The Manchester Free Press

Tuesday • January 28 • 2025

Vol.XVII • No.V

Manchester, N.H.

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Peaceful Evolution
Updated: 17 min 39 sec ago

Mr Bitcoin Crashes NH Liberty Forum 2023

Sun, 2023-03-05 21:37 +0000

Mr Bitcoin Tours NH Liberty Forum 2023

Did you miss New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2023- the premier liberty conference put on by free staters taking part in the largest migration of folks looking to create a freedom friendly environment somewhere in the world? Mr Bitcoin didn’t miss it and it was a blast. People from all over the US and some even from around the world attended New Hampshire Liberty Forum 2023. Free staters got to meet new movers and greet those working on moving. Mr Bitcoin did a tour of the exhibit hall before crashing a talk on, lets be honest, who remembers on what now. I guess that’s what happens when Mr Bitcoin enters a room!

Mr Bitcoin Tours NH Liberty Forum 2023

There were lots of vendors and exhibitors attending from around New Hampshire including the New Hampshire Independence PAC, Porcupine Real Estate, a bunch of porc vendors like (a directory of porcupine businesses) which had a great set of porc-merchandise, ThinkPenguin (a free stater led computer retailer selling GNU/Linux systems that put you back in control), Goldback (not gold-backed, but an actual gold infused bill), a learning resource center (showing off awesome 3d printing tech), and many many others.

A short list of the many well known activists, reps, and leaders attending Liberty Forum in 2023:

Carla Gericke is an author, activist, and attorney. Born in South Africa, she immigrated to the United States in the 1990s after winning a green card in the Diversity Visa Lottery. She became a U.S. citizen in 2000. Gericke practiced law in South Africa, and California, working at Apple Computer, Borland, Logitech, and Scient Corporation. Gericke is President Emeritus of the Free State Project. In 2014, she won a landmark First Circuit Court of Appeals case that affirmed the First Amendment right to film police officers.

Jeremy Kauffman is an American entrepreneur and political activist known for founding and leading LBRY. LBRY is blockchain-based decentralized solution to file-sharing and payments. It’s a potential threat to censorship and a YouTube killing alternative that the SEC has been aiming to kill through civil litigation for the past ~5 years. Jeremy Kauffman also ran for US senate in 2022 with various humorous advertising campaigns such as corruption for the people, war is gay, and other similar slogans. He is a vocal supporter and activist within the Free State Project, a migration movement designed to move 20,000 libertarians to New Hampshire. Jeremy Kaufman is also on the board of the Free State Project.

Ian Freeman Is a leading activist in the greater libertarian migration movement to New Hampshire. He co-hosts the leading nationally syndicated libertarian ran radio show Free Talk Live. Ian Freeman is well known for his activism in New Hampshire and most recently cryptocurrency activism educating people on how peace can be achieved through undermining government fiat currencies and thereby violence around the world. He’s faced off against the governments on numerous occasions, but more recently been targeted by the feds for calling them out on recent atrocities on air. Ian was indirectly targeted through co-host and activist Nobody (formally Rich Paul) in a 2012 FBI led “drug” investigation, in 2016 via a smear campaign and FBI raid intended to allude to heinous crimes despite no charges or evidence, and then again Ian and Free Talk Live’s studio was raided in 2021 over the bastardly crime of selling crypto without a government permission slip (humorously legally according to the lawyers, after 20+ charges were dropped a several convictions are to be appealed).

Jason Sorens In July 2001, Sorens published an essay titled “Announcement: The Free State Project”, in which he proposed the idea of a political migration, where 20,000 libertarians would move to a single low-population state (New Hampshire was selected in 2003) to enable a stronghold for libertarian ideas to gain a foothold. Participants then signed statement of intents declaring that they would move to New Hampshire within five years of the drive reaching 20,000 participants. As of February 3, 2016, 20,000 people had signed this statement of intent—completing the original goal. As of the 2022-2023 term 50 free staters have been elected to the 400-member New Hampshire House of Representatives and each year more and more liberty-activists move strengthening free stater representation. Free staters are those people who moved for the Free State Project, but traditionally not including those who did not sign and those who already lived in the state. Another ~50 or so liberty or liberty-leaning representatives are also represented in the New Hampshire state house.

