The Manchester Free Press

Tuesday • January 7 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.II

Manchester, N.H.

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Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire
Updated: 10 min 24 sec ago

Should Every Impulse Have Its Own Flag?

Sat, 2024-06-29 22:00 +0000

I’m not certain when sexuality became the openly defining characteristic of human existence. And I’m not talking about sex appeal or looking or feeling sexy. I mean announcing to everyone at every opportunity to whom you are sexually attracted. It’s a bit odd but not nearly as annoying as insisting that I not only care but “see you,” respect your choices, and salute your flag.

Why bring it up?

I accidentally found myself on, and before I could scrape it off the bottom of my digital footprint, an article popped up about a woman who, after thirty years, realized she was an abrosexual. Ooh, what’s that about, I say? (I am attracted to stories about the ‘diversification’ of the culture.)

“I didn’t learn about abrosexuality until two years ago, when I was 30. Up until that point, I’d struggled to identify what my sexuality was because it fluctuated so rapidly.  There were times that I too scoffed, chastising myself for being so uncertain of who I was. It wasn’t that I couldn’t make my mind up, but rather my identity shifted.  One day I felt like I was a lesbian, yet days or weeks later, I’d feel more aligned with bisexuality. My sexuality was fluid.”

Fluid. Like water that can run … to one of two places. My spellchecker clears up this distinction without a difference by trying to change abrosexual to bisexual. I stopped it, the bigoted thing that it is, then I looked it up.

Abrosexual means a person who experiences fluctuating sexual orientations over time.”

It is like bisexuality and pansexuality, but different. How so? Bisexuality is when someone might find themselves “romantically attracted” to people with either a penis or a vagina. Pansexuals can be or are attracted to people who happen to have either a penis or a vagina. Abrosexuals are people who could find themselves attracted to people with either a penis or a vagina.

In all fairness, I should include how they might be attracted to someone who used to have either a penis or a vagina after having it removed (or both a penis and a vagina), but as it turns out, the glorious spectrum isn’t as diverse as it thinks. Heterosexuals are (by the way) people who are attracted to either a penis or a vagina but are not allowed to have pride or gang colors.

That just seems unfair.

No matter what the “romantic” feeling, preference, impulse, deference, urge, or longing, there are still only two sets of parts to desire, or the not desiring of either, which is a legitimate choice but not a third set.

Be You!

If you want to hold someone’s hand, and they want to hold yours, whatever two consenting adults do with each other after that is nobody else’s business (unless it’s with someone else’s special someone). Inviting additional participants is not verboten, but consent is still required with a warning label. The additional “feelings” multiply not sequentially but exponentially.

That’s still not my problem, the same way your job, hobbies, diet, or creepy landlord who hasn’t fixed the drippy faucet in your retro-70s half-bath are not my problems. Be you. Do your thing. And I hope you find happiness and it all works out but I don’t need to know unless I ask. I also don’t need to know what foods you like and dislike unless I’m supposed to feed you, but if you are a big fan of cheeseburgers, why isn’t there a flag for that?

Hunger is a feeling, right?

Everyone gets a trophy.

Whatever your sexual or romantic instincts, whether a fixed or moving target, the need to name it, give it a flag, and then wave it at people who are expected to know and understand your special circumstances reeks of the everyone gets a trophy culture. We are all special, but these days, what’s special is people who don’t shove that in your face and get mad if you don’t smile, nod, and bless their choices.

And parades?

Pretend for a moment that wearing your sexuality on your sleeve might be an overshare whether you are hetero, homo, pan, bi, Trans, Abro, or one of the other states of sexual being (all restricted to the same two sets of plumbing). Alone with a special friend or in a group, human beings arrive on the earth with two choices – everything else is an affectation or an embellishment (can you say social construct?) to which – I will argue – like owning more than one outfit, you are entitled.

If you are attracted to left-handed albino lesbians, good for you. I happen to be very fond of a particular adult female, brunette, whom I married, and I will love no other until death does us part. For reasons I cannot explain, I prefer brunettes. Most of my pre-marriage girlfriends were brunettes, including one who colored her hair blonde. Good for me. I don’t need a flag or an award.

And I’m not going to expect you to be me – and not you. Go about your life contributing in whatever meaningful way you can manage and leave the “whom you feel like having sex with” talk to your besties or therapist(s) (or Substack subscribers). Most everyday adults don’t care, and if they do, tell them – or tell them to mind their own business, and I think you’ll discover that the world works as well or better as a result.

We all have a lot more in common than not.

If you find your “preference” affects your work or social life, it might not be your lifestyle choices but how you wear them. The problem might be you. Yes, there are bullies in the world but there always has been. History has no shortage of people who could behave better.

We could just give them a flag of their own, but another lesson from history is that this might make them act out more, and it almost never ends well.


| Substack

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Draft

Sat, 2024-06-29 20:00 +0000

Why are Republicans only concerned about drafting our daughters, apparently forgetting that 600,000 American men were slaughtered in the Civil War, 400,000 American men in WW2, and 100,000 American men in Korea and Vietnam?

I thought equal rights require equal responsibilities. Why are women entitled to special privileges: they decide if they want to defend our country!

The real question here is why it is necessary to reinstate the draft. Why has military recruitment collapsed? Could it possibly be that the Demolitioncrats have so mismanaged the defense of our country that our warrior class has figured out that DEI , CRT, and SEL are not worth defending and do not want to be brainwashed by idiotic Pentagon generals?

Apparently, the Biden/ Obama Demolitioncrats have figured out that the military is needed to indoctrinate men, but our academic institutions have successfully done that to women.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Squad Has Opening After NY Primary

Sat, 2024-06-29 18:00 +0000
The Squad is a group of radical left-leaning representatives brought together by Congresswoman Sany Cortez of New York. The Squad has some high-profile members because this group of politicians loves the attention of the cameras and media and usually addresses a crowd or reporters as a group.

This group mentality is necessary because the individuals are ineffective members of Congress, having passed no meaningful legislation, but they always have an opinion and soundbites for the crowd. This group seems to always be on the wrong side of public opinion, but incumbents are usually very comfortable in their positions and are very difficult to defeat in a primary or general election-difficult, but not impossible. Jaamal Bowman is a Congressman from New York but cannot claim that title in 2025. Bowman lost his primary race this week in New York City to become the first member of the Squad voted out of office. Bowman may have sealed his fate when he was caught on camera pulling a fire alarm in the Capital to delay a floor vote. He should have been jailed for his actions, but losing his reelection bid is a more significant penalty. Bowman and fellow Squad member Cortez appeared at a rally in the Bronx with supporter Bernie Sanders. The event was embarrassing for two sitting members of Congress. Cortez was jumping, dancing, and screaming around the stage like a caged animal while Bowman was rapping and screaming expletives to the crowd. Sanders was probably wondering why he was not in Vermont, and Hilary was thrilled she backed George Latimer, the other guy in the race. Pro-Israel and centrist groups dealt a blow to the left by taking out Rep. Jamaal Bowman. And they already have a next target in mind. Cori Bush is currently behind in her race in Missouri. The Squad was quick to call foul and said Bowman’s results show how broken the election process is in America. The Bowman/Latimer primary was the most costly on record in America. In an ironic twist, Cortez and Bowman both said that they demanded that billionaires’ funds be kept from the political arena. That is, of course, the height of hypocrisy. George Soros drops millions into every Democrat election involving a far-Left candidate. So, to clarify the Squad’s remarks, they do not want any Republican Billionaire’s money in an election. They want every advantage, or the election is not fair. This entire scenario exemplifies the thinking of the Squad. Every one of them is anti-establishment, anti-Israel, anti-capitalism, and, of course, anti-America, but they feel they are a protected lot. There shall be no discussion about a Democrat challenging them in a primary, and regardless of how egregious their actions are, they can never be used against them. The people of Bowman’s district woke up, and hopefully, they will in Cori Bush’s district, too. But what about Tlaib, Omar, and Presley? These folks have no place in American politics. Not because they are Democrats or Radical but because they hate America. They are welcome to leave this great land any time they like.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Mystery Meats for US Troops

Sat, 2024-06-29 16:00 +0000

Bioindustrial Manufacturing and Design Ecosystem (BioMADE), which has received more than $500 million in Department of Defense funding, recently announced it is soliciting proposals to develop “innovations in food production that reduce the CO2 footprint of food production at … DoD operational environments.” Translation: The Pentagon is funding research and development of novel cell-cultured fake meats to feed US soldiers.

Fake Meats and Climate Change

BioMADE claims that lab-grown food products will reduce the Pentagon’s carbon footprint. The company’s invitation for project proposals presents a utopian mission of producing yet-to-be-invented fantasy foods, including fake meats:

“BioMADE is a Manufacturing Innovation Institute (MII) sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) with a vision to build a sustainable, domestic, end-to-end bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem.

“BioMADE is building a robust bioindustrial manufacturing ecosystem and has a national network of over 280 members spanning industry, academia, and non-profit organizations.

“Together with the DoD, BioMADE is interested in accelerating technology development related to mitigating the causes and consequences of global climate change, particularly when these intersect with bioindustrial manufacturing.”

The Pentagon – which manages the production and deployment of arsenals of devastating weapons – proposes to offset its prime mission to win wars by feeding soldiers tofu MREs (Meals Ready to Eat). Moreover, BioMADE emphasizes that project bids must enhance social justice causes:

“This implies taking actions that optimize positive social outcomes through adherence to ethical standards, including seeking ways to make products and processes that improve societal welfare. Special attention to this commitment includes equitable distribution of benefits of your project. Examples may include community engagement, whether as education or consultation; or for workforce development that addresses the need for diversity and inclusion; or for creative initiatives to bring open dialogue, perspectives and appreciation of biomanufacturing and economic possibilities to the general public.”

