The Manchester Free Press

Thursday • January 9 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

The Uncivil War The Left So Desperately Wants

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 22:00 +0000

I was working on a long-form Substack post for Memorial Day, and as I was revisiting the history, something interesting occurred to me. The Civil War’s Decoration Day became Memorial Day, and one of the South’s pre-Civil War Concerns is similar to modern Americans’ current problems.

It is the overwhelming political influence of densely populated urban or industrialized areas (in the North) over most of the rural population, its character, and its culture. In the 1800s, the North was growing in population, which resulted in majority representation in Congress. This would then influence national policy that threatened the pre-Civil War South—not just slavery but nearly everything from commerce to culture. It was a legitimate concern elucidated by political thinkers like John Calhoun. It worried them enough to start a war.

One hundred and seventy years later (more or less), our mostly rural landscapes have been overrun (politically) by densely populated cities. Large cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago dominate statewide elections as they would a national one (National Popular Vote). Portland and Seattle drive the politics in Washington and Oregon. Maine has recently fallen to the political left thanks to progressive heat islands like Portland, Lewiston, and Bangor.

Most of America’s rural landscape is increasingly tilted politically by a handful of growing progressive population centers that have nothing in common with the rest of most states (or the nation).

Is it an odd twist of history that rural interests are in a political fight to prevent the urban progressives from turning all of us (effectively) into slaves of the state? A state looking to suppress speech, the right to defend ourselves, our mobility, privacy, sovereignty, and even our food choices.

I suppose the unanswered question is if the Left is genuinely willing to do anything to protect the Statist Uniparty Cabal’s hold on power, will it lead to another civil war – and one without so clearly drawn lines?

I’m not advocating it (that’s for our friends in the NSA and the FBI). But the Dems have been acting like they intend to do things that would incite one (broad language banning so-called ‘militias,’ for example, attacking a popular president, jailing his supporters, and the escalation of surveillance along with its war on so-called misinformation campaigns).

I’ve long said the Blob would love a gunfight. It’s an excuse to institute Marshall law – to conscript local law enforcement under national control and institute oppressive emergency orders. It is a progressive Command and control infrastructure wet dream.

I’m not saying it would work or not inflame any resistance, but I think they’ve wanted it since at least Obama.

If Trump wins and they can’t steal it back, and they don’t assassinate him (and I think they would do that to start the war they want), their coordinated post-election street violence will do its best to get someone to shoot back and escalate the national conflict.

You have to remember that to a proper Marxist, you have to wreck everything before you can rebuild the alleged paradise, and it is of little concern to them the cost to the nation or anyone in it.

There’s nothing civil about civil war, but there are unknown numbers of foreign agitators among us as well, who are very likely here to instigate and then take advantage of any internal conflict if it starts.

I know. Happy Tuesday!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Michael Strand Says NH-Democrats Should NOT Be Allowed Near Children!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 20:00 +0000

Wow! WOW! WOW, WOW, WOW! A Woke-Communist … oh, I’m sorry, I am sure he would prefer “Democrat” … from that bastion of white privilege called Bedford has stood up for children. More specifically, see the tweet (X) below, where he says that Democrats should not be allowed near children:

I am confident that Strand has no idea that National Socialism was a socialism based on race and other identity factors AND that of all the historic ‘isms, the ideology of the NH-Democrats (which I call Woke-Communism) most resembles National Socialism. Stated more succinctly, it is Strand and she/her Selig and their ilk who are the Neo-Nazis.

I discussed the similarity between NH-Democrats and Nazis in Heil Diversity … Heil Equity … Heil Inclusion.  Read it … National Socialism was NOT a “right-wing” ideology. It was a manifestation of socialism. This is a FACT. It may be an inconvenient fact for people like Strand. But it is still a fact.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Time is Running Out for the Gulf of Maine!Urgent!

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 18:00 +0000

Who will stand up for the people and the oceans? Who will show up for us? There is not enough data on what will become of our fragile Gulf of Maine if this is allowed. From the lobsters to the endangered Right Whales, it must be addressed, and it is not. All reps and senate members should be attending or send a rep for them. Our gulf is too important.

The only thing green about offshore wind is the subsidies/money being handed to foreign companies.

Don’t Saudi Arabia the Gulf of Maine, which is what Sen. Watters wants to do.

We only have limited time to fight this, as the subsidies are running out. Our fragile Gulf of Maine will not survive offshore wind industrialization. It is right in the path of right whale migration and feeding grounds. Our shores will look like NJ shores with a dead mammal a day. Show up to these meetings, say DON’T!

BOEM – Follow the link.

  • Open House – Portland, Maine
    • Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
    • Time: 5-8 p.m.
    • Location: Holiday Inn Portland-by the Bay (88 Spring Street Portland, ME 04101)
    • Registration
    • Agenda
  • Open House – Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    • Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
    • Time: 5-8 p.m.
    • Location: Urban Forestry Center (45 Elwyn Rd, Portsmouth, NH 03801)
    • Registration
    • Agenda
  • Open House – Danvers, Massachusetts
    • Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024
    • Time: 5-8 p.m.
    • Location: DoubleTree by Hilton, North Shore (50 Ferncroft Rd, Danvers, MA 01923)
    • Registration
    • Agenda

If you can’t make a meeting there are instructions here (below the meeting schedule) to submit comments online.

Detailed information video…


Share and show up, if you care… over 80 Cetacean deaths since January on the east coast where offshore wind is running or surveyed!


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

No, Corporate Profits Don’t Cause Inflation

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 16:00 +0000

The Guardian reported,

A new report claims “resounding evidence” shows that high corporate profits are a main driver of ongoing inflation, and companies continue to keep prices high even as their inflationary costs drop.

The report, compiled by the progressive Groundwork Collaborative think tank, found corporate profits accounted for about 53% of inflation during last year’s second and third quarters. Profits drove just 11% of price growth in the 40 years prior to the pandemic, according to the report.

Is this true? Unraveling this mysterious relationship between corporate profit and inflation is easy once we clearly define what profit and inflation are. This allegation that corporate profits accounted for 53 percent of inflation is a result of using wrong definitions and reasoning by mainstream economics researchers.

First, let us see what inflation is. As Henry Hazlitt explained in his article “Inflation in One Page,” inflation is “an increase in the quantity of money and credit. Its chief consequence is soaring prices. Therefore inflation—if we misuse the term to mean the rising prices themselves—is caused solely by printing more money. For this the government’s monetary policies are entirely responsible.”

Faulty reasoning by mainstream economists occurs because of their faulty way of mistaking the price rise effect of inflation as inflation itself. They are putting the cart before the horse. Rising prices is only one of the chief effects of inflation, not inflation itself.

