The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 17:00 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.

Take heart – there will be both a Wednesday and Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***





















New voter base.




A someone who is blond, blue-eyed, and “pasty white” I’ve experienced massive reverse discrimination.





I know people like this.  Terrified.  Just saw a woman with a mask and a face shield.  Still.  FFS.



There’s definitely “something” going on.  But at this point if the government were to tell me the sky was blue on a clear & sunny day I’d run outside on the next such day with a color chart to check it.




For this crime alone IMHO Soros needs to hang.  And for his work weakening America and Western Civilization, never mind his work against Israel, I – as an American Jew – want to be the one to pull the lever on him and all his progeny as a way to cleanse the world of his evil.



Jefferson et al, weeping.  And it brings to mind a simple question: why can’t these men say NO?



How do you “find” 50K votes just like that?  And if they can, actually, do that – isn’t that testament to their ability to fraudulently win elections in general?













Just another shy innocent ravished… uh huh.




Doubtless hooking up with already-here agents and planning & scouting.








Kids and phones / tablets:


And it’s not just intellectual danger:


PJTV: Five Alarm Fire



Actual danger to kids’ motor skills development.





A Rothschild.  F*CK.  As though we don’t have enough trouble with all our liberal BS infecting Judaism.



I highly recommend this counter-argument:

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation

I know people – committed American patriots – who can hit 5″ groups at several hundred yards.  And the target doesn’t have to be people.  It can be transformers.  It can be fuel depots.  It can be water pipes feeding the “blue hives”.  Don’t worry – none of this hasn’t been discussed openly – and no, I’m not advocating it.  I’m trying to warn all these anti-gun advocates the kind of hell they’re talk could be unleashing.  Just imagine all these frame-house, closely-packed neighborhoods on a dry, windy day – in many many cities.  When the firehouses have been taken out, or the water feeds to the hydrants taken out.  And then… well, you can figure out what very unpleasant thing could happen next.  Now imagine this happening in a refugee-oversaturated town where there is no shelter or hotel space capacity left… and vast swaths of multiple neighborhoods are now smoldering ruins.  And there’s no power or water.

Again, not advocating anything.  But with no power, and no water, and little food… how long will these cities last?  And don’t forget what a few boxes of roofing nails could do to the food shipments into the city.

All of this has been discussed in various places around the web.

One more time – I do not want to see this happen.  I am not chafing at the bit for spicy time.













IMHO it won’t be “happening” until they’re removed from being able to have power again.  One way or another.






CO2 is roughly .04% of the atmosphere.  Or roughly .0004, or 400 PPM.  Of that about 3% is emitted by humans.  So .0012% of the atmosphere is man-emitted CO2…  or 12 PPM.  How… convenient that out of all the factors that could affect climate, it boils down to this tiniest sliver of something mankind does.  Suuuure it does.



My pediatrician read me the riot act over not getting the boy his latest “required” vaccines.




Control the information flow, control what people believe.



So… is this all for show to convince us there are “good guys” trying to stop it?  The above image does present complications for the Abbott is a good guy narrative.




Foreign agent.




True for me whenever I was on a bus.











I know a “fair” amount about foraging, etc.  If I was forced to live off the land MHO is that I’d simply die at a slower rate than most of the people I know.




What a lot of people don’t realize is that – only for Palestinians – people can relocate to a “safe” country and still be called refugees; for most once they reach a safe country they’re not refugees any more.  Palestinians can get citizenship in that new country, build new lives there, and still be called refugees.  And unlike any other refugee population or group, refugee status for Palestinians is unique in that it transfers generationally.  Thus, Bella and Gigi Hadid – multimillionaires born in America and both with NYC apartments and mansions elsewhere, who live jet-set lives that few can afford, who have never actually been citizens over there, and weren’t even alive when the population exchange between Israel and the Arab lands happened – are nonetheless considered Palestinian refugees.

So Israel’s situation with them is special.  Once again, a situation with Jews involved is marked for special handling.

Get US out of the UN.  For this reason and a million more.




Heck yes.  And from the first earning to the last.  Everyone needs skin in the game.






Link section (some by me, some by my Jarhead friend):


Scientists propose million-square-mile umbrella to fight global warming (

Let’s do something that has the potential to wipe out all life.  What could go wrong?  And what’s the carbon footprint of making and launching it?

Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont says state will be first to cancel medical debt for all eligible residents (

So generous with other peoples’ money.

Microsoft To Disable Computers of Users Who Share ‘Non-Mainstream Content’ Online – The People’s Voice (

A rumor for now, but I’ll be paranoid and suggest that this was an aim from way way way back.  It was never about finding criminals but about developing the ability to track everyone, everywhere.  Speaking of tracking:

Face Recognition Technology Becoming More Sophisticated — And Better at Tracking You • Children’s Health Defense (

Surveillance state.  Made no less “innocent” because much of the data is in private, not governmental, hands.

“We’re Broke with Biden – We Weren’t with Trump” – Black Man at Barbershop Tells MSNBC “A LOT” of His Friends are Voting TRUMP (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Not just this.  They’re being replaced by the migrants as the darlings of the Left, and the more observant among blacks see this as well.

Why America will Fall – by RE Nichols (

The avalanche has already started.  It can’t be stopped.  The main question IMHO is surviving until the rebuild phase.

Globalists Will Use Carbon Controls To Stop You From Growing Your Own Food –

And related:

Glazov Gang: ‘Ecocide’ Charges – on the Horizon | Jamie Glazov Productions

TSA Rolling Out Worrying New Tech at More Than 400 Airports ( (bolding added):

“The CAT-2 units are currently deployed at nearly 30 airports nationwide, and will expand to more than 400 federalized airports over the coming years,” a TSA official told Nextgov/FCW — and noted that travelers can opt out of the scan by notifying a TSA agent and going through standard verification procedures.

Bet that gets you put on a list, surely.

Furthermore, the move is being billed as privacy-enhancing, not privacy-degrading.

The cage, sold as beneficial.

Dr. Philipe Grandjean Exposes The History Of Fluoride’s Harms (

As Sowell once said, life is not solutions, but merely trade-offs.  And increasingly, I am defaulting to the position that whatever The State / The Authorities say is completely wrong.

Glazov Gang: Leftism and the Delusion of Beating Death | Frontpage Mag

And this is a central element, IMHO, to transhumanism.  The idea that you can beat death.  And this is, ultimately, one of their great weaknesses.  Please note that I’m not advocating anything, but… on an intellectual level, were some globalists to get ventilated, it might give the rest pause.

Iron Skillet Cleaning and Seasoning | Cooking With Brenda Gantt 2023 (

I think I need to get to thrift stores, yard sales, etc., and grab some old ironware pans, etc.  Restore them and they’ll be good barter items when the SHTF.

Explosive Investigation Uncovers a Global Shadow Government’s Secret Control Over “Elected” Governments & Public Health Bodies, Forging a Global Vaccine Regime – Flopping Aces

“Altogether, 38 individuals run the daily lives of 8 billion people on Earth … The Biden administration is under the control of the shadow government.  I can confirm this without any hesitation based upon the information that I have,”…

If someone had told me this before 2019 I’d have laughed, smiled, and looked for a rock.  Now… I’m willing to believe it.  Related to control:

Push for Collecting Your DNA to Target and Control Behaviour (

Houthis may sabotage western internet cables in Red Sea, Yemen telecoms firms warn | Yemen | The Guardian

If they actually do this, and I have no doubt they will try, that’s double-plus ungood.

They Already Have a Foot in the Door – Don’t Give Them More! · Caldron Pool

What we are witnessing, and I am sure most of you have already recognised this, is the destruction of the once-Christian culture that made the Western democracies great. That once meant rule of law and equal rights for all. But now the Woke Stakeholder-Capitalist ideology of the WEF cultists is being imposed on us, from the top down. This is the Fascist/Marxist propaganda of diversity, inclusion and equity (DIE).

Today in “Science”: American Psychological Association Study Asserts ‘Hiring Most Qualified Candidate’ may be ‘Unfair’ (

Losing our science to DIE:  Now it’s “unfair” to hire the most qualified candidate, because it keeps the diversity candidates out of jobs.  Gee, whatever happened to the concept of work harder, get better educated, & earn more skills so you BECOME the most desirable candidate?

The Firm (

Our Congress Critters are despicable, but it’s the system that’s REALLY rigged against us.  Here a senator states that bills are created in secrecy, and legislators given only days (or hours) to read the bill before voting on it.  In this way, hundreds of “laws” get passed without any real debate or even a chance to read them.  It’s a system that completely undermines our “representative” form of  government,




Pick of the post:



The problem is that they THINK they’re so much smarter and more educated.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Wednesday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

How Far Will Ilhan Omar Push Us

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 15:00 +0000

The politicians who run for and take office at any level and have a focused agenda for who they represent need to be targeted for replacement. Politicians may have a Party affiliation, but once in office, they represent every person in their town, district, county, or state.

They may have a philosophy that leans Left or Right, but they cannot represent just a subset of their constituents. Over the last decade, we have seen politicians who have an agenda to represent LBGTQ, Trans people, or certain minority groups, and that is wrong. We see politicians who hold onto the belief they need to represent only Black or Brown people. That is tantamount to me winning a government position and only representing Senior, Italian, and Heterosexual Males. It is wrong, and we must call out politicians who do this.

