: “In other words, American cities need Republicans—and Republicans need American cities.”

Johnson’s announcement makes him the only Republican among the mayors of the 10 most populous cities in the US.

The ten most populous cities in the US account for the majority of poverty, crime, and illiteracy, and Mayor Johnson (snicker) was elected as a Democrat with 98% of the vote, according to CNN. Needless to say (this is where we repeat it anyway), the Texas Democrat Party is not amused.

“[T]he voters of Dallas deserved to know where he stood before he ran for reelection as Mayor,” the chair and vice-chair of the party said. “He wasn’t honest with his constituents, and knew he would lose to a Democrat if he flipped before the election.”

“This feeble excuse for democratic representation will fit right in with Republicans — and we are grateful that he can no longer tarnish the brand and values of the Texas Democratic Party,” they added.

The voters of Dallas deserve peace and prosperity, even if they can’t figure out how to vote for some of that.

Violent crime in Dallas is nearly double that of Texas and more than double the national median rate. Property crime is also roughly double that of the US average, with total crimes averaging 150 per square mile, 5.6 times greater than the US average. The poverty rate in Dallas is close to 18%. It’s everything you’d expect from systemic Democrat rule, but what can be done?

Mayor Johnson is saying the right things, but Dallas is a captured franchise of the Democrat political machine. Every office and every position of leadership is controlled by the (now) opposing party or its union representative. Nothing moves unless you move it yourself, which would begin with exercising whatever executive authority you have as Mayor to remove and replace people in key positions.

Can you? Wcritical you? And is there enough time to show progress before discovering how your party primaries you out when it is time for re-election? And remember that they will bring thugs to Dallas to make things look bad or worse. Antifa and BLM riots. General chaos and Mayhem.

The Left will set Dallas on fire to smoke you out of office, and being a black man will not protect you.

Having said all that, good on you for daring to stand up for the people of Dallas or at least saying things that need to be said. The Democrat party has destroyed America’s cities and stranded millions on their new urban plantation of crime, drug abuse, poverty, homelessness, and disease. But you have to do more than say you are a Republican.

We’ve got plenty of those already and they aren’t helping anyone but themselves.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rand Paul Speaks Truth To Power … Ukraine Is A Corruptocracy

Mon, 2023-09-25 16:30 +0000

I would add to what Rand says that we need to protect our own border. The situation at our Southern border reeks Uniparty corruption just as much as funding the corruptocracy called Ukraine. The GOP wants an open-border because the donor-class wants cheap labor. The Democrats want an open-border because they want votes (Democrats are as happy to have … indeed probably prefer … illegal votes to legal votes) and to “transform” America. As a result, a population the size of Kentucky has crossed illegally into the United States. They’re not coming here because they want to be Americans. They’re radically different from legal immigrants (generally).

They’re coming here not to assimilate but to continue being Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, Cameroonians, Ethiopians, etc., etc. etc.. … while taking advantage of all the “free stuff” the Biden-Regime is providing to juice illegal immigration. The Woke-Left sees everything through the prism of woke. They practice the latest iteration of Socialism … Socialism based on woke, as opposed to class (Marx) or race (Hitler). To the race-obsessed Woke-Left, an America that is less White is a better America.

Convince a majority that they are part of some “marginalized,” “discriminated against,” etc., etc. etc. group and that their only hope of ending the discrimination, hate, marginalization, etc., etc., etc., is to give Democrats political power … eventually permanent political power. It’s evil and un-American. And yet the GOP is willing to look the other way because their donor-class can profit off of America’s “transformation.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Most Transparent Administration Ever Hides Updated Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Data From the Public

Mon, 2023-09-25 15:00 +0000

When a Democrat promises unity, they mean division. When they say transparent, they mean opaque, obscured, hidden. So, when the Biden Administration suggested it would be the most transparent, they meant what they said by their own understanding.

Short of a court order, and even with one, getting details is a tough row to hoe, especially regarding informed consent for the much-beloved covid “family” of vaccines*. The idea that you’ve been provided – as required by law – any risk factors associated with The Jab is absurd. But why should the Bidenistas try to meet any standard but their own? Millions accepted the injections based on the tagline “safe and effective.” Any question or deviation from the approved narrative was met with institutional resistance.

