The Manchester Free Press

Sunday • January 12 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 4 min 13 sec ago

Who Should You Believe? Nikki Haley, Joe Biden, or Abe Lincoln?

Thu, 2023-12-28 23:00 +0000

Nikki Haley is in some hot water because she didn’t say that the cause of the Civil War (or the War of Northern Aggression, as it’s called in some parts of the country) was slavery. Looking to score some points, Joe Biden chimed in on social media, saying ‘It was about slavery.’

But if anyone knew what the Civil War was about, it was Abraham Lincoln, right?  After all, it was his war.

In a letter to Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, here’s what Lincoln himself said (in 1862) that the war was about:

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be “the Union as it was.” If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union.

Lincoln is often held up as an example of clear communication, and I don’t think he has ever said anything more clearly than what he said here:  The Civil War was not about slavery.

If people need to restrict themselves to one-word explanations, the proper one is this:  It was about secession.


The post Who Should You Believe? Nikki Haley, Joe Biden, or Abe Lincoln? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Real Story of Christmas, by Sandy Cortez …

Thu, 2023-12-28 21:00 +0000

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez released her Christmas message, and she would have been better served to sit this one out. Cortez always tries to sound intelligent, but once you get past the gesticulations when she is orating on the house floor or dig into the words she has chosen on her online posts, her thinking is inaccurate or more emotional than factual.

Cortez went to X for this year’s message, and it reads:

“In the story of Christmas, Christ was born in modern-day Palestine under the threat of a government engaged in the mass genocide of innocents,” she wrote. “Thousands of years later, right-wing forces are violently occupying Bethlehem as similar stories unfold for today’s Palestinians, so much so that the Christian community in Bethlehem has canceled this year’s Christmas Eve celebrations both out of safety and respect.”

The entire story of Christmas and Christ himself is about standing with the poor and powerless, the marginalized and the maligned, the refugees and the immigrants, the outcast and misunderstood, without exception,” she wrote. “This high Christian holiday is about the precious sanctity of a family that, if the story were to unfold today, would be Jewish Palestinians.”

I cannot condemn Cortez for her lack of knowledge about the birth of Jesus or the difference between a Jewish and Palestinian person because religion was probably not a very common topic for discussion at Boston University or the bars where Cortez worked pouring beers. But as a U.S. Representative, you have an obligation to vet your comments and social media posts for accuracy. Obviously, Cortez has her staff prepare her statements and then applies her talents to reading them. It might help if she understood the words she is reading.

Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas and ordained minister, did an excellent job of dissecting Cortez’s comments and exposing the misinformation involved.

  • Jesus was a Jew
  • The term Palestinian people meant Jewish people until 1962 when Arafat took the term and created a nation.
  • She claims Bethlehem is preventing Christians from celebrating Christmas. Still, she fails to recognize that just forty years ago, Bethlehem was 80% Christians, and today, the region has flipped and is 80% Muslim and 20% other religions.

Cortez has shown in her two paragraphs that she lacks an understanding of the history of the Middle East, Jesus, the Jewish people, the State of Israel, or just about anything else that is a part of this story. The problem with that misuse of information is that Miss Cortez has 8.4 Million followers on Instagram, and many are easily influenced and believe everything elected officials say is, by default, the truth. Congresswoman Cortez may represent 170,000 people in New York, but she impacts millions. That influence makes content creators or users of X, Instagram, and TikTok dangerous. People with a significant online social presence are more potent than our politicians, and in the case of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, they are one and the same.

The post The Real Story of Christmas, by Sandy Cortez … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Trolls, Cranks, and Nazis, Oh My!

Thu, 2023-12-28 19:00 +0000

Back in the day, when Dems were insurrecting left and right because some dude named Donald had won the office of the Presidency, progressive factions coalesced under the idea that they were the resistance. They were a resistance … to the people resisting the establishment’s tyranny.

Voters chose Trump to disrupt that movement, while the Left’s revolution was to protect the status quo of Obamaism. The weaponization of the IRS, FBI, Education, Energy, all of it, against the people to whom it was meant to answer. It wanted open borders, a stunted economy, and favored America’s declining influence in the world—oh, and speech policing. There was a lot of that.

Mr. Trump was the true new way and the mainstream everything wanted nothing to do with that or the people who supported it.

Trump turned out to be a speed bump whose effect, while startling, passed quickly. Obama’s meat puppet – Joe Biden, was installed, and Barry’s court got back to business, erasing the progress of making America great again. Part of that planned decline included his super-sized surveillance state, which used COVID to expand establishment power to silence dissent.

Many people who should have known better took up arms, masks, distancing, and mandates in the fight against natural rights and free speech.

Not us, no sir, but we enjoy any opportunity to discuss that subject, and there’s been no shortage of those. When it comes to the Left, anything that dares contest their monopoly on narrative is hate speech, disinformation, misinformation, or malformation. Anyone carrying that dissenting water is anti-science, anti-government, anti-climate, anti-democracy, this, that, or the other thing. They suffer from white fragility, supremacy, or they are a Nazi, even if they are black or Jewish.


Nazis are National Socialists whose societal model is based on genetic superiority and despotic rule. They are better than everyone else, and intimidation and violence are reasonable tools to make sure everyone understands. It is a worldview where the party defines success at its pleasure and almost nowhere else. Correct me if I’m wrong, but that sounds a lot like the modern-day globalist elites to me. That superior stock of people who think and act correctly and in line with the approved agenda. The very folks that the Left’s so-called resistance worked to restore to power when the Deplorables mistakenly elected Donald Trump in 2016.

Ideologically, National Socialism is a kissing cousin to Democrat Socialism, rubbing elbows with Communism on the totalitarian side of the political Spectrum—a tyranny of the elite whose power requires a police state on word, thought, and deed. Dissent is not permitted, questions are ill-advised, and the answers are almost always lies.

Opposing this is our mission, part of which requires us to accept speech from every corner, including the elites and their kissing cousin tyrants who think the world needs National Socialism.

Free Speech lawyer Ken White recently spoke to the issue after Substack tried to explain why it would not censor or deplatform Nazis in its webspace. He fisked their response, exploring branding, value judgments, tropes, and various nuances of Substack’s reaction. He also broaches the question of platform policing and policy, practically and as a reflection of the brand.


Site moderation is a big bundle of choices. As a writer and reader, I decide what’s important to me when I choose a site. Sometimes it’s about content I want to consume or avoid and fellow-travelers whose society I crave or despise. But sometimes it’s an ethos I want to endorse, or be seen as endorsing. Do I want to go on Twitter to signify that I am not a snowflake and that I am open to discussions of how the Jews created polio? Do I want to go on Mastodon to signify that I believe human perfection can be achieved through scolding? Do I want to go on LinkedIn and talk exclusively to people who hope to monetize my existence in their quest to be Deputy Assistant Regional Manager? Do I really only care if the app works on an iPad? It’s up to me and my array of values.

Site managers make choices too. What ethos do we want to signal, and what crowd will that attract, and how much money can we make from them? If we moderate content, will it turn into an expensive, thankless, all-consuming task? Will moderating some people (like Nazis) result in constant demands that we moderate a huge array of things that make people angry (like, say, posts that are either too supportive or not supportive enough of Palestinians)? Will it attract more people than it alienates? If we don’t moderate will the place turn into a notorious sewer? What’s our moderation brand?


Every individual will have some sense of what a concept like free speech means to them. In many cases, it goes something like this. Everything I have to share is free speech. If you edit it or block it, you are a censorious authoritarian bastard whose interference with the open exchange of ideas will bring about the end of liberty as we know it.

Our approach is simple and aligns with the general interpretation of the First Amendment itself. Just about everything is reasonable except true incitement, explicit threats, and acts of violence toward individuals or groups. And while nudity, pornography, and vulgarity are generally protected speech where matters of public indecency are not in play, there are limited practical reasons for it here outside the vectors of the transgender agenda and groomer lit in public schools. Hence, we are inclined to edit it out or block it outside legitimate debate along those lines.

Everything else is allowed (except trolls who are not engaging to add value or interest), with my position being that what is otherwise deemed inappropriate or offensive (all the gray areas) can and should be worked out by the commenting community.

That’s our brand, and I think it allows us to control the chaos while encouraging that open exchange of ideas. I hope you agree but welcome contrary analysis. The goal is to build the commenting community, and I am looking at ideas to improve engagement. Yours are also welcome, assuming it’s not more nudity or allowing incitement or explicit threats.

We won’t be doing that.

We will, however, continue pushing back against the establishment in all its faces and forms, and we look forward to your help.


The post Trolls, Cranks, and Nazis, Oh My! appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary

Thu, 2023-12-28 17:00 +0000

This is an attempt to “break out” memes, links, and my commentary about the situation in Israel / the Middle East so as to not overload the standard meme posts that I do.  My last “normal” meme post.  In these Israel-related posts I don’t just have memes such, but lots of informative links as well as hopefully-insightful commentary.

Note that this is not meant to be a day-by-day update about what’s going on.  Rather, to highlight uncomfortable truths about the actual nature of the conflict, deep-history background, and so on, as well as to show the at-present immutable nature of Islamic Jew hate and why that matters to today’s events.

Note that these posts do not repeat information – so there is a lot of stuff in prior posts.  Please do check them out too if this is a topic of interest to you.  In reverse chronological order:

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Still More Links, Memes, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Ongoing Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Even More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: More Memes, Links, and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

Israel: Memes and Commentary – Granite Grok

With some Israel-related materials here:

Meme Overflow – Granite Grok



Tel Dan stele – Wikipedia




The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the Holocaust



Understand that I’m no historian and certainly not knowledgeable on this topic, but… this link below, related to the above video, is fascinating:

The Smoking Gun: The Auschwitz Blueprints and The Mufti – Geller Report

I have read – but don’t have the citation – that Hitler “merely” wanted to banish all Jews from Europe, but the Mufti allegedly said “Burn them” (there’s a lot of discussion and disputation of this).  The above article would implicitly corroborate that.  Remember, Jew hatred is hard-coded into the Koran itself.

Jew-Hate in the Muslim World | Frontpage Mag

Islamic Jew-Hatred – a religious mandate – Geller Report

Antisemitism in the Qur’an – Winds of Jihad (

Related to that:


Amir Tsarfati: Waking Up to the Illusion (No Peace, No Two State Solution) @beholdisrael



You cannot coexist with someone who wants to kill you.  Nice screen background on a Gaza iPad:


And one more thing, related on history in general, a translated from Arabic essay (original Arabic piece here):

Where is Al-Aqsa Mosque located?