Ilhan Omar has been the subject of many of my articles, and not because of her good policies that have enhanced the lives of her constituents in Minneapolis. Omar is a member in good standing of the Squad and goes out of her way to show how radical her beliefs can be. A refugee brought to America with her family to escape the civil war in Somalia, Omar has never shown gratitude to her new host country. She is now a woman who has achieved what few women have: a seat in the United States Congress. Let’s stipulate one fact, and that is Ilhan Omar hates America and Americans. She went too far recently with that angst.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has begun the process of censuring Ilhan Omar. Greene’s move comes in response to Omar’s alleged admission of acting as a foreign agent for another country.

The Daily Caller has procured a copy of the resolution, which is set to be introduced following a controversial speech by Omar. In her address, Omar purportedly stated that her primary responsibility as a Congress member is safeguarding Somali interests. This statement, delivered to Somali leaders in Minnesota on January 27, has drawn significant backlash from her Republican counterparts. This lack of respect for America should not only anger and disgust Republicans but every American who has pledged their allegiance to our country that has given us, and Ilhan Omar, so much. Her comments were not just to assuage and patronize the people she addressed. This is what she believes in her gut.

Numerous incidents should have triggered ethics investigations during her short time in America and Congress. There is evidence of immigration fraud, marrying her biological brother, and campaign finance violations. She continues to get complete support from the Party’s Radical wing and cover from Party leadership.

We have a video of the illegal migrants who assaulted two New York City Police officers and were released without bail. Two of these criminals were then seen giving the camera and all Americans the “double-bird.” These illegals have left New York for the sanctuary and safety of California. They will blend into the masses and never return to New York to face the consequences of their actions. Ilhan Omar has thrown us the “double bird” too, and because of her gender, color, and nationality, she will never face the fiddler, either. The sad thing is that because of the government saturating the area around Minneapolis with Somali immigrants, Omar is assured of a long career in Congress.

The post How Far Will Ilhan Omar Push Us appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Weeks Comment of the Week and A Downvote Record

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 14:00 +0000

It was another excellent week for comments and debate, dominated by the anti-Democracy hit list and the topic of assisted suicide. Plenty of other posts received a lot of comments, but those two stole the show.

The result was a lot to read through to find a remark that tickled my comment of the week fancy. There were a lot of excellent contributions, so you continued to make the task at hand difficult.

One side note: Jeanne Dietsch chimed in under the piece about her list of 500 anti-democracy granite staters, and it got seventeen downvotes. I think that’s a record. Feel free to put it on your resume, Jeanne, and thanks for coming back for more. The comment community was happy to engage.

As for this week’s winner, there were plenty of runners-up, tons of excellent stuff – even Skip found a tie to join the fun (he comments as ‘GraniteGrok’ if you didn’t know), but there can be only one.

Jim Peschke summed up a lot of what many people said succinctly and, as a long-time commenter, managed to eke out this week’s win.


Nobody cares about you personally, Jeanne, nor are we interested in your narrow-minded views on libertarianism or any other economic/political philosophy.

By producing and endorsing this Nixonesque “enemies list,” you have shown your true colors, and they are damning.
Guilt by association, Thoughtcrime, political persecution, and intolerance. These are the ideas that will forever be spoken in the same breath as “Jeanne Dietsch.”

I confess that Invoking Nixon did it for me because of its McCarthyesqe undertones. Democrats project like mad, alluding to witch hunts that they engage in frequently. It dovetails nicely with the lie that they put people before politics, which is impossible. To a true Dem, there is only politics, and you can’t line up the dissenters after the revolution if you don’t have a list.

Congrats to Jim, who needs to email me:

The post This Weeks Comment of the Week and A Downvote Record appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another State, Another Failed Plastic Bag Ban

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 13:00 +0000

The New Hampshire legislature doesn’t have a plastic bag ban this year (there’s one for plastic utensils that needs to die), but banning misnamed single-use plastic bags is still on the Left’s bucket list even though doing so is worse for the environment they claim to be protecting.

I won’t relitigate past proof; you can read through it for yourself. A summary, however, is in order in the form of recent reporting on the complete failure of New Jersey’s recent “bag ban.”

Most of New Jersey’s stores switched to reusable shopping bags, the kind often sold in supermarkets. These bags are made with non-woven polypropylene, which uses more than 15 times more plastic, and they are often not recycled.

As a result, these bags caused greenhouse gas emissions to rise 500% compared to the old bags in 2015, according to the report.

On top of this, people tend not to reuse the new reusable bags as much as intended — on average they are only used about two or three times before being thrown away.

There are no reusable bags, plastic, hemp, or poly, that are less carbon-intensive or better for the waste stream than thin film, and this is old news. From manufacture to care to disposal, they have a bigger footprint that gets bigger unless you stop washing them after about 800 uses.

Related: Dems Proposed NH Bag Ban Created 5.2 Million More Pounds of Less Environmentally Friendly Waste in California

Yes, the anti-baggers will cite their own studies, but if the goal is to reduce waste and emissions, much like wind and solar, their solution makes matters worse, which is amusing if you read the opening of that plastic utensil ban I noted above. Proposed, “In furtherance of the state’s goals to reduce waste, promote equity and environmental justice, and address the impacts of climate change.”

And please do not misunderstand. I have no quarrel if you like or want reusable bags as a personal choice. The gripe is with applying government force based on, at best, a half-truth and something worse than a lie. Thin film bags are cheaper and easier to recycle and dispose of, while every alleged ban excludes so many types of plastic bags as to be little more than a virtue signal attacking one visible feature whose prohibition results in the use of more plastic to replace it.

You can ignore all that if you want, just don’t use the government to force the rest of us to go along on that ride.


The post Another State, Another Failed Plastic Bag Ban appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Winter Cold Exploited to “Prove” Global Warming

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 11:00 +0000

Winter weather has become a harbinger of climate justice agitation. In the past, frigid snaps were exploited by eco-warriors to “prove” global warming, as climate scientists predicted colder extremes as part of global climate change. Actual science has now disproved that hackneyed assertion, so alarmists have pivoted from manipulating arctic blasts to “prove” global warming to discrediting anyone who questions the official (if fictional) narrative.

A Moving Climate Target

Typical headlines currently dominating the cacophony of mainstream media propaganda include titles such as “Why we still have brutal cold snaps even as the planet warms to record levels.” The jargon now indicts “conservatives [who] use cold snaps to dispute climate change” as a pre-emptive effort to discredit anyone who dares do what green militants routinely do – use every anecdotal weather event to rattle sabers for the end of the world.

Americans are witnessing more than mere hypocrisy – this clueless disconnect reveals that science is the last thing that the pseudo-scientific climate activists wish to consult. The green tea leaves predict the end is nigh. Every single wildfire affirms the vision – even if ignited by a clan of arsonists. Every record hot day “proves” climate change and human-caused at that. Every flood, drought, hurricane is leveraged into a Thunbergian ballyhoo to terrify.

Exploiting Cold Snaps

Recently it got really cold, really fast across many regions of the United States. “Hold on,” say the alarmists, “that doesn’t mean anything. All roads MUST prove anthropogenic climate change; alternative discussions are verboten!” El Nino, a known climate contributor, was predicted to cause a warm winter and brutal cold spells – that is largely ignored. Consideration of other factors, however well scientifically established, is simply not done.

The evolution of environmental propaganda is visible. A 2017 Forbes commentary titled “A Response For People Using Cold U.S. Weather To Refute Climate Change” averred that “there are some studies that suggest that a warming climate (because more water vapor is available to a warmer atmosphere) may fuel bigger blizzards or snowstorms. That science is also emerging.” Well, that science has “emerged” and been increasingly questioned. Warming trends have yet to be proven “anthropogenic,” so it seems clear scientific proof has taken a back seat to ideological conviction.

El Nino Still Exists

Thus, eco-alarmists have shifted from “record cold is caused by climate change” to “conservatives are wrong to use record cold to refute climate change.” A Jan. 16 article by the Associated Press titled “US in deep freeze while much of the world is extra toasty? Yet again, it’s climate change” claimed this apparent contradiction “fits snugly in what climate change is doing to Earth.” The piece then favored a single scientist who claimed cold outbreaks are caused by climate change and stated, “It’s a theory still debated by climate scientists but growing in acceptance.” El Nino goes unmentioned.

However, 2024’s winter is expected to be warmer due to the long-studied effect of El Nino. CBC News reported:

“[E]very couple of years the polar vortex is disrupted, splitting into multiple ‘lobes’ that extend south. That disruption also causes the polar jet stream to weaken, which can help push and hold the freezing air over parts of Canada and the US.

“Even though the polar vortex is strongest in winter, it can be disrupted by certain patterns in the upper atmosphere. According to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, those patterns can become more common in late winter during El Niño years.”

A Predictable Ideological Pattern

The ideological pattern is far easier to discern than that of the weather. Climate warriors continue to abuse science by claiming that the current cold snap is further evidence of climate change, even as they mock detractors for using the same event to question their wobbly models. This knee-jerk adherence is so profuse it has become predictable – here at Liberty Nation in December:

“El Nino is predicted to be very strong in the coming months, warming many areas. (Climate Crisis!) It is also predicted to amplify swings in the polar jet stream, causing sharp cold snaps. (Climate Crisis!) Cold or hot, El Nino or El Nina, all temperatures and storms precipitate howls of doom and demands for increased power from the Climate Warrior Clan.”

Weather has always been unpredictable. Lately, meteorologists trying to forecast next week’s storms sound more like charlatan pretenders than scientists. Though they can’t seem to predict local temperatures accurately three days out, Americans can correctly predict what the climate alarmist community will hysterically claim even years from now.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Winter Cold Exploited to “Prove” Global Warming appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

64 Times the Biden Administration Intentionally Undermined Border Security

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 09:00 +0000

From Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, a list – since sometimes it’s nice to have one – of 64 documented incidents when the President of the United States deliberately undermined border security.

