The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 6 min 41 sec ago

Urge Gov. Chris Sununu and DHHS to Immediately End All Activities Surrounding the COVID-19 Vaccine and Children

Thu, 2023-11-16 04:00 +0000

To Gov. Christopher Sununu and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services; We, the undersigned, understand that children are at no significant risk from SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19). We, the undersigned, understand that no medical intervention is without risk.

We, the undersigned, understand that in an analysis of the risk-to-benefit ratio, there is more risk to being vaccinated for COVID-19 than not being vaccinated for children,

Now, therefore, we, the undersigned hereby demand Gov. Sununu and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services to end their recommendation for children to receive the COVID-19 vaccines and cease all activity in promotion, purchasing, distribution, and administration of the COVID-19 vaccine to children.



The post Urge Gov. Chris Sununu and DHHS to Immediately End All Activities Surrounding the COVID-19 Vaccine and Children appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Mom, They Banned My Book!

Thu, 2023-11-16 02:30 +0000

I’m proud to be a new member of a distinguished club:  Authors from Indiana who have had a book banned by a public library.  Other members include Theodore Dreiser, Kurt Vonnegut, and Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.

Someone read one of my books, The Croydon Budget Battle, and decided that it was important enough that people should be able to find it in his local library.

So he bought a second copy and asked the Leach Library in Londonderry (an institution that is 100 percent supported by taxes) to include it in their collection.

After some time had passed, he noticed that it still wasn’t on the shelves or listed in their collection. He started filing Right-to-Know requests, asking about the status of the book and about the process that the library goes through when deciding whether to approve a book.

He learned that it wasn’t just an oversight, that there were discussions about the book. Or rather, there were discussions in email that indicated that other discussions should happen in person — presumably to avoid creating a paper trail that would inevitably end up in his hands.

Finally, tired of the stonewalling, he went to the November 1 meeting of the library’s board of trustees, which I also attended at his invitation.

At the meeting, he recounted his experiences, then asked the director of the library, point blank, to explain why the book hadn’t been accepted into the collection.

He noted that it was by a local author.  He noted that the topic — the relationship between school spending and academic achievement — should be of interest to everyone in the state.  And he noted that the library was getting it for free.

What happened next was disappointing but entirely predictable:  The director invented several excuses, which I’ll go through one by one.

  1. We only consider authors local if they’re from Londonderry.

After the meeting, we went upstairs and asked where we could find the ‘local authors’ section.  We were told that no such section existed.  The librarian noted that books by ‘New Hampshire authors’ were sprinkled throughout the entire collection and might be tagged as such.

  1. The book is already available through inter-library loan.

This is an interesting excuse because most of the books in the Leach Library collection are available through inter-library loans. If this is a disqualifying attribute, why are all those books on the shelves?

Again, we checked to see whether this is true. We made an inter-library loan request at a local library. We were told that one library had a copy but wasn’t loaning it out.

  1. There’s no demand for it.

It’s a new book.  How would people even know to demand it unless they see it in places like their local libraries?  Isn’t that one of the things that libraries are supposed to be for, to expose patrons to works they might not otherwise come across?

And there is certainly an interest in the topic.  Doesn’t every town have the problem of spending too much on schools to get too little? What could be more relevant?

But this is also an interesting excuse. It is very likely that many of the books on the shelves just sit there for years without ever being checked out by anyone.  Shouldn’t those books be removed from the collection if the collection is just supposed to contain books for which ‘there is a demand’?

  1. It’s self-published.

Interestingly, someone else at the meeting noted that she’d donated nine books ‘about economics, written for children’ and wanted to know why only five of them had made it onto the shelves. She was talking about books from the Tuttle Twins series by Connor Boyack.  The others are still sitting in a box, the same box where my book sat until the library returned it to the donor.

Boyack formed a publishing company to publish his books.  We formed a publishing company to publish our books.  If our books are ‘self-published,’ so are his.  But at least some of his are on the shelf, so that can’t be a reason for excluding my book.

  1. We couldn’t find any reviews.

There are positive reviews on Amazon from verified purchasers. And really, having a resident spend his own money to add a book to the library’s collection — isn’t that about the best review a book could hope to get?

  1. We have to be mindful of shelf space.

After the meeting, we went upstairs and looked around the shelves.  We agreed that, after decades of spending time in dozens of libraries, we’ve never seen one with so much unused shelf space.

So, six excuses, apparently made up on the spot, all of them red herrings — untrue, non-sensical, or irrelevant.  The simplest explanation is that the director felt she could give answers that could only be verified later, hoping that the questioner would just go away.

We know this guy.  He’s not going to just go away.

The meeting was surprisingly well-attended by both progressives and conservatives. Many of the comments were about ‘book banning,’ and at least two of the speakers mentioned the book Maus (by Art Spiegelman) by name as if it had been removed from the library, but it is still in the online catalog.

But more of the comments had almost nothing to do with books or literacy, focusing on the need for ‘safe, welcoming, inclusive spaces’ for children to hang out in — where they can, perhaps, play with the games and puzzles that seem to be filling up the library’s scarce shelf space.

This sounds familiar. We heard the same sorts of things in Croydon when we tried to shift the focus of schools from extra-curricular activities to academic achievement. This is, in fact, one of the main themes of The Croydon Budget Battle.

What parents seem to want most — and want other people to pay for — aren’t so much schools, libraries, literacy, or learning. They are community centers — places where kids can hang out while their parents are working and maybe indulge in some hobbies, like sports or music.

The simple truth is that any institution that is funded by taxes is inherently political. This means that the people who end up running it will use it to push their own agenda — whether progressive or conservative. So it’s not surprising that the directors of a ‘public library’ are okay with banning books. It would be more surprising if they weren’t.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New COVID Vaxx Narrative: More Side Effects Mean It Might Be Working … Better!

Thu, 2023-11-16 01:00 +0000

Drugs have side effects, some worse than others. The COVID vaccines, for example, had a lot of them, but you were lied to about most until it was too late. Things like heart damage and death come to mind. But they still want you jabbed so how do you sell that?