Another mistake that mainstream economists make is that they use the long disproved Marxist “production cost/labor theory of value” to explain the rise in the prices of consumer goods, as is the case with this research done by the Groundwork Collaborative think tank. Production cost (corporate profit) doesn’t determine the prices of consumer goods. The subjective value of the consumer determines those prices. In this article I do not have the space to discuss this very important subjective value theory. I advise my readers to study the literature of the Austrian School of economics.

They also mistake individual commodity price fluctuation for inflation. In a market economy, prices of various commodities are always changing. Such price fluctuation doesn’t reflect the mythical general price level that mainstream economists use to measure inflation.

Also, if corporate profits explain the rise in prices of consumer goods—what mainstream economists call inflation—then what explains the rise in the prices of producer goods? The same corporate profits? We need to remember here that inflation not only increases the prices of consumer goods but also producer goods. When the supply of money rises due to the Fed’s easy money policies of creating dollars out of thin air, it dilutes the purchasing power (value) of all existing dollars in the economy. And because dollars are legal tender money (a common medium of exchange), they will buy less of both consumer and producer goods (i.e., looking from the goods side it will look as if their prices have gone up). Actually, the dollar is losing its value and so buying less of everything against which it is being used in market exchange.

We next look at profit. Here is Ludwig von Mises explaining profit:

In the capitalist system of society’s economic organization the entrepreneurs determine the course of production. In the performance of this function they are unconditionally and totally subject to the sovereignty of the buying public, the consumers. If they fail to produce in the cheapest and best possible way those commodities which the consumers are asking for most urgently, they suffer losses and are finally eliminated from their entrepreneurial position. Other men who know better how to serve the consumers replace them.

If all people were to anticipate correctly the future state of the market, the entrepreneurs would neither earn any profits nor suffer any losses. They would have to buy the complementary factors of production at prices which would, already at the instant of the purchase, fully reflect the future prices of the products. No room would be left either for profit or for loss. What makes profit emerge is the fact that the entrepreneur who judges the future prices of the products more correctly than other people do buys some or all of the factors of production at prices which, seen from the point of view of the future state of the market, are too low. Thus the total costs of production—including interest on the capital invested—lag behind the prices which the entrepreneur receives for the product. This difference is entrepreneurial profit.

As Mises explained, an entrepreneur will earn (corporate) profit only if he successfully anticipates this mismatch between the present prices of producer goods versus the future prices of the consumer goods that these producer goods will help produce. The difference between the prices of producer goods and consumer goods is profit.

Once we define profits clearly, we can see corporate profits are not responsible for causing inflation. It is, in fact, inflation that affects the profit calculation of an entrepreneur by raising the prices of both consumer and producer goods. Prices of consumer goods are rising because some of the consumers—let’s say from the state of California—are receiving freshly printed dollars, which they are using to bid the prices of consumer goods higher. Those who are at the end of this market process are facing higher prices and seeing their dollars’ purchasing power diluted. Those same dollars are also chasing producer goods, raising their prices. Some entrepreneurs can judge this gap between producer and consumer goods in a better way than others, and so they are making profits. The mainstream researchers are forgetting that many unsuccessful entrepreneurs aren’t properly judging this gap, and so they are making losses and going out of business. Are these corporate losses also causing inflation/deflation?

All in all, the present study by the Groundwork Collaborative think tank represents the classic case of spurious correlation. Spurious correlation is when on the face of it there seems to be a causal relationship between two variables, but the theory says there isn’t any. Mainstream researchers in the present study forgot the basic statistical caveat that “correlation doesn’t mean causation.” If they used the right definitions of both inflation and (corporate) profits, then they would’ve seen that it is the US Federal Reserve that is creating inflation, which in turn is affecting corporate profits.

Madhusudan Raj | Mises Wire We heartily encourage reprints and shares of Mises Wire articles. If you wish to reproduce an article in your blog, magazine, radio show, newspaper column, classroom material, textbook, discussion group, website, or any other venue, please do so. The original publication source must be included in an appropriate place.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe Biden Does Not Live In The Day

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 14:00 +0000

That Joe Biden does not live in the day is not my original thought. I heard it somewhere in the last couple of weeks and wish I could give proper credit as it is a fitting explanation for his perpetual string of bad policies and decisions. He cannot grasp the pulse of today’s America and sees the other side as a collection of MAGA Republicans, Racists, and White Supremacists. This labeling from the president who urged unity and civility, His name calling is about as unifying as Hillary Clinton in last season’s pantsuit after she packed on an extra fifteen. Joe Biden has a dark, ominous view of America, which may be why he wants to destroy her.

Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse College, and I am sure the hierarchy at Morehouse regrets their choice. A commencement speech should congratulate and enable the graduates to identify future opportunities and feel proud of their accomplishments. Biden did anything but. His speech was dark and painted a dismal picture of the future. He told these Black graduates that the world was stacked against them and they needed to be ten times better than White graduates to achieve the same results. He harped about the systemic racism that plagues his world and the greatest threat to our country being the White Supremacy of the MAGA Republicans on the Right. These baseless claims are where Joe loses touch with reality and the America we live in.

There is no systemic racism in America except in the minds of people like Joe Biden, who use the concept as a subliminal weapon against their opponents. In Biden’s mind, America is still in the 60s, 1960, or 1860, when the White population looked down upon people of color and opportunities were few for people of color. We have come so far from those eras, and for most Americans, we have no color wheel for people. We judge people on their merits and potential, regardless of pigment. For people like Al Sharpton and Joe Biden, they have no purpose unless they can convince people of color that they are still oppressed and inferior. It is time for these folks to come into today’s world and start living on their merits and accomplishments and leave the rhetoric in the past.

Biden set the same tone when addressing the NAACP at their 69th Annual Fight for Freedom Fun held in Detroit. Joe needs to court the Black community, especially in key battleground states like Michigan, where he sees his lead over Trump shrinking or gone. The president introduced himself as a lifetime member of the NAACP. There is no proof of this, like there is none that he grew up in a Black Church or is part Puerto Rican. This opening line set the pace for a speech the White House would need to issue nine corrections to Biden’s flawed delivery. This speech was read off a teleprompter, and the president could not read it accurately. How will he ever navigate a 90-minute debate with Trump? I do not see that happening.

These are just a couple of examples of how out of touch Biden is and the difficulty he has in delivering a prepared speech. The White House and DNC must limit this man’s time behind a mic or in front of the public. The choice seems clear for the Democrats. They either need to bury Joe in his Delaware basement ala 2020 or replace him before the convention, but no viable options are waiting in the bullpen. The Dems are going to ride this one horse pony until November. You might want to place your bet for Old Joe to Place!

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The WHO Pandemic Treaty Is Dead – For Now

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 12:00 +0000

From the take the wins when you get them file, the World Health Organization has gone into its yearly meeting with health ministers absent any agreement on a global Pandemic Treaty.

Roland Driece, co-chair of W.H.O.’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged countries were unable to deliver an agreed proposal. W.H.O. had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva.

