The Manchester Free Press

Wednesday • January 1 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.I

Manchester, N.H.

Don’t Let Them Reimagine What Happened on That Debate Stage

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-07-02 12:00 +0000

The infinite number of progressive (AI?) monkeys are banging away on their endless number of virtual typewriters (some of whom are still tasked with the regime’s censorship duties in the digital dungeons at Menlo Park and Mountain View) to explain away or erase what happened last Thursday. Don’t let them.

We need to keep that truth alive in the minds of Americans if we can, and that’s what the latest Trump Ad below attempts to do, I think. It is a public service reminder. Mr. Biden is not running the country (as we’ve all known for some time), but whoever is can’t continue to do that if Biden is removed or voted out of office. Even if his replacement were a Democrat, the people behind Biden wouldn’t be in charge. That new president would. They don’t want that either, I suspect.

Not that the outcome would be any different. Democrats are gonna’ Democrat, as they say, and we can expect Biden’s CNN deep fake performance to feature heavily against the left up and down the ticket: How are you still Ridin’ With Biden?

The answer is a visceral hatred of Donald Trump and the projection of Biden’s failings onto him. Don’t let them get away with that, either, and feel free to send us anything you think will help.

In the meantime, we have the Trump promo below, but first,


And Second: A brutal Fact Check of the things Biden did say.


And Third, this isn’t a new problem for Joe (circa 2020):

And Here’s a Trump Ad:

The post Don’t Let Them Reimagine What Happened on That Debate Stage appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Has America “Bottomed Out”?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-07-02 10:00 +0000

I remember reading the columns and editorials of several conservative and Republican pundits who were hoping that Trump would lose in 2020.  They based their hopes on hatred of Trump’s personality and his disregard for “the norms of Presidential behavior.”  They called themselves “NeverTrumpers” and were proud of it.

Others on both sides of the political aisle also hoped for conservatives and Republicans to lose, saying that the “only way” for the public to understand how screwed up America had become was to allow the country to hit rock bottom.  Their theory went that “once we’ve bottomed out, we’ll be able to rebuild.”

I disagreed with all of them, often and quite loudly.  I felt that allowing the US to continue to decline was a danger to the rest of the world: the US is a stabilizing force around the world, and to destabilize the US would be to destabilize the rest of the world.

On Thursday night, CNN was instrumental in ripping off the mask that the Democrats had kept in place over Biden’s cognitive decline.  By setting the rules for the debate, Biden himself had put in place the stage where the world would know that “the emperor has no clothes.”  The Democrat’s and media’s selected and appointed leader failed miserably to speak in complete sentences, to maintain a single train of thought, and to answer questions completely and honestly – without repeating previously and often-debunked tropes about his opponent. After his disastrous performance, his wife, Jill, spoke to him as a child in front of the whole world: “You did so well, Joe!  You answered all the questions!”

Nail, meet coffin.

Democrats used the federal government to pass laws that forced individuals to submit to policies that tore families apart, violated scientific facts, and unbalanced equality throughout both government and private industry.  Now, after Thursday night and their party leader’s almost total mental collapse in front of the entire world, the Democrats are in full panic mode.

Republicans, meanwhile, concentrated on winning state-level elections and won at least half the governor’s mansions and state legislatures in the nation.  They gained the power and the state-level support to begin passing state-level laws to counter an increasing number of those federal mandates.

The up-and-coming generation is realizing that they cannot afford to live on their own because of the huge debt load that both taxes and inflation have saddled them with.  They’re not happy.  And they’re beginning to realize that Biden’s “school debt forgiveness” plan, which has twice been found unconstitutional, won’t happen.  They want to blame someone… but they can’t blame Trump.


This past week, the SCOTUS issued decisions that reversed decades of “government knows best” assumptions.  The most impactful was the declaration that “Chevron is overruled” (that is exact text from the decision).  Reversing Chevron means that Congress can no longer write obscure and confusing laws, pass them, and hope that the Administrative branch can turn those obscurities into enforceable measures.

The result is that Congress must now make its meaning clear from the start.  Legislators must legislate.  They can no longer pass the buck and use Nancy Pelosi’s “we have to pass the law to find out what’s in it” mantra.  The SCOTUS has declared that “if it isn’t in the law, then it isn’t in the law.”  The SCOTUS has slapped the wrist of the “administrative state” and told them to enforce the law as written.  And if there is obscurity, it is up to a court to decide what the law means, not some functionary in DC.

The media is still complicit in its hatred of the concept of American self-determination.  They (or it) believe that The People cannot make decisions for themselves.  The People are plainly too stupid, too uneducated, too biased, or unable because “they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them (Obama)”.  No, they declare, it is up to them, the self-appointed “experts”, to act as “guides”.  Anything else is an “attack on democracy.”

Now, after Thursday night, those self-appointed “experts” have been revealed to be sycophants and ideologues who were willing to sell their reputations for a seat at the pundit’s table on networks with ever-shrinking audience bases.  Some of those “experts” don’t even have enough national viewers to fill a mid-sized football stadium.  (You’ll be shocked at how few viewers some of those “hosts” have.  The statistics are factual: cable boxes can – and do – report the channels being watched and at what time, and those numbers can’t be faked).

Yes, there are a huge number of Americans who are still comfortable wearing rose-colored glasses and believing that the government knows best.  But more and more Americans are looking at their wallets, their children’s educations, and their hourly wages.  And their satisfaction with their current situation is waning.  They’re finding out that “that government is best which governs least” (attributed to Jefferson, but he didn’t actually write it.)

For some, it’s hard to admit that they may have been misled, especially when they believed what they were told by almost all of the “experts” in the news media, and especially after the debate and they saw for themselves that the current president is “fading.”  The big question is: will they look in the mirror and ask themselves, “Have I been played for a fool?”

My advice to them is: Don’t be too concerned.  MILLIONS of Americans were also played for a fool.  The question now is: will you continue to allow yourself to be “played” by those who only want power for themselves?

The post Has America “Bottomed Out”? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Useful Idiot Part V … Terry Roy Does NHPR With His BFF Alissandra Murray

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-07-02 02:00 +0000

Terry Red-Flag Roy is the gift that keeps on giving … to the Woke-Communists. Why would you legitimize a Fake-News, Advocacy-Journalism, propaganda-outlet like NHPR by giving them an interview?

The answer is obvious in the case of Terry Roy … because he is a narcissist first and a conservative a distant second. See below:

Is it possible that Red-Flag Roy doesn’t understand that the “journalists” at NHPR look down on Roy’s constituents … see them as part of a sub-class of humans that NHPR and the rest of the elites have a duty to rule over … and that NHPR’s loyal-listeners share those sentiments? And doesn’t understand that legitimizing fake news and advocacy journalism, at best, does nothing to advance conservatism?

The post Night Cap: Useful Idiot Part V … Terry Roy Does NHPR With His BFF Alissandra Murray appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Fossil Fuel Companies Won’t PAY for “Climate Change” – Vermonters Will

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-07-02 00:00 +0000

Vermont has just done something hailed by Climateers as groundbreaking and memorialized by The Week with the headline: ‘Vermont becomes first state to make fossil fuel companies pay for climate change.’


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. They haven’t done anything but pass a bill (S.259). They have no idea how they will execute it, or if they can, what it will look like, and how much … you get the idea. And in the interest of helping bring this closer to the planet Earth they claim to be saving, I think what The Week meant was that they are the first state to say they are going to try to do it.

Do What? If you are familiar with Vermont, you’ve got a handy string of unflattering references and colorful metaphors suggesting the political/bureaucratic equivalent of erectile dysfunction. If you know anything about Vermont’s Clean Heat Standard (for example), you are probably giggling and pointing or shaking your head. While Vermont has the votes to pass any climate legislation it can imagine (as much science fiction as climate change itself), it increasingly lacks any ability to craft language or rules its government can make work.

They say they are going to “make fossil fuel companies pay for climate change,” but is that what their legislation will do?

The Vegas odds are low, which might be why Vermont – despite all the other blue states with their significantly larger number of left-wing lunatics – managed to pass it before anyone else.