How about like this?


“Evidence does suggest that local and systemic reactions to the COVID shot may mean they are building more robust protection,” says Onyema Ogbuagu, MBBCh, FACP, FIDSA, a COVID vaccine/infectious disease expert and assistant professor of medicine at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CT.


May? And what may you experience after receiving these new COVID “vaccines” (emphasis in the original)/


 A brand new study (a pre-print, meaning it has yet to be peer-reviewed and so should not be seen as final or definitive) from researchers at the University of California San Francisco, found that if you have chills, fatigue, fever and/or headache after your vaccine, your body makes more antibodies against the virus compared to those who didn’t have side effects (these antibodies are detectable at both one month and six months following immunization.) The study reports that the more of these symptoms you have, the more antibodies you’ll have; also, if your heart rate increases and your skin feels warm, that’s a further indication that your immune system is revving up.


Previous versions of this wonder cure have been effective at making you more susceptible, assuming you survive the side effects. But it is nice to see the marketing departments getting ahead of the game this time around. If your heart starts racing and your skin gets warm, you should wait it out and not worry about the possibility of heart injury. After all, they’ve injections for that too.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Should Be On The List Of Topics With Xi

Wed, 2023-11-15 23:30 +0000

Chinese President Xi Jinping supposedly has not spoken to President Joe Biden since the Spy Balloon incident in February. This seems odd for a relationship that Biden calls one of his strongest. Maybe Joe measures the quality of relationships by the deposits to the Biden family bank accounts.

That is not how Americans measure our international relations. The consensus of Americans is we have lost standing on the global front during the Biden term. There have been numerous trips by members of Biden’s Administration in 2024, but none of them got time with Xi. Gavin Newsom did spend time with Xi during his recent China trip, much to the embarrassment of the Biden Team.

Many topics should be on the agenda for Biden to address with Xi. There are so many topics that show the difference between the two countries. Let’s look at the list and then the list that the two leaders will probably touch on.

  1. Threat of invasion of Taiwan
  2. The Uyghur concentration camps and genocide
  3. Violation of American air space for surveillance 
  4. Fentanyl 
  5. Purchase of American land by Chinese nationals
  6. Theft of intellectual property
  7. The role of China in the Ukraine and Israeli conflicts
  8. The source of the COVID-19 virus
  9. The manipulation of the Chinese currency
  10. The Militarization of the Indo-Pacific Seas

These are some serious issues that threaten the lives and security of America as well as threats to our economy. Still, the crux of the conversations will undoubtedly be Climate Change and increased business between the United States and China. This bilateral meeting will be a wasted opportunity to address critical issues. Still, Biden and his team will bend a knee and placate the Chinese President even though his long-range goal is Global Domination and about as fake as the clean-up of San Francisco for this summit.

California, and specifically San Francisco, went into a whirlwind cleaning spree to make the City by the Bay presentable for the visit of Xi. This clean-up involved repaving some of the downtown streets, the power washing of the subway system, and, most importantly, the removal of the homeless and the tent cities throughout San Francisco. On any given day, there are nearly 4,500 homeless living in tents or sleeping directly on the sidewalk. This massive fall cleaning was accomplished in one weekend, leaving many asking why it took the top Chinese coming to town for the clean-up. Why could it not be done for the residents and taxpayers of Frisco?

San Francisco is the home of the most elaborate and expensive real estate in the country. Still, there has been a massive exodus of businesses and residents from California and major cities like San Francisco in recent years. The absence of the homeless on the City’s streets does not mean the homeless tent city situation has been solved. These thousands of homeless have been moved to the streets of Oakland for the duration of the summit and President Xi’s visit. Then, they will be allowed to return “home,” and life will return to the ugly reality in San Francisco. The new look of San Francisco and the summit are a big charade, but Americans are seeing behind the curtain, and this week’s events will not favorably impact Biden.


The post What Should Be On The List Of Topics With Xi appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

More Murder and Mayhem in Vermont

Wed, 2023-11-15 22:00 +0000

Burlington has once again found itself the victim of its own politics as progressive rules claim another two lives in the city of Burlington. Police report that two young men were shot and killed, one dead at the scene and the other after being transported to a local hospital.


Burlington police are investigating two murders just steps from downtown.

Burlington police received calls about gunfire on Decatur Street just after 9 p.m. Sunday night.

According to police, when law enforcement arrived on the scene, they found two adult men. One man was dead, and the other was seriously injured, both had been shot in the head. The surviving victim was transported to the UVM Medical Center, where he also died.

See, just like I said. And not with any pleasure or even amusement. This is tragic. And not just these unnecessary deaths. Burlington has been ill-equipped to deal with any crime since its knee-jerk progressive city government defunded its police force in the wake of the BLM protests in 2020. Efforts to hire more police have been stymied, probably by the obvious lack of support new hires could expect from their employer in the event of an incident too good not to milk for progressive policy points.

Burlington had made arrangements with the Vermont State Police to help them manage the overload, but they, too, were understaffed. Likely a result of a similar effect. Vermont as a state is a Left-Wing plantation whose Republican governor would have a hard time getting elected as one in a majority of Red states. Not that it matters. Any knee-jerk effort to hew toward a defense of natural rights or smaller government is easily overturned by the Democratic majority legislature. Two bodies that are murdering life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness by ramming through every failed Democrat priority they can conceive.

The obvious connection is their anti-gun laws, in whose wake we always see increased crime and violence. And while this year is on pace to be less of a disaster than last, and they will try to sell that as proof of improvement, it is anything but.

Update: This now appears to be drug-related.


Police got a call about gunfire at a home on Decatur Street just before 9:15 p.m. Sunday. When officers arrived, they found two men — Anthony Smith Jr., 26, and Khalif Jones, 27 — both of whom had been shot in the head.

There was evidence of drug trafficking at the house, Murad said during a press conference Monday. ..

Police responded to two other shooting incidents Sunday night and early Monday morning: a report of shots fired around 101 Main Street, and a man who was shot in the foot.

