The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 47 sec ago

Night Cap: Nothing Could Be Finer, Than to Beat Haley in ‘Carolina’ … With 60% of the Vote [Update]

Sun, 2024-02-25 03:00 +0000

Nationally, Trump is ahead by nearly 60 points. Yesterday, Trafalgar had Trump up by 20+ points in SC. Today, inevitability has again raised its head as the real numbers finally roll in from South Carolina—another sweeping victory with what looks like 60 percent of primary voters choosing President Trump.

One thing I’m noticing as results from the primary continue to come in is Nikki Haley’s relative strength in Columbia and Charleston — two of the most Democratic-leaning areas in South Carolina. We don’t yet know just how many Democrats skipped their party’s contest on Feb. 3 in order to support her tonight. But it seems her campaign message has broken through to some.

Donald Trump has claimed all but three counties in the entire state (Charleston, Richland, and Beaufort), which has inspired the New York Times to update this headline.

Trump Defeats Haley, Delivering a Crushing Blow in Her Home State


It’s not a surprise; from what I recall, she has never polled well enough there to come even close. Sadly for the party, losing in her home state by double digits – typically an embarrassing drubbing in any other circumstance – is not a reason to acquiesce. She’s convinced that 60+ percent of Republicans isn’t the message. The other 39% are – keeping in mind that were it the other way around, it would be a different story.

But Haley has gobs of Deep State cash to burn and no reason to stop. She won’t be out by Super Tuesday or after. Her backers won’t want that. Every dollar they spent that forces Trump to spend money improves the odds that his Democrat opponents win in November.

That’s my take from here. The Republican moderates are more interested in losing, and the American people should take note.

As for Nikki Haley, what she should be thinking is about the words of Russ Kahn (Carolina in the Morning)

Dreaming was meant for nighttime
I live in dreams all the day
I know it’s not the right time
But still, I dream away
What could be sweeter than dreaming
Just dreaming and drifting away

They aren’t the most memorable lyrics from the 1922 song, but if you’re on team Haley, plenty could be finer than to be in (South) Carolina the morning after the 2024 primary – no matter how you spin it.

[Update] As the Carolina morning breaks Trump’ “crushing blow” is slightly under 60% (59.8)

And with 44 out of 50 Delegates allotted Trup has 107 to Haley’s 17 (with DeSantis and Ramaswamay Trump’s count is 129).

Michigan has a primary on Tuesday, the  27th. Michigan, Idaho, and Missouri have Caucuses in two days (March 2nd). DC votes on March 3rd, and North Dakota on March 4th. Sixteen primaries happen on Super Tuesday (March 5th). A total of 1077 delegates are up for grabs from now until then.

Not enough to sew up the abomination was Trump to sweep, but you only need 1215 to ring the bell and there are 12 more primaries in March.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Judge Says Law Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote is Unconstitutional

Sun, 2024-02-25 01:00 +0000

My neighbors in Vermont passed a law allowing illegal aliens to vote in local elections, probably because all the cool progressive “kids” are doing it. Not far from the Green Mountains, New York City did something similar. Local Law No. 11, as it was called, would have stuffed ballot boxes with non-citizen votes.

It would, had it not just been struck down.

Appeal Court Justice Paul Wooten struck down the insane law, writing that, “We determine that this local law was enacted in violation of the New York State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void.”

The goofy, irrational 2022 law, supported by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, also lost at the trial court level. The City appealed that earlier decision, and has now lost again. Back in 2022, the Associated Press estimated Local Law 11 would create over eight hundred thousand new non-citizen voters.

New Hampshire doesn’t have anything like that in the queue, but there is a bill (SB501) that would allow the state to give non-citizen driver’s licenses to anyone “Who has been granted conditional or permanent residence by the United States government.” That sounds like anyone the Biden Admin let in, but even if that’s not true,  a driver’s license is a ticket to same-day voting in the Granite State. State ID is proof of residency. Out-of-state college kids can still use Dorm IDs, so a state-issued license to drive suggests a desire to expand the Democrat’s “Love the One You’re Wit” approach to voting rights. And once you’re on the checklist, you can vote in every election as long as you have a valid driver’s license.

The narrative is that everyone should be able to vote by mail unless they are in New Hampshire on election day, in which case such demands are vote suppression. And we know they want them to vote in our elections, so it’s useless to deny it.

Meanwhile, back in the Big Crapple.


New York’s been bitching about the huddled masses teeming on its shores (and taking up hotel rooms that could be filled with paying tourists). After the Trump fine, businesses have fled, investment dollars are looking for a way out, and now this?

A problem that solves itself if, for some reason, they were all going to vote for Trump. Adams and the Bidenistas would have them on every boat and plane they could find, back to anywhere but here.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mid-Vermont Girls Team Headed to Championship Despite Legal Battles

Sat, 2024-02-24 23:00 +0000

The beleaguered girls’ varsity basketball team from Mid-Vermont Christian School in Quechee, VT, is headed to the New England Association of Christian Schools Championship game.  This is a year after they made international headlines for taking a principled stand against playing a school boasting a biological male athlete, identifying as “trans,” standing nearly 6’3” tall.

The school is currently awaiting a trial hearing for the suit brought on their behalf by Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a non-profit legal firm.  The suit names head coach Chris Goodwin and his wife as the chief plaintiffs, especially on behalf of their children, who have been unfairly punished as a result of Vermont athletic policy being levied against them rather than on behalf of their constitutionally protected religious freedom of conscience.  Among the defendants are Vermont Principal’s Association Executive Director Jay Nichols, Interim Secretary of Vermont Agency of Education Heather Bouchey, Chair of the Vermont State Board of Education Jennifer Deck Samuelson, Windsor Southeast Supervisory Union Superintendent Hartland School Board, Orange East Supervisory Union Superintendent Randall Gawel, and the Waits River Valley School Board.

The irony escaping many in Vermont is the call for tolerance and inclusion by those in power somehow doesn’t extend to the small private school.  The same oppressor versus oppressed ideology the state of Vermont has imbibed and adopted from its political activists, including those crafting policies and laws, somehow misses the very obvious power of the state oppressing a tiny Christian school with even smaller girls playing against a well-funded private school that recruits from across the country.  However, this philosophical argument is not the crux of the matter, but rather the constitutional protection the school and students have per the first amendment.  This is the case being made by the ADF lawyers, who are no strangers to battling case law against the state of Vermont, which has repeatedly violated the rights of its citizens.

After speaking with ADF’s Media Relations Manager, Jaqueline Robeiro, she sent along the press releases and case filings as presented to the Vermont District Court, as well as other cases ADF has taken in the state.  Among them are parents and the Burlington Diocese case, which was won back in 2022, changing a twenty-year history of religious discrimination by the state. At the root of this case was the state withholding tuition from students of religious schools while offering them to other students who were eligible for the same benefit, the only difference being the religious nature of the student.

As a tax-payer and Christian myself, the stunning arrogance of public officials living off the largesse of tax money we, the earners, provide the state, to then deny us the very money we provide over constitutionally protected religious freedoms is the height of political oppression.  Specifically, the government is an institution built from the money of the people for the will of the people and supports itself with armed enforcement to enact that will.  To use the enforcing power of the state against religious people who simply want equal rights to an education violates true equity and is also tyranny.

Luckily, the ADF has a record of winning these cases, even in Vermont.

Also with a record of winning are the young ladies representing MVCS today (Saturday) in the championship game held at the Central Christian Academy in Southington, CT, at 1pm.  Though embroiled in an international story of controversy, the bantam team known as the Eagles has soared above the fray to win the NEACS Northern division and will face off against the champions of the Southern division from Central Christian.

The Eagles’ continue their David vs. Goliath saga as they bring not only an undersized team with only eight of a possible twelve players, they have no seniors while having to bring up more than one eighth grader to fill out their starting five.  MVCS Assistant Coach Helen Jenks is encouraged by the team’s growth over the season and ability to scrap with bigger and more experienced teams.

On their road to the championship, they have had to come from behind on more than one occasion carried by sometimes sharp-shooting guard, eighth-grader Myranda Goodwin, who hit three three-point goals in the Northern finals to bolster the Eagles to victory.  MVCS inside game is shored up by Lydia Dickey, who stands a solid 6’ and has the physical strength to dominate in the post.  Her 17 points, 15 rebounds, 5 steals, 2 blocks, and 1 assist in the semi-finals led to her being awarded the tournament MVP.

Though many schools may have succumbed to the media pressure and social ostracism so common in today’s cancel culture, the Eagles prove their faith is at least the size of a mustard seed, if not as big as a full-grown tree.  The story of this team reminds one of yet another Bible lesson taught by Joseph to his brothers, whom he admonished, “What you intended for evil, God intended for good.”

With any luck, the defendants who’ve used the power of government in Vermont to violate the rights of these girls will come to the same realization.

but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dem Rep on Unborn Baby’s Heart: It Is No More a Heart Than It is a Hamburger

Sat, 2024-02-24 21:00 +0000

If you support ending new human life up to the point of birth, then I doubt there’s much hope of convincing you that a heartbeat is something worth protecting.  Democrats (at least most elected ones) fit into that box, and if they don’t, their party crams them in there or harasses them until they quit.