COVID ushered in a political public health police state, and the skeeving bastards couldn’t get enough. Dr. Roberty Malone, speaking to the problem in Canada, reminds us that,


What few are aware of is that this thoughtcrime punishment is being visited on many other Ontario physicians who had the temerity to provide early treatment for COVID disease, particularly those administering the forbidden treatments of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc and other inexpensive, off patent repurposed drugs or over-the-counter supplements.

Additional speech- thought- and medical practice crimes include failure to properly employ worthless cloth or paper dust masks to prevent coronaviral transmission, as well as granting medical and religious exemptions from receipt of toxic COVID “vaccines” which an abundance of data indicate are neither safe nor effective at preventing infection, replication, spread, hospitalization or death from disease associated with SARS-CoV-2 positive PCR tests.


Canada has proven everything wrong anyone had to say about the pre-socialization onramp of American medicine under Obamacare: the death panels are real and growing in number from local public health boards to their root at the FDA and CDC, which admits to having but is refusing to release, new details on vaccine-induced myocarditis.


Asked for more current data, the spokesman acknowledged the agency has it but is not making it public. “When appropriate, the updated safety data will be published,” the spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email. He did not answer when asked why the meeting was not an appropriate time.

“The CDC has acknowledged that heart inflammation is a complication of mRNA COVID-19 shots and, yet, the only published data released by CDC officials about that complication is a seven week study that ended on Oct. 23, 2022. Where is more specific myocarditis/pericarditis data related to bivalent COVID shots for the past 10 months?” Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email.


Right out of the gate, that data can’t be good. If it were, it would have leaked to the media PR departments at CNN, MSNBC, the NYT, and Washington Post. We’d never hear the end of it. So, it’s bad and needs massaging, like everything else about this public health emergency.

And the bivalents? That was more voodoo and sleight of hand, like Comirnaty – a rebranding sold as an approved reformulation, but it was the same old whore in a new dress. And the side effects continue, regardless of the packaging; many are dangerous and life-altering, unreported or under-reported by design. Reporting is discouraged. An intentional dearth of information that is then used as evidence that the data is too incomplete to base policy.

Deliberate data deficiency to prevent transparency and accountability.

The covid vaccine Death Hockeystick was about as blatant a safety signal as you could find but not obvious enough to stop the chemical slaughter, suggesting the purpose was not to save lives but to end them. Hiding vaccine-induced heart damage is just part of the program.

And now we’ve got The Jab 3.0 (or is it 4.0?). Original, Comirnaty (same thing, new name), Bivalent, and now this: reformulated, we are told, to address the rapidly evolving mutations of new variant-offspring of Omicron, effective the way an untended net stops goals from being scored or perhaps the goalie gets credit for the assist.

A new variant offspring of the pharmaceuticals whose introduction spiked vaccine deaths and resulted in a swelling of cases of myocarditis whose numbers the CDC and FDA have but are unwilling to share with the people they insist line up for the next round of treatment.

If you express concern for your patients in Canada, you could be sent to a medical re-education camp and forced to sign a loyalty letter promising to do what you are told, whether or not you think it is in your patient’s best interest.

Doctors must be bureaucrats first and caregivers last, by order of the all-powerful state – and in an assisted suicide-crazy place like Canada, that can’t be good for Canadians.

Who needs death camps when public health care becomes an enforcement arm of a political regime that need not answer to anyone about anything?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Shutdown & Student Performance: Grantham (part 7 of 8)

Mon, 2023-09-25 13:30 +0000

In prior installments of this series, state and national standardized test scores in New Hampshire and Vermont contradict the current narrative that the COVID pandemic shutdown caused children to suffer “learning loss.” Instead, the data reveals that the test scores have been deplorable for more than two decades and that they were in decline well in advance of the pandemic shutdown.

As elementary schools are tasked with teaching children how to read, we’ve looked at several in our region to assess both their scores and how they teach reading. Our reports on the Croydon Village School and Killington Elementary School reveal that there’s little, if any, evidence of “pandemic learning loss.” The Washington Elementary School seems to have been negatively affected by the pandemic shutdown. We were unable to determine whether or not the Albert Bridge School in Windsor was affected as Vermont won’t report its school-specific scores due to the school’s small size.

We now look at the Grantham Village School (GVS) in Grantham, NH.

