The Manchester Free Press

Saturday • November 23 • 2024


Manchester, N.H.

A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 2

Granite Grok - Wed, 2022-12-21 01:00 +0000

Part 1 is here.  This second installment (and afterwards for a while – it’s looking like merely two posts is not going to do this topic justice) is to talk about the salient points of the text of RSA 91-A. That is, the DOs, the DON’Ts, and the GOTCHAs. Later, I’ll talk about strategy and tactics in how to use it (sometimes, very straightforward and sometimes, not so much). So let’s get to it, shall we?

II. Is it Constitutionally based?

I blame the need for this question on the very poor education that our NH-based schools do in the area of Civics. You know, how did our Founders design our Government, what was the history behind that effort, the philosophy that was employed (certainly NOT “progressive” or “socialist”), and what do all the parts of our NH Constitution do?  And in this tutorial series, we need to answer the most important question FIRST: Is it Constitution?

And for those of you that received your education during the last two or three decades, the reason why that question IS important is that the Constitution is our “Fundamental Law”. It is our foundation and the most basic Law of the State.  All other attempts to create law, ordinances, policies, and regulations MUST be coherent within the strictures of the NH Constitution.

“Strictures, you say, Skip”? Yep, strictures. Boundaries, no-go areas, limitations; the Constitution, first and foremost, is a fence that was created to keep the Power of Government dispersed and not easily aggregated into the hands of one person – or a cabal of a few people. The reason for that is that is rather simple – when Power (Governments have Powers, Individuals have Rights) is closely held, the Freedoms and Liberties of us all are at risk. And THAT is THE purpose of Government in our American Civics system:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Rights come first – then Government.  Government cannot “bestow” or give rights to others – but it can take, infringe, or limit those Rights when enough people vote (or their elected Representative vote) to do so given that they no longer know or recognize what their Rights are (and no, housing is not a right, nor drinking water; a Right is part of YOU as a human – my Right to Free Speech is not dependent on anyone giving me anything.  It is totally self-contained within you).

So, with that done, what is the Constitutionality, from a New Hampshire perspective, the NH RSA 91-A law commonly known as the Right To Know law (and sometimes referred to as an “RTK”)?  Right here – in the NH Constitution, Part 1:

Sidenote: And oh, by the way, notice that our (NH)’s Bill of Rights is FIRST in our Constitution – and Government is mentioned second. Priority matters and it shows “People over Government”.

Emphasis mine:

[Art.] 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.  Government, therefore, should be open, accessible, accountable and responsive.  To that end, the public’s right of access to governmental proceedings and records shall not be unreasonably restricted.  The public also has a right to an orderly, lawful, and accountable government.  Therefore, any individual taxpayer eligible to vote in the State, shall have standing to petition the Superior Court to declare whether the State or political subdivision in which the taxpayer resides has spent, or has approved spending, public funds in violation of a law, ordinance, or constitutional provision.  In such a case, the taxpayer shall not have to demonstrate that his or her personal rights were impaired or prejudiced beyond his or her status as a taxpayer.  However, this right shall not apply when the challenged governmental action is the subject of a judicial or administrative decision from which there is a right of appeal by statute or otherwise by the parties to that proceeding.

So first lesson – a great question to ALWAYS ask is this: Is it Constitutional?  As soon as anyone starts to deflect from it, refuses to answer, laugh at them and tell them “you just lost”. However, we see the justification for having NH RSA 91-A IS Constitutional.  The Constitution is telling Government “you WILL be subject to the peoples’ inquires”. Article 8 sets the foundation for RSA 91-A – the design is set. Right To Know is the scaffolding that provides the pathway and ability for carrying out that which is already our Right – an accountable Government.

The Preamble (or preliminary part) of RSA 91-A echoes this back to us:

91-A:1 Preamble. – Openness in the conduct of public business is essential to a democratic society. The purpose of this chapter is to ensure both the greatest possible public access to the actions, discussions and records of all public bodies, and their accountability to the people.

So, the loop is “closed” – establish the Right in our Constitution and then give us the equipment to carry out our Responsibility. Yep, Responsibility – Rights to not exist in a vacuum. The founders wanted an “ordered” Society. No, not being ordered around but well functioning and civil. However, some Representatives really do believe that Government is SUPPOSED to boss us around):

  • NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.”
  • NH State Rep Leigh Webb (D): “The role of government is to legislate behavior

This is Government [reigning] over People – the exact opposite of what our Founders had designed.

Back to Responsibility. It is my belief that we must exercise Responsibility (and self-restraint) in order for this American Experiment to continue to be successful. I do have my doubts and we hear too often “MY RIGHTS SAY <insert almost anything here>”. With both the Right and Left (mostly the latter) holding that almost any good idea has to be a Right, Rights become useless and Responsibility is almost a nullity in today’s Society – except when the protester scream “YOU HAVE TO GIVE <such and such> to me!!!!!”.  Like free food, housing, education, cell phones, cable, medicine…see where this is going?

ANYWAYS, back to the topic. Our most valuable tool is Constitutionally based. Those in Government swear an oath to uphold the Constitutions. From that flows the Right that we can demand things from them that we believe are going astray for them to show they are acting lawfully.

Next installment will talk about Definitions.  While it may seem mundane and you might think “I’ll wait until Skip gets to the “meat of RSA 91-A”, Definitions MATTER. And they matter a LOT because once you change a definition of a word (as the Left keeps doing to achieve a political agenda), an entire law can mean the opposite of what it did when first written.


The post A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 2 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

What A Prosecutor Might Do When She Receives the Jan 6 Report

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 23:30 +0000

For the moment, I’ll pretend I am a prosecutor in the Department of Justice and have been handed the Report of the Congressional Committee known as the Jan 6 Hearings. That committee has recommended prosecution of the former US president. Well, goody for them.

We want to thank Mary Maxwell for this Op-Ed – Please direct yours to
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The Fifth Amendment says: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury….”

Will the work of the Pelosi-Schiff committee suffice to meet that requirement? I suppose so. Members of Congress ought to be as capable as a 23-layperson grand jury to carry out an investigation, and decide if charging the person with crime is warranted.

Deciding To Prosecute or Not

Anyway, I, as Prosecutor, am not bound by Congress’s referral. I could drop the entire matter, I could gather a new grand jury, or I could now charge Donald Trump with one or more crimes. People will ask me to explain which of those three choices I make, so I better have something to say about the quality of the Committee’s report, its honesty, and whether I reckon it is a strictly political move by one Party against another.

Judging by the disproportion of Democrat reps chosen by Madam Speaker to participate in the hearings, it looks political. Also, on many occasions during the televised hearings, we heard committee members state as fact some things that are only opinions or speculation. As a prosecutor, I deduce that the demeaning tone used, when some witnesses spoke about Trump, was part of a smear. Granted, that does not automatically disqualify information provided by such a witness.

Ah, now that I’ve had a chance to study the referral a bit more, I am inclined to judge the report as unsuitable for use, or at least insufficiently complete for use as a substitute for a grand jury. The task of a grand jury is to decide if there is enough evidence to justify trying a suspect. The committee, led by Rep Adam Schiff of California, neglected to go down several crucial paths.