And, add one more November murder in Vermont: “Investigators said 52-year-old Robert Marquis died over the weekend at the University of Vermont Medical Center following several days of treatment.”

Marquis was shot in his home.


HT | WCAX | MYNBC5 | Vermont Public


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Systemic Voting fraud in America?

Wed, 2023-11-15 20:30 +0000

The issue of voter fraud and election integrity dominated much of Trump’s presidency, and by its end in 2020, many of his supporters raised concerns about the credibility of the electoral system.

Well, voter fraud appears to have metastasized and is now out of control.   We saw that in Arizona’s gubernatorial race, and we see it all across America.

In recent years, concerns about voter fraud have grown significantly, with many individuals asserting that there are systemic issues within the American electoral system.

One striking example cited by those raising concerns about voter fraud is the Kentucky gubernatorial election, which looked like a close race, with the Democrat nominee, Andy Beshear, defeating Republican incumbent Matt Bevin by just over 5,000 votes, or 0.37%. This made it the closest gubernatorial election in Kentucky since 1899 by votes and the closest ever by percentage.

The discrepancy in the voting patterns in this election raises eyebrows and sparks suspicions among those alleging voter fraud. While Kentucky Republicans voted overwhelmingly for their party’s candidates for other statewide offices, such as Attorney General and Secretary of State, they simultaneously chose a Democrat for the governor’s position. This divergent behavior among voters, especially within the same party, appears perplexing and contradictory.

The core argument here is that when voters consistently support one political party across multiple offices, they are expected to do the same for the gubernatorial race. However, the outcome of the Kentucky gubernatorial election needed to align with this pattern, raising concerns about the integrity of the voting process. Such inconsistencies in voting behavior could indicate manipulation or irregularities in the election system, as it is unusual for voters to exhibit such discrepancies in their choices.

The assertion that elections are rigged is rooted in a belief that nefarious forces may be at play and that a coordinated effort could be behind the inconsistent voting outcomes.

It is, therefore, crucial to consider the possibility that allegations of rigged elections could have a basis in reality, thus warranting a thorough investigation.

The close relationships between prominent politicians, such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and high-ranking members of both the Republican and Democrat parties in Kentucky suggest a hidden agenda. Even if we take it for granted that political alliances are common in politics, it is not unreasonable to wonder if such connections could influence election outcomes. A closer look at these alliances and their impact on elections is justified.

This alignment or collaboration between high-ranking members of both the Republican and Democrat parties suggests that they might be working together with shared interests rather than representing distinct political ideologies. The “hidden agenda” here is that these politicians, despite belonging to different parties, are collaborating behind the scenes to achieve specific goals.

The practice of split-ticket voting, where individuals choose candidates from different parties for different offices, may be more complex than it seems. Moreover, the nature of these splits, where voters make different choices for various offices, is a sign of manipulation within the electoral process and doesn’t reflect the diverse political opinions of the electorate. The varying outcomes in other races may be more indicative of foul play than genuine voter choices.

The Heritage Foundation has posted a long list of verified election fraud cases in the U.S.

Allegations of systemic voter fraud in America, exemplified by cases such as the Kentucky elections, deserve serious consideration. While some may dismiss these concerns, it is essential to recognize that the electoral system’s rectitude is paramount. Investigating these claims and addressing potential issues will help safeguard the democratic process and ensure the public’s trust in elections remains intact. By taking these concerns seriously, we can work to protect the sanctity of our democratic institutions.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nikki Haley’s Holiday Gift to Iowa and New Hampshire

Wed, 2023-11-15 19:00 +0000

The Nikki Haley for El President Campaign has announced $10 million in political ad buys beginning in December. The Vegas odds suggest she will be going after Ron DeSantis in an effort to secure second place coming out of the first two contests on the Republican Primary calendar.


Details of the advertising plans, which represent the Haley campaign’s first official advertising reservation, were obtained by The Associated Press ahead of a public announcement expected Monday. Haley’s planned investment, as of now, is more than five times larger than DeSantis’ current advertising reserves for the same time period, according to the media tracking firm AdImpact.


It would appear that the Republican Establishment has made its choice, which isn’t such a bad thing for DeSantis. Being an establishment darling isn’t really his style, and looking like an outlier might actually appeal to some voters who could easily connect Haley with the warmongering Neo-Con RINOs who echo her sentiments.

Just so we are clear, I still think Haley was the best UN ambassador we ever had, but when the rubber hit the road, she listened to Swamp Rat Rasputin. Instead of standing up for her boss, who was innocent of all the charges at the time, she aped the lies of the left as sold by Republican insiders who saw Trump the way Democrats did, as a threat to their Deep State livelihood.

They picked the government before the people, and there were plenty of them.

Chris Christie fits in that category as well, a character flaw that makes both of them unelectable to me. I can’t trust either of them not to sell me out to the whims of the biggest donor or the highest bitter.

Trump is not perfect, but the left fears him, the GOPe fears him, the media fears him, and that’s something worth considering when you look at where we are today.

As for the Ad buy and the primary, Haley has been on the move while the DeSantis campaign – and I’d take him over her any day of the week and twice on Sunday – has continued to struggle for traction. He also has a better chance of ending up on a VIP shortlist. Haley stabbed Trump in the back. She needs to win this thing, or she will disappear from the national stage again until 2028.

And I don’t think 10 million is enough to change that.


Note: This piece was written before Haley’s (in my estimation) campaign ending Gaffe so ten million is definitely not enough as her opponents rhetorically beat her campaign to death with it.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Meme Overflow

Wed, 2023-11-15 17:30 +0000

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

Let the mayhem, mockery, and ridicule resume:


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***














Only someone totally bought off cannot see the problem here.




They have praying facilities.  This is a show of power.  Per Dr. Warner of, the majority of their holy writ is how to deal with the Infidel.



Some POS “migrant” does this to my daughter they’d better pray the police find them before I do.