An argument against the significance of the mosque on the temple mount.  At least, that’s how I take it.  Related to the above:







Lucy Aharish, the first Muslim Arabic TV presenter and Israeli tv anchor, gives a powerful monologue



Arab woman tells the truth… (

Video at my channel.  Apparently she’s getting death threats.


A Bedouin woman in Israel:


Some apartheid.  More – video link only:

Not Apartheid (

Remember these videos:

A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid (

Does Israel Discriminate Against Arabs? (

And since when does an apartheid state permit those of the oppressed group into its military?

An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army (

Tel Aviv in 1923:



Wow.  Some thriving Arab community.  Not.  Remember, the Arab influx came in because of the Jewish influx:

Were the Arabs Indigenous to Mandatory Palestine? :: Middle East Quarterly (




Copied directly from this post on Telegram.

The IDF spokesman releases to the foreign media a recording of a conversation in Arabic between an IDF officer and a resident of Gaza regarding the aid entering the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing: food, drink, medical equipment, diesel and gas.

In the conversation, the resident clarifies that Hamas has a hand in everything. It completely controls the aid administered by UNRWA – the UN Refugee Agency.

The friendly officer asks Gazati: Didn’t you try to talk to the UNRA people about Hamas taking over the aid?

Then, at minute 01:31 into the recording, Dazati says a key phrase that should resonate with everyone in Israel and abroad:

Ya sir, the agency employees are Hamas

Sir, UNRA officials are Hamas

For those who follow what is happening in Gaza, this is not surprising, but it is definitely a testimony that needs to be echoed. Many UNRA personnel are Hamas personnel. They are UN officials, receive a salary from the UN and take care of Hamas’ interests using European money.

The truth must be told. Here she is heard firsthand.







Understand something clearly: I don’t want violence, but to have peace both sides have to want it.  And when the other side wants violence and death – violence on you, and your deaths – this quote comes to mind:

War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.

William Tecumseh Sherman

Another quote by him:

War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over.

And one related that I’ve posted before:

If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting.

Curtis LeMay

Hamas uses hospitals for terror purposes, Gaza hospital director admits – The Jerusalem Post (

Kamaal Aduan Hospital head Ahmad Kahlot of Jabliya in Gaza has confessed to the Shin Bet that Hamas took over his hospital as a military operations center, it was revealed on Tuesday.

Kahlot told his interrogators that he joined Hamas in 2010 at the equivalent rank of a brigadier-general.

Next, he said that many of the hospital staff doubled as members of Hamas’s az-al-adin al-Qasam brigades. These include doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other staff.


Findings prove Gaza hospital’s link to October 7 massacre (

Hamas hates Palestinians, hoards millions while Gaza suffers (

Except, per this Muslim who escaped Gaza and is now a Jew – video at my Rumble channel:

Gaza Muslim – a convert to Judaism – discusses Gazan support of terror (

Note how he opines about the relative percentage of Gazans who want peace with Jews… versus wanting Jews in pieces.




Pat Condell: No Peace in the Middle East? Blame Israel – תרגום לעברית





Hamas rockets target Tel Aviv area for first time in a week –

Remember, in Islam, any non-Muslim is – by definition – a soldier against Islam and therefore not a civilian.

‘Where do you think Israel is going?’ Bill Maher quips in viral eight-minute clip –

“History is brutal, and humans are not good people,” he continued. “Nobody was a bigger colonizer than the Muslim army that swept out of the Arabian desert and took over much of the world in a single century.”

“They didn’t do it by asking,” he said. “There’s a reason Saudi Arabia’s flag is a sword.”

He noted that Israel, which has the “world’s second-largest tech sector after Silicon Valley” and reportedly nuclear weapons, isn’t going to negotiate with an opponent whose bargaining position is “you all die and disappear.”

Shockingly Good: Bill Maher Throws Down – Explains Reality of the Genocidal “From the River to the Sea” Chant | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

Let’s look at Arab colonialism:



From Medina to Tours in 110 years.  I once used a mapping program and it works out to something like 41-odd miles per year, every year, relentlessly.  And related is this video about the relentless hammering of the spreading Arabs, and the Crusade responses:


Bill Warner, PhD: Jihad vs Crusades






Hiding ammo in incubators.

Links only to images and videos – October 7 murder victims.  Graphic, so be warned.

Dead in a bedroom

Dead in the laundry room

Merry Christmas, Gaza | Power Line (

Related – more about schools in Gaza:


Also on my Rumble channel:

School in Gaza has a tunnel entrance (

Also, a baby’s room:

IDF finds tunnel entrance in baby’s room (

Women murdered by Hamas at the music festival Oct 7 (

Video montage.

I Saw the Children Hamas Beheaded With My Own Eyes. Shame on Queen Rania | Opinion (

Grisly descriptions of eye-witnessed horrors – not for the faint of heart.




The Real Reason So Many American University Students Hate Israel | Frontpage Mag

The Left’s Long March Through the Institutions has been a resounding success. Most of our nation’s colleges and universities, including — indeed, especially — those who enjoy an outsize influence on American politics and culture, have long ago ceased to be centers of higher learning and have become centers of far-Left indoctrination. Marxist sloganeering and agitprop masquerades as genuine intellectual inquiry, and so it’s no wonder that once American youth graduate from their once-renowned institutions, they happily take jobs in government or social media that involve stripping free speech and self-defense rights from Americans. They have been trained to be cogs in the machine. Their hatred of Israel is just one aspect of that indoctrination.

Back in college I participated in a protest.  But what I observed was fascinating.  The leaders got the chant going – a simple, rhyming chant – but once it took hold, they stopped and let it continue on its own… and observed the crowd they’d riled up.  Now, consider this short clip: College campus short: Israel is worse than Nazi Germany (

Now, if Israel is worse than Nazi Germany, and it’s already been compared with apartheid South Africa, then naturally “good people” need to join together to destroy it, right?  Here’s another clueless college student; supports “From the river to the sea…” and doesn’t even know what river or what sea:


How does any feminist support Islam?


In Sharia Law – boiled down to its essence – has women as having two functions in society.  First, sex providers (and secondarily keeping house), and second, as baby factories.  “Barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen”.  A term and idea derided by feminists… except for when it’s Islam.


This Rabbi’s lectures are growing on me.






Somehow, being #3 and #8 on the world obesity list does not comport in my mind with being an “open air concentration camp”.  But the media systematically believes without skepticism:

Is There Really a ‘Disproportionate Death Rate’ Among Gazans? – Geller Report

How CNN crafted a new blood libel that Israel is attacking civilians with “dumb bombs” ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

CNN could have done what I just did. They have access to far more resources than I do. But they chose to frame the story to make Israel look monstrous, when the facts show quite the opposite. They could have quoted the US officials who said they believe Israel is using the dumb bombs in responsible ways before extensively quoting the “experts” who are literally paid to find dirt on Israel. This article tells us much more about CNN’s desire to demonize Israel than it does about Israel’s supposed lack of concern for civilian lives.

Even If (Most Of) What Detractors Say About The Founding Of Israel Were True …(Andrew Pessin) (Part 1 of 2) ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Good arguments, I think.  From the same site:

Belgian MP claims Israeli rabbis call for the rape of Palestinian women ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Look at the name of this MP.

This article is from a few years ago.

An AFP photographer depicts “a young girl fleeing Israeli fire” in Gaza

People fleeing in terror from “Israeli fire”:



Or are they in any danger at all.  Look at a bigger picture – would people under fire be relaxed like this new perspective reveals?



So not only is a show being put on for the media… the media are actively complicit in the deception.  And read the whole thing – some interesting notes about a restaurant and other scenes & information about “Concentration Camp Gaza”.

Two other sidebar articles on the same site – years old.  Pallywood is a long-standing tradition:

Israeli Retaliation on Gaza: The Palestinian Lie of the Bombed ‘Water Tower’

Palestinian children killed: How AFP disseminates Hamas propaganda

This video was made to show the horrible destruction of Gaza.  But it inadvertently – in the “before” part – shows that this is not an “open air concentration camp”.  Flowers on the porch balcony, a pristine beach, cars on a good-looking road, people strolling along…


Also uploaded to my Rumble channel:

Gaza beach – before and after… and accidental reveal (






Here… and ready to advance and conquer.


This article dates from 2020:

Anti-Semitism On and Off Campus – Tablet Magazine

Jewishness, did not cease, even as the classroom was replaced with the Zoom call. The controversies and scandals kept coming, from California to Massachusetts. Designated terrorists were invited to virtual lectures. Zionism was denounced as racism in official organization statements. And the harassment campaign against Jewish students persisted—only now, the harassers were behind screens.

“Anti-Zionism” on college campuses is not a political disagreement confined to the boundaries of academic discussion in the classroom. It is an obsession. It is an insistence on making Jews feel uncomfortable—or worse—wherever, whenever, under whatever conditions. And this hatred does not disappear when you walk off campus and into the real world. It is finding its way into American political discourse and our most cherished democratic institutions.

Speaking of college campuses, this is chilling:


Would College Students Donate to Support the Killing of Jews?



Jewish woman attacked in London… for being Jewish:


And calls for genocide in NYC:


And in France:

The Fall of France | Frontpage Mag

These assailants were Arabs speaking in Arabic about hitting the “gwer” — the Arabic pejorative for white people. This was no ordinary assault, but a hate crime — the hate Muslims are taught to feel for non-Muslims, “the most vile of created beings.” They started the attack by falsely accusing the Frenchman of “hitting” one of them, and despite his apology — for something he had not done — these four or five assailants smashed a bottle over his head, and knocked him to the ground, where they continued to beat and to stab him nine times. By pure luck he survived. The attack is similar to others that in recent years have been reported from across France, where gangs of Muslims assault Infidels, often not even to rob, but just to enjoy the fun of beating up or stabbing a “gwer.”

October 7 Coming to America? | Frontpage Mag

Muslim Mob Terrorizes Christmas Shoppers in Small, Peaceful Tennessee City (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

NY and LA: Jihad Terrorists Shut Down Entrances To JFK and LAX Airports Causing Travel Nightmare – Geller Report

Islamist Terror Cell Plotted Numerous Attacks in Cologne, Vienna, and Madrid – Christmas Church Services Targeted | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

And yet, despite this, 1200 Rabbis call for unlimited refugee migration to the US:


Jewicidal Yidiots.