For example, they did not call Rep Pelosi to testify as to why she turned down Trump’s request for Congress to authorize National Guard assistance. No effort was expended on the question of who instructed the Capital Police at the door to let people in, almost with a welcome. They did not subpoena the media to testify how it made the mistake of saying five people were killed when it was only one. And did they ask for medical reports of policemen’s injuries?

Vitally, nothing was done to eliminate the possibility that some of the invaders were agents provocateurs whose mission was to create a scene that would incriminate Trump, or that would present to the people a tragic sign of the collapse of democracy.

As the prosecutor, I must attend carefully to the word “insurrection” that is being bandied about. Was there an insurrection that day? The law, which was passed in 1948, is codified at 18 USC 2383. It says:

“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

Before I would seek to learn who incited or engaged in rebellion or insurrection, I would have to find out if any rebellion or insurrection took place. At the moment, I am not being asked to prosecute anyone other than Donald Trump for this crime.


If I find that he appears to have incited a rebellion or insurrection, i believe I would be able to charge him with incitement even if his hoped-for rebellion did not eventuate. In general, when someone is charged with conspiracy to commit a crime, there needs to be some action by one of the conspirators. The crime of incitement, however, is not a crime of conspiracy.

(Ah, I see that Congress refers Trump criminally for conspiracy also. Let us look at what evidence they have for this. He may have had conversations that are recorded, or he may have emailed someone with a plan for violence on Jan 6 that can be construed as conspiracy.)

In regard to incitement, Congress wants to make the case that Trump urged violence. There are videos of Trump at a microphone around 1pm on Jan6 telling the crowd that they should walk to the Capitol. So, since the potential charge is “incitement to rebellion” I need to know what manner of rebellion is implied?

Does Trump mean a sort of moral/intellectual rebellion whereby folks just assemble en masse to show their judgement of condemnation of election theft? If so, I believe there is enough activity of that sort in America’s history that accepts such action as patriotic not criminal. Of course, if Trump meant that people should go in and HURT any occupant of the Capitol, that would qualify as incitement to rebellion.

There is precedent for labelling “treason” any physical attack on law enforcement personnel, dating back to the Whiskey Rebellion (a violent protest against a tax on whiskey) in Pennsylvania in 1792, but Congress does not recommend a charge of treason here. Rather the event of Jan 6 is to be seen as an “insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof.”

The Opening of the Ballots

But here the message is very muddled. It is being held that the protestors wanted to act against just one particular authoritative decision by the United States, namely that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. That is not the same as a rebellion to overthrow the government but rather to insist that A rather than B is the genuinely elected president. It happens; on at least one occasion in history the Catholic church had two conflicting popes!

Such a conflict needs to be sorted out itself. A case can be made that the voting, although it may have been false counted in six states, nevertheless passed legal muster, given that the rules of 15 USC 2 were followed. Six Congressmen stood up to challenge the count on the day it occurred AZ, GA, MI, NV, PA, WI. Only two of those had a senator co-signing so those went to both chambers for a vote.

The best one — regarding Pennsylvania — came back with 138 ayes (that is, to dump Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral ballots) to 282 nays in the House and only 7-92 in the Senate. The other — Arizona — worth 11 electoral ballots, resulted in121-303 in the House and 6-93 in the Senate.

Had all six challenges succeeded, 79 of the ballots for Biden would have been dropped, leaving him with 223 (instead of his 302) and Trump with the winning number of 232. (A win by 9 votes.)

What Did Trump Expect of Pence?

It appears that Trump had urged Vice President Pence to “do right by him” as the presider over the opening of the ballots. But there is no law allowing the vice president to do so. Trump is on record saying that “Pence didn’t have the courage.”

I agree that if Trump asked Pence to do something other than preside properly over the ballot opening ceremony, he, Trump, acted wrongly and foolishly. But that is not a crime. If, however, he planned for Pence to be beaten up — or even if instructed the invaders to scare Pence — that would be the crime of assault, at least. One would hope Trump’s supporters, after such a crime, would stop supporting him.

Unless other material comes to light to show that Trump did indeed instruct anyone to scare Pence or to perform any violence I, as prosecutor, will dismiss this part of the referral. Instead, I will belatedly open a criminal investigation into the 2020 election, to whatever extent there is authority in the Doj’s portfolio to do so.

I can also examine whether the Jan 6, 2021 invasion of the Capitol was a set-up, by persons other than Trump. The melee has harmed America’s reputation and harmed the American people’s faith in their nation. By increasing Americans’ inter-Party hostility, it tends to block good legislation. It distracts greatly from more pressing concerns.

Many of the participants need to be punished, if they were there as part of a set-up. Any who were wrongly punished thus far should be compensated. The fact that any were kept in solitary confinement looks like dressing up the story to make it all seem worse than it was.

If Adam Schiff, or any other members of Congress’ “select committee” took part in deceit, they can be expelled now by a 2/3 vote in their own chamber, per Article I, section 5 of the Constitution. Liz Chenery is already out of Congress. All of them could face criminal charges, as could any section of the FBI that committed violence while disguised as rioters.

We Americans are sick of being treated like playthings or subjects for psy-ops. Let the Jan 6 fandangle stand as the Grand Finale of that sort of nonsense.


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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

“Bostonians of The Year” Are Vineyard Elites Who Perp-Walked Illegals Off Their Island Within 48-Hours

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 22:00 +0000

This makes perfect sense. The elites at The Boston Globe have chosen their “Bostonians of the Year.” They picked the well-heeled elites on very exclusive Martha’s Vinyard. Their feat? Perp-walking two planes filled with illegal immigrants off their island in record time surrounded by armed National Guardsman.

That’s not how the Globe framed it.


DeSantis had wagered that making the migrant crisis real, instead of theoretical, would unleash a spasm of NIMBYism among the island’s pampered progressives. But it was precisely because the migrants who had been flown there under false pretenses were real human beings, and not props, that the Vineyard’s year-rounders rushed in to help. (Also: the pampered people tend to clear out by Labor Day.)


Most of the piece paints a picture of caring one-percenters trying to do good despite the deceptions of right-wing hooligans like DeSantis. But we watched this in real-time, and the Globe’s reimaging is laughable. Martha’s Vineyard styles itself as a Sanctuary for Illegals, but in less than two shakes of a lamb’s tail, they’d expedited these “migrants” to someone else’s sanctuary.


Given that Martha’s Vineyard isn’t in Boston, The Globe could have found better fodder. There are border towns in Texas with hundreds of illegals wandering in daily, thousands a month, hundreds of thousands since Biden opened the border. Human trafficking, drug and gang crime, the dead.

There’s nothing noble about this, and recognizing a handful of silver-spoon elites because they didn’t have the resources but found a way to deal is ridiculous. But maybe it’s the right thing to do after all. As the Daily Wire notes, “past recipients include Monica Cannon-Grant — a BLM-aligned activist who was arrested last March along with her husband Clark Grant. The two were federally charged and arrested on 18 counts of fraud and conspiracy in relation to her non-profit, Violence in Boston (VIB).”

It’s okay. The Globe’s rose-colored glasses come with blinders. We’re still waiting for them to ask Obama how, given the climate crisis, he could spend 12 million on sea-level property. Is it because its estimated worth is now 19 million?

