The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • January 11 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 18 min 41 sec ago

Garry Rayno is a Misinformation Spreader, Change my Mind!

Tue, 2024-04-02 00:00 +0000

Most Grok readers already know that In-Depth NH dot org is an enemy camp publication that routinely spews garbage op-eds, like this one, written by its “State House Bureau Chief,” Garry Rayno.

Normally, I don’t monitor its serial drivel, but his most recent article was brought to my attention because it is riddled with NTU-speak. Rayno cries “local control” as he whines about all kinds of school management-related bills and their House outcomes. To use Senator Giuda’s favorite word, “anathema,” Rayno finds individual rights anathema, and so do all of his ilk, except for one particular member of the enemy camp that he chooses to ignore.

It appears that threats of violence against freshman rep Jonah Wheeler after he took to the mic and voted correctly on HB 619 on January 4 weren’t punishment enough for practicing freedom of thought and good conscience.  Now, Rayno seemingly wants to cancel him for voting correctly on HB 1093 last Thursday!

HB 1093 is the ban on school mask policies bill that amazingly passed the House on a 187-184 roll call.  Without Jonah Wheeler’s correct vote, the victory would have been just a one-vote margin, thanks to 4(Rayno claims 3 in his article) Uniparty RINO saboteurs, Bordes, Boyd, Coker, and Wolf.  I don’t know which one Rayno is refusing to acknowledge or if he never got the news that Coker jumped ship, but they deserve to be shamed as much as Jonah Wheeler deserves to be praised.  In fact, I sent him a thank you email on Thursday and encourage all readers to do the same.

Rayno is pretending that Jonah Wheeler doesn’t exist. While I sadly doubt the opportunity would present itself, an interesting question to explore would be if Rayno would do the same to Lemonade Linda HG (also on House Criminal Justice) if she ever votes correctly on something important.  Look at her picture, and you tell me!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mr. President, I Have Some Questions

Mon, 2024-04-01 22:00 +0000

Mr. President (it hurt to type that), we are getting a glimpse into the star-studded money grab you held on Thursday night at Radio City Music Hall, and I have a few questions for you.

I guess we have to congratulate you on the $25 million haul, but my first question is, what would the attraction and take have been if Barack Obama and Bill Clinton had not joined you? You must realize that Democrats will vote for the legacy of these two former Presidents and not for you, Joe Biden. Your horrendous approval rating is evidence of my claim.

The optics of this event were insulting to those of us trying to survive in the middle class. Your Bidenomics is destroying the dreams we had of a comfortable retirement after a lifetime of labor. The average income in America is $59,000, about half the $100,000 the elite paid for a picture with you, Barack, and Bill. By the way, how did you keep Hillary off the stage as she still believes she won the 2016 Election? That kind of thinking will get a Republican charged with insurrection but gets a Democrat book deals.

Stephen Colbert moderated the show and gave the first question to Joe. He asked for Biden to explain the significance of the upcoming election. Joe summed it up with the patented, though factually incorrect, line that it is all about saving our democracy. Our President should know we are not a democracy, but we digress. Biden went on to explain he did not want to run in 2020 because he had just lost his son, Beau. Beau had actually died in 2015, but Joe has to bring him up in every statement. He then told of his story about marchers in Virginia coming out of the woods, carrying torches and the Nazi or confederate flag-they were obviously White Supremacist or MAGA Republicans.

Biden should understand torch-carrying white supremacists, for he was best friends with and eulogized the late Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd was a long-time politician and held the position of majority leader during his tenure. Byrd never attended college, but was a grand wizard of the KKK before taking his policies to the Capitol. In typical Democrat hypocritical style, Biden condemns all Republicans as racist white supremacists, while his best friend in the Senate had worn the white hood of the KKK, one of the most hateful, racist, and violent gangs this country has ever known.

Over 5,000 people paid from $225 to $500,000 to see and hear the last three Democrat Presidents and the participating celebrities, including Queen Latifah, Ben Platt, Cynthia Erivo, and Lea Michele. This list of celebrities shows a poor effort to pander to minorities of color.There has been so much talk about money in this election you would think that is all the election is about. The person who raises the most money moves into the White House.

Joe, one last question. What do you say to middle America after hobnobbing with the rich and famous? How do you tell them they are wrong to think your poll numbers are accurate. They just have to vote for you and allow you to finish the job of destroying our Democracy-excuse me, Republic. Then they will know why your numbers are worse than Jimmy Carter.

The post Mr. President, I Have Some Questions appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Bidenistas are Bailing on Bidenomics – Not the Polices, Just the Word

Mon, 2024-04-01 20:00 +0000

You don’t hear the words build back better much anymore unless it’s from someone closer to the small government end of the spectrum making fun of Democrats who live at the other end. We’ve built debt and gone backward, and only the size of government is bigger (which they think is better).

Ridin’ with Biden isn’t likely to appear from the campaign basement either. Joe has no coattails; if he did, he’s likely forgotten where he left them.

Bidenomics has likewise lost favor among the intelligentsia of the tyrant class. Democrats, Media, and sundry proglodyte influencers have stopped wielding the term as if it were a badge of honor. A decline driven by – and this will be shocking to many on the despotic left – reality. The only thing rising under Joe’s economic husbandry (that of his administration) is the number of people who say they are worse off (52%). It is more than double those who say they are better off, with 26% claiming their lives are about the same (they were not asked about spying, open borders, crime, or free speech).

I suspect the numbers are worse than the public polling suggests. Why else abandon the term?

The Biden plan for job creation and growth has been to print and spend money on the government. Recycle future taxdollars today through their friends and family network (cartels and friendly NGOs) back to Democrat politicians. Real growth has been absent for a while, exacerbating the inflation bubble created by printing and spending. When it breaks, the Dems will blame everyone but themselves and try to buy you off with more inflationary policy using an increasingly worthless dollar.

Congressional Dems have also stopped invoking Bidenomics. It doesn’t make their constituents smile, so we’ll hear it more than ever from their political opponents because Democrats don’t know any other way to run a nation, and this is what that looks like. The media lies, and jobs die. If not for grow-government spending, unemployment reporting would look worse, inflation reporting would be more realistic (higher), and we would see in print and online what we feel daily.

Regime failure.

Hiding it may have helped with the 26% who think life is about the same (they must not do their own grocery shopping), but more Americans are feeling the pain that comes from unshackled Democrat rule, but at least we know what to call it.

Bidenomics. It’s Obamanomics but worse.

The post The Bidenistas are Bailing on Bidenomics – Not the Polices, Just the Word appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trojan Horses in our (NH) House?

Mon, 2024-04-01 18:00 +0000

The ancient story of and lessons about the Trojan horse should not easily be forgotten.

The Trojan horse was supposedly a large hollow wooden horse constructed by the Greeks to attempt to gain entrance into Troy during the Trojan War. The Greeks, pretending to withdraw from the war, sailed away from the entrance to Troy, leaving behind the horse as a supposed offering to the goddess of war that would make Troy impregnable. Despite various warnings by respected elders, the horse was taken inside the city gates. Later that night, Greek warriors who had been hidden inside the horse emerged and opened the gates to let in the returned Greek army, with the unfortunate outcome predictable for the Trojans.

The ancient story is told at length in the Aeneid and is mentioned in the Odyssey.

The term “Trojan horse” has come to refer to subversion introduced from the outside.

Fast forward to the present time.

We have, in the past year, seen the spectacle of a longtime left-wing Democrat from Meredith (nominally a Republican-leaning district), who ran for and was elected as a state representative as a proclaimed Democrat, change his party registration to Republican more than a year after his election, thereupon becoming loudly welcomed into the state’s Republican party by its chair and into the Republican caucus (the otherwise confidential meetings of the Republican representatives in which positions and strategies are discussed) by the House “majority leader,” notwithstanding the longtime prior history of the “New Republican” supporting and advocating for leftwing and non-Republican causes. Talk about inviting an enemy into your house.

How did this guy ever get elected as a Dem from Meredith, which usually leans Republican? Although he was opposed by an excellent Republican in the general election, he probably prevailed because of a lack of turnout by actual Republican voters. Elections do have consequences.