And ironically, they don’t really have a choice.

The “people before the politics” party does not brook dissent on the matter. You follow their lead, or you are the enemy. So, politics before people, not that you didn’t know that or see it coming. That is why they are unhappy about a recent ruling out of Alabama regarding the personhood of frozen embryos. It pute people before politics by giving personhood status to the unborn.

The state’s highest court decided that “extrauterine children” – or unborn children “located outside of a biological uterus at the time they are killed” – are children, and they are covered under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor law.” It is an obscure example that does not exactly apply to unborn children inside the uterus, but it has opened a door that the conception to live-birth abortion advocates can’t abide; if Alabama got that, it could spread like a virus.

If the unborn are recognized as people, they have rights, and you can’t indiscriminately kill them. If they can’t kill them, all that tax money laundered to Planned Parenthood returns to Democrats as campaign contributions dries up. How, then – given the complete disregard for young women’s privacy and safety (transwomen) – do they keep them voting for team blue? Related: The Baby Killers in the Lump of Cells Collective Just Had a Narrative Aborted

Personhood is a recurring problem for the political Left, where it is more likely to take precedence on the right. Parents before politics, if you like. Part of which is the rights of the unborn recognized in the Alabama decision.

A local constituent of Democrat NH House Rep Tommy Hoyt asked if he would submit legislation in New Hampshire to advance a similar position in the state to protect the unborn.

Hoyt, a proper lockstep Democrat, responded as you’d expect but with a narrative bonus that could have legs all the way to November.

For those unfamiliar, hamburger is ground beef.

You grind beef, after which you can create something that might look like this.

As opposed to this.

Hamburger heart? It’s an interesting assumption, which I assume means that Mr. Hoyt objected to illegal fetal organ harvesting by groups like Planned Parenthood (busted in 2015) because what possible good could that hamburger be to some other ‘baby’? And if the heart is hamburger, what are the other organs collected as viable transplants?

Not hamburger. Liver, that seems easy enough. Kidney, Lung tissues that our baby-making elites might need in the event their newborn children (Wagyu beef) need some sort of biological enrichment.

I didn’t have the time to chase down Hoyt’s reaction, if any, to the practice, but if I had to guess, he defended it without contradiction or any sense of hypocrisy. Choice and all.

I could be wrong.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Administration Blames Putin For US Inflation

Sat, 2024-02-24 19:00 +0000

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for inflation in the US. Much like blaming the border crisis on Republicans despite years of Trump wrangling to “Build That Wall,” this effort to project American inflation onto Putin’s shoulders rings hollow.

Examining this false claim exposes greater truths – Biden policies, including sanctions against Russia, gargantuan spending bills, COVID-19 lockdowns, and attacks on fossil fuels … All these have directly fueled US inflation without any help from Vlad.

Habitual Russia-Blaming

In her January 30 iteration of the “Putin did this!” stance regarding inflation, Ms. Jean-Pierre stated:

“Putin’s war …  has caused prices to go up, and so the President took action to make sure gas prices went down, which they have, and we’re coming out of this pandemic, so all of those things have been part of where inflation is, but inflation is moderating….”

This is hardly the first time the Biden White House has cited Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (or the pandemic) as the cause of US inflation, and certainly there is more than one factor that can influence price hikes. Yet Biden’s sanctions against Russia have spiked prices (and somebody blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline). Sanctions have had no measurable effect on Russia’s economy but have pushed up global inflation.

Stimulus Spending Increased Inflation

However, ignoring the impacts of at least two massive Biden spending initiatives – the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) – disregards basic monetary theory as well as statements by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen that the surge of money into the economy had boosted inflation. Former Obama National Economic Counsel head Larry Summers strongly warned that such a huge stimulus package as ARPA dangerously threatened to fuel inflation, but he was disregarded.

Economist and monetary policy expert Milton Friedman emphatically urged that “Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon:” Nothing is more directly impactful of monetary value than money supply.  Famous examples of reckless currency management that unleashed vicious hyperinflation include Robert Mugabe’s  Zimbabwe, Germany’s Weimar Republic, and post-WWII Hungary. Printing money excessively dilutes the value of any currency.

Biden Blame Game

This possibility persistently eludes President Biden, who has also repeatedly scapegoated “supply chain disruptions” as the inflationary culprit. Yet these disruptions resulted from excessive payments to American consumers under ARPA. Steven Rattner, a former counselor to the Treasury Secretary during the Obama Administration, observed in 2022 that supply delays were caused by “vast amounts of government rescue aid (including three rounds of stimulus checks),” and that “Blaming inflation on supply lines is like complaining about your sweater keeping you too warm after you’ve added several logs to the fireplace.”

National Public Radio conceded that ARPA spending seeded inflation but ironically sought to defend Biden by blaming the citizenry:

Had everyone gotten vaccinated, or had the Delta and Omicron variants not burst onto the scene, the economy and President Biden’s approval ratings might well look a lot better. Economists have been telling us since the beginning of the pandemic that the best way to recover from the pandemic is to end the pandemic. It’s hard to end the pandemic when large chunks of society aren’t cooperating.

On the contrary, many argue that lockdowns caused economic harm and that vaccines did not perform as advertised. These would constitute additional Biden failures, which compounded the inflationary impacts of overspending.

The IRA that followed exploited the monetary crisis caused by overspending to … spend more! Cloaked in the name of reducing inflation, the spending spree for renewable products that were the real goal did nothing to reverse inflation. The purchase of solar panels, EVs, and heat pumps under IRA was regressively provided to those who could afford them while running up the national debt for workers and retirees who couldn’t. Later, the president himself abandoned all pretense that the IRA would reduce inflation, arguing at a New Mexico fundraiser that it “has nothing to do with inflation. It has to do with the $368 billion, the single-largest investment in climate change anywhere in the world, anywhere.”

Joe Biden’s open war against fossil fuels, pipelines, and oil and gas drilling clearly drove gasoline and fuel prices high – before Russia invaded Ukraine. Then the administration claimed the president rescued Americans from gasoline inflation (allegedly caused by price-gouging energy companies, not efforts to eliminate fossil fuels by government edict) when he released supplies from the nation’s emergency reserves.

Stop the Spending!

The federal government has steadily gouged the real value of Americans’ savings, retirement accounts, and fixed-income payments by essentially printing too much money. The interest payments required to service the nation’s $34.2 trillion debt will drag down the economy and reduce the resources available for public services. Every penny of IRA and ARPA spending was borrowed money, adding to that intergenerational tab.

Blaming Putin for US inflation is like trying to blame Republicans for the open southern border with Mexico. Voters can easily see that Biden’s policies have contributed to both problems. But it’s easier to secure the border than it is to reverse inflation: Both Janet Yellen and Jerome Powell recently stated the consumer price increases of the last few years are very unlikely to come down – ever.



John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

School Funding and Mental Health – Another Example of Government Trying to Grow to Fix A Problem it Created

Sat, 2024-02-24 17:00 +0000

It is a classic tale of progressive woe; years of lousy policy create a problem that those responsible insist needs more funding … for them to fix it. The correct course of action is to fire all of them, take back your money and power, and do something different, but it is a hill they are prepared to die on.

Bad pandemic policy did a world of damage, but nothing is as insidious as telling a child with no concept of sex and gender that they might be in the wrong body. These narratives are ubiquitous in public education, which is using the damage they’ve done to permit schools to operate like mental health clinics. As if you would give an institution that can’t teach kids to read and write carte blanch to treat the mental illness they created.

Public Schools, with few exceptions, exist to break things, your children, then put them back together in the progressive image. It kills some of them, ruins many, and sterilizes some while forever claiming they need more resources. More money, more personnel, more of everything but parental rights or involvement.

It’s a nationwide act of kidnapping where the ransom money is your tax bill, and everyone pays it forever. Here in New Hampshire, they get unelected judges to create rights for which other people must pay. Pro Tip: if it’s a right, it’s free.

Over in Vermont, they’ve got problems, too, not the least of which is deciding the next phase in their multi-generational mission to f*** with the children. It’s expensive and has a lot of moving pieces, and to keep the wheels coming off the bus, the legislature is going to have to piss some people off.

Lucky for Vermonters, those are the lawmakers they’ve been electing.

“Vermont is challenged by the fact that we have a foot in the past and a foot in the future,” said Jeff Francis, executive director of the superintendents’ association. “We’ve really wanted to hang on to small schools as the center of every community and, at the same time, make sure that we have robust opportunity for every child in the state.

Francis said Vermont’s values of “rural, bucolic and local” are at odds with running an efficient, modern educational system.

Montpelier Roxbury Public School District superintendent Libby Bonesteel provided one example. In her district, Roxbury Village School has 13 full-time staff for just 42 students. From an operational standpoint, it would be easy to close the school and bring those students to Montpelier’s Union Elementary without any additional costs, Bonesteel said. But it’s not a decision school board members can make quickly or unilaterally because of how important the school is to members of the Roxbury community.