Did you catch that? Despite our desperate climate straights, the value of Obama’s ocean-level mansion has increased by at least seven million since he bought it in 2017. On land with plenty of space for an illegal alien sanctuary. But that would affect the property values, the values The Globe recognized.



HT | Daily Wire

The post “Bostonians of The Year” Are Vineyard Elites Who Perp-Walked Illegals Off Their Island Within 48-Hours appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

An Ask: A GoFundMe for Erica Golter’s Legal Fund for her Restraining Order Case Against Douglas Lambert

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 20:30 +0000
This GoFundMe campaign is being set up to assist Erica Golter in hiring and paying for legal counsel. She is seeking to have a Restraining/Stalking Order placed against local manufacturing firm owner and Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert who (allegedly) assaulted her during the October 19th meeting of the Belknap County Republican Committee. The location was the Gilford (NH) Public Library meeting room. Click here for the posts about this issue.

As regular ‘Grok readers know, Erica was minding her business in the back of that meeting room when Lambert got out of his chair, went over to her, started berating her, and then made a grab for her phone.  Failing to accomplish that, he moved to block her view with his body. Erica then started to move away. In retaliation, Lambert moved again and hip-checked/elbowed her in an act of battery.

(video courtesy of, who was running three cameras covering the meeting – Lambert is the one holding the phone up in the image above)

She filed a police report, the police believed her (and the video) and Lambert turned himself into the Gilford (NH) Police department and was booked. She then went to the Laconia, NH District Court to take out a Temporary Restraining/Stalking Order (there were additional instances, from what I am told), and this is where she needs help.

Lambert has already hired a defense lawyer (a good one) to fight against that order being issued – he easily has the financial resources to do so.

She does not. And apparently, there is a stall tactic being used as the hearing that was supposed to be in November is now been stretched out until February.

This is where this plea comes into play. This campaign is looking to raise $2,500 for legal assistance on Ms. Golter’s behalf. If you have the means, from a few dollars and more, please help.

I have set up a GoFundMe page to assist her – it can be found here.

The post An Ask: A GoFundMe for Erica Golter’s Legal Fund for her Restraining Order Case Against Douglas Lambert appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Of Course Offshore Wind is a Bigger Threat to Right Whales than Lobster Fisherman

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 19:00 +0000

The lobster situation in Maine makes for an entertaining sideshow. Increasingly-Democrat Maine relies heavily on its lobster cartel, but the Climate Cult put them in the stocks for “endangering” some bigoted Nazi whales.

Related: Biden’s to Serve Climate-Killing Beef and Banned Maine Lobster at First State Dinner

You know, right whales? I think they’ll need to rename them. And there is no real evidence of that, just a feeling, like how they feel the not-green offshore wind scheme will work without harming the same whales.

Boston Herald.


While the Maine lobster industry has a solid track record that should dispel any concerns, the same cannot be said of proposals to introduce hundreds and eventually thousands of massive offshore wind turbines. Ten large wind farms have been proposed along the right whale’s migratory path, part of the Biden Administration’s goal of building 30 Gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030. It’s a key component of President’s climate change agenda. …

The risks to the whales are real.  Bloomberg News recently obtained an internal document in which a senior federal scientist raised concerns that “[a]dditional noise, vessel traffic and habitat modifications due to offshore wind development will likely cause added stress that could result in additional population consequences to a species that is already experiencing rapid decline.” But don’t expect the Center for Biological Diversity or any of the other anti-lobster litigators to file suit this time, as they do not want to stand in the way of President Biden’s climate crusade.


The carbon footprint for even one offshore wind farm is massive. You’ll need many tons of steel and concrete. The steel needs coal, and I’m unfamiliar with any concrete fabrication that uses 100 percent renewables. You then drop all of that into the ocean either embedded in the sea bed or to anchor floating turbines whose output is underwhelming and whose life cycle is shorter than advertised and the end-of-life leftovers, are unrecyclable.

Related: Harvard: Wind Turbines Warm the Planet

But hey, if the displaced Lobsterman can’t learn to code, they can learn to build offshore wind farms. Good green jobs, don’t you know and top-heavy with irony and hypocrisy. They won’t let you trap lobster because it might harm the right whales, but you can install wind farms that will, and that’s supposed to be a win for the environment.



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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

I Am Formally Requesting an Investigation into the Illegal Adult Content Materials Available to Children under 18

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 17:30 +0000

I’m formally requesting an investigation into the illegal adult content materials available to children under 18, violating state law, 649 & 650, local Dover law #41, and federal law.

Local authorities, see list below …

All <>

Dover School Board <> William Harbron <> Joyal, Michael <> Wyatt, Joshua <> Carrier, Robert <> DOJ: Invest Info <> Governor Sununu <>

… have been publicly and through email, asked to review, remove and properly display sexually explicit books per law. They continue to ignore this request. This act violates the law and continued exposure to adult content is and will create a mental health crisis for school-age children.

Seventy-five books (excel list attached – or PDF with screenshots – content warning), with more to be determined, that meet or exceed the description of the law on adult content exist in the Dover public library, schools online, and physical libraries within the schools that parents have no access to. This is not isolated to Dover. It is all over NH towns. I also attached random book excerpts and pics for review. There are too many to include. Therefore, just a few were selected. More can be produced if needed.

No one is above the law, but the city refuses to answer for its actions and illegal distribution of sexually explicit materials, aka pornography. Studies prove pornography can cause severe mental health issues in adults. From drug and alcohol addiction to inability to function in society and relationships, crime, and other problems. There are studies available that it’s worse for children. See links to a few of many studies on the effects of pornography exposure to children. Along with pornography, there’s rape, pedophilia, and drug and alcohol abuse. As you know, we are in a drug crisis in NH. These books are enabling this growing problem!

Dr. Sharon Cooper, MD Discusses How Pornography Harms Children–the-advocate-s-role/#:~:text=Conclusion,increasing%20the%20risk%20of%20addiction


Public Library:

Books have been found and identified in the children’s (toddler to teens) section. The “adult graphic novels” are in the same area as the teen section. Sexually explicit books are kept at toddler level and openly displayed in the teen section. Parents can be there to review books but they are not displayed according to law, therefore, if a child is unaccompanied by a parent, they can easily access pornography in these sections. These books need to be identified and properly placed in the adult section. The current appeal process for books is to fill out a 4-page detailed form for each book. Then the same people who put the books there to begin with are the review board!? They have not moved one obscene book out of the children’s rooms and placed them according to the law.


The online library used by schools. When pornography books are accessed, there are links to pornography websites and more explicit books. Parents do not have assess to SORA. Even the SB doesn’t have access. Yes, you can delete the app from your child’s Chromebook, but it’s available in the classroom. Its tentacles are deep and need to be investigated and regulated. Parents need to have rights to consent and access their children’s online accounts!


School libraries are where children are supposed to be safe, yet have uninhibited access to pornography and parents cannot be there to review and decide if the material is appropriate. School library catalog material is available to see titles through the city website, but each teacher has private classroom libraries parents cannot access or know what’s in them to discern whether they are appropriate.


There are so many laws to protect children for a reason! Seatbelts, smoking, drinking, labor, abuse, neglect, and yes, pornography.

A rating system has been developed for books based on the motion picture parental ratings, see attached. Since we cannot trust city officials, librarians, and teachers to follow the laws, a rating system for books is long overdue.