There may be more, but exactly how many do you need, especially in an election year, after Biden’s administration had claimed (repeatedly) there’s no there there, or, later, that they were doing something about what they’d claimed wasn’t there. Sure.

Here’s the list.


WASHINGTON — Last week, in a weak attempt to shift blame for a crisis their own policies created, the White House clumsily tried claim that House Republicans had an “anti-border security record” by voting to “eliminate over 2,000 border patrol agents and erode our capacity to seize fentanyl.”

These claims were demonstrably untrue, previously disproven, and underscored the Biden Administration’s failure to secure our southern border, marked by record high crossings in December and widespread national recognition that the situation at our border is a crisis.

“Since his first day in office, President Biden and his administration have worked to systematically undermine America’s border security,” Speaker Johnson said. “On more than 60 occasions, he has manipulated the federal bureaucracy to open our borders to illegal immigrants, human trafficking, fentanyl, and potential terrorists. The result is a humanitarian and national security catastrophe. The President must use his executive authority to repair what he has broken. I am calling on him to do so. “

Below are 64 instances of the Biden Administration undermining border security policy and encouraging illegal immigration. Click here to download this document with source links and corresponding data on encounters, number of children smuggled, and fentanyl seized.

  • Jan 20, 2021: President Biden terminated the National Emergency at the Southwest border (Proclamation 9844), thereby halting emergency construction of a border wall.
  • Jan 20, 2021: President Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) further entrenching the unlawful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. With his action, President Biden directed the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, “to preserve and fortify DACA”, signaling to illegal aliens that his Administration supports amnesty and that illegal aliens need not fear coming to the U.S. or worry about immigration enforcement.
  • Jan 20, 2021: President Biden unveiled the U.S. Citizenship Act, which would provide amnesty to millions of illegal aliens in the U.S., demonstrating intent to reward illegal border crossers with a path to citizenship.
  • Jan 20, 2021: President Biden revoked Trump-era Executive Order that was designed to ensure there was meaningful enforcement of U.S. immigration laws.
  • Jan 20, 2021: The Administration issued an Executive action ending limitations and restrictions against immigration from certain countries associated with terrorism.
  • Jan 20, 2021: The Biden Administration announced a 100-day moratorium on deportations and immigration enforcement, effectively providing amnesty to criminal and other removable aliens and sending the signal the Biden Administration would not enforce the law. The Administration also announced interim immigration enforcement guidelines that signaled to illegal aliens that they do not have to worry about the possibility of deportation.
  • Feb 1, 2021: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) implemented Acting Secretary Pekoske’s policy requiring a new “process [that] shall provide for assessments of alternatives to removal including, but not limited to, staying or reopening cases, alternative forms of detention, custodial detention, whether to grant temporary deferred action, or other appropriate action.”
  • Feb 2, 2021: President Biden issued Executive Order (EO) 14010 and began processing asylum claims at the border. In the EO, the President also signaled an end to the Migrant Protection Protocols (which is known as “Remain in Mexico” or “MPP”) while making other statements signaling an open border.
  • Feb 6, 2021: Secretary of State Antony Blinken suspended, and began termination procedures, for the Trump Administration’s Asylum Cooperative Agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. These agreements ensured aliens seeking asylum could do so in countries closer to their home country and in countries other than the United States.
  • Feb 2021: The Biden Administration voluntarily stopped applying Title 42 expulsions to children across the board, setting off a major wave of unaccompanied alien children, family units, and illegal aliens generally heading to the U.S. border.
  • Feb 17, 2021: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) exempted unaccompanied alien children (UAC) from Title 42 expulsion requirements, thereby encouraging UACs to come to the U.S. and parents to pay cartels to smuggle their children to the U.S. border.
  • Feb 25, 2021: The Biden Administration sped up releases of UACs.
  • Mar 2, 2021: According to news reports, the Biden Administration lost track of 20,000 unaccompanied alien children and President Biden was briefed on the need to expand detention to hold an additional 20,000 children who had illegally crossed the border.
  • Mar 5, 2021: Faced with overwhelming numbers of UACs in federal custody, the CDC ignored its normal facilities guidance regarding COVID-19 and notifies “facilities caring for migrant children that they can open back up to pre-Covid-19 levels, acknowledging ‘extraordinary circumstances.’”
  • Mar 10, 2021: Biden Administration announced reinstatement of the Central American Minors (CAM) program, an Obama-era parole program that allowed citizens and aliens—including illegal aliens—to bypass the family-based immigration laws adopted by Congress and sponsor family members El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to come to the United States.
  • Mar 16, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas delivered remarks effectively explaining the border is open for illegal immigration by stating DHS’s focus would be on “processing” illegal aliens—in other words catch-and-release and the creation of new “lawful pathways.”
  • Mar 20, 2021: DHS began issuing illegal alien border crossers a Notice to Report (NTR) to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as opposed to the standard Notice to Appear (NTA) in U.S. immigration court. The NTR policy allows illegal aliens to simply be released into the U.S. and relies on them to self-report to ICE at a later date.
  • Mar 30, 2021: Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) took drastic actions to expand detention space to house unaccompanied alien children in so-called “Influx Care Facilities”, often using unlicensed facilities that lacked child welfare experience. In March, April, and May of 2021, ORR expanded capacity to house another 23,849, including 10,000 at Fort Bliss. DHS was also holding children for a longer period than allowed by law (between 30 and 40 days) and, because the flow of UACs across the border outpaced Health and Human Services’ (HHS) ability to vet adults who can care for the children.
  • Mar 31, 2021: The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) issued guidance rolling back requirements for background checks on adults in the household of a UAC sponsor.
  • Apr 30, 2021: The Biden Administration canceled further wall construction which was being led by the Department of Defense (DOD).
  • June 15, 2021: The Biden Administration announced expansion of the Central American Minors (CAM) program to broaden the list of illegal aliens who can sponsor family members through the program, including illegal aliens who claim asylum.
  • June 16, 2021: Attorney General Merrick Garland rescinded the Trump-era decision In Matter of L-E-A-, thereby expanding asylum eligibility to allow nuclear or immediate familial relationships to be treated as a “particular social group.”
  • June 16, 2021: Attorney General Merrick Garland rescinded the Trump-era decision in Matter of A-B I and A-B II, thereby expanding asylum eligibility to include gender and domestic relationships as certain social groups, reverting to policy under in Matter of A-R-C-G.
  • July 2021: The United States Border Patrol (USBP or BP) released at least 50,000 aliens without giving them a “Notice to Appear” (a court date), instead advising them to self-report to ICE on their own. Unsurprisingly, 87% of aliens fail to report.
  • Aug 5, 2021: The USBP authorized the use of parole plus alternatives to detention (ATD) in the Del Rio Border Sector.
  • Aug 17, 2021: DHS announced an expansion of alternatives to detention (effectively reinstating and expanding catch and release) and announced the expansion of taxpayer-funded services to illegal aliens in removal proceedings.
  • Aug 31, 2021: The Biden administration released over 100,000 aliens into the United States between March 21, 2021 and August 31, 2021, without giving these aliens a “Notice to Appear”, instead advising them to self-report to ICE on their own. Of those, nearly 50% of them did not check-in with ICE within the 60-day deadline.
  • Sep 24, 2021: The Administration falsely accused Border Patrol agents on horseback in Del Rio, Texas of whipping aliens at the border. President Biden condemned the agents, saying the aliens had been “strapped” and vowed “consequences.” Vice President Harris piled on the false allegations, comparing them to oppression and slavery. In fact, DHS Secretary Mayorkas knew the claim was false and even though the agents were exonerated in July 2022, the Administration proposed punishment for the agents.
  • Sep 30, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas issued a memorandum that states “the fact an individual is a removeable [alien] should [not be the sole] basis of an enforcement action”, effectively using prosecutorial discretion to give deportable aliens a pass to stay in the United States, thereby granting a form of amnesty to many illegal aliens.
  • Fiscal Year 2021: Throughout Fiscal Year 2021, the Biden Administration distributed more than $300 million in federal law enforcement grants to Sanctuary Cities under SCAAP, Byrne, and COPS programs (amounting to 43% of total awards going to sanctuary cities), financially rewarding cities whose policies encourage illegal immigration.
  • Oct 8, 2021: DHS canceled another group of border wall contracts led by DHS related to the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley Border Sectors.
  • Oct 12, 2021: DHS effectively suspended large-scale worksite enforcement, a key tool to deter the hiring and employment of illegal aliens.
  • Oct 27, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas issued a memorandum prohibiting enforcement of immigration laws in certain areas including schools, healthcare facilities, recreational areas, social service and emergency facilities, ceremonial locations (such as funerals and civil ceremonies) as well as at demonstrations and rallies.
  • Oct 29, 2021: DHS Secretary Mayorkas terminated the Migrant Protection Protocols (known as “MPP” or “Remain in Mexico”).
  • Nov 2021: The Biden Administration formally created a program that included alternatives to detention (ATD) plus parole, resulting in “catch and release” for hundreds of thousands of aliens into the U.S. interior after they were encountered at the border (338,000 aliens were released in Fiscal Year 2022 alone) under this program.
  • Dec 17, 2021: Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) repurposed three detention centers previously used for family detention, thus encouraging greater illegal immigration of family units.
  • Jan 2022: Between July 2021 and January 2022, the United States admitted more than 79,000 Afghan evacuees as part of Operation Allies Welcome after the Biden State Department and Department of Defense botched the nation’s withdraw from Afghanistan. The DHS OIG determined that DHS failed to fully vet the evacuees. Failure to vet refugees, signaled that the Administration might also apply lax vetting to asylum seekers, further encouraging asylum abuse.
  • Apr 1, 2022: The Biden Administration announced intent to end Title 42. Federal District Court Judge from Louisiana temporarily blocks the action.
  • Apr 3, 2022: ICE Principal Legal Advisor issued memorandum promoting termination of cases in immigration court and directing ICE Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) trial attorneys to comb through their cases to determine whether aliens would be considered a “priority” for removal under the Biden “enforcement priorities.”
  • Sep 9, 2022: The Biden Administration reversed Trump-era public charge rule, allowing aliens who are likely to become a burden to taxpayers to receive immigration benefits – such as a visa, admission, or adjustment of status.
  • Oct 31, 2022: DHS finalized a rule to “fortify DACA”, which declares DACA recipients as “lawfully present” and grants them employment documents despite ongoing litigation.
  • Dec 13, 2022: The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the State of Arizona in order to force Arizona to remove shipping containers placed to close gaps in the border wall.
  • Jan 2023: CBP changed CBP One app to allow border crossers to schedule online appointments, expanding the number of aliens allowed into the United States.
  • Jan 6, 2023: The Biden Administration began abusing statutory parole authority under INA 212(d)(5) by creating a categorical parole program for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Parole was intended by Congress to be used sparingly and only on a “case by case” basis, yet DHS continues to create and administer categorical parole programs to allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to classes of aliens.
  • Feb 25, 2023: The New York Times reported data showing the Biden Department of HHS has lost track of 85,000 alien children over the prior two years. NYT exposes details of minor children working in factories in the United States.
  • Mar 2023: ICE continued to ignore the need for deportations, allowing criminal aliens to stay in the U.S. ICE’s non-detained docket grew to an estimated 5.3 million aliens, including 407,983 criminal aliens. Meanwhile, ICE arrests in Fiscal Year 2022 fell by 69% compared to Fiscal Year 2018 and arrests of convicted criminals fell 65% (to 36,322 in Fiscal Year 2022 from 105,140 in Fiscal Year 2018).
  • Mar 25, 2023: Despite record numbers of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border, the Biden Administration proposed cutting detention beds by 25 percent as part of its Fiscal Year 2024 budget request.
  • Mar 28, 2023: DHS Inspector General (IG), citing lax oversight, issued a report that identified misuse and fraud of federal emergency funds, resulting in up to $110 million in funds appropriated in the American Rescue Plan and other legislation being awarded to pay for services to illegal aliens and not Americans suffering due to COVID.
  • Apr 13, 2023: The Biden Administration announced DACA recipients would be eligible for Obamacare benefits and Medicaid, giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens.
  • Apr 27, 2023: The State Department and DHS announced plans to end Title 42, expand CBP One app, and create additional unlawful categorical parole programs for aliens from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. The program violates the law and allows aliens to enter before they receive a green card and without a visa.
  • Apr 30, 2023: The Biden Administration circulated guidance that waters down the vetting process for Chinese illegal aliens, requiring that interviews used to question a Chinese illegal alien consist of five basic questions. The media reported that Chinese illegal aliens “quickly adapted” to the new CBP guidelines and were “coached” to give “stories that are identical.”
  • May 5, 2023: CBP expanded appointment capability of the CBP One App. Through Nov. 2023, nearly 360,000 appointments had been scheduled on the app (43,000 in November alone). The CBP One app continues to be vulnerable to exploitation by the cartels.
  • May 11, 2023: The Biden Administration terminated use of Title 42 policy expulsion authority.
  • May 31, 2023: The Biden Administration ended the DNA testing program used to verify that adults who crossed the border with a child and claimed to be related to that child, are in fact related. Ending the program promotes not only illegal immigration, but also child exploitation and trafficking.
  • July 7, 2023: The Biden Administration expanded unlawful parole programs to include individuals from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
  • July 24, 2023: The Biden Department of Justice sued the State of Texas to remove newly placed floating barriers in the Rio Grande River.
  • Aug 10, 2023: The Biden Administration Office of Management and Budget requested nearly $14 billion in emergency funding that perpetuates the Biden Administration’s open borders policies. For example, $600 million was requested for FEMA’s Shelter and Services program, which provided airfare and hotels to illegal aliens. This is on top of the $363.8 spent by the program in Fiscal Year 2023.
  • Aug 29, 2023: ICE scrambled after releasing into the U.S. more than a dozen Uzbek nationals with ties to an ISIS smuggler.
  • Aug 2023: DHS rebranded “Alternatives to Detention” as “Release and Reporting Management,” effectively using ICE to provide social services to aliens instead of allowing ICE to function as a law enforcement agency.
  • Sep 8, 2023: The Biden Administration promulgated a proposed rule to reverse Trump-era policy and allow Immigration Judges to administratively close or dismiss removal proceedings without any action (something not allowed by statute), resulting in no decision denying asylum.
  • Oct 4, 2023: The Biden Administration issued new rules on UACs that fails to prevent the release of illegal alien children to strangers, fails to facilitate age determinations, and fails to collect immigration information on sponsors. All of this will encourage trafficking of children, including by the cartels.
  • Dec 21, 2023: Biden Administration announced the creation of a new “juvenile” docket within immigration courts which is so expansive, it gives specialized treatment to 18, 19, and 20 year-old illegal aliens who should be deported through the expedited removal process.
  • Dec 28, 2023: Following a trip to Mexico by Secretary of State Blinken and DHS Secretary Mayorkas, the Mexican government reported that their discussions focused on “regularizing” status – i.e., amnesty – for “Hispanic migrants who have been undocumented… and DACA beneficiaries.”
  • Jan 3, 2024: The Biden Administration sued the State of Texas for enforcing a recently enacted Texas state law that allow Texas judges and magistrates to order illegal aliens to return to the foreign nation from which they entered.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Breaking News – Hooksett NH ‘Voters’ Cut $750K from the School Budget at Town Meeting …