School boards “need legislators’ help and support and backing when they come to a community with a decision that might be hard,” Bonesteel said.

Roxbury Villiage can probably solve this themselves, beginning with asking why they need a full-time staffer for every three students. It seems like they could do this with less and a little ingenuity because sending them to Montpelier Union Elementary sounds like an intellectual death sentence—one that follows the mental health vein, according to the same experts.

[Superintendent Libby] Bonesteel said most districts in the state, including hers, are now offering alternative programs for students whose behavioral and mental health challenges make it impossible for them to be in a traditional classroom. She said her district doubled its spending on social-emotional and mental health services in the past three years, from $1.5 million to $3 million. It’s yielded positive results, including a reduction in hazing, harassment and bullying investigations, and suspensions. But those results come with a price.

“We need high-quality staff to help these kids with what their needs are,” Bonesteel said.

A more accurate assessment would be, we’ve screwed up your kids, and we’d like to expand our funding, power, and influence, but we need you to pay for it. It’s like a mugging that never ends. A Mafia extortion racket. Protection money. You pay us, and we won’t hurt you. Your kids, on the other hand, are doomed, but if you try to take them back, that might not end well for you either.

But it will. Vermont needs Education Freedom Accounts. It needs to link the money to the student, and the success will likely follow for a fraction of the cost. That’s what Roxbury Villiage likely needs. Find a few parents willing to homeschool, create your own cooperative, schedule learning based on ability, and get other parents involved to help kids get caught up.

They could probably hire tutors or a private operation for a thimble full of what Vermont is currently milking them to screw with their kid’s heads while failing to teach them anything approaching academics.

The Public school model is broken. It has lost its way and fails to provide value. In America, that is an invitation to innovators, and they are out there. So, the problem for voters is not how to fix public schools but how to force them to fix themselves.

Just say no. No more money. No new duties or responsibilities. We’re stripping some from you until you show competency at the core purpose of teaching children to read, write, and do math, and not what to learn but how to learn.

You’ve failed your assessment again. We should no longer reward you for failure.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Complicity Galore

Sat, 2024-02-24 15:00 +0000

Beginning in 1789, America’s Constitutional form of limited governing took effect. As our new country became established, its authority was limited, as was its revenue – due to its meager tariff-based revenue – so if there was debt back then, it was minor and of brief duration.

Our travails from then till today’s outlaw authority, which finances a slew of unconstitutional domestic and foreign expenditures, is at such a depth that it must waste hundreds of billions just to satisfy its interest on the debt!

Such indebtedness presents the harsh truth of a government that has long since shed those limiting shackles. A small item, but never-the-less attributable to this monstrous authority, is the inflated salaries of our handsomely paid “public servants.” In theory and reality, the term “public servant” is only applicable to those days of horse and buggy travel since, back then, one’s service involved personal sacrifice for the betterment of America. Not so today!

A normal outgrowth from such corrupt and inefficient governing, is the lesser quality in many of the many elected. Selfless service disappeared when the glitter of gold transformed those former “servants” to that of being career minded while eyeballing a more than affordable lifetime of benefits. This has become so lucrative that contestants for office usually begin under the tutelage of one’s local political “machinery.” After all, the posts being offered are not only prestigious but lucrative, so while many apply, only a few of the eager and manageable are chosen!

Sadly, this devalued quality in the elected merely shadows the public ranks from which they are selected. I do not intend to insult, but it’s plain to see from this governmental reversal from a limited authority to our current “in-the-red” version that all this has happened without a peep from our citizens!

Other players, such as academia and our former “free press,” had to be included so that this ongoing and unheeded governmental transformation could effectively continue. This effort has operated at a gradual pace so as not to spark public attention. From a before and after comparison, what began as “limited” is now a full-throttle pedal to the metal abuse!

Usually, pursuits that are illegal lack any overall merit. This is one reason why they are forbidden by law; they lack any benefit or any betterment for our Country. As such, these criminal actions feed into the immediacy of the group’s demands, which espouses an ideology that is immoral, unGodly, and, of course, anti-American. Basically, this is the current revisionist agenda with its aim to blanket our countryside. Therefore, this wide-ranging undertaking necessitates collaborations with players holding national prominence and influence. This can be validated by the corruptive designs and effective influences from the two willing and complicit examples previously mentioned: academia and the media. Both have been deeply entangled over a very lengthy period of time and have been highly influential with their unfounded opinions at the student and throughout the variety of public information levels.

In the former case, an area in which the government lacks any legal claim to be, fundamental learning has been slowly revamped to the point that it now has invaded the inner sanctuary of the American family while at the same time attempting to challenge mother nature! In the second case, what has evolved, and it’s not just a recent development, can be adequately characterized with its new and very accurate logo of “fake news.”

Today’s Americans are living in what might be a “never-never land,” that is, a momentary existence between freedom and slavery. What else is there to think when all these societal and cultural revisions carry the same anti-American banner? If this fails to convince, explain this state of indebtedness while defiantly championing trillions to foreign countries!

Common sense is the only requirement to see that this latest act of unconstitutional spending is just a shorter and more direct path to a national state of dependency! However, what this move also suggests is that these revisionists might just be getting impatient, given today’s political landscape and its increased questioning by an awakened citizenry. So, as we remember George Washington’s birthday, its appropriateness must not be overlooked. He managed to achieve a “limited government,” so he and his memory may again fuel America’s embrace of renewal, one that would require sanity and sacrifice for limited governing!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

As Australia Considers Clothing Regulations (To Save The Planet), Who Doesn’t See Where “This” is Leading?

Sat, 2024-02-24 13:00 +0000

According to people who think this sort of thing matters, the fashion industry produces more emissions than international flights and maritime shipping combined. According to a climate minister down under, the solution is to launder money from clothing makers (consumers) into government programs.

This is the way.

The clothing industry is … the fourth-most polluting industry in the world, generating somewhere between 4 to 8 per cent of global emissions.

The minister is currently considering whether to intervene in the sector to improve its recycling and reuse efforts, which could include minimum design standards or mandating fashion brands contribute to a green fund for every piece of clothing they make or import and put to market.

A few paragraphs later, the fashion industry is responsible for 10% of emissions, so we might save the planet by writing shorter articles about clothing “emissions.” Had they stopped at 4-8%, we would have saved 2-6% off the top without fees, fines, or revolving government green funds (green meaning money).

Under the scheme, members must pay a 4 cent contribution to the Seamless program for every piece of clothing they make or import, though footwear, single-use protective wear and accessories are excluded.

Seamless funding would then go towards clothing collection and sorting, research and recycling projects, education campaigns and other work to help coordinate the industry’s green efforts.

The Fashion Council estimates the scheme will raise about $36 million each year, and up to $60 million if it became mandatory for the sector to contribute.

Let me translate. The government will drive up the cost of clothes to fund political friends and family pretending to save the environment (also known as “donors”). Maybe they should skip all the foreplay and start handing out Mao Suits.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Tried Wiping Out All Student Debt

Sat, 2024-02-24 11:00 +0000

In spite of all MAGA resistance, Joe Biden continues to cancel student debt in spite of the fact that the United States Supreme Court ruled that Joe Biden could not forgive student loans. Biden continues to find the money to bribe students and buy millions of votes. Joe Biden is shameless in securing one of the few remaining blocks of voters he has not lost. He is not canceling student loan debt. He is transferring the burden for these loans to people who do not deserve the responsibility but have no choice in the matter.

Biden may be buying a specific group of voters, but he alienates many others. People who have already paid their loans or students entering college today will not benefit from Biden’s transfer of wealth. People who opted not to go the college route but took up a trade and spent years paying their dues while they worked towards a license will not realize forgiveness in their investment but will instead be asked to settle the debt of others. Strike that. They were not asked. Joe Biden told them to ante up and pay their fair share for college grads unable to pay their way.

On Wednesday, Biden spent time with a Black family who will benefit from his executive order to forgive their student loans. I specify a Black family, for they were not chosen by chance. He was scoring a double win. Look at me forgiving debts that are unconstitutional and doing it for Black families. Make sure you get your mail-in votes early.

Joe Biden is destroying this country, and the student block is his Bull Run. He destroyed the economy with 19% inflation for the first three years of his presidency. He has let 7 million unvetted illegal migrants come across the border he opened and watched as they spread across the country, making every state a border state. He has weakened our stand on the international stage as he botched the Afghanistan retreat, abandoned Israel as they retaliated against an assault by Hamas, and continues to send billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine to fight a winless war but benefits from personal kickbacks of American’s money. He has turned his back on police as his supporters installed DAs who refused to prosecute crimes destroying many of our great cities. He has allowed our homeless numbers, specifically the military, to explode and stood idle as 100,000 die each year from poisoning from Chinese Fentanyl. He has destroyed our energy independence with the stroke of a pen and has secured the support of the UAW as he kills thousands of jobs pushing for conversion to electric vehicles.