Is it the result of an advanced case of progressive mental illness? An insular, self-absorbed obsession with the lie that the carbon dioxide emitted by Western “democracies” is going to despoil the planet (while the greater emissions from India, Africa, Asia, and especially China will not). Napolean Syndrome? Or is it simply the innate leftist hunger to redistribute other people’s earnings as they see fit, even when it harms the people in whose interest they claim to act?

How about all of the above?

Another Climate Laundromat

The problem begins with the Vermont legislature having more elected Democrats in it than (at which) you can shake a Mann-Made hockey stick. It has veto-proof majorities in both chambers. The state’s governor, Phil Scott, is a token Republican and a chief executive with a soap box but not much else. He’s also alleged to be the most popular governor in the country but has anyone considered that the two things (impotence and popularity) might be connected?

Mr. Scott allowed S.259 to become law (the thing that will “make” fossil fuel companies pay for climate change) without his signature, in part because he couldn’t stop it and, in part, because he is himself, is a little bit Hopey-climate-change.

From The Week.

[Gov. Phil] Scott did not seem too keen on the idea of the bill, seemingly brushing it off as too difficult a task. However, in a note to Vermont’s Senate secretary, he wrote that he “[understands] the desire to seek funding to mitigate the effects of climate change that has hurt our state in so many ways,” especially given that Vermont dealt with deadly, climate-caused flooding last year.

Translation: Tax and spend Democrats are so incapable of managing the taxpayer’s wages that it must find scapegoats to help pad a treasury it can’t fill despite the endless parade of new and higher taxes, and Phil is willing to let them trip over this cluster of (you know what’s) because he likes other people’s money too.

If it doesn’t work, he didn’t sign it, and he can always say he couldn’t stop it.

You Can’t Help Loving Other People’s Money

For the record, all flooding is climate-related, as is its absence. Rained out weddings, glorious beach days. Weather. Climate. In the case of Vermont, Its ‘Climate’ has a long history of major floods. Vermont also has a history of building things where it has flooded before for as long as people have been living in Vermont. I wonder if the fossil fuel company lawyers could do something with that when the Green (as in, we need a mountain of someone else’s money) State figures out how much to put at the bottom of the bill they plan to send them.

This is a state that spends thrice as much on education to crank out kids barely half as bright. That same state can’t possibly fix anything (certainly not the weather), no matter how much or whom they charge. Not that this is about that. This is a fishing expedition—legalized robbery. And by claiming the pockets to be picked are Big Oil, they make you think one thing when, in fact, the truth is something else.

S.259 will allow Vermont to “bill fossil fuel companies retroactively for the costs of addressing, avoiding and adapting to the damages that the emissions from their products have caused” between 1995 and 2024, said Heatmap News. But this is a multistep process. First, the Vermont treasurer must assess the total cost of these emissions to determine how much the state is owed.

Don’t you dare say Ex Post Facto or mention Bills of Attainder (both unconstitutional) because Vermont’s legislators love what they love (by which I mean your money). S.259, the “Climate Superfund Act,” launders money to fill the state’s coffers by charging fuel companies for alleged damages caused by alleged climate change (which amounts to whatever the government’s thieves say it is). Oh, look, a storm wrecked some infrastructure that was built where it floods every ten years. Make them Pay!

Climate change is less about climate and more about change. The change in the amount of change in your pocket. The fossil fuel companies won’t be paying for whatever the regulators decide is the cost of “climate change.” That will be borne by every citizen in the state of Vermont, and the Legislature can’t prevent that.

That added cost of doing business in Vermont won’t just trickle down. It will show up in the rising cost of everything that moves in a vehicle fueled by … fuel. All energy costs will spike. Businesses will have to cut staff, pay, and benefits and maybe even close up shop. Even the cost of government will go up.

That Climate Superfund will make everything more expensive (which includes covering the cost of climate change) at a time when, thanks to some Democrats who did something from DC, everything is already more expensive.

What Big Oil Should Do

When I first heard the Vermont State Senate bill passed (and I’ve said this here before), I thought fuel companies should stop doing business in Vermont. The State is, after all, in a huge hurry to get to its all-electric, no-fossil-fuel paradise. Say no today. Don’t wait for the office of charging fossil fuel companies to pay for climate change to send a bill. Give them their green future now. Good and hard, if you take my meaning.

And how long do you think it would take for all hell to break loose? Not long. Sure, Vermonters can drive to New York or Massachusetts to get gasoline—to New Hampshire if they want it and want to save a lot more money—but that’s an impractical solution. The entire economy needs fuel, oil, and gas to run. Without it, the state is at a standstill when the tanks in the ground are empty.

Is that what it will take to get Vermonters to end the madness? To vote for candidates whose primary goal is not to screw them as hard as they can in pursuit of their partisan fantasies?

Maybe. America is in something of the same situation, except that it only takes a few dedicated operatives in a handful of states to screw the entire nation. But that should mean more for activism at the state level.

Fix what you can as soon as possible, and then be vigilant about keeping it that way, especially in Vermont. The path it is on has been spiraling downward for years, and S.259 isn’t going to punish anyone but Vermonters.


| Substack

The post Fossil Fuel Companies Won’t PAY for “Climate Change” – Vermonters Will appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

It Is Not About The Debate But The Gaslighting

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 22:00 +0000

The Big Debate of 2024. When did you last see such an anticipated event that wasn’t a Patriot’s Super Bowl? The pregame dissection of the debate was fascinating to watch and made it clear which talking head was backing which candidate.

The one thing that was over the top was all of the legacy media talking in unison, attacking the character of Donald Trump—the most despicable display of self-importance and disrespect for the former president was Kassie Hunt of CNN. With her nose up in the air in a condescending fashion, she asked her guest if Joe Biden would shake Donald Trump’s hand. She went on to say that Donald Trump was not worthy of a Joe Biden’s handshake. The two men did not shake hands, but Joe Biden shook many heads on Thursday night, and by Friday morning, watching MSNBC and CNN was more like observing a state funeral than a Presidential debate.

There seemed to be shock and surprise at CNN and MSNBC, which leads me to an obvious question. Were these supposedly political experts really at a loss for Biden’s condition and performance, or were they caught in the big lie perpetrated by the White House and supported entirely by the legacy media? What the world saw of Joe Biden on Thursday is what we on the Right have been pointing to since 2021. If the former is true, these supposed experts are worse at their jobs than we could imagine. If the latter is true, these people should be relieved of their duties. They are not fit to be dispersing expert analysis of a debate, campaign, or candidate. They can also be charged with election interference by knowingly misrepresenting the facts. You know this would never happen. The media is protected as long as they keep supporting the Left.

These folks have drunk more Kool-Aid than a kid’s summer camp, especially since they lost all sense of credibility and fell in love with Barack Obama. This has created an era of unprecedented media bias favoring the Left. You only need to look at the biggest lies created by the Left and supported unequivocally by the legacy media:

Russia, Russia, Russia

The Hilary Clinton Fake Dosier

The Trump/Ukraine Phonecall

The Hunter Biden Laptop

January 6th Insurrection

Randi Weingarten/DOJ Connection

The 51 Intelligence Official Letter

In all of these instances, the media walked hand in hand with the hosts and was totally unified and in sync with the Democrat talking points. All of these stories were. Combine this with identity politics, and you have the current dilemma facing the Democrats. They want to replace Joe Biden and Kamala Harris but face three significant obstacles-Joe Biden, Jill Biden, and Kamala Harris. I contend the two ladies would be the most challenging obstacles. Removing the sitting Vice President, who happens to be a Black female, will be impossible. Jill Biden is a power-hungry individual and a wretched wife. She should have thrown the towel in for Joe years ago. These two women are immovable and remember one more factor. Joe Biden promised during the 2020 election he would be a one-term President. I guess that was just another Joe Biden lie!


The post It Is Not About The Debate But The Gaslighting appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH-“Democrats” … The Party Of Angry, Shrill Women And Weak, Beta-Males

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 20:00 +0000

Octogenarians of the world … UNITE. Actually, I have no idea if Kathy Sullivan is an octogenarian or just plays one on WMUR, aka NH-Democrat-TV. But she looks like she’s not in much better shape than BidenX, so I am going to help her out by amplifying her message.