An Open Letter to Pro-Migration / SJW Jews – Urban Scoop




Biden will betray Israel on Obama’s command (

Yes, he will.

Going woke has endangered American Jews –

But the fact that 67% of participants ages 18 to 24 responded that Jews are “oppressors” is deeply shocking though hardly surprising. If that proves an accurate assessment of opinion among generations that will lead the nation in the future, then it also means that the assumption on the part of many Jews that “it can’t happen here”—based on the idea of American exceptionalism setting it apart from other Western nations—will be proven wrong.

Too many Jews in America have Stability Privilege, and the will respond with some form of Oh, that’s just not possible to any claxon alarm.

The ‘Progressive Left’ Has Abandoned Israel – Geller Report



The violent animals on the left who support Hamas – Behind The Black – Robert Zimmerman

Salena Zito: For many, own­ing a gun was ta­boo. Now they’re buy­ing them. | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

A quarter-million Israeli gun applicants prove the necessity of our Second Amendment | Jews Can Shoot

Good.  What was it Kahane said?  Every Jew a .22?  Though I’d recommend something larger.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Jews Can Shoot




Report: Biden Administration Spying on Israel to Determine War Crimes (

The curious case of the Biden administration and Hamas –

By accusing Israel, falsely, of “indiscriminate bombing,” Biden is parroting the bogus accusations made by Israel’s fiercest enemies around the world, such as Hamas and Iran’s mullahs, who are trying to stop Israel from defeating a terrorist organization akin to Islamic State and Al-Qaeda.

Did anyone call for a ceasefire when the United States was routing ISIS in Syria and Iraq, or demand that Washington end its military campaign by a certain date?

Always “Israel Double-Standard Time”.  More on that from this Telegram post:



500,000 killed in Syria?
380,000 killed in Yemen?
240,000 killed in Afghanistan?
500,000 killed in Sudan?
300,000 killed in Iraq?
It’s fine. No “Doctors Against Genocide”

Israel defends itself against Hamas?
“Doctors Against Genocide” is formed!

Note when it was founded.  And who it discusses and about whom it is silent.

Biden Regime Refuses Israeli Request for Vital Apache Attack Helicopters – Geller Report

Hamstringing Israel.




Jewish Voices for Hate – Tablet Magazine

These last few weeks, many American Jews seem to be having a rude awakening similar to the one my former friend, the judge, captured in his email. They’ve watched the presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and MIT testify before Congress and refuse to unequivocally state that calling for genocide of Jews violated the university’s code of conduct, and they asked themselves how the campuses that hold themselves out as educating the next generation of leaders are instead becoming a breeding ground for antisemitism.

Numerous Jewish organizations partnered with groups such as Black Lives Matter, which from its earliest days perpetuated the falsehood that Israel is an apartheid state. Others, like J Street, consistently hosted anti-Zionist speakers who advocated for boycotting Israel; last week, the organization “demanded” that Israel change its conduct in the war against Hamas.

If all Jewish organizations, rabbis, and community leaders had taken a stronger stand against the delegitimization of Israel—by condemning groups like JVP, IfNotNow, Bend the Arc, and other organizations that claim to be “Jewish” yet ignore history and promote anti-Israel vitriol—then perhaps such lies and disinformation would not have spread among some in our community, let alone in our country.

From the same site:

Our False Partners – Tablet Magazine

Shouting Fire! | Gates of Vienna

I’d known the KGB was involved in helping to shift the narrative from BIG ARAB STATES against TINY ISRAEL to BIG ISRAEL against TINY PALESTINIANS but I hadn’t realized the true extent of it.

And up front is an echo of a theory I’ve had for a while about why rulers hate Jews so much:

Western Civilization was defined by a ‘context’, but it was a context that our academic elites did not like. That context — the Torah (Ten Commandments) — undermined their authority by placing a God over all. Marxists [or anyone aspiring to power] do not like gods (which they cannot control); they prefer to set up dictators (gods they can control).

So, too, with presidents of Ivy League universities who like to control those contexts (knowledge of good and evil) for themselves within their domains.

As far as I know, we Jews were the first to tell rulers – who in those days truly considered themselves deities – that NO, there is One above you who rules eternally… and will judge you.  Such rulers have never forgiven us for that.

The Road To October 7 | MEMRI

Video, over 40 minutes.  More – and some repeats – what they teach their kids on my Rumble channel:

Hamas Schools Teaching Kids to Hate (

UNWRA lessons for kids (

Palestinian kids being interviewed (




You can’t go wrong with a donation here:

Connections Israel

And please share this post far and wide.  There’s a lot of info here that many people don’t know.  Post it, email it, share widely.

Also, if you’re willing:

Buy Me a Coffee





Thousands flee as war reaches Sudan’s second-largest city | Conflict News | Al Jazeera

Far be it from me to diminish the cataclysm that has befallen Israel, or the (few) Gazans who are innocent, but there are wars and refugees everywhere.  And isn’t this interesting – just who is attacking the Sudanese?

Sudan refugees detail second wave of ethnic purge by Arab forces (

Wait, ARAB forces did you say?  And from just a day or so before the Hamas attack on Israel:

Turkish airstrikes kill at least 11 in northern Syria, Kurdish security forces say | CNN

Turkey hits 71 targets in Iraq, Syria in retaliation for soldiers’ deaths | Conflict News | Al Jazeera

So, Turkey can strike at those who attack Turkish soldiers, but Israel cannot take action against those who rape and murder Israeli civilians?  And what of Turkish soldiers shooting Kurdish women (link to graphic vide0 just below – graphic!)… but I need to note that this video has no source and I have not been able to specifically confirm the situation or timing:

Video of Turkish soldiers shooting Kurdish women

Next time Erdogan is speaking of cruelty and the killing of innocents – remind him this!
Turkish soldiers kill young Kurdish women…
Will there be protests against Turkey?
Will they boycott Turkish products?
Will anyone care about this news?

Where is the BBC or Al Jazeera….?

Another atrocity, from here (bolding added):

Nigeria – New photos from within a church where at Christmas Christians were massacred in the name of Allah. Around 150 are confirmed dead so far, properties & farms were looted and burned. This is on par with what Hamas did, but the MSM & dancing Western Hamas fans ignore.

(Warning, gruesome picture):  Blood on the floor.  More from Nigeria:



Yesterday 140 Christians were killed in 20 villages in Nigeria.
In one village only two toddlers were left alive.

Anyone cares about the massacre? Any protests in European cities? Any UN condemnation? Nobody cares.

GENOCIDE: Muslims Slaughter Another 160 Christians Preparing for Church Christmas Programs in Nigeria – Geller Report

All these things, all over.  Horrors worldwide.  So why, then, the sole focus on Israel?  I think it’s psychological.  From this rather lengthy post by a Dr. Sanity, a psychologist, comes this term: DISPLACEMENT:

The entire purpose of displacement is to gain control over a conflict that otherwise feels out of control.

Displacement | Psychology Today

More from Dr. Sanity (italics replaced by underlining):

By focusing on something you have some control over, the psyche is much less threatened. After all, you can always fire your therapist; you can express your animosity unreservedly; and there will not be the consequences if that emotion were directed toward the real object of emotional conflict.

So… does anyone think that the Turks bombing or shooting Kurds at point-blank care one whit about western opinion?  Does anyone think that the Arab forces driving millions of Sudanese from their homes have any greater concern for the vapors someone in the US or Europe might have?  How about the Muslims slaughtering Christians in Nigeria?  Are they concerned with Western opinion?

Of. Course. Not.

But by obsessing over Israel, even though Israel arguably could have carpet-bombed Gaza into powder within 72 hours or so – but didn’t – they “solve” their angst over the world situation by focusing on the one place in the world they can affect.  Displacement.  It’s like the kid whose parent physically abuses them for no reason at all… but the kid starts displacing to themselves.  “Maybe if I cleaned my room better…” or “I wasn’t quiet enough when they came home and disturbed their nap…”  Nothing actually matters, of course – the parent is a monster.  But this way the child gains some sense of control over the situation, even if totally illusory.

Dr. Sanity goes on with more about the anti-Semitism in the Arab world (note that, per my readings, provocation by Muslims is typical, but then they use the inevitable response as justification to attack “in self defense”; bolding added):

At its most primitive, anti-semitism is a form of psychological projection (just as all racism is).

We see this infantile defense used repeatedly in the Arab/Islamic world. They seem unable to appreciate the irony of their labelling of Islam as a “religion of peace”, for example, and dismiss the barbarism done in the name of Islam as misunderstandings or the actions of only “a few.” In other words, they dismiss their own aggression in toto; asserting that it is the Jews who are always the aggressors; that it is the Jews who are out to destroy them; and that they are the poor, helpless victims of the Jews. By distancing themselves from their own aggression and projecting it onto Israel and the Jews; they have retained their honor as the peace-loving people they assert themselves to be.

It is essential to the success of the defense that they portray themselves as the victims and be seen as the victims in the eyes of the world. Even when their own behavior is responsible for the deaths of innocents, it is rationalized away and ultimately also blamed on the Jews.

An example:

Algerian newspaper: The Mossad murdered Detroit synagogue president because she was anti-Zionist (she wasn’t) ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

And more (bolding added):

Historically, the Jews have been the offical scapegoat (object of displacement) for many societies. If only the Jews were gone, then all would be well. The world would be perfect.

[I]f only the world put a halt once an for all to Israeli aggression, then the Middle East would be at peace.

When it comes to anti-semitism, you are witnessing possibly the clearest possible case of “blaming the victim” that you are ever likely to see. It is far too threatening to blame the real aggressor in the Middle East; the real source of hatred and genocidal intent; the real entity that is incapable of being rationally dealt with or deterred.

This real aggressor repeatedly states its intentions clearly and unambiguously. Yet, for some curious reason, those in the West to whom it is stated refuse to believe them! Their words are dismissed, and the actions that logically derive from their words are minimized or ignored.

In a perverse way, this defensive maneuver on the part of the West is understandable. No truly rational person is able to deal easily with persons or culures (sic) that glory in suicidal victimhood to a degree unparalleled in human history; and who scream “god is great”– even as he blows you and himself up in a nihilistic frenzy.