“We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity” even as a host of countries disagreed with the basic principle that unelected, unaccountable, health bureaucrats could somehow decide major global decisions on government policies.

That’s a huge win, but they are not giving up.

Addressing a sullen final day of negotiations, the W.H.O. chief insisted, “This is not a failure.”

“We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty,” Tedros said. “Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist.”

Challenges like lying about the threat, lying about mortality, lying about nonpharmaceutical interventions, and lying about the safety and efficacy of existing drugs. Lying about the safety and efficacy of the (mandated/preferred) inoculation. It is the shortlist, I know, but you also know that the pandemic treaty didn’t address any of these “challenges.” It did, however, try very hard to make it illegal to question all the lying. What, exactly, that has to do with health remains a mystery.

We have several ‘States’ (like the UK) to thank for the treaty’s current state of interoperability, but none of them are the United States. Biden was in favor, as are his media allies, who insist there is no conspiracy to enact global health governance. Of course, these are the same entities responsible not just for the dissemination of the lies listed in the previous paragraph but also for working to discredit and silence anyone who dared to contradict them.

In other words, don’t put this win to bed. The Left never gives up on anything, and yes, pushing back is exhausting, but “Tyranny Never Rests – So Neither Shall We.”


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If You Stand With Joe Biden … You Are Standing With An Actual White-Supremacist

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 10:00 +0000

Isn’t that a lovely picture of Angie Brennan and the imposter-figurehead-President Joe Biden. But does Little Miss Angie know she is standing with a White-Supremacist? For example, Biden believes that White people like him should get to decide who is a “real Black” and who is not. Remember this from 2020:

And this was NOT a “one-off.” Just recently, Biden told graduates at Morehouse College essentially that they had just wasted four years because America is pervasively and incurably racist … the clear implication being that these graduates will amount to nothing without Great White Father Biden in the White House. A variation on 2020’s “you ain’t Black.”

Little Miss Angie badly needs to recalibrate her #decency meter.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Stockholders Send Warning to Oreo – Don’t Budlight This Brand

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 02:00 +0000

The parent company that owns the Oreo empire, Mondelez, is being warned by the National Legal and Policy Center that its involvement with partisan political groups, specifically the LGBTQ pressure group PFLAG, is putting shareholder value at significant risk.

The cookie company’s Chicago-headquartered parent organization, Mondelēz International, will be confronted at its annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday over how its LGBTQ marketing could tank business and irreparably tarnish the brand.

As a shareholder in Mondelēz, formerly Kraft Foods, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), a non-profit corporate watchdog, is warning the owner of Oreo (and other American household favorites): “Don’t make yourself the next Bud Light.”

According to a two-page proposal, which NLPC will present to shareholders this week, Mondelēz “irresponsibly” involves itself in politically divisive issues and is deeply embroiled in left-wing activism, consequently creating “reputational and financial risk.”

In the proposal they note that, “Potentially controversial relationships, especially tethered to social and cultural issues, can damage brands with customers, employees, suppliers, and investors, and present material risks to companies’ reputation and sustainability.” It includes a handful of examples, including Bud Light, Target, and Walt Disney. The proposal goes on to point out that,

Boycotts, silent or boisterous, can arise without warning. Once they gain momentum, the damage can be difficult to contain. InBev, Target and Disney are learning the hard way. Thus, it is critical the Board of Mondelez International (“Company”) focus on its own vulnerabilities before they become a liability.

The proposal suggests “Shareholders request the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors create a study subcommittee to examine the risks and consequences of the Company’s associations with external organizations.” It is a fair and equitable resolution. Conservatives are not the most proficient of boycotters, but the Bud Light thing created a new baseline for their ability to punish a brand.

Neutrality, it seems, is what these shareholders are after. Stay out of politics,  make a decent cookie, and we’ll all share in the ongoing success of a well-established brand.

I don’t think the people running Oreo are going to listen, so feel free to start your boycott now. Or don’t.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Open Letter to All 14 Senate Rs.

Granite Grok - Tue, 2024-05-28 00:00 +0000

Readers should already be familiar with Paula Johnson, who has worn many hats in Nashua over the years, including alderman, state rep, school board, plaintiff, and ardent critic of the mayor and Jeb. She sent me this 7-minute video about RTK warfare happening in NJ, and I decided to share it with the Senate Republicans, who have been an abject disappointment in this matter.

I want you to take 7 minutes to watch this video and know what’s happening in the state that HB 1002’s cosponsor, Tim Lang, hails from. I’m guessing that most of you won’t, but let it be known that NH does not have a monopoly on RTK warfare and what a disappointing bunch you are.

With any luck, the Damn Emperor will veto HB 1002, and all of you will be primaried.  Enjoy your holiday weekend.
Julie Smith
(the RTK hellhole)

I should point out that most people already know that Jeb is retiring and, therefore, doesn’t need to be primaried, but there is definitely some talk about the suitability of his aspiring replacement, Rep McConkey.

And I will add that Rep Tim McGough is definitely not suitable to occupy the seat once belonging to Gary Daniels, who declines coming out of retirement.  Talk to Melissa Blasek and Ginger if you want to learn more about Tim or have a recruiting prospect to suggest.

Many people are angry at the Senate because it has lived up to Mr Sylvia’s comment that “it’s a place where good House bills go to die.” My personal anger is that they’ve become “the body that rubber stamps bad House bills” instead of being a firewall against them.

Efforts are underway to recruit candidates for primaries. I am thrilled to share the good news in District 23 because freshman Rep Emily Phillips is stepping up to primary legal lad and Judiciary Sheeple of Sharon, Senator Gannon.

Please show Emily some love.  And back to Paula Johnson, she’s not only no ordinary Nashua resident, but she lives in District 12. (hint, hint)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Celebrate or Else: Washington State High School Girls Track Champion is a Guy (Who Couldn’t Compete Otherwise)

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 22:00 +0000

From the Democrats Actually Hate Women Files, Donovan Brown (dba: Veronica Garcia) won the Washington state championship in the girl’s 400m dash. He beat his second-place competitor by 3.25 Seconds.

It might not sound like much, but it’s huge and embarrassing. Watch.

Another victory for Demcorats hating women.

Donovan/Victoria’s time was 55.59. How does that compare with the “boys”? I couldn’t get them all, but Eddie Bruner Jr. won the 400m for the guys with a time of 48.39 seconds (7.2 seconds faster than Donovan Brown).

The 25th fastest time was 49.73 (5.86 seconds faster than Brown). If I had to guess, Donovan would have never even gone to the state championships, but look, #woke, fools; the C-Team track “star” denied some hardworking young lady her chance at a state championship. And the best part for Democrats is she has to accept second place to a man with a smile and no complaints. Equality!