This shameless, feeble old man spent the day sucking up to smiling college grads who now enjoy a free ride for their useless education. At the same time, most Americans look at the last three years and ask what happened to the retirement and life we worked to secure, only to see the worst President in our lifetime destroy it all to finish the transformation of America promised by Barack Obama. Biden may have tried to wipe out all student debt, but instead, he destroyed America and the American dream.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: You Can’t Get More Extreme On Abortion, Than US Democrats

Sat, 2024-02-24 03:00 +0000

Democrats will run on abortion to win elections by convincing a demographic (women, but primarily young women and, to a degree, young men who want sex without responsibility) that their political opponents’ position on the issue is extreme.

The facts tell a different story.

Two hundred seventeen countries or territories limit abortion to six months or less, with 149 of those prohibiting by-request abortion completely (where life or health are not an issue). To put that in contrast, Democrats in my home state of New Hampshire ran ads claiming the Granite State’s law limiting abortion after six months (with an exception to protect the life of the mother) was out of step and extreme. It is, in fact, the American left’s position that extreme and out of step with most of humanity. 

Austria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland, and Ukraine prohibit on-demand abortion after three months (12 weeks or, in the case of Italy, 90 days). Yes, Lefties, Ukraine. Belgium, Luxembourg, Romania, and Spain prohibit on-demand abortion after 14 weeks (still roughly three months). France prohibits on-demand abortion after 16 weeks, Sweden after 18 weeks, and The Netherlands after six months. Lichtenstein and Poland prohibit all on-demand abortion, as does…” Palestine” and Israel, both in the news quite a bit in recent months.

Life of the Mother

Eleven of the 229 “states or territories for which we have data prohibit abortion to save the mother’s life.

Eighty-two (82) permit it (some with minor exceptions), (90) have no limits, (23) prohibit abortion to save a mother’s life after six months of pregnancy, and (4) allow it up to seven months. In Montenegro, you can abort to save the mother’s life for up to eight months.


In total, 171 countries or territories prohibit or limit aborting pregnancies resulting from rape. It is prohibited in (84) countries or regions, while only (7) have no limits or restrictions. (87) allow abortion up to six months, with (25) permitting it up to 20 weeks or less – and another (25) ending the practice by 12 weeks.

In the US, it varies by state, with Saudi Arabia only permitting pregnancy caused by rape to be aborted for 40 days after conception.


The American political left objects to any position, including among members of its party, other than abortion up to birth, where the newborn is killed before it fully exits the womb. That is their position. It does not brook dissent, making it the most extreme position on planet Earth.

It is extreme, even in America, where a super-majority of voters are more than comfortable with ending the practice of abortion after six months (with life of the mother exceptions), which aligns with or is more liberal than most of the world community.

Six months makes sense to them, and anyone who agrees -including New Hampshire’s law -is literally in the mainstream of thought.

Democrats are the abortion extremists, and they will use projection to distract you from that.

One positive note (and proof this will be a campaign issue again). “Just before the end of 2023, Harris announced that she would be traveling the country in 2024 to tout access to abortion (For the White House).” If Kamaal is pushing it, there’s a very good chance it will fall apart or fail. But we shouldn’t rely on that.

The post Night Cap: You Can’t Get More Extreme On Abortion, Than US Democrats appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Lawyer No Priest Shall Name…

Sat, 2024-02-24 02:00 +0000

Attorney General’s are releasing investigations on many Catholic Diocese’s. Michigan and Maryland are the most recent. Seldom do these reports have the names of priests or lawyers misspelled. I see no misspelled names except for in the New Hampshire Attorney General’s investigative report on the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire.

If you look up the “Catholic” Attorney Richard Boire, formerly of Rochester, New Hampshire, you will see an obituary with a comment that stands out, at least to me…

“Many people knew Dickie (what everyone called him) and he was a very big part of the Rochester community. He used to throw an annual party for Granite State Title business he owned and half of Rochester would attend. This was the biggest party you ever went to. Petting zoo for the kids, carnival games, oompah band playing, tents with all kinds of food and horse carriage rides to get up the giant hill he lived on. He loved people, made you laugh had amazing stories and most importantly he always made you feel welcomed. He was a brilliant man and loved kids and always spoiled mine when we came to visit. I will never forget those times and man he was. RIP Dickie, you will be missed!”

We want to thank Niko Roswell for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

For most people, this may seem like a sweet gesture referencing days gone by. For those of us who grew up in Rochester and Dover, New Hampshire, those parties may stir up some darker memories.

Attorney Boire was synonymous with Catholic. If you were a kid in the ’80s or ’90s, attending any Catholic facility in Rochester, New Hampshire, you knew of Richard Boire. I was a Rochester Catholic School student until I mysteriously left ( a different story with lots of lawyers and court cases spanning years, story to come ). I attended St Mary’s Church and sometimes Holy Rosary Church. I knew Richard Boire. He used to rub my shoulders a lot. He was a, you scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours kinda guy.

Heck, It was not just Rochester and Dover locals who knew Attorney Richard Boire. Most New Hampshire politicians or political hopefuls knew Attorney Richard Boire. If you were running for office, you wanted his support. Boire was well-connected. Before Attorney James Duggan became a Supreme Court Justice, he defended Richard Boire. What charges was Attorney Richard Boire facing? Drum Roll Please! Aggravated felonious sexual assault upon a resident of the Dover Children’s Home.

New Hampshire loves due process aka destroying records.

As for Dover Children’s Home, lots of records are missing…Check U.N.H’s library archives for yourself. The Sign-Out Sheets are missing.

During these years of missing sign-out sheets over at Dover Children’s Home, county chaplains held “office” throughout New Hampshire, with authority that reached far past giving Final Holy Communion. As the state of N.H. in 1983–1984 considered charges against its own, Attorney Richard Boire, sign-out sheets were still not implemented over at Dover Children’s Home. They were documenting everything and not who took the kids out of the facility on overnights? Doubtful. Are we to assume the evening staff just did nighttime rounds going, “Oh, I wonder where Jane and John Doe are tonight?”

After charges of sexual assault were brought against Attorney Richard Boire, according to U.N.H archives, Dover Children’s Home still didn’t start documenting sign-outs for almost five years. This is so disturbing it’s funny.

If you look at Dover, New Hampshire’s / Strafford County’s elected officials before 1983, you will see that chaplains ( 1 Catholic and 1 Protestant ) are listed in all county reports. The Catholic chaplains acted as New Hampshire’s “elected/appointed” officials. Some of the New Hampshire county chaplains overseeing Catholic city duties for the state of New Hampshire are also found on various lists of Credibly Accused Priests. Say what!? Many of the county chaplains worked hand in hand with police, mayors, cities, etc. They were rubbing elbows with city elites, such as wealthy New Hampshire attorneys, as they were raping children. In particular, Strafford County’s (Dover) 1981 Catholic chaplain- Father Gerard Beaudet, is also a Credibly Accused Priest. Oddly, he was the Strafford County’s (Dover) chaplain in 1981, the same year that Attorney Richard Boire was accused of committing felonious sexual assault upon a resident of Dover Children’s Home. This doesn’t look good… Was Father Gerard Beaudet on Attorney Richard Boire’s guest list for that legendary annual party? I know another priest was…

So, who decided to stop or destroy the sign-out sheets at Dover Children’s Home? The Catholic Church, the state of New Hampshire, or a mix of both? What investigation has the Attorney General of New Hampshire done on this matter?

What happened in the case of Attorney Richard Boire committing felonious sexual assault upon a resident of Dover Childre’s Home? Future Supreme Court Justice -Attorney James Duggan got Attorney Richard Boire off! He walked. The New Hampshire courts decided there was no evidence to support the victim’s claims, partially based on a lack of sign-out sheets on file at Dover Children’s Home. Laughable. Guess what else this victim didn’t have. Loving responsible guardians…

Something tells me that after Attorney James Duggan helped Attorney Richard Boire with this pickle, he got Boire’s support to move up the ranks to Supreme Court Justice. I wish I could have tipped Duggan off in the 1980s. I was busy being young and getting groomed for my turn in the New Hampshire Sexual Abuse Fun House that plagued the state. Shout out to the thousands of survivors coming forward now.

Attorney Richard Boire was well known for this annual party. He always invited the children from Dover Children’s Home and St Charles Orphanage, as alluded to in his obituary. As a society, we now know that a predator loves an unaccompanied minor. Perhaps New Hampshire should use caution as it appoints all Mckinney Vento Liaison. The Government employees who oversaw my forensic interview with the state of New Hampshire get this reference… ( another BIG story to come.)

In the 80s and 90s, Attorney Richard Boire’s house was often a topic of discussion for parents of students attending Rochester Catholic School which later was renamed Saint Elizabeth Seton School. Boire topics ranged from the incident with two boys touching one another’s privates at Boire’s house, St Charles Orphanage no longer letting kids go to the “parties’’ at Boire’s house, the incident of aggravated felonious sexual assault upon a minor resident of Dover Children’s Home by Boire, and well, there was Boire mysteriously driving me and an orphan home that day…

Enough of that! Let’s get to the good stuff!