At least one commentator from the district in question opined that Matt Coker’s change of political party was probably done principally to try to enhance his chances of re-election since the district from which he comes usually votes Republican. There is likely to be a much larger Republican turnout in the general election this year, in which the presidential contest brings out voters who might otherwise stay home in droves.

In reality, merely having an “R” by one’s name on a ballot has become essentially meaningless- intelligent voters as well as the so-called “leadership” of the House and of the NHGOP must look behind the labels to see the true nature of an individual.

In these days, with the numbers of Dems and Republicans in the NH House nearly evenly divided, there seems to be much too much focus on the pure numbers of persons claiming to be Republicans versus individuals with true convictions. It may seem to be great when “leadership” is able to proclaim that it “has the numbers” on any House session day before votes are to be taken, but when some of those “numbers” are actually RINOs who do not vote as real Republicans, “having the numbers” becomes worse than meaningless.

So, how has our “New Republican” done in the General Court so far?

Check his voting record. On many recent critical bills in which Republican principles and platform issues were enunciated and involved, such as prohibiting compulsory masking in schools, he voted with the Democrats and other RINOs. He has frequently allied himself with Belknap’s RINO-in-chief, Rep Mike Bordes. So, Coker’s self-described label of being a Republican is, in reality, meaningless.

Will we ever learn?

The post Trojan Horses in our (NH) House? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Mon, 2024-04-01 16:00 +0000

What?  Monday again?  Come on, we just had one a week ago!

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.  And if Israel is a topic of interest, there’s always my latest Israel-related post.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***










That’s an interesting idea!




But… but… but THAT CAN’T HAPPEN HERE!  Until it does, of course.





One bazillion percent!



Accuse the enemy of that which you do.





I’ve detested that POS for decades.









What did that WEF creature Yuval say?  Keep the “useless people” distracted with video games and drugs.




You put your genitalia and orgasms above your partnership and parenthood.  No sympathy.




That’s a telling point.  An actual, thorough investigation cannot possibly have been done.  Remember:





The consequences of migration.  Remember what I said in castigating my fellow Jews on the consequences of mass migration.  “Welcome the stranger” does not mean welcoming in the wolf.  Hijra – conquest by migration – is an actual doctrine in Islam.

















































Like.  But the apparent inverted cross should have been noticed and revisited…







Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


How the huge transgender push began in 2007 (

Some very interesting history in the push for all this perversion.

JK Rowling Could Be Imprisoned For “Misgendering” Trans People Under New Law – modernity

Kentucky bill would ban mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for work, study, or healthcare (

Good for Kentucky!

Now Canada is euthanising autistic people – spiked (


Forecasting the American presidential election, part 2 (

Sharp guy.  Though I can’t imagine how – in a legitimate election – The Potato in Thief could win given what’s happening in the country (and, because of America’s weakness, around the world).

Then again, on other SM platforms I monitor, there are Dems so TSA that The Potato could do ANYTHING against America, but they’d still vote for him because Orange Man Bad.

This pathetic feigning of confusion about skyrocketing cancer in the young is Steven Segal-level bad acting… | Barnhardt

How do people look at themselves in the mirror is my question.

USA & drug-resistant GONORRHEA: first two cases of super strength gonorrhea strain that is resistant to EVERY antibiotic – as experts warn it poses ‘serious public health concern’; China as FOCI (

Next epidemic to spill out of China could be SUPER GONORRHEA – where rate of antibiotic-resistant STIs are 40x higher than US and UK | Daily Mail Online

The consequences of a lack of fidelity.  Almost as though Hashem had wisdom and we’re now seeing the societal consequences of ignoring that.  Wait, didn’t I write about that?  (Of course I did.)


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 1


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 2


E Ignoring Hashems Wisdom 3




When The Music Stops – How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence – The Burning Platform

Get out of the Blue Hives.  Now.

Escape From New York if You Can – HotAir

Kind of related:

New York City Council calls on Court of Appeals to reverse ruling barring illegal immigrants from voting in local elections | The Post Millennial |

So as I understand this, the city council is TRYING to get illegals the right to vote.  MHO?  Rope.  Lamppost.  Councilor.  Assembly required.

New Evidence Emerges of Ukraine’s Horrific “Forced Fertilization” Program, Inspired by Nazi Lebensborn – The Boston Times

I have a hard time believing this, simply because of the magnitude of the evil in it.  But given the last several years, I also concede that it wouldn’t completely surprise me either.

Guatemalan illegal immigrant with criminal history charged with child sex crimes in Massachusetts | The Post Millennial |

More deaths from The Potato’s policies.

Concluding, a warning from Matt Bracken on Gab:

PRO TIP: “I’m with the FBI” or “I’m from the FBI” is NOT NOT NOT the same as “I am an FBI Special Agent.”

The FedStasi are hiring these woke DEI goons to do their door-to-door FedStasi work. This is why they only briefly flashed their bogus non-credentials.

Dollars to donuts, they are “contract field investigative agents” or some other euphemism, but NOT actual FBI Special Agents.

Who’s on your doorstep?




Pick of the post:



We clearly have the best regulatory agencies – and government – money can buy.




Palate Cleansers:



I’m torn.  OOH, the guy really wants to work there.  OTOH, the stalker aspect is quite off-putting.




Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee





The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Joe Biden Out Of Touch, Out Of Control, Or Simply A Fool

Mon, 2024-04-01 14:00 +0000

It is ironic and appropriate that this post hits on April 1, April Fool’s Day, because what Joe Biden did on Easter Sunday can only be the act of a fool.

Biden, who claims to be a Roman Catholic, stood by and first, allowed the White House Easter Egg Decorating competition to be bastardized into a generic pop art show, and then, rather than wishing American Christians a Happy Easter, took the opportunity to declare Easter Sunday the Transgender Day of Visibility. He insulted and belittled millions of believers to pander to the 1.6 million adults who identify as Transgender.

Participants in the Easter Egg competition received specific restrictions. There were to be no submissions that were political (no MAGA eggs), questionable content (very subjective), or religious symbols or themes. The Democrats are religious deniers when it comes to Christianity or Judaism but not when it comes to the Muslim faith. They have minimized the Easter celebration to a Bunny holiday and forbid any reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If not for the belief that Jesus rose on the third day, there would be no Easter. That has no impact on our Roman Catholic President, but then again, he also believes in abortion and transgender rights. Biden should never see the inside of a church again. 

Somebody then confessed to Joe that it was a good idea to declare March 31, Easter Sunday, as the Transgender Day of Visibility.

“Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans … You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back,” President Biden said in the March 29 proclamation while boasting of appointing “transgender leaders” to his administration and ending a ban on transgender people from serving openly in the military.

Joe Biden, who has declared war on the middle class, went on to boast about the accomplishments of his administration to make life more accessible to transgender people. He pointed to his efforts to create “more inclusive passports” with an X as the “gender” marker.

That “X,” Mr. President does nothing to address the suicide rate of trans people that is twice the national average, the regret that many trans people have as they seek surgery to reverse their conversion, or the intense level of depression that trans people live in. But the bottom line is why is this proclamation necessary, and why disrespect a billion Christians around the globe by denigrating the holiest of days on the Christian calendar? 

Harmeet Dhillon hit it the nail on the head: “Isn’t every day at the Biden White House ‘Transgender Day of Visibility?'” wrote Ms. Dhillon, who also serves as vice president of the Republican National Lawyers Association.

“To deliberately insult Christians on this holy weekend is gross and evil,” she added.

Gross and evil, two perfect words to describe the Biden Presidency. He has destroyed our sovereignty, made America less safe, and stalled our economy, evaporating the retirement dreams of elders and the hopes of young families. To compound the damage he has done, he wants four more years to finish the knockout of America. Let’s give him the ten count and send him to retirement.

The post Is Joe Biden Out Of Touch, Out Of Control, Or Simply A Fool appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sen. Shaheen Credits Making Everything Cost More with Saving Granite Staters Money

Mon, 2024-04-01 12:00 +0000

In a recent email newsletter update, Jeanne Shaheen, the Federal Debt Queen, credited herself with “Working to Save Granite Staters Money on Energy Costs.” Don’t be surprised when I tell you that hers is the fiscal equivalent of tossing another cinderblock to someone who is drowning.