To say the least, this sort of behavior is truly and incredibly frightening and completely inexplicable for the modern human to psychologically metabolize. Thus, it is only natural that it’s unacceptable reality must be defended against and prevented from being digested and analyzed.

Denial and displacement give you the illusion that you are in control of the situation and that the solution is simple.

Thus, the obsession over Israel, and ignoring of other – larger and/or equally-horrifying – situations is completely explicable by examining psychology.  There is no doubt that, around the world, there are horrors and horrors.  But by focusing on Israel, minds can be distracted.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sales Taxes and Stadia

Thu, 2023-12-28 15:00 +0000

Oklahoma City voters approved a proposal for a new sales tax to fund a $1 billion downtown arena that will keep the NBA’s Thunder in that city through 2050.  Interesting. I’m sure Oklahomans who don’t care for basketball or sales taxes are less than pleased.

So, will the Thunder still leave in 25 years? And how long is an arena supposed to last?

The Thunder used to be the Seattle Supersonics. They played in several Seattle venues, including the Kingdome, which hosted the 1979 NBA Finals—won by the Sonics, led by future Celtic Dennis Johnson. Built for “only” $67 million, the Kingdome had around 60,000 seats and was also home to the MLB Mariners and the NFL Seahawks. Toronto Blue Jay—and future Celtic—Danny Ainge hit a couple of home runs there.

I actually saw some college basketball there in April of 1989 when Seattle hosted the NCAA Basketball Final Four. My seat was so far from the court that I watched the game on the giant video screen above the stands.

The giant edifice was demolished in 2000, only 25 years after it opened. Go figure.

Speaking of new NBA arenas, Washington Wizards owner Ted Leonsis and Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin announced plans to move the Wizards out of Washington, D.C., to a multi-billion sports and entertainment complex in Virginia that will also host the NHL Capitals.

(One wonders if the two new Virginia teams will still claim to be of Washington, D.C. But then the New York Giants and Jets play in New Jersey.)

The Washington Wizards used to be the Washington Bullets, but “Bullets” were seen as politically incorrect in a city plagued by gun violence—despite the nation’s toughest gun laws. So, the Bullet nickname went away. (Can you say “Redskins?”)  Political correctness is important in Washington. Of course.

The Washington Bullets used to be the Baltimore Bullets. After they switched their home arena from Baltimore to Landover, Md., they were also called the Capital Bullets for a while. The franchise had moved to Baltimore in 1963 from Chicago where they were known as the Zephyrs. They’d previously been the Chicago Packers, but they changed their name out of deference to a nearby NFL team.

There was another Baltimore Bullet NBA franchise in the 1950s, which didn’t move anywhere. It just folded.

Got it?

Anyway, one wonders how long these new arenas will last. Who’d have suspected that the Kingdome would be demolished only 25 years after it was built? Michigan’s Silverdome—once home to the Pontiac (nee Detroit) Lions—was similarly demolished, despite having hosted a Super Bowl in 1982.

When the Dallas Cowboys moved to Texas Stadium in 1971, fans probably thought that venue would be the eternal “Home of the Cowboys.” But America’s team now plays in Arlington, Texas, in a 100,000-seat palace known as the “AT&T Stadium.” Dallas owner Jerry Jones described the new Cowboy home as the greatest stadium ever built when the team started playing there in 2009.  But now the Rams and Chargers play in L.A’s $6 billion SoFi Stadium—the world’s grandest sports venue. Take THAT, Jerry Jones!

So, one wonders how long these giant sports temples will last. If the past is prologue, then someday “AT&T Stadium” and “SoFi Stadium” will be demolished—like the Kingdome, the Silverdome, and so many other sports venues. And citizens will vote for new taxes to build new edifices.

Consider that Rome’s Coliseum was constructed almost 2000 years ago without imposing any sales tax—although the Romans did use non-union slave labor. But despite being sacked by the Visigoths even worse than Giant QB Dan Jones was sacked by the Vikings, the Coliseum still stands—unlike the Kingdome, the Silverdome, et al.

We just don’t seem to build lasting sports arenas anymore.

Except for maybe Fenway Park?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH’s Department of Selective Justice – Election Law Division

Thu, 2023-12-28 13:00 +0000

It’s been a good month for NH AG Formella. The week before Christmas, they reported a 700 million-dollar settlement with Google. Couch cushion money for Alphabet, but a decent haul for Jackpot Justice New Hampshire. Do we need a huge payoff to get the AG to chase everything?

Nope. He is still trying to get the Courts to let him police speech as a civil rights action as if by persisting, he can make the First Amendment go away. The AG’s office also chased down Deb Paul over a handful of political ads. Deb had to spend a bunch to defend herself and was ultimately fined $620.00, which is probably enough to cover a few minutes of the AG’s office time on this other case.

See! Money isn’t everything. I’m sure it was a matter of principle. But if that were true, why hasn’t the AG updated The People on the CD2 political mailer case?


The Democratic mail shop in Massachusetts that barraged Second Congressional District mailboxes with illegal ads, Reynolds Dewalt, has not been shut down. Nor has it been charged with a crime, despite its admission that it sent Democratic-funded mailers with no disclosures of any kind to voters during the 2022 GOP primary.

The anonymous mailers pushed GOP voters in the 2nd District away from moderate Keene Mayor George Hansel and toward MAGA Republican Bob Burns.

One piece featured a photo of Burns with a headline reading “I Stand With Trump” on one side and declaring him “100 Percent Pro-Trump” on the other. The mailer claimed Hansel was not. Another mailer asked, “Who Stands With Trump?” and made it clear the answer is Burns, not Hansel.


Even if you can only get – let’s say, $124.00 per violation, there were thousands of them. Political mail was sent to Republican primary voters by Democrat operatives, hoping to advance whom they thought would be a less desirable general election candidate against Ann Kuster. And it worked.

Whatever happened to equality of outcome? Shouldn’t the Governor’s Commission on Equity and Inclusion be putting pressure on the so-called Department of Justice to get this done?

The last NHDOJ presser I found (and I could have missed one) was Sept 2022. The NHGOP filed a complaint with the FEC a year ago, and what happened with that? 


Yet more than a year later, no charges have been filed, and no actions have been announced by New Hampshire Attorney General John Formella or any other law enforcement agency. And while the state Republican Party filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission in September 2022, the agency declined to answer any questions about whether or not an investigation is even underway.

For all the talk of election integrity, what about election law accountability? Our taxpayer-funded organs have no interest in the serious pursuit of justice – unless it is some small-town thing unlikely to upset the rotten applecart. Deb Paul’s town newspaper or the odd double voter case – usually an out-of-state student or a senior who forgot they voted by mail – are the best the state’s top cop can do?

It’s almost as if they are feeding a narrative that while there is fraud, it is small potatoes and nothing like what some folks (like us, for example) have been saying for years.

Can we rename Formella’s office to the Department of Selective Justice because it’s not just him? Every AG going back to at least Kelly Ayotte in this century has failed to adequately or consistently enforce election law.

The New Hampshire Department of Selective Justice. The legislature should propose a bipartisan bill to rename it.

We ought to be able to get a bunch of BLM Democrats on board with that.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Wise Men

Thu, 2023-12-28 11:00 +0000

Over two thousand years ago Three Wise Men followed a heavenly star that led them to the newborn baby Jesus. Today, billions of people around the world still celebrate his birth and follow his teachings. Teachings that are filled with love, joy, hope and peace.

Over two hundred years ago another group of Wise Men, known as our Founding Fathers, signed a Declaration of Independence that would ultimately lead to the birth of our Nation.

Most will agree that our Nation was founded by these Wise Men who believed in the same Judeo-Christian principles that Jesus taught.

Others may argue semantics, as they try to minimize the part God played in the founding of our Nation. However, God is imbedded in our Nation, and the naysayers will need a sandblaster and a history revisionist to remove him from our buildings, money, monuments and documents.

Like the Three Wise Men who sought out Jesus, our Founding Fathers left comfortable lives to pursue a dangerous journey in search of something bigger than themselves.

They risked everything to give the men and women of our future Nation a better life. A life rooted in something more valuable than material possessions or status. They sought to provide us all with a life free from government tyranny.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Most Americans have read or heard that first sentence of the second paragraph in The Declaration of Independence.

How many have heard or read the last sentence of that paragraph?

“The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”

If you read the facts they then list, you may see some eerily similar injuries and usurpations being levied upon our country today.

The first fact they list, “He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” This of course means that the King refused to accept our laws.

Sound familiar? Like the King of old, our current leaders refuse to accept, or enforce, our laws for the public good.

We watch silently as our “leaders” either ignore our laws, or selectively and unequally enforce them.

They blatantly refuse to secure our border to protect the American people.

They allow unvetted foreigners to invade our country, human traffickers to prosper, and drug cartels to poison our children.

They aid and abet law breaking criminals by allowing our failed justice department to simply release them back onto our streets.

As they let these violent criminals, rapists, murderers and the like free, they arrest, imprison and then zealously prosecute non-violent citizens who dare to question their King like behavior.

Our Founding Fathers refused to bow to tyranny, and In the last sentence of the Declaration, they put everything on the line.

“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”

This is where their words and their actions came together. They were willing to back up their words with their very lives.

Our current leaders take an oath, but unlike our Founding Fathers, they pledge nothing of real personal value. Their lives are pampered, not risked, their fortunes are increased, not put in peril, and their honor is often times compromised for personal or political gain.

Do we have any Wise, principled, independent leaders representing us in Washington, or are they all just “Rich Men North of Richmond”?

This Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let us remember his life, his death and his resurrection as we look forward to his return.

Let us also remember The Three Wise men who honored him and our wise Founding Fathers who risked everything to create this unique Nation that far too many Americans now take for granted.

Let us pray that our Nation is able to find wise, ethical, moral leaders who are worthy of the Nation our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us. Men and women who are willing to put the good of our Nation first, before themselves, their donors and their political parties.

Regardless of personal religious or political beliefs, let us all embrace the love, joy, hope and peace that Jesus gave to the world such a long time ago.

Merry Christmas and God Bless America.