The Attorney General of New Hampshire’s very flawed investigation of the Catholic Church has many mysteries, from the incarceration of the innocent to the lack of charges brought on the guilty. Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries in the A.G. Report on The Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire can be found in Father Leo Landry’s file. At the bottom of page 42, Father Leo Landry is being questioned by Attorney General investigators about abusing students at St Elizabeth Seton School in Rochester, New Hampshire, when he says:

“No, I, I went to there’s an attorney, a kind of business lawyer in Rochester, by the name of Dick Bois, I think.”

No sooner does he say “Dick Bois” when his attorney interjects:

“STOP, we have to go off of tape.”

What happens next reeks of a scandal. The tape is stopped and when it picks back up Father Leo Landry goes into detail about “Dick Bois’s” assistance in handling the allegations against him.

Let’s get one thing clear: “Dick Bois” is Attorney Richard Boire. Father Leo Landy stuttering, “By the name of Dick Bois, I think,” is a total lie. Every adult involved in the Catholic community of Rochester, New Hampshire, knew this guy’s name. Father Leo Landry had Richard Boire’s kid in his French class… Boire is French, and Father Leo Landry is fluent in the French language. So let’s trust that Father Leo Landry is lying and knows his real name…

I am not surprised that right as Father Leo Landry says the very name “Dick Bois” investigators stopped recording at the request of Father Leo Landry’s Attorney. I mean, everyone has to get the story straight when it comes to Dick. After all, we don’t want anyone thinking the Diocese of Manchester N.H. has speed-dial linked to lawyers with personal, VERY personal experience in covering up the sexual abuse of children.

I politely ask that the Attorney General of New Hampshire, dig a little deeper into:

-The former case/allegations against Attorney Richard Boire.

-Attorney Richard Boire’s involvement with The Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire as a possible “fixer”, who was likely taking referral fees. and

-New Hampshire’s history of “elected/appointed” county Catholic chaplains who were accused of sexual abuse. Do not forget the Catholic county chaplains were submitting receipts to county treasures for reimbursement from city funds (another story to come).

As for the public, Why do you think the Attorney General of New Hampshire published a report with a false name of a prominent New Hampshire Attorney sorting deals to get Catholic priests off on allegations of sexual abuse? Was he the pro because he had firsthand experience getting away with it?

With no explanation or name correction in the A.G. report, as it pertains to “Dick Bois’s” real name is Attorney Richard Boire, I can’t help but wonder, Is this circumstantial evidence that the 2002 New Hampshire A.G. investigation of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire is flawed? Should New Hampshire reopen an investigation into the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire 22 years later? What other A.G. documents are published with fake names…

Attorney Richard Boire: The New Hampshire expert on how to get away with aggravated felonious sexual assault of an unaccompanied minor. Step 1: call your other lawyer friends for an assist.

It’s a stepping stone to becoming a Superior Court Justice.

This is a scandal. Only the start of what I have uncovered.

What is the point of publishing reports with fake names if the objective of the state and church is to be transparent? Perhaps I am missing the point, maybe the entire report is simply to mislead.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

When Is Chuck Morse Going To Pat Some Cats? (And Other Important Questions)

Sat, 2024-02-24 01:00 +0000

Readers might be thinking they’re going to read some light-hearted content that’s void of mentioning Chuck’s 11/19/21 crime against NH, but not so fast!  Here’s the link with a short video.
Now, onto animal matters; this is NOT to be taken as an endorsement of Kelly Ayotte, but let it be known that she made a feline post on January 18 on Facebook when she visited the Manchester Animal Shelter.

I showed the post to my senator, who happens to be a Chuck supporter among many of his peers, and he replied with a bunch of Chuck photos with his dog, Spruce.  Chuck’s Facebook page is full of pictures of Spruce, and I admit that Spruce is a beautiful dog.  I would even pat Spruce myself as long as I was sure that he wouldn’t try to lick my hand.  Chuck also regularly posts pictures of himself patting or hugging dogs in places he visits, most recently at Pawtuckaway Trading Post.

That is what inspired the question, “When is Chuck going to pat some cats?” I think his former constituents and their current senator, Daryl Abbas, should want to know. Not only is Daryl Abbas a Chuck supporter who regularly appears in parades and social media posts, but he’s also a cat person.  Just look at his Senate home page.

But whether or not you, the voter, are a cat person or a dog person, there is another matter that recently came to my attention, and that’s a reincarnation of the vetoed school mask bill, HB 1131, from 2022, and it’s HB 1093, which happens to have a hearing in House Education on Tuesday, March 5.  Mark your calendar, and don’t forget to sign in your support via the portal here.

And Kelly and Chuck BOTH need to be asked if they would sign that bill.  Kelly was stumping at Sky Meadow as a lifelong Nashua person to a Nashua audience just hours after the RTK tax (HB 1002) was sent back to House Judiciary on February 8 by the whole House. After her speech, people raised their hands to ask the usual and important questions, but I seized the opportunity to go off script with a Nashua issue with my question, as I noted in my recent article about the sequestered vodka.

Keep in mind that the Damn Emperor, an ardent masker, will probably veto HB1093, especially as a lame-duck tyrant acting with impunity, and we sadly don’t have that 2/3 veto override majority in either chamber.

Why not, however, make our next governor, whoever it’s going to be, go on record?

The post When Is Chuck Morse Going To Pat Some Cats? (And Other Important Questions) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Take Action to Save Women’s Sports in New Hampshire

Fri, 2024-02-23 23:00 +0000

Please help us save women’s sports in New Hampshire. There are five bills that will help protect women’s sports from being dominated by men. Four of them have actions that you can take now!

  • HB396
      • Info: Bill link
      • Title: permitting classification of individuals based on biological sex under certain limited circumstances
      • Action: No action to take at this time
  • SB562
      • Info: Bill link
      • Title: relative to state recognition of biological sex
      • Action: Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee and ask for an Ought to Pass vote
  • SB375
      • Info:  Bill link
      • Title: relative to biological sex in student athletics
      • Action: Contact the Senate Education Committee and ask for an Ought to Pass vote
  • SB524
      • Info:  Bill link
      • Title: relative to women’s sports
      • Action: Contact the Senate Education Committee and ask for an Ought to Pass vote
  • HB1205
      • Info:  Bill link
      • Title: relative to women’s school sports
      • Action: Contact the House Education Committee and ask for an Ought to Pass vote before the committee votes on March 6.

Watch this video to learn more about what is at stake.

The post Take Action to Save Women’s Sports in New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What Shall We Call The New State

Fri, 2024-02-23 21:00 +0000

In three short years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas have let enough illegal migrants breach our southern border that if we brought them all to one spot, they would total more than 36 states in our Union. If that is tough to grasp, we now have more illegals from over 150 countries than the residents of Massachusetts, Missouri, or Wisconsin.

The Democrats are on a mission to award statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico to add Senators and Representatives to Congress that would give them an insurmountable edge forever. The 7 Million migrants represent ten members of the House if they could be brought to one location. You can bet the Democrats are trying to get this done. I have some state name suggestions: Bidenland and New Amnesty- rather simplistic, but you get the point. The number of people now scattered around America will change America’s complexion but also threaten every American’s safety.

If you remember Biden and Harris’s original assessment of the border surge, these people were predominantly from the turbulent Northern Triangle of Central America. This region is crime-riddled and poverty-stricken, which fed the sympathy and empathy the administration wanted us to have for these displaced families that needed the safety of asylum in America.

This whole scenario was a lie then and pure fantasy today. These seven million people are unvetted, and the majority of migrants are single men of military age. We do not know their history, gang affiliation, or how many have ties to terrorist groups. It took less than twenty men to bring down the Twin Towers on 9/11, and they came to America legally. We now have over seven million and have no idea where they have gone in the continental United States. There has been an increase of over 500% in Chinese migrants in 2024. These people are not hiking thousands of miles but flying from China to Mexico and crossing the Rio Grande.

Half the people in America who get their news on mainstream media or, God Forbid, The View, have no idea the magnitude of the crisis at our Southern border and now the Northern border, too. When they hear Conservatives voice alarm at the situation, the Left throws labels of racism at those who see the danger of being brought to America’s borders. This border fiasco is dangerous, wrong, and self-inflicted on our country by our President, who refuses to acknowledge the crisis or the damage.

With the House impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas will never be successful in removing this harmful individual from office. The process will force the Senate to hold an impeachment trial, and the Constitution requires all Congressional activity to cease while the trial is in progress. This focus by Congress will force the mainstream media to cover the first impeachment of a sitting cabinet secretary in over 150 years. The media will spin the proceedings as a Republican witch-hunt and persecution of a good and honorable man, but they will also have to cover the border crisis as background for their narrative or be guilty of negligence and political bias, both of which they have been guilty of for years.