In the Inflation Reduction Act, I was proud to help secure millions for New Hampshire to adopt modern building energy codes. If the state were to adopt those codes, families could save hundreds of dollars each year on energy costs. Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened yet and with the state at risk of leaving this money on the table, I will keep fighting to ensure Granite Staters can save money on their utilities.

Let me see if I get this right.

You are bankrupting our children and grandchildren, devaluing everyone’s savings and retirement, driving up inflation, and burdening home and business owners with more regulations to lower energy prices that your energy policies made more expensive?


If you’d just stayed out of the way, energy prices would be lower, inflation would be lower, and life would be easier and more affordable. We wouldn’t be subsidizing through debt energy projects that make energy cost more, which makes everything, including the cost to run any size government, cost more.

As it turns out, the US Government might be the second biggest emitter on the planet after China. It certainly wants to be. Not coincidentally, one of the faster ways to save granite staters money without spending other people’s money is to shrink the meddling government that created the problem you now brag about trying to solve.

If you want to help, stop creating expensive problems that cost even more to pretend to fix (and only make everything worse). We’d be in better shape if you did nothing.

The post Sen. Shaheen Credits Making Everything Cost More with Saving Granite Staters Money appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Adam Sexton … Mouthpiece For The New Hampshire Democrat Party

Mon, 2024-04-01 10:00 +0000

Adam Sexton wants you to believe that people voting WITHOUT ID is not a problem in New Hampshire. More specifically, some NHGOP have been pushing back against the absurd notion that “the right to vote” means the right to vote without showing valid identification … so here comes Adam to rescue the Woke-Communists (oh, so sorry, of course I meant “Democrats”). Adam Sexton is a propagandist, a mouthpiece for those Woke-Communists calling themselves the New Hampshire Democrat Party.

Adam has proof … PROOF … that people voting without ID is not a problem: only two people did so in the Presidential primary. That is because the ONLY really contested race was the GOP race and the GOP do NOT cheat like theDemocrats Woke-Communists do. In other words, the primary was NOT Democrat versus Republican and, therefore, proves nothing. Adam is a propagandist/mouthpiece for his fellow Woke-Communists.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap – Op-Ed In Support Of Kelly Ayotte for Governor

Mon, 2024-04-01 02:00 +0000

As we all know, Kelly Ayotte is running for Governor to keep NH Safe,Prosperous, and Free. That is why I support her 1000%. Her accomplishments include being the first and only female NH Attorney General, who was also reappointed Twice. She was also Deputy AG, Top murder prosecutor, US Senator, and the list goes on and on.

I am writing today to tell you why I support her. She is the only candidate with the fire in the belly for the job. Kelly loves our State, and she looks forward to getting up every day and fighting for us. Plain and simple, she is our only chance for NH in 2024. Other candidates dodge very simple questions, campaign in basements, or follow around a certain candidate seeking their endorsement.

We want to thank John O’Blenis III for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Kelly’s campaign has been crisscrossing the Live Free or Die State nonstop since it launched last July. We are indeed only one election away from turning into Massachusetts, drive south past our state border and walk the streets of a sanctuary city if you dare! The damage Joyce Craig or Cinde Warrington as Governor would cause our State would be unimaginable for us, our children, and our grandchildren’s futures.

As our next Governor, she will fight hard for increased funding for our State Police to stop the fentanyl that is killing our people due to the Biden regime’s open borders. She will be tougher than tough on the northern border and illegals. Kelly will advocate for extreme changes to our current bail reform law that right now allows dangerous criminals back on our streets faster than the officers can fill out their paperwork. Under Kelly Ayotte, the only people calling NH their ‘ Sanctuary’ will be tax paying law abiding citizens. Join me in supporting our next Governor.

Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s Bad Choice for VP

Mon, 2024-04-01 00:00 +0000
RFK’s weak VP choice hurts his and EVERY third party’s potency. Nicole Shanahan, at only 38, exemplifies the marquee trifecta of badness for an independent candidate:

  • tied to big tech spying
  • lawyer for wealthy corporations
  • donor for statist politicians.

“Wealthy Donor” has an ostensible niceness, but most of her wealth comes from sleeping with rich men.

The three indented characteristics mildly resemble the worst presidential candidate of our lifetimes, one Hillary R. Clinton.  And they sunk her — with more incoming political, legal, business, and international experience than the three prior incoming presidents combined (Obama, Bush 43, and Bill Clinton). Hillary’s lack of genuineness was perturbing, and her elite background could not shore her up.

We want to thank Mark Stewart Greenstein for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

Ms. Shanahan will have an even harder time gaining any “down home” likeability.

There’s at least seven ways out.  All are temporary blemishes on Mr. Kennedy, but would be extinguished in a few weeks.

1) “I’m not ready for this, and would do a disservice to stay in the race.”
2) “My child needs me”
3) “I’m being threatened by the Democrat establishment’s actions” (already tangible since they continue to deny her running-mate secret service protection.)
4) “I can dutifully help Mr. Kennedy once a hefty Republican decides he can no longer stay with Trump.”
5) “I can marshal the support if Independents better from the sidelines.”
6) “I can be Mr. Kennedy’s best recruiter of cabinet members, judges, and executive appointees, any one of whom is more important than the VP”.
7) “A great successor, Larry Sharpe, from a principled party, the Libertarians, will be more effective in a campaign than me, especially in NY and its surrounding states.”

All are long-standing GOOD reasons to respect Ms. Shanahan in the future.   She can be a member of RFK’s cabinet.  She could realistcally run for Governor in 2030.   The second is diminished if she is seen as the one who brings Mr. Kennedy down.  And the first is impossible, because he cannot win with her as his VP nominee.

My video comments on Shanahan are here.


Please Submit Group communications or Press Releases to Submission is not a guarantee of publication – Publication is not an endorsement.

The post Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s Bad Choice for VP appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dartmouth College and Basketball Unions

Sun, 2024-03-31 22:00 +0000

A 2014 court case ruled that the NCAA violated antitrust laws by prohibiting college athletes from commercially cashing in on their sports skills, the way pro athletes have long done. The NCAA was ordered to pay plaintiffs and attorneys over $42 million.

If musicians in a State University band could market their music skills and earn endorsement income, then why not athletes on the State University football team?

The court case opened a door for college “student-athletes” to empower themselves. Athletes receiving sports scholarships could plausibly claim to be paid employees.

Inevitably, players would attempt to organize and unionize. But who’d have expected that Dartmouth College men’s basketball players would be the first to do so?

An Associated Press piece datelined “Hanover, N.H.” reported that in February, a regional director of the National Labor Relations Board ruled that Dartmouth basketball players were employees, clearing the way for them to vote to unionize. The players then voted 13-2 to join the Service Employees International Union Local 560.

Another New Hampshire first. A college basketball union.

Solidarity, ahoy!

But the normally “progressive” Dartmouth administration balked. For one thing, these players supposedly aren’t receiving basketball scholarships in accordance with Ivy League custom, policy, and tradition.

“Given Dartmouth’s decades-long commitment to athletics as an extension of our academic mission, we believe the regional director has made an extraordinary mistake in finding these students are employees,” the college claimed in a statement, calling the players “students whose educational program includes athletics.”

Dartmouth asked for a review of the NLRB regional director’s decision by the full board.

“From a procedural standpoint, if the full NLRB refuses to overturn the regional director’s decision, Dartmouth’s only remaining option to challenge this legal error is to engage in a technical refusal to bargain, an unprecedented step in our long history of labor negotiations,” the school stated. “This will likely result in SEIU Local 560 filing an unfair labor practice charge with the NLRB, which we would appeal. This is the only lever Dartmouth has to get this matter reviewed by a federal court.”

Is American labor pioneer Samuel Gompers rolling over in his grave?