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 03:00 +0000

Here’s a story that hasn’t even broken in the press yet. At Saturday’s Town Meeting in Hooksett, New Hampshire, someone advanced a motion to cut 750,00.00 dollars from the school budget, and it passed! Wait, there’s more.

Emphasis, mine.

Saturday, February 3, 2024, Hooksett Deliberative School Session Update. Hooksett, NH, citizen Todd Lizotte made a motion to remove $750,000 from the Hooksett School District budget to help taxpayers with the ever-increasing tax burden they are experiencing in Hooksett, NH. The motion passed 24 Y – 22 N, with the Moderator confirming with a raised hand count.

The people on the losing side called for a “secret ballot.”

The Moderator discussed this with Hooksett School District Attorney Gordan Graham and declared that it was ok to move forward in this direction and called for the Supervisor of the Checklist, who would be needed to register voters for the secret ballot, to return to the polls. A significant amount of time passed before the Supervisor of the Checklist could return to the deliberative session. During that time of waiting, you could see the folks on the losing side of the vote all on their cell phones begin calling friends to get down to Cawley Middle School to vote and the Moderator allowed it.

Seeing this, the scene became unbelievable and chaotic, with citizens from both sides of the vote frantically calling friends and neighbors to come down and vote. Soon, the place was then packed with voters. The secret ballot vote was tallied, and the motion to remove the $750,000 from the Hooksett School District proposed budget for 2024-2025 passed anyway….52 Y – 34 N…so from the end of the legal vote until the time the secret ballot was taken, the deliberative session attendance grew from 46 registered voters to 86 registered voters.

Hooksett, can we do better than this? It is a sad day for Hooksett, New Hampshire!

Cutting the school budget to help taxpayers with the ever-increasing tax burden…caused almost entirely by the school budget. It’s only the best place to begin the process, so congrats to Hooksett and kudos to Todd Lizotte for the motion.

I hope you stick the landing because I can do more than imagine the chaos when this goes wide.

The Croydon Budget Battle is another example of locals doing something about out-of-control school spending, and that story went national after they cut the budget in half. The schoolies lost their minds, so I’m wondering how long it will take for Hooksett’s Public School Mafia to bring an extortion or pressure campaign to get “their” money back.

They don’t like it when budgets go down, even when their budget is the most significant expense in every town, and for what? Not much. And hey, in the end, only eighty-six registered voters weighed in from a town population of just under 15,000. That likely means at least 9-10,000 people didn’t have a say (by their own choice – they didn’t show up), and someone will insist they deserve to be heard. But that’s not how elections work. You don’t get a say if you don’t show up to vote.

Sorry, that’s how elections are supposed to work.

We’ll try to keep an eye on it, but we expect the radicals to start whining about losing music, theater, or sports when what they could do is trim administrative overhead without losing any of that, even though none of what they threaten they’d lose ever has a thing to do with learning to read and write. If not, then they will say they have to cut teachers. No, you don’t. Start in the SAU. Dispense with a few admin assistants to the assistant to the whoever. I’m sure you’ve got some.

Hey. does Hooksett waste money on gender studies BS, CRT, or DEI? Being taught to be bitchy, easily triggered dependents doesn’t have any educational value, either. Cut those jobs first.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hizzoner and the AG Disagree

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-02-05 01:00 +0000

On January 11, 2024, the AG’s office issued a Cease and Desist Order to Mayor Donchess for electioneering during the 2021 campaign. Electioneering is a criminal misdemeanor under RSA 659. That year, against the vote of the Board of Alderman, the Mayor led a ballot initiative to change how the police commissioners would be appointed.

The Mayor was campaigning to win public support to permit him to appoint the Police Commissioners.

The AG’s office also cited 3 Board of Alderman members for electioneering as well and issued cease and desist orders to President Wilshire, Vice President Michael O’Brien, and Alderman at-large Ben Clemons.