Other systems set up to protect children:

The movies; Motion picture worked with independent panels of adults to come up with a rating system. This system is widely used by parents to decide if the movie is appropriate for their children or not.

Video games; Video games entered the rating system in 2013:

Music; in 1985, it was wildly argued to place ratings on music. There is no rating system, but the FCC has strict rules about content.

These groups are not even taxpayer-funded! This will be addressed at the state level.


This is not about “banning” books. This is NOT about gender. These books hide under the protection of gay, race, and rainbow activist, yet these books are sexually explicit, abusive, violent, and oppress them. All genders are at risk. Most of these books are on hetero relations. Regardless, they are harmful, violent, and mental health risk, and illegal. This is also not an attack on first amendment rights; children do not have rights to adult content.

I respectfully await your reply.



Editor: Op-Eds may be Lightly edited. (Op-Ed Guidelines’ on the FAQ Page.)

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Connecticut Mandates Climate Religion Classes in Government Schools

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 16:00 +0000

The religion with the worst track record on predictions might surprise you. It’s the climate cult. A faith based on the mythical notion that 97% of “scientists” think human activity is warming the earth and that politicians, with enough of someone else’s money, can prevent it.

And people complain about used car salesmen. At least you get a car when they are done with you. The Climate cult takes and never even delivers that. The closest thing you might find is a used electric vehicle, but that’s a lot like “buying” a bridge in New York City or believing any of the Climate Cults armageddon predictions.

They’ve made many, and not one has come true, which the State of Connecticut has decided to turn into a mandatory curriculum. It is not an analysis of epidemic failure, but a means to get past it with global warming dogma.

You need only have faith (and support diverting trillions of dollars from productive people to non-productive purposes).


Starting next July, Connecticut will become one of the first states in America to mandate climate change studies across its public schools as part of its science curriculum.

The new law passed earlier this year comes as part of the state’s attempts to address concerns over the short duration – and in some cases, absence – of climate change studies in classrooms. The requirement follows in the footsteps of New Jersey, which in 2020 became the first state to mandate K-12 climate change education across its school districts.


Not chapters on prediction failure, waste fraud, abuse, money laundering, or how the prophets of Global Warming went on to become multi-millionaires living the lifestyles they claim are dooming the planet; in beachfront ocean-view homes.



“The conservative turn in our country … often starts at a very hyper-local level of local town boards of education. There is this push towards anti-intellectualism, anti-science … anti-reason, and I didn’t want local boards of education to have the power to overturn the curriculum and say, ‘climate change is too political,’” Connecticut state representative Christine Palm told the Guardian.


To correct this anti-intellectual, anti-science posture, there will be no questions permitted. You will not be allowed to point to failed predictions, flawed models, or the painfully obvious lack of evidence that warming – if it were happening and mankind was responsible – is bad, or that politicians could “fix” it.

Challenging the text is verboten. Your job as a student is to listen and repeat (reading is unnecessary and may eventually be prohibited as it lends itself to independent thinking).

You must have faith and not just silence disbelievers’ words (disinformation) but call them out as heretics and discriminate against them.

That’s been the program to date. I can’t imagine an actual school curriculum would be any different. We’ll have to wait and see if any of these “conservative” school boards (if they even exist in that state) can massage the mandate into something verging on actual climate science and what the Legislature might do to them if they tried.

Mob action, climate lynching, burned at the stake.

Private schools never looked so good. Too bad the same Legislature also does what it can to make that path impossible for anyone but those with the most significant carbon footprints.

Peace be upon them.



HT | The Guardian

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Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Definition Of Good Government Is One That Steals From Someone Else

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 14:30 +0000

The past week has revealed two very interesting situations that will affect us in the near future. One is the revelation that an EU vice president and six of her lackeys have been arrested for taking $1 million in bribes from Qatar.

Also, two Americans are under a cloud, a retired Marine general is under investigation and an ex-American ambassador pleaded guilty to accepting bribes. The gushers of funds keep rising to the surface as the desperation of the thieves accelerates before the cataclysm.

Also, in an unrelated situation, during an interview in Der Spiegel, Angela Merkel admitted that the 2014 Minsk Peace Accords were just a front so that Ukraine would have time to rearm. Another coincidence is that the Fried kid at FTX was laundering money from the US taxpayer through Ukraine and back to the DC political cabals. The Fried boy was arrested to keep his mouth shut about for whom he was laundering money and where it went.

I imagine that any life insurance policies he was carrying have been canceled by the underwriters.

The moral pillars of our society have crumbled, and this has led to a run on our treasury as well as our societal standards. Leadership by the left habitually leads to massive corruption and incompetence by the type of people you did not invite to the HS prom, and they have not forgotten it. The gushers of money are voted by acclamation and not the budgetary process that is constitutional. This allows 3,000 pages of graft to slide through in 24 hours providing appropriate parachutes for the insiders.

One money sponge that feeds on the gushers is the church’s benevolent societies. These groups receive large government checks for the support of illegal aliens. These millions provide some food and shelter to people, but there is always enough left for a healthy skimming. I thought churches relied on members for donations for charitable works. Wrong again! The people that these groups sponsor are given things that American citizens do not receive from their own government. Our taxes go to aliens and do not help our own people.

The medical industry is a totally owned subsidiary of the Pharma complex. It has moved this way rather quickly since the advent of bammy care. Billions of dollars in government subsidies to drug companies are a huge source of profit for the Hospital Industry, with the usual corrupt system leading the way. If you don’t get stuck, you can’t come in.

A new German study on vaccine mortality is finally getting media recognition. All those young lives wasted with suicide or birth defects are now apparent. The sterilization of young people is horrifying. Prescribing useless or dangerous drugs is all in a day’s work for your friendly doctor. It is a job requirement, but he also gets a commission to pay his tuition loans or buy the new beach house. Joseph Mengele would be proud.

The Army is filled with perverts of various types in another obammy innovation. The latest revelation is that wearing dog masks to sexually mount subordinates also dressed as dogs is not punished or even discouraged in today’s military. The lack of condemnation from within the Army reveals that the officer corps is totally corrupt. They will tolerate anything that leads to a flag rank. As we all know, there are hundreds more generals now than during WW2, even though the army is about 15% of the size it was then.

Ukraine is quite the magnet for the financially connected of all types. Why in the world was school teachers union president Randi Weingarten in Ukraine? Would it be to try to protect herself from the illegal campaign contribution trail through the FTX scam? Could it have something to do with the illegal gain of function labs there? After all, she was instructing the FDA on keeping her schools closed which extended the paid vacation for woke teachers.

The sad thing is that these are all revelations of the past couple of months. There are so many that we have forgotten other large monetary scandals, such as the Clinton Foundation, ACORN, CAIR, and BLM, to name a few. Will we CREATE change in the coming year or whine and await our fate?

Courage is the first and most important step in defending our values; without courage, there is no protection for our lives.



Madame Defarge writes at The Blue State Conservative

The post The Definition Of Good Government Is One That Steals From Someone Else appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Dem Rep Breaks the Party’s “Fourth Wall” On Pedophilia

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 13:00 +0000

The fourth wall, the proscenium, is the barrier that separates performers from the audience. The characters break the fourth wall when they include or refer to the audience. It can draw attention to the other three walls and the experience within them.