The post Wise Men appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Vivek Bails on TV Ads in January, DeSantis PACs Shuffle Priorities

Thu, 2023-12-28 03:00 +0000

Vivek Ramaswamy has been running ads in NH Since March, but his campaign just announced that it was shifting gears. It canceled all of its TV buys in Iowa and New Hampshire and intends to work its ground game in the remaining weeks. Team DeSantis is doing something similar.


“Never Back Down is laser focused on its core mission – running the most advanced grassroots and political caucus operation in this race and helping deliver the GOP nomination for Governor DeSantis who will deliver America from the disastrous policies of the Left,” Wagner said in the statement. “We are thrilled to have Fight Right and others covering the air for Governor DeSantis while we work the ground game in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and beyond.”


The DeSantis campaign has – or appears to have – been run on the Ad side by super PACs. It’s not illegal, but it hasn’t exactly worked. The DeSantis slide has been ongoing for nearly nine months with campaign shake-ups and now changes in PAC leadership. In other words, this new approach can’t hurt.


Taryn Fenske, a spokesperson for Fight Right, said in a statement to The Hill that the group will spend more than $2.5 million on ads before the caucuses start in the Hawkeye State.

Never Back Down has faced departures in the last few weeks, with the top strategist Jeff Roe, leaving in the wake of a detailed report published by The Washington Post.

Fenske said part of Fight Right’s $2.5 million plan includes a $1.3 million broadcast and cable reservation in Iowa, with one ad, scheduled to air Sunday, targeting Haley’s stance and record on China.

Meanwhile, another pro-DeSantis Super PAC has emerged. The group, called “Good Fight,” registered with the FEC on Wednesday and placed a $1.3 million reservation for an ad to run on broadcast and cable right before the Iowa caucuses, The Hill has learned.


I like Ron more than Nikki, but Haley has managed to corral the ‘anyone but the Trump’ crowd in a way that  – until now other candidates have failed to do. Her rise has forced the competition to change its plans, strategy, and tactics. All except Christie. I don’t think he can slow whatever passes for his role at this point if he tries. He’s got his lane. Bash Trump, which tells me his donors aren’t donating to get him elected. They are paying him to bash Trump.

He’s a good choice, so where does that put him on the Haley Team radar? What does Christie get out of it if he’s their hitman so that she can play the rise-above candidate? If I had to guess, AG in a Haley administration, which – to be honest -might be a hell of a lot of fun to watch. I don’t want a President Haley, but if you’ve ever watched what passed for Christie porn – when he was going up against unions as a new Governor of New Jersey, he can bring it. He’s still a RINO stooge and a GOPe meat puppet of the globalist elites, but sometimes you have to look for the ray of sunshine.

Anyway, Trump is still kicking butt nationally, but the nomination was always his to lose, and a lot of Republicans are working to make that happen. In a few weeks, we’ll know who did what was right and wrong. And if Haley can keep up, Super Tuesday will look a lot more interesting.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Legislating EVs Like Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic?

Thu, 2023-12-28 01:00 +0000

New Hampshire has at least ten proposed bills related to Electric Vehicles for the upcoming 2024 Session. We’ve also got legislation to prohibit parking gas vehicles in EV charging spaces or parking EVs in a parking garage, infrastructure, rebates, and state fleet use (or prohibition).

There are bills for EV scooters and bike rules, smart meters, grid resiliency, recovering lost gas tax revenue, and my favorite: phasing out the renewable portfolio standard. That last one is not an EV bill but is related to “renewable” electricity mandates I’ve wanted gone for ages.

Whatever your Net-Zero poison, the legislature likely has a bill for you to be for or against. Time permitting, we’ll take a closer look at some of these, but before the session starts and fence-sitters pick a side, does this inform the debate?

Nearly 1000 (soon to be former) US Buick Dealerships have taken a buyout from GM in exchange for dropping the brand. They had to choose between spending 300K for site upgrades to sell and repairing Buick EVs or giving up their right to sell them, and nearly half of US Dealers said, take it back; we don’t want the hassle. That’s a stunning gut punch as auto-makers decide how to meet Biden-Era EV mandates (or not).


The move comes as U.S. car dealers are so concerned with EV sales that they are urging Biden to abandon his EV mandates and carbon emission regulations that would effectively force all-electric cars on consumers.

“The reality, however, is that electric vehicle demand today is not keeping up with the large influx of [EVs] arriving at our dealerships prompted by the current regulations. [EVs] are stacking up on our lots,” the car dealers write:

With each passing day, it becomes more apparent that this attempted electric vehicle mandate is unrealistic based on current and forecasted customer demand. Already, electric vehicles are stacking up on our lots which is our best indicator of customer demand in the marketplace. [Emphasis added]


Another nail in the coffin?

We’ve noted the decline in EV car commercials for the holiday season, an alarming shift given how frequent they were in the months prior. We still saw plenty of car commercials, but they were for conventional vehicles. Car makers needed or wanted to sell cars people want and need.

Christmas 2023 has passed us by, but not the buying season, so we’ll keep seeing those car commercials, but will the EV ads make their way back, or have dealers sent a message that they can’t take anymore? If you ask the media, they’ll tell you how excited they are about the US breaking a million EVs sold in 2023. This represented 9% of all cars purchased. But how many of those are virtue signal mobiles?

The used EV Car Market is Collapsing.

Used EV car sales are further down the toilet than new EV sales. In China, where they made people buy them, the landscape has acquired a new feature. EV graveyards. Hundreds, if not thousands, of Electric Vehicles are piling up in fields across China. Metal, rubber, glass, technology, and lithium firetraps rusting away over no longer unusable land. And it makes sense. The only thing less desirable than a new EV is a used one. Those aged-out fleets of EV rentals to leases to government EV fleet vehicles will all need to go somewhere.

We can expect some enterprising individuals, propped up by taxpayers, will claim they can recycle these for a “small” handling fee, but more than likely – just like solar panels (or unrecyclable wind turbine blades – they will get buried somewhere so no one has to think about how bad an idea this was (or that you can’t crush a lithium power pack).

Cold Shoulder

From New York City to Oslo, to Duluth, Minneapolis, and St Paul, EVs continue to be an expensive failure. One could almost make the case that there was a conspiracy to mislead in the interest of hoovering up available tax dollars for Garbage Trucks and public buses that won’t run, get half the range, can’t climb hills, or are always broken down. Vehicles hampered by these green exercises in futility don’t run on time or at all, leaving cities with expensive paperweights they should not park indoors for fear of fire taking out the whole fleet.

Closer to home, Maine was expected to vote on a statewide EV mandate this past week, but it was canceled due to widespread power outages.

Green, they said.

New Hampshire doesn’t have any bills to address that, but neither has it addressed the more pressing matter of Solar Panel waste. Perhaps the unwanted EVs and scrapped solar can poison the earth together for eternity. Side by side. A new generation of superfund sites with lines of rusting cars framed behind a close-up photo of a sign that says, do not play on or around (written in whatever language is spoken by the local Africans who live nearby)

What, you don’t think they’ll offshore this mess, too?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Chris “Sun-King” Sununu Is A Trump-Deranged Nincompoop

Wed, 2023-12-27 23:00 +0000

Chris “Sun-King” Sununu thinks he is the smartest person in the room … that his intellect is so far superior to the ordinary Volk that he can make them believe anything. He is NOT. He is a nincompoop. A Trump-deranged nincompoop.

For example, His Majesty thinks he can make you believe that our open borders are Trump’s fault, not Biden’s:



The truth is that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, the globalist/corporatist RINO leaders of the House and Senate (Mikey Graham would call them “traditional Republicans”) refused to fund a wall because they and their ilk, which includes His Majesty Sun-King Sununu, support open borders because they represent the GOP donor class, not GOP voters.

Sun-King’s claim that Biden would have been powerless to open the Southern border if The Wall had been completed before he took the oath of office is totally preposterous. Once Biden, with incidentally a major assist from RINO frauds like Sun-King Sununu, took the oath as President, he assumed total control of the border.

Here is more nonsensical bloviation. The Sun-King, who obviously is incapable of original thought or argument, pushing the neocon/globalist lie that their war against Russia is to save the world from Putin :



The truth of the matter is that Putin could take all of Ukraine if that were the goal. The Ukrainian Armed Forces has been decimated. Putin’s goal, obviously, is not to use Ukraine as a springboard to conquering all of Europe but to create a buffer zone against NATO. The peace deal he negotiated with Ukraine at the outset of military operations, which the Biden-Regime undermined, shows that.

What’s “nonsense” is to claim, as the Sun-King does, that unless you support continuing to pour hundreds of billions into the military-industrial complex under the pretext of defending Ukraine’s border (at the very time the UniParty is allowing an invasion at our Southern border),  you are an “isolationist” or “Putin’s puppet” or some other puerile neocon pejorative.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Next “Pathogen with Pandemic Potential” Winner Is?

Wed, 2023-12-27 21:00 +0000

Pandemics, as it turns out, are incredible opportunities for profit. Trillions globally was dumped into the funding streams of states, local governments, and public health apparatuses – from pharma to hospitals. They are Sacred Cash Cows of the New World Order.

Money laundering on a global scale.

To get ahead of the next windfall, the German-based EU-Vaccelrate consortium asked its members to guess the pathogen responsible for the next global pandemic. Influenza was overwhelmingly the popular blonde at this party, followed by some unknown disease x. They were followed by two versions of SARS, EBOLA, MERS, ZIKA, and the rest. Here on Gilligan’s Isle!

It is unclear whether any of the participating experts in the Vaccelerate program called any of the “labs” sprinkled about the globe engaged in illegal germ warfare research in the interest of public health. Or if Tony Fauci got a call. You, Tony! Wassup! Quick question. What sort of biotech start-ups are you investing in these days?

I’m sure Bill Gates would have had some advice to give, but we do not know if he was consulted either, which is a real tragedy. If anyone has an idea about the next pandemic, it’s Gates. Something he’s bought or dropped a few million into, most likely either as a pathogen or its cure. Bill’s taken the blue screen of death to heart and wants to share it with yours.

Vaccelerate, by the way, is similarly handicapped by members with vested interests in both the likelihood of an outbreak and its treatment.


The Vaccelerate consortium is led by the Clinical Trial Unit of the German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF). The Clinical Trial Unit is based at the University of Cologne. The DZIF is a German public agency which partners with pharmaceutical companies in developing vaccines. One of the DZIF’s partners is none other than BioNTech. …

The head of the DZIF’s Product Development Unit is none other than Klaus Cichutek, who is at the same time the President of the German vaccine regulator, the PEI or Paul Ehrlich Institute (so-named for the German immunologist, not the American population control theorist).