If the courts uphold the NLRB regional director’s decision, then it will be very interesting to see how this plays out. What other colleges will follow suit? If players seeking to unionize get cut from teams or see reduced playing time, stand by for lawsuits citing unfair labor policies. What if coaches don’t treat all union members “equitably?” What if there is a Wildcat strike? (Yes, I’m looking at UNH, which does award hoop scholarships.)

More work and more money for lawyers.

The Dartmouth story is an interesting subplot to college basketball’s March Madness.

Or April Madness.

Dartmouth has actually played in two NCAA championship games. Then known as the Indians, the Dartmouth hoopsters lost to Stanford and Utah in the 1942 and 1944 finals, respectively.

In the 1950s, Rudy Larusso starred for the Indians in Hanover before becoming an NBA All-Star with the L.A. Lakers.

But Dartmouth’s hoop fortunes have since waned.

This past season saw Hanover’s aspiring labor pioneers finish last in the Ivy League with an overall record of 6-21. Unions do have a reputation (fairly or not) of sometimes stifling initiative and achievement.

Perhaps the Big Green (née Indian) hoopsters will fare better in the law courts as opposed to the basketball courts.

Solidarity, ahoy!

The post Dartmouth College and Basketball Unions appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fleets of EV Trucks Are an Impossible Dream

Sun, 2024-03-31 20:00 +0000

California has led the nation in a climate-saving push for EV tractor-trailer trucks to replace diesel power. Fiction eventually runs aground on reality, in this case, the economic, environmental, and scientific facts that the California Legislature ignored when it implemented impossible mandates for gleaming fleets of EV trucks.

Despite glowing visions of clean power, transitioning the nation’s semi-fleet to EVs could simultaneously bankrupt the country financially and the Earth environmentally.

The Golden State’s ambitious 2022 regulatory mandates require all new cars, trucks, and SUVs sold in the region to produce “zero” emissions by 2035. Many states have followed suit, adding massive federal subsidy carrots and EPA tailpipe emission sticks. The illusion that these vehicles create “zero” emissions is rapidly dissolving as the environmental impacts of manufacturing and disposal are considered. Even if EVs were climate-saving rather than climate-destroying, the economic and logistical limitations of these fantastical mandates guarantee there will be no comprehensive EV truck fleet in California by 2035 – and probably never.

A Sisyphean Plan

California’s hasty collage of environmental policies falters on several inconvenient but insurmountable truths. The electric grid cannot handle the load. The input materials required to comply with the mandates cannot be procured. The astronomical costs are economy-destroying. And when the true expenses of externalized pollution are calculated, EV trucks do not measure up to the promised environmental gains.

The nation’s electric grid, a necessary infrastructure to charge the new EV semis, is fragile, insufficient to carry the additional burden, and competes with other growing demands for electricity from data centers and renewables manufacturing facilities. Energy is required to source and mine the material to build the trucks, energize them on the road, and break them down to reclaim the materials at disposal. Heavy batteries reduce truck-carrying capacity, meaning many more EV trucks are required to replace an equal fleet capacity of diesel vehicles – more trucks, more energy, and more clogged freeways. If actually achieved, California’s plan would increase electricity demand just for EV trucks by an estimated 57%. A single truck charging station is predicted to draw as much electricity as 5,000 homes.

The manufacturing inputs necessary to construct imagined EV trucks were apparently ignored when California lawmakers decided to run the economy by fantasy. Much like mandating universal incomes without economic resources, EV truck fleets cannot be magically created from thin air and a rosy pipe dream. A study by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) suggests that implementing California’s plan nationally (as envisioned by the Biden administration and the multi-state regulatory push for implementation) would require “tens of millions of tons of cobalt, graphite, lithium, and nickel … that would take as much as 35 years at current global production rates and nearly 65% of global reserves of these minerals.” That’s a lot of mining and transportation – the rare earth industry had better get truckin’!

Unaffordable Diktats

Economic reality is mathematically grounding despite vain technocratic visions. The costs of all those rare materials mean the price of an EV truck is approximately double that of a traditional semi and the per-mile energy cost once on the road. Truck fleets operating on slim margins will have to spike rates sharply just to break even. Rates for all electric customers will skyrocket precipitously: The California Public Utility Commission increased electric rates for the state’s largest utility by 13% in 2023 (half of the 26% revenue increase requested by the utility to meet infrastructure needs).

The inflationary impacts of this EV truck boondoggle have gone unconsidered, but the impacts on consumers will be enormous. To install the charging stations for EV trucks alone would cost the nation an estimated $35 billion. Perhaps California will incur that debt to augment its current massive deficit, but the US deficit is already bloated by the oxymoronically monikered Inflation Reduction Act, which was largely a grocery list of renewable energy and EV spending projects. The fact that non-renewable, coal-plant-dependent, polluting EVs are profoundly regressive and disproportionately burden working-class Americans does not bode well for economic health.

EV Trucks Have No Clothes

The list of insurmountable realities that evaded California’s naked emperors in fashioning pie-in-the-sky EV truck mandates demonstrates that ideological whimsy, no matter how sincere, cannot overcome reality: The impossible fantasy pollutes more than it saves.

A 2023 study by the Manhattan Institute determined that EVs require far more upfront emissions to manufacture than conventional vehicles, that many modern gasoline-powered engines emit very little particulate matter, and that EVs burn through tire rubber much faster. These problems are amplified when applied to trucks (or tractors). The ubiquitous cacophony that EVs necessarily reduce carbon emissions is in serious doubt. The study notes:

“Accurately estimating the actual quantities of specific fuels used is complicated by the labyrinth of global suppliers and the lack of transparency with many of the companies. Without knowing all that, no one knows the ultimate real-world emissions from making an EV…

“The realistic potential of 43 tons of upstream emissions combined with operating realities of 24 tons of downstream emissions (over a vehicle lifetime) yields a total of 67 tons of EV CO2. This is 15% more than the 59-ton baseline for a comparable gasoline-fueled SUV.”

The inconvenient paradox of California’s mandates for EV trucks is that they likely do not spare the planet more carbon dioxide – let alone the toxins spewed from mines, the lithium batteries with no plan for recycling or disposal, the flickering electric grid, or the plunging of the marginalized into deeper marginalization.

It is to be hoped that in view of the myriad real-life impediments blocking their best-fantasized plans, EV emperors will glance in the mirror and pick up some fig leaves.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Fleets of EV Trucks Are an Impossible Dream appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Normalizing The Abnormal … Bill Clinton And Judge Walton

Sun, 2024-03-31 18:00 +0000

Yesterday (March 28th), the Biden-Regime held a “record-breaking” fundraiser … $26 million … for the PINO, President-In-Name-Only Joe Biden’s reelection, starring the de facto President, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton. And not a word by the Regime-Media about the multiple times Bill Clinton has been credibly accused of sexual assault by different women.

Nor any word about Bill Clinton’s sojourns to Epstein’s island.

In a normal country Bill Clinton would be politically toxic. In the Police State of America, he is a rock star. The Left has succeeded in making the abnormal normal. I know … I know … “focus on the fiscal issues” … “workforce housing” … “New Hampshire Advantage” … “Slava Ukraine!”

The Regime-Media has carried water for the Clintons for decades. A new and perhaps even more ominous development is a sitting federal judge going on CNN to attack Donald Trump and this judge’s totally unprecedented, unethical conduct being “reported” as proof of the danger posed by Trump.  War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

Open your eyes, bitter-clingers. America is neither a Republic nor a Democracy. It is a corrupt Police State that holds sham elections and pretends that the abnormal is normal.


The post Normalizing The Abnormal … Bill Clinton And Judge Walton appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Could Shareholder “Discomfort” … Be Reason Enough to Ban Men From Women’s Locker Rooms?

Sun, 2024-03-31 16:00 +0000

Planet Fitness (PF) lets men use the women’s locker room. However you feel sexually at that moment, you go girl, or boy, or whatever. It’s Let’s Make a Deal – pick whatever door you like. Men’s, women’s, pick one or both. PFs got your back, even after last year, when a “woman” exposed himself to a teenage girl taking a shower.

Discomfort is not a reason to change the policy.

That’s their position after a woman snapped a pic of a guy (sorry, a woman who looks like a man) shaving (like a man) in the women’s locker room not far (allegedly) from a young teenage girl.