The post What Shall We Call The New State appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Illinois Might be More Demographically Representative of America But No One Can Do The FITN Primary Better than NH

Fri, 2024-02-23 19:00 +0000

While the 2024 New Hampshire First in the Nation Presidential Primary has come and gone, the debate about which state should hold the first Primary continues. As usual, the metrics used to determine that have nothing to do with why New Hampshire is the best place to start.

The survey

WalletHub does a lot of national research, and we appreciate their keeping us on the mailing list. We get access to their work immediately and often report on the results. This week, “WalletHub sought to identify which of the 50 states are most representative of the US population and thus truly worthy of the top primary-election spot.”

If that was what truly mattered, New Hampshire ranks 36th. Illinois scored best, followed by Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. And to that bitter Vermonter who wrote about how NH doesn’t deserve it, you were ranked in the bottom five at 46th. Only Wyoming, Alabama, Mississippi, and Utah were less representative of America than Vermont, according to WalletHub.

And while I’m sure the seething mass of illegals will help your numbers next year, “demographics” is not why New Hampshire deserves to keep it, not that we’re likely to change the state law that mandates we be the first Primary.

Jeff Chidester, Mike Rogers, and I discussed this on Radio Row during Primary Weekend, the three days leading up to the date itself. That conversation starts at 3:25 if you want to listen in, but I’ll break it down for you.

!function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._Rumble=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){(r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments);if(r[b]._.length==1){l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0],l.async=1,l.src=""+(arguments[1].video?'.'+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble");

Rumble("play", {"video":"v4743hx","div":"rumble_v4743hx"});

It is incredibly easy to file and get on the presidential primary ballot. There were 42 candidates on the NH Ballot in 2024, and there was a well-balanced mix between the Dems and the GOP. That means more people, with more ideas, issues, and perhaps more solutions, get an opportunity to meet and talk to citizens with a high political involvement. These regular people ask regular questions and challenge assumptions, and the media is following many of them around – sharing at least some of that debate with America.

Candidates must engage us in numerous small venues in New Hampshire, like bakeries, restaurants, diners, and dozens of places where you can’t escape their concerns. And they will vet you, from the flatlanders in the south to the North Country. Candidates cannot stick to a few large cities and hope to win the state – we don’t have any large cities. Manchester has just over 100,000 residents in a state of 1.35 million—people who are not all that different from anywhere else.

We have farmers, laborers, job creators, small and large businesses, a wealthy class, and work-a-day minimum wage voters. There aren’t as many people of color, but statistically, they have a significantly greater chance of engaging candidates one-on-one or in small groups in New Hampshire than they would in Illinois.

Is a large venue filled with African Americans who can do little more than hear what a candidate is promising the better experience for the National electorate than that candidate sitting in a booth at a diner? As Fran notes in the video above, “If you are a minority in New Hampshire, you have a stronger voice.” You will get dozens of opportunities not just to see but to meet and talk to top-tier candidates one-on-one—face-to-face.

You’ve got their undivided attention for a minute or five or whatever it is, and that happens daily over months in New Hampshire. People with no political access or party favoritism can engage with would-be future presidents and, thanks to the internet, can then share that with Americans, unfiltered by major media.

There is no large state where that can even begin to happen on the scale it does here in the Granite State, and I doubt anything like that would come close to happening in Illinois or even Florida. They are too large with too many large cities where it makes more sense for a campaign to spend time and money.

You can’t do that in New Hampshire, and we don’t let you do it, and America is invited to watch and learn at the beginning of the process. What happens here during the Primary doesn’t stay here and more than a third of our electorate … is registered independent.

We take pride in our role and take it seriously, so while we are not demographically “perfect,” we provide things to every demographic you won’t get anywhere else, and you are welcome to come here and help us vet all of them again in 2028. And if you don’t think this is where the first Primary is going to be, then you haven’t been paying attention.

The guy playing at being Leader of the increasingly less free world tried to take it away, and we told him to go to Hell!

The post Illinois Might be More Demographically Representative of America But No One Can Do The FITN Primary Better than NH appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dear Bitter-Clingers: The 2024 Election Will Be Just As Rigged As The 2020 Election

Fri, 2024-02-23 18:00 +0000

If I had to pick one word to describe the GOP, it would be … clueless. Apparently, most, not all, but most continue to bitterly cling to the wish/desire/fantasy that the 2024 election will not be rigged. Hell, there is even a subset that continues to believe, despite all the evidence and facts to the contrary, that the 2020 election was legitimate.

I recently posted about Tucker Carlson’s interview with Mike Benz, which discussed how the Deep State rigged the 2020 election and how that effort remains in place and active. Because it is a long listen and because the GOP, especially the NHGOP, only want to hear and believe that 2024 will be a legitimate election … Biden is done! We’re winning! Blah! Blah! Blah!  I link here to an article in The Federalist that condenses the Benz interview into a relatively short read in the hope that the bitter-clingers in the GOP can rouse themselves from their complacency and denial:

But this isn’t a thing of the past. All of the censorship infrastructure described above is still intact, still functioning, and is firing on all cylinders right now ahead of the 2024 election. If anything, the censorship-industrial complex is more robust than it was four years ago. Just last week, Meta’s President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg boasted on CNBC that he currently has some 40,000 employees, which is nearly 60 percent of Meta’s entire workforce, tasked with censoring speech on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Clegg also claimed Meta has spent about $20 billion, including $5 billion in the last year, on its censorship efforts — or what he euphemistically called “election integrity.”

The post Dear Bitter-Clingers: The 2024 Election Will Be Just As Rigged As The 2020 Election appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

Fri, 2024-02-23 17:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.  And a bonus piece about “Concentration Camp Gaza”.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






They’re getting desperate to squelch information flows they don’t like.







Supposedly from a UK kindergarten.  What’s next, that it’s OK to get into a stranger’s car because refusing might make them upset?




The fact that most of his supporters can look at his / his administration’s deeds and see no problem with it is very revealing.



People with no actual loyalty to country or culture or the Constitution serving in the military?  This does not bode well… especially if they’re armed and then told that the native population hates them and wants them deported.




Wait until you look at what NYC is trying to do with its debit card program.




Parasites always view themselves as essential.




Vitamin D!  About a year ago I had a vitamin D test done and the test results were that I was not just high in the range, but over it. The doctor actually said he’d NEVER seen anyone over the recommended range.




More broadly, ALL mRNA.



At least a Roomba has a purpose and function.






The hormone injections and anti-depressants / etc. can’t be helping either.  It’s my belief that, deep down, they know they’ve been betrayed by parents, schools, etc.




While I obviously need doctors for things, no longer do I hold them in esteem.



What a coincidence.






No mercy.  No amnesty.







This is a pile of cash that was found in Khan Yunis as IDF soldiers fight Hamas.  The details of where are unimportant to my point, however.

We’ve seen massive quantities of cash accumulated by criminals (e.g., this Mexican drug lord).  And this is only one example after the above.  Expect the above image to be added to the impetus for global CBDCs under “fighting crime and terrorism”.

A comment & link from my Jarhead friend on this:

Trump has made a campaign promise “not allow an American Central Bank Digital Currency to see the light of day”.  However, because there is a strong possibility of him being elected again, the bankers are being encouraged to bring out the currency BEFORE the election, so it will already be in place, and too costly for Trump to stop:

American Totalitarian “Crypto Dollar” May Come Before the Election ⋆ Brownstone Institute





E. All of the above.



Brings to mind my essay about nudging:

The Fly on the Urinal – Urban Scoop



If the dad “did something” and I was on the jury I’d accept He needed a little killing! as a valid defense.



Be a fool if you did.  Now that the Rubicon of political prosecution has been crossed…




I’ve worked with a M -> F trans person.  The amount of medications they took daily to fight their body’s nature from re-establishing itself was massive.



Someone does that to my daughter they’d better pray I never find them.







No Decepticon logo?









Astute observation.



I’ve known more than a few uber-lib anti-gunners who’ve talked about confiscation.  And I’ve replied “OK, strap on some body armor and come get them”.  Oh, no no no, they’ll outsource that.











Pediatrician has started to push this for the daughter.  Over my dead body.









Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Moonbattery Scientific American: No Sex Change for Kids = Nazism – Moonbattery

One reason why I no longer trust “science” or “medicine”.

Pots, Kettles, And Corruption – Liberty’s Torch ( (bolding added):

X Corp’s acceptance test procedure indicated that the system met its specification in all details. Even so, once installed at Z Casino, it seemed to fail more often than not: whether at recording the markers, or at tracking the payouts and paybacks, or when the batching / reporting system was triggered. Something was rotten in Denmark, but there appeared to be nothing wrong with the system itself.

What was wrong, of course, was that the system was preventing casino employees from stealing. So they worked hard to make it fail.

To shorten this story somewhat, everyone who worked at Z Casino was involved in stealing from the joint. The floor workers stole what they could; the supervisors demanded a piece of the floor workers’ take to remain complicit; and the top management took a piece of the supervisors’ rake-off as the price of letting the scam continue. The whole payroll was determined to see to it that X Corp’s marking system looked like a lemon to Jones and his inner circle of managers and advisors.