Here are the Boy’s results


1. EB Eddie Bruner Jr. 48.39 WA 10 Lincoln (Tacoma) May 15 West Central Districts 3 / SWD 4 Track & Field Championships
2. IF Isaac Ford 48.43 WA 12 East Valley (Yakima) May 17 CWAC District Championship
3. EF *Evin Ford 48.52 WA 12 East Valley (Yakima) May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
4. IC *Isaiah Cadengo 48.68 WA 11 Bremerton May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
5. SF Sutton Flint 48.84 WA 10 Liberty (Issaquah) Apr 27 Shoreline Invitational
6. NA *Nikko Alexander 48.89 WA 10 Gonzaga Prep May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
7. QS Quinn Shavey 48.93 WA 12 Mercer Island May 16 3A Sea-King District 2 Championships
8. JM *Jackson Moffitt 48.95 WA 11 Liberty (Issaquah) May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
9. KA Kenyon Andrews 49.12 WA 10 Hazen May 16 3A Sea-King District 2 Championships
10. SS Sage Salopek I 49.16 WA 11 O’Dea May 11 Metro League Championships
11. ES Ethan Swenson 49.22 WA 12 Cedarcrest Mar 30 Holder Relays
12. CT Cameron Trichel 49.24 WA 12 Newport (Bellevue) May 09 Kingco 2A/3A/4A League Championships
JB Justin Brooks 49.24 WA 12 Seattle Christian May 14 Nisqually District Championships
14. DM *Dallas Miller 49.36 WA 12 Arlington May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
15. Owen Powell 49.38 WA 11 Mercer Island Apr 30 Mt Si, Foster @ Mercer Island (Senior Night)
16. JT Jake Trefry 49.38 WA 12 University May 18 District 8 Championship
17. MM Max Meadows 49.40 WA 12 Wenatchee May 16 CBBN District Championship – Day 1 and Day 2
18. *Eric De Oliveira 49.44 WA 11 Lake Washington May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
19. TA Tawaf Aboudou 49.46 WA 12 Garfield May 11 Metro League Championships
20. Shawn Jones 49.47 WA 11 St George’s Apr 30 NE 2B Team Championship
21. KB *Ka’Jon Babcock 49.58 WA 12 Emerald Ridge May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
22. Peter Whitney 49.67 WA 11 A.C. Davis May 16 CBBN District Championship – Day 1 and Day 2
23. *Carter Neckita 49.68 WA 12 Newport (Bellevue) May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
BG *Boden Gardner 49.68 WA 12 Mt Spokane May 25 WIAA 2A, 3A, 4A State Championship Meet (HS)
25. JK Jase Klinkhammer 49.73 WA 12 Meridian (WA) May 08 1A District @ LC

The post Celebrate or Else: Washington State High School Girls Track Champion is a Guy (Who Couldn’t Compete Otherwise) appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Some Thoughts On Memorial Day

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 20:00 +0000

Memorial Day is a federal holiday, but unlike all of the others that are celebrations of an event, this day is a somber day to remember the brave men and women who left the safety of their homes, often just as kids, and went off to some foreign land to battle for the freedoms we enjoy, and did not return. It is a day to pause and thank the more than one million who made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

On this day, many of us will also remember our ancestors and family who have passed, but we should do that every day. Today, the last Monday in May, Memorial Day, is a special day for those who died while wearing the uniform. What they unselfishly did for us deserves their own day of remembrance.

While researching the holiday’s origin, I came across an interesting list of things you should not do on Memorial Day.

  • Don’t wish anyone a “Happy Memorial Day.” This day is not Christmas – Memorial Day was not founded in joy with the promise of bringing glee each year. …
  • Don’t thank the current troops. …
  • Don’t disregard its importance. …
  • Don’t forget it exists. …
  • Don’t let politics keep you from rendering respect.

The article explained why these five were taboo, but the gist is not to allow the day to be cheapened or lose its significance. The last item on the list got me thinking. These folks we remember today may not have understood the purpose of the war they would be a part of, and we should not judge the battles either. On this day, we remember the lost souls. There are plenty of other days to debate the whys and how these conflicts existed and why we entered the fray. Today is for the dead.

I am going to get political for a moment because that is what I do. I think that this holiday should be apolitical, but I have a problem with Liberals celebrating this day. I find it incredibly hypocritical to take the time to remember the fallen on this day and thank them for what they have preserved for us while, at the same time, doing whatever they can to bring down and destroy this great country.

These bravest died for the Red, White, and Blue, which many came back home covered with. That flag represents the vision our forefathers had for America. To degrade America or continue to push to transform Her into a Socialist country is to concede these souls died in vain. To destroy our sovereignty and allow millions of unvetted individuals from around the world to cross our border, many from countries that hate our nation, is to strip the very thing these fallen fought and died for. You cannot have it both ways. You cannot salute the fallen and say you support the living troops while aligning yourself with these people who want to end the American experiment and replace it with a system that has failed every place it has been tried.

Let’s mark this Memorial Day and truly honor those for whom we pause by pledging from this day onward that we will do everything in our power to assure that anyone elected to serve us is as American as the ones whose grave is marked by the American Flag.

God Bless you, and may He keep you in his arms, our fallen brothers and sisters.

The post Some Thoughts On Memorial Day appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Will Governor Chris Sununu Sign or Veto Bill to Protect Kids from Extreme Trans Surgeries?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 18:00 +0000

Recently, the New Hampshire Senate voted to pass HB619 to ban genital gender reassignment surgeries for kids. The bill will soon be on Gov. Chris Sununu’s desk. This is a common-sense bill that was supported by virtually all Republicans in the NH House, two independents, and 11 Democrat state representatives including progressive Democrat Jonah Wheeler of Keene.

Rep. Wheeler spoke passionately on the House floor for the bill:

The question before us is whether or not children under the age of 18 should be able to get these surgeries. And despite being a liberal who believes in [trans] rights, I don’t think that is the case. These are irreversible surgeries. This is not a question of whether you’re with the trans community. It’s a question of whether or not you believe children should be able to get these irreversible surgeries.

Related: Take Action to Ban Barbaric Genital Sex Reassignment Surgery for Kids in New Hampshire

HB619 also bans referrals for genital gender reassignment surgeries for kids and we know that such referrals are happening in New Hampshire. I documented the case of New Hampshire resident Emily Tressa who was castrated and had a vaginoplasty at 17.

Trans-identifying children are promised a lovely future but detransitioners tell us that they are left with pain and disability and they become the object of sexual fetishism. Emily, who tried and failed to launch careers in modeling and singing, has fallen back on performing on OnlyFans.

Here is the tragic story of Sam, a detransitioner in Massachusetts:

I started identifying as transgender as a teenager, which would eventually lead me down the path of cross-sex hormones and irreversible surgeries. By the time I was 21 years old, I had completed my medical transition which included having my penis and testicles amputated, a decision that I now deeply regret.