Planet Fitness, which for years has allowed gender-confused men in women’s locker rooms, came back in the news this month when an Alaskan Planet Fitness member named Patricia Silva shared online a video she took of a man who “identifies” as a woman shaving in a women’s locker room. She said that at the time of the incident, a girl estimated to be 12 years old was sitting in a corner, wrapped in a towel, and “freaked out” by having an adult male in her changing area.

I don’t know what he was shaving, and for some, that might matter, but not to Planet Fitness unless you can prove they are not trans (members claiming trans status may only be asked to leave “if it is confirmed that a member is acting in bad faith” and is not sincerely gender confused.”), and good luck with that and PF knows it.

Libs of TikTok also shared a page from Planet Fitness’s operations manual, which states that “Some members may feel uncomfortable with a transgender member using the same locker room facilities, bathrooms, showers, or other facilities/programs separated by sex,” but “this discomfort is not a reason to deny access to the transgender members.” It calls on staff to resolve such situations by attempting to “foster a climate of understanding,” i.e., transgender accommodation.

And the climate of understanding how uncomfortable women and girls might be sharing safe spaces with men? Suck it up, honey, and to be fair, you don’t have to work out there. If you don’t like the policy, take your business someplace else. And it’s not a secret policy. So, my first question is, who lets their teenage daughter work out there? What woman would work out there if this bothers them, but they do, so it’s on them.

And PF does have a no-pictures policy – you are not to photograph other gym members (with a nod from me to the hopefully unintentional double-entendre). You can show them your member, but pictures are a no-go. If that is going to be awkward or cause discomfort, you can (again) take a walk, which is what some of PFs investors did after that latest story broke. The company lost 400 million, about 6.8% of its over five (now 4.9) billion valuation in a few short days. Folks are alluding to Bud Light-like consequences.

I doubt it.

Men sharing women’s spaces has been their policy for years. If the naked guy showing off his “membership” to a nude 15-year-old in a shower failed to make a dent in market value, this isn’t moving the needle enough to make a difference. But it could. If a minor was raped and that actually got escape velocity into viral internet space, PF might have some ‘splainin’ to do. But until such time, men who want to look at girls and women “cleaning up” after a workout can swing on in as a lady of the moment and get a little something for their pleasure. That is, after all, the problem. It is not legitimately gender-confused folks; it is predators and weirdos who make it their mission to cause misdemeanor discomfort with the risk of felony discomfort, after which it’s too late.

But again, it’s not a secret. If you are up for the risk, go for it. If not, work out somewhere else.


The post Could Shareholder “Discomfort” … Be Reason Enough to Ban Men From Women’s Locker Rooms? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It’s Not Easter Anymore … It’s Transgender Day Of Visibility

Sun, 2024-03-31 14:00 +0000

“They’re good people.” “We just disagree on some issues.” “We’re all Americans.” “United, we stand!” Blah, blah, blah. So many in the GOP are just plain STUPID. Do you really believe that it is just happenstance or coincidence that the Biden Regime chose Easter as Transgender Day of Visibility?

They could have chosen any other day of the year. And yet they chose Easter …… because they hate you; they despise you; they find you contemptible.

They … the Woke-Communists … are NOT good people. They do NOT see you as their fellow Americans … they see you as the enemy, as heretics, as threats to the Woke-Communist utopia they believe they are building. They have NO interest in “unity” … they seek power by any means, which they intend to use to make you modern-day serfs. That whole “you will own nothing and be happy” thing.

Welcome to Year Zero … when the Biden Regime decreed that Easter will no longer be a Christian holiday.

I know .. I know … “focus on the fiscal issues,” “New Hampshire Advantage,” legalize it,” “workforce housing,” “Slava Ukraine,” “Slava Ukraine.” Or so the NHGOP “leaders” tell us.


The post It’s Not Easter Anymore … It’s Transgender Day Of Visibility appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fasting on Fasting or Something.

Sun, 2024-03-31 12:00 +0000

The rising interest in modern-day fasting always struck me as a multi-agency international psyop meant to get people used to the idea of there not being enough food to go around—nothing on the store shelves. No worries. Fasting is good for you.

A vestige of the pandemic era, in case the masked and visored Grub Hubber got waylaid by pirates en route to your house with a brown bag of something the government allowed to stay open. Famous people are fasting, so it must be good,

Fasting is good. Fasting is great. That’s why there’s nothing on my plate.

So, what’s with this research suggesting that intermittent fasting could, in fact, be damaging to long-term health? “Those who only eat during eight hours of the day are at almost twice the risk of heart attack and stroke later in life, a study found.”

Do they also happen to be double-jabbed? And how about turbo cancers?

Now early research involved 20,000 adults found those who followed a time-restricted eating plan were 91 per cent more likely to die from cardiovascular disease.

The trendy dieting schedule did not reduce participants chances of death from any cause, according to the findings being presented at the American Heart Association’s Lifestyle Scientific Sessions 2024 conference this week.

Many who follow a time-restricted eating diet follow a 16:8 eating schedule, where they eat all their foods in an 8-hour window and fast for the remaining 16 hours each day.

They found this was associated with a greater risks of dying from cardiovascular disease when compared to people eating during 12- and 16-hour windows.

Those with existing heart disease or cancer were particularly at risk, they noted.

So, millions of jabbed who are at risk of heart disease and cancer because someone told them it would be good for them are being told they are at increased risk if they embrace modern fasting. Skepticism is not unwarranted.

Remember the early days of COVID? It caused everything, and nearly every malady (especially death) ended with a covid diagnosis. That was about pimping more cases and more hysteria for more control while more money got laundered into health clinics and hospitals. Now that it is increasingly common knowledge that the only effect of the covid “vaccines” are its adverse side effects, this appears to be little more than a way for the Jabbernaughts to blame them on everything else.

You didn’t die from vaccine side effects. You died with them, complicated by all that fasting combined with one or more charlatan hedgerow cures involving vitamin D.

And fasting from government narratives.


The post Fasting on Fasting or Something. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden’s Biggest Accomplishment Is Nothing

Sun, 2024-03-31 10:00 +0000

In a recent poll, voters were asked to rank the accomplishments of Joe Biden in his first term. The greatest response at 38% was NOTHING. Joe Biden may have summed it all up when he tweeted on Thursday, “I’ll tell you this: There is a difference between the two candidates in this election.” You are damn right. Joe.

Let’s look at how different.

Joe is an octogenarian who is obviously mentally challenged, a corrupt leader of the most prominent crime family in America, a man who has destroyed our sovereignty, does not support law and order, and has destroyed our economy and energy independence.

I will stipulate that Joe Biden is our President. There is not a single Biden or Democrat policy I can support, but he is still my President. What concerns Conservatives is that we see nothing presidential about Joe Biden, and common sense will tell you what kind of mental and physical acuity Joe will have when he is 86 at the end of a second term. Compounding our concern is whether Democrats deny or ignore Biden’s frailty and the limitations that prevent him from being a full-time functioning chief executive.

Biden’s surrogates claim he is energized and easily handles his aggressive schedule crisscrossing the country. These trips and visits are all campaign related and wholly choreographed. All of his comments are read off the teleprompter, and there is little in the way of question-and-answer sessions with the media corps. In contrast, it is challenging to keep up with Trump. Between his court appearances in different parts of the country, rallies, and public appearances, it is easy to see the physical and mental differences between these two men.

Then, there is the content or appearance of the activities that draw comparison. Two examples are the two candidates traveled to Texas to visit the border. Trump went to the hot spot of Eagle Pass, and Biden went to quiet El Paso. This week, Biden and Trump were in New York on the same day. Trump attended the wake of Officer Diller, who had been killed while on duty, as Biden participated in a fundraiser with Obama and Clinton.

Donald Trump is the undisputed leader of the Republican Party. He is setting policy and not bending a knee to any faction of the Party. On the other hand, Biden does not indicate that he is in a leadership role for the Democrat Party or the White House. Biden is the Manchurian President working hard to assuage the Radicals of his Party rather than doing what is suitable for the American people. The pressure from the far Left is why Biden cannot even say Officer Diller’s name or call his widow to offer condolences. To do so would be a show of support for the Police, and he would feel the wrath of the Squad. It is this same pressure that is causing Biden to fracture our relationship with Israel.

