Another week, more comments, and your opportunity to decide which of these seven daily selections is our comment for the week’s winner.
We have also added, upon request, a “none of the above” selection in the event that you can’t pick one or aren’t moved by any of them.
Note: The selection of comments does not infer or imply that I agree or endorse the position(s) taken in the comment. And yes, after the fact, I realized I’d selected comments on two different days from the same commenter. I try not to do that, but this week, it happened.
The poll is live until 8 pm Tuesday evening.
Here are your comment choices
(apologies for leaving one out of the poll – It has been added below.)
Post: Holly Novelesky Running for Congress
Mike Chiasson
Support for the “energy transition” (or whatever the Climate Cult term of the day is) is a non-starter. We need to eliminate EV mandates and taxpayer subsidies for EVs, charging stations, and so-called clean energies. Let the different forms of energy compete on an equal playing field, and don’t put up legal and political impediments to expanding oil production, refining, and distribution capacity. I also support a robust nuclear power program, but it’s an anathema to the left and Holly doesn’t seem prepared to fight that battle.
I posed a few questions to Holly related to Speaker Johnson’s 3 betrayals on her campaign’s Facebook page, but she has not yet answered them.
In sum, if Holly is the GOP congressional candidate for NH-1, I’d vote for a 3rd party or write-in candidate. She strikes me as having more of the same Uni-Party attitude, which has not done anything good for New Hampshire or America.
Post: Scientists” Testing One-Jab-To-Kill-Them-All ‘Vaccine’ to Fight Multiple “Coronaviruses”
Martina Vaslovik
There has never been any efficacious vaccine for any form of coronavirus, ever. There has never been any cure for the common cold, which is caused by a coronavirus, specifically rhinovirus 39. What they are hawking is not even a vaccine, which is made from an attenuated virus, it’s gene therapy using mRNA, to do God knows what to us, and it’s killed millions so far. They cannot make a vaccine for the *alleged* covid virus because it does not exist. It has not been isolated by anyone anywhere in the world four years later and the CCP conveniently announced they had ordered the original specimens destroyed.
It’s my belief that COVID19, or the idea of it, originated not in Wuhan, but in Davos with Klaus Schwab and his merry men, who when they came out with their Great Reset’s pie chart had COVID19 smack in the middle of it and lauded it as a narrow window of opportunity to change the world.
Note also that Klaus Schwab’s buddy Yuval Noah Harari has put us all on notice telling us “Frankly we really don’t need the vast majority of you.” Should that not tell us something?
Dr. Derek Knauss: “When my lab team and I subjected the 1500 supposedly positive Covid-19 samples to Koch’s postulates and put them under an SEM (electron microscope), we found NO Covid in all 1500 samples. We found that all 1500 samples were primarily Influenza A, and some Influenza B, but no cases of Covid. We did not use the bulls*** PCR test.’
At 7 universities not once COVID detected.
‘This virus is fictitious’
‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. We who conducted the lab test with these 1500 samples at the 7 universities are now suing the CDC for Covid-19 fraud. The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’
‘The four research papers describing the genome extracts of the Covid-19 virus never managed to isolate and purify the samples. All four papers describe only small pieces of RNA that are only 37 to 40 base pairs long. That is NOT a VIRUS. A viral genome normally has 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs.’
‘Now that Covid-19 is supposedly so bad everywhere, how come not one lab in the world has completely isolated and purified this virus? That’s because they never really found the virus. All they ever discovered were small pieces of RNA that were not identified as the virus anyway. So what we’re dealing with is just another flu strain, just like every year. Covid-19 does not exist and is fictitious.’
Which brings us to this:
Seasonal Flu Cases in the US
2012-2013 34,000,000
2013-2014 30,000,000
2014-2015 30,000,000
2015-2016 24,000,000
2016-2017 29,000,000
2017-2018 45,000,000
2018-2019 36,000,000
2019-2020 38,000,000
2020-2021 1,822
Draw your own conclusions…
Post: Ashley Biden Confirms Diary Is Hers … And That Joe Biden Is A PEDOPHILE
Agent Liberty
You have a far less cynical view of the average liberal than I do, as I think their motivations are less being ashamed over being conned as large numbers of these herds of dependent “thinkers” have been taught that there is nothing wrong per se with child molestation as long as it’s okay with the child, that being sold along with homosexuality as “liberating” and “being true to oneself.”
Otherwise, I find their usual excuses are the following: “It’s their private life, it doesn’t affect policy” and “It’s not a crime when
WEdo it, since we’re always speaking truth to power, thus our “intended” higher purpose far outweighs any harm Democratic misdeeds may cause”.
Post: Night Cap: What Could Have Spiked Colorectal Cancer in Young People Starting in 2021?