Sydney Leggett has been the superintendent of the Grantham School District for six years. GVS houses Pre-K through grade 6. With 275 students, it has one class for Pre-K and two classes per grade beyond that, with an average of 18 students per class. The school has 14 classroom teachers, 4 specialists (music, art, library media specialist, physical education/health), two education case managers, one reading specialist and one reading and math interventionist.

Superintendent Leggett said they have not noticed a change in student achievement since the pandemic. The New Hampshire Student Assessment System (NHSAS) data supports her statement. The NHSAS is administered yearly to students attending traditional public and charter schools in grades 3-8.

The Grantham NHSAS Reading chart (below) shows that 84% of GVS students scored proficient or above in reading in 2017. That percentage fell to 76% in 2019. In 2021 it rose to 77%, declining very slightly to 76% in 2022. Clearly, GVS’ scores weren’t affected by the pandemic shutdown. Still, though GVS students are significantly outperforming NH’s statewide reading scores, one out of 4 students aren’t reading at grade level.

Leggett said this performance is the result of the community working strongly together to focus on student needs. The school held an expanded summer program for two years in a row, for those who didn’t normally attend summer school, so they could keep building skills. Paraprofessionals had individual contact with students for a year and a half during the pandemic period.

Leggett commended the many parents who created an environment in their homes to help students learn.

One parent, who spoke with me on the condition of anonymity, said that many parents in this wealthy community were hiring tutors or paying for online supplements to help their children learn to read before the pandemic; something common in affluent communities across the country. This is also supported by the podcast series “Sold A Story” (cited below) as being a regular occurrence.  The pandemic shutdown caused more parents to engage outside services.

It is well known that when parents are involved in their children’s learning, they perform better in school, although hiring tutors isn’t what people usually think of when they say “involved.” This may account for the above average performance of GVS students on the NHSAS.

For reading instruction, GVS started using the Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) “cueing” curriculum about 7 years ago. The idea behind “Cueing Theory” is that it’s easier for children to learn to read if they start with whole stories and whole sentences and do not try to read individual words. Teachers cover up words in a story and tell students to look at the picture, look at the first letter, and think of a word that makes sense. The theory says that by practicing this approach, children can figure out how to read on their own.

The science of reading research indicates that this isn’t how good readers learn to read, but rather how poor readers try to compensate for not being able to read. The science of reading research is summarized in an engaging podcast series called “Sold a Story,” produced by Emily Hanford, an investigative education journalist at American Public Media.

Leggett said they realized, after a few years, that the F&P program was not providing students with foundational early reading skills. They now supplement it with other programming that focuses on decoding and phonological awareness. The science of reading supports teaching early readers how to decode and learn the sounds that letters make. It also found that, if cueing is the main approach, students still may not learn to read fluently.

Grantham Village School is still trying to improve student literacy. The majority of the staff took the NH Department of Education intensive LETRS training last year — Language Essentials for Teaching Reading and Spelling. LETRS helps teachers understand the science of reading in order to help them teach better.

While the science of reading has shown that the cueing approach is misguided and might harm children, even if used with other methods, Leggett said that GVS continues to use Fountas & Pinnell for the parts they think are worthwhile.

The school now also uses FUNdations, which follows the science of reading. Leggett said that FUNdations has been working well for them. It uses the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) program to measure reading, math and social-emotion learning. Instructional teams meet with their interventionist regularly to group students by their needs, according to the data.

Superintendent Leggett said it’s not always about the program, it’s about the instruction.

— This story is part of a series in which we show how the pandemic shutdowns in Vermont and New Hampshire affected student performance on state and national standardized tests. We’re also taking a look at how some elementary schools in our area teach reading. Next, we’ll present the final installment in this series, which will include conclusions based on the data. Prior installments in this series were published in the Eagle Times on September 9, 12, 14, 16, 19 and 21.

This article was originally published by the Eagle Times. It has been edited slightly.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Only Two Genders!

Mon, 2023-09-25 12:00 +0000

Lt Gov. Mark Robinson is back. We featured his inspired remarks a few days ago (if you missed them). He’s been getting about, standing on his principles, and making waves. But he is not splitting hairs or mincing words, and in this clip, he says there are only two genders.

He says it, and then he explains it in a way in which the Left will lose their collective mind. So, yes, it’s a great way to start your Monday morning!




The post Only Two Genders! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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