Corporate Trough-Slurping

Using taxpayer dollars to subsidize pro-industry propaganda for manufacturers of fake meats is far from traditional notions of the work done at the Pentagon. Despite the social justice revolution, US service personnel remain chattels to be utilized for the furtherance of equity.

Developing cultured meats for soldiers is a far cry from France’s legendarily edible MREs of venison and rabbit. Plant-based meats in a tube or can for combat troops may one day be transferred to public consumption, like Tang was popularized after it was served to astronauts in flight. It is unclear whether foods grown in stainless-steel vats from GMO plants pose health risks or nutrient deficiencies – they haven’t even been invented yet. But they are being federally funded as part of a Biden initiative to use the military to combat not tanks and mustard gas but cows and greenhouse gases.

Corporations influence ever-increasing government spending in their favor. Big Pharma sells vaccines with free advertising through the CDC. EV and solar panel manufacturers enjoy massive subsidies and regulatory favoritism in the name of reducing inflation and boosting the economy. Delivering on promises of improved circumstances or environmental benefits is as unnecessary to the social justice warriors as secure borders, lower crime rates, or equitable redistribution of the true costs of these policies. Food companies, including start-ups making fake meats, are simply dining at the same corporate trough on the taxpayers’ dime.

There is no reason to expect that grants of taxpayer funds through BioMADE will overcome the profound hurdles encountered by private venture capitalists who have poured billions into fake meats with zero profits. Producing meat substitutes at scale and cost has been proved rather elusive for the nouveau meat-makers. More like impossible.

Cows to the Rescue!

Cows grazing on pastured hillsides sequester carbon, nurture soil microbes, reverse erosion, and improve water retention. GMO monoculture crops such as corn and soy are dependent on massive applications of glyphosate and other chemicals for their production, deplete soils, taint and reduce precious groundwater resources, and release carbon dioxide from the soil through tilling. The shift to fake meats, like the shift to EVs and solar arrays, does more harm than good to the environment; however, it does much good to short-term corporate profits for well-positioned “stakeholders.”

Like prisoners, or prisoners of war, US soldiers will eat what they are ordered to eat and march where they are commanded. Increasingly, corporate domination of public policy compels soldiers and civilians alike into industrial conformity and compliance like factory animals, consuming what is compelled without question or choice.

Agrarian essayist Wendell Berry imaginatively captured this vision of corporate conscription:

“The food industrialists have by now persuaded millions of consumers to prefer food that is already prepared. They will grow, deliver, and cook your food for you and (just like your mother) beg you to eat it. That they do not yet offer to insert it, pre-chewed, into our mouth is only because they have found no profitable way to do so. We may rest assured that they would be glad to find such a way. The ideal industrial food consumer would be strapped to a table with a tube running from the food factory directly into his or her stomach.”

Factories are being constructed to concoct processed or “cultured” replacements for cows using insects, soy, or yet-to-be-created processes or chemicals. This is being achieved at public expense, without a vote, using the usual corporate actors, and inflicted upon noble servants who sacrificed legal rights and freedoms of choice (including diet) in order to serve the public good.


John Klar is an Attorney, farmer, and author. Mostly farmer… And Regular Contributor to GraniteGrok and VermontGrok.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Debate Takeaways …

Sat, 2024-06-29 14:00 +0000

In no particular order, here are my debate takeaways. But first, I must say that the Regime really messed up BidenX’s drug cocktail. Perhaps the hoarse voice was the result of being over-amphetamined prior to the debate, causing BidenX to manic-babble incessantly to the point that he lost his voice?Maybe BidenX threw screaming fits throughout debate sequestration week because he was kept on bed rest with an IV and not allowed to binge-watch SpongeBob.

IT WILL BE MUCH HARDER FOR THE LEFT TO STEAL THE 2024 ELECTION (LIKE THEY STOLE 2020) … The Left (and Never-Trump) is still going to attempt to steal the 2024 election. But it will be much, much, much harder to convince the country that the desiccated husk we saw at last night’s “debate” actually got 90 million (or whatever number they need to beat Trump) votes from living, legitimate voters. Nothing has changed in the “swing-States” in that it is still BALLOTS, not actual, legitimate votes that will determine the outcome.

NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU LOATHE AND MISTRUST THE “PRESS,” IT IS NOT ENOUGH … They (the press) have known that BidenX is mush for years, and covered for him (and for the people actually running the Regime). And should BidenX remain the nominee, they will go right back to covering for him. Nothing has changed about the “press.” They remain an arm of the “Democrat” Party.

WHO IS ACTUALLY RUNNING THE BIDEN-REGIME … My guess is that it is Jill Biden. I think Obama has his nefarious tendrils everywhere in the administration. But when it comes to the big decisions that can only be made at the highest level, I think it’s “Doctor” Jill making them.

NEVER MIND REPLACING BIDENX AS THE “DEMOCRAT” NOMINEE, HE NEEDS TO GO NOW … The Biden-Regime made America an international JOKE last night. No serious country would allow itself to be led by an obviously senile, incapacitated octogenarian like BidenX. The world, and that includes enemies, sees America as weak and vulnerable. The problem, to state the obvious, is Kamala’s brain is arguably in worse shape than what’s left of BidenX’s, and replacing him with her does NOT solve the problem. This is what happens when elections (2020) are RIGGED.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just not doing what you want me to do”

Sat, 2024-06-29 12:00 +0000

The headline is a quote from Gina Carano. The MMA Fighter and actress was on Russel Brand’s podcast to discuss many things, including what she and Russell have in common. Big Something’s trying to cancel them for sharing opinions the Big Something’s didn’t like.

Originally published on Steve’s Substack.

Carano had to deal with the #Woke Disney Beast. It’s Corporate bullying. She recounts how a Mouse House publicist penned a statement for her to read, and all she had to do was abandon her principles and beliefs and say sorry, and they wouldn’t excommunicate her.

Disney might be as bad or worse as the rest of them, but in my experience, their idea of diversity is a room full of people who look different but all think (or at least say) the same things.

Carano said no way, so they tried to destroy her.

Years later, she has succinctly (IMO) boiled this down into one statement. “I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just not doing what you want me to do.”

I think that’d look good on a bumper sticker.

We have More in Common Now Than Ever.

It started when the Left politicized nearly everything (yes, they are working on whatever remains), and we are supposed to agree with them. Refusing can be career-ending or—in some instances—career-making. Russell Brand has been doing well after his conversions. He’s all about speaking freely and being able to disagree, asking questions, and interviewing people who have opinions the Big Somethings may not like. He seems happier and more energized, a transition that has attracted millions of interested listeners.

At its root is the same simple premise. “I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m just not doing what you want me to do.”

Like Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson, Brand appears to have achieved escape velocity—the ability to express your truth, agree or disagree, to whoever wants to listen. But it should be like that for everyone. The First Amendment affords you the right to speak freely without fear of the government or its proxies (Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big U, and so on) shutting you down. And yes, we can quibble about whether that relationship is in reverse. Government dancing to the tune of globalist corporate masters. I think it works both ways, but the victims are the same.

Everyone who might want to disagree. And that is something that a vast swath of (at least Americans), without regard to party registration or lack of it, could agree.

Corporate Media, the political establishment, Music, Hollywood, Sports, corporate board rooms, and international organizations have coalesced into a monolithic group-think tank. They’ve gone to war with individual liberty, and Free Speech cannot be allowed to be a casualty.

Agree to Disagree

I’ve been wallowing in the political trenches for almost two decades, and one of the things I know I’ve always been on the right side of is not silencing people with whom I disagree. It is, in fact, an article of faith. Let them speak. That might prove you right. So, I feel confident in my ability to ask anyone, from the apolitical to street-action activists, to stand up for what I have phrased elsewhere as the right to be wrong.

It is neither yours nor the government’s place to define truth and not just because The State is so bad at it. It is simply unconscionable to presume that there is just one right idea or that yours applies to everyone else.

Science cannot be a consensus. There can be a prevailing agreement on the current observed circumstances, but without challenge, experimentation, and open debate, the Earth might still be at the center of the universe. This is an apt comparison to the thoughts and beliefs of anyone who insists that those who disagree with them are peddling misinformation or disinformation.

Your ideas are not the center of any universe but your own, and if you think it is a good idea to enroll any entity with police powers to ensure it, you should be met with considerable dissent and resistance.

To enslave a person’s speech is to enslave their will and their actions. If I am not entitled to my opinion, then am I not a slave to yours? And who will stand to contest the lies we know alongside the ideas and demands we feel compelled to challenge? It is not just our ideas but your right to express yours whether we concur or not.

It is but one of many matters on which most of America should agree. A point of convergence from which much harmony could evolve. And perhaps that is why some want so desperately to criminalize it now.

Your right to disagree with me and I, you, is as fundamental as our right to be. Without open debate, neither of us will get any further than what is in our heads.

If you think that’s a good idea for any institution, especially one with police powers, then be prepared to be disappointed. At some point, not long from now, you’ll be doing nothing wrong, but something they don’t want you to do, and you won’t like how they let you know it.

Note: It is true that the First Amendment only applies to the government. Private entities can suppress your speech at will. That is not at issue. What is at issue is the cabal of public and private interests who are working in concert to terrorize ordinary citizens into silence.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Blame Mayor Donchess and his Board of Aldermen

Sat, 2024-06-29 10:00 +0000

Every Nashua resident better start saving some extra money to pay for the 7.2% increase in property taxes. Mayor Donchess is stating that they only went up 3.7% when in fact that is a bold-faced lie. Property taxes will be going up 7.29% in December 2024. Residents do not have to believe me, just look at the current budget and compare it to FY2024 Budget.