Getting a neovagina removed is proving to be a difficult task. Most surgeons do not want to do it and it’s unclear if it would even be covered by insurance. Doing it out of pocket is an incredibly expensive endeavor ranging from $50,000 to $100,000.

It has been almost half a decade since my surgery, and I have still not recovered. The toll that the surgery took on my health was immense despite only being 21 years old at the time. Complications, maintenance, and risk of sepsis make removal necessary. How is this healthcare?

This is coming from someone with minimal complications during and following surgery. Imagine the people that had big complications. No wonder why the suicide rate among post-operative trans-identified males is higher than before surgery.

Contact Gov. Sununu and ask him to sign HB619 into law. Sununu’s number is (603) 271-2121.

Talking points for your call to Sununu:

  • This is a bipartisan bill. A large group of Democrats voted for it and Rep. Jonah Wheeler spoke passionately in favor of the bill from the House floor.
  • 25 states have passed laws to protect children from medical transition.
  • We know that New Hampshire kids are being referred for genital gender reassignment surgery.
  • These surgeries are dangerous and irreversible and result in pain and disability.
  • There is no reason why these kids can’t wait until 18 for these surgeries.
  • No medical professionals testified at the bill hearings that this surgery is medically necessary.

The post Will Governor Chris Sununu Sign or Veto Bill to Protect Kids from Extreme Trans Surgeries? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire


Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 16:00 +0000

(Cue the music)

The grind restarts…well, on Tuesday.

But before I begin, a deep-felt THANK YOU to soldiers.  On this Memorial Day, I give thanks to each and every one who gave that last full measure of devotion for America.





I include in this my own ancestors – two documented Revolutionary War ancestors, one of whom crossed the Delaware with General Washington.  There are two ways, IMHO, we can honor them.

First, never forget them.

Second, and this is harder, pledge our own lives and sacred honor to protect this Great Experiment.  And then act on that.

EBL: Ronald Reagan Memorial Day Speeches (




Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***








I’ve seen videos where Trump’s total goes DOWN by X, and The Potato’s goes up by – precisely – X.  “Glitches” I am told.  OK, so were these switches un-glitched?  No answer of course.





Remember what Frontpage Magazine‘s founder, David Horowitz, says:

“Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”








I think this is one reason that – despite all the evidence – the Pfizer and Moderna Jabs are still on the market and being pushed.  If they were pulled, a metric f*ckton of people would be exactly like the above.  And would start to ask very uncomfortable-for-TPTB questions.

Moderna Murdered my Daughter – The FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation

A couple of years ago I had to visit the ER; on the TV, every few minutes, were PSA announcements with doctor after doctor pushing the shots.  The last time I was at the ER, no such PSAs.  The contrast was eerie.  Also, early on, the pressure every time I went to the doctor to get The Jab was relentless.  Now, not a word.  And not just from my PCP who knows my opposition – every medical visit even to the walk-in clinics.







I question the timing… especially in light of things like this:

WW3 WATCH: NATO Chief Says U.S. Must Allow Ukraine to Fire Missiles Against Russian Mainland | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

I’ll repeat something from prior posts.  I’m not a historian, but I’ve read a fair amount.  One of the reasons, in my studies, that WWI broke out was that so many countries made open promises and commitments and DON’T DO THIS OR ELSE… statements.  We’re seeing this exact pattern again.  E.g., Russia has issued quite a few DON’T DO THIS OR ELSE… commitments.  Well, one can only blow past so many of those before – like the boy who cried wolf – nobody takes you seriously.  And the Russians understand this.

Meanwhile, TPTB poke poke poke at Russia.  They WANT WWIII.






I’ve shown people this chart and had them say “But that could just be a coincidence”.





Almost as though they could order a mass shooting on cue.







However much you hate the enemedia, it isn’t enough.

Media Held Alito Story for 3 Years as Part of Timed Attack | Frontpage Mag


1/3 of Journalists Killed in Gaza Worked For. . . | Frontpage Mag

Imagine WW2 with 1/3 of OUR journalists working for the Nazis.









HERE WE GO: Navy Commander Confirms DOZENS of Penetration Operations by Foreign Nationals Reported at US Bases Over Last Few Weeks (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Why, it’s almost as though they’re an actual invading army attempting to size up weaknesses.


Just wait until the grid gets shut down (working on a piece about that).  Then the attacks on the military and police will escalate, in a bid to get weapons and such.

Biden Border Crisis: National Security Threats Abound, Even Turkish Illegals Issue Warning (







Just. Wow.







I can think of some that are legal – *cough cough Ilhan Omar* – that need to go too.











I assume The Big Guy got his 10%.








The slow squeeze.  From here:

Real Bidenomics: American Truckers Say They’re “Strictly in survival mode”

– “A year and a half ago, we could pay our monthly bills, not counting fuel and those variables, but we could pay our monthly bills in about 14-15 days.

– By Christmas (2022), it was taken right at 30-32 days to pay our monthly bills. So you gotta work 2 extra days.Because it’s 32 days now, and they’re not 30 days a month.

– Well, as of this past month, it took 37 days to pay 1 month’s bills

It’s just a constant decline. And The survival mode is what I’m hearing. That’s that’s what we are. We’re strictly in survival mode.”

Just imagine how much worse it’s got by now in 2024…. America is holding on by a thread.

WallStreetApes (


I was talking with a Telegram contact overseas and mentioned my thought that one of the reasons so much of what’s going on seems so overwhelming is that the true powers-that-be have been planning this for untold decades, if not a couple of centuries (or maybe even longer).  But we’re only seeing it now; their decades of planning but seen by us in days or weeks.  No wonder it’s overwhelming.

This will very soon be felt in the grocery stores, the gas stations, and everywhere.  Without truckers, America dies.  Which is the plan.








Divide and conquer.  Oldest trick in the book.





Putting the US in danger to gain votes.






Link section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Another County in Oregon Has Just Approved the Measure to Secede From the State and Join ‘Greater Idaho’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

The late Walter E. Williams wrote this:

Parting Company – Walter E. Williams (

Which I mentioned in my essay:


E The Blue Virus


Paris Will Be Off-Limits Without QR Code This Summer – GreatGameIndia

Dry run?  MHO, it will work to vastly reduce crime.  So, naturally, they’ll not just make it permanent but the example will be used by other governments to do this too.

How Much Money Do Pediatricians Really Make From Vaccines? – WELLNESS AND EQUALITY

A lot.  Covid-related:

The Government Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin – the question is why – America Out Loud News

Because Ivermectin and HCQ would have saved lives and ended the pandemic, and the Left needed a massive death toll to unseat Trump.

Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country – Here’s Why – The Last Refuge (

A tangled web of deceit.

US lawmakers seek to clean up crypto regulation ‘food fight’ – Insider Paper

Oh, yeah, get government involved.  What was it that Friedman said?  Get government involved in the Sahara and with a few years there’ll be a shortage of sand?