Sounds like every reform attempt of government, no matter what the level.  Speaking of corruption:



Destroying Democracy to Save Democracy – Vox Popoli (

Doubtless something similar coming to the US.  IMHO, there WILL be a pretext found to “temporarily” suspend the 2024 election.

Disposable Democrats

In a totalitarian government, everyone is a Kleenex. Once you serve your purpose, you are disposable. Oh, the ruler may keep you around for a while, but sooner or later, everyone gets thrown away.

The Downside of Prosperity – Too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious – Flopping Aces

We have too many people who vote for a living, rather than working for a living.

Wyoming Is The Epicenter Of America’s Fake ‘Red State’ Problem (

Too many “Red” pols just want to enrich themselves and hobnob at the “beautiful people” parties.

The Cancelled Black Harvard Professor Who Found No Racial Bias in Police Shootings – Intellectual Takeout

Inconvenient analysis and results.

If you are on any “support” meds, and are concerned about supply chain interruptions, I highly recommend JASE Medical.  They are a group of doctors who are willing to prescribe up to a 1 year supply of meds.  They are NOT “cheap”, but what is your life, or the life of a loved one worth?  My wife and I recently used them to make sure we were set for what’s coming, and got a year worth of meds, plus some antibiotics, Ivermectin, and other “useful stuff”.  They accept HSA debit cards, so I used my HSA funds to pay for these.  NOTE:  I make no commission or other kickback on this, I just thought it was useful, so I’m passing it on:




Pick of the Post:





Palate Cleansers:





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Where Is Justice for Harmony Montgomery? Another Failure of PD & DCYF. Why?

Fri, 2024-02-23 15:00 +0000

Adam Montgomery was found guilty on all charges of murdering his daughter, Harmony Montgomery. Some have praised this as justice. There are others who must face trial as well for their own abhorrent failures. Making mistakes is one thing, hiding them is another.

Is Locking Up Adam Montgomery the Only Justice for Harmony Montgomery? We’ll See.

The state receives millions in grants for child welfare, to protect against child abuse, and for training programs. It has failed over and over and over again – for decades.

The State’s key witness against Adam Montgomery was Kayla Montgomery, who had lied to a Grand Jury and was offered a plea if she testified against him. Whether or not she was a credible witness is beside the point. Harmony’s life was put in danger thanks to a Judge in Massachusetts who ordered her to be sent to live with her father. Her life was further put in danger because New Hampshire’s DCYF didn’t vet her father or Kayla Montgomery. In 2020 the US DHHS OIG issued the following damning report on New Hampshire’s failures with child caregivers.

“By not ensuring that all current employees or household members who supervised or had routine unsupervised contact with children passed all criminal background checks, New Hampshire potentially jeopardized the safety of the children in the care of the 30 selected childcare providers.”

When the police finally announced that Harmony was missing and put out a reward to find her, the Manchester Police Chief maintained that his department had told the truth but that others were lying. I find that hard to believe, given a more recent account by Robert Tanguay, who recorded phone calls between him and Manchester Police, who refused to take a report from him regarding child abuse. Whether or not you believe Robert Tanguay, the point is that the police refused to write down child abuse claims. New Hampshire has a mandatory reporting statute for child abuse, so why would Manchester police refuse to take a report on child abuse? Is it because the mother of Robert Tanguay’s children left him for a member of the police department?

We want to thank Claire Best for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Here is the statute regarding the reporting of child abuse. What part of it do NHPD, NHCADSV, and DCYF not understand, and why don’t they

“To suspect child abuse or neglect does not require that the reporter have proof or evidence that the abuse or neglect occurred. It simply means that the reporter has reason to believe that something could have happened. It is the role of DCYF and law enforcement to investigate the report and make a determination.”

Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig’s office failed as well. Contact was made in her office by a member of Harmony’s family seeking help as they were concerned for her welfare. AG John Formella’s office was supposed to look into what happened. Governor Sununu ordered an investigation into the state’s child agencies after the Harmony Montgomery incident. Of course, nobody was charged, and no fault was found. Recommendations were made, and like all the previous recommendations when it comes to NH DCYF, they were ignored. If they weren’t, Manchester Police might have taken Robert Tanguay’s report of child abuse seriously instead of brushing him off.

Anna Carrigan brought a Whistleblower suit against New Hampshire for failures of the DCYF and associated agencies when it came to children. She was brushed off, too. Why?

David Meehan et al. brought a suit against New Hampshire & DCYF for extreme child sexual abuse at the YDC. They were brushed off for “victim negligence.” Why?

There will be no justice for Harmony Montgomery or any other child who has been abused or killed under New Hampshire State supervision until the police, judges, and agencies are held accountable. They receive millions in grants. What happened to Harmony Montgomery is as much on them as it is on Adam and Kayla Montgomery, who were dependents of the State due to the welfare checks they received and the homeless shelters they inhabited.


The post Where Is Justice for Harmony Montgomery? Another Failure of PD & DCYF. Why? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

DHS ‘Media Literacy’ Program Uses Public School Teachers to Turn Your Kids into Snitches

Fri, 2024-02-23 13:00 +0000

A Providence, Rhode Island whistleblower is back. Ramona Bessinger exposed the Critical Race Theory curriculum in her district along with the mistreatment, retaliation, and harassment that came from exposing it. This time, the whistle blows for DHS-backed ‘media literacy’ training.

Related: The New Civic Listening Corps is a Government Funded Society-Wide Network of Snitches

The training is not what it purports to be. It’s all about training teachers to teach students to become “disinformation” informers.

Starting in September 2023, I attended a twelve week online training through “Courageous Rhode Island” at the University of Rhode Island, funded by a DHS grant of over $700,000. The program is for K-12 teachers and is promoted as “media literacy.” But it’s so much more than media literacy, and the impact of the training turned to teacher interaction with students and how students could be utilized as reporting sources.

I’m about to tell you what I witnessed and what this taxpayer-funded “disinformation” training is all about. What follows are a lot of details. But the bottom line is that the is a direct track from media literacy theory to DHS goals and objectives to URI training to teachers to students, and back again up the chain in a feedback loop. It’s dangerous to our society, and shows how something claimed to protect freedom has the potential to damage freedom.

The overview is long and detailed, so if you are looking to get into the weeds, Legal Insurrection has plenty of that here. Summarized, the program is in-depth and very partisan.

According to one of the Courageous RI facilitators during the course, “disinformation” oversight is justified and comes in the form of classroom lesson plans and classroom activities intended to reduce media influence over children who may become future “domestic terrorists.” During the training, Courageous RI facilitators were hyper-focused on Donald Trump as their media literacy poster child. A great deal of classroom content centered around Trump and his alleged influence over individuals and “violent extremism,” Specifically January 6th. Violence from the left was largely ignored.

The Courageous RI facilitators often pointed to Trump as the root cause of all social media and media disinformation; they blamed Trump for influencing “MAGA Republicans” to commit violence and more. During the weekly online training sessions, I asked for evidence to support their claims that violent extremism and disinformation existed in K-12 schools.  I was quickly dismissed or directed to chat conversations where conservative voices were singled out and suppressed.

I reached out to contacts in the New Hampshire Department of Education, and they have heard of this but have not seen it crop up in New Hampshire. I did some searching and could not find anything either, but it’s out there, so some universities could snag a DHS grant and then try to implement the “Media Literacy” training in the Granite State.

Those outside New Hampshire should do their own looking. Look for Courageous [state initials], Media Literacy, DHS+Media Literacy, or any combination of those. Be creative. Homeland is using campus-driven “training” to create a cadre of public educators who then use public schools to churn out little Stasi informants.

Not that this is new – the DHS deliberately funding it, however, is a thing. You’d expect them to use some CIA front group pretending to be an NGO, and maybe they are doing that, too.

Please loop us in if you find anything, no matter in which state you live.

The post DHS ‘Media Literacy’ Program Uses Public School Teachers to Turn Your Kids into Snitches appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/22/24)?

Fri, 2024-02-23 12:00 +0000

We learned that we were able to get through reconsideration of HB154 (reconsideration failed), 44 regular calendar bills and 1 bill pulled off consent, between 9 am and 5:30 pm, with an hour for lunch (thankfully provided by the NH Nurses Association). Everyone was prepared to stay much longer into the evening, but speeches were relatively short, and we had a nice amount of voice votes on bills, too!

Caucus members brought in snacks to share, and the anteroom was filled with all sorts of goodies to enjoy between votes, including snacks provided by the Republican Women of NH.  As far as the day went, we had a mixed bag of lots of things, and Republicans managed to stick around until the end. You’ll notice a lot of “Indefinite Postponement”…. that is the ultimate kill motion.

We learned that HB1111 passed with a roll called OTP/A motion of 197-179. This bill provides for a penalty to folks who intentionally file false reports of child abuse and neglect. Some people are just nasty that way and try to make trouble for people by filing such false reports. This bill sends some aggravation back their way!