Mayor Donchess and the Board of Aldermen think that the Nashua taxpayers are ignorant, but we are not.

The process of determining the property tax rate is very simple. The city submits both the current assessments on properties and the Adopted Budget to the DRA. With that information, the DRA comes up with a tax rate to ensure that the City of Nashua can cover all its expenses.

Mayor Donchess and this board cannot go back to the DRA for a do-over on the 2024 tax rate. The DRA will just come up with a tax rate with what the city has given them which is up 7.29%. That is reality.

FY 2024 Budget $412,028,253
FY2025 Budget $456,615,638
Increase $44,487,385
Rate Increase 7.29%


When the new tax rate is announced, Mayor Donchess will blame the state; however, one must remember that the state only works off the figures that Mayor Donchess has given them.

Aldermen Sullivan requested a reduction for the school department of $2.8 million; however, that was voted down by Aldermen Kelly, Aldermen Wilshire, and Aldermen Dowd. Aldermen Dowd is a person who should not hold any positions dealing with Taxpayers’ money. Residents must remember that because the school district overspent their ESSER funds by $4.5 million, Dowd made the Nashua taxpayers consume the error. Aldermen Dowd does not care if the taxpayers have to pay more money.

So, all residents need to remember is that when they cannot purchase food for their household because property taxes are so high, they can blame Mayor Donchess and his Board of Aldermen.

Mayor Donchess will get the tax rate in early fall of this year however he will not announce it until after the elections and just before Christmas. Nashua taxpayers need to start educating themselves about the deceptive practices of Mayor Donchess and this Board of Aldermen.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Sandy’s “Squad” Loses Token Male Member

Sat, 2024-06-29 02:00 +0000

I’m not saying we should celebrate or anything like that. After all, one Democrat beat another Democrat in a Democrat Primary in a Blue District in New York. This examination is not much different than two dog owners staring at a pile of crap, wondering whose dog left it (and who has to clean up after it).

And, of course, once you get them down to DC, it’s not all that different from our hallowed halls in New Hampshire’s state capital of Concord. It doesn’t matter how they run or whether they pretend to be moderate or not; the caucus does not tolerate dissent. You vote the way leadership says, or you may find you’re in need of a State Trooper or two to protect you from the bullies in your own party.

But it is news and worthy of note. Bartender turned congressman Sandy Cortez, who has been working hard to primary “moderate” Dems in Congress with Marxists, just hit a little speed bump. Her token mal member just got run out of office by a moderate Democrat. Jamaal ‘False Alarm’ Bowman got his pointy-headed hat handed to him by his constituents. They picked pro-Israel George Latimer. Centrist is the AP description, and while apt when compared to Latimer, it is far from anything approaching moderate.

With the victory, Latimer has ousted one of the most liberal voices in Congress and one of its most outspoken critics of Israel. Bowman has accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, where thousands of Palestinians have died in military strikes.

Latimer, who got into the race at the urging of Jewish leaders and had heavy financial backing from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, is a former state legislator who has served as Westchester County executive since 2018.

Translated: New York Jews who voted for Jamaal before wanted someone with all of the same political proclivities but who supports Israel instead of Hamas. And when you read this next part, he’s not talking about engagements with Republicans.

“We have to fight to make sure we don’t vilify each other and we remember that we’re all Americans, and our common future is bound together,” he told supporters at an event in White Plains.

He’s not serious unless he is asking Squadettes to dial back the commie rhetoric when going after other Democrats. That the Israel-Hamas thing, sorry, not Hama, Palestine, has divided a party that has pretended to care about Jews and Israel the way it pretends to care about women and minorities.

I’m not sure what has to happen for women and minorities to abandon the Democrats.  I want to think that transwomen getting a higher spot on the victim class totem pole is a red flag. That the lousy economy and influx of alien invaders have prided back a few vote-blue scales from their eyes. That union workers impacted by Bidenomics won’t be able to pull the blue lever in November.

That we can take back a few dozen more house seats and get a majority in the US Senate.

Knowing, of course, that this could be meaningless, even if Trump does find a way to win and survive the left’s domestic terrorism and violence to get inaugurated. The Republican congress is no guarantee that an American First agenda will get anywhere. The best we can do might be to slow or stop the decline for a few years and continue to try and work at the state level.

DC is a lost cause unless we get very lucky, and I’m not inclined to wait on luck. States are the only way we have to save the Republic, but seeing one of Sandy’s Squaddies get the boot does make me smile.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Debate: Joe Biden Surprised Me

Sat, 2024-06-29 00:00 +0000

Well, Joe Biden surprised me. He was able to stand up for the entire debate and throw numerous debunked lies around like a hooked mackerel on the end of a line. Donald Trump didn’t surprise me one bit. He stood his ground and got his message across like a surgeon cutting out an infected canker.

Yup, it was pretty much as I expected it would go, but the question will be how many Biden supporters are wringing their hands and asking themselves, what the heck do we do now?

It was the after-debate that was the big shocker to me as liberal media annalists weighed in with an almost universal description of “a missed opportunity” by Biden. Translation of political speak, Ohhhhh Sh##! It’s going to be a, well pretty high mountain for Joe even to come close to evening the perception he can compete with Trump not only in the next debate but even in the remaining time until Nov. 5th.

The after-talk went a long way toward crushing my belief the D party would dump Joe around convention time as the talking heads revealed that to happen, Biden would have to release his (####) and create an open convention. It didn’t seem Joe was even considering doing so. Well that may be akin to going down in flames and taking the whole party with him. Not that I’d mind at all, you understand, just wondering if and how many really disillusioned, dedicated leftists might be trying to figure out other alternatives to ease old Joe out of the picture? Not predicting just wondering, human nature after all.

Let’s not get all comfortable and overconfident because these leftists pushing Biden around have plenty of dirty tricks, well-oiled and ready to go for just this kind of situation. Best we start considering a few dirty tricks of our own just in cast. It’s time to get our red caps out, folks, and show our colors. MAGA – vote for Trump in November.

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Manch Talk: Was Assange a Criminal and Threat to the World Order?

Fri, 2024-06-28 23:00 +0000

Carla recaps the history of the Assange prosecution, and Tammy fills us in about who is running in Manchester.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Clear Winner Is Trump – The Melt Down of the Left Is Glorious.

Fri, 2024-06-28 22:00 +0000

I watched the debate and was stunned at how bad Joe is. I’m not surprised. What does surprise me is that his handlers that know how bad he is thought this was all a good idea.
That they did this shows how nuts these people are. Their lack of awareness and good judgement. No wonder the world is on fire right now.

Having worked with the elderly for quite a chunk of my life, I know I am looking at a man that is so frail that he doesn’t have the physical strength to speak loud enough for the event.
He’s no longer mentally present enough to know his mouth is hanging open as he stands there staring, trying to follow, he doesn’t have the presence of mind to clear his throat, he can’t enunciate words or remember things correctly. I doubt very much that he followed most of what Trump said. He’s just a frail, elderly man being used.

But all this is also a national security threat because he’s clearly not all there and there is no denying this.
There should be all out rage against the machine for putting Americans in this place.. where a man that the wind could blow over is supposedly running the free world.

Donald did very well. He showed self control, and what I saw was a great deal of patience used because of course he himself also struggled to understand the babbling moments that made no sense- but he treated Joe with dignity and let these moments roll by.. when he could have drawn attention to them. If Donald had even looked at Joe and said “Can you repeat that” it would have shown how bad his speech is and yet Donald didn’t do any such thing.. when there was clearly just mumbles. His passion was good actually when he went on his rants because it showed the stunning contrast between these two men.. one is very much alive and the other is not at all.. unable to hardly speak.

Trump made clear efforts to attack the job Joe has done and not so much the man he is today. They called eachother liars, but then this is what they all do- every single time.

My one complaint is that Trump spent too much time talking about what he did.. too much time in the past. We all know that he’s got detailed plans about what he’s going to do- and that is what we desperately want to hear about. THAT is what would give a nation on it’s knees right now some hope that we need.. So it was a bit of a loss that he didn’t get into his plans better.. because I doubt they’ll be a next debate with these two.

I was disappointed that Donald didn’t answer directly the “what are you going to do for all these drug addicts” question because that is something ravaging NH in particular.
Donald didn’t ever really answer that instead going here and there.. not dodging the question, just seemingly choosing to spend his time on other things.

The clear winner is Trump.. the melt down of the Left is glorious.

Let them keep Biden, they’ve done this to themselves. However, their voters have proven they’ll vote for anything- so they will likely easily vote for anyone else they put forward at this point.

The post The Clear Winner Is Trump – The Melt Down of the Left Is Glorious. appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Is Rep. Ming Cozying up to a Predator?

Fri, 2024-06-28 20:00 +0000

As a potential victim, um I mean constituent, of Rep Ming, I try to keep an eye on his activities.  Yesterday, he tweeted about his support from one of his ilk, former Rep Melbourne Moran Jr, of Wanderlust Therapeutic Services LLC.

I will refer to him as “Alderman Moron,” not only because it’s fun but because he really is a moron.  Plus, he’s a genuinely nasty person.

Therapists, which Alderman Moron identifies himself as one, often say to their clients, “Let’s explore (insert topic of interest or personal issue here).”  But before we explore the conduct of Alderman Moron, I want to call attention to his in-chamber comments on Catholicism, which Grokster Beth Scaer noted here, here, and here, in what makes a good trilogy of public service messages.  Further reading on his antics is available in the Grok archives, but let’s get into the whole predatory thing by watching this 7-minute video.