Where did they go wrong? They used governmental equipment associated with the public funded TV stations in Nashua to individually promote their positions on politics.

The Mayor’s remarks to the New Hampshire Journal show his all too visible lack of leadership, ownership, and responsibility for his actions. He believes that going on the governmental TV station six days before the election to campaign for his position to change the appointment of the commissioners was merely engaging in a debate. Mind you, the “debate” ran about 26 times.

Apparently, the mayor believes that a debate involving only me, myself, and I, namely Hizzoner, constitutes the proper deliberations for the legislative body. Did he really go to law school?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a debate relative to law and government as the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure. Mr. Mayor, do you really believe that holding a debate with only yourself constitutes a debate? Should the public trust you to fairly pitch both sides or the argument?

Next, the mayor criticizes the AG’s office for violating his First Amendment rights. That accusation is particularly laughable given what’s been going on in Nashua for the last three years. The mayor feels very comfortable violating the First Amendment rights of the people who participate in their government and seek redress.

The city is involved in numerous lawsuits for civil rights violations centered on criminalizing a citizen for accessing records and also for an Aldermen, while in the PUBLIC Chamber, brandishing his degree as a licensed social worker to call out a citizen, whom he has never treated as a patient, as a child predator.

Nashua’s Aldermanic Chamber is a place for gaslighting, mobbing, and bullying, designed to marginalize citizens and take away their rights.

The mayor simply fails to show the leadership qualities that the citizens of Nashua deserve. As my Ward Aldermen representative stated to me, the Mayor can do whatever he wants. He doesn’t have to follow the law.  Certainly, Nashua’s leadership has had free reign for years and operates with impunity. Isn’t it time for Nashua to operate within the Constitutional and State Statutes?

Holding your government accountable is a basic right of every citizen.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Few More Thoughts for Republicans On HB1002 and What, Exactly, Do You Mean By Extremist, Rep. O’Hara?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 23:00 +0000

Travis O’Hara isn’t technically a bad Republican vote. If and when he shows up (not showing up for crucial votes is certainly bad), his HRA score for 2023 was a hair over 90%. You judge what that means, but as you do, please also consider his ready embrace of progressive language.

In his recent defense of a vote to let municipalities milk citizens who pursue public documents (HB1002), he was quick to embrace Liberal smears.


For the record, I’m not saying there are no frivolous witch hunts, but shouldn’t ensuring transparency and access to the business of their government supersede that? Why is it better to fine everyone in every instance for what may be a paltry few cases of ill will meant to slow down the gears of government for no legitimate purpose?

If you’d like to know what extremist is, it might be Republicans choosing a new levy for the government before the transparency interests of people who can’t afford it.

Related: HB1002 Passes The House: These Republicans Voted for a New “Tax” on Public Records Access (Update)

HB1002 will make open government untenable for many middle and low-income constituents, creating inequities that limit access or any in-depth investigation or scrutiny to only those who can afford it. People of means, well-funded NGOs, lobbyists, and a few deep-pocketed activist groups. Those whose very interaction with the government likely deserves more public scrutiny.

And has it occurred to no one who supports this bill that it will encourage the behavior that municipal supporters seek to hide from their citizens, and are you prepared to argue that this is not the case? Nashua, Rochester, and Londonderry come immediately to mind as recent trouble spots, but there are others.

So, perhaps what is extreme is that GraniteGrok is more willing to stand up for citizens against their government, but if the extremism reference is more general, let’s cover that before we close.

What is extremist about defending free speech, the right to self-defense, medical freedom, bodily autonomy, property rights, women’s safe spaces, low taxes, education freedom, limited government, and affordable food and energy? We fight for the rights of farmers, police and first responders, veterans, and children.

We unapologetically defend the US and New Hampshire Constitutions and those who do likewise and, in the case of the right to know, side with citizens over the government, which, as a matter of process, like the constitution themselves, serve to constrain potential abuses of power or subject them to sunlight by ensuring the press and public can, at any time investigate and potentially expose bad behavior.

There is a reconsideration vote this week on HB1002.

Travis is prepared to vote for it another 100 times, but we hope that most Republicans will recognize that his is the extreme position. HB1002 will make the government less transparent, less accessible, and less accountable. Is that what you were elected to do in Concord, or was it the reverse?

One more point. Two recent Nackey Loeb School First Amendment award winners (Donna Green and Laurie Ortolano – both contributors to GraniteGrok) won that award for taking right-to-know public document obstruction cases to the State Supreme Court and winning.

Not everyone can afford that, an inequity HB1002 brings down to street level.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Fake Meat a Market Failure?

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 21:00 +0000

A growing list of potentially intractable problems confronts the alternative meat industry, which includes both plant-based substitutes and cultured “cell-grown” meats.

Consumers have not managed to swallow the fake taste (beet juice may be a sad substitute for beef blood), the Beverly Hills pricing, or the growing awareness that the counterfeits are highly processed and largely dependent on monocultured plant crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat that present their own environmental challenges. Much as they have in the EV and solar panel markets, buyers are waking up to a triple-shill: Fake meat “alternatives” seem to be overpriced, unpalatable, and pollute the planet despite claims of climate rescue.

Launched as eco-friendly, healthful alternatives to the horrors of industrial animal processing, fake meat ventures have attracted billions of dollars from investors to match the marketing buzz. Businesses eager to tap the anticipated goldmine have crafted a plethora of faux foodstuffs to fuel the hype. However, the market for fake/alternative meats has been declining sharply and will likely witness more decreases in 2024, including attrition as small players are gobbled up by the better-capitalized.

A Tale of Two Brands

Two prominent producers that have seen their fake meat fortunes quickly wane are Upside Foods and Beyond Meat. The catchy names attracted a lot of investment dollars, but the profits have yet to follow. Upside Foods, a Bill Gates darling, launched into the “cultivated” or “lab-grown” sphere. Beyond Meat manufactures simulated chicken nuggets and other meat imposters from plant ingredients. Both companies amassed enormous sums for their undertakings; both have encountered choppy operational waters.

Upside Foods obtained USDA approval to manufacture and sell lab-grown chicken in 2023. The promotional sales pitch was an “industry-disrupting” venture “with a planned annual capacity of tens of millions of pounds of cultivated meat products.” The company has allegedly failed to produce a single pound of cultivated meat at a profit, unable to overcome processing hurdles to achieve production at scale.

Beyond Meat lost sales precipitously since 2022, in both supermarkets and restaurants. Its stock price has dropped some 90%. Many other fake meat start-ups are shrinking or folding, as product novelty wears off and consumer wallets close. One investment site counsels to avoid Beyond Meat: “This stock is likely headed to zero within the next few years unless it can make a miraculous turnaround.” It is not just Beyond Meat but the entire simulated meat industry that is praying for a Hail Mary market rescue.

Is Fake Meat Junk Food?

Despite all the marketing hype, fake meat promotions have not delivered on their rosy promises, and consumers are savvy. The proof is displayed on grocery store shelves:

“[A] new global survey of 1,000 consumers for vegan firm Strong Roots found that despite 61% of consumers increasing their plant-based intake, 40% are reducing or cutting out fake meat from their diets.

“Almost half (47%) said taste was behind the decision, followed by 36% who cited artificial additives and another 36% who stated it was the processed nature of the products which changed their habits.”

Clearly cost is also a factor for those struggling with food as well as energy and housing inflation. However, live beef prices are rising and expected to break records in 2024 due to low US inventories: This could make factory-fabricated alternatives more affordable, but they still have work to do in the taste and healthfulness departments. It is unclear whether either of those challenges can be overcome. Consumers avoiding highly processed foods loaded with odd additives may select fresh vegetables or revert to a grass-fed steak rather than ingest fabricated simulations that will never be organic or genuinely fresh.

Backlash by farmers and food activists also continues against synthetic meats. Italy has banned the stuff, though that may be challenged if the European Union decides to approve cultured meat. But government imprimatur does not equal consumer approval.

Renewables Implications Consumers appear to be losing affection for EVs and solar panels as well. Much like the fake food industry, the fake energy industry has overpromised and delivered disappointments. EVs are very expensive, and despite large regressive subsidies and government marketing, sales are plummeting. Like faux meats, the products do not deliver as more people learn of the pollution and labor abuses involved in their manufacture, the problems of lithium mining, and vehicle disposal (not so “renewable” after all). Threats to the electric grid, vehicles stalled uselessly in the recent cold spell, and plummeting used EV prices have dulled consumer appeal. Solar panels and heat pumps are confronting similar shortcomings.

The significant problems that overshadow the fake meat, EV, and solar panels industries seem to be turning customers and investors cold, causing some analysts to predict sharp market retractions in 2024.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Is Fake Meat a Market Failure? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dan Crenshaw Thinks GOP-Voters Are Really, Really DUMB

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 19:00 +0000

The RINO-globalist-corporatist-GOP solution to illegal immigration? Let’s just call it legal immigration! Abracadabra … problem solved! RINOs like Dan Insider-Trading Crenshaw apparently think GOP voters are really that dumb.

The so-called decrease in illegal immigration he claims would occur if the GOP passes Mitch McConnell’s latest sell-out to the Biden-Regime is achieved by reclassifying 2 MILLION illegal immigrants ANNUALLY as legal immigrants.

Essentially, Rep. Insider-Trading is engaging in blackmail. If you don’t legalize 2 MILLION illegals ANNUALLY, it could be worse. The Biden-Regime may allow twice that number of three-times that number to invade.