This post goes out to all the weak, feckless, leaf-eating beta-males in the NH-Democrat Party … you have your orders! Begin goose-stepping NOW. Heil victory!

The post NH-“Democrats” … The Party Of Angry, Shrill Women And Weak, Beta-Males appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

France: Macron Takes an Electoral Beating: Which Globalist World Leader is Next?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 18:00 +0000

When the G7 met a few weeks ago in Italy, Joe Biden had the highest approval rating of any head of state in attendance. This summit was the most significant meeting of the least popular politicians in the world. These politicians cannot accept the fact that their policies have failed the common man, and people wanted a change from the progressive left ideology.

They are so caught up in their self-importance that reality is beyond their grasp. How sad to think that Joe Biden won Mr. Popularity with a 38% approval rating. This meeting began the slide of doom for President Joe Biden.

France held their elections on Sunday, and the young progressive Emmanuel Macron took an absolute beating. The outcome was expected, but the swing back to the Right was significant and sent a message to every other country led by a progressive Left leader. That message is that we drank the Kool-Aid and gave you a chance to prove your way was better than that of a conservative centrist, and you failed. We were far better off living in the middle ground.

The far-right National Rally Party narrowly missed a majority. If it can expand its lead in the second round of voting on July 7, it could form the country’s first far-right government since World War II, with 28-year-old Bardella as prime minister, and replace Macron’s pro-Europe agenda with its populist and anti-immigration platform.

Macron did not acknowledge defeat. In a statement, he hailed the unusually high vote turnout and called for the same in the second round. But the projected results suggested that his gamble in calling for the elections had backfired spectacularly and that his influence over French politics was rapidly waning.

Macron said he would not resign and could stay on until his term expires in 2027, but he would face majority opposition with little recourse. The results of this election have sent shockwaves throughout Europe. Many other European leaders suffer from the same poor approval ratings as Macron and will probably face the same outcome when their voters go to the polls. France is the second-largest economy in the E.U. and a force in E.U. affairs.

Another concern is whether the French far-right might undermine Europe’s support for Ukraine and its stance on Russia. The National Party leaders are already challenging Macron’s hold on French foreign policy and defense, suggesting the president play a more honorary role as armed forces commander in chief.

Macron was the first fringe candidate to be elected outside the more traditional center-left and center-right parties that had dominated French politics for decades. Many in Europe feel that this move away from the more progressive policies will continue on both sides of the Atlantic. The Progressive parties have had years to prove their policies work, but they have failed across the globe.

The time it takes for the National Party to win a majority may require more rounds of elections, putting France in a stalemate position. There may be many changes in candidates before the second round, including many far-left candidates dropping out. This would leave many races with just two parties- the National Party and the New Popular Front coalition.

What is happening in France and across Europe is reflective of our American race and does not look favorable on a successful Biden bid for reelection. This is one time we Americans who live on the right hope that France is right.

The post France: Macron Takes an Electoral Beating: Which Globalist World Leader is Next? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 16:00 +0000

And it’s that time of the week again.

Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, definitely off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



Am I “in the fight”?  Yes.  But I’ll be disappointed if that’s really the reason I was born.




Special Post Debate Section:


20 Biggest Lies Biden Told During His Debate With Trump (

82% don’t think Biden should run for president: NYPost poll

Biden’s Favorite News Show, MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe,’ Calls for Him to Step Down – Slay News

How Biden could be replaced as the Democratic nominee – Washington Examiner

Biden today, tell me what is good and bad about this new photo and FLOTUS is doing all she could, I commend her, but it is OVER! 95%, inside people tell me Biden WILL NOT be on the ticket November (

Desperate Biden hits back at NY Times after it told him to drop out of race – as Democratic donors float ‘intervention’ led by Obama to get president to see sense after debate | Daily Mail Online

Biden campaign official stops voters from talking to press after they blast debate performance – Washington Times

OOF! Even Reliable Lefty Jon Stewart Mocked Joe Biden Over the Debate: ‘Resting 25th Amendment Face’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

The entire New York Times homepage right now is 10 different articles trying to get Biden to drop out (












Uh Oh… More Bad News for Democrats: Biden Cannot be Replaced on Ballot in Three Swing States, Except for Death or 25th Amendment | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Can Democrats Dump Biden And Move On? It’s Not That Simple (

And that’s what I predicted on Friday: he’ll get retired, soon, on a gurney with a toe tag.





As if they didn’t know from meeting him over the last few years, or seeing him at conferences / summits.  But the kid has screamed at the emperor “He’s naked”, so now everyone is safe saying so.

World Officials Say They’ve Seen Warning Signs of Biden’s Mental Fitness (




Beautiful… Leftists Eating Their Own: Furious Keith Olbermann Calls for CNN Be Literally Burned Down for Not Assisting Biden During Disastrous Debate Performance (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft





Excellent one!

Joe Biden’s Replacement Announced? * * by Noah




And so it begins:







ROFL!  “Common cold”?  C’mon, man…







I agree, with a few rather notable exceptions.  For them, the sooner the better.




As I’ve said, understanding that there really is a war on white people has been one of the single bitterest red pills I’ve taken.



Only reason I ever listen to NPR.







If the Dems “retire” The Potato somehow, even money says she’ll be slipped in as an epic 2016 rematch.  But that will happen after the second debate, so there will be no more debates.



But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that the Great Replacement is a myth.  More:





I don’t treat my lawn with anything.  Love those dandelions as a reserve of greens.  Same with a few other forage-worthy plants in my yard and property.  At least my blackberry bushes seem to be bearing more than a few token berries this year.  Very disappointed that some of the other seeds I’ve planted haven’t taken off.




By law you cannot own a natural thing.






The fact that she did this – openly-admitted deceit – should make anything that comes from that deceit the “fruit of the poisoned tree”…






Seen this before, but it’s evergreen.



If I can ever afford a flagpole, the only one going up is Old Glory.  MAYBE the Gadsden flag below it.









We have to remember: Most people have a price.  For The Jab.  For “climate scientists”.  For dietitians who “found” that fat was bad and sugar OK.  And, MHO as I don’t know amounts, I suspect the price is remarkably cheap.  Speaking of diet, this is a fantastic book.

The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet

The enormity of the “purchasing” of dietary science staggers…

The Food Pyramid Is Based on Flawed Science and Bad Policy | PragerU

How the Government Made You Fat | PragerU





All about protecting The Narrative.



I still hope it does.  Humping through the woods in Spicy Time with supplies and guns and ammo, plus kids in tow, is not my vision of a future I want.  Though, honestly, it’s the future I expect.






Just another slush fund, like the Clinton Foundation.  I personally suspect most politician-related “charities” are exactly that, whether Left or Right.








Again and again I’ll state that while I don’t advocate for or encourage violence, were the doctors and hospital admins who permitted – encouraged! – this to develop cases of high velocity lead poisoning, and I were on the jury, I’d accept the Southern Defense as a valid reason to vote Not Guilty.








You can only rally solely on hating The Other for so long.





I’ve asked a couple of Argentines I know about this.  One likes his economic policies but not so much his desire to support Ukraine, nor to take the Falkland Islands.







Tell me you hate your own people, without telling me you hate your own people.














Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Tyranny / Globalists:

Klaus Schwab Tells WEF Elites: ‘We Must Force’ Humanity into ‘Collaboration’ with Globalist Agenda – Slay News

Forced collaboration.  Understand this fully that the velvet glove is coming off.  Especially as they “fall short” of targets:

Only 17% of targets to improve life around the world are likely to be reached by 2030, UN reports – ABC News (

The “One Health” Agenda ⋆ Brownstone Institute



Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism – Daniel Greenfield / Sultan Knish Articles at

World War 3 Watch:

Putin says Russia should produce previously banned missiles – Insider Paper

EU bureaucrats ‘want war with Russia’ – Orban — RT World News

Not just in Ukraine, but globally.

Taiwan urges citizens to avoid travel to China, Hong Kong and Macao following Beijing threats – ABC News (

The World’s Most Dangerous Delusion: Biden Thinks China Wants Stability :: Gatestone Institute


Iranian official says reformist Masoud Pezeshkian and hard-liner Saeed Jalili heading to a runoff presidential election – ABC News (

“Reformist” my ass.  At least, that’s my initial take.