I know 7 minutes is a big ask in these modern times of short attention, but it’s a trove of important details on the backdrop.  Many side trips can be made in the form of future articles, but I’ll give you the 30-second ad.  Alderman Moron throws his professional credentials around to attack Laurie Ortolano, both in the chamber and on the airwaves.  They’re multi-pointed attacks loaded with all kinds of insults and accusations.

Laurie, who has plenty of city hall battlefield experience, wasn’t having any of it and is suing Alderman Moron. Right now is a good time to remind the readers that Ming is a lawyer and enjoys using the signature comment “not YOUR lawyer.”  Maybe our mayor, also a lawyer, might want to retain Ming to do the job of Attorney Bolton. Ming could be less expensive than Attorney Hilliard & Co., but that’s a discussion for another time.

While I don’t have the MSW & LICSW credentials that Alderman Moron has, my undergraduate degree is in psychology, and I certainly recognize PROJECTION when I see it.  Calling Laurie Ortolano a predator is projection.  If you watch the 7 minute video in its entirety, you will hear her make an excellent quip into the public comment mic.  “Birds of a dark feather flock together.”  Ming is flocking with Alderman Moron, and that “dark feather” must be kept out of the Senate chamber.

The post Is Rep. Ming Cozying up to a Predator? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dems May Need to Cheat in More Than Just Swing States to Win This November

Fri, 2024-06-28 18:00 +0000

I’ve been muddling through the post-debate analysis, and the Democrats have a problem. All that effort they’ve been putting in, projecting Joe Biden’s mental decline onto President Trump, just got smashed against the ragged rocks of reality.

Even CNN was forced to admit that Joe looked bad – On CNN.

None of the people or groups he mentioned seems to have sensed that this is where Biden is mentally. That says a lot about the progressive propaganda machine’s ability to deceive and the willingness of the Left’s political-industrial complex to swallow whatever it served them. Talk about getting high on your own supply.

We are clearly (clear as Vodka, comrade?) living in entirely different worlds, and ours just crashed into theirs, and they don’t know what to do next. In other words, maybe there wasn’t any plan to replace Biden all this time, and now, suddenly, the growing consensus is that he’s unfit for office.

Wasn’t it clear when their special prosecutor claimed Biden wasn’t competent to stand trial?


But folks willing to bet money on the November Election have noticed.

Post-debate “betting” odds aren’t helping.

So what are they left with? Well, He’s not Donald Trump, and that may still work for the core 30 percent of Lefties from sea to rising sea who don’t care about anything but party affiliation.

That leaves a lot of everyone else, including disenfranchised minorities, union workers, and other common Dem constituencies crushed by Sundown Joe and the toe-tapping Trotskyites running the White House.

That opens up states they probably thought they had locked up. And November is Coming.

The post Dems May Need to Cheat in More Than Just Swing States to Win This November appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Tractor Supply Bails on Corporate DEI and WOKE LGBTQ Agenda

Fri, 2024-06-28 17:00 +0000

On June 9th, we shared the sad news that Tractor Supply (TSC) had gone woke. The CEO had embraced LGBTQIA+ employee training, funding pride/drag events, added a DEI Council, Funding sex changes, Climate change activism, Pride month decorations in the office, DEI hiring practices, and LGBTQIA+ workplace events. Yesterday, TSC did a complete 180.

June 27, 2024

For more than 85 years, Tractor Supply has been focused on one thing…serving Life Out Here. Every day our 50,000 Team Members take care of our customers like family. We deeply value our relationship with our customers and the communities we call home.

We are passionate about being good neighbors in our hometowns because without you, we would not be what we are. It is imperative to us that our customers’ hard-earned dollars are taking care of our Team Members and the communities we all love. As you supported us, we have invested millions of dollars in veteran causes, emergency response, animal shelters, state fairs, rodeos and farmers markets. We have also invested in the future of rural America. We are the largest supporter of FFA and have longstanding relationships with 4-H and other educational organizations.

We work hard to live up to our Mission and Values every day and represent the values of the communities and customers we serve. We have heard from customers that we have disappointed them. We have taken this feedback to heart.

Going forward, we will ensure our activities and giving tie directly to our business. For instance, this means we will:

  1. No longer submit data to the Human Rights Campaign
  2. Refocus our Team Member Engagement Groups on mentoring, networking and supporting the business
  3. Further focus on rural America priorities including ag education, animal welfare, veteran causes and being a good neighbor and stop sponsoring nonbusiness activities like pride festivals and voting campaigns
  4. Eliminate DEI roles and retire our current DEI goals while still ensuring a respectful environment
  5. Withdraw our carbon emission goals and focus on our land and water conservation efforts

We will continue to listen to our customers and Team Members. Your trust and confidence in us are of the utmost importance, and we don’t take that lightly.

As we look forward to celebrating our nation’s independence, we also celebrate our more than 50,000 team members across 2,250 stores. Rural communities are the backbone of our nation and what make America great. We are honored to be a part of them.

We are always here and ready to serve you and your family with our legendary service for the life you love. See you in the stores.

Whatever y’all did, worked.

Congratulations. TSC is more interested in your business than appeasing the woke establishment harpies.

Good job!

And the best part? If you happen to be into DEI or LGBTQ or whatever, they’ll serve you like everyone else.

The post Tractor Supply Bails on Corporate DEI and WOKE LGBTQ Agenda appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Friday Meme Overflow

Fri, 2024-06-28 16:00 +0000

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!  Also, don’t forget to chip in a little to the Grok, as you can.  Steve is doing yeoman’s work on this site…

Donate – Granite Grok

Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition.  And Steve’s carrying of Wednesday (hopefully I’ll be back on that soon).


*** Warning, definitely few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***



I saw that and said “That has to be Kipling”… and doing a search found I was right.  My son really liked it and said “Wise words”.   I have a whole collection of Kipling – and no time to read it!

I know the uni-battle for America and, more broadly, Western Civilization is hard.  I know it’s frustrating.  But while we might not win even fighting as hard as we can… we will certainly lose if we give up.  If not for ourselves, but our posterity, we must keep pushing.




Before I begin:

An exorcist was sitting at his kitchen table having breakfast when his phone rang.
“Father, we received a report of a demonic possession at the White House. You have been requested to deal with the situation.”
So, he gets ready, gathered his effects and went to the White House.
Upon arrival he is lead to the door of a room. A Secret Service agent said, “The victim is in here, Padre.” opening the door.
There was Joe Biden laying in bed.
“You can’t have him, priest! He is my property!” Then he started thrashing around foaming at the mouth uttering unspeakable blasphemous words.
The priest performed the rite and with a blood curdling scream and a final convulsion Biden fell back into the bed unconscious.
The priest went to a corner of the room and on the floor there lay a demon trembling and crying.
He looks up to the priest and says, “Thank God for you Father, you have no idea of the horrible things he made me do!”




Headline Topic



FBI ADMITS STAGING & TAMPERING With Evidence in Trump Raid ‘Crime Scene Photo’ | Jack Smith JAIL? (

FBI turned off cameras ahead of Mar-a-Lago raid, admits to adding cover sheets to documents before taking photographs for evidence | The Post Millennial |

Why Did the FBI Turn Off Cameras During Trump Raid? | Frontpage Mag

Reputation destroyed.  Disband the FBI.



And another nail in the coffin:

FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing | Headline USA

TWENTY YEARS?  And this just crossed my path – the CIA was in it up to their necks as well.




Show of hands – who here remembers Upchuck Schumer saying that the intel agencies have ways…?




A Quick Post-Debate Comment:



I’m sure I’ll have a whole section about it on Monday, but my initial thoughts are this – with the DNC and many Dems and enemedia (same things) panicking, look for The Potato to be gone.  Now my thought is that they’ll Arkancide him somehow.  It’s the “cleanest” route.  No wrangling over pushing him aside, there’s the sympathy vote, and the enemedia will trumpet that he’s gone, time to MOVE ON, and so on.  And certainly no unprecedented 25th Amendment proceeding.  Nope.  Biden’s – IMHO – impeding demise would be the cleanest way to go.  (Do NOT tell me they’d never consider such a thing.)

Now… who to step in?

Her Heinous the Crone of Chappaqua?  This has advantages in that a LOT of Dems would be enthusiastic about a rematch, given that “Trump stole 2016” from her.  She also has The Machine.  On the flip side, she’s old and has the “Oh come on, is this the best you can do” factor in there.

Big Mike?  Maybe, but there’s getting to be an awful lot of attention being placed on the whole chromosome issue, if I may.  Videos like this don’t help concealing things.  And if he does come out of the closet, then that calls into question – “You lied for the entire time Barackus was running or in office…”  My guess is that even many who don’t like Trump would be angry at that deception being openly acknowledged.

Gruesome?  He’s got a CA track record of abysmal failures, one that is sure to be highlighted and called out.  And I suspect the fact that he’s Pelosi’s nephew would give something of an air of nepotism to his run.  Not enough for the hard core, but some on the fence…?

NY or MI governors?  Meh.  IIRC it was NY’s harpy that had the “The Jab sent by G-d through His messengers, the scientists” that would be a millstone around her neck given the increasing news about the Jab coming out.  MI?  As I understand it she’s also double-plus unpopular.

Who else could step in?  Certainly Kameltoe would not be elevated.  She’s as popular as a soiled tampon.

Speculate in the comments… I’d be interested in what people think.





Bill Whittle had a video wherein he said that he wants to be where the truth is.  And if evidence mounts that he’s not standing in the right place, he’ll move.  Amen.  It’s when people constantly question “Am I believing in what can be proven”? and always examining what they believe that the crucible of truth works to find it.  Most, however, will not question.  A la Edison:

“Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”
― Thomas A. Edison

And cue Sowell as well:




So a white woman, on the right, wins… but the image they show is a black woman (nothing against her specifically).  That’s the enemedia for you.  No matter how much you hate them, it’s not enough.  Another example:






A specific example.  That multi-carat diamond delivered to Hunter while he was in China.  Hey, I was in China several years ago.  Where’s my multi-carat diamond, dammit???  Oh, wait, I’m not the son of a sitting VP (and coming soon, memes and other info about the direct payments Hunter got from the CCP).