Construction crew in National Park ordered to stop displaying American flags on equipment | The Post Millennial |

My take? F you.

Senator Demands Answers After Superintendent of Denali National Park Brooke Merrell Tells Construction Workers to Remove US Flag from Equipment – It “Detracts” from Park Experience | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Speaking of flags:

The Top 11 Flags You Should Fly To Trigger American Communists (

I once saw a meme with the Confederate battle flag – to the effect that “I fly it because it pisses you off”.  If I can ever afford a real flagpole, the only flag – aside from Old Glory – that might go there is a Gadsden flag.  Though on “Juneteenth” I’d be tempted to fly the Stars & Bars.

American ICJ judge who voted against Israel was nominated by Biden for top State Department role | World Israel News

Again, any Jew who votes “D” is a Jewicidal Yidiot.  Related:

Angry Muslims Step Up ‘Abandon Biden’ Campaign Across Nine Swing States, Seek to Make Democrats ‘Pro-Palestinian Party’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Kew

Losing Jews, losing Muslims, losing blacks and Hispanics and more.  Doubtless to win with 85 million this time.  TINVOWOOT.

Democrats Panic Over Jewish Voters | Frontpage Mag



Staying Vigilant: Is The WHO Pandemic Treaty Really “Failing”? (

Remember, any backing-down on the WHO treaty, vaccine passports, digital ID, etc., is tactical.  They’ll be back.

Report: Scientists Find Earth-Sized Planet That Could Hold Life | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Moorhead, The Western Journal

OOH, neat.  OTOH, I have to wonder… is this timed to give cover to something they don’t want us to look at?  So, question: just before they provoke an active WWIII shooting war, will we be distracted by “proof” they’ve found extra-solar life?

Massachusetts Trans “Woman” Goes on Stabbing Rampage at Massachusetts Movie Theater – Stabs 4 Girls Ages 9 to 17 without Warning | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft


This is why Republicans always lose – Liberty’s Torch (

Stopping saving the Dems from their own mistakes would be a good start.  I remember De-Whine when I lived in Ohio.  A squish even then.

Being followed by criminals – Gun Free Zone

Situational awareness.  And being proactive.

One the reasons – to my kids’ bafflement – that I’ve learned a lot of the “miscellaneous” side streets is that if I feel I’m being followed, I can take a detour to see if the car behind me really is following me or, just coincidentally, going in the same direction.

I also strongly recommend the book TO THE LEFT OF BANG.

As Promised, The Debt Problem in [Market-Ticker]

Death spiral coming, and soon.  Related:




Nine hard but necessary steps to fix our broken Social Security system. – American Thinker

The Rutherford Institute :: SCOTUS Fails to Protect Citizens From Asset Forfeiture Delay Tactics That Let Police Keep Seized Cars & Cash |

Asset forfeiture was something that, even back at college, I railed against.

Now, a person CONVICTED of, say, drug dealing – then yes, I can see that as part of the punishment.  But not just seeing a guy with a wad of cash and lifting it by declaring it “drug money”…

Closing with this one:

Screaming into the void – Liberty’s Torch (

Back to my socialist family members. When I see that Biden still somehow has a 41% approval rating (or whatever it is) my first thought is “How in the hell can 41% of people be so fucking blind?” And then I remember my socialist family members, to whom the truth is but an inconvenience to their beliefs. From economics to the Kung Flu to World Affairs, these people literally don’t know anything. If it wasn’t said to them on their liberal news channel, they don’t have it. And since the media is nothing but a hive of progressive group-think and DNC propaganda, that’s what my family members consume and that’s what they “know”.

I have actually had people say to me, deadly serious, that “That can’t be true or it would be on CNN / NPR”.




Pick of the post:



IngSoc of Orwell’s prophetic dystopia 1984 could not even have dreamed of this.  Every once in a while my computer prompts me to upgrade to W11.  I decline each time, having to hit REFUSE multiple times.  Sooner or later I expect they’ll just do it over my objection.





Palate Cleansers:





Come back Friday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.  Also, please give Steve a HT for picking up Wednesday.

Support the Grok!





Inspired by the movie The Shining.

The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Memorial Day: A Look Back – And Forward?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 14:00 +0000

You see, after years of “benign neglect,” one of the items for me, “semi-retirement,” was to focus on family and home. To the latter, a number of issues have arisen over the almost two decades, and now they have to be addressed.

Rehabbing the house has started (with a lot more to go). At least one thing has been completed, which is a “repaint” of the downstairs bathroom, the living room, and the dining room. Next are the stairs leading upstairs and the hallway. Appliances are being replaced (e.g., dishwasher, fridge, and a new “stacked” clothes washer/dryer) – and the features of a new gas stove (in your EYE, Joe Dementia!) are under discussion with TMEW (I want a large “wok burner” and built-in griddle; TMEW has other ideas).

So, with all that said, what does all that have to do with Memorial Day?

Memories – and the codification of them. The Youngest came over in the middle of that painting for a visit with the Grandson and was looking around. There’s a wall facing the doorway that goes into the downstairs bathroom. I painted it a nice blue color as I have a specific idea of what is going to be mounted on it.  That idea is what brought the Youngest to tears. He thought he had lost something that was very valuable to him that could not be replaced.

What he didn’t remember was that he had given it to me when he first returned from his year-long deployment with the 101st Airborne (part of his severe PTSD and TBI came with severe memory loss). The item was a remembrance of that time of adventure, pain, and sorrow. He pined for that item for a long time.  Even as he was again explaining to me what that meant, I could see the emotions welling up in him (almost to the point of activating yet another panic attack – gratis due to the PTSD).

He mentioned that he really missed it, as it reminded him of his combat friends who returned—but more so those who did not.

At that point, I gently reminded him that his special American Flag that had flown over Kabul (the capital of Afghanistan) had been upstairs in a safe place all this time. That we had known its significance to him and made sure that it had been well protected. That’s when the tears started to flow and continued as I explained that both his flag and the Eldest’s (gifted to us as it had flown over Baghdad – the capital of Iraq – were to be individually mounted within two thick plates of polycarbonate with standoff studs from the walls. For each flag, a summary of their units, time in theatre, and other info would be mounted above them.

He was floored – and memories of his hitch came flooding back. And then he made an offer that I did not expect – the beret shown at the top.

When he came home and was mustered out, he hadn’t kept much of his kit, but that was the singular piece that, with all the problems he was facing (and they were severe in intensity and length of time), he ensured was never lost or damaged. Above his wife’s protestations, he gifted it to TMEW and me to be encased in that flag mounting. I could tell that it was the most difficult decision to make.

There’s a local frame shop that we have utilized for several special items. They will be commissioned to make this project happen sometime this summer, and then it will be hung shortly after that. There, they will stay until we have passed on, and then they are to be repatriated back to those who earned them.