One correction: They didn’t give the Jab for free.  Governments around the world paid billions for it.  Then they get to make billions more on fighting the adverse effects.  Nice business model… for people without a soul.





I’m sure she’s blown away!







I was in Iran, pre-revolution.  OK, knee-high to a grasshopper, but I remember it.  As I recall, the only time my western-dressed mother had an issue was when we were visiting one “very holy” mosque in Shiraz.







And… the above is why I don’t get invited out a lot.














Bought off, or threatened?





Infertility and other reproductive consequences discussed here:

Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours – Granite Grok

Borrowing from a Dog Food Ad – Urban Scoop







Pick of the Post:



If G-d doesn’t do something soon, then He owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.




Palate cleansers:



It’s not easy being green…




Come back on Friday for more memes.  Same meme time.  Same meme channel.





The post Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Government Mandated Heat Pumps Violate Government Mandated Noise Regulations

Wed, 2023-11-15 16:00 +0000

The loons in Europe like to leap before they look, especially when it comes to climate voodoo, so they make for a great example of how stupid things can get. Take the UK. It’s got a complex bureaucracy and layers of rules that make doing anything more difficult, even when the doing is done by some other part of the Government.

In its quest for net-zero common sense, the UK government wants to place 600,000 heat pumps in the next five years. They’ve even offered some fiscal incentives that pretend to save you money if you jump through the hoops with them. Except that they can’t.


In order to qualify for the government grant, heat pump installations must comply with regulations set out by the Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) – including a minimum level of noise disturbance to neighbours. It means a heat pump must not generate a noise louder than 42 decibels within one metre of a neighbour’s door or window.

Yet the report, which was presented to the Institute of Acoustics at a conference, found that of the top heat pumps from the five main manufacturers, not one device would meet MCS standards on noise unless the unit was at least 4m away. ..

To meet noise regulations and receive grant funding, some homeowners would have to build a sound barrier – potentially at a cost of up to £5,000 – said Jack Harvie-Clark, of Apex Acoustics. But even if sound-proofing was installed, it may not be enough to reduce the noise to an acceptable level.


Government at its best, yes? But what to do?

Most heat pumps (based on a quick internet search) run from 43 to 70 dB. The high end is annoying and distracting, but the lower levels are tolerable and would likely become little more than white noise you get used to or rarely notice. The UK problem might be resolved with a land-a-man-on-the-moon-like investment is a quieter heat pump, but more likely, they’ll change the notice regulations. But not before a protracted and expensive process because bureaucracies don’t work any other way.

Sometimes that’s a good thing. Slowing down the pace at which your rights can be taken from you is good. It might even provide time to stop the theft. But governments don’t give things back. Nor do they easily step away from a commitment to foolishness on the scope of climate. But there is a lesson to be learned if those in the colonies make time to learn it.

Heat pumps are noisy. If you expect everyone to get one, you might not be able to ignore all the impacts, thought they have turned a blind eye to so many already. What difference would ignoring a few more make?


The post When Government Mandated Heat Pumps Violate Government Mandated Noise Regulations appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

March For Israel Goes ‘Unnoticed’ By Biden Administration

Wed, 2023-11-15 14:30 +0000

After weeks of Pro-Palestinian and Pro-Hamas demonstrations and walks in America and worldwide, it was time for a Pro-Israel demonstration in Washington, DC, as thousands of Israeli supporters from every state in the Union united on the National Mall.

The President has been playing both sides in this dispute so he does not offend either. Doing this has upset the supporters of Israel, who do not want to hear about cease-fires, which will only aid Hamas by letting them regroup during any pause in the fighting. A cease-fire will also allow Hamas to move the hostages around, making recovery that much less likely. Anyone calling for a cease-fire is not a steadfast supporter of Israel. Joe Biden is not the supporter of Israel he claims to be, just like he is not a practicing Catholic, as he professes. Biden is a charlatan who will say whatever is needed to appease the person or group in front of him. That is not what a leader does.

Who attends the demonstration on Tuesday is noteworthy, but who is absent is more telling. Both President Biden and Vice President Harris were in town but they did not support the thousands marching by showing up. Neither wants to offend the Radical Wing of the Party that supports Palestine, which does not exist, and Hamas. Again, this Administration would take a neutral stance rather than support the right and just position. It is a coward’s way of governing, but that is what we expect from Joe and Kamala. Also, it was far more critical for Biden and Harris to get to San Francisco to bend a knee for Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Security was evident, and rightfully so. The last thing our splintered country needs is an altercation between Israeli and Palestinian supporters.

There has been some destruction of property, including the defacing of the White House protective fence, and of course, we had the death of one Israel supporter in California. Still, we have not seen the type of violence and rage we saw at BLM or Antifa demonstrations in recent years. Mayor Bowser engaged the National Guard, and the Department of Homeland Security labeled this event a Level 1, the highest level of security.

Congress prohibits the DC Police or the Parks Department from issuing crowd estimates for events in the nation’s capital, but media estimates were over 100,000. This was an important day and event for America and Israel. We have seen massive gatherings of people around the globe in support of Palestinians but also against Israel. It has been discouraging to see this animosity toward the Jewish people. It was overdue for Israel to see a show of support like the thousands who traveled to be on the Mall. Our prayers were answered for a peaceful and positive demonstration, which is in stark contrast to the masses waving Palestinian flags and yelling death to Israel.

The post March For Israel Goes ‘Unnoticed’ By Biden Administration appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Rubber Boat with Motor: A Convenient and Affordable Means of Transportation

Wed, 2023-11-15 13:30 +0000

Are you tired of being stuck in traffic or limited by conventional means of transportation? Look no further than the rubber boat with a motor! This innovative and affordable mode of transport is revolutionizing travel, offering convenience and flexibility like never before.

Exploring the Benefits of Motorized Rubber Boats

Let’s now take a look at the benefits of motorized rubber boats


One significant advantage offered by these inflatable boats is their portability. They can be easily deflated and transported to any location without requiring specialized equipment or vehicles. Whether you want to explore serene lakes or navigate shallow rivers, simply inflate your boat using an air pump, attach the outboard motor securely, and you’re ready for an adventure!