In virtually every country receiving (whether voluntarily or not) “migrants”.  Almost like there’s a pattern here.





What I’m noticing is that so many “enlightened” people have no clue when they talk about WAR CRIMES (not that I’m an expert).  E.g., if a military force stores weapons in, and operates out of, say, a school or hospital, the protections afforded that place are removed because of that military involvement.  Just as forces are required to attempt to protect such, forces are also required to not use such as shelters and bases.

Some years ago, as an aside, I remember there was a drone flying over Afghanistan (IIRC).  They saw a funeral FULL of obvious terrorists – weapons were evident.  No strike.  Funerals are protected.  Graveyards are protected.  Which is why Hamas built a bunker under one.  Then, the IDF bombed it… and all the panty-twisters freaked out because THE IDF BOMBED A GRAVEYARD – WAR CRIME!!!!!!

See how #gazawood #pallywood works?  Speaking of:



And a whole post on this.  I particularly like the one where they screen-grabbed a gruesome scene from one of the Final Destination movies as an example of a young woman killed by the IDF.  One more example:



Presented as an example of an Israeli soldier abusing a child.



And notice the crowd, peacefully watching as a few guys just stroll through.



If you come from a culture where you need to have this explained to you, go the f*ck back.  And while Germans and other Europeans are starting to sing some version of “Auslander Raus”… at some point, I think soon, it’s going to be a lot more than singing happening.  Especially as The Peoples of Europe see that their systems favor the replacements, not them:

German Politician Hit With Hate Crime Investigation For Demanding Migrant Criminals be Deported – modernity

Related – I remember, at some town hall in Germany protesting the migrant stream and the effects it was having on the town, a pol was saying that this is the way it’s going to be, and if the people didn’t like it they could leave Germany.



Assuming an actually fair election.



And how many are too scared to report it, given where they live?  The actual number is doubtless much higher.  Let alone the punishments for “offensive speech” against migrants?  Reprising from above, no wonder “Auslander Raus” is gaining popularity.  This is a powder keg.




FOUR TIMES?  Deport.  To the Gulf of Mexico.  Pinochet style.  Sharks have to eat too.



The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party | 5 Minute Video (





No text needed to highlight the mockery.



This is why I firmly believe there will be SOME pretext found to, at the least, have massive mail in balloting.  Or, worse, “temporarily” suspend the elections because of a crisis.  WW3?  Grid down?  False flag against blacks… who knows.  But MHO is that there will be something.




A black man shooting blacks… blamed on white supremacy.  Clown world.




RIP.  Beginning to hate.  Cue the Kipling poem.

But then there was a case, IIRC in Germany, where a girl was murdered and her parents pleaded for mercy in the name of “tolerance” and “diversity” and “forgiveness”.  Stockholm syndrome and wanting to fit in with The Mainstream Narrative.  As I recall the parents got some kind of Good Citizenship award…




Remember, Covid was always treatable… and they systematically denied you access.  Read this:

Once Upon A Time… in [Market-Ticker-Nad]

Read. Every. Word.  A Spanish nursing home had a 100% recovery rate using known, existing medications, after they implemented their protocol.

The Globalists really did want people dead; Democrats wanted piles of dead people to use to attack Trump.  See my essay on the Democrats and Covid…


E Big Conspiracy - Democrats and Covid Deaths





This thing is a little mysterious.  But the question here is: Predictions, or goals?



But he threw in a Sternly worded letter of reprimand.  So it’s all good now.







You will eat ze bugs.




Pay real attention to the ingredients people.





That’ll leave a mark.  Ouch.







In light of the above meme, a post that’s evergreen in discussing armed resistance:

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha | Monster Hunter Nation

Late is the hour.  Find your inner steel.











Paging the inevitable counter:






I think they did.  That doesn’t mean that what’s happening is not horrific – it is.  But the DS in the West is determined to take out Russia, and is willing to fight to the last Ukrainian.  Not to mention their money laundering.




This is critical to understand: they really do view themselves as the uber-elite, and us as the hoi polloi needing to be guided.  Or nudged.

The Fly on the Urinal – Urban Scoop



That there really is a “War on Whites” has been one of the single bitterest Red Pills I’ve had to take in the last few years.





Have the moral courage to take them at their word.

Civilizational War: Know Your Islamic Enemy – Granite Grok






Well… in one case, the ozone hole, I would argue that taking action on CFCs did help.



Speaking of deer – and contamination thereof:

Venison From The Pacific Northwest Darkfield Blood Analysis – Polymers, Filaments and Nanoparticles found – And Tracking Of Biological Life Via Quantum Dot Nanoparticles (

Which begs the question: If this was in a wild deer, how the F did it get there?



Because there’s money and political power in ignoring the laws – cheap labor and new voters.









Link Section (some mine, some from my Jarhead friend):


Open border watch:



Knuckledraggin My Life Away : In First Five Years, 79,000 of DACA Recipients Admitted to U.S. Had Arrest Records (



‘Something is coming’: Ex-border official concerned after ISIS arrests (

At this point I’d be more amazed if bad things didn’t happen.  They’re here already:

“The West has committed the greatest self-immolation in human history” (

DHS Identifies 400 Illegals With ISIS Ties, Can’t Find 50 Of Them – Victory Girls Blog

Report finds more Chinese military-aged men are crossing the southern border than ever before –

Do recall that TWO MEN, a car, and a rifle paralyzed a city.  Or The Grid.  And this Trump ad hits home:

BRILLIANT! Look at the ad the Trump campaign is going to run during the debate with Joe Biden tomorrow night (



WATCH: African Immigrant Admits: Migrants Come to America to ‘Take,’ Not to Become Americans – The Lid (

And from here:

Trump just released a heartbreaking four MINUTE compilation of the awful crimes committed by Biden’s illegal aliens.


@EndWokeness (


Blood on the Wine Dark Sea – Big Serge Thought (

On Naval warfare and related.  Interesting.

Bump stock case more than the 2A | Jews Can Shoot

Everything liberty-related is interlinked.

Trump’s vice president pick could come as early as this week. Here’s what to expect (

Look at Trump’s consideration: someone who could carry on the agenda going forward.  Related:

Yes, Illegals ARE Registering to Vote All Across the Country – The Lid (

Californians With No SSN Can Use A Gym Membership To Vote (

Jab / Vaccine watch

Exclusive: Biden Admin ‘Ignored’ Covid Vaccine Safety Protocols (

Vaccine-Injured Pharmacist Breaks Down Into Tears Testifying Before Ohio State Senate – Vigilant News Network

German CDC documents show politics drove COVID response, not science (

VIDEO – CHD – Second Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injured me (

‘Like the Tin Man’: National Guardsman Paralyzed by COVID Vaccine – Intellectual Takeout

COVID jabs come with “significant side effects,” ex-CDC director finally admits (

Breaking: COVID-19 Vaccines Linked To Rise In Neurological Deaths – Study – GreatGameIndia

COVID-19 “Aggressive Measures” Advocacy Bias in the BMJ Misled the World and Caused Harm (

From Japan, the dam has cracked:


Get the gallows ready.



Are There Vaccines in our Food Supply? ⋆ Brownstone Institute

For years and years it’s been in our meat supply.  Scary stuff.  From here:

We’re In Big Trouble America, Soon Big Food & Big Pharma Could Be Able To Vaccinate Everyone Without You Ever Knowing. We Know Our Regulation Agencies Won’t Stop Them

Scientists Have Learned To Integrate Vaccines Into Food Products, Including mRNA Into Cows Milk

“The next big product being developed is edible vaccines. These are food products like tomatoes and other things, which can have the effect of a vaccination when you eat them. And now a group of Chinese scientists has found that they can relay mRNA vaccines using cow’s milk.”

WallStreetApes (


Closing out this section, Surak weighs in on the pediatric vaccination schedule.

The pediatric vaccination schedule – Surak substack blog

Globalism catch-all:

Globalists revving up plans to engineer global famine and starvation: 13 nations agree to convert over to less-productive ‘green’ farming methods –

They really do want us starved to death.  Related:

Scamdemic Bird Flu: Vaccines for 33 Billion Chickens? Digital Food Rationing? The End of Animal Agriculture? (

Moonbattery Let Them Drink Maggot Milk – Moonbattery

WHO’s on First ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Happy Pride Month: Mother with Family Says She Was Kicked Off United Flight in San Francisco for Misgendering Flight Attendant With Wrong Pronouns (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

This is an outrage.

United Airlines

233 S Wacker Drive

Chicago, IL 60606

Physical letters only.  Emails and comment forms can be engineered to ignore keywords.

“LUCKY LARRY”: Meet The Luckiest Man Alive * * by Noah

Raising an awful lot of questions.  Questions that need answers.

Tyranny watch (broad):

Judicial Watch: Records Show FBI Provided Democrats with Information on Whistleblowers Who Testified at May 2023 Weaponization Hearing | Judicial Watch

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Accused of Violating Hatch Act — Openly Campaigns for Biden and Slams Trump During Live Interview (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Laws are for the little people.

Biden’s Corrupt DHS Labels Catholics and Trump Voters as ‘Domestic Terrorists’ – The Lid (

America Is DONE in [Market-Ticker]

Trump gag order extended, expanded (

The Message Is Plain – Liberty’s Torch (

Watch out, Middle America. If you’ve managed to save a bit, or if you own your own home, you’re under the Democrats’ crosshairs. Moreover, merely electing Republicans won’t protect you. Quite a lot of them, anxious to reduce the annual deficit without engaging in the painful and politically hazardous labor of reducing federal spending, are on board with the Democrats’ taxing desires.