Iran Mullahs Drastically Speed Up Their Nuclear Program, US Administration Sits Idly By :: Gatestone Institute

Obama and Biden paved the way to a nuclear-armed Iran –

Who Gave the Order to Threaten Nuclear War Last Week? – Flopping Aces

Seven Hairy Hells.  We’re going to tit-for-tat our way to WW3.

In response to this GG piece:

Night Cap: In Need of Founding Beliefs – Granite Grok

I want to put up an old essay of mine, Ethic Foods and Elections, as a complement to the above post.


E Ethnic Food and Elections


Jab / vaccines / medical:

Australian Government Has Been Hiding Deadly Covid Shot Side Effects since 2021 – Slay News

Stroke Risk: COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain • Children’s Health Defense (

RFK Jr. Leaves Dr. Phil Stunned As He Explains Huge Kickbacks Fauci and NIH Have Earned From Moderna Vaccines (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

Pfizer Pro Quo: more evidence emerges that drugmakers cut deal to help Biden win election (

CDC: “Vaccines work, even when they don’t.” – STAND FOR HEALTH FREEDOM

They’re going to keep doing this.



Sadly, many will fail.



Intended Consequences: mRNA ‘Vaccines’ were Designed to Cause Severe Disease and Be Resistant to Antibodies (

June 2024 COVID-19 And mRNA Vaccine Article Reference List – Fatherly Advice and Rants

JUST IN: Mainstream Media 7News Australia Airs Groundbreaking Segment highlighting COVID Vaccine Reactions (

‘Impossible’: FDA’s Fast Review of Pfizer Vaccine Sparks Debate on Thoroughness • Children’s Health Defense (

Crazy Objects Found in Blood of the Vaccinated & In Vaccine Vials (

Kansas Attorney General Report – by Carl Heneghan (

Long with a lot of info.  Sue them for their livers and kidneys.  The problem here is that the bigwigs who made these decisions will likely skate with a fine – thus legal, for a price – but the company itself might crash.  But as this comes out, more and more, more parents will hear about subclinical myocarditis, have their kids thoroughly checked, and learn just how deep that betrayal by the medical industrial complex has gone.


Vaccine Injury Cover-up? Emails suggests BCCDC withheld COVID jab adverse reaction data (

12 minutes.

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Myocarditis, Pfizer & Moderna and the Causal Link (

Two-odd hours!

Dr. David Martin Exposing COVID as a Biological Warfare Crime (

21 minutes.

Allergy Shots Contain Toxic Carbolic Acid, Human Albumin & Aluminum (

My son went through part of a series of allergy shots.  Oy!

Western Civilization Is Being Destroyed By Its Own Decadence – HotAir



Bidenomics Causes Independence Day BBQ Costs to Soar – The Lid (

Culture wars:

EXCLUSIVE: Miss Maryland Contestants Dispute Male Winner (

“I was shocked,” one contestant told The Daily Signal as she described how she found out that she was competing against a man. This contestant, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her privacy, will be identified as Contestant A. “I had mixed feelings. I started to think that the winner might be predetermined.”

“A transgender woman gets crowned during first day of transgender Pride Month?” she asked. “It did not seem like a coincidence. Especially when owner of the pageant is a transgender woman herself. I was feeling like neither myself nor my fellow contestants had a fair opportunity from the beginning.”

Pushback.  More:

Idaho Pride event diminished after 2023 protest (

Josh Hammer: How Conservatives Can Finally Get Judicial Nominations Right | The Patriot Post

But… but… but playing to win would cost them invites to the “beautiful people cocktail parties”.



Modesty Empowers Women…and 4 Reasons Nudity Doesn’t (

I thought this was so important that I put it into my journal for my kids.  Both for the girl to understand that “sexy” (let alone nudes, or even worse porn) is not empowering but cheapening.



And for the boy to grasp that a woman who uses exposed skin to garner attention is detracting from the more fundamental attraction of shared values and goals in life.  As Heston said in the Ten Commandments, He is the light of eternal mind.  That’s the basis for marriage, not rutting.

Tractor Supply Changes Their Woke Mind After   Boycotts Began – Clever Journeys

Woke, seeing consequences.  Meanwhile, in the UK:



FLASHBACK: CIA Official Admits ‘Biden World Asked For’ Letter from 51 Intel Officials Blasting Hunter’s Hard Drive as Russian Propaganda. (

Corrupt.  Corrupt.  Corrupt.  More fetid corruption:

Rep. James Comer: Bidens, China may have had 11 additional deals (

Border / migration:

Trump Says Biden’s Open Border Taking Job Opportunities Away from Black Americans (

79,000 DACA Recipients Were Approved Despite Arrest Records, Some Arrested 10x or More | The Gateway Pundit | by Jack Davis, The Western Journal



Biden’s Border Chief Claims Power to Admit More Illegals (




Pick of the post:



On trusting Democrats:



On trusting Democrats Bumper Sticker | Zazzle




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Breaking: SCOTUS Decision Drops on Trump Presidential Immunity …

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 15:09 +0000

The Democrats broke new ground when the White House coordinated with DAs and DOJ to bring multiple prosecutions against former president and current Candidate Donald Trump. When asked about Constitutionality, SCOTUS responded with a decidedly constitutional response.

Emphasis, mine.

A federal grand jury indicted former President Donald J. Trump on four counts for conduct that occurred during his Presidency following the November 2020 election. The indictment alleged that after losing that election, Trump conspired to overturn it by spreading knowingly false claims of election fraud to obstruct the collecting, counting, and certifying of the election results. Trump moved to dismiss the indictment based on Presidential immunity, arguing that a President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions performed within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities, and that the indictment’s allegations fell within the core of his official duties. The District Court denied Trump’s motion to dismiss, holding that former Presidents do not possess federal criminal immunity for any acts. The D. C. Circuit affirmed. Both the District Court and the D. C. Circuit declined to decide whether the indicted conduct involved official acts.

Held: Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. Pp. 5–43.

(a) This case is the first criminal prosecution in our Nation’s history of a former President for actions taken during his Presidency. Determining whether and under what circumstances such a prosecution may proceed requires careful assessment of the scope of Presidential power under the Constitution. The nature of that power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office. At least with respect to the President’s exercise of his core constitutional powers, this immunity must be absolute. As for his remaining official actions, he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity. Pp. 5–15.

I need to read the rest of the decision, but that seems to make it clear enough. Trump (Obama, Clinton, and Biden) has extensive immunity protection for actions while in office. Unofficial acts are not immune.

Decided 6-3 (Kagen, Sotomayor, and Jackson Dissenting – which really means they want Clinton and Obama left Open to prosecution: Biden is incompetent to stand trial so he’s safe).

More on this later.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

New Hampshire Woman Sues Doctors for Gruesome “Gender Affirming Care”

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 14:00 +0000

A Jaffrey, NH detransitioner is suing the local clinicians who brushed aside concerns about her autism and severe mental health disorders and pushed her down a path of testosterone and harmful, unnecessary surgeries. 

The plaintiff, Amanda Stewart, 39, suffers from physical deformities, chronic pain, bone weakness, and heart problems, as well as life-long regret. “She lives in daily pain from the effects of the unnecessary surgeries and years of taking enormous amounts of cross-sex hormones,” the suit states.

“They also took the natural beauty I possessed, so I lost any chance I could ever have with men,” Amanda said. “Then they took my fertility through surgery. Most men want a family and for their wife to at least look decently presentable and normal.”

“They prey on autistic people,” she said of gender clinicians. “I felt experimented upon to the point of financial and social ruination so that doctors, hospitals, and the pharmaceutical companies could get rich.”