Memories – of those still living and those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Not just for “our values” and our country, but those those standing to the left of them and to the right of them – the Brotherhood, that Band of Brothers. No, I never served and have kept few memories of friends and co-workers over the decades. It always amazes me how vivid the memories are of those that did of those they served with. They own stories that the rest of us, who never served, will never have, nor will we ever completely understand.

All we can do is share with others the experiences of those who kept the home hearths burning until their return (“…For now I, along with millions of others like me, stand with his Dad at the end of his driveway.”) never wanting to hear the noise of an unknown car pulling into our driveway with uniformed men slowing walking up to our door.

We ALL, however, remember all those who ran towards the noise of gunfire.

As Memorial Day approaches on Monday, we at FS take time to reflect on the sacrifice’s on behalf of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The price of freedom isn’t free.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

And as we see the current antics of those who would NEVER put themselves in danger for their country because they HATE this country and its founding values, I remind the rest of us of one very important fact that some wish for us to forget and let our spines turn to Jello concerning Life’s real reality:

H/T: Soldier Systems)

The post Memorial Day: A Look Back – And Forward? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

This Alleged Warning About Street Crime Smells Like Media Air Support for Digital Currency

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 12:00 +0000

If you wanted to try and encourage people to get more comfortable with the idea of digital-only currency, it might make sense to seed the landscape with stories about how dangerous it is to carry cash. Perhaps even water that landscape with a growing sense of desperation that leads to more crime.

Crappy economy. Letting criminals walk the streets. Refuse to prosecute a growing list of “petty” crimes. It could all be a coincidence, and those things have other “benefits.” It is necessary, after all, to push the middle class out of its comfort zone so it demands more government to fix what the government broke.

Instead of worrying about how the government can use CBDC to steal your life and your privacy, monitor all your purchases, and lock your accounts if you misbehave, you’ll worry about being mugged. Would a rise in stories about street crime plant the seeds for pad the argument in favor of a national digital currency? That was my second thought after seeing this article from (a site as likely to lie as any other). “Police Warn Public of Surge in ‘Jugging.”

My first thought was, “What the hell is Jugging?”

1. Present participle of jug.

2. Jugging is the process of stewing whole animals, mainly game or fish, for an extended period in a tightly covered container such as a casserole or an earthenware jug. In France, a similar stew of a game animal is known as a civet.

3. A theft committed by a perpetrator who waits at a bank, near an ATM, or outside an expensive store, watches for customers who might be carrying a large amount of cash or goods, and then follows them to steal the money or goods from the customer or their car.

We used to call this mugging or robbery, and I have yet to figure out why it’s called jugging, but it is “on the rise!”

One harrowing story involves a University of Texas housing resident who, after a bank visit, noticed she was being followed. Her observance led to a terrifying encounter where her purse was stolen from her vehicle. This incident underscores the brazen nature of juggers and the lengths they will go to secure their loot.

As jugging threatens cash carriers, staying informed and vigilant is paramount. By adopting safety precautions and being aware of potential followers, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of becoming targets.

There is a tidal wave of media reports and lots of advice, none of which includes ideas like pepper spray, tasers, or firearms. Is it at all possible that if the act of “Jugging” came with the risk of severe injury or death, it might not be so popular?

You’d think, but jugging is more common in Liberal cities where petty crime is not only encouraged but not discouraged. Places where pepper spray, tasers, and firearms are highly regulated and less accessible to the sorts of people likely to use ATMs and more likely to fall prey to jugging. A problem you could easily resolve by switching to all digital currency (or by carrying a collapsible tactical baton).

It might be a stretch. I could be overthinking it. And now that I’ve read one story my feeds will fill up with them making me think I’m right.

But given how much they pine for a CBDC future, what are the odds that this is not part of their strategy?


The post This Alleged Warning About Street Crime Smells Like Media Air Support for Digital Currency appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Another Week, Another Poll to Choose the Comment of the Week

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 11:05 +0000

Another seven calendar days have passed us by for good or ill. The world turns, the sun rises and sets, commenters comment, and I send you seven comments from which to choose this week’s winner.

The poll runs from now until 8 pm Tuesday night.

Here are this week’s contestants (the poll is at the end).

Pot, RTK and Our Feckless Senate

Houmid The problem with pot, and any other drug legalization effort, is that it can not work in a publicly subsidized healthcare environment. If you remove the financial and medical consequences of their self-destructive behavior, they will merely increase that behavior. And those of us who know better end up having our finances destroyed, and often our own lives destroyed by their bad choices. A Truckload of Manure

Tombstone Gabby “…green energy is not capable of providing the power required for NH…” I’ve heard it said that a solar panel, or a windmill, over it’s expected lifetime, will not provide enough power to reproduce itself. One step forward, a step and a half back. Red Flag Camel’s Nose Fails To Get Under New Hampshire’s Tent

Mike Mags I like GOA’s slogan “ We are NO compromise”. Common sense or some other nifty term is just a small way to crack open the door like Steve said. Dems never compromise, ever. RINO’s play “ I hope they like me and re-elect me” game. Republicans finally stood firm on something, and they will surely get terrible press for it, but this what is needed and expected from their constituents. Community Schools Offering Cross-Sex Hormone Therapy to Children

Gracie Parents don’t go to school board meetings, do not challenge children’s teachers nor administrators and are largely intimidated K-8. And they elect school board candidates that will not supervise and limit the District admin. And NO ONE votes down the school budget – which goes increasingly to so-called “special ed” but now includes this mental health catch all for rogue actions as described. And no one asks where their school taxes go and who is paid for what. Except Annemarie. Another US State Has Banned Lab Grown ‘Meat’

James Through human history we have been eating things that were not a part of our diet, I actually think what pushed humans well past apes was our ability to eat such a variety of things and tap into caloric sources that were left untouched by our competition. So what does this have to do with lab grown meat? Well honestly food is food, its a sum of its parts, your body is going to break it down upon ingestion. I actually think Lab grown meat could be healthier if done correctly, you could literally modify it to have the exact content you desired for health or taste purposes, I just don’t get the stigma with it, most foods are processed to produce this effect, we are just doing what I am going to call downstream processing, it is something we are already doing with animals, we feed them specific things to produce the desired outcome. Maybe Lab grown meat is corrupted because the current process and management, but if done correctly I don’t see what the issue is at all. Damn Right Trump Will Be Coming For The Justice Department

anon I hope he cleans out the BATF while he’s at it. Biden’s wildly unconstitutional gun grabbing Nazis have been threatening to jail millions of average people for simple possession of items that they have allowed for many years. Bump stocks, pistol braces, even a simple picture of a AR-15 auto sear, all of which are common with literally millions of them out there. Now they want to make it a felony if you sell a firearm without a ‘dealers’ license. They are trying to criminalize making your own gun parts with no serial numbers they call ‘ghost guns’. All of this and much more, they have just dreamed up and made into law without any input from congress whatsoever. Sure it started under Trump with the bump stock ban he got roped into but that question is about to be decided by the SCOTUS in a few weeks. Trump has apologized for that mistake and is ready to correct it. New Hampshire’s “Red Flag” Camels Nose is Back!