BREAKING: Supreme Court sides with Biden admin over Covid-era social media censorship | The Post Millennial |



The Most Important Supreme Court Case You’ve Probably Never Heard Of – PJ Media

Biden admin declares ‘gun violence’ to be ‘public health crisis’ after president’s son convicted on federal gun charges | The Post Millennial |

Now marry that to:

AG Merrick Garland Issues Statement on Important SCOTUS Gun Rights Ruling – POLITICAL MOONSHINE

The DOJ is interpreting the recent SCOTUS ruling as:  We can take the guns (without due process) from anyone who is a threat to public safety.   That means all conservatives & gun owners who the DOJ has labeled as “domestic terrorists” right?

They’re Using Banks To Bring Everything Down – Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction (

A Solar Corp Gave Biden $1.5M, It Got $10B | Frontpage Mag

And doubtless some of that came back to Dem coffers.

WATCH: Tucker Carlson Delivers an Absolute Masterclass in How to Deal With a Dishonest Reporter – RedState

No matter how much you hate the ENEMEDIA, it’s not enough.  As a friend once said, “First against the wall after the main shooting stops”.

Norfolk Southern wrongly burned chemicals after Ohio train derailment, agency says | Ohio | The Guardian

Nothing says best and brightest like igniting already dangerous chemicals and allowing the smoke to billow into the air over farmland.

Early Morning Thoughts – Liberty’s Torch (

The GOP has consistently shown a preference for being the opposition rather than the ruling party.

That’s because it’s easier to “protest” and fundraise and make sound and fury about “If only we were in power”, than to actually govern and push forward a conservative agenda when you have power.

Snopes has finally gotten around to debunking the ‘very fine people’ hoax – American Thinker

Prager used to have a really good short on this, but it seems to have vanished.  However:

Trump Didn’t Call Neo-Nazis ‘Fine People.’ Here’s Proof. | RealClearPolitics

Trump Defends Charlottesville Remarks After Biden Attack: ‘Fine People’ Supported Robert E. Lee – PJ Media

Chemotherapy: Fraudulent and Deadly? (

Like anything, there are plusses and minuses; you pays your money and takes your chances.  But the damning thing to me is that chemo is presented as an unmitigated and unqualified good thing.  Because, apparently, chemo, etc., are very lucrative.  Imagine, for a moment, that off-the-shelf meds like Ivermectin:

Top Doctor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer – Slay News

That other one:

Joe Tippins’ Fenbendazole Protocol For Cancer (

plus being alkali and apricot seeds and who knows what actually work?  There goes the gravy train.  And given what we’ve learned about the medical industrial complex wrt Covid, doubtless they’ll get ruthlessly suppressed.

World War 3 Watch:

Biden should not be dragging us further to WWIII – ex-US senator (




Breaking: Russia warns the U.S. to brace for retaliation after Kremlin blamed Washington for missile attack that killed four in Crimea; The Kremlin has accused the U.S. of ‘killing Russian children’ (

We’re going to tit-for-tat our way into WW3.

Biden admin moves to allow deployment of US military contractors in Ukraine: report | The Post Millennial |

Related to national security in general:

Leadership, and its effects – Liberty’s Torch (

Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security | Fox News

Our Military Needs to Be Rebuilt From Scratch or America Is Finished – PJ Media

In Latest Blow to Military Effectiveness, U.S. Navy Will No Longer Require Sailors to Pass Physical Fitness Tests (

Obama GAVE, I said GAVE the military drone to Iran, all its technology to then be stolen, copied to kill Americans, he also gave Iran the 2 naval gunboats…yes, I want Obama investigated for treason (

I remember reading about this.  As I recall, the Pentagon had plans to either go in – daring raid – to seize the drone before it could be taken away, or at least bomb/napalm the area to keep it from being reverse engineered in anything but scorched pieces.  Barackus nixed both.

Biden’s trans HHS assistant sec Dr Rachel Levine pressured WPATH to eliminate age guidelines for child sex changes | The Post Millennial |

Read that again.  Eliminate age guidelines.

Economy Watch:

More Evidence: NO RATE CUTS in [Market-Ticker]

Moonbattery National Deficit Spirals Out of Control – Moonbattery

Is the Global Inflationary Depression Already Here? ⋆ Brownstone Institute

Niall Ferguson: We’re All Soviets Now | The Free Press (

Bidenomics Driving Retail Armageddon as More Than 3,000 Stores Close Down – The Lid (

Biden’s Fiscal Crisis Is Far Worse Than We Thought – Issues & Insights (

16 Economists Sign Letter Saying Trump Policy Will Increase Inflation – Reality is Opposite, Here’s The Data – Flopping Aces

US admits cutting shipments of military aid to Israel by 50% | World Israel News

Democrats betraying.  Again.  Seems to be a pattern.  More:

Joint Chiefs Chair Says U.S. May Not Help Israel If War Starts With Hezbollah – Pirate’s Cove » Pirate’s Cove (

There’s zero chance Brown said this unless it was the official Biden position.

Unlikely to assist, or unable to assist?  Either way, proving yet again that neither Israel nor any other country should rely on the US.

Elite Envy as a Civilizational Toxin ⋆ Brownstone Institute

A little long IMHO, but very thought provoking.  And it brings to mind Bill Whittle’s comment, from his video posted here, about the “Silk Robed SOBs” at the top who destroy civilizations.

Three on prepping:

FEMA Is Here: The Only Rights You Still Have – Ask a Prepper


If You See These Signs, Civil Unrest Will Follow – Ask a Prepper

Heads on a swivel.  In general.  Doubly if things seem to be getting spicy.

Stop Throwing Away Used Cooking Oil! Do This Instead – Ask a Prepper

The fire department in Toronto has issued a safety bulletin about Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) batteries, in that they can cause fires and explosions if mishandled or charged incorrectly.  The safety bulletin does not mention electric vehicles, but many of the comments do:

N adds: OOH, I don’t want to see homes burned down by electric vehicle fires.  OTOH, I know an awful lot of VERY smug Tesla (etc.) owners for whom I would have… mixed sympathies… if their Tesla ignites their home.

Good article about why the left thinks that it’s OK for them to be authoritarian, but not the right:

N adds: They are the Anointed Intellects.  The smart ones, entitled by Divine Right to rule.

A great video (about 17 minutes) regarding how the world governments are pushing the “bird flu” to shut down large parts of the food chain and force compliance with government mandates.  The first 11 minutes describes the issues, and the remaining time shows some ideas about how to become “food independent”.

The Dangerous Agenda Behind BIRD FLU – they’re going after our food supply | NC Renegades




Picks of the Post:




I saw her screaming and raving.  Made me recall my cartoon:





A new “Nitzakhon Quotable”:





Palate Cleansers:



Though an important safety point: the only reason people can safely enjoy rare (or even “steak tartar”) meat is because of modern food safety standards.  In the “good old days”, meat HAD TO BE overcooked to kill the parasites… and don’t forget the lack of refrigeration.  Spoiling was common.

Aside: When I lived in a Dearborn suburb there was a local Middle Eastern restaurant.  I ate there at least twice a week – great food.  Cute co-owner.  And once, just once, I ordered the raw kibbe dinner.  Ended up taking it home and cooking it.


TGIF.  I’ll show myself out…




And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

Buy Me a Coffee






The post Friday Meme Overflow appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

NH-“Democrat” Leader Matty Wilhelm Is A Really Creepy LIAR

Fri, 2024-06-28 14:00 +0000

I am going to show you a screenshot from Woke-Communist Matty Wilhelm in which he claims an amendment to the NH Constitution… CACR 23 … would have enshrined a “right to abortion prior to 24 weeks.” That is a LIE. A bald-faced, shameless, brazen LIE. After the screenshot, I will post the text of the amendment. As you will see the amendment would have enshrined abortion at least up to birth and arguably after birth in cases where the abortion fails … because after limiting abortions to 24 weeks, the amendment immediately creates an exception that totally negates that limitation. MATTY WILHELM IS A BALD-FACED, SHAMELESS, BRAZEN LIAR.

And here is the text of the amendment. Note that it says abortions may occur AFTER 24-weeks as long as a doctor says it is “necessary.” It does NOT say in the case of a “medical emergency” as the New Hampshire law Matty insinuates he wants to enshrine in the Constitution says:

The term “necessary” is totally subjective (i.e. unbounded) and as such totally negates the 24-week limitation. Contrast this language to the language of the statute that Matty implies he wants to enshrine in the Constitution:

“medical emergency” means a condition in which an abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman whose life is endangered by a physical disorder, physical illness, or physical injury, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself, or when continuation of the pregnancy will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function, as defined in RSA 329:43, V, of the pregnant woman.

Again, if you actually wanted to enshrine existing New Hampshire law in the Constitution, you would use the language of the statute. Matty’s amendment would have negated the statute by allowing abortions in any circumstance where a doctor said the abortion was “necessary’ (which could mean anything) at least up until birth. MATTY WILHELM IS A BALD-FACED, SHAMELESS, BRAZEN LIAR.

And as for “creepy” … yeah, I would call Matty’s obsession (check out his X) with abortion really creepy.