The suit makes the following allegations:

  • Dartmouth Health Endocrinologist John Turco misled Amanda into thinking she could become a man and administered high levels of testosterone beginning in 2007 when she was 22, She couldn’t give true informed consent because she was vulnerable and unstable. When she was 14 she suffered the trauma of her mother’s death. She had autism and a history of anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and paranoid thinking. Turco also disregarded the requirement that cross-sex hormones “should not be administered without adequate psychological and medical assessment before and during treatment,” according to the Benjamin Criteria, which determined Dartmouth Health’s standard at the time. These criteria were set by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association which later became known as the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). WPATH continues to determine standards of care for gender clinics.
  • Dr. Turco ignored warnings that the testosterone was worsening her mental and physical health. For example, he continued to prescribe testosterone after she expressed concerns about skin rash and her bones feeling sore and hollow. She also had psychotic episodes leading to homelessness, and a hospitalization for delusional and paranoid thinking.  Amanda said she found testosterone addicting and that it caused mania. “I never knew what mania was until I took testosterone,” Amanda said. 
  • Dr. Turco ignored evidence that Amanda’s mental health improved when she discontinued testosterone on her own and he continued to prescribe it. For example, he noted that when she stopped testosterone in 2014 she was the best he had seen her in years.
  • Dr. Turco later recommended that she have a mastectomy to remove her healthy breasts as well as surgery to remove her uterus, and ovaries, and “vaginectomy with closure” without letters of recommendation from mental health professionals.
  •  In 2011, Dartmouth Health Plastic Surgeon Mitchell Stotland removed her healthy breasts without a letter of recommendation from a mental health professional. “Despite Amanda’s mental health issues, Dr. Stotland inexplicably noted that Amanda was ‘stable psychologically.'” She suffered complications from the surgery.
  •  In 2012, Obstetrician and Gynecologist Valerie Bell performed the hysterectomy and oophorectomy, and closed her vagina at St. Joseph Hospital, Nashua, despite not having letters of recommendation from mental health professionals. “Dr. Bell had recommended these procedures despite noting certain concerns for ‘psychiatric problems.'”
  • Counselor Michel Finegan of Monadnock Family Services encouraged Amanda to continue taking testosterone when she questioned whether it was good for her. “Mr. Finegan encouraged Amanda to continue taking testosterone without establishing that she was an appropriate candidate under the Benjamin Criteria. He advised her to “sit in the discomfort and not change anything in the hope of gaining insight and awareness of self.” 
  • Primary Care Physician Jennifer E. Madden, M.D. “cleared” Amanda for a double mastectomy and hysterectomy despite not having letters of support from mental health professionals. Madden, who identifies as a transgender woman, was affiliated with St. Joseph Hospital. Madden recommended the mastectomy based on the speculation that “she might become more functional in society.”
  • Dr. Bell, Dr. Stotland, Dr. Turco, and Dr. Madden misrepresented that surgeries were medically necessary and that there were no alternatives. They also didn’t accurately describe the permanent consequences of these surgeries.

Related: Is Dartmouth Health’s Pediatric Gender Clinic Destroying Kids’ Sexual Function?

Other defendants in the lawsuit are Dartmouth Health, St. Joseph Hospital, Cheshire Medical Center, and Monadnock Family Services. Specific allegations are medical malpractice and negligence, civil conspiracy, and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Amanda is represented by Concord NH Attorney Roy S. McCandless on behalf of Campbell Miller Payne, a law firm specializing in justice for detransitioners.


Image Credit:

  • License: Creative Commons 3 – CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Attribution: Alpha Stock Images –
  • Original Author: Nick Youngson –
  • Original Image:

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Would They Kill Him if They Had Too?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 12:00 +0000

There has been much speculation about the lengths to which the Left-Led Bordeau-sipping, uniparty ruling-class political supremacists might go to keep Donald Trump from ever setting foot in the Oval Office again. Would they, could they, have him killed? Surprise, they have a similar problem with Joe Biden.

The long-game speculation from myself and many others has been that this Democrat primary business was all a charade, and the donor class and the people running the DNC (and even a few folks inside the Biden administration) had a plan B. Politically abort Joe for medical reasons and replace him with someone viable.

Who that someone is has been of equal interest with names including Whitmer, Newsom, Michelle Obama, and even Hillary Clinton (who has apparently raised her hand and said, hey coach, put me in). But the party of death has a problem. Whoever runs the Biden administration is as wont to cling to the power they’ve got (and why not? Everyone will blame Joe for their mistakes) as any other cabal of oligarchs managing their puppet deposit.

We like our high-paying, perk-loaded jobs, and look, we get to “run” the country (into the ground), and we won’t get any blame. That’s on Joe, who can’t count to ten anymore without help. Some other Democrat might push us out the door or off to some less high-profile posting. Joe stays, we stay.

But, but, but, that debate thing, you say. It was a disaster. Months of media lies were unmasked, the way you might rip off a bandaid, but it feels like it was pulled off slowly instead, tearing every hair along with it. But Team Biden, whatever that means, isn’t interested in stepping aside, down, or anywhere else. They are in it to lose it come what may, and that has piled additional dismay onto the shit-wagon of worries after Thursday’s expose on the mental state of President Joseph R. Biden.

The liar-in-chief is now claiming he doesn’t debate well, as if that explains what we saw.

Sorry, but a few cans short of a six-pack doesn’t begin to approach what America witnessed, and the Media can no longer deny it. CNN didn’t deep fake that. Joe Biden is the single most significant negative to the outcome up and down the  November ticket.

Millions of registered Democrats aren’t all-in on abortion at birth, or open borders, so some may be willing to sit November out or vote the other way (‘cuz the economy, crime, etc.). Some of them were thinking about voting Red Instead of Blue.

Are they legitimate swing voters now, no longer under any allusion about the state of their Commander and Chief? Is he the threat to national security his opponents have long claimed? It seems so, and there’s no hiding that, so all the Left has left is to insist Trump is a liar, cheat, fraud (in other words, He’s Joe Biden), and a dictator even though he never was in his first term.

You can’t vote for that! He’s mean, a liar, and a despot. Just ask anyone who agrees with us.

Oh, and Joe is the other choice.

Actually, RFK Jr. is the other choice, and he may benefit from this inescapable public turn of events, but we’ll have to wait on larger polls to see how that needle moved. If it did, it wouldn’t be good for Joe, who, as we’ve said, isn’t getting out of the race.

There is speculation that it is too late, anyway. What if there is no way to “replace” him short of a 25th amendment action that leaves them with President Kamala, which, believe it or not, Democrats probably view as worse? It’s quite the pickle, so here’s another question. Would the Dems resort to regicide to clear the way? They’d have to remove both Biden and Kamala and then blame it on right-wing extremists. I wouldn’t put it past the Clintons or the Obamas, but they have motivation. A Republican president following the abuses of the Biden administration might feel inclined to use its precedents to send prosecutors after Bill, Hillary, Barack, or any number of higher-ranking left-lead uniparty scions.

It’s all speculative theory, of course. I don’t want anyone assassinating anyone, and in this bizarre expiration of theory, both men have Secret Service details, so add the internal political chess match required to overcome that into the calculus. But the rabid dog of the left just painted itself into a corner, and we know it does not want to relinquish power. What will it do?

Anything is possible, including starting WWIII and declaring martial law. Let’s hope Joe can’t remember the launch codes and whoever has them doesn’t want to burn the world to keep Trump out of office. But, you have to wonder. Would they rather destroy America than give even a little of it back?

The post Would They Kill Him if They Had Too? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

EVs, ICEVs, Repairability, and Outrage

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 10:00 +0000

The old TreeHugger site, that batch of green on the outside but red on the inside Eco-Socialists, is gone forever. All of the DISQUS comments have been wiped out, and most of the more fun (e.g., combative) posts have also been deleted, including those by Lloyd Alter, who, I thought, was always on a Greenie track (with a socialist kicker of “Eat the Rich”).

Steve had voluntarily created a nice logo for me to you as the “Featured Image” (the images you see at the top of all of our posts – Steve makes sure that EVERY post has one for SEO purposes):

I thought it was MARVELOUS! And he’s much better than I am at this (my sad sack for Lloyd above – I make no bones about it that I almost failed stick figures in Junior High art class.  That said, I am trying to figure out how to use AI to create some images for me, as I certainly can’t.