Mark Warden Mark has nearly 20 years of experience in the real estate industry and markets his business Porcupine Real Estate to free staters looking to move to New Hampshire. Mark not only donates a percent of all his commissions to the Free State Project and other liberty-oriented organizations, but he also is a property owner, investor and landlord with multi-family properties in New Hampshire and he invests in other small, New Hampshire-based businesses. Mark is also a liberty activist, working to bring “Liberty in Our Lifetime” to New Hampshire. Mark is on the board of the Free State Project and was a state representative from 2018-2022.

Matthew Santonastaso Matthew Santonastaso a free stater, state rep, and activist who sponsored House Bill CACR32- a bill that would let the people of New Hampshire vote on and declare independence from the United States and proceed as an independent nation. Matt is also the Political Director for the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance.

Jason Gerhard A man with one of the most inspirational stories. Jason moved to New Hampshire over a decade ago and for his support of tax protesters Ed and Elaine Brown he served over a decade in a federal penitentiary. Upon release Jason moved back to New Hampshire to partake in the Free State Project and in 2022 got elected. Jason is well known for introducing bills that could help protect those in New Hampshire against violent gangs calling themselves the state.

Yury Polozov Yury grew up in Russia and came to the US legally, in search of the American Dream and earned citizenship. Having seen the devastating effects of socialism, Yury is dedicated to vigorously defending economic and civil liberties for all New Hampshire residents.

You can find many more leading activists, representatives, would be representatives, and other speakers at:

60 State Reps vote to Send Tough Questions to IRS

Fri, 2023-02-24 20:44 +0000

Despite spending a dozen years in federal prison for helping tax freedom advocates Ed and Elaine Brown in 2006, Jason Gerhard is still taking on the evil IRS. Now a NH state representative, Gerhard filed a House Resolution, HR 16 that -if passed- would officially ask the IRS three tough questions:

  1. Where is the word “income” defined in the Internal Revenue Code?
  2. Where in the Internal Revenue Code is it written that the average American, who does not exercise a federal privilege but simply trades their time for money, is liable to pay the federal income tax?
  3. Why have numerous Internal Revenue Service publications, directors, and members of the United States Congress, among others, stated that the income tax is “voluntary”?

Unfortunately, the state house voted 283-60 – full roll call here – to kill the resolution. Thanks though to the sixty reps who voted for it, including Keene’s Jodi Newell. Here’s the full video from the house floor discussion and vote:

70 NH State Reps Voted to End the ENTIRE War on Drugs!

Thu, 2023-02-23 21:15 +0000

Nearly 20% of those voting on HB581 yesterday in the full New Hampshire house session, voted for ending the insane war on drugs ENTIRELY! The bill came out of nowhere, filed by rep Matt Santonastaso with little fanfare or press attention, despite the epic attack on the War on Drugs it represents. The public hearing came-and-went with little support, or opposition.

Yesterday, at the full house session, the bill came up for a vote and reps Santonastaso and Jonah Wheeler made excellent speeches in favor of ending the failed war on drugs, while Terry Roy who positions himself as a incremental drug reformer used fearmongering language to scare the reps into voting to continue the destruction of our neighbors’ lives. They then voted 286-70 to kill the bill.

Here’s a link to the full roll call showing exactly how all the representatives voted. Kudos to the brave 35 Republicans and 35 Democrats who did the right thing. Sadly many “A+” rated “liberty reps” voted to continue the drug war. What were they thinking? Anyone with a “Yes” vote on the roll call voted to kill the bill, so feel free to reach out to them and ask why. You can watch the full hearing here:

Letters to the Judge -Time is running out!

Tue, 2023-02-14 20:01 +0000

We’re not happy about it, but the jury has spoken. I was found guilty of all eight non-violent, victimless charges I faced at trial in December. Though we are going to appeal all eight counts, I have to be sentenced before the appeal can be filed. The prosecution is asking for upwards of 20 years, however no charge has a minimum sentence, so in theory I could receive time served for the 69 days I’ve already done and then some amount of probation or home confinement in lieu of prison. It’s all up to the judge.