Compared to traditional modes of transportation like cars or motorcycles, investing in a rubber boat powered by a compact outboard engine is incredibly cost-effective. Not only do they have lower upfront costs, but they also have minimal maintenance requirements over time.


Motorized rubber boats open up opportunities for those who live near water bodies but don’t own expensive waterfront properties themselves – making it accessible even if you reside inland! Imagine spending weekends exploring nearby lakeshores at your own pace without breaking the bank.

Easy Maneuverability

An integral component of the rubber boat with a motor is the inflatable boat motor. These lightweight and compact motors are specifically designed for use on inflatable boats, providing excellent maneuverability in various water conditions.


Inflatable boat motors can be easily attached to your rubber boat without causing any damage or compromising its structure. Their small size allows you to carry them effortlessly wherever your adventures take you.


Don’t let their compactness fool you – these motors pack quite a punch! With varying horsepower options available, they provide enough power to navigate through calm waters and even tackle mild currents effortlessly.

User-Friendly Operation

Operating an inflatable boat motor requires minimal technical knowledge or expertise, making it accessible for people of all ages and skill levels. Many models feature user-friendly controls that enable smooth acceleration and steering, ensuring a hassle-free experience on the water.

To Sum Up

The rubber boat with motor offers an exciting alternative means of transportation that combines convenience, affordability, and fun in one package! Whether you’re looking for leisurely rides along picturesque lakeshores or need a practical solution for short-distance travel near riverside areas – these versatile inflatables will never cease to amaze you!

So why stay stuck in traffic when there’s so much more waiting beyond the roads? Embrace this innovative mode of transport today; grab your own rubber boat with an outboard engine, and get ready for endless adventures!

The post Rubber Boat with Motor: A Convenient and Affordable Means of Transportation appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

She Didn’t Mean to But Nikki Haley Just Ended Her Campaign for President

Wed, 2023-11-15 13:00 +0000

Nikki Haley has been as on the rise as a candidate can be in this primary cycle, gaining ground on Ron DeSantis and making big media buys with all the swampy Neo-Con money she’s been getting. And good for her. That’s all part of the process. But it may have all been in vain. She just ended any hope she had of winning the nomination.

Emphasis, mine.


“When I get into office, the first thing we have to do, social media companies have to show America their algorithms, let us see why they’re pushing what they’re pushing,” Haley added. “The second thing, every person on social media should be verified by their name. First of all, that’s a national security threat. When you do that, people have to stand by what they say and it gets rid of the Russian bots the Iranian bots and the Chinese bots, and then you’re going to get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say.”


So, no! And I am a big fan of standing behind what you write and say, but anonymity is essential to the right to Free Speech. In its absence, there is no path for insiders and whistleblowers to reveal unpleasant truths, greed, corruption, malice, fraud, and even tyranny. Pseudonyms protect speakers and sources, neither of which should be unmasked by authors, editors, social media companies, bureaucrats, politicians, or presidential candidates promising to scratch a totalitarian itch.

We also live in an age where daring to disagree may subject you to more than despotic retribution from the state. We can now add doxxing and mob justice to the mix, where hordes of strangers plague your existence and drive you underground for daring to think outside some tiny ideological box.

Having the guts to privately express an unpopular opinion – heck, just being brave enough to explore a conversation about one – can cost you your job, career, and even your family. It is a culture that breeds silence in the face of oppression.

I get what Nikki Haley thinks she is doing, but what she has done is killed her presidential aspirations.

Support for this is a death knell or should be, for anyone running for Republican anything.

A spokesperson for the DeSantis campaign has stated unequivocally that this would be unconstitutional (obviously).



Vivek has also come out quickly to denounce it.



Haley has been pushing to get Gov. Chris Sununu’s endorsement, but I don’t think even he can ignore this gaffe. As for her other supporters in New Hampshire and elsewhere, she has put them in a very awkward spot. There is no way to comport Republican principles with this demand. They are incompatible.

So, yeah, I think Nikki is done, and her supporters need to back off before she takes them with her.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Millions Allocated to Spy on Citizens in Search of Hate Speech

Wed, 2023-11-15 11:30 +0000

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced surveillance efforts on Americans. She, through the New York State government, claims a need to target and root out hate speech on social media to create a safer and more just New York State.

  • $227 Million for Gun Violence Prevention Programs
  • $90 Million to Expand and Implement Discovery and Support Pretrial Services
  • $143 Million in Investments for Mental Health Crisis Infrastructure
  • $62 Million for Cybersecurity


So much for defunding “the police.”


Her spending initiative includes heightened surveillance of New York’s citizens with an emphasis on proactive contact with individuals expressing hate speech online. But if you are being proactive against hate speech, aren’t you anticipating it, prevent it?

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Some assert this next step raises questions about freedom of speech and privacy.

Why is it appropriate for state governments to be very focused on the data they’re collecting from surveillance efforts? Why do they need warrantless surveillance? What business is it of the state to be monitoring, let alone censoring free speech on social media platforms? How is that productive use of tax money? Do you think New York is alone in such efforts?

Where is hate speech defined? Who among us wants the State government to use police power to counter some perceived negativity? Who among us thinks speech police are appropriate? Incitement to violence is a different thing. It has been defined legally and adjudicated.

There is no right to feel safe.  With the government not securing our borders, sanctuary jurisdictions, most especially, to whine about not feeling safe is beyond the pale. New York does not want you to be safe, but it says it wants to defend you from not feeling safe. It is hypocrisy beyond ignorance.

Communist regimes like New York regularly employ extensive surveillance systems. There was the Stasi in East Germany, the KGB in the Soviet Union, and Mao’s People’s Army in North Korea, Iran, and Cambodia. These are or were states with widespread networks of informants and advanced surveillance techniques.