Thankfully, from the standpoint of creating content fodder, he is now “blogging” / writing at Substack: Carbon Upfront!  (thus, “Substack Comments” instead of “DISQUS Comments,” where he concentrates on eliminating the use of carbon in building anything as it is killing us all and the planet. Funny, however, he never answers my questions about WHO is going to control/mandate/police that whole process (but it does give me leave to poke fun at him for his socialist/communist ways as he knows that I know that he knows there’s only one way to do it – MASSIVE Govt).

My, my, even with that, he actually invited me to his new digs so I promptly started to do what I did over at TH – come at his ideas from a different point of view than his academic/cultural bubble had. So, during my “semi-retirement,” I built up a few “comment posts-to-be” there, and it’s now time to start using them.

One of his recent posts is labeled “Cars need design for disassembly and repairability,” where he’s rather upset that Tesla, in its mantra of squeezing out every unneeded cost it can, violates his sensibilities that everything must be made repairable. Regardless, it raises the upfront cost of a product (including the expensive Teslas). To wit: Tesla’s adoption of “Gigacasting,” in which a lot of the Tesla body is now going to be made of one piece:

And then we have Tesla. According to energy and transport analyst Michael Sura, Tesla is “gigacasting” bigger and bigger pieces of their cars. While high-pressure die casting (HPDC) has been used to make complex parts for years, Tesla is making bigger and bigger parts. Sura writes on Linkedin:

“Traditionally, car manufacturers integrate numerous stamped, forged, extruded, and cast elements of their vehicle structures, connecting, welding, and gluing these components together in the production process. During the gig casting process, a molten liquid aluminum alloy is pressed into a mold under high pressure, resulting in the formation of large three-dimensional shapes with a relatively high level of precision. A large single gigacasted component can replace 50, 70, or even more individual parts.”

Lloyd is having hissy fits because unlike his old, old VW Bug, a Tesla (and Volvos and other manufacturers doing the same things) if something breaks, we all can’t fix it. Instead, we will have to buy that one HUGE piece if it gets crushed even a little (instead of one of the smaller pieces that formerly required multiple steps during the manufacturing process and added cost). It may even mean that a car gets totaled for what used to be a smallish repair.

Lloyd forgets that even running into a curbstone sidewalk with an EV could result in the battery bank getting bumped badly and the car getting totaled—after all, the battery is on that now huge structure, and any deformation of that is VERY likely to damage it. Can you say “S’mores on the highway” when it goes blooey?

So I decided to comment that EVs and their gig casting may not be as big of a problem as he thinks and from a different perspective than what he wanted:

Meanwhile, in other VW news: “Fossil Fuels Remain The Future. VW To Invest 60 Billion Euros In Combustion Engines!

In a surprising move, Volkswagen announced it plans to invest 60 billion euros in the development of new combustion engines as confidence in electric mobility plummets in Germany and elsewhere.

“This change in strategy shows that the transition to electromobility is progressing more slowly than expected,” reports Germany’s Blackout News here. “Just last year, Volkswagen assumed that electric cars would account for 80 percent of annual sales in Europe by the end of the decade. However, the lukewarm reception for its own ID models is forcing the company to adjust its strategy.” Also see (motor1: 07.06.24).

As German sales of electric vehicles fall way short of government targets due to their unpopularity and high costs, manufacturers are seeing the writing on the wall: Electric mobility still has a long way to go.

Reality check…”

Remember, Lloyd hates, Hates, HATES cars. Gas-powered FAR more than EVs but hates ALL cars. He wants Rack’em and Stack’em dense cities that are “walkable,” and if you have to go anywhere, use public transportation, walk, or bike. So telling him that the lesser of cars aren’t turning out the way he will at least put up with (’cause it ain’t a carbon emitter) was the way to go.

However, another transplant from TH, Bob Baal, a New Zealander, decided to answer the above with rose-colored glasses supporting the EV viewpoint. Funny that he had to pick on what here in the States is a luxury car that few can afford:

BMW seems to have a different opinion

“BERLIN, Jan 10 (Reuters) – BMW (BMWG.DE), opens new tab is investing 650 million euros ($711 million) to convert its main plant in Munich to exclusively produce EVs from the end of 2027, the carmaker said on Wednesday, a major stepping stone in the transition to the electric age.”

“”The tipping point for combustion engines was last year,” declared BMW’s Chief Financial Officer, Walter Mertl, effectively drawing a line under the era of unbridled ICE growth. “

“Meanwhile, BMW’s electrified fleet is experiencing a record-breaking surge. Sales of electric BMWs, Minis, and Rolls-Royces rocketed 74.4 percent in 2023, propelling EVs to a 15 percent share of the company’s 2.56 million-unit total output.

This momentum is set to continue, with BMW aiming to ramp up EV share to 33 per cent by 2026 and a staggering 50 per cent by the end of the decade.”

Or from VW itself

“EVs are the future, but combustion era ‘is not over,’ VW CFO says”

?Of the €180 billion ($196 billion) set aside in 2023 for research and development, the German brand said it would use more than two-thirds on “electrification and digitalization.”?

So lots of EV and PHEV from VW. Hardly the abandonment of EV’s.

“As German sales of GERMAN electric vehicles fall way short of GERMAN government targets due to their unpopularity and high costs, GERMAN manufacturers are seeing the writing on the wall as NON-GERMAN EV sales mushroom.

Fixed that for you.

Sales of PHEV and BV are online to be 1 in 12 of new cars in 2024. For every BEV sold this month in 2020 4 are being sold now.

I went contrarian to show that the rosy glasses seem to be getting darker and darker as we hoi polloi aren’t buying what’s being sold, literally:

Ford and GM are cutting back on EV investment and production (Ford losing $132K USD for each EV). Fisker just went Chapter 11 bankruptcy. So did Lordstown. Rivian isn’t doing well either.

So, President Biden had $7 billion USD to build EV chargers all over the country. $7 Billion.

8…count them…8 sites have been built thus far. And folks wonder why I’m a government skeptic – and loudly proclaim that this is not a Constitutionally permitted activity by the Federal government (States, however, are a different beast – they can if they want).

Much of the private charging sites (Tesla mostly excluded) are hit or miss on whether they work or not (mostly not).

And now my local TV station has been running clips on how range is much diminished with EVs in the heat (batteries are being drained in keeping the batteries cool; nice tech but it doesn’t help in getting where you want to go). This is in addition to the clips this past winter about the same problem.

Gotta keep’em warm, too!

And more than a few on EV school buses, costing twice to three times the price of gas/diesel ones, not being able to be used in the northern part of the US. Mountainous areas? Forgettabout it!

Let’s see how BMW goes.

I didn’t say abandon but we’re seeing the aftereffects of the over-exuberance of EV Future. IMHO, after the frenzied & large scale rollout, now that early adopters and virtue-signalers, the market is certainly pulling back – resale prices on used EVs is crashing. Almost half of EV users ( are looking to go back to gas powered cars.

Bottom line is that I’m agnostic to either EV or ICE as long as it gets me to where I want to go in hauling the people and stuff that needs to go with me without worrying about range and reliability. What I am NOT agnostic about is having govt ramming it down my throat via laws or biasing regulations in forcing its choice upon me.

Funny, nobody has taken that on yet.

Anyway, more to come as I have lots on my stack of stuff!


The post EVs, ICEVs, Repairability, and Outrage appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Vote For Me … I’m Asian And I Want More Abortions

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 02:00 +0000

The “Democrat” Party … the party of angry, shrill women and weak, feckless, leaf-eating beta-males. Perhaps no State better exemplifies that than New Hampshire.

Here is State Senate candidate Ben Ming, who is going to bring diversity to the State Senate by regurgitating the Left’s abortion is “reproductive healthcare” trope while reminding us that he is Asian. Hey, beta-boy, abortion is the antithesis of reproduction.