That’s a gross generalization, but there is a normalizing of the relationship between the actor(s) and the audience. You’ve been upgraded to first class, given VIP access, and allowed to see behind the veil, and Democrat Rep. Katie Porter just invited you behind hers. And you’ll be wondering. Is this just her, or does the whole cast agree?



What a great Q and A opportunity at your Dem congressperson’s next town hall. “Is pedophilia a sexual identity?” And, If pedophilia is an identity, are the Democrats openly accepting them as a protected class?”

“What does that mean?”

I am curious whether the political Left is prepared to admit to this. They’ve been open about it in an indirect way. Promoting the sexualization of children at ages where sex has no meaning is absurd on its face, but they’ve used misdirection to excuse it. The term minor-attracted persons is offensive but delivered as if this is something that can’t help much the way the LGBT agenda insists that this is just who they are.

Normalizing it is on their bucket list.

We should also assume that pedophilia will continue to be child rape and a sex crime when the wrong people do it (priests, Republicans) but just who someone is when it’s a protected class (teachers, administrators, donors).

Our stance is that it is child rape regardless of how Democrats, including Katie Porter, frame it, but we’d like to thank her for breaking the fourth wall and letting us in on what her party is trying to do.

Dem Rep Breaks the Party’s “Fourth Wall” On Pedophilia


HT | LifeSite News

The post Dem Rep Breaks the Party’s “Fourth Wall” On Pedophilia appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Joe, Why Do You Hate Us So

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 11:30 +0000

Title 42 is set to expire this week. Title 42 was an emergency plan put in place during COVID to prevent an unchecked influx of illegals across what used to be our Southern Border. When used in conjunction with effective Border Patrol and the building of the Wall, the flow of illegals and Getaways coming across our Border under the Trump Administration was minimal. Joe Biden’s first actions on Day One of his Presidency were to cease all construction of the Wall, which Congress had already funded, and to end the Return to Mexico policy. Those actions did a few things detrimental to America. It destroyed our sovereignty by eliminating a secure Southern Border. It increased the number of illegal crossings to over two million per year. It increased the amount of Fentanyl smuggled so that Fentanyl poisoning is now the number one cause of death, resulting in close to 100,000 per year. Will any Democrat defend those actions or effects? Of course not. They refuse to accept the data. They turn their heads which makes them complicit in Biden’s destruction of America.

Joe Biden has never held a private sector job. He has been in Congress or the White House for fifty years, raking in money from foreign countries through his son, Hunter Biden. He has been sucking off the teat of the people of Delaware and America. Without this country, and some say a naive electorate, Joe Biden would simply be Joe from Scranton. Joe Biden is far from Scranton and Amtrak, which he likes to identify. The Biden’s are a very wealthy family, thanks to America. Instead of being grateful, he is on a mission to destroy it. Why? We may never have the answer, and he may not even know himself. We may give this man far more credit than he deserves or has earned.

We all see the lack of acuity in Joe Biden if we allow ourselves to be objective. The thought of him running again in 2024 and his level of mental ability when he is 86 years old in the eighth year of his Presidency is frightening. If the Democrat Party nominates him to run for re-election, it is proof he is a proxy President. But this brings you to the question of who is using Biden? Who is actually running this White House? With the ineptitude shown by his Vice President and Cabinet, it cannot be any of these diverse individuals. Is it the Obamas or Clintons? Doubtful. It may be as easy to deduce as to look to Biden’s Chief of Staff, Ron Klain. This would explain how quickly gaffes by Biden are corrected. There have been times the White House, Ron Klain has retracted or corrected a Biden statement “before” his public comments have ended. If this assumption is correct, it places Ron Klain at the head of the spear plunged into America’s heart.

Hyperbole? Maybe, but how else do you explain what this administration is doing to America, and we are only talking about the Border? If we expand to education, mandates, the destruction of Title IX, the gender transformation of our children, the assault on fossil fuels, the decline in value of our retirement accounts, and inflation, the story darkens.

The Republicans taking control of the House on January 3 will help slow the process, but only a significant change in our leadership in 2024 can save this great country.

The post Joe, Why Do You Hate Us So appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Don Surber’s Point #2: Normal Parents Reaction to Teachers’ Sexuality

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 02:30 +0000

Part 1 was the reveal by Don Surber, while letting the info drop that I’d been looking for some time (where did the policy on “Transgender and Non-conforming” originate?). But as I said at the end of that post, Surber also made another observation I think is important, one that I think all Normal people can identify with it.

First, a quick note that Surber made about Sam Brinton:

If the charges are true, they show a man who is a slave to his impulses. He needs a checkup from the neck up.

But he’s LGBT and therefore exempt in our society from rules and standards.

And so it seems.  There is a political saying that “the Left operates on its Emotions, the Right operates on Reason”.  And from my perspective, that gap exists and has been getting wider.

Surber nails it – “slave to his impulses“. Translation: “feel it, do it”.  Translation Two: in other words, NO SELF-CONTROL  

This also ties into the whole Sexuality thing – let me summarize. For years, we have heard from the Left that when it comes to sexual matters, we humans can’t control ourselves. In essence, we are no better than animals who rut when they have the urge.  And the Left, having seized upon sexual morality and weaponized it, wants us all to believe that we cannot control our emotions, we cannot control our urges. We can’t control ourselves.

They dismiss the idea that most of us can and DO control ourselves as a matter of course. That there are those of us that can say “No” to them and say “we are above the animals”. Why else do they dismiss the idea of abstinence?  Sure, teens and young twenty-somethings do get randy, frisky…and risky. The Left capitalizes on that by changing what used to be a moderate and chaste Society. What they won’t discuss is that this is the age cohort that biology now says that young brains have not matured but applies that to the rest of us.

They wish to infantilize all of us in this regards.

And in doing so, by making “Transgenders” yet another protected class (THANKS! Governor Chris Sununu in implementing this in NH!  /sarc), Surber notes this as well in expanding Brinton writ small to Society writ Large

But he’s LGBT and therefore exempt in our society from rules and standards….

But half the country now believes LGBT teachers have the right to blab about their weekend orgy. A law to ban this kind of talk in Florida faced opposition from Disney.

Librarians meanwhile are demanding that schools stock books that depict children engaged in homosexual activity. The laws against child pornography need to be enforced.

Yes, when men can be on womens’ teams, when Normals are told that they must adopt politically made up language (“cisheteronormativity”? ze/zir?) to control speech and therefore thought (“1984” was written as a warning, not a how-to manual), when school districts and judges “take away” children from their Parents simply because of the Left’s new sexual identity morality – they are exempt from our former norms and standards.  They are out to destroy them to remake Society in their own sexual urges – at least at the surface level. The same goal, which Grokster Aaron recalled, was attempted to be put into place in Hungary during WW I.

And Surber is also right – certainly not during my time in school were teachers proclaiming their sexuality to young students.  Prositalizing, preaching, indoctrinating seems to now be part of their job description. Look at the Rainbow, Gay Straight Alliance, and other such sexually based clubs in Middle and High Schools that have popped up all over the country. “Transition Closets” in schools where those kids that believe that they are something that they can never be hang up the clothes they left home wearing to put on others that would horrify their unknowing Parents.