If I have had a positive effect on your life, perhaps you’d consider writing a letter to judge Laplante to explain why you think I should remain out of prison. What kind of benefit have I brought you and the community as a whole? Why does putting me behind bars cause more harm than leaving me out in productive society? These are some of the things you may want to focus on in your letter.

While you likely have strong feelings about the FBI, the prosecution, or the jury in this case, none of that will be relevant to the sentencing hearing, so leave out your opinions on the process, please. While I have my critiques of the prosecutors, I’ve said along the way that I was surprised at how fair Joseph Laplante was, so I’m optimistic. He’s been thoughtful, is capable of changing his mind, and played things fairly evenly during the process.

Please address your letter to “The Honorable Joseph Laplante” or “Judge Laplante”. You may want to talk a little about yourself and what you do for a living and what you have done, especially with regard to any military or government work.

You are welcome to send a draft to me via email at ian at or if you are confident in what you’ve written, send a signed original via snail mail – include your contact info – to:
Ian Freeman
63 Emerald St. #610
Keene, NH 03431

Please don’t delay as we need these well in advance of the April 14th sentencing date. Thank you.

House Bill Hearings: End Entire War on Drugs, End Prohibition on Cannabis, Hallucinogens, Drug Testing Equipment

Mon, 2023-01-30 17:01 +0000

Last week at the state house, liberty activists spoke on various bills in front of the Criminal Justice Committee including:

  • HB 581 – would end the entire War on Drugs by striking RSA 318-B completely.
  • HB 360 – would end prohibition of possession and apparently also growing and selling of cannabis by anyone over 21.
  • HB 328 – would legalize possession of possessing hallucinogens including LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, and peyote for people over 21.
  • HB 470 – would legalize possession of drug testing equipment.

HB 581 – Finally, after years of compromised legislation trying to slowly scrape away at drug prohibition, one brave state representative, Matt Santonastaso, has put forward a bill that would in one fell swoop, end the entire War on Drugs. Sadly, only Bonnie and I came out to support Rep. Santonastaso and testify in favor of this epic legislation. We need more reps willing to take a risk with their “political capital” and actually put forward principled bills like this. Sure, it has no chance of passing, but the conversation needs to happen, and it needs to keep coming back and growing in its support. We also need bills to do other principled things like end government schooling, abolish the liquor commission, and abolish the state police. Hopefully we’ll see more liberty reps step up to the level of Matt Santonastaso in the coming years. Here is full video of the hearing:

HB 360 – One of several cannabis-related bills in the session this year, HB 360 is probably the best one I’ve seen as it does not contain any provisions to tax or regulate cannabis. It simply removes it from being a prohibited substance, although only for those over 21. It’s overall a great bill and would be awesome if it passed, though another bill that has taxes and regulations has the support of the house minority and majority leaders, so don’t get your hopes up. That said, it’s good to see the ideas discussed. Here’s full video of the hearing:

HB 328 – This straightforward bill creates an exception for people over 21 to be able to possess “hallucinogenic drugs”, which the statute defines as, “psychodysleptic drugs which assert a confusional or disorganizing effect upon mental processes or behavior and mimic acute psychotic disturbances. Exemplary of such drugs are mescaline, peyote, psilocybin and d-lysergic acid diethylamide.” Derek Januszewski of the Pachamama Sanctuary came out to speak the truth about these substances. Here’s full video of the hearing:

HB 470 – Possession of drug testing equipment is currently a crime in New Hampshire, which means people cannot legally have their drugs tested for purity, to ensure they are getting what they think they are buying. Drug testing equipment is harm reduction as it reduces deaths and serious overdoses. Even New Futures, who normally opposes legalization efforts, supported the bill. This is a good bill from the left and should receive the support of the liberty reps. Here’s full video of the hearing:

If you want to help rate pending legislation, please join the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance. You do not need to be in New Hampshire to help with this important task.

The Manchester Free Press aims to bring together in one place everything that you need to know about what’s happening in the Free State of New Hampshire.

As of August 2021, we are currently in the process of removing dead links and feeds, and updating the site with newer ones.




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