The post Night Cap: Vote For Me … I’m Asian And I Want More Abortions appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trump Cut Taxes for Billionaires?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-07-01 00:00 +0000

It was astonishing to hear that, after neglecting the Ship of State for a solid week for debate “training,” Joe Biden failed at both execution and plan. The plan included repeating his stock lies, including:

– The “very fine people” hoax that Snopes finally debunked just this week
– The “losers and suckers” lie that even John Bolton had denied

The electorate does not know for sure who is telling the truth and who is lying — especially when CNN, following Alinsky (“Look in the mirror and call your enemy the worst thing you see”), blogs the debate punctuated with “Facts matter”. The electorate especially does not know for sure what economic policies will be successful and which will backfire. Luckily, they can sniff out character — vitality versus dotage.

But there is one chronic Biden lie that every Grok reader ought to learn to rebut: that Trump “cut taxes for billionaires.”

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1. “Billionaire” and so on are measures of wealth. What we tax is income; the government takes a portion of each year’s new production. We are lucky that government doesn’t try to tax wealth. Wealth would flee the US, at the speed of mouse clicks, in search of safety, and there would quickly be no capital to build buildings, create jobs, and buy machines to improve productivity, which is the only systemwide way that pay goes up.

2. Trump’s signature Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 did indeed cut tax rates on high-earners. This is because it cut tax rates on everyone. High-earners pay the lion’s share of US income taxes — and they paid a GREATER share after the Act lowered their rates. There is no way to pass a general tax cut without also benefitting “people who don’t need it.” The only individuals who did not benefit are high-earners in Democrat states who pay high state and local taxes and lost their ability to recoup some of them on Form 1040.

3. US income-tax revenue, even adjusted for inflation, is so much larger than before the Act that by now the Act clearly “paid for itself.” Most cuts in tax rates do pay for themselves, whenever we get a President wise enough to propose them (JFK and Reagan), because most rates are still on the far edge of the Laffer Curve, where the main effect of a rate increase is not more government revenue but serious harm to the economy resulting in less revenue. This will not undo Congress’s rule that any future tax-rate cut must be accompanied by new damage in order to “pay for it,” based on the false assumption that people don’t change their behavior when you repeal punishing taxes.

4. Biden’s lie to the contrary is stock demagoguery, which unfortunately continues to work well, many voters believing that they will benefit if government confines itself to harming classes of people we dislike. It is a variation on Obama’s and Clinton’s theme that certain classes “won’t see a dime of new taxes.” In fact, everyone will pay them, and it would be much more healthy if we did see them!

5. Biden’s drumbeat that “the rich [sic] don’t pay their fair share” is blind to history. The Tax Code has clawbacks of tax breaks, arcane rules for specific groups of taxpayers, and a complete second income tax (the 26%-28% Alternative Minimum Tax) to target people supposedly paying too little under the first one. Obamacare included a burdensome investor surtax (the 3.8% NIIT) having nothing to do with health care but only Obama’s own class hatred. He even proposed what was essentially a third tax system to “catch” those people we all hate but didn’t catch with the second one. In fact, every law-abiding taxpayer is paying his fair share. Some pay low taxes because they do what Congress has asked them to do, such as invest in depressed zones or buy low-interest government bonds. They have earned their low tax rate. Some, like Warren Buffett, pay low taxes by deferring the sale of stock; they have low tax on income because they have foregone their income. Of course, Biden, Sanders, and Warren are proposing to tax even gains that you don’t receive. This is a variation on the belief of “Gollum” that, if I can conceive of it, it should be mine.

6. There is no measurement of when a high-income taxpayer has paid what Biden thinks is his “fair share.” That is, if Biden got everything he is asking for, he could and would continue to use this line and demand a further solution to this supposed problem. The result is unconstrained government; this is a much bigger problem than the notion that someone made “too much money.”

The biggest positive of the Biden term is his inability to repeal the 2017 tax law, and it is the reason the US economy is resisting recession even as Biden continually wages war with investment, innovation, and entire industries. However, Republicans had to lower the “cost” of the Act to avoid a Democrat filibuster, so the personal tax cuts expire at the end of 2025 — and Biden has vowed that they will “stay expired” if he is re-elected. No matter the damage.

My perennial tax proposal is that, at the start of the next year, the US enact a law that any money you make for the rest of that year, above the amount you made this year, is taxed at a rate of 0%. No one loses. Take a moment to imagine how hard you would work! Everyone else would too. Explosive new productivity is worth whatever it would “cost” the Parasite Sector.

The post Trump Cut Taxes for Billionaires? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Elections Have Consequences: Let’s play, Spot the Difference … #CCP #Biden #Trump

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-30 23:00 +0000

Elections Have Consequences: Let’s play, Spot the Difference … #CCP #Biden #Trump

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Rumble("play", {"video":"v51jqzr","div":"rumble_v51jqzr"});

The post Elections Have Consequences: Let’s play, Spot the Difference … #CCP #Biden #Trump appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hurricane Beryl Getting Rave Reviews from Fearmongering Media

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-30 22:00 +0000

Hurricane Season is finally perking up a notch. We’ve gone from a few tropical depressions to one named tropical storm to one actual hurricane. Beryl is currently a Category 3, north of French Guiana and Suriname.

Its current track, unfortunately for the fearmongering media, will take it across Grenada, just south of Jamaica, where it begins to lose strength. Beryl’s projection ends at the Yucatan Peninsula as a Cat 1. – no US landfall.

But it’s a hurricane, damn it. It took the entire month of June, but we’ve got one with two other depressions percolating, one of them with a high probability of needing a name itself (perhaps my other brother, Beryl?). The promise of an active season is upon us, but you know that. We’ve been reporting it for months. That’s not what this is about. We’re here to talk about the media filter of said hurricane.

Not just a Cat 3 or Cat 4 hurricane but a, Very, Extremely Dangerous version of those. As if that were not ever the case before?

The hyperbole is, I suppose, expected; they have, after all, been forced to wait nearly four weeks for anything remotely capable of earning the words very this or that. It’s all very amusing. Not the hurricane, of course; those things can get nasty, but the hutspah. As if they’re so good at climate and prediction in general, we should all drop our tea and shout, good heavens!

Beryl is now only the third Category 3 hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic in June, following Audrey in 1957 and Alma in 1966, hurricane specialist and storm surge expert Michael Lowry said.

What was the atmospheric concentration of CO2 in 1957 or 1966? It’s not a concern or even on their radar, which is of no consequence and unworthy of mention, especially since, OMG! Beryl is the first Cat 4 in that region ever recorded. All that means is that there could have been one before records were kept. It’s like that hottest hotness ever problem. Aside from almost never being true, it is an impossible lie to defend. We know the earth has been hotter and for longer just not as part of the modern or satellite record.

Related: Inconvenient Science – Warming Leads to Fewer Hurricane Landfalls

You might as well say yours is the biggest penis you’ve ever seen, having never seen any other. Or, maybe you have, but it’s been ninety years, and we are meant to 1) believe you and 2) believe it means what you say.

The storm has already set the record for the easternmost hurricane to form in the Tropical Atlantic in June, beating a previous record set in 1933.

I think, as a courtesy, the SeeOhTwoasauraus should be required to report how much carbon dioxide is in the “air” when they do crap like this. It was around 250 ppm in 1933 which suggests the trigger isn’t what they will continue to claim. It’s something else and there are a lot of somethings at play.

The other thing missing from the hyperbolic “very” headlines is how very likely it is that Beryl might be a Cat 1 before it reaches the Yucatan. I couldn’t find that anywhere. As in, “very uncommon Hurricane projected to lose almost all of its energy before it reaches Mexico.” Or, “Beryl is strong now but likely to lose a lot of punch before landfall.”

Well, heck, why bother to even read about that? Nothing to see here unless you live in Grenada or Jamaica.

We don’t know if that’s how it will pan out or if Beryl will stick to its current trajectory (maybe reach Cat5?) because the prediction game is precarious a few days out, which—again—begs us to wonder how they can feel so certain about anything ten, twenty, or fifty years along. They can’t. But there is a lot of money and much in the way of political advantage in anything that sustains the hysteria.

Another problem they invented. An irrefutable hypothesis that is justified by everything because that’s the only way to keep the green rolling in and the fear rolling out,

None predicted yet, but we’ve got four months, which, as you know, leaves us plenty of time for more hysteria absent any context. And there’s a tropical depression right behind  and plenty of potential behind that.