They are regimes that are about repression, power, and control. They routinely monitor virtually every aspect of daily life… just like New York’s state government now, it seems. It is a feature of the Democrat Party, not an option. You will submit. You will comply. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: “Disney Magic” Becomes a Curse as Another Movie Flops…

Wed, 2023-11-15 02:30 +0000

Disney’s Marvel Studios has released another awful piece of garbage thinly disguised as female empowerment, and you’d be right to wonder if they are losing money on purpose. Or, is their goal to destroy the Marvel Movie franchise?

I doubt it, but they are afflicted with the social justice disease and big bags of money, and they don’t know anyone who disagrees with them or dares to. The offspring of that sort of arrangement is twaddle that reminds me of something I heard the other day about Joe Biden. There is allegedly a T-shirt out there that says, “I could sh!t a better president.” And while that sounds ‘offal,’ and I’m sure you could, while you are at it, can you move your bowels to produce a better Marvel Universe movie because Disney could use one of those. The early buzz – if you can call it that – it that its latest creation, The Marvels, is … bad.


The reason for failure seems obvious — Disney has done everything it can to gut the MCU over the last couple of years and create what online critics call an M-She-U, replacing beloved characters like Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor with female and minority knockoffs which don’t inspire the audience to come out and see the movies.

Couple the diversity castings with writers and directors who don’t seem to understand the superhero genre, and it spells disaster. Disney’s seen a string of failures since critics panned the first Captain Marvel movie. At that point, Marvel’s brand from Avengers: Endgame was strong enough that the film was lifted to more than $1 billion gross anyway, but those days are long behind as moviegoers don’t trust Disney Marvel to produce anything entertaining.


The projected 50-60 million dollar opening weekend came and went with only 27.5 million in the kitty. Disney spent ten times that much on production with very little hope now of recovering it, given the slow start, and they only have themselves to blame. Or do they? Some have decided that this lame opening weekend is the fault of men.



Of course, because even men who are not fans of Marvel or superhero stories hate seeing attractive, fit women leaping about in skin-tight costumes on a giant screen. Especially the comic-book fan-boy types. That’s got to be why because those are precisely the sort of people who would come out to see a movie like this.

So. it is their fault. It’s an equity problem. People need to be forced – especially men – to pay inflated prices to watch poorly thought-out garbage because if they don’t, it will be their fault it failed. Disney is not obligated to produce anything valuable, and you should reward that. Did I get that messaging correctly? Should we blame colonialism, genderism (I’m not even sure what that is, and neither is it), and one or more types of privilege?

Hey, we made a movie with a woman of color in it, and that intolerable Brie Larson. Watch it, or you are a racist skeeving man-spreading bastard. And I don’t care if her first name is spelled the same as the pale, slightly grayish-looking cheese. Her real name is Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers, if you must know. And have you considered replacing her with that prancing doofus who wrecked Bud Light? We could marvel at how much better it was with Brie. That has to be worth something.

By the way, I just read that the next Captain America movie screened so badly that it has been pushed out two years for rewrites and reshoots.

Disney Magic appears to have taken on a whole new meaning part of which – and I have to ask – has to include telling what it is exactly that you mean by “men”?



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Election Fraud Is Real — And It Needs To Be Fixed Before 2024

Wed, 2023-11-15 01:00 +0000

Democrats claim election fraud is a myth. But videos don’t lie. Roll the tapes:

On Nov. 1, Connecticut Judge William Clark overturned the results of the Bridgeport mayoral primary, calling video evidence of potential fraud “shocking.” Wanda Geter-Pataky, the vice chair of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee, appears to have been caught on video stuffing handfuls of ballots into a drop box outside City Hall.

On Oct. 25, in Paterson, New Jersey, the sitting president of the City Council, Alex Mendez, was charged with personally collecting large numbers of mail-in ballots in his district, destroying ballots that did not favor him, and replacing them with ballots that falsely chose him. New Jersey’s Attorney General Matthew Platkin states that Mendez “personally observed from his wife’s vehicle as a large, heavy bag, completely filled with ballots, was emptied into the Haledon postal box prior to the election.” (RELATED: BETSY MCCAUGHEY: They’re Not Coming After Trump. They’re Coming After You)

On Nov. 2, in Springfield, Massachusetts, mayoral candidate Justin Hurst was nailed by city election officials for allegedly buying votes during early voting. Videotape shows individuals being dropped off in black Suburbans and Expeditions and entering City Hall to vote. When they exited, a man “takes out what appears to be a large bundle of cash” and peels off a bill for each individual, according to an affidavit by election commissioner Gladys Oyola-Lopez.

In one week, election fraudsters were busted in three major Northeastern cities.

Leftist organizations such as the Brennan Center for Justice and the League of Women Voters claim voter fraud is a “phantom” and “extremely rare.” Don’t buy it. The evidence is all around us.

Cheating is a cakewalk because of accommodations pushed by Democrats, including universal mail-in voting and unmanned drop boxes.

Now is the time to scrutinize the 2023 races and plug the obvious gaps. Cheating should not determine the outcome of the highly consequential 2024 national election.

In Bridgeport’s 2023 mayoral primary, Democratic candidate John Gomes was ahead until he got crushed late in the process when absentee votes favoring incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim were counted.

One Bridgeport pol described the use of absentee ballots there as “an art form.” That “art form” may partially explain how Ganim, who was Bridgeport’s mayor from 1991 to 2003 — before serving seven years in federal prison for racketeering, extortion, filing false tax returns, and other crimes — was able to stage a comeback upon his release from prison and win election in 2015 and 2019. (RELATED: CHAD ENNIS: Mail Ballot Security Is Under Assault)

In Connecticut, Democrats are singing one song: Fraud is “unique to Bridgeport” and isn’t a problem elsewhere. Wrong.

Last year, John Mallozzi, then chairman of the Democratic Party in Stamford, was convicted of forgery and making false statements related to absentee ballots. His ruse was uncovered when a voter named on a fraudulent absentee ballot actually showed up at the polls.