And yet this arrogant turd probably will not even face a primary challenge. Perhaps he’s right? Perhaps GOP-voters are as dumb as Rep. Insider-Trading thinks? Or perhaps it’s apathy, hopelessness, ignorance? Does it matter?

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Bear Pond Conservative Chronicles: The Problem Is Now In Our Backyard

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 17:00 +0000

Maybe this is a simple mistake. There are already legally licensed marijuana shops every mile or so on Auburn Road (RTE 4). It is understandable that someone would think it was okay to have a pot farm on the main drag through Turner, Maine. I once drove from Bear Pond up Route 4 to Jay, Maine, which is only about 13 miles.

I counted 14 Pot Shops along that stretch. That is more shops per mile than you would ever find a group of Dunkin’ Donut shops. There are less than 6,000 people in Turner, but the town thinks those folks need 14 Pot Shops. Thanks to the town planners for ensuring the good folks of Turner have enough opportunities to stay high. This is why I am nervous every time I drive on RTE 4.

So, let’s get back to the Pot Farm. A large farmhouse is across the street from the Bear Pond Variety. Nothing is out of the ordinary, and it blends in with many other structures in the area. But this house has had some significant modifications, including a 400 amp power station and ten tankless water heaters. These installations caught the attention of the utility companies that did the installations, and they may have tipped off the authorities.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that this farmhouse was owned by Chaoming Lei, or at least he claimed to be the owner when he ordered the utility upgrades. It might be a leap, but I bet this property might be one of the Chinese Cartel-owned pot farms I have written about, but this one is right in our backyard. Bear Pond is a stone’s throw from the variety store and the illegal pot farm across the road.

As reported by the Maine Wire, that has been on top of this story for months:

According to Androscoggin County Registry of Deed records, the property at 2509 Auburn Road in Turner is owned by Liming Yu, a 27-year-old with previous addresses in Quincy, MA. The relationship between Yu and Lei is unclear.

Also this week, the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office made six arrests stemming from multiple unrelated raids conducted at Chinese-owned properties in Kennebec County and Lincoln County. The following individuals were arrested during those raids:

  • Weihuan Liu, 41, of Brooklyn, NY: Arrested during the raid of 91 Jefferson Road. More than 700 plants and 40 lbs of processed marijuana seized. 
  • Huan Ying Li, 57, formerly of NYC. Arrested during the raid of 333 North Howe Road, Whitefield. Nearly 30 pounds of processed marijuana seized. According to Lincoln County property records, Li purchased the property in November 2019. 
  • Zhen Zhong Chen, 45, the property owner of 170 Rockland Road, Jefferson, was arrested at his residence after the seizure of 820 plants. 
  • Ming Da Li, 41, of Brooklyn, NY, arrested at 754 Cooper Road, Chelsea, after the seizure of nearly 900 plants.
  • Wan Ting Xiao, 50, of San Gabriel, Ca., arrested at 19 Abby Lane, Whitefield, after the seizure of 2,294 plants and 40 pounds of processed marijuana.
  • Ding Zhan Liao, 49, of Brooklyn, NY., also arrested at 19 Abby Lane.

This may seem like quite an effort and would put a dent in the Chinese Cartel’s operation, but these are but a few of the over 200 known farms operating in Maine. I reported some time ago that Senator Collins and Representative Golden had requested help from the Justice Department and Homeland Security, but their requests had not been answered. I have calls out to both offices for updates. This is a national security concern because it is not a problem unique to Maine. The Chinese Cartel also operates farms in Oklahoma, New Mexico, and California.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Truth and Lies

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 15:00 +0000

Hello, Friends of Freedom!

I want to begin to discuss a topic called, GOOD GOVERNMENT.”

By using this term with the adjective “GOOD,” the alternative is none other than BAD.

We are suffering under a government that is bound to a plethora of character flows that are capturing freedom and rendering it to imprisonment of thought, word, and deed. By this, I mean WE, THE PEOPLE, are being subjugated and regulated to a form of lawful enslavement as our leaders continually ignore, rewrite, or abandon altogether the incredible truths our Founding Fathers wrote to issue and ensure our freedom.

There is a great Bible verse, Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule the people mourn.”

This verse encapsulates America at this point. There are so many leaders in the Federal judicial system, the courts, the school boards, the fiscal offices, the military, and almost every local municipality that are simply not doing the right thing.

Hosea 4:2 reads For the Lord has a case against the inhabitants of the land, Because there is no faithfulness or kindness or knowledge of God in the land. There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing, and adultery. They employ violence so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore, the land mourns, and everyone who lives in it languishes…

The foundation of all good government is TRUTH. We have learned the craft of manipulating, bending, and usurping the truth by placing someone’s fears, feelings, and imaginations above good faith in others, facts, and abiding by the laws at hand.

We want to thank Pastor Allen Cook for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

This is played out daily as we continue to make lies our refuge ( Isaiah 28:15).

Lies about our biological truth in regards to the human race, which has existed from the beginning of time…

Lies about financial truth, our diabolical and destructive debt as a nation, and individual taxation…

Lies about wars,( why are we funding them?)

Lies about the founding of our country with new history agendas in your schools..

Lies about spending,( do we really know what we have on hand to secure our children and grandchildren’s future?)

Lies about illegal immigration,( why is the border still open?) Why do neither Democrats who appear to care little about it, or the Republicans who seem to have their hands tied on every turn when it comes to implementing the law?? …

Lies about public figures who oppose the ‘woke’ agenda. Today anything can be said about a person without any ounce of proof yet it is carried on the airways and presented as facts, particularly if that person is opposing some know lie or liar in government office.

We have shifted from the foundation of truth upon which our Founding Fathers sought to build a great nation to the acceptance of a leadership with no character and no conscience. To be honest and fair there are some who seem to be trying to bring us back to the standard of truth but it appears they themselves are always incapable of doing so due to some control over the situation which they profess they just can’t get the job done…ex. Closing the Border? Let’s just blame Joe? What about Congress?

I am not trying to draw a picture of hopelessness because I for one am an eternal optimist and believe we will survive this cultural war of TRUTH VS LIES.

But many cultures in History have not. And the LIES eventually led to the complete DEMISE of the people and the nation they lived in.

We can only pray for a return to TRUTH and FACTS that will help us untie the chords of corruption, criminal judicial thought, and crimes against good honest people who are attempting to stand up for what is right!

Until Next Week..

Allen Cook

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This EU ‘Expert’ Wants Stay At Home Moms … Censored

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 13:00 +0000

If you’d like an extreme example of a well-connected Left-Wing thinker exposing the lengths to which the globalists will go to prevent people from seeing ideas not their own, meet Eviane Leidig. She is an EU-funded advisor who thinks women who choose to be traditional wives and moms are a threat to the culture.

In one recent interview, she shared that she supports “hard approaches,” that is, what she refers to as “more repressive measures” to fight “far right” ideology, summarized in the “Four Ds of content moderation: Deplatforming, demonetization, deranking, and detection,” the last term referring to the detection of what could be considered “violating” online content.

Homemaker moms (she calls them tradwives) are a threat to the system.

According to Leidig, tradwives are a threat because they “insidiously” promote so-called “far-right” ideology within the context of attractive and “authentic-looking” videos posted to social media in which they bake bread in pretty aprons and pick flowers from the garden, etc.

We don’t have to guess how she feels about moms who bake bread and homeschool, and as LifeSite news notes, typically, why would we care?

 She is an “expert member” of the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network’s (RAN) European Research Community on Radicalisation, and she touts herself as having “delivered talks for the U.S. State Department, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Commission, Council of Europe, UN, NATO, national and regional intelligence agencies, as well as advised for the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) and tech companies;”

She is also working on an EU-funded fellowship project “explor[ing] the decision-making process of platforms’ content moderation policies” on so-called “far-right extremist terrorist content.”

Her “day job” appears to be “professional EU Censor,” and in her mind, families threaten the Great Reset, which tells you a lot about what that means to people who pay Leidig.

What exactly is the “far-right” content they’re promoting? She devotes extraordinarily little time to defining this in her own writings and talks, but when pressed, she has revealed that to her, this denotes a “strong sense of nationalism — often white nationalism — anti-semitism, opposition to immigration [and] LGBTQ rights,” and “traditional views on gender,” which, Leidig said, “is why we talk about tradwives.”

The foundation, not just of Republican government and human liberty but of civilization itself… is a dangerous right-wing cabal that must be stopped. With what? A system that teaches not just the absence of individual property rights (or rights of any sort) but one where women are nothing more than incubators chosen to meet state re-population quotas.

I wonder if, in Leidig’s or her paymaster’s vision, they have any choice in the matter?

Will women be forced to donate eggs to the lab or to mate with a male approved by the government’s breeders? You’d have to expect, at some point, something entirely lab-based because carrying a baby results in hormones and attachment, and you wouldn’t want that. The global order needs cogs for their machine, like the human batteries in The Matrix. You provide labor in return for a life of only subsistence living under the boot of Dear Leader.

And that’s not more oppressive or dangerous to women than choosing to raise kids and bake bread?


The post This EU ‘Expert’ Wants Stay At Home Moms … Censored appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What’s Happening in the Classroom? A Teacher to Follow

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 11:00 +0000

As an education researcher, it’s important for me to stay in touch with teachers to understand what’s happening inside the classroom. I learn from them, and they learn a lot from me. I keep names and identities confidential but always want to make sure I understand a teacher’s perspective.

As a parental rights advocate focused on education, I give voice to parents whose children are in the public schools. Oftentimes, they do not understand why so many crazy things are happening in public education. Parents are also in a position sometimes where they are concerned that their child will receive backlash in school if they are critical of what’s going on.