Ian Underwood First, note how concerned youare about ‘infringing on the rights of innocent, law-abiding citizens’. Second, go back and check Part 1, Article 2-a of the state constitution. It protects the right to keep and bear arms… for what group of people? Innocent, law-abiding citizens? Or all persons? The other day, I saw someone who should know better make the blanket statement that ‘criminals forfeit their constitutionally protected rights after they have committed a crime and been convicted by a jury’. Really? Do they forfeit the right to freedom of speech? Freedom of religion? Freedom from warrantless searches? Freedom to enter into contracts, or have children? Freedom to travel? No, they don’t. Why not? Why do they lose somerights, but not others? Because we just let judges make things up on the fly, and call whatever they say ‘the Constitution’. Conservatives who have spent decades beggingfor things like HB1711 are now acting surprised and outraged because they’re getting what they asked for:…… All of this comes back to what I said the first time I testified at a bill hearing: If the legislature is going to just ignore the state constitution, why shouldn’t the people just ignore the legislature?

The Poll.

Pick one Commenter as This Weeks Winner
  • Houmid
  • Tombstone Gabby
  • Mike Mags
  • Gracie
  • James
  • anon
  • Ian Underwood
  • None of the Above

The post Another Week, Another Poll to Choose the Comment of the Week appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Did You Know Sununu Created A “COVID Equity Response Team”?!?!?!

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 10:00 +0000

The Left views EVERYTHING in terms of race and whatever other identity factors are the flavor-of-the-moment. And weak, phony “Republicans” … like Chris SUN-KING Sununu … do as well. I don’t know if faux-Republicans like Sununu really believe the “diversity-is-our-strength” bullish*t or if they see themselves as “coopting” the issue. But it does not matter. This politics of divvying America up by race, sexual preference, gender identification, blah, blah, blah is completely un-American and indeed anti-human. We are INDIVIDUALS, not mere factors of whatever identity-factors the Left champions.

Yet here is Sununu in 2020, creating a “COVID EQUITY RESPONSE TEAM” because, as noted above, EVERYTHING has to be about race:

And the “Chair” (a term which used to describe a piece of furniture) is now a Democrat State Rep, as well as an incorrigible Woke-Communist:

Great job Sun-King Sununu! GREAT JOB!!!

The post Did You Know Sununu Created A “COVID Equity Response Team”?!?!?! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What to Consider When Searching for Party Wall Surveyors in Essex

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 09:00 +0000

A lot goes on behind the scenes before you can build a wall to separate your property or do building works near your property’s boundaries. But let’s address the elephant in the room before going any further. The 1996 Party Wall Act regulates excavations and construction works near neighbouring properties.

This Act’s primary purpose is to set guidelines and prevent future misunderstandings between you and your neighbour. Now, if you are in Essex and plan to build a wall or do some repair work near your property’s boundary, hiring a party wall surveyor must be at the top of your list.

In this guide are top tips on what to consider when looking for party wall surveyors in Essex.

Qualifications and Experience

Qualifications and experience will play a massive role when hiring a party wall surveyor in Essex. Experienced surveyors will bring more value to the table, which is crucial when handling complex projects. Their knowledge of the law and dispute resolution skills will ensure that you and your neighbour are satisfied with the party wall award.

Look for top experts registered with professional bodies like the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. This is a sign that the expert is committed to maintaining their professional standing. We also recommend hiring a surveyor who is conversant with Essex’s local building regulations.

Communication Skills

Clear communication will help you and your neighbour come to an understanding quicker. You want to hire a party wall surveyor from Essex who is an excellent communicator and can get matters across in an easy-to-understand way.

You can learn about the surveyor’s professionalism and work ethic by reading reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Look for someone who is patient, approachable, and fosters a collaborative environment. This will make the discussions about your project with your neighbours fast and efficient.

Fees vs. Your Budget

Party wall surveyor’s fees will vary depending on various factors. The best approach is to always get quotes from various experts. Take time and analyse each quote against the value offered before deciding which surveyor to pick.

Some surveyors offer fixed-fee packages for standard projects, while others charge hourly rates. During the first consultation meeting, be upfront with your budget. Also, ask for a contract detailing all of the fees, payment plans, and miscellaneous charges that may pop up during the project.

This will help you avoid misunderstandings with the party wall surveyor during the project.

Where Can You Find Party Wall Surveyors in Essex?

Recommendations from friends are excellent if you know anyone who has used a party wall surveyor for their project. However, you can also get quality leads from the internet. For instance, if you search ‘party wall surveyors in Essex,’ you will find links to websites and online profiles of leading party wall experts from Essex and nearby cities.

As mentioned before, read the reviews from other customers before making up your mind. Also, don’t forget to schedule a meeting with potential picks before hiring them. This meeting will help you judge the professionals and see if they are the perfect fit. 

The post What to Consider When Searching for Party Wall Surveyors in Essex appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: It’s Time To Get Serious, Folks

Granite Grok - Mon, 2024-05-27 02:00 +0000

Politics are heating up, so it’s time to get serious, folks. Five months, so all those never-Trumpers need to rethink things. Your choice is Trump and saving our Republic or the sour grapes, I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas, tantrums. That latter we can blame you for if Democrats steal another election, and I will.

Speaking of Trump, it is strongly looking like all those kangaroo Democratic courts are falling apart. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s some judges and prosecutors not only end up with egg on their faces but get charged with election interference. Nothing would make me happier.

I’m starting my push to the finish line efforts, as you might have suspected, and donations to both Trump and Lily Tang Williams’s campaigns here in NH. I know everyone on the planet knows Donald Trump, so I don’t have to tell you anything there, but so many do not know about Lily Tang Williams.

Lily was born in China and lived through the totalitarian communist horror of the Cultural Revolution. She survived and, by some miracle, was able to immigrate legally to America. Lily became an American citizen, married, and raised a family. What her driving force is is that America does not become like China, she escaped from that so if anyone on this planet can be trusted to fight against the leftist democratic marxist socialist agenda it is she. I’ve met her and talked with her on three different occasions, and I tell you all this about her because I believe with all my heart she is the best candidate I have ever met, known about, or trusted more to keep her promises than she.

I can’t vote for her; I’m in the wrong district, but if you can, please do. You will not only replace the dead weight of “rubber stamp” Anne Kuster but also have a dynamic, no-nonsense, true Constitutional Conservative you can trust with your lives and futures.

The post Night Cap: It’s Time To Get Serious, Folks appeared first on Granite Grok.

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