Connecticut Republican legislators are pushing to improve voting security. Rep. Doug Dubitsky, a Republican, says, “this exact same thing could be happening in every single municipality in this state.” But Democrats, who control both houses of the state legislature and all statewide offices, refuse to tighten voting procedures.

That’s not hard to explain. In statewide races, including for governor or president, Republicans historically have been ahead until the absentee ballots in the Democrat-controlled cities in Connecticut are tallied.

Across the nation, Republicans are pressing state legislatures to eliminate drop boxes and bar third parties from collecting huge numbers of completed ballots — a practice called “harvesting.” Republicans also want to use software to match the signature on the mail-in ballot to the signature on the voter registration form.

Democrats almost universally oppose these safeguards, calling them “voter suppression.” “Cheating suppression” is more like it.

Perceptions of unfairness are corrosive. At a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing in June, polls were cited showing 37% of Democratic-leaning voters and 71% of Republican-leaning voters doubt the honesty of elections.

Most European countries require voters to show up in person unless they are out of the country or disabled. These countries tried mail-in voting and eliminated it in the face of widespread fraud.

Americans need to get smart. Convenience shouldn’t take priority over security. Before you board a plane, you have to wait in line while your carry-ons are inspected. It’s inconvenient but worth it.

The same is true for voting. When you turn on the TV on election night to watch the returns, you want to know the results are honest, whether your candidate wins or not.

America has one year to get the job done.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. 


Betsy McCaughey | Daily Caller


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Worry, It’s Not Foreign Aid…It’s Corporate Welfare!

Tue, 2023-11-14 23:30 +0000

Faced with growing American frustration over more than $100 billion spent on a failed proxy war in Ukraine, President Biden’s handlers have hit on a gimmick to convince us that this foreign aid is actually an investment in our own economy!

In his recent television address, Biden explained that as we transfer more weapons to Ukraine, we will then build new weapons at home to replace them. That, explained Biden, means more American jobs and a stronger American economy.

So, “Project Ukraine” is not really about foreign welfare but rather domestic corporate welfare for the military-industrial complex. Should that make us feel any better?

There is no denying that this nearly two-year Ukraine/Russia war has been a boon for the US weapons industry. Profits at the military-industrial complex are back to record highs after a brief slump during the Covid scare. And the money that goes to the weapons manufacturers also saturates Washington, DC: a little of it goes to the think tanks promoting war, another little bit goes to the political campaigns of candidates who promote war, and so on.

As Connor O’Keeffe reminds us in a recent article at the Mises Institute, the arguments that more war spending is good for the economy ignore the “broken window fallacy” as first explained by French economist Frédéric Bastiat in his essay, “That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen.” In the tale, a shopkeeper has a window broken and must pay to have it replaced. The locals view the mishap favorably, as they see the $50 for a new window to be a benefit to the glazier, which he will then spend, thus improving the economy as a whole. What is not seen, however, is what the shopkeeper might have done with that same $50 had he not been forced to replace a broken window. Perhaps he would have invested it in a way that created far more wealth and more jobs.

Unfortunately, Biden is not alone in coming up with new gimmicks to enable Washington to operate in a “business as usual” manner.

New House Speaker Mike Johnson has also been busy trying to convince us that sending money overseas is actually good for our own economy. Over the weekend, he appeared on Fox News to tell us that sending another $14 billion to the wealthy nation of Israel is Republicans “trying to be good stewards of the taxpayer’s resources.” How is that? Well, he came up with the gimmick that they would cut $14 billion from the IRS and send it to Israel.

Said Johnson, “Instead of printing new dollars or borrowing it from another nation to send over to fulfill our obligations and help our ally, we want to pay for it. What a concept! We are trying to change how Washington works.”

See the trick here? They are not “paying for it” by sending the money overseas, and they are not “changing how Washington works” by doing the exact same thing they always do: stealing from the poor at home to send to the rich in foreign countries.

Instead of trying to trick Americans into thinking that foreign aid and corporate welfare are good for our economy, why not just stop breaking all of our windows? Just end all foreign aid and corporate welfare!


Ron Paul | Ron Paul Institute

Copyright © 2023 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nineteen DC-Republicans Help Democrats Prevent Impeachment of Mayorkas

Tue, 2023-11-14 22:00 +0000

Vote Republican! Vote Republican! Vote Republican! Yeah, right. I previously posted about how enough DC Republicans joined with the Democrats to reward that domestic terror institution called the FBI with a new $300 million headquarters.

The latest (11/14 – 10 AM) … DC-Republicans help the Democrats prevent the impeachment of Mayorkas. But just keep pretending that open borders are a D vs. R issue.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DeSantis Tells the RNC (very nicely) to Kiss His Ass …

Tue, 2023-11-14 20:30 +0000

Kudos to Governor Ron and the DeSantis campaign for pushing back on the Ronna National Committee (RNC). The Party tried to prevent presidential candidates from participating in an upcoming round table event in Iowa. The Party said it was a debate, and if they attended, they could be excluded from their debates.

Care of RedState.


“It has come to the attention of the RNC Counsel’s Office that several Republican presidential candidates have been invited to participate in an open-press event in Iowa in November at which they would ‘gather around the table to have a moderated, friendly, and open discussion about the issues.’ In other words, a debate,” the RNC counsel’s office said in a letter obtained by CNN.

“Accordingly, please be advised that any Republican presidential candidate who participates in this or other similar events will be deemed to have violated this pledge and will be disqualified from taking part in any future RNC-sanctioned presidential primary debates,” the office said.


DeSantis said, isn’t that cute, but I’m going.



That doesn’t leave the RNC with a lot of wiggle room. Their debates are already losing their audience. VermontGrok’s Rob Roper dropped a piece yesterday suggesting that folks like DeSantis and Haley might be better off if they stopped participating in those. Trump has fared well by refusing to add his ring to that circus. So, it has to be on people’s minds.

What exactly are these Republican Debates doing for me polling-wise?

Not a lot. I haven’t seen anyone move much after these debates except perhaps Vivek, but each debate brings a new version of him, so voters may not know which Ramaswamy they’ll be getting.