There are a lot of problems in public education that need to be exposed. But if you don’t have someone willing to speak up, how will you ever know what’s going on in the classroom? We hear a lot about the radical teachers in the classroom and some of the politicized agendas, too. But there are so many good teachers out there just trying to do what’s best for their students.

What about parents who are not doing their job? What about parents who expect the schools to raise their children? In some ways, that means parents and schools are failing these kids.

Martia Holloway is an unconventional teacher who makes videos on Instagram. She tells you exactly what is happening in the public schools. She talks about teachers, administrators, and parents who are not doing their job. What’s reflected in the child can sometimes be traced back to a lack of parenting, and then school personnel dropping the ball too.

I’ve been following Holloway for a while now, and I find myself clapping after many of her videos. This doesn’t mean I agree with her viewpoint on everything, but she is a teacher willing to give it to you straight. You won’t find many of them out there, so I’d suggest you follow her.

You may not also appreciate her criticisms of parents, but she’s holding the bar high for them the way you hold it high for teachers. She also calls out teachers and administrators who are falling down on their jobs. No one is immune from her constructive criticism. We should all thank her because it takes guts and courage for teachers to speak the truth about what’s going on in our public schools.

Some of her videos include her sharing her outfit selection with the audience when she does her “slay of the day.” She explains where she purchased her clothing, shoes, and jewelry. It’s entertaining, but when she reveals what’s going on in the classroom, that’s when we all need to listen.

Holloway has no idea who I am, although I do frequently comment on her posts, I just felt that anyone who is interested in what’s going on in our schools, should know about her.   You may not agree with her views on everything, but you are certainly going to learn a lot from her.


The post What’s Happening in the Classroom? A Teacher to Follow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression Releases Latest Campus Free Speech Ratings

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 09:00 +0000

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) has released its latest looks at free speech on America’s college campuses. The “Spotlight on Speech Codes 2024” report grades alleged schools of higher learning on their speech policies.

I’ve not always agreed with past results for schools in New Hampshire, but it is literally academic. FIRE looks at documented policy, not necessarily how well it is practiced. I’d expect the schools to know this if they even care, but if you are looking for a campus on which to plant your child with an eye toward protecting them from indoctrination, those are few and far between. Hillsdale College comes to mind, and not everyone can send a kid there.

If trade schools are out of the question with their lower costs, little or no loan debt, faster conversion from learning to income, and – if we’re honest – higher immediate and lifetime earnings with but a few elite school examples, FIRE has some advice we should consider.

The new report rates 489 of America’s top colleges and universities as “red light,” “yellow light,” or “reen light” institutions based on how much their policies threaten student speech. FIRE found that 85% of schools have at least one policy that could be used to improperly restrict students’ freedom of expression.

New Hampshire colleges and universities fared fairly well in FIRE’s ratings, with only Dartmouth failing to receive a “green light” rating:

      • Keene State College – Green
      • Plymouth State University – Green
      • University of New Hampshire – Green
      • Dartmouth College – Yellow


If you skim the report, you’ll notice that among public schools, there is a significant number in the yellow, with red and green being equal. Private schools have double the red light rating, with a significant number with yellow and very few with green.

The percentage of schools that earned an overall red light rating increased for the second time in a row this year, reversing a 15-year trend in which the percentage of red light schools decreased. The percentage went from 19.3% last year to 20% this year, with 15.2% of public schools earning a red light rating compared to 36.3% of private schools. This continued backslide is due, in large part, to schools’ continued maintenance of overbroad policies on harassment that can too easily be applied against protected speech.

Note that: “…the speech code ratings do not take into account a university’s “as-applied” violations of student speech rights or other cases of censorship, student- or faculty-led calls for punishment of protected speech, or related incidents and controversies. For a look at the campus climate at top colleges that incorporates such factors, view FIRE’s annual College Free Speech Rankings at:

Here is the report.

Speech Code Report_2024_final

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Invoking Tenth Amendment Protections for New Hampshire’s Air Space

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 03:00 +0000

A New Hampshire bill introduced on January 11 calls to ban government pollution of the environment caused by “weather modification.” Under this bill, the federal government would have to report its activities to state government officials.

House Bill 1700 (“The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act”) claims the federal government is guilty of “the intentional release of polluting emissions” to control weather or climate.

Is this even happening? Or is it just part of a wide-ranging conspiracy theory?

HB 1700 may not gain much political traction in the New Hampshire Legislature, as most Americans remain skeptical that chemtrails exist or that the government can manipulate the weather at will. The bill’s call to scrutinize government discharges of pollution, however, appears to reflect the growing willingness of Americans to discuss that once-taboo subject of “weather manipulation.” Anthropogenic climate control using space-age technology has evolved from conspiracy theory to legal “statutory” status, if only in a first stab by this obscure New Hampshire effort.

US Government Pollution

The bill’s eco-friendly title implicitly raises the broader question of who is policing the government that regulates the greenhouse gas emissions of American businesses and citizens. Federal regulators such as the EPA, FDA, and USDA often approve agricultural uses for substances of questionable safety for humans, including atrazine, glyphosate, and organophosphates. Additionally, the US government has a long history of polluting the planet with federal impunity.

One study concluded that the US Military annually consumes the energy equivalent of 257 million passenger cars. Space exploration has an enormous environmental impact, including toxins from rocket fuel spills on the ground, the burning of energy for flights, and damage to the ozone layer. One study found that suborbital space flights could “increase the temperature over the poles by 1 degree Celsius and reduce polar sea ice levels by 5%.”

Live Free or Fight the Feds

New Hampshire’s proposed Clean Atmosphere Protection Act specifically invokes Tenth Amendment protection of that state’s airspace against toxic chemical impacts inflicted by the federal government, replete with severe criminal penalties:

“An entity or individual who engages in a hazardous atmospheric activity or any entity or individual who uses an unmarked or unidentified aircraft or other vehicle or facility to carry out SAI [stratospheric aerosol injection] geoengineering, weather modification, cloud-seeding, or other polluting atmospheric activity:

“I.  Has committed a felony and shall pay a fine of not less than $500,000 or be imprisoned for not less than 2 years, or both ….”

The bill also seeks to implement provisions to protect the Granite State from “A foreign state or international body that funds in part or in whole or engages in an activity deemed hazardous by the Department of Environmental Services,” an apparent attempt to shield the state from globalist influencers. It lists prohibited processes and activities, including “harmful nuclear, biological, transbiological and/or chemical (‘NBC’) emissions,” lasers, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency/microwave radiation emissions, magnetic fields, “dirty energy,” and sonic weapons.

A Climate of Distrust

Once upon a time, Americans trusted their government to protect them. But that trust has been frayed. Barack Obama backed Monsanto and Wall Street over working-class voters, allowed the Benghazi disaster to occur, and let drones be used against Americans. George Bush detained US citizens as terrorists and used yellowcake uranium from Niger to lead the nation into the Iraq War. We’ve seen the war in Vietnam, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the Trump witch hunt over alleged Russian collusion, and so much more over the years. If the government says it can’t control the climate, some in the public will understandably presume the reverse.

In such a hazy climate of well-earned distrust, and with Joe Biden at the helm, who would believe the feds? Persistent government perfidy conjoins with technological advances in surveillance, spooky DNA and chemical technologies, AI, and social media volatility to create a sort of mass hysteria in which tinfoil hats seem more sensible than facemasks. Indeed, a striking feature of the New Hampshire bill is its call for a citizen reporting system to track alleged violations – a sort of government-monitoring sky-watching militia.

Increasingly, Americans are seeking that which they can trust – the local, the familiar, the individual – to secure their prosperity and their health. In such a tainted sociological atmosphere, the New Hampshire legislature may consider enacting the Clean Atmosphere Protection Act merely to avert the distrust that will arise if it is blocked. If the bill is passed, after all, it will only have any real-life application if, in fact, the federal government or globalists are spraying the skies above the White Mountains with chemicals or barraging the land with electromagnetic radiation.

John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Invoking Tenth Amendment Protections for New Hampshire’s Air Space appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Guy Who Shot Three “Palestinian” Students in Burlington … Was Pro Hamas!

Granite Grok - Sun, 2024-02-04 01:00 +0000

We were quick like a bunny back in November when news broke that three Palestinian “students” had been shot in Burlington, Vermont. It became a national story when Biden, Harris, and even the jilted Bernie Sanders (twice left at the Presidential Primary Altar by the DNC) milked the attack for Mic time.

  • “President Biden issued a statement declaring that “there is absolutely no place for violence or hate in America.” (says divisive hate-monger Joe)
  • Vice President Kamala Harris’ statement bemoaned that “far too many people live with the fear that they could be targeted and attacked based on their beliefs or who they are” (like parents, conservatives, Christians, or cisgender women?).
  • The idea that three young men walking down the street get shot, perhaps because of no other reason than they are Palestinian, is unspeakable,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said.” But I gotta tell you, this is not just a local phenomenon; this is happening all over the country.”

Do you know what else is happening nationwide, Senator Sanders? Kids are dying in large numbers from fentanyl overdoses or gunfire in your common-sense Democrat cities—every day, not just some random Burlington day in November. But to the point about them being shot because they are Palestinian, why did that story just fade into the woodwork? It was hot for a few minutes, but a good shooting narrative always has legs, even in the short-attention-span universe. Unless?

While the usual suspects rallied against Israel for the shooting of three Palestinian youths, none of them ventured past the shooter’s skin color to plumb his progressive White-Hippie essence. This is, after all, Burlington, Vermont.