It’s a big year for hurricanes. just remember, we’ve been quiet for a very long time. This was due.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Slavic Lives Don’t Matter To Alissandra Murray

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-30 20:00 +0000

Alissandra Murray … who appears more interested in representing Hamas than the people in Manchester she is supposed to represent … has turned down an invitation to the White House because “a genocide is still actively supported by it,” referring to Gaza. Alissandra, however, apparently has no problem with the genocide in Ukraine … where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died fighting Biden’s proxy-war against Russia.

It is fair to ask if Alissandra even knows about the situation in Ukraine and how it came to be … the Biden-regime saber-rattling about admitting Ukraine into NATO and dispatching Boris Johnson to scuttle a peace-plan Ukraine and Russia had agreed to at the outset of the conflict. It is fair to ask because Alissandra appears to be the quintessential Woke-Commy-bot marching in goose-step and never asking why or where,

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Disappointing First Contact With The New Ombudsman

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-30 18:00 +0000

Many readers are already familiar with that Nashua flagpole matter, which I said I would share updates on, and there are a few worth mentioning. I sent in my 91A request early on the morning of June 7 and received a reply on June 12, telling me how voluminous my request was and that I would receive another response “on or before June 25.”

Given my previous RTK experience and subsequent litigation against the City, I didn’t have the highest of hopes.

I sent a polite follow-up email on June 24, reminding city hall that I would like to have the material I requested “available for public inspection no later than” the next day. City hall closes at 4:30 p.m., so I sent a 3:45 p.m. email requesting that they make good before closing up for the day. 4:30 came and went, but a surprise arrived at 5:05 p.m., which local Grokster Laura Colquhoun said was their modus operandi.

Part of my surprise was that a city hall employee would be on duty after hours, but I was glad to see what at least appears on the surface as a good-faith effort.  The email was accompanied by two files.  One of them was a cover letter saying that my request was so voluminous that they would reply again on or before July 19 with the remainder of the responsive material.  The other file was a 172 page pdf of older flag pole requests, like 2017-2021, which I have since shared with Damien Fisher of NH Journal and Beth Scaer.  I am very interested in viewing the more recent material, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, on June 25, I was in the early stages of preparing for what to do in the event that the City played hardball, as they are known to do. Because there was a good chance that they would either blow me off completely or stall me again with another delay, I decided to explore the possibility of using the ombudsman’s services.

I emailed Mr Kehr (and ONLY him) at 10:35 am on Tuesday, June 25, inquiring when it would be a good time, THE NEXT DAY, to come to his office to discuss using his services.  It’s important to point out that I asked about coming in on Wednesday, June 26, because I was going to Concord anyway for the last meeting of the executive council before their summer recess.  Also important is that I enclosed all the information he might find relevant in discussing my situation.  I did that by forwarding him a copy of my June 24 email to city hall(and its scrollable cascade of previous emails).  Big mistake!

While it has since been clarified to me that the ombudsman does not give advice, I will explain why sharing the details of my situation via email was a mistake.  Mr. Kehr cannot be trusted any more than one can trust the nearest blabbermouth.  I did not include anyone in City Hall in my email to him.  Mr. Kehr was the ONLY recipient, and there were no “copy to” recipients, yet he decided to “school me” publicly in front of city hall, albeit cyber-style.  Now Attorney Bolton and all his ilk know everything I said to Mr. Kehr in my email to him because he copied them in his reply to me!

I will also add that his response also arrived yesterday(Thursday) afternoon with an opening lip service sentence saying, “My apologies for not responding sooner.”

I don’t know how many emails this $100,000/year government employee receives per day, but he either doesn’t check his inbox daily or was completely clueless that I was expecting his reply to my morning email later that same day.

According to NH Bulletin’s Annmarie Timmins, Mr. Kehr was nominated by the Damn Emperor in December 2022, and he is an attorney.  While I’m aware that I have no attorney-client privilege with him, I find his indiscretion disappointing, in addition to his insensitivity to timeliness.  When his appointment expires, I do plan to tell the next executive council about this, assuming that our next governor renominates him.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The US DoD’s Secret Anti-Vaxxer Campaign

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-30 16:00 +0000

The story, if you’ve not heard, is that the US Department of Defense, at the urging of then Sec Def Mark Esper, authorized a psy-op to make Asians afraid of China’s COVID vaccines.

These were actual vaccines made in the old-school way, and the DoD is alleged to have created or paid proxies and influencers on social media to get locals to protest China’s Jab.

Reuters: Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic

Nice headline you got there. So, you’re telling me that the US Department of Defense was running an anti-vaxxer campaign in Asia to down-sell local vaccines so they could then offer to upsell mRNA gene therapies?

Did Pfizer or Moderna promise a commission from the sales if it worked? Were you planning to use that to offset the costs to US taxpayers to run the op?

That’s sarcasm, but why is the United States Federal Government using military and surveillance state assets to create the same sort of networks it used to overthrow the democratically elected Ukrainian president in 2014? The sorts of programs and assets it uses domestically against American citizens. This is, after all, South East Asia, and what’s it to you if they are using what we have to assume – in the DOD’s opinion or that of its handlers – is an inferior product?

Old school vaccines, Pishaw. What 20th century nonsense.

Why would you care if millions of Chinese got COVID or died because they didn’t have access to your (cough-cough) wonder drug?

The clandestine operation has not been previously reported. It aimed to sow doubt about the safety and efficacy of vaccines and other life-saving aid that was being supplied by China, a Reuters investigation found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus.

So, while you were being canceled for calling it the China Virus or daring to question the safety or effectiveness of what Pfizer and Moderna (and the US DOD) were peddling, your government was running an anti-vaxxer campaign and accusing China of being the virus.

To do what? Sell more mRNA for Pfizer and Moderna.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Pulpit Polity: Richard Stockton

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-06-30 14:00 +0000

Hello, Friends of Freedom. I hope your summer is amazing! Let’s continue our look at the Declaration’s signers. Richard Stockton was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence from New Jersey and was perhaps the one who suffered the most for doing so. He was captured by the British and tortured severely in prison.

He was born into affluence in New Jersey, where his father founded the College of New Jersey.

He had a brilliant intellect. After graduating from Samuel Finley’s Academy of Nottingham, he studied law under David Ogden, the most prominent lawyer of his time.

He received the degree of Sergeant of Law ( the highest law degree of his era).

He married the poet Ann Boudinot and had six children.

He was a trustee at Princeton University for 26 years. He was not known to like politics and shied away from involvement until he requested some time away from Princeton and made a trip to Europe. While in England, he engaged King George III on behalf of the University regarding the Stamp Act. The King liked him a lot, as did other Parliament Leaders who at the time were not hostile to the Colonies.

We want to thank Pastor Allen Cook for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
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After returning home, his reputation only enlarged, and he was regarded as a man of immense wisdom and sound advice.

He also became very outspoken about the British and their treatment of the citizens of the Colonies of America, and as a result, he was asked to be a delegate to the Continental Congress.

He was captured by the British while visiting friends as he was on his way home from Philadelphia after signing the Declaration of Independence.

He was deprived of food ( intentional starvation) and subjected to freezing cold.

He was offered a pardon, and some say that it was in exchange for recanting his signing of the Declaration of Independence. There is no factual evidence of this recanting, and other scholars believe that George Washington was involved in negotiating his release.

He had an incredible faith, as is exemplified by his knowledge of and reference to the scriptures in so many of his writings.

A few faith statements are as follows:

I subscribe to the entire belief of the great leading doctrines of the Christian religion, such as:

*the being of God: (Genesis 1:1)

*the universal defection and depravity of human nature: (Romans 3:23)

*the Divinity of the person (John 1:14) and the completeness of the redemption purchased by the blessed Savior (Ephesians 1:7)

*I exhort and charge my children that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10)

*The way of life that is held up in the Christian system is calculated for the most complete happiness that can be enjoyed in this mortal state and that all occasions of vice and immorality is injurious either immediately or consequentially in this life.

He was a founding father who lost everything of earthly value but maintained his faith! *****(thanks again to Dave Barton’s info of his quotes out of his great book, The American Story.)

Until next time….

The post Pulpit Polity: Richard Stockton appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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