Yes, Joe, we have two very different candidates, and if the American people can see the reality of what you are doing to harm our country, Trump will coast to victory in November. Only the gaslighting of the Democrat Party and manipulation of the election will put you back in the White House and the further destruction of this great country.


The post Biden’s Biggest Accomplishment Is Nothing appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Two Dangerous Bills Must Be Stopped

Sun, 2024-03-31 02:00 +0000

California and a few other states have already ended single-family zoning statewide. And that includes neighborhoods that were ALREADY single-family when people bought into them.

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Email immediately and tell ALL Senators to VOTE NO on HB 1291, HB 1399, and your NH Reps to vote NO on SB 538. Email

These bills attack single-family neighborhoods and promote “new urbanism,” a movement based on the “climate change” agenda.

The HBs were heard before a ’special’ committee stacked with their own sponsors and rubber-stamped instead of being heard by the usual House Committee!

All three bills would be dangerous to single-family neighborhoods. Some Reps want to impose a top-down state-controlled “one-size-fits-all” approach to zoning as opposed to your voice and your vote. And they think this protects our rights! To the contrary, it removes our choices and lowers property values. As any realtor will tell you, the most important factor in the value of property is location, location, and location!

Attacking established neighborhoods is not going to remedy any “housing shortage”, which ultimately is not even the state’s responsibility.

One can only imagine why Republicans Reps Yokela, Osborne, Sweeney, and Alexander have fallen for this socialistic approach, which is similar to what is promoted by any number of left-wing NGOs such as @StrongTowns

Strong Towns stated mission is to “replace the Suburban Experiment.” was right: “It is interesting that those who scream the loudest about individual freedom and personal rights are so quick to take them away from others and do not see that as government overreach.”

Here are the 67 Reps who voted with Democrats to take away your property rights:

Republican Votes (67)

Alexander, Joe(R) Hills. 29
Ankarberg, Aidan(R) Straf. 7
Aures, Cyril(R) Merr. 13
Avellani, Lino(R) Carr. 4
Aylward, Deborah(R) Merr. 5
Bailey, Glenn(R) Straf. 2
Bean, Harry(R) Belk. 6
Berezhny, Lex(R) Graf. 11
Berry, Ross(R) Hills. 39
Burnham, Claudine(R) Straf. 2
Connor, James(R) Straf. 19
Costable, Michael(R) Carr. 8
Cushman, Leah(R) Hills. 28
Donnelly, Tanya(R) Rock. 25
Doucette, Fred(R) Rock. 25
Drago, Mike(R) Rock. 4
Dunn, Ron(R) Rock. 16
Gerhard, Jason(R) Merr. 25
Granger, Michael(R) Straf. 2
Griffin, Gerald(R) Hills. 42
Harb, Robert(R) Rock. 20
Harvey-Bolia, Juliet(R) Belk. 3
Hobson, Deb(R) Rock. 14
Hoell, J.R.(R) Merr. 27
Janigian, John(R) Rock. 25
Janvrin, Jason(R) Rock. 40
King, Bill(R) Hills. 43
Kofalt, Jim(R) Hills. 32
Ladd, Rick(R) Graf. 5
Lascelles, Richard(R) Hills. 14
Layon, Erica(R) Rock. 13
Leavitt, John(R) Merr. 10
Lekas, Alicia(R) Hills. 38
Lekas, Tony(R) Hills. 38
Lynn, Bob(R) Rock. 17
Mannion, Dennis(R) Rock. 25
Mannion, Tom(R) Hills. 1
Mazur, Lisa(R) Hills. 44
McConkey, Mark(R) Carr. 8
McDonnell, Valerie(R) Rock. 25
McGough, Tim(R) Hills. 12
McGuire, Carol(R) Merr. 27
McGuire, Dan(R) Merr. 14
McLean, Mark(R) Hills. 15
McMahon, Charles(R) Rock. 17
Moffett, Michael(R) Merr. 4
Murphy, Michael(R) Coos 6
Newton, Clifford(R) Straf. 6
Notter, Jeanine(R) Hills. 12
Osborne, Jason(R) Rock. 2
Perez, Kristine(R) Rock. 16
Phillips, Emily(R) Rock. 7
Polozov, Yury(R) Merr. 10
Popovici-Muller, Daniel(R) Rock. 17
Potucek, John(R) Rock. 13
Proulx, Mark(R) Hills. 15
Prudhomme-O’Brien, Katherine(R) Rock. 13
Quaratiello, Arlene(R) Rock. 18
Santonastaso, Matthew(R) Ches. 18
Smith, Jonathan(R) Carr. 5
Spillane, James(R) Rock. 2
Stone, Jonathan(R) Sull. 8
Sweeney, Joe(R) Rock. 25
Tenczar, Jeffrey(R) Hills. 1
Vose, Michael(R) Rock. 5
Wallace, Scott(R) Rock. 8
Yokela, Josh(R) Rock.


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The post Night Cap: Two Dangerous Bills Must Be Stopped appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Sun, 2024-03-31 00:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic hatred of Jews and why that matters to today’s events.

Also note that these posts generally do not repeat information (e.g., specific links or memes) – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok

Don’t forget my special report on the *cough cough* hardships of pre-Oct 7 “Concentration Camp Gaza”:

Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza – Granite Grok




Show the Video, Israel › American Greatness (

Force the Squad, the maladjusted kids taking over campuses, and the sympathetic or cowardly administrations of America’s universities to confront it all. Just as Eisenhower marched German civilians through the concentration camps after American forces liberated them to confront the evil done in their name.

It is no longer enough for Israel to show the October 7 video to journalists, governments, and other select audiences. Everyone must see what Hamas and the Gazan civilians who followed Hamas into Israel did on October 7 and the glee and sheer ecstasy they brought to their butchery.


Gaza: Truths Behind All the Lies › American Greatness (

More evidence that Gaza death statistics are not close to accurate ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News










This excellent beat-down of the Boston Globe appears here (links in the original):

Boston Globe Media, I want to bring to your attention the fact that I am offended by, insulted by, and fed up with the Hamas propaganda masquerading as “journalism” that you are publishing on a daily basis.

Take the article below.

Let’s start with the title, “Heavy fighting rages around Gaza’s biggest hospital as Israel raids it again.” Talk about misleading. A more appropriate headline would be “Dozens of Hamas terrorists have, once again embedded themselves among civilians at Shifa Hospital. Multiple terrorists killed by Israeli forces.” I believe that the main point of the article is that the terrorists are again using a hospital (where they previously brought and held Israelis and those working in Israel that they had kidnapped) to launch attacks on Israel and to use innocent civilians as human shields.

Next, let’s focus on the “journalism.” The authors claim that “The military said it had killed 50 Hamas militants in the hospital, but it could not be independently confirmed that the dead were combatants.” This phrasing suggests that the authors can confirm the deaths but not that the dead are terrorists.

The Globe also reports the Israeli claim that it “raided Shifa . . . because Hamas fighters had grouped in the hospital and were directing attacks from inside,” but states that this “claim could not be confirmed, and the Hamas media office said all those killed in the assault were civilians.” However, the Globe admits, toward the end of the article, that the Gaza Health Ministry (which is Hamas) “doesn’t differentiate between civilians and combatants.” So, the Globe knows that Hamas is not a reliable source on the identity of those killed, right?

In a section under the header “New Shifa siege” the Globe calls into question the veracity of Israeli claims that Hamas “maintained an elaborate command center within and beneath the facility.” While acknowledging that the Israeli military “revealed a tunnel leading to some underground rooms, as well as weapons it said were found inside the hospital,” the Globe goes on to weigh the trustworthiness of this “evidence” and states that evidence of current Hamas use of Shifa hospital “fell short of the earlier claims, and critics accused the army of recklessly endangering the lives of civilians.”