It is this dual role of enabler and regulator which raises obvious questions about the impartiality of the PEI’s oversight of the BioNTech vaccine, and these questions are all the thornier given the leading role which, by Cichutek’s own admission, the PEI plays at the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Oliver Cornely of the University of Cologne is both the Vaccelerate project leader and the coordinator of the DZIF’s Clinical Trial Unit.


These not at all disinterested experts and their colleagues have decided that the Flu will be the next global pandemic. We should take them at their word, especially since the cure to the last “pandemic” damaged millions, if not billions, of immune systems.

Starting another one ought to be child’s play. And this is guidance (theoretical or not) coming out of Germ-any. What more need we say?


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Biden-Regime’s War On Elon Musk

Wed, 2023-12-27 19:00 +0000

Obama’s third term, which began in January 2021, a/k/a the Biden-Regime, has been a time of WAR. The Biden-Regime has waged war on Donald Trump, on MAGA-Republicans, on pro-lifers, and on Russia. The Biden-Regime has also been waging war on Elon Musk.

The Biden Regime has been waging war on Musk because Musk is NOT a communist like Obama and the Obama ilk running the Biden Regime. Rather, Musk is a believer in, not a hater of, Western Civilization. In practical terms, Musk is adamantly opposed to DEI and to censorship … the latter being necessary to impose the former … and refuses to have X (formerly Twitter) engage in censorship on behalf of the Biden-Regime like Facebook, Google, etc..

Perhaps Musk is the greatest threat to Obama’s dream of “transforming” America into his vision of a Brave New World. The following tweet summarizes how the Biden-Regime has been waging war on Musk. Click on it and check out the whole thread.

The post The Biden-Regime’s War On Elon Musk appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Monday Memes on Wednesday

Wed, 2023-12-27 17:00 +0000

Hope everyone that celebrates it had a good Christmas!

Take heart – there will be a Friday Edition.  Last week’s Friday Edition.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.


Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***







Assuming this is California, I see a full body cavity tax audit coming soon…



I am not a “religious fanatic” trying to keep women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.  But there is value in having a woman at home raising your children your way.






In about one year more had cardiac arrests and died than in the 50 years prior.  I wonder what changed…





Except, likely not true.

Claims of a pregnant Ken doll originated on satirical website | Reuters

Now, it wouldn’t surprise me if they wanted to do this.  But this just proves that we must vet information, especially information that we want to be true.







If this is “genocide”… then the Israelis really suck at it.








Things Fall Apart… With A New Cartoon “Getting Ready for the Spicy” – Granite Grok

Things Fall Apart 2 – Granite Grok

IMHO, alas, it’s only a matter of time.









But… but… but we’ve been assured by our intellectual and moral superiors that there is no war on white men.







Start paying attention to the ingredients label, folks.

Cochineal: What is it and where is it used? (

And my understanding of the kosher rules is that insects are a no-no.  I wonder if this stuff is kosher-certified… will look the next time I’m at the store.  If it is, and it has this extract, I’ll write the certifying agency.






So many quotes exist regarding the destruction of a people by destroying its memory and its monuments to its past.



A rising population of Muslims in Gaza… but calamitously-large falls in Jewish populations in Arab countries.  So, tell me, just who is “ethnically cleansing”?



Better put out a statement, stat, that she’s neither depressed nor suicidal.







Give it up, GOP.  The Potato could have deep fried a living infant and then the still-hot body on video and the enemedia would give him a pass.




Excellent book:

No More Wacos: What’s Wrong With Federal Law Enforcement and How to Fix It









By definition, since the original strain was man-made, all of them are.  But this seems to indicate that each and every one – individually – was made.

Czech Microbiologist #SonaPekova has claimed that the #coronavirus strain which caused the 2nd and 3rd wave was artificially engineered.


COVID Vaccines Integrate Into Human DNA, Study Finds (

Boy do I hate being right all the time.







Very subtle.












Laughing in volcano…






Pick of the post:



There are people who, for legitimate reasons, don’t like Trump.  That’s fair.  But let’s not pile falsehoods on the guy.




Palate Cleansers:





Come back Friday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee




The post Monday Memes on Wednesday appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Climate Council Can’t Decide Which Tax It Likes Best

Wed, 2023-12-27 15:00 +0000

First question: Why do we even have a Climate Council at this point? Why have we ever had one? All these twenty-three (twenty-two, really, because the corrupt Speaker of the House has refused for over a year to appoint a representative from the Fuel Dealers as required by law) unelected, self-important bloviators do is sit in a circle and spew “woke” jargon at one another for a few hours each month in pointless exercises of mental masturbation. At, I should point out, considerable taxpayer expense.

Just a reminder of what the Climate Council is supposed to do per the Global Warming Solutions Act: “On or before December 1, 2021, adopt the Vermont Climate Action Plan…. The Plan shall set forth the specific initiatives, programs, and strategies that the State shall pursue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; achieve the State’s reduction requirements…[emphasis added].” They never actually did this.

The “Plan” they produced in December 2021 was not a list of specific recommendations or strategies that, if enacted, would achieve the state’s greenhouse gas reduction requirements. It was/is an a la carte menu of pretty much every climate-related boondoggle policy they could think of dropped into an Excel file with no cost analysis, timeline for implementation of programs, etc. Not a plan. It’s like if you hired a team of nutritionists to create a diet for you that would specifically help you lose twenty pounds and lower your cholesterol and your blood sugar levels by the end of the year, and they delivered you a copy of the Joy of Cooking. They are unwilling and/or incapable of making a decision.

This gets us to the latest farcical chapter in this bureaucratic clown car’s history.

The “Plan” delivered in 2021, for all its 200-plus pages, did not include any viable option for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. A rather big omission, given that cars and trucks, are the source of about one-third of all greenhouse gas emissions in the state. The Council blames the official implosion of the Transportation Climate Initiative in November 2021 for their failure, but anybody with eyes attached to a functioning brain could have told them that TCI was never a truly viable plan. (See my own op-ed from January 2020, nearly two years before the Climate Action Plan was published, heralding the inevitable death of TCI, With TCI Imploding, a Worse Bill Is on the Horizon).

Nevertheless, since December 2021, the Climate Council has had another two full years to come up with an alternative to TCI. And for two full years they had come up with zip, zero, nada recommendations. Lots of jabber. Endless clips of Liz Miller rolling her eyes and lamenting the evaporation of TCI, but no plan. So, big decision, they created a Transportation Task Force to finally tackle the issue, and that task force recently released its long-awaited decision. Drumroll, please … Blast of trumpets…

…. The Transportation Task Force of the Vermont Climate Council’s recommendation regarding a policy plan to replace TCI for the transportation sector of the Climate Action Plan is… to hire an independent consulting firm to come up with a recommendation to replace TCI for the transportation sector of the Climate Action Plan.

Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. But you will, taxpayers, have to pay for it.

This gets back to my original question. Why does this useless committee, the government equivalent of an inflamed appendix, exist? If we’re going to hire an independent consultant to make the recommendations the Council is paid to make, why can’t the Agency of Natural Resources just do that? Or one of the legislative committees of jurisdiction? Maybe, lawmakers, it’s time — past time — to scrap the Climate Council.

Better yet, just scrap the whole Global Warming Solutions Act because Vermonters don’t want and can’t afford ANY plan to levy a carbon tax on gasoline and diesel fuels anyway, which is what any recommendation in this area comes down to.

In fact, what the Climate Council specifically wants this independent consultant to do is look at whether or not Vermont should join New York Cap & Invest, a program that does not yet exist and is probably about as viable as TCI or The Western Climate Initiative, a non-profit organization that handles the logistics of auctioning off “carbon credits” (aka carbon taxes) for the states of California and Washington as well as a couple of Canadian provinces. It is essentially a West Coast TCI. And, like TCI, most of the original “observer” states willing to consider the concept ultimately declined to participate. The difference being that California, unlike Massachusetts, was big enough to go it alone.

And here’s what Vermonters should be concerned about regarding potential participation in WCI. According to AAA, the state with the most expensive gasoline in the country is Hawaii because it is way out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The next two most expensive states after that? California and Washington. The two WCI states. By a lot. California’s average gas price today is $4.60 a gallon. Compared to its neighboring states, that’s 69 cents higher than Nevada, 75 cents higher than Oregon, $1.41 higher than Arizona, and $1.52 above the national average. Do Vermonters really want to sign up for that?

If the recent Campaign for Vermont poll is remotely accurate, the answer is not just no, but HELL NO! 71 percent of Vermonters oppose any carbon tax/fee/surcharge on gasoline and diesel, and 59 percent strongly oppose it. So, lawmakers, how about you listen to your constituents for a change? Save the taxpayers several hundred thousand dollars and forget about paying extra to study a policy nobody wants, save several million dollars by scrapping the Vermont Climate Council that doesn’t do anything, and save us hundreds of millions by abandoning any thoughts of putting a carbon tax on our motor fuels that we can’t afford.

Just a suggestion.


Rob Roper is a freelance writer with 20 years of experience in Vermont politics, including three years of service as chair of the Vermont Republican Party and nine years as President of the Ethan Allen Institute, Vermont’s free-market think tank. He is also a regular contributor to VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Biden Admin Follows COP28 Promise to End Fossil Fuels With Massive Oil/Gas Lease Sale

Wed, 2023-12-27 13:00 +0000

On the 2020 Presidential campaign trail – what of it there was – Joe Biden promised to end fossil fuels. True to form, Whoever is Running the Biden Administration has – since day one – acted toward that end. Joe’s administration has been US history’s most hostile to affordable energy.

COP28, which ended a few weeks ago, was focused on getting other nations to join them in this madness. Led by John “Lurch” Kerry, the private-jet-setting US Ambassador to mass delusion, America got promises from many but then did this.


Barely a week after its representatives committed the United States to a COP28 agreement pledging to “transition away” from fossil fuels – oil, natural gas and coal – the Biden government held its first significant auction of offshore leases in the Gulf of Mexico Wednesday. It was not just any old lease sale, mind you, but the most massive one since 2015 with more than 72 million acres up for lease.