We also learned that HB1633, yet another cannabis legalization bill, passed 239-141 on a division vote (not roll call). It is now off to Ways and Means. This bill sets up 15 state-regulated retail outlets, prohibits sale to anyone 21 or younger, and ensures the safety and purity of the product. This was a bipartisan bill that was put together trying to incorporate favorable elements of past failed cannabis legalization legislation. It does not allow for home grow. If it does ever pass the House on the next shot, it’ll be interesting to see what the Senate does with, or to, it. Paging Sen. Lang….

We learned that HB1649, which came out of the Commerce Committee, passed on a voice vote. This bill would prohibit the production and sale of any product with intentionally added PFAs (aka poly fluoroalkyl substances – or “forever chemicals”) in an attempt to prevent said products from contaminating our landfills and water supply. Apparently, these products contain PFAs and will be banned from sale in NH after July 1, 2028. We’re talking about things like carpets, cosmetics, textile treatments, feminine hygiene products, food packaging and containers, juvenile products, personal protective equipment, upholstered furniture, and textile furnishings. I am not sure how that is going to work out, but manufacturers are going to have to figure out how to produce these things without toxic chemicals in them. Of course, there will be exemptions, including products made with 85% recycled content, products manufactured before the ban date, and replacement parts for products manufactured before the ban date. Again, we’ll see what the Senate does with this one… they get to pick their poison – so to speak.

Additionally, we learned that HB1050 was ultimately killed via Indefinite Postponement 204-177. This bill would have allowed a person to voluntarily put themselves on a list, waiving their rights to purchase a firearm. It would have authorized the NH Dept. of Safety to establish a voluntary ”do not sell list” ostensibly to allow folks who thought they were a danger to themselves or others, or who hate guns enough not to want to ever own one, to place themselves on said list. It was another dumb idea by Rep. David Meuse (D-Portsmouth) and cosponsoring Democrats to restrict 2nd amendment rights. These people just love lists. Of course there were issues of privacy of these lists and how they may be used or abused. We can just imagine therapists or doctors telling their patients that they would no longer be treated unless they put themselves on a list. There are all sorts of ugly things that can happen when lists are involved. As far as I am concerned, this bill can be put on the list of dumb anti 2nd amendment bills that need to be killed.

Speaking of gun bills, we learned that HB1186 passed OTP/A 203-174. This bill would prohibit a merchant category code from being used in NH that would denote a firearm or accessory was purchased. Citizens have a right to privacy. It’s no one’s business what you buy, especially as it relates to firearms. In 2023, seven states prohibited the use of these codes. Major credit card companies paused their plans to implement the use of these codes because states are making it illegal to do so. I’m glad we are following suit on this. In New Hampshire, we recently enshrined a citizen’s right to privacy in our Constitution… this is an extension of that right. It might be called the NUNYA Act… as in NUNYA business.

We also learned that another good gun bill, HB1339 passed on a voice vote. This bill creates a fair process to get firearms returned to their rightful owners following confiscation by law enforcement or court proceedings. It is a major improvement to the ambiguities and delays in firearms returns in the current law. Seeing as this was the 7th anniversary of the passage of Constitutional Carry in NH, it seems fitting this bill was passed in the House today.

We further learned that HB1128 was killed with Indefinite Postponement 191-187. This bill would have shut down the Education Tax Credit and Education Freedom Accounts by preventing the operations of the administering third party contractor, The Childrens Scholarship Fund, because it is not a NH registered entity. This bill was the brainchild of Rep. David Luneau (D-Hopkinton), who hates Education Freedom Accounts and is trying every angle he can find to kill this wildly successful and effective educational program. The Children Scholarship Fund is a non-profit organization registered in NY that works with 22 partner organizations in 19 other states. It has successfully managed our EFA program and has helped thousands of families and students in our state. This makes Democrats angry… so angry they want to dismantle its operation in NH. Thankfully they got an “F”, as in Fail, on this bill.

We also learned that HB1288 passed 192-185 in a roll call the vote. This bill establishes certain due process rights for students, student organizations and faculty members facing disciplinary actions by state institutions of higher learning. Due process is always a good thing. You can see the 185 who think it is not a good thing.

We learned that a $130 million education spending bill passed 228-150. HB1583 changes the education funding formula and increases per-pupil spending and staff salaries. As if $3.8 billion in education spending in NH is not already enough…. Rep. Mike Belcher (R-Wakefield) gave a great speech about education funding and how much money we are spending yet getting poor results in proficiency tests. His floor speech centered on how these enormous funds are now being spent. He said, “Money is being spent on divisive DEI programming, turning classroom environments in therapy sessions, and incorporating general healthcare services into schools. The path forward to a genuinely adequate education requires reversing course on these trends, cuts to these departments and staff, and returning to academics. The exorbitant funding is the problem and not the solution because schools have demonstrated time and time again that when we fund them in excess of what is necessary to deliver an adequate education, they will use those funds on programs that are objectively harmful to their mission.” He’s not wrong. Additionally, he’s not impressed with what is going on in the courts with regard to determination on education funding… Our job as a legislature is not to kowtow to the courts or the judiciary but to do our job as delegated to us by the NH Constitution. As far as I am concerned, this is not an issue of funding, this is an issue of whether or not we are doing the proper things in our schools to educate our students and producing proficiency in the subjects they are there to learn about. Class dismissed.

We learned that the perennial bill (HB1426) having to do with establishing an “independent” advisory redistricting commission was killed via Indefinite Postponement 192-186. Do people seriously think they can assemble an “independent, unbiased group of people” to decide these things? Pfft… right… and I have a bridge to sell ya too.

We learned that we will allow machines to capture the digital images of voting ballots. New digital ballot tabulating machines will allow voters to do their own audits, and check how their own ballot was tallied, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. All election data will be under the control and auspices of the Secretary of State. Our vote on this bill, HB1577, passed 193-182, and you can check the accuracy of that Roll Call vote online.

We learned that the NH organic farm certification program will be defunded and will only continue until the end of 2024. Continuation of this program with HB1184 would have cost an additional $220,000 and would always be taxpayer-subsidized. Currently, there are 4000 farms in NH. Only 132 are certified organic, and of those, only 66 are NH certified. So, the current program only serves 66 farms. These farms can be certified by other agencies in VT, ME, and MA. The vote to discontinue the program was through a failed OTP motion of 187 NO to 185 YES then a voice vote in favor of ITL and a reconsideration motion of 193 NO and 182 YES.

We learned that the bill that would ban retail pet stores in NH died with an ITL motion 260 YES -117 NO. This bill would allow the six retail pet stores to stay in business for now but not allow new ones to be established. The reason proponents wanted this bill was to stop retail pet stores from getting their animals from “puppy mills.” Instead of dealing with the sourcing issue, they’d just like to shut down these stores altogether. It is an initiative by the Humane Society, who, of course, do not mind having these stores showcasing their shelter animals…. Nor do they mind getting a monopoly on the pet sales business. We’ve seen this bill in prior years. This anti-business bill barked up the wrong tree and ultimately was euthanized.

We learned that the Licensure and Regulation of Music Therapists bill was back again (HB1394) and passed this time with OTP/A 194-186. It’s the same old tune… license us so we can get insurance companies to pay for our services.

We also learned that the House passed, through a voice vote, a municipal disaster relief bill (HB1466), which will help municipalities get roads passable with quick funding from the state (up to $100,000) after a natural disaster. This now goes to Finance, and we hope there won’t be any roadblocks.

We learned that HB1322, the minimum wage bill, died with indefinite postponement 193-187. That was a good thing. Unfortunately, the Right To Work bill (HB1377) also failed with a roll called indefinite postponement 212-168. Opponents of the Right to Work bill keep claiming that it is a “Union Busting Bill”, but other states that have passed Right To Work have not experienced busted up unions.

Additionally, we learned that HB1709 passed on a voice vote. This bill establishes a commission to study the effects regarding taxing land that is used for carbon credits. The sale of carbon credits in place of harvesting timber is a relatively new concept. The commission will examine how this practice will affect the timber business, municipal timber taxes, and all the services surrounding timber harvesting in NH.

We also learned that HB1472 died on a voice vote to ITL after several other motions were made and voted on. We spent an hour on this bill alone. Rep. Michael Vose (R-Epping) declared this bill a “Reverse Robin Hood scheme.” What this bill would have done is taken money from the Renewable Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI – that ratepayers pay into and get rebates from), and given it to subsidize the purchase of Electric Vehicles for the rich people who are buying them. The whole idea is shocking.

Finally, we learned that in honor of Black History Month, Rep. Jonah Wheeler (D-Peterborough) gave a fabulous speech honoring past and current black members of the New Hampshire House. We are fortunate to have such a proud history and a spirit of diversity as part of our NH House. We thank Rep. Wheeler for reading the names and providing us with a worthwhile history lesson.

There’s more to come when we reconvene on March 7th!

The post So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (2/22/24)? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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