[James J. ] Eaton had been described as “that hippie guy” and “progressive”, an organic farmer who had posted a meme with a definition of “Amerika” that called it “the worst sense of the United States, ie imperialism, corruption and the global exportation of American culture.”

He appeared to be a Biden supporter

Media outlets, anti-Israel activists and politicians attributed the shootings to the Hamas war. Everyone from Biden and Kamala on down emphasized the “Palestinian” identities of those shot and implied that Eaton had attacked them because he was opposed to the ‘Palestinian’ cause.

In reality, Eaton supported Hamas.

None of those facts achieved escape velocity outside Independent media. But it looks like Eaton was just an unstable left-wing crank with a gun in a Democrat city who decided to shoot three guys in front of his home.

In a red-flag state like Vermont and a common-sense gun-law city like Burlington, you’d be right to wonder how their safety support system failed so miserably. Their correct response is we should disarm everyone, which I’m sure the city council would love, but that wouldn’t stop the violence. Burlington is also a sanctuary city (in a sanctuary state) overrun by an ideal that, in practice, is as fake as their climate science. Diversity is not always our strength. Not their variety. Diversity of thought is a strength, but they oppose that with every fiber of their being. Perhaps that’s why they are so unaware that not only do many ethnic groups with the same skin color (or something close) hate each other outside America, but many from the same nation hate each other, and they are not going to stop because you brought them here.

If you cram them into a foreign city thinking a progressive subsistence lifestyle on welfare will turn them all into a melting pot of cartoon animals in a Disney movie, you’re a deranged idiot.

Burlington is full of those.

The reporting on the incident and other violent encounters in Burlington are littered with mentions of drug dealing, stolen cars and guns, shootings in garages and names like Abdirahman Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed, Badal Khadka and Abukar Hilowle.

Burlington has experienced an exponential rise in property crime, shootings, and murder (we write about that a lot here), but little is said about the who and the why. The ‘who’ is often displaced immigrants, many likely here illegally, and the what is the crimes they commit as gang members against each other and the indigenous white-hippie population.

Democrats in Burlington and across Vermont invited this upon themselves. Nothing they know how to do will make it better; it will likely only make it worse. And neither the politicians nor their media will say a word about that if it can be helped.

In fact, given the table they’ve set for themselves, White-Hippie-Mecca can’t even complain openly; that would be racist.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Of What Exactly Is Each of Us Guilty?

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-02-03 23:00 +0000

Can you imagine waking up to find out that you and over 500 other NH people have been tarred as Anti-Democratic Extremists by a former New Hampshire State Senator, Jeanne Dietsch, a former NH State Senator whose voting record was so radical she was rated a “Constitutional Threat” by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance!

How many people compile and publish a list of people they disagree with politically?  Well, some Progressives sure do and Jeanne Dietsch, channeling her inner Hillary Clinton, is one of them.  The Party of “inclusion” and “tolerance’ demonstrates its ugly hypocrisy once again.

Since I am on your “smear” list, Ms. Dietsch, and given the seriousness of the charge, I have two questions:

1) What exactly is an Anti-Democratic Extremist?  Words have meaning; define your terms.
2) What did I and each of the others on your smear list do to meet your definition? Each individual on your list is owed an explanation.

I understand from reading the Granite Grok article entitled: Bonus: How YOU Can Help Democrat Jeanne Dietsch Find Extremists in New Hampshire that you opened up the nomination to your smear list to any of your followers who had an axe to grind. But I am not aware that you clearly laid out the criteria for inclusion, and I want to know if you personally vetted each nomination/accusation using your definition of an Anti-Democratic Extremist to ensure that each person you included actually belonged on your list. Regardless of who provided a name for the list, when you included those names on your public forum, you claimed ownership for each accusation.

Based on the comments you have left on Granite Grok, it appears that you have a real problem with Libertarians. I do not consider myself one, but I respect their principled positions and align closely with them on economic issues.  I have noticed, however, based on comments I have seen on Facebook forums, that there are a number of people who hate Libertarians…Free Staters, in particular.

The hate was so bad that I had to ask a simple question: Why do you so deeply hate people who don’t want to tell you what to do? The answer seems clear. Progressives who live exclusively in the Democrat Party DO want to tell you what to do.  And they hate the idea that some people simply will not roll over. And although I am not a Libertarian or a Free-Stater, I am firmly in the camp of freedom.

Ms. Dietsch, your smear list does include some vague statements for inclusion, such as: “This list includes people affiliated with extremist groups: Constitution Party NH, Liberty Forum, We the People, Granite Republic, FSP, AFP, Liberty Alliance, Granite Grok, Liberty First as noted”

Please point out the anti-democratic language in the mission statement of each group and explain how their purposes can be viewed as extremist. Extreme compared to what exactly? Is ANY difference in worldview from yours or the radicals in your Party’s “extreme”?

You also state on your smear list that inclusion should involve People “who have voted or worked for policies that undermine institutions of democracy, including schools, elections, and environmental safety.”

There are a number of current and former office holders (I am one) on your list. Please provide our specific votes on specific legislation and explain how those votes undermined democracyThe NH Liberty Alliance provided clear justification for classifying YOU as a Constitutional Threat Ms. Dietsch, that justification can be seen here.

For a Progressive, truth is irrelevant, and power is always the goal. And removing the impediments (people) that stand in the way is necessary for Progressives to achieve the power they want so badly.   The creation of your smear list  is a tactic straight from the Rules for Radicals written by Saul Alinsky: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Ms. Deitsch, your list attempts to do just that. Alinsky would be proud, but I believe NH will reject your toxic divisiveness.


The post Of What Exactly Is Each of Us Guilty? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

‘Grok Rumble Round Up – Ten (Make That Twelve) Conversations You Haven’t Seen Yet

Granite Grok - Sat, 2024-02-03 21:00 +0000

Did you notice? The ‘Grok is on Rumble. I know most of our historical content is on YouTube, and it shall continue to reside there for as long as YouTube permits it. Moving forward, I can’t sanction the censorious bastards by giving them new material from which to profit, from which we receive nothing.

Yes, we do exactly that on Facebook, but not really. Meta has made it almost impossible for Meta to make any money on our content. Virtually no one is allowed to see it. I’ve suggested they pull the plug, but it hasn’t happened, so we will tease them like a little brother (I’m not touching you) until they snap and punch us in the head.

So we’re on Rumble, and Radio Row allowed us to upload a lot of new content, including some high-profile national guests. Eric Trump, Kari Lake, Kat Cammack, Vermin Supreme, Andrew Yang, and others. We’ve also shared some local guests on hot topics like election integrity in NH (there isn’t any), as well as panel discussions on topics like the uniparty disconnect and post-COVID politics.

More of that is coming, but I’ve not shared all of the content I just mentioned (until now). We’ve got more than I can publish as posts, so it made sense to aggregate or curate some of that for you to consider since we will not be posting three 7-hour front-to-back unedited videos – which you can watch on the Gok Facebook page if that’s your thing. All three days’ worth of content if there is some MoveOn staffer with time to search for snowflake-melting outrage.

There’s plenty of it in there, I promise. And we will livestream to Rumble (Instead of Facebook) in the future.


So here they are – the Rumble content to date that has not been shared as part of an article on these pages.

You can also go here and find it for yourself. Please follow us regardless of how you get there.


Interview: Greg Moore AFP – NH

Greg Moore from AFP-NH joins us to talk presidential politics, New Hampshire’s superior economy and appeal, and how much more engaged our voters are in the process.

Congressional Candidate -Russell Prescott Interview: Radio Row

Candidate for Congress Russel Prescott joins us on Radio Row for a conversation about NH politics, the presidential primary, and other casual conversations.

Why America Should Thank NH for the FITN Presidential Primary

We talk about why NH’s Presidential Primary Is SO DAMN Special to NH and Important for America.

Candidate for President – Ryan Binkley

Pastor, businessman, and presidential candidate Ryan Binkley joins us to talk about America (a subject near and dear to our Constitutional-conservatarian hearts.

Interview – Kat Cammack

Congresswoman Kat Cammack from Florida’s Third Congressional District pays us a visit on Radio Row in Manchester.

Interview – Andrew Yang

Former presidential candidate and Dean Phillips surrogate Andrew Yang sits down to talk about the New Hampshire Primary, the Uniparty, and Democrat politics.

Jessica Vaughn – Center for Immigration Studies

Jessica Vaughn joins us to discuss border security, national security, the illegal immigration problem, enriching cartels, human trafficking, and what we might expect from the Republicans running for President.

Jim Rubens – Pursuing a Constitutional Debt Limit Amendment

Jim Rubens joins us to talk about generational debt and a state-driven effort to craft a Constitutional Federal Debt-Limit Amendment.

Mark Stewart Greenstein – A Different Sort of Democrat for President

Mark joined us to talk about why he’s running for President, who he hopes to inspire, and what he hopes to accomplish. Check it out. There’s a lot here we can all agree on.

COVID – Liberty – Primary

Jeff, Mike, and Steve talk about the absence of COVID conversations in the primary, how it was a test and a lot of politicians failed, the wonky supply chain, and sticking it to the people who called us deniers after the

Plus, Two More I Just Added!


Almost everyone knows August, and she stopped by our table to chat about Republican politics from Reagan to today.


Lily escaped Mao’s China many years ago but now sees those influences infiltrating American culture and government. She is running for Congress in NH Congressional District 2.


We are adding new content daily, so please check back to check for updates.

The post ‘Grok Rumble Round Up – Ten (Make That Twelve) Conversations You Haven’t Seen Yet appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Manchester Free Press aims to bring together in one place everything that you need to know about what’s happening in the Free State of New Hampshire.

As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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