Health has been declining rapidly since the medical industrial complex starting pushing “low-fat” diets, a myriad of pharmaceuticals and toxic shots. Our children and grandchildren have been poisoned since birth and the Boomers are not enjoying a quality of life even close to that their parents had. Gen X is being worked to death or being disabled in their 50s because they were coerced into taking experimental injections to keep their jobs. The medical community has much to atone for, but the ruling/laptop class is still earning millions on death, so little, if anything, will change. The People are too fat, sick and sedated to rebel, I’m afraid. #NoAmnesty
Post: Hillary Speaks the Truth?
Agent Liberty
Yes, Grandma Vodka may have stated several facts here, but all of it just reminds me of what my Grandma used to say about persons like the Clintons, that is: “The Devil will often cite Scripture to try and make his case.”
Cankles Clinton (and other Democratics) saying these things is a matter of trying to keep American Jews and their money in majority support of the Party and not a matter of telling the truth about these frauds known as the Palestinians that have brought misery and death wherever they have traveled (including several Islamic nations that have violently expelled them, after accepting them in as “refugees”.
Post: Ross Berry
Hmmmn, interesting to say the least. Not to put too fine a point on this, but I would be considerably more impressed with this inside baseball had the honorable representative not chosen to hide behind anonymity. Even though or perhaps especially because I understand the consequences that can arise from enthusiastically casting stones at fellow representatives, the speaker, and let’s not forget a regular writer here at the ‘Grok, regardless of whether actual hits resulted or any of these targets happen be someone whose work I’d critique or endorse <shrug>.
In a case like this, the identity of an *elected* *official* pointing out the kinds of shenanigans we all know happen, not just in our own legislature but quite likely every such body anywhere on earth, is a very important part of understanding the context. If nothing else, in any tempest in a teapot, without knowing ALL the details the voters have a harder time deciding just who might need punishing at the polls in the upcoming election. Not hard at all for any of us following along at home to come up with all sorts of different scenarios to make just about any kind of story we want without the full context. Which again can be entertaining, but not necessarily the best way to inform your vote.
Yeah, I can see the wisdom of Granite Grok ALLOWING said representative to hide under the cloak of anonymity if they so request. Protecting your sources is a fundamental principle of journalism, and political figures and commentators have been publishing anonymously pretty much since the invention of writing systems. Wouldn’t surprise me if some of the cave paintings were in this genre.
Don’t get me wrong; I appreciate the information, I just wish we had the full context. One thing I *require* of elected officials occasionally is a modicum of moral courage and willingness to do the right thing, damn the consequences. Even publishing anonymously, there ARE going to be consequences, even if it’s limited to fueling gossip, whisper campaigns, and (more) infighting.
Anyone present for the events described will be able to narrow the field of suspects pretty dramatically should someone decide to go witch hunting. I wasn’t there, have only a few dozen times ventured within those ‘hallowed grounds’ for hearings and such, yet I could pretty easily do a bit of sleuthing with that article and resources I’m aware of easily available online to come up with a list of the usual suspects. There’s even a respectable chance I might have the actual author on said list were I to bother. <grin> One among many dangers, of course, someone might well choose to toss the wrong person into the tank to see if they float. While that can be entertaining, it can also be a bit rough on the innocent.
Not like we don’t know a lot of folks up in Concord frequent and/or monitor the ‘Grok, and anyone who’s had any dealings with the statehouse can tell you word gets around. My bet is that within a week at most anyone who cares will have a pretty fair guess who it was they THINK wrote this article. Right or wrong, however just any motives might be, regardless of the facts of the matter, that can have all sorts of consequences whether intended or not.
I admit, I am human and am rather looking forward to the rebuttals, accusations, finger pointing, and reprisals. (That might or might not be irony or sarcasm, I haven’t decided quite yet.) “Sunlight is the best disinfectant” didn’t after all start as a sociopolitical metaphor in the way Brandeis made the saying famous, but in either context has a lot to recommend it.
Post: Government Overcriminalization Catches Unwary Americans
Mike Remskiyesterday
Federally prohibitive criteria for posession of a firearm includes:
A person convicted in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year whether or not sentence is imposed. This includes misdemeanor offenses with a potential term of imprisonment in excess of two years, whether or not sentence was imposed.
There is a reason for all of this; look at how many places are not charging or even going after real criminals, but Joe average law abiding citizen gets the book thrown at him for jaywalking and has firearms taken away.
Pick one Commenter as This Weeks Winner
- Mike Chiasson
- Martina Vaslovik
- Agent Liberty - Biden Diary
- TheOrneryNurse
- Agent Liberty - Hillary Truth
- Hunter
- Mike Remski
- None of the Above
The post Time to Pick Another Comment of the Week [Updated] appeared first on Granite Grok.