And School staff members are sworn to secrecy, sometimes under the penalty of losing their jobs, are all in on this separation of kids from their parents. In this respect, it’s a sword cleaving that special and needed bond.

And churches that should be upholding Godly norms, have decided to not just put that light under a bucket but have let it go out altogether. They have, as Revelations foretold, have left the Word of God and are adopting the Gospel of Licentiousness.  They serve themselves having lost that separation from Church and Society. When a determined set of people are out to destroy the norms of this country, its history, its values, we all will suffer the injuries.

Surber ends on a similar dismal note.

I have nothing against the LGBT people. I just don’t want them around children. I don’t want anyone so obsessed with sex hanging around kids.

This is unacceptable behavior and yet we as a society accept it.

And no, we shouldn’t.

The post Don Surber’s Point #2: Normal Parents Reaction to Teachers’ Sexuality appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 1

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 01:00 +0000

People have asked if I would create a post or two on how to craft an RSA 91-A demand. This is also known here in NH as a Right To Know, and it is specific to all government agencies (and often, non-governmental bodies that receive tax monies but only in some cases).

Its purpose is the same as a Federal FOIA – Freedom of Information Act demand – but at that level.

I. Purpose

Its purpose is to help an ordinary citizen to do one thing: demand certain information for YOUR purpose that your government officials, either elected, appointed, or employees, would rather not have to give you.  It puts you back in charge, let’s them know that someone is starting to shine a Big Flashlight into dark corners.

Most people in Government are decent people and when requested, will give you information about their procedures, processes, and inventories and we should be glad about that. After all, our taxes pay their salaries, their benefits, the equipment they use, the buildings in which they are housed, and the information that they manufacture and use. Like contracts, payroll, curriculum, financial audit materials, card catalogs, staff training, purchases, expendatures, dues, subscriptions, meals, travels, swag, and more.

Just tons and tons of stuff. Mostly, al for the asking – until it isn’t. Oh, you can ask – and ask, and ask again.

And sometimes, you won’t get answers. Sure, you ask and you might get a response:

  • Polite conversation (in person, phone, emails)
  • Answers not really aligned with your questions.
  • Misdirections
  • Buried in “chaff” paperwork – high in quantity, low to no information value
  • Pages and pages of redacted documents
  • Outright refusals
  • Silence
  • “See you in Court”

Well, maybe not that last part – but it may well end up there. Unfortunately, there are those in Government that believe that your purpose in asking doesn’t rise to the level of them answering truthfully. Or worse, they don’t believe that you are “just getting in our way”. You’ve impacted their work, slowing them down, or worse – they don’t want you to know. Period. And they will do what is necessary to hide that which is in their Dark Corner.

These are the people (fortunately, the few, the haughty, the hubristic, and the outright evil) who believe you are there for their benefit. They DON’T work for you – you serve Government. No, they won’t come right out and say that last bit – but actions speak Louder Then Words.

And that’s why NH RSA 91-A exists. Here is the link to the actual black and white Letter of the Law. It is set up for different purposes:

1-Preamble – the Why Does This Exist?

1-a: Definitions – the WHAT Does This Cover?

2-Meetings Open to the Public – the WHO (running the meeting, attending the meeting) and the HOW and WHEN?

3-Nonpublic Sessions – the WHEN and WHERE YOU can’t attend (and the Limitations placed upon them)

4-Minutes and Records Available for Public Inspection – the WHAT can You Demand?

5-Exemptions – What You CAN’T Demand?

5-a and 6 are some special additions/exceptions to #5 and I’ve never had reason to invoke them

And here are the two clauses that put “teeth into your bite” – the “oomph” that cannot be disobayed by the “Respondents”.

And lastly, the new Office of the Right To Know Coordinator which is going to make things a bit “interesting”.

So, there’s more here than can be covered in a single post. Thus, will be continued.


The post A Tutorial: How to Create a Right To Know to Hold Your Government Accountable – Part 1 appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Palate Cleanser – So, You Want To Clue Your Boyfriend for Gifts?

Granite Grok - Tue, 2022-12-20 00:15 +0000

After all, sometimes guys just don’t know what or worse – know how to ask.  Especially if they are one of those 8 pm Christmas Eve “Lord help me once again” shoppers as the fear in his eyes is palpable. Have mercy upon his soul – or shake his procrastination butt into motion.

Here’s an easy tip, care of Pleated-Jeans:

Merry Christmas!

The post Palate Cleanser – So, You Want To Clue Your Boyfriend for Gifts? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Canadian “Coloring Book” Normalizes Assisted Suicide for Children

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-12-19 23:30 +0000

The death cult in Canada is really on their game. There’s an “activity book” available that explains how people can ask the government for permission to kill themselves (assisted suicide), but you have to be at least fifteen years old.

Related: Assisted Suicide is Now Available in Vermont after a Zoom Call with Dr. Death

I’ve never been a fan of this. You can’t trust the government; legally assisted suicide is another way the regime could eliminate opponents. Example: Seth Rich would have “asked” to die (depression, sudden chronic illness) instead of “someone” faking a robbery to have him killed.

And think about how less messy the Clinton trail of dead bodies would have been if people could “have claimed” to be in so much emotional pain they could no longer go on living. He consulted with (Canada calls them assessors), and they determined that ending that life was…well, you can work out the rest.

So here’s the relevant tweet (screengrabbed version here).



Canada Health didn’t produce the thing, but they linked to the third-party resource, which, if we understand the rules correctly, is an endorsement of the product – an activity book for children.


The source is Virtual Hospice Canada, which says it helps care for a seriously ill or dying child and those experiencing child or pregnancy loss. So they can kill your kid and provide therapy after? The site also promotes inclusive and respectful “health care” for the LGBTQ (again, end-of-life services). As well as end-of-life education resources for teachers.

All of which, by the way, gives them business on both sides of death.

And they are not shy about it. Note: I did not find the activity book on the site, but I gather it is supposed to help kids grasp assisted suicide as a choice by others and not just themselves – normalizing the practice.

So, the government promotes assisted suicide which, as I’ve noted, is a bad idea. Don’t expect the news out of Canada to get any better than it has in Europe, where otherwise healthy young people are offing themselves with a State blessing.

If you are not convinced, this is a bad idea; most of the world’s elites think the planet is overpopulated. The same ‘leaders’ encourage assisted suicide while implementing social and cultural agendas in early school-age children that increase the likelihood of mental health issues and depression. And we recently had a pandemic response whose major success was stress and depression, mainly among young persons.

We know that what is sold as end-of-life compassion for the terminally ill evolves (as it has in Europe) into a legal way to address the rising mental health issues like depression which is often temporary – through assisted suicide.

Health “Professionals” are constantly under pressure from elites to identify political opposition to the ruling class as a form of mental illness, while partisan professionals are tripping over themselves to make it so.

And is it only a matter of time before cultural selective suicide evolves to include an experimentation routine (well, they’re going to die anyway)?

Some will say what a ridiculous thing to suggest but what is not absurd about letting productive young people off themselves with the government’s blessing because they got a case of the sads or felt remorse because the same government encouraged them into a gender transition that they later regret?

Canada is normalizing this in children.

They might be normalizing it here; we’ll have to discover it to find out. It’s not like they are going to admit it openly.