What kind of evidence is the Globe demanding from Hamas before reporting its version of events? Why is evidence (like video evidence) provided by Israel continually characterized as “unable to be verified.” The Globe needs to do a better job of distinguishing facts from fiction and to stop serving as a mouthpiece for terrorists.

It is my working hypothesis that it’s not merely Jew hatred that fuels this actual twisting / spinning of events, but racism.  These people, these suuuuuupergeniuses, literally cannot fathom that “uneducated brown people” could fool them.


Wile E Coyote, Super Genius




Journalistic Duty in Israel Palestine News – Tablet Magazine



Israel Has Created a New Standard for Urban Warfare. Why Will No One Admit It? | Opinion (

In many ways, Israel has had to abandon this established playbook in order to prevent civilian harm. The IDF has telegraphed almost every move ahead of time so civilians can relocate, nearly always ceding the element of surprise. This has allowed Hamas to reposition its senior leaders (and the Israel hostages) as needed through the dense urban terrain of Gaza and the miles of underground tunnels it’s built.

No nation has ever done what Israel has done trying to avoid civilian casualties.  Period.  Related:

Israeli soldier sentenced to 18 months for killing Palestinian – YouTube

Video.  Flip the situation – can you imagine a Hamas soldier being jailed for killing an Israeli?  More:

Israel Faces Global ‘Triple Standard’ Criticism | United with Israel

Tens of thousands of Gazans begging to go to Egypt. Palestinians outside Gaza, NGOs and national leaders say, sorry, stay put for your own good. ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

So where is the condemnation of Egypt?





How Palestine rejected offer to have its own state 5 times in the past – Law and Society Magazine.

Remember 2:191.  Drive them out from where they drove you out.  Reconquering Israel is a Koranic imperative.

Raconteur Report: FAFO

Rather colorful, but on point.

What you’re looking at is not genocide, it’s consequences. Gravity, working.

You’re getting to see what the Third Punic War looked like, and the reason Rome never fought a Fourth Punic War.




Terror Attack in Jordan Valley Wounds 3 Israelis, Gunman Fled Scene | United with Israel

A school bus.  Say, isn’t attacking obvious civilians a war crime?  But you must remember… to Islam, if you oppose Islam you are in the “House of War” and therefore are a legitimate target.  Recall Hamas’ leader saying “We don’t target civilians”?  That’s because every Israeli is treading on what they consider their land, and therefore is a soldier against them.



They’re using our own rules and ethics against us.


Gazans celebrating as captives arrive.  There are no innocent Gazans.


Terror tunnel entrance in a mosque.


Hostage describes how Gazan nurses celebrated when captives were brought in.




From here:

The Daily Mail reveals:

New DNA evidence shows that Israeli hostage Liri Albag among other captives, were held in this room of a Palestinian family in Gaza.

Yes, “innocent Palestinian civilians” were holding hostages in their houses. #BringThemHome



Her being kidnapped and held is not the only atrocity; the other atrocity is the apparently-willing complicity of the population to participate in this.  More:

Over 70 Percent of “Palestinians” Support Hamas’s October 7 Terror Attack: Poll – Geller Report

With Palestinians, there is no need to exaggerate: they really support murdering random Jews ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

By a supermajority, there are no innocent Gazans.  From here:

Al Aqasa tonight – Palestinians chant in favor of Hamas. It has NEVER been a holy place for them! If they tried chanting this in Mecca, the Saudis would throw them in jail!


What do they think about Oct. 7?


Do I weep for the children?  Yes.  I’m not heartless.  But given some of the many things I’ve posted about their kindergarten classes, lessons, and graduation plays – what I’ve posted about their school books and maps and kids’ open statements – I’ll quote Solomon Kane (creation of writer Robert E. Howard):

“[W]hen a man sets foot on an adder he asks not its size”.

What venom this young girl has:

WATCH: ‘I want to stab a Jew,’ young girl tells her teacher father | The Times of Israel

Gaza Terrorist Confesses to Raping Israeli Woman on Oct 7, Provides Horrifying Details | United with Israel

Video.  More:

Deafening silence from feminists about Hamas sexual violence | World Israel News

How much evidence do you need of Hamas sexual abuse? – editorial – The Jerusalem Post (




From here:

Columbia University’s COO and General Counsel stammer when asked whether Hamas is a terror organization.

They also refuse to act against support for terrorism on campus.

It’s a long recording, but trust me, it’s worth it.


Columbia’s COO and General Counsel stammer when asked whether Hamas is a terror organization.




In America vs. in Israel – most Americans don’t have a clue


Most Americans have stability privilege.  They literally cannot imagine life like this.  Oh that’s just not possible.  They’re TWENTY-NINERS.

No German who died before 1930 would have believed the Holocaust possible.

– Walter E. Williams





Countering ‘Pro-Palestine’ Propaganda Part 5: Gaza is an Open-Air Prison – A.J. Caschetta (

Good tools.  Also, remember my piece – above – about “Concentration Camp Gaza”.  More – video there too.

The Gaza you don’t see.

On Oct 6, 2023 Gaza was beautiful. It had all the potential to be a tourist heaven.

With billions of aid money for a brighter future, Gaza had the resources to become the next Singapore and we, Israelis, were rooting for them. We even granted permits for Gazans to work in Israel to create better lives for their families.

Instead of moving forward and building a prosperous society, Gaza chose to hate the Jews.

I hate seeing all this beauty disappear. I wish my neighbors would prioritize the safety of their children over killing mine.

I wish Gaza would have chosen a ceasefire on Oct 6, 2023.

From here:

An interesting twist in the Palestinian-Qatari blood plot about the rape of Palestinian women in Shifaa Hospital by Israeli soldiers

After the rumors that Jamila Alhassi published yesterday with the help of the Aljazeera Qatari network spread, in the last few hours Gazan surfers on leading Facebook accounts began to demand on their own initiative verification of the details of the case.

The surprising reason: the rumors about the rape of the women caused many families in the north of the Gaza Strip to move to the south of the Gaza Strip out of fear that their daughters would be raped.

I read several testimonies about many families who moved south from Gaza following Elhasi’s story.

Then I read the following amazing post on the part of Azati who has a Facebook account with about ten thousand followers:

“All the reports about the rape of Palestinian women in the raid on the Shafa’ hospital originate from the information provided by Mrs. Jamila Alhassi in an interview broadcast by the Aljazeera network. Alhassi is an unknown lady. The additions that the rape victim was a pregnant woman came in response to a photo from an anonymous Facebook account. The news It can be true and it can be false… In a way, a significant number of families I met today in Wadi Gaza stated that these reports caused them to be displaced from the north of the Gaza Strip, towards the south. I do not believe that we should contribute to emptying the north of the Gaza Strip of residents in this way that an organization used” The Haganah” who drove away the residents of the Galilee villages by spreading rumors and sowing panic…. and killing and terrorizing and committing sexual crimes….
In view of these reports we need to be more alert, aware and professional… and ask who? and where? and when? and why? and how? Questions that need to be answered. It is not possible that 24 hours have passed and the reports have not been clarified and no verified news has arrived… and perhaps Alhassi’s words were just a wrong spew…”

And on this it will be said: He catches the wise in their own craftiness’.

The Palestinians know their goods very intimately…

(Abu Ali)

From here:

Israeli Arab Muslim prays on Ramadan while serving in the Israel Defense Forces.



Last time I checked, an actual Apartheid state didn’t have members of the “oppressed” serving in the military.  Reminds me of this video:


An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army



LinkedIn post about the amount of food getting into Gaza:

Video.  And:

This is double, 2 times, 100% MORE food than it is necessary to feed all of Gaza for the 170 days of this war.

Israel has been flooding Gaza with food and aid coming from many different countries.

(Despite being under no obligation to under international law)

The problem, the bottleneck is that the UN is failing to distribute said aid and the pace that Israel is providing it..

Oh, and Hamas is stealing the aid.

So to sum it up:

– 80% MORE food trucks are entering Gaza compared to before Hamas started the war.
– Double the amount of food needed to feed the population has entered Gaza.
– Even the UN confirmed a “significant scale-up in humanitarian efforts…facilitated by the Israeli authorities”.