And the RNC hasn’t exactly gone out of its way to consistently ensure they have moderators that Republican voters might trust – especially primary voters, who are more tuned in than most of the electorate.

Good on DeSantis for standing up and saying this isn’t a debate and getting the RNC to back down. Now he needs to do something about his Nikki Haley problem, or he’ll be the defacto third-place candidate.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH Families Are Choosing To Spend Their EFA Funds in a Variety of Ways, Including at Public Schools

Tue, 2023-11-14 19:00 +0000

As New Hampshire’s Education Freedom Accounts (EFAs) gain popularity, confusion about how the money is spent continues to cloud public discussion.

Contrary to some of the rhetoric used to describe the program, EFA funds are not exclusively reserved for covering tuition costs at private schools. A breakdown of authorized EFA spending in the last fiscal year shows that less than two-thirds of the money was spent on nonpublic school tuition, and some even went to pay for courses at district public schools.

From September 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, the Children’s Scholarship Fund New Hampshire, the state-approved administrator of the EFA program, authorized upwards of $10 million in spending submitted for approval by parents.

About 63% of those funds (nearly $6.6 million) covered tuition and fees at nonpublic schools. Of the 116 private schools that received EFA funds, 63 (or 54%) could be classified as “religious” schools—schools with a religious component to their operations or curriculum. The other 53 (or 46%) included secular nonpublic schools as well as alternative education providers and unconventional models, such as learning pods, microschools, homeschool co-ops, etc.

If tuition and fees at private schools accounted for only 63% of EFA spending in the last fiscal year, then where did the other 37% go?

Parents are allowed to spend EFA money on authorized educational uses, such as textbooks, instructional materials, tutoring, and some limited infrastructure such as computers and Internet services.

In the last fiscal year, parents spent 17% of EFA funds on textbooks, supplies, and other instructional materials, 8.4% on tuition and fees for summer education and specialized education programs, 5.2% on computer hardware, Internet connectivity, and other technological services, 2.6% on tutoring services, and 1.3% on tuition and fees for private/nonpublic online learning programs.

Parents spread the remaining 2.5% among educational services and therapies, educational software, fees for standardized assessments and other exams, school uniforms, tuition and fees at career and technical schools, tuition and fees at institutions of higher education, and individual classes, curricular activities, and programs at district public and charter schools.

In fact, New Hampshire families directed $27,328.88 to 12 district public schools to help pay for individual courses and programs offered at those schools to supplement their children’s education.

Tuition at nonpublic schools certainly accounts for a sizable portion of EFA funding, but focusing solely on tuition at these schools misses the broad variety of choices parents are making.

Whether it’s paying for a tutoring service like Mathnasium of Nashua, music therapy services at Manchester Community Music School, tuition at Saplings, A Forest & Nature Preschool, LLC, textbooks and supplies at Amazon and Staples, a class at Souhegan High School, or AP tests through the College Board, the EFA program opens up a host of educational options for families.

It also misses the important point that some families are choosing to purchase services from district public schools.

The portion of EFA spending at district public schools is small right now for two likely reasons: (1) Families using the program now are primarily seeking alternatives to the public school system, and (2) district public schools aren’t accustomed to marketing themselves to parents and providing a-la-carte services (in other words, competing for those dollars).

As EFAs grow, district public schools will need to adapt by offering services that attract parents who’ve been empowered to decide where to spend their state adequate education grants. When they do, their share of EFA spending will rise.

The competitive forces created by a growing EFA program can be expected to produce a net benefit for all students, those who use EFAs and those who don’t. Dozens of studies have already shown that the introduction of school choice programs produces positive results for students who remain in traditional public schools. There’s no reason to expect different results in New Hampshire.

According to the Department of Education, 4,211 New Hampshire students are currently participating in the state’s largest school choice program this academic year. That’s a 39% increase (1,186 students) from last year’s starting enrollment, and a 158% increase (2,576 students) from the EFA program’s first year in 2021.

As EFA enrollment grows, its competitive forces will strengthen, leading to further adjustments among all educational providers in the state and a larger variety of opportunities for New Hampshire students.


Mitchell Scacchi | JBartlett

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Lay Down with Environmentalist Dogs You Might Wake up With Jew-Hating Marxist Fleas

Tue, 2023-11-14 17:30 +0000

It would be an understatement to say that Greta Thunberg is a child of the Left. She was a darling, marketed alongside the climate lie to advance the redistribution of Western Wealth and the goals of global economic socialism.

Thunberg exploded in the progressive consciousness after a climate dog and pony show at the UN. Statues and murals followed. She was Time Magazine’s Marxist Person of the Year. It is all part of a crafted image repackaged to inspire young people to embrace the unscientific cult of Climate Change and the goal of destroying free markets and capitalism.

And you are what they feed you. Muppet Greta has grown up on a diet of political progressivism augmented by the hyperbolic popularity of a Left-Wing media darling. But she grew up. Not nearly as “cute” as she was (not that she ever was), the media lost some interest, but Thunberg still craved the glow. And not content to just be wrong about the Climate, Thunberg has expanded her ignorance.

She, who would protest to defend the rights of indigenous peoples, has decided that thousands of years of history in the area that is now Israel means that those who attack it have more rights than the Jews whose ancestors lived there.

Thunberg has chosen to be pro-Palestine (a label created when some white Europeans did something), siding with the pro-terrorism faction in the name of climate colonialism, justice, and diversity (Yadda Yadda). In defense of a religious “culture” and the violent ideology it spawns that is relatively new to the area but that has deliberately killed or run off Christians and Jews from every other corner of the Middle East but Israel.

As noted above, I suspect that after years of partisan fandom, she’s just itching to see her name in the press (though, more likely, she is just an idiot).



Not everyone is excited about how she chooses to branch out, but they may want to get used to it. If being an anti-semite proves to attract more glowing lights and microphones, she’ll be transitioning to full-time Jew-hater faster than the ‘consensus’ changes its mind to ensure the “science” still aligns with their politics.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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