The post Canadian “Coloring Book” Normalizes Assisted Suicide for Children appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

As If “Renewable Energy” Isn’t Already Blowing Itself Up?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-12-19 22:00 +0000

Heh!  Reader Bruce sent this in. Not exactly as showy as the Bridges or the Buildings but I find it ironic that while we are hearing calls for “More! More!”, they are taking them down.  For what reason, I don’t know: they stopped working, too expensive to maintain, putting up new ones?  Who know – and who cares? People just like to see explosions, I guess

The first one makes you think “What, not enough boom?  Was it a dud?”

Yes, it seems like this is a “video ad for Controlled Demolition, Inc.”. I really don’t care. I just like to watch.

(H/T: Bruce)

The post As If “Renewable Energy” Isn’t Already Blowing Itself Up? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

Do They Want Fat Kids ‘cuz COVID Will Kill Them?

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-12-19 20:30 +0000

The body positive are at higher risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Above-average weight also makes you more likely to be or become diabetic, and that, too, can lead to severe infection and death.  Is that why the CDC just changed the BMI charts defining obesity in children?


Obesity for children is defined as a BMI that is higher than 95% of kids of the same age and gender, according to the CDC. Severe obesity is a BMI that is 120% higher than the 95th percentile.

Although children’s BMI is calculated using the same formula as adults, a healthy weight is measured in relation to other kids of the same age and gender. This is because children’s height and weight can vary significantly as they grow.


Obesity is officially on the spectrum. It’s not about what might be healthy for the average human being. If everyone around you is obese, then that’s normal and not a concern.

When can we expect this to apply to heart disease or cancer clusters? Don’t worry, dear. Everyone else has that, too, so it’s normal.

Obesity does not just increase the risk of COVID infection or severe disease. There is a long list of health ills associated with being overweight, including heart disease. By making the determining factor tribal or local, it essentially encourages a circumstance that will put a strain on the healthcare system, something the architects of Obamacare insisted they were trying to prevent.

That ship sailed a decade ago, then burned and sank with the response to the so-called pandemic.

We should not be surprised that the Centers for Disease Control have redefined what it means to control disease from prevention to manipulation.

To what end, we encouraged you to debate.




The post Do They Want Fat Kids ‘cuz COVID Will Kill Them? appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

The Truth About the Welfare Clause

The Liberty Block - Mon, 2022-12-19 19:28 +0000

The letter claims that federal programs funding food stamps, unemployment insurance, “public” education, and student loans are authorized by the preamble. The letter claims the preamble makes social welfare programs “the very purpose of constitutional government”. All these claims are false.

The post The Truth About the Welfare Clause appeared first on The Liberty Block.

That Danged Transgender School District Policy (Transgender & Non-Conforming)? NOW We Know Where it Originated

Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-12-19 19:00 +0000

I knew that it had to come from some central group as it seemed like it was a case of “not here, not there – and then it exploded ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!”. With all of the “Schools, Woke, Transgender, CRT” posts I’ve been putting up (click here for most (but not all) of those story snippets), I would have thought it would have surfaced by now in one of them. No such luck. However, it finally surfaced but in a most unexpected place.

Thanks to Don Surber – a retired journalist that I read fairly often. He writes well and on an interesting topic. This time, in a post called “We are letting weirdos run things“, he brought up Sam Brinton, the former “deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy”. This is the narcissistic nitwit who thought that his sexual identification was his most important attribute.

Sidenote: happy to see that Surber used the older word “transvestite” in describing him instead of the newly made-up “Social Justice “non-binary” term.

John Burtis and Steve have already written about him and since his “Governmental Elevation”, he’s elevated his deranged and deviant behavior (including his “pup fetish”) to make sure that EVERYONE knows that he and that behavior should be “normalized” so I’m not going to do a short historical rehash. Instead, I’m going to go back to the title of this post (emphasis mine, links added):

“Before joining the federal government, Brinton was in charge of advocacy and government affairs at the LGBTQ youth suicide prevention nonprofit The Trevor Project, where he helped craft a ‘Model School District Policy on Suicide Prevention’ in 2019 along with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the American School Counselor Association and the National Association of School Psychologists.

“Brinton cheered the model at the time, saying it’s imperative for school suicide prevention policies to be LGBTQ competent.”

Look, I have been saying for a couple of years since Policy JBAB appeared in my School District that if you think you are something that you are not, have at it. If your friends and family accept it, more power to you. But DON’T believe that the rest of us have to accept it. At all. And NOT at the demand of giving up our Constitutional Rights (or have them taken away):

  1. That a School District give itself the Power to take away my freedom of speech and enforce its coerced speech (“preferred pronouns”)
  2. That a School District can give itself the Power to lie (by omission or commission) to Parents about the transgender status of their child

And here in NH, we are a Dillon’s Rule State which means that no subdivision of the State can do anything without a State Statute (an RSA) that enables it. My District actually states it in their Policy BBA.

Fortunately, after two years of fighting them, the Gilford School Board has rescinded #1 and it is no longer an issue. It’s also no longer an issue in a lot of districts because Parents across the nation are bringing them to court and winning.

Sidenote: really, we have to bring Government to court to obey the First Amendment and their State Constitutions??? It looks like I may have stopped them on #2 but, once again, they won’t answer my questions (verbally, email). Thus, this Constitutional battle continues. And yes, it IS a Constitutional and a Parental battle that is being waged.

So we have four groups, two embedded into school districts, that are responsible for attacking Free Speech and the role of Parents in the lives of our children (e.g., PRIMARY responsibility backed up by SCOTUS decisions – not the school systems). I did a quick dive into each of the four organizations and while I DIDN’T see a specific “School District Policy” like those that have been adopted by NH districts and around the country. However, they all do have similar intents and messaging: LGBT must be “affirmed” including speech and they see Parents as the enemy.

Once again, the Moral Superiority Complex of the Woke is at work here.

It was NEVER about suicide prevention.  That was the Shiny Object.  “LGBT competent” was merely the payload delivery mechanism.  For what, you may ask?

The smoke and curtains goal was to ALWAYS separate children from their Parents – blowing up the nuclear family.  Then finish Obama’s ultimate finish line: to “fundamentally transform America“.

There’s still another important point that Surber brought up that I believe most Normal Parents agree with but that will be the point of another post.

The post That Danged Transgender School District Policy (Transgender & Non-Conforming)? NOW We Know Where it Originated appeared first on Granite Grok.

Categories: Blogs, New Hampshire

'I'm Appalled,' Says Source of Phony Number Used to Justify Harsh Sex Offender Laws

Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform – N.H. - Mon, 2022-12-19 18:25 +0000
Claims of "frightening and high" recidivism rates, endorsed by the Supreme Court, have no basis in fact.

A New York Times "op-doc" posted this week zeroes in on a persistent myth that has helped inspire and sustain harsh policies aimed at sex offenders: the idea that their recidivism rate is "frightening and high," as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy put it in a pair of cases decided a decade and a half ago. David Feige, a former public defender who directed Untouchable, a 2016 documentary about sex offenders, shows how an uncorroborated assertion in a 1986 Psychology Today article continues to influence the politicians who pass laws and the judges who uphold them.

read more


Granite Grok - Mon, 2022-12-19 17:30 +0000

They’re flying so thick and fast it is amazing.  And take heart – there will be a Meme Overflow and I will back-edit to include the link.  And there will likely be a Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow.  Last week’s Friday Overflow-Overflow.