Don’t believe me? Check for yourself.

And then tell me, is Israel starving the Gazans?

Hamas, Al Jazeera silently retract claims of IDF soldiers raping Gazans – The Jerusalem Post (

The damage was done.  Now they can retract.




Vicious Jew Hater Nerdeen Kiswani at “Emergency” Anti-Israel Demo: “It’s Not Enough to Hate Israel In Your Hearts! Our Anger and Rage is Not Enough!” – Geller Report

Definitely here given what’s shown in this link.  More at the same site:

There Are Now Tens of Millions of Muslim Migrants in Europe, and the EU Commissioner Wants More – Geller Report


Dennis Prager comments on the ill effects of importing millions of Muslims to western countries.


Like I said in a column castigating pro-migration Jews:

An Open Letter to Pro-Migration / SJW Jews – Urban Scoop

I used to be able to find this with a simple search on bing.  Now, no.  Odd, that.  I have to go to Urban Scoop and then look.




Kamala Harris Threatens Israel With ‘Consequences’ if Rafah Terror Stronghold Stormed (

Thus highlighting the dangers of Israel – or ANY country  – being dependent on America.  Aid always comes with strings attached.  And more:

Is Biden’s Re-Election Campaign Driving US Foreign Policy? | Power Line (

My Magic Eight-Ball says YES.

David Harsanyi: Yes, Israel Is Now a Partisan Issue | The Patriot Post

Biden The Terrible Pushing for Mass Murdering Jihadis to Rule the Gaza Strip – Geller Report

Biden Regime Considering New Move to Stab Israel in the Back | Frontpage Mag

Meanwhile, you will be absolutely unshocked to learn that Old Joe’s new rule [on arms sales] is being applied selectively. The Sun notes that “In reality, arms are sold to foes and allies alike in all five continents, with little notice of rights violations. Mr. Biden urged Congress last month to approve the sale of F-16s to Turkey, even as it massacres Kurds in Iraq and Syria.” No one asked Jake Sullivan at Monday’s press briefing if arms sales to Turkey would be cut off.

Smartest Thing a Liberal Said Last Week | Power Line (

Fetterman’s starting to warm up.  And while there is ZERO DOUBT he won by fraud, I’m sure a lot of the fraudsters are in anguish about helping him win.  Remember what happened in PA:



Disgrace at the U.N. – Bill Whittle

Commentary on the UN vote by one of my favorites.  And that’s a convenient excuse to repeat two other videos by him on Israel:


Bill Whittle on holy war against Israel ( & liberals’ unwillingness to acknowledge & confront it) (

And narrated by him:

Debunking the Palestine Lie (




Mega Purim Cartoon and Meme Dump (15 of them!) ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Memes can get through cognitive barriers in a way that pure facts and logic and evidence cannot.  And another meme on “Apartheid”:





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Also, if you’re willing:

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California Synagogue Leases Space to Mosque to ‘Ease Tensions,’ Mosque Then Features Pro-Hamas Speaker – Geller Report

Magical thinking.  Like I keep saying:

Trying to please your enemies does not turn them into friends.

For example, per here (partial quote):

IDF/security “experts”, who should have resigned on Oct. 8th for their absolute failure in protecting Israelis from the very preventable horrific attack/massacre on Oct. 7th, are now recommending to empower local Gazans and give them guns, to protect themselves from Hamas.

Here again we see how blind they are to reality and the tribal culture of the Middle East. Those guns will not be used against Hamas, but against us Jews!

I would not be surprised if some of these IDF/security experts are against the policy to allow more Israeli citizens to own guns.

Or this:

Terrorists who perpetrate attacks are not who ‘experts’ say they are – The Jerusalem Post (

From 1996 to 1999, relief worker Nasra Hassan conducted interviews with some 250 Palestinians who either attempted to carry out suicide bombings, trained others for such attacks, or were related to deceased bombers.

Writing in The New Yorker, she reported that “none of [the bombers] were uneducated, desperately poor, simple-minded, or depressed. Many were middle class and, unless they were fugitives, held paying jobs… Two were the sons of millionaires.”

By the time he was done, he had concluded that there is “no significant relationship” between the economic conditions in a given country and the rise of terrorists there.

Given all of the above, why do so many “experts,” politicians, and pundits still stubbornly cling to the utterly unscientific idea that poverty causes terrorism?

The concluding paragraph is spot-on.  Wishful thinking.  We’re dealing with delusional people.  Like this fool:

“Jewish Voice for Peace” rabbi suggests Haman wouldn’t have hated Jews if he had cultural sensitivity training ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

As opposed to someone with an understanding of reality:


You cannot “coexist” with someone sworn to kill you.

The post Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Stepping Back To Regroup

Sat, 2024-03-30 22:00 +0000

Dare we turn this recent embarrassment, when our American senses, awareness, and skeptical nature slipped away, into a useful learning exercise? We need to fall back and regroup so as to refresh our thoughts and dormant loyalties. Given today’s circumstances, this may be more of a pressing need than a leisurely pastime.

Roughly four years have passed since those inherent traits were put on hold and when the Chinese virus immobilized our thoughts and actions through ample doses of fearful messaging and warnings. This look back shows how fear must have numbed our senses as obvious contradictions were ignored.

Contradiction one, attention and then vaccines were directed to the least vulnerable, America’s younger school-aged students, and all the while, Americans knew that they were the most immune! Even schools and churches were indefinitely closed, which altered many family routines.

Number two, it was a period when free Americans were semi-ordered to mask up for protections that were improbable with such papered gimmicks. In time, this exercise also developed a political preference since it was assumed that the wearers were more considerate of others than were the non-wearers, who were considered to be of that brutish MAGA crowd! Also, another division of our people was expertly insinuated and achieved.

Number three, few thought to compare the death toll from our annual flu seasons when the absence of mandates versus those imposed by this Chinese “gift” was so glaring. To offset such differences, medical officials began to slap the “covid tag” as a cause of death upon anyone with the slightest exposure, even those from traffic accidents!

From this episode came the knowledge to not let go of a winning formula, so these weasels are busy working and plotting since four years have passed, and another Trump election is an imminent threat! So, is it any wonder that although it’s a different field, the game remains the same?

Not to disappoint, Washington’s current hoax also contains contradictions of the same unbelievable sort. Virus aside, now it’s the environment that needs saving. Such is the arrogance of man! Alas, behold our savior, the electric vehicle! Or simply, the “EV.” Like the last hoax, contradiction number one follows.

This first one is so absurd that one wonders how it was even considered! Let’s bypass the huge hit to our dangerous national debt totals, this one is insanely irresponsible since gas is cheaper and has been proven over time. Aside from the debt, how about the need for an endless stream of charging stations all along the roadways; this in response to the brief running time and short distances between charging. What a deal!

Number two is the time required to recharge batteries versus filling the tank! In this push-button instant gratifying culture, tempers might be slightly on edge since instead of minutes, it’s now hours! Another deal! Brilliant!

Number three is the humdinger of contradictions. How about the energy sources for all these charging locations, which will be fed from oil and coal-burning plants but more numerous than before? An honorable mention goes to the potential for garage fires caused by these Chinese time bombs! It’s funny how China seems to be at the center of these hoaxes.

A view of America’s future landscape is seen with what appears to be miles of wind turbine fields that were formerly farms—again, these are also manufactured in China! Also sprouting up are the concentrations of such wind-generating areas off America’s northeastern coast, all of which have and will continue to reduce wildlife and associated fisheries.

We are being led to the slaughter, and nobody seems to be aware. Slowly, our national options are being reduced, as are our individual ones! At this point, our claim of being an American is only based upon our birth, which is being cheapened from illegals walking onto US soil prior to birthing!

The previous two examples should never have occurred, given the obvious contradictions involved! We have been infiltrated, and the only remaining freedom lies within us. Still, this is what inspired our Founders to greatness and is America’s one remaining fortress: our thoughts and loyalties for a free and independent America! Let’s do it; let’s step back, prioritize and regroup! After all, aren’t we all just a little sick and tired of being played for jerks by those that we elect?

The post Stepping Back To Regroup appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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