That sounds hypocritical, and I Was quick to judge, but not so fast.” Without Congressional intervention, this is the final lease sale until at least 2025.” There are no more plans for this presidency. The next president will decide the question moving forward, and if that president is a Democrat, the keep-it-in-the-ground coalition will likely get its way.

We can’t afford that.

Energy prices are unstable, and while motor fuel has dipped a bit in price, it is significantly more expensive than when Obiden was anointed. Nikki, Ron, or Donald would open up our mineral deposits on Day One for different reasons. DeSantis and Trump to unshackle the economy and take price pressure off everyday Americans, Nikki ‘cuz her war machine buddies need it, though, regardless of who is the CIC, the US Military will need fossil fuels to do anything.

So does most of America.

Public transportation, infrastructure, buildings, roads – heck, you can’t even make any of the garbage labeled “green energy” without coal, gas, and oil. There is no future without it, but here we are. They are promising to end our existence as a functioning modern economy to feed the lie of climate socialism.

Name one socialist nation that isn’t burning everything in sight to fuel itself. They are all major “global” polluters alongside every other second or third-world tyrant and despot.

If you give them what they want, the ruling class led by Democrats, or you let them take it without any resistance, that regime will inevitably remove every protection except those that keep them in power.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

If Donald Trump Is An ‘Insurrectionist’ For Criticizing An Election, What Does That Make Hillary?

Wed, 2023-12-27 11:00 +0000

The “insurrectionist” clause of the 14th Amendment says, “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” Enacted after the Civil War, and ratified by the states in 1868, Congress wanted to prevent officeholders who joined the Confederacy from holding office.

Four of the seven Democrat-appointed Colorado Supreme Court justices ruled this clause prevents former President Donald Trump from appearing on that state’s primary ballot. The Michigan Court of Appeals rejected this argument, and the Minnesota Supreme Court dismissed a similar lawsuit. But several more states have pending lawsuits based on the insurrection clause. (RELATED: ALAN DERSHOWITZ: The Ridiculous Colorado Ruling To Keep Trump Off The Ballot Will Create Disarray In US Electoral System)

Despite Democrats having appointed all seven Colorado Supreme justices, three dissented. Trump vowed to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, where six of three justices were Republican nominees. It is practically a foregone conclusion that the Colorado case will be overturned, and the Supreme Court’s ruling could even be unanimous. Also, note that while Trump faces three federal conspiracy counts and one count of obstructing an official proceeding, the special counsel DID NOT charge the former president with “insurrection.”

In its 200-page majority decision, the Colorado Supreme Court said that on Jan. 6 Trump told supporters to “walk down to the Capitol” and “fight like hell” and “take back our country.” Not mentioned is that Trump also said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capital building to peacefully and patriotically. Make your voices heard.”

The Colorado Court found “substantial evidence” the Trump was “laying the groundwork for a claim that the election was rigged” before the November 2020 election and before the Jan. 6 riot. But does not Trump, or for that matter, any politician have a First Amendment right to complain, however unjustifiably, about the integrity of an election?

Hillary Clinton frequently called the 2016 election “stolen” and President Trump “illegitimate.” Never mind that former President Barack Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified that there was no evidence that the Russians succeeded in changing a single vote tally. As to the effect of the Russian interference, Johnson said there was no way of knowing whether it affected public opinion or altered the election. But Democrats believe otherwise. A 2018 YouGov poll found that 66% of Democrats believe the Russians, to elect Trump, changed vote tallies. A 2018 Gallup poll found that 78% of Democrats believe the Russian interference “changed the outcome of the election.” But the media do not call Democrats “election deniers.” (RELATED: LARRY ELDER: The Feminist Movement Is Nowhere To Be Found After Hamas Brutalizes Jewish Women)

About the 2020 presidential election, a Quinnipiac University poll found that “seventy-six percent” of Republicans believed there was “widespread voter fraud.” Republicans, although slightly less likely to call 2020 stolen than Democrats about 2016, are, of course, “election deniers.”

Finally, the anti-Trump media accuses Trump of peddling “the Big Lie” about 2020 voter fraud, irregularities or illegality. After all, there is supposedly no evidence to justify the assertions. John Eastman, a former Trump lawyer who argued that state legislatures and Vice President Mike Pence possess the legal authority to reject certification, now faces disbarment. The California Bar Association asked this once respected and courtly former dean and law professor at Chapman University School of Law for evidence about 2020 election-altering widespread fraud. Eastman turned in over 80,000 pages of documents. In an hourlong speech available for viewing on Rumble, Eastman spoke in detail about just some of what he considered substantial election irregularities. It’s called “Taking a Stand Against a Weaponized Justice System.” I urge the most ardent believer in the “Trump promoted baseless conspiracy theories” narrative to watch the speech. Be prepared for discomfort.

Larry Elder is a bestselling author and nationally syndicated radio talk-show host. To find out more about Larry Elder, or become an “Elderado,” visit Follow Larry on Twitter @larryelder. To read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate webpage at


Larry Elder | Daily Caller



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The post If Donald Trump Is An ‘Insurrectionist’ For Criticizing An Election, What Does That Make Hillary? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: NH Border Stores Should Stock Up on Fluorescent Light Bulbs – Vermont Ban Begins Jan 1

Wed, 2023-12-27 02:30 +0000

The People’s Republic of Vermont banned fluorescent light bulbs. Not all, but the most common and practical home and office use varies. That is bad news for Vermonters but good news, maybe great news, for New Hampshire retailers.


Starting January 1, a new state law will prohibit the sale of specific mercury-containing fluorescent lightbulbs in Vermont, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation said.

Restrictions include the sale of general purpose, indoor/outdoor, residential, and business mercury-containing four-foot linear, compact fluorescent, and twist-based fluorescent lightbulbs. Twist-based (GU-24) Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs) are also restricted from sale.

If your home or business currently uses these fluorescent bulbs, you will not be able to buy more after January 1. If your business sells these bulbs online or in a store, you will not be able to do so next year.


Vermont is correct about a few things. Many states have moved away from the Mercury bulbs, as have manufacturers. Alternatives are available that use less electricity and they are becoming more affordable. There are even 4 ft tube style LED bulbs to replace the old versions and this particular prohibition focuses on the standard 4-foot tubes you find in homes, warehouses, workshops, offices, and other professional workspaces.


Fluorescent lamps. Beginning on January 1, 2024, no four-foot linear fluorescent lamp may be offered for final sale, sold at final sale, or distributed in Vermont as a new manufactured product.


The old standard is not illegal to own or use. You simply cannot sell them in Vermont or transport them into the state for sale after the first of the year. And since the LED equivalents are still a lot more expensive, you can buy the banned versions in New Hampshire and drive them back to your home or workspace.

And to be clear, I am not suggesting you ignore any other requirements of handling. It is less of a hardship to make the time to recycle them properly than to drive over the border to buy them, so do that. But feel free to buy them in New Hampshire, and while you are here, get some beer, liquor, cigarettes, gas, fireworks, or anything else you might want to buy that is cheaper or can be purchased without paying any sales tax.

We won’t stop you doing that, either.



The post Night Cap: NH Border Stores Should Stock Up on Fluorescent Light Bulbs – Vermont Ban Begins Jan 1 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Why Trump Should Love the Colorado Ruling

Wed, 2023-12-27 01:00 +0000

The Colorado Supreme Court, acting as supplicants for the enemies of Donald Trump seeking the most extreme remedy for driving the former president into the ditch, may have just unwittingly gifted the former president a Rocky Mountain high – in the polls.

This time, four left-wing Colorado justices attempting to kneecap Trump were not even going to wait on due process – the very foundation of law – to effectively declare Trump guilty of insurrection, a crime for which he has not, repeat not, even been charged. After believing their attempts to wipe Trump off the ballot would be a knockout punch, it is the left that is about to get walloped to the canvas with a right hook.

But how, you say, is this good news for Trump? Let us count the ways. First, we know that every time he has been targeted and indicted based on novel legal theories never before applied, his popularity has only increased. Second, this decision provides him with yet more valuable and indisputable evidence – perhaps the best yet – supporting his claim of persecution by the establishment left. He can enjoy that benefit without the liability of actually being banned from the ballot once the U.S. Supreme Court likely shoots down the Colorado ruling, thus bringing similar efforts in other states to a halt.

But there’s more. Third on the list of how the left is hurting its own cause with its lawfare crusade against Trump is its whole argument that Trump threatens “democracy” as never before. That assertion hardly stands up when it boots Trump off the ballot: “This is hands-down the most anti-democratic opinion I have seen in my lifetime,” said famed constitutional attorney Jonathan Turley.

A subset of democracy is reason number four: election interference. Even after its constitutionally dubious changes to election law on the fly in key swing states in 2020 that undoubtedly handed the election to Joe Biden, the left has crowed from the rooftops that Trump is an election denier intent on interfering with the electoral process. Now that they are trying to remove him from the ballot, what are they going to say? This is textbook election interference, though of a kind rarely, if ever, witnessed before.

Fifth, even Trump’s primary opponents – Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis – have again had little choice but to jump to the defense of their rival despite his overwhelming lead, further strengthening Trump’s candidacy and all but ending the Republican presidential primary, if it wasn’t over already.

Leftists constantly indicting Trump have actually gotten the reaction they envisioned: forcing the GOP to support Trump. The idea was that Biden would then sail to another term against a convicted criminal sure to repel the American electorate in the end. The strategy has turned into the most classic backfire we have witnessed in some time.

The Persecution of Donald Trump

For starters, Democrats led by Hillary Clinton concocted a phony scandal to drive Trump out of the 2016 presidential race and then out of the Oval Office for treason. Then they impeached him. Then they impeached him again. Then, they raided his home. Then they indicted him. Then they indicted him again, and again, and again. Now, in a widespread effort to make sure no one will even have the opportunity to vote for him, Colorado is just one of more than a dozen states joining the effort to disqualify Trump. The first five states attempting to remove Trump were shot down in court. But cases in 13 more states remain to be litigated, and they will certainly be influenced by the Colorado ruling and any subsequent decision by the high court. But the Rocky Mountain State will stand in infamy as the first to pull the legal trigger on the most extreme measure available to generate a desired outcome, knowing if it succeeds, it will be open season on Trump throughout the country.