Remember, ridicule and mockery are effective weapons:

  1. Ridicule cannot easily be fought
  2. Ridicule makes the enemy angry, and angry people make mistakes
  3. For those in the “squishy middle” a Thought Splinter (and Part II and Part III and Part IV) can often be hidden inside humor.

Now, let the mockery and mayhem begin.  And if you send an individual meme, please consider sending a link to the post as well.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about ***






But first, a random sampling of three of my cartoons.  Please note these are my concepts but I pay a professional to do them.





Question – please comment – if this were available on a T-shirt, would you buy one?


Speaking of buying:



Here.  Also available in .223.






Special PSA – car safety / prep idea:



Another suggestion: an empty gallon / two gallon gas can.  Not full – that’s dangerous to cart around (though in cold winters that might be considered low risk vs. running out on a wintery road at night – not recommending it but a thought to weigh) – but something you can have to get to a gas station without having to drive to go buy one first.  Any other thoughts?  Obviously, these will vary depending on where you live and what season you are in.  I’d definitely add road flares.  (That reminds me… need to get some.)  Also, on flares specifically, remember that three things – flares, fires, smoke columns – in a triangle is an international sign of distress.

Also, cash!!  Enough to cover gas, food, and possible a place for the night if it comes to it (and toiletries and 1-2 night’s worth of medication too).

One thing I’ll be doing this week – late, I know, but better late than never – is a five-gallon bucket for each vehicle with a 50/50 sand / salt mixture and a scoop.

Speaking of preps:

Survival Sunday – PREP Edition – Granite Grok

Survival Sunday on Thursday (On Friday): SITREP Edition – Granite Grok




Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.  Because “Diversity is a strength”.  Remember, long term, this GREAT REPLACEMENT is the plan to create a forever-majority for the Left.



Not to mention the bonus for the Globalists: the chaos that ensues will be fertile loam for the globalists to offer the “benevolent” hand of Socialism as the savior.  Socialistopia needs its foundation.



Related memes:









Images below from here:

The Truth Behind The Insane Vaccine Push is Revealed Through Leaked Pfizer Government Contracts – Red, White, and F You (




Incestuous doesn’t begin to cover this.  Don’t forget the $350 million in “kickbacks royalties” since 2009 that, per Fausti, don’t need to be reported.  And you have to wonder at the ethics of someone who makes this jump – for example, the woman who paves the road for a company’s drug, then moves over to be employed by that company?  Maybe it’s me, but I’d feel slimy even thinking about doing that.

Jab-related memes:




And now, a few words from – last I knew – the most published cardiologist in history:


Seven Hairy Hells.  An Immunologist PhD I know (internet know) said that the mRNA base chemistry was modified to increase duration in the body.  If this transferal to others and persistence in the body, never mind possible intergenerational effects, are verified – and all good science requires verification & replication of data collection methods and results – then I see only two possibilities:

First, this is intentional.  Which means that every pharma scientist involved, let alone everyone with decision-making authority at every single company and government agency, is culpable of crimes against humanity.  IMHO we need gallows.

Second, this is accidental.  Which means that this was so rushed into production and injections into billions that the negligence reaches Tower of Babylon levels.  IMHO we need gallows.





Remember, myocarditis is permanent heart damage.

FDA Now Says Pfizer’s COVID-19 VACCINE Linked to Blood Clotting – Geller Report

It’s my opinion that the dam is cracking.  When – please Hashem soon! – the dam finally goes…



If you’re alive that is:

In a 2013 Trial of Over 200,000 People Testing MRNA-Based Medication – Less Than 5 Are Alive Today | EU | Before It’s News (

Before all of this went down I would have said no way could they cover up 200K dead people. But since they have been able to cover up tens of millions injuries and deaths, I believe they very well could have done just what he is describing.

And, they got exactly the results they wanted. Think about it. The trials they did with the animals that we know about were a joke. They were almost nothing as far as size goes.They really did not do enough to know how successful they would be at killing off people…unless they had already done some very large trials on human subjects over several years. They would need that test data to get the dosage right to not kill off everyone too quickly to give away what they were doing and planning to do. What he is saying actually makes sense.

What a way to answer the 7.3 billion person question.  Remember, “… there will be a need to kill many billions of people … or prevent them from giving birth…”

One example of the last link:

Covid Vaccines Affect Jewish Marriages, by Etana Hecht (Daily Clout/Wolf); this data can be extrapolated across cultures & it is troubling as to impact of COVID injections on fertility & reproduction (

Anecdotally, in her own community pre-vaccination, there were generally 5-6 celebrations of newborns per week. After the Covid shots rolled out, that number dropped to 1-2 per month.

The average number of births seen in Hasidic communities in NY has been cut in half. Pre-Covid vaccine, there was a consistent ~20 births per week across the various communities. The practice of announcing those births in community newsletters has been in place for decades, and there’s a definitive sharp decline to ~10 births per week, beginning in 2021.

The same funeral director reported that while they rarely used to get stillbirth cases, they now get multiple stillbirth babies per month.





Fighting for freedom entails risks and effort.  I am 100% sure I’m on several lists by now.  But in these immortal words:


(Link to AZQUOTES per their policy.)









The more I learn, the more I am convinced that so much that happens in government spending is merely laundering taxpayer money into Dem pockets.  One way or another.  In this case… aid to Ukraine gets to FTX, which donates to Democrats.  Republicans too, but IMHO many still have some vestiges of decency left.








Pick of the post:


Many good ones, but… this struck me.



We communicate through our faces and body language.  Absent visual cues in general, communications become very difficult.  Yes – when you cover a face the person becomes less than human.  And when you condition people to cover up en masse they start to see all people as less than human over time.  Every genocide in history has been effected after the target group has been painted as subhuman.



Globalist communists ramp up the rhetoric against the unvaccinated – American Thinker

The enemy, or the “villain” is the unvaccinated, they’ve made that clear, and if history is any indication of what comes next, oppressors don’t just stop when they reach the fourth stage of genocide.

WHO Labels Unvaccinated People a ‘Major Killing Force Globally’ – Slay News

The WHO is promoting a new video that targets “anti-vaccine activism” by blasting those who choose not to be vaccinated for supporting “anti-science aggression.”

The video features pediatrician and vaccine advocate Dr. Peter Hotez who laments the “devastating impact of misinformation and disinformation” regarding Big Pharma’s Covid shots.

Hotez goes on to link the so-called “anti-science aggression” of people who refuse the Covid vaccines to “far-right extremism.”

The professor continues by making several unsupported claims that “anti-vaccine activism” now “kills more people” than terrorism, gun violence, and several other crimes.

“We have to recognize that anti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally,” Hotez said in the video, using a backdrop of photos of protestors against the Covid shots.

The University Professor of Biology at Baylor College of Medicine claims that “during the Covid pandemic in the United States, 200,000 Americans needlessly lost their lives because they refused a COVID vaccine, even after vaccines became widely available.”

So we’re anti-science heretics, and we’re mass murderers because we doubt The Jab.  How soon before it’s compelled “for the good of all”?  And my answer?





Just neat!





Palate Cleansers:


The post MONDAY MEMES appeared first on Granite Grok.

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