The post NH-“Democrat” Leader Matty Wilhelm Is A Really Creepy LIAR appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe’s Debate Performance Has Dems Pushing The Panic Button

Fri, 2024-06-28 12:00 +0000

The bar was set very low for Joe Biden at the Thursday debate with Donald Trump. All Joe had to do was show up, walk confidently onto the stage, stay on his feet for ninety minutes, and not say anything absurd. Biden had such an abysmal performance that the White House began issuing statements of explanation before the debate was over. Joe did so poorly that he had the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC talking more about his replacement than the content of the debate. Some of the headlines read:

In Debate, Biden Struggles to Fend Off Attacks From Trump, New York Times

Democrats in Full-Blown Panic Mode After Presidential Debate, Townhall

‘WTF’: Panicked Dems start looking for alternatives to Biden, POLITICO

Democrats Hit Panic Button in Wake of Biden Debate Debacle, Bloomberg

On and on the headlines went. It was like the lights finally came on at every news agency in the world. The con was over, and by President Joe Biden insisting on a debate with Donald Trump, he pressed the self-destruct button himself. The Biden campaign is over except for convincing Joe and Jill to step aside. Time is running down, and someone must tell the Bidens that the music has stopped and the final dance is over.

Joe shuffled onto the stage in Atlanta, and his voice and confidence left him on his first answer. He hesitated, coughed, cleared his throat, and mumbled through his first answer. The night was done. His raspy, faltering voice defied the storyline that the Dems, including Dr. Jill, have been spoon-feeding us for months. The vibrant persona of an energetic statesman crumbled to the floor. The image of Jill Biden leading the young people at one of the After-Debate parties chanting, “Four More Years,” couldn’t erase the spectacle of a politician at the end of his ride. Joe, what were you and your Gang of Sixteen doing at Camp David? If you were practicing for the debate, Mr. President, then 16 advisors let you down. After this train wreck, there will be no second debate. The insiders are plotting feverishly to find a way to talk you and Kamala off the ballot before the convention in Chicago. Jill may prove to be their biggest challenge. She thrives the power and wants her full eight years at 1600.

Watching the msm last night and this morning is like being at a wake. They did not see what we saw in Joe. It was like he had gone to Camp David a week ago and emerged as this old man. Folks, he has been that man for three-plus years. We should stop focusing on his age and admit he was never a good politician or statesman. He had longevity, and that was all. There was a reason Obama tried talking him out of running in 2020. Biden had served his purpose for the Obama White House, but Obama knew Joe was not fit for the big job. The rest of the Democrats have been much slower in coming to that same assessment. Unfortunately for them, they have no Plan B. The Dems have a very weak bench, as evidenced by the talk of Gretchen Whitmer stepping in. If she were the choice, they would have surrendered the White House to Trump and may have saved the country.

The post Joe’s Debate Performance Has Dems Pushing The Panic Button appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don’t Get into Politics in New Hampshire

Fri, 2024-06-28 10:00 +0000

New Hampshire politics is very much like life. You don’t know who has your best interest at heart until there’s a knife in it.

Since 2018, I have been full throttle, volunteering for local, state, and federal campaigns.

Eddie Edwards, Bryant Corky Messner, Matt Mowers, our unlikable Governor Christopher T. Sununu, Gen. Don Bolduc, President Donald J Trump, and most recently, Hollie Noveletsky and current gubernatorial candidate Kelly Ayotte.

I have never volunteered for a Democratic campaign, but by the way I am treated in Belknap County, you would think that I bootlick for the other side.

We want to thank Hon. Richard H Littlefield for this Contribution – Please direct yours to
You can review our ‘Op-Ed Guidelines‘ on the FAQ Page.

If you are new to politics, my advice would be to lay back and get a really good sense of the wings you are putting yourself under, hoping to learn.

And whatever you do, don’t be like that union bootlicker Mike Bordes, who apparently believes that drinking and driving as an elected official is A-OK!

Most importantly, if you are in the Laconia area, Do Not under any circumstances fall out of line with the overpriced housing club, local landlords, and those who believe the homeless are TRASH because you will see very quickly that it doesn’t matter how conservative your record is, or how much you want to get away from the mind-numbing bullish!t and offer any solution at all good or bad to what ails the city, there are too many do nothing, status quo loving ideologues out there to make your life a living hell.

Now, I know that you can’t make everyone happy.

Not everyone who reads this letter will agree with me or like me afterward, and that’s okay.

But I have a voice, an opinion, and a record of keeping my promises that I would defend against anyone, past, present, or future.

My platform in 2020-21 was to protect the unborn, expand on Granite Staters’ right to self-defense, and promote school choice.

1. I voted for the ONLY abortion bill that the GOP could get passed, and eventually endorsed by both major parties.
2. I voted for expanded self defense rights, and other 2A related bills.
3. I voted to bring school choice to the state of New Hampshire.

If you’re thinking that this is all jumbled, you would be right! See what politics can do to people who only want to see good things happen!
I want to thank some people who may not always agree but understand that I am a hardworking Republican who makes mistakes from time to time.

Beth and Peter Varney, Douglas Trottier, Travis O’Hara, Alan Glassman, Tim Lang, and my brother Rep. candidate Ronnie Abbott.

They have never wavered in their support for me or in my ability to govern with humility and an understanding that everyone deserves a seat at the table.

Remember, New Hampshire, we don’t need irresponsible alcoholics running our state, and we don’t need feckless Republicans who pretend to give a damn.

Hon. Richard H Littlefield


Reminder: Content about candidates or by candidates is not an endorsement by or its authors.

The post Don’t Get into Politics in New Hampshire appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Custom EdTech Software: Transforming Education Through LMS and SIS Integration

Fri, 2024-06-28 09:00 +0000

In the ever-evolving landscape of education technology, custom edtech software has emerged as a powerful tool for institutions seeking to enhance their digital capabilities and improve learning outcomes. This article explores the transformative potential of custom EdTech solutions, with a particular focus on the integration of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Student Information Systems (SIS).

The Rise of Custom EdTech Software

As educational institutions face increasingly complex challenges, off-the-shelf software often falls short in meeting their unique needs. Custom EdTech software offers a tailored approach, allowing schools and universities to create digital environments that align perfectly with their specific pedagogical approaches, administrative processes, and student requirements.

Key advantages of custom EdTech software include:

  1. Tailored functionality
    2. Scalability
    3. Improved user experience
    4. Enhanced data security
    5. Seamless integration with existing systems
LMS and SIS Integration: The Cornerstone of Modern EdTech

At the heart of many custom EdTech solutions lies the integration of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Student Information Systems (SIS). This powerful combination creates a cohesive digital ecosystem that streamlines administrative tasks, enhances communication, and provides valuable insights into student performance.

LMS platforms serve as the central hub for course delivery, content management, and student engagement. They offer tools for creating and distributing learning materials, facilitating online discussions, and assessing student progress. Popular LMS options include Canvas, Moodle, and Blackboard.

SIS, on the other hand, focus on managing student data, including enrollment information, grades, attendance records, and demographic details. These systems are crucial for administrative tasks such as scheduling, reporting, and compliance management.

The integration of LMS and SIS brings numerous benefits:
  1. Data synchronization
    2. Streamlined workflows
    3. Comprehensive reporting
    4. Improved communication
    5. Enhanced decision-making capabilities

Real-World Applications of Custom EdTech Software

To illustrate the impact of custom EdTech software with LMS and SIS integration, let’s explore some practical applications:

Personalized Learning Pathways

Custom EdTech software can leverage data from both LMS and SIS to create personalized learning experiences for students. By analyzing performance data, learning preferences, and course history, the system can recommend tailored content, adaptive assessments, and targeted interventions. This level of personalization can significantly improve student engagement and academic outcomes.

Automated Administrative Processes

Integrating LMS and SIS through custom software can automate many time-consuming administrative tasks. For example:

– Course registration and enrollment can be streamlined, with prerequisites automatically checked and conflicts identified.
– Grade submission and transcript generation can be automated, reducing errors and saving time for faculty and staff.
– Attendance tracking can be seamlessly integrated across systems, providing real-time insights for administrators and parents.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Custom edtech software that integrates LMS and SIS can provide powerful analytics capabilities. Administrators can gain insights into:

– Student performance trends across different courses and programs
– Resource utilization and allocation
– Retention risk factors and early intervention opportunities
– Curriculum effectiveness and areas for improvement

By harnessing these insights, institutions can make data-driven decisions to improve educational outcomes and operational efficiency.

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration

Integrated custom EdTech solutions can facilitate better communication between students, faculty, and administrators. Features might include:

– Unified messaging systems that work across LMS and SIS platforms
– Collaborative workspaces for group projects and peer-to-peer learning
– Parent portals that provide real-time access to student progress and important announcements

Challenges in Implementing Custom EdTech Software

While the benefits of custom EdTech software are significant, institutions should be aware of potential challenges:

  1. Cost considerations: Developing bespoke solutions can be more expensive upfront compared to off-the-shelf alternatives.
  2. Development time: Creating custom software takes time, and institutions must be prepared for a potentially lengthy implementation process.
  3. Technical expertise: Institutions may need to invest in additional IT resources or partner with external developers to create and maintain custom solutions.
  4. User adoption: Implementing new systems can face resistance from users accustomed to existing processes. Comprehensive training and change management strategies are crucial for success.
  5. Data security and privacy: With increasing concerns about data protection in education, custom solutions must be designed with robust security measures in mind.
Best Practices for Custom EdTech Software Implementation

To maximize the benefits of custom EdTech software with LMS and SIS integration, institutions should consider the following best practices:

  1. Conduct a thorough needs assessment: Before embarking on a custom software project, clearly define your institution’s specific requirements and pain points.
  2. Involve stakeholders early: Engage faculty, administrators, and students in the design process to ensure the solution meets their needs and expectations.
  3. Prioritize user experience: Design intuitive interfaces and workflows that minimize the learning curve for users.
  4. Plan for scalability: Ensure your custom solution can grow and adapt as your institution’s needs evolve.
  5. Implement robust data governance: Establish clear policies and procedures for data management, security, and privacy.
  6. Provide comprehensive training: Offer ongoing training and support to ensure users can fully leverage the capabilities of the new system.
  7. Continuously evaluate and improve: Regularly gather feedback and analyze system performance to identify areas for enhancement.
The Future of Custom EdTech Software

As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for custom EdTech software are expanding. Some emerging trends to watch include:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: These technologies can be integrated into custom solutions to provide personalized learning experiences, predictive analytics, and automated administrative tasks.
  2. Virtual and Augmented Reality: Custom software can incorporate immersive technologies to enhance learning experiences, particularly in fields such as science, medicine, and engineering.
  3. Blockchain: This technology has the potential to revolutionize credential verification and transcript management within integrated LMS and SIS systems.
  4. Internet of Things (IoT): Custom solutions can leverage IoT devices to create smart campuses, improve resource management, and enhance student safety.
  5. Advanced Analytics: As data collection and processing capabilities improve, custom EdTech software will be able to provide even more sophisticated insights into student performance and institutional effectiveness.