Democrats’ obsession with Trump has featured one overarching theme: They cannot leave well enough alone. Until they started throwing the book at Trump with one untested stretch of legal theory after another, their man Biden was running ahead of Trump. But with each successive indictment, Trump has risen further to the point of now holding a solid, if not commanding, three-point lead according to the RealClearPolitics Average. Who knows where polling would stand if the left had actually allowed the voters to process Jan. 6 for themselves? That infamous day takes on a fresh context with the removal of Trump from the ballot. Overkill?

At the same time, you must give the nihilistic Swampocracy in Washington credit for persistence and ingenuity, if nothing else. It has seemingly done everything that popped into its deranged mind to be sure, dead certain, guaranteed, that Trump will never again become president. How infuriating it must be to see every one of its attempts backfire. Rest assured, Colorado will be the latest. We can’t afford to take a chance on the voters’ judgment, screams the terrified left. Does this not sound like the plan cooked up in 2016 to make sure Trump would never be elected in the first place?

Rocky Mountain Low: Colorado Justice

The decision in this purple-turned-blue state begs many obvious questions for everyone from political junkies to disinterested voters. The Jan. 6 rally-turned-protest-turned-riot falls so far short of an act of insurrection as to make a mockery of the term. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, cited in the Colorado decision, was ratified for one purpose: to prevent Confederate soldiers from seeking national office following the Civil War. An insurrection requires an organized plan to overthrow the government – which did not exist on that dark January day in 2021. If there is not enough evidence to even indict Trump for insurrection, then how can he possibly be removed from a presidential ballot on that basis?

Like virtually every one of the 91 charges pinned on him in four venues, this is the first time a court has ever ruled on the basis of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It is not dissimilar to the argument about another section of the 14th Amendment regarding so-called birthright citizenship: It was written and intended for the distinct purpose of making slaves citizens but is now employed successfully by immigration activists to confer upon anyone born even an inch inside our border permanent citizenship, even if they entered the country and remain here illegally.

Though it would appear highly unlikely, think what it would mean if the U.S. Supreme Court either refuses to act or affirms the Colorado ruling. Not only would many other states with similar lawfare suits trying to get Trump wiped off the ballot be emboldened, but it also opens wide the door for any reason – or no reason – to remove any candidate from a ballot going forward based on the personal opinions of judges. This from a party that has been screaming about democracy dying in the darkness of Trump.

Do we not base our republic first and foremost on the ability of voters – not courts – to cast their ballots for the person they choose? Despite no such constitutional provision, there could perhaps be a quasi-legitimate argument that a convicted felon should be removed from the presidential ballot, but to do so before justice has been served and due process granted tells you everything you need to know about those willing to go to the ends of the earth to stop the man now favored to become the next president. It is stuff not of a constitutional republic but a banana republic. The left’s failure to recognize all the flashing red lights they have set off with their single-minded persecution of Donald Trump will, one expects, come back to haunt them in the end.


Tim Donner is senior political analyst at He is a former candidate for the U.S. Senate, entrepreneur, and founder of the nonprofit One Generation Away.


Tim Donner | RealClear Wire

The post Why Trump Should Love the Colorado Ruling appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Hypocrisy and Conflicts of Interest Flowed Freely …

Tue, 2023-12-26 23:30 +0000

Al Gore famously launched the climate-carbon crisis campaign with his alarmist proclamations of “inconvenient truths” about human warming of the planet. His repeated gaffes have since undermined his credibility, making “the boy who cried climate wolf” howl ever louder.

Most recently, against the latest global climate summit.  Gore says COP28, which ended this week, was “on the verge of complete failure” because of conflicts of interest of “petrostates” that have not agreed to ban all fossil fuels. But other conflicts go unmentioned.

Climate-Binary Gore

Gore employed divisive “us versus them” language to coerce adherence to his demands, portraying all people as either saviors or enemies:

“There are 24 hours left to show whose side the world is on: the side that wants to protect humanity’s future by kickstarting the orderly phase out of fossil fuels or the side of the petrostates and the leaders of the oil and gas companies that are fueling the historic climate catastrophe. In order to prevent COP28 from being the most embarrassing and dismal failure in 28 years of international climate negotiations, the final text must include clear language on phasing out fossil fuels. Anything else is a massive step backwards from where the world needs to be.”

This sounds more like a unilateral demand by an un-elected ideologue than a reasoned appeal. For Gore, this “sky is falling” heated rhetoric is old wine in new bottles. He claimed in 2009 that there was a 75% chance that Arctic ice would be gone within five to seven years, which Politico fact-checked to conclude that Gore “misrepresented the details of the research.”  In his 2006 documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” he claimed global sea levels could rise 20 feet “in the near future”: Sea levels rose less than four inches between 1993 and 2021 (it would take an estimated 1,136 years at that rate to rise 20 feet). The former vice president also seems to have conveniently forgotten his 2006 assertion that unless “drastic measures” were implemented by 2016, there would be “no solving” climate change.

It is not surprising to see un-elected officials elbowing one another for the exalted position of world climate czar, but Gore’s bluster against a climate summit in the oil-producing Arabian desert raises some critical points for consideration – though perhaps not as he intends. One of Gore’s more challenging declarations was directed explicitly at UAE Sultan Ahmed al Jaber:

“[H]e’s charged by his sovereign … and the company that he heads, with a massive expansion of fossil fuels. They have got a plan to expand production of both oil and gas by an enormous amount, starting the minute the gavel bangs to end this conference.

“And that’s a direct conflict of interest. And it’s not a nitpicking thing to point that out. The people of our world deserve to have some confidence that this process has integrity. And we have been seeing the fossil fuel polluters try to manipulate this process for a long time, and the world’s running out of patience, because this is so serious now.”

Gore unintentionally raises two very important questions for the people of the world he claims to represent: conflicts of interest with China and with renewable energy manufacturers.

China and the UAE

The charge leveled by Gore against an oil magnate sultan invites a tangential question about China. How is the “world” looking to this summit to transform the climate when signatory China constructs hundreds of coal-fired power plants and manufactures the bulk of the world’s materials for solar panels and EV cars? Demanding commitments to eliminate all fossil fuels is folly when those fuels are necessary to construct the climate rescue mission. If “petrostates” are to be vilified for pumping the oil used to manufacture EVs, solar panels, and a bevy of US-consumed products, isn’t China a presumed offender for its use of coal?

It could be that, in the interests of at least feigning a democratic process, the globalist organizers of COP28 deemed it wise to include oil-producing and coal-burning nations (without whose cooperation all hope is lost) at the table. Persuading these nations to commit their resources to combat climate change necessarily involves both their consent and their resources.

Renewable Energy Pollution

Gore raises another conflict of interest that quite rightly should be addressed: Renewable energy manufacturers and food conglomerates have “tried to manipulate this process for a long time,” swaying governments to pour astronomical sums into technologies that pollute the planet every bit as much as those “conflicted” oil magnates. Burning Chinese coal to make silicon for solar arrays and smelt aluminum for EVs, the monied interests that once controlled the oil industry are now “stakeholders” in the renewable energy manufacturing gold rush.

Gore merits credit for challenging the odd bedfellows of UAE oil interests and global climate warriors. More integrity would be displayed by challenging the odd connection of Chinese coal plants to silicon production or solar panel (and EV) manufacturers to the low-income taxpayers who finance their production. These are inconvenient truths to self-anointed town criers like Gore.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

The post Hypocrisy and Conflicts of Interest Flowed Freely … appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Sanders’ Minimum Wage Law Would Cost 700,000 Jobs

Tue, 2023-12-26 22:00 +0000

A proposed national minimum wage hike to $17 per hour by 2029 would come at an estimated cost of 700,000 American jobs, according to the nation’s Congressional Budget Office.

The bill is S.2488 – Raise the Wage Act of 2023. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is the listed sponsor. It has been introduced, but it hasn’t been passed by either chamber of Congress yet.

Sanders was on social media on Monday railing against the wealthy elite.

“Corporate greed is Mark Zuckerberg becoming $3.4 billion richer TODAY while building a $100 million mansion in Hawaii with 30 bathrooms and an underground bunker. Meanwhile, a record-breaking 653,000 Americans are homeless & over 60% of our workers live paycheck to paycheck,” he wrote on X.

Some stats in the report support Sanders’ effort. This includes that an estimated 8.9 million workers with wages under $17 per hour could be affected. It is estimated that 400,000 could be lifted out of poverty by such increases.

The full report can be read here.

The report also notes that anytime wages are raised, the cost of the goods or services will rise accordingly.

“Higher prices for goods and services—stemming from the higher wages of workers who are paid at or near the minimum wage (such as workers who provide long-term health care)—would contribute to increases in federal spending.”

Another part of the report states more about how much would be gained in wages versus lost in jobs.

It states, “Those gains in earnings would be larger than the aggregate earnings losses from higher rates of joblessness. Thus, the income of families with low-wage workers would increase, on average, and the number of families below the FPL [Federal Poverty Level] would decrease. Higher-income families would experience a decline in purchasing power because prices for goods and services would increase.”

It continues that there will be other economic impacts. For example, with 700,000 new unemployed that means the cost of unemployment benefits will go up. The report also suggests that the of programs like food stamps will go down.

“The largest spending increases would be for the government’s major health care programs and unemployment compensation; the largest revenue decreases would be from income taxes,” the report states.

Sanders doesn’t like tipping?

Another component of the bill would be to do away with tipping. The report addresses this aspect as well.

“It would boost the earnings of most of those workers through higher wages but also reduce the earnings of some through higher rates of joblessness. Part of the increase in earnings through higher wages would be offset by lower income from tips,” it states.

Interest rates would go up

Another assessment from the report is that interest rates go up.

“In CBO’s assessment, the Raise the Wage Act of 2023 would cause interest rates to be slightly higher than they otherwise would have been over the 2024–2033 period. The Federal Reserve would adjust short-term interest rates to counteract the increase in overall demand and inflation stemming from the rising minimum wage.”

Been tried before

Over the years mandates in other states to aggressively bump up minimum wage have shown that the net impacts are sometimes unfavorable to the very people it is intended to help.

TrueNorthReports noted one such study that took place in Seattle.

“A 2017 study of Seattle’s wage increase by the National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that ‘the second wage increase to $13 reduced hours worked in low-wage jobs by around 9 percent, while hourly wages in such jobs increased by around 3 percent.’”



Michael Bielawski | Vermont Daily Chronicle

The post Sanders’ Minimum Wage Law Would Cost 700,000 Jobs appeared first on Granite Grok.

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