Custom EdTech software, particularly when integrating LMS and SIS functionality, represents a powerful tool for educational institutions seeking to optimize their digital ecosystems. By providing tailored solutions that address specific needs and challenges, these systems can significantly enhance the learning experience, improve administrative efficiency, and drive better outcomes for students and institutions alike.

As the education sector continues to evolve, the role of custom EdTech software will only grow in importance. Institutions that embrace these technologies and invest in bespoke solutions will be better positioned to meet the changing needs of students, faculty, and administrators in an increasingly digital world.

While challenges exist in implementing custom solutions, the potential benefits far outweigh the obstacles. By carefully considering their unique requirements, partnering with experienced developers, and focusing on user adoption, educational institutions can harness the full potential of custom EdTech software to create more effective, efficient, and engaging learning environments.

The future of education lies in the ability to adapt and innovate. Custom EdTech software, with its capacity for seamless LMS and SIS integration, offers a path forward for institutions looking to stay at the forefront of educational technology. As we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in education, custom solutions will play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of learning experiences, empowering institutions to provide truly personalized and effective education for all students.

The post Custom EdTech Software: Transforming Education Through LMS and SIS Integration appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Night Cap: Will America Survive the Threat of Islam

Fri, 2024-06-28 02:00 +0000

Nearly 1400 years ago, a large number of Muslim jihadists from across the scorching Arabian desert, motivated by the ideology of Islam, indoctrinated by Muhammad, unafraid of death, conquered Iran (Persia), one of the greatest, strongest and most tolerant empires known throughout the history of man. The invasion of Persia was completed five years after the death of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, though Persian resistance continued for centuries up to and including the present time. (Most Iranians consider the current regime as the continuation of 1400 years of Islamic tyranny and oppression).

The Bedouin Arabs who toppled the Sassanid Empire were propelled not only by a desire for conquest and to steal Persian jewels and treasures but also to enslave Iranian women and children while imposing their barbaric ideology upon the entire population. With that, they almost wiped out one of the most benevolent and ancient religions, Zoroastrianism, which is often called the mother of all revealed religions.

The political nature of Islam demanded that a conquered people not only convert to Islam but also regard its past history as a time of darkness before the light of Islam came. Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is busy purging pre-Islamic Persian history from children’s textbooks. Islam required conquered people to scorn their own past and love their Islamic Arab conquerors by striving to imitate them. According to Islam, all history before Islam was an era of “darkness” and should be discarded. Islam is a brutal, hyper-masculine, barbarian, tribal warrior cult that glories in murder, mutilation, rape, genocide, terrorism, destruction and anarchy.

When Arabs, a collection of backward, nomadic warrior tribes who did not even have a fully developed scripted language, conquered sophisticated cultures such as Egypt, Syria, Persia, and the Byzantine Empire, they took control over some of the world’s largest centers of accumulated knowledge. To claim that there was an “Islamic Golden Age” is like saying a group of savages storming into the world’s largest libraries, murdering all the librarians, and then claiming to have written all the books there gives credit to this myth. Islam’s much-vaunted “Golden Age” was, in fact, just the twilight of conquered pre-Islamic cultures, an echo of times past. In all honesty, Islam’s trophy to human civilization is and always has been Islamic terrorism.

The prophet of Islam motivated his rapidly growing body of followers to rally around him by proclaiming: if they are victorious, they will have the treasures of the infidels as well as their women and children as slaves to hold or sell; if the faithful kill the infidels in doing the work of Allah, further reward awaits them in paradise; and, in the unlikely event that they are killed, they find themselves in Allah’s glorious paradise for an eternal life of joy and bliss.

The Persians underestimated the power and dedication of this newly formed Islamic ideology of hate and violence by the desert dwellers. An unexpected, unorthodox attack on the Persian army caused it to fall into the hands of the butchers of Islam. Eventually, the culture of death prevailed, and the era of Islamic terrorism began. Americans need to learn from the Persian experience and become more vigilant.

My fellow Americans, 1400 years later, a few Islamic terrorist States, flushed with petrodollars, are seeking and working hard for Islamic world domination through worldwide Islamic terrorism. They are determined to destroy everything America and the free world stand for and intend to replace it with the most barbaric ideology known as Sharia. Islam sees Christian America as a formidable enemy standing in its path of world domination. Hence, it has waged stealth jihad on Christian America. It is time to wake up and wake up fast.

In many surprising ways, America resembles the great ancient Persia. Like the ancient Persians, who were the first-world managers and the most tolerant empire-builders, America, by its constitution, is also the most tolerant and benevolent nation in the world. Let us hope that America’s destiny will not end up like Persia’s.

Regretfully, reading about the Islamic religiously mandated horrific acts and even seeing them on television or the Internet may momentarily repulse, but does not terribly concern many Americans. After all, those things still are happening on the other side of the world and away from their homes; we are safe in Fortress America, and so goes the thinking.

“Fortress America” is a delusion that even the events of 9/11 and the Maj. The Nidal Malik Hasan massacre seems to have failed to dispel. Many prefer to believe that the assault of 9/11 was an aberration since nothing like it has happened since, and it is unlikely that anything of the sort will ever happen again; so goes the wishful thinking. Reality portrays a vastly different picture. America is far from a fortress, given its vast, wide-open borders. It is a nation of laws where all forms of freedom are enshrined in its constitution, and Americans live by a humane ethos diametrically different from those of Islamist savageries. Sadly, these differences confer great advantages to the Islamists and place America in imminent danger.

The breach of “Fortress America” from the air on 9/11 is only the first installment of many more forthcoming heinous assaults, about which we have been repeatedly warned by Muslim thugs living in caves. Unless we abandon our way of thinking, we will suffer the consequences of a dangerous complacency. We need to stop relying on the invincibility of the law-enforcement people and willingly make the sacrifices that would protect our way of life.

I have never claimed that the reported 1.6 billion Muslims are all jihadists aiming to destroy civilization and establish Muhammad’s Ummah over all of us. I certainly know that the active jihadists are a small minority. Yet, it takes a blind eye to ignore militant minorities. Did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany because he and his gang got the majority vote in Germany? More than 65% of Germans were not supporters of Hitler and his party and viewed the Nazis as louts and worthless. Yet, we all know what this little minority did while being ignored.

What about forest fires? You cannot ignore a little smoldering fire here, a little smoldering fire there because the rest of the forest is not on fire. Only a fool will ignore these fires because they will eventually devour the forest.

The recent migration of Muslims to non-Islamic lands began as a seemingly harmless, even useful, trickle of desirable, cheap, and needed labor. Before long, greater and greater numbers of Muslims deluged the new territories, and as they gained in numbers—by high birth rate as well as new arrivals—Muslims began reverting to their intolerant ways by, for instance, demanding legal status for Sharia (Islamic laws), the type of draconian laws that for the most part resemble those of man’s barbaric past.

Just a sobering note: mild Islamism is already here. As an example, there was the Muslim cab driver of the Minneapolis Airport and his refusal to ferry passengers with alcohol or even those with seeing-eye dogs; Muslim inmates demanding to be served only halal food, Kentucky Fried Chicken opens first halal restaurant in New York City, honor killing, Muslim students badgering universities for special facilities for their meetings, and, for the first time ever two Muslim Congressmen assuming the office by swearing on the Quran and not the Bible.

Islam need not even literally destroy the civilized world. All it needs is to gain enough power to impose its worse-than-death Sharia on everyone. If you are not up to speed with the horrors that Muslim governments and their jihadist foot soldiers commit daily, you need to open your eyes and deal with this deadly threat of Islam with much more realism.

Ignoring the smoldering fire and relying on a few local “firefighters” to keep the fires from spreading is either naive or outright criminal, but it is certainly the easiest thing to do. That’s why I have chosen to fight the fire, and I am calling for help to put out Islam, the source that raises arsonists — the minority that they may be. It takes one arsonist to set a fire that a thousand firefighters will have difficulty putting out. The few Muslims who are brave enough to advocate reform of their religion are tossed out of mosques or, very likely, labeled as apostates with a death warrant.

When our leaders, for instance, call Islam a great religion, they are appeasing, if not lying outright. We, the people, elect our leaders, holding them accountable to be honorable. When they use their voice to call Islam a great religion, the most deadly threat to everything we cherish, not only do they legitimize Islamofascism, but they also infuse the rest of us with a false belief.

While former President Obama glorified Islam, the barbarians have made it inside our fortress. They have infiltrated our system of government. This time around, the people of the sword have their collaborator, Useful Idiots, inside, busily doing all they can to dismantle our republic and replace it with worse death Islamic ideology by appeasing the enemy.

The post Night Cap: Will America Survive the